pywinauto 0.2.1 released - lots of new functionality

2006-02-19 Thread Mark Mc Mahon

The 0.2.1 release of pywinauto is now available.

pywinauto is a set of open-source (LGPL) modules for using Python as a GUI
automation 'driver' for Windows NT based Operating Systems (NT/W2K/XP).

SourceForge project page:

Download from SourceForge

Here is the list of changes:
0.2.1 Small Release number - big changes


* Quick release to get many changes out there - but this release has
  been less tested then I would like for a 0.3.0 release.

* Allow access to non text controls using the closest Text control.
  This closest text control will normally be the static/label associated
  with the control. For example in Notepad, Format-Font dialog, the 1st
  combobox can be refered to as FontComboBox rather than ComboBox1

* Added a new control wrapper - ``PopupMenuWrapper`` for context menu's
  You can now work easily with context menu's
  e.g. ::

 # need to use MenuClick rather then MenuSelect
 app.PopupMenu.MenuClick(Select All)

  I could think of merging the ``RightClick()`` and ``MenuSelect()``
  into one method ``ContextMenuSelect()`` if that makes sense to most

* Added Support for Up-Down controls

* Not all top level windows now have a FriendlyClassName of Dialog.
  I changed this because it made it hard to get windows of a particular
  class. For example the main Notepad window has a class name of Notepad.

  This was primarily implemented due to work I did getting the System Tray.

* Renamed ``StatusBarWrapper.PartWidths()`` to ``PartRightEdges()`` as this
  is more correct for what it returns.

* Changed HwndWrapper.Text() and SetText() to WindowText() and
  SetWindowText() respectively to try and make it clearer that it is
  the text returned by GetWindowText and not the text that is visible
  on the control. This change also suggested that EditWrapper.SetText()
  be changed to SetEditText() (though this is not a hard requirement
  EditWrapper.SetText() still exists - but may be deprecated.

* Added ClickInput, DoubleClickInput, RightClickInput, PressMouseInput
  ReleaseMouseInput to HwndWrapper - these use SendInput rather then
  WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_RBUTTONUP, etc used by Click, DoubleClick etc.

  I also added a MenuClick method that allows you to click on menu
  items. This means you can now 'physically' drop menus down.

* Some further working with tooltips that need to be cleaned up.

* Fixed a bug where coordinates passed to any of the Click operations had
  the X and Y coordinates swapped.

* Added new MenuItem and Menu classes that are to the most part hidden
  but you can get a menu item by doing ::

app.Notepad.MenuItem(View-Status Bar)

  MenuItems have various actions so for example you can use
  ``MenuItem.IsChecked()`` to check if the menu item is checked.
  Among other methods there are ``Click()`` and ``Enabled()``.

* Modified the 'best match' algorithm for finding controls.
  It now searches a couple of times, and tries to find the best
  fit for the text passed to it. The idea here is to make it more
  Select what I want - not that other thing that looks a bit like
  what I want!. It is possible this change could mean you need to
  use new identifiers in scripts - but in general very little modification
  should be necessary.

  There was also a change to the algorithm that looked for the closest
  text control. It missed some obvious controls in the previous
  implementation. It also had a bug for controls above the control
  rather than to the left.

* Added a new example scripts and which show automating downloading of a page
  from either of these browsers.

* Added yet more unit tests, there are now a total of 134 tests.

If you want to follow this project then please sign up to the mailing list:


Mark Mc Mahon
Manchester, NH 03110, USA

PA HREF=;pywinauto 0.2.1/A
Simple Windows GUI automation with Python. (17-Feb-06)

Support the Python Software Foundation:

PyGreSQL 3.8 released

2006-02-19 Thread D'Arcy J.M. Cain
PyGreSQL v3.8 has been released.

It is available at:

If you are running NetBSD, look in the packages directory under
databases. There is also a package in the FreeBSD ports collection.

Please refer to changelog.txt for things that have changed in this

Please refer to readme.txt for general information.

D'Arcy J.M. Cain
PyGreSQL Development Group

Support the Python Software Foundation:

SPE IDE videos and more...

2006-02-19 Thread spe . stani . be
I'm happy to spread the word about, an excellent
collection of python programming videos.

From the website

Want to learn how to use some of the best Python programming tools
out there, including the supercharged IPython interpreter and the great
free editor SPE? Or maybe you want to see how easy it is to create
great-looking, powerful graphical user interfaces using wxPython. If
so, take a gander at the videos below.

They have two SPE specific videos:

Python with Stani's Python Editor (SPE)

Two videos to demonstrate editing and debugging of Python code using
the excellent SPE toolkit.

Python Development and Navigation with SPE
SPE is a well-featured cross-platform development environment for
Python. Here I show you how to write a simple Python program, save the
code, run it and navigate using the Explorer, Index and UML Viewer.
Complimentary material can be found in the manual and the tutorial at

Debugging with WinPDB from Within SPE
The WinPDB graphical debugger can be launched from within SPE to debug
Python code. Here I show how to launch the debugger, step through the
code and stack frame, inspect variables and exit back to SPE. I also
explain the significance of the Magic Letters.

The SPE videos area available at the url:

Contribute back to your favorite open source projects by submitting
your own python videos to this wonderfull project! If you need
inspiration look at the requested videos:
Who will make the first wxGlade video? Anyone who contributes a video
can request a SPE pdf manual as a reward.



PS Other python videos have as topic:

Beginning Python
Three videos covering the download and installation of the Python
programming language on a Windows machine and a small introduction to
the Python interpreter.

Python Development with IPython
Four videos leading you through the installation and basic mastery of
the powerful IPython interactive Python environment

Python GUI Programming with wxPython
A series of videos for beginners showing how easy it is to quickly
develop professional looking graphical user interfaces exploiting the
ease and power of the Python programming language. wxPython is fast
becomming one of the most popular cross-platform GUI programming
solutions. This set of videos aims to show you why.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 18 Feb 2006 23:35:27 -0600, DH wrote:

  I'm wondering if someone can explain to me please what it is about
  Python that is so different from Lisp that it can't be compiled into
  something as fast as compiled Lisp?  From this above website and
  others, I've learned that compiled Lisp can be nearly as fast as
  C/C++, so I don't understand why Python can't also eventually be as
  efficient? Is there some *specific* basic reason it's tough?  Or is it
  that this type of problem in general is tough, and Lisp has 40+ years
  vs Python's ~15 years?

 It is by design. 

You make it sound like Guido sat down to design a language and
deliberately put Slow first on his list of desired attributes. Why such
a negative tone to your post?

Python is not slow by design. Python is dynamically typed by design, and
relative slowness is the trade-off that has to be made to give dynamic

The Python developers have also done marvels at speeding up Python since
the early days, with the ultimate aim of the PyPy project to make Python
as fast as C, if not faster. In the meantime, the question people should
be asking isn't Is Python fast? but Is Python fast enough?.

 Python is dynamically typed.  It is essentially an 
 interpreted scripting language like javascript or ruby or perl, although 
 python fans will be quick to tell you python is compiled to byte code. 

You make it sound like Python fans are bending the truth. That Python
compiles to byte-code is an objective fact which can be learnt by anyone,
not just Python fans. In that regard, Python is closer to Java than Perl
or Javascript. Only without the slow startup time of the JRE.

 They'll also be quick to tell you:
 -python has true closures (although nothing like ruby's blocks)

They're also nothing like Pascal's with statements either. Why make the
comparison with Ruby's blocks when the original poster is comparing Python
to Lisp?

 -is beginner friendly (despite being case sensitive and 3/4==0, for

Case sensitivity isn't beginner unfriendly. It is sloppy thinker
unfriendly. Whether you have been programming for thirty days or thirty
years, if you don't know the difference between foo and FOO you have a
serious problem. As they say, case is the difference between I helped my
Uncle Jack off a horse and I helped my uncle jack off a horse.

As for the difference between integer division and true division, yes,
that was an unfortunate design decision. Fortunately it is being rectified
in the least painful way possible.

 -is not, in fact, slow at all (despite benchmarks as you noted showing

I've asked this question before, but obviously there is a particular
mindset that just doesn't get it. Slow compared to what? Slow to do what?

For those who don't understand the difference between faster and fast
enough, perhaps a simple analogy will bring enlightenment. For most
people, under most circumstances, an ordinary car (top speed around 75
mph or so) is fast enough, more convenient, and much better value for
money than the significantly faster F-15 fighter plane (top speed around
1850 mph).

On modern hardware, for the vast majority of applications, the execution
speed of the language is not the limiting factor. I/O or the algorithm is
usually the limiting factor. Change your algorithm is often better
advice than change your language. 

That's not to say that Python isn't objectively SLOWER (note the
relative term, not absolute) than some languages. But execution speed is
rarely the most important factor in choice of a language.

For those tasks that language speed is a limiting factor (say, writing
devise drivers, operating systems, and similar), Python may not be fast
enough. But they are the exception rather than the rule, and there are no
shortage of ways around that: Psycho, C extensions, or even choose
another language. 



Re: os.mkdir simple help

2006-02-19 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 18 Feb 2006 23:51:42 -0800, m.wanstall wrote:

 test = input(Please enter project name: )
 If I enter roger as my input I get : NameError: name 'roger' is not
 I know it's incredibly simple but help would be much appreciated!
 Thanks in advance!

input takes the user-entered string and evaluates it as a Python
expression. You want raw_input().



Re: Multiplication optimization

2006-02-19 Thread Atanas Banov
Paul McGuire wrote:
 Does Python's run-time do any optimization of multiplication
 operations, like it does for boolean short-cutting?  That is, for a
 product a*b, is there any shortcutting of (potentially expensive)
 multiplication operations

no. and the reason is very simple: to the extent such optimization
makes sense, it has been done on assembler/CPU level already. i.e. when
the multiplication is mapped to the machine code
   IMUL  op
the Pentium processor would be smart enough not to do the work if AX or
the op are 0 or 1.

Python has no job trying to outsmart Intel (and the other chipmakers).
Boolean shortcuts are useful for entirely different reason, not speed.
if lastDigit == 0 or i % lastDigit != 0:

if both operands of OR were to be evaluated, that would end up with
division-by-zero exception for lastDigit=0.


Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Robert J. Hansen
 what [is it] about Python that is so different from Lisp that it
 can't be compiled into something as fast as compiled Lisp?

IMO, it's the lack of competing implementations.

LISP has a very well-defined ANSI specification.  Lots of different
people have written LISPs, from Franz to Steel Bank to GNU to... etc.
Each of these competes with the others on different grounds; some are
purely interpreted (ala CLISP), some are compiled (CMUCL), some are...
etc.  They all implement substantially the same language, but the
plethora of different implementations has been a tremendous boon for
the development of efficient compilers, interpreters and garbage

By comparison, Python lacks anywhere near as many competing

In some respects the lack of competing implementations is a Good Thing.
 In some respects it's a Bad Thing.  On balance it's just a thing.


Re: os.mkdir simple help

2006-02-19 Thread m . wanstall
That's got it, thanks Steven!


Re: aborting without killing the python interpreter

2006-02-19 Thread Fabrizio Milo
import sys

def main():
print 'exiting'

except SystemExit:

 I suspect I may need to use exceptions, but I'm hoping
 not to need them. Thanks.

Use the Exceptions!

Re: Komodo - Will it Lock Me In?

2006-02-19 Thread Jarek Zgoda
Matt Trivisonno napisał(a):

 Any other thoughts on Komodo? I am considering it because I am hoping to find 
 a solution to the install-packages-until-you-go-blind aspect of Python. 
 Setting up a serious, cross-platform, gui development environment is quite a 
 struggle for a newbie.

Komodo is nice and plays well with programmer, although it's still an
editor with few additions, available elsewhere for free (i.e. in PyDev
or even in advanced editors like jEdit or Kate).

Jarek Zgoda

Re: general coding issues - coding style...

2006-02-19 Thread calmar
On 2006-02-18, Justin  Azoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

 Dylan Moreland wrote:
 I would look into one of the many Vim scripts which automatically fold
 most large blocks without the ugly {{{.

 Who needs a script?
 set foldmethod=indent
 works pretty well for most python programs.

Well, foldmethod=marker does not bother me, because the folds are
normally closed. With markers, it takes one line per function, with
indent I see 2, so I prefer markers.

..and since I can easily get rid of them, and add them again, I will at
least remove them before e.g. putting to the web or so.

Cheers and thanks,


  (o_  It rocks: LINUX + Command-Line-Interface

Re: ANN: FreeImagePy 1.2.2

2006-02-19 Thread Uwe Grauer
Andrew Gwozdziewycz wrote:
 Knowing some details about PIL and as good as no details about
 FreeImage, I would like in this context to become enlightened by the
 answer to the question, when does it make sense to use FreeImage instead
 of PIL?
  From what I know up to now I can't see any use for FreeImage :-( .
 both freeimagepy and freeimage are released under the GPL, PIL is not.
 Andrew Gwozdziewycz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Did you read the PIL licence?
Seems to be a more free licence than GPL.

A. Software License

The Python Imaging Library is:

Copyright © 1997-2003 by Secret Labs AB
Copyright © 1995-2003 by Fredrik Lundh

By obtaining, using, and/or copying this software and/or its associated
documentation, you agree that you have read, understood, and will comply
with the following terms and conditions:

Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
associated documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
granted, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies,
and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
supporting documentation, and that the name of Secret Labs AB or the
author not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.



Re: Should we still be learning this?

2006-02-19 Thread Felipe Almeida Lessa
Em Sáb, 2006-02-18 às 15:13 +0200, Max escreveu:
  I wonder if they need some updating.
 And so does Dive Into Python (our textbook, which 
 has the same deficiencies in its outline.

Are they being *paid* for teaching? Then they should overcome this issue
of Dive Into Python by either using their own material our by improving
Dive Into Python and giving it back to the community.

Quem excele em empregar a força militar subjulga os exércitos dos
outros povos sem travar batalha, toma cidades fortificadas dos outros
povos sem as atacar e destrói os estados dos outros povos sem lutas
prolongadas. Deve lutar sob o Céu com o propósito primordial da
'preservação'. Desse modo suas armas não se embotarão, e os ganhos
poderão ser preservados. Essa é a estratégia para planejar ofensivas.

  -- Sun Tzu, em A arte da guerra


Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread bearophileHUGS
The question about the speed is interesting. Generally the more dynamic
and flexible your language is, the slower are the programs it produces.
Lisp is almost unique in such matters (and in this regard it's maybe
better than CPython) because it allows the programmer to mix and blend
different levels of how much dynamism and how much optimized a part of
the program has to be. When you want to speed up a part of a Lisp
program (often developed starting from a slow but flexible code) you
start to use more specific functions, unboxed variables, simple arrays
of unboxed data, statically typed variables, etc. It's not easy, but if
you have some experience, often than one year, in that way you can
write programs only 20% or 50% slower than ones written in C, so for
most purposes they become fast enough. On the other hand you can
develop the program using an interactive shell and a dynamically typed
language, that speeds you a lot the prototyping, etc. You can have the
best of both things.
Python allows to mix various blends too (Psyco, Pyrex, ShedSkin, Weave,
SWIG, glues for Fortran and C/C++, etc), but in Lisp such blending
seems much more natural, finer grained, integrated in the language.
I think this isn't a limit of the language itself, because with enough
work two tools like Psyco and ShedSkin can become integrated in the
language itself (I think Psyco and SS are enough for 98% or purposes)
producing something not far from the optimization flexibility of
Lisp. Psyco compiles just in time some code, ShedSkin is more
aggressive, but if it becomes developed enough it can produce programs
fast as C/C++ ones with the same syntax of Python (some things aren't
supported). So then you can develop a program like in Lisp, where some
parts aren't optimized, some parts are compiled just in time, and other
critical parts are type inferenced and statically compiled for the max
speed (this requires to join ShedSkin with something like Swig, to
allow a natural, fully automatic and pythonic joining of .PYDs produced
by SS and CPython programs). PyPy can probably solve such problems in
similar ways or better, we'll see.



Re: ANN: FreeImagePy 1.2.2

2006-02-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Uwe Grauer wrote:

 Did you read the PIL licence?
 Seems to be a more free licence than GPL.

footnote: PIL's using the old Python license, which is also known as
the Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer:



Re: general coding issues - coding style...

2006-02-19 Thread calmar


 1585 if sys.path[0][-12:] == \  #for py2exe
 if sys.path[0].endswith( \\ ):

cool, thx,

 (did you really mean one back-slash there?)

(yeah, one backslash)

 499 tuple = os.path.split(filename)
 bad variable name... tuple(x) converts a sequence to a tuple.

I see, I changed that to
path, filen = os.path.split(filename)

 You have a number of places where you check for len(x)==0:
 674 if len(files) == 0:
 -- if not files:

I see. thx

 you should run your code through pychecker (it had a lot to say...).

I see, cool tool that pychecker!
I can't do something against the 'not used variable' so probably?
(since pygtk just sends those items anyway)

 You use global alot... that should be a red flag.  Like the poster
 above mentioned,  you have things that are telling you they want to
 be objects.

I will try to get some order (classes) and maybe remove them.

thanks a lot!!



  (o_  It rocks: LINUX + Command-Line-Interface

How to configure proxy authentication when using urllib2?

2006-02-19 Thread Licheng Fang
I use a HTTP proxy to connect to Internet. When I run ulropen command I
get HTTP Error 407: Proxy authorization required. Could anybody tell me
how to resolve this? Thanks!


Re: How to configure proxy authentication when using urllib2?

2006-02-19 Thread hanxianpei
I want to know that, too!


Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Roy Smith
 -python has true closures (although nothing like ruby's blocks)

What is a true closure?  Or, maybe what I'm asking is what kind of 
closure wouldn't be a true closure?  Is there some kind of ersatz closure 
other language try to pass off, in violation of truth in closure laws?

Re: commenting out blocks of code

2006-02-19 Thread Peter Hansen
Steve Holden wrote:
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Fri, 17 Feb 2006 19:12:01 -0500, Peter Hansen wrote:
Scite, for example, lets me selected a block and hit Ctrl-Q to either 
comment or uncomment the block.
(It does this by prefixing each line 
with #~ instead of just #, which allows it to detect when a line is 
already so commented and reverse the operation.)  

It is *easy* to detect when a line is already commented. It starts with a
#. The ~ is superfluous.

Commenting and uncommenting should be two different commands: the whole
point of nested comments is that it allows you to comment a block of text
which may already contain comments. Having one command do both commenting
and uncommenting according to the presence or absence of semantic clues in
the text is a recipe for failure (No you stupid computer, I want to
COMMENT that block, not uncomment it!!!).

Imagine if your text editor used cntl-C for both copy and paste, somehow
guessing whether you wanted to copy selected text or paste over it
according to some subtle clue in the text itself. Wouldn't that be fun?
 I agree that's a less-than-sensible feature implementation.

I submit that Steve and Steven (neither of whom has apparently even 
*used* this feature of Scite before criticizing it so strongly), should 
consider whether in actual practice something like this might not be 
much more effective than they can apparently imagine.

I'm strongly critical of many features of most editors, and thus use 
very few of them, and I also happen to have a solid background in GUI 
design and ergonomics.  I'm also a heavy user of Scite, and have found 
it readily accepted amongst the groups of programmers with whom I've worked.

I and my team have found the Ctrl+Q feature of Scite to be very 
sensible, highly effective and useful, and in fact *better* than 
alternatives that we've used before in other editors.

Kudos to Neil for having the (apparently) unusual design sense to think 
of it and implement it!

So there.  Harumph.  :-)



Re: How to configure proxy authentication when using urllib2?

2006-02-19 Thread Jarek Zgoda
Licheng Fang napisał(a):

 I use a HTTP proxy to connect to Internet. When I run ulropen command I
 get HTTP Error 407: Proxy authorization required. Could anybody tell me
 how to resolve this? Thanks!

You can build and install opener instance, then all urllib2 calls will
use it.

Some information:, one
of many cookbook recipes:
Generally, there's much more to google on this topic.

Jarek Zgoda

Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Roy Smith
Robert J. Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 LISP has a very well-defined ANSI specification.  Lots of different
 people have written LISPs, from Franz to Steel Bank to GNU to... etc.
 Each of these competes with the others on different grounds; some are
 purely interpreted (ala CLISP), some are compiled (CMUCL), some are...
 etc.  They all implement substantially the same language, but the
 plethora of different implementations has been a tremendous boon for
 the development of efficient compilers, interpreters and garbage

It's been a while since I've dabbled in lisp, but my recollection is that 
the plethora of different implementations has also meant that portability 
is a fantasy.

I dread the day that competing Python implementations spring up.

Re: How many web framework for python ?

2006-02-19 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Bo Yang a écrit :
 Hello everybody ,
 I am a student major in software engeering .
 I need to do something for my course .
 There are very good web framework for java and ruby ,
 Is there one for python ?

In fact, there are actually too much *good* python web frameworks.

 I want to write a web framework for python based on
 mod_python as my course homework , could you give some
 advise ?

Yes : forget it.

Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Torsten Bronger

Roy Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 It's been a while since I've dabbled in lisp, but my recollection
 is that the plethora of different implementations has also meant
 that portability is a fantasy.

 I dread the day that competing Python implementations spring up.

Even worse: In one of them Microsoft is involved.


Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetusICQ 264-296-646

Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Roy Smith wrote:

 I dread the day that competing Python implementations spring up.

where were you in 1997?



Re: Get parameters from URL using CGI

2006-02-19 Thread John Zenger
import cgi
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()  # Optional; for debugging only

print Content-Type: text/html

f = cgi.FieldStorage()
for i in f.keys():
print p,i,:,f[i].value

abcd wrote:
 i want to create a CGI script which simply prints out values given via
 the URL (such as when a GET is performed).
 So if I have a script named, foo.cgi and I access it by going to:
 I want foo.cgi to print out:
 name: john
 age: 90
 how do i get the values from the URL like that?

Re: Any Tkinker based rich text widget?

2006-02-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 I am using the standard python GUI Tkinter as my program's main
 interface. Although I know wxPython has some widget to support rich
 text widget, but I do not have time to shift to wx series. Does
 anyone know any Tkinter based widget that support:

 1. Blod, Italic, Underline and their combinations.
 2. Several most commonly used fonts, like Times New Roman and Arial
 3. Multiline text
 4. Cross platform support. Available in Linux-RedHat and Mac OS series
 and Windows 2000 or above.
 5.Image embedding. Support jpeg, gif, bmp. The more the better.

 and better support:
 Hyperlink, Text color, the more the better.

Tkinter's standard Text widget can do all this, of course:

by default, Tkinter only supports GIF and PPM, but you can use PIL's
ImageTk.PhotoImage class instead of Tkinter's own PhotoImage to get
support for ~30 more formats:

to deal with hyperlinks, use tag event bindings:


there's in fact a complete browser built on top of Tk's Text widget:

but I don't know how much work it would be to widgetize that

hope this helps!



Re: 2-dimensional data structures

2006-02-19 Thread Gerard Flanagan
anthonyberet wrote:
 I want to work on a sudoku brute-forcer, just for fun.
 Thanks for the advice (to everyone in the thread).
 I think I will go with nested lists.
 However, I am running into a conceptual problem.
 My approach will be firstly to remove all the impossible digits for a
 square by searching the row and column for other occurances.

 However, I wondering how to approach the search of the nine regions of
 the grid. I am thinking of producing another nested list, again 9x9 to
 store the contents of each region, and to update this after each pass
 through -and update of- the main grid (row and column).

 I am not sure how to most efficiently identify which region any given
 square on the grid is actually in - any thoughts, for those that have
 done this? - I don't want a massive list of IF conditionals if I can
 avoid it.

Some 'UselessPython' :

import math

def SudokuOrder( length ):
block_length = int(math.sqrt(length))
for block in range(length):
row_offset = block_length * ( block // block_length )
col_offset = block_length * ( block % block_length )
for i in range( block_length ):
for j in range( block_length ):
yield i+row_offset, j+col_offset

grid = list(SudokuOrder(9))

BLOCK1 = grid[:9]
BLOCK2 = grid[9:18]
BLOCK9 = grid[72:81]

print 'BLOCK1 -', BLOCK1
print 'BLOCK2 -', BLOCK2
print 'BLOCK9 -', BLOCK9

BLOCK1 - [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2,
1), (2, 2)]

BLOCK2 - [(0, 3), (0, 4), (0, 5), (1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5), (2, 3), (2,
4), (2, 5)]

BLOCK9 - [(6, 6), (6, 7), (6, 8), (7, 6), (7, 7), (7, 8), (8, 6), (8,
7), (8, 8)]



Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Luis M. González
IMO, it's the lack of competing implementations.

I beg to differ in this point.
There are other implementations, but they are not called python and
they are not a 100% python in syntax and features.
For example, Boo is 95% python syntax wise, but statically typed.
This fundamental difference makes it as fast as C# or any other .NET
(or mono) language.
Being statically typed doesn't mean that you have to declare types
everywhere, like in C. It uses type inference, so you can declare a
variable x= 5 and the compiler will know that x is an integer of value
Pyrex is statically typed too, but it's used mainly as an extension
language for Cpython.

Now talking specifically about python, there are projects aimed at
speeding it up substantially:

Pypy is a project that relies heavily in type inference (for
translation to lower level code) and dynamic optimization. It's based
mainly on psyco, which has already probed that it can massively speed
up python code.

Shed-Skin: it's a pyton-to-c++ compiler. It won't support the most
dynamic features of python, and requires the programmer to restric a
little bit his coding style in order to allow static compilation, but
so far it looks great (only one developer though..).


Re: define loop statement?

2006-02-19 Thread David Isaac

Benji York [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Here's a flagrant hack:

Admiration wins out over revulsion.  ;-)
Alan Isaac

PS Here's the motivation.  Python closely resembles pseudocode.  With
a very little LaTeX hacking, it is often possible to write algorithms is
Python that typeset as reasonable pseudocode.  A simple repetitive
loop is a bit of a sticking point.


Python multithreading on cluster system? Embedding python in PVM?

2006-02-19 Thread abhinav
Hi guys.I have read that one cannot perform true multithreading in
python due to global interpreter lock mechanism.Suppose i have to
implement a crawler on a say cluster system like clusterknoppix so that
i can use parallel virtual machine (PVM)for programming in
multiprocessor environment or say open MPI.Can i integrate python with
PVM or MPI.Can i embed python into C for programming in multiprocessor
environment.Is there any way of embedding python in PVM or MPI so that
i can implement a true cluster based search engine?
Any help would be very kind.Thanks.


Re: How many web framework for python ?

2006-02-19 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Bruno Desthuilliers enlightened us with:
 I want to write a web framework for python based on mod_python as
 my course homework , could you give some advise ?

 Yes : forget it.

Why forget it? I've written my own web framework
( and it works great! It was a good
learning experience in using mod_python. Besides that, I found the
existing frameworks not quite suitable to my taste, and I like my own
much more.

Please, feel free to take a look at it, and let me know what you think

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread bearophileHUGS
Luis M. González[Shed-Skin] ... but so far it looks great (only one
developer though..).

Two developers, I am there too :-)

I think people aren't much interested so far because there aren't good
ways to link/join/use SSPython compied code from CPython code. A good
solution is probably to:
- Develop code in CPython
- find if there are slow spots that Psyco can't improve enough
- in this situation move the parts in a module and do some tweaks to
adapt the code (if necessary)
- compile the .py module (to a .pyd, etc) with SS (a single click can
be enough on some operating systems), and then import it as before.

To do this it SS requires to know the types of the input data of the
functions/classes in the module. There are solutions to this, the
simpler one to me seems to infer such types from the code below the if
__name__ == __main__:
That part can contain tests of all the functions/classes, so such parts
can be used to infer types of the whole module.
To do this automatically SS has to use something like SWIG.

Other developers can probably help with such things, otherwise SS will
probably be dead in a year from now... this is not good for me.



Re: Should we still be learning this?

2006-02-19 Thread Max
Felipe Almeida Lessa wrote:
 Em Sáb, 2006-02-18 às 15:13 +0200, Max escreveu:
I wonder if they need some updating.

And so does Dive Into Python (our textbook, which 
has the same deficiencies in its outline.
 Are they being *paid* for teaching? Then they should overcome this issue
 of Dive Into Python by either using their own material our by improving
 Dive Into Python and giving it back to the community.

Indeed they are. It is a university course. It doesn't actually cover 
anything I don't know, but it's a choice between relearning Java and 
relearning Python (since I plan to major in computer science, I have to 
do first year)


Re: Should we still be learning this?

2006-02-19 Thread Max
John Zenger wrote:
 Don't overly concern yourself with your course being 100% up to date. 
 When learning programming, the concepts are what is important, not the 
 syntax or libraries you happen to be using.  Even if they were to teach 
 you the latest and greatest features of 2.4.2, that would be out of date 
 in a few months/years when the next version comes along and the Python 
 gods decide to deprecate the entire os module or something.

All of us know how to program: the idea is that those who got more than 
70% for Java in high school can learn a second language instead of doing 
Java all over again.

 And BTW, map and filter are such useful concepts that it makes sense to 
 teach them to students even if they will one day be deprecated in 
 Python.  If you want to teach yourself Haskell or a Lisp dialect (and 
 you should!), knowing those concepts will come in very handy.

True. But I think list comprehensions are also damn useful (and AFAIR, 
Haskell has them too).

I already know some Scheme (I've played the game Lists And Lists, a 
Scheme tutorial, and used the GIMP's script-fu). I have tried to learn 
Haskell, but - though I think I understand everything I read on it - I 
can't get my programs to run.


Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Alexander Schmolck
Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
  In learning Python I've read more about Lisp than when I was actually
  trying to learn it, and it seems that the two languages have lots of
  I'm wondering if someone can explain to me please what it is about
  Python that is so different from Lisp that it can't be compiled into
  something as fast as compiled Lisp?  From this above website and
  others, I've learned that compiled Lisp can be nearly as fast as C/C++,
 In order to be that fast, some of the dynamism of intepreted Lisp must be 
 given up.  In particular object code is not list data.  

I'm not entirely sure what you are talking about, but you're almost certainly
very confused about something. Not all common lisp implementations even have
an interpreter (which doesn't tend to be visible to the user).



Re: How many web framework for python ?

2006-02-19 Thread Alex Martelli
Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  There are very good web framework for java and ruby ,
  Is there one for python ?
 In fact, there are actually too much *good* python web frameworks.

Dear Mr. BDFL,

there are too many good web frameworks nowadays. Please eliminate three.

PS: I am *not* a crackpot!


Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Cameron Laird
Roy Smith  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -python has true closures (although nothing like ruby's blocks)

What is a true closure?  Or, maybe what I'm asking is what kind of 
closure wouldn't be a true closure?  Is there some kind of ersatz closure 
other language try to pass off, in violation of truth in closure laws?

It's an apt question.

What's a true closure?  That's the easiest part, in some ways:  
Wikipedia, for example, tells that it's a function that refers
to free variables in its lexical context URL: ,
that is the context of the domain of the function's definition.

Some languages--Lisp, but also many others--definitely have it.
Basic definitely didn't.  Tcl ... well, after weeks of discussion
URL: , the conclusion was that Tcl
almost has as much as it can, given that lexical context just
doesn't have much standing in Tclonia.  So, yes, George Mikan and
Allen Iverson both definitely played basketball, and well, but,
at the same time, it's useful to distinguish the things they do
with a ball.

Re: define loop statement?

2006-02-19 Thread Cameron Laird
David Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Admiration wins out over revulsion.  ;-)
Alan Isaac

PS Here's the motivation.  Python closely resembles pseudocode.  With
a very little LaTeX hacking, it is often possible to write algorithms is
Python that typeset as reasonable pseudocode.  A simple repetitive
loop is a bit of a sticking point.

Wow.  Innovative.

[ANN] SPE IDE videos and more...

2006-02-19 Thread SPE - Stani's Python Editor
I'm happy to spread the word about, an excellent
collection of python programming videos.

From the website

Want to learn how to use some of the best Python programming tools
out there, including the supercharged IPython interpreter and the great
free editor SPE? Or maybe you want to see how easy it is to create
great-looking, powerful graphical user interfaces using wxPython. If
so, take a gander at the videos below.

They have two SPE specific videos:

Python with Stani's Python Editor (SPE)

Two videos to demonstrate editing and debugging of Python code using
the excellent SPE toolkit.

Python Development and Navigation with SPE
SPE is a well-featured cross-platform development environment for
Python. Here I show you how to write a simple Python program, save the
code, run it and navigate using the Explorer, Index and UML Viewer.
Complimentary material can be found in the manual and the tutorial at

Debugging with WinPDB from Within SPE
The WinPDB graphical debugger can be launched from within SPE to debug
Python code. Here I show how to launch the debugger, step through the
code and stack frame, inspect variables and exit back to SPE. I also
explain the significance of the Magic Letters.

The SPE videos area available at the url:

Contribute back to your favorite open source projects by submitting
your own python videos to this wonderfull project! If you need
inspiration look at the requested videos:
Who will make the first wxGlade video? Anyone who contributes a video
can request a SPE pdf manual as a reward.



PS Other python videos have as topic:

Beginning Python
Three videos covering the download and installation of the Python
programming language on a Windows machine and a small introduction to
the Python interpreter.

Python Development with IPython
Four videos leading you through the installation and basic mastery of
the powerful IPython interactive Python environment

Python GUI Programming with wxPython
A series of videos for beginners showing how easy it is to quickly
develop professional looking graphical user interfaces exploiting the
ease and power of the Python programming language. wxPython is fast
becomming one of the most popular cross-platform GUI programming
solutions. This set of videos aims to show you why.


Re: ANN: FreeImagePy 1.2.2

2006-02-19 Thread Terry Hancock
On Thu, 16 Feb 2006 09:34:18 -0500
Andrew Gwozdziewycz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Knowing some details about PIL and as good as no details
  about FreeImage, I would like in this context to become
  enlightened by the answer to the question, when does it
  make sense to use FreeImage instead of PIL?
   From what I know up to now I can't see any use for
   FreeImage :-( .
 both freeimagepy and freeimage are released under the GPL,
 PIL is not.

This is misleading! The PIL license is GPL-compatible (i.e.
it could be incorporated into a GPL work), as it is a
non-copyleft free license. You may be confused by Lundh's
proprietary-then-free release strategy: he always releases a
newer version under a proprietary license, at which point
the old version is free-licensed.  But the old version is
completely without strings -- you could, if you wanted, try
to give Mr. Lundh a run for his money by extending PIL
faster than he can.

Not exactly cricket, but legal. ;-)

However, while PIL is very strong at image-manipulation, it
is weak on file-format compatibility: As long as you stick
to PNG format, you can do just about anything you want (and
there is decent JPG and GIF support). But if you have
compelling reasons to output data in other formats, you'll
find PIL disappointing -- there are many formats it can't
deal with at all, and most of the rest it can only import
(in the wild, there are *dozens* of obscure image formats to
be found).

IMHO, this isn't too serious an issue -- it's just
specialization: PIL is for *image manipulation* not *image
conversion*, and it provides enough of the latter for the
most common applications.

Other choices include ImageMagick, but API stability,
particularly of the Python bindings, is a real problem (in
fact, I think there's more than one python binding for
ImageMagick, but I'm not sure -- which goes some way to
showing why it's a frustrating package to use).  Things
may have improved lately, I haven't checked in awhile.

So, IMHO, there's still PLENTY of room for innovation in
the application area of image-handling tools for
Python.  PIL is not a category-killer. At least not yet.


Terry Hancock ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Anansi Spaceworks


[ANN] ConfigObj 4.2.0

2006-02-19 Thread Fuzzyman
`ConfigObj 4.2.0`_
is now available.

The main improvements are *full* Unicode support,a s well as the
addition of the 'convenience' `Section Methods`_

* *as_bool*
* *as_int*
* *as_float*

More compelling reasons to choose **ConfigObj** for reading and writing
config files in Python. :-)

What's New ?

The full changelog is :

Removed ``BOM_UTF8`` from ``__all__``.

The ``BOM`` attribute has become a boolean. (Defaults to ``False``.) It
is *only* ``True`` for the ``UTF16`` and UTF8 encodings.

File like objects no longer need a ``seek`` attribute.

Full unicode support added. New options/attributes ``encoding``,

ConfigObj no longer keeps a reference to file like objects. Instead the
``write`` method takes a file like object as an optional argument.
(Which will be used in preference of the ``filename`` attribute if that
exists as well.)

utf16 files decoded to unicode.

If ``BOM`` is ``True``, but no encoding specified, then the utf8 BOM is
written out at the start of the file. (It will normally only be
``True`` if the utf8 BOM was found when the file was read.)

File paths are *not* converted to absolute paths, relative paths will
remain relative as the ``filename`` attribute.

Fixed bug where ``final_comment`` wasn't returned if ``write`` is
returning a list of lines.

Deprecated ``istrue``, replaced it with ``as_bool``.

Added ``as_int`` and ``as_float``.

What is ConfigObj ?

**ConfigObj** is a simple but powerful config file reader and writer:
an *ini file round tripper*.

It's main feature is that it is very easy to use, with a
straightforward programmer's interface and a simple syntax for config
files. It has lots of other features though. It is intended as a more
powerful (but simpler to use) replacement for `ConfigParser`_.

It's features include :

* Nested sections (subsections), to any level
* List Values
* Multiple Line Values
* Full Unicode support
* String interpolation (substitution)
* Integrated with a powerful validation system

- including automatic type checking/conversion
- repeated sections
- and allowing default values

* All comments in the file are preserved
* The order of keys/sections is preserved
* No external dependencies


Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Kay Schluehr

Roy Smith wrote:
  -python has true closures (although nothing like ruby's blocks)

 What is a true closure?  Or, maybe what I'm asking is what kind of
 closure wouldn't be a true closure?  Is there some kind of ersatz closure
 other language try to pass off, in violation of truth in closure laws?

A true closure is what Python doesn't have ;)

If you enclose variables in a certain functional context in which they
are not defined they are turned into something immutable in Python.
Assigning a value to the same name creates a new object instead of
rebinding the old name. This readonly semantics confuses many
programmers coming from other languages at least all Lispers/Schemers
I've talked to. Python does not provide a rebinding operator for free
variables by BDFL decision.



Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Terry Hancock
On Sun, 19 Feb 2006 00:54:22 -0500
Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In order to be that fast, some of the dynamism of
 intepreted Lisp must be  given up.  In particular object
 code is not list data.  Python with  type-dynamism
 eliminated can also be translated to decent C/C++ and then
 compiled.  See PyRex and Weave.  There is also Psyco,
 which I believe  translates directly to machine code.

I thought it was just Pyrex as in Still as clear as
glass, but can really take the heat..  ;-)

Now it's a small snake / dog chimera.  Eeeww. You've ruined
it for me.

  so I don't understand why Python can't also eventually
  be as efficient? Is there some *specific* basic reason
  it's tough?  Or is it that this type of problem in
  general is tough, and Lisp has 40+ years vs Python's ~15

Otherwise, I think this has been well-answered -- if you
give up the same features, you can get the same speed. But
who cares?

Those things only matter in a very limited domain, and real
programs can use Python for logic and Python extension
modules for things that truly need optimization. If you use
Pyrex, you can even still pretend you're programming in
Python when you write those extensions. I'm sure that's why
some 3D libraries have opted to write the fast code in Pyrex
instead of C (even though either is possible).

Terry Hancock ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Anansi Spaceworks


Re: How many web framework for python ?

2006-02-19 Thread Ville Vainio
Sybren Stuvel wrote:

 Why forget it? I've written my own web framework
 ( and it works great! It was a good

Some reasons:

- Waste. When you write your own framework, you are helping yourself.
If you use an existing framework and possibly contribute patches to it,
you help other people too.

- Other people have already solved your problems, also problems that
you can't think of yet.

- Not reusing code is just plain evil.


Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
DH a écrit :
 It is by design. Python is dynamically typed.  It is essentially an 
 interpreted scripting language like javascript or ruby or perl,

It's not a scripting language, and it's not interpreted.

 python fans will be quick to tell you python is compiled to byte code. 


Req. for module style/organization

2006-02-19 Thread RayS
I've begun a Python module to provide a complete interface to the 
Meade LX200 command set, and have searched for a style/development 
guide for Python Lib/site-packages type modules, but only saw guides 
for C-modules.  I realize that I need to make some changes to follow
better. Does anyone have an appropriate URL for me to follow for this 
task? Is one of the C-module guides appropriate?

I had quickly parsed the official PDF into prototype methods and 
started off, got some good advice from Python-list and MAPUG, and 
broke it into Classes:
Not having written a generic module before, I'd like input on 
organization and style.  As I usually learn from examples, I browsed 
2.4 Lib/site-packages/ and saw a wide variety of structure:
-some have empty files, others are loaded
-some have module vars and methods, others not
-some have 0, 1, or many classes per .py file

I have:
 ... etc
Each file has one class defined.
In the above, LXSerial, Telescope and Focuser are actual separate 
objects (there are others). None can be used without the serial port, 
but some might be used without a scope present. They all ultimately 
rely on a set of atomic serial commands in somewhat overlapping 
categories, not all of which are available on every model device 
(many other makers follow the LX set for its inertia). There is a 
second com port available for optional separate control, but rarely 
used by anyone.
I am trying also to follow the ASCOM standard for names and 
high-level function behavior, as just a subset of the total of 
methods. (ASCOM is the biggest standard in the amateur astro 
industry, but is entirely MS COM, not even CORBA.) That part isn't very hard.

Currently, a user creates a port object, tests ports if desired, then 
opens one (presumably with an LX on the other end, or it Excepts). A 
Telescope object is created before or after, and the port object is 
set as an attribute of the scope. Alternatively, I could require that 
the port is passed explicitly to the Telescope methods, and likewise 
the accessory's methods... There is the issue of inheritance and 
making Classes aware of parents' objects and other Classes' stuff (if needed).

Where in this structure should constants be defined? __init__, 
module*.py, or the module's Class(s)?
Should I rename LXSerial to _serial?
BAUD rate is 9600, so speed here is a non-issue.

The seeming lack of uniformity in the Libs/* is causing my uncertainty:
All advice is appreciated,


Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Alexander Schmolck

 Hi, I've been thinking about Python vs. Lisp.  I've been learning
 Python the past few months and like it very much.  A few years ago I
 had an AI class where we had to use Lisp, and I absolutely hated it,
 having learned C++ a few years prior.  They didn't teach Lisp at all
 and instead expected us to learn on our own.  I wasn't aware I had to
 uproot my thought process to get it and wound up feeling like a
 In learning Python I've read more about Lisp than when I was actually
 trying to learn it, and it seems that the two languages have lots of
 I'm wondering if someone can explain to me please what it is about
 Python that is so different from Lisp that it can't be compiled into
 something as fast as compiled Lisp?  

Nothing. Given a sufficiently smart implementation any language can be as fast
as any other -- it might just be a billion times harder to write that
implementation for language A than for language B.

 From this above website and others, I've learned that compiled Lisp can be
 nearly as fast as C/C++, so I don't understand why Python can't also
 eventually be as efficient? Is there some *specific* basic reason it's
 tough? Or is it that this type of problem in general is tough, and Lisp has
 40+ years vs Python's ~15 years?

I think if you're looking for one single reason, it is presumably that (IIRC)
python was designed on the erronous assumption that dynamically typed
languages have to be slow (and are unsuitable for real applications anyway)
wheras common lisp wasn't. Furthermore the people involved in common lisp were
much more knowledgeable and experienced in things like compiler design and had
a long history of similar languages and various implementations to build upon.

As common lisp and scheme demonstrate you can have high level of dynamism (and
in a number of things both are more dynamic than python) and still get very
good performance (in some cases close to or better than C). But both these
languages have been designed with compiler writers and the generation of fast
code in mind, so they made design decisions to ease writing fast lisp
compilers and programs.

For example:

- python classes (and to some extent modules) are essentially dictionaries
  that you can modify and customize more or less at will at run-time and that
  behave interchangeably in many respects. I'm sure that presents several
  optimization headaches.

  By contrast if the common lisp compiler sees the symbol CL:LIST (usually
  written just LIST, because the CL package is imported by default) it can
  safely assume that it refers to the builtin LIST function, because you're
  not allowed to rebind the function value of functions in the CL package.
  Python can assume no such thing if it comes across ``list`` -- for all it
  knows it might as well be the number 42. Also the package and class system
  are completely separate and although common lisp's OO system is rather more
  powerful than python's it has been designed to be implementable efficiently.

- in python almost everything has to happen at run-time, whereas in common
  lisp you can do things at compile time, load time or run-time e.g:

- common lisp has a mechanism for making compiler declarations (so you can
  tell the compiler to inline a function, or the type of a variable, or to
  optimize something for speed and not for space etc.)

- common lisp has macros (proper ones, not C style) which allow you to build
  efficient abstractions

- common lisp has compiler macros. This sort of means that you can write 
  own compiler optimizations for your functions (i.e. if you know that your
  expensive FOO function is indempotent you could arrange for all calls of 
  form (FOO (FOO A)) to be replaced with simply A, in a similar way as an
  optimizing compiler might replace (a+b+c+d)*0 with 0).

What's far more interesting to me, however, is that I think there a good
reasons to suspect python's slowness is more of a feature than a flaw: I'd not
be suprised if on the whole it greatly increases programmer productivity and
results in clearer and more uniform code.

If you know the language to be dog slow any way, you're much less likely to
waste your time (and that of future maintainers) on the pointless
microoptimizations that geeks so love. Also, since only builtins have
reasonable performance there's added motiviation to become very familiar with
the available builtins (and standard libarary) and far less temptation to roll
one's own version of say dict.setdefault (even if it it sucks). The fact that
non-standard library code is inherently somewhat inferior (because it will
either be written in python and slow or written in C and a pain to install)
adds further incentive to attempt community wide standardization.

I think it's not unreasonable to speculate that all this decreases production,
maintenance and 

Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Alexander Schmolck
Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 DH a écrit :
  It is by design. Python is dynamically typed. It is essentially an
  interpreted scripting language like javascript or ruby or perl,
 It's not a scripting language, and it's not interpreted.

Of course it is. What do you think happens to the bytecode? And if python
isn't a scripting language, then what on earth is? 

You might want to argue about whether scriping language is a meaningful and
useful concept, but it's really hard to see how you could talk about scripting
languages without including python.


Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread 63q2o4i02
Cool, thank you.  That's the answer I was looking for :)


Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Alexander Schmolck wrote:

 What's far more interesting to me, however, is that I think there a good
 reasons to suspect python's slowness is more of a feature than a flaw: I'd not
 be suprised if on the whole it greatly increases programmer productivity and
 results in clearer and more uniform code.

 So ironically, some share of python's success might actually be due to
 ignorance on Guido's part

it didn't, for even a millisecond, strike you that maybe, just maybe, the
make it as dynamic as we possibly can choice was made on purpose ?



Re: general coding issues - coding style...

2006-02-19 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
calmar a écrit :
 Hi all,
 since I'm just a 'handicraft'/beginner or so,
 could anybody provide me with some (rough) hints, about how to enhance the 

1/ learn OO and get rid of globals.
2/ use dict or list based dispatch instead of long if/elif/elif... clauses
3/ stdout is meant for *normal* program outputs. Errors and verbosity go 
to stderr
4/ triple quoted strings are fine for multiline text
5/ os.path is fine for portable filepath operations
6/ things that dont change during program execution (ie : constants) 
should not be defined inside a function

 Cheers and thanks a lot

Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread 63q2o4i02
Great, thanks for a very complete answer.


Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Alexander Schmolck wrote:

 You might want to argue about whether scriping language is a meaningful and
 useful concept, but it's really hard to see how you could talk about 
 languages without including python.

define scripting language.

the only even remotely formal definition I've ever seen is language with
designed to script an existing application, with limited support for handling
its own state.  Early Tcl and JavaScript are scripting languages, Python
is not.



Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Alexander Schmolck a écrit :
 Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
DH a écrit :

It is by design. Python is dynamically typed. It is essentially an
interpreted scripting language like javascript or ruby or perl,

It's not a scripting language, and it's not interpreted.
 Of course it is. What do you think happens to the bytecode?

Ok, then what do you think happens to 'machine' code ?

interpreted usually means no compilation, all parsing etc redone at 
each execution, which is not the case with a bytecode/vm based 

 And if python
 isn't a scripting language, then what on earth is? 

bash is a scripting language for *n*x systems. javascript is a scripting 
language for web browsers. VBScript is a scripting language for  MS 

 You might want to argue about whether scriping language is a meaningful and
 useful concept,

A scripting languagee is a language whose main purpose is to be embbeded 
in an application to provide the user a way of programmaticaly automate 
some tedious tasks.

Now you could of course argue about what is an application...

 but it's really hard to see how you could talk about scripting
 languages without including python.

Ho, really ? How many applications using Python as scripting language ? 
And how many applications written in Python ?

Python *can* be used as a scripting language (and is not too bad at it), 
but it *is* not a scripting language.

Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Ed Jensen
Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's not a scripting language, and it's not interpreted.

Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming

Countdown Timer

2006-02-19 Thread KennethGorelick
Could someone tell me what modules I should look at in the Python
Manual to create a countdown timer that counts the years, days, hours,
minutes, and seconds to a given day?  Thanks in advance!  I'm fairly
new to the language, so please put it in newbie terms.  I only know the


Re: Another stupid newbie question

2006-02-19 Thread Byte
Do yourself a HUGE favour and read this before posting any more
to comp.lang.python. Trust me, you really will thank us. 

I find that webpage highly insulting, and so should you. It is treating
you like a small child, who needs to be told everything. If you need
more information, just ask. I myself have been on hardware lists/fourms
for quite a while now. I never answer questions that go into too much
detail, I find it off-putting and insulting - I feel it treats me like
some sort of robot, that requires all eventualities to be programed
into it to start answering the questions. I just ask politly for more
info, if I need it. But questions from people saying 'Please help' etc.
is great. They know they are in the wrong, and intend to be humorus.
They dont intend to annoy/offend anybody. And really, I dont need to be
told how to be polite, thank you. As regards to grammer/spelling, what
if sombody is unsure of how to spell something? And did you ever hear
of being in a rush?

 -- /usr/bin/byte


Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread 63q2o4i02
Great, thank you and everyone for this nice discussion.



Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Torsten Bronger

Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Alexander Schmolck a écrit :

 Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It's not a scripting language, and it's not interpreted.

 Of course it is. What do you think happens to the bytecode?

 Ok, then what do you think happens to 'machine' code ?

 interpreted usually means no compilation, all parsing etc
 redone at each execution, which is not the case with a
 bytecode/vm based implementation.

That sounds like an implementation feature rather than a language
feature.  Besides, it's not a very sensible distinction in my
opinion.  Much better is to think about the structure of the
interpreting machine.  I'm not a CS person (only a physicist) but if
you *need* a bytecode interpreter on top of the CPU interpretation,
it's an interpreted language to me.

I've had such a discussion about TeX already, and my personal
conclusion was that you can defend almost any opinion in that area.
However, one should ensure that the definitions make a pragmatic and
useful distinction.


Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetusICQ 264-296-646

Re: Countdown Timer

2006-02-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
take a look at the time module.


Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-19 Thread Rene Pijlman
Mladen Adamovic:
I wonder which editor or IDE you can recommend me for writing Python 


René Pijlman

Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-19 Thread Jonathan Daugherty
# I wonder which editor or IDE you can recommend me for writing Python
# programs. I tried with jEdit but it isn't perfect.

It depends on what you need; what don't you like about JEdit?  What do
you think a good editor or IDE should provide?

  Jonathan Daugherty

Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-19 Thread Sriram Krishnan
Mladen Adamovic wrote:
 I wonder which editor or IDE you can recommend me for writing Python 
 programs. I tried with jEdit but it isn't perfect.

Check out I personally use Emacs


Re: Python multithreading on cluster system? Embedding python in PVM?

2006-02-19 Thread Armin Steinhoff
abhinav wrote:
 Hi guys.I have read that one cannot perform true multithreading in
 python due to global interpreter lock mechanism.Suppose i have to
 implement a crawler on a say cluster system like clusterknoppix so that
 i can use parallel virtual machine (PVM)for programming in
 multiprocessor environment or say open MPI.Can i integrate python with
 PVM or MPI.Can i embed python into C for programming in multiprocessor
 environment.Is there any way of embedding python in PVM or MPI so that
 i can implement a true cluster based search engine?
 Any help would be very kind.Thanks.


Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-19 Thread Armin Steinhoff
Mladen Adamovic wrote:
 I wonder which editor or IDE you can recommend me for writing Python 
 programs. I tried with jEdit but it isn't perfect.

Nothing is perfect ... but try SciTE and Eric



Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-19 Thread F. Petitjean
Le Sun, 19 Feb 2006 21:33:59 +0100, Rene Pijlman a écrit :
 Mladen Adamovic:
I wonder which editor or IDE you can recommend me for writing Python 


I beg to disagree :-) Use ed
Ed is the standard text editor.


Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-19 Thread SPE - Stani's Python Editor

I use it on Ubuntu. For a quick start, view:



Re: number ranges (was Re: Matlab page on scipy wiki)

2006-02-19 Thread Colin J. Williams
Bryan Cole wrote:

First, I think the range() function in python is ugly to begin with.
Why can't python just support range notation directly like 'for a in
0:10'.  Or with 0..10 or 0...10 syntax.  That seems to make a lot more
sense to me than having to call a named function.   Anyway, that's a
python pet peeve, and python's probably not going to change something
so fundamental... 

There was a python PEP on this. It got rejected as having too many
'issues'. Pity, in my view.



This decision appears to have been made nearly six years ago.  It would
be a good idea to revisit the decision, particularly since the reasons
for rejection are not clearly spelled out.

The conditional expression (PEP 308) was rejected but is currently being
implemented in Python version 2.5.  It will have the syntax A if C else B.

I have felt, as Gary Ruben says above, that the range structure is ugly.

Two alternatives have been suggested:
a) a:b:c
b) a..b..c

Do either of these create parsing problems?
for i in a:b:
Should this be treated as an error, with a missing c (the increment)
  print i

for i in 2..5:
  print i   We
don't know whether the 2 is an integer until the second period is scanned.

It would be good if the range and slice could be merged in some way,
although the extended slice is rather complicated - I don't understand it.

The semantics for an extended slicing are as follows. The primary
must evaluate to a mapping object, and it is indexed with a key that
is constructed from the slice list, as follows. If the slice list
contains at least one comma, the key is a tuple containing the
conversion of the slice items; otherwise, the conversion of the lone
slice item is the key. The conversion of a slice item that is an
expression is that expression. The conversion of an ellipsis slice
item is the built-in |Ellipsis| object. The conversion of a proper
slice is a slice object (see section section 4.2 The standard type
whose |start|, |stop| and |step| attributes are the values of the
expressions given as lower bound, upper bound and stride,
respectively, substituting |None| for missing expressions.


The seems to be a bit of a problem with slicing that needs sorting out.

The syntax for a slice list appears to allow multiple slices in a list:

extended_slicing::= primary primaries.html#tok-primary [
slice_list slicings.html#tok-slice_list ]
slice_list  ::= slice_item slicings.html#tok-slice_item (,
slice_item slicings.html#tok-slice_item)* [,]

but the current interpreter reports an error:

  a= range(20)
  a[slice(3, 9, 2)]
[3, 5, 7]
  a[slice(3, 9, 2), slice(5, 10)]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File interactive input, line 1, in ?
TypeError: list indices must be integers

I have taken the liberty of cross posting this to c.l.p.

Colin W.

Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-19 Thread Rene Pijlman
F. Petitjean:
Rene Pijlman:

I beg to disagree :-) Use ed
Ed is the standard text editor.

That was 1991. This is 2006.

René Pijlman

Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Paul Boddie
Torsten Bronger wrote:

 Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Ok, then what do you think happens to 'machine' code ?
  interpreted usually means no compilation, all parsing etc
  redone at each execution, which is not the case with a
  bytecode/vm based implementation.

Such criteria sound more like those which would distinguish interactive
languages from others.

 That sounds like an implementation feature rather than a language
 feature.  Besides, it's not a very sensible distinction in my
 opinion.  Much better is to think about the structure of the
 interpreting machine.

And it's even better to think about the nature of the machine...

 I'm not a CS person (only a physicist) but if
 you *need* a bytecode interpreter on top of the CPU interpretation,
 it's an interpreted language to me.

Yet one could potentially have that bytecode interpreter in hardware.
What typically prevents this is the potential difficulty of realising
complicated software designs in reasonably priced hardware, thus
introducing the nature of the machine: how complicated the instructions
are, what additional support would be required for implementing those
instructions, and so on. Low-level or systems programming languages are
compilable to instructions which are convenient to implement in
hardware and require little additional support: concepts such as stacks
(for various purposes) are supported by machine instructions and
registers, for example, whereas more advanced memory management is left
to software running on top of the virtual machine (although I imagine
that various Lisp machines did some interesting things in this domain).

 I've had such a discussion about TeX already, and my personal
 conclusion was that you can defend almost any opinion in that area.
 However, one should ensure that the definitions make a pragmatic and
 useful distinction.

Agreed. The CPython virtual machine consists of complicated
instructions: that is, some of those instructions may involve
non-trivial amounts of work and may be integrated with other subsystems
that can realistically only be implemented in software. Even virtual
machines like that of the Java platform have moderately high-level
instructions, resulting in various Java optimised hardware
implementations not attempting to provide a complete coverage of all
the available instructions (as far as I am aware).

I'm not sure why people get all defensive about Python's
interpreted/scripting designation or about the details of the CPython
implementation, especially considering that the virtual machine
technology in use has been around for a decade and a half, and that
various projects have been experimenting with alternatives.



Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-19 Thread Rene Pijlman
Sriram Krishnan:
Check out

This page can't be taken seriously. vi is not listed.

René Pijlman

Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-19 Thread Colin J. Williams
Rene Pijlman wrote:
 Mladen Adamovic:
I wonder which editor or IDE you can recommend me for writing Python 
Scite is a good editor.  It is available for both Windows and Linux.
Boa-Constructor is an IDE rather than an editor.  Although it focuses
on wxPython, it has a good editor.

Colin W

Re: number ranges (was Re: Matlab page on scipy wiki)

2006-02-19 Thread Colin J. Williams
Colin J. Williams wrote:
 Bryan Cole wrote:
 First, I think the range() function in python is ugly to begin with.
 Why can't python just support range notation directly like 'for a in
 0:10'.  Or with 0..10 or 0...10 syntax.  That seems to make a lot more
 sense to me than having to call a named function.   Anyway, that's a
 python pet peeve, and python's probably not going to change something
 so fundamental...   

 There was a python PEP on this. It got rejected as having too many
 'issues'. Pity, in my view.



 This decision appears to have been made nearly six years ago.  It would
 be a good idea to revisit the decision, particularly since the reasons
 for rejection are not clearly spelled out.
 The conditional expression (PEP 308) was rejected but is currently being
 implemented in Python version 2.5.  It will have the syntax A if C else B.
 I have felt, as Gary Ruben says above, that the range structure is ugly.
 Two alternatives have been suggested:
 a) a:b:c
 b) a..b..c
 Do either of these create parsing problems?
 for i in a:b:
 Should this be treated as an error, with a missing c (the increment)
  print i
 for i in 2..5:
  print i   We
 don't know whether the 2 is an integer until the second period is scanned.
 It would be good if the range and slice could be merged in some way,
 although the extended slice is rather complicated - I don't understand it.
The semantics for an extended slicing are as follows. The primary
must evaluate to a mapping object, and it is indexed with a key that
is constructed from the slice list, as follows. If the slice list
contains at least one comma, the key is a tuple containing the
conversion of the slice items; otherwise, the conversion of the lone
slice item is the key. The conversion of a slice item that is an
expression is that expression. The conversion of an ellipsis slice
item is the built-in |Ellipsis| object. The conversion of a proper
slice is a slice object (see section section 4.2 The standard type
whose |start|, |stop| and |step| attributes are the values of the
expressions given as lower bound, upper bound and stride,
respectively, substituting |None| for missing expressions.
 The seems to be a bit of a problem with slicing that needs sorting out.
 The syntax for a slice list appears to allow multiple slices in a list:
extended_slicing ::= primary primaries.html#tok-primary [
slice_list slicings.html#tok-slice_list ]
slice_list ::= slice_item slicings.html#tok-slice_item (,
slice_item slicings.html#tok-slice_item)* [,]
 but the current interpreter reports an error:
  a= range(20)
  a[slice(3, 9, 2)]
[3, 5, 7]
  a[slice(3, 9, 2), slice(5, 10)]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File interactive input, line 1, in ?
TypeError: list indices must be integers
 I have taken the liberty of cross posting this to c.l.p.
 Colin W.
This was originally posted to the numpy discussion list.

Colin W.

Re: How many web framework for python ?

2006-02-19 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Ville Vainio enlightened us with:
 When you write your own framework, you are helping yourself.

True. And if that doesn't have a negative effect on others (which I
think it doesn't) there is nothing wrong with that.

 If you use an existing framework and possibly contribute patches to
 it, you help other people too.

Also true, but there is more to it. If I can create my own framework,
get more experienced, and be able to spare time in the long run
because I can quickly implement features I want, it makes me a more
efficient and experienced person. That leaves me more useful when
helping people, and gives me more time to help them too.

 - Other people have already solved your problems

I have no problems. My web framework is working just as I want it to.

 also problems that you can't think of yet.

What problems didn't I think of yet?

 - Not reusing code is just plain evil.

I'm using mod_python, Cheetah, SQLObject and PostgreSQL. I publish all
my own code under an Open Source license so other people can learn
from and contribute to it. How am I not reusing code?

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-19 Thread Benji York
Rene Pijlman wrote:
 Sriram Krishnan:
Check out
 This page can't be taken seriously. vi is not listed.

I hope your wink key is broken; I wouldn't wish old-school vi on my 
worst enemy.  Fortunately that page lists the wonderful Vim instead, so 
seriousness has been maintained.

To the OP: a serious editor is a basic necessity of coding, so pick 
Emacs, Vim, or something equivalent.  Just make sure it's customizable 
and you enjoy customizing it because you'll want to.
Benji York

Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 19 Feb 2006 19:26:20 +, Alexander Schmolck wrote:

 Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 DH a écrit :
  It is by design. Python is dynamically typed. It is essentially an
  interpreted scripting language like javascript or ruby or perl,
 It's not a scripting language, and it's not interpreted.
 Of course it is. What do you think happens to the bytecode? 

By that logic, all languages are interpreted. What do you think happens to
the machinecode?



Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-19 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Mladen Adamovic enlightened us with:
 I wonder which editor or IDE you can recommend me for writing Python 
 programs. I tried with jEdit but it isn't perfect.

I use gvim (if I have X) and vim (if I don't). The only negative thing
about it, is its learning curve ;-)

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Alexander Schmolck
Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Alexander Schmolck wrote:
  What's far more interesting to me, however, is that I think there a good
  reasons to suspect python's slowness is more of a feature than a flaw: I'd 
  be suprised if on the whole it greatly increases programmer productivity and
  results in clearer and more uniform code.
  So ironically, some share of python's success might actually be due to
  ignorance on Guido's part
 it didn't, for even a millisecond, strike you that maybe, just maybe, the
 make it as dynamic as we possibly can choice was made on purpose ?

Python is far less dynamic than smalltalk, and presumably also self (last time
I checked there was no implementation for x86, so I have no practical
experience with self). Even common lisp could reasonably be called more
dynamic than python. And all these language communities did in fact still
manage to come up with efficient implementations.

Thus the make it as dynamic as it possibly can choice is hardly the cause
for python's slowness, so what's your point?

My point was that Guido probably (and fortunately!) was unaware of the extent
to which you can have both dynamism and speed and the extent to which very
dynamic languages are suitable for writing robust software. I'm pretty sure I
remember reading stuff by Guido himself in which he indicated that he
originally thought that a language with a similar level of dynamism as python
had to be slow anyway and I'm also pretty sure that I read some other stuff by
him which indicates that he thought a language like python would be only
suitable for relatively small scale development. If you don't doubt he wrote
that I'm not sure what we're disagreeing about (because clearly both
statements are wrong), if you do maybe I or someone else can find the right
reference, or maybe I really misremembered.

Anyayw, I'm pretty sure that Guido wouldn't have bothered to add things like
compiler macros to python, whatever his level of his technical expertise
concerning efficient implementations of highly dynamic languages might have

However I don't find it at all implausible to assume that had Guido known all
the stuff that say, David Ungar and Guy Steele were aware of at the same time,
python would have come out not necessarily less dynamic but considerably
faster -- to its own detriment.


Re: Making mouse wheel work with pmw ScrolledCanvas widget

2006-02-19 Thread dan . gass
This looks like it has nothing to do with Pmw (Mega widgets) but is
really a basic Tkinter problem.


Format file size for printing

2006-02-19 Thread abcd
is there a built-in way of printing the size of a file nicely?

So if the file size is 103803 bytes it prints out like: 103.8K

something liek that?


Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-19 Thread Old Duck
Mladen Adamovic wrote:

 I wonder which editor or IDE you can recommend me for writing Python
 programs. I tried with jEdit but it isn't perfect.

My personal favorite is Kate (comes with KDE).

- Duck

Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sun, 19 Feb 2006 13:02:16 -0800, Paul Boddie wrote:

 Torsten Bronger wrote:

 Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Ok, then what do you think happens to 'machine' code ?
  interpreted usually means no compilation, all parsing etc
  redone at each execution, which is not the case with a
  bytecode/vm based implementation.
 Such criteria sound more like those which would distinguish interactive
 languages from others.

How can that be? Python is interactive, and yet it has a bytecode/vm

And I'm just waiting for somebody to mention Forth, which completely
breaks down the barriers between compilation and interpretation. In a
world of virtual machines, bytecode compilers, CPUs which emulate other
CPUs using embedded software, and Forth, I would have thought that it was
as obvious as the Sun in the sky that compiled versus interpreted is a
false dichotomy.

 That sounds like an implementation feature rather than a language
 feature.  Besides, it's not a very sensible distinction in my opinion.
 Much better is to think about the structure of the interpreting
 And it's even better to think about the nature of the machine...

Is it? Why? Do you particularly know what happens when your machine code
hits the CPU?

 I'm not a CS person (only a physicist) but if you *need* a bytecode
 interpreter on top of the CPU interpretation, it's an interpreted
 language to me.
 Yet one could potentially have that bytecode interpreter in hardware.

Not potentially, in actuality. I know of only one example, and it
wasn't commercially success, but in 1993 IBM developed a version of
the PowerPC RISC chip that had support for the Intel x86 instruction set.

What has been done once can be done again.


 I'm not sure why people get all defensive about Python's
 interpreted/scripting designation or about the details of the CPython
 implementation, especially considering that the virtual machine
 technology in use has been around for a decade and a half, and that
 various projects have been experimenting with alternatives.

I can't speak for others, but for me it is because generally the people
who are the quickest to insist that Python is interpreted appear to mean
it as a put-down. I never hear Python has the rapid development and
flexibility that only an interpreted language can give, it is always Of
course Python is slow, it is interpreted, what do you expect?.

Even if they themselves are perfectly aware of the subtle shades of
modern language design, and that interpretation does not mean that every
line of code is parsed repeatedly as it is run, it seems to me that very
often they don't mind one bit if others, less informed than them, come
away with that impression.

Let's be frank: interpreted language has negative connotations which may
have been valid in the 1960s and perhaps even the 1970s, but are no longer
automatically valid. Nevertheless, those connotations stick around,
generally amongst the less knowledgeable. That hurts Python's commercial
success, and Python's commercial success is vital for anyone who wishes to
get paid to program in Python. 



Re: Countdown Timer

2006-02-19 Thread KennethGorelick
Thank you!


Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Valentino Volonghi aka Dialtone
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 By that logic, all languages are interpreted. What do you think happens to
 the machinecode?

Interpreted to transistors state by an internal mapping in the CPU
opcode == input configuration.

Valentino Volonghi aka Dialtone
Now Running MacOSX 10.4
New Pet:

Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Alexander Schmolck
Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Alexander Schmolck wrote:
  You might want to argue about whether scriping language is a meaningful and
  useful concept, but it's really hard to see how you could talk about 
  languages without including python.
 define scripting language.

Pretty much any definition that isn't practically useless would do. I'd
personally opt for something like:

 A language that doesn't make all common simple tasks difficult and painful.

If that sounds too wishy-washy, note that I specifically question whether
scripting language is a useful and meaningful concept to start with -- I just
find it silly to take issue with calling python a scripting language but not
with the term scripting language itself (especially given that even the python
tutorial talks about python scripts and that almost anyone who uses the term
would include python).
 the only even remotely formal definition I've ever seen is language with
 designed to script an existing application, with limited support for handling
 its own state. 

 Early Tcl and JavaScript are scripting languages, Python is not.

Right. Which shows that by this definition scripting language is not a
meaningful and useful concept. No one will understand you correctly when you
refer to scripting language and mean only something like the above -- and
unless you spend a lot of your time talking about early tcl and early
javascript I doubt you'd need a word for it, either.


Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Terry Reedy
 Of course it is. What do you think happens to the bytecode?

 Ok, then what do you think happens to 'machine' code ?

I believe that on modern CISC processors the human level 'machine code' is 
interpreted by subroutines written in the actual machine code usually 
called 'microcode'.



RE: Which is faster? (if not b in m) or (if m.count(b) 0)

2006-02-19 Thread Delaney, Timothy (Tim)
Farel wrote:

 Tim, Are you saying that:
  not (b in m)
 is faster than:
 b not in m

On the contrary. `not (b in m)` requires negating the result of `b in m`
(via an additional bytecode operation). `b not in m` doesn't. However,
the difference in performance is minimal, as testing using the timeit
module will show you.

The important difference is the improvement in clarity. There is no
possibility for misinterpretation as to the meaning of `b not in m`,
whereas with the original `not b in m` I had to actually go check the
precedence rules to be sure what would happen. Adding the parentheses
makes it clear, but doesn't read as well as using the `not in` operator.

As others have said, if you really care about the performance of
something, the timeit module is your friend. Discussions about *why* you
get certain performance results are then useful.

Tim Delaney

Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Paul Boddie
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Sun, 19 Feb 2006 13:02:16 -0800, Paul Boddie wrote:

  Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Ok, then what do you think happens to 'machine' code ?
   interpreted usually means no compilation, all parsing etc
   redone at each execution, which is not the case with a
   bytecode/vm based implementation.
  Such criteria sound more like those which would distinguish interactive
  languages from others.

 How can that be? Python is interactive, and yet it has a bytecode/vm

The criteria were no compilation, all parsing etc redone at each
execution: things which would possibly describe features of a language
where much use is made of an interactive mode, and where there wouldn't
be many advantages in generating instructions in another form for later
execution. Not that this applies to Python, since it does compile
source code to bytecode instructions as we all know, and the only
re-parsing occurs in well-defined circumstances, but there have been
other dare I say scripting? languages whose execution models have
apparently involved ASTs instead of virtual machine instruction sets.


  And it's even better to think about the nature of the machine...

 Is it? Why? Do you particularly know what happens when your machine code
 hits the CPU?

In general, yes: it's interpreted by a virtual machine implementation
in hardware. But this is where the nature of the machine is important,
as I originally wrote, since you don't want highly complicated
instructions implemented in hardware for a variety of well-understood


 Let's be frank: interpreted language has negative connotations which may
 have been valid in the 1960s and perhaps even the 1970s, but are no longer
 automatically valid. Nevertheless, those connotations stick around,
 generally amongst the less knowledgeable. That hurts Python's commercial
 success, and Python's commercial success is vital for anyone who wishes to
 get paid to program in Python.

I think we're mostly in agreement here. My point was, as usual,
tangential: there is a certain class of instructions conveniently or
economically implementable in hardware; CPython's runtime also has
instructions more complicated than those. Consequently, when people
used to speculate about Python CPUs and other magical devices that
would make Python run much faster (see [1] for more recent material
which doesn't specifically do so, although I believe the speaker made
references to such devices; see [2] for an old mailing list thread),
one has to accept that there are certain constraints that have a severe
effect on whether such devices are viable or not. If some people want
to classify runtime environments on this basis then I don't have a
problem with that, provided that they are honest about it and put
things like the Java VM in the same category as CPython.




Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Alex Martelli
Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 DH a écrit :
  It is by design. Python is dynamically typed.  It is essentially an
  interpreted scripting language like javascript or ruby or perl,
 It's not a scripting language, and it's not interpreted.

OK, but then we should change,
which starts with Python is an interpreted, interactive,
object-oriented programming language. -- if it's not interpreted,
then why is this crucial page on Python's main site lying outright?


Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-19 Thread Alex Martelli
Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ho, really ? How many applications using Python as scripting language ? lists many, but it's
obviously woefully incomplete -- e.g., it's missing Civilization IV, a
very popular, major new game whose use of Python has been in the news a
lot.  Besides, with ActiveScripting on Windows and Apple Events on the
Mac, all normal applications on both widespread platforms are using
Python as scripting language, at least potentially -- that makes it
essentially a desperate task to try to count them all...:-(



Re: number ranges (was Re: Matlab page on scipy wiki)

2006-02-19 Thread Tim Hochberg
Colin J. Williams wrote:

It would be good if the range and slice could be merged in some way,
although the extended slice is rather complicated - I don't understand it.

   The semantics for an extended slicing are as follows. The primary
   must evaluate to a mapping object, and it is indexed with a key that
   is constructed from the slice list, as follows. If the slice list
   contains at least one comma, the key is a tuple containing the
   conversion of the slice items; otherwise, the conversion of the lone
   slice item is the key. The conversion of a slice item that is an
   expression is that expression. The conversion of an ellipsis slice
   item is the built-in |Ellipsis| object. The conversion of a proper
   slice is a slice object (see section section 4.2 The standard type
   whose |start|, |stop| and |step| attributes are the values of the
   expressions given as lower bound, upper bound and stride,
   respectively, substituting |None| for missing expressions.


The seems to be a bit of a problem with slicing that needs sorting out.

The syntax for a slice list appears to allow multiple slices in a list:

   extended_slicing ::= primary primaries.html#tok-primary [
   slice_list slicings.html#tok-slice_list ]
   slice_list ::= slice_item slicings.html#tok-slice_item (,
   slice_item slicings.html#tok-slice_item)* [,]

but the current interpreter reports an error:

 a= range(20)
 a[slice(3, 9, 2)]
   [3, 5, 7]
 a[slice(3, 9, 2), slice(5, 10)]
   Traceback (most recent call last):
 File interactive input, line 1, in ?
   TypeError: list indices must be integers

Extended slicing has nothing to do with lists. All that gobbeldy gook is 
trying to tell you is what the interpreter does with O[1:2:3, 4:5:6] 
where O is some arbitrary object. What it does is:

O[1:2:3, 4:5:6] == O[slice(1,2,3), slice(4,5,6)]
 == O.__getitem__((slice(1,2,3), slice(4,5,6)))

In the case of python lists, __getitem__ doesn't support multiple slice 
arguments. However, you are free to define your own types which do 
support multiple slices.

This type of slicing was added to support Numeric originally and as far 
as I know is still only really used in Numeric and its successors 
Numarray and Numpy. Since this was originally posted to the numpy list I 
assume you are familiar with multidimensional indexing of arrays -- that 
is extended slicing in action.

If you really want to learn about it, and for most people it's 
unnecessary although perhaps entertaining, play with the following class:

class ExtendedSlicingDemo(object):
 def __getitem__(self, key):
 return key

esd = ExtendedSlicingDemo()

print esd[1:2:3]
print esd[1:2:3, 3:4:5]
print esd[1:2:3, ..., 3:4:5]


slice(1, 2, 3)
(slice(1, 2, 3), slice(3, 4, 5))
(slice(1, 2, 3), Ellipsis, slice(3, 4, 5))



MySQLDB - parameterised SQL - TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

2006-02-19 Thread shearichard
Hi - I have written some python to insert a row into a table using
MySQLDB. I have never before written SQL/Python using embedded
parameters in the SQL and I'm having some difficulties. Could someone
point me in the right direction please ?

The python looks like this :

import MySQLdb
import MySQLdb.cursors
conn = MySQLdb.Connect(host='localhost', user='abc,passwd='def',

cursor = conn.cursor(cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
VALUES (?,?,?,?) 
print sqlQuery
sql = cursor.execute(sqlQuery,(test,NULL,Tester1017,5))

... and the table looks like this ...

CREATE TABLE `eva_company` (
  `COM_AUTOID` int(9) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `COM_COMPANY_NAME` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
  `COM_TRADING_NAME` varchar(128) default NULL,
  `COM_ADDRESS` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
  `COM_POSTAL_ADDRESS` varchar(256) default NULL,
  `COM_CONTACT_NAME` varchar(56) default NULL,
  `COM_CONTACT_POSITION` varchar(56) default NULL,
  `COM_CONTACT_TELEPHONE` varchar(16) default NULL,
  `COM_CONTACT_FAX` varchar(16) default NULL,
  `COM_CONTACT_EMAIL` varchar(256) default NULL,
  `COM_STRUCT_OWNER_CODE` int(9) unsigned default NULL,
  `COM_INDUSTRY_CODE` varchar(16) default NULL,
  `COM_INDUSTRY_DESC` varchar(56) default NULL,
  `COM_NUMBER_OF_SITES` int(9) default NULL,
  `COM_NATURE_OF_RELATIONSHIP` varchar(128) default NULL,
REFERENCES `eva_code_comp_struct_ownership` (`COS_AUTOID`)

... but when I try to execute the python I get an error ...

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 8, in ?
sql = cursor.execute(sqlQuery,(test,NULL,Tester1017,5))
line 132, in execute
self.errorhandler(self, TypeError, m)
line 33, in defaulterrorhandler
raise errorclass, errorvalue
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

... as I say if anyone could provide me with some tips I'd appreciate


richard shea.


Re: SPE IDE videos and more...

2006-02-19 Thread Claudio Grondi
 I'm happy to spread the word about, an excellent
 collection of python programming videos.
From the website

The server response under:


500 Internal error
Server got itself in trouble

Powered by Cherrypy 2.1.0

If there is not enough trouble around to suffer from, why not get itself 
in trouble? ;-)

As the computer becomes more and more human like, even able to get 
itself in trouble, the fact that it has the courage to admit the true 
reason for the trouble emerges it as a stupid machine.


By the way: it was _me_ who caused the server to be in trouble feeding 
it with a bad URL instead of the right one:

Sometimes it is good, that there is no human on the other end of the 
line knowing about all this dirty words which can be thrown back as 
excuse for own malfunction ...


Re: Req. for module style/organization

2006-02-19 Thread Ziga Seilnacht
RayS wrote:
 I've begun a Python module to provide a complete interface to the
 Meade LX200 command set, and have searched for a style/development
 guide for Python Lib/site-packages type modules, but only saw guides
 for C-modules.  I realize that I need to make some changes to follow
 better. Does anyone have an appropriate URL for me to follow for this
 task? Is one of the C-module guides appropriate?

There are two informal Python Enhancements Proposals:
Style Guide for C Code -
Style Guide for Python Code -

 I have:
  ... etc
 Each file has one class defined.

This style is not encuraged any more because of the ambiguity with
imports; see
for details.

 All advice is appreciated,



RE: Which is faster? (if not b in m) or (if m.count(b) 0)

2006-02-19 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone
On Mon, 20 Feb 2006 10:08:48 +1100, Delaney, Timothy \(Tim\) [EMAIL 
Farel wrote:

 Tim, Are you saying that:
  not (b in m)
 is faster than:
 b not in m

On the contrary. `not (b in m)` requires negating the result of `b in m`
(via an additional bytecode operation). `b not in m` doesn't. However,
the difference in performance is minimal, as testing using the timeit
module will show you.

Not since Python 2.4:

 dis.dis(lambda: x not in y)
  1   0 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (x)
  3 LOAD_GLOBAL  1 (y)
  6 COMPARE_OP   7 (not in)
 dis.dis(lambda: not (x in y))
  1   0 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (x)
  3 LOAD_GLOBAL  1 (y)
  6 COMPARE_OP   7 (not in)

The important difference is the improvement in clarity. There is no
possibility for misinterpretation as to the meaning of `b not in m`,
whereas with the original `not b in m` I had to actually go check the
precedence rules to be sure what would happen. Adding the parentheses
makes it clear, but doesn't read as well as using the `not in` operator.

As others have said, if you really care about the performance of
something, the timeit module is your friend. Discussions about *why* you
get certain performance results are then useful.

But this stuff is all still true :)


Re: commenting out blocks of code

2006-02-19 Thread Neil Hodgson
Atanas Banov:

 here is something you both seems to have not considered: imagine you
 make decision if ^Q has to comment or uncomment based on the 1st line
 and not on each line individually in the block. 

   When first implementing Ctrl+Q, this looked to have similar
advantages and disadvantages to the chosen implementation. However, it
wouldn't allow a technique I've come to use which is to have two
versions of some code or section of a configuration file and to toggle
between the two by selecting the whole range and pressing Ctrl+Q.

 note how ## maintains where comments were. now, for the same selection,
 ^Q again? 1st character is #, so the editor is asked to uncomment,

   The problem with ## as opposed to #~ is that ## is common in
much source code particularly in barrier comments and comment sections:

 Persistence section 
## These functions are responsible for load
## and save for the core media database.


RE: Which is faster? (if not b in m) or (if m.count(b) 0)

2006-02-19 Thread Delaney, Timothy (Tim)
Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:

 Not since Python 2.4:
  dis.dis(lambda: x not in y)
   1   0 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (x)
   3 LOAD_GLOBAL  1 (y)
   6 COMPARE_OP   7 (not in)
  dis.dis(lambda: not (x in y))
   1   0 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (x)
   3 LOAD_GLOBAL  1 (y)
   6 COMPARE_OP   7 (not in)

Damn - I missed that change. Peephole optimiser I guess.

Tim Delaney

Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-19 Thread funktion


Eric3 Help/Tutorial

2006-02-19 Thread Julius Lucks
Does anyone know of Help docs/tutorials that explain Eric3's plethora
of features?




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