Re: What's the use of changing func_name?

2005-05-19 Thread Robert Kern
could ildg wrote:
 def a(func):
 def _inner(*args, **kwds):
 print decorating...
 return func(*args, **kwds)
 _inner.func_name = func.func_name --when I delete this line, the
 rusult is the same. why?
 return _inner
 def g(*args):
 for x in args:
 print x
 print this is in function g
 func_name is writable in python 2.4. I wonder what's the use of
 writing it. Consider the code above, to change the func_name or not
 will get the completely same result. The result is as
 this is in function g
 Please tell me how does this happen, thank you~

Well, the function you posted certainly doesn't change the literal 
string you have inside when you change its func_name. However, the 
function object *does* change.

In [1]:def g(x):

In [2]:g
Out[2]:function g at 0x5aedf0

In [3]:g.func_name = 'f'

In [4]:g
Out[4]:function f at 0x5aedf0

Robert Kern

In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
   -- Richard Harter


Re: MMS download

2005-05-19 Thread Robert Kern
Chu, Jeong Ho wrote:
 Is it possible to download MMS stream by using python?

I don't know of a way with Python alone, but you could use mplayer's 
-dumpstream capabilities to dump to a file. It might even allow you to 
dump to a pipe, I forget.

Robert Kern

In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
   -- Richard Harter


Re: What's the use of changing func_name?

2005-05-19 Thread could ildg
Thank you for your help.
I know the function g is changed after setting the func_name.
But I still can't call funciton g by using f(), when I try to do
this, error will occur:
 print g
function f at 0x00B2CEB0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
NameError: name 'f' is not defined
Since the name of g is changed into f, why can't I call it by using f()?
Should I call it using f through other ways? Please tell me. Thanks~

On 5/19/05, Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 could ildg wrote:
  def a(func):
  def _inner(*args, **kwds):
  print decorating...
  return func(*args, **kwds)
  _inner.func_name = func.func_name --when I delete this line, the
  rusult is the same. why?
  return _inner
  def g(*args):
  for x in args:
  print x
  print this is in function g
  func_name is writable in python 2.4. I wonder what's the use of
  writing it. Consider the code above, to change the func_name or not
  will get the completely same result. The result is as
  this is in function g
  Please tell me how does this happen, thank you~
 Well, the function you posted certainly doesn't change the literal
 string you have inside when you change its func_name. However, the
 function object *does* change.
 In [1]:def g(x):
 In [2]:g
 Out[2]:function g at 0x5aedf0
 In [3]:g.func_name = 'f'
 In [4]:g
 Out[4]:function f at 0x5aedf0
 Robert Kern
 In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
   Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
-- Richard Harter


self-promotion of the decorator module (Was: How to learn OO of python?)

2005-05-19 Thread Michele Simionato
could ildg wrote:

 I think decorator is a function which return a function, is this
 e.g. The decorator below if from

 def accepts(*types):
 def check_accepts(f):
 assert len(types) == f.func_code.co_argcount
 def new_f(*args, **kwds):
 for (a, t) in zip(args, types):
 assert isinstance(a, t), \
arg %r does not match %s % (a,t)
 return f(*args, **kwds)
 new_f.func_name = f.func_name
 return new_f
 return check_accepts

 After I saw all the examples, I concluded that every decorator must
 define an inner function which takes only one argument, the
 function to decorate. Is this right?

Yes, but you may want to look at my decorator module:

Your example would be written as follows:

from decorator import decorator

def accepts(*types):
def check_accepts(f, *args, **kw):
assert len(types) == f.func_code.co_argcount
for a, t in zip(args, types):
assert isinstance(a, t), arg %r does not match %s % (a,t)
return f(*args, **kw)
return decorator(check_accepts)

with the following advantages:

1. one-level of nesting is saved (flat is better than nested)
2. name, docstring and dictionary of the original function are
3. the signature of the original function is preserved (this one is

  Michele Simionato


Re: What's the use of changing func_name?

2005-05-19 Thread hemanth
could ildg wrote:
 Thank you for your help.
 I know the function g is changed after setting the func_name.
 But I still can't call funciton g by using f(), when I try to do
 this, error will occur:
  print g
 function f at 0x00B2CEB0
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
 NameError: name 'f' is not defined
 Since the name of g is changed into f, why can't I call it by using
 Should I call it using f through other ways? Please tell me. Thanks~

Merely changing func_name to 'f' will not register 'f' in the module's
namespace. So calling f() will cause a NameError as there is no
function object bound to the name 'f' in the namespace. Instead,
if you say
f = g
then 'f' is bound in the namespace to the function object pointed to by
'g' and you can now make the call f().


Re: What's the use of changing func_name?

2005-05-19 Thread Robert Kern
could ildg wrote:
 Thank you for your help.
 I know the function g is changed after setting the func_name.
 But I still can't call funciton g by using f(), when I try to do
 this, error will occur:
print g
 function f at 0x00B2CEB0
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
 NameError: name 'f' is not defined
 Since the name of g is changed into f, why can't I call it by using f()?
 Should I call it using f through other ways? Please tell me. Thanks~

Others have answered this particular question, but you're probably still 
wondering what is the use of changing .func_name if it doesn't also 
change the name by which you call it. The answer is that there are tools 
that use the .func_name attribute for various purposes. For example, a 
documentation generating tool might look at the .func_name attribute to 
make the proper documentation. Actually, that's probably *the* biggest 
use case because I can't think of any more significant ones.

Robert Kern

In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
   -- Richard Harter


Re: How to learn OO of python?

2005-05-19 Thread Steven Bethard
could ildg wrote:
 I think decorator is a function which return a function, is this right?
 e.g. The decorator below if from
 def accepts(*types):
 def check_accepts(f):
 assert len(types) == f.func_code.co_argcount
 def new_f(*args, **kwds):
 for (a, t) in zip(args, types):
 assert isinstance(a, t), \
arg %r does not match %s % (a,t)
 return f(*args, **kwds)
 new_f.func_name = f.func_name
 return new_f
 return check_accepts
 After I saw all the examples, I concluded that every decorator must
 define an inner function which takes only one argument, the
 function to decorate. Is this right?

It's close, but not quite right.  (I will use the word function for 
the moment, but see below for why this is inaccurate.)  Every 
*decorator* must take only one argument, the function to decorate. It is 
not at all necessary that a decorator define an inner function. 
Consider (from [1]):

def onexit(f):
 import atexit
 return f

onexit is a decorator because it takes a function and returns a 
function.  In this case, it happens to be that the same function is 
accepted and returned.

Note that in the 'accepts' example above, *check_accepts* is the 
decorator, not accepts.  The accepts function is actually a function 
that *returns* decorators.

Now about that word function.  Decorators are actually *callables* 
that accept a single *callable* and return a *callable*.  Why does the 
terminology matter?  Because I can construct decorators from classes too 
(from [2]):

class memoized(object):
def __init__(self, func):
   self.func = func
   self.cache = {}
def __call__(self, *args):
  return self.cache[args]
   except KeyError:
  self.cache[args] = value = self.func(*args)
  return value
   except TypeError:
  return self.func(*args)

Now the memoized decorator can be used just like any other decorator, e.g.:

def fibonacci(n):
if n in (0, 1):
   return n
return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)

Note however that memoized is a *callable*, not a *function*.



Re: How to receive events (eg. user mouse clicks) from IE

2005-05-19 Thread Roger Upole
The two you'll need to run makepy for are Microsoft Internet Controls and
Microsoft HTML object Library.  If you run them manually, you should be
able to look at the generated code to get the guids.
Here's a minimal example:

import win32com.client

1, 1)
class IE_Events(ie_mod.DWebBrowserEvents2):
def OnNavigateComplete2(self, pDisp, URL):
print 'OnNavigateComplete2:', URL



[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
I am trying to trap events from internet explorer eg. when user clicks
 on an html link - I need to get notified for that event.

 After looking through the newgroups / internet and reading through
 various sections in programming python on win32 - I understand that
 this can be done using DispatchWithEvents.
 I have also referred to discussions on comp.lang.python


 So far - none of the newgroups postings report that IE events were
 trapped successfully (at least I could not find any). However, there is
 enough evidence that it can be done.
 My problems at the moment:
 a) The examples use early binding. However, I cannot get Python makepy
 to generate the code to force makepy process at run time - since COM
 makepy utility that I invoke from python win 32 does not have any entry
 for internet explorer.
 I tried to find the CLSID for IE 3050F613-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B
 but I get an exception
 b) Also one of the examples suggest that following code should work

 mod = EnsureModule(...)

 class MyEvents(mod.IDocumentEvents):
# your methods here

 handler = MyEvents(ie.document)

 # handler should start recieving events.

 however, what CLSID is to be used in EnsureModule... . I tried with a
 few but I always get the error 'NoneType' object has no attribute

 An example that 'works' will be very useful

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Re: ElementTree and xsi to xmlns conversion?

2005-05-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Matthew Thorley wrote:
 Why does ElementTree.parse convert my xsi to an xmlns?

because it is a namespace prefix, perhaps?

 When I do this
 from elementtree import ElementTree

 # Sample xml
 mgac =
 mgac xmlns=;

 xml = ElementTree.fromstring(mgac)

 I get this
 'ns0:mgac ns1:schemaLocation=;
 name=Si4H //ns0:mgac'

 The xsi is gone and has been replaced by a new xmlns, which is also NOT
 inherited by the child elements.

the xsi is a namespace prefix, which maps to a namespace URI.  the child element
doesn't use that namespace, so there's no need to add a namespace declaration.


 'ns0:cluster name=Si4H
 xmlns:ns0=; /'

 If some one could please explain where I'm off I'd really appreciate it.
 I need to use xsi: to validate the document

are you sure?  the prefix shouldn't matter; it's the namespace URI that's 
if you're writing code that depends on the namespace prefix rather than the 
space URI, you're not using namespaces correctly.  when it comes to namespaces,
elementtree forces you to do things the right way:

(unfortunately, the XML schema authors didn't understand namespaces so they
messed things up:
to work around this, see oren's message about how to control the 
mapping.  in worst case, you can manually insert xsi:-attributes in the tree, 
and rely on
the fact that the default writer only modifies universal names)



Re: Comparing 2 similar strings?

2005-05-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Could hit a few snags.  Quick out-of-the-library compression using
standards like zlib will have headers that will dilute the difference
on short strings, and on long strings block compression (zlib, bzip2)
will not pick up similarities because the similarities will be in
different blocks.  With blocks of around 100k-1M in these algos by
default (IIRC),  this could work well for strings between oh say

But I need to underscore Aahz's posting above:

***Check out difflib, it's in the library.***  Perfect package for what
the OP wants AFAICT.


Re: newbie file/DB processing

2005-05-19 Thread Mike Meyer
len [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I am in the process of learning python.  I have bought Learning Python
 by Mark Lutz, printed a copy of Dive into Python and various other
 books and looked at several tutorials.  I have started a stupid little
 project in python and things are proceeding well.  I am an old time
 cobol programmer from the IBM 360/370 eria and this ingrained idea of
 file processing using file definition (FD's) I believe  is causing me
 problems because I think python requires a different way of looking at
 datafiles and I haven't really gotten my brain around it yet.  I would
 like to create a small sequential file, processing at first to store a
 group id, name, amount, and date which I can add to delete from and
 update. Could someone point me to some code that would show me how this
 is done in python.  Eventually, I intend to expand my little program to
 process this file as a flat comma delimited file, move it to some type
 of indexed file and finally to some RDBMS system.  My little program
 started out at about 9 lines of code and is now at about 100 with 5 or
 six functions which I will eventually change to classes (I need to
 learn OOP to but one step at a time).

What you're looking for isn't so much the Python way of doing things;
it's the Unix way of doing things. The OS doesn't present the file as
a sequence of records; files are presented as a sequence of bytes. Any
structure beyond that is provided by the application - possibly via a
library. This is a sufficiently powerful way of looking at files that
every modern OS I'm familiar with uses this view of files.

You might want to look at URL: . It's
not really an answer to your question, but looks at Unix programming
in general. It uses fetchmail as an example application, including
examining the configuration editor written in Python.

A classic Unix approach to small databases is to use text files. When
you need to update the file, you just rewrite the whole thing. This
works well on Unix, because it comes with a multitude of tools for
processing text files. Such an approach is simple and easy to
implement, but not very efficient for large files. A classic example
is a simple phone book application: you have a simple tool for
updating the phone book, and use the grep command for searching
it. Works like a charm for small files, and allows for some amazingly
sophisticated queries.

To provide some (simple) code, assume your file is a list of lines,
with id, name, amount, date on each line, separated by spaces. Loading
this into a list in memory is trivial:

datafile = open(file, r)
datalist = []
for line in data:

At this point, datalist is a list of lists. datalist[0] is a list of
[id, name, amount, date]. You could (for example) sum all the amounts
like so:

total = 0
for datum in datalist:
total += datum[2]

There are more concise ways to write this, but this is simple and

Writing the list back out is also trivial:

datafile = open(file, w)
datafile.writelines( .join(x) + \n for x in datalist)

Note that that uses a 2.4 feature. The more portable - and obvious -
way to write this is:

datafile = open(file, w)
for datum in datalist:
datafile.write( .join(datum) + \n)

For comma delimited files, there's the CSV module. It loads files
formmated as Comma Seperated Values (a common interchange format for
spreadsheets) into memory, and writes them back out again. This is a
slightly more structured version of the simple text file approach. It
may be just what you're looking for.

If you want to store string objects selectable by a single string key,
the various Unix db libraries are just what the doctor ordered. The
underlying C libraries allow arbitrary memory chunks as keys/objects,
but the Python libraries use Python strings, and dbms look like
dictionaries. The shelve module is built on top of these, allowing you
to store arbitrary Python objects instead of just strings.

Finally, for RDBMS, you almost always get SQL these days. The options
run from small embedded databases built in python to network
connections to full-blown SQL servers. I'd put that decision off until
you really need a database.

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

urllib2 EOF occurred in violation of protocol with proxy

2005-05-19 Thread Bloke
I want to connect to a https server through an authenticating  proxy
like this:

import urllib2

proxy_info = {
'user' : 'me',
'pass' : 'password',
'host' : '',
'port' : 8008 }

# build a new opener that uses a proxy requiring authorization
proxy_support = urllib2.ProxyHandler({https:https://%(user)s:%
(pass)[EMAIL PROTECTED](host)s:%(port)d % proxy_info})

opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_support, urllib2.HTTPHandler)

# install it

# use it
f = urllib2.urlopen('')
print f.headers

If I modify the 'https' to 'http' it works fine.  But in https mode it

URLError: urlopen error (8, 'EOF occurred in violation of protocol')

The site works fine if I do not go through the proxy, so it appears the
proxy is not returning an EOF.  I been searching for an answer, and
found many other sites where people have had the same problem.  Some
have suggested m2crypto.

Is there a work around using the standard  2.4.1 installation?


Re: processing a Very Large file

2005-05-19 Thread Gregory Bond
Mike Meyer wrote:

 Unknown. Python relies on the C alloc/free routines for handling
 memory. del may immediately free() the memory (I don't know), but that
 doesn't mean it gets released to the OS. None of the implementations
 of alloc/free I'm aware of ever give the memory back to the OS. They
 store it in a data structure for internal reuse.

... and in any serious OS, if memory is not reused it will eventually 
page out anyway, so the total cost of not releasing the memory back to 
the OS is miniscule (an entry or two in a page table) and the benefit of 
releasing it basically nil[*], while the effort of working out whether 
memory can be released or not is possibly quite significant.

[* Excepting possible swap-space exhaustion, I suppose.]

Re: urllib2 EOF occurred in violation of protocol with proxy

2005-05-19 Thread Paul Rubin
Bloke [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 The site works fine if I do not go through the proxy, so it appears the
 proxy is not returning an EOF.  I been searching for an answer, and
 found many other sites where people have had the same problem.  Some
 have suggested m2crypto.
 Is there a work around using the standard  2.4.1 installation?

I sort of remember some problem like that with Microsoft web servers.
It's not clear that a workaround is really the right thing--it's a
security hole, it lets attackers truncate web pages coming through the
proxy without your client app being able to tell the difference.

OpenSSL includes an interactive SSL client (sort of like telnet) that
can be convenient for trying stuff out without having to write code.
Just type for example at the openssl prompt:

   OpenSSL s_client -connect 443
   GET / HTTP/1.0

substituting whatever your host and port are.

Re: Is Python suitable for a huge, enterprise size app?

2005-05-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 discusses the problem with memory allocation in CPython. Apparently
 CPython is not good at, or incapable of, releasing memory back to the
 operating system.

and unless your operating system is totally braindead, and thus completely unfit
to run huge enterprise size applications, that doesn't really matter much.  
are problematic, large peak memory use isn't.

(fwiw, I'm tempted to argue that people who don't understand how memory
allocation works on modern systems are unfit to run enterprise applications as
well, but that's another story).

btw, very few memory allocators release memory back to the operating system
for small allocations; most memory allocators, including Pythons, do that for 
allocations.  try running this, and check the memory use after each step:

 x = 1000 * x
 y = x[1:]
 z = x[2:]
 del z
 del y
 del z

still claiming that CPython's incapable of releasing memory back to the system?

(finding the smallest multiplier that gives the same effect is left as an 
exercise etc.)



Re: Is Python suitable for a huge, enterprise size app?

2005-05-19 Thread bruno modulix
Ivan Van Laningham wrote:

 What you're going to run into are two major stumbling blocks.  One,
 Python's got no credibility with management types unless the
 credibility's already there.  Python?  Never heard of it.  Tell me
 about it.  ...   Oh, it's interpreted, is it?  Interesting.

Nope, Sir, it's byte-compiled just like Java. But you don't have to
invoke the compiler yourself...

  You can
 see Python going down the sewer pipes, right on their faces.  Two,
 security.  This python sounds pretty interesting.  Tell me about the
 security.  How can we prevent people from stealing our source code,
 which we just spent millions developing?  ...  Hmm, trust the developers
 out there not to peek?  Oh, sure, let's use it.  

Just like Java, which is so easy to reverse-engineer...

 (True, there are ways
 around the second, but you're going to have to talk _very_ fast and have
 ALL the answers before the management type gets to his/her office and
 shuts the door in your face and on your idea.)


bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: EpyDoc problem

2005-05-19 Thread Laszlo Zsolt Nagy

EpyDoc is hosted in Sourceforge. This alone may answer your question
about a bug-tracker:

Well, I wrote to the bug tracker some days ago but no answer so far.

Re: logging problems

2005-05-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I thought I did, but when I checked today it seems I've screwed up and
edited logging/ in 2.4 and tested with 2.3

So after fixing it in the correct place, it works nicely..


Re: self-promotion of the decorator module

2005-05-19 Thread Duncan Booth
Michele Simionato wrote:

 with the following advantages:
 1. one-level of nesting is saved (flat is better than nested)
 2. name, docstring and dictionary of the original function are
 3. the signature of the original function is preserved (this one is

And at least the following bugs:

 from decorator import *
def chatty(f, *args, **kw):
print Calling %r % f.__name__
return f(*args, **kw)

def f((x,y)): pass

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#11, line 1, in -toplevel-
  File C:\Work\decorator\, line 119, in __call__
return _decorate(func, self.caller)
  File C:\Work\decorator\, line 89, in _decorate
dec_func = eval(lambda_src, evaldict)
  File string, line 1
lambda ['x', 'y']: call(func, ['x', 'y'])
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I would have thought the code would be simpler if it used 
inspect.formatargspec to produce an argument list which is correctly 
formatted for all the weird corner cases:

 class Default:
def __init__(self, n):
self.n = n
def __repr__(self):
return 'defarg[%d]' % self.n

 def f(x, y=1, z=2, *args, **kw): pass

 a,v,vk,d = inspect.getargspec(f)
 inspect.formatargspec(a,v,vk,map(Default, range(len(d
'(x, y=defarg[0], z=defarg[1], *args, **kw)'
 def g(x, (y,z)=(1,2), *args, **kw): pass

 a,v,vk,d = inspect.getargspec(g)
 inspect.formatargspec(a,v,vk,map(Default, range(len(d
'(x, (y, z)=defarg[0], *args, **kw)'
((1, 2),)

Even if we manage to decorate the function, the decorated object has the 
wrong name in tracebacks:

def f(): pass


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#15, line 1, in -toplevel-
TypeError: lambda() takes no arguments (1 given)

Using a lambda function here seems needlessly perverse. You know the name 
of the function you want to define and you are going to eval a string, so 
why not exec the string instead

def %(name)s %(fullsign)s: call(func, %(shortsign)s) % getinfo(func)

and then just pick the function out of the namespace after the exec?


def _decorate(func, caller):
Takes a function and a caller and returns the function
decorated with that caller. The decorated function is obtained
by evaluating a lambda function with the correct signature.

lambda_src = def %(name)s(%(fullsign)s): call(func, %(shortsign)s) % 
# print lambda_src # for debugging
execdict = dict(func=func, call=caller, defarg=func.func_defaults or 
exec lambda_src in execdict
dec_func = execdict.get(func.__name__)
dec_func.__doc__ = func.__doc__
dec_func.__dict__ = func.__dict__
return dec_func

There is still a problem with this one though. If the function has 
arguments named 'call', 'func', or 'defarg' (or for that matter my 
code above introduces a new problem if the function is called by one 
of those names) nasty things will happen. Fortunately you have a list of 
argument names readily available so it shouldn't be too hard to generate 
unique names to use in their place.

Re: How to learn OO of python?

2005-05-19 Thread could ildg
Steven Bethard:
Thank you so much!
Your answer is very very helpful~

On 5/19/05, Steven Bethard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 could ildg wrote:
  I think decorator is a function which return a function, is this right?
  e.g. The decorator below if from
  def accepts(*types):
  def check_accepts(f):
  assert len(types) == f.func_code.co_argcount
  def new_f(*args, **kwds):
  for (a, t) in zip(args, types):
  assert isinstance(a, t), \
 arg %r does not match %s % (a,t)
  return f(*args, **kwds)
  new_f.func_name = f.func_name
  return new_f
  return check_accepts
  After I saw all the examples, I concluded that every decorator must
  define an inner function which takes only one argument, the
  function to decorate. Is this right?
 It's close, but not quite right.  (I will use the word function for
 the moment, but see below for why this is inaccurate.)  Every
 *decorator* must take only one argument, the function to decorate. It is
 not at all necessary that a decorator define an inner function.
 Consider (from [1]):
 def onexit(f):
  import atexit
  return f
 onexit is a decorator because it takes a function and returns a
 function.  In this case, it happens to be that the same function is
 accepted and returned.
 Note that in the 'accepts' example above, *check_accepts* is the
 decorator, not accepts.  The accepts function is actually a function
 that *returns* decorators.
 Now about that word function.  Decorators are actually *callables*
 that accept a single *callable* and return a *callable*.  Why does the
 terminology matter?  Because I can construct decorators from classes too
 (from [2]):
 class memoized(object):
 def __init__(self, func):
self.func = func
self.cache = {}
 def __call__(self, *args):
   return self.cache[args]
except KeyError:
   self.cache[args] = value = self.func(*args)
   return value
except TypeError:
   return self.func(*args)
 Now the memoized decorator can be used just like any other decorator, e.g.:
 def fibonacci(n):
 if n in (0, 1):
return n
 return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2)
 Note however that memoized is a *callable*, not a *function*.


Re: What's the use of changing func_name?

2005-05-19 Thread could ildg
Thanks to Robert Kern.
You mean that though we can change the func_name of a function,
but we still can't call it by func_name, and the func_name is only
useful in some other circumstances?
I also think so now after I have tried so many times on this puzzled func_name
On 5/19/05, Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 could ildg wrote:
  Thank you for your help.
  I know the function g is changed after setting the func_name.
  But I still can't call funciton g by using f(), when I try to do
  this, error will occur:
 print g
  function f at 0x00B2CEB0
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in ?
  NameError: name 'f' is not defined
  Since the name of g is changed into f, why can't I call it by using f()?
  Should I call it using f through other ways? Please tell me. Thanks~
 Others have answered this particular question, but you're probably still
 wondering what is the use of changing .func_name if it doesn't also
 change the name by which you call it. The answer is that there are tools
 that use the .func_name attribute for various purposes. For example, a
 documentation generating tool might look at the .func_name attribute to
 make the proper documentation. Actually, that's probably *the* biggest
 use case because I can't think of any more significant ones.
 Robert Kern
 In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
   Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
-- Richard Harter


Re: Is Python suitable for a huge, enterprise size app?

2005-05-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Paul Rubin wrote:

   2) If you want to display a gif image in tkinter, you can make a
  frame object, put a canvas in it, and put a PhotoImage object
  onto the canvas, which works fine.  But if you use your own
  subclass of frame (maybe to add your own gui stuff), for some
  reason the gif doesn't display in the canvas.

did you read the PhotoImage documentation?  see e.g. the note at the
bottom of this page:

(this used to be explained in the Python FAQ too, but it looks as if that
was lost in the great FAQ reorganization).




2005-05-19 Thread Nader Emami

It is very simple question: Why doesn't work the next statments?

import datetime

today =

and I get the next error:

today =
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
AttributeError: time

I can't understand it!

Re: How to learn OO of python?

2005-05-19 Thread Mike Meyer
Harlin Seritt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I think I know what you mean. When I first started trying to learn the
 OOP aspect of Python I thought it was strange since I had started with
 OOP on Java and C++. Nonetheless, once you get the hang of it, OOP will
 make way more sense than all of the complications of Java and C++ class
 implementations. Let me give you a quick example of what I'm talking

Um, there are some problems with your commentary.

 class Animal:
def eats(self):
   print 'The animal eats.'
def walks(self):
   print 'The animal walks.'

 Here the class Dog instantiates the class Animal. 'Dog' will 'do'
 whatever 'Animal' does plus some other things which we will describe in
 this class code.
 class Dog(Animal):
#the self keyword means that this function will be a class
def communicate(self):
   print 'The dog barks.'

First, the correct terminology is class *method*. Yes, it looks like a
function definition, but it's a class method.  Second, self isn't a
keyword. It's just a name. You can name any variable self. The first
argument to all class methods is a reference to the instance of the
class that is invoking the method. It can have any name you want, but
by convention in Python is called self. Consider the following:

py class C:
...  def say(my, message):
...   print message
py self = C()
py self.say(hello)

Finally, *every* def inside a class statement creates a class
method. You don't really need to worry about this, but will see it on
the group. The method can be wrapped, and the defined name rebound to
the wrapper, either via the decorator syntax or directly, using the
classmethod and staticmethod functions.

# __init__ function defines what # #will happen as soon as this
 class is instantiated. Also, the overloaded variable designators (color
 = None, fur = None) allow the instantiator to optionally define these
 variables when called from elsewhere.

def __init__(self, color=None, fur=None):
   # this time self will designate the variable 'color' # as a
 class variable.
   self.color = color
   self.fur = fur

These aren't variable designators, and they aern't overloaded. They
are parementers, and they are given default values. This means they
can be omitted from an invocation of the method, in which case the
default values will be used.

 if __name__ == '__main__':
sparky = Dog(color=White, fur=Short)
print sparky.color
print sparky.fur
print sparky.eats()   # Here sparky will access 'Animal' methods
 that 'Dog' inherited.
print sparky.walks()  # Another method originating from the 'Animal'

 What happens if you don't use 'self' inside your class code? You won't
 be able to access it within the class outside of the method where you
 initialized it. For instance, if you don't designate color with self
 then you can only use the 'color' variable within the __init__()
 method. This is useful whenever you want to use 'color' as a private

I'm not sure where to start here.

self is a variable name. By convention, it's use is reserved for the
first argument of methods, in which case it is passed the instance
that is invoking the method.

By assigning something to self.feature, you are assigning a value to
an attribute - feature of this instance. This means it'll persist
beyond the function existing.

Assuming you have access to another object - let's call it foo - you
can assign values to it's attributes in the same way, by assigning to
foo.feature. Once made, such an assignment will persist until it's
either changed, or the object foo ceases to exist.

If you assign to a bare variable name - i.e., one with no dot - it
will by default be local to that function. This means the variable
will cease to exist when the function exits. Some details you should
keep in mind, but can genarlly ignore: When the variable ceases to
exist, the object it reference will lose a reference, which may or may
not cause that object to cease to exist. You can cause an assignment
to refer to a variable in the enclosing modules global name space with
the global statement. Finally, if you referene a varaible rather
than assigning to it, it's searched for in the enclosing scopes, out
to the module global namespace.

 The same also goes for methods. Hopefully, you see how useful this can
 be down the road. This way you won't have to use variable/method access
 modifiers like Public, Private, Protected and so forth. If this doesn't
 make sense or you want more clarity, please let me know.

Generally, methods are referred to by referring to a feature of an
instance of an object. The first argument to the method is left off
such an invocation, as the instance the method reference is attached
to will be passed as that parameter. This is the way self.method
works - it's a reference to a method of the instance that was used to
invoke the currently executing method. Sometimes, 

Re: datetime

2005-05-19 Thread Mike Meyer
Nader Emami [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 It is very simple question: Why doesn't work the next statments?

 import datetime

 today =

 and I get the next error:

 today =
 Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in ?
 AttributeError: time

 I can't understand it!

It works fine here (Python 2.4.1 on FreeBSD 5-STABLE). Possibly you
have a corrupt file?

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: Is Python suitable for a huge, enterprise size app?

2005-05-19 Thread Paul Rubin
Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 did you read the PhotoImage documentation?  see e.g. the note at the
 bottom of this page:

Thanks!  I hadn't seen that.  It explains what otherwise seemed
completely bizarre.

 (this used to be explained in the Python FAQ too, but it looks as if that
 was lost in the great FAQ reorganization).

I wouldn't have thought of looking there either.  Do you think you
could mention it in your Tkinter doc?  That would be a logical place
for it.

Re: [pysqlite] pysqlite2.dbapi2.OperationalError: cannot commit transaction - SQL statements in progress

2005-05-19 Thread Gerhard Haering
On Wed, May 18, 2005 at 09:41:39PM +0200, F. GEIGER wrote:
 I've troubles to let my app take off using pysqlite.
 What I wonder most for now is that pysqlite2.dbapi2.OperationalError:
 cannot commit transaction - SQL statements in progress when I do this:

Urgh! I would have preferred simplified demo code. But after a little
thinking, I guessed right.


pysqlite 2 currently has problems doing .commit() .rollback() on the
connection object after a cur.execute(select ...) in a few cases.

I know why and I will fix it in 2.0.2 (originally only MacOS X fixes
planned) or if it takes longer to test, in 2.0.3.

Current workarounds:

- don't commit/rollback after SELECT. It doesn't make much sense anyway.
  .commit()/.rollback() after your DML statements instead

- Use fetchall()[0] for fetching single rows instead of fetchone() for
  queries like your SELECT COUNT.

-- Gerhard
Gerhard Häring - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Python, web  database development

Description: Digital signature

Re: datetime

2005-05-19 Thread Mage
Nader Emami wrote:


It is very simple question: Why doesn't work the next statments?

import datetime

today =


Works on python 2.3.5



Re: Markov chain with extras?

2005-05-19 Thread Max M
I want to use it for music. So given list 1 (melody), list 2 (chords)
could be generated by a Markov chain. Also, given the chords the melody
could be generated again by a chain.

I have this small module, that can be used for markov chains.
hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science
from random import random, randint
from bisect import bisect

class Randomizer:

Various stochastic methods
def inverse_scale(self, rng):
Returns a list of probablitites corresponding to 1/i in range
return [1.0 / (i + 1.0) for i in range(rng)]

def n_scale(self, rng, n=2.0):
Returns a list of probablitites corresponding to i/n
n_scale = []
value = 1.0
for i in range(rng):
value /= n
return n_scale

class Selector:

Returns random elements by probability according to their frequency

def __init__(self, frequencies, elements):
self.sum = sum(frequencies)
acumulated_frequencies = []
acumulated_frequency = 0
for frequency in frequencies:
acumulated_frequency += frequency
self.decorated = zip(acumulated_frequencies, elements)

def get(self):
Randomly returns an element by probability
rnd = random() * self.sum
index = bisect(self.decorated, (rnd, 0))
return self.decorated[index][-1]

def get_range(self, n):
Randomly returns a range of elements by probability
return [self.get() for itm in xrange(n)]

class MarkovIn:

Implements a Markov chain for arbitrary objects. The objects has 
same rules as dictionary keys to be valid.

def __init__(self, key_size=1):

key_size: how many steps in the chain

self.key_size = key_size
self.in_history = []
self.chain = {}

def _update_chain(self, obj):
Puts the object into the chain
# shortcuts
ch = self.chain
# update the chain
key = tuple(self.in_history)
stat = ch.setdefault(key, {})
ch[key][obj] = stat.setdefault(obj, 0) + 1

def _update_history(self, obj):
Updates the history
his = self.in_history
if len(his)  self.key_size:

def add_object(self, obj):
Adds an object to the chain

def reset(self):
Resets the history
self.in_history = []

class MarkovOut:

A Markov Chain wrapper.
Generates a random walk from a markov chain.
It is a seperate object for performance reasons.

def __init__(self, markov):

markov: A populated MarkovIn object

self.markov = markov
self.key_size = markov.key_size
self.out_history = []
# Set up a cache of selector objects
selectors = {}
ch = self.markov.chain
for key in ch.keys():
m = ch[key]
selectors[key] = Selector(m.values(), m.keys())
self.selectors = selectors

def _update_history(self, obj):
Updates the history
his = self.out_history
if len(his)  self.key_size:

def step(self):
A 'random' step from the chain, returns an object
his = self.out_history
key = tuple(his)
obj = self.selectors[key].get()
# keep track of history
new_key = tuple(his)
if not self.selectors.has_key(new_key):
# reset history and start over
self.out_history = [] 

def handle_step(self, obj):
Handles a single step

def do_walk(self, steps=1):
returns A 'probable' walk
self.steps = []
for itm in xrange(steps):

def get_walk(self):
Returns the walk
return self.steps

def _reset(self):
Resets the history
self.out_history = []

def restart(self):
A hook for when a walk restarts

if __name__ == '__main__':

f = open('input.txt')

text =
lines = text.split('\n')

mi = MarkovIn(1)
for line in lines:
words = line.split()
for word in words:

class mo(MarkovOut):

def __init__(self, markov_out):
MarkovOut.__init__(self, markov_out)

def restart(self):

m = mo(mi)
print ' '.join(m.get_walk())


Re: datetime

2005-05-19 Thread Sakesun Roykiattisak

Why doesn't work the next statments?

You talk like Yoda..

import datetime

today =

and I get the next error:

today =
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
AttributeError: time

I can't understand it!

Understand it, I cannot too.
Work fine, on my machine, the statements.

Re: help with generators

2005-05-19 Thread George Sakkis
Steven Bethard wrote:

 It would help if you explained what you expected.  But here's code
 prints about the same as your non-generator function.

 py def bin(n):
 ... s = []
 ... def bin(n):
 ... if n == 0:
 ... yield s
 ... else:
 ... s.append(0)
 ... for s1 in bin(n - 1):
 ... yield s1
 ... s.pop()
 ... s.append(1)
 ... for s1 in bin(n - 1):
 ... yield s1
 ... s.pop()
 ... return bin(n)
 py for s in bin(1):
 ... print s
 py for s in bin(2):
 ... print s
 [0, 0]
 [0, 1]
 [1, 0]
 [1, 1]

 Note that to make the recursive calls work, you *must* iterate
 them, thus what was in your code:

  bin(n - 1)

 now looks like:

  for s1 in bin(n - 1):
  yield s1

 This is crucial.  bin(n - 1) creates a generator object.  But unless
 put it in a for-loop (or call it's .next()) method, the generator
 never execute any code.



A caveat of the implementation above: it yields the same instance (s),
which is unsafe if the loop variable is modified (e.g. in the for s in
bin(n) loop, s should not be modified). Moreover, each yielded value
should be 'consumed' and then discarded; attempting to store it (as in
list(bin(n))) references only the last yielded value.

Here's a shorter, clear and safe implementation:

def bin2(n):
if n:
for tail in bin2(n-1):
yield [0] + tail
yield [1] + tail
yield []

It also turns out to be faster than the original despite yielding a new
list every time:
$ python /usr/local/lib/python2.4/ -s from bin import bin
for i in bin(10): pass
100 loops, best of 3: 5.21 msec per loop
$ python /usr/local/lib/python2.4/ -s from bin import bin2
for i in bin2(10): pass
100 loops, best of 3: 2.68 msec per loop

The reason is that the original computes the same permutations (for s1
in bin(n - 1)) twice. Here's a faster version that preallocates the
list and sets the 0s and 1s for each permutation:

def bin3(n):
array = [None]*n
def _bin(n):
if not n:
yield array
n -= 1
for perm in _bin(n):
# replace 'yield perm' with 'yield list(perm)' for safe
# mutation and accumulation of yielded lists
perm[n] = 0; yield perm
perm[n] = 1; yield perm
return _bin(n)

$ python /usr/local/lib/python2.4/ -s from bin import bin3
for i in bin3(10): pass
1000 loops, best of 3: 587 usec per loop



What's the difference between str and 'hello' ?

2005-05-19 Thread hong Yu
I am new to python.  
I was confused:

 a = list('hello')

['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']

I want to combine the items in the list into a string.



Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
TypeError: descriptor 'join' requires a 'str' object but received a 'list'

So why TypeError raised? 
What's the difference between str and 'hello' ?

Thanks a lot.

Re: wxpython and wxtextctrl

2005-05-19 Thread Nicolas Pourcelot
Ok, as I guessed, it was Boa installation which changed the wxpython 
version used.
I removed Boa...
Thanks !

Greg Krohn a écrit :
 Nicolas Pourcelot wrote:
 my script worked well until today : when I tried to launch it, I got 
 the following :

 frame = MyFrame(None,-1,Geometrie,size=wx.Size(600,400))
   File /home/nico/Desktop/wxGeometrie/version 0.73/, 
 line 74, in __init__
 self.commande.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.EvtChar)
 AttributeError: wxTextCtrl instance has no attribute 'Bind'

 (self.commande is a wxTextCtrl instance)
 I don't understand : why did wxTextCtrl lost its Bind attribute ??
 As there's not so much changes on my computer since yesterday, I 
 suppose this is due to Boa package installation on my Ubuntu Hoary ?
 Does Boa installation changes wxpython version ?
 Is wxTextCtrl attribute .Bind() obsolete ??

 control.Bind is relativly new. The wxTextCtrl notation (vs wx.TextCtrl) is
 the old way (but it IS kept around for backwards compatablility). My guess
 is that your code is for for a newer version of wxPython than what you
 actually have.
 Try printing the version from in your code:
 import wxPyhon
 print wxPython.__version__
 self.commande.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.EvtChar)

Re: self-promotion of the decorator module

2005-05-19 Thread Michele Simionato
Notice that the decorator module is at version 0.4 and I still consider
it as experimental. The reason why I posted the link here is to get
feedback and it seems I got it ;)

I will upgrade to version 0.5 shortly, fixing the easily fixable bugs
documenting what cannot be easily fixed.

Thanks for testing border cases I would have never imagined!

   Michele Simionato


Re: Is Python suitable for a huge, enterprise size app?

2005-05-19 Thread Paul Rubin
Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 ...  Do you think you
 could mention it in your Tkinter doc?  That would be a logical place
 for it.

Ehhh, specifically I meant it would be good to mention this in the
PhotoImage example in Chapter 16 of An Introduction to Tkinter (The
Canvas Image Item).  That's the example I followed and was confused as
heck why the image only appeared some of the time (I never saw it
actually appear and then disappear, but that's just luck).

Thanks again, I never would have figured this one out.

Re: datetime

2005-05-19 Thread Nader
I have the next on my machine:
Python 2.3.3 (#1, Apr  6 2004, 01:47:39)
[GCC 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)] on linux2

Maybe this is a problem!



Re: What's the difference between str and 'hello' ?

2005-05-19 Thread Heiko Wundram
Am Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2005 11:27 schrieb hong Yu:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
 TypeError: descriptor 'join' requires a 'str' object but received a 'list'

 What's the difference between str and 'hello' ?

str.join(,a) = .join(a)
(= as in equivalence relation)


--- Heiko.
listening to: Bjork Guðmundsdottir  Trio - Luktar-Gvendur
  see you at:

Description: PGP signature

Re: Is Python suitable for a huge, enterprise size app?

2005-05-19 Thread Magnus Lycka
john67 wrote:
 The company I work for is about to embark on developing a commercial
 application that will cost us tens-of-millions to develop.  When all is
 said and done it will have thousands of  business objects/classes, 
Ok, that sounds like a big app, but does it really have to be like
that, or is that something you imagine because things usually get
that complex using other tools?

In my experience, development costs grow faster than linearly with
class model size. (Of course, this is true regardless of programming

Prototyping things with Python is often an good way to discover simpler
ways of handling a problem, and it's not unheard of that a Python
prototype is good enough to keep as the final implementation.

Thus, apart from the fact that you typically meed much less code to
develop the same functionality in Python than in Java, you might also
discover that you can do things in a smarter way which reduces you
application size even more.

There are plenty of descriptions of successful use of Python at:

Of course, every language has a sweetspot, and particularly if you
have a bunch of experienced Java developers who will think in Java
idioms whatever language they code in, they might end up building
a really stupid system in Python. Perhaps you should also read:

 of which will have hundreds-of-thousands of instances stored in a DB.
That sounds like a moderately sized database.Hundreds of thousands of
new entries per month might be big if you need to keep data for years,
but this doesn't seem to be a limiting factor for you assuming a system
which uses a real database backend.

 Our clients will probably have somewhere between 50-200 users working
 on the app during the day, possibly in mutiple offices, and then a
 large number of batch processes will have to run each night. 

This is not a problem in itself. There are a number of different ways
to partition such a system between clients and different kinds of
servers, but it can certainly be done in Python.

 It will
 also need to have a web interface for certain users.  It needs to be
 robust, easy to maintain, and able to be customized for each client.

This sounds like a good fit. Python is at least excellent for the
customization part. I'll talk about how we do that here at Carmen
Systems at the Europython conference in June. Slides will be available.
Mail me if you want to have a look at a draft.

We basically use Python for customization and use C++ for the core code.
Python and C++ is a very good mix. Java and CPython might not be such
a good fit, but that depends a bit what your intentions with Java is.
(E.g. is JNI ok, or is hardware independence considered very important?)

Java/Jython is a better pair of course, but Jython has few maintainers
and is a few versions behind CPython.

 Right now it looks like Java is the language of choice that the app
 will be developed in. However, I have been looking and reading a lot
 about Python recently and it seems to me that Python could handle it.

To be perfectly honest, I'd be very wary to stick out my neck and be
a Python champion if my trust in Python was based only on reading...
As a manager I'd also find it rather unconvincing...

Let me put it this way: Python has a potential to make your system
better, and to reach your goals in a shorter time. It fits very well
with an agile approach, and in most systems of the kind I imagine you
intend to build, agile development is very helpful in tracking project
progress. You produce *real* programs early, not a lot of paperwork
which a year later turns out to represent a misunderstanding of the
actual problem, or how an effective solution should behave.

I think it would be worthwile to investigate what Python could mean to
you. It might certainly be very useful in the toolbox of the developers.
It might be just a tool to aid in the development, it might be used as
a glue language to connect interacting components written in other
languages (Java, C++, C# etc), it might be an embedded macro language,
a prototyping tool, or the implementation language for at least parts
of the application.

After all, one tool is unlikely to fit all tasks.

Why not hire a well respected Python trainer for a few days, let a few
developers learn Python and explore how it could fit into your system.

 The big attraction to me is the developer productivity.  It seems that
 if Python can handle it, then we could gain a huge savings by using
 Python instead of Java from a productivity standpoint alone.

Quite possible, but the choice of programming language(s) is just one
of many very important decisions that determine the outcome of a
software development project.

 So, given the very general requirements in the first paragraph, do you
 think that Python could handle it?  If anyone has direct experience

Re: What's the difference between str and 'hello' ?

2005-05-19 Thread paulC

hong Yu wrote:
 I am new to python.
 I was confused:

  a = list('hello')

 ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']

 I want to combine the items in the list into a string.



 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
 TypeError: descriptor 'join' requires a 'str' object but received a

 So why TypeError raised?
 What's the difference between str and 'hello' ?

 Thanks a lot.

str is a class, 'hello' is instance of the class; the method join
expects to receive an instance as its first parameter so:-

 str.join( '', a )

Regards, Paul


Re: Is Python suitable for a huge, enterprise size app?

2005-05-19 Thread Ville Vainio
 brian == brian  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

brian to build expertise and confidence, etc.  People are more
brian important than programming language.

Or so you would think before writing sizeable software in C++.

Ville Vainio

Re: self-promotion of the decorator module

2005-05-19 Thread Michele Simionato
Duncan Booth:
 Fortunately you have a list of
 argument names readily available so it shouldn't be too
 hard to generate unique names to use in their place.

It does not look too simple either. Whereas I can easily
build valid Python identifiers which are extremely unlikely
to clash with any identifier I can have in my program, it
seems impossible to get an identifier which cannot be
shadowed later . What about renaming
name- _name_, call - _call_, func- _func_, defarg-_defarg_ and
checking that the argument list
does not contain such reserved names by means of an assert statement?

 Michele Simionato


Re: newbie file/DB processing

2005-05-19 Thread Magnus Lycka
len wrote:
 I am an old time
 cobol programmer from the IBM 360/370 eria and this ingrained idea of
 file processing using file definition (FD's) I believe  is causing me
 problems because I think python requires a different way of looking at
 datafiles and I haven't really gotten my brain around it yet. 

Yup, Python uses the same world view as C, C++, Unix etc.

 I would
 like to create a small sequential file, processing at first to store a
 group id, name, amount, and date which I can add to delete from and
 update. Could someone point me to some code that would show me how this
 is done in python.  Eventually, I intend to expand my little program to
 process this file as a flat comma delimited file, move it to some type
 of indexed file and finally to some RDBMS system.  My little program
 started out at about 9 lines of code and is now at about 100 with 5 or
 six functions which I will eventually change to classes (I need to
 learn OOP to but one step at a time).

I think it's much easier to go directly to SQL without those
diversions. In a way, an SQL database maps better to your idea
of files / records, and it just takes much less code and effort
to use SQL than to twist normal (for me) files into behaving
like main frame dittos.

I'd suggest that you download pysqlite. Then you have a small
embedded SQL database in your python program and don't need to
bother with a server. See

Another obvious solution, since you are saying that it's a
small file, is to always read the whole file into memory, and
to rewrite the whole file when you change things.

For info in CSV handling, see

For other non-SQL solutions, please have a look at


RE: Is Python suitable for a huge, enterprise size app?

2005-05-19 Thread Ellinghaus, Lance
That is why you can distribute only the .pyc files and not the .py
files. This would be like distributing the .class files and not giving
out the .java files.

I had this issue at a company in the late 1980's and why I submitted the
patches to make Python not require the .py files if the .pyc files
Now days, you can go one step further and zip up the .pyc files into a
single zip file and distribute that instead of individual .pyc files.

If you really want to go further, you can also modify the module loading
code and encrypt the .pyc files when they are generated from the .py
files. Your module loading code can then decrypt the .pyc files at load

Lance Ellinghaus
I speak for myself and not for the company I work for.

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Maurice LING
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 8:20 AM
Subject: Re: Is Python suitable for a huge, enterprise size app?

 You can
see Python going down the sewer pipes, right on their faces.  Two, 
security.  This python sounds pretty interesting.  Tell me about the 
security.  How can we prevent people from stealing our source code, 
which we just spent millions developing?  ...  Hmm, trust the 
developers out there not to peek?  Oh, sure, let's use it.
 Just like Java, which is so easy to reverse-engineer...
It makes big difference (legally) to if the codes are there and someone
sees it, to if the codes are locked in some packaged or zipped form and
someone reverse-engineer it. It is legally as different as if you drop
money on the ground and I pick it up, to pick-pocketing you and take the

Nobody seems to be able to understand this simple logic.

Yes, Java class files can be reverse-engineered quite easily but the act
of doing that is criminal, unless performed under specified Council
Directives (in EU) or under any statutory law in specific countries. But
the act of looking at the codes if it is there is not criminal, just
like reading a book in bookstore. If anyone can program in binary today,
no codes will be safe with them anyway...


Re: Is Python suitable for a huge, enterprise size app?

2005-05-19 Thread Roy Smith
George Sakkis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Another issue that hasn't been mentioned so far is staffing. You can
 find java programmers and software engineers a dime dozen, but for
 python it will be harder.

Yes, there are a lot more people out there who put Java on their resume 
than put Python on their resume.  Most of those so-called Java programmers 
write total crap.  Of course, there's a lot of crap written in Python too.  
But since there're a lot more Java programmers out there, it stands to 
reason that there's a lot more crappy Java programmers too.

It's a lot easier to teach a good programmer Python than it is to teach a 
crappy programmer good software engineering skills.

Re: Is Python suitable for a huge, enterprise size app?

2005-05-19 Thread Cameron Laird
vincent wehren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If the application is really huge, you should consider using
a set of programming languages that do the particular job best.
That is, go for a complementary, concurrent approach in your choice
of programming  languages. I wouldn't want to religiously stick to any
one language just for the sake of being religious.
How embarrassing--I've followed up twice in this thread
already, and utterly failed to mention this.  YES!  The
question should never be, What one language is least
imperfect for our requirements?, but rather, What
specific combination of languages best fits our
situation?  I'll refer again to Phaseit's deliveries:
we *always* are working in multiple languages.  If we
had responsibility for the project the Original Poster
described, I suspect we'd involve Python and C++, or
Jython and Java, and of course SQL and XHTML, and ...

At this level, part of my endorsement of Python has to
do with its propensity to play nicely with others.

As others have written, though, it would be rather
... ambitious to commit tens of millions of dollars to
a language with which the organization is almost 
entirely unfamiliar.  'Course, Big Organizations do
that all the time, without realizing it ...

Re: Comparing 2 similar strings?

2005-05-19 Thread Chris Croughton
On Thu, 19 May 2005 06:38:59 +1000, John Machin 

 On Wed, 18 May 2005 15:06:53 -0500, Ed Morton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
William Park wrote:

 How do you compare 2 strings, and determine how much they are close to
 each other?  Eg.
 are similar to each other, except for first/last char.  But, how do I
 quantify that?

However you like is probably the right answer, but one way might be to 
compare their soundex encoding 
( and figure out 
percentage difference based on comparing the numeric part.
 Fantastic suggestion. Here's a tiny piece of real-life test data:
 compare the surnames Mousaferiadis and McPherson.

I remember a word processor, MultiMate, which used Soundex to do
matching for its suggestions for spelling correction.  One of my
cow-orkers typed the word 'agains' -- it was supposed to be 'against'
but 'again' would also have been a sensible suggestion.  MultiMate,
however, suggested neither of those reasonable words, it did suggest
iguanas amd Utahns...

(I wonder what it does with Talliafero and Tolliver, and with
Featherstone-Howe and Fanshaw...)

The answer to the OP, which someone just pointed out to me on
comp.programming, is edit distance or Levenshtein Distance[1].  A
google search on either produces some good descriptions in the first few
links, including which has not only a
description of the algorithm but also source code in Java, C++ and
Visual Basic (no Awk, thought there are links to pages with
implementations in Perl, Python, Delphi and many more)...

[1] I would have spelt it 'Levenstein', and pronounced it 'Levenshtein'
in Schwaebisch (south German) fashion, but apparently the author of the
algorithm was one Vladimir I. Levenshtein and that is how he is credited
on the IEEE site.  There are also a number of Google hits under the
'stein' spelling, though...

Chris C

Re: Python forum

2005-05-19 Thread Peter Hansen
Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
 Robert Kern wrote: says _forums_. I used _fora_, but I'm silly.

 It also says appendixes and indexes are OK.  Yahoos.

Should that be Yaha?

Re: Looking for bored python newbies

2005-05-19 Thread CPUFreak91
Never mind this was a stupid question


[no subject]

2005-05-19 Thread python-list-bounces+archive=mail-archive . com
#! rnews 1636
Newsgroups: comp.lang.python
From: Harry George [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: NaN support etc.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
User-Agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.4
Lines: 38
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Organization: The Boeing Company
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 13:14:32 GMT
Xref: comp.lang.python:378109

Sébastien Boisgérault [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Martin v. Löwis a écrit :
  Andreas Beyer wrote:
   How do I find out if NaN, infinity and alike is supported on the
   python platform?
 But, practically, I have never found a platform where
 the following fpconst-like code did not work:
 import struct
 cast = struct.pack
 big_endian = cast('i',1)[0] != '\x01'
 if big_endian:
nan = cast('d', '\x7F\xF8\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')[0]
nan = cast('d', '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf8\xff')[0]
 Can anybody provide an example of a (not too old or
 exotic) platform where this code does not behave as
 expected ?

I use fpconst too.  I've been concerned that its source home seems to
wander.  Any chance of it being added to the base distro?

6-6M21 BCA CompArch Design Engineering
Phone: (425) 294-4718

[no subject]

2005-05-19 Thread python-list-bounces+archive=mail-archive . com
#! rnews 2056
Newsgroups: comp.lang.python
From: Harry George [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: ElementTree and xsi to xmlns conversion?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
User-Agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.4
Lines: 43
Organization: The Boeing Company
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 13:24:58 GMT
Xref: comp.lang.python:378110

Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 are you sure?  the prefix shouldn't matter; it's the namespace URI that's 
 if you're writing code that depends on the namespace prefix rather than the 
 space URI, you're not using namespaces correctly.  when it comes to 
 elementtree forces you to do things the right way:
 (unfortunately, the XML schema authors didn't understand namespaces so they
 messed things up:
 to work around this, see oren's message about how to control the 
 mapping.  in worst case, you can manually insert xsi:-attributes in the tree, 
 and rely on
 the fact that the default writer only modifies universal names)

First, thanks for ElementTree and cElementTree.  Second, I've read the
docs and see a lot of examples for building trees, but not a lot for
traversing parsed trees.  Questions:

1. Is there a good idiom for namespaces?  I'm currently doing things like:



2. Is there a similar idiom which works for Paths?   I've tried:


but haven't found the right combination, so I do step-at-a-time descent.

6-6M21 BCA CompArch Design Engineering
Phone: (425) 294-4718

Re: Is Python suitable for a huge, enterprise size app?

2005-05-19 Thread Peter Hansen
Maurice LING wrote:
 It makes big difference (legally) to if the codes are there and someone 
 sees it, to if the codes are locked in some packaged or zipped form and 
 someone reverse-engineer it. It is legally as different as if you drop 
 money on the ground and I pick it up, to pick-pocketing you and take the 
 Nobody seems to be able to understand this simple logic.

So you're saying that reverse engineering Java bytecode is illegal, 
while doing the same with Python bytecode is not?  Or something like 
that?  (And you're a lawyer, right?  Because if you're not, and you're 
not citing your sources, why is it we should put any value in these 
comments about what is (legally) true?)


Re: Python forum

2005-05-19 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

Peter Hansen wrote:
 Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
  Robert Kern wrote: says _forums_. I used _fora_, but I'm silly.
  It also says appendixes and indexes are OK.  Yahoos.
 Should that be Yaha?

g  Nope.  I appreciate the sentiment, but Yahoo is neither Latin nor
Greek.  Instead, it was invented by Jonathan Swift for _Gulliver's
Travels_, published in 1726; since it is a made-up English word, it
follows the rules of English.

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

Re: socket programming and port scans

2005-05-19 Thread Peter Hansen
rbt wrote:
 I don't fully understand sockets, I just know enough to be dangerous. 
 The below is not detected by nmap, but is affected by iptables or ipsec. 
 Can anyone explain why that is?
 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
 s.bind((ip_param, port_param))
 while 1:

This, by the way, is wrong.  s.listen(5) just tells the stack that you 
would like to allow a backlog of up to 5 waiting-to-be-connected 
connection attempts while you are accepting another.  The call doesn't 
block and needn't be called repeatedly.  You could just as well do the 
call to listen first, then have an empty while 1: pass loop (but note 
that in either case it is a busy wait, consuming 100% CPU while it runs).

What you are looking for is more like this:

while 1:
 s.accept()  # wait for connection, and ignore it

If you want to simulate a little server to allow multiple connections, 
you would of course need to use the value returned by accept() and 
probably call close() on the client socket right away.


Re: newbie file/DB processing

2005-05-19 Thread len
Thanks for the reply.

I just read your response and will be taking your suggestion immediatly

Len Sumnler


ssl issues with socket timeout

2005-05-19 Thread Tarek Ziadé

anyone knows a way to deal with this problem ?

This bug has been fixed in 2.3 but there is a regression in 2.4


Tarek ZIADE, Nuxeo SARL: Zope Service Provider.
Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Tel: +33 (0)6 30 37 02 63
Nuxeo Collaborative Portal Server:
Gestion de contenu web / portail collaboratif / groupware / open source


Convert from numbers to letters

2005-05-19 Thread rh0dium
Hi All,

While I know there is a zillion ways to do this..  What is the most
efficient ( in terms of lines of code ) do simply do this.

a=1, b=2, c=3 ... z=26

Now if we really want some bonus points..

a=1, b=2, c=3 ... z=26 aa=27 ab=28 etc..



Re: newbie file/DB processing

2005-05-19 Thread len
Thanks for the reply

I think you might be right.  I have been playing around with Linux at
home.  What I may have to do in switch my mindset from IBM/Microsoft to
a more Unix way of thinking.

Also thanks for the code samples.

Len Sumnler


Re: newbie file/DB processing

2005-05-19 Thread len
Thanks for the reply

Everyone seems to be saying the same thing which is jump into some

Len Sumnler


Re: help with generators

2005-05-19 Thread Mayer
Thanks a lot! This clarified [I think] my misunderstanding about yield,
and I also learned something about efficiency from George's code --

So, The function tel(aString) takes a string (or a number) that denote
a phone number, using digits or letters, and returns a generator for
the set of all possible words that are made up of that phone number.
It's not a terribly useful program, but it's short and it's a lot of


import string

def addKeyString(keyString):
for ch in keyString:
keypad[ch] = keyString

keypad = {}

def tel(phone):
phoneString = str(phone)
length = len(phoneString)
buffer = [Null] * length
def run(n):
if n == length:
yield string.join(buffer, '')
for word in run(n + 1):
for letter in keypad[phoneString[n]]:
buffer[n] = letter
yield buffer
return run(0, '')


Re: help with generators

2005-05-19 Thread Steven Bethard
George Sakkis wrote:
 Steven Bethard wrote:

py def bin(n):
... s = []
... def bin(n):
... if n == 0:
... yield s
... else:
... s.append(0)
... for s1 in bin(n - 1):
... yield s1
... s.pop()
... s.append(1)
... for s1 in bin(n - 1):
... yield s1
... s.pop()
... return bin(n)
 A caveat of the implementation above: it yields the same instance (s),
 which is unsafe if the loop variable is modified (e.g. in the for s in
 bin(n) loop, s should not be modified). Moreover, each yielded value
 should be 'consumed' and then discarded; attempting to store it (as in
 list(bin(n))) references only the last yielded value.

Yup.  However, this was the most direct translation of the OP's original 
function (which also only had a single list).  Since the question was 
about how generators worked, I figured the most direct translation would 
probably be the most useful response.

 Here's a shorter, clear and safe implementation:
 def bin2(n):
 if n:
 for tail in bin2(n-1):
 yield [0] + tail
 yield [1] + tail
 yield []

This is definitely the way I would have written it.


Re: Convert from numbers to letters

2005-05-19 Thread Dan Sommers
On 19 May 2005 06:56:45 -0700,
rh0dium [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All,
 While I know there is a zillion ways to do this..  What is the most
 efficient ( in terms of lines of code ) do simply do this.

 a=1, b=2, c=3 ... z=26

(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z) = range( 1, 27 )

 Now if we really want some bonus points..

 a=1, b=2, c=3 ... z=26 aa=27 ab=28 etc..

It's still one line, following the pattern from above, just longer.

Now why do you want to do this?


Dan Sommers

Re: SSL (HTTPS) with 2.4

2005-05-19 Thread Andrew Bushnell
I am interested in any further progress with this, you may have made? I 
am facing a similar issue. In short, I need to connect to a https site 
(in this case a WSDL) that I need to access through an Http proxy. I 
have tried various things to no avail. I did find a couple recipes on 
the ASPN python cookbook that talk about tunneling via a CONNECT 
request is what I believe I need to do. The recipes are:

this particular example establishes the proxy connection and then issues 
the connect request to establish the connection to the https site, then 
tries to establish an SSL Socket connection to the proxy then talk 
through it to get the data from the https via the proxy, I get the same 
EOF error when I run this sample with our proxy..

The other recipe I looked at was:

This is a tunneling mechanism. When I try this, I basically get 
nowhere in other words, the get request never gets picked up by the 
various socket/servers setup to do the tunneling and it just loops 
around seemingly forever..

I am running on Windows XP if that matters.

Of course, Mozilla and I.E. work fine accessing the https site in 
question via our proxy. In short, I simply need to connect to a http 
proxy and through it get at a url which is an https. I do not need any 
user name or password etc. to get to the site. The standard Python 
libraries fail as the GET request through the proxy is dismissed as a 
bad request.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

- Andrew Bushnell

Bloke wrote:

 Thanks Martin.
 The problem seems to lie with our company proxy (which requires
 authentication).  I have tried retrieving the page on another network
 with a transparent proxy, and it all works fine.  Unfortnately, any
 https page I try to retrieve on the company network fails in this way
 with after a long period of inactivity.  However, I can retrieve the
 page using a standard browser through the same company network.  I
 think there must be something weird going on with our proxy server.


Andrew Bushnell
Lead Development Engineer
Fluent Inc.
10 Cavendish Court
Centerra Resource Park
Lebanon, NH  03766
Phone: 603-643-2600, ext. 757
Fax: 603-643-1721


Re: Convert from numbers to letters

2005-05-19 Thread Bill Mill
On 19 May 2005 06:56:45 -0700, rh0dium [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,
 While I know there is a zillion ways to do this..  What is the most
 efficient ( in terms of lines of code ) do simply do this.
 a=1, b=2, c=3 ... z=26
 Now if we really want some bonus points..
 a=1, b=2, c=3 ... z=26 aa=27 ab=28 etc..

just for fun, here is one way to do it with a listcomp. Obfuscated
python fans, rejoice!

 alpha = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
 for i, digraph in enumerate(sorted([''.join((x, y)) for x in alpha \
for y in [''] + [z for z in alpha]], key=len)):
... locals()[digraph] = i + i
 26**2 + 26



Re: Is Python suitable for a huge, enterprise size app?

2005-05-19 Thread Dave Brueck
Paul Rubin wrote:
 Kay Schluehr [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
To answer Your initial question: there is probably no technical reason
against Python as a language or the CPython runtime. Both are very
stable and mature.
 I'd like to agree with this but I just can't.  Python is a great
 language for prototyping and trying stuff out.  It's fast and pleasant
 to write.  But you're right when you say that constant testing and
 integration is absolutely necessary to develop anything substantial in
 I'm in the middle of prototyping something in Python and it's going
 pretty well despite occasional snags like those mentioned above.  But
 at the end of the day I don't think what we get will be solid enough
 for use in production.  We're planning to use the Python prototype to
 get the feature set and protocols figured out, then reimplement in Java.  
 The OP might consider that approach.

You bring up some good points and I imagine the bugs you've encountered are 
pretty frustrating, but I'm surprised at how different our experience has been. 
I know my comments about Python probably come across a total fan boy - but 
us Python has been extremely positive.

We currently use Python, in production, in the following ways:

- custom HTTP web servers
- custom HTTP proxies
- behind-the-scenes log processors and other operational tools
- several Zope-based applications, both internally and externally facing
- both the client and server sides of a distributed work cluster
- the client side of a media encoding farm (server is a Zope app)
- a downloadable Windows client that our customer's customers use, that 
a Windows COM server (an ActiveX control we implemented using ctypes).

Most of these have been in production for a year or more, with the oldest being 
about 4 years (not a long time, but certainly long enough to be considered 
stable). The toughest pieces initially were the Zope apps and the Windows COM 
stuff - Zope because of documentation and COM because, well, it's COM.

During that time, the biggest problem we had with Python and its standard 
libraries was one issue with socket.recv and memory allocation when doing lots 
of receives. That lost us a few days of hunting for a memory leak, but we were 
able to resolve it by looking at the C source. Another problem was the need to 
call unlink (or something like that) on XML minidom elements in some 
circumstances. Apart from that, we haven't encountered much of anything in 
of bugs in the language or the standard library in *years*. In fact, I don't 
recall encountering a bug in the language itself.

We've generally trailed the standard Python releases by about a year (although 
this week I moved the encoding farm to Python 2.4.1, which is half a year 
early). We don't use Tkinter. We don't use much outside the standard library: 
make heavy use of ctypes, psycopg (Postgres), and lately CherryPy, but that's 
about it. So for us, the number of bugs in Python + stdlib has been really low.

One thing from your experience that did resonate with me is that, except for 
ftplib and occasionally urllib (for basic, one-shot GETs), we don't use any of 
the standard library's protocol modules - partly because we had to implement 
our own HTTP libraries for performance and scalability reasons anyway, and 
partly because we had trouble figuring out e.g. all the ins and outs of 

Overall it's been such a positive experience for us that nobody in the company 
from grunt testers up to the CTO - has any reservations about using Python in 
production anymore (even though initially they all did). All of the developers 
have previous experience with using Java in production systems, and none 
seriously consider it for new projects at all.


Re: newbie file/DB processing

2005-05-19 Thread Paul Watson
len [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 I am an old time
 cobol programmer from the IBM 360/370 eria and this ingrained idea of
 file processing using file definition (FD's) I believe  is causing me
 problems because I think python requires a different way of looking at
 datafiles and I haven't really gotten my brain around it yet.

Welcome, Len.

 I would
 like to create a small sequential file, processing at first to store a
 group id, name, amount, and date which I can add to delete from and

In addition to the suggestions already given, you might take a look at the 
struct module.  This will let you use fixed-width binary records.

The concept of streams found in UNIX takes some getting used to.  Many files 
are maintained as text using delimited, variable length fields with a 
newline at the end.  Try 'cat /etc/passwd' on a UNIX/Linux host to see such 
a file using a colon ':' as the delimiter.

I turn to the 'od' command when I want the truth.  Use it to see what bytes 
are -really- in the file.  The following should work on Linux or under 
Cygwin if you are still using Windows.

od -Ax -tcx1 thefile.dat

You can use od to look at data in the stream.  The output of the print 
command is going into the od command.

$ print now|od -Ax -tcx1
00 6e 6f 77 0a
 n   o   w  \n
   6e 6f 77 0a


Re: Comparing 2 similar strings?

2005-05-19 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 19 May 2005 07:07:56 +1000, John Machin wrote:

 On Wed, 18 May 2005 13:45:30 -0700, Don [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The above is broken, not meeting one of the elementary conditions for
 a distance metric:
 distance(a, b) == distance(b, a)

I agree that this makes the edit distance broken in the context of text
strings, but you should be aware that distance is only commutative if
there are no constraints on travel. If you've ever driven around cities
like Sydney that use lots of one-way streets, you will know that the
distance from point A to point B is not necessarily the same as the
distance from B back to A.



Twisted an several CPUs

2005-05-19 Thread Thomas Guettler

Out of sheer curiosity:

Does Twisted scale if the server has several CPUs?

As far as I know twisted uses one interpreter. This
means a prefork server modul might be better to
server database driven web-apps.

Has anyone experience high load and twisted?


Thomas Güttler,


Re: Comparing 2 similar strings?

2005-05-19 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 19 May 2005 14:09:32 +1000, John Machin wrote:

 None of the other approaches make the mistake of preserving the first
 letter -- this alone is almost enough reason for jettisoning soundex.

Off-topic now, but you've made me curious.

Why is this a bad idea?

How would you handle the case of barow and marow? (Barrow and
marrow, naturally.) Without the first letter, they sound identical. Why is
throwing that information away a good thing?




Re: self-promotion of the decorator module

2005-05-19 Thread Duncan Booth
Michele Simionato wrote:

 Duncan Booth:
 Fortunately you have a list of
 argument names readily available so it shouldn't be too
 hard to generate unique names to use in their place.
 It does not look too simple either. Whereas I can easily
 build valid Python identifiers which are extremely unlikely
 to clash with any identifier I can have in my program, it
 seems impossible to get an identifier which cannot be
 shadowed later . What about renaming
 name- _name_, call - _call_, func- _func_, defarg-_defarg_ and
 checking that the argument list
 does not contain such reserved names by means of an assert statement?

I'm not sure I see the problem. You only have to pick names which are not 
the name of the current function not any of its arguments. These names get 
substituted into the string used to define the function which is exec'ed in 
its own private namespace. So long as they are unique within that namespace 
there shouldn't be a problem.

Re: self-promotion of the decorator module

2005-05-19 Thread Michele Simionato
Yep, I was wondering about irrelevant things, there is no problem in
this case,

 Michele Simionato


Re: newbie running IDLE with command line arguments

2005-05-19 Thread zsolt-public4516
Hmm, I submitted an earlier message, but something seems to have gone

Try this:

import sys

usingIdle = 0

for eachPath in sys.path:
if eachPath.find(idlelib):
usingIdle = 1

if usingIdle:
  msg=Hello world
  host, port, message = sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2]), sys.argv[3]
import sys, socket 
size = 1024 
print host


Re: Python forum

2005-05-19 Thread Steve Holden
Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
 Hi All--
 Peter Hansen wrote:
Ivan Van Laningham wrote:

Robert Kern wrote: says _forums_. I used _fora_, but I'm silly.

It also says appendixes and indexes are OK.  Yahoos.

Should that be Yaha?

 g  Nope.  I appreciate the sentiment, but Yahoo is neither Latin nor
 Greek.  Instead, it was invented by Jonathan Swift for _Gulliver's
 Travels_, published in 1726; since it is a made-up English word, it
 follows the rules of English.
Yeeha, possibly?

Steve Holden+1 703 861 4237  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
Python Web Programming


Re: Tkinter special math chars

2005-05-19 Thread Jeff Epler
I wrote the following code:
import Tkinter
t = Tkinter.Label()
text=uAs the function approaches \N{INFINITY}, \N{HORIZONTAL 
It worked for me on Windows NT 4.0 with Python 2.4, and on RedHat 9 with
a self-compiled Python 2.3, showing an infinity symbol and an ellipsis.

u'\N{...}' stands for the Unicode character named '...'.
(and other sites) have lists of Unicode character names. 

Tk tries very hard to find the requested character in some font
available on the system, but when it fails it just displays a unicode
escape sequence like \u220e (instead of the END OF PROOF symbol, in
this case), and there's really no way for Python to find out and fall
back in some graceful way.

Relying on this behavior, here's a somewhat-falliable way to detect the
presence of a symbol in the font used in a given widget:
def symbol_exists(s, w, f = None):
if f is None:
f = w.cget(font)
width_symbol =, measure, f, s)
width_bench =, measure, f, 000)
return width_symbol  width_bench
This finds the width in pixels of the given symbol (s) and the string 000, in
the font f.  If the width of the symbol is smaller, then it's probably 
If it's wider, then it's probably rendered as an escape sequence like \u220e.
This is falliable because there's no guarantee that the symbol would not be as
wide as 000, but also it's possible for some escape code (say \u) to be
narrower than 000.  Neither of these seem very likely in practice.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Convert from numbers to letters

2005-05-19 Thread Steven Bethard
Bill Mill wrote:
py alpha = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
py for i, digraph in enumerate(sorted([''.join((x, y)) for x in alpha
 ...for y in [''] + [z for z in alpha]], key=len)):
 ... locals()[digraph] = i + i

It would probably be better to get in the habit of writing
 globals()[x] = y
instead of
 locals()[x] = y
You almost never want to do the latter[1].  The only reason it works in 
this case is because, at the module level, locals() is globals().

You probably already knew this, but I note it here to help any newbies 
avoid future confusion.


[1] For 99% of use cases.  Modifying locals() might be useful if you're 
just going to pass it to another function as a dict.  But I think I've 
seen *maybe* 1 use case for this.

Re: SSL (HTTPS) with 2.4

2005-05-19 Thread Bloke

It seems I'm not the only one going nuts here.  I have just spent the
last 4 hrs stepping through the code in the debugger.  It seems to get
stuck somewhere in the socket module (when it calls ssl) but haven't as
yet figured out exactly where.

I am _very_ interested to find that you have the same prob with a
non-authenticating proxy.  I had considered I was doing something wrong
with the authentication, but from what you say, and from what I have
deduced from the code, it is not the authentication that is at fault.

Like you, a standard browser works fine, so I'm inclined to think there
is something buggy with the way the sockets module talks to the proxy.
There has been some suggestion that it may me a 'Microsoftish' proxy
which is at fault, but I believe it is a Squid proxy our company uses.

There is an interesting note here (  setcion 11.34 )
regarding malformed https requests sent through Squid with buggy
clients.  It may be worth looking into.

Anyway, if you have any luck, _please_ let me know - I'm getting


Re: SSL (HTTPS) with 2.4

2005-05-19 Thread Andrew Bushnell
Thanks for the update. I will/can keep you posted. I know for a fact we 
use a Squid proxy which sounds like what you are using. I am going to 
check out the faq you sent and see what it comes up with. I have also 
been perusing the net a bit and looking at other client packages and see 
if they work, such as cURL etc.



Bloke wrote:
 It seems I'm not the only one going nuts here.  I have just spent the
 last 4 hrs stepping through the code in the debugger.  It seems to get
 stuck somewhere in the socket module (when it calls ssl) but haven't as
 yet figured out exactly where.
 I am _very_ interested to find that you have the same prob with a
 non-authenticating proxy.  I had considered I was doing something wrong
 with the authentication, but from what you say, and from what I have
 deduced from the code, it is not the authentication that is at fault.
 Like you, a standard browser works fine, so I'm inclined to think there
 is something buggy with the way the sockets module talks to the proxy.
 There has been some suggestion that it may me a 'Microsoftish' proxy
 which is at fault, but I believe it is a Squid proxy our company uses.
 There is an interesting note here (  setcion 11.34 )
 regarding malformed https requests sent through Squid with buggy
 clients.  It may be worth looking into.
 Anyway, if you have any luck, _please_ let me know - I'm getting


Andrew Bushnell
Lead Development Engineer
Fluent Inc.
10 Cavendish Court
Centerra Resource Park
Lebanon, NH  03766
Phone: 603-643-2600, ext. 757
Fax: 603-643-1721


Self-modifying Code

2005-05-19 Thread qwweeeit
Hi all,

when I was young I programmed in an interpreted language that allowed
to modify itself.
Also Python can (writing and running a module, in-line):

fNew =open(,'w')
lNew=['print 123\n','print 454\n','print 789\n']
from newModule import *

Running this small example it correctly displays:

Did you know? Certainly someone has already discovered and applied
that, because the applications are several (think only to the
possibility of reducing code length by eliminating the coding of false
alternatives, or the possibility to convert a list of instructions
taken somewhere in a running code...)



Re: SSL (HTTPS) with 2.4

2005-05-19 Thread andreas

HTTPS over a proxy (CONNECT) hasn't worked for a long time in python
(actually it has never worked).

A quick glance at the 2.4 Changelog doesn't suggest that this has been

So basically you've got the following options:
a) redo your own http/https support.
b) look around on the net for some patches to httplib (google is your friend)
   be aware that these are quite old patches.
c) using some external solution, like pycURL.


On Thu, May 19, 2005 at 12:53:11PM -0400, Andrew Bushnell wrote:
 Thanks for the update. I will/can keep you posted. I know for a fact we 
 use a Squid proxy which sounds like what you are using. I am going to 
 check out the faq you sent and see what it comes up with. I have also 
 been perusing the net a bit and looking at other client packages and see 
 if they work, such as cURL etc.
 Bloke wrote:
  It seems I'm not the only one going nuts here.  I have just spent the
  last 4 hrs stepping through the code in the debugger.  It seems to get
  stuck somewhere in the socket module (when it calls ssl) but haven't as
  yet figured out exactly where.
  I am _very_ interested to find that you have the same prob with a
  non-authenticating proxy.  I had considered I was doing something wrong
  with the authentication, but from what you say, and from what I have
  deduced from the code, it is not the authentication that is at fault.
  Like you, a standard browser works fine, so I'm inclined to think there
  is something buggy with the way the sockets module talks to the proxy.
  There has been some suggestion that it may me a 'Microsoftish' proxy
  which is at fault, but I believe it is a Squid proxy our company uses.
  There is an interesting note here (  setcion 11.34 )
  regarding malformed https requests sent through Squid with buggy
  clients.  It may be worth looking into.
  Anyway, if you have any luck, _please_ let me know - I'm getting
 Andrew Bushnell
 Lead Development Engineer
 Fluent Inc.
 10 Cavendish Court
 Centerra Resource Park
 Lebanon, NH  03766
 Phone: 603-643-2600, ext. 757
 Fax: 603-643-1721

Re: Tkinter special math chars

2005-05-19 Thread phil
So far, on RedHat Linux:
I have used your method successfully in a Label
and in Canvas Text.  very slow.??
In A Text box I just get \N{INFINITY}.

But thanks, I will investigate Text Box more.

Jeff Epler wrote:

 I wrote the following code:
 import Tkinter
 t = Tkinter.Label()
 text=uAs the function approaches \N{INFINITY}, \N{HORIZONTAL 
 It worked for me on Windows NT 4.0 with Python 2.4, and on RedHat 9 with
 a self-compiled Python 2.3, showing an infinity symbol and an ellipsis.
 u'\N{...}' stands for the Unicode character named '...'.
 (and other sites) have lists of Unicode character names. 
 Tk tries very hard to find the requested character in some font
 available on the system, but when it fails it just displays a unicode
 escape sequence like \u220e (instead of the END OF PROOF symbol, in
 this case), and there's really no way for Python to find out and fall
 back in some graceful way.
 Relying on this behavior, here's a somewhat-falliable way to detect the
 presence of a symbol in the font used in a given widget:
 def symbol_exists(s, w, f = None):
 if f is None:
 f = w.cget(font)
 width_symbol =, measure, f, s)
 width_bench =, measure, f, 000)
 return width_symbol  width_bench
 This finds the width in pixels of the given symbol (s) and the string 000, 
 the font f.  If the width of the symbol is smaller, then it's probably 
 If it's wider, then it's probably rendered as an escape sequence like 
 This is falliable because there's no guarantee that the symbol would not be as
 wide as 000, but also it's possible for some escape code (say \u) to be
 narrower than 000.  Neither of these seem very likely in practice.


Re: SSL (HTTPS) with 2.4

2005-05-19 Thread Andrew Bushnell
Thanks for the feedback. andreas. I am looking into how to work my own 
connection logic into the code. Google has quickly become my friend and 
I am actually poking at cURL (pyCurl) to see what benefit it will be.

Thanks again.


 HTTPS over a proxy (CONNECT) hasn't worked for a long time in python
 (actually it has never worked).
 A quick glance at the 2.4 Changelog doesn't suggest that this has been
 So basically you've got the following options:
 a) redo your own http/https support.
 b) look around on the net for some patches to httplib (google is your friend)
be aware that these are quite old patches.
 c) using some external solution, like pycURL.
 On Thu, May 19, 2005 at 12:53:11PM -0400, Andrew Bushnell wrote:
Thanks for the update. I will/can keep you posted. I know for a fact we 
use a Squid proxy which sounds like what you are using. I am going to 
check out the faq you sent and see what it comes up with. I have also 
been perusing the net a bit and looking at other client packages and see 
if they work, such as cURL etc.



Bloke wrote:


It seems I'm not the only one going nuts here.  I have just spent the
last 4 hrs stepping through the code in the debugger.  It seems to get
stuck somewhere in the socket module (when it calls ssl) but haven't as
yet figured out exactly where.

I am _very_ interested to find that you have the same prob with a
non-authenticating proxy.  I had considered I was doing something wrong
with the authentication, but from what you say, and from what I have
deduced from the code, it is not the authentication that is at fault.

Like you, a standard browser works fine, so I'm inclined to think there
is something buggy with the way the sockets module talks to the proxy.
There has been some suggestion that it may me a 'Microsoftish' proxy
which is at fault, but I believe it is a Squid proxy our company uses.

There is an interesting note here (  setcion 11.34 )
regarding malformed https requests sent through Squid with buggy
clients.  It may be worth looking into.

Anyway, if you have any luck, _please_ let me know - I'm getting


Andrew Bushnell
Lead Development Engineer
Fluent Inc.
10 Cavendish Court
Centerra Resource Park
Lebanon, NH  03766
Phone: 603-643-2600, ext. 757
Fax: 603-643-1721



Andrew Bushnell
Lead Development Engineer
Fluent Inc.
10 Cavendish Court
Centerra Resource Park
Lebanon, NH  03766
Phone: 603-643-2600, ext. 757
Fax: 603-643-1721


Re: What's the use of changing func_name?

2005-05-19 Thread Michael Hudson
Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 could ildg wrote:
  Thank you for your help.
  I know the function g is changed after setting the func_name.
  But I still can't call funciton g by using f(), when I try to do
  this, error will occur:
 print g
  function f at 0x00B2CEB0
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in ?
  NameError: name 'f' is not defined
  Since the name of g is changed into f, why can't I call it by using f()?
  Should I call it using f through other ways? Please tell me. Thanks~
 Others have answered this particular question, but you're probably
 still wondering what is the use of changing .func_name if it doesn't
 also change the name by which you call it. The answer is that there
 are tools that use the .func_name attribute for various purposes. For
 example, a documentation generating tool might look at the .func_name
 attribute to make the proper documentation. Actually, that's probably
 *the* biggest use case because I can't think of any more significant

Error messages!


  There are two kinds of large software systems: those that evolved
  from small systems and those that don't work.
   -- Seen on, then quoted by amk

Re: ElementTree and xsi to xmlns conversion?

2005-05-19 Thread Matthew Thorley
Thanks for the reply I am understanding it better now. Please forgive my
ignorance. So the xsi is just an arbitrary name space prefix, I get that
now. And it make sense to me why it gets converted to an xmlns.

What I really need to know is why it is not inherited by the child
elements? From what I an told, I need the second namespace, so that I
can point to the schema, so that I can validate the document.

Is that the wrong way to link to the schema? Can I force both namespaces
to be inherited by the child elements?

Thanks for all the help

Re: Twisted an several CPUs

2005-05-19 Thread Jp Calderone
On Thu, 19 May 2005 17:22:31 +0200, Thomas Guettler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Out of sheer curiosity:

Does Twisted scale if the server has several CPUs?

  No more than any other single-process Python application (no less, either).  
Unless you run multiple processes...

As far as I know twisted uses one interpreter. This
means a prefork server modul might be better to
server database driven web-apps.

  Why does it mean that?  Your database is already running in a separate 
process, right?  So there's SMP exploitation right there, regardless of whether 
your Python process is running with Twisted or anything else.

Has anyone experience high load and twisted?

  Distributing load across multiple machines scales better than distributing it 
over multiple CPUs in a single machine.  If you have serious scalability 
requirements, SMP is a minor step in the wrong direction (unless you're talking 
about something like 128-way SMP on a supercomputer :)

  Plus, any solution that works across multiple machines is likely to be 
trivially adaptable to work across multiple CPUs on a single machine, so when 
your desktop has a 128-way cell processor in it, you'll still be able to take 
advantage of it :)


Re: Is Python suitable for a huge, enterprise size app?

2005-05-19 Thread Aahz
Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

(this used to be explained in the Python FAQ too, but it looks as if that
was lost in the great FAQ reorganization).

Send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- actually, you can have commit
privs if you want.

The only problem with Microsoft is they just have no taste. --Steve Jobs

Re: SSL (HTTPS) with 2.4

2005-05-19 Thread pyguy2
If you need some help, send me an email and if we figure this out we
can post a resolution.  I have used both approaches (having authored
them). Or at least let me know what site you are going to and I will
try them on  a windows box and see if I can debug that the [EMAIL PROTECTED]@ is
going on.



Re: Tkinter special math chars

2005-05-19 Thread phil

 text=uAs the function approaches \N{INFINITY}, \N{HORIZONTAL 

Never mind, works in a Text widget, my bad.

Why is it so slow? (RH Linux, 2.4.20, 1.6Ghz AMD)
3/4 second slower to display widget w/unicode,
even if I encode u'\u221e'

Works though, this is great.


Re: Convert from numbers to letters

2005-05-19 Thread qwweeeit
Hi rh0dium,
Your  request gives me the opportunity of  showing a more realistic
example of the technique of self-modification coding.
Although the coding is not as short as that suggested by the guys who
replayed to you, I think that it can be interesting

for n in range(1,27):
.   lCod.append(chr(n+96)+'='+str(n)+'\n')
# other for-loops if you want define additional variables in sequence
(ex. aa,bb,cc etc...)
# write the variable definitions in the file
from varDef import *
# ...
If you open the generated file ( you can see all the variable
definitions, which are runned by from varDef import *


Re: Byte-operations.

2005-05-19 Thread GMane Python
For anyone who cares out there, I tried a slice with hex values:

IDLE 1.0.3
 print a[3:4]
 print a[0xa:0xc]
['11', '12']
 print a[0xa:0xa+5]
['11', '12', '13', '14', '15']


Jeff Epler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

In Python, chr gives a 1-byte string from a small integer, ord does
the reverse.  Strings are concatenated with + and substrings are taken
with the slice operator, s[pos1:pos2].

I'm not a visual basic expert, but it looks like these are the
operations the code below performs.




Re: Markov chain with extras?

2005-05-19 Thread temp
Hi Gentlemen,

First off, thanks for the work/time you've put into this - much
Let me play around with the code and I'll get back to you tomorrow.



Re: Tkinter special math chars

2005-05-19 Thread Jeff Epler
On Thu, May 19, 2005 at 12:56:12PM -0500, phil wrote:
 Why is it so slow? (RH Linux, 2.4.20, 1.6Ghz AMD)
 3/4 second slower to display widget w/unicode,
 even if I encode u'\u221e'

u'\u221e' vs u'\N{INFINITY}' should make no noticible run-time
difference--they both specify exactly the same string, and the decoding
takes place at the time the script or module is byte-compiled.

What Tk does at runtime is inspect a large number of fonts until it
finds one with the desired character---or all the fonts, if the
character doesn't exist.  Querying all the fonts on your
system can take quite a bit of time.  I believe that Tk caches this
information until program exit, or at least as long as the font is in
use, and characters that are nearby in their unicode values will be
resolved at the same time.

I'm not aware of a good explanation of the low-level font handling in
Tk; The information in the above paragraph was gleaned by reading the
source code (tkUnixFont.c and tkWinFont.c).


Description: PGP signature

Re: Convert from numbers to letters

2005-05-19 Thread rh0dium
Call me crazy..  But it doesn't work..

for i, digraph in enumerate(sorted([''.join((x, y)) for x in alpha for
y in [''] + [z for z in alpha]], key=len)):

How do you implement this sucker??



Re: Convert from numbers to letters

2005-05-19 Thread rh0dium
This is great but backwards...

Ok because you all want to know why..  I need to convert Excel columns
A2 into , [1,0] and I need a simple way to do that..

( The way this works is A-0 and 2-1 -- Yes they interchange --  So
B14 == [13,1] )

So my logic was simple convert the A to a number and then do the swap.
I didn't really care about the function so to speak it was a minor step
in the bigger picture..

By the way if you haven't played with pyXLWriter is it really good :)

So can anyone simply provide a nice function to do this?  My logic was
along the same lines as Dans was earlier - but that just seems too
messy (and ugly)



Re: Convert from numbers to letters

2005-05-19 Thread Bill Mill
On 19 May 2005 11:52:30 -0700, rh0dium [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Call me crazy..  But it doesn't work..

What doesn't work? What did python output when you tried to do it? It
is python 2.4 specific, it requires some changes for 2.3, and more for
earlier versions of python.

 for i, digraph in enumerate(sorted([''.join((x, y)) for x in alpha for
 y in [''] + [z for z in alpha]], key=len)):
 How do you implement this sucker??

Works just fine for me. Let me know what error you're getting and I'll
help you figure it out.

Bill Mill
bill.mill at

Re: How to receive events (eg. user mouse clicks) from IE

2005-05-19 Thread cal_2pac
Thanks for the response and for the code.
However, I want to trap events like mouse click on the HTML document
loaded by the web browser control. The code mentioned below provides
events from the web browser control. I need to find out on which
particular HTML tag did the user click for example.
How do I find that out? There should be some way to refer to a document
from a given web browser control and start receiving events from it

Roger Upole wrote:
 The two you'll need to run makepy for are Microsoft Internet Controls
 Microsoft HTML object Library.  If you run them manually, you should
 able to look at the generated code to get the guids.
 Here's a minimal example:

 import win32com.client


 1, 1)
 class IE_Events(ie_mod.DWebBrowserEvents2):
 def OnNavigateComplete2(self, pDisp, URL):
 print 'OnNavigateComplete2:', URL



 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I am trying to trap events from internet explorer eg. when user
  on an html link - I need to get notified for that event.
  After looking through the newgroups / internet and reading through
  various sections in programming python on win32 - I understand that
  this can be done using DispatchWithEvents.
  I have also referred to discussions on comp.lang.python
  So far - none of the newgroups postings report that IE events were
  trapped successfully (at least I could not find any). However,
there is
  enough evidence that it can be done.
  My problems at the moment:
  a) The examples use early binding. However, I cannot get Python
  to generate the code to force makepy process at run time - since
  makepy utility that I invoke from python win 32 does not have any
  for internet explorer.
  I tried to find the CLSID for IE
  but I get an exception
  b) Also one of the examples suggest that following code should work
  mod = EnsureModule(...)
  class MyEvents(mod.IDocumentEvents):
 # your methods here
  handler = MyEvents(ie.document)
  # handler should start recieving events.
  however, what CLSID is to be used in EnsureModule... . I tried with
  few but I always get the error 'NoneType' object has no attribute
  An example that 'works' will be very useful

 == Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet
News== The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
120,000+ Newsgroups
 = East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption


Re: Convert from numbers to letters

2005-05-19 Thread Bill Mill
On 19 May 2005 11:59:00 -0700, rh0dium [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is great but backwards...
 Ok because you all want to know why..  I need to convert Excel columns
 A2 into , [1,0] and I need a simple way to do that..
 ( The way this works is A-0 and 2-1 -- Yes they interchange --  So
 B14 == [13,1] )

why didn't you say this in the first place?

def coord2tuple(coord):
row, col = '', ''
alpha = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.upper()
pairs = [''.join((x,y)) for x in alpha for y in [''] + [z for z in alpha]]
pairs = sorted(pairs, key=len)
coord = coord.upper()
for c in coord:
if c in alpha:
row += c
col += c
return (int(col)-1, pairs.index(row))

(13, 1)
(13, 701)
(174, 701)
(1, 0)

Are there cols greater than ZZ? I seem to remember that there are not,
but I could be wrong.

Hope this helps.

Bill Mill

Re: Self-modifying Code

2005-05-19 Thread Dennis Benzinger
 Also Python can (writing and running a module, in-line):
 fNew =open(,'w')
 lNew=['print 123\n','print 454\n','print 789\n']
 from newModule import *

You don't even need a file for this.
Try: exec(print 123; print 456; print 789)


Re: How to receive events (eg. user mouse clicks) from IE

2005-05-19 Thread Roger Upole
ie.Document will give you the document object.
That's where the Html object library comes in,
it contains the early-binding code for the Document
interface.  Then you can hook one of the event classes
for the Document (I see several in the generated file)
using the same methodology as  shown for the web
browser events.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Thanks for the response and for the code.
 However, I want to trap events like mouse click on the HTML document
 loaded by the web browser control. The code mentioned below provides
 events from the web browser control. I need to find out on which
 particular HTML tag did the user click for example.
 How do I find that out? There should be some way to refer to a document
 from a given web browser control and start receiving events from it

 Roger Upole wrote:
 The two you'll need to run makepy for are Microsoft Internet Controls
 Microsoft HTML object Library.  If you run them manually, you should
 able to look at the generated code to get the guids.
 Here's a minimal example:

 import win32com.client


 1, 1)
 class IE_Events(ie_mod.DWebBrowserEvents2):
 def OnNavigateComplete2(self, pDisp, URL):
 print 'OnNavigateComplete2:', URL



 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I am trying to trap events from internet explorer eg. when user
  on an html link - I need to get notified for that event.
  After looking through the newgroups / internet and reading through
  various sections in programming python on win32 - I understand that
  this can be done using DispatchWithEvents.
  I have also referred to discussions on comp.lang.python
  So far - none of the newgroups postings report that IE events were
  trapped successfully (at least I could not find any). However,
 there is
  enough evidence that it can be done.
  My problems at the moment:
  a) The examples use early binding. However, I cannot get Python
  to generate the code to force makepy process at run time - since
  makepy utility that I invoke from python win 32 does not have any
  for internet explorer.
  I tried to find the CLSID for IE
  but I get an exception
  b) Also one of the examples suggest that following code should work
  mod = EnsureModule(...)
  class MyEvents(mod.IDocumentEvents):
 # your methods here
  handler = MyEvents(ie.document)
  # handler should start recieving events.
  however, what CLSID is to be used in EnsureModule... . I tried with
  few but I always get the error 'NoneType' object has no attribute
  An example that 'works' will be very useful

 == Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet
 News== The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
 120,000+ Newsgroups
 = East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption

== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet News== The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 100,000 
---= East/West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =---

Re: Convert from numbers to letters

2005-05-19 Thread Bill Mill
On 19 May 2005 12:20:03 -0700, rh0dium [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Python 2.3.5 (#1, Mar 20 2005, 20:38:20)
 [GCC 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1809)] on darwin
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
 NameError: name 'sorted' is not defined
 I think you're probably using 2.4 ??

Yes, sorted() is new in python 2.4 .You could use a very lightly
tested pure-python partial replacement:

def sorted(lst, **kwargs):
l2 = lst[:]
if kwargs.has_key('key'):
f = kwargs['key']
l2.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(f(a), f(b)))
return l2
return l2

And from your other email:
 I need to go the other way!  tuple2coord

Sorry, I only go one way. It should be transparent how to do it backwards.

Bill Mill

Re: Convert from numbers to letters

2005-05-19 Thread Peter Otten
Bill Mill wrote:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in ?
 NameError: name 'sorted' is not defined
 I think you're probably using 2.4 ??
 Yes, sorted() is new in python 2.4 .You could use a very lightly
 tested pure-python partial replacement:

By the way, sorted() can be removed from your original post.

Code has no effect :-)



Re: Self-modifying Code

2005-05-19 Thread Do Re Mi chel La Si Do
Hi, you, also !

A view, with a little difference :

def titi(par):
if par222:
return par*2
return par*10

print titi(123)
print titi(1234)

#now, change the function, on instant
txt=def titi(par):
if par222:
return str(par)*2
return str(par)*5


print titi(123)
print titi(1234)

Michel Claveau


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