[ANN] testosterone 0.4.1 -- the manly Python testing interface

2006-02-23 Thread Chad Whitacre
Greetings, program!

I have issued a point release for testosterone, the manly Python testing 
interface. The package I released two days ago did not install properly 
on GNU/Linux. This release fixes that issue, and a bug with single-test 
TestCases. It is available at:


Also, I have created a Google Group for discussion and support:


Thank you.

Chad Whitacre

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: streaming Popen.stdout

2006-02-23 Thread Michele Simionato
Replying to myself ...

I cooked up this solution involving os.pipe and os.fork, but I am not
especially happy with
it; anyway, let me write it. Feedback is welcome, since this was
written very quickly and
I may have missed something. BTW, are there libraries out there doing
something similar?

import subprocess
import os, sys, time

class ReadObject(object):
def __init__(self, fileno):
self.fileno = fileno
self._closed = False
self.name = str(self)
def readline(self):
if self._closed : return ''
return ''.join(iter(self.read1, '\n')) + '\n'
def read(self):
return ''.join(iter(self.read1, '\x00'))
def read1(self):
c = os.read(self.fileno, 1)
if c == '\x00':
self._closed = True
return '\n'
return c
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.readline, '')

class WriteObject(object):
def __init__(self, fileno):
self.fileno = fileno
self.name = str(self)
def write(self, text):
os.write(self.fileno, text)
def flush(self):
def close(self):

def callproc(child, *args,**kw):
Run the child procedure in a child process
r, w = os.pipe()
R, W = ReadObject(r), WriteObject(w)
if os.fork(): # parent
return R
else: # child
sys.stdout = W
child(*args, **kw)

if __name__ == '__main__':
for line in callproc(subprocess.call, [sys.executable,
print line,


Fail in sending UDP packet

2006-02-23 Thread Sbaush
Hi all. I've attached my SendReceive class. I have e a big problem! My program create a packet, then call the send function to send this. the first time the packet is not sent, then it works perfectly!WHY??? Have you idea??
-- Sbaush
from socket import *
from struct import *
from string import *

class SendReceive:
	def __init__(self):
		self.UDPSock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM)
	def receive(self,timeout):
		# Set the socket parameters
		buf = 10
		# Receive messages
			xmlrcv,addr = self.UDPSock.recvfrom(buf)
			xmlrcv=xmlrcv[4:]#questo comando di slicing notation elimina i primi quattro bytes della stringa ricevuta, corrispondenti all'intero del pacchetto.
			#print Received response from ,hostfrom
			#print on port ,portfrom
			#print xmlrcv	
			return (xmlrcv,hostfrom)
		except :
			#print TimeOut
			return False

	def send(self,hostto,xml):	
			#name=raw_input('Insert IP or name to send command  ') #
			port = 40004
			buf = 5000
			addr = (host,port)
			dtd=?xml version=\1.0\ encoding=\UTF-8\?!DOCTYPE meshap-manager PUBLIC \\ \MeshAP2.1.3.dtd\ 
			packet=pack('i 5000s',lenght,xml)
			print Sending message ',packet,'.done
			return False-- 

RE: event/job scheduling

2006-02-23 Thread Tim Golden
| i'd like to do the following kind of event/job scheduling:
| run some task(s) (python code) everyday at (say) 8am for (say) a week.
| i need to do this for both windows xp and suse linux 
| machines. although i know
| that i can use cron or its equivalent in windows to kick off 
| the python interpreter,
| i was kinda hoping python has a builtin mechanism i can use 
| for both OSes.
| can python's scheduler class do the job? if so, can someone 
| share some code
| snippets (it's not clear to me from reading the docs if 
| python's scheduler class
| can do the job).
| if python's scheduler class cannot do the job, can someone 
| recommend a third-party software/library that can do the job? 
|  thanks for any help!

This was a Google-guess:


I seem to remember that Irmen de Jong (of
Pyro fame) had something similar, Kronos? 
but I can't seem to find it now.


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Re: PyUNO with different Python

2006-02-23 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Stefan Behnel wrote:
 M�ta-MCI schrieb:
 The second way don't run:
 Traceback (most recent call last): File C:\Program
 Files\OpenOffice.org 2.0\program\hello_world.py, line 1, in? 
 import uno File C:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org
 2.0\program\uno.py, line 37, in ? import pyuno ImportError: Module
 use of python23.dll conflicts with this version of Python.
 Sounds like you might want to switch back to Python 2.3 ...

Yes and no.
I have both 2.3 and 2.4 on my debian system and with both, the program
at: http://udk.openoffice.org/python/samples/ooextract.py

work well with a modify:
before the first line import uno, add:

import sys

Now, save the program, move it where you want, and go:

michele:~$ python2.3 tmp/ooextract.py --pdf test.odt
michele:~$ python2.4 tmp/ooextract.py --pdf test.odt

Both create the test.pdf file!

P.s. Before execute the script, execute OOo:
soffice -accept=socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;



PyAtom, a Python module for creating Atom syndication feeds

2006-02-23 Thread Steve R. Hastings
Hello.  I have written a module called PyAtom.  It is designed to make it
really easy to create an Atom syndication feed.

Atom is a format similar to RSS, but with some additional features.


From my Google searches, I think the name PyAtom is available, so I have
been calling my module by that name.  If this is a bad name, please let me
know, and I'll change it.

I intend to donate this to the Python Software Foundation, so I have
released it under the terms of the Academic Free License 2.1.

You can download it from here:


The file includes a readme.txt file with a few notes, and pyatom.py.

I had a great time writing this.  Please let me know what you think of it.
Comment here in comp.lang.python, or send email to me.  I have created a
special email address just for PyAtom questions and comments:


P.S. Should I publish this to the Cheese Shop?


Steve R. HastingsVita est
[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.blarg.net/~steveha


Re: new wooden door step - fixing and finishing

2006-02-23 Thread EP
jkn wrote:

Hi all
I'm considering having a go at replacing the wooden door step to
our back door. The original is loose and rotting.

I'm sure some of this will be clearer when I remove the (metal) door
frame - how is such a step fixed? Vertical frame fixings?

Also, any suggestions for treating/finishing such an item, subject to
heavy use, to prevent future rot? I was wondering about treating it
wilth liberal amounts of Teak Oil or similar...

Jon N



Wood rots so no matter how you build it you are going to find yourself 
arm deep in the framing wiedling nails and wood shims in the future.  
The important thing is that you develop a proper level of documentation 
and incorporate it right into your new steps.  If the original builder 
had done this you would not now be asking these questions.

Good working documentation can be easily achieved by writing comments 
right onto the workings beneath the steps, however these comments need 
to be meaningful; an over abundance of obvious comments (Nail goes 
here!) will actually make future rework harder.

If you have practiced proper documentation on your other projects, 
you'll do fine when you employ it here building your new steps.  Don't 
even think about teak oil until you have documented a well designed 
framework.  And remember, you're working in wood, you are going to need 
to tweak things here and there in the future

I might also recommend an object oriented approach, but I guess that's 

Happy hammering!


'rar' is not recognized as an internal or external command��������

2006-02-23 Thread ���ϲ��

'rar' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

import os
import time
source = [r'e:\temp\code',r'e:\temp\domains']
target_dir = r'e:\temp\bak'
target = target_dir+time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')+'.rar'
rar_cmd = rar a -idcdp %s %s % (target,' '.join(source))
print rar_cmd
if os.system(r'cd D:\Program Files\WinRAR') == 0:
  if os.system(rar_cmd) == 0:
print 'Successful backup to',target
print 'Backup Failed!'
  print 'FAILED!!!'

'rar' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

rar a -idcdp e:\temp\bak20060222191139.rar e:\temp\code e:\temp\domains
Backup Failed!


D:\cd D:\Program Files\WinRAR

D:\Program Files\WinRARrar a -idcdp e:\temp\bak20060222191139.rar

Creating archive e:\temp\bak20060222191139.rar

Addinge:\temp\Code\Code\.project  OK
Addinge:\temp\Code\Code\common\Code.class OK
Addinge:\temp\Code\Code\common\Code.java  OK
Addinge:\temp\Code\Code   OK
Addinge:\temp\domains\medrec.jar  OK
Addinge:\temp\domains\wls.jar OK
Addinge:\temp\domains\wlw.jar OK
Addinge:\temp\domains OK

D:\Program Files\WinRAR




Path (graph) shower utility

2006-02-23 Thread Durumdara
Hi !

I need to create a program that read eml file headers, analyze the 
receive tags and create a path database. I finished with this program 

But I want to show a graphical summary about the paths.

This is (what I want to show) like a graph - show ways, stations, etc, 
and I want to show the strength of lines (how many of mails use this way).

Can anyone known about a freeware tool, software, or python module that 
can show graphs with best alignments ?

Please help me. Thanx for it:


Re: PyAtom, a Python module for creating Atom syndication feeds

2006-02-23 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Steve R. Hastings [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I intend to donate this to the Python Software Foundation, so I have
 released it under the terms of the Academic Free License 2.1.

 You can download it from here:


 The file includes a readme.txt file with a few notes, and pyatom.py.

Very interesting, I was looking forward to something like that in the past and
found atomixlib but it has heavy dependencies. Yours seems nicer. Anyway, you
don't follow PEP 8 guidelines and AFAIK a module must be widespread and used by
the community before can be accepted in the Python core. The same happened with
Lundh's ElementTree

Good job :)

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Anyone can freely use whatever he wants but the light at the end
of the tunnel for most of his problems is Python

Re: PyUNO with different Python

2006-02-23 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Katja Suess wrote:
 Thanks. What I have in mind is to write a Python script to generate
 PDFs from a set of ODTs.

Pay attention that you have a OOo program running somewhere that accept
the connection from your zope server (I don't think that you have a X
server running on it.)

 This script has to run in Zope which brings its own Python. My
 problem is the setup of PyUNO with this Python which is not the OO
 included one.

Try with the little modify that I wrote and the other post and let us know.

 Hope to find a Mac user who made/solved similar experience... 
 Regards, Katja


Re: PyAtom, a Python module for creating Atom syndication feeds

2006-02-23 Thread Steve R. Hastings
 you don't follow PEP 8 guidelines

Why do you say this?  I don't think the code is perfectly polished and
ready to be called version 1.0, but I think it follows PEP 8 more than not.

 and AFAIK a module must be widespread and used by
 the community before can be accepted in the Python core.

I said I intend to donate it to PSF.  I didn't say they would do anything
with it...  :-)  That's up to them, of course.

 Good job :)

Thank you.
Steve R. HastingsVita est
[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.blarg.net/~steveha



2006-02-23 Thread JCDenton

I found this interface 


I am actually have troubles to get it working. Some warnings and
errors occur when I try to start it. If anybody will have a look on
it na dget in running with python 2.4, please let me know.

I think it is a promising project and may be there will be an
interface for Yacas in Python one day? 




make a class instance from a string ?

2006-02-23 Thread Bo Yang
I know in java , we can use


to get an instance of the class 'classname' from a
string , in python , how do I do that ?

Thanks in advance !


Re: PyAtom, a Python module for creating Atom syndication feeds

2006-02-23 Thread Lawrence Oluyede
Steve R. Hastings [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Why do you say this?  I don't think the code is perfectly polished and
 ready to be called version 1.0, but I think it follows PEP 8 more than not.

docstrings of method are messed up (why you begin them from the column 0?)


Function Names

  Function names should be lowercase, with words separated by underscores
  as necessary to improve readability.

  mixedCase is allowed only in contexts where that's already the
  prevailing style (e.g. threading.py), to retain backwards compatibility.

you use ThisCase for methods, quit ugly IMHO

Lawrence - http://www.oluyede.org/blog
Anyone can freely use whatever he wants but the light at the end
of the tunnel for most of his problems is Python

Re: a little more help with python server-side scripting

2006-02-23 Thread Magnus Lycka
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 20:43:38 GMT, John Salerno
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
Does that answer the question about active scripting language?
   Slipping in... It sure sounds to me like they have Python as a pure
 CGI language.
 That is:
   You must reference the script with a URL having .../script.py (and
 arguments will possibly be sent appended to this, but should have been
 parsed out and become part of the standard CGI environment).

If you want existing links to continue to work, you can simply
place HTML redirects in the current HTML files, so that they
invoke the proper Python CGI script, i.e. somepage.html should
contain a redirect to /my_cgi.py?page=somepage

I've roughly described in a previous posting how my_cgi.py should
work. Just let it suck in the file with the 'somepage' content,
and add the header and footer stuff.

You'll find Python CGI tutorials on the net, and the library
reference chapters on cgi and cgitb will also help. Start by
enabling cgitb...


Re: bsddb3 database file, are there any unexpected file size limits occuring in practice?

2006-02-23 Thread Claudio Grondi
Klaas wrote:
 Claudio Grondi wrote:
Beside the intended database file
I see in same directory also the
files where
   __db.003 is ten times as larger as the databaseFile.bdb
   __db.001 has the same size as the databaseFile.bdb .
 I can't tell you exactly what each is, but they are the files that the
 shared environment (DBEnv) uses to coordinate multi-process access to
 the database.  In particular, the big one is likely the mmap'd cache
 (which defaults to 5Mb, I believe).
 You can safely delete them, but probably shouldn't while your program
 is executing.
Is there any _good_ documentation of the bsddb3 module around beside
this provided with this module itself, where it is not necessary e.g. to
guess, that C integer value of zero (0) is represented in Python by the
value None returned in case of success by db.open() ?
 This is the only documentation available, AFAIK:
 For most of the important stuff it is necessary to dig into the bdb
 docs themselves.
Thank you for the reply.

Probably to avoid admitting, that the documentation is weak a positive 
way of stating this was found by using the phrase:

   Berkeley DB was designed by programmers, for programmers.

So I have to try to get an excavator ;-) to speed up digging the docs 
and maybe even the source, right?

Are there online somewhere any useful simple examples of applications 
using the Berkeley DB I could learn from?

I am especially interested in using the multimap feature activated using 
db.set_flags(bsddb3.db.DB_DUPSORT) and fear, that after the database 
file size will grow during mapping tokens to the files they occur in (I 
have appr. 10 million files which I want to build a search index for) I 
will hit some unexpected limits and the project will fail like it 
happened to me once in the past when I tried to use MySQL for similar 
purpose (after the database file has grown over 2 GByte MySQL just began 
to hang when trying to add some more records).
I am on a Windows using the NTFS file system, so I don't expect problems 
with too large file size. In between I have also already working Python 
code performing the basic database operations I will need to feed and 
query the database.
Has someone used Berkeley DB for similar purpose and can tell me, that 
actually in practice (not in theory stated in the feature list of the 
Berkeley DB) I must not fear any problems?
It took me some days of continuous updating the MySQL database to see, 
that there is an unexpected strange limit for the database file size. I 
still have no idea what the actual cause of the problem with MySQL was 
(I suppose it in having only 256 MB RAM available that time) as it is 
known that MySQL databases larger than 2 GByte exist and are in daily 
use :-( .

This are the reasons why I would be glad to hear how to avoid running 
into a similar problem again _before_ I start to torture my machine with 
filling the appropriate Berkeley DB database with entries.



Re: 'rar' is not recognized as an internal or external command£¿£¿£¿ £¿

2006-02-23 Thread Claudio Grondi
Ê÷Éϲä»Ò wrote:
 'rar' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
 operable program or batch file.
 import os
 import time
 source = [r'e:\temp\code',r'e:\temp\domains']
 target_dir = r'e:\temp\bak'
 target = target_dir+time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')+'.rar'
 rar_cmd = rar a -idcdp %s %s % (target,' '.join(source))
 print rar_cmd
 if os.system(r'cd D:\Program Files\WinRAR') == 0:
   if os.system(rar_cmd) == 0:
 print 'Successful backup to',target
 print 'Backup Failed!'
   print 'FAILED!!!'
 'rar' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
 operable program or batch file.
 rar a -idcdp e:\temp\bak20060222191139.rar e:\temp\code e:\temp\domains
 Backup Failed!
It is always a good idea to use full path file location specs like:
rar_cmd = rD:\Program Files\WinRAR\rar.exe a -idcdp %s %s % (target,' 
Have not tested it, but I suppose it will do the job.

 D:\cd D:\Program Files\WinRAR
 D:\Program Files\WinRARrar a -idcdp e:\temp\bak20060222191139.rar
 Creating archive e:\temp\bak20060222191139.rar
 Addinge:\temp\Code\Code\.project  OK
 Addinge:\temp\Code\Code\common\Code.class OK
 Addinge:\temp\Code\Code\common\Code.java  OK
 Addinge:\temp\Code\Code   OK
 Addinge:\temp\domains\medrec.jar  OK
 Addinge:\temp\domains\wls.jar OK
 Addinge:\temp\domains\wlw.jar OK
 Addinge:\temp\domains OK
 D:\Program Files\WinRAR

Re: make a class instance from a string ?

2006-02-23 Thread bearophileHUGS
Bo Yang:
 to get an instance of the class 'classname' from a
 string , in python , how do I do that ?

This is a possibile way:

class C: pass
c = locals()[C]()
print c



CSV module and UNICODE

2006-02-23 Thread Rudy Schockaert
I'm having problems writing unicode to a csv file.I use the following code:-import codecsimport csvcsvfile = csv.writer(codecs.open('filename.csv','w+','utf-8'))a = u'\xc9'
-It fails with the message: UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode .Is there any way I can solve this.PEP 305
What about Unicode?  Is it sufficient to pass a file object gotten
from codecs.open()?  For example:
csvreader = csv.reader(codecs.open(some.csv, r, cp1252))csvwriter = csv.writer(codecs.open(some.csv, w, utf-8))

In the first example, text would be assumed to be encoded as cp1252.
Should the system be aggressive in converting to Unicode or should
Unicode strings only be returned if necessary?
In the second example, the file will take care of automatically
encoding Unicode strings as utf-8 before writing to disk.
Note: As of this writing, the csv module doesn't handle Unicode
/PEP 305PEP 305 was last modified on Wed, 11 Aug 2004 Has something changed in between?

Thanks in advance,Rudy

Re: CSV module and UNICODE

2006-02-23 Thread Rudy Schockaert
Forgot to mention that I work on Windows XP and Windows 2003.On 2/23/06, Rudy Schockaert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:I'm having problems writing unicode to a csv file.I use the following code:
-import codecsimport csvcsvfile = csv.writer(codecs.open('filename.csv','w+','utf-8'))a = u'\xc9'
-It fails with the message: UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode .Is there any way I can solve this.PEP 305
What about Unicode?  Is it sufficient to pass a file object gotten
from codecs.open()?  For example:
csvreader = csv.reader(codecs.open(some.csv, r, cp1252))csvwriter = csv.writer(codecs.open(some.csv, w, utf-8))

In the first example, text would be assumed to be encoded as cp1252.
Should the system be aggressive in converting to Unicode or should
Unicode strings only be returned if necessary?
In the second example, the file will take care of automatically
encoding Unicode strings as utf-8 before writing to disk.
Note: As of this writing, the csv module doesn't handle Unicode
/PEP 305PEP 305 was last modified on 
Wed, 11 Aug 2004 Has something changed in between?

Thanks in advance,Rudy

-- It is not economical to go to bed early to save the candles if the result is twins. - Chinese Proverb 

Re: 'rar' is not recognized as an internal or external commandŁżŁżŁż Łż

2006-02-23 Thread Dejan Rodiger
Ę÷ÉϲäťŇ said the following on 23.02.2006 10:03:
 rar_cmd = r'D:\Program Files\WinRAR\rar.exe a -idcdp %s %s' % (target,' 

You can't cd to d:\Program Files\WinRAR and then call rar

You have to call rar with full path.

from subprocess import *
retcode = call([r'D:\Program Files\WinRAR\rar.exe', 'a', '-idcdp', target,
' '.join(source)])
if retcode == 0:
print everything OK
Dejan Rodiger - PGP ID 0xAC8722DC
Delete wirus from e-mail address

Re: ANN: Urwid 0.9.0 - Console UI library

2006-02-23 Thread Thomas Dickey
Ian Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   - New raw_display module that handles console display without relying
 on external libraries.  This module was written as a work around
 for the lack of UTF-8 support in the standard version of ncurses.

The standard version of ncurses has supported UTF-8 for the past few
years.  You may perhaps mean default configuration, which has a
different connotation.

Thomas E. Dickey

Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-23 Thread Paul Boddie
Kay Schluehr wrote:

 I would say yes, it is still proper Python in that each RPython
 program is also a CPython program.

I suppose it depends on which direction you're coming from, in that
many Python programs just wouldn't be able to run in RPython. But then
I can understand the convenience of having a subset of Python that is
executable by CPython, but which can also be inspected and processed
for other purposes, and whose programs maintain their semantics in both



Re: make a class instance from a string ?

2006-02-23 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Bo Yang wrote:

 I know in java , we can use
 to get an instance of the class 'classname' from a
 string , in python , how do I do that ?

You can use

  getattr(module, classname)(*arguments)



Re: a little more help with python server-side scripting

2006-02-23 Thread Magnus Lycka
John Salerno wrote:
 The python installation on our windows hosting is not configured as 

Perhaps you can switch to linux hosting instead?
If they have mod_python in that environment, you
can use Python Server Pages, and whatever tools
you use, there is much better support for Apache
than for IIS in Python (and many other) web
development tools. After all, Apache has almost 70%
of the web server share, and IIS has about 20%...

For mod_python's PSP support, see

Re: cx_Oracle and UTF8

2006-02-23 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Harald Armin  Massa wrote:

 I am looking for a method to convince cx_Oracle and oracle to encode
 it's replies in UTF8.
 For the moment I have to...
 cn=cx_Oracle.connect(user,password, database)
 cs.execute(select column1, column2, column3 from table)
 for row in cs.fetchall():
for i in range(0,len(row)):
   if hasattr(row[i],encode):
 print t
 Guess I am to much accustomed to postgresql which just allows set

You can do that in Oracle, too. It's called NLS (national language support),
and it is like a locale-setting in python/C. I'm too lazy to google right
now, but you should be able to alter the current connection's session to
deliver strings in whatever encoding is supportde (utf-8 being amongst


Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-23 Thread Torsten Bronger

Paul Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Kay Schluehr wrote:

 I would say yes, it is still proper Python in that each RPython
 program is also a CPython program.

 I suppose it depends on which direction you're coming from, in
 that many Python programs just wouldn't be able to run in
 RPython. But then I can understand the convenience of having a
 subset of Python that is executable by CPython, but which can also
 be inspected and processed for other purposes, and whose programs
 maintain their semantics in both situations.

I'm still afraid of the following scenario: Eventually, people might
regard RPython plus type declarations (or something similar) as
first-class Python because it's faster and runs on more
implementations, so they try to stick to it.  So effectively you
would have changed Python.

Maybe I misunderstood something because I could not follow all of
Kay's text but I think one should not change Python or create a
look-alike to allow for better implementations.  The language should
fit my brain rather than an implementation.


Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetusICQ 264-296-646

Re: Psychic bug

2006-02-23 Thread Raymond Hettinger
  a mutate function for a genetic algorithm which is giving me
 odd results. I suspect I'm missing somthing really simple, so I'd be
 grateful for any suggestions. Basically, when I comment out the line
 which is commented out below, it works fine (although of course it
 doesn't change the genome). When I uncomment it gen[letter]
 automagically gets the value base in the print statements, before the
 assignment has been made. And it still doesn't update the genome.

The code looks fine to me and your description suggests that the
problem lies elsewhere -- the genome instance is getting updated
but the tool to look at it is working on an unmutated copy.

When you see the automagic value assignment appearing before
the assignment is even made, it is a cue that the assignment got
made on a previous run and was esssentially already done when
the function was called a second time.

An easy way to see this in action is to add print statements to the
beginning and end of the mutate function:

print self.genome[:70]

So, I think the error is likely in the calling code and not in the
mutate function.



Re: using breakpoints in a normal interactive session

2006-02-23 Thread R. Bernstein
In revising pydb the code and documentation for the routine originally
described, I learn that the pdb equivalent (sort of) is called

However set_trace() will terminate the program when you quit the
debugger, so I've retained this routine and made a couple of
corrections -- in particular to support a restart and make show args
work. The changes are in pydb's CVS. Lacking a better name, the
routine is called debugger.  

There is one other difference between set_trace() and debugger().  In
set_trace you stop at the statement following set_trace(), With
debugger() the call trace shows you in debugger and you may need to
switch to the next most-recent call frame to get info about the
program being debugged.

A downside of the debugger() approach is that debug session
information can't be saved between calls: each call is a new instance
of the debugger and when it is left via quit the instance is
destroyed. (In the case of pydb.set_trace() the issue never comes up
because the program is terminated on exit.)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (R. Bernstein) writes:

 Here's what I was able to do using the Extended Python debugger.

Re: except clause not catching IndexError

2006-02-23 Thread Roy Smith
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And here I was thinking that commas make tuples, not 
 brackets. What is happening here?

What is happening is that the syntax for forming tuples is one of Python's 
warts.  Sometimes the comma is what makes a tuple:

 a = 1, 2
 type (a)
type 'tuple'

Sometimes, it is the parens:

 b = ()
 type (b)
type 'tuple'

Sometimes the syntax is ambiguous and you need both.  This happens anytime 
you have a list of comma separated things, such as in the arguments to a 

a = foo (1, 2)   # two integer arguments
b = foo ((a, 2)) # one tuple argument

The except clause of a try statement is one of those times.

Re: computer algebra packages

2006-02-23 Thread JCDenton
 Well is there an open source computer algebra system written in
 or at least having a python interface?
 I know of 2 efforts: pythonica and pyginac...are there any others?

There is mascyma 
that is a pyhton based interface to maxima. I do not know how it
works, since it does not work for me in the moment.  The window
appears on screen but I get no promt in the moment.



Re: except clause not catching IndexError

2006-02-23 Thread Sion Arrowsmith
Steven D'Aprano  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
You mean to say that except X,Y: gives different 
results to except (X,Y):?
 [ ... ]
And here I was thinking that commas make tuples, not 
brackets. What is happening here?

Similar kind of thing to what's happening here:

 print Hello,, world!
Hello, world!
 print (Hello, world!)
('Hello', 'world!')

And for that matter foo(a, b) v. foo((a, b)). Commas make
tuples, but they're also argument separators, and if you're
using a tuple as an argument you need the brackets to
indicate precedence.

\S -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- http://www.chaos.org.uk/~sion/
  ___  |  Frankly I have no feelings towards penguins one way or the other
  \X/  |-- Arthur C. Clarke
   her nu becomeþ se bera eadward ofdun hlæddre heafdes bæce bump bump bump

Get Root access in Linux?

2006-02-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Does anyone know how to call for the root prompt before launching your
Kinda like synaptic or the superuser file manager does?




Re: What's up with this code?

2006-02-23 Thread Gregory Petrosyan
That's it! Thanks a lot!


Re: reviews of unit test frameworks

2006-02-23 Thread Kent Johnson
kanchy kang wrote:
 Is there any reviews/remarks on these frameworks?
 nose, OOBTest,testosterone, py.test, Sancho.


Re: why don't many test frameworks support file-output?

2006-02-23 Thread Kent Johnson
kanchy kang wrote:
 i browsed the following frameworks briefly: nose, OOBTest,
 testosterone,  py.test, Sancho ... and found out they do support 
 imediate screen-output only.

unittest.TextTestRunner() has an optional stream argument that would let 
you output to a file.


Re: Pyserial never read

2006-02-23 Thread luca72

I see the read data with a sniffer.

with the same serial caracteristic in delphi i obtain the right answer.

I use serial writestr and serial readstr.

If the serial package is anything like regular file I/O, that
line will buffer/block until a new-line character is received, then
return data upto/including the new-line. If the inbound data has
multiple lines, you need individual readlines.

For example i i send D036EC the right answer is
D036ECFFBC35DC44 etc...
i need new Line?

why if i use ser.read(10) i see only the first 5 byte and not the rest,
why if i use the inwaigth i answer that i have only 5 byte to read.




Re: Get Root access in Linux?

2006-02-23 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

 Does anyone know how to call for the root prompt before launching your
 Kinda like synaptic or the superuser file manager does?

That is Windowmanager/Desktop dependand. For KDE, you can e.g. create links
to applications that instruct the KDE to first acquire root privileges. As
gnome and KDE try to become more cooperative especially in config-issues,
you might be lucky and can use one mechanism for both.

However, this is neither a python nor a general unix thing. For better
answers, try and search the KDE/gnome resources.


Re: editor for Python on Linux

2006-02-23 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2006-02-19, Mladen Adamovic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wonder which editor or IDE you can recommend me for writing
 Python programs. I tried with jEdit but it isn't perfect.


Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  Vote for ME
  at   -- I'm well-tapered,
   visi.comhalf-cocked, ill-conceived

Re: What's up with this code?

2006-02-23 Thread Gregory Petrosyan
Oh, by the way, is there any documentation about time of execution of
standart functions (is len(list) O(1) or O(n), etc) and is there any C
version of decimal?


Re: make a class instance from a string ?

2006-02-23 Thread Luke Plant
Bo Yang wrote:

 I know in java , we can use


 to get an instance of the class 'classname' from a
 string , in python , how do I do that ?

In Python, classes are first class objects, so normally you would pass
the class itself around, rather than use the names of classes.  Of
course that might not be practical or applicable in your situation.



catching traceback.print_exc()

2006-02-23 Thread Philippe Martin

Is there a way to catch  traceback.print_exc() output into a string ?



Re: cx_Oracle and UTF8

2006-02-23 Thread Harald Armin Massa

thank you for your answer.

 It's called NLS (national language support),
and it is like a locale-setting in python/C. I'm too lazy to google right

Sad thing: I allready googled that and had to learn: you CAN definitely
change some parameters, that is sort order and language for error
messages with
alter session set NLSREGION  and set NLSLANGUAGE

The only part about the charset is with NLSLANG, which could be set to

BUT ... NLSLANG is no per-session parameter, not setable per alter
session, it needs to get set within the environment to make SQLPLUS
recognize it.  (and, I do of course use python not sqlplus=

In another of the WWW I learned that NLSLANG has to be set on per
connection basis; not on per cursor / session basis; so my primary
suspect is cx_Oracle.Connection ... but those objects to not have a
visible method with any encoding in it.



Re: Python vs. Lisp -- please explain

2006-02-23 Thread Paul Boddie
Alexander Schmolck wrote:
 Rocco Moretti [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I think it's worth pointing out that not all dynamicism is equal, when it
  comes to difficulty in compiling to machine code.

 No kidding (do you have any idea how this thread started out?).

I had to remind myself.

  Lisp, like the good functional language that it is, has (primarily) 
  values, and minimal side effects.
 [further nonsense snipped]

 Please don't spread misinformation about things about which you are 

I don't see why you have to be quite so blunt, here. Anyway, some of
the observations made about Python, especially when any comparisons
with Lisp (once corrected) show that Python is more similar to Lisp
than previously thought, are worth considering with respect to things
like type inference and the subsequent generation of low-level code.

 [1]  Just as a minor illustrative detail: in python 2 out of 4 builtin
  collection types are immutable (tuples and strings; newer versions also
  have immutable and mutable sets) in CL 5 out of 5 are mutable
  (arrays/vectors/strings, hash-tables, cons cells).

Well, apart from a brief encounter with Lisp back in the microcomputer
era, I've only just got back into looking at the language, and I
suppose I'll eventually find out how the optional type declarations
mentioned occasionally in connection with Lisp actually manage to
handle the harder problems around efficient code generation. I haven't
really studied type systems or compilers in any depth, however, but
having considered the issues for a while I'd like to think that my
rating has progressed from clueless to mostly clueless by this



Re: catching traceback.print_exc()

2006-02-23 Thread Philippe Martin

format_exc(  [limit[, file]])
This is like print_exc(limit) but returns a string instead of printing to a
file. New in version 2.4.

Philippe Martin wrote:

 Is there a way to catch  traceback.print_exc() output into a string ?


Re: No (and a meaningless subject here too!)

2006-02-23 Thread Gaz
Aye, but i dont need to run an FTP daemon every time i want to upload
an image to Imageshack or any other website.

About the topic name, yes, it's meaningless and its a shame. I fucked
it up when typing the title =P


regular expresson for Unix and Dos Lineendings wanted

2006-02-23 Thread Franz Steinhaeusler
Hello, I need a regularexpression, which trims trailing whitespaces.

While with unix line endings, it works; 
but not with Window (Dos) CRLF's:

 import re
 retrailingwhitespace = re.compile('(?=\S)[ \t]+$', re.MULTILINE)

1) Windows
 newtext, n = retrailingwhitespace.subn('', r)

2) Unix
 newtext, n = retrailingwhitespace.subn('', r)

Who can help me (regular expression, which works for both cases).

Thank you in advance!
Franz Steinhaeusler

Re: Get Root access in Linux?

2006-02-23 Thread Harlin Seritt
sudo is something of a quick fix.

Harlin Seritt


Re: mascyma

2006-02-23 Thread Harlin Seritt
You'll almost certainly need to take a look at mascyma's support
facilities: support web page, forum, etc (provided they do indeed

Harlin Seritt



2006-02-23 Thread Mimi
I use the pyserial to read data from a serial port.
My code is in window Xp and python 2.4. when I use Hyperteminal I can
read data without try and try again that it is not the case with
pyserial library.
anyone can help me ?
this is a part of my code:

self.ser = serial.Serial()
self.ser.baudrate = 9600
self.ser.port = 3
self.ser.timeout= 10
self.ser.bytesize = serial.EIGHTBITS
self.ser.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE
self.ser.xonxoff = 0

   nbHisto = 144
   for i in range(0,nbHisto):
while 1:
print self.ser.flushInput()
print self.ser.flushOutput()
cmd = %xs\r %(i+1)
self.ser.write(%s %cmd)

#print cmd

histo = self.ser.readlines()
#print histo
if histo:
if histo==\r\n:

histoAdresse = int(histo[0].strip('\r\n'))
print histoAdresse

dateHisto_cur = listeFenetreNonNul[%s
print dateHisto_cur


print Adresse pas trouvee dans le
systeme %s %(histoAdresse)
# End if

# End while
#End for



Re: Which is faster? (if not b in m) or (if m.count(b) 0)

2006-02-23 Thread Peter Hansen
Farel wrote:
 Thank you, Peter!  Please understand, I was attempting to get more info
 on the WHY x is faster than y...  from those with more experience.
 Timer cannot give me that info.

Thanks for clarifying.  For future reference, it's traditional in 
English to use the word why in a question when you're asking WHY, 
rather than, say, phrasing the question like this:

Farel wrote:

  Tim, Are you saying that:
   not (b in m)
  is faster than:
  b not in m



Re: Psychic bug

2006-02-23 Thread Gerard Flanagan
Jennifer Hallinan wrote:

 I have a mutate function for a genetic algorithm which is giving me
 odd results. I suspect I'm missing somthing really simple, so I'd be
 grateful for any suggestions. Basically, when I comment out the line
 which is commented out below, it works fine (although of course it
 doesn't change the genome). When I uncomment it gen[letter]
 automagically gets the value base in the print statements, before the
 assignment has been made. And it still doesn't update the genome.
 Genome is a string of integers in the range 0- 3, hence the

 def Mutate(self, mrate):
 g = Random(rseed)
 # If no mutation rate specified, use 1 per genome
 if mrate == -1:
 mrate = 1.0/len(self.genome)
 print mrate is , mrate

 print original genome: 
 print self.genome
 # convert genome to a list
 gen = [ord(letter)-48 for letter in self.genome]

 for letter in range(len(gen)):
 rnum = g.random()
 if rnum  mrate:
 base = g.randint(0,3)
 print base is , base
 print pos , letter, gen[letter],  to , base
 #gen[letter] = base

 # convert list back to a string
 self.genome = ''.join([str(x) for x in gen])
 print final genome
 print self.genome





how about storing the genome data as a list, then converting to a
string if needs be?

import random

class Genome(object):

def __init__(self, genome):
self.genome = list(genome)
self.mrate = 1.0/len(genome)

def __str__(self):
return ''.join(self.genome)

def Mutate(self):
for i in range(len(self.genome)):
if random.random()  self.mrate:
self.genome[i] = str(random.randint(0,2))

G = Genome( '10021010212021110' )
print G
print G
G.mrate = 0.8
print G



Re: regular expresson for Unix and Dos Lineendings wanted

2006-02-23 Thread Martin Franklin
Franz Steinhaeusler wrote:
 Hello, I need a regularexpression, which trims trailing whitespaces.
 While with unix line endings, it works; 
 but not with Window (Dos) CRLF's:
 import re
 retrailingwhitespace = re.compile('(?=\S)[ \t]+$', re.MULTILINE)
 1) Windows
 newtext, n = retrailingwhitespace.subn('', r)
 2) Unix
 newtext, n = retrailingwhitespace.subn('', r)
 Who can help me (regular expression, which works for both cases).
 Thank you in advance!

why not use string methods strip, rstrip and lstrip


Re: cx_Oracle and UTF8

2006-02-23 Thread Gerhard Häring
Harald Armin Massa wrote:
 thank you for your answer.
It's called NLS (national language support),
and it is like a locale-setting in python/C. I'm too lazy to google right
 Sad thing: I allready googled that and had to learn: you CAN definitely
 change some parameters, that is sort order and language for error
 messages with
 alter session set NLSREGION  and set NLSLANGUAGE
 The only part about the charset is with NLSLANG, which could be set to
 BUT ... NLSLANG is no per-session parameter, not setable per alter
 session, it needs to get set within the environment to make SQLPLUS
 recognize it.  (and, I do of course use python not sqlplus= [...]

This is handled by the OCI, which both your Pyhton interface and SQLPLUS 
use. You should be able to do something like:

import os
os.environ[NLS_LANG] = German_Germany.UTF8
import cx_Oracle
con = cx_Oracle.connect(me/[EMAIL PROTECTED])
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute(select foo from bar)
print cur.fetchone()[0]


-- Gerhard

Re: How to force creation of a .pyc?

2006-02-23 Thread Peter Hansen
mrstephengross wrote:
 I would like to distribute a python program, but only in .pyc form (so
 that people cannot simply look at my code). Is there a way to do this?
 I've read up a little on the logic by which python creates .pyc's, and
 it sounds like python requires the main executed program to be in .py
 format. Any ideas?

Use the compileall module (e.g. function compile_dir) and run the .pyc 
file(s) directly.  Python doesn't care if the main one is in .py format 
and will happily run a .pyc if there's no matching .py file around.



Re: new wooden door step - fixing and finishing

2006-02-23 Thread Peter Hansen
Carl Friedrich Bolz wrote:
 I heard that wooden door steps will lead to much lower walking speeds. 

Don't assume: use the timeit module to find out for yourself.

 Isn't a low-level door step out of stone to be prefered?

What did you learn when you Googled for it?

-answering-entirely-in-character-ly y'rs,


Re: regular expresson for Unix and Dos Lineendings wanted

2006-02-23 Thread gene tani

Franz Steinhaeusler wrote:
 Hello, I need a regularexpression, which trims trailing whitespaces.

 While with unix line endings, it works;
 but not with Window (Dos) CRLF's:

  import re
  retrailingwhitespace = re.compile('(?=\S)[ \t]+$', re.MULTILINE)

 1) Windows
  newtext, n = retrailingwhitespace.subn('', r)

 2) Unix
  newtext, n = retrailingwhitespace.subn('', r)

 Who can help me (regular expression, which works for both cases).

universal newlines:


Re: regular expresson for Unix and Dos Lineendings wanted

2006-02-23 Thread Franz Steinhaeusler
On Thu, 23 Feb 2006 13:54:50 +, Martin Franklin

 2) Unix

why not use string methods strip, rstrip and lstrip

because this removes only the last spaces,
'erewr\r\nafjdskl '

I want:

or for unix line endings

Franz Steinhaeusler

Wierd Python error.

2006-02-23 Thread YourAverageJoe
To whom it may concern:

I'm running Fedora Core 4 on a rather low-spec system (considered good
cirkabout '99), this one program I'm trying to run is dependant on Python, so I
downloaded the RPM, but when I tried installing it, the following packages were
missing: python, python2, and /usr/bin/python. Pretty wierd, huh? I think so
too. Any way of solving the problem would make me one grateful human being!

With regards, Anonymous

Re: catching traceback.print_exc()

2006-02-23 Thread Peter Hansen
Philippe Martin wrote:
 Is there a way to catch  traceback.print_exc() output into a string ?

Presumably using one of the alternatives, like format_exc().  If that's 
not sufficient, maybe some example code to demonstrate what you really 
want would help.



Re: Get Root access in Linux?

2006-02-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I was thinking you can do a shell call or something and pass the info
for root access.


Re: make a class instance from a string ?

2006-02-23 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Luke Plant wrote:

 Bo Yang wrote:
 I know in java , we can use


 to get an instance of the class 'classname' from a
 string , in python , how do I do that ?
 In Python, classes are first class objects, so normally you would pass
 the class itself around, rather than use the names of classes.  Of
 course that might not be practical or applicable in your situation.

While JAVA is severely limited regarding the number of seats in the first
class, classes _are_ sitting there.

The need for dynamic attribute look up is even more frequent in python -
think getattr, __getitem__, __getattr__.


Re: using breakpoints in a normal interactive session

2006-02-23 Thread dan . gass
Carl -- Perfect!  That is exactly what I want.  I hoped it would be
that easy.  Thanks for taking the time to post the solution.


Re: regular expresson for Unix and Dos Lineendings wanted

2006-02-23 Thread gene tani

gene tani wrote:
 Franz Steinhaeusler wrote:
  Who can help me (regular expression, which works for both cases).

 universal newlines:

if multiple end-of line markers are present (\r, \r\n and or \n), use
the file's newlines attribute to see what they are.  I think the thread
linked above touched on that.  Otherwise newlines (or os.linesep)
should tell you what end of line is in that file.



Re: list assignment

2006-02-23 Thread Bernhard Herzog
Norvell Spearman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Lutz and Ascher have tuple and list assignment as separate entries in
 their assignment statement forms table so I was expecting there to be
 some difference; thanks for setting me straight.

In older Python versions there was a difference between list unpacking
and tuple unpacking.  The former would only work with lists and the
latter with tuples.  With Python 1.5, both were unified into a more
general sequence unpacking, but for backwards compatibility both
syntaxes were kept.


Intevation GmbH http://intevation.de/
Skencil   http://skencil.org/
Thuban  http://thuban.intevation.org/

Re: Get Root access in Linux?

2006-02-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Then you have root access in that shell only, and not in the 'mother'
python process. I guess Harlins suggestion is the nest: run with sudo


Re: No (and a meaningless subject here too!)

2006-02-23 Thread Kent Johnson
Gaz wrote:
 Aye, but i dont need to run an FTP daemon every time i want to upload
 an image to Imageshack or any other website.

Did you google 'python cgi file upload' yet? Several people have pointed 
you to an answer that doesn't use FTP.

Re: regular expresson for Unix and Dos Lineendings wanted

2006-02-23 Thread Franz Steinhaeusler
On 23 Feb 2006 06:44:36 -0800, gene tani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

gene tani wrote:
 Franz Steinhaeusler wrote:
  Who can help me (regular expression, which works for both cases).

 universal newlines:

if multiple end-of line markers are present (\r, \r\n and or \n), use
the file's newlines attribute to see what they are.  I think the thread
linked above touched on that.  Otherwise newlines (or os.linesep)
should tell you what end of line is in that file.


Thank you for your info.

I need it for a file, whose line endings I don't know.

I wrote for DrPython this script:
(using styled text control and wxPython) and this works,
but I'm looking for a shorter way:


import re
import string

eol = DrDocument.GetEndOfLineCharacter()
regex = re.compile('\s+' + eol, re.MULTILINE)

relewin = re.compile('\r\n', re.M)
releunix = re.compile('[^\r]\n', re.M)
relemac = re.compile('\r[^\n]', re.M)

text = DrDocument.GetText()

#check line endings
win = unix = mac = 0
if relewin.search(text):
win = 1
if releunix.search(text):
unix = 1
if relemac.search(text):
mac = 1
mixed = win + unix + mac

#correct the lineendings before
if mixed  1:
wx.MessageDialog(DrFrame, Line endings mixed, Remove trailing
Whitespace, wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION).ShowModal()

#ok to remove
lines = text.split(eol)
new_lines = []
nr_lines = 0
nr_clines = 0
first_cline = -1
for line in lines:
nr_lines += 1
result = regex.search(line + eol)
if result != None:
end = result.start()
nr_clines += 1
if first_cline == -1:
first_cline = nr_lines
new_lines.append (line [:end])

#file has trailing whitespaces
if nr_clines  0:
d = wx.MessageDialog(DrFrame, %d of %d lines have trailing
whitespaces (First:%d)\nCorrect? % (nr_clines, nr_lines, first_cline),
Remove trailing Whitespace, wx.OK | wx.CANCEL |
answer = d.ShowModal()
if (answer == wx.ID_OK):
newtext = string.join(new_lines, eol)
#save current line
curline = DrDocument.GetCurrentLine()
#jump to saved current line

#no need to change the file
wx.MessageDialog(DrFrame, File ok!, Remove trailing 

Franz Steinhaeusler

Re: Is python very slow compared to C

2006-02-23 Thread Magnus Lycka
Isaac Gouy wrote:
I think it is wrong to call Python very slow just because it is slower
than some other language or languages, for the same reason it would be
wrong to describe the population of the UK as very low because 60
million people is a smaller number than China or India's one billion plus.
Doing so merely reinforces the premature optimizer's message that any
language that isn't C (and sometimes Lisp) is not fast enough.
 There was some context: Is python very slow compared to C?

But that is a stupid context. It doesn't really tell us
anything. Slow at what?

No one writes a program for the purpose of doing loops,
comparing integers, setting up stack frames or jumping
between instructions.

The context for programming typically involves solving some
problem or executing a function that matters to the user.

It's just as database benchmarks. TPC C benchmarks tells us
how fast a certain database is at performing TPC C benchmarks.
Does that tell you anything about how fast it will be compared
to competing products for your real world problem? Probably
not. Which ever product you choose, you might end up with
situations where a particular function is too slow. You can
typically solve this either by changing the code or the
configuration of the server. Sometimes you have to rethink
your system and solve the problem in another way. Changing
from e.g. DB2 to Oracle is unlikely to have more impact than
these smaller changes. It's the same thing with most software

 The benchmark you pointed to are of limited use for application
 developers. (Their value to language designers is another story.)
 Limited use for what purpose?

They are more or less useless for anyone who wants to decide
what programming language to use in a real world situation.
It's simply stupid to implement sorting algorithms in Python.
It's there already. Solving Ackermann's is also rather far
from what people typically want to achieve. If people actually
had the time and resources to create real software products,
(i.e. things that take man-months to create) from the same
spec, and developed e.g. ten programs each each ten different
programming languages in cleanroom conditions, we'd probably
learn something useful about the usefulness of a certain type
of programs with certain programming languages in certain
conditions, but only in these conditions. I'm rather certain
that aspects such as team size, development methodology etc
will influence the relative ratings of programs.

I'm not saying that the typical toy benchmarks are completely
useless. They might tell us things about particular language
features that should be improved, or give us clues that a
certain way of solving a particular problem etc, but they
don't really help Joe Newbie Programmer who wants to write
yet another web site toolkit.

Re: computer algebra packages

2006-02-23 Thread Robert Kern
JCDenton wrote:
Well is there an open source computer algebra system written in
or at least having a python interface?
I know of 2 efforts: pythonica and pyginac...are there any others?

[Apologies for piggybacking.]


Robert Kern

In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die.
  -- Richard Harter


Re: regular expresson for Unix and Dos Lineendings wanted

2006-02-23 Thread Franz Steinhaeusler
On Thu, 23 Feb 2006 15:59:54 +0100, Franz Steinhaeusler

I need it for a file, whose line endings I don't know.

I wrote for DrPython this script:
(using styled text control and wxPython) and this works,
but I'm looking for a shorter way:

ah, sorry, I try to make this more clear again:

(DrDocument is instance of a styled text control)

import re
import string

def GetEndOfLineCharacter():
emode = DrDocument.GetEOLMode()
if emode == wx.stc.STC_EOL_CR:
  return '\r'
elif emode == wx.stc.STC_EOL_CRLF:
  return '\r\n'
return '\n'

text = DrDocument.GetText()

eol = GetEndOfLineCharacter()
regex = re.compile('\s+' + eol, re.MULTILINE)

lines = text.split(eol)

new_lines = []
for line in lines:
  result = regex.search(line + eol)
  if result != None:
end = result.start()
new_lines.append (line [:end])

newtext = string.join(new_lines, eol)

Franz Steinhaeusler

Re: Tix, spinboxes, and 1=5

2006-02-23 Thread cjbackhouse
 The entry in the spinbox is a string.

Thanks. The only question now is why oh why would anyone design
something so stupid.
(severely tempted to go back to a strongly typed language before even
finishing one program)


Re: Wierd Python error.

2006-02-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
did you download the rpm from http://www.python.org/2.4/rpms.html? The
it runs as /usr/bin/python2.4 - see QA section on this page


Detec nonascii in a string

2006-02-23 Thread Sebastian Bassi

How do I detect non-ascii letters in a string?
I want to detect the condition that a string have a letter that is not
here: string.ascii_letters

Best regards,

Bioinformatics news: http://www.bioinformatica.info
Lriser: http://www.linspire.com/lraiser_success.php?serial=318

Using repr() with escape sequences

2006-02-23 Thread nummertolv

My application is receiving strings, representing windows paths, from
an external source. When using these paths, by for instance printing
them using str() (print path), the backslashes are naturally
interpreted as escape characters.

 print d:\thedir
d:  hedir

The solution is to use repr() instead of str():

 print repr(d:\thedir)

What I have not been able to figure out is how to handle escape
sequences like \a, \b, \f, \v and \{any number} inside the paths. Using
repr() on these escape sequences either prints the hex value of the
character (if unprintable i guess) or some character ( like in the
last example below).

 print repr(d:\thedir\10)

 print repr(d:\thedir\foo)

 print repr(d:\thedir\100)

Could someone clear this out for me and let me know how I can find the
real path that I am trying to receive?



Re: formatted string like--- u'720 S'

2006-02-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 23 Feb 2006 08:00:16 -0700, Bell, Kevin wrote:

 I'm building a dictionary from values a database and upon print the
 dictionary I see key value pairs like this:
 u'Briarcliff' : [u'2500 E'],
 u'Shumway' : [ u'2600 E']
 do I need to slice off the u, or anything?  I know it has something to
 do with unicode but I don't know how to treat it.

No. The u is part of the display of the string, just like the quote marks. 

Ordinary strings are printed with ' ' delimiters.
Unicode strings are printed with u' ' delimiters.



Re: Using repr() with escape sequences

2006-02-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 23 Feb 2006 07:32:36 -0800, nummertolv wrote:

 My application is receiving strings, representing windows paths, from
 an external source. When using these paths, by for instance printing
 them using str() (print path), the backslashes are naturally
 interpreted as escape characters.
 print d:\thedir

No. What is happening here is not what you think is happening.

 The solution is to use repr() instead of str():

The solution to what? What is the problem? The way the strings are
DISPLAYED is surely not the issue, is it?

 print repr(d:\thedir)

You have created a string object: d:\thedir

That string object is NOT a Windows path. It contains a tab character,
just like the print statement shows -- didn't you wonder about the large
blank space in the string?

Python uses backslashes for character escapes. \t means a tab character.
When you enter d:\thedir you are embedding a tab between the colon and
the h.

The solutions to this problem are:

(1) Escape the backslash: d:\\thedir

(2) Use raw strings that don't use char escapes: rd:\thedir

(3) Use forward slashes, and let Windows automatically handle them:

However, if you are receiving strings from an external source, as you say,
and reading them from a file, this should not be an issue. If you read a
file containing d:\thedir, and print the string you have just read, the
print statement uses repr() and you will see that the string is just
what you expect:


You can also check for yourself that the string is correct by looking at
its length: nine characters.



Re: Detec nonascii in a string

2006-02-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 23 Feb 2006 12:32:35 -0300, Sebastian Bassi wrote:

 How do I detect non-ascii letters in a string?
 I want to detect the condition that a string have a letter that is not
 here: string.ascii_letters

for c in some_string:
if c not in string.ascii_letters:
raise ValueError(Non-ascii value!!!)

Instead of raising an error, you can take whatever action you prefer:

for c in some_string:
if c not in string.ascii_letters:
print Character '%s' is non-ascii. % repr(c)

Or turn it into a function:

def isascii(s):
for c in some_string:
if c not in string.ascii_letters:
return False
return True



Re: Detec nonascii in a string

2006-02-23 Thread Gerard Flanagan
Sebastian Bassi wrote:

 How do I detect non-ascii letters in a string?
 I want to detect the condition that a string have a letter that is not
 here: string.ascii_letters

 Best regards,

 Bioinformatics news: http://www.bioinformatica.info
 Lriser: http://www.linspire.com/lraiser_success.php?serial=318



eg.  ord(max(string))  128 ( Scott David Daniels ).



Re: Detec nonascii in a string

2006-02-23 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Sebastian Bassi wrote:

 How do I detect non-ascii letters in a string?
 I want to detect the condition that a string have a letter that is not
 here: string.ascii_letters


should do the trick -- you get an UnicodeError when there is anything ascii
can't encode.


Re: Unexpected timing results

2006-02-23 Thread Larry Bates
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 I have two code snippets to time a function object being executed. I
 expected that they should give roughly the same result, but one is more
 than an order of magnitude slower than the other.
 Here are the snippets:
 def timer1():
 timer = time.time
 func = lambda : None
 itr = [None] * 100
 t0 = timer()
 for _ in itr:
 t1 = timer()
 return t1 - t0
 def timer2():
 timer = time.time
 func = lambda : None
 itr = [None] * 100
 t = 0.0
 for _ in itr:
 t0 = timer()
 t1 = timer()
 t += t1 - t0
 return t
 Here are the results:
 Of course I expect timer2 should take longer to execute in total,
 because it is doing a lot more work. But it seems to me that all that
 extra work should not affect the time measured, which (I imagine) should
 be about the same as timer1. Possibly even less as it isn't timing the
 setup of the for loop.
 Any ideas what is causing the difference? I'm running Python 2.3 under


In timer2 you are making a million extra calls to timer()
function and doing a million additions and a million
subtractions that are not being done in timer1() function.
I think that is where your extra time is located.

-Larry Bates

Re: Unexpected timing results

2006-02-23 Thread Kent Johnson
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 I have two code snippets to time a function object being executed. I
 expected that they should give roughly the same result, but one is more
 than an order of magnitude slower than the other.
 Here are the snippets:
 def timer1():
 timer = time.time
 func = lambda : None
 itr = [None] * 100
 t0 = timer()
 for _ in itr:
 t1 = timer()
 return t1 - t0
 def timer2():
 timer = time.time
 func = lambda : None
 itr = [None] * 100
 t = 0.0
 for _ in itr:
 t0 = timer()
 t1 = timer()
 t += t1 - t0
 return t
 Here are the results:
 Of course I expect timer2 should take longer to execute in total,
 because it is doing a lot more work. But it seems to me that all that
 extra work should not affect the time measured, which (I imagine) should
 be about the same as timer1. Possibly even less as it isn't timing the
 setup of the for loop.
 Any ideas what is causing the difference? I'm running Python 2.3 under

You are including the cost of one call to timer() in each loop: The cost 
of returning the time from the first call to timer() and the the cost of 
getting the time in the second call. On my computer with Python 2.4:

D:\Projects\CBpython -m timeit -s import time;timer=time.time t=timer()
100 loops, best of 3: 0.498 usec per loop

which is almost exactly the same as the difference between timer1() and 
timer2() on my machine:
timer1 0.3094278
timer2 0.812000274658

using Python 2.4.2 on Win2k.


Re: No (and a meaningless subject here too!)

2006-02-23 Thread Gaz
Yeah, i did. Thank you, im analyzing the examples found. I'll post my
results :)


Re: Detec nonascii in a string

2006-02-23 Thread Tim Chase
  How do I detect non-ascii letters in a string? I want to detect the
  condition that a string have a letter that is not here:

I don't know how efficient it is, but it's fairly clean:

clean_string = ''.join([c for c in some_string if c in 

If you just want to do the detection, you can do

if [c for c in some_string if c not in string.ascii_letters]:
print hey, something's bogus!
print doing stuff with a the valid string %s % some_string

which takes advantage of the fact that an empty list is considered a 
False condition.



Re: Detec nonascii in a string

2006-02-23 Thread Sebastian Bassi
On 2/23/06, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 should do the trick -- you get an UnicodeError when there is anything ascii
 can't encode.

Thank you. This is good enought for me.
Best regards,

Bioinformatics news: http://www.bioinformatica.info
Lriser: http://www.linspire.com/lraiser_success.php?serial=318

Re: Using repr() with escape sequences

2006-02-23 Thread nummertolv
I think I might have misused the terms escape character and/or
escape sequence or been unclear in some other way because I seem to
have confused you. In any case you don't seem to be addressing my

I know that the \t in the example path is interpreted as the tab
character (that was part of the point of the example) and what the
strings are representing is irrelevant. And yes, the way the strings
are displayed is part of the issue.

So let me try to be clearer by boiling the problem down to this:

- Consider a string variable containing backslashes.
- One or more of the backslashes are followed by one of the letters
a,b,f,v or a number.

myString = bar\foo\12foobar

How do I print this string so that the output is as below?


typing 'print myString' prints the following:

baroo

and typing print repr(myString) prints this:


Hope this makes it clearer. I guess there is a simple solution to this
but I have not been able to find it. Thanks.



Re: a little more help with python server-side scripting

2006-02-23 Thread John Salerno
Sybren Stuvel wrote:

 Check out PSP.

I found a PSP website that said this:

In general, PSP pages are like normal HTML files with two exceptions:

1. They always have a .PSP file extension
2. They can have JPython code embedded in them

That sounds like just what I want, except do I have to write my code in 
Jython? Can't I just use regular Python?

Re: May i customize basic operator (such as 1==3)?

2006-02-23 Thread Magnus Lycka
Casey Hawthorne wrote:
 I have heard, that one should always use objects when programming and
 avoid the builtin types!

Who told you that? Some university teacher with no industrial
experience? ;^)

It's not good advice in Python programming, for two reasons.
- It can influence performance significantly, since Python
   is so dynamic. You could change the behaviour of a class,
   or change the class of an instance in runtime. This means
   that the Python runtime system needs to look up a lot of
   things repeatedly for class instances. For ints and floats
   etc, it doesn't need to do that.
- In general, Python doesn't rely on types so much for enforcing
   things. The good way to ensure correct Python code is with
   automated tests, and it's considered good practice to design
   your APIs so that they require as little as possible from
   the parameters passed in. Stricter typing means tighter
   coulpling, and thus a bigger maintenance burden.

For e.g. C++, I think it could often be a good idea to use more
specialzed classes, particularly if you want the compiler to help
you with type checking. I've rarely seen it used in practice
though. The problem with using the compiler to verify that
the code is correct is that while it can check types (and do
it better if they are more specific) it still can't verify
that the code actually does what you want it to do, just that
it does *something* which is legal C++. So, in the end you
still need automated tests to verify the program in a systematic
way, and these tests will find those type errors even if you
don't write a lot of specialized classes. I mean, if you have
a full set of tests, and all tests run OK, your program is
correct, whatever types you used in various places. It might
not be ideal, but it's correct. Your classes will mainly be a
rigid way of documenting your API.

Re: a little more help with python server-side scripting

2006-02-23 Thread John Salerno
John Salerno wrote:
 Sybren Stuvel wrote:
 Check out PSP.
 I found a PSP website that said this:
 In general, PSP pages are like normal HTML files with two exceptions:
 1. They always have a .PSP file extension
 2. They can have JPython code embedded in them
 That sounds like just what I want, except do I have to write my code in 
 Jython? Can't I just use regular Python?

After a little more investigation, this seems to be just one 
implementation of PSP. I need to just figure out how to get 'regular' 
PSP working for me, or if it's even possible on a Windows 2003 server.

Hiding a column at the root of a plone site ...

2006-02-23 Thread Paul Ertz

We would like to hide the left column for the main/home page of our 
plone sites dynamically using a tal: expression. I figured out that I 
need to customize the main_template file something like this:

  td id=portal-column-one
tal:condition=if home/main page of plone site hide this column

What I haven't figured out, is how to identify that the current page is 
the home page/at the root of the plone site. I found some examples on 
the various lists and google, but have not been able to make them work.

python:here == here.portal_url.getPortalObject()
python: here.meta_type != 'Plone Site' 
python:here.getSectionFromURL()!='section-index' works as long as the 
main page is index and not front-page

The below seems to work, but it seems like a hacky way to do 
and here.getSectionFromURL()!='section-front-page'

What it comes down to, I think, is wanting to check if we are at the 
root (top) of the plone site or not.

Thanks much for any help.
paul ertz


Re: make a class instance from a string ?

2006-02-23 Thread Terry Hancock
On 23 Feb 2006 05:22:25 -0800
Luke Plant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In Python, classes are first class objects, so normally
 you would pass the class itself around, rather than use
 the names of classes.  Of course that might not be
 practical or applicable in your situation.

It is in fact, a particular source of annoyance when the
object is meant to be serialized to disk with pickle or
the like, and especially when it is an extension object.

A good idiom for look me up in the source code after you
unpack me is required. I think some things like ZODB
will already do that for you, but it seems basic enough
that there ought to be a general approved method of doing
that in Python -- you know, one obvious way.

Terry Hancock ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Anansi Spaceworks http://www.AnansiSpaceworks.com

Re: a little more help with python server-side scripting

2006-02-23 Thread Sybren Stuvel
John Salerno enlightened us with:
 That sounds like just what I want, except do I have to write my code
 in Jython? Can't I just use regular Python?

I wouldn't know, never used Python ;-)

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

datetime iso8601 string input

2006-02-23 Thread Rubic
I was a little surprised to recently discover
that datetime has no method to input a string
value.  PEP 321 appears does not convey much
information, but a timbot post from a couple
years ago clarifies things:


 You can stop looking:  datetime doesn't
 support any kind of conversion from string.
 The number of bottomless pits in any datetime
 module is unbounded, and Guido declared this
 particular pit out-of-bounds at the start so
 that there was a fighting chance to get
 *anything* done for 2.3.

I can understand why datetime can't handle
arbitrary string inputs, but why not just
simple iso8601 format -- i.e. the default
output format for datetime?

Given a datetime-generated string:

   now = str(datetime.datetime.now())
   print now
  '2006-02-23 11:03:36.762172'

Why can't we have a function to accept it
as string input and return a datetime object?


Jeff Bauer
Rubicon, Inc.


problem with newlines in regexp substitution

2006-02-23 Thread Florian Schulze
See the following results:

Python 2.3.5 (#62, Feb  8 2005, 16:23:02) [MSC v.1200 32 bit (Intel)] on 
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import re
 s = 1
 repl = '\\n'

Why is the behaviour of the regexp substitution so weird and can I prevent 
that? It breaks my asumptions and thus my code.

Florian Schulze


Re: need help regarding compilation

2006-02-23 Thread Peter Hansen
 i am new to learning jython...
 i just tried compiling a small piece of code that is given below:
 def fac(x)
  if x=1:return 1
  return x*fac(x-1)

This is invalid Python syntax.  Have you gone through the Python 
tutorial yet?  Doing so is probably a good idea if you haven't.

The problem is that def statements must be followed with a colon, like so:

def fac(x):
 if x = 1:
 return 1
 return x * fac(x-1)

(Note the colon after def fac(x).  I've also taken the liberty of 
reformatting the code slightly make it more readable, but that isn't 
necessary to avoid the SyntaxError you were getting.)



Re: Using repr() with escape sequences

2006-02-23 Thread Sybren Stuvel
nummertolv enlightened us with:
 myString = bar\foo\12foobar

Are the interpretations of the escape characters on purpose?

 How do I print this string so that the output is as below?


Why do you want to?

 typing 'print myString' prints the following:

 baroo

Which is correct.

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: need help regarding compilation

2006-02-23 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

 i am new to learning jython...
 i just tried compiling a small piece of code that is given below:
 def fac(x)
  if x=1:return 1
  return x*fac(x-1)

You really have a book about python that doesn't mention that functions
definitions are closed by a colon? I doubt that...

Try this:

def fac(x):
 if x=1:return 1
 return x*fac(x-1)



Re: Using repr() with escape sequences

2006-02-23 Thread Daniel Dittmar
nummertolv wrote:
 - Consider a string variable containing backslashes.
 - One or more of the backslashes are followed by one of the letters
 a,b,f,v or a number.
 myString = bar\foo\12foobar
 How do I print this string so that the output is as below?
 typing 'print myString' prints the following:
 baroo
 and typing print repr(myString) prints this:

The interpretation of escape sequences happens when the Python compiler 
reads the string bar\foo\12foobar. You'll see that when you do 
something like
  map (ord, bar\foo\12foobar)
[98, 97, 114, 12, 111, 111, 10, 102, 111, 111, 98, 97, 114]
This displays the ASCII values of all the characters.

If you want to use a string literal containing backslashes, use r'' strings:
  myString = r'bar\foo\12foobar'
  map (ord, myString)
[98, 97, 114, 92, 102, 111, 111, 92, 49, 50, 102, 111, 111, 98, 97, 114]
  print myString
  print repr (myString)

If you get the strings from an external source as suggested by your 
original post, then you really have no problem at all. No interpretation 
of escape sequences takes place when you read a string from a file.


Re: need help regarding compilation

2006-02-23 Thread Sybren Stuvel
[EMAIL PROTECTED] enlightened us with:
 i am new to learning jython...

And to python, obviously

 i just tried compiling a small piece of code that is given below:

 def fac(x)
  if x=1:return 1
  return x*fac(x-1)

You need to write 'def fac(x):'.

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

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