[Python-Announce] cfgparse v01_01 released

2005-03-23 Thread Dan Gass
I'm pleased to announce the V01_01 release of cfgparse.

Whats New
1) Exception argument added to the Configuration parser initializer so
that exceptions may be raised when user errors are encountered instead
of the default call to sys.exit() that doesn't provide traceback.
2) Error messages were enhanced giving more detailed information.

cfgparse is a more convenient, flexible, and powerful module for
parsing configuration files than the standard library ConfigParser
module. cfgparse uses a more declarative style modelled after the
popular optparse standard library module.

cfgparse can optionally cooperate with the optparse module to provide
coordination between command line and configuration file options. In
addition, the cooperation can be used to allow the user to control
features of the parser from the command line.

Documentation: http://cfgparse.sourceforge.net/
Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cfgparse/

Feature Summary
+ Simple ini style configuration syntax.
+ Type checking with error handling and help messages.
+ Help summary modelled after that in optparse.
+ Round trip - read, modify, write configuration files with comment retention.
+ Cooperates with optparse so options may be overridden from command line.
+ Supports heirarchically organized option settings.
   * User may store multiple option settings in a arbitrarily deep
keyed dictionary.
   * Application uses a key list to walk into the dictionary to obtain
a setting.
   * User controls key list with setting in configuration file.
   * Keys may be added to the list using command line or environment variables.
+ Supports allowing user control of configuration files used.
   * Environment variables may be used to specify a default configuration file.
   * Command line may be used to specify additional configuration files.
   * Configuration files may include other configuration files.
+ Configuration files may alternatively be written in Python.
   * Full power and flexibility of Python available for creation of
option settings.
   * Allows options settings to be real Python objects.
   * This feature is NOT enabled by default.
+ May be extended to support syntax such as XML.

Dan Gass

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Python limericks (was Re: Text-to-speech)

2005-03-23 Thread David Fraser
Michael Spencer wrote:
How about a category for executable limericks?
That was my thought too...
for programmer in search_of(elegance):
  if programmer.needs(an experience):
print whitespace counts much
if Van_Rossum is Dutch:
  print Dictators are made by benevolence
And an attempt at a self-replicating one that uses far too many 
syllables in the last line:

rhymes = 'for line in [rhymes, fines]:\n '
fines = 'print line, =, `eval(line)`\n'
for line in [rhymes, fines]:
  print line, =, `eval(line)`
whine='whine=%s;print rhymes, fines, whine%%`whine`';print rhymes, 
fines, whine%`whine`

This can actually be pronounced as a proper limerick as follows: always 
pronounce = as is and ; as so, don't pronounce any other 
punctuation, and cheat by pronouncing the first string in the last line 
as junk :-)

rhymes is for line in rhymes fines
fines is print line is eval line
for line in rhymes fines
  print line is eval line
whine is junk so print rhymes fines whine whine

Re: MinGW building with Python 2.4

2005-03-23 Thread David Fraser
mrstephengross wrote:
Ok, I know there are already a million posts on this group about
getting Python to build with MinGW. I've been through many of them, and
have still not found a good comprehensive way to accomplish this.
I've got Cygwin 5.1 with GCC 3.3.3 on it. I'm using Python 2.4.
Note: You invoke the mingwin compiler *indirectly*, by running gcc with
the -mno-cygwin option.
So first of all, I tried exporting CC='gcc -mno-cygwin', configuring,
and making. You end up getting file-not-found errors, because some of
the include files aren't present for mingw.
Next: I tried pymingw: didn't work :(
Any ideas?
Since the only official way to do this is pymingw, you should at least 
give feedback of the steps you followed, and what didn't work


Re: Regular Expressions: large amount of or's

2005-03-23 Thread Daniel Yoo
: Done.  'startpos' and other bug fixes are in Release 0.7:

: http://hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu/~dyoo/python/ahocorasick/ahocorasick-0.7.tar.gz

Ok, I stopped working on the Aho-Corasick module for a while, so I've
just bumped the version number to 0.8 and posted it up on PyPI.

I did add some preliminary code to use graphviz to emit DOT files, but
it's very untested code.  I also added an undocumented api for
inspecting the states and their transitions.

I hope that the original poster finds it useful, even though it's
probably a bit late.

Hope this helps!

Re: Regular Expressions

2005-03-23 Thread MyHaz
escape chars are always a pain when making regex's. There is a section
on it the Regex HOWTO



Re: Anonymus functions revisited

2005-03-23 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-03-22, Diez B. Roggisch schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Not exactly in fact - unless I messed something. There are 2 problems
 here: a more flexible tuple unpacking, *and* a lambda in disguise.
 Actually, I'd go + 1 for the first, -1 for the second

 The proposed syntax from Kay is lambda in disguise. To make it work like
 George want it is modifying the unpacking behaviour. Actually while Kay
 proposed his syntax as result of the discussion started by George it won't
 work for that case. The reason is simply that the lambda form returns a 
 tuple, but does not make any revelations about the variable names that
 tuple shall be unpacked to.

 So they are in fact unrelated - at least if introduced as declared. An
 augmentation to fulfill George's wishes could look like this:

 [a,b,c for a,b,c: (x,y,z=0)- x,y,z) in values]

 Yes, one can live without...
 ...and without list comprehensions, __call__ and other special methods,
 descriptors, metaclasses, first class functions, builtin datatypes like
 lists and dicts, exceptions, dynamic typing, garbage collection,  etc
 too. Hurray, let's all happily program in assembly !-)

 You are right, but for lambda in its current limited form short, named
 functions are a good replacement. I don't want to get rid of lambda - but
 since listcomps got introduced, 95% of my usages of them disappeared.

I don't understand why people always say short named functions are a
good replacement. IMO list comprehensions and generator expressions
use lambda's in disguise. When we write something like
[x * x for x in some_iterator], nobody seems to have problems that
we just write an expression here and nobody is argueing that we
should define a short function. However when people need the
same kind of semantics in their function, being an expression that
is being reevaluated with different values, for which lambda is the
natural candidate, suddenly we should use short named functions.

Can someone who thinks this way, please explain why this is acceptable

  [ x * x for x in some_iterator ]

But this is not

  map(lambda x: x * x, some_iteraror)

and should be replaced with

  def sqr(x): return x * x
  map(sqr , some_iterator)

Antoon Pardon

Re: Please help for Python programming

2005-03-23 Thread yy0127
Thanks for your advice.^^

I find out something special (because i don't know). I would like to
retrieve data from source file into array. The data will be omited if
the value is duplicated. For example, there is 3 values - 1,2,1. It
will only display 1,2 after i ran the script.

value = (1,2,1)
while 1:
users = {}
byteDict = {}

byteDict = users[value]

users[value] = byteDict
print users

I think the above code cannot run properly. Any ppl knows why the value
omited when it was duplicated.

Many of thanks for all!!!


Re: I'm just an idiot when it comes logging

2005-03-23 Thread Vinay Sajip
 olsongt at verizon.net writes:

 I'm trying to be a good boy and use the logging module but it's
 behaving rather counter-intuitively.  I've posted a simplified test
 script below.
 To summarize, I've set the basic config to only log root level messages
 with = ERROR level.  I've created another named logger that logs on
 info level.  I've set it up so it just shows the message text without
 INFO:: logger: boilerplate.
 The way I see things, when I call otherLogger.info, it should propogate
 the message to the root logger, but the root logger should discard it
 since it is at ERROR level.
 Could someone explain what I'm not getting?

The way it works is: when you log to a logger, the event level is checked
against the logger. If the event should be logged (event level = logger level)
then the event is passed to the handlers configured for that logger, and (while
the logger's propagate attribute is true - the default - passed to handlers
configured for loggers higher up the hierarchy. In your case, this inlcudes the
root logger's handlers.

Note that if you don't set a level on a logger, then the hierarchy is searched
until a level is found. That becomes the effective level for the logger.

Handlers normally process all events passed to them, but you can set a level on
a handler to get it to drop events below a certain threshold. Since you haven't
done this, you will see an INFO message appear even though the root logger's
level is set to ERROR. (This would only affect logging calls to the root 

Rule of thumb: Set levels on handlers only when you need them, not as common
practice. If you don't want to see info messages from otherLogger, set its level
to  INFO.

Vinay Sajip


Re: Please help for Python programming

2005-03-23 Thread bruno modulix
Thanks for your advice.^^
It would be more useful to follow them than to thank me.
I find out something special (because i don't know). I would like to
retrieve data from source file into array. The data will be omited if
the value is duplicated. For example, there is 3 values - 1,2,1. It
will only display 1,2 after i ran the script.
value = (1,2,1)
while 1:
users = {}
byteDict = {}
byteDict = users[value]
users[value] = byteDict
print users
I think the above code cannot run properly. 
Don't think. Be sure. Verify. Try to find out why it cannot run at 
all[1]. Fix this problem first. *Then* we'll happily read your next 
posts and try to help you fix the other problems if there are...

[1] It's pretty obvious for anyone having read any python beginner 
tutorial, I already explained you why, and gave you a working example.

If you don't read answers, don't post questions :-/
bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for 
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Anonymus functions revisited

2005-03-23 Thread bruno modulix
Ron wrote:
On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 21:56:57 GMT, Ron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Why should a function not create a local varable of an argument if the
varable doesn't exist and a default value is given?

ok... thought it out better. :)
Getting a default into a function isn't the problem. Returning the
value to a varable that doesn't exist is.
So then the question is ... is there a way for a function to create a
varable in it's parents namespace that persists after the function is
yes, that'w called a global, and it's UGLY(tm)
 def yuck():
... global G
... G = 42
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
NameError: name 'G' is not defined

Anyone doing such a thing in my team would be shoot down at once !-)
bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for 
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Anonymus functions revisited

2005-03-23 Thread bruno modulix
George Sakkis wrote:
On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 21:56:57 GMT, Ron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Why should a function not create a local varable of an argument if the
varable doesn't exist and a default value is given?
ok... thought it out better. :)
Getting a default into a function isn't the problem. Returning the
value to a varable that doesn't exist is.
So then the question is ... is there a way for a function to create a
varable in it's parents namespace that persists after the function is

Yeap.. a simple one-liner can do the trick:
def makeVars(**nameVals):
try: b
except NameError: print Before makeVars: NameError
else: print Before makeVars: Not NameError
try: b
except NameError: print After makeVars: NameError
else: print After makeVars: Not NameError
Interesting. I'll keep a copy of this one in my cookbook for further 
exploration. But I think I would use such a thing in production code.

 b = 25
bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for 
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Anonymus functions revisited

2005-03-23 Thread bruno modulix
Ron wrote:
On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 21:45:42 +0100, Bruno Desthuilliers

Ron a écrit :
On 21 Mar 2005 22:37:42 -0800, Kay Schluehr [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mappings like that:
((x,y),z)   - x+y-z
((x,y=0),z) - None
should be valid actions too.
What is the audience thinking about that?

I think that there's too much implied,  and that in the long run it,
if we keep addding in special shortcuts, it will lead to very dificult
to read code.  

Don't like Perl ?-)

I tried it..  Wrote a html reformatter in it a long time ago. Wasn't
tempted to do anything else with it. It was good for that, but I went
a month later and had trouble figuring out how it worked. :)
This was kind of rethorical question !-)

The problem here is that Kay's proposition mixes two points: flexible 
tuple unpacking and a new syntax for anonymous functions.

Yes, two different problems. I don't think anything needs to be done
to tuples myself.  I tend to use lists more anyway.
They are two different beasts. Note that you don't have anything like 
list unpacking, now tuple unpacking is pretty common in Python (swap, 
multiple return values, formatted strings and outputs, ...).

As far as anonymous functions go... 

(snip prospective code)
Yes,  there are probably loads of stuff wrong with this.  ;-)
Err... Isn't it a bit more complicated than our actual lambdas ?-)
bruno desthuilliers
ruby -e print '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@').collect{|p| 
p.split('.').collect{|w| w.reverse}.join('.')}.join('@')

Re: missing? dictionary methods

2005-03-23 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-03-22, Bengt Richter schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On 22 Mar 2005 07:40:50 GMT, Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I also was under the impression that a particular part of
my program almost doubled in execution time once I replaced
the naive dictionary assignment with these self implemented
methods. A rather heavy burden IMO for something that would
require almost no extra burden when implemented as a built-in.

 I think I see a conflict of concerns between language design
 and optimization. I call it arms-length assembler programming
 when I see language features being proposed to achieve assembler-level
 code improvements.

 For example, what if subclassing could be optimized to have virtually
 zero cost, with some kind of sticky-mro hint etc to the compiler/optimizer?
 How many language features would be dismissed with just do a sticky 

I'm sorry you have lost me here. What do you mean with stick-mro

My feeling about this is the following. A[key] = value,
A.reset(key, value) and A.make(key, value) would do almost
identical things, so identical that it would probably easy
to unite them into something like A.assign(key, value, flag)
where flag would indicate which of the three options is wanted.

Also a lot of this code is identical to searching for a key.
Now because the implemantation doesn't provide some of the
possibilities I have to duplicate some of the work.

One could argue that hashes are fast enough so that this
doesn't matter, but dictionaries are the template for
all mappings in python. What it you are using a tree
and you have to go through it twice or what if you
are working with slower mediums like with one of
the dbm modules where you have to go through your
structure on disk twice.

You can see it as assembler-level code improvements, but
you also can see it as an imcomplete interface to your
structure. IMO it would be like only providing ''
and if people wanted '==' they would have to implement
that like 'not (b  a or a  b)' and in this
case too, this would increase the cost compared with
a directly implemented '=='. 

But you are right that there doesn't seem to be much support
for this. So I won't press the matter.
 I think I would rather see efficient general composition mechanisms
 such as subclassing, decoration, and metaclassing etc. for program elements,
 if possible, than incremental aggregation of efficient elements into the 
 built-in core.

 Also, because optimization risks using more computation to optimize than the 
 being optimized,

I think this would hardly be the case here. The dictionary code already
has to find out if the key is already in the hash or not. Instead of
just continuing the branch it decided on as is now the case, the code
would test if the branch is appropiate for the demanded action
and raise an exception if not.

Antoon Pardon

Re: Anonymus functions revisited : tuple actions

2005-03-23 Thread bruno modulix
Kay Schluehr wrote:
Hi all,
thanks for Your attention !
I think my proposal was more in mind of Rons modified exec than
Pythons lambda.
When George proposed his unpacking behavoir for list-comps as a pack of
1. [x*y-z for (x,y,z=0) in (1,2,3), (4,5), (6,7,8)]
I interpreted it in a subsequent posting in lambda fashion:
2. [(lambda x,y,z=0:x*y-z)(*v) for v in (1,2,3), (4,5), (6,7,8)]
Argh! Stupid me ! I never thought of using the star operator for this :(
Thanks Kay.
bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for 
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Anonymus functions revisited

2005-03-23 Thread Duncan Booth
George Sakkis wrote:

 So then the question is ... is there a way for a function to create a
 varable in it's parents namespace that persists after the function is
 Yeap.. a simple one-liner can do the trick:
 def makeVars(**nameVals):
 try: b
 except NameError: print Before makeVars: NameError
 else: print Before makeVars: Not NameError
 try: b
 except NameError: print After makeVars: NameError
 else: print After makeVars: Not NameError

Do I really need to mention that the whole concept here is broken. This 
only works if you call it from global scope. If you call it from inside a 
function it [usually] won't work:

 def makeVars(**nameVals):

 def test():
try: b
except NameError: print Before makeVars: NameError
else: print Before makeVars: Not NameError
try: b
except NameError: print After makeVars: NameError
else: print After makeVars: Not NameError

 import sys
Before makeVars: NameError
After makeVars: NameError

Python to c++ conversion problem

2005-03-23 Thread Akdes Serin
I have a code in python like
if eval('player.moveRoom(SeLinuxMud.Direction.' + x + ')'): # moveRoom
function takes Direction enum as a parameter

When I am trying to write this code in c++
if (player-moveRoom(s[1])) //s[1] is a string so it outputs an error
because of not taking enum as a parameter

How can I change string to enum in c++?


Re: cross platform use of set locale

2005-03-23 Thread Serge Orlov
Timothy Smith wrote:
 thats ok, but how do i get it to group thousands with a , ?
 and thats would mean i'd have to run everything through a formatter
 before i displayed it :/ it'd be nicer if i could just select a
 proper locale

I think you're misusing locale. There is no guarantee that any specific
locale will have properties (like grouping) set to a known value.
Are you trying to format money? Then you need a special class so that
you can say:

d = Dollars(100.01)
print You have %s in your account % d

and get

You have $1,000,000.01 in your account.



Re: Python to c++ conversion problem

2005-03-23 Thread Ahmed MOHAMED ALI
Convert the string to int then cast the int to enum with static_cast.

Akdes Serin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I have a code in python like
 if eval('player.moveRoom(SeLinuxMud.Direction.' + x + ')'): # moveRoom
 function takes Direction enum as a parameter

 When I am trying to write this code in c++
 if (player-moveRoom(s[1])) //s[1] is a string so it outputs an error
 because of not taking enum as a parameter

 How can I change string to enum in c++?


setattr inside a module

2005-03-23 Thread kramb64
I'm trying to use setattr inside a module.
From outside a module it's easy:

import spam
setattr(spam, name, value)

But if I want to do this inside the module spam itself, what I've to
pass to setattr as first argument?

Thanks a lot for your time.

Re: cross platform use of set locale

2005-03-23 Thread Timothy Smith
Serge Orlov wrote:
Timothy Smith wrote:

thats ok, but how do i get it to group thousands with a , ?
and thats would mean i'd have to run everything through a formatter
before i displayed it :/ it'd be nicer if i could just select a
proper locale

I think you're misusing locale. There is no guarantee that any specific
locale will have properties (like grouping) set to a known value.
Are you trying to format money? Then you need a special class so that
you can say:
d = Dollars(100.01)
print You have %s in your account % d
and get
You have $1,000,000.01 in your account.

thats exactly what i'm trying to do, only having to do that for all my 
outputs is more work then i'd like :/
why is this a misuse of locale? it's exactly what locale is meant for 
isn't it?

Re: Regular Expressions

2005-03-23 Thread Roel Schroeven
Ron wrote:
 This is probably a repeated question, but try as I might I was unable
 to find something similar in the archives.
 I'm trying to develop a regular expression for recognizing a simplified
 C-Style string syntax.  I need it to be able to handle escape sequences
 of the form \x where x is any character including .
 Here's what I'm trying:
 When I try to get it to recognize something like:
I said, \Hello!\
 It stops at the first quote after the \.

Works for me:

  print re.search(r'\([^\\]|(\\.))*\',
... r'I said \Hello!\').group(0)
I said \Hello!\

You can leave out the backslashes in fron of the first and last quotes
in the regex, by the way, at least if you use ' instead of  to delimite it:

 print re.search(r'([^\\]|(\\.))*',
... r'I said \Hello!\').group(0)
I said \Hello!\

If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood
on the shoulders of giants.  -- Isaac Newton

Roel Schroeven

Re: setattr inside a module

2005-03-23 Thread Denis S. Otkidach
On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 11:35:34 +0100 kramb64 wrote:

K I'm trying to use setattr inside a module.
K From outside a module it's easy:
K import spam
K name=hello
K value=1
K setattr(spam, name, value)
K But if I want to do this inside the module spam itself, what I've to
K pass to setattr as first argument?

globals()[name] = value


setattr(__import__(__name__), name, value) # note, circular import here

Denis S. Otkidach
http://www.python.ru/  [ru]

PyGTK Button Size Question

2005-03-23 Thread Harlin Seritt
How does one set the width of a gtk.Button explicitly? and height for
that matter as well... 


Harlin Seritt


Re: Python-list Digest, Vol 18, Issue 366

2005-03-23 Thread Vidyasagar
I have a doubt in python curses

how to get the current screen size using python curses...

glad if neone cud help


On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 12:00:17 +0100 (CET),
 Send Python-list mailing list submissions to
 To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
 or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
 You can reach the person managing the list at
 When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
 than Re: Contents of Python-list digest...
 Today's Topics:
1. Re: cross platform use of set locale (Serge Orlov)
2. Re: Python to c++ conversion problem  (Ahmed MOHAMED ALI)
3. setattr inside a module (kramb64)
4. Re: cross platform use of set locale (Timothy Smith)
5. Re: Regular Expressions (Roel Schroeven)
 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Serge Orlov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: python-list@python.org
 Date: 23 Mar 2005 02:34:06 -0800
 Subject: Re: cross platform use of set locale
 Timothy Smith wrote:
  thats ok, but how do i get it to group thousands with a , ?
  and thats would mean i'd have to run everything through a formatter
  before i displayed it :/ it'd be nicer if i could just select a
  proper locale
 I think you're misusing locale. There is no guarantee that any specific
 locale will have properties (like grouping) set to a known value.
 Are you trying to format money? Then you need a special class so that
 you can say:
 d = Dollars(100.01)
 print You have %s in your account % d
 and get
 You have $1,000,000.01 in your account.
 -- Forwarded message --
 To: python-list@python.org
 Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 11:54:24 +0100
 Subject: Re: Python to c++ conversion problem
 Convert the string to int then cast the int to enum with static_cast.
 Akdes Serin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  I have a code in python like
  if eval('player.moveRoom(SeLinuxMud.Direction.' + x + ')'): # moveRoom
  function takes Direction enum as a parameter
  When I am trying to write this code in c++
  if (player-moveRoom(s[1])) //s[1] is a string so it outputs an error
  because of not taking enum as a parameter
  How can I change string to enum in c++?
 -- Forwarded message --
 From: kramb64 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: python-list@python.org
 Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 11:35:34 +0100
 Subject: setattr inside a module
 I'm trying to use setattr inside a module.
 From outside a module it's easy:
 import spam
 setattr(spam, name, value)
 But if I want to do this inside the module spam itself, what I've to
 pass to setattr as first argument?
 Thanks a lot for your time.
 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Timothy Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Serge Orlov [EMAIL PROTECTED], python-list@python.org
 Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 20:52:06 +1000
 Subject: Re: cross platform use of set locale
 Serge Orlov wrote:
 Timothy Smith wrote:
 thats ok, but how do i get it to group thousands with a , ?
 and thats would mean i'd have to run everything through a formatter
 before i displayed it :/ it'd be nicer if i could just select a
 proper locale
 I think you're misusing locale. There is no guarantee that any specific
 locale will have properties (like grouping) set to a known value.
 Are you trying to format money? Then you need a special class so that
 you can say:
 d = Dollars(100.01)
 print You have %s in your account % d
 and get
 You have $1,000,000.01 in your account.
 thats exactly what i'm trying to do, only having to do that for all my
 outputs is more work then i'd like :/
 why is this a misuse of locale? it's exactly what locale is meant for
 isn't it?
 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Roel Schroeven [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: python-list@python.org
 Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 10:51:41 GMT
 Subject: Re: Regular Expressions
 Ron wrote:
  This is probably a repeated question, but try as I might I was unable
  to find something similar in the archives.
  I'm trying to develop a regular expression for recognizing a simplified
  C-Style string syntax.  I need it to be able to handle escape sequences
  of the form \x where x is any character including .
  Here's what I'm trying:
  When I try to get it to recognize something like:
 I said, \Hello!\
  It stops at the first quote after the \.
 Works for me:
   print re.search(r'\([^\\]|(\\.))*\',
 ... r'I said \Hello!\').group(0)
 I said \Hello!\
 You can leave out the backslashes in fron of the first and last quotes
 in the regex, by the way, at least if you use ' instead of  to 

Re: Anonymus functions revisited

2005-03-23 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 Can someone who thinks this way, please explain why this is acceptable
   [ x * x for x in some_iterator ]
 But this is not
   map(lambda x: x * x, some_iteraror)
 and should be replaced with
   def sqr(x): return x * x
   map(sqr , some_iterator)

It shouldn't, it should be replaced with the listcomp. And IMHO it results
in better readable code. 

AFAIK the reason people say you should use named functions is _not_ because
of these single expression replacements. The reason is that frequently
people complain about lambda being so restrictive so that you can't write

lambda x,y: if x  100: x else: y

and want to _extend_ lambda beyond its current capabilities and make it full
featured but anonymous functions.

And these requests are rebuked with the argument that having to give a more
complex function a name instead of declaring it anonymously doesn't cost
you much - especially since you can declare them inside other functions so
the global namespace isn't cluttered.

I have to admit that rereading my statement

You are right, but for lambda in its current limited form short, named
functions are a good replacement

is not really what I wanted to say.

I should have written:

for lambda in its current limited form, listcomprehensions often are a good

But as I've said various times before: I personally don't mind lambdas and
for example the reduce function has been useful for me quite a few times,
can't be replaced by listcomps, and frequently needs a callable consisting
of only a single expression. So I'll continue to use lambdas there.


Diez B. Roggisch

Re: setattr inside a module

2005-03-23 Thread kramb64
On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 11:35:34 +0100, kramb64 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm trying to use setattr inside a module.
From outside a module it's easy:

import spam
setattr(spam, name, value)

But if I want to do this inside the module spam itself, what I've to
pass to setattr as first argument?

Thanks a lot for your time.

I found this:
setattr(__import__(__name__), name, value)

But too much underscores Nothing better?


Python to C++ conversion substituting vectors for lists in a recursive function

2005-03-23 Thread lugal
I'm new to C++, coming from a Python background. I wrote the following
code in C++ based on the Python code found here:



#include vector
#include iostream.h
using namespace std;

void looper(vector vectorint  nseq, vectorint comb);
vector vectorint  master;

int main() {
int n, C;
vector vectorint  seq;
vectorint holder;
cout  Enter constant: ;
cin  C;
cout  Enter n: ;
cin  n;
for(i=0; i=n; i++) {
vector int tmp;
for(int j=0; j=C; j++) {
looper(seq, holder);
return 0;

void looper(vector vectorint  nseq, vectorint comb) {
if(nseq.size()0) {
vectorint tseq = nseq.at(0);
for(int i=0; itseq.size(); i++) {
vector vectorint  gseq = nseq;
vectorint tcomb = comb;
looper(gseq, tcomb);
} else {

// end

The program dies on the line:


in the recursive function. Is my C++ translation accurate from the
original Python?


Re: scrollbar dependencies

2005-03-23 Thread Marion
Thanks a lot, Eric Brunel.
Harlin, if it's still actual (don't think so, but whoever...) here is
a simple code that works.
from Tkinter import *

## Main window
root = Tk()
root.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
root.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=1)
root.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)

## First canvas
c1 = Canvas(root, width=200, height=100, bd=2, relief=SUNKEN,
   scrollregion=(0, 0, 500, 500))
c1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nswe')

## Second canvas
c2 = Canvas(root, width=200, height=100, bd=2, relief=SUNKEN,
   scrollregion=(0, 0, 500, 500))
c2.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='nswe')

## Special function scroll both canvases horizontally
def xscrollboth(self,*args):

## Horizontal scrollbar for both canvases
hScroll = Scrollbar(root, orient=HORIZONTAL, command=xscrollboth)
hScroll.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='we')

## Vertical scrollbars
vScroll1 = Scrollbar(orient=VERTICAL, command=c1.yview)
vScroll1.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='ns')

vScroll2 = Scrollbar(orient=VERTICAL, command=c2.yview)
vScroll2.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='ns')


Eric Brunel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
 On 3 Mar 2005 02:38:59 -0800, Harlin Seritt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Pardon a question I should already know the answer to, but what are the
  *args in the:
  def xscrollboth(*args):
 If your question is about the syntax, it's just the way of passing any number 
 of arguments to a function as explained in:
 If your question is about what will actually be passed in these arguments, 
 the answer is simply: I don't know, and I don't care. That's why I used a 
 *args: I just want to pass to the c1.xview and c2.xview methods exactly what 
 was passed to my xscrollboth function. Since Python allows me to just pass 
 the list of arguments unchanged, I happily do it.

Re: Python to c++ conversion problem

2005-03-23 Thread Ivan Vecerina
Akdes Serin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
I have a code in python like
 if eval('player.moveRoom(SeLinuxMud.Direction.' + x + ')'): # moveRoom
 function takes Direction enum as a parameter

 When I am trying to write this code in c++
 if (player-moveRoom(s[1])) //s[1] is a string so it outputs an error
 because of not taking enum as a parameter

 How can I change string to enum in c++?
Obviously C++ has no eval equivalent, but it also has limited
introspection at run-time. That is, the executing code has
no way to know the compile-time name associated with the enum

One way to do this mapping manually would be:

#include map
#include string

enum ERoom
 { roomEntrance = 0
 , roomLobby = 1
 , roomCave = 2
typedef std::mapstd::string,ERoom RoomLookup;
typedef RoomLookup::value_type RoomLookupEntry;
RoomLookupEntry roomLookupData[3] =
  { RoomLookupEntry(Entrance, roomEntrance )
  , RoomLookupEntry(Lobby,roomLobby )
  , RoomLookupEntry(Entrance, roomCave )
RoomLookup sRoomLookup(roomLookupData,roomLookupData+3);

Then in your code:
  if (player-moveRoom(sRoomLookup[ s[1] ]))

An annoyance with this approach is that your are writing
everything twice.
There are tricks to avoid that, using the preprocessor,
but it has its own drawbacks (see the thread associated with
http://groups.google.ca/groups?selm=QJGdnT8LXIMFEGLcRVn-1A%40comcast.com )

But for a game, most typically, the code would load
room descriptions from a data file at run-time, and
dynamically generate the equivalent of sRoomLookup.

I hope this helps,
http://ivan.vecerina.com/contact/?subject=NG_POST - email contact form
Brainbench MVP for C++  http://www.brainbench.com


Re: Python to C++ conversion substituting vectors for lists in a recursive function

2005-03-23 Thread MyHaz
I didn't look at the original code but i you should know that passing
vectors directly (i.e by value) to functions is not a good idea
(results in big copy), its better to use `const vector ` or
`vector `  (i.e. by reference). In general you should try to reduce
the number of vector coping to a minimum.

As for the error in the code, it would be better to see the example of
the error, be it compiler or other wise.

I have a question about this line

`vectorint tseq = nseq.at(0);`

as i have never seen the at() member of vector. And its not referenced
on the sgi site  http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/Vector.html

what version of the STL are you using?


Re: Anonymus functions revisited

2005-03-23 Thread Kay Schluehr
Duncan Booth wrote:

 Do I really need to mention that the whole concept here is broken.
 only works if you call it from global scope. If you call it from
inside a
 function it [usually] won't work:

  def makeVars(**nameVals):

  def test():
   try: b
   except NameError: print Before makeVars: NameError
   else: print Before makeVars: Not NameError
   try: b
   except NameError: print After makeVars: NameError
   else: print After makeVars: Not NameError

  import sys
 Before makeVars: NameError
 After makeVars: NameError


To put it short:

def makeVars(**nameVals):
print prev,sys._getframe(1).f_locals[z]
print post,sys._getframe(1).f_locals[z]

def test():
z = 0

 z = 0
prev 0
post 3

prev 0
post 0

The Python runtime uses the opcodes STORE_FAST and LOAD_FAST to
store/access local variables of a function.

Take a closer look at the code:

v = POP();
SETLOCAL(oparg, v);
goto fast_next_opcode;


register PyObject **fastlocals

and macros

#define GETLOCAL(i) (fastlocals[i])
#define SETLOCAL(i, value) do { PyObject *tmp = GETLOCAL(i); \
GETLOCAL(i) = value; \
Py_XDECREF(tmp); } while (0)

The local variables will be stored in the pointer array fastlocals not
within a Python dict.

If a variable is created as a global it will be stored using the
STORE_NAME opcode instead:

w = GETITEM(names, oparg);
v = POP();
if ((x = f-f_locals) != NULL) {
if (PyDict_CheckExact(x))
err = PyDict_SetItem(x, w, v);
err = PyObject_SetItem(x, w, v);
if (err == 0) continue;

which clearly accesses a Python dict for storage.

Regards Kay


Re: How to use subprocess

2005-03-23 Thread Thomas Bellman
Nicolas Fleury [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   I want to use the subprocess module (or any standard Python module) to 
 run a process:
 - which stdout and stderr can each be redirected to any file-like object 
 (no fileno function).
 - can be cancelled with a threading.Event.

 My problem is that the subprocess.Popen constructor doesn't seem to 
 support file-like objects (only file objects with fileno()).

 If I use subprocess.PIPE, I have the problem that the read functions of 
 of the subprocess objects stdout and stderr are blocking (and I want to 
 redirect them to different file-like objects, so I definitely need 
 non-blocking access).  How am I supposed to do it?

You might take a look at my asyncproc module, available at


Specifically the Process class.  It doesn't do exactly what you
want, but maybe you can use it as inspiration for doing it yourself.

It requires the subprocess module, but I have successfully used
it under Python 2.3.2 with subprocess installed locally.

Thomas Bellman,   Lysator Computer Club,   Linköping University,  Sweden
Adde parvum parvo magnus acervus erit   ! bellman @ lysator.liu.se
  (From The Mythical Man-Month)   ! Make Love -- Nicht Wahr!

Re: setattr inside a module

2005-03-23 Thread Kay Schluehr

kramb64 wrote:
 I'm trying to use setattr inside a module.
 From outside a module it's easy:

 import spam
 setattr(spam, name, value)

 But if I want to do this inside the module spam itself, what I've to
 pass to setattr as first argument?

 Thanks a lot for your time.


Why don't You create 'name' and 'value' as module scoped variables just
by defining them?

If You want to introspect the module within the module, just define

# defined within spam
def introspect():
import spam
print dir(spam)


Regards Kay


Re: Python limericks (was Re: Text-to-speech)

2005-03-23 Thread Richie Hindle

 from itertools import repeat
 for feet in [3,3,2,2,3]:
  print  .join(DA-DA-DUM
  for dummy in [None]
 for foot in repeat(metric, feet))

Spectacular!  +1 QOTW

Richie Hindle


Re: Anonymus functions revisited

2005-03-23 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-03-23, Diez B. Roggisch schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Can someone who thinks this way, please explain why this is acceptable
   [ x * x for x in some_iterator ]
 But this is not
   map(lambda x: x * x, some_iteraror)
 and should be replaced with
   def sqr(x): return x * x
   map(sqr , some_iterator)

 It shouldn't, it should be replaced with the listcomp. And IMHO it results
 in better readable code. 

This misses the point. The fact that map and the listcomprehension do
the same stuff is just a detail. It is about giving a function an
expression as argument that is to be evaluated multiple times.

 AFAIK the reason people say you should use named functions is _not_ because
 of these single expression replacements. The reason is that frequently
 people complain about lambda being so restrictive so that you can't write

 lambda x,y: if x  100: x else: y

 and want to _extend_ lambda beyond its current capabilities and make it full
 featured but anonymous functions.

This is one kind of people. An other kind of people seems to want to
get rid of lamda's altogether and asks whether it is so difficult
to make a named function each time you would otherwise use a lambda.

 But as I've said various times before: I personally don't mind lambdas and
 for example the reduce function has been useful for me quite a few times,
 can't be replaced by listcomps, and frequently needs a callable consisting
 of only a single expression. So I'll continue to use lambdas there.

Then my question was not meant for you.

Antoon Pardon

Re: Submission for Python Limmerick Contest

2005-03-23 Thread Tim Jarman

 My submission for P.L.C.
 A mathematican named van Rossum
 went hunting for opossum
 he could not find one
 all eaten by Python
 to her his language he named as a blossum
 wish me luck

At the prompt, when I type import this, it
Invites me to be more excplicit:
But in five lines of verse
One's obliged to be terse,
So the limerick form is illicit!


Website: www DOT jarmania FULLSTOP com

Re: setattr inside a module

2005-03-23 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 I found this:
 setattr(__import__(__name__), name, value)
 But too much underscores Nothing better?

setattr(sys.modules[__name__], name, value)


Diez B. Roggisch

Re: cross platform use of set locale

2005-03-23 Thread Serge Orlov
Timothy Smith wrote:
 Serge Orlov wrote:

 Timothy Smith wrote:
 thats ok, but how do i get it to group thousands with a , ?
 and thats would mean i'd have to run everything through a formatter
 before i displayed it :/ it'd be nicer if i could just select a
 proper locale
 I think you're misusing locale. There is no guarantee that any
 specific locale will have properties (like grouping) set to a known
 value. Are you trying to format money? Then you need a special class
 so that you can say:
 d = Dollars(100.01)
 print You have %s in your account % d
 and get
 You have $1,000,000.01 in your account.
 thats exactly what i'm trying to do, only having to do that for all
 my outputs is more work then i'd like :/

SUS has added numeric grouping

   For  some  numeric conversions a radix character (`decimal
   point') or thousands'  grouping  character  is  used.  The
   actual  character  used  depends on the LC_NUMERIC part of
   the locale. The POSIX locale uses `.' as radix  character,
   and does not have a grouping character.  Thus,
   printf(%'.2f, 1234567.89);
   results   in   `1234567.89'   in   the  POSIX  locale,  in
   `1234567,89' in the nl_NL locale, and in `1.234.567,89' in
   the da_DK locale.

but they hasn't added monetary grouping. I don't think you'll
get monetary grouping anytime soon. Besides as far as I understood
your question, you *always* want grouping, right?

Actually I don't think a cryptic flag is better than an explicit
formatter. What do you think is more clear for a maintainer of your

print %'.2f % amount


print %s % dollars(amount)

 why is this a misuse of locale? it's exactly what locale is meant for
 isn't it?

I just reacted to your words select a proper locale and how do i get
it to group thousands with a ,. It's just not a good idea to select
a locale and expect the grouping character to be , or expect
see nl_NL locale example above.



How to pickling VT_DATE values?

2005-03-23 Thread jkn
Hi all
this is my first go at pickling and I'm having trouble with
variables of type VT_DATE returned from a COM application.

I don't seem to be successfully pickling/depickling to the the same
value. I think this may be due to a strange return value. The VT_DATE
seems to be a floating point number 'days.(hours, seconds) since
midnight 30 December 1899'. in some cases I get a value (probably 0.0?)
which is printed as

'12/30/0/ 00:00:00'

and I wonder if this strange value is causing the depickling to fail.
Haven't yet followed this to ground...

Anyway, I'm sure someone out there has successfully pickled such values
and wondered how it was done. FWIW my current code is:

import pywintypes
import pythoncom

import copy_reg
def picklePyTime(o):
return unpicklePyTime, (float(o),)

def unpicklePyTime(po):
return pywintypes.Time(po)

copy_reg.pickle(pythoncom.PyTimeType, picklePyTime)

jon N


Re: Getting the word to conventional programmers

2005-03-23 Thread Christopher Nelson
Hey, Jeff Hobbs got the last word. ;-)


Re: typo in the library reference?

2005-03-23 Thread Scott David Daniels
nicke wrote:
Peter Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Scott David Daniels wrote:
nicke wrote:
If it really is like this it is uncoherent and quite stupid :P
Name-calling won't make anyone more likely to help you out.  This is a
_collective_ effort.  You spotted a problem; submit at least a bug
report if not a fix.
To be fair, Scott, I think he was saying in effect if
the docs are really accurate about this, then the
design is f**ked, which would be a fair and reasonable
statement.  I don't think he's saying that the docs
are incoherent and stupid as written... just wrong.
Thanks for sticking up for me, and yes, this was what i meant. I could
have formulated myself a bit annorlund though, have to blame the late
hours :P
I'm going to submit a bug report, just don't have much experience with
that... but hey, sometime must be the first! ;)
My apologies belong in this thread.  Sorry, nicke, I react to the
f**ked  without considering that you might have only meant ... could
not really have been designed this way.  I seldom use such language,
and only now noticed the smiley after it.  What is the typogram for
I feel like an idiot?
In any case I should have been a bit more gentle in suggesting that
this is the way we help ourselves forward -- by fixing when the first
instinct is to curse.  Certainly calling anything name-calling
was a pretty lousy invitation to play along.
--Scott David Daniels

Re: Read from the last line of a file?

2005-03-23 Thread Scott David Daniels
Mike Rovner wrote:
Anthony Liu wrote:
I am wondering if it is possible to start reading from
the last line of file, and then the last but one up to
the first line.
If you can afford to keep the whole file in memory, than:
lines = open(..).readlines()
print lines[::-1]
Or use the new reversed generator to avoid a copy.
for line in reversed(readlines()):

--Scott David Daniels

Re: I'm just an idiot when it comes logging

2005-03-23 Thread olsongt

Vinay Sajip wrote:
 olsongt at verizon.net writes:

 Handlers normally process all events passed to them, but you can set
a level on
 a handler to get it to drop events below a certain threshold. Since
you haven't
 done this, you will see an INFO message appear even though the root
 level is set to ERROR. (This would only affect logging calls to the
root logger).

 Rule of thumb: Set levels on handlers only when you need them, not as
 practice. If you don't want to see info messages from otherLogger,
set its level
 to  INFO.

 Vinay Sajip

Thanks Vinay,

By adding a handler with a level of ERROR I fixed my problem.  Things
are starting to make sense.  I just feel like a logger should filter
out any messages below its error level instead of sending them to its
handlers.  But that is obviously not the case.  I just need to get used
to it.



Re: Anonymus functions revisited

2005-03-23 Thread Ron
On 23 Mar 2005 10:13:16 GMT, Duncan Booth

Do I really need to mention that the whole concept here is broken. This 
only works if you call it from global scope. If you call it from inside a 
function it [usually] won't work:

That's only becuase it was asked to go up 1 frame, and not 2.  

def makeVars(**nameVals):
sys._getframe(2).f_locals.update(nameVals) # - get 2 frames up.

def test():
try: b
except NameError: print Before makeVars: NameError
else: print Before makeVars: Not NameError
try: b
except NameError: print After makeVars: NameError
else: print After makeVars: Not NameError

import sys

Before makeVars: NameError
After makeVars: Not NameError


Re: cross platform use of set locale

2005-03-23 Thread Scott David Daniels
Timothy Smith wrote:
Serge Orlov wrote: ...
  d = Dollars(100.01)
  print You have %s in your account % d
and get
  You have $1,000,000.01 in your account.

thats exactly what i'm trying to do, only having to do that for all my 
outputs is more work then i'd like :/
why is this a misuse of locale? it's exactly what locale is meant for 
isn't it?
locale is so that you can write code that runs several different places
and obeys local conventions on output at each of those places.  Not so
much for formatting how you like (which would be easier to write and
control yourself).  Just write a function commad and use it.
--Scott David Daniels

Re: MinGW building with Python 2.4

2005-03-23 Thread mrstephengross
 Since the only official way to do this is pymingw, you should at
 give feedback of the steps you followed, and what didn't work

(1) I have Cygwin 5.1 with GCC 3.3.1 on it.
(2) I unzipped Python 2.4.
(3) I unzipped pyMinGW-24-0064.zip into that directory, overwriting the
appropriate files.
(4) I went into the [Python]/MinGW directory and ran 'make -f
python24.mak all'.
(5) Here are the results:

make -f pythoncore.mak
make[1]: Entering directory
gcc.exe -c ../Modules/_bisectmodule.c -o ../Modules/_bisectmodule.o
-I../Include  -I../PC  -I../Python  -Wall -s -DNDEBUG
In file included from ../Include/Python.h:82,
 from ../Modules/_bisectmodule.c:6:
../Include/intobject.h:41: error: parse error before
../Include/intobject.h:41: warning: type defaults to `int' in
declaration of `PyInt_AsUnsignedLongLongMask'
../Include/intobject.h:41: warning: data definition has no type or
storage class
In file included from ../Include/Python.h:84,
 from ../Modules/_bisectmodule.c:6:
../Include/longobject.h:37: warning: parameter names (without types) in
function declaration
../Include/longobject.h:39: error: parse error before
../Include/longobject.h:39: warning: type defaults to `int' in
declaration of `PyLong_AsLongLong'
../Include/longobject.h:39: warning: data definition has no type or
storage class
../Include/longobject.h:40: error: parse error before
../Include/longobject.h:40: warning: type defaults to `int' in
declaration of `PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong'
../Include/longobject.h:40: warning: data definition has no type or
storage class
../Include/longobject.h:41: error: parse error before
../Include/longobject.h:41: warning: type defaults to `int' in
declaration of `PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLongMask'
../Include/longobject.h:41: warning: data definition has no type or
storage class
make[1]: *** [../Modules/_bisectmodule.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [pythoncore] Error 2

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,


inter threading info

2005-03-23 Thread Tertius Cronje
Hi All,

Q: Is it possible for a thread on SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer to get
the socket info of *other* open thread/s and use that info to send data
to the accepting client?

I wrote a socketserver using SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer. A client
is connected to the server and expects multiple request/responses. (Not
sure about the terminology but the client connects and then stay
connected for a while.)

I need to create a client that can connect to server and then determine
how many other clients are connected, what the socket info is
(ifile/ofile) and then send and receive specific data to those clients. 


[Python-Announce] cfgparse v01_01 released

2005-03-23 Thread Dan Gass
I'm pleased to announce the V01_01 release of cfgparse.

Whats New
1) Exception argument added to the Configuration parser initializer so
that exceptions may be raised when user errors are encountered instead
of the default call to sys.exit() that doesn't provide traceback.
2) Error messages were enhanced giving more detailed information.

cfgparse is a more convenient, flexible, and powerful module for
parsing configuration files than the standard library ConfigParser
module. cfgparse uses a more declarative style modelled after the
popular optparse standard library module.

cfgparse can optionally cooperate with the optparse module to provide
coordination between command line and configuration file options. In
addition, the cooperation can be used to allow the user to control
features of the parser from the command line.

Documentation: http://cfgparse.sourceforge.net/
Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cfgparse/

Feature Summary
+ Simple ini style configuration syntax.
+ Type checking with error handling and help messages.
+ Help summary modelled after that in optparse.
+ Round trip - read, modify, write configuration files with comment retention.
+ Cooperates with optparse so options may be overridden from command line.
+ Supports heirarchically organized option settings.
   * User may store multiple option settings in a arbitrarily deep
keyed dictionary.
   * Application uses a key list to walk into the dictionary to obtain
a setting.
   * User controls key list with setting in configuration file.
   * Keys may be added to the list using command line or environment variables.
+ Supports allowing user control of configuration files used.
   * Environment variables may be used to specify a default configuration file.
   * Command line may be used to specify additional configuration files.
   * Configuration files may include other configuration files.
+ Configuration files may alternatively be written in Python.
   * Full power and flexibility of Python available for creation of
option settings.
   * Allows options settings to be real Python objects.
   * This feature is NOT enabled by default.
+ May be extended to support syntax such as XML.

Dan Gass

Re: Anonymus functions revisited

2005-03-23 Thread Ron
On 23 Mar 2005 10:13:16 GMT, Duncan Booth

Do I really need to mention that the whole concept here is broken. This 
only works if you call it from global scope. If you call it from inside a 
function it [usually] won't work:

Ok... you can get globals this way if you know how many frames up it
is. Not terrable useful. :/

def frame0():
print 'frame0 (locals): ',sys._getframe(0).f_locals
print '\nframe1 (parent): ',sys._getframe(1).f_locals
print '\n(Global) : ',sys._getframe(2).f_locals

def frame1():

import sys

frame0 (locals):  {}

frame1 (parent):  {}

(Global) :  {'__builtins__': module '__builtin__' (built-in), 'sys':
module 'sys' (built-in), '__name__': '__main__', 'frame1': function
frame1 at 0x00B437B0, 'frame0': function frame0 at 0x00B43770,
'__doc__': None}


Re: Anonymus functions revisited

2005-03-23 Thread Kay Schluehr
Ron wrote:

 On 23 Mar 2005 10:13:16 GMT, Duncan Booth

 Do I really need to mention that the whole concept here is broken.
 only works if you call it from global scope. If you call it from
inside a
 function it [usually] won't work:

 That's only becuase it was asked to go up 1 frame, and not 2.

 def makeVars(**nameVals):
sys._getframe(2).f_locals.update(nameVals) # - get 2 frames up.

def test():
try: b
except NameError: print Before makeVars: NameError
else: print Before makeVars: Not NameError
try: b
except NameError: print After makeVars: NameError
else: print After makeVars: Not NameError

 import sys

 Before makeVars: NameError
 After makeVars: Not NameError

That's true only because the globals are updated by {b:2}
two levels down.

If You nest the test() function You reproduce the error again:

def test():
   def inner():  try: b
   except NameError: print Before makeVars: NameError
   else: print Before makeVars: Not NameError
   try: b
   except NameError: print After makeVars: NameError
   else: print After makeVars: Not NameError

Before makeVars: NameError
After makeVars: NameError

A working makeVars seems not to be different from

def makeVars(**nameVals):

Regards Kay


Re: cross platform use of set locale

2005-03-23 Thread Damjan
 SUS has added numeric grouping
For  some  numeric conversions a radix character (`decimal
point') or thousands'  grouping  character  is  used.  The
actual  character  used  depends on the LC_NUMERIC part of
the locale. The POSIX locale uses `.' as radix  character,
and does not have a grouping character.  Thus,
printf(%'.2f, 1234567.89);
results   in   `1234567.89'   in   the  POSIX  locale,  in
`1234567,89' in the nl_NL locale, and in `1.234.567,89' in
the da_DK locale.

Hmm, this C code on my system (mk_MK locale)
#include locale.h
#include stdio.h
int main (void) {
printf(%'.2f\n, 1234567.89);
return 0;
Outputs: 1 234 567,89 as expected.

But this Python program (2.3.4 [GCC 3.3.3] on linux2)
 import locale
 locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, )
 print locale.format(%'.2f, 1234567.89, grouping=True)

complains about the ' in the format
ValueError: unsupported format character ''' (0x27) at index 1
without the ' it outputs: 1234567,89


Re: Anonymus functions revisited

2005-03-23 Thread Duncan Booth
Kay Schluehr wrote:

 A working makeVars seems not to be different from
 def makeVars(**nameVals):

Not quite. If Ron can come up with a working makeVars it would update the 
caller's globals whereas what you just posted updates makeVar's globals so 
there is a difference (when the makeVars and the calling function are in 
different modules), just not a very useful one.

Re: inter threading info

2005-03-23 Thread Daniel Dittmar
Tertius Cronje wrote:
Q: Is it possible for a thread on SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer to get
the socket info of *other* open thread/s and use that info to send data
to the accepting client?
A specific socket can be used from every thread of a process. Just make 
sure that you synchronize everything.

I need to create a client that can connect to server and then determine
how many other clients are connected, what the socket info is
When you accept a socket client, a new socket is created, so you cannot 
determine how many clients are connected to a socket. You have to create 
a data structure where you insert info about accepted connections and 
delete the info when a connection is closed.

(ifile/ofile) and then send and receive specific data to those clients. 
ifile/ofile are local to the server process so you cannot use them to 
send data from one client to another client. You have to send the data 
to the server first with a special tag, the server has to use that tag 
and send the data to the designated other client.

It sounds a bit as if you want to build some kind of chat server and now 
you want to add private channels.


Re: Lowest hassle Python web server?

2005-03-23 Thread Larry Bates
kanzen wrote:
 I keep telling my friends that Python rocks. Now it's time to put my
 money where my mouth is. I'm about to start writing a server for a
 phone based game. It needs to handle simlpe requests from some Java
 code running on the phone at a fairly low transaction rate. There will
 also be a simple web site allowing users to edit preferences and so
 forth. I have just enough Python experience to decide that I prefer it
 over Java for this job. It'll be on a Linux box that I have full
 control over.
 I can see from FAQs that there are several possible ways of doing web
 server work in Python, e.g. Twisted or mod_python in Apache, etc. So
 I'm wondering:
 - Could you recommend a solution you've found to be the most
 - Does threading cause any more of a hassle in Python than Java?
 - Is there anything similar to JSP in Java?
You might want to take a look a Medusa.  It is the basis for the
web server that is bundled in Zope.


Larry Bates

Re: Python to C++ conversion substituting vectors for lists in a recursive function

2005-03-23 Thread Peter Otten
lugal wrote:

Your code has an undeclared int i in main().


I think erase() takes a pointer, not the element index:


 in the recursive function. Is my C++ translation accurate from the
 original Python?

Coming from a Python background, you should have learned that the proper way
to answer that question is to write a test suite.

Generally speaking, if you want to learn a new language it is probably
better to extend examples written in that language than to translate code
written in another language you are already familiar with. What is
idiomatic in one language may be clumsy and inefficient in another.


PS: Your post is off-topic in c.l.py, consider asking for further/better
advice in a C++ newsgroup.


Re: getting data with proper encoding to the finish

2005-03-23 Thread Bob Kline
On Wed Mar 16 22:21:42 CET 2005 John Machin wrote:
 Apparently pyXLWriter doesn't handle Unicode at all.  Although
 Unicode came in with Excel 1997 (BIFF8 format file), pyXLWriter
 appears to support only Excel 5(?) (BIFF5 format file). As
 Serge suggested, appeal to the porter to appeal to the author
 of the Perl module it's ported from; but don't hold your breath
 in the meantime.
I don't think it's necessary to go that far back up the chain.
The Perl module from which pyXLWriter is ported supports Unicode
strings (and writes BIFF8 files), at least for the current
version.  About a week ago I wrote to Evgeny Filatov, who did
the port (I'm having a difficult time mentally reconciling
the name Evgeny with ASCII guy :-) ), but haven't heard
anything from him.  Does anyone have a better address than the
one I found in the README ([EMAIL PROTECTED])?  Has
anyone done any work to pick up where he left off?
Bob Kline

Re: Getting the word to conventional programmers

2005-03-23 Thread beliavsky
Advocates of languages and programming methodologies sometimes compare
the current version of their favorite language to an old version of
their disfavored language, resulting in skewed comparisons. For
example, Conway writes

Interpreted languages do two things much better than compiled

Firstly, they provide more sophisticated programming tools and support
for more advanced programming techniques. For example, Perl provides
hashed look-up tables and arbitrary-length arrays as core data types. C
doesn't even have a proper string type. Likewise, Perl's data sorting
facilities are integrated into the language, so the sorting criteria
are directly programmable.

Having all the basic tools of programming (i.e. high-level data types
and common algorithms) built into the language, rather than having to
build them yourself, means that you need to write less code to solve a
given problem.

I think most of the advanced programming techniques he mentions are
part of the C++ Standard Library.


os.stat access and modify time same on WinXP

2005-03-23 Thread rbt
I'm using the standard NTFS file system. The only time the access time 
is updated is when the file is modified or saved (with no changes). 
What's up with that? Shouldn't a read/view update the access time?

Re: ANN: Snakelets 1.38 (simple-to-use web app server with dynamic pages)

2005-03-23 Thread Roland Heiber
Irmen de Jong wrote:
I'm happy to say that Snakelets 1.38 is available.
Fine thing again! Maybe someone is interested in this:
I just tried tlslite and did a dirty hack so you could use snakelets via 
SSL. See the patch below. Snip and save it, use it against 

You've to place a key-pair in your server-dir 
(localhost.crt/localhost.private.key in the path). You can generate a 
self-signed certificate easily with openssl.

HtH, Roland
def handshake(self, tlsConnection):
tlsConnection.ignoreAbruptClose = True
return True
except (SyntaxError, TLSError), error:
print Handshake failure:, str(error)
return False
if IS_SSL:
tlsConnection = TLSConnection(request)
if self.handshake(tlsConnection) == True:
client_address, self)
self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)
if IS_SSL:
tlsConnection = TLSConnection(request)
if self.handshake(tlsConnection) == True:
client_address, self)
self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)
from tlslite.api import *
except ImportError:

if IS_SSL:
s = open(./localhost.crt).read()
x509 = X509()
certChain = X509CertChain([x509])
s = open(./localhost.private.key).read()
privateKey = parsePEMKey(s, private=True)
sessionCache = SessionCache()

Snakelets via SSL

2005-03-23 Thread Roland Heiber
after Irmen de Jong did another fine release with Snakelets-1.38 i just 
did a dirty hack for using snakelets with SSL-support. SSL-support is 
added through the use of tlslite from Trevor Perrin. You'll have to 
download and install it from http://trevp.net/tlslite/. Furthermore you 
need a key-pair in your serverdir, easily generetad with openssl.

Just snip the patch below and use it against snakeserver/server.py (with 
standard *nix patch).

HtH, Roland
 SNIP BELOW, SAVE AS ssl.patch 
def handshake(self, tlsConnection):
tlsConnection.ignoreAbruptClose = True
return True
except (SyntaxError, TLSError), error:
print Handshake failure:, str(error)
return False
if IS_SSL:
tlsConnection = TLSConnection(request)
if self.handshake(tlsConnection) == True:
client_address, self)
self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)
if IS_SSL:
tlsConnection = TLSConnection(request)
if self.handshake(tlsConnection) == True:
client_address, self)
self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)
from tlslite.api import *
except ImportError:

if IS_SSL:
s = open(./localhost.crt).read()
x509 = X509()
certChain = X509CertChain([x509])
s = open(./localhost.private.key).read()
privateKey = parsePEMKey(s, private=True)
sessionCache = SessionCache()

Re: PyGTK Button Size Question

2005-03-23 Thread Thomas Guettler
Am Wed, 23 Mar 2005 03:02:44 -0800 schrieb Harlin Seritt:

 How does one set the width of a gtk.Button explicitly? and height for
 that matter as well... 

I think it is gtk.Widget.set_size_request: 



Thomas Güttler, http://www.thomas-guettler.de/


Re: wanted: visual report templating system

2005-03-23 Thread Thomas Guettler
Am Tue, 22 Mar 2005 20:58:12 + schrieb robin:

 I am looking for a client/server reporting tool to use with a web
 application built in Python. 
 It would consist of three parts:
 1. a data definition  retrieval engine that interfaces to RDBMS or
 other data files
 2. a visual designer in which a nontechnical person can create a
 report layout template (supporting charts, text, graphics, etc.)
 3. a server engine to merge the two and create on-the-fly reports when
 requested programmatically.


You can script openoffice with pyUNO.


Thomas Güttler, http://www.thomas-guettler.de/


Re: simultaneous copy to multiple media

2005-03-23 Thread TZOTZIOY
On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 00:17:05 +0100, rumours say that Heiko Wundram
[EMAIL PROTECTED] might have written:

Well, 430 MB/s is only for USB 2.0. 

It's 480 Mb/s (megabit or mebibit, I am not sure... :), so it maxes at
about 60 MB/s (or MiB/s) for all devices on the same controller.
TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving. (from RFC1958)
I really should keep that in mind when talking with people, actually...

Re: xmlrpc with Python and large datases

2005-03-23 Thread writeson

Thanks for your reply, I'll look into things based on your comments.
Also, I've read your book Python Web Programming and wanted you to
know it has helped me a lot with various python projects, thanks!



Windows, Python and low level networking

2005-03-23 Thread ias0nas
Is it possible to have low level netwoking with python under Windows?
Like raw sockets?
Is it possible to send a single packet using python under windows?

Thank you


Re: Python to c++ conversion problem

2005-03-23 Thread Jerry Coffin
Akdes Serin wrote:
 I have a code in python like
 if eval('player.moveRoom(SeLinuxMud.Direction.' + x + ')'): #
 function takes Direction enum as a parameter

 When I am trying to write this code in c++
 if (player-moveRoom(s[1])) //s[1] is a string so it outputs an error
 because of not taking enum as a parameter

 How can I change string to enum in c++?

The most obvious way would be to use an std::map of strings and the
enum that's equivalent to each.


The universe is a figment of its own imagination.


Pattern matching from a text document

2005-03-23 Thread Ben
I'm currently trying to develop a demonstrator in python for an
ontology of a football team. At present all the fit players are
exported to a text document.

The program reads the document in and splits each line into a string
(since each fit player and their attributes is entered line by line in
the text document) using list = target.splitlines()

The program then performs a loop like so:

while foo  0:
if len(list) == 0:
pat =
ph = re.compile(pat,re.IGNORECASE)

match = ph.match(list[1])

forename = match.group(1)
surname = match.group(3)
attacking = match.group(7)
defending = match.group(8)
fitness = match.group(9)

print forename
print len(list)
del list[0]

The two main problems I'm having are that the first and entry in the
list is not printing. Once I have overcome this problem I then need
each player and there related variables to be stored seperately. This
is not happening at present because each time the loop runs it
overwrites the value in each variable.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Re: Windows, Python and low level networking

2005-03-23 Thread Jaime Wyant
Maybe this will help.

From the interpreter -
 import socket

Which gives you all sorts of neat information on the socket module.


On 23 Mar 2005 08:08:04 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is it possible to have low level netwoking with python under Windows?
 Like raw sockets?
 Is it possible to send a single packet using python under windows?
 Thank you


Re: os.stat access and modify time same on WinXP

2005-03-23 Thread Peter Hansen
rbt wrote:
I'm using the standard NTFS file system. The only time the access time 
is updated is when the file is modified or saved (with no changes). 
What's up with that? Shouldn't a read/view update the access time?

The Last Access Time on disk is not always current because NTFS looks 
for a one-hour interval before forcing the Last Access Time updates to 
disk. NTFS also delays writing the Last Access Time to disk when users 
or programs perform read-only operations on a file or folder, such as 
listing the folder's contents or reading (but not changing) a file in 
the folder. If the Last Access Time is kept current on disk for read 
operations, all read operations become write operations, which impacts 
NTFS performance.

* File-based queries of Last Access Time are accurate even if all 
on-disk values are not current. NTFS returns the correct value on 
queries because the accurate value is stored in memory.

Does that help?
(Just went through this myself the other day.)

Re: Windows, Python and low level networking

2005-03-23 Thread Peter Hansen
Is it possible to have low level netwoking with python under Windows?
Like raw sockets?
Is it possible to send a single packet using python under windows?
Google is your friend:
Try searching with python sockets, for example...
(You *have* heard of Google, haven't you?  It's been
in the news a bit lately...)

Re: typo in the library reference?

2005-03-23 Thread Terry Reedy

nicke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 I'm going to submit a bug report, just don't have much experience with
 that... but hey, sometime must be the first! ;)

If you can, you might also look at the ossaudio source to verify that the 
mixup is strictly in the doc and not the code.



Re: Windows, Python and low level networking

2005-03-23 Thread Martin Franklin
Is it possible to have low level netwoking with python under Windows?
Like raw sockets?
Is it possible to send a single packet using python under windows?
Thank you

Re: problems with  character

2005-03-23 Thread jdonnell
Thanks for all the replies. I just got in to work so I haven't tried
any of them yet. I see that I wasn't as clear as I should have been so
I'll clarify a little. I'm grabbing some data from msn's rss feed.
Here's an example.

The string ' all domain name extensions » Good' is where I have a
problem. The
'»' shows up as  '    »' when I write it to a file or stick
it in mysql. I did a hex dump and this is what I see.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/scripts cat test.txt
extensions » Good
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/scripts xxd test.txt
000: 6578 7465 6e73 696f 6e73 20c2 a020 c2a0  extensions .. ..
010: 20c2 bb20 476f 6f64 0a.. Good

One thing that jumps out is that two of the Â's are c2a0, but one of
them is c2bb. Well, those are the details since I wasn't clear before.


Re: setattr inside a module

2005-03-23 Thread Jeremy Bowers
On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 11:35:34 +0100, kramb64 wrote:

 I'm trying to use setattr inside a module.
 From outside a module it's easy:
 import spam
 setattr(spam, name, value)
 But if I want to do this inside the module spam itself, what I've to
 pass to setattr as first argument?
 Thanks a lot for your time.

As others point out, 


I find myself doing this more and more, not less, as I get further into
Python; autogenerating many similar functions, pulling constants from an
external source, stuff like that, usually very meta and every instinct
says its the right thing to do. 

Maybe we should have a __module__ attribute that is a reference to the
current module? sys.modules[__name__] is a little obtuse.


Re: Anonymus functions revisited

2005-03-23 Thread Julian Smith
On 23 Mar 2005 08:31:36 GMT
Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can someone who thinks this way, please explain why this is acceptable
   [ x * x for x in some_iterator ]
 But this is not
   map(lambda x: x * x, some_iteraror)
 and should be replaced with
   def sqr(x): return x * x
   map(sqr , some_iterator)

I guess I have similar feelings.

I've only been using python for a year or two, so I'm still a relative

Like a lot of people, I found Python to be magically simple and intuitive.

But I've never really found list comprehensions particularly clear. I don't
know whether it's my backgroud (mainly C/C++), or my brain or what, but they
are probably the only thing in Python that hasn't seemed transparent and
obvious to me (apart from shadowing of variables in nested functions).

Of course, I'm sure I could get used to them, given time. But that rather
defeats one of the main reasons for using python in the first place - the
lack of a steep learning curve.

In contrast, I find lambdas, even with their significant restrictions, to be
much more obvious. In fact, the proposal (sorry, don't have a link to hand)
about extending lambda to allow things like `myfn = def indented block' was
something that I initially assumed would become part of the language in time.

Is there some definitive information that explains why python is moving away
from lambdas and towards things like list comprehensions?

- Julian


Re: Snakelets via SSL

2005-03-23 Thread Irmen de Jong
Roland Heiber wrote:
 after Irmen de Jong did another fine release with Snakelets-1.38 i just
 did a dirty hack for using snakelets with SSL-support. SSL-support is
 added through the use of tlslite from Trevor Perrin. You'll have to
 download and install it from http://trevp.net/tlslite/. Furthermore you
 need a key-pair in your serverdir, easily generetad with openssl.
 Just snip the patch below and use it against snakeserver/server.py (with
 standard *nix patch).


Hey, thanks a lot! I must confess that I'm not knowledgeable in
this field (HTTPS/SSL) so I really appreciate it that you did
some work on this.

However, may I ask you to re-submit the patch but this time
in the patch tracker on SF; http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=41175
because news/mail clients often mangle source code.


IronPython 0.7 released!

2005-03-23 Thread James


Re: Anonymus functions revisited

2005-03-23 Thread George Sakkis
bruno modulix [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Ron wrote:
 The problem here is that Kay's proposition mixes two points: flexible
 tuple unpacking and a new syntax for anonymous functions.
  Yes, two different problems. I don't think anything needs to be done
  to tuples myself.  I tend to use lists more anyway.

 They are two different beasts. Note that you don't have anything like
 list unpacking, now tuple unpacking is pretty common in Python (swap,
 multiple return values, formatted strings and outputs, ...).

All the following are possible:

 (x,y,z) = (1,2,3)
 (x,y,z) = [1,2,3]
 [x,y,z] = (1,2,3)
 [x,y,z] = [1,2,3]

What exactly do you mean by don't have anything like list unpacking ?



xml marshal of general (but non Python standard) class

2005-03-23 Thread syd
Hello all,

In my project, I have container classes holding lists of item classes.
For example, a container class myLibrary might hold a list of item
classes myNation and associated variables like myNation.name='USA' and
myNation.continent='North America'.

Bottom line, I was hoping to use this structure to marshal the classes
to xml.

However, I've got dozens of unique classes (all subclassing the
container and item classes) with unique variables attached, and I do
not want to write rules for each.

I was looking at the source for generic in xml.marshal (from
xml.marshal import generic) which will dump to xml any configuration of
standard Python data types, for example, a tuple of dictionaries
containing lists of strings.  This source just writes a rule for each
data type.

Naively, I would hope that there'd be something where the marshaller
could just look at my data class, see what variables were associated,
and just go from there.

I'm moderately experienced with Python, but by no means an expert, and
I'm not an xml pro, either.  Would this project (xml marshal of a new
class) be worth my time?  If so, what would be best way to proceed?
Any other thoughts?

 import xml.marshal
 from xml.marshal import generic
 generic.dumps(['thank you','comp.lang.python'])
'?xml version=1.0?marshallist id=i2stringthank


Re: os.stat access and modify time same on WinXP

2005-03-23 Thread rbt
Peter Hansen wrote:
rbt wrote:
I'm using the standard NTFS file system. The only time the access time 
is updated is when the file is modified or saved (with no changes). 
What's up with that? Shouldn't a read/view update the access time?


The Last Access Time on disk is not always current because NTFS looks 
for a one-hour interval before forcing the Last Access Time updates to 
disk. NTFS also delays writing the Last Access Time to disk when users 
or programs perform read-only operations on a file or folder, such as 
listing the folder's contents or reading (but not changing) a file in 
the folder. If the Last Access Time is kept current on disk for read 
operations, all read operations become write operations, which impacts 
NTFS performance.

* File-based queries of Last Access Time are accurate even if all 
on-disk values are not current. NTFS returns the correct value on 
queries because the accurate value is stored in memory.

Does that help?
(Just went through this myself the other day.)
Yes, it does. Thank you.

python equivalent to the perl IDENT module

2005-03-23 Thread malachi
Is there an python equivalent to perl IDENT module, specifically the
client functionality ?



Re: Pattern matching from a text document

2005-03-23 Thread George Sakkis
Ben [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I'm currently trying to develop a demonstrator in python for an
 ontology of a football team. At present all the fit players are
 exported to a text document.

 The program reads the document in and splits each line into a string
 (since each fit player and their attributes is entered line by line in
 the text document) using list = target.splitlines()


 The program then performs a loop like so:

 The two main problems I'm having are that the first and entry in the
 list is not printing. Once I have overcome this problem I then need
 each player and there related variables to be stored seperately. This
 is not happening at present because each time the loop runs it
 overwrites the value in each variable.

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Ben, can you post a sample line from the document and indicate the fields you 
want to extract? I'm
sure it will be easier to help you this way.


If a slave say to his master: You are not my master, if they convict
him his master shall cut off his ear.

Hammurabi's Code of Laws


Re: Submission for Python Limmerick Contest

2005-03-23 Thread Cappy2112
No pointers, no templates, no streams,
These are things found only in bad dreams,
Because Explicit is with it, and static typing dismiss-ed

The Best language has been.joined() at the seams!


Re: Pattern matching from a text document

2005-03-23 Thread infidel
First, if you're going to loop over each line, do it like this:

for line in file('playerlist.txt'):
#do stuff here

Second, this statement is referencing the *second* item in the list,
not the first:

match = ph.match(list[1])

Third, a simple splitting of the lines by some delimiter character
would be easier than regular expressions, but whatever floats your
boat.  If you insist on using regexen, then you should compile the
pattern before the loop.  No need to do it over and over again.

Fourth, if you want to create a list of players in memory, then you
need either a class or some other structure to represent each player,
and then you need to add them to some kind of list as you go.  Like

pat =

ph = re.compile(pat,re.IGNORECASE)
players = []
for line in file('playerlist.txt'):
match = ph.match(line)
player = {
'forename' : match.group(1),
'surname' : match.group(3),
'attacking' : match.group(7),
'defending' : match.group(8),
'fitness' : match.group(9) 


Re: Windows, Python and low level networking

2005-03-23 Thread Martin Franklin
Peter Hansen wrote:
Is it possible to have low level netwoking with python under Windows?
Like raw sockets?
Is it possible to send a single packet using python under windows?

Google is your friend:
Try searching with python sockets, for example...
(You *have* heard of Google, haven't you?  It's been
in the news a bit lately...)
The OP may get 302'd though! ;-)

Re: Lowest hassle Python web server?

2005-03-23 Thread Gerhard Häring
Larry Bates wrote:
[...] You might want to take a look a Medusa.  It is the basis for the
web server that is bundled in Zope.
Medusa is just an asyncore framework, and not something you can develop 
web apps with.

-- Gerhard

Help me to sort.

2005-03-23 Thread BMS


I'll apreciate if you can guide me how to sort in 
Python. I'm doing a list and I want to sort it in ascendingor descending 

Please send me some examples.

Thank you in advance.

Re: Windows, Python and low level networking

2005-03-23 Thread fraca7
Is it possible to have low level netwoking with python under Windows?
Like raw sockets?
Is it possible to send a single packet using python under windows?
Yes. But be aware of restrictions on raw sockets in XP SP2:
and don't blame it on Python if it doesn't work :)
There's a way to overcome this, but it comes with its load of other 

Anyway, this doesn't belong there, so
fu2 comp.os.ms-windows.networking.tcp-ip

RE: Help me to sort.

2005-03-23 Thread Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
BMS wrote:

 I'll apreciate if you can guide me how to sort in Python. I'm doing a
 list and I want to sort it in ascending or descending order. 
 Please send me some examples.

Everything you need is right here:

Tim Delaney

Re: Getting the word to conventional programmers

2005-03-23 Thread sigzero
That was a great article. I really enjoyed it. We need more like it.



Re: typo in the library reference?

2005-03-23 Thread nicke
On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 05:13:45 -0800
Scott David Daniels [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My apologies belong in this thread. 

No worries, apology accepted

On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 11:44:27 -0500
Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 nicke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
  I'm going to submit a bug report, just don't have much experience with
  that... but hey, sometime must be the first! ;)
 If you can, you might also look at the ossaudio source to verify that the 
 mixup is strictly in the doc and not the code.

Well, sorry, the ossaudiodev module seem to be coded in c or c++ (?)
which i don't have any experience with. However, according to the python
interpreter help the AFMT_U8...etc are differently ordered and have
numeric values, which probably means that the sources doesn't say
anythin to anyone without deep understanding of the oss interface. (if
they aren't very well documented)


Use of descriptor __get__: what defines an object as being a class?

2005-03-23 Thread John Perks and Sarah Mount
I'm talk from the point of view of descriptors. Consider

a.x = lambda self:None # simple function

When a.x is later got, what criterion is used to see if a class (and so the
func would have __get__(None, a) called on it)? Pre-metaclasses, one might
assume it was

isinstance(a, (types.TypeType, types.ClassType))

but nowadays the type of a type could be anything. Is there a simple
Python-level interface to determine what constitutes a type, as there is
for, say, iterators? Could an object start being a type just by
appropriately setting certain members, or is this distinction enforced at a
lower level?

To confuse matters further, the descriptor docs in 2.4 say that descriptors
can only be bound to objects, not classic class instances, but a few moments
with a Python console disproves this (it is the descriptors themselves that
have to be objects.)

 def getting(*a): print Getting!
 class oldDesc: __get__ = getting
 class newDesc(object): __get__ = getting
 class Q:pass # classic class
 Q.x = oldDesc()
__main__.oldDesc instance at 0x009ACAA8
 Q.y = newDesc()

This seems to be a more sensible state of affairs (otherwise
function-to-method wrapping would have to be a special case), but
http://www.python.org/doc/2.4/ref/descriptor-invocation.html says different.

What is the canonical distinction between classes and types, and between
instances and objects? How would it apply in the face of such perversions as

from types import *
class C1: __metaclass__ = TypeType
class C2(object): __metaclass__ = ClassType

or reassignment of __class__ from an class to a type or vice versa? I would
have thought that most of the time (i.e. excluding the above tricksiness)
all that would be needed was

isinstance(x, object)

but this returns true when x is an Exception, which is guaranteed to be an
instance and hence not an object.




Changing the value of a for loop index on the fly

2005-03-23 Thread Gabriel F. Alcober
Hi! There goes a newbie trouble:
for i in range(0, len(subject)):
   if subject[i] in preps:
   subject[0:i] = []
Since the last line eliminates some elements of the list, I'm wondering 
if it's somehow possible to change the value of i to 0 in order not to 
get an index error. Any other ideas?
Thanks in advance.


Re: Getting the word to conventional programmers

2005-03-23 Thread sigzero

Cameron Laird wrote:
 *DevSource* profiles The State of the Scripting Universe in
 URL: http://www.devsource.com/article2/0,1759,1778141,00.asp .

It would have been nice to put in a blurb for some of the cool stuff
planned for 8.5. That way people could see that things are *happening*
in the Tcl world and Tcl is moving forward language wise.

That doesn't take away from the article though. It was just a thought.



Re: cross platform use of set locale

2005-03-23 Thread Timothy Smith
Serge Orlov wrote:
Timothy Smith wrote:

Serge Orlov wrote:

Timothy Smith wrote:

thats ok, but how do i get it to group thousands with a , ?
and thats would mean i'd have to run everything through a formatter
before i displayed it :/ it'd be nicer if i could just select a
proper locale

I think you're misusing locale. There is no guarantee that any
specific locale will have properties (like grouping) set to a known
value. Are you trying to format money? Then you need a special class
so that you can say:
d = Dollars(100.01)
print You have %s in your account % d
and get
You have $1,000,000.01 in your account.


thats exactly what i'm trying to do, only having to do that for all
my outputs is more work then i'd like :/

SUS has added numeric grouping
  For  some  numeric conversions a radix character (`decimal
  point') or thousands'  grouping  character  is  used.  The
  actual  character  used  depends on the LC_NUMERIC part of
  the locale. The POSIX locale uses `.' as radix  character,
  and does not have a grouping character.  Thus,
  printf(%'.2f, 1234567.89);
  results   in   `1234567.89'   in   the  POSIX  locale,  in
  `1234567,89' in the nl_NL locale, and in `1.234.567,89' in
  the da_DK locale.
but they hasn't added monetary grouping. I don't think you'll
get monetary grouping anytime soon. Besides as far as I understood
your question, you *always* want grouping, right?
Actually I don't think a cryptic flag is better than an explicit
formatter. What do you think is more clear for a maintainer of your
print %'.2f % amount
print %s % dollars(amount)


why is this a misuse of locale? it's exactly what locale is meant for
isn't it?

I just reacted to your words select a proper locale and how do i get
it to group thousands with a ,. It's just not a good idea to select
a locale and expect the grouping character to be , or expect
see nl_NL locale example above.

i'm pretty sure english au uses thousands grouping with ,
i've managers to make this work, however it just isn't cross platform at 


Re: Changing the value of a for loop index on the fly

2005-03-23 Thread Lonnie Princehouse
i = 0
while i  len(subject):
  if subject[i] in preps:
subject[0:i] = []
i = 0
i += 1

Gabriel F. Alcober wrote:
 Hi! There goes a newbie trouble:

 for i in range(0, len(subject)):
 if subject[i] in preps:
 subject[0:i] = []

 Since the last line eliminates some elements of the list, I'm
 if it's somehow possible to change the value of i to 0 in order not
 get an index error. Any other ideas?
 Thanks in advance.


Re: Changing the value of a for loop index on the fly

2005-03-23 Thread Gabriel F. Alcober
Uh! I've not even thought in using a while... Thanks!
Lonnie Princehouse wrote:
i = 0
while i  len(subject):
 if subject[i] in preps:
   subject[0:i] = []
   i = 0
   i += 1
Gabriel F. Alcober wrote:

Hi! There goes a newbie trouble:
for i in range(0, len(subject)):
   if subject[i] in preps:
   subject[0:i] = []
Since the last line eliminates some elements of the list, I'm


if it's somehow possible to change the value of i to 0 in order not


get an index error. Any other ideas?
Thanks in advance.



newbie help

2005-03-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  unsigned char *buf,
  unsigned long size,
  CODE code)
   unsigned long data
   switch (code)
  // Generate some test patterns
  case TEST1 :
   value = 0x0;
   while (size--)
   *buf++ =  (unsigned char)value++
  case TEST2 :

   unsigned char buf[512];
   CODE code = TEST1

   # The index number is passed from the command line
   # It corresponds to one of the two buffers

   # if index = 1 corresponds to buf1 and if index = 2 corresponds to

   buf1 = getBuf(index1);
   testme( buf1, 512, code);

   return 0x0;

This is snippet code trying to generate some test patterns.

How do i manage multiple buffers in python. Is it possible?

If the index number at command line is 2, then buffer 2 is passed to

I went through the Python tutorial and could not find much information.

Any help with python examples is appreciated.


Re: Changing the value of a for loop index on the fly

2005-03-23 Thread Mitja
On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 23:27:54 +0100, Gabriel F. Alcober [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Hi! There goes a newbie trouble:
for i in range(0, len(subject)):
if subject[i] in preps:
subject[0:i] = []
Since the last line eliminates some elements of the list, I'm wondering  
if it's somehow possible to change the value of i to 0 in order not to  
get an index error. Any other ideas?
Messing with the list/index concerned within the loop itself is rarely a  
good idea and can most often be avoided:

lastFound = 0
for i in range(0, len(subject)):
  if subject[i] in preps:
lastFound = i   #you probably want i+1 here? your source says i,  

#if having the subject list matters, you can finish it all outside the  
loop with
subject[0:lastFound] = []


Re: IronPython 0.7 released!

2005-03-23 Thread James
François Pinard emailed me that my posting of the link with no
explanation appeared rude.

So here is a some information.

IronPython is a Python implementation targeting the .NET and Mono
platforms from the same person who brought us Jython,  Jim Hugunin. MS
hired Jim since the first release (0.6) and this is the first and
eagerly awaited release since then.

Now if I hear something about the state of StarKiller, it would make my
day complete :-).

From the release

 IronPython is the code name of the early pre-alpha preview release of
the new Implementation Running on .NET of the Python programming
language. The .NET Framework is a managed programming model for
Windows; Microsoft standardized part of it in ECMA  several years ago
as the Common Language Infrastructure and C# Language Specification

IronPython is fast - up to 1.8x faster than Python-2.4 on the standard
pystone benchmark. It supports an interactive interpreter with fully
dynamic compilation. It is well integrated with the rest of the
framework and makes all .NET libraries easily available to Python

IronPython 0.7 is a pre-alpha release. It is suitable for experimenting
and playing with; however, a large amount of testing, packaging and
library development remains to be done before a production-quality
IronPython-1.0.  We want to be sure to release IronPython in this early
state in order to encourage feedback and discussion in the community of
IronPython's features and designs as early as possible so that we can
incorporate that into the 1.0 design.

Also see
Boo is a new object oriented statically typed programming language for
the Common Language Infrastructure with a python inspired syntax and a
special focus on language and compiler extensibility.

Python for .NET
Python for .NET is a near-seamless integration of the Python runtime
with the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR). It lets you script and
build applications in Python, using CLR services and components written
in any language that targets the CLR (C#, Managed C++, VB.NET, etc.).



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