ANN: wxPython

2005-06-06 Thread Robin Dunn


The release of wxPython is now available for download at  Anybody keeping track will probably
notice that the prior release ( was released just about a week
ago.  This short turn-around time is because I was slow getting the
last release done, and the wxWidgets team was uncharacteristically
early with the 2.6.1 release!  This release consists of a few bug
fixes made since

What is wxPython?

wxPython is a GUI toolkit for the Python programming language. It
allows Python programmers to create programs with a robust, highly
functional graphical user interface, simply and easily. It is
implemented as a Python extension module that wraps the GUI components
of the popular wxWidgets cross platform library, which is written in

wxPython is a cross-platform toolkit. This means that the same program
will usually run on multiple platforms without modifications.
Currently supported platforms are 32-bit Microsoft Windows, most Linux
or other Unix-like systems using GTK or GTK2, and Mac OS X.

Changes in

wx.ListCtrl: patch #1210352, fixes editing in generic wx.ListCtrl with

Applied patch #208286, MediaCtrl DirectShow rewrite.

DocView patches from Morgan Hua: bug fixes, and additional SVN
commands, also added a default template that uses the text editor for
any unknown file type.

wxMSW: Use the system IDC_HAND cursor for wx.CURSOR_HAND and only fallback
to the strange wxWidgets version if the system one is not available.

wx.grid.Grid: Merge the cell size attribute the same way that other
attributes are merged, e.g., if it is already set to a non-default
value in the current GridCellAttr object then don't merge from the

wx.lib.evtmgr: Fixed to use wx._core._wxPyDeadObject

wx.lib.gridmovers: Don't scroll when the mouse is dragged outside of
the grid, unless the mouse is kept in motion.

wxMSW:  Applied patch #1213290 incorrect logic in

Applied patch #1213066 correct device names for Joystick in Linux.

wxGTK: Applied patch #1207162 wx.TextCtrl.SetStyle fix for overlapping

wx.FileConfig: fixed DeleteEntry to set the dirty flag properly so the
change will get written at the next flush.

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman  Java give you jitters?  Relax with wxPython!


Support the Python Software Foundation:


2005-06-06 Thread Jatinder Singh
I am reading a only. But what if I want read write and execute that file.

Jatinder Singh

“ Everyone needs to be loved... especially when they do not deserve it.”
Quoting Tiago Stürmer Daitx [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 That depends on what using a file means. You could check the thread 
 executing a command ( and see 
 if there's something related there, otherwise it would help if you could 
 post what exactly you are trying to do (execute a file, open a file, write 
 into a file, etc).
 Tiago S Daitx
 On 6/4/05, Jatinder Singh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi guys
  I am working in a complex directory structure. I want to use a file (not 
  which is in some other directory. I couldn't do it.but if I copy the file 
  the same directory then it is working fine. Can anybody guide me how and 
  to add the path of the file. I have tried it with sys.path but it is not 
  Jatinder Singh
   Everyone needs to be loved... especially when they do not deserve it.


Re: urllib2 pinger : insight as to use, cause of hang-up?

2005-06-06 Thread EP
Mahesh advised:

 Timing it out will probably solve it.


Follow-on question regarding implementing a timeout for use by urllib2.  I am 
guessing the simplest way to do this is via socket.setdefaulttimeout(), but I 
am not sure if this sets a global parameter, and if so, whether it might be 
reset via instantiations of urllib, urllib2, httplib, etc.  I assume socket and 
the timeout parameter is in the global namespace and that I can just reset it 
at will for application to all the socket module 'users'.  Is that right?



 import urllib2plus

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#52, line 1, in -toplevel-
  File C:\Python24\lib\, line 130, in urlopen
return, data)
  File C:\Python24\lib\, line 361, in open
response = self._open(req, data)
  File C:\Python24\lib\, line 379, in _open
'_open', req)
  File C:\Python24\lib\, line 340, in _call_chain
result = func(*args)
  File C:\Python24\lib\, line 1024, in http_open
return self.do_open(httplib.HTTPConnection, req)
  File C:\Python24\lib\, line 999, in do_open
raise URLError(err)
URLError: urlopen error timed out

addinfourl at 12449152 whose fp = socket._fileobject object at 0x00BE1340

 import socket
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#60, line 1, in -toplevel-
  File C:\Python24\lib\, line 130, in urlopen
return, data)
  File C:\Python24\lib\, line 361, in open
response = self._open(req, data)
  File C:\Python24\lib\, line 379, in _open
'_open', req)
  File C:\Python24\lib\, line 340, in _call_chain
result = func(*args)
  File C:\Python24\lib\, line 1024, in http_open
return self.do_open(httplib.HTTPConnection, req)
  File C:\Python24\lib\, line 999, in do_open
raise URLError(err)
URLError: urlopen error (10035, 'The socket operation could not complete 
without blocking')
addinfourl at 12449992 whose fp = socket._fileobject object at 0x00BE1420


easiest way to split a list into evenly divisble smaller lists, and assign them to variables?

2005-06-06 Thread flamesrock
Lets say I have a list containing 12, 13, 23 or however many entries.
What I want is the greatest number of lists evenly divisible by a
certain number, and for those lists to be assigned to variables.

This leads to a few problems..

If I don't know the length of the list beforehand, I can't create the
variables and hardcode them. Is it possible in python to generate free
variables without stating them explicitly in the code, and if so, how
would you get a reference to them?

Secondly, is there an easier way to chop a list up into smaller lists?

consider this code:
# 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25]
#dictionary_of_lists = {}
#while len(original_list) != 0:
#for x in range(4):
#if len(original_list)  0:
#dictionary_of_lists[entry] = new_list
#entry +=1

would give us

Is there a better way? What I'd like to do is create free variables
without needing to put them in a dictionary.

If not, is it possible in other languages?

-thank in advance


Re: Socket Speed

2005-06-06 Thread marinus van aswegen
Hi Jeff

Would you care to do that between two machines on a 100mb link ?


On 6/5/05, Jeff Epler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 300KB/s sounds dreadfully low.
 I simply ran python /usr/lib/python2.3/ , then
 wget -O /dev/null;.  On the best of 4
 runs (when the file was cached) wget measured 225.20MB/s.
 The hardware is a Pentium-M laptop with 768MB RAM runnng at 1.5GHz.  The
 OS is Fedora Core 2, kernel 2.6.12-rc5, Python 2.3.


Re: Socket Speed

2005-06-06 Thread marinus van aswegen
Would you care to do that between two machines on a 100mb link ?

On 6/5/05, Jeff Epler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 300KB/s sounds dreadfully low.
 I simply ran python /usr/lib/python2.3/ , then
 wget -O /dev/null;.  On the best of 4
 runs (when the file was cached) wget measured 225.20MB/s.
 The hardware is a Pentium-M laptop with 768MB RAM runnng at 1.5GHz.  The
 OS is Fedora Core 2, kernel 2.6.12-rc5, Python 2.3.


Re: Help with pythonpath

2005-06-06 Thread mg
Tim Roberts wrote:

Observer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi, im a newbie both to python and this list.
I hope someone can help me whith this:

I have a directory structure like this:
|-- src
|   `-- pkg
|   |--
|   |--
|   `-- spkg1
|   |--
|   `--
`-- src2
   `-- pkg
   `-- spkg2

and is a python script that contains this imports:

from pkg.spkg1 import config
from pkg.spkg2 import config2

executed in linux whith this:

env PYTHONPATH=src:src2 src/pkg/
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File src/pkg/, line 4, in ?
   from pkg.spkg2 import config2
ImportError: No module named spkg2

changing the order of the python path only inverts the problem, is there
any way to solve this without changing the directory structure?

Nope.  When Python goes to look for a package called pkg, it starts at
the beginning of PYTHONPATH and stops as soon as it finds one.  You either
need to use different names for the two packages (pkg1, pkg2), or use a
symbolic link to link spkg2 into the src directory.

If I remember, I think you need to add an file just in your 
directories src  src2.
Moreover, you can add the path of src and src2 to the variable sys.path 
at the beginning of your main script (in that case, it not necessary to 

I hope I help you

Re: easiest way to split a list into evenly divisble smaller lists, and assign them to variables?

2005-06-06 Thread Paul Rubin
flamesrock [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Lets say I have a list containing 12, 13, 23 or however many entries.
 What I want is the greatest number of lists evenly divisible by a
 certain number, and for those lists to be assigned to variables.

You almost certainly don't want to do that.  That's something
beginning programmers often think of doing, but it's almost always
better to use something more general, like an array.

 consider this code:
 # 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25]
 #dictionary_of_lists = {}
 #while len(original_list) != 0:

Umm, what's original_list?  Do you mean my_list?  The rest of
your code has similar errors.

 would give us
 Is there a better way? What I'd like to do is create free variables
 without needing to put them in a dictionary.

Your best bet is probably to create a list of lists:

   sublist_length = 4# desired length of the inner lists
   list_of_lists = []
   for i in xrange(0, len(my_list), sublist_length):
 list_of_lists.append(my_list[i: i+sublist_length])

That gives list_of_lists = 

  [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12],
   [13, 14, 15, 16], [17, 18, 19, 20], [21, 22, 23, 24], [25]]

So you'd just use list_of_lists[0] to refer to the 1st sublist, etc.

Re: anygui,anydb, any opinions?

2005-06-06 Thread bruno modulix
Thomas Bartkus wrote:
 rzed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
So what do you think? What's wrong with the picture? Why isn't
there a greater priority to work in this direction?
 What's wrong with the picture?
 Just one teeny little item.
 The Python world lacks the phenomenally successful development models
 enjoyed by the now ancient Turbo Pascal, Delphi and gasp Visual Basic.
 If the likes of Visual Basic can have it, then it becomes really, *really*
 hard to convince the world that Python is a serious, professional system.

You mean the wimp gui builder + db - ui pipeline model ? If yes, C
doesn't have it, C++ doesn't have it (in fact most languages doesn't
have it) - and the fact is that C and C++ are usually considered as much
more serious and professionnal than VB and the likes.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])


2005-06-06 Thread Jatinder Singh
B and C are subdirectories of Parent Directory A.
I am executing a file in Directory C which is importing a file f' in directory
Now while running python file m getting an error of can't open f'. If I copy f'
 current directory B. then It is running. I want to get rid of that and run the
programme without copying the other f' files( even .txt also) in the current
directory. and I have so many files in directory B,otherwise I wou;ld have
wppended the path while opening the file. I don't want to do it for each file
and also If i need to change directory structure then also I should change one
path and able to run the Programme.

Quoting Tiago Stürmer Daitx [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Well, I still quite don't get what you want to do. I mean, you do need
 to be more specific. Maybe you can post part of your code or explain
 in details what you are trying to do. Anything that would help me
 understand what's going on.
 In the mean time, check these sites...
 The file section in the Tutorial (there's not much to see, but hey,
 who knows?):
 The online book DiveIntoPython
 Or some common questions about files (maybe you can find the answer
 for your troubles - not all of them, of course)  =)
 Tiago S Daitx
 On 6/6/05, Jatinder Singh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am reading a only. But what if I want read write and execute that file.
  Jatinder Singh
   Everyone needs to be loved... especially when they do not deserve it.

  Quoting Tiago Stürmer Daitx [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   That depends on what using a file means. You could check the thread
   executing a command ( and
   if there's something related there, otherwise it would help if you could
   post what exactly you are trying to do (execute a file, open a file,
   into a file, etc).
   Tiago S Daitx
   On 6/4/05, Jatinder Singh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi guys
I am working in a complex directory structure. I want to use a file
which is in some other directory. I couldn't do it.but if I copy the
the same directory then it is working fine. Can anybody guide me how
to add the path of the file. I have tried it with sys.path but it is
Jatinder Singh
 Everyone needs to be loved... especially when they do not deserve

Jatinder Singh

“ Everyone needs to be loved... especially when they do not deserve it.”

Re: easiest way to split a list into evenly divisble smaller lists, and assign them to variables?

2005-06-06 Thread flamesrock
hmmm..that makes much more sense. thanks :)


Re: If - Or statements

2005-06-06 Thread bruno modulix
Ognjen Bezanov wrote:

 filelist = os.listdir('/mnt/cdrom/') #get a list of files from the cdrom

Please put long comments on the previous line... And BTW, please avoid
useless comments that just paraphrase the code

 for thefile in filelist[:]:   #for each file in the filelist

Do you really need to work on a copy of the list ?

 if thefile.find(.) != -1:   #if the file has an extenstion
 at all
 ext = thefile.split('.') #get the file extension
 ext[1] =  ext[1].lower() #convert to lowercase

you may want to read the doc of the os.path module. The
os.path.splitext() function could save you a lot of work here.

 print ext[1] #debugging, to see the variable before
 passed to if statement
 if ext[1] == mp3 or ext[1] == mp4 or ext[1] == ogg
 or ext[1] == aac or ext[1] == wma:
 print we have a valid extension:  + ext[1] #here
 would go the code for decoding the above

Here's a somewhat more pythonic version:

filelist = os.listdir(path)
for filename in filelist:
# I assume you want to remember what's the ext is
ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
# debug trace
print filename : %s - ext : %s % (filename, ext)
if ext in ['.this', '.that', '.whatnot']:
print ext is %s - should process this file % ext

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

how to show simulation at web

2005-06-06 Thread Hallo
hi all,

I have tried making a simulation with python. I want it to be shown at 
a web. It is ok when I run it. so, I decided using cgi. but, when I try 
it using a web browser it doesn't work.

Is it problem in the header or something else ?

If there are any suggestions about this problem, I will be very happy.



Re: how to show simulation at web

2005-06-06 Thread Robert Kern
Hallo wrote:
 hi all,
 I have tried making a simulation with python. I want it to be shown at 
 a web. It is ok when I run it. so, I decided using cgi. but, when I try 
 it using a web browser it doesn't work.
 Is it problem in the header or something else ?
 If there are any suggestions about this problem, I will be very happy.

First, read this:

Then, come back and give us some substantive information about your 
problem. A small example of code that you think should work, but 
doesn't, will help us help you.

Robert Kern

In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
   -- Richard Harter


Re: Socket Speed

2005-06-06 Thread Jeff Epler
The machines with the 100mbps ethernet link are slightly
different---Pentium 4, 2.8GHz, Python 2.2, RedHat 9.

File size: 87490278

Best of 4 runs: 7.50 MB/s reported by wget.

There was other network activity and system load at the time.


Description: PGP signature

Review of 'Python Cookbook'

2005-06-06 Thread TechBookReport
TechBookReport ( has just published a 
review of the Python Cookbook. This is an extract from the full review:

We're big fans of cookbooks here at TechBookReport, whether its Java, 
XSLT or Linux, they're a great way of pulling together lots of useful 
snippets of code and technique in one place. For the beginner they 
provide instant advice, usable code and a way into new areas. They're 
also a great way to find out about coding styles, idioms, common 
workarounds and how to get the most out of your language (or operating 
system, development environment or application).

Given all of that then it should be no surprise that we love this second 
edition of the Python Cookbook. There's no doubt about it, this is an 
indispensable resource to have around. What's more, this latest edition 
has been enhanced and updated for Python 2.4, and now features more than 
330 recipes across 20 chapters. Note that the recipes only cover Python 
2.3 and 2.4, for older versions readers should look for the first 
edition of the book.

As with the rest of O'Reilly's cookbooks, this one has a standard format 
for each recipe: state the problem, present a solution, discuss the 
solution and provide cross-references and pointers to further material. 
It's a good format, and allows each recipe to pretty much stand alone, 
even if there are pointers to other recipes in the 'see also' section. 
This makes the recipes a useful place to dip into for ideas and examples 
when hacking your own code. As with a real cookbook this is one that has 
a practical focus and belongs by your side when cooking not on some 
shelf gathering dust.

Unlike most of the other books in the cookbook series, this one is not 
the product of one or two authors but very much a community effort, 
thanks in large part to the involvement of ActiveState. While the three 
editors deserve credit for the good job they've done putting it all 
together, it's down to the Python community for creating these recipes 
and providing the feedback to hone and improve them.

Read the rest of the review here:

Re: odbc and python

2005-06-06 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Giles Brown wrote:
 MM wrote:
Are there any other odbc packages other than the win32all and mxodbc
ones? The win32all odbc.pyd can't access table structure info like
SQLColumns, and mxobdc requires a commercial license which is
unjustifiable for this tiny project. Any other OS alternatives for
win32?. Thanks.
 You could potentially make the ODBC calls using ctypes a la:
 Not tried this myself and imagine it could be a bit tedious.

This is the new version that work very well into my projects:

This can work on all the platforms where ctypes work.
In the future I'll make it db-api 2.0 compliant.
If you have some question, email me directly.


Re: Destructive Windows Script

2005-06-06 Thread Michele Simionato
BTW, since this is a bit off-topic anyway, how do I recover
files accidentally removed? Is there a free tool that works
on FAT/NTFS and ext2/ext3?

 Michele Simionato


Re: Destructive Windows Script

2005-06-06 Thread TZOTZIOY
On 05 Jun 2005 21:14:37 -0700, rumours say that Paul Rubin
http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] might have written:

The only way to be 100% sure the data is gone from a drive, is
basically to melt the drive.  However, if your data is that sensitive,
you shouldn't ever write it to a hard drive in the clear anyway.

A little healthy insanity never hurt anyone in the security field :)
TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving. (from RFC1958)
I really should keep that in mind when talking with people, actually...

Re: Destructive Windows Script

2005-06-06 Thread Robert Kern
Michele Simionato wrote:
 BTW, since this is a bit off-topic anyway, how do I recover
 files accidentally removed? Is there a free tool that works
 on FAT/NTFS and ext2/ext3?

On all of those filesystems at the same time? Probably not. But there 
are tools for each. Google, and ye shall find.

Robert Kern

In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
   -- Richard Harter


Re: Destructive Windows Script

2005-06-06 Thread Michele Simionato
The problem is that Google gives me too many non-relevant hits.

I just would like something like this:

$ rm what-I-think-is-an-useless-file

ACK! It was not that useless!!

$ recover what-I-think-is-an-useless-file

   Michele Simionato


Re: Destructive Windows Script

2005-06-06 Thread Robert Kern
Michele Simionato wrote:
 The problem is that Google gives me too many non-relevant hits.

google(fat undelete)
google(ext2 undelete)

Robert Kern

In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
   -- Richard Harter


Computer Cluster Python Software

2005-06-06 Thread uli
Is there any open source Python software (preferably biopython) written
which runs on a cluster.  Alternatively are there interfaces written in
Python to existing cluster software.


Using IDLE for checking versions

2005-06-06 Thread d
Okay, so I need to find out what version of wxPython is being used on a
companies computer. I figured I can do this through IDLE, but I cant
find the proper commands. Any help would be appriciated.


Re: Computer Cluster Python Software

2005-06-06 Thread Mandus
6 Jun 2005 07:22:54 -0700 skrev uli:
 Is there any open source Python software (preferably biopython) written
 which runs on a cluster.  Alternatively are there interfaces written in
 Python to existing cluster software.

Can you be more specific? There are for example several MPI interfaces
(pyMPI, pypar, ScientificPython.MPI). With pyMPI, you can run python
interactively on a cluster if you want. 

But you are probably looking for something else?

btw, soon there will be PyFDM ( which will make it possible
to do FDM on a cluster (or any parallel computer) with little effort.

Mandus - the only mandus around.

Re: If - Or statements

2005-06-06 Thread Steven Bethard
bruno modulix wrote:
 Here's a somewhat more pythonic version:
 filelist = os.listdir(path)
 for filename in filelist:
 # I assume you want to remember what's the ext is
 ext = os.path.splitext(filename)

Check the docs[1].  This should probably read:

 _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)

because splitext returns a pair of (root, ext).

 # debug trace
 print filename : %s - ext : %s % (filename, ext)
 if ext in ['.this', '.that', '.whatnot']:
 print ext is %s - should process this file % ext



Re: Question about Object Oriented + functions/global vars?

2005-06-06 Thread Christopher J. Bottaro
flamesrock wrote:

 ok, so to my knowledge, object oriented means splitting something into
 the simplest number of parts and going from there.

That sounds like normal top down imperative (procedural) programming to me.

 But the question is- when is it enough?

Thats a judgment call on the programmer's part.

 For example I have the following code:

 would the lines with '#' best be split up into a seperate function,
 for example:
 #def upload(ftp, file):
 and then doing the call 'upload(file_id)', or is it a better practice
 to leave things the way they were? I'm confused.

Judgment call...=)

 Finally, is it considered 'un-object-oriented' in python to have
 functions inside a module that are called by objects (ie the upload
 function above) and/or use global variables in combination?

1.  The upload function is not an object.
2.  Functions are made to be called.
3.  Some people think globals should be avoided if possible.  I think it
depends on the size of your project and how much convenience they can give
you vs. how much confusion they can potentially cause.

 -thanks in advance

Btw, object oriented programming is the splitting up of the program into
things called object which are data and their related methods.  Bah, its
hard to explain, but its like instead of focusing on functions that
manipulate a square, you instead have a square and its related methods.
Also, I can't think of OOP without thinking of polymorphism.  Ehh, this
stuff is too hard for me to explain, it would be easier with examples (but
too long for me to write)...=)

-- C


Re: anygui,anydb, any opinions?

2005-06-06 Thread Thomas Bartkus
bruno modulix [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Thomas Bartkus wrote:
  rzed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 So what do you think? What's wrong with the picture? Why isn't
 there a greater priority to work in this direction?
  What's wrong with the picture?
  Just one teeny little item.
  The Python world lacks the phenomenally successful development models
  enjoyed by the now ancient Turbo Pascal, Delphi and gasp Visual Basic.
  If the likes of Visual Basic can have it, then it becomes really,
  hard to convince the world that Python is a serious, professional

 You mean the wimp gui builder + db - ui pipeline model ? If yes, C
 doesn't have it, C++ doesn't have it (in fact most languages doesn't
 have it) - and the fact is that C and C++ are usually considered as much
 more serious and professionnal than VB and the likes.


Lost in the inheritance tree...

2005-06-06 Thread Adam Munoz Lopez
Can anyone help with this code... I have infinite
recursion but since I'm pretty new to Python (and
programming in general) I can't find where I did the

Thanks a lot in advance.


import Tkinter
class RootFrame(Tkinter.Frame):




def showMsg(self):
msg=Tkinter.Label(textFrame,text=Are you
thinking of an animal?)

def createFrames(self):

def createButtons(self):

class TextFrame(RootFrame):
def __init__(self,parent,myHeight,myWidth):


Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail

Re: urllib2 pinger : insight as to use, cause of hang-up?

2005-06-06 Thread Mahesh
socket.setdefaulttimeout() is what I have used in the past and it has
worked well. I think it is set in the global namespace though I could
be wrong. I think it retains its value within the module it is called
in. If you use it in a different module if will probably get reset
though it is easy enough to test that out.


Re: Computer Cluster Python Software

2005-06-06 Thread uli
Hi Mandus

Thanks for your reply.  I am looking for an application written in
python (preferably a bioinformatics application) which will be able to
take advantage of parallel processing on a cluster.  I guess what I am
asking for is applications which have been written using pyMPI or other
python MPI modules.



Re: Using IDLE for checking versions

2005-06-06 Thread d
nvm, i found the wxPython directory with which told me
everything i need to know.


Re: If - Or statements

2005-06-06 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 05 Jun 2005 13:52:09 -0400, Roy Smith wrote:

 One sure sign of somebody trying to write C in Python is when they loop 
 over a list by doing
 for i in range (len (myList)):
doSomethingWith (myList[i])

I usually do that, and I've never coded a line of C in my life. I can't
even read C :-)

Of course, the main reason I use that form is that I frequently have to
use older versions of Python without enumerate, and therefore have got
into the practice of doing without it.

Of course, if I'm just reading the items of myList, I don't bother with
the index, and just use 

for item in myList:

 or when they laboriously check for every possible error condition before 
 performing an operation instead of just doing it and catching the exception.

This is not always a bad idea. For example, if you are modifying an
object in place, and an error halfway through could leave the object in an
inconsistent state, it may be better to check for error conditions first
rather than try to back out of it after you've run into trouble.

But still, in general I agree with your observation. 



Re: Lost in the inheritance tree...

2005-06-06 Thread Rocco Moretti
Adam Munoz Lopez wrote:
 Can anyone help with this code... I have infinite
 recursion but since I'm pretty new to Python (and
 programming in general) I can't find where I did the

It really does help to start removing things trying to get the minimal 
code which causes the problem.

(untested snippage follows)
 import Tkinter
 class RootFrame(Tkinter.Frame):
 def __init__(self,parent=None,myHeight=600,myWidth=800,myBd=3,\
 def createFrames(self):
 class TextFrame(RootFrame):
 def __init__(self,parent,myHeight,myWidth):


It appears you create a RootFrame, which creates a TextFrame, which 
initilizes as a RootFrame, thus creating a TextFrame which initilizes as 
a RootFrame, thus creating a TextFrame which

Re: anygui,anydb, any opinions?

2005-06-06 Thread James Tanis
Previously, on Jun 6, Thomas Bartkus said: 

# bruno modulix [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
#  You mean the wimp gui builder + db - ui pipeline model ? If yes, C
#  doesn't have it, C++ doesn't have it (in fact most languages doesn't
#  have it) - and 
#   the fact is that C and C++ are usually considered as much
#  more serious and professionnal than VB and the likes.
# Yes but there is another fact that must be considered.
# Systems like VB (and the likes) are much more *productive* .
# The secret of that particular success has nothing to do with the language
# and everything to do with the integrated GUI / IDE available to that
# particular (VB) language.

That's pretty arguable. C/C++ has no shortage of integrated GUI/IDE 
available especially if your willing to fork out the same kind of books 
that you would need to for VB.

# Anything that reduces the overhead involved in producing a
# consistent/attractive/idiot proof  user interface makes a far more
# productive environment.
# Thomas Bartkus

My 2 cents, I'm much more productive with Python and QT Builder as I 
am with VB and those aren't nearly as intergrated as VB's GUI/IDE. A 
language's productivity, I believe, rests on how high or low-level the 
language and its libraries are. Not just that though, productivity is 
also very much affected by the breadth of the libraries available.

Sure, GUI RAD solutions increase development in a very real way, but you 
can find an offering for just about every language out there these days.

# -- 

James Tanis

Re: Software licenses and releasing Python programs for review

2005-06-06 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 05 Jun 2005 03:57:29 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:

 Robert Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Mike Meyer wrote:
 I've heard people argue otherwise on this case. In particular, if you
 allow an employee to use your GPL'ed-but-not-distributed software,
 they are the end user, and have all the rights granted by the GPL. So
 they can distribute the software - possibly to your
 competitors. Employment contracts can't prohibit this, because the GPL
 specifically disallows distribution (allowing your employee to use
 the software) under licenses that restrict the rights granted by the

 Well, the FSF at least thinks that internal use within an organization
 does not constitute distribution.
 The fact that GPL effectively discriminates in favor of large corporations 
 (and other organizations) and programmers employed by such (versus those 
 contracting with such), is something I don't like about it.

I'm sorry, I don't follow your reasoning here. How does the GPL
discriminate in favour of large corporations? What advantage does the
corporation get that I don't get?

The way I see it, if my left hand and right hand both use the software,
that isn't distribution. And if Acme Inc's accounting department and sales
department both use the software, that shouldn't count as distribution
either, in precisely the same way that there has been no transfer of
ownership when Fred from Accounting takes an unused computer from Sales
and starts using it himself.

 This seems 
 contrary to the spirit of the thing.  It certainly supports the myth that 
 organizations are 'people'.

By law, corporations (and possibly some other organisations) *are* people.
Not natural people like you or I, but nevertheless people. For good or
bad, this is the legal fact (or perhaps legal fiction) in most
countries, and not a myth.

 What if a whole country claimed to be 'one organization' (as the entire
 Soviet Union once was, in a real sense).

I doubt that was ever the case, not even in a figurative sense. But for
the sake of the argument, I'll accept that (say) the country of Freedonia
might claim the entire population of Freedonia to be a single organisation.

 Could it distribute modifications
 'privately' while denying such to the rest of the world?

Freedonia is a country. Unless some other country takes them on, they can
do whatever they like within their borders because they make the laws.

Of course, they may run foul of international law, and may suffer the
consequences, which may range from angry words in the UN to trade
sanctions to a blockade all the way to invasion (although probably not
over some random piece of GPLed code).

But this is hardly a problem unique to the GPL. What if you publish code
under the BSD licence, and Freedonia rips your copyright notice out of
it and tries to pass it off as their own creation? What if Microsoft
licences Freedonia some software under Shared Source, and they promptly
modify and distribute the source code?

When nation states decide they are beyond the law, or subject only to
whatever laws it is convenient for them to follow, no licence will protect



Re: Lost in the inheritance tree...

2005-06-06 Thread Jordan Rastrick
Although you get infinite recursion with this code, you still get
enough information on the error from the interpreter to help you debug.

Running IDLE, I get a traceback of:

File C:/Documents and Settings/Jordan/Desktop/, line 11,
in __init__
  File C:/Documents and Settings/Jordan/Desktop/, line
19, in createFrames
  File C:/Documents and Settings/Jordan/Desktop/, line
31, in __init__

repeated indefinitely. At a glance, this tells you:

* That __init__ (of the RootFrame method) calls self.createFrames()
* createFrames(), in turn, calls TextFrame(self,300,600)
* This leads to RootFrame.__init__ being called once more

So theres youre infinite recursion. RootFrame's __init__ calls
createFrames which creates a new TextFrame - meaning TextFrame.__init__
gets called, and this calls its parent's __init__ method, and so on ad

This is a pretty good demonstration of the prinicple that you should do
as little as is nessecary to create an object - if possible, try to
calling other methods on an object in its __init__ method.

Without knowing more about youre program, and with only limited GUI
building experience (and none in Python), I'd guess the most likely
solution is for TextFrame to inherit from Tkinter.Frame directly -
having it inheret from RootFrame doesn't really make much sense as far
as I can see. TextFrame is, I would guess, intended as a component of
RootFrame, not a subclass. Thats another important OO prinicple - don't
overuse inheritance, often simple composition (one object having
another as an attribute) is the right solution.

If TextFrame really is supposed to inherit from RootFrame, try to
explain why.


Re: Lost in the inheritance tree... THANKS!

2005-06-06 Thread Adam Munoz Lopez
Thanks a lot for your quick response. I actually just
found the answer by myself before reading your reply.
Just printed out the code and read it. The mistake was
pretty obvious then. Yes, Ill try your suggestion. I
was just trying to experiment a bit with inheritance
to understand how it works better. 

Once again thanx a lot. Its the first time I post and
Im pretty impressed by the speed with which you guys


--- Jordan Rastrick [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Although you get infinite recursion with this code,
 you still get
 enough information on the error from the interpreter
 to help you debug.
 Running IDLE, I get a traceback of:
 File C:/Documents and
 Settings/Jordan/Desktop/, line 11,
 in __init__
   File C:/Documents and
 Settings/Jordan/Desktop/, line
 19, in createFrames
   File C:/Documents and
 Settings/Jordan/Desktop/, line
 31, in __init__
 repeated indefinitely. At a glance, this tells you:
 * That __init__ (of the RootFrame method) calls
 * createFrames(), in turn, calls
 * This leads to RootFrame.__init__ being called once
 So theres youre infinite recursion. RootFrame's
 __init__ calls
 createFrames which creates a new TextFrame - meaning
 gets called, and this calls its parent's __init__
 method, and so on ad
 This is a pretty good demonstration of the prinicple
 that you should do
 as little as is nessecary to create an object - if
 possible, try to
 calling other methods on an object in its __init__
 Without knowing more about youre program, and with
 only limited GUI
 building experience (and none in Python), I'd guess
 the most likely
 solution is for TextFrame to inherit from
 Tkinter.Frame directly -
 having it inheret from RootFrame doesn't really make
 much sense as far
 as I can see. TextFrame is, I would guess, intended
 as a component of
 RootFrame, not a subclass. Thats another important
 OO prinicple - don't
 overuse inheritance, often simple composition (one
 object having
 another as an attribute) is the right solution.
 If TextFrame really is supposed to inherit from
 RootFrame, try to
 explain why.

Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail

Re: Adding a command to a Pmw.counter widget

2005-06-06 Thread Mark Light
Martin Franklin wrote:

 Mark Light wrote:
 I have a Pmw.Counter widget and I would like to add a command
  that is called on pressing either the up or down arrows (the
  command will be the same for both). I have managed to do this for
  the entryfield with entryfield_command = , but can't get the same
  to work for the arrows, could someone help me out with how to do
 Looking at the source for the PmwCounter it doesn't look like it
 exposes the buttons callbacks.
 I think the best way to do this would be to provide a validator
 method to the Counter's entryfield.  The validator gets called
 whenever the entryfields value changes.
 Example validator methods are included in the Pmw documentation.

Thanks - this put me on the right track

Re: Software licenses and releasing Python programs for review

2005-06-06 Thread max
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 By law, corporations (and possibly some other organisations)
 *are* people. Not natural people like you or I, but nevertheless
 people. For good or bad, this is the legal fact (or perhaps
 legal fiction) in most countries, and not a myth.

s/myth/legal absurdity/

This is one thing that bothers me about the gpl. It essentially tries 
to create 'code as a legal entity'. That is, it gives rights not to 
the creator of some code, but to the code itself. For me, the fact 
that corporations are considered people by the law is ridiculous. 
Using a license that ends up doing the same thing with code leaves a 
bad taste in my mouth.


Re: Question about Object Oriented + functions/global vars?

2005-06-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Well, if you want to apply object orientatation techniques to your work
you would get something like this. Polymorphism is used to distinct
between the ftp method. Another concept is data encapsulation, see the
filedescription class . A third technique is inheritance - ftp is
derived from an existing object, the get classes are derived from my
ftp class.

But most of all it is a different way of organizing your work, for your
code I think it makes sense to split the work between an ftp class and
a filedescrition class - where you can add methods to record the status
of the retrieval.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import ftplib
import os.path
import sys

class ftp_err(Exception):

class ftp(ftplib.FTP):
def __init__(self, address, filedescription, user = None, password
= None):
ftplib.FTP.__init__(self, address)
self.login(user, password)
self.filedescription = filedescription

def list(self):
return self.nlst()

def cd(self, directory):

def quit(self):

class ftp_get(ftp):
def get(self):
cmd = 'RETR %s' %
self.retrlines(cmd, open(, 'w').write)

class ftp_get_binary(ftp):
def get(self):
cmd = 'RETR %s' %
self.retrbinary(cmd, open(,

class filedescription(object):
def set_name(self, name):
self.__name = name
def get_name(self):
return self.__name
name = property(get_name, set_name)

def _get_texttype(self):
ext = os.path.splitext([1]
if ext in ('.txt', '.htm', '.html'):
return True
return False

def get_texttype(self):
return self._get_texttype()
text = property(get_texttype)

def get_binarytype(self):
return not self._get_texttype()
binary = property(get_binarytype)

f1 = filedescription() = ''
f2 = filedescription() = 'download.html'

ftp_site = ''
ftp_dir = 'pub/'

for i in (f1, f2):
f = None
if i.text:
f = ftp_get(ftp_site, i)
elif i.binary:
f = ftp_get_binary(ftp_site, i)
except Exception, e:
print  sys.stderr, '%s: %s' % (e.__class__.__name__, e)


Re: maybe a bug in python

2005-06-06 Thread venkata subramanian
If you have any doubts,
try to remeber this when creating tuples,

if a tuple is to have 0 elements,
then it must be given as a=() 
in other words, the ( and the ) are essential

if it has one element,
then a comma after that element is essential
or alternatively
in other words, an end comma is essential but the parentheses are not

if it has more than one element, comma between the elements is only essential
or alternatively
or alternatively

i might have made some silly mistake so wait till some one points
it out (if the mistakes are there) :)

flyaflya wrote:
a = {1: (a)}
  why not ('a')? when
a = {1: (((a)))}
  the result is 'a' too,not (((a))).but when use[a] or (a,b),the
  tuple is longer than 1, it's no problem.
 To define a tuple literal with one member, you must place a comma
 after the first element like this:
 a = {1: (a,)}
 I read this somewhere in the python docs, so I know its there
 The comma eliminates ambiguity as to the meaning of the brackets,
 which without the comma are simply enclosing and precedence
 controlling brackets.

Re: Lost in the inheritance tree... THANKS!

2005-06-06 Thread Jordan Rastrick
comp.lang.python is a great newsgroup in that respect - so long as you
ask a semi-intelligent question, you nearly always end up with a quick
and helpful response.

Good luck with learning programming, and Python (IMO its one of the
best possible languages to do it in)


Re: Software licenses and releasing Python programs for review

2005-06-06 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 06 Jun 2005 16:12:18 +, max wrote:

 This is one thing that bothers me about the gpl. It essentially tries 
 to create 'code as a legal entity'. That is, it gives rights not to 
 the creator of some code, but to the code itself. 

Can you please show me where in the GPL it gives rights to the code
itself? Because, frankly, I think you are mistaken.

Of course, I might be wrong in this instance, and I always welcome

 For me, the fact 
 that corporations are considered people by the law is ridiculous. 

Ridiculous? I don't think so. Take, for example, Acme Inc. Acme purchases
a new factory. Who owns the factory? The CEO? The Chairperson of the Board
of Directors? Split in equal shares between all the directors? Split
between all the thousands of shareholders? Society has to decide between
these methods.

(Of course, society can choose to hedge its bets by creating multiple
entities that use different rules, such as partnerships, trusts, public
corporations, limited corporations, etc.)

None of these alternatives are *wrong*, but they all have various
disadvantages. The legal fiction that corporations are legally persons is
a work-around for these disadvantages, and it works quite well in many
circumstances. To call it ridiculous is, well, ridiculous. Ownership is a
legal fiction in any case, so it is no more ridiculous to say that a
collective entity such as a corporation owns property than it is to say
that an individual being owns property.

However, if you wanted to argue that giving corporations all the
privileges of legal personhood with none of the responsibilities caused
more harm than good, I would agree with you. I take it you've seen The

 Using a license that ends up doing the same thing with code leaves a 
 bad taste in my mouth.

Of course you are free to use some other licence. But without evidence, I
do not accept that the GPL attempts to give rights to code.



Re: how to get name of function from within function?

2005-06-06 Thread Christopher J. Bottaro
posted  mailed

Hey again Steven,
  I'm still having problems...

Steven Bethard wrote:

 Something like this might work:
 py class C(object):
 ... def func_a(self):
 ... print func_a
 ... def func_b_impl(self):
 ... print func_b
 ... raise Exception
 ... def __getattr__(self, name):
 ... func = getattr(self, '%s_impl' % name)
 ... wrapped_func = self._impl_wrapper(func)
 ... setattr(self, name, wrapped_func)
 ... return wrapped_func
 ... def _impl_wrapper(self, func):
 ... def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
 ... try:
 ... return func(*args, **kwargs)
 ... except:
 ... print entered except
 ... raise
 ... return wrapper
 py c = C()
 py c.func_a()
 py c.func_b()
 entered except
 Traceback (most recent call last):
File interactive input, line 1, in ?
File interactive input, line 15, in wrapper
File interactive input, line 6, in func_b_impl
 The idea here is that __getattr__ is called whenever the class doesn't
 have a particular function.  The __getattr__ method then tries to find a
 corresponding _impl function, wraps it with appropriate try/except code,
 and returns the wrapped function.

The problem is:

That messes up SOAPpy's RegisterFunction() method which apparently depends
on the __name__ of the function to publish it as an available SOAP

Any suggestions on how to change the name of c.func_b to 'func_b' instead of

Thanks a bunch,
-- C


Using PAMIE to upload and download it possible?

2005-06-06 Thread scrimp
Ive been using PAMIE 1.4 to try to automate web page processes. The one
thing I cannot do with it is upload files and download files.

With uploading files, the file input box does not allow PAMIE to enter
in a path to a file.

With downloading files, I can click on the link to download the file,
but thats where I get stuck at. It brings up that download window and
then it brings up the where to save window.

Theres no errors that I encounter when I get stuck at these spots it
justs sits there not knowing what to do.

If anyone has had success in both uploading or downloading or even some
insight, I would greatly appreciate your help. Thanks!


Reading a CSV file into a list of dictionaries

2005-06-06 Thread RFQ
Hi, I'm struggling here to do the following with any success:

I have a comma delimited file where each line in the file is something

PNumber,3056,Contractor,XYZ Contracting,Architect,ABC Architects,...

So each line is intended to be: key1,value1,key2,value2,key3,value3...
and each line is to be variable in length (although it will have to be
an even number of records so that each key has a value).

I want to read in this csv file and parse it into a list of
dictionaries. So each record in the list is a dictionary:

{PNumber:3056,Contractor:XYZ Contracting, ... }

I have no problem reading in the CSV file to a list and splitting each
line in the file into its comma separated values. But I can't figure
out how to parse each resulting list into a dictionary.

Any help on this?


About size of Unicode string

2005-06-06 Thread Frank Abel Cancio Bello
Hi all!

I need know the size of string object independently of its encoding. For

len('123') == len('123'.encode('utf_8'))

while the size of '123' object is different of the size of

I need send in HTTP request a string. Then I need know the length of the
string to set the header content-length independently of its encoding.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance


Re: Software licenses and releasing Python programs for review

2005-06-06 Thread Andreas Kostyrka
On Sat, Jun 04, 2005 at 11:49:28PM -0700, Robert Kern wrote:
 Well, the FSF at least thinks that internal use within an organization 
 does not constitute distribution.
Well, the problem are contractors. It's very important (for example in
Germany) for a number of legal reasons that contractors are separate
from the organization.
This basically makes it a case of distribution.

And while the GPL FAQ claims that this is not a problem, it seems only
to handle the easy case: Company X gives a standard SP to
contractor C, and C returns SP2.

While this is okay, the problems start when X discovers that it wants
to distribute SP2 to contractor C2, because it has to do this under
the GPL. Contractor C2 might by free will refrain from distributing
SP2, but putting that as a requirement on paper would violate the GPL.

Basically having a GPLed internal program limits what a company might
do with it in the future ;)


Re: Reading a CSV file into a list of dictionaries

2005-06-06 Thread Robert Kern
RFQ wrote:
 Hi, I'm struggling here to do the following with any success:
 I have a comma delimited file where each line in the file is something
 PNumber,3056,Contractor,XYZ Contracting,Architect,ABC Architects,...
 So each line is intended to be: key1,value1,key2,value2,key3,value3...
 and each line is to be variable in length (although it will have to be
 an even number of records so that each key has a value).
 I want to read in this csv file and parse it into a list of
 dictionaries. So each record in the list is a dictionary:
 {PNumber:3056,Contractor:XYZ Contracting, ... }
 I have no problem reading in the CSV file to a list and splitting each
 line in the file into its comma separated values. But I can't figure
 out how to parse each resulting list into a dictionary.

First, don't process the CSV stuff yourself. Use the csv module.

In [9]:import csv

In [10]:f = open('foo.csv')

In [11]:cr = csv.reader(f)

In [12]:for row in cr:
:print dict(zip(row[::2], row[1::2]))
{'Architect': 'ABC Architects', 'PNumber': '3056', 'Contractor': 'XYZ 
{'Architect': 'ABC Architects', 'PNumber': '3056', 'Contractor': 'XYZ 

Robert Kern

In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
   -- Richard Harter


Re: random module question

2005-06-06 Thread Raymond Hettinger
 Can I rely on the module to produce the same series of
 numbers for future/past versions of Python, given the same seed?

The answer is a qualified Yes.  While the core generator (currently the
Mersenne Twister algorithm) is subject to change across versions,
whenever we've updated the generator, a backward compatable version is
offered (random.WichmannHill for example).  So, it should always be
possible to recreate a series but you may have to change the calling
code to point to the correct generator.

 Can I rely on it across different architectures and operating systems?

The current Mersenne Twister algorithm is guaranteed to produce the
same results across different architectures and operating systems.
That is evident from the test suite which verifies a bit-by-bit match
to a target test sequence (the test is expected to pass on all C boxes
with at least 53 bit floating point precision).

Of course, none of the above applies to random.SystemRandom which
accesses system generated entropy sources.

Raymond Hettinger


Re: Reading a CSV file into a list of dictionaries

2005-06-06 Thread Peter Otten
RFQ wrote:

 I have a comma delimited file where each line in the file is something
 PNumber,3056,Contractor,XYZ Contracting,Architect,ABC Architects,...
 So each line is intended to be: key1,value1,key2,value2,key3,value3...
 and each line is to be variable in length (although it will have to be
 an even number of records so that each key has a value).
 I want to read in this csv file and parse it into a list of
 dictionaries. So each record in the list is a dictionary:
 {PNumber:3056,Contractor:XYZ Contracting, ... }

['PNumber', '3056', 'Contractor', 'XYZ Contracting', 'Architect', 'ABC']
 dict(zip(row[::2], row[1::2]))
{'Architect': 'ABC', 'PNumber': '3056', 'Contractor': 'XYZ Contracting'}

A bit more elegant:

 irow = iter(row)
 dict(zip(irow, irow))
{'Architect': 'ABC', 'PNumber': '3056', 'Contractor': 'XYZ Contracting'}



Re: About size of Unicode string

2005-06-06 Thread Laszlo Zsolt Nagy
Frank Abel Cancio Bello wrote:

Hi all!

I need know the size of string object independently of its encoding. For

   len('123') == len('123'.encode('utf_8'))

while the size of '123' object is different of the size of

I need send in HTTP request a string. Then I need know the length of the
string to set the header content-length independently of its encoding.

Any idea?

This is from the RFC:

 The Content-Length entity-header field indicates the size of the 
 entity-body, in decimal number of OCTETs, sent to the recipient or, in 
 the case of the HEAD method, the size of the entity-body that would 
 have been sent had the request been a GET.

   Content-Length= Content-Length : 1*DIGIT

 An example is

   Content-Length: 3495

 Applications SHOULD use this field to indicate the transfer-length of 
 the message-body, unless this is prohibited by the rules in section 

 Any Content-Length greater than or equal to zero is a valid value. 
 Section 4.4 describes how to determine the length of a message-body if 
 a Content-Length is not given.

Looks to me that the Content-Length header has nothing to do with the 
encoding. It is a very low levet stuff. The content length is given in 
OCTETs and it represents the size of the body. Clearly, it has nothing 
to do with MIME/encoding etc. It is about the number of bits transferred 
in the body. Try to write your unicode strings into a StringIO and take 
its length



Re: how to get name of function from within function?

2005-06-06 Thread Steven Bethard
Christopher J. Bottaro wrote:
 Steven Bethard wrote:
... def _impl_wrapper(self, func):
... def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
... try:
... return func(*args, **kwargs)
... except:
... print entered except
... raise
... return wrapper
 The problem is:
 That messes up SOAPpy's RegisterFunction() method which apparently depends
 on the __name__ of the function to publish it as an available SOAP

Hmm... Nasty.  If you were using Python 2.4, you could simply write it as:

 def _impl_wrapper(self, func):
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
 return func(*args, **kwargs)
 print entered except
 wrapper.__name__ = func.__name__
 return wrapper

Where you fix up the wrapper's __name__ attribute.  But I believe the 
__name__ attribute is read-only in Python 2.3...


Re: Software licenses and releasing Python programs for review

2005-06-06 Thread max
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 On Mon, 06 Jun 2005 16:12:18 +, max wrote:
 This is one thing that bothers me about the gpl. It essentially
 tries to create 'code as a legal entity'. That is, it gives
 rights not to the creator of some code, but to the code itself. 
 Can you please show me where in the GPL it gives rights to the
 code itself? Because, frankly, I think you are mistaken.
 Of course, I might be wrong in this instance, and I always
 welcome corrections.
 For me, the fact 
 that corporations are considered people by the law is
 Ridiculous? I don't think so. Take, for example, Acme Inc. Acme
 purchases a new factory. Who owns the factory? The CEO? The
 Chairperson of the Board of Directors? Split in equal shares
 between all the directors? Split between all the thousands of
 shareholders? Society has to decide between these methods.
 (Of course, society can choose to hedge its bets by creating
 multiple entities that use different rules, such as partnerships,
 trusts, public corporations, limited corporations, etc.)
 None of these alternatives are *wrong*, but they all have various
 disadvantages. The legal fiction that corporations are legally
 persons is a work-around for these disadvantages, and it works
 quite well in many circumstances. To call it ridiculous is, well,
 ridiculous. Ownership is a legal fiction in any case, so it is no
 more ridiculous to say that a collective entity such as a
 corporation owns property than it is to say that an individual
 being owns property. 
 However, if you wanted to argue that giving corporations all the
 privileges of legal personhood with none of the responsibilities
 caused more harm than good, I would agree with you. I take it
 you've seen The Corporation?

I haven't seen The Corporation, but yes, I was reaching for the 
priviledges/responsibilities balance.

 Using a license that ends up doing the same thing with code
 leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
 Of course you are free to use some other licence. But without
 evidence, I do not accept that the GPL attempts to give rights to
Perhaps 'attempts' is too strong a word. Maybe 'ends up giving' would 
help my argument more. The best example I can come up with at the 
moment is programmer A releases a project under the gpl. Programmer B 
makes a substantial contribution to the project, which pA reads 
through and accepts. Later, pA decides that he would like to release 
the project under a more liberal license. To me, whether he legally 
can under the gpl is a very murky subject, as pB might not agree, and 
pA, having looked through/thought about pB's contribution might have 
some trouble proving that he implemented any matching functionality 
without referencing pB's earlier contribution, which if he did 
reference it(even by memory), would presumably require him to continue 
using the gpl.

I guess my argument is that with multiple contributors, the gpl, in 
comparison to say, a BSD style license, grants power to the code. If 3 
people work on a gpl project, they must agree to any changes. If 3 
people work on a BSD style project, they each can do whatever the hell 
they like with the code. So, in my opinion, the gpl ends up giving 
perhaps not rights, but certainly power, to the actual code base.

Based on the limited coherence of this answer I probably need to think 
about it somemore,


Re: maybe a bug in python

2005-06-06 Thread Steven Bethard
venkata subramanian wrote:
 If you have any doubts,
 try to remeber this when creating tuples,
 if a tuple is to have 0 elements,
 then it must be given as a=() 
 in other words, the ( and the ) are essential
 if it has one element,
 then a comma after that element is essential
 or alternatively
 in other words, an end comma is essential but the parentheses are not
 if it has more than one element, comma between the elements is only essential
 or alternatively
 or alternatively

That actually looks like a pretty good summary.  I've posted it, with a 
few elaborations at:


the python way?

2005-06-06 Thread Grooooops
Hi All,

I've been lurking the list for a month and this is my first post. I am
hoping this post is appropriate here, otherwise, my apologies.

 I'm somewhat new to Python, (I'm reading all the tutorials I can find,
and have read through Andre Lessa's Developers Handbook.)
I am trying to learn the Python way of thinking as well as the syntax.

I popped this bit of code together for fun, based on a previous post
regarding randomizing a word.
This shuffles a word, then splits out the vowels and then reassembles
it with the vowels interpolated between consonants.
(To create plausible sounding gibberish)

The code just seems kind of bulky to me. I am wondering, is this an
efficient way to do things, or am I making things harder than

#--begin code--
scrambles a word, but creates plausable gibberish
import random
def shuffled(s):
 scrambles word
l = list(s)
return ''.join(l)

def contains(alist,b): letter b in list a...
ret = []
for all in alist:
#print all
if all==b:
return 1
return 0

def newZip(a1,a2):

longest = [a1,a2][l1l2]
shortest = [a1,a2][longest == a1]
diff = max(l1,l2)-min(l1,l2)
#print longest
seq = len(longest)
ret = 
for j in range(seq):
if len(longest)0:
ret = ret + longest.pop()
if len(shortest)0:
ret = ret + shortest.pop()
return ret

def reinterpolate(word):
 main function 
wlist = shuffled(list(word))
vlist = list('aeiouy') # ok, y isn't really a vowel, but...
vees = filter(lambda x: contains(vlist,x),wlist)
cons =  filter(lambda x: not(contains(vlist,x)),wlist)
return newZip(a,b)

word = encyclopedia
print reinterpolate(word)

#---end code---

BTW: I'm just curious, is there an easier way to copy-paste code
snippets from the interpreter so that it removes the '... ' and the
' ' from the examples?  I'm using cntrl-H search and replace now
which works, but if there is a better way, I'd like to know.

thanks in advance,


Re: idiom for constructor?

2005-06-06 Thread tracyshaun
How about just doing this:

class Foo(object):
__slots__ = ('a','b','c','d')
def __init__(self, *args):
for (name, arg) in zip(self.__slots__, args):
setattr(self, name, arg)



Re: idiom for constructor?

2005-06-06 Thread tracyshaun
And you probably should add:

def __init__(self, *args):
assert len(args) == len(self.__slots__)



Re: Software licenses and releasing Python programs for review

2005-06-06 Thread Andrew Dalke
 For me, the fact 
 that corporations are considered people by the law is ridiculous. 

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Ridiculous? I don't think so. Take, for example, Acme Inc. Acme purchases
 a new factory. Who owns the factory? The CEO? The Chairperson of the Board
 of Directors? Split in equal shares between all the directors? Split
 between all the thousands of shareholders? Society has to decide between
 these methods.

Getting off-topic for  Might want to move this to, for example,
the talk thread for
which is
and read also



RE: About size of Unicode string

2005-06-06 Thread Frank Abel Cancio Bello
Well I will repeat the question:

Can I get how many bytes have a string object independently of its encoding?
Is the len function the right way of get it?

Laci look the following code:

import urllib2
request = urllib2.Request(url= 'http://localhost:6000')
data = 'data to send\n'.encode('utf_8')
request.add_header('content-length', str(len(data)))
request.add_header('content-encoding', 'UTF-8')
file = urllib2.urlopen(request)

Is always true that the size of the entity-body is len(data)
independently of the encoding of data?

 -Original Message-
 From: Laszlo Zsolt Nagy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 1:43 PM
 To: Frank Abel Cancio Bello;
 Subject: Re: About size of Unicode string
 Frank Abel Cancio Bello wrote:
 Hi all!
 I need know the size of string object independently of its encoding. For
  len('123') == len('123'.encode('utf_8'))
 while the size of '123' object is different of the size of
 I need send in HTTP request a string. Then I need know the length of the
 string to set the header content-length independently of its encoding.
 Any idea?
 This is from the RFC:
  The Content-Length entity-header field indicates the size of the
  entity-body, in decimal number of OCTETs, sent to the recipient or, in
  the case of the HEAD method, the size of the entity-body that would
  have been sent had the request been a GET.
Content-Length= Content-Length : 1*DIGIT
  An example is
Content-Length: 3495
  Applications SHOULD use this field to indicate the transfer-length of
  the message-body, unless this is prohibited by the rules in section
  Any Content-Length greater than or equal to zero is a valid value.
  Section 4.4 describes how to determine the length of a message-body if
  a Content-Length is not given.
 Looks to me that the Content-Length header has nothing to do with the
 encoding. It is a very low levet stuff. The content length is given in
 OCTETs and it represents the size of the body. Clearly, it has nothing
 to do with MIME/encoding etc. It is about the number of bits transferred
 in the body. Try to write your unicode strings into a StringIO and take
 its length


Requirements for Software Coding Standards?

2005-06-06 Thread Tim Couper
Does anyone have any knowledge of where to find details of docs like
Requirements for Software Coding Standards, etc applicable for work within
the US govt (preferably non-military).

Thanks in advance

Dr Tim Couper UK

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.322 / Virus Database: 267.6.2 - Release Date: 04/06/2005
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Re: how to get name of function from within function?

2005-06-06 Thread Christopher J. Bottaro
posted  mailed

Christopher J. Bottaro wrote:

 The problem is:
 That messes up SOAPpy's RegisterFunction() method which apparently depends
 on the __name__ of the function to publish it as an available SOAP
 Any suggestions on how to change the name of c.func_b to 'func_b' instead
 of 'wrapper'?

Nevermind, I looked at the SOAPpy source, they provide a way to manually
specify the SOAP method name that is published.

Thanks anyways,
-- C


Re: the python way?

2005-06-06 Thread Kent Johnson
Grops wrote:
 The code just seems kind of bulky to me. I am wondering, is this an
 efficient way to do things, or am I making things harder than

Harder than necessary. 
contains() is not needed at all, you can test for 'b in alist' directly. 
List comprehensions simplify reinterpolate(), and you have a lot of redundant 
calls to list().

Here is a shorter version:

scrambles a word, but creates plausable gibberish
import random
def shuffled(s):
 scrambles word
l = list(s)
return ''.join(l)

def newZip(a1,a2):

longest, shortest = [[a1,a2], [a2,a1]][l1l2]
diff = max(l1,l2)-min(l1,l2)

seq = len(longest)
ret = 
for j in range(seq):
if len(longest)0:
ret += longest.pop()
if len(shortest)0:
ret += shortest.pop()
return ret

def reinterpolate(word):
 main function 
wlist = shuffled(word)
vlist = 'aeiouy' # ok, y isn't really a vowel, but...
vees = [ x for x in wlist if x in vlist ]
cons = [ x for x in wlist if x not in vlist ]
return newZip(vees,cons)

word = encyclopedia
print reinterpolate(word)

 #--begin code--
 scrambles a word, but creates plausable gibberish
 import random
 def shuffled(s):
  scrambles word
   l = list(s)
   return ''.join(l)
 def contains(alist,b): letter b in list a...
   ret = []
   for all in alist:
   #print all
   if all==b:
   return 1
   return 0
 def newZip(a1,a2):
   longest = [a1,a2][l1l2]
   shortest = [a1,a2][longest == a1]
   diff = max(l1,l2)-min(l1,l2)
   #print longest
   seq = len(longest)
   ret = 
   for j in range(seq):
   if len(longest)0:
   ret = ret + longest.pop()
   if len(shortest)0:
   ret = ret + shortest.pop()
   return ret
 def reinterpolate(word):
  main function 
   wlist = shuffled(list(word))
   vlist = list('aeiouy') # ok, y isn't really a vowel, but...
   vees = filter(lambda x: contains(vlist,x),wlist)
   cons =  filter(lambda x: not(contains(vlist,x)),wlist)
   return newZip(a,b)
 word = encyclopedia
 print reinterpolate(word)
 #---end code---

Re: the python way?

2005-06-06 Thread Steven Bethard
Grops wrote:
 Hi All,
 I've been lurking the list for a month and this is my first post. I am
 hoping this post is appropriate here, otherwise, my apologies.
  I'm somewhat new to Python, (I'm reading all the tutorials I can find,
 and have read through Andre Lessa's Developers Handbook.)
 I am trying to learn the Python way of thinking as well as the syntax.
 I popped this bit of code together for fun, based on a previous post
 regarding randomizing a word.
 This shuffles a word, then splits out the vowels and then reassembles
 it with the vowels interpolated between consonants.
 (To create plausible sounding gibberish)
 The code just seems kind of bulky to me. I am wondering, is this an
 efficient way to do things, or am I making things harder than
 #--begin code--
 scrambles a word, but creates plausable gibberish
 import random
 def shuffled(s):
  scrambles word
   l = list(s)
   return ''.join(l)
 def contains(alist,b): letter b in list a...
   ret = []
   for all in alist:
   #print all
   if all==b:
   return 1
   return 0

contains(alist, b) can be more easily written as b in alist

 def newZip(a1,a2):
   longest = [a1,a2][l1l2]
   shortest = [a1,a2][longest == a1]

longest, shortest = sorted([a1, a2], key=len)

   diff = max(l1,l2)-min(l1,l2)
   #print longest
   seq = len(longest)
   ret = 

Don't build up strings using +.  Create a list of strings, and use 
str.join at the end.

   for j in range(seq):
   if len(longest)0:

The len()  0 is unnecessary, simply use:

 if longest:

   ret = ret + longest.pop()
   if len(shortest)0:

 if shortest:

   ret = ret + shortest.pop()
   return ret

If I understand you right, you want to do the usual thing zip does, but 
guaraneeing that the first element is always from the longer list, and 
not throwing away elements.  Note that map(None, ...) probably does what 
you want:

longest, shortest = sorted([a1, a2], key=len, reverse=True)
return ''.join(item
for pair in map(None, longest, shortest)
for item in pair
if item is not None)

 def reinterpolate(word):
  main function 
   wlist = shuffled(list(word))
   vlist = list('aeiouy') # ok, y isn't really a vowel, but...

no need to make vlist a list; contains should work fine on strings.

   vees = filter(lambda x: contains(vlist,x),wlist)

vees = [c in vlist for c in wlist]

   cons =  filter(lambda x: not(contains(vlist,x)),wlist)

cons = [c not in vlist for c in wlist]


The above are unnecessary.  vees and cons are already lists.

   return newZip(a,b)
 word = encyclopedia
 print reinterpolate(word)

So I think overall, my rewrite of your code would look something like 

def reinterpolate(word)
 wlist = list(word)
 vlist = 'aeiouy'
 vees = [c for c in wlist if c in vlist]
 cons = [c for c in wlist if c not in vlist]
 longest, shortest = sorted([vees, cons], key=len)
 return ''.join(item
for pair in map(None, longest, shortest)
for item in pair
if item is not None)

Re: the python way?

2005-06-06 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld
Grops wrote:
 Hi All,
 I've been lurking the list for a month and this is my first post. I am
 hoping this post is appropriate here, otherwise, my apologies.
  I'm somewhat new to Python, (I'm reading all the tutorials I can find,
 and have read through Andre Lessa's Developers Handbook.)
 I am trying to learn the Python way of thinking as well as the syntax.
 I popped this bit of code together for fun, based on a previous post
 regarding randomizing a word.
 This shuffles a word, then splits out the vowels and then reassembles
 it with the vowels interpolated between consonants.
 (To create plausible sounding gibberish)

To make it short, my version is:

import random
def reinterpolate2(word, vocals='aeiouy'):
wlist = list(word)
vees = [c for c in wlist[::-1] if c in vocals]
cons = [c for c in wlist[::-1] if c not in vocals]
short, long = sorted((cons, vees), key=len)
return ''.join(long[i] + short[i] for i in range(len(short))) + 

 The code just seems kind of bulky to me. I am wondering, is this an
 efficient way to do things, or am I making things harder than

Some comments on your code:

 #--begin code--
 scrambles a word, but creates plausable gibberish
 import random
 def shuffled(s):
  scrambles word
   l = list(s)
   return ''.join(l)

You can define this function separately, but needn't.

 def contains(alist,b): letter b in list a...
   ret = []
   for all in alist:
   #print all
   if all==b:
   return 1
   return 0

That is entirely unnecessary - use b in alist :)

 def newZip(a1,a2):
   longest = [a1,a2][l1l2]
   shortest = [a1,a2][longest == a1]
   diff = max(l1,l2)-min(l1,l2)

diff = abs(l2-l1) would be shorter.

   #print longest
   seq = len(longest)
   ret = 
   for j in range(seq):
   if len(longest)0:
   ret = ret + longest.pop()

ret += longest.pop() comes to mind.

   if len(shortest)0:
   ret = ret + shortest.pop()
   return ret
 def reinterpolate(word):
  main function 
   wlist = shuffled(list(word))

shuffled() will make a list itself, so list() is superfluous here.

   vlist = list('aeiouy') # ok, y isn't really a vowel, but...
   vees = filter(lambda x: contains(vlist,x),wlist)

Use a list comprehension here, like above.

   cons =  filter(lambda x: not(contains(vlist,x)),wlist)
   return newZip(a,b)
 word = encyclopedia
 print reinterpolate(word)
 #---end code---

Re: Software licenses and releasing Python programs for review

2005-06-06 Thread Andreas Kostyrka
On Mon, Jun 06, 2005 at 06:08:36PM -, max wrote:
 I guess my argument is that with multiple contributors, the gpl, in 
 comparison to say, a BSD style license, grants power to the code. If 3 
 people work on a gpl project, they must agree to any changes. If 3 
 people work on a BSD style project, they each can do whatever the hell 
 they like with the code. So, in my opinion, the gpl ends up giving 
 perhaps not rights, but certainly power, to the actual code base.
Well, but it's not comparable: GPL without copyright assignment just
leads to community-owned projects. Every part-owner owns his
part. And it makes relicensing (taking the project closed-source) very

That's a design feature, not a bug ;)


OT: Survey facing design patterns and communication

2005-06-06 Thread Nico
Hello everybody!

We are a group of students at Freie Universitaet Berlin.
As part of our computer science studies we are going to do
a survey facing the use of design patterns in communication.

Examples of design patterns are Abstract Factory,
Singleton, Composite, Iterator and  Listener.

If you know what we are talking about, you are welcome to
take part in our survey.
It takes about 5 minutes to fill out the form.

Just jump to:

If you agree, we will send you the results of our survey.

Thanks in advance for your participation!
And sorry for the interruption of your discussion.


Re: random module question

2005-06-06 Thread Paul Rubin
Raymond Hettinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Can I rely on the module to produce the same series of
  numbers for future/past versions of Python, given the same seed?
 The answer is a qualified Yes.  While the core generator (currently the
 Mersenne Twister algorithm) is subject to change across versions,
 whenever we've updated the generator, a backward compatable version is
 offered (random.WichmannHill for example). 

Is Mersenne Twister currently available at all in Jython, for example?

Re: Destructive Windows Script

2005-06-06 Thread Terry Reedy

Dennis Lee Bieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 My previous facility didn't even accept mil-spec wipes -- all
 disk drives leaving the facility had to go through a demagnitizer,

OT but I am curious: does a metallic case act as a metallic shield, so that 
the case needs to be opened to do this?  (Conversely, is a magnet near a 
disk drive a danger to it?)

 wiped everything, including control tracks, and played bleep with the
 R/W head and positioning magnets.

I take this to mean the the drive is non-functional and might have well 
been melted, except that demagnetising is cheaper.



Re: the python way?

2005-06-06 Thread Grooooops
Wow...  Thanks for all the tips guys...
I will study the above examples.

...down to 8 lines of exquisitely readable code... Wow... Python

(still aspiring to greatness myself,)

print eval(x[3])


Re: Software licenses and releasing Python programs for review

2005-06-06 Thread Robert Kern
max wrote:

 Perhaps 'attempts' is too strong a word. Maybe 'ends up giving' would 
 help my argument more. The best example I can come up with at the 
 moment is programmer A releases a project under the gpl. Programmer B 
 makes a substantial contribution to the project, which pA reads 
 through and accepts. Later, pA decides that he would like to release 
 the project under a more liberal license. To me, whether he legally 
 can under the gpl is a very murky subject, as pB might not agree, and 
 pA, having looked through/thought about pB's contribution might have 
 some trouble proving that he implemented any matching functionality 
 without referencing pB's earlier contribution, which if he did 
 reference it(even by memory), would presumably require him to continue 
 using the gpl.
 I guess my argument is that with multiple contributors, the gpl, in 
 comparison to say, a BSD style license, grants power to the code. If 3 
 people work on a gpl project, they must agree to any changes. If 3 
 people work on a BSD style project, they each can do whatever the hell 
 they like with the code. So, in my opinion, the gpl ends up giving 
 perhaps not rights, but certainly power, to the actual code base.

There's no power being granted to code. All of the power is in the hands 
of pA and pB. If pA wants a more liberal license to pB's code, then he 
needs to ask for one. pB can grant that permission (assuming the code is 
his and not actually pC's). There's nothing special about the GPL in 
this respect. The same situation works with the BSD license, too, 
although the BSD license is pretty much rock-bottom in terms of 
restrictions such that there's almost never a *desire* to ask for more 

The code has never been granted any legal powers. It's still just 

Robert Kern

In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
   -- Richard Harter


Re: Destructive Windows Script

2005-06-06 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2005-06-06, Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OT but I am curious: does a metallic case act as a metallic shield,

It depends on the metal and the case thickness.  Thin
sheet-aluminum provides virtually no magnetic shielding.  Some
good thick iron plate will provide shielding.

 so that the case needs to be opened to do this?


 (Conversely, is a magnet near a disk drive a danger to it?)

Yes, if it's strong enough.

 wiped everything, including control tracks, and played bleep
 with the R/W head and positioning magnets.

 I take this to mean the the drive is non-functional and might
 have well been melted, except that demagnetising is cheaper.


Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  Why are these
  at   athletic shoe salesmen
   visi.comfollowing me??

RE: About size of Unicode string

2005-06-06 Thread Andrew Dalke
Frank Abel Cancio Bello wrote:
 Can I get how many bytes have a string object independently of its encoding?
 Is the len function the right way of get it?

No.  len(unicode_string) returns the number of characters in the

Number of bytes depends on how the unicode character are represented.
Different encodings will use different numbers of bytes.

 u = uG\N{Latin small letter A with ring above}

 Laci look the following code:
   import urllib2
   request = urllib2.Request(url= 'http://localhost:6000')
   data = 'data to send\n'.encode('utf_8')
   request.add_header('content-length', str(len(data)))
   request.add_header('content-encoding', 'UTF-8')
   file = urllib2.urlopen(request)
 Is always true that the size of the entity-body is len(data)
 independently of the encoding of data?

For this case it is true because the logical length of 'data'
(which is a byte string) is equal to the number of bytes in the
string, and the utf-8 encoding of a byte string with character
values in the range 0-127, inclusive, is unchanged from the
original string.

In general, as if 'data' is a unicode strings, no.

len() returns the logical length of 'data'.  That number does
not need to be the number of bytes used to represent 'data'.
To get the bytes you must encode the object.



EnumKey vs EnumValue

2005-06-06 Thread Pykid
I'm having trouble getting any responses back from the following
snippet, where I am just trying to read some data from the Windows
Registry.  I intend to do a little bit more with this but will work on
that later, but I think I can get more data back from EnumValue, I'd
like to see the differences between them.  I am running Python 2.3 on
XP and can get a response from EnumKey, but EnumValue returns nothing
at all; the key listing even returns 0 keys when it prints out the
status.  But EnumKey returns the right number and even prints out the
keys I expect, I copied some of this from the Cookbook and can't tell
what might be the problem.

  Thanks for any help.

  - M

from _winreg import *

findkey = raw_input(What key do you want to look for?  )

key = SOFTWARE\\+findkey
machine = ConnectRegistry(None,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)
regpath = OpenKey(machine,key)

print Looking for,key

for i in range(25):
regEndeca = EnumKey(regpath,i)
print regEndeca
except EnvironmentError:
print There are, i,keys under,key
print That was using EnumKey.

for j in range(25):
regstr,value,type = EnumValue(regpath,j)
print regstr,value,type
except EnvironmentError:
print There are, j,keys under,key
print That was using EnumValue.


Re: Looking for Image, Audio and Internet/Web HOTWO's or tutorials

2005-06-06 Thread CPUFreak91
thanks. It's a huuuge list


split up a list by condition?

2005-06-06 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld

while writing my solution for The python way?, I came across this fragment:

vees = [c for c in wlist[::-1] if c in vocals]
cons = [c for c in wlist[::-1] if c not in vocals]

So I think: Have I overlooked a function which splits up a sequence into two,
based on a condition? Such as

vees, cons = split(wlist[::-1], lambda c: c in vocals)


Re: About size of Unicode string

2005-06-06 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Frank Abel Cancio Bello wrote:
   request.add_header('content-encoding', 'UTF-8')

The Content-Encoding header is for things like gzip, not for
specifying the text encoding. Use the charset parameter to the
Content-Type header for that, as in Content-Type: text/plain;

Re: Destructive Windows Script

2005-06-06 Thread rbt
Terry Reedy wrote:
 Dennis Lee Bieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
My previous facility didn't even accept mil-spec wipes -- all
disk drives leaving the facility had to go through a demagnitizer,
 OT but I am curious: does a metallic case act as a metallic shield, so that 
 the case needs to be opened to do this?  (Conversely, is a magnet near a 
 disk drive a danger to it?)

Absolutely. Small HDD's (like laptops) are especially vulnerable to 
magnetic force.

Re: the python way?

2005-06-06 Thread Andrew Dalke
Reinhold Birkenfeld wrote:
 To make it short, my version is:
 import random
 def reinterpolate2(word, vocals='aeiouy'):
 wlist = list(word)
 vees = [c for c in wlist[::-1] if c in vocals]
 cons = [c for c in wlist[::-1] if c not in vocals]

Why the [::-1]?  If it's randomly shuffled the order isn't important.

 short, long = sorted((cons, vees), key=len)
 return ''.join(long[i] + short[i] for i in range(len(short))) + 

All the cool kids are using 2.4 these days.  :)

Another way to write this is (assuming the order of characters
can be swapped)

 N = min(len(short), len(long))
 return (''.join( [c1+c2 for (c1, c2) in zip(cons, vees)] +
 cons[N:] + vees[N:])

The main change here is that zip() stops when the first iterator finishes
so there's no need to write the 'for i in range(len(short))'

If the order is important then the older way is

if len(cons) = len(vees):
short, long = vees, cons
short, long = cons, vees
return (''.join( [c1+c2 for (c1, c2) in zip(short, long)] +

'Course to be one of the cool kids, another solution is to use the
roundrobin() implementation found from

from collections import deque
def roundrobin(*iterables):
pending = deque(iter(i) for i in iterables)
while pending:
task = pending.popleft()
except StopIteration:

With it the last line becomes

 return ''.join(roundrobin(short, long))

Anyone know if/when roundrobin() will be part of the std. lib?
The sf tracker implies that it won't be.


Re: Destructive Windows Script

2005-06-06 Thread Mike Meyer
Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On *nix, one could open '/dev/rawdisk' (actual name depends on the *nix 
 build) and write a tracks worth of garbage for as many tracks as there are. 
 I don't how to programmaticly get the track size and number (if there is a 
 standard way at all).

Modern Unix systems assume drives don't care much about geometry, what
with sector forwarding and variable track lengths and the like.

Just open the raw disk device (assuming your Unix has such), and start
writing data to it. Keep going until the write fails at the end of the

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: Destructive Windows Script

2005-06-06 Thread rbt
Mike Meyer wrote:
 Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
On *nix, one could open '/dev/rawdisk' (actual name depends on the *nix 
build) and write a tracks worth of garbage for as many tracks as there are. 
I don't how to programmaticly get the track size and number (if there is a 
standard way at all).
 Modern Unix systems assume drives don't care much about geometry, what
 with sector forwarding and variable track lengths and the like.
 Just open the raw disk device (assuming your Unix has such), and start
 writing data to it. Keep going until the write fails at the end of the

Wouldn't /dev/urandom or /dev/random on Linux systems work better? It's 
the kernel's built in random number generator. It'd fill the drive with 
random bits of data. You could loop it too... in fact, I think many of 
the pre-packaged *wipe* programs are mini Linux distros that do just this.

dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/your_hard_drive

Re: anygui,anydb, any opinions?

2005-06-06 Thread Thomas Bartkus
James Tanis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Previously, on Jun 6, Thomas Bartkus said:

 # bruno modulix [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 #  You mean the wimp gui builder + db - ui pipeline model ? If yes, C
 #  doesn't have it, C++ doesn't have it (in fact most languages doesn't
 #  have it) - and 
 #   the fact is that C and C++ are usually considered as much
 #  more serious and professionnal than VB and the likes.
 # Yes but there is another fact that must be considered.
 # Systems like VB (and the likes) are much more *productive* .
 # The secret of that particular success has nothing to do with the
 # and everything to do with the integrated GUI / IDE available to that
 # particular (VB) language.

 That's pretty arguable. C/C++ has no shortage of integrated GUI/IDE
 available especially if your willing to fork out the same kind of books
 that you would need to for VB.

 # Anything that reduces the overhead involved in producing a
 # consistent/attractive/idiot proof  user interface makes a far more
 # productive environment.
 # Thomas Bartkus

 My 2 cents, I'm much more productive with Python and QT Builder as I
 am with VB and those aren't nearly as intergrated as VB's GUI/IDE. A
 language's productivity, I believe, rests on how high or low-level the
 language and its libraries are. Not just that though, productivity is
 also very much affected by the breadth of the libraries available.

When scripting, Windows or Linux, I also am much more productive with
When automating a process for another human being, I am much more productive
with a RAD tool like VB.  The effort involved in creating the user front end
simply overwhelms  all the considerable efficiencies of Python.

When I code wxPython, I find I want to use VB to create/model my user
interface.  Once I prototype my Windows (Frames!) using VB, I can then xlate
this to wxPython code.  What I couldn't do without the VB IDE was visualize
and experiment with the impact of various layouts *before* I lay down code.
It is simply too onerous to experiment by code manipulation and too easy to
swish around visually with a mouse.

When I use a GUI designer like wxGlade, I still find it awkward enough to
merit prototyping with the VB IDE and then mimic the windows I create with

 Sure, GUI RAD solutions increase development in a very real way, but you
 can find an offering for just about every language out there these days.

Yes.  But the tools available for Python are still primitive compared to RAD
tools like Delphi/Visual Studio.  I still don't know enough wxPython to
understand what the barriers are to creating a RAD visual design and
construction tool similar to the Visual Studio environment.
My ravings here are simply the result of a suspicion -

- The suspicion is that the only barrier is the Python (and Linux!)
communities grossly underestimating the value of such an undertaking.
Thomas Bartkus


Re: Destructive Windows Script

2005-06-06 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2005-06-06, rbt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just open the raw disk device (assuming your Unix has such),
 and start writing data to it. Keep going until the write fails
 at the end of the media.

 Wouldn't /dev/urandom or /dev/random on Linux systems work

Maybe.  Last time I found an article on the subject (should
have kept a copy), it suggested certain patterns for the
initial passes, and then random data for the last passes.  

The data is converted into one of several RLL encodings (which
encoding depends on the drive). The optimal erase patterns
depended on the encoding used, so you have to use a several
different patterns to cover all the bases.

Googling for secure disk erase pattern rll encoding...

Here's a good but somewhat old paper:

and here's a newer one that deals more with secure deletion of
individual files:

and finally the US Navy's take on the issue:
 It's the kernel's built in random number generator. It'd fill
 the drive with random bits of data.

The really random device will block when it runs out of
entropy.  It will probably take the kernel a _long_ time to
generate a disk's worth of random data.  The pseudo-random
device won't block, but the results aren't quite as secure.

 You could loop it too... in fact, I think many of the
 pre-packaged *wipe* programs are mini Linux distros that do
 just this.

 dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/your_hard_drive

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  I always liked FLAG
  at   DAY!!

wxPython: GridBagSizer, EXPAND, and HtmlListBox

2005-06-06 Thread Adam Endicott
I'm  having some trouble using an HtmlListBox with a GridBagSizer. I'm
not sure how best to explain what's happening, but it seems that every
time my frame gets resized, the HtmlListBox grows taller, even when the
resize is only horizontal, or makes the frame smaller. I'm pretty new
to GUI layout and wxPython, so hopefully I'm doing something obviously
wrong. Here's a short runnable code sample showing my basic layout (I'm
using python 2.3.3 and wxPython 2.6 running on windows XP pro):

-Start Code-

import wx

class TestFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self):
app = wx.PySimpleApp()
wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, -1)
p = wx.Panel(self, -1)
gbs = wx.GridBagSizer(5, 5)
gbs.Add(wx.Button(p, -1), (0, 0), span=(1, 2), flag=wx.EXPAND)
hlb = wx.HtmlListBox(p, -1)
gbs.Add(hlb, (1, 0), span=(4, 1), flag=wx.EXPAND)
gbs.Add(wx.Button(p, -1), (1, 1), flag=wx.EXPAND)
gbs.Add(wx.Button(p, -1), (2, 1), flag=wx.EXPAND)
gbs.Add(wx.Button(p, -1), (3, 1), flag=wx.EXPAND)
gbs.Add(wx.Button(p, -1), (4, 1), flag=wx.EXPAND)
wx.EVT_SIZE(hlb, self.onSize)

def onSize(self, event):
print event.GetSize()

if __name__ == '__main__':

-End Code-

If you run that and try to resize the window by dragging an edge, the
HtmlListBox just goes crazy and keeps getting bigger (try dragging the
right edge back and forth).

It does the same thing if I replace the HtmlListBox with a wx.Panel or
even a wx.Window, but not with a wx.ListBox, or wx.Button. The effect
I'm trying to accomplish is basically what you get if you sub in a
wx.ListBox, (but I need the HtmlListBox because I want to put a small
image next to the strings in the list).

Removing the wx.EXPAND flag on the HtmlListBox (at line 11) solves the
weird resizing, except that now the HtmlListBox doesn't fill the space
it needs to.

Does anyone know what's going on here, or how I can get this to work?


RE: About size of Unicode string

2005-06-06 Thread Frank Abel Cancio Bello
Thanks to all. Andrew's answer was an excellent explanation. Thanks Leif for
you suggestion.

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Leif K-Brooks
 Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 4:29 PM
 Subject: Re: About size of Unicode string
 Frank Abel Cancio Bello wrote:
  request.add_header('content-encoding', 'UTF-8')
 The Content-Encoding header is for things like gzip, not for
 specifying the text encoding. Use the charset parameter to the
 Content-Type header for that, as in Content-Type: text/plain;


Re: anygui,anydb, any opinions?

2005-06-06 Thread James Tanis
Previously, on Jun 6, Thomas Bartkus said: 

# James Tanis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
#  Previously, on Jun 6, Thomas Bartkus said:
#  # bruno modulix [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
#  #  You mean the wimp gui builder + db - ui pipeline model ? If yes, C
#  #  doesn't have it, C++ doesn't have it (in fact most languages doesn't
#  #  have it) - and 
#  #
#  #   the fact is that C and C++ are usually considered as much
#  #  more serious and professionnal than VB and the likes.
#  #
#  # Yes but there is another fact that must be considered.
#  # Systems like VB (and the likes) are much more *productive* .
#  #
#  # The secret of that particular success has nothing to do with the
# language
#  # and everything to do with the integrated GUI / IDE available to that
#  # particular (VB) language.
#  That's pretty arguable. C/C++ has no shortage of integrated GUI/IDE
#  available especially if your willing to fork out the same kind of books
#  that you would need to for VB.
#  #
#  # Anything that reduces the overhead involved in producing a
#  # consistent/attractive/idiot proof  user interface makes a far more
#  # productive environment.
#  #
#  # Thomas Bartkus
#  My 2 cents, I'm much more productive with Python and QT Builder as I
#  am with VB and those aren't nearly as intergrated as VB's GUI/IDE. A
#  language's productivity, I believe, rests on how high or low-level the
#  language and its libraries are. Not just that though, productivity is
#  also very much affected by the breadth of the libraries available.
# When scripting, Windows or Linux, I also am much more productive with
# Python.
# When automating a process for another human being, I am much more productive
# with a RAD tool like VB.  The effort involved in creating the user front end
# simply overwhelms  all the considerable efficiencies of Python.
# When I code wxPython, I find I want to use VB to create/model my user
# interface.  Once I prototype my Windows (Frames!) using VB, I can then xlate
# this to wxPython code.  What I couldn't do without the VB IDE was visualize
# and experiment with the impact of various layouts *before* I lay down code.
# It is simply too onerous to experiment by code manipulation and too easy to
# swish around visually with a mouse.
# When I use a GUI designer like wxGlade, I still find it awkward enough to
# merit prototyping with the VB IDE and then mimic the windows I create with
# wxGlade.
#  Sure, GUI RAD solutions increase development in a very real way, but you
#  can find an offering for just about every language out there these days.
# Yes.  But the tools available for Python are still primitive compared to RAD
# tools like Delphi/Visual Studio.  I still don't know enough wxPython to
# understand what the barriers are to creating a RAD visual design and
# construction tool similar to the Visual Studio environment.
# My ravings here are simply the result of a suspicion -
# - The suspicion is that the only barrier is the Python (and Linux!)
# communities grossly underestimating the value of such an undertaking.
# Thomas Bartkus

Hmm, it's not that simple though. Unfortunately efforts get spread 
among the various projects, wxPython is only one among many. You seem 
set on wxPython, and its true, RAD projects based around that toolkit 
still seem to be in alpha/beta stages, but that does not go for all the 
toolkits. There are no barriers that I know of, but your comparing an 
application (vb) that has been 11+ years with one (wxglade) that has 
been around what.. maybe three years?
# -- 

James Tanis

Re: Controlling source IP address within urllib2

2005-06-06 Thread Dan
Thanks for your input.  I can kind of see the light in this, but I'm
having difficulty knowing where the do_open method comes from.  Also,
I'll need to follow redirects, so I assume then I would add a
HTTPRedirectHandler instance to the urllib2.build_opener. (?)  Thanks
again for your help.


help with sending mail in Program

2005-06-06 Thread Ivan Shevanski

Hey i'm new here and relatively new to python.  I've made a few small 
programs and now I'm making a program for my friends that at the end has a 
feedback form.  I want to send the feedback back to my email adress.  I know 
I should use the SMTP module and I have figured out how to send with it, but 
I can't figure out how to include my variables in it, such as the questions 
I ask them.  Can someone explain this to me?

On the road to retirement? Check out MSN Life Events for advice on how to 
get there!


Re: Destructive Windows Script

2005-06-06 Thread Mike Meyer
rbt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Mike Meyer wrote:
 Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On *nix, one could open '/dev/rawdisk' (actual name depends on the
 *nix build) and write a tracks worth of garbage for as many tracks
 as there are. I don't how to programmaticly get the track size and
 number (if there is a standard way at all).
 Modern Unix systems assume drives don't care much about geometry,
 with sector forwarding and variable track lengths and the like.
 Just open the raw disk device (assuming your Unix has such), and
 writing data to it. Keep going until the write fails at the end of the

 Wouldn't /dev/urandom or /dev/random on Linux systems work better?

Well, that would certainly make a good source for the data you write.

 It's the kernel's built in random number generator. It'd fill the
 drive with random bits of data. You could loop it too... in fact, I
 think many of the pre-packaged *wipe* programs are mini Linux distros
 that do just this.

 dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/your_hard_drive

That works. You may want to set a block size for performance reasons.

Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

[wxPython] How to change deafult tab traversing (radiobuttons panel)

2005-06-06 Thread w.p.

I want change default tab traversing in my app. But i don't know how to do it :(

Belowe i include simple example - i want change default tab order:

radiobutton mode11 - radiobutton mode31 - button OK

I can't find any option, flag, or another way.

I try use wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN macro, or Bind - but without success.

When i use Borland Builder C++ i must only set tabStop=False 

sorry for my english !


import wx

class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
 def __init__(self, parent, title):
 wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, title)

 mainPanel = wx.Panel(self)
 mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)



 # group 1
 gridSiz1 = wx.FlexGridSizer(2,2)

 self.rb11 = wx.RadioButton(panel1, -1, style=wx.RB_GROUP, label=mode 
 self.rb12 = wx.RadioButton(panel1, -1, label=mode 12)
 self.rb21 = wx.RadioButton(panel1, -1, style=wx.RB_GROUP, label=mode 
 self.rb22 = wx.RadioButton(panel1, -1, label=mode 22)


 # group 2
 gridSiz2 = wx.FlexGridSizer(2,2)

 self.rb31 = wx.RadioButton(panel2, -1, style=wx.RB_GROUP, label=mode 
 self.rb32 = wx.RadioButton(panel2, -1, label=mode 32)
 self.rb41 = wx.RadioButton(panel2, -1, style=wx.RB_GROUP, label=mode 
 self.rb42 = wx.RadioButton(panel2, -1, label=mode 42)


 okBut = wx.Button(mainPanel,label=-- OK --)


 self.rb11.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnRBKD)

 def OnRBKD(self,event):
  print OnKey!

class MyApp(wx.App):
 def OnInit(self):
 frame = MyFrame(None, Simple wxPython App)
 return True

app = MyApp(0)


PyRun_String does not appear to handle EInvalidOp exceptions

2005-06-06 Thread Heather Korns
Here's a snippet of code that demonstrates my problem:

  result = PyRun_String (import math, Py_file_input, pdict,pdict);
  result = PyRun_String (math.sqrt(-1), Py_file_input, pdict,pdict);
  result = PyRun_String (math.pow(2,1024), Py_file_input,

Other types of exceptions seem to be handled properly by PyRun_String;
however, EInvalidOp or EOverflow exceptions do not seem to be handled.
My application is unable to recover gracefully after this exception

Has anyone else run into this problem?



file permissions on windows XP (home)

2005-06-06 Thread barney

I'm trying to write to an existing file under windows XP (home). The
files are in 'My Music' which I think may be treated in some special
way under XP. The relevant python code is as follows:

os.chmod(filename, 0744)
print Okay to write = +str(os.access(filename, os.W_OK))
afile = file(filename, 'r+b')

When I run this I get the following console output:

Okay to write = True
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File c:\temp\eyed3-0.6.6\src\, line 28, in ?
  File c:\temp\eyed3-0.6.6\src\, line 24, in processFiles
afile = file(filename, 'r+b')
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 02 - New Year's Day.mp3

If I look at the files in explorer then the read only flag is not set.
If I change to cygwin and then do an ls -l I get something like:

-r--r--r--  1 Barney None 4142103 Feb 28  1999 02 - New Year's Day.mp3

If I do a chmod 644 from bash first then the python works fine?

I'm at a loss to understand what is going on.

Why is python returing True from os.access?
Why isn't chmod doing anything?
Why is cygwin able to sort the problem out?


p.s. I'm using ActiveState Python 2.4


Creating file of size x

2005-06-06 Thread Jan Danielsson
Hello all,

   Is there any way to create a file with a specified size?

Re: Creating file of size x

2005-06-06 Thread Erik Max Francis
Jan Danielsson wrote:

Is there any way to create a file with a specified size?

What do you want to put in the file?  Once you've answered that 
question, the solution should present itself.

Erik Max Francis  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
San Jose, CA, USA  37 20 N 121 53 W  AIM erikmaxfrancis
   All the people in my neighborhood turn around and get mad and sing
   -- Public Enemy

RE: EnumKey vs EnumValue

2005-06-06 Thread Hughes, Chad O
EnumKey enumerates subkeys which are equivalent to the folders in
regedit.  EnumValue enumerates values only. The reason your script is
not printing anything must be due to the fact that you are passing in a
registry path that contains only subkeys and no values.  As I mentioned
before, the folders are the subkeys, but the values are the name, type,
data tuple in a given key.  Some loosely call the values keys, but
technically, the keys are the folders and the values are the names.  The
names can be set to a specific data item.  Hence the data column in
regedit.  The type is obviously the data type of the data that is
associated with a given value (name). 

So, to summarize,  keys are the folders that hold values that are set to
data of a specific type.  Keys are equivalent to the path, values are
equivalent to the name in regedit.  That value is assigned a date item
of a specific type.  This can get confusing because people commonly
referred to the values as keys when keys are actually the folders.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 1:07 PM
Subject: EnumKey vs EnumValue

I'm having trouble getting any responses back from the following
snippet, where I am just trying to read some data from the Windows
Registry.  I intend to do a little bit more with this but will work on
that later, but I think I can get more data back from EnumValue, I'd
like to see the differences between them.  I am running Python 2.3 on XP
and can get a response from EnumKey, but EnumValue returns nothing at
all; the key listing even returns 0 keys when it prints out the status.
But EnumKey returns the right number and even prints out the keys I
expect, I copied some of this from the Cookbook and can't tell what
might be the problem.

  Thanks for any help.

  - M

from _winreg import *

findkey = raw_input(What key do you want to look for?  )

key = SOFTWARE\\+findkey
machine = ConnectRegistry(None,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)
regpath = OpenKey(machine,key)

print Looking for,key

for i in range(25):
regEndeca = EnumKey(regpath,i)
print regEndeca
except EnvironmentError:
print There are, i,keys under,key
print That was using EnumKey.

for j in range(25):
regstr,value,type = EnumValue(regpath,j)
print regstr,value,type
except EnvironmentError:
print There are, j,keys under,key
print That was using EnumValue.


Re: Creating file of size x

2005-06-06 Thread Ivan Shevanski

  Can you elaborate more? Just any file?

Yes -- a binary file.

The file will contain check blocks for another file. The problem is
that the order of the received check blocks is not specified, so I need
to be able seek to the block's position in the file, and then just write
the block.

Kind Regards,
Jan Danielsson
Nobody loves a cynic
I don't know. . .have you searched through modules? That's all I can think 
of. . .


Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE!


Re: Creating file of size x

2005-06-06 Thread Jan Danielsson
Erik Max Francis wrote:
Is there any way to create a file with a specified size?
 What do you want to put in the file?  Once you've answered that
 question, the solution should present itself.

Check blocks from an FEC-encoder (Freenet, more specifically).

   The problem is that the design I'm working on won't guarantee what
order the blocks will be returned in -- so I need to be able to seek to
block n's location and write the ckeck block. Next block could be m,
where m  n. So, they aren't continous.

poker card game revisited (code included)

2005-06-06 Thread flupke

i've included the code so interested people can take a look.
I've tried to expand on the thread of 26/05/2005 on Checking for a full 
house. Code is suboptimal as I coded it rather quickly.
I've added the normal classes one would expect from a cardgame: card, 
deck, hand etc.

1. I can detect most things except a straightflush. The problem with the 
code now is that it only returns 1 straight which is enough for mere 
straight detection but won't suffice for hand comparison and 
especially detecting straight flushes. For use in straight flush 
detection, the function would need to return all possible straights and 
then these would need to be checked to see if they are flushes.
For instance a list [4,4,5,5,6,7,8] yields 4 different straights.
A hand like [4,4,5,5,6,7,8,9] gets even worse.
I can't see how i can do this using sets, i'll need to come up with 
another method since the suit is important.

2. Hand comparison.
For this to succeed the getrank function would need to return the exact 
5 cards that represent the highest hand. This could be less than 5 cards 
if one uses wildcards. Then you not only have the correct rank but also 
the highest hand so you can compare in case there are ties.

3. x wild.
For games like deuces wild, what would be the best way to manage 
those? I tought about removing them from a hand before shipping it of to 
the getrank function?

Any ideas?

Benedict Verheyen

= CODE =

Attempt for a poker cardgame representation
Benedict Verheyen
Code additions from web ( and
newsgroup comp.lang.python esp. Raymond Hettinger

import random

class Card(object):
 Represents a single card
 2,3,4, ... 10, 11 for Jack, 12 for Queen,
 13 for King, 14 for Ace
 suitList = [Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades]
 rankList = [ narf, narf, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 
9, 10,
 Jack, Queen, King, Ace]

 def __init__(self, suit=0, rank=0):
 Initialise a card
 @type suit: int
 @param suit: suit of the card (see suitList)
 @type rank: int
 @param rank: rank of the card (see rankList)
 self.suit = suit
 self.rank = rank

 def __str__(self):
 Pretty print a card
 return self.rankList[self.rank] +  of  + self.suitList[self.suit]

 def __cmp__(self, other):
 Compare 2 cards
 @type other: card
 @param other: the card to compare with
 # check the suits
 if self.suit  other.suit: return 1
 if self.suit  other.suit: return -1
 # suits are the same... check ranks
 if self.rank  other.rank: return 1
 if self.rank  other.rank: return -1
 # ranks are the same... it's a tie
 return 0

class Deck(object):
 Represents a deck of cards. We can have different decks of cards
 DECK_NORMAL = 1 # 52 cards

 def __init__(self,decktype=DECK_NORMAL):
 Makes a deck of cards
 @type decktype: type of deck
 @param decktype: what type of deck is it? (DECK_NORMAL,...) = []
 for suit in range(4):
   for rank in range(2, 15):, rank))

 def printdeck(self):
 Pretty print the deck
 for card in
   print card

 def __str__(self):
 Pretty print the deck
 s = 
 for i in range(len(
 s = s +  *i + str([i]) + \n
 return s

 def sort(self,rank=True,suit=False):
 Sort the deck
 def sortonrank(x,y):
 if x.rank  y.rank: return 1
 if x.rank  y.rank: return -1
 return 0
 def sortonsuit(x,y):
 if x.suit  y.suit: return 1
 if x.suit  y.suit: return -1
 return 0
 def sortonboth(x,y):
 return cmp(x,y)

 if ( rank == True and suit == False):
 elif ( suit == True and rank == False ):
 else: # roept sort van card op

 def shuffle(self,nshuffle=1):
 Shuffle the deck of cards. This happens by swapping cards
 @type nshuffle: int
 @param nshuffle: how many times do we shuffle
 import random
 nCards = len(
 # swap cards on place i and j
 for shuffle in range(nshuffle):
 print  shuffle %s  % shuffle
 for i in range(nCards):
 j = random.randrange(i, nCards)
 [[i],[j]] = [[j],[i]]

 def removecard(self, card):
 Removes a card 

Re: How to change deafult tab traversing (radiobuttons panel)

2005-06-06 Thread Mudcat
I just figured this out myself, but probably not the way you're asking.
There are supposed to be ways to change the tab order using
tk_focusNext() and tk_focusPrevious(), but I've never used it.

What I've done is simply point one widget to the next one, basically
creating a linked list of tabs. I only had a couple that I wanted to
change the order of, so this was pretty easy to change.

I bound the widgets I wanted changed to tab and had a function that
knew where to go. Here's a simple example:

def tab(self, event):

return 'break'

The return 'break' is very important, because if you don't include it
then the default tab functionality of window will be used which will
override whatever changes you make.

I had problems using the tk_focusNext() and tk_focusPrevious() commands
because the two widgets that were supposed to be next to each other in
order were in different windows. I kept getting errors when I tried it.

And since I only had two widgets I created two different functions to
handle the tabs. But if I had more than two I would have created a
forwarding table based on widget names or ids using the event that is
returned in the callback from the binding. Based on the event id
returned I would know where to set focuse next.


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