shelve non-transparency

2005-08-24 Thread Paul Rubin
class x: pass
z = x()
z.a = 'a'

d = {'a': z}
for i in range(5):
  print id(d['a'])

prints the same id 5 times as you'd expect.

d = shelve('filename')
d['a'] = z
for i in range(5):
  print id(d['a'])

prints five different id's.  So, for example,
   y = d['a']
   y.x = 'x'
fails to update the shelve.

The reason is sort of understandable but I hadn't guessed it ahead of
time (I'd actually forgotten that d wasn't a normal dict, which you're
supposed to be able to do if abstraction works properly), and it
caused a bug in my program that took a little while to figure out.

I wonder if some fix is possible.

Re: Jargons of Info Tech industry

2005-08-24 Thread Richard Bos
l v [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Mike Schilling wrote:
  A formatting-only subset of HTML would be useful for both e-mail and Usenet 
 I would *agree*  (your news reader may bold that last word)

It had bloody better not. You're cross-posting this to a C newsgroup,
where *ptr* 4 is a legal (albeit inadvisably spaced) expression.


Externally-defined properties?

2005-08-24 Thread Terry Hancock
Frankly, I was surprised this worked at all, but I tried
creating a property outside of a class (i.e. at the module
level), and it seems to behave as a property:

 def get_x(ob):
... global x
... return str(x)
 def set_x(ob, value):
... global x
... x = int(value)
 def del_x(ob):
... global x
... del x
 def x_access():
... return property(get_x, set_x, del_x, X defined externally?)

 class Accessor(object):
... s_x = x_access()
... def __str__(self):
... print Accessor has x = %s % self.s_X
 a = Accessor()
 a.s_x = 3
['Accessor', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__', 'a', 'del_x', 'get_x', 'p', 
'set_x', 'x', 'x_access']

(of course in the real example, x will probably be in an
entirely different module, used as a library -- the client code
just calls a function to get a property that is automatically
managed for it).

So far, the only problem I see is that it only works if the
property is assigned to a new-type class attribute (otherwise,
the first assignment simply replaces the property).

I'm thinking of using this to tie a property of a class to an
external data source (a joystick axis, in fact -- or at least
its last-polled value).

There is a more convential way to do this, of course -- I could
just use a get_value function, but there is something attractive
about have a variable that is simply bound to the external
data source like this.  It seems like a good way to encapsulate
functionality that I don't really want the high level class to
have to think about.

I mention it here, because I've never seen a property used
this way.  So I'm either being very clever, or very dumb, 
and I would be interested in opinions on which applies. ;-)

Am I about to shoot myself in the foot?

Terry Hancock ( hancock at )
Anansi Spaceworks


Re: where does __class__ come from?

2005-08-24 Thread Adriaan Renting
You might find the chapter 3.3 (in my python 2.3.4, it's Special Method 
names) in the reference manual useful, it is the only place I have found sofar 
that describes most of these special methods. It does however not contain 
__class__. I don't know where in the reference manual to find it's description, 
probaly in some Special attribute names chapter I can't find.
Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/23/05 11:26 pm  
Where does __class__ come from, what does it mean and what else is 
being hidden? 
I am used to using dir(...) to figure out what I can play with. 
Clearly that does not always work... :-( 
Your question has benn answered - let me just add this from the dir()-docs: 
Note: Because dir() is supplied primarily as a convenience  for use at 
an interactive prompt,  it tries to supply an interesting set of names 
more than it tries to  supply a rigorously or consistently defined set 
of names,  and its detailed behavior may change across releases. 


FileIO problem

2005-08-24 Thread Layin'_Low
i'm havin a problem with this simple program. i need the output of this
loop to be written to a file but i dont know how to do it!! this is
what i have right now:

gclas = raw_input(What is the class:)
count = 0
while count != 1000:
count = count + 1
print Admin forceclass  , count , gclas

i know the IO script. i tried calling it a function, but i got an error
that says  i cant call funtions for writing:

gclas = raw_input(What is the class:)
def Princlas():
count = 0
while count != 1000:
count = count + 1
print Admin forceclass  , count , gclas
#asks for file name
a = raw_input(What is new file name:)
out_file = open(a,w)
#this is the input of text

i know i need to get it to a string but i dont know how?Any solution or
help i s more that welcome


Re: Logging all activity on a tty/pty?

2005-08-24 Thread Adriaan Renting
I only do this on Linux, and it will probably not work on all versions of Unix, 
not even to mention Windows, but I basically have used the code of Pexpect and 
removed the part that does the expecting. ;-)
The author of the Pexpect module also has clearly documented potential pitfalls 
in his FAQ. I think you can find it on
See also the documentation of the pty module.
Dan Stromberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/24/05 1:54 am  
Is there a way, using python, to (voluntarily) log all activity in a 
given shell, in a way that should work on pretty much all *ix's with a 
port of python? 


Re: FileIO problem

2005-08-24 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Layin'_Low enlightened us with:
 count = 0
 while count != 1000:
 count = count + 1
 print Admin forceclass  , count , gclas

I think you want:

output = file('out', 'w')
gclas = raw_input(What is the class:)
for count in range(1000):
output.write(Admin forceclass %4i %s\n % (count , gclas))

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: shelve non-transparency

2005-08-24 Thread Michele Simionato
The option writeback=True seems to work:

# put something in the shelve
import shelve

class C(object):

s =
s[x] = C()

# read it
s =, writeback=True)
c = s[x]
c.attr = 1
print s[x].attr # = 1

 Michele Simionato


Re: FileIO problem

2005-08-24 Thread Laszlo Zsolt Nagy
Try this:

gclas = raw_input(What is the class:)
def Princlas():
count = 0
while count != 1000:
count = count + 1
return Admin forceclass %s %s  % ( count , gclas )
#asks for file name
a = raw_input(What is new file name:)
out_file = open(a,w)
#this is the input of text

i know i need to get it to a string but i dont know how?

Your functions should RETURN a string, with the return statement.
Another issue: you cannot write the function itself, only its result:


instead of



Re: list insertion

2005-08-24 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Randy Bush enlightened us with:
 hold = = DaClass(value) = hold

shouldn't that last line be this? = hold

 but i suspect (from print statement insertions) that the result is
 not as i expect.

What did you expect, and what did you ovserve?

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: Inline::Python, pyperl, etc.

2005-08-24 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Eli Stevens (WG.c) enlightened us with:
 I've bumped into some snags with pyperl (can't import  But 
 it's right there in site-packages/ !), and I'm wondering if it's bitrot 
 or a config error on my end.

If the .so file is as old as you described, it's probably linked to an
old version of python. Try recompiling it.

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

What's the matter with this code section?

2005-08-24 Thread Johnny Lee
Here is the source:

#! /bin/python

[EMAIL PROTECTED] This is a xunit test framework for python, see TDD for more

class TestCase:
def setUp(self):
print setUp in TestCase
def __init__(self, name):
print __init__ in TestCase = name
def run(self):
print run in TestCase
method = getattr(self,

class WasRun(TestCase):
def __init__(self, name):
print __init__ in WasRun
self.wasRun = None
TestCase.__init__(self, name)
def testMethod(self):
print testMethod in WasRun
self.wasRun = 1
def run(self):
print run in WasRun
method = getattr(self,
def setUp(self):
print in setUp of WasRun
self.wasSetUp = 1

class TestCaseTest(TestCase):
def testRunning(self):
print testRunning in TestCaseTest
test = WasRun(testMethod)
assert(not test.wasRun)
def testSetUp(self):
print testSetUp in TestCaseTest
test = WasRun(testMethod)

# the program starts here
print starts TestCaseTest(\testRunning\).run()
print starts TestCaseTest(\testSetUp\).run()

And here is the result running under cygwin:

$ ./
starts TestCaseTest(testRunning).run()
__init__ in TestCase
run in TestCase
setUp in TestCase
testRunning in TestCaseTest
__init__ in WasRun
__init__ in TestCase
run in WasRun
testMethod in WasRun
starts TestCaseTest(testSetUp).run()
__init__ in TestCase
run in TestCase
setUp in TestCase
testSetUp in TestCaseTest
__init__ in WasRun
__init__ in TestCase
run in WasRun
testMethod in WasRun
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./, line 51, in ?
  File ./, line 16, in run
  File ./, line 45, in testSetUp
AttributeError: WasRun instance has no attribute 'wasSetUp'


Re: how to deal with space between numbers

2005-08-24 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Mohammed Altaj enlightened us with:
 I managed to do all these things , but i did it in the way that i am
 reading my data as strings ( no space between numbers)

Keep the spaces, and use thestring.split()

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: how to deal with space between numbers

2005-08-24 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Mohammed Altaj enlightened us with:
 Thanks a lot for your valuable answer, i like the way you code , but
 i would like to use my own,

You don't learn to code properly if you always stick to your own

 so if it is possible for you and if you have time, please could you
 fix my code, so that i can do what i want. 

Learn from the answers you've been given. Read the documentation. Then
you can incorporate them into your own program. You won't learn
anything of you don't challenge yourself!

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: pipes like perl

2005-08-24 Thread Sybren Stuvel
max(01)* enlightened us with:
 but i need to check the success/failure of the external command
 *before* closing the file!

You can't, unless you have a more intimite knowledge of the command
involved. If you know, for instance, that any output on stderr means
an error, you can check for just that. Without knowledge of the
command and it's output, the only thing you can check on is the exit

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: FileIO problem

2005-08-24 Thread Layin'_Low
thnx guys it was late and had just come from a bar and didnt reread the
lines. thnx again for the help


Re: python asp page keeps state across queries !?!?

2005-08-24 Thread Sybren Stuvel
nicolas_riesch enlightened us with:
 I notice that variables outside functions keep their value across
 queries.  I don't know if it is normal.

I think it's normal.

 To be sure, I tried a similar asp script written in VB script, and I
 can see that in VBscript, variables at this same level ARE NOT kept
 across different queries !!!


 Someone has an explanation ?

Speed. No need to reload the module for each query. Just don't use any
uninitialized module-scope variables. It's bad style anyway.

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: py-serial + CSV

2005-08-24 Thread Sybren Stuvel
McBooCzech enlightened us with:
 This (according to your suggestions) is my code which works for me

 import serial
 s = serial.Serial(port=0,baudrate=4800, timeout=20)
 while 1:
   line = s.readline()
   words = line.split(',')
   if words[0]==$GPRMC:
   print words[1], words[3], words[5]

 I just wonder if there is some beter (or as you are saying more
 pythonic:) aproach how to write such a piece of code.

You could use regular expressions instead. And to make it even more
pythonic, replace the while and the line = s.readline() with
for line in s:

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: Doubt C and Python

2005-08-24 Thread praba kar

--- James [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Some people with C background use Python instead
  of  programming in C.why?
 Becuase it is much more efficient.

What why it is more efficient.  Kindly let me
know with some details.


Send a rakhi to your brother, buy gifts and win attractive prizes. Log on to

Re: Network performance

2005-08-24 Thread Richie Hindle

 The client sends a number of lines (each ending with \n) and ends one  
 set of lines with a empty line.
 I was surprised to find that the performance was [poor].

Are you sending all the lines in a single packet:


or sending them one at a time:

 for line in lines:
   sock.send(line + '\n')

?  If the latter, you are probably experiencing Nagle delays.  Google
will furnish you with any number of explanations of what that means, but
in summary, one end of a TCP/IP connection should never send two
consecutive small packets without receiving a packet from the other end.
('Small' typically means less than about 1400 bytes.)  Each time you do
that, you'll suffer an artificial delay introduced by TCP/IP itself.

Richie Hindle 

reg packages examples

2005-08-24 Thread praba kar
Dear All,

 I want to know about Modules and packages.
I can understand about Modules but I cannot understand
about Packages.  Kindly let me
know about Packages with small example.
I can understand conceptually but I don't know
how to write programmatically.


Send a rakhi to your brother, buy gifts and win attractive prizes. Log on to

Re: Anyone recognize this numeric storage format - similar to float, but not quite

2005-08-24 Thread Terry Reedy
This appears to be a repost, perhaps not by the op but due to a glitch 
somewhere, of a question posted about a month ago and answered.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 We are working on a project to decipher a record structure of an old
 accounting system that originates from the late80's mid-90's.
 We have come across a number format that appears to be a float but
 doesn't match any of the more standard implementations.
 so we are hoping this is a recognizable number storage format with an
 identifiable name AND pre-built conversion method
 similiar to the struct modules available in python.

 Here is what we have determined so far.

 Example Number: 1234567890

 This get stored on disk as 8 bytes, resulting in the following HEX
 00 00 00 A4 05 2c 13 9f

 If we changed the order so that it is little Endian we get;
 9F 13 2c 05 A4 00 00 00

 If the HEX is converted to binary it looks like;
 1001 00010011 00101100 0101 10100100  0

 If the example number 1234567890 is converted to binary it looks like;

 10010011 00101100 0101 1010010

 To extract the example number, you need to do the following;
 1) take the decimal value of the first byte and subtract 128
 2) This tells you how many of the following bits to are significant and
 must be read
 3) Once the remaining bits are read, reverse the first bit of that
 group (ie if it is a 0 make it a 1)
 4) convert the result to decimal
 ... and presto, the example number !

 Using a fixed width font it is easy to see the match at the bit level;

 1001 0001001100101100010110100100

 If you are interested, the following are three other examples;

Orig Hex: 00 00 00 60 92 96 72 A0
 Actual Value: 4069954144

Orig Hex: 00 00 80 22 A3 26 3C A1
 Actual Value: 6313297477

 So ... does anyone recognize this ??
 Is there a built-in conversion method in Python  ??

 Thanks in advance.



Reg Python Modules/Packages

2005-08-24 Thread praba kar
Dear All,

   I know how to use modules. But I want to
know how to create package.  Can any one let me
know how to write package through small
specimen code.


Send a rakhi to your brother, buy gifts and win attractive prizes. Log on to

execfile in global scope

2005-08-24 Thread v . vayer
I need to execfile() from a function in order to set value for a global
variable from inside the executed file. I know there are globals and
locals optional arguments for execfile, but I just can't figure out
how to use them correctly. Here is an example:
x = 555

def changevar():

x = 111   # global var
print x   # returns 111 instead of 555


Re: while c =

2005-08-24 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-08-24, Magnus Lycka schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Such a PEP would have no chance of being accepted, since
 it would break to much existing code.

 What's the point of this thread then?

I only hope to impress people that the way python
treats 'nothing' in a condional context is not
so obvious as seems to be accepted here.

 But how can you do this when somewhere else '' is used as
 an indication for an EOF.

 If that's your problem, I guess that's what you should attack,
 not that Python considers nothing to be nothing even it might
 some time become something.

IMO the two are linked. People use '' as an EOF because the
call they are working with returns strings and they need a
way to end a loop. Since if var: is considered beautifull
they search for a nothing value and since they were working
with strings, '' gets chosen.

 Network programming with Python works pretty well though, so
 it seems this is a non-issue too.

I think the typical comment is to replace if s != '': with
if s: in contexts where s is always a string,
 And it is IMO this kind of comments that lead to '' being used
 as an EOF.

 Huh? Aren't the Python APIs just mirroring the behaviour of the
 underlying C APIs?

That may depend on how strict the meaning of mirroring is, you
are using. I would say no. Even if the answer is yes I would
say that chosing such values on that basis was a bad design

or to replace
if expr != False: with if expr: in cases where expr is an
expression that returns True or False etc. In some cases, obvious
bugs, such as if (a and b) == True: where the programmer
should have written if (a and b): are pointed out.
 This is not such an obvious bug. Because python allows non boolean
 operands with and the two don't behave the same. How do you know
 which behaviour the other person wants?

 I think you misread my text. If the programmer should have written
 if (a and b):, adding ==True will cause different behaviour
 unless True (or 1) is the only non-False value that b can have.
 This would not be obvious for someone who expects that the results
 of logical operations will return boolean values.

So? How do you know what the writer of the code expects. You
originaly wrote it was an obvious bug, how do you come to
that conclusion.

 I have yet to see a mathematical work where 0, or any kind of
 empty sequence is treated as false. In mathematics accuracy
 is considered vitaly important and won't be sacrified to
 remove redundancy. Boolean expression are always written out

 Dear Antoon. The if statement interprets the result of an
 expression to determine whether or not to execute a block of
 code. If x is an expression that returns True or False, then
 x==True is an equivalent expression. It's just not written in
 its minimal form.

But we were talking about interpreting 0, '', (), [], and {}
directly in a conditional context. No mathematical text
will just contain a line like

  a  =  b  10
when what is meant is:

  a != 0  =  b  10

 It's like writing a / b * 100 % instead of just a / b in a
 mathematical equation. The first version contains some kind of
 noise that just looks ugly for people who know that 100%==1.
 Why multiply with 1? At least in my home town, the MBA students
 write stuff like that, but mathematicians and engineers would
 just think it was ugly.

But you can't transfer this situation to python, because python
allows non Boolean values to be interpreted in a conditional
context. I have code somewhere that looks like this:

  if var is True:

and that is exactly how it should be. The if branch should not
be taken if var would be 5. I even have code that looks like:

  if var is not False:

And although in a logical context those two would be equivallent
to each other and to just if var:, they are not equivallent
in a python context. 

Yet I see a lot of suggestions here to change logical expressions
in python code, seemingly based on the fact that they would
be equivallent in a logical context.

 But you don't know if the logic expression are redundant. The
 suggestions made are usually not equivallent.

 I think I know. Please point out if I made some mistake.

 It's pretty common that people fail to reduce logical expressions.
 I've seen C++ code checking for overlapping periods looking roughly
 like this:

 if ((start1=start2 and stop1=start2 and stop1=stop2) or
  (start1=start2 and stop1=stop2) or
  (start1=start2 and stop1=stop2) or
  (start1=start2 and start1=stop2 and stop1stop2))

 For that person, his code might actually have been clearer than
 the less cluttered version I changed it to:

 if (start1=stop2 and start2=stop1)

 At least he spent a few minutes staring at it before he could
 accept that they were equivalent. (Maybe he just gave up.)

I think he did, because both expression are not equivallent
unless some implicite constraints make them so. Values where
both expressions differ are:

  start1=67, stop1=9, 

Re: list insertion

2005-08-24 Thread Ross Wilson
On Tue, 23 Aug 2005 20:58:11 -0700, Randy Bush wrote:

 i am trying to insert into a singly linked list
 hold = = DaClass(value) = hold
 but i suspect (from print statement insertions) that the result
 is not as i expect.  as the concept and code should be very
 common, as i am too old for pride, i thought i would ask.

The example above looks like it would work, as long as other
stuff you _don't_ show is fine.  Specifically, how do you 
handle the case when the list is empty?

Better to show a more complete example with output and how that
is not what you expect.


slip beta code released

2005-08-24 Thread vpr
Hi All

Just released the code from my little excusion in socket coding with
I still need many pointers esp wrt. the way I hacked wx into the code.
Comments welcomed.

Quick start

start up the service: -s

all hosts running slip will be discovered, to see who else is around: -l

debug view: -la

to send files: c:\mp3\alphavi* bob

to send a message -m bob catch this

if you use windows you can add an explorer extention by creating a link
to: slip.exe -sendto and adding it to your sendto directory.

if you use explorer you can now sendto and a wx window will popup
asking you which peer to send it to.



comments ? [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: Line Removal strategy

2005-08-24 Thread Bengt Richter
On 23 Aug 2005 14:07:15 -0700, PyPK [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi I am looking for a simple algorithm for removing straight lines in a
given Image using something like an PIL or simpler.

The simplest is if you are in control of drawing in the first place
and don't draw the lines ;-) Otherwise, you need to define your
requirements a little more precisely. E.g., replacing horizontal
and vertical runs of identical pixels of a given color with another
given background color could be one definition. Removing an
arbitrarily diagonal anti-aliased line of some undprcified width
running through a speckled background is a different problem ;-)

Bengt Richter

Re: What's the matter with this code section?

2005-08-24 Thread Simon Brunning
On 24 Aug 2005 00:18:00 -0700, Johnny Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 AttributeError: WasRun instance has no attribute 'wasSetUp'

It means exactly what it says. The last line of your TestCaseTest
classes testSetUp method refers to test.wasSetUp. So far as I can see,
test is an instance of your WasRun class, and I don't see a wasSetUp
attribute being set anywhere.

Simon B,

Re: loop in python

2005-08-24 Thread bruno modulix
Terry Hancock wrote:
 On Tuesday 23 August 2005 05:35 am, bruno modulix wrote:
If you hope to be taken seriously, please abandon the sms-talk style here.
 I think it's reasonably clear that neither poster hoped to be taken
 seriously.  :-D
Err... I guess that to be taken seriously (in french: être pris au
sérieux) has some other meaning in english :-/

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Anyone recognize this numeric storage format - similar to float, but not quite

2005-08-24 Thread Bengt Richter
On 23 Aug 2005 19:04:45 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We are working on a project to decipher a record structure of an old
accounting system that originates from the late80's mid-90's.
We have come across a number format that appears to be a float but
doesn't match any of the more standard implementations.
so we are hoping this is a recognizable number storage format with an
identifiable name AND pre-built conversion method
similiar to the struct modules available in python.

Here is what we have determined so far.

Example Number: 1234567890

This get stored on disk as 8 bytes, resulting in the following HEX
00 00 00 A4 05 2c 13 9f

If we changed the order so that it is little Endian we get;
9F 13 2c 05 A4 00 00 00

If the HEX is converted to binary it looks like;
1001 00010011 00101100 0101 10100100  0

If the example number 1234567890 is converted to binary it looks like;

10010011 00101100 0101 1010010

To extract the example number, you need to do the following;
1) take the decimal value of the first byte and subtract 128
2) This tells you how many of the following bits to are significant and
must be read
3) Once the remaining bits are read, reverse the first bit of that
group (ie if it is a 0 make it a 1)
4) convert the result to decimal
... and presto, the example number !

Using a fixed width font it is easy to see the match at the bit level;

1001 0001001100101100010110100100

If you are interested, the following are three other examples;

Orig Hex: 00 00 00 60 92 96 72 A0
Actual Value: 4069954144

Orig Hex: 00 00 80 22 A3 26 3C A1
Actual Value: 6313297477

So ... does anyone recognize this ??
Is there a built-in conversion method in Python  ??

Thanks in advance.

Not looking too closely, but I recall something similar (although I suspect 
that the bit you
are reversing is a sign bit that shadows a known constant MSB 1 for non-zero 
numbers, and
shouldn't just be reversed):

Bengt Richter

Re: Externally-defined properties?

2005-08-24 Thread Bengt Richter
On Wed, 24 Aug 2005 01:15:03 -0500, Terry Hancock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Frankly, I was surprised this worked at all, but I tried
creating a property outside of a class (i.e. at the module
level), and it seems to behave as a property:

 def get_x(ob):
... global x
... return str(x)
 def set_x(ob, value):
... global x
... x = int(value)
 def del_x(ob):
... global x
... del x
 def x_access():
... return property(get_x, set_x, del_x, X defined externally?)

 class Accessor(object):
... s_x = x_access()
... def __str__(self):
... print Accessor has x = %s % self.s_X
 a = Accessor()
 a.s_x = 3
['Accessor', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__', 'a', 'del_x', 'get_x', 
'p', 'set_x', 'x', 'x_access']

(of course in the real example, x will probably be in an
entirely different module, used as a library -- the client code
just calls a function to get a property that is automatically
managed for it).

So far, the only problem I see is that it only works if the
property is assigned to a new-type class attribute (otherwise,
the first assignment simply replaces the property).

I'm thinking of using this to tie a property of a class to an
external data source (a joystick axis, in fact -- or at least
its last-polled value).

There is a more convential way to do this, of course -- I could
just use a get_value function, but there is something attractive
about have a variable that is simply bound to the external
data source like this.  It seems like a good way to encapsulate
functionality that I don't really want the high level class to
have to think about.

I mention it here, because I've never seen a property used
this way.  So I'm either being very clever, or very dumb, 
and I would be interested in opinions on which applies. ;-)

Am I about to shoot myself in the foot?

ISTM you are basically exploiting your freedom to define the 
functions of a property any way you please. Another way, if you just want a 
object whose property attributes access designated other objects' attributes, 
could use a custom descriptor class, e.g.,

  class Indirect(object):
 ... def __init__(self, tgtattr, tgtobj):
 ... self.tgtattr = tgtattr
 ... self.tgtobj = tgtobj
 ... def __get__(self, inst, cls=None):
 ... if inst is None: return self
 ... return getattr(self.tgtobj, self.tgtattr)
 ... def __set__(self, inst, value):
 ... setattr(self.tgtobj, self.tgtattr, value)
 ... def __delete__(self, inst):
 ... delattr(self.tgtobj, self.tgtattr)

A place to put properties:
  class Accessor(object): pass

An example object to access indirectly
  class Obj(object): pass
  obj = Obj()

Making Accessor instance attribute 'xobj' access 'obj' attribute of Obj 
instance obj
  Accessor.xobj = Indirect('obj', obj)

An Accessor instance to use for the property attribute magic
  a = Accessor()

Set obj.obj = 123 indirectly
  a.xobj = 123

 {'obj': 123}

Set up access to an object attribute in a different module
  import sys
  Accessor.sin = Indirect('stdin', sys)
 open file 'stdin', mode 'r' at 0x02E8E020

  Accessor.pi = Indirect('pi', __import__('math'))
  a.pi = 3
  import math

I'd say there's possibilities for shooting yourself in the foot. Maybe passing
a code to Indirect to enable get/set/del selectively would help.
Bengt Richter

Inheritance problem ?

2005-08-24 Thread tooper
Hello all,

I'm trying to implement a common behavior for some object that can be
read from a DB or (when out of network) from an XML extract of this DB.
I've then wrote 2 classes, one reading from XML  the other from the
DB, both inheritating from a common one where I want to implement
several common methods.
Doing this, I've come to some behaviour I can't explain to myself,
which I've reproduced in the example bellow :


class myfather:
def __repr__(self):
return \t a=+self.a+\n\t b=+self.b

class mychilda(myfather):
def __init__(self,a):
self.a= a
def __getattr__(self,name):
return Undefined for mychilda

class mychildb(myfather):
def __init__(self,b):
self.b= b
def __getattr__(self,name):
return Undefined for mychildb

a= mychilda(a)
b= mychildb(b)

print a:\n+str(a)
print b:\n+str(b)


I was expecting to get :

   a= a
   b= Undefined for mychilda
   a= Undefined for mychildb
   b= b

but I get the following error :

File /home/thierry/, line 20, in ?
print a:\n+str(a)
TypeError: 'str' object is not callable

Could someone explain me what I missed ?

Thanks in advance !


Re: Anyone recognize this numeric storage format - similar to float, but not quite

2005-08-24 Thread Bengt Richter
On Wed, 24 Aug 2005 04:10:07 -0400, Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 We are working on a project to decipher a record structure of an old
 accounting system that originates from the late80's mid-90's.
 We have come across a number format that appears to be a float but
 doesn't match any of the more standard implementations.
 so we are hoping this is a recognizable number storage format with an
 identifiable name AND pre-built conversion method
 similiar to the struct modules available in python.

moved from top-posted position
This appears to be a repost, perhaps not by the op but due to a glitch 
somewhere, of a question posted about a month ago and answered.

UIAM the more or less recent original you are thinking of turned out to be
straight IEEE double format, and I think this is not, though I think it looks
like one that was answered (by me ;-) quite a while ago (Dec 1 2003).

Bengt Richter

Re: Binary Trees in Python

2005-08-24 Thread Chris Smith
 [diegueus9] == [diegueus9] Diego Andrés Sanabria diegueus9 writes:

[diegueus9] Hello!!!  I want know if python have binary trees and
[diegueus9] more?

The latest boost, 1.33, says it has a python wrapper for the boost
graph library.
Boost explicitely states that it's experimental, but my emerge was

Eric3 for Windows not firing up.

2005-08-24 Thread sonicSpammersGoToHellSmooth
Hi, I downloaded Python 2.4.1 for Windows and PyQtGPL10.exe and
Eric3snapshot2005-04-10.exe from

They seemed to install fine.  Python 2.4.1 works.

I tried Linguist and Designer, but there was some entrypoint error in
qt-mt3.dll.  I copied this file into the c:\windows directory, and then
QT at least fired up, with Linguist and Designer now working.

Then I tried Eric3, but I get the following:

The procedure entry point [EMAIL PROTECTED]@@MAEXPAVQWheelEvent@@@Z
could not be located in the dynamic link library qt-mt3.dll.

Any clues how to fix this one?



jython debugger

2005-08-24 Thread volpadri
I am looking for an ide debugger for jython: is there someone with
some suggestions ?



Re: execfile in global scope

2005-08-24 Thread tooper
What about :

globdict= globals()

def changevar():
global globdict

x = 111   # global var
print x   # returns 111 instead of 555


Re: execfile in global scope

2005-08-24 Thread tooper
What about :

globdict= globals()

def changevar():
global globdict

x = 111   # global var
print x   # returns 111 instead of 555


Variables in REs

2005-08-24 Thread Yoav
Anyway to set variables in REs. Meaning:
I have the RE re.compile(r'/[^/]*') for example and I want to use it on 
both Win32 machines and Unix machnes. Meaning tha tI need to be able to 
control the '/' before compiling. I want to create and if and decide 
what the system is and then put the right char in a variable and compile 
the RE using that varialbe. I am quite a noob, so I know the question 
might sound stupid, but any help will be appreciated.


Re: list insertion

2005-08-24 Thread Randy Bush
 hold = = DaClass(value) = hold
 shouldn't that last line be this? = hold

single threaded list

 What did you expect, and what did you ovserve?

i will try to distill a case



Re: slip beta code released

2005-08-24 Thread vpr
I forgot to say that this is my little P2P pet project.  Need to send
files quickly between systems without having to set up shares or start
ftp servers. The idea is to make it easy to slip files between
parties esp if they are on different OS's.


Re: Variables in REs

2005-08-24 Thread tooper
Use os.sep to get / or \ or whatever character used to build pathes on
the os you're working on


Re: The ONLY thing that prevents me from using Python

2005-08-24 Thread Richie Hindle

 Not to be a shill, but I'd be interested in testimonials on
 I wonder if virtualization is the next killer app.
 Certainly blows the WTF my ISP? question away...

I can't speak for, but I have a Xen VPS from
and it's early days but so far I've been very impressed.  It's $19/mo
(normally $20 but they kindly gave me a 5% Open Source Developer discount)
which is not that much more than a decent shared hosting account.  You
need to be comfortable with administering your own Linux box, but these
days that's not difficult.  (NB. is not running on it yet.)

Richie Hindle

Warning when doubly linked list is defined gloablly

2005-08-24 Thread chand

In my file 'g_opt_list' is defined globally
g_opt_list =[[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]

I am using this global list in the fucntion

def function ():
gloabl g_opt_list

when I run the py file, I am getting the Following Error

SyntaxWarning: name 'g_opt_list' is used prior to global declaration

Please let me know how to remove this error



Re: where does __class__ come from?

2005-08-24 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Adriaan Renting wrote:
 You might find the chapter 3.3 (in my python 2.3.4, it's Special Method 
 names) in the reference manual useful, it is the only place I have found 
 sofar that describes most of these special methods. It does however not 
 contain __class__. I don't know where in the reference manual to find it's 
 description, probaly in some Special attribute names chapter I can't find.

Some of these are in the library reference, but lot's of them are also
in the language reference - which has bitten me quite a few times, but
by now I know where to look...




Re: Warning when doubly linked list is defined gloablly

2005-08-24 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

chand wrote:
 In my file 'g_opt_list' is defined globally
 g_opt_list =[[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]

 I am using this global list in the fucntion

 def function ():
 gloabl g_opt_list

This is obviously  wrong and not the code you wrote, global being
written horribly wrong - which should teach you an important lesson:
post actual code that exposes the problem, not something you think that
is working. Then we might be able to help you.



Re: Warning when doubly linked list is defined gloablly

2005-08-24 Thread Benjamin Niemann
chand wrote:

 In my file 'g_opt_list' is defined globally
 g_opt_list =[[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]
 I am using this global list in the fucntion
 def function ():
 gloabl g_opt_list


 when I run the py file, I am getting the Following Error
 SyntaxWarning: name 'g_opt_list' is used prior to global declaration
 Please let me know how to remove this error

This happens in cases like
 a = 1
 def c():
...   a
...   global a

Does your source only consist of the three lines above? (These would trigger
a SyntaxError because of the typo...)
You should provide a more complete example, so we can tell you where the
problem is. Try to build a minimal file that reproduces the problem. Often
you will find the line causing the error yourself - and the fix might be
obvious to you -, if your strip stuff away.

Benjamin Niemann
Email: pink at odahoda dot de

Re: Inheritance problem ?

2005-08-24 Thread db
On Wed, 24 Aug 2005 03:34:36 -0700, tooper wrote:

 Hello all,
 I'm trying to implement a common behavior for some object that can be
 read from a DB or (when out of network) from an XML extract of this DB.
 I've then wrote 2 classes, one reading from XML  the other from the
 DB, both inheritating from a common one where I want to implement
 several common methods.
 Doing this, I've come to some behaviour I can't explain to myself,
 which I've reproduced in the example bellow :
 class myfather:
   def __repr__(self):
   return \t a=+self.a+\n\t b=+self.b
 class mychilda(myfather):
   def __init__(self,a):
   self.a= a
   def __getattr__(self,name):
   return Undefined for mychilda
 class mychildb(myfather):
   def __init__(self,b):
   self.b= b
   def __getattr__(self,name):
   return Undefined for mychildb
 a= mychilda(a)
 b= mychildb(b)
 print a:\n+str(a)
 print b:\n+str(b)
 I was expecting to get :
a= a
b= Undefined for mychilda
a= Undefined for mychildb
b= b
 but I get the following error :
 File /home/thierry/, line 20, in ?
 print a:\n+str(a)
 TypeError: 'str' object is not callable
 Could someone explain me what I missed ?
 Thanks in advance !

try new style classes.
class myfather(object):


HTH Arjen


Re: Inheritance problem ?

2005-08-24 Thread jitya
tooper wrote:
 Hello all,

 I'm trying to implement a common behavior for some object that can be
 read from a DB or (when out of network) from an XML extract of this DB.
 I've then wrote 2 classes, one reading from XML  the other from the
 DB, both inheritating from a common one where I want to implement
 several common methods.
 Doing this, I've come to some behaviour I can't explain to myself,
 which I've reproduced in the example bellow :


 class myfather:
   def __repr__(self):
   return \t a=+self.a+\n\t b=+self.b

 class mychilda(myfather):
   def __init__(self,a):
   self.a= a
   def __getattr__(self,name):
   return Undefined for mychilda

 class mychildb(myfather):
   def __init__(self,b):
   self.b= b
   def __getattr__(self,name):
   return Undefined for mychildb

 a= mychilda(a)
 b= mychildb(b)

 print a:\n+str(a)
 print b:\n+str(b)


 I was expecting to get :

a= a
b= Undefined for mychilda
a= Undefined for mychildb
b= b

 but I get the following error :

 File /home/thierry/, line 20, in ?
 print a:\n+str(a)
 TypeError: 'str' object is not callable

 Could someone explain me what I missed ?

 Thanks in advance !

hi I am got python 2.4 and changed class myfather
to new style classes class myfather(object) it worked.
here is the output :

 b=Undefined for mychilda
 a=Undefined for mychildb
But i myself still need explaination ;)



Re: Anyone recognize this numeric storage format - similar to float, but not quite

2005-08-24 Thread geskerrett
Thanks Bengt for directing me to your previous post.
I think I agree with you on the reversing bit and the constant MSB.
In reworking my examples I was always changing the 0 to 1.


Re: reg packages examples

2005-08-24 Thread Steve Holden
praba kar wrote:
 Dear All,
  I want to know about Modules and packages.
 I can understand about Modules but I cannot understand
 about Packages.  Kindly let me
 know about Packages with small example.
 I can understand conceptually but I don't know
 how to write programmatically.

In your headers I see In-Reply-To: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]. This means 
that people will see your message as part of another thread. It's better 
not to do that if you want your message to be read in the proper context.

A package is simply a directory containing an file, which is 
executed when the package is imported. Sub-packages are subdirectories 
of the package main directory containing files, which will 
be executed when the sub-package is imported. Packages can also contains 
modules, which are regular Python files that are executed when the 
module is imported.

So, in brief, packages are just a way to let you organize your code in 
to a set of mutually dependent modules and sub-packages, making source 
maintenance easier and allowing selective import of parts of the 
implemented functionality.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Re: Logging all activity on a tty/pty?

2005-08-24 Thread Benji York
Dan Stromberg wrote:
 Is there a way, using python, to (voluntarily) log all activity in a
 given shell, in a way that should work on pretty much all *ix's with a
 port of python?

If it's just a simple transcript you're wanting see man script.
Benji York


Re: Inheritance problem ?

2005-08-24 Thread tooper
Thanks, at least makes it running !
I'll have to teach myself to move to this new style classes by default


wanna stop by my homemade glory hole?

2005-08-24 Thread Casee
my husband is installing an extra bathroom poolside.  there is a perfect size 
hole (unless you have a huge cock) to stick your dick through into the adjoing 
room.  come around the side of my house(perfect if you look like a repair man) 
enter into the unfisnished bathroom and I'll service you from the other side.  
you can leave when your done, no talking or small talk.  i want to do this 
before the hole gets patched up. its been a huge fantasy of mine ever since 
I've seen a glory hole online. you can email me for a time convienient for you. 
im home all-day most days so my schedule is open. do you prefer a certain color 
of lipstick? check out my pic and email here under kallegirl26 
ready and waiting, me ;o)


Re: jython debugger

2005-08-24 Thread Fabio Zadrozny
wait one more week... until there, pydev ( should 
already have debugger support for jython.




I am looking for an ide debugger for jython: is there someone with
some suggestions ?



Fabio Zadrozny
Software Developer

ESSS - Engineering Simulation and Scientific Software

PyDev - Python Development Enviroment for Eclipse


Re: where does __class__ come from?

2005-08-24 Thread Adriaan Renting
I did mean the Language reference. chapter Special method names. It contains 
a lot of the funky stuff like __dict__ and __getattr__. There is a little info 
in chapter 3.2 about __class__ : __class__ is the instance's class.

Adriaan Renting| Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ASTRON | Phone: +31 521 595 217
P.O. Box 2 | GSM:   +31 6 24 25 17 28
NL-7990 AA Dwingeloo   | FAX:   +31 521 597 332
The Netherlands| Web:

Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/24/05 1:13 pm  
Adriaan Renting wrote: 
You might find the chapter 3.3 (in my python 2.3.4, it's Special Method 
names) in the reference manual useful, it is the only place I have found 
sofar that describes most of these special methods. It does however not 
contain __class__. I don't know where in the reference manual to find it's 
description, probaly in some Special attribute names chapter I can't find. 
Some of these are in the library reference, but lot's of them are also 
in the language reference - which has bitten me quite a few times, but 
by now I know where to look... 


Should I move to Amsterdam?

2005-08-24 Thread Wade

Nice little series by Seth Stevenson for Americans daydreaming about
emigration. Somewhere, anywhere ... maybe Amsterdam?

I've never been to the Netherlands myself, but it sounds very

Extra Python connection, besides the obvious one: Is gezellig related
to the Zen of Python? (

-- Wade Leftwich
Ithaca, NY


Re: jython debugger

2005-08-24 Thread Frank LaFond
The PyDev environment ( for Eclipse 
appears to have Jython debug support, though I just tried it now and it 
did not work for me. The release notes seem to suggest it should, so 
perhaps I just haven't configured something properly. PyDev currently 
only works with Java 1.5; Java 1.4 is expected, but not available yet.

If you try it, let us know if you can get it to work.


 I am looking for an ide debugger for jython: is there someone with
 some suggestions ?

Re: What's the matter with this code section?

2005-08-24 Thread bruno modulix
Johnny Lee wrote:
 Here is the source:
 class TestCaseTest(TestCase):
   def testRunning(self):
   print testRunning in TestCaseTest
   test = WasRun(testMethod)
   assert(not test.wasRun)
   def testSetUp(self):
   print testSetUp in TestCaseTest
   test = WasRun(testMethod)
Shouldn't it be test.setUp() instead ?

Unless the problem is here:

### calls self.setUp()
class TestCase:
def run(self):
print run in TestCase
method = getattr(self,

### doesn't call self.setUp()
class WasRun(TestCase):
def run(self):
print run in WasRun
method = getattr(self,
def setUp(self):
print in setUp of WasRun
self.wasSetUp = 1

BTW, if the only reason for overloading is to print run in
WasRun, you can also modify parent's class run() method so it display
the effective class name, not an hard-coded one:

class TestCase:
def run(self):
print run in %s % self.__class__.__name__
method = getattr(self,

and then remove run() from WasRun.

There should be a simple solution to 'aspect' the debug/trace stuff with
a decorator, like:

def traced(func):
  def _wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
print %s method in %s class % (func.func_name,
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)

  return _wrapper(func)

class TestCase:
def run(self):
method = getattr(self,

(not tested, and I don't have much experience with decorators...)

bruno desthuilliers
ruby -e print '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@').collect{|p|
p.split('.').collect{|w| w.reverse}.join('.')}.join('@')
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: how to deal with space between numbers

2005-08-24 Thread bruno modulix
Mohammed Altaj wrote:
  Thanks a lot for your valuable answer, i like the way you code ,


 but i
 would like to use my own, so if it is possible for you and if you have
 time, please could you fix my code, so that i can do what i want. 
 Because i am using the this out put to another one , and i have the same
 problem.  I will really appreciate it !!!

No problem, it's 500 euro a day. Please give me your snailmail and the
whole code and spec, so I can send you back a contract. I'll start as
soon as I'll receive the contract signed and the first check.

best regards,
bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Should I move to Amsterdam?

2005-08-24 Thread Adriaan Renting
Well, I'm not sure if Amsterdam is nice, but the Netherlands is o.k., except 
for the weather.
I'd like to descripbe it as 49 weeks of autumn, 1 week of spring, 1 week of 
summer, 1 week of winter.
Currently my employer only has an opening for a Microwave Antenna designer 
though, sorry no Python coders.

Seems like a nice column, I'll read it completely some other time.
Wade [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/24/05 2:31 pm 
Nice little series by Seth Stevenson for Americans daydreaming about 
emigration. Somewhere, anywhere ... maybe Amsterdam? 
I've never been to the Netherlands myself, but it sounds very 
Extra Python connection, besides the obvious one: Is gezellig related 
to the Zen of Python? (
-- Wade Leftwich 
Ithaca, NY 


Re: Inheritance problem ?

2005-08-24 Thread jitya
The stuff on Descriptor.htm was really good . 



Re: Variables in REs

2005-08-24 Thread Yoav
Such a sweet and simple way.


tooper wrote:
 Use os.sep to get / or \ or whatever character used to build pathes on
 the os you're working on

Getting rid of close failed: [Errno 0] No Error on Win32

2005-08-24 Thread Yoav
I am using os.popen3 to call a console process and get its output and 
stderr. However on Win32 (and not OS X) I also get the Errno message. 
It's printed to the screen, which I wish to keep clean. How can disable 
this notification?


Re: global interpreter lock

2005-08-24 Thread Bryan Olson
Mike Meyer wrote:
  Bryan Olson writes:
 Mike Meyer wrote:
   The rule I follow in choosing my tools is Use the least complex tool
   that will get the job done.
 Even if a more complex tool could do the job better?
  In that case, the simpler model isn't necessarily getting the job
  done. I purposely didn't refine the word job just so this would be
  the case.

I didn't ask about any particular case. You stated a general
rule you follow, and I think that rule is nuts.

 Now I've gotten off-topic. Threads are winning, and the industry
 is going to multiple processors even for PC-class machines.
 Might as well learn to use that power.
  I own too many orphans to ever confuse popularity with technical

The issue here is whether to confuse reality with what one might
wish reality to be.

  I've learned how to use threads, and done some
  non-trivial thread proramming, and hope to never repeat that
  experience. It was the second most difficult programming task I've
  ever attempted(*).

Great -- lets see it!  Can you point out what parts were so
hard? How would you have solved the same problems without

  As I said above, the real problem isn't threads per
  se, it's that the model for programming them in popular languages is
  still primitive. So far, to achieve the non-repitition goal, I've used
  async I/O, restricted my use of real threads in popular languages to
  trivial cases, and started using servers so someone else gets tod eal
  with these issues.

Then maybe we should listen to those other people. Is there a
successful single-line-of-execution async-I/O based server that
provides a service as sophisticated as the modern relational-
database engines? Why do you think that is?


Re: Inheritance problem ?

2005-08-24 Thread tooper
Not always easy to follow but great !
Using __str__ instead of __repr__ makes it work also with old style
(thanks to Simon Brunning for suggesting it, and with your link I even
now understand why !)


Re: Proposed PEP: New style indexing, was Re: Bug in slice type

2005-08-24 Thread Bryan Olson
Paul Rubin wrote:
  Bryan Olson writes:
  seq[3 : -4]
 we write:
  seq[3 ; $ - 4]

I think you're wrong about the +1. I defined '$' to stand for
the length of the sequence (not the address of the last

 When square-brackets appear within other square-brackets, the
 inner-most bracket-pair determines which sequence '$' describes.
 (Perhaps '$$' should be the length of the next containing
 bracket pair, and '$$$' the next-out and...?)
  Not sure.  $1, $2, etc. might be better, or $tag like in regexps, etc.

Sounds reasonable.

  Hmm, tuples are hashable and are already valid indices to mapping
  objects like dictionaries.  Having slices means an object can
  implement both the mapping and sequence interfaces.  Whether that's
  worth caring about, I don't know.

Yeah, I thought that alternative might break peoples code, and
it turns out it does.


Re: Proposed PEP: New style indexing, was Re: Bug in slice type

2005-08-24 Thread Bryan Olson
Kay Schluehr wrote:
  Bryan Olson wrote:
 Steven Bethard wrote:
   Well, I couldn't find where the general semantics of a negative stride
   index are defined, but for sequences at least[1]:
   The slice of s from i to j with step k is defined as the sequence of
   items with index x = i + n*k such that 0 = n  (j-i)/k.
   This seems to contradict list behavior though. [...]
 The conclusion is inescapable: Python's handling of negative
 subscripts is a wart. Indexing from the high end is too useful
 to give up, but it should be specified by the slicing/indexing
 operation, not by the value of the index expression.
  It is a Python gotcha, but the identity X[-1] == X[len(X)-1] holds and
  is very usefull IMO.

No question index-from-the-far-end is useful, but I think
special-casing some otherwise-out-of-bounds indexes is a

Are there any cases in popular Python code where my proposal
would not allow as elegant a solution?

  If you want to slice to the bottom, take 0 as
  bottom value. The docs have to be extended in this respect.

I'm not sure what you mean. Slicing with a negative step and a
stop value of zero will not reach the bottom (unless the
sequence is empty). In general, Python uses inclusive beginning
bounds and exclusive ending bounds. (The rule is frequently
stated incorrectly as inclusive lower bounds and exclusive
upper bounds, which fails to consider negative increments.)


Unix diff command under Window.

2005-08-24 Thread TonyHa

Does any one have using Python to write a Unix diff command for

Tony Ha.


[no subject]

2005-08-24 Thread bhjqsbgdhj


tkraise oddity

2005-08-24 Thread twd
I'm seeing some new and unexpected behaviour with tkinter + python2.4,
in a gnome+linux environment. The code below used to work (and
continues to work under windows). The intended behaviour is that a
window is created the the first time the button is pushed, and then
de-iconified and brought to the top whenever the button is pushed
again. The behaviour I'm seeing is that the window is de-iconified (if
iconified) correctly, but if already present on the screen, it is not

Does this code look ok? Any suggestions as to what the problem could

Thanks for any pointers.

from Tkinter import *

t = None

def cmd():
global t
if t:
t = Toplevel()
l = Label( t, text= some text goes here ... )

b =  Button(text=Raise,command=cmd)


Re: Jargons of Info Tech industry

2005-08-24 Thread Dragan Cvetkovic
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Bos) writes:

 l v [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Mike Schilling wrote:
  A formatting-only subset of HTML would be useful for both e-mail and 
 I would *agree*  (your news reader may bold that last word)

 It had bloody better not. You're cross-posting this to a C newsgroup,
 where *ptr* 4 is a legal (albeit inadvisably spaced) expression.

Or _ptr_ for that matter (does it underline for you?)

Well, at least on my newsreader (gnus), I can toggle the behaviour. Ditto
for smileys:

(setq gnus-treat-display-smileys nil)


Dragan Cvetkovic, 

To be or not to be is true. G. Boole  No it isn't.  L. E. J. Brouwer

!!! Sender/From address is bogus. Use reply-to one !!!

Re: Unix diff command under Window.

2005-08-24 Thread Adriaan Renting
There probably is some free version somewhere, maybe even as part of CygWin.

I've used Araxis Merge on Windows. It used to be shareware. It's nice enough 
that I bought it.
TonyHa [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/24/05 3:50 pm  
Does any one have using Python to write a Unix diff command for 
Tony Ha. 


Re: The ONLY thing that prevents me from using Python

2005-08-24 Thread Andreas Kostyrka
On Wed, Aug 24, 2005 at 09:49:01AM +0100, Richie Hindle wrote:
  Not to be a shill, but I'd be interested in testimonials on
  I wonder if virtualization is the next killer app.
  Certainly blows the WTF my ISP? question away...
 I can't speak for, but I have a Xen VPS from
 and it's early days but so far I've been very impressed.  It's $19/mo
 (normally $20 but they kindly gave me a 5% Open Source Developer discount)
 which is not that much more than a decent shared hosting account.  You
 need to be comfortable with administering your own Linux box, but these
 days that's not difficult.  (NB. is not running on it yet.)

I cannot comment on linode as I'm not a customer. The info on the website
seems ok. But the prices are somehow laughable: I'm currently paying
EUR39 for a dedicated host (with at least 200GB traffic, I'd had to look it up 
60GB storage, 256MB RAM and a 2.4GHz P4 CPU all alone to me).

That makes the 79.95 dollars for Linode 256 somehow a bit expensive.
OTOH perhaps dedicated servers are really cheap in Germany ;)

Whatever, Andreas

Re: Should I move to Amsterdam?

2005-08-24 Thread Wouter van Ooijen (
Nice little series by Seth Stevenson for Americans daydreaming about
emigration. Somewhere, anywhere ... maybe Amsterdam?

I've never been to the Netherlands myself, but it sounds very

It used to be, until some lunatic (alledged to be a left-winger)
killed an (alledged right-wing) politician, and another (alledged
muslim-extremist) lunatic killed an (alledged right- or left-wing,
depends on who you ask) cineast. We used to be a place where
everything happens a few years later, but we are catching up! :(

But I fondly remember the classes I had at the Delft university by
Lambert Meertens about the ABC language, which is the forerunner of
Python. :)

Wouter van Ooijen

Webshop for PICs and other electronics
Teacher electronics and informatics

Re: Should I move to Amsterdam?

2005-08-24 Thread Armin Steinhoff
Adriaan Renting wrote:
 Well, I'm not sure if Amsterdam is nice, but the Netherlands is o.k., except 
 for the weather.
 I'd like to descripbe it as 49 weeks of autumn, 1 week of spring, 1 week of 
 summer, 1 week of winter.
 Currently my employer only has an opening for a Microwave Antenna designer 
 though, sorry no Python coders.
 Seems like a nice column, I'll read it completely some other time.
Wade [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/24/05 2:31 pm 
 Nice little series by Seth Stevenson for Americans daydreaming about 
 emigration. Somewhere, anywhere ... maybe Amsterdam? 
 I've never been to the Netherlands myself, but it 
 sounds very civilized.

What a joke ... Amsterdam is 'civilized' since several hundreds of
years :)


 Extra Python connection, besides the obvious one: Is gezellig related 
 to the Zen of Python? (
 -- Wade Leftwich 
 Ithaca, NY 

Re: Doubt C and Python

2005-08-24 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2005-08-23, praba kar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Some people with C background use Python instead of
 programming in C.why?
 Becuase it is much more efficient.

 What why it is more efficient.  Kindly let me
 know with some details.

Have you read _any_ of the thread?  A number of people have
already explained in detail why programming in Pything is more
efficient.   Please read the responses you've already gotten.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  My DIGITAL WATCH
  at   has an automatic SNOOZE

Re: yapsnmp port issues

2005-08-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Solved the problem all by myself. Patch (and rationale) available on


Re: py-serial + CSV

2005-08-24 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2005-08-24, Sybren Stuvel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 import serial
 s = serial.Serial(port=0,baudrate=4800, timeout=20)
 while 1:
  line = s.readline()
  words = line.split(',')
  if words[0]==$GPRMC:
  print words[1], words[3], words[5]

 I just wonder if there is some beter (or as you are saying more
 pythonic:) aproach how to write such a piece of code.

 You could use regular expressions instead.

  There is a programmer who has a problem to solve.  He decides
   to use regular expressions.  Now he has two problems.

 And to make it even more pythonic, replace the while and the
 line = s.readline() with for line in s:

Serial port objects aren't iterable.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  I was making donuts
  at   and now I'm on a bus!

Re: Unix diff command under Window.

2005-08-24 Thread Benji York
TonyHa wrote:
 Does any one have using Python to write a Unix diff command for

No, but you can get the *actual* diff command for Windows:
Benji York


Email client in Pyhton

2005-08-24 Thread knaren
Hi grp,
I new to this grp and python too.
i have started writing few python scripts myself.

now i am planning to write a bear minimum email client in
pyhton. i found the smtp module of python could serve my
pupose. I can send message using mails using the smtp lib.
Now i'm looking for some modules which can help me in
fetching the mails from the mailserver and managing folders.

I also look for some existing mail client, written in python 
which wud serve my cause.

i searched google for no avail.

K Naren,MeTel Team.


Re: Unix diff command under Window.

2005-08-24 Thread Thomas Heller
TonyHa [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 Does any one have using Python to write a Unix diff command for

 Tony Ha.

Yes.  There's a script in your Python distribution:

See also the docs for the 'difflib' standard library module.

I do not know whether the Tools directory is installed by default or


Re: Bug in slice type

2005-08-24 Thread Bryan Olson
Kay Schluehr wrote:
  Steven Bethard wrote:
 The slice of s from i to j with step k is defined as the sequence of
 items with index x = i + n*k such that 0 = n  (j-i)/k.
 This seems to contradict list behavior though.
  range(10)[9:-1:-2] == []
  No, both is correct. But we don't have to interpret the second slice
  argument m as the limit j of the above definition.

Even if we don't have to, it sure reads like we should.

  For positive values
  of m the identity
  m==j holds. For negative values of m we have j = max(0,i+m).

First, the definition from the doc is still ambiguous: Is the
division in

 0 = n  (j-i)/k

real division, or is it Python integer (truncating) division? It

Second, the rule Kay Schluehr states is wrong for either type
of division. Look at:

 range(5)[4 : -6 : -2]

Since Python is so programmer-friendly, I wrote some code to
make the look at task easy:

slice_definition = 
The slice of s from i to j with step k is defined as the sequence of
items with index x = i + n*k such that 0 = n  (j-i)/k.

Kay_Schluehr_rule = 
For positive values of m the identity m==j holds. For negative values
of m we have j = max(0,i+m).

def m_to_j(i, m):
  Compute slice_definition's 'j' according to Kay_Schluehr_rule
 when the slice of sequence is specified as,
 sequence[i : m : k].
 if m  0:
 j = m
 j = max(0, i + m)
 return j

def extract_slice(sequence, i, m, k, div_type='i'):
  Apply the slice definition with Kay Schluehr's rule to find
 what the slice should be. Pass div_type of 'i' to use integer
 division, or 'f' for float (~real) division, in the
 slice_definition expression,
 j = m_to_j(i, m)
 result = []
 n = 0
 if div_type == 'i':
 end_bound = (j - i) / k
 assert div_type == 'f', div_type must be 'i' or 'f'.
 end_bound = float(j - i) / k
 while n  end_bound:
 result.append(sequence[i + n * k])
 n += 1
 return result

def show(sequence, i, m, k):
  Print what happens, both actually and according to stated rules.
 print Checking: %s[%d : %d : %d] % (sequence, i, m, k)
 print actual   :, sequence[i : m : k]
 print Kay's rule, int division :, extract_slice(sequence, i, m, k)
 print Kay's rule, real division:, extract_slice(sequence, i, m, 
k, 'f')

show(range(5), 4, -6, -2)


use SciPy with Python 2.4.1?

2005-08-24 Thread beliavsky
Is SciPy usable with Python 2.4.1? At it
says that 2.3.3 is recommended, and I don't see a binary for 2.4.1.


Re: Email client in Pyhton

2005-08-24 Thread Michael Ekstrand
On Wed, 24 Aug 2005 20:15:01 +0530 (IST)
 now i am planning to write a bear minimum email client in
 pyhton. i found the smtp module of python could serve my
 pupose. I can send message using mails using the smtp lib.
 Now i'm looking for some modules which can help me in
 fetching the mails from the mailserver and managing folders.

Check out the POP and IMAP modules (poplib and imaplib), the email
package, and the mailbox and mhlib modules (all in the standard
library). I seem to recall seeing a maildir module somewhere, but can't
find it now. IIRC, many of the mailbox modules (such as mailbox and
mhlib) are read-only, but they should provide a good starting point.

 I also look for some existing mail client, written in python 
 which wud serve my cause.

Mahogany Mail isn't written in Python, but it uses wxWidgets and has an
embedded Python interpreter.

A quick Google for python email client (sans quotes) revealed the
following useful links:


a question about tkinter StringVars()

2005-08-24 Thread William Gill
Working with tkinter, I have a createWidgets() method in a class.
Within createWidgets() I create several StringVars() and
assign them to the textvariable option of several widgets.
Effectively my code structure is:

def createWidgets(self):
 var = StringVar()

Though 'var' would normally go out of scope when createWidgets 
completes, since the Entry and its reference do not go out of scope, 
only the name 'var' goes out of scope, not the StringVar object, Right?


Re: Email client in Pyhton

2005-08-24 Thread Jonas Geiregat
 Hi grp,
 I new to this grp and python too.
 i have started writing few python scripts myself.
 now i am planning to write a bear minimum email client in
 pyhton. i found the smtp module of python could serve my
 pupose. I can send message using mails using the smtp lib.
 Now i'm looking for some modules which can help me in
 fetching the mails from the mailserver and managing folders.
 I also look for some existing mail client, written in python 
 which wud serve my cause.
 i searched google for no avail.
Maybe start by reading some email related rfc's

Re: gtkmozembed in fedora core 3

2005-08-24 Thread Martin DeMello
Jonas Geiregat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you can't find any rpm's there aren't any available.
 You need to compile mozilla with (I think) support for gtkmozembed but I 
 guess that's done by default when you compile mozilla with 
 ac_add_options --enable-default-toolkit=gtk2 in your mozconfig file.
 Check /usr/lib/mozilla for if it's not there you'll 
 have to rebuild your mozilla/firefox rpm , again I think, these are just 
 some random tips ..
 Good luck!

Thanks, I'll give it a whirl!


Re: py-serial + CSV

2005-08-24 Thread Michael Hoffman
McBooCzech wrote:
 This (according to your suggestions) is my code which works for me
 import serial
 s = serial.Serial(port=0,baudrate=4800, timeout=20)
 while 1:
   line = s.readline()
   words = line.split(',')
   if words[0]==$GPRMC:
   print words[1], words[3], words[5]
 I just wonder if there is some beter (or as you are saying more
 pythonic:) aproach how to write such a piece of code.

import csv

from serial import Serial

port = Serial(port=0, baudrate=4800, timeout=20)

for row in csv.reader(iter(port.readline, None)):
 if row[0] == $GPMRC:
 print row[1], row[3], row[5]
Michael Hoffman

Re: Email client in Pyhton

2005-08-24 Thread rafi

Mark Lutz in Programming Python, 2nd ed from O'Reilly covers the subject 
in chapter 11 using only the standards modules for mails and Tkinter.


 Hi grp,
 I new to this grp and python too.
 i have started writing few python scripts myself.
 now i am planning to write a bear minimum email client in
 pyhton. i found the smtp module of python could serve my
 pupose. I can send message using mails using the smtp lib.
 Now i'm looking for some modules which can help me in
 fetching the mails from the mailserver and managing folders.
 I also look for some existing mail client, written in python 
 which wud serve my cause.
 i searched google for no avail.


Imagination is more important than knowledge.
(Albert Einstein)

Re: Proposed PEP: New style indexing, was Re: Bug in slice type

2005-08-24 Thread Bryan Olson
Steven Bethard wrote:
  Bryan Olson wrote:
  Steven Bethard wrote:
Well, I couldn't find where the general semantics of a negative 
index are defined, but for sequences at least[1]:
The slice of s from i to j with step k is defined as the sequence of
items with index x = i + n*k such that 0 = n  (j-i)/k.
This seems to contradict list behavior though. [...]
  The conclusion is inescapable: Python's handling of negative
  subscripts is a wart.
  I'm not sure I'd go that far.  Note that my confusion above was the
  order of combination of points (3) and (5) on the page quoted above[1].
   I think the problem is not the subscript handling so much as the
  documentation thereof.

Any bug can be pseudo-fixed by changing the documentation to
conform to the behavior. Here, the doc clearly went wrong by
expecting Python's behavior to follow from a few consistent
rules. The special-case handling of negative indexes looks
handy, but raises more difficulties than people realized.

I believe my PPEP avoids the proliferation of special cases. The
one additional issue I've discovered is that user-defined types
that are to support __getitem__ and/or __setitem__ *must* also
implement __len__.  Sensible sequence types already do, so I
don't think it's much of an issue.

  This is already valid syntax, and is used
  heavily by the numarray/numeric folks.

Yeah, I thought that variant might break some code. I didn't
know it would be that much. Forget that variant.


Re: Unix diff command under Window.

2005-08-24 Thread Dejan Rodiger
TonyHa said the following on 24.08.2005 15:50:
 Does any one have using Python to write a Unix diff command for
Under Diffutils

Dejan Rodiger - PGP ID 0xAC8722DC
Delete wirus from e-mail address

Re: Email client in Python

2005-08-24 Thread Steve Holden
 Hi grp,
 I new to this grp and python too.
 i have started writing few python scripts myself.
 now i am planning to write a bear minimum email client in
 pyhton. i found the smtp module of python could serve my
 pupose. I can send message using mails using the smtp lib.
 Now i'm looking for some modules which can help me in
 fetching the mails from the mailserver and managing folders.
 I also look for some existing mail client, written in python 
 which wud serve my cause.
 i searched google for no avail.
I'd recommend the poplib library. There is also imaplib, but that is 
much more difficult to use.

Examples of use:

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Re: Unix diff command under Window.

2005-08-24 Thread jepler
Either it didn't exist at the time, or I didn't know about the that
Thomas Heller mentioned in another response, so I wrote 'pyunidiff'

ah, I guess unix 'diff'-style output was added to in 2003, while my
pyunidiff dates to 2002.


Description: PGP signature

Re: a question about tkinter StringVars()

2005-08-24 Thread Eric Brunel
On Wed, 24 Aug 2005 15:07:27 GMT, William Gill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Working with tkinter, I have a createWidgets() method in a class.
 Within createWidgets() I create several StringVars() and
 assign them to the textvariable option of several widgets.
 Effectively my code structure is:

 def createWidgets(self):
  var = StringVar()

 Though 'var' would normally go out of scope when createWidgets
 completes, since the Entry and its reference do not go out of scope,
 only the name 'var' goes out of scope, not the StringVar object, Right?

Well, apparently not:

 from Tkinter import *

class MyStringVar(StringVar):
   def __del__(self):
 print I'm dying!

root = Tk()

def cw():
   var = MyStringVar()
   Entry(root, textvariable=var).pack()



Running this script actually prints I'm dying!, so there is obviously no 
reference from the Entry widget to the variable object. The reference is 
actually kept at tcl level between an entry and the *tcl* variable, which knows 
nothing about the *Python* variable.

BTW, the whole purpose of StringVar's is to be kept so that the text for the 
entry can be retrieved or modified by another part of the program. So what can 
be the purpose of creating variables in a function or method and not keeping 
them anywhere else than a local variable?
python -c print ''.join([chr(154 - ord(c)) for c in 

Default function arguments behaving badly

2005-08-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm having some trouble with a function I've written in Python:

def myFunction(l1,l2,result=[]):
for i in l1:
if type(i)==list:
for j in l2:
return result

l1 and l2 are lists and the function multiplies every element of l1
with every element of l2. l1 is (possibly) multi-dimensional, and the
recursive bit is in there to cope with that. For example, if
l1=[[1,2],[3,4]] and l2=[5,6] the result is

The problem is that it works if I run it once, but then on repeated
runs the value for 'result' doesn't seem to set itself to my default of
[], but instead uses the state it was in last time the function was

I've had a problem like this in the past and ended up rewriting the
function as a class and using something like self.result, but I don't
really like this solution as the code becomes considerabley more
difficult to read (and I suspect less efficient). Also, I suppose I
could feed in an empty array every time but that doesn't provide a very
intuitive interface to the function.

Does anyone know what is going on here? Is there an easy solution?

Thanks for your help!


Re: Default function arguments behaving badly

2005-08-24 Thread rafi


 I'm having some trouble with a function I've written in Python:
 def myFunction(l1,l2,result=[]):
 for i in l1:
 if type(i)==list:
 for j in l2:
 return result

 The problem is that it works if I run it once, but then on repeated
 runs the value for 'result' doesn't seem to set itself to my default of
 [], but instead uses the state it was in last time the function was

 Does anyone know what is going on here? Is there an easy solution?

the list you provide as default parameter is evaluated once (at loading 
time of the function). so each time you call the function, it uses the 
same list that has been filled before... you do not have the problem 
with say and int or a string as they are non mutable objects. however 
lists are mutable objects so... modify your function as follow:

def myFunction(l1,l2,result=None):
 if result is None:
 result = []



Imagination is more important than knowledge.
(Albert Einstein)

Re: tkraise oddity

2005-08-24 Thread Eric Brunel
On 24 Aug 2005 06:57:07 -0700, twd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm seeing some new and unexpected behaviour with tkinter + python2.4,
 in a gnome+linux environment. The code below used to work (and
 continues to work under windows). The intended behaviour is that a
 window is created the the first time the button is pushed, and then
 de-iconified and brought to the top whenever the button is pushed
 again. The behaviour I'm seeing is that the window is de-iconified (if
 iconified) correctly, but if already present on the screen, it is not

What exactly do you expect? Do you want to raise the window above all other 
windows *in your application*, or above *all* other windows? I doubt tk can 
guarantee the latter, and this seems to be confirmed by the manuel for tk's 
raise command; cf.

If you put the window with the button in front of the window with the label, 
and if pressing the button doesn't bring the window with the lable above the 
other, then it may be a bug. If it works, I guess it's just a matter of how the 
window managers interpret what raising a window means... But I'm no 
specialist here, so maybe someone else will confirm that.

 from Tkinter import *

 t = None

 def cmd():
 global t
 if t:
 t = Toplevel()
 l = Label( t, text= some text goes here ... )

 b =  Button(text=Raise,command=cmd)

(BTW, did you try to put the deiconify before the tkraise?)

python -c print ''.join([chr(154 - ord(c)) for c in 

Re: Default function arguments behaving badly

2005-08-24 Thread Paul McNett

 I'm having some trouble with a function I've written in Python:

 def myFunction(l1,l2,result=[]):
[snipped rest of function and explanation of what it does]

 Does anyone know what is going on here? Is there an easy solution?

It shined out like a supernova. It has to do with mutability of certain 
Python objects (e.g. dicts and lists) and the fact that Python binds the 
default arguments only once. So, when your function is defined, python 
binds the name result to the value []. Then, your function runs the 
first time using that original binding. The second time, it still uses 
the original binding which, because lists are mutable, still contains 
the prior list. Etcetera.

The solution is to never assign mutable objects to default arguments. 
Instead, assign to None, like:

def myFunction(l1, l2, result=None):
if result is None:
result = []

Others will certainly post links to the python docs that explain this.

Paul McNett


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