IssueTrackerProduct 0.6.13

2005-10-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I've just released IssueTrackerProduct 0.6.13. It contains a few bug
fixes which makes my confident calling it a Stable release. You can
read the whole announcement here:

IssueTrackerProduct is... issue/bug tracker web application and Open Source under the ZPL license
...built in Python using the Zope web application
...very easy to use and fancy features are by default switched off
...fully cross-browser compatible and platform independent
...created and maintained by Peter Bengtsson of Fry-IT

Please check out


Support the Python Software Foundation:

NanoThreads 11

2005-10-05 Thread simonwittber
NanoThreads v11

NanoThreads allows the programmer to simulate concurrent processing
using generators as tasks, which are registered with a scheduler.

While the scheduler is running, a NanoThread can be:
 - paused
 - resumed
 - ended (terminate and call all registered exit functions)
 - killed (terminate and do not call any registered exit functions)
 - preempted to the top of the execution queue

New in v11:

A NanoThread task can now yield control using 'yield
nanothreads.UNBLOCK', which performs the next iteration of the task in
a separate, OS level thread. This allows the scheduler to keep running
other tasks, while the nanothread is, for example, performing CPU
blocking IO, or calling some time consuming function.



Support the Python Software Foundation:

py2exe has a new maintainer

2005-10-05 Thread Jimmy Retzlaff
I am taking over the maintenance and support of py2exe from Thomas
Heller. As he announced a few weeks ago he is looking to focus on other
things. py2exe has been very useful to me over the years and I look
forward to keeping it every bit as useful in the future.

I plan to make the transition as smooth as possible for users of py2exe.
I don't plan to make changes to the license other than adding my name to
the list of people not to sue. I will try to be as helpful as Thomas has
been in supporting py2exe on the py2exe mailing list and
comp.lang.python. The mailing list, the SourceForge project, and the
Wiki will continue in their current locations. The web site is moving to and the old site will forward to the new one so
any bookmarks should still work.

I will be releasing version 0.6.3 very soon with a few changes Thomas
and others have made over the last few weeks. After that my priorities
for py2exe will be:

- Support
- Documentation (which should help familiarize me with the code)
- Automated tests (to point out when I haven't familiarized myself
- Bug fixes

Any help on any of these fronts will be greatly appreciated.

After I feel comfortable with things, I hope to work with other projects
in the Python packaging community (e.g., cx_Freeze,
PyInstaller/McMillan, py2app, setuptools, etc.) to see if we can't find
synergies that will make all of them better. I recognize that different
packagers are better for different audiences because of licensing,
platform, Python versions, and module support among other things.
Working together on the common parts (identifying dependencies,
customized handling of modules with unique needs, etc.) should make all
of the packagers serve their niches better.

I'd like to thank Thomas for the great work he's done with py2exe over
the years. He's set a very high standard for me to try and maintain.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Simple prototype text editor in python

2005-10-05 Thread thakadu
I have written a small console based editor in python
as an experiment. It is just over 300 lines of code
including some junk that I have not weeded out yet.
It uses the curses library.
It is EXTREMELY basic at the moment and cannot be
used for anything other than experimentation.
Only a few keystrokes are currently implemented
such as ^S save, ^E end of line, ^A beginning of line,
^F, ^B, ^N, ^P and arrow keys for cursor movement
^L delete line, baskspace and that is just about it.
Apart from that I created it with a view to a plugin
architecture to be implemented so that it will
be possible for example for users to specify
complete python functions in a .rc file that
overide key bindings.
I created it to learn about curses, python and
to gain insight into how editors are written
(or not written :-) )
If anyone is interested in the code or in giving
some ideas or indeed has done something similar
I would love to heard from you.



Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Mantain IDE colors and paste them in an HTML page

2005-10-05 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Micah Elliott enlightened us with:
 If you're just trying to get copy/paste-able-from-browser html that
 has pretty colors, you might start up vim and use the default
 colors.  You might have to say :syntax enable.  Then just type
 :TOhtml and you'll have a colorized version of your IDE display.

Cool, I didn't know that option. Very nice! Thanks!

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: Build spoofed IP packets

2005-10-05 Thread Sybren Stuvel
billie enlightened us with:
 For low level packet building I already used Impacket module but if
 I specify a spoofed src address during IP packet creation, module
 returns an error.  Suggestions?

Yes, give us the error. And know that you can't build raw IP packets
unless you're root.

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: Help needed in OOP-Python

2005-10-05 Thread Toufeeq Hussain
Hi Fredrik,On 10/5/05, Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Toufeeq Hussain wrote: I have 3 modules which have class declarations in them and which implement multiple inheritance. Traceback (most recent call last): File E:\PyPBM\PyPBM\, line 7, in ?
TH = constraint.Option1_Rule1()there's no line that says TH = constraint.Option1_Rule1() in thecode you're posted.looks like you didn't really post the code youtested...

my bad. :(

It's there under script but in a different form.



import Module3

Test_Case = Module3.Option1_Rule1()


Test_Case = Module3.Option1_Rule1() corresponds to TH = constraint.Option1_Rule1()

My coding is really really bad,that's why I changed the names to more human readable form(Module1,2.. etc).

Thanks for pointing it out,
-- Get Firefox: fastest, safest and best Browser !!

While and If messing up my program?

2005-10-05 Thread CJ
   Hey, I'm new to the Python world, but I do have experience in several 
other languages. I've been running through a tutorial, and I decided that 
I'd make a program that runs through a list, finds if there are any 
duplicates. The program, doesn't work, but since its a first build I 
wasn't too worried about it. I'd be highly impressed if I got the program 
to run correctly in the first build, I want to debug it myself later.

   What does worry me, is that I can't seem to get the program by a 
certain spot. It keeps giving me the same error, and I don't know why.

The code:


print cnto
print cntt
print ttllst[cnto]
print ttllst[cntt]
choice=raw_input(Begin? )
if choice == yes or choice == y:
while cntolen(ttllst)+1:
if ttllst[cnto]==ttllst[cntt]:
if cntt==len(ttllst):
print ttllst[cnto],appears in the list,rept,times.
print done.

After running the program I get error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python24\Projects\repeatfinderlist, line 13, in -toplevel-
if ttllst[cnto]==ttllst[cntt]:
IndexError: list index out of range

Now, if I remove the while, and the If/choice lines like so:


print cnto
print cntt
print ttllst[cnto]
print ttllst[cntt]
if ttllst[cnto]==ttllst[cntt]:
if cntt==len(ttllst):
print ttllst[cnto],appears in the list,rept,times.
print done.

I get no errors. The program doesn't work, granted, but I get no errors. 
Can anyone tell me what I'm missing?



Re: Idle

2005-10-05 Thread Hrvoje Blazevic
 If you are compiling python and you want to build idle/tkinter, you
 need to have the development packages for tcl and tk. The python build
 scripts will only build tkinter should they find the libraries
 ( and and the header files (tk.h and tcl.h).
 If you don't have the development packages installed, you most likely
 do not have the header files.
 If you install the development packages and recompile, test by
 importing _tkinter. If that is successful, idle should run just fine.

After installing new versions of Tcl/Tk, python compilation did work. 
What is surprising is that although Python is bundled with most (all?) 
Linux distros, Idle does not work on most???

-- Hrvoje

Re: Turn $6 into $6.000

2005-10-05 Thread sweet_thiruvonam
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Background check is the new facility they have added now. You can do a
background check including age, address, phone numbers, property
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Re: how to debug when Segmentation fault

2005-10-05 Thread Maksim Kasimov

yes, to generete core dump is the best way,

but the command $ ulimit -c 50 don't make python to generete core dump in 
the time of crush.

I would like to know how to run python script so if it crushes than core dump 
will be genereted.


Pierre Barbier de Reuille wrote:
 Maksim Kasimov a écrit :

my programm sometime gives Segmentation fault message (no matter how
long the programm had run (1 day or 2 weeks). And there is nothing in
log-files that can points the problem.
My question is how it possible to find out where is the problem in the
code? Thanks for any help.

Python 2.2.3

 Well, your best bet is to generate a core file !
 To do so, in the shell launching the program, you need to accept core
 files. The command is :
 $ ulimit -c max size of core file accepted
 For example:
 $ ulimit -c 50
 For a 500MB max file.
 Then, if your program crash, you should see a file named core.
 where  is the PID of the process. You can know exactly where the
 program crashed using gbd :
 $ gdb --core=core.
 Then, depending on the debug information you have in your executables
 you may (or may not) be able to know what happened :)

Best regards,
Maksim Kasimov

Re: While and If messing up my program?

2005-10-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

to get howmany element list appear you can code:
for x in ttllst:
print x, ttllst.count(x)

to get non duplicate element list you can code:
print list(set(ttllst))



Re: python plotting with greek symbols within labels recommendations?

2005-10-05 Thread Juho Schultz
 hello all,
 this message is geared toward those of you in the scientific community.
 i'm looking for a python plotting library that can support rendering
 greek symbols and other various characters on plot axes labels, etc. I
 would prefer something that adheres to tex formatting (as implemented
 in latex, matlab, etc and has the form $\alpha$ to represent the greek
 character alpha for example).
 thus far, i've found that matplotlib
 ( can do this, albeit the
 implementation is so poor that you cannot mix standard text with
 symbols on the same plot element.

If you already have installed matplotlib, have a look at
It shows you how to mix text and symbols.
The other examples in the directory could also be useful.

Essentially you need to remember 
matplotlib.rc('text', usetex=True)
before plotting.

If you need complex stuff (fractions, sums, integrals) try
putting an r before the string: pylab.ylabel(
rDensity $\left(\rho =\frac{x^2+\frac{x+1}{x-1}}{\kappa(x)K_{ij}}\right))
works fine, at least on my system.

Re: While and If messing up my program?

2005-10-05 Thread Fredrik Lundh
CJ wrote:

What does worry me, is that I can't seem to get the program by a
 certain spot. It keeps giving me the same error, and I don't know why.

quite often, exception messages means exactly what they say; if
you get an index error, it's because you're trying to fetch an item
that doesn't exist.

for simple debugging, the print statement is your friend:


 print cnto
 print cntt
 print ttllst[cnto]
 print ttllst[cntt]
 choice=raw_input(Begin? )
 if choice == yes or choice == y:
 while cntolen(ttllst)+1:

   print cnto, cntt, len(ttllst)

 if ttllst[cnto]==ttllst[cntt]:
 if cntt==len(ttllst):
 print ttllst[cnto],appears in the list,rept,times.
 print done.

with that in place, I get

Begin? y
0 1 4
0 2 4
0 3 4
0 4 4
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 14, in ?
if ttllst[cnto]==ttllst[cntt]:
IndexError: list index out of range

which means that your second list index (cntt) is too large.

figuring out how to fix that is left as an etc etc.


PS.  when you've sorted this out, you might wish to check out the
count method on list objects:

Help on method_descriptor:

L.count(value) - integer -- return number of occurrences of value


Re: While and If messing up my program?

2005-10-05 Thread Lasse Vågsæther Karlsen
The specific error in your code, is that when cnto == len(ttllst), then
doing ttllst[cnto] will give you that error.

The list is indexed from 0 to len-1, which means that doing
list[len(list)] will give that error.


Re: Help needed in OOP-Python

2005-10-05 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Toufeeq Hussain wrote:

 My coding is really really bad,that's why I changed the names to more human
 readable form(Module1,2.. etc).

the problem is that when you do that (and post using a tool that's not
smart enough to preserve leading whitespace), anyone who wants to help
will basically have to recreate your program -- and once they've done that,
chances are that they won't get the same error as you do.

consider this:

$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 1, in ?
import module3
  File, line 4, in ?
class Option1_Rule1(declaration.Option1):
NameError: name 'declaration' is not defined

oops. looks like you forgot to rename something.  that's easy to fix.

$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 3, in ?
Test_Case = module3.Option1_Rule1()
  File, line 6, in __init__
  File, line 5, in __init__
module1.OptionClass.__init__('Blah Blah','OR0001','','')
TypeError: unbound method __init__() must be called with OptionClass instance as
 first argument (got str instance instead)

aha. that sure looks like a bug.  when you call the baseclass init method,
you must pass in the object instance as the first argument.  that's easy to

$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 4, in ?
AttributeError: Option1_Rule1 instance has no attribute 'Option1_constraint'

oops. looks like I got the indentation wrong when I fixed up that module.
that's easy to fix.

$ python
condition satisfied
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 4, in ?
  File, line 11, in Option1_constraint
AttributeError: Option1_Rule1 instance has no attribute 'FOO_warning'

FOO_warning?  there's no FOO_warning anywhere in the code.


so, after four attempts, I've found four problems, three of which was present
in your posted code, but I still haven't seen the problem you reported:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 7, in ?
TH = constraint.Option1_Rule1()
  File, line 13, in __init__
TypeError: __init__() takes no arguments (1 given)

which, in itself, looks like you've forgotten the self argument in some init
method somewhere (but the code you posted doesn't have that problem).

if you want to post code, 1) try to reduce the problem to as little code as you
possibly can, and 2) make sure that the code you post really has the problem
you're seeing... (i.e. run it at least once before you post it)



Re: Help needed in OOP-Python

2005-10-05 Thread Toufeeq Hussain

I see the problem you mention and I agree.
Should have posted the orginal code without edits. :(
Anyway I'll try to fill in whereever required.On 10/5/05, Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
$ python test.pycondition satisfiedTraceback (most recent call last):
File, line 4, in ?Test_Case.Option1_constraint()File, line 11, in Option1_constraintself.FOO_warning.Fire()AttributeError: Option1_Rule1 instance has no attribute 'FOO_warning'
FOO_warning?there's no FOO_warning anywhere in the code.
FOO_warning is Option1_warning from Module3.

And, in Module1 comment out the line:
:::so, after four attempts, I've found four problems, three of which was present
in your posted code, but I still haven't seen the problem you reported:Traceback (most recent call last):File, line 7, in ?TH = constraint.Option1_Rule1()File, line 13, in __init__declaration.Option1.__init__(self)TypeError: __init__() takes no arguments (1 given)
But the script when given as individual commands works fine in IDLE.
While executing the script it throws that error. :( 
which, in itself, looks like you've forgotten the self argument in some initmethod somewhere (but the code you posted doesn't have that problem).

Yes,I've doubled checked this. 
if you want to post code, 1) try to reduce the problem to as little code as you
possibly can, and 2) make sure that the code you post really has the problemyou're seeing... (i.e. run it at least once before you post it)
All points noted and will follow the same.
Thanks and my sincere apologies. 

-toufeeq-- Get Firefox: fastest, safest and best Browser !!

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-04, Mike Meyer schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Op 2005-10-03, Steven D'Aprano schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Mon, 03 Oct 2005 13:58:33 +, Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Declarations also allow easier writable closures. Since the declaration
 happens at a certain scope, the run time can easily find the correct
 scope when a variable is rebound.

 If it happens at runtime, then you can do it without declarations:
 they're gone by then.

That depends on how they are implemented. declarations can be
executable statements.

It is not about can we do without or not. It is about are they
helpfull or not. Python would be a whole different language
if it never adapted something it could do without.

 Come to think of it, most functional languages -
 which are the languages that make the heaviest use of closures - don't
 require variable declarations.

But AFAIK they don't work like python which makes any variable
that is assigned to in a function, local. Which is a problem
if you want a writable closure.

 They also relieve a burden from the run-time, since all variables
 are declared, the runtime doesn't has to check whether or not
 a variable is accesible, it knows it is.

 Not in a dynamic language. Python lets you delete variables at run
 time, so the only way to know if a variable exists at a specific
 point during the execution of an arbitrary program is to execute the
 program to that point.

It is not perfect, that doesn't mean it can't help. How much code
deletes variables.

 And if you provide type information with the declaration, more
 efficient code can be produced.

 Only in a few cases. Type inferencing is a well-understood
 technology, and will produce code as efficient as a statically type
 language in most cases.

I thought it was more than in a few. Without some type information
from the coder, I don't see how you can infer type from library

 I think language matters shouldn't be setlled by personal preferences.

 I have to agree with that. For whether or not a feature should be
 included, there should either be a solid reason dealing with the
 functionality of the language - meaning you should have a set of use
 cases showing what a feature enables in the language that couldn't be
 done at all, or could only be done clumsily, without the feature.

I think this is too strict. Decorators would IMO never made it.
The old way to do it, was certainly not clumsy IME.

I think that a feature that could be helpfull in reduction
errors, should be a candidate even if it has no other merrits.

 Except declarations don't add functionality to the language. They
 effect the programing process.

It would be one way to get writable closures in the language.
That is added functionality.

 And we have conflicting claims about
 whether that's a good effect or not, all apparently based on nothing
 solider than personal experience. Which means the arguments are just
 personal preferences.

Whether the good effect is good enough is certainly open for debate.
But the opponents seem to argue that since it is no absolute guarantee,
it is next to useless. Well I can't agree with that kind of argument
and will argue against it.

 Antoon, at a guess I'd say that Python is the first time you've
 encountered a dynamnic language. Being horrified at not having
 variable declarations, which is a standard feature of such languages
 dating back to the 1950s, is one such indication.

No I'm not horrified at not having variable declarations. I'm in
general very practical with regard to programming, and use what
features a language offers me. However that doesn't stop me from
thinking: Hey if language X would have feature F from language Y,
that could be helpfull.

Now if the developers think such a feature is not important enough
fine, by me. It is however something different if people start
arguing that feature F is totally useless. Now my impression is
that a number of people regard python or at least some aspects
of it as holy and that suggesting that some specific features
could be usefull is considered sacriledge. 

 Dynamic languages tend to express a much wider range of programming
 paradigms than languages that are designed to be statically
 compiled. Some of these paradigms do away with - or relegate to the
 level of ugly performance hack - features that someone only
 experienced with something like Pascal would consider
 essential. Assignment statements are a good example of that.

I think we should get rid of thinking about a language as
static or dynamic. It is not the language which should determine
a static or dynamic approach, it is the problem you are trying
to solve. And if the coder thinks that a static approach is
best for his problem, why shouldn't he solve it that way.

That a language allows a static approach too, doesn't contradict
that it can work dynamically. Everytime a static feature is
suggested, some dynamic folks react as if the dynamic aspect

2 class with same name in different module

2005-10-05 Thread Iyer, Prasad C

I have a class in a module which is getting imported in main module.
How do you differentiate between the 2 class

prasad chandrasekaran

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Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Duncan Booth
Paul Rubin wrote:

 Brian Quinlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Have those of you who think that the lack of required declarations in
 Python is a huge weakness given any thought to the impact that adding
 them would have on the rest of the language? I can't imagine how any
 language with required declarations could even remotely resemble
 What's the big deal?  Perl has an option for flagging undeclared
 variables with warnings (perl -w) or errors (use strict) and Perl
 docs I've seen advise using at least perl -w routinely.  Those
 didn't have much impact.  Python already has a global declaration;
 how does it de-Pythonize the language if there's also a local
 declaration and an option to flag any variable that's not declared as
 one or the other?

The difference is that perl actually needs 'use strict' to be useful for 
anything more than trivial scripts. Without 'use strict' you can reference 
any variable name without getting an error. Python takes a stricter 
approach to begin with by throwing an exception if you reference an 
undefined variable.

This only leaves the 'assigning to a different name than the one we 
intended' problem which seems to worry some people here, and as has been 
explained in great detail it incurs a cost to anyone reading the code for 
what most Python users consider to be a very small benefit.

If you think variable declarations should be required, then you presumably 
want that to cover class attributes as well as local and global 
variables. After all assigning to 'x.i' when you meant 'x.j' is at least as 
bad as assigning to 'i' instead of 'j'. But unless you know the type of 
'x', how do you know whether it has attributes 'i' or 'j'? So do we need 
type declarations, or perhaps we need a different syntax for 'create a new 
attribute' vs 'update an existing attribute', both of which would throw an 
exception if used in the wrong situation, and would therefore require lots 
of hasattr calls for the cases where we don't care.


Re: 2 class with same name in different module

2005-10-05 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Iyer, Prasad C wrote:
 I have a class in a module which is getting imported in main module. 
 How do you differentiate between the 2 class

import foo
import bar


Re: 2 class with same name in different module

2005-10-05 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Iyer, Prasad C wrote:

 I have a class in a module which is getting imported in main module.
 How do you differentiate between the 2 class

if you have one class in a module, why do you need to differentiate
between it?  assuming that you do in fact have *two* classes with
the same name in two different modules, you just have to import them
as usual, and access them via their modules:

import module1
import module2

o1 = module1.Class()
o2 = module2.Class()

if this is not what you mean, please post a short example that shows
what the problem really is.



Re: how to get any available port

2005-10-05 Thread Steve Holden
 Apparently, calling bind() with a zero port will choose some available port
 number, as demonstrated by this program:
 import socket
 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
 s.bind((, 0))
 print s.getsockname()
 Here's how it behaved over several runs:
 $ python 
 ('', 34205)
 $ python 
 ('', 34206)
 $ python 
 ('', 34207)
 I don't know for sure whether this is standard behavior for sockets, or 
 it's a special behavior of linux.
It's been standard behaviour ever since the Berkeley socket interface 
was defined, as far as I know.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-04, Ron Adam schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Op 2005-10-03, Steven D'Aprano schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

And lo, one multi-billion dollar Mars lander starts braking either too
early or too late. Result: a new crater on Mars, named after the NASA
employee who thought the compiler would catch errors.
 Using (unit)tests will not guarantee that your programs is error free.
 So if sooner or later a (unit)tested program causes a problem, will you
 then argue that we should abondon tests, because tests won't catch
 all errors.

 Maybe you need to specify what kind of errors you want to catch. 
 Different types of errors require different approaches.

I want to catch all errors of course.

I know that nothing will ever guarantee me this result, but some things
may help in getting close. So if a language provides a feature that can
help, I generally think that is positive. That such a feature won't
solve all problems shouldn't be considered fatal as some counter arguments
seem to suggest.

Antoon Pardon

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Magnus Lycka
 Some people just don't get the simple fact that declarations are
 essentially kind of unit test you get for free (almost), and the compiler
 is a testing framework for them.

It seems you've missed the entire point of using a dynamically
typed language. It's not just about saving typing time and making
your methods take up fewer lines of code. It's about writing generic
code. Just look at C++ with all that mess with complex templates,
silly casting and dangerous void pointers etc that are needed to
achieve a fraction of the genericity that Python provides with no
effort from the programmer.

With properly written tests, you can be reasonably that the program
does what you want. Type declarations are extremely limited in this
aspect, and they often give programmers a false sense of security.

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Paul Rubin
Duncan Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 If you think variable declarations should be required,

I don't think they should be required.  I think there should optional
declarations along with a compiler flag that checks for them if the
user asks for it, like Perl has.

 then you presumably want that to cover class attributes as well as
 local and global variables. After all assigning to 'x.i' when you
 meant 'x.j' is at least as bad as assigning to 'i'

Yes, lots of people mistakenly use __slots__ for exactly that purpose.
Maybe the function they think __slots__ is supposed to implement is a
legitimate one, and having a correct way to do it is a good idea.

 But unless you know the type of 'x', how do you know whether it
 has attributes 'i' or 'j'? 

If the compiler knows (through declarations, type inference, or
whatever) that x is a certain type of class instance, then it knows
what attributes x has.

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Paul Rubin
Magnus Lycka [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 It seems you've missed the entire point of using a dynamically
 typed language. It's not just about saving typing time and making
 your methods take up fewer lines of code. It's about writing generic
 code. Just look at C++ with all that mess with complex templates,
 silly casting and dangerous void pointers etc that are needed to
 achieve a fraction of the genericity that Python provides with no
 effort from the programmer.

So where are the complex templates and dangerous void pointers in ML?

Confused with module and .py files

2005-10-05 Thread Iyer, Prasad C

Actually I am bit confused between the modules and .py file
How do I differentiate between the 2.

For example
I have a file, file
Which has few functions and classes
And if I have a class with same name BaseClass in both the file

How would I use it if I declare it as given below in my 3rd class

from import *
from import *

prasad chandrasekaran

--- Cancer cures smoking

#-Original Message-
#Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2005 1:32 PM
#Subject: Python-list Digest, Vol 25, Issue 65
#Send Python-list mailing list submissions to
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Re: Does any one recognize this binary data storage format

2005-10-05 Thread Christos Georgiou
On Wed, 10 Aug 2005 13:23:22 GMT, rumours say that [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bengt
Richter) might have written:

BTW, my second post was doing ''.join(chr(int(h[i:i+2],16)) for i in 
to undo the hexlify you had done (I'd forgotten that there's a 
binascii.unhexlify ;-)

And there's also str.decode('hex'), at least after 2.3 .
TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
Dear Paul,
please stop spamming us.
The Corinthians

Re: Confused with module and .py files

2005-10-05 Thread Satchidanand Haridas
Iyer, Prasad C wrote:

Actually I am bit confused between the modules and .py file
How do I differentiate between the 2.


A module 'name' is the same as the name of your file without the '.py' 

For example
I have a file, file
Which has few functions and classes
And if I have a class with same name BaseClass in both the file

How would I use it if I declare it as given below in my 3rd class

from import *
from import *


You should say :
from import1 import *
from import2 import *

If according to your earlier question, you have a class with the same 
name in two different modules, the better thing then (as others on the 
list have already pointed out) is to do the following:

import import1, import2

c1 = import1.MyClass()
c2 = import2.MyClass()


Satchidanand Haridas (sharidas at zeomega dot com)

ZeOmega (
Open  Minds' Open Solutions

prasad chandrasekaran

--- Cancer cures smoking

#-Original Message-
#Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2005 1:32 PM
#Subject: Python-list Digest, Vol 25, Issue 65
#Send Python-list mailing list submissions to
#To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
#or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
#You can reach the person managing the list at
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#than Re: Contents of Python-list digest...

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is the property of the Capgemini Group. It is intended only for the person to 
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authorized to read, print, retain, copy, disseminate,  distribute, or use this 
message or any part thereof. If you receive this  message in error, please 
notify the sender immediately and delete all  copies of this message.



Re: dictionary interface

2005-10-05 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-05, Tom Anderson schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Tue, 4 Oct 2005, Robert Kern wrote:

 Antoon Pardon wrote:

   class Tree:

 def __lt__(self, term):
   return set(self.iteritems())  set(term.iteritems())

 def __eq__(self, term):
   return set(self.iteritems()) == set(term.iteritems())

 Would this be a correct definition of the desired behaviour?


 In [1]: {1:2}  {3:4}
 Out[1]: True

 In [2]: set({1:2}.iteritems())  set({3:4}.iteritems())
 Out[2]: False

 Anyone a reference?

 The function dict_compare in dictobject.c .

 Well there's a really helpful answer. I'm intrigued, Robert - since you 
 know the real answer to this question, why did you choose to tell the 
 Antoon that he was wrong, not tell him in what way he was wrong, certainly 
 not tell him how to be right, but just tell him to read the source, rather 
 than simply telling him what you knew? Still, at least you told him which 
 file to look in. And if he knows python but not C, or gets lost in the 
 byzantine workings of the interpreter, well, that's his own fault, i 

 So, Antoon, firstly, your implementation of __eq__ is, i believe, correct.

 Your implementation of __lt__ is, sadly, not. While sets take  to mean 
 is a proper subset of, for dicts, it's a more conventional comparison 
 operation, which constitutes a total ordering over all dicts (so you can 
 sort with it, for example). However, since dicts don't really have a 
 natural total ordering, it is ever so slightly arbitrary.

 The rules for ordering on dicts are, AFAICT:

 - If one dict has fewer elements than the other, it's the lesser
 - If not, find the smallest key for which the two dicts have different 
 values (counting 'not present' as a value)
 -- If there is no such key, the dicts are equal
 -- If the key is present in one dict but not the other, the dict in which 
 it is present is the lesser
 -- Otherwise, the dict in which the value is lesser is itself the lesser

 In code:

 def dict_cmp(a, b):
   diff = cmp(len(a), len(b))
   if (diff != 0):
   return diff
   for key in sorted(set(a.keys() + b.keys())):
   if (key not in a):
   return 1
   if (key not in b):
   return -1
   diff = cmp(a[key], b[key])
   if (diff != 0):
   return diff
   return 0

Thanks for the explanation, but you somehow give me too much.

I have been searching some more and finally stumbled on this:

  Mappings (dictionaries) compare equal if and only if their sorted
  (key, value) lists compare equal. Outcomes other than equality are
  resolved consistently, but are not otherwise defined.

This seems to imply that the specific method to sort the dictionaries
is unimported (as long as it is a total ordering). So I can use whatever
method I want as long as it is achieves this.

But that is contradicted by the unittest. If you have a unittest for
comparing dictionaries, that means comparing dictionaries has a
testable characteristic and thus is further defined.

So I don't need a full implementation of dictionary comparison,
I need to know in how far such a comparison is defined and
what I can choose.

Antoon Pardon

Re: dictionary interface

2005-10-05 Thread Paul Rubin
Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 But that is contradicted by the unittest. If you have a unittest for
 comparing dictionaries, that means comparing dictionaries has a
 testable characteristic and thus is further defined.

No, I don't think so.  The unittest makes sure that a particular
implementation works as intended.  That doesn't mean that every part
of the of how that particular implementation works is required by the
language definition.  It can have some non-required (but
non-forbidden) characteristics and those could still get tested.

Re: IDLE dedent/unindent key bindings for non-us keybord?

2005-10-05 Thread Franz Steinhaeusler
On 2 Oct 2005 08:52:53 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I use Idle 1.1.1 on Python 2.4.1.

The Ctrl-[ and Ctrl-] key bindings for indenting do not work on
non-us keyboards where brackets are accessed by the Alt Gr key.

The Tab key seem to work for indenting a selected textblock on my
swedish keyboard, but Shift-tab does not dedent as you would have

If I try to redefine key bindings in options-Configure IDLE-Keys so
that Shift-Tab is bound to dedent, things seem to get really weird.

After creating a Custom key set
- the Ok-button does not close the options window, I have to use
Cancel to get out.

I'v seen this also:
this must be a bug.

Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python24\lib\lib-tk\, line 1345, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
  File C:\Python24\lib\idlelib\, line 1197, in Apply
  File C:\Python24\lib\idlelib\, line 1185, in
  File C:\Python24\lib\idlelib\, line 585, in
  File C:\Python24\lib\idlelib\, line 837, in
text.event_add(event, *keylist)
  File C:\Python24\lib\lib-tk\, line 1299, in event_add
TclError: bad event type or keysym tab
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python24\lib\lib-tk\, line 1345, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
  File C:\Python24\lib\idlelib\, line 1192, in Ok
  File C:\Python24\lib\idlelib\, line 1197, in Apply
  File C:\Python24\lib\idlelib\, line 1185, in
  File C:\Python24\lib\idlelib\, line 585, in
  File C:\Python24\lib\idlelib\, line 837, in
text.event_add(event, *keylist)
  File C:\Python24\lib\lib-tk\, line 1299, in event_add
TclError: bad event type or keysym tab

next time, I start:

error reading package index file C:/Python24/tcl/tix8.1/pkgIndex.tcl:
invalid co
mmand name lt}]}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Python24\Lib\idlelib\, line 21, in ?
  File C:\Python24\lib\idlelib\, line 1355, in main
if not flist.open_shell():
  File C:\Python24\lib\idlelib\, line 275, in open_shell
self.pyshell = PyShell(self)
  File C:\Python24\lib\idlelib\, line 793, in __init__
OutputWindow.__init__(self, flist, None, None)
  File C:\Python24\lib\idlelib\, line 16, in __init__
EditorWindow.__init__(self, *args)
  File C:\Python24\lib\idlelib\, line 108, in __init__
  File C:\Python24\lib\idlelib\, line 837, in
text.event_add(event, *keylist)
  File C:\Python24\lib\lib-tk\, line 1299, in event_add
_tkinter.TclError: bad event type or keysym tab

(On Windows)
I discovered, looking in C:\.idlerc\config-keys.cfg

there was the entry
dedent-region = Shift-Key-tab

with an editor you can change it to uppercase:

dedent-region = Shift-Key-Tab

then it works again.


Franz Steinhaeusler

Re: Confused with module and .py files

2005-10-05 Thread Roel Schroeven
Iyer, Prasad C wrote:
 Actually I am bit confused between the modules and .py file
 How do I differentiate between the 2.
 For example
 I have a file, file
 Which has few functions and classes
 And if I have a class with same name BaseClass in both the file
 How would I use it if I declare it as given below in my 3rd class
 from import *
 from import *

Name conflicts like that are a good reason not to use from ... import *,
but instead:

import import1
import import2

bc1 = import1.BaseClass()
bc2 = import2.BaseClass()

(Note: don't include the extension .py in the import statements)

Namespaces are great for preventing name conflicts; don't circumtvent
them by blindly importing everything into the same namespace. As the Zen
of Python says: Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more
of those!

If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood
on the shoulders of giants.  -- Isaac Newton

Roel Schroeven

Re: Confused with module and .py files

2005-10-05 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Iyer, Prasad C wrote:

 How would I use it if I declare it as given below in my 3rd class

 from import *
 from import *

thats a syntax error; I assume you meant

from import1 import *
from import2 import *

which simply doesn't work if you need to access things that happens
to have the same name in both modules.

it's like typing

a = 1
a = 2

and then asking how you can access the original 1 via the a variable.

so unless you know *exactly* what you're doing, you should *never*
use from import * -- unless you're using a module that someone else
wrote, and the documentation for that module tells you do use it.

see for more on this.

(see other replies for how to do what you want in a way that actually



Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-05, Duncan Booth schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Paul Rubin wrote:

 Brian Quinlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Have those of you who think that the lack of required declarations in
 Python is a huge weakness given any thought to the impact that adding
 them would have on the rest of the language? I can't imagine how any
 language with required declarations could even remotely resemble
 What's the big deal?  Perl has an option for flagging undeclared
 variables with warnings (perl -w) or errors (use strict) and Perl
 docs I've seen advise using at least perl -w routinely.  Those
 didn't have much impact.  Python already has a global declaration;
 how does it de-Pythonize the language if there's also a local
 declaration and an option to flag any variable that's not declared as
 one or the other?

 The difference is that perl actually needs 'use strict' to be useful for 
 anything more than trivial scripts. Without 'use strict' you can reference 
 any variable name without getting an error. Python takes a stricter 
 approach to begin with by throwing an exception if you reference an 
 undefined variable.

 This only leaves the 'assigning to a different name than the one we 
 intended' problem which seems to worry some people here, and as has been 
 explained in great detail it incurs a cost to anyone reading the code for 
 what most Python users consider to be a very small benefit.

It also is one possibility to implement writable closures.

One could for instace have a 'declare' have the effect that
if on a more inner scope such a declared variable is (re)bound it
will rebind the declared variable instead of binding a local name.

Antoon Pardon

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Magnus Lycka
James A. Donald wrote:
 What can one do to swiftly detect this type of bug?

Unit tests. In my experience the edit - test cycle in
Python is typically roughly as fast as the edit - compile
cycle in e.g. C++, and much faster than the full edit -
compile - link - test cycle in C++.

You do use automated tests for your programs don't you?
Otherwise I think you are sifting out gnats while you
are are swallowing camels.

There are also lint-like tools such as pylint and
pychecker if you think static tests are useful for you.

Here at Carmen, we've actually skipped the unit test
step, and run functional tests at once, using the
Texttest framework--and that fits well with our type
of apps. See

Re: 2 class with same name in different module

2005-10-05 Thread Fredrik Lundh
 thats a syntax error; I assume you meant

message = message.replace(
a syntax error,
almost always an import error (no module named py)


Re: dictionary interface

2005-10-05 Thread Steve Holden
Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Op 2005-10-05, Tom Anderson schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
On Tue, 4 Oct 2005, Robert Kern wrote:

Antoon Pardon wrote:

  class Tree:

def __lt__(self, term):
  return set(self.iteritems())  set(term.iteritems())

def __eq__(self, term):
  return set(self.iteritems()) == set(term.iteritems())

Would this be a correct definition of the desired behaviour?


In [1]: {1:2}  {3:4}
Out[1]: True

In [2]: set({1:2}.iteritems())  set({3:4}.iteritems())
Out[2]: False

Anyone a reference?

The function dict_compare in dictobject.c .

Well there's a really helpful answer. I'm intrigued, Robert - since you 
know the real answer to this question, why did you choose to tell the 
Antoon that he was wrong, not tell him in what way he was wrong, certainly 
not tell him how to be right, but just tell him to read the source, rather 
than simply telling him what you knew? Still, at least you told him which 
file to look in. And if he knows python but not C, or gets lost in the 
byzantine workings of the interpreter, well, that's his own fault, i 

So, Antoon, firstly, your implementation of __eq__ is, i believe, correct.

Your implementation of __lt__ is, sadly, not. While sets take  to mean 
is a proper subset of, for dicts, it's a more conventional comparison 
operation, which constitutes a total ordering over all dicts (so you can 
sort with it, for example). However, since dicts don't really have a 
natural total ordering, it is ever so slightly arbitrary.

The rules for ordering on dicts are, AFAICT:

- If one dict has fewer elements than the other, it's the lesser
- If not, find the smallest key for which the two dicts have different 
values (counting 'not present' as a value)
-- If there is no such key, the dicts are equal
-- If the key is present in one dict but not the other, the dict in which 
it is present is the lesser
-- Otherwise, the dict in which the value is lesser is itself the lesser

In code:

def dict_cmp(a, b):
  diff = cmp(len(a), len(b))
  if (diff != 0):
  return diff
  for key in sorted(set(a.keys() + b.keys())):
  if (key not in a):
  return 1
  if (key not in b):
  return -1
  diff = cmp(a[key], b[key])
  if (diff != 0):
  return diff
  return 0

 Thanks for the explanation, but you somehow give me too much.
 I have been searching some more and finally stumbled on this:
   Mappings (dictionaries) compare equal if and only if their sorted
   (key, value) lists compare equal. Outcomes other than equality are
   resolved consistently, but are not otherwise defined.
 This seems to imply that the specific method to sort the dictionaries
 is unimported (as long as it is a total ordering). So I can use whatever
 method I want as long as it is achieves this.
 But that is contradicted by the unittest. If you have a unittest for
 comparing dictionaries, that means comparing dictionaries has a
 testable characteristic and thus is further defined.
 So I don't need a full implementation of dictionary comparison,
 I need to know in how far such a comparison is defined and
 what I can choose.
The dict unit tests are probably trying to ensure that the dictionary 
ordering doesn't change from version to version, which is probably a 
good idea in case someone (foolishly?) deciess to rely on it.

I can't help wondering, though, under what conditions it actually makes 
sense to compare two dictionaries for anything other than equality.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: New project coming up...stay with Python, or go with a dot net language??? Your thoughts please!

2005-10-05 Thread adDoc's networker Phil
On 10/4/05, Cameron Laird [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Python IS a dot net language URL: .

. that is the site it was born at;
but microsoft has actively adopted it here:

IronPython 0.9.2 (9/22/2005)

IronPython is the codename for an alpha release 
of the Python programming language for the .NET platform.
It supports an interactive interpreter with fully dynamic compilation
. It is well integrated with the rest of the framework 
and makes all .NET libraries easily available to Python programmers.

. the active dev site

. the IronPython mailing list

-- American Dream Documents opportunity starts with real documentation)

Re: Confused with module and .py files

2005-10-05 Thread Steve Holden
Iyer, Prasad C wrote:
 Actually I am bit confused between the modules and .py file
 How do I differentiate between the 2.
 For example
 I have a file, file
 Which has few functions and classes
 And if I have a class with same name BaseClass in both the file
 How would I use it if I declare it as given below in my 3rd class
 from import *
 from import *
You can't do that. The from module import * mechanism explicitly 
defines names in the importing module's namespace, so if you use this 
technique to import two modules that define the same name you will 
inevitably find that the second import overwrites the duplicate name 
imported by the first import.

Note also that the .py should not be included in the import statement 
- the interpreter finds the appropriate code from the module name, so 
you should anyway be doing something like

   from import2 import *
   from import2 import *

It would be much better, though, to write:

   import import1
   import import2

Then you can refer to import1.BaseClass and import2.baseClass without 
getting any naming conflicts. In general the from module import * form 
should only be used under specific conditions, which we needn't discuss 
here now.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: Pygame: Filling the screen with tile images

2005-10-05 Thread Ben Sizer
I don't think PyGame will handle tiling for you, or any concept of a
'background image'. If you want something to appear multiple times on
the screen, you need to draw it multiple times. If you do that onto a
surface that is the same size as your screen, you can then consider
that the background image and blit that to the screen at the start of
every frame you draw.

Ben Sizer


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Duncan Booth
Antoon Pardon wrote:

 It also is one possibility to implement writable closures.
 One could for instace have a 'declare' have the effect that
 if on a more inner scope such a declared variable is (re)bound it
 will rebind the declared variable instead of binding a local name.

That is one possibility, but I think that it would be better to use a 
keyword at the point of the assigment to indicate assignment to an outer 
scope. This fits with the way 'global' works: you declare at (or near) the 
assignment that it is going to a global variable, not in some far away part 
of the code, so the global nature of the assignment is clearly visible. The 
'global' keyword itself would be much improved if it appeared on the same 
line as the assignment rather than as a separate declaration.

e.g. something like:

var1 = 0

def f():
  var2 = 0

  def g():
 outer var2 = 1 # Assign to outer variable
 global var1 = 1 # Assign to global

Re: dictionary interface

2005-10-05 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-05, Paul Rubin schreef http:
 Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 But that is contradicted by the unittest. If you have a unittest for
 comparing dictionaries, that means comparing dictionaries has a
 testable characteristic and thus is further defined.

 No, I don't think so.  The unittest makes sure that a particular
 implementation works as intended.  That doesn't mean that every part
 of the of how that particular implementation works is required by the
 language definition.

As far as I understand, unittest test for functionality clients should
be able to rely on. They shouldn't be used to test a specific
implementation feature.

The idea is that if you change the implementation, you can quickly
test the functionality is unharmed. But you can't do that if
also specific implementation details are tested for.

 It can have some non-required (but
 non-forbidden) characteristics and those could still get tested.

That doesn't seem to make sense. If it is not required it shouldn't
be tested for, at least not in a unittest, because otherwise a new
implementation that doesn't have the non-required characteristics
will be rejected.

My tree class is almost finished, but one unittest still fails,
is this a failing of my class (as a replacement for a dictionary)
or is this a non-required characteristic of dictionaries?

Antoon Pardon

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Paul Rubin
Brian Quinlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Python already has a global declaration;
 Which is evaluated at runtime, does not require that the actual global
 variable be pre-existing, and does not create the global variable if
 not actually assigned. I think that is pretty different than your
 proposal semantics.

Different how?

 Your making this feature optional contradicts the subject of this
 thread i.e. declarations being necessary.  

They're necessary if you enable the option.

 But, continuing with your declaration thought experiment, how are
 you planning on actually adding optional useful type declarations to
 Python e.g. could you please rewrite this (trivial) snippet using
 your proposed syntax/semantics?

def do_add(x-str, y-str):
  return '%s://%s' % (x, y)

def do_something(node-Node):
  if node.namespace == XML_NAMESPACE:
  return do_add('http://', node.namespace)
  elif node.namespace == ...

Re: dictionary interface

2005-10-05 Thread Paul Rubin
Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I can't help wondering, though, under what conditions it actually
 makes sense to compare two dictionaries for anything other than

You might want to sort a bunch of dictionaries to bring the equal ones

Re: dictionary interface

2005-10-05 Thread Paul Rubin
Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 My tree class is almost finished, but one unittest still fails,
 is this a failing of my class (as a replacement for a dictionary)
 or is this a non-required characteristic of dictionaries?

If it were me, I'd treat the language reference manual as
authoritative.  YMMV.

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Brian Quinlan
Paul Rubin wrote:
 Brian Quinlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Have those of you who think that the lack of required declarations in
Python is a huge weakness given any thought to the impact that adding
them would have on the rest of the language? I can't imagine how any
language with required declarations could even remotely resemble
 Python already has a global declaration;

Which is evaluated at runtime, does not require that the actual global 
variable be pre-existing, and does not create the global variable if not 
actually assigned. I think that is pretty different than your proposal 

 how does it de-Pythonize the language if there's also a local
 declaration and an option to flag any variable that's not declared as
 one or the other?

Your making this feature optional contradicts the subject of this 
thread i.e. declarations being necessary. But, continuing with your 
declaration thought experiment, how are you planning on actually adding 
optional useful type declarations to Python e.g. could you please 
rewrite this (trivial) snippet using your proposed syntax/semantics?

from xml.dom import *

def do_add(x, y):
 return '%s://%s' % (x, y)

def do_something(node):
 if node.namespace == XML_NAMESPACE:
 return do_add('http://', node.namespace)
 elif node.namespace == ...

 There's been a proposal from none other than GvR to add optional
 static declarations to Python:

A few points:
1. making it work in a reasonable way is an acknowledged hard problem
2. it will still probably not involve doing type checking at
3. it would only generate a warning, not an error


Re: Python script to install network printers

2005-10-05 Thread future_retro
These functions should get you started and probably finished...

def createprinterport(IPAddress,ServerName):
+ ServerName + r\root\cimv2)
printerport = WBEM.Get(Win32_TCPIPPrinterPort).SpawnInstance_()
printerport.Properties_('Name').Value = 'IP_'+IPAddress
printerport.Properties_('Protocol').Value = 1
printerport.Properties_('HostAddress').Value = IPAddress
printerport.Properties_('PortNumber').Value = '9100'
printerport.Properties_('SNMPEnabled').Value = 'False'

+ ServerName + r\root\cimv2)
WBEM.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 3
printer = WBEM.Get(Win32_Printer).SpawnInstance_()
printer.Properties_('DeviceID').Value = PrinterName
printer.Properties_('DriverName').Value = DriverName
printer.Properties_('Location').Value = Location
printer.Properties_('Network').Value = 'True'
printer.Properties_('Shared').Value = 'True'
printer.Properties_('ShareName').Value = ShareName
printer.Properties_('PortName').Value = 'IP_'+IPAddress

I also created one for migrating print drivers but had loads of
problems with it.  If the driver doesn't pass Microsoft logo testing
the scripts fail even if it is signed by Microsoft.  I never worked out
why there were 2 levels of protection.


Re: Python script to install network printers

2005-10-05 Thread future_retro
The target OS needs to support WMI so 2000 or XP.


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Steve Holden
Brian Quinlan wrote:
 Paul Rubin wrote:
Brian Quinlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Have those of you who think that the lack of required declarations in
Python is a huge weakness given any thought to the impact that adding
them would have on the rest of the language? I can't imagine how any
language with required declarations could even remotely resemble

Python already has a global declaration;
 Which is evaluated at runtime, does not require that the actual global 
 variable be pre-existing, and does not create the global variable if not 
 actually assigned. I think that is pretty different than your proposal 
I believe that global is the one Python statement that isn't actually 
executable, and simply conditions the code generated during compilation 
(to bytecode).

Hard to see why someone would want to use a global declaration unless 
they were intending to assign to it, given the sematnics of access.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: Excel library with unicode support

2005-10-05 Thread Richie Hindle

 Is there a python library, that is able to create Excel files with
 unicode characters.

pyExcelerator claims to do this, but I've never used it.

Richie Hindle

sos too long penis

2005-10-05 Thread by9tusa
I had in the past the most ridiculous erection in the world,4in.I'm not
poor and then,I used all the supposed miraculous products to
rectify.Vainly.Until one of my friends,who experimented it
himself,advise me to use an african grass,in the way of tea.As long as
I haven't obtain the desired size.I bought it.
It tooks to me 2months to reach 9.5in.
I fully enjoyed it 3years long.

But now,I'ld like to loose 2in.I think I'ld had stop the grass-tea
2weeks earliers.9.5in is a little too long.
Girls and men often run away when they see it.Too big bar.
What is more ,at the beach,it is really umpleasant to be always
remarked because of it.
I am now exasperated,I'll really want to loose a little.

Help me finding a way.
Do some one know something who can help me  or a good surgeon?(if it is
possible and riskfree)
Please help me I'm on   [EMAIL PROTECTED] PS excuse my bad
smelling english.
Expecting you soon.

Don't send me please any mail asking for what I used,take your self
informations on   Thinks


Re: Help needed in OOP-Python

2005-10-05 Thread Toufeeq Hussain
Thanks Fredrik.

Went through the code to make sure self was used properly and one of the parent classes was missing a self.It's fixed now.

/me kicks self

-toufeeqOn 10/5/05, Toufeeq Hussain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I see the problem you mention and I agree.
Should have posted the orginal code without edits. :(
Anyway I'll try to fill in whereever required.On 10/5/05, Fredrik Lundh 
$ python test.pycondition satisfiedTraceback (most recent call last):

File, line 4, in ?Test_Case.Option1_constraint()File, line 11, in Option1_constraintself.FOO_warning.Fire()AttributeError: Option1_Rule1 instance has no attribute 'FOO_warning'
FOO_warning?there's no FOO_warning anywhere in the code.
FOO_warning is Option1_warning from Module3.

And, in Module1 comment out the line:
:::so, after four attempts, I've found four problems, three of which was present
in your posted code, but I still haven't seen the problem you reported:Traceback (most recent call last):File, line 7, in ?TH = constraint.Option1_Rule1()File, line 13, in __init__declaration.Option1.__init__(self)TypeError: __init__() takes no arguments (1 given)
But the script when given as individual commands works fine in IDLE.
While executing the script it throws that error. :( 
which, in itself, looks like you've forgotten the self argument in some init
method somewhere (but the code you posted doesn't have that problem).

Yes,I've doubled checked this. 
if you want to post code, 1) try to reduce the problem to as little code as you

possibly can, and 2) make sure that the code you post really has the problemyou're seeing... (i.e. run it at least once before you post it)
All points noted and will follow the same.
Thanks and my sincere apologies. 

-toufeeq-- Get Firefox:
The fastest, safest and best Browser !!
-- Get Firefox: fastest, safest and best Browser !!

Re: dictionary interface

2005-10-05 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-05, Steve Holden schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:
 I have been searching some more and finally stumbled on this:
   Mappings (dictionaries) compare equal if and only if their sorted
   (key, value) lists compare equal. Outcomes other than equality are
   resolved consistently, but are not otherwise defined.
 This seems to imply that the specific method to sort the dictionaries
 is unimported (as long as it is a total ordering). So I can use whatever
 method I want as long as it is achieves this.
 But that is contradicted by the unittest. If you have a unittest for
 comparing dictionaries, that means comparing dictionaries has a
 testable characteristic and thus is further defined.
 So I don't need a full implementation of dictionary comparison,
 I need to know in how far such a comparison is defined and
 what I can choose.
 The dict unit tests are probably trying to ensure that the dictionary 
 ordering doesn't change from version to version, which is probably a 
 good idea in case someone (foolishly?) deciess to rely on it.

I doubt that. Just to check I tried the following:

  class Tree:

def __lt__(self, term):
  return len(self)  len(term)

And the test passed.

 I can't help wondering, though, under what conditions it actually makes 
 sense to compare two dictionaries for anything other than equality.

Yes that is part of the problem, because I can't think of such a
condition it is hard to think of what extra constraints could be
usefull here.

Anyway, I have searched the source of the test for all testing
with regards to  and after some browsing back and fore it seems
it all boils down to the following two tests.

   self.assert_(not {}  {})
   self.assert_(not {1: 2}  {1L: 2L})

Antoon Pardon

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2005-10-05, Duncan Booth schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Antoon Pardon wrote:

 It also is one possibility to implement writable closures.
 One could for instace have a 'declare' have the effect that
 if on a more inner scope such a declared variable is (re)bound it
 will rebind the declared variable instead of binding a local name.

 That is one possibility, but I think that it would be better to use a 
 keyword at the point of the assigment to indicate assignment to an outer 
 scope. This fits with the way 'global' works: you declare at (or near) the 
 assignment that it is going to a global variable, not in some far away part 
 of the code, so the global nature of the assignment is clearly visible.

As far as I understand people don't like global very much so I don't
expect that a second keyword with the same kind of behaviour has
any chance.

 'global' keyword itself would be much improved if it appeared on the same 
 line as the assignment rather than as a separate declaration.

 e.g. something like:

 var1 = 0

 def f():
   var2 = 0

   def g():
  outer var2 = 1 # Assign to outer variable
  global var1 = 1 # Assign to global

And what would the following do:

def f():

  var = 0

  def g():

var = 1

def h():

  outer var = 2 * var + 1

print var

  print var


Quick help needed: how to format an integer ?

2005-10-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi !

I need to convert some integer values.

1622 -1 622


10001234 - 10.001.234

So I need thousand separators.

Can anyone helps me with a simply solution (like %xxx) ?

Thanx for it: dd

Now I use this proc:

def toths(i):
for i in range(ls):
if i%3==0 and i0:
return .join(l)


Re: Quick help needed: how to format an integer ?

2005-10-05 Thread Satchidanand Haridas
One possible solution. Don't know how efficient it is though. :-)

  def put_decimal(s):
... return ''.join( [ [s[i], '.%s' % s[i]][(len(s)-i)%3 == 0] for i 
in range(0, len(s))])



Hi !

I need to convert some integer values.

1622 -1 622


10001234 - 10.001.234

So I need thousand separators.

Can anyone helps me with a simply solution (like %xxx) ?

Thanx for it: dd

Now I use this proc:

def toths(i):
for i in range(ls):
if i%3==0 and i0:
return .join(l)



Re: Quick help needed: how to format an integer ?

2005-10-05 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 Hi !
 I need to convert some integer values.
 1622 -1 622
 10001234 - 10.001.234
 So I need thousand separators.
 Can anyone helps me with a simply solution (like %xxx) ?

The module locale does what you need, look at ist docs, especially




Re: Quick help needed: how to format an integer ?

2005-10-05 Thread Paul Rubin
 10001234 - 10.001.234
 So I need thousand separators.
 Can anyone helps me with a simply solution (like %xxx) ?

I think you're supposed to do a locale-specific conversion (I've never
understood that stuff).  You could also do something like this:

 def f(n):
if n  0: return '-' + f(-n)
if n  1000: return '%d' % n
return f(n//1000) + '.' + '%03d' % (n%1000)


bug or feature?

2005-10-05 Thread beza1e1
Coming back from a bug hunt, i am not sure what to think of this python
behaviour. Here is a demo program:

class A:
   def __init__(self, lst=[]):
  self.lst = lst

a = A()
b = A()
print a.lst # output: [hallo]

The point seems to be, that lst=[] creates a class attribute (correct
name?), which is shared by all instances of A. So a.lst ist the same
object as b.lst, despite the fact, that object a is different to object


Re: python plotting with greek symbols within labels recommendations?

2005-10-05 Thread wobsta

 this message is geared toward those of you in the scientific community.
 i'm looking for a python plotting library that can support rendering
 greek symbols and other various characters on plot axes labels, etc. I
 would prefer something that adheres to tex formatting (as implemented
 in latex, matlab, etc and has the form $\alpha$ to represent the greek
 character alpha for example).

You may want to have a look at PyX (, which
features a seamless TeX integration for all typesetting tasks and thus
allows you to use TeX syntax all over the place.



Re: bug or feature?

2005-10-05 Thread skip

beza1e1 class A:
beza1e1def __init__(self, lst=[]):
beza1e1   self.lst = lst

Lists are mutable and default args are only evaluated once, at function
definition.  If you want independent default args use:

class A:
def __init__(self, lst=None):
if lst is None:
lst = []
self.lst = lst

The same scheme would work for other mutable types (dicts, sets, etc).

This same question gets asked once a month or so.  I'm sure this is in the
Python FAQ (check the website), but it was faster to reply than to look it


Re: dictionary interface

2005-10-05 Thread Steve Holden
Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Op 2005-10-05, Steve Holden schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Anyway, I have searched the source of the test for all testing
 with regards to  and after some browsing back and fore it seems
 it all boils down to the following two tests.
self.assert_(not {}  {})
self.assert_(not {1: 2}  {1L: 2L})

So there isn't much to do, then! That's good. Seems you can pretty much 
choose your own ordering.

It would seem sensible to test a third case, namely

 self.assert_(not {1L: 2L}  {1: 2})

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: bug or feature?

2005-10-05 Thread Tomasz Lisowski
beza1e1 wrote:
 Coming back from a bug hunt, i am not sure what to think of this python
 behaviour. Here is a demo program:
 class A:
def __init__(self, lst=[]):
   self.lst = lst
 a = A()
 b = A()
 print a.lst # output: [hallo]
 The point seems to be, that lst=[] creates a class attribute (correct
 name?), which is shared by all instances of A. So a.lst ist the same
 object as b.lst, despite the fact, that object a is different to object

It is an *instance attribute* by nature, since it does not reside in the 
class object, but only in its instances. The truth is, that a.lst and 
b.lst point to the same memory object, so it seems to behave much like 
the class attribute :)

It is no more different from the simple fact, that two variables 
(attributes) may point to the same memory object, like you see below:

a = b = []
print b #output: [hallo]

In fact, it is usually a bad practice to assign instance attributes a 
reference to the compound variable, existing in an external scope. Example:

aList = []

class A:
   def __init__(self, lst): #no default attribute!
 self.lst = lst

a = A(aList)
print a.lst #output: [hallo]

and your default value (, lst=[]) IS such an variable! The bad thing is, 
that the value of the instance attribute 'lst' (example above) depends 
on the external variable, which may be independently modified, thus 
modifying unexpectedly the instance attribute. The safer approach, of 
course is to write:

class A:
   def __init__(self, lst): #no default attribute!
 self.lst = lst[:] #take a copy

Summing up, is it an error, or a feature? I would say - a feature. 
Everyone should be aware, that the argument default values are evaluated 
once, and the same value (memory object) is reused at each instance 

Best regards,
Tomasz Lisowski

Re: bug or feature?

2005-10-05 Thread Steve Holden
beza1e1 wrote:
 Coming back from a bug hunt, i am not sure what to think of this python
 behaviour. Here is a demo program:
 class A:
def __init__(self, lst=[]):
   self.lst = lst
 a = A()
 b = A()
 print a.lst # output: [hallo]
 The point seems to be, that lst=[] creates a class attribute (correct
 name?), which is shared by all instances of A. So a.lst ist the same
 object as b.lst, despite the fact, that object a is different to object
Interestingly I couldn't find this in the FAQ, though it *is* a 
frequently-asked question [note: my not finding it doesn't guarantee 
it's not there]. The nearest I could get was in

which says:

Default arguments can be used to determine values once, at compile 
time instead of at run time.

The point is that the value of the keyword argument is determined when 
the def statement is executed (which is to say when the function body is 
being bound to its name).

If the default argument is (a reference to) a mutable object (such as a 
list instance) then if one call to the function modifies that mutable 
object, subsequent calls see the mutated instance as the default value.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: Python, Mysql, insert NULL

2005-10-05 Thread Laszlo Zsolt Nagy
Python_it wrote:

Python 2.4

How can I insert a NULL value in a table (MySQL-database).
I can't set a var to NULL? Or is there a other possibility?
My var must be variable string or NULL.
Becaus i have a if statement:
  cursor.execute(.insert NULL ..)
  cursor.execute(.insert string ..)


Use parameters! For example, did you try:

cursor.execute( insert into tablename(fieldname) values (%s),[value])

None will be converted to NULL, any other value will be quoted as neccesary.

BTW, you did not write which driver are you using.
Usage of parameters is different for each driver, but it is standardized.
If it is DB API 2.0 compatible, then parametrized queries should work as 
desicribed in PEP 0249:

Under 'cursor objects' section, look for the '.execute' method.

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Ron Adam
Antoon Pardon wrote:
 Op 2005-10-04, Ron Adam schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
Antoon Pardon wrote:

Op 2005-10-03, Steven D'Aprano schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

And lo, one multi-billion dollar Mars lander starts braking either too
early or too late. Result: a new crater on Mars, named after the NASA
employee who thought the compiler would catch errors.

Using (unit)tests will not guarantee that your programs is error free.

So if sooner or later a (unit)tested program causes a problem, will you
then argue that we should abondon tests, because tests won't catch
all errors.

Maybe you need to specify what kind of errors you want to catch. 
Different types of errors require different approaches.
 I want to catch all errors of course.

Yes, of course, and so do other programmers.  What I mean is to try and 
break it down into specific instances and then see what the best 
approach is for each one is.

When I first started leaning Python I looked for these features as well, 
but after a while my programming style changed and I don't depend on 
types and names to check my data near as much now.  But instead write 
better organized code and data structures with more explicit value 
checks where I need them.

My concern now is having reusable code and modules I can depend on.  And 
also separating my data and data management operations from the user 
interface.  Having functions and names that don't care what type the 
objects are, makes doing this separation easier.

Another situation where typeless names are useful is routines that 
explicitly check the type, then depending on the type does different 
things.  For example if you have a list with a lot of different type 
objects stored in it, you can sort the contents into sublists by type.

Looking at it from a different direction, how about adding a keyword to 
say,  from this point on, in this local name space, disallow new 
names.  Then you can do...

def few(x,y):
a = 'a'
b = 'b'
i = j = k = l = None
# raise an error after here if a new name is used.
for I in range(10):   --  error

This is more suitable to Pythons style than declaring types or variables 
I think.  Add to this explicit name-object locking to implement 
constants and I think you would have most of the features you want.


 no_new_names # limit any new names
 lock_name name   # lock a name to it's current object

Since names are stored in dictionaries,  a dictionary attribute to 
disallow/allow new keys, and a way to set individual elements in a 
dictionary to read only would be needed.  Once you can do that and it 
proves useful, then maybe you can propose it as a language feature.

These might also be checked for in the compile stage and would probably 
be better as it wouldn't cause any slow down in the code or need a new 
dictionary type.

An external checker could possibly work as well if a suitable marker is 
used such as a bare string.

 x = y = z = None
 No_New_Names# checker looks for this
 X = y/z   # and reports this as an error
 return x,y


 Author = Fred
 Name_Lock Author# checker sees this...
 Author = John   # then checker catches this

So there are a number of ways to possibly add these features.

Finding common use cases where these would make a real difference would 
also help.


Python, Mysql, insert NULL

2005-10-05 Thread Python_it
Python 2.4

How can I insert a NULL value in a table (MySQL-database).
I can't set a var to NULL? Or is there a other possibility?
My var must be variable string or NULL.
Becaus i have a if statement:
  cursor.execute(.insert NULL ..)
  cursor.execute(.insert string ..)


Re: Python, Mysql, insert NULL

2005-10-05 Thread Laszlo Zsolt Nagy

 BTW, you did not write which driver are you using.

Oh, you did. Sorry. :-( Import your DB module 'yourmodule' and then

print yourmodule.paramstyle

Description of paramstyle is also in PEP249:

String constant stating the type of parameter marker
formatting expected by the interface. Possible values are

'qmark' Question mark style, 
e.g. '...WHERE name=?'
'numeric'   Numeric, positional style, 
e.g. '...WHERE name=:1'
'named' Named style, 
e.g. '...WHERE name=:name'
'format'ANSI C printf format codes, 
e.g. '...WHERE name=%s'
'pyformat'  Python extended format codes,   

e.g. '...WHERE name=%(name)s'



e.g. '...WHERE name=%(name)s'


RE: Confused with module and .py files

2005-10-05 Thread Iyer, Prasad C

Sorry guys for that .py in import.
It was typing mistake.

Extremely sorry

prasad chandrasekaran

--- Cancer cures smoking

#-Original Message-
#From: Steve Holden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
#Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2005 2:43 PM
#Subject: Re: Confused with module and .py files
#Iyer, Prasad C wrote:
# Actually I am bit confused between the modules and .py file
# How do I differentiate between the 2.
# For example
# I have a file, file
# Which has few functions and classes
# And if I have a class with same name BaseClass in both the file
# How would I use it if I declare it as given below in my 3rd class
# from import *
# from import *
#You can't do that. The from module import * mechanism explicitly
#defines names in the importing module's namespace, so if you use this
#technique to import two modules that define the same name you will
#inevitably find that the second import overwrites the duplicate name
#imported by the first import.
#Note also that the .py should not be included in the import statement
#- the interpreter finds the appropriate code from the module name, so
#you should anyway be doing something like
#   from import2 import *
#   from import2 import *
#It would be much better, though, to write:
#   import import1
#   import import2
#Then you can refer to import1.BaseClass and import2.baseClass without
#getting any naming conflicts. In general the from module import *
#should only be used under specific conditions, which we needn't discuss
#here now.
#  Steve
#Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
#Holden Web LLC
#PyCon TX 2006

This message contains information that may be privileged or confidential and is 
the property of the Capgemini Group. It is intended only for the person to whom 
it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient,  you are not authorized 
to read, print, retain, copy, disseminate,  distribute, or use this message or 
any part thereof. If you receive this  message in error, please notify the 
sender immediately and delete all  copies of this message.


Re: bug or feature?

2005-10-05 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Steve Holden wrote:

 Interestingly I couldn't find this in the FAQ, though it *is* a
 frequently-asked question [note: my not finding it doesn't guarantee
 it's not there].

it's there:

(maybe default values should be changed to default argument values)

it's also mentioned in chapter 4 of the tutorial:

 *Important warning*: The default value is evaluated only once. This
makes a difference when the default is a mutable object such as a list,
dictionary, or instances of most classes. 

(the text then illustrates this with examples, and shows how to do things

and in the description of def in the language reference:

   *Default parameter values are evaluated when the function definition
is executed*. This means that the expression is evaluated once, when the
function is defined, and that that same pre-computed value is used for
each call. This is especially important to understand when a default para-
meter is a mutable object, such as a list or a dictionary: if the function
modifies the object (e.g. by appending an item to a list), the default
value is in effect modified.

(the text then shows how to do things instead)



Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Duncan Booth
Antoon Pardon wrote:
 As far as I understand people don't like global very much so I don't
 expect that a second keyword with the same kind of behaviour has
 any chance.

That's why the behaviour I suggest is different than the current behaviour 
of global. Arguments against global (it is the only non-executable 
statement in Python  it is confusing because people don't understand the 
declaration goes inside the function instead of at global scope) don't 

 'global' keyword itself would be much improved if it appeared on the
 same line as the assignment rather than as a separate declaration.

 e.g. something like:

 var1 = 0

 def f():
   var2 = 0

   def g():
  outer var2 = 1 # Assign to outer variable
  global var1 = 1 # Assign to global
 And what would the following do:
 def f():
   var = 0
   def g():
 var = 1
 def h():
   outer var = 2 * var + 1
 print var
   print var
It would follow the principle of least surprise and set the value of var in 
g() of course. The variable in f is hidden, and if you didn't mean to hide 
it you didn't need to give the two variables the same name.

So the output would be:

(output verified by using my hack for setting scoped variables:)
from hack import *
def f():
  var = 0

  def g():
var = 1

def h():
  assign(lambda: var, 2 * var + 1)

print var

  print var


Re: Python, Mysql, insert NULL

2005-10-05 Thread Python_it
I know how to insert values in a database.
That's not my problem!
My problem is how i insert NULL values in de mysql-database.
None is een object in Python and NULL not.
None is not converted to NULL?
Table shows None and not NULL!


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Brian Quinlan
Paul Rubin wrote:
Which is evaluated at runtime, does not require that the actual global
variable be pre-existing, and does not create the global variable if
not actually assigned. I think that is pretty different than your
proposal semantics.
 Different how?

Aren't you looking for some of compile-time checking that ensures that 
only declared variables are actually used? If so, how does global help?

Your making this feature optional contradicts the subject of this
thread i.e. declarations being necessary.  
 They're necessary if you enable the option.

OK. Would it work on a per-module basis or globally?

 def do_add(x-str, y-str):
   return '%s://%s' % (x, y)
 def do_something(node-Node):
   if node.namespace == XML_NAMESPACE:
   return do_add('http://', node.namespace)
   elif node.namespace == ...

Wouldn't an error be generated because XML_NAMESPACE is not declared?

And I notice that you are not doing any checking that namespace is a 
valid attribute of the node object. Aren't the typos class of error that 
you are looking to catch just as likely to occur for attributes as 



Re: Help with chaos math extensions.

2005-10-05 Thread Brandon K
In case you missed it, I said I have windows XP.  Windows XP 
pre-compiled python binaries are built on VS .NET 2003.  In order to 
build extensions, you need the compiler the interpreter was built on, or 
at least that is what is reported to me by calling  If I was 
using linux, which I currently am not, it'd be a different story.  
Additionally, GCC isn't available for windows XP, only MinGW, the port, 
and I don't know that much about it to use it running on a Windows 
platform.  Furthermore, I was asking for help on an extension, not an 
economical question about my programming environment.


 On Oct 4, 2005, at 10:25 PM, Brandon Keown wrote:

I have programmed a fractal generator (Julia Set/Mandelbrot Set) 
 in python in the past, and have had good success, but it would run so 
 slowly because of the overhead involved with the calculation.  I 
 recently purchased VS .NET 2003 (Win XP, precomp binary of python 
 2.4.2rc1) to make my own extensions.

 Why did you need to purchase anything when gcc is available for free?

 Andrew Gwozdziewycz


Re: bug or feature?

2005-10-05 Thread beza1e1
Thanks for you answer! This copy trick is the most elegant solution i


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread bruno modulix
Mike Meyer wrote:
 Antoon, at a guess I'd say that Python is the first time you've
 encountered a dynamnic language. Being horrified at not having
 variable declarations, 

Mike, being horrified by the (perceived as...) lack of variable
declaration was the OP's reaction, not Antoon's.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: how to debug when Segmentation fault

2005-10-05 Thread Pierre Barbier de Reuille
Maksim Kasimov a écrit :
 yes, to generete core dump is the best way,
 but the command $ ulimit -c 50 don't make python to generete core
 dump in the time of crush.
 I would like to know how to run python script so if it crushes than core
 dump will be genereted.

If it does not, that probably means the core file is larger ... try a
larger value or even unlimited :

$ ulimit -c unlimited


Re: Help with chaos math extensions.

2005-10-05 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Brandon Keown wrote:

I have programmed a fractal generator (Julia Set/Mandelbrot Set) in
 python in the past, and have had good success, but it would run so
 slowly because of the overhead involved with the calculation.  I
 recently purchased VS .NET 2003 (Win XP, precomp binary of python
 2.4.2rc1) to make my own extensions.  I was wondering if anyone could
 help me figure out why I'm getting obscure memory exceptions (runtime
 errors resulting in automatic closing of Python) with my extension.  It
 seems to run okay if imported alone, but when accompanied in a list of
 instructions such as a function it crashes.

a short script or interpreter session that illustrates how to get the errors
would help.



Re: While and If messing up my program?

2005-10-05 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 05 Oct 2005 00:10:12 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 to get howmany element list appear you can code:
 for x in ttllst:
 print x, ttllst.count(x)
 to get non duplicate element list you can code:
 print list(set(ttllst))

These are excellent things to use in Python, but for learning programming
skills, they are terrible because they rely on black boxes to do

I remember once having to code a matrix division algorithm in the
language of your choice for a comp sci course. So of course, being a
smart arse, I programmed it in the HP-28S calculator programming language,
which just happened to have matrices as a native object type, complete
with division.

I answered the question exactly, and learnt absolutely nothing from the
exercise. (For the record, I failed that course.)

It is good to tell the original poster how he should be implementing the
code he is trying to write, but that is not as important as helping him
work out where the code is going wrong.

In this case, the problem is that C.J. carefully checks that his indexes
are within the valid range for the list, but (s)he makes that check
*after* attempting to use the indexes. So the code fails before it reaches
the test.



Re: Call C functions from Python

2005-10-05 Thread Java and Swing
I used, myApp = CDLL(C:...) I saw it in one of the ctypes

Anyhow, I tried...

myApp = cdll.LoadLibrary(C:\\myapp.dll)
myApp.AddNumbers(1, 4)

..I get an error...

AttributeError: function 'AddNumbers' not found

...myapp certainly has AddNumbers.

Grant Edwards wrote:
 On 2005-10-04, Java and Swing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  ok i got i try
  from ctypes import *
  myApp = CDLL(C:\\myapp.dll)

 I've never seen that sort of usage before.  I don't know what
 CDLL does, and I can't find it in the docs anywhere.

 Based on my reading of the tutorial, I would have tried eitehr

   myApp = cdll.myapp
   myApp = cdll.LoadLibrary(C:/myapp.dll) how can I call functions on in myapp.dll? From the
  tutorial I am not sure..

 Assuming CDLL did something equivalent to cdll.LoadLibrary(),
 I'd try:


 I've always done it the way it's done in the tutorial:

   mylib = windll.Lib_Name

  i try, dir(cdll.myApp) and dir(myApp)..but don't see my
  functions listed.

 I don't think dir() works on dll's like that.  I certainly
 don't see it mentioned in the tutorial.  What happened when you
 tried calling the function the way the tutorial does?

   myapp = cdll.myapp

 Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  Yow! Is my fallout
   at   shelter termite proof?


Re: Help with chaos math extensions.

2005-10-05 Thread Brandon K

Here's the Script it was being used in (forgive it if it seems a bit
messy, i have been tinkering with variables and such to try different
ideas and haven't really cleaned it up).

import ctest
import Tkinter
import threading

hue_map =


class Mandelbrot_Set(Tkinter.Canvas):
 def __init__(self,master,iters):
 self.dims = {'x':500,'y':500}
 self.r_range = (-2.0,2.0)
 self.i_range = (-2.0,2.0)
 self.iters = iters
 self.prec =
ctest.escapeMap(-1j,self.iters,(self.dims['x'],self.dims['y']),(self.r_range[0],self.r_range[1]),(self.i_range[0],self.i_range[1])) = False
 self.select_event = (0,0)
 self.sbox = None
 self.t_draw = threading.Thread(target=self.draw)
 def draw(self):
 for j in range(self.dims['y']):
 i = 0
 while i  self.dims['x']:
 cur = 0;
 color = self.escapemap[j][i]
 while self.escapemap[j][i+cur] == color:
 except IndexError:
 hue_step = 1.*len(hue_map)/self.iters
 if color == -1: f = "#00"
 else: f = hue_map[int(hue_step*color)]
 def selection_box(self,event):
 if not
 self.select_event = (event.x,event.y) = True
 self.r_range = self.new_range(event.x,self.select_event[0])
 self.i_range = self.new_range(event.y,self.select_event[1])
 print self.r_range,self.i_range = False
 def new_range(self,x,y):
 if x  y:
 return (y,x)
 return (x,y)
 def select_update(self,event):
 if not
 if self.sbox != None:
 self.sbox =
 self.sbox =
if __name__ == "__main__":
 root = Tkinter.Tk()
 c = Mandelbrot_Set(root,50)

The error occurs in the instantiation of the Mandelbrot_Set object.
Additionally in little mini timing scripts such as

import time
import ctest

t = time.time()
c = ctest.escapeMap(-1j,100,(500,500))
print time.time()-t

this will crash it too
however I found that just opening up the interpreter and typing

import ctest
ctest.escapeMap(-1j,100,(50,50)) #50 yields much
smaller output than 500x500

it generates a 2d tuple fine. So the error seems really obscure to me,
and I don't understand it.

  Brandon Keown wrote:

   I have programmed a fractal generator (Julia Set/Mandelbrot Set) in
python in the past, and have had good success, but it would run so
slowly because of the overhead involved with the calculation.  I
recently purchased VS .NET 2003 (Win XP, precomp binary of python
2.4.2rc1) to make my own extensions.  I was wondering if anyone could
help me figure out why I'm getting obscure memory exceptions (runtime
errors resulting in automatic closing of Python) with my extension.  It
seems to run okay if imported alone, but when accompanied in a list of
instructions such as a function it crashes.

a short script or interpreter session that illustrates how to get the errors
would help.




Re: Build spoofed IP packets

2005-10-05 Thread billie

 Yes, give us the error. And know that you can't build raw IP packets
 unless you're root.


Sorry. I forgot to paste the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\test\, line 156, in ?
  File C:\test\, line 96, in send_pkt
s.sendto(ip.get_packet(), (dst, 0)) # send packet to server
socket.error: (10004, 'Interrupted system call')

Note: this only happens on Windows XP prof SP2. On Linux I got no problems.
I run the program as Administrator. 


How to prevent logging warning?

2005-10-05 Thread Thomas Heller
I'm about to add some logging calls to a library I have.  How can I
prevent that the script that uses the library prints
'No handlers could be found for logger comtypes.client' when the
script runs?

I would like to setup the logging so that there is no logging when
nothing is configured, and no warning messages are printed.


Re: Python, Mysql, insert NULL

2005-10-05 Thread Gerhard Häring
Python_it wrote:
 I know how to insert values in a database.
 That's not my problem!
 My problem is how i insert NULL values in de mysql-database.
 None is een object in Python and NULL not.
 None is not converted to NULL?
 Table shows None and not NULL!

As Laszlo wrote, None will be converted to NULL for the Python = SQL 
direction. And also, NULL will be converted to None for SQL = Python 

And to avoid unneccessary if-then-else you should follow his advice and 
use parametrized queries. I. e.

cursor's execute method has two parameteres:

1) SQL query with placeholders
2) parameters

For example:

var1 = Joe's dog
cur.execute(insert into mytable(col1) values (%s), (var1,))
var1 = None
cur.execute(insert into mytable(col1) values (%s), (var1,))

if you use MySQLdb (the most sensible choice for a MySQL Python database 

Because MySQLdb uses the pyformat param style, you use the %s 
placeholder always, no matter which type your parameter will be.

Also, the tip to read the DB-API specification is a good one in my opinion.
It really pays off to learn how to do things the DB-API way.


-- Gerhard


Re: Python, Mysql, insert NULL

2005-10-05 Thread Steve Holden
Python_it wrote:
 I know how to insert values in a database.
 That's not my problem!
 My problem is how i insert NULL values in de mysql-database.

So you *don't* know how to insert values in a database: as Laszlo wrote, 
you might be best using parameterized queries.

 None is een object in Python and NULL not.
 None is not converted to NULL?
 Table shows None and not NULL!
If that's the case then perhaps the field isn't nullable? Or perhaps you 
mader a mistake ...

Pay careful attention to the difference between

   curs.execute(sql, data)


   curs.execute(sql % data)

Let's suppose I create a MySQL table:

mysql create table t1(
 -   f1 varchar(10) primary key,
 -   f2 varchar(20)
 - );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.44 sec)

Let's try and create a few records in Python:

  conn = db.connect(localhost, db=temp, user=root)
  curs = conn.cursor()

There's the obvious way:

  curs.execute(INSERT INTO t1 (f1, f2) VALUES ('row1', NULL))

Then there's the parameterised way:

  curs.execute(INSERT INTO t1 (f1, f2) VALUES (%s, %s), (row2, None))

This is to be preferred because the data tuple can contain general 
expressions, so you just have to ensure that the name bound to the 
column value contains None rather than some string.

Then there's the wrong way

  curs.execute(INSERT INTO t1 (f1, f2) VALUES ('%s', '%s') % 
(row3, None))

This really executes

INSERT INTO t1 (f1, f2) VALUES ('row3', 'None')

What does MySQL have to say about all this?

mysql select * from t1;
| f1   | f2   |
| row1 | NULL |
| row2 | NULL |
| row3 | None |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

And the moral of the story is to believe someone is actually trying to 
help you unless you have definite evidence to the contrary. Otherwise 
people will pretty soon stop trying to help you ...

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: Python, Mysql, insert NULL

2005-10-05 Thread deelan
Python_it wrote:
 I know how to insert values in a database.
 That's not my problem!
 My problem is how i insert NULL values in de mysql-database.
 None is een object in Python and NULL not.
 None is not converted to NULL?
 Table shows None and not NULL!

None is converted to mysql's NULL and vice versa. It sounds
you are passing the *string* None to mysql, with it isn't
the same thing.

Adapting the Laszlo's example already posted:

cursor.execute(insert into tablename(fieldname) values (%s), [None])


deelan, #1 fan of adriana lima!


Re: Confused with module and .py files

2005-10-05 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 05 Oct 2005 13:46:30 +0530, Iyer, Prasad C wrote:

 Actually I am bit confused between the modules and .py file
 How do I differentiate between the 2.
 For example
 I have a file, file

 Which has few functions and classes
 And if I have a class with same name BaseClass in both the file
 How would I use it if I declare it as given below in my 3rd class
 from import *
 from import *

You can't, because the BaseClass from the second import over-writes the
BaseClass from the first.

In general, from module import * is a bad idea, because you don't know
what names you are importing: you can have name collisions, where a name
in one module clashes with a name in your code, or another module. That is
what is happening with your code.

The way to prevent that is to use Python's namespaces: instead of from
module import name, use import module, and then call



Re: bug or feature?

2005-10-05 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 05 Oct 2005 03:39:30 -0700, beza1e1 wrote:

 Coming back from a bug hunt, i am not sure what to think of this python

[snip code]

 The point seems to be, that lst=[] creates a class attribute (correct
 name?), which is shared by all instances of A. So a.lst ist the same
 object as b.lst, despite the fact, that object a is different to object

Not a bug, but not really a feature as such, it is a side-effect of
the way Python works. I guess that makes it a gotcha.

Argument defaults are set at compile time. You set the argument default to
a mutable object, an empty list. Every time you call the function,
you are appending to the same list.

This is not a problem if your argument default is a string, or a number,
or None, since these are all immutable objects that can't be changed.

I suppose someone might be able to come up with code that deliberately
uses this feature for good use, but in general it is something you want to
avoid. Instead of:

def spam(obj, L=[]):

do this:

def spam(obj, L=None):
if L is None: L = []



Re: bug or feature?

2005-10-05 Thread Ben Sizer
Fredrik Lundh wrote:

 it's also mentioned in chapter 4 of the tutorial:

  *Important warning*: The default value is evaluated only once. This
 makes a difference when the default is a mutable object such as a list,
 dictionary, or instances of most classes. 

Perhaps it would be a good idea if Python actually raised a warning
(SyntaxWarning?) if you use an unnamed list or dict as a default
argument. This would doubtless help quite a few beginners. And for
people who really do want that behaviour, working around the warning
should involve minimal extra code, with extra clarity thrown in for

Ben Sizer


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Paul Rubin
Brian Quinlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Aren't you looking for some of compile-time checking that ensures that
 only declared variables are actually used? If so, how does global help?

You'd have to declare any variable global, or declare it local, or it
could be a function name (defined with def) or a function arg (in the
function scope), or maybe you could also declare things like loop
indices.  If it wasn't one of the above, the compiler would flag it.

 Your making this feature optional contradicts the subject of this
  thread i.e. declarations being necessary.
  They're necessary if you enable the option.
 OK. Would it work on a per-module basis or globally?

Whatever perl does.  I think that means per-module where the option is
given as use strict inside the module.

  def do_add(x-str, y-str):
return '%s://%s' % (x, y)
  def do_something(node-Node):
if node.namespace == XML_NAMESPACE:
return do_add('http://', node.namespace)
elif node.namespace == ...
 Wouldn't an error be generated because XML_NAMESPACE is not declared?

XML_NAMESPACE would be declared in the xml.dom module and the type
info would carry over through the import.

 And I notice that you are not doing any checking that namespace is a
 valid attribute of the node object. Aren't the typos class of error
 that you are looking to catch just as likely to occur for attributes
 as variables?

The node object is declared to be a Node instance and if the Node
class definition declares a fixed list of slots, then the compiler
would know the slot names and check them.  If the Node class doesn't
declare fixed slots, then they're dynamic and are looked up at runtime
in the usual way.

Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Brian Quinlan
Paul Rubin wrote:
 You'd have to declare any variable global, or declare it local, or it
 could be a function name (defined with def) or a function arg (in the
 function scope), or maybe you could also declare things like loop
 indices.  If it wasn't one of the above, the compiler would flag it.

OK. The Python compiler would check that the name is declared but it 
would not check that it is defined before use? So this would be acceptable:

def foo():
 local x
 return x

OK. Would it work on a per-module basis or globally?
 Whatever perl does.  I think that means per-module where the option is
 given as use strict inside the module.

def do_add(x-str, y-str):
  return '%s://%s' % (x, y)
def do_something(node-Node):
  if node.namespace == XML_NAMESPACE:
  return do_add('http://', node.namespace)
  elif node.namespace == ...

Wouldn't an error be generated because XML_NAMESPACE is not declared?
 XML_NAMESPACE would be declared in the xml.dom module and the type
 info would carry over through the import.

1. your type checking system is optional and xml.dom does not use it
1a. even if xml.dom did declare the type, what if the type were declared
 conditionally e.g.

 except NameError:
  XML_NAMESPACEstr = ...
  XML_NAMESPACEunicode = u...

2. the compiler does not have access to the names in other modules

And I notice that you are not doing any checking that namespace is a
valid attribute of the node object. Aren't the typos class of error
that you are looking to catch just as likely to occur for attributes
as variables?
 The node object is declared to be a Node instance and if the Node
 class definition declares a fixed list of slots, then the compiler
 would know the slot names and check them.

How would you find the class definition for the Node object at 
compile-time? And by slots do you mean the existing Python slots 
concept or something new?

 If the Node class doesn't
 declare fixed slots, then they're dynamic and are looked up at runtime
 in the usual way.

So only pre-defined slotted attributes would be accessable (if the 
object uses slots). So the following would not work:

foo = Foo() # slots defined
foo.my_attribute = 'bar'
print foo.my_attribute


Re: how to debug when Segmentation fault

2005-10-05 Thread Tamer Fahmy
On Tue, 04 Oct 2005 19:13:10 +0300, Maksim Kasimov wrote:
 my programm sometime gives Segmentation fault message (no matter how
 long the programm had run (1 day or 2 weeks). And there is nothing in
 log-files that can points the problem. My question is how it possible to
 find out where is the problem in the code? Thanks for any help.
 Python 2.2.3

you could start your program within a gdb session like so:

$ gdb python
GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GDB is free software,
covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are welcome to change
it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions. Type show
copying to see the conditions. There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. 
Type show warranty for details. This GDB was configured as
i386-marcel-freebsd...(no debugging symbols found)...
(gdb) r
Starting program: /usr/bin/python ...

once your progmam segfaults you can then inspect the stack through:

(gdb) bt


  hardware, n: The parts of a computer system that can be kicked.


Re: no variable or argument declarations are necessary.

2005-10-05 Thread Magnus Lycka
Paul Rubin wrote:
 So where are the complex templates and dangerous void pointers in ML?

You're right about that of course. There aren't any templates or
pointers in COBOL either as far as I know, and COBOL has been used
for lots of real world code (which ML hasn't).

I don't know what your point is though.

Sure, Python could have Perl-like declarations, where you just state
that you intend to use a particular name, but don't declare its type.
I don't see any harm in that.

Type declarations or inferred types would, on the other hand, make
Python considerably less dynamic, and would probably bring the need of
additional featurs such as function overloading etc.

Re: Call C functions from Python

2005-10-05 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Java and Swing wrote:

I used, myApp = CDLL(C:...) I saw it in one of the ctypes

 Anyhow, I tried...

 myApp = cdll.LoadLibrary(C:\\myapp.dll)
 myApp.AddNumbers(1, 4)

 ..I get an error...

 AttributeError: function 'AddNumbers' not found

 ...myapp certainly has AddNumbers.

properly exported?  what does

dumpbin /exports myapp.pyd




Re: how to debug when Segmentation fault

2005-10-05 Thread Franz Steinhaeusler
On Wed, 05 Oct 2005 14:53:45 +0200, Tamer Fahmy

On Tue, 04 Oct 2005 19:13:10 +0300, Maksim Kasimov wrote:
 my programm sometime gives Segmentation fault message (no matter how
 long the programm had run (1 day or 2 weeks). And there is nothing in
 log-files that can points the problem. My question is how it possible to
 find out where is the problem in the code? Thanks for any help.
 Python 2.2.3

you could start your program within a gdb session like so:

$ gdb python
GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD]
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GDB is free software,
covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are welcome to change
it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions. Type show
copying to see the conditions. There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. 
Type show warranty for details. This GDB was configured as
i386-marcel-freebsd...(no debugging symbols found)...
(gdb) r
Starting program: /usr/bin/python ...

once your progmam segfaults you can then inspect the stack through:

(gdb) bt


Tamer, thanks for your tip.

I tried Jeff's code:

import marshal
f = lambda: None
code =
f.func_code = code

saved it as, than

C:\Python24\Libgdb python
GNU gdb 5.1.1 (mingw experimental)
Copyright 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain
Type show copying to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type show warranty for
This GDB was configured as mingw32...(no debugging symbols found)...
(gdb) r
Starting program: C:\Python24/python.exe

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x1e027b23 in ?? ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x1e027b23 in ?? ()
#1  0x00977240 in ?? ()
#2  0x1e1a82b8 in ?? ()
Cannot access memory at address 0x7

How can I interpret this results? ;)

Am I right, that I need a debug build of python built with mingw or
cygwin in Windows?
Franz Steinhaeusler

Re: How to prevent logging warning?

2005-10-05 Thread Maksim Kasimov

may be this you will find usefull:

def getLog(logName, fileName = None):

 if fileName:
 hdl = logging.FileHandler(fileName)
 hdl = logging.StreamHandler()

 fmt = 
 log = logging.getLogger(logName)

 return log

Thomas Heller wrote:
 I'm about to add some logging calls to a library I have.  How can I
 prevent that the script that uses the library prints
 'No handlers could be found for logger comtypes.client' when the
 script runs?
 I would like to setup the logging so that there is no logging when
 nothing is configured, and no warning messages are printed.

Best regards,
Maksim Kasimov

10060, Operation timed out Error

2005-10-05 Thread Ajay Abhyankar
I am trying to upload zip files using ftplib module. The server has 
Vsftpd 2.0.3 installed on it.
I was able to succesfully upload files using ftplib and Vsftpd on the 
server locally connected.
Now, I want to transfer files to remote server using the same script.

I am getting the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#32, line 1, in -toplevel-
  File C:\Python23\lib\, line 396, in retrlines
conn = self.transfercmd(cmd)
  File C:\Python23\lib\, line 345, in transfercmd
return self.ntransfercmd(cmd, rest)[0]
  File C:\Python23\lib\, line 324, in ntransfercmd
  File string, line 1, in connect
error: (10060, 'Operation timed out')

If I transfer the files without using python script from the prompt, the 
file is successfully transfered.
Please help me to understand whether the problem is with the script, 
ftplib or Vsftpd.

Thanks in advance.


Re: bug or feature?

2005-10-05 Thread Steve Holden

 Coming back from a bug hunt, i am not sure what to think of this python
 behaviour. Here is a demo program:
 class A:
def __init__(self, lst=[]):
   self.lst = lst
 a = A()
 b = A()
 print a.lst # output: [hallo]
 The point seems to be, that lst=[] creates a class attribute (correct
 name?), which is shared by all instances of A. So a.lst ist the same
 object as b.lst, despite the fact, that object a is different to object
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Steve Holden wrote:
Interestingly I couldn't find this in the FAQ, though it *is* a
frequently-asked question [note: my not finding it doesn't guarantee
it's not there].
 it's there:
 (maybe default values should be changed to default argument values)
I couldn't believe it wasn't, but you're right: it should be easier to 
find, and a change of wording may do that.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


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