ANN: pywinauto 0.3.0 released - now localization proof

2006-03-21 Thread Mark Mc Mahon

The 0.3.0 release of pywinauto is now available.

pywinauto is a set of open-source (LGPL) modules for using Python as a GUI
automation 'driver' for Windows NT based Operating Systems (NT/W2K/XP).

SourceForge project page:

Download from SourceForge

Here is the list of changes from 0.2.5:

0.3.0 Added Application data - now useful for localization testing

* Added automatic Application data collection which can be used when
  running the same test on a different spoken language version. Support
  is still preliminary and is expected to change. Please treat as early

  If you have a different language version of Windows then you can try
  this out by running the example with the langauge
  argument e.g. ::

examples\ language

  This will load the application data from the supplied file
  notepad_fast.pkl and use it for finding the right menu items and
  controls to select.

* Test implementation to make it easier to start using an application.
  Previously you needed to write code like ::

app = Application().connect_(title = 'Find')

  1st change was to implement static methods ``start()`` and
  ``connect()``. These methods return a new Application instance
  so the above code becomes::

app = Application.connect(title = 'Find')

  I also wanted to make it easier to start working with a simple
  application - that may or may not have only one dialog. To make this
  situation easier I made ``window_()`` not throw if the application has not
  been ``start()ed`` or ``connect()ed`` first. This leads to simpler code

app = Application()

  What happens here is that when you execute any of 
  Application.__getattr__() or Application.__getitem__() when the
  application hasn't been connected or started. It looks for the window
  that best matches your specification and connects the application to
  that process.

  This is extra functionality - existing connect_() and
  start_() methods still exist

* Fixed HwndWrapper.SetFocus() so that it would work even if the window
  was not in the foreground. (it now makes the window foreground as well
  as giving it focus). This overcomes a restriction in Windows where
  you can only change the foreground window if you own the foreground

* Changed some 2.4'isms that an anonymous commenter left on my blog :-)
  with these changes pywinauto should run on Python 2.3 (though I haven't
  done extensive testing).

* Commented out controls.common_controls.TabControlWrapper.GetTabState()
  and TabStates() as these did not seem to be returning valid values anyway.

* Fixed documentation issues were parts of the documentation were not
  getting generated to the HTML files.

* Fixed issue where MenuSelect would sometimes not work as expected.
  Some Menu actions require that the window that owns the menu be active.
  Added a call to SetFocus() before selecting a menu item to ensure that
  the window was active.

* Fixed Bug 1452832 where clipboard was not closed in clipboard.GetData()

* Added more unit tests now up to 248 from 207

If you want to follow this project then please sign up to the mailing list:


Mark Mc Mahon
Manchester, NH 03110, USA

PA HREF=;pywinauto 0.3.0/A
Simple Windows GUI automation with Python. (20-Mar-06)

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Nuxeo Calendar Server released in version 2

2006-03-21 Thread Fermigier Stefane
Nuxeo Calendar Server released in version 2

Nuxeo  releases  version  2  of  it's calendar products for Python and
Zope, updating to the latest technology frameworks.

Nuxeo proudly presents version 2 of its calendar framework.

The  calendar  framework  is  a  set  of  advanced,  flexible calendar
components for Python and Zope.

CalCore  is  a  calendar  component  for  Python. It allows the Python
developer  do  write advanced calendar applications either using their
own  event  storage  or  integrating  with  external calendar servers.
Features of the CalCore include among others:

  * Support  for  making private calendars, shared calendars, resource
booking and more,
  * invitation workflow,
  * iCalendar import and export,
  * meeting support, including helper functions to look for free time,
  * recurring event support,
  * etc.

CalZope  is  the  Zope  module  that provides a web user interface for
CalCore. Features include:

  * an internationalized web user interface,
  * integration  with  iCalendar clients (Apple iCal, Mozilla Sunbird,
...) using the iCalendar and http,
  * an advanced meeting helper that allows you to search for free time
amongst the invited users,
  * etc.

The  changes  between  version  1  and  version  2 have been mostly in
CalZope,  where  we  now  have  started  using  more of the techniques
available  through  the  tighter  integration  of  Zope  3s  component
architecture in Zope 2.

  * Local  utilities  instead of portal tools, providing for an easier
installation   and   greater   portability   to   various  non-CMF
frameworks, such as Silva and Zope 3.
  * zope.i18n   for  internationalization  providing  translations  of
CalZope without additional tools such as Localizer or PTS. CalZope
will  in  a  standard  Zope  now  be  automaticaly translated into
english,  french  and  more,  and  you  can  easily  add  your own
  * Install  script,  so you can easily try CalZope out in a pure Zope
  * And of course, various minor bugfixes.

For CPS users, all these modules are a part of the  CPSGroupware  bundle,
together  with  the  CPSMailAccess webmail client.

For more functional and technical information, see the Calendar Server
web site:

CalCore v2 can be downloaded here:

CalZope v2 can be downloaded here:

CPSGroupware   1.9.0   for   CPS  3.4.0  can  be  downloaded  here:

If  you'd like to help with development or porting to other platforms,
please join the cps-devel mailing list at



Stefane Fermigier - CEO, Nuxeo SAS -
Open Source ECM provider -
Free soft. developer -


Support the Python Software Foundation:

How to fork or spawn processes to second processor ?

2006-03-21 Thread Sabre
Hi everybody,

how can I spawn or fork a second process onto the second processor of my 
dual core server ? Is there a possibility to determin the processor on which 
a process shall run ?

Thanks in advance


Error sending message [1142852913051.1792.rpppl] from []

2006-03-21 Thread PostMaster
[00] V-POP3bounce: [EMAIL PROTECTED];Error=[550 Error: Invalid Attachment]

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Mon, 20 Mar 2006 16:38:28 +0530
Subject: Good day
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Re: ** Operator

2006-03-21 Thread Christoph Zwerschke
Christoph Zwerschke wrote:
 Kent Johnson wrote:
 The way to make this change happen is to submit a bug report with your 
 suggested change. See the link at the bottom of the above page to find 
 out how.
 I know, but I wanted to see at least one person assenting before doing 
 so. Anyway, I took your words as assent and filed a bug report now ;-)

... which was promptly rejected. Seems like the Gods of Python don't 
want newbies to understand the manuals too easily, so they can have 
their fun ranting why they did not RTFM, when they come here and ask 
silly questions. ;-)

-- Christoph

Re: How to fork or spawn processes to second processor ?

2006-03-21 Thread Stefan Behnel
Sabre wrote:
 how can I spawn or fork a second process onto the second processor of my 
 dual core server ? Is there a possibility to determin the processor on which 
 a process shall run ?


from your post it's not clear why you would want to do that or which operating
system you are using.

Normally, you can expect any decent multi-processor operating system to
distribute the load nicely over all available processors. Relying on that
might help you.


Become another user

2006-03-21 Thread Joakim Hove


 [Disclaimer: This might really be a Unix question ?!]

I have written a cgi-script in python - it works reasonably well. The
script is invoked by the apache web server and runs as user

During the execution of the script I want to save some files, as the
script is run bu user 'wwwrun' that is also the resulting ownership of
the files created. Since I don't have root access on the server these
files create some hassle.

Hence my question is whether it is possible (from the the python
script) to change identity 'wwwrun' - 'myuser' during execution?

Best Regards

Joakim Hove

Joakim Hove
hove AT
Tlf: +47 (55 5)8 27 13/ Stabburveien 18  
Fax: +47 (55 5)8 94 40   /  N-5231 Paradis   55 91 28 18 / 92 68 57 04

Re: user-supplied locals dict for function execution?

2006-03-21 Thread bruno at modulix
Lonnie Princehouse wrote:
Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.

Err... I see no contradiction nor conflict here.
 What to do when explicit is ugly and implicit is beautiful?  

Depends on your understanding of explicit/implicit.

Side effects on globals or automatic type conversion à la PHP are
implicit. Passing args and getting results back or requiring explicit
conversion are explicit.

Abstracting implementation details is a somewhat different topic IMHO.

May I had :

Simple is better than complex.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.

and of course :

Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!

You know, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts and all that
kind of things !-)

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Passing parameters to VB

2006-03-21 Thread Tim Roberts
koia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am using win32com for the Python interface to my Excel shreadsheets.

When I turn on Macro recordiong in Excel while filling a rectangle with
text information, a part of the VB code produced is the following:

With Selection.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=11).Font
.Name = Arial
.FontStyle = Normal
.Size = 10
.Strikethrough = False
.Superscript = False
.Subscript = False
.OutlineFont = False
.Shadow = False
.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic

What is the syntax for passing the parameters Start:=1, Length:=11 to
VB from a Python function, if I want to control these properties of the
text in the Excel spreadsheet?

If you check the object model documentation, you'll find that Start and
Length are the only two parameters to Characters, so Characters(1,11)
should work.

However, in a few minutes of experimentation, I was unable to get
Characters to accept any parameters from Python.  I can set the whole cell
to bold by this:

  xl = win32com.client.Dispatch(Excel.Application)
  wb = xl.ActiveWorkbook
  ws = wb.Worksheets(1)
  r = ws.Range(A1)
  r.Characters.Font.Bold = True
- Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

Re: Become another user

2006-03-21 Thread Ant
Look at the os module:

This has various functions you may find useful depending on how you
want to go about it, such as chmod and chown.




Re: How to recgonize an USB device in FreeBSD?

2006-03-21 Thread Tim Roberts
Geoffery [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I want to use Python to develop a software.Now, I have a question.
How to recgonize USB device in FreeBSD?

Presumably, with a device driver, which will not be written in Python.

And , Is there any module that I can use?

Could you be a bit more specific?
- Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

Re: Python 2.5 Schedule

2006-03-21 Thread Ant
Looks like some good new stuff coming along. Does anyone know what's
happened to the path PEP ( - I
thought I'd seen somewhere that that was originally planned for 2.5...



Re: ** Operator

2006-03-21 Thread Christoph Zwerschke
Ron Adam wrote:
 I agree and think the for language lawyers should be changed to 
 something that encourages people to read it instead of encouraging them 
 to avoid it.  Maybe:
 The Python language structure for everyone.
 If it's hard to read and understand, then that can and should be fixed.

Hm, actually that was not my point. I think the writers of the Language 
Reference already did a very good job. The precise and authoritative 
language reference covering all the subtleties and special cases will 
never be fun to read. You would rather learn the use of the keywords and 
the basic rules and magic attributes of the language from a good 
tutorial or handbook, and look up the Language Reference really 
seldomly. You can program quite well in Python without ever having 
looked into the official Language Reference. Newbies should not think 
they need to read it in order to start programming.

However, it is different with the Lib Reference. This is used on a daily 
basis, you will often look into it, Python users are accustomed to it, 
and it should invite readers to really browse and read and learn more 
about the power of the batteries included. My point was that since users 
are more accustomed to and prefer to use the Lib reference as their 
first source of information rather than the Language reference, it 
should not be reluctant to mention some things which strictly speaking 
belong to the Language Reference. In some cases, it can also point to 
the Lanugage Reference for the details (and it does so already).

-- Christoph

Re: whats your favourite object relational mapper?

2006-03-21 Thread Steve Holden
Jonathan Ellis wrote:
 Steve Holden wrote:
I think describing this as Ian saying the code in its current form is a
dead end is to read rather more into the words than is actually there.
 Well, that may be.  However, given that the 0.x code is so crufty that
 the v2 refactor is a multi-day (-week, now) process that merits a new
 project name, and there are enough architecture warts that it's not
 worth it to keep v2 backwards compatible, I'm not sure what
 requirements of being a dead end are missing here. :)
 I suppose that in one sense no OSS project is a dead end since you can
 always pick up the pieces yourself, but it's clear the 0.x series is
 not a place to expect much in the way of new developments from its
Sure, we can agree on that. I though you meant to imply that Ian was 
abandoning the concepts behind SQLObject rather that the somewhat crufty 
initial implementation.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Love me, love my blog


should os.walk return a list instead of a tuple?

2006-03-21 Thread Ministeyr

os.walk doc:

When walking top to bottom, it allows you to choose the directories you 
want to visit dynamically by changing the second parameter of the tuple 
(a list of directories). However, since it is a tuple, you cannot use 
filter on it, since it would mean reassigning it:

for dir_tuple in os.walk('/home'):
dir_tuple[1]=filter(lambda x: not x.startswith('.'), dir_tuple[1])  
#do not show hidden files
print dir_tuple #just print the directory and its contents in 
simplest possible way

If os.walk did return a list of three items instead of a tuple, that 
would become possible. It would also not break old code like
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(somedir):
do something.
Since assigning a list to a tuple is valid python code.


Re: user-supplied locals dict for function execution?

2006-03-21 Thread Steve Holden
Lonnie Princehouse wrote:
Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.

Err... I see no contradiction nor conflict here.
 What to do when explicit is ugly and implicit is beautiful?  Aye,
 there's the rub.  ;-)
Realise that sometimes explicitly ugly can be implicitly beautiful, and 
you will become enlightened.

could-that-be-the-sound-of-one-hand-clapping-ly y'rs  - steve
Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Love me, love my blog


Re: Spidering Hacks for Python, not Perl

2006-03-21 Thread Duncan Booth
Enigma Curry wrote:

 I've been looking for similar stuff recently. I haven't found much, but
 this is the list of links I've come across so far:
 Harvest Man -
 Mechanize -
 Beautiful Soup -
 (Neither Beautiful Soup, nor Mechanize are complete crawlers but
 probably have a lot of the nuts and bolts)
 If anyone is aware of a book or other documentation like the OP would
 like, I would be pleased to see it as well.

Don't forget webchecker and websucker in the Python distribution Tools 

Re: How to recgonize an USB device in FreeBSD?

2006-03-21 Thread Geoffery
I want to add some applications to Freevo.
Let Freevo recgonize the USB device is the one.
Thank u for your answer.


Re: should os.walk return a list instead of a tuple?

2006-03-21 Thread Duncan Booth
Ministeyr wrote:

 When walking top to bottom, it allows you to choose the directories
 you want to visit dynamically by changing the second parameter of the
 tuple (a list of directories). However, since it is a tuple, you
 cannot use filter on it, since it would mean reassigning it:
 for dir_tuple in os.walk('/home'):
  dir_tuple[1]=filter(lambda x: not x.startswith('.'),
 #do not show hidden files
  print dir_tuple  #just print the directory and its
  contents in the 
 simplest possible way
 If os.walk did return a list of three items instead of a tuple, that 
 would become possible.

But you don't need to assign to it, you simply need to mutate it:

   for dir, subdirs, files in os.walk('/home'):
   subdirs[:] = [d for d in subdirs if not d.startswith('.')]
   print dir, subdirs, files

(and if you are desparate to use filter+lambda that works as well.)

Re: Programming challenge: wildcard exclusion in cartesian products

2006-03-21 Thread Dinko Tenev
 After the basic fact of generating the exclusion - a considerable
 achievement - the program should be interactive. What if the target set
 has thousands or millions of elements? There should be a  loop-like way
 ('do' in Haskell, for example) to peel off the elements one-by-one and
 then terminate.

Um...interactivity is a bit tricky in Prolog ;)

As Geoffrey pointed out in his posting, the solutions are generated
effectively one at a time.  Following is a typical example of using the

generate_member( X, ... ), do_something_with( X ), fail.

The underlying semantics is, roughly, 1) bind X, 2) do_something_with(
X ), 3) fail, meaning reject this binding of X and backtrack.  In this
particular case, backtracking is tantamount to going back to 1).

You can regard ( generate_member( X, ... ) ... fail ) as the equivalent
of a loop construct, and do_something_with( X ) as the loop body.  At
any given time that the goal is being evaluated, there is only one
binding for X in effect.

On a side note, Haskell's do notation isn't really about loops.  If
you're referring to Tomasz's code, it's rather mapM_ that can sort of
be thought of as looping through the list of values returned by
generateNotMatching :)




Re: How to recgonize an USB device in FreeBSD?

2006-03-21 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Geoffery wrote:
 I want to add some applications to Freevo.
 Let Freevo recgonize the USB device is the one.
 Thank u for your answer.

Have a look at 'man 5 usbd.conf'


Re: Programming challenge: wildcard exclusion in cartesian products

2006-03-21 Thread Dinko Tenev
Dinko Tenev wrote:
 Speculation: the time for
 building-up a smart structure to speed-up enumeration, together with
 the time for enumerating the set using that structure, should sum up to
 roughly Theta( n*|S^n| ), even with a really smart algorithm.

OK, maybe not.

This might be the worst case, looking at S^n - W only, but it's not
quite clear what worst case means in the context of concrete
implementations.  Surely, one can clog the program with zillions of
wildcards to test, so we can produce an arbitrarily bad case :) --
but such a case is obviously of little or no practical importance.  It
appears that, to make any sensible statements about performance in the
relevant cases, we have to take into account the size of the pattern
set used to specify W as well.

 [...] here's another speculation:
 such structure would likely take up Theta( |S^n| ) space in memory, in
 the worst case.

...and similarly for worst case here.




Re: New-style Python icons

2006-03-21 Thread Joel Hedlund

/Joel Hedlund


2006-03-21 Thread Raymond Hettinger
I would like to get feedback on an idea I had for simplifying the use
of queues with daemon consumer threads

Sometimes, I launch one or more consumer threads that wait for a task
to enter a queue and then work on the task. A recurring problem is that
I sometimes need to know if all of the tasks have been completed so I
can exit or do something with the result.

If each thread only does a single task, I can use t.join() to wait
until the task is done.  However, if the thread stays alive and waits
for more Queue entries, then there doesn't seem to be a good way to
tell when all the processing is done.

So, the idea is to create a subclass of Queue that increments a counter
when objects are enqueued, that provides a method for worker threads to
decrement the counter when the work is done, and that offers a blocking
join() method that waits until the counter is zero.

There's are working implementation at:

Here is an example:

def worker():
  while 1:
 task = q.get()

# setup queue and launch worker threads
q = Queue()
for i in range(num_worker_threads):

# load the tasks
for elem in tasklist:

# block until they are done

# process with other stuff
. . .

There are some competing approaches.  One is to attach sentinel objects
to the end of the line as a way for consumer threads to know that they
should shut down.  Then a regular t.join() can be used to block until
the consumers threads have shut-down.  This approach is
straight-forward, but it depends on 1) complicating the consumer logic
to include sentinel detection and thread shut-down, 2) complicating the
producer logic to append one sentinel for each consumer when the data
stream is done, 3) actually knowing when the data stream is done.  The
latter is a problem in one of my programs because the consumer
sometimes uses a divide-and-conquer approach, resulting in two new
subtasks being loaded to the queue.  IOW, the only way to know when all
the inputs have been handled is to have the queue empty and all
consumers inactive (i.e. processing complete).

def worker():
  while 1:
 task = q.get()
 if task is None:  # check for sentinel

# setup queue and launch worker threads
q = Queue()
threads = []
for i in range(num_worker_threads):
 t = Thread(target=worker)

# load the tasks
for elem in tasklist:
for i in range(num_worker_threads):
q.put(None)# load sentinels

# block until they are done
for t in threads:

# process with other stuff
. . .

Another approach is to set-up a second queue for results.  Each
consumer loads a result when it is done with processing an input.  The
producer or main thread then becomes responsible for matching all
inputs to the corresponding results.  This isn't complicated
in-practice but it isn't pretty either:

def worker():
  while 1:
 task = tasks_in.get()
 tasks_out.put(None) # enqueue a None result
when done with task

# setup queues and launch worker threads
tasks_in = Queue()
tasks_out = Queue()
for i in range(num_worker_threads):

# load the tasks
n = len(tasklist)
for elem in tasklist:

# block until they are done
for i in range(n):

# process with other stuff
. . .

This approach becomes messier if the task loading occurs at multiple
points inside a more complex producer function.  Also, it doesn't work
well with the worker thread divide-and-conquer situation discussed


Re: TaskQueue

2006-03-21 Thread Rene Pijlman
Raymond Hettinger:
There are some competing approaches.  One is to attach sentinel objects
to the end of the line as a way for consumer threads to know that they
should shut down.  Then a regular t.join() can be used to block until
the consumers threads have shut-down.  This approach is
straight-forward, but it depends on 1) complicating the consumer logic
to include sentinel detection and thread shut-down,

Writing this observation was way more complicated than writing the code
that's required to implement it :-)

if task is None:

I use 'None' as the sentinel. This is a larger snippet from my own
threadpool with the context of this code:

def run(self):
while True:
task = self.workQueue.get()
if task is None:

2) complicating the producer logic to append one sentinel for each consumer 
when the data stream is done

for i in range(self.numberOfThreads):

Again, more characters in your observation than in the code.

3) actually knowing when the data stream is done.  

def doingWork(self):
return self.numberOfTasks  0

Which is possible because of:

def putTask(self,task):
self.numberOfTasks += 1

def getTask(self):
task = self.resultQueue.get()
self.numberOfTasks -= 1
return task

René Pijlman

Wat wil jij leren?

[CODE] - Python Newcomer Starting with Coding

2006-03-21 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Where can I find practical coding examples for real life coding problems?

Something like a categorized solution guide?


My current problem:

* create a folder
   * seems to be: os.mkdir(path)

* obtain the path of a python package

* copy the content of the package folder to the created folder

alternatively (which would possibly preserve the file-attributes)

* obtain the path of a python package

* copy the content of the package folder to the destination folder, 
whlist giving a new name.

I've looked in the Python 2.4 documentation, but the resulting 
possibilities are too much.

Any suggestions welcome.



Re: Become another user

2006-03-21 Thread Joel Hedlund
 Look at the os module:
 This has various functions you may find useful depending on how you
 want to go about it, such as chmod and chown.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this also require having a little chat 
with the admin to set things up so the server has permission to give away files 
to Joakim? Say, putting them in a common group or something?

Just making the files world readable may not be the best option (which I 
believe is the only option otherwise).

/Joel Hedlund

Re: New-style Python icons

2006-03-21 Thread 3KWA
Superb! How about getting them in the 2.5 release?

Part of the reason why I am asking is that I am not sure what I have to
do to get Win XP to use these instead of the one coming with 2.4.2.




Re: Python compiler

2006-03-21 Thread Magnus Lycka
Rc wrote:
 But ,my question is when I start Python it is a Dos Window
 that opened.I think it is not possible on a XP computer?

The Windows NT family, including XP, is not based on MS DOS.
It still has a text more interface, and it is much better
than DOS ever was. You can start that by clicking on the
Start button, selecting 'run' and typing cmd.exe and pressing
ENTER. You don't need that--but as you gain experience, you
might start to prefer it... The keyboard is much faster than
the mouse...

The standard Python installer contains a graphical development
environment called IDLE. Have a look at Danny Yoo's tutorial

Good Luck!

Re: why isn't Unicode the default encoding?

2006-03-21 Thread Jon Ribbens
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 In any case, it doesn't matter what encoding the document is in:
 read(2) always returns two bytes.

It returns *up to* two bytes. Sorry to be picky but I think it's
relevant to the topic because it illustrates how it's difficult
to change the definition of to return characters
instead of bytes (if the file is ready to read, there will always
be one or more bytes available (or EOF), but there won't always
be one or more characters available).

Re: [CODE] - Python Newcomer Starting with Coding

2006-03-21 Thread bruno at modulix
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 Where can I find practical coding examples for real life coding problems?

Probably in real life code ?-)

 Something like a categorized solution guide?

Look for the Python cookbook (google is your friend).

 My current problem:
 * create a folder
   * seems to be: os.mkdir(path)

I wouldn't even count this as a coding problem, except perhaps for a
total CS newbie.

 * obtain the path of a python package

import package
print package.__file__

 * copy the content of the package folder to the created folder

import shutil


 I've looked in the Python 2.4 documentation, but the resulting
 possibilities are too much.


bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: should os.walk return a list instead of a tuple?

2006-03-21 Thread bruno at modulix
Ministeyr wrote:
 os.walk doc:
 When walking top to bottom, it allows you to choose the directories you
 want to visit dynamically by changing the second parameter of the tuple
 (a list of directories). However, since it is a tuple, you cannot use
 filter on it, since it would mean reassigning it:
 for dir_tuple in os.walk('/home'):
 dir_tuple[1]=filter(lambda x: not x.startswith('.'),
 dir_tuple[1]) #do not show hidden files
 print dir_tuple#just print the directory and its contents in
 the simplest possible way

Ok, you are missing 2 points here :
1/ multiple assignment. Python allows you to do things like:
a, b, c = (1, 2, 3)

So the canonical use of os.walk is:
for dirpath, subdirs, files in os.walk(path):

2/ what's mutable and what is not: a tuple is immutable, but a list is
not. The fact that the list is actually an element of a tuple doesn't
make it immutable:

 t = ('A', [1, 2, 3])
('A', [1, 2, 3])
[1, 2, 3]
 # this will work
('A', [1, 2, 3, 4])
 # this won't work
 t[1] = []
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
TypeError: object does not support item assignment

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: New-style Python icons

2006-03-21 Thread Luis M. González
This is strange... I've been trying to access this site since
yesterday, but I couldn't (Firefox can't stabilish connection with
However, I seem to be the only one with this problem...


recursive map on nested list

2006-03-21 Thread alexandre_irrthum

I'd like to apply a function to elements of a nested list and wondered
if there is anything more idiomatic and/or shorter than this recursive

 def recur_map(f, data):
... if isinstance(data, list):
... mapped_list = []
... for i in data:
... mapped_list.append(recur_map(f, i))
... return mapped_list
... else:
... return f(data)
 recur_map(lambda x: x*2, [[1, 2], 3, 4, [5, 6, [7, 8]]])
[[2, 4], 6, 8, [10, 12, [14, 16]]]




Nuxeo Calendar Server released in version 2

2006-03-21 Thread Fermigier Stefane
Nuxeo Calendar Server released in version 2

Nuxeo  releases  version  2  of  it's calendar products for Python and
Zope, updating to the latest technology frameworks.

Nuxeo proudly presents version 2 of its calendar framework.

The  calendar  framework  is  a  set  of  advanced,  flexible calendar
components for Python and Zope.

CalCore  is  a  calendar  component  for  Python. It allows the Python
developer  do  write advanced calendar applications either using their
own  event  storage  or  integrating  with  external calendar servers.
Features of the CalCore include among others:

  * Support  for  making private calendars, shared calendars, resource
booking and more,
  * invitation workflow,
  * iCalendar import and export,
  * meeting support, including helper functions to look for free time,
  * recurring event support,
  * etc.

CalZope  is  the  Zope  module  that provides a web user interface for
CalCore. Features include:

  * an internationalized web user interface,
  * integration  with  iCalendar clients (Apple iCal, Mozilla Sunbird,
...) using the iCalendar and http,
  * an advanced meeting helper that allows you to search for free time
amongst the invited users,
  * etc.

The  changes  between  version  1  and  version  2 have been mostly in
CalZope,  where  we  now  have  started  using  more of the techniques
available  through  the  tighter  integration  of  Zope  3s  component
architecture in Zope 2.

  * Local  utilities  instead of portal tools, providing for an easier
installation   and   greater   portability   to   various  non-CMF
frameworks, such as Silva and Zope 3.
  * zope.i18n   for  internationalization  providing  translations  of
CalZope without additional tools such as Localizer or PTS. CalZope
will  in  a  standard  Zope  now  be  automaticaly translated into
english,  french  and  more,  and  you  can  easily  add  your own
  * Install  script,  so you can easily try CalZope out in a pure Zope
  * And of course, various minor bugfixes.

For CPS users, all these modules are a part of the  CPSGroupware  bundle,
together  with  the  CPSMailAccess webmail client.

For more functional and technical information, see the Calendar Server
web site:

CalCore v2 can be downloaded here:

CalZope v2 can be downloaded here:

CPSGroupware   1.9.0   for   CPS  3.4.0  can  be  downloaded  here:

If  you'd like to help with development or porting to other platforms,
please join the cps-devel mailing list at



Stefane Fermigier - CEO, Nuxeo SAS -
Open Source ECM provider -
Free soft. developer -


Re: TaskQueue

2006-03-21 Thread Carl Banks
Raymond Hettinger wrote:
 I would like to get feedback on an idea I had for simplifying the use
 of queues with daemon consumer threads

 Sometimes, I launch one or more consumer threads that wait for a task
 to enter a queue and then work on the task. A recurring problem is that
 I sometimes need to know if all of the tasks have been completed so I
 can exit or do something with the result.

 If each thread only does a single task, I can use t.join() to wait
 until the task is done.  However, if the thread stays alive and waits
 for more Queue entries, then there doesn't seem to be a good way to
 tell when all the processing is done.

Hmm.  How about this: the Producer can cause an exception to be raised
in any Consumers waiting on the Queue, or vice-versa.

I remember encountering a similar problem when writing a slide viewer
that prefetched and slides.  I wanted to have the ability to terminate
the slide show early.  But what you have is five slides sitting in the
Queue when the user quits (the UI was in the consumer thread, of
course).  Now how do you signal the Producer thread to exit?  It seemed
to me that allowing one thread to raise an exception in another was the
most straightforward way to do this.  (In my case is was the Consumer
raising it in the Producer.)

I briefly considered a subclass of Queue to implement it, but it was
too difficult a thing that I would have wanted to work on at that point
in time.  I implemented some workaround that I don't remember, and
forgot about the issue until your post.

But yeah, something like an InterruptableQueue might be a nice thing to

Carl Banks


TKinter problem

2006-03-21 Thread C D Wood
To whom this may concern,
Below is the source code, which

demonstrates a
problem I am having making a GUI for my python project  work.
is a file that is read from the same folder.

My code writes to a text file 'table.txt', and 'table.txt' is displayed
the GUI. The user can generate new data at the click of a button
which re-writes 'table.txt', but I can only add the new table to the
 window rather than 'update' the existing one.

Any assistance would be much appreciated,

Christian Wood.
Part III Aerospace Engineering
University of Southampton, UK.

from Tkinter import *

#Tkinter User Interface
class MoC:
def __init__(self, master):
frame = Frame(master, width=600, height=800, bd=1)

#Button frame
iframe4 = Frame(frame, bd=2, relief=SUNKEN)
#Using this button below, I want to update the text box in iframe5.
Button(iframe4, text='Display table.txt',
command=self.DisplayUpdate).pack(side=LEFT, padx=5)
Button(iframe4, text='Quit', command=self.quit).pack(side=LEFT,
iframe4.pack(expand=1, fill=X, pady=10, padx=5)

#Text box frame
iframe5 = Frame(frame, bd=2, relief=SUNKEN)
text=Text(iframe5, height=10, width =70)
fd = open('table.txt')  #table.txt must be in the same folder
lines =
text.insert(END, lines)
text.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, padx=5)
sb = Scrollbar(iframe5, orient=VERTICAL, command=text.yview)
sb.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
iframe5.pack(expand=1, fill=X, pady=10, padx=5)

#Command definitions
def quit(self):

def DisplayUpdate(self): #The command definition used to update the
#Could I insert a line here to remove the existing frame/text
box first?  =
iframe5 = Frame(root, bd=2, relief=SUNKEN)
text = Text(iframe5, height=10, width =70)
fd = open('table.txt')
lines =
text.insert(END, lines)
text.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, padx=5)
sb = Scrollbar(iframe5, orient=VERTICAL, command=text.yview)
sb.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
iframe5.pack(expand=1, fill=X, pady=10, padx=5)

root = Tk()
root.option_add('*font', ('arial', 10))
all = MoC(root)
root.title('2D Method of Characteristics')


Re: New-style Python icons

2006-03-21 Thread Tim Parkin
Luis M. González wrote:

This is strange... I've been trying to access this site since
yesterday, but I couldn't (Firefox can't stabilish connection with
However, I seem to be the only one with this problem...


You could try using a proxy (one of the anonymous proxies would do the job).

Tim Parkin

Re: Python compiler

2006-03-21 Thread bruno at modulix
Rc wrote:
 DaveM [EMAIL PROTECTED] schreef in bericht
On Thu, 16 Mar 2006 13:34:14 +0100, Méta-MCI

Après, vous pourrez aussi fréquenter le newsgroup :
qui a l'avantage d'être en français.

But perhaps he's a Flemish speaker - are you trying to start a riot?

 Yes,I'm a Flemish speaker, I have been to school in the evening
 to study Englisch and also now for the last year I'm study French.
 To improve my English it's maybe good to work with English


 I'm not looking for a riot,because I don't understand
 the word.

This one was for Michel (Meta-MCI), not for you. And the french for riot
is émeute.

 By the way, in case to learn Python,they

Who ?-)

 told me it's
 the most esay language to start.

Well, it was, some years ago. It's still pretty easy to get started
with, but there are more and more advanced features, and lot of subtle
details that are quite obvious when you're a seasonned pro, but
certainly not for a newbie programmer.

But still, Python is certainly one of the most easy languages for
beginners - far easier than C , far more funny than Java, far more
usable than VB.

Also - and that can really make a difference - the community is usually
really helpful and well-mannered.

 But ,my question is when I start Python it is a Dos Window
 that opened.

Yes, that's the Python interactive shell - a command line utility. If
you want a GUI, try IDLE, that should be installed with Python.

Also, and IIRC, giving your python source files the .pyw extension
should avoid the the opening of a dos window when you try to execute the

A couple of resources you may find useful when you'll be done with the
official tutorial: (tutorial for CS newbies) (more advanced python tutorial)

and of course the tutor maling list:

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: [CODE] - Python Newcomer Starting with Coding

2006-03-21 Thread Ed Singleton
On 21/03/06, Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Where can I find practical coding examples for real life coding problems?

 Something like a categorized solution guide?

This sounds quite a lot like PLEAC.  It certainly contains a lot that
you would find useful.

Also, try using the python-tutor list.  It's a lot more helpful for
questions like these.

 My current problem:

 * create a folder
* seems to be: os.mkdir(path)

Try using the Path module.  It makes all that stuff much easier:


Re: Spidering Hacks for Python, not Perl

2006-03-21 Thread gene tani

Duncan Booth wrote:
 Enigma Curry wrote:

  I've been looking for similar stuff recently. I haven't found much, but
  this is the list of links I've come across so far:


Convert (sorted) list of dics to nested list ?

2006-03-21 Thread shearichard
Hi - I want to take something like ...

lstIn = []
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 10, 'LEA_AUTOID': 1000})
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 11, 'LEA_AUTOID': 2000})
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 11, 'LEA_AUTOID': 2001})
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 11, 'LEA_AUTOID': 2003})
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 12, 'LEA_AUTOID': 3000})
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 12, 'LEA_AUTOID': 3001})
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 12, 'LEA_AUTOID': 3002})
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 12, 'LEA_AUTOID': 3003})
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 2, 'PRG_AUTOID': 110, 'LEA_AUTOID': 4000})

... and produce something like ...

sampleOut =

Well I've now been around the block a few times with this one and I'm
still frowning !! In the process my code has become uglier and uglier -
I'm sure there must be quite an elegant way of dealing with it - could
anyone give me a push in the right direction ?

Just to provide some motivation here - I should just say that this is
cut down test case - the real problem involves creating a Javascript
structure which in turn defines a three level menu.

The resulting JS will be something like this, I think you can see how
the nested loops get into it.:

var MENU_ITEMS = [
{ pos:'relative', leveloff:[b,a], itemoff:[d,c], size:[e,f], ... },
{ ...Item 1... },
{ ...Item 2... ,
{ ...level format... },
{ ...Item 1... },
{ ...Item 2... },
{ ...Item 3... ,
{ ...level format... },
{ ...Item 1... },
{ ...Item 2... },
{ ...Item 3... },
{ ...Item 4... }
{ ...Item 4... },
{ ...Item 3... }

Interested to hear of any smart/elegant ideas.




Re: New-style Python icons

2006-03-21 Thread Bruce

3KWA skrev:
 Superb! How about getting them in the 2.5 release?

 Part of the reason why I am asking is that I am not sure what I have to
 do to get Win XP to use these instead of the one coming with 2.4.2.

That`s easy:

control panel
Folder options
File Types
*scroll to py file*
change icon

and youre done.


Re: TaskQueue

2006-03-21 Thread Carl Banks

Rene Pijlman wrote:
 2) complicating the producer logic to append one sentinel for each consumer
 when the data stream is done

 for i in range(self.numberOfThreads):

Or, you could just put one sentinel in the Queue, and subclass the
Queue's _get method not to take the sentinel out.  It might help keep
bookkeeping down (and it seems Raymond was in a situation where keeping
track of threads wasn't so easy).

BTW, for sentinels, I recommend creating one using:

sentinel = object()

Because, although it's not applicable to your example, sometimes None
is an object you want to pass through.  (I think Alex Martelli came up
with that one.)

Carl Banks


Re: Spidering Hacks for Python, not Perl

2006-03-21 Thread gene tani

gene tani wrote:
 Duncan Booth wrote:
  Enigma Curry wrote:

a couple more


Re: recursive map on nested list

2006-03-21 Thread bearophileHUGS
I think for most purposes a program like this is short enough:

def recur_map2(fun, data):
if hasattr(data, __iter__):
return [recur_map2(fun, elem) for elem in data]
return fun(data)

data = [set([1, 2]), [3], 4, [5, {6:4}, [7, 8]]]
print recur_map2(lambda x: x*2, data)



Re: what's the general way of separating classes?

2006-03-21 Thread John Salerno
Ben Cartwright wrote:

 Er?  Surely you've used C#'s using statement?  

Well yes, but really that's very different. 'Using' statements are 
solely for the purpose of convenience so you don't have to qualify 
classes with namespaces. They aren't necessary to actually *use* those 

(The true 'include' functionality comes in the References, which are 
shared across all files on account of them being compiled together.)

 You can just refer to the classes from
 any other file.
 Iff they're in the same namespace.  You can have multiple namespaces in
 the same .NET assembly, you know.

Yes, true. I was just thinking of a program all contained in one namespace.

Re: TaskQueue

2006-03-21 Thread Carl Banks
Carl Banks wrote:
 But yeah, something like an InterruptableQueue might be a nice thing to

Ok, I see now that InterruptableQueue wouldn't help the OP, though it
would have helped me in my situation, so it'd still be a good idea.

Carl Banks


Re: Convert (sorted) list of dics to nested list ?

2006-03-21 Thread Larry Bates
 Hi - I want to take something like ...
 lstIn = []
 lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 10, 'LEA_AUTOID': 1000})
 lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 11, 'LEA_AUTOID': 2000})
 lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 11, 'LEA_AUTOID': 2001})
 lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 11, 'LEA_AUTOID': 2003})
 lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 12, 'LEA_AUTOID': 3000})
 lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 12, 'LEA_AUTOID': 3001})
 lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 12, 'LEA_AUTOID': 3002})
 lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 12, 'LEA_AUTOID': 3003})
 lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 2, 'PRG_AUTOID': 110, 'LEA_AUTOID': 4000})
 ... and produce something like ...
 sampleOut =
 Well I've now been around the block a few times with this one and I'm
 still frowning !! In the process my code has become uglier and uglier -
 I'm sure there must be quite an elegant way of dealing with it - could
 anyone give me a push in the right direction ?
 Just to provide some motivation here - I should just say that this is
 cut down test case - the real problem involves creating a Javascript
 structure which in turn defines a three level menu.
 The resulting JS will be something like this, I think you can see how
 the nested loops get into it.:
 var MENU_ITEMS = [
 { pos:'relative', leveloff:[b,a], itemoff:[d,c], size:[e,f], ... },
 { ...Item 1... },
 { ...Item 2... ,
 { ...level format... },
 { ...Item 1... },
 { ...Item 2... },
 { ...Item 3... ,
 { ...level format... },
 { ...Item 1... },
 { ...Item 2... },
 { ...Item 3... },
 { ...Item 4... }
 { ...Item 4... },
 { ...Item 3... }
 Interested to hear of any smart/elegant ideas.
Might not be 'elegant', but at least it works.


lstIn = []
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 10, 'LEA_AUTOID': 1000})
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 11, 'LEA_AUTOID': 2000})
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 11, 'LEA_AUTOID': 2001})
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 11, 'LEA_AUTOID': 2003})
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 12, 'LEA_AUTOID': 3000})
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 12, 'LEA_AUTOID': 3001})
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 12, 'LEA_AUTOID': 3002})
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 1, 'PRG_AUTOID': 12, 'LEA_AUTOID': 3003})
lstIn.append({'COM_AUTOID': 2, 'PRG_AUTOID': 110, 'LEA_AUTOID': 4000})



for entry in lstIn:
if C != lastc or P != lastp: sampleOut.append([C,[P,L]])
else: sampleOut[-1:][0][1].append(L)

print sampleOut=, sampleOut

Module import information

2006-03-21 Thread Eric White

Is it possible to determine the name of the module that invoked import from within the imported module?


Re: ANN: pywinauto 0.3.0 released - now localization proof

2006-03-21 Thread Bryan
 ANN: pywinauto 0.3.0 released - now localization proof
 The 0.3.0 release of pywinauto is now available.
 pywinauto is a set of open-source (LGPL) modules for using Python as a
 GUI automation 'driver' for Windows NT based Operating Systems
 SourceForge project page:
 Download from SourceForge
 Here is the list of changes from 0.2.5:
 0.3.0 Added Application data - now useful for localization testing
   * Added automatic Application data collection which can be used
 when running the same test on a different spoken language
 version. Support is still preliminary and is expected to change.
 Please treat as early Alpha.
 If you have a different language version of Windows then you can
 try this out by running the example with the
 langauge argument e.g. ::
   examples\ language
 This will load the application data from the supplied file
 notepad_fast.pkl and use it for finding the right menu items
 and controls to select.
   * Test implementation to make it easier to start using an
 application. Previously you needed to write code like ::
   app = Application().connect_(title = 'Find')
 1st change was to implement static methods ``start()`` and
 ``connect()``. These methods return a new Application instance
 so the above code becomes::
   app = Application.connect(title = 'Find')
 I also wanted to make it easier to start working with a simple
 application - that may or may not have only one dialog. To make
 this situation easier I made ``window_()`` not throw if the
 application has not been ``start()ed`` or ``connect()ed`` first.
 This leads to simpler code like::
   app = Application()
   What happens here is that when you execute any of
   Application.window_(), Application.__getattr__() or
   Application.__getitem__() when the application hasn't been connected
   or started. It looks for the window that best matches your
   specification and connects the application to that process.
   This is extra functionality - existing connect_() and
   start_() methods still exist
   * Fixed HwndWrapper.SetFocus() so that it would work even if
 the window was not in the foreground. (it now makes the window
 foreground as well as giving it focus). This overcomes a
 restriction in Windows where you can only change the foreground
 window if you own the foreground window.
   * Changed some 2.4'isms that an anonymous commenter left on my
 blog :-) with these changes pywinauto should run on Python 2.3
 (though I haven't done extensive testing).
   * Commented out
 and TabStates() as these did not seem to be returning valid
 values anyway.
   * Fixed documentation issues were parts of the documentation were
 not getting generated to the HTML files.
   * Fixed issue where MenuSelect would sometimes not work as
 expected. Some Menu actions require that the window that owns the
 menu be active. Added a call to SetFocus() before selecting a menu
 item to ensure that the window was active.
   * Fixed Bug 1452832 where clipboard was not closed in
   * Added more unit tests now up to 248 from 207
 If you want to follow this project then please sign up to the mailing

i just tried the notepad demo and it's very nice.  the only thing was in the 
demo it shows one Click() method to close the notepadabout dialog. but for me 
windows xp media edition, it took two Click()  methods.  the first click 
had the button depressed and the second click released the button back up.  is 
this a bug in 0.3.0? or is it the new way of doing it... two clicks for each 

also, i would be really nice if the FAQ mentioned where you could get free or 
opensourced spy utilities so you could spy on controls and get their id values 
or internal names.




Re: Module import information

2006-03-21 Thread Peter Hansen
Eric White wrote:
 Is it possible to determine the name of the module that invoked import 
 from within the imported module?

Almost anything is possible in Python.  On the other hand, some things 
are probably impractical, and others ill-advised.  Perhaps you can 
describe your requirements, *why* you want to do this, to provide some 
context for the answers.

Also, consider that the effect of the import statement is different 
after the first import.  When an already-imported module is imported by 
another module (i.e. the second time import xxx is executed for your 
module), the code is not reloaded from the .pyc file, but instead a 
reference is retrieved from sys.modules where it was cached when the 
first import was executed.  What are you expecting to happen in that case?



Re: recursive map on nested list

2006-03-21 Thread johnzenger
Uglier than yours, but down to two lines:

def recur_map(f, data):
return [ not hasattr(x, __iter__) and f(x) or recur_map(f, x) for x
in data ]


Encoding newlines in XML?

2006-03-21 Thread skip

*argh!*  I hate XML!   There, now that that's off my chest...

I am trying to save Python code as attributes of an XML tag with
xml.dom.minidom machinery.  The code, predicatbly enough, contains newlines.
If I do nothing to my program text, upon output I get XML which looks like

SomeTag text=def _f():
return 3

When that is later parsed, the newlines are replaced by spaces.  That's
clearly no good.

I verified manually that if I changed the above to

SomeTag text=def _f():#10;return 3#10;/

when read in, the entities are replaced by newlines and the function is
restored to its normal indented, multiline self.  No problem, I thought,
just update the call the setAttribute() on the node:

node.setAttribute(key, str(val).replace(\n, #10;))

Alas, that leaves me with this tag:

SomeTag text=def _f():amp;#10;return 3amp;#10;/

which doesn't work for obvious reasons.

Is there a way to achieve XML attribute newline nirvana?  Please show me the
path to enlightenment.



Re: TKinter problem

2006-03-21 Thread ezd
C D Wood wrote:
 To whom this may concern,
 Below is the source code, which

 demonstrates a
 problem I am having making a GUI for my python project  work.
 is a file that is read from the same folder.

 My code writes to a text file 'table.txt', and 'table.txt' is displayed
 the GUI. The user can generate new data at the click of a button
 which re-writes 'table.txt', but I can only add the new table to the
  window rather than 'update' the existing one.

 Any assistance would be much appreciated,

 Christian Wood.
 Part III Aerospace Engineering
 University of Southampton, UK.

 from Tkinter import *

 #Tkinter User Interface
 class MoC:
 def __init__(self, master):
 frame = Frame(master, width=600, height=800, bd=1)

 #Button frame
   iframe4 = Frame(frame, bd=2, relief=SUNKEN)
   #Using this button below, I want to update the text box in iframe5.
 Button(iframe4, text='Display table.txt',
 command=self.DisplayUpdate).pack(side=LEFT, padx=5)
 Button(iframe4, text='Quit', command=self.quit).pack(side=LEFT,
 iframe4.pack(expand=1, fill=X, pady=10, padx=5)

 #Text box frame
 iframe5 = Frame(frame, bd=2, relief=SUNKEN)
 text=Text(iframe5, height=10, width =70)
 fd = open('table.txt')  #table.txt must be in the same folder
 lines =
 text.insert(END, lines)
 text.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, padx=5)
 sb = Scrollbar(iframe5, orient=VERTICAL, command=text.yview)
 sb.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
 iframe5.pack(expand=1, fill=X, pady=10, padx=5)

 #Command definitions
 def quit(self):

 def DisplayUpdate(self): #The command definition used to update the
 #Could I insert a line here to remove the existing frame/text
 box first?  =
 iframe5 = Frame(root, bd=2, relief=SUNKEN)
 text = Text(iframe5, height=10, width =70)
 fd = open('table.txt')
 lines =
 text.insert(END, lines)
 text.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, padx=5)
 sb = Scrollbar(iframe5, orient=VERTICAL, command=text.yview)
 sb.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
 iframe5.pack(expand=1, fill=X, pady=10, padx=5)

 root = Tk()
 root.option_add('*font', ('arial', 10))
 all = MoC(root)
 root.title('2D Method of Characteristics')

What you want probably looks like this:

from Tkinter import *
class MoC:
def __init__(self, master):
frame = Frame(master, width=600, height=800, bd=1)
iframe4 = Frame(frame, bd=2, relief=SUNKEN)
Button(iframe4, text='Display table.txt',
command=self.DisplayUpdate).pack(side=LEFT, padx=5)
Button(iframe4, text='Quit',
command=self._quit).pack(side=LEFT, padx=5)
iframe4.pack(expand=1, fill=X, pady=10, padx=5)
iframe5 = Frame(frame, bd=2, relief=SUNKEN)
self.text=Text(iframe5, height=10, width =70)
# read the file in the update function; create Text  Scrollbar
only once
self.text.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, padx=5)
sb = Scrollbar(iframe5, orient=VERTICAL,
sb.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
iframe5.pack(expand=1, fill=X, pady=10, padx=5)
def _quit(self):  # quit is a keyword in python 2.4 IDE
def DisplayUpdate(self):
fd = open('table.txt')
lines =
self.text.delete(1.0, END)
self.text.insert(END, lines)
# previous 4 lines are to make the text READONLY, see more in:
root = Tk()
root.option_add('*font', ('arial', 10))
all = MoC(root)
root.title('2D Method of Characteristics')



python on blackberry?

2006-03-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i use a blackberry as my pda, and was wondering fi there was anything
going on in the python world for blackberry..

i googled a bit, but it seems like most of the area is untapped..

anyone else have anything they know about?



Re: New-style Python icons

2006-03-21 Thread Ant
It's easier than that in this case. Just unpack the icons in yout
Python directory over the top of the existing ones. The change should
get picked up the next time you log on.



How can I compare if 2 files has duplicate entries in python?

2006-03-21 Thread yinglcs
I am new to python. How can I compare if 2 files has duplicate entries
in python?
Is there an example for that?  What if the files are big and I don't
want to read the whole file in memory.

Thank you.


Re: user-supplied locals dict for function execution?

2006-03-21 Thread Ziga Seilnacht
Lonnie Princehouse wrote:
 Occaisionally, the first two lines of The Zen of Python conflict with
 one another.

 An API I'm working on involves a custom namespace implementation using
 dictionaries, and I want a pretty syntax for initializing the custom
 namespaces.  The fact that these namespaces are implemented as
 dictionaries is an implementation detail, and I don't want the users to
 access them directly.  I find the implicit update syntax to be much

This can be easier achieved with a custom metaclass:

 class MetaNamespace(type):
... def __new__(metaclass, name, bases, dict):
... try:
... Namespace
... except NameError:
... return type.__new__(metaclass, name, bases, dict)
... dict.pop('__module__', None)
... return dict
 class Namespace(object):
... __metaclass__ = MetaNamespace

Now whenever you want to create your dictionary you simply
declare a class that inherits from Namespace:

 class MyNamespace(Namespace):
... x = 5
... y = 'spam'
... z = 'eggs'
 print sorted(MyNamespace.items())
[('x', 5), ('y', 'spam'), ('z', 'eggs')]



Re: New-style Python icons

2006-03-21 Thread 3KWA
Thanks  a lot!

(Still think 2.5 could have spunky new icons:)



Command line arguments question (Windows XP)

2006-03-21 Thread ezd
I run simple script

import sys
print 'args',sys.argv

in Command Prompt window, with 2 command lines on 2 PCs:

# Case (1L):
C:\tmp a b c
args ['C:\\tmp\\']

# Case (1D):
C:\tmp a b c
args ['C:\\tmp\\', 'a', 'b', 'c']

# Cases (2L)  (2D):
C:\tmp C:\Python24\python a b c
args ['', 'a', 'b', 'c']

How to explain this ?  Particularly case (1L) without arguments.

Both PCs have Python 2.4.2 and Windows XP SP2. The only
difference I see is XP 'Home Edition' on Desktop (D) and
XP 'Professional' on Laptop (L).



Re: Can I use a conditional in a variable declaration?

2006-03-21 Thread Sion Arrowsmith
Ron Adam  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want the equivalent of this:
 if a == yes:
answer = go ahead
answer = stop
 in [a] more compact form:
I sometimes find it useful to do:

 answers = {True: go ahead, False: stop}
 answer = answers[a == yes]

In this particular case, you can get it even more compact as

answer = {yes: go ahead}.get(a, stop)

but that's sacrificing elegance and readability for bytes. When I find
myself with code like the OP's, I usually rewrite as:

answer = stop
if a == yes:
answer = go ahead

  ___  |  Frankly I have no feelings towards penguins one way or the other
  \X/  |-- Arthur C. Clarke
   her nu becomeþ se bera eadward ofdun hlæddre heafdes bæce bump bump bump

Re: ** Operator

2006-03-21 Thread Christoph Zwerschke
Christoph Zwerschke wrote:
 Christoph Zwerschke wrote:
 Kent Johnson wrote:
 The way to make this change happen is to submit a bug report with 
 your suggested change. See the link at the bottom of the above page 
 to find out how.

 I know, but I wanted to see at least one person assenting before doing 
 so. Anyway, I took your words as assent and filed a bug report now ;-)
 ... which was promptly rejected.

... but now it has been checked in by somebody else anyway. The Python 
gods sometimes move in mysterious ways ;-)

-- Christoph

Re: Encoding newlines in XML?

2006-03-21 Thread Robert Kern
 *argh!*  I hate XML!   There, now that that's off my chest...

I think, rather, that you hate XML libraries.

Which is perfectly understandable.

 I am trying to save Python code as attributes of an XML tag with
 xml.dom.minidom machinery.  The code, predicatbly enough, contains newlines.
 If I do nothing to my program text, upon output I get XML which looks like
 SomeTag text=def _f():
 return 3
 When that is later parsed, the newlines are replaced by spaces.  That's
 clearly no good.
 I verified manually that if I changed the above to
 SomeTag text=def _f():#10;return 3#10;/
 when read in, the entities are replaced by newlines and the function is
 restored to its normal indented, multiline self. 

Other libraries seem to get this right.

In [89]: from lxml import etree

In [90]: e = etree.Element('SomeTag', text=def _f():\n  return 3\n)

In [93]: e.attrib
Out[93]: {'text': 'def _f():\n  return 3\n'}

In [94]: etree.dump(e)
SomeTag text=def _f():#10;  return 3#10;/

In [96]: etree.dump(etree.XML('SomeTag text=def _f():#10;  return 
SomeTag text=def _f():#10;  return 3#10;/

I'll bet good money that ElementTree also gets this right.

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


RE: Command line arguments question (Windows XP)

2006-03-21 Thread Tim Golden

| #
| import sys
| print 'args',sys.argv
| in Command Prompt window, with 2 command lines on 2 PCs:
| # Case (1L):
| C:\tmp a b c
| args ['C:\\tmp\\']
| # Case (1D):
| C:\tmp a b c
| args ['C:\\tmp\\', 'a', 'b', 'c']

Almost certainly means that the association between
.py files and the python executable has been set up
differently. Try typing (as the command shell):

assoc .py
= .py=Python.File

ftype Python.File
= python.file=C:\Python24\python.exe %1 %*

Now if they don't look like that, in particular if the
second one looks like this:

python.file=C:\Python24\python.exe %1

then the extra parameters (everything after the script filename)
won'e get passed along to the interpreter.


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Can XML-RPC performance be improved?

2006-03-21 Thread Sion Arrowsmith
I've got an established client-server application here where there
is now a need to shovel huge amounts of data (structured as lists of
lists) between the two, and the performance bottleneck has become
the amount of time spent parsing XML (it's taking 100% CPU on one or
other end of the connection and accounting for well over 50% of the
total call time, to the extent that it's having a greater impact on
performance than user interaction). And this is using SGMLOP for
parsing -- I dread to think what it would be like with a slower
parser. Anyone (Fredrik?) got any good ideas for tackling this

  ___  |  Frankly I have no feelings towards penguins one way or the other
  \X/  |-- Arthur C. Clarke
   her nu becomeþ se bera eadward ofdun hlæddre heafdes bæce bump bump bump

Re: user-supplied locals dict for function execution?

2006-03-21 Thread Alex Martelli
Lonnie Princehouse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 @namespace   # indicates function should be executed in namespace
 def initialize_namespace():
   x = 5
 # versus the alternative
 __namespace__ = {
   'x' : 5,

Hm, what about:

ns = namespace(x=5)

and perhaps later


if you need to add a name to ns?  You can start with 'namespace=dict'
(in whatever ubernamespace you'd define your @namespace decorator above)
and change it later in any way you wish -- and it's vastly less
blackmagical, too.


Re: How can I compare if 2 files has duplicate entries in python?

2006-03-21 Thread Larry Bates
 I am new to python. How can I compare if 2 files has duplicate entries
 in python?
 Is there an example for that?  What if the files are big and I don't
 want to read the whole file in memory.
 Thank you.

You need to supply more info.  If you just want to determine if two
files are exactly alike you can just calculate the md5 checksum or
each file.  If they are different, the files are different.  See:

If you want to compare files line by line see following:

-Larry Bates

Re: Can XML-RPC performance be improved?

2006-03-21 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Sion Arrowsmith wrote:

 I've got an established client-server application here where there
 is now a need to shovel huge amounts of data (structured as lists of
 lists) between the two, and the performance bottleneck has become
 the amount of time spent parsing XML (it's taking 100% CPU on one or
 other end of the connection and accounting for well over 50% of the
 total call time, to the extent that it's having a greater impact on
 performance than user interaction). And this is using SGMLOP for
 parsing -- I dread to think what it would be like with a slower
 parser. Anyone (Fredrik?) got any good ideas for tackling this

CORBA. Or TCP/IP directly. I know that isn't really the answer you're
looking for - but there is an overhead parsing XML, and that can't go away.
From what I read at SGMLOP's site I doub't that you can get much faster -
because speed comes with sacrificing standard compliancy, which it already
seems to do.



Re: Module import information

2006-03-21 Thread Eric White

Thanks for the reply. Consider the following situation:

A set of variable names is defined along with a list of possible values
for each. A second set of variable names is defined along
with an _expression_ for generating a value for each. For each
possible permutation of variables from the first set, a python script
is created that contains commands that initialize the variable set with
the permuted values. A second python script is created that
contains commands for connecting to a database and storing the values
of the second set of variables after running the associated _expression_
for each.

We would like to be able to use the scripts above to drive a python
script containing a system of equations specified at run time and to
store the results. This master script contains the following

import somemodule

# do stuff ...

# initialize permuted variables


# do more stuff ...

# store results

# do more stuff ... Etc.

We would like for the call to init to initialize variables in the
context of the master script. To do this inside somemodule we
use the sys.modules dictionary to find a reference to the master module
by name and initialize variables at this reference. 

What I would like to know if it is arbitrarily possible to walk the
import hierarchy from any point. It is not apparent that python's
optimization of subsequent imports of the same module is relavent.On 3/21/06, Peter Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:Eric White wrote: Is it possible to determine the name of the module that invoked import
 from within the imported module?Almost anything is possible in Python.On the other hand, some thingsare probably impractical, and others ill-advised.Perhaps you candescribe your requirements, *why* you want to do this, to provide some
context for the answers.Also, consider that the effect of the import statement is differentafter the first import.When an already-imported module is imported byanother module (i.e. the second time import xxx is executed for your
module), the code is not reloaded from the .pyc file, but instead areference is retrieved from sys.modules where it was cached when thefirst import was executed.What are you expecting to happen in that case?

Re: Can XML-RPC performance be improved?

2006-03-21 Thread Gregory Piñero
Perhaps there's a hardware solution?  Could you run more servers in
parallel?  Or have some sort of load distribution system?

(Just some generic server tips, I don't know much about XML-RPC)


On 3/21/06, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sion Arrowsmith wrote:

  I've got an established client-server application here where there
  is now a need to shovel huge amounts of data (structured as lists of
  lists) between the two, and the performance bottleneck has become
  the amount of time spent parsing XML (it's taking 100% CPU on one or
  other end of the connection and accounting for well over 50% of the
  total call time, to the extent that it's having a greater impact on
  performance than user interaction). And this is using SGMLOP for
  parsing -- I dread to think what it would be like with a slower
  parser. Anyone (Fredrik?) got any good ideas for tackling this

 CORBA. Or TCP/IP directly. I know that isn't really the answer you're
 looking for - but there is an overhead parsing XML, and that can't go away.
 From what I read at SGMLOP's site I doub't that you can get much faster -
 because speed comes with sacrificing standard compliancy, which it already
 seems to do.



Gregory Piñero
Chief Innovation Officer
Blended Technologies

creating website script in Myghty

2006-03-21 Thread piotr maliński
I'm learning Myghty from few weeks and now I'm making a simple forum
script ;) and I have problem finding few things in python that I need:
- how to strip all HTML tags leaving the text / strip all code
(python/other) from a string?
- how to highlight a python/html/other code (result in HTML code)?

Re: Encoding newlines in XML?

2006-03-21 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Robert Kern wrote:

 Other libraries seem to get this right.

 In [89]: from lxml import etree

 In [90]: e = etree.Element('SomeTag', text=def _f():\n  return 3\n)

 In [93]: e.attrib
 Out[93]: {'text': 'def _f():\n  return 3\n'}

 In [94]: etree.dump(e)
 SomeTag text=def _f():#10;  return 3#10;/

 In [96]: etree.dump(etree.XML('SomeTag text=def _f():#10;  return 
 SomeTag text=def _f():#10;  return 3#10;/

 I'll bet good money that ElementTree also gets this right.

well, not quite:

 import cElementTree as ET
 e = ET.Element('SomeTag', text=def _f():\n  return 3\n)
Element 'SomeTag' at 0091A320
{'text': 'def _f():\n  return 3\n'}
'SomeTag text=def _f():\n  return 3\n /'
'SomeTag text=def _f():   return 3  /'
 ET.tostring(ET.XML(ET.tostring(e).replace(\n, #10;)))
'SomeTag text=def _f():\n  return 3\n /'

I don't recommend putting non-trivial formatted stuff in attributes
(the resulting files look really messy, and not all parsers support it),
but the serializer should be fixed.



Re: TaskQueue

2006-03-21 Thread Rene Pijlman
Carl Banks:
Rene Pijlman:
 for i in range(self.numberOfThreads):

Or, you could just put one sentinel in the Queue, and subclass the
Queue's _get method not to take the sentinel out.

Ah yes, clever trick. But you'd have to worry about thread-safety of your
subclass though.

BTW, for sentinels, I recommend creating one using:

sentinel = object()

Because, although it's not applicable to your example, sometimes None
is an object you want to pass through.  (I think Alex Martelli came up
with that one.)

You mean this post, I guess:

I dunno, but I cannot think of a better way to say this has no possible
use than to pass None. Place yourself in the position of someone who
doesn't know exactly what object() is and who encounters it in the code.
I've just spent 5 minutes trying to find some reference information and I
gave up (object is a lousy search word).

René Pijlman

Wat wil jij leren?

Re: How can I compare if 2 files has duplicate entries in python?

2006-03-21 Thread Rene Pijlman
I am new to python. How can I compare if 2 files has duplicate 
entries in python?

What is an 'entry'?

René Pijlman

Wat wil jij leren?

Re: Can XML-RPC performance be improved?

2006-03-21 Thread Rene Pijlman
Sion Arrowsmith:
I've got an established client-server application here where there
is now a need to shovel huge amounts of data (structured as lists of
lists) between the two, and the performance bottleneck has become
the amount of time spent parsing XML

Anyone got any good ideas for tackling this problem?


René Pijlman

Wat wil jij leren?

Re: datetime iso8601 string input

2006-03-21 Thread skip

aurora I agree. I just keep rewriting the parse method again and again.

aurora def parse_iso8601_date(s):
aurora   Parse date in iso8601 format e.g. 2003-09-15T10:34:54 and
aurora  returns a datetime object.

Why not

dt = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(s, %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S)[0:6])



Re: Can XML-RPC performance be improved?

2006-03-21 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Sion Arrowsmith wrote:

 I've got an established client-server application here where there
 is now a need to shovel huge amounts of data (structured as lists of
 lists) between the two, and the performance bottleneck has become
 the amount of time spent parsing XML (it's taking 100% CPU on one or
 other end of the connection and accounting for well over 50% of the
 total call time, to the extent that it's having a greater impact on
 performance than user interaction). And this is using SGMLOP for
 parsing -- I dread to think what it would be like with a slower
 parser. Anyone (Fredrik?) got any good ideas for tackling this

the cElementTree unmarshaller on this page

is a bit faster than the one in xmlrpclib.  (to get more performance,
you probably need a library that allows you to register decoders on
the C level.)



Re: Can XML-RPC performance be improved?

2006-03-21 Thread gregarican
Sion Arrowsmith wrote:

 shovel huge amounts of data

That right there basically takes XML-RPC off the table as a viable
solution. No matter how much fine tuning you try large amounts of data
don't bode well using XML-RPC. The other posted alternatives are
certainly worth a shot. From CORBA to cPickle to even a basic TCP
socket connection would be more efficient. I have used XML-RPC for very
small recordset transfers but I wouldn't use it for anything large.


Re: creating website script in Myghty

2006-03-21 Thread Fredrik Lundh
piotr maliñski wrote:

 I'm learning Myghty from few weeks and now I'm making a simple forum
 script ;) and I have problem finding few things in python that I need:
 - how to strip all HTML tags leaving the text

might be helpful.

 strip all code (python/other) from a string?

not sure what this means.

 - how to highlight a python/html/other code (result in HTML code)?



Installing PyExcelerator to write Excel files from Python

2006-03-21 Thread tkpmep
I downloaded as I need to write some data into Excel
files, and tried unsuccessfully to install it. I unzipped the files
into C:/Python24/Lib/site-packages/PyExcelerator, and in a python
command line window typed


followed by

python ./ install

exactly as stated in README.txt. However all I get is a SyntaxError.

I then tried various combinations  - with and without enclosing quotes,
with and without ./, and in all cases I get a SyntaxError. Has anyone
installed this program successfully? If so, what's the magic ingredient
for a successful install?

Thanks in advance

Thomas Philips


Re: Installing PyExcelerator to write Excel files from Python

2006-03-21 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 I downloaded as I need to write some data into Excel
 files, and tried unsuccessfully to install it. I unzipped the files
 into C:/Python24/Lib/site-packages/PyExcelerator, and in a python
 command line window typed


 followed by

 python ./ install

 exactly as stated in README.txt. However all I get is a SyntaxError.

 I then tried various combinations  - with and without enclosing quotes,
 with and without ./, and in all cases I get a SyntaxError. Has anyone
 installed this program successfully? If so, what's the magic ingredient
 for a successful install?

use a windows *command interpreter* window, instead of typing windows
commands into a Python interpreter.

(if you cannot find it in your start menu, select run... and run the cmd



Re: Can XML-RPC performance be improved?

2006-03-21 Thread Paul McGuire

Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Sion Arrowsmith wrote:

  I've got an established client-server application here where there
  is now a need to shovel huge amounts of data (structured as lists of
  lists) between the two, and the performance bottleneck has become
  the amount of time spent parsing XML (it's taking 100% CPU on one or
  other end of the connection and accounting for well over 50% of the
  total call time, to the extent that it's having a greater impact on
  performance than user interaction). And this is using SGMLOP for
  parsing -- I dread to think what it would be like with a slower
  parser. Anyone (Fredrik?) got any good ideas for tackling this

 CORBA. Or TCP/IP directly.

Beware, CORBA marshaling/unmarshaling can be similarly deadly, especially if
you are passing Any's and have to marshal complex type codes.  But if you
are just sending arrays of octets, or strings of chars, then CORBA
marshal/unmarshal will be quite fast.

Of course, something will have to convert that array to meaningful data
*somewhere*!  You can't really eliminate software complexity, you can only
move it around.  (not original, I'm quoting Chris Stone, founder of the OMG.
Also from Chris Stone - I finally came up with a good definition for
middleware.  Middleware is the software nobody wants to pay for.)

-- Paul


Re: Can XML-RPC performance be improved?

2006-03-21 Thread skip

Diez Sion Arrowsmith wrote:
 I've got an established client-server application here where there
 is now a need to shovel huge amounts of data (structured as lists of
 lists) between the two, and the performance bottleneck has become
 the amount of time spent parsing XML ...

Diez CORBA. Or TCP/IP directly. I know that isn't really the answer
Diez you're looking for - but there is an overhead parsing XML, and
Diez that can't go away.

Ah, but if both ends of the pipe happen to be running Python, you can
cheat. ;-)  Run your list through marshal.dumps() before passing it to
xmlrpclib, then undo the marshalling on the other end.

 biglist = [abc] * 50
 biglist = [biglist] * 50
 import xmlrpclib
 import marshal
 x = xmlrpclib.dumps((biglist,))
 y = xmlrpclib.dumps((marshal.dumps(biglist),))

If you can swing it, I'd be willing to bet you a beer your XML parsing time
will all but disappear.

If you're not using xmlrpclib with some sort of C helper (like sgmlop), try
that as well.  Big difference parsing XML in C and Python.


Re: ** Operator

2006-03-21 Thread Terry Reedy

 ... which was promptly rejected.

 ... but now it has been checked in by somebody else anyway. The Python
 gods sometimes move in mysterious ways ;-)

The tracker item reviewers are people, including me, with different 
knowledge, viewpoints and experiences, who sometimes disagree.


Re: Module import information

2006-03-21 Thread Steve Holden
Eric White wrote:
 Thanks for the reply.  Consider the following situation:
 A set of variable names is defined along with a list of possible values 
 for each.   A second set of variable names is defined along with an 
 expression for generating a value for each.  For each possible 
 permutation of variables from the first set, a python script is created 
 that contains commands that initialize the variable set with the 
 permuted values.  A second python script is created that contains 
 commands for connecting to a database and storing the values of the 
 second set of variables after running the associated expression for each.
 We would like to be able to use the scripts above to drive a python 
 script containing a system of equations specified at run time and to 
 store the results.  This master script contains the following calls:
 import somemodule
 # do stuff ...
 # initialize permuted variables
 # do more stuff ...
 # store results
 # do more stuff ... Etc.
 We would like for the call to init to initialize variables in the 
 context of the master script.  To do this inside somemodule we use the 
 sys.modules dictionary to find a reference to the master module by name 
 and initialize variables at this reference. 
 What I would like to know if it is arbitrarily possible to walk the 
 import hierarchy from any point.  It is not apparent that python's 
 optimization of subsequent imports of the same module is relavent.
It seems to me that you could achieve the same end by accessing the 
calling stack frame inside the calls to your somemodule.functions(). 
Whether this is acceptable or not (and whether you are prepared to put 
up with the necessary voodoo) is another question.

However, this would lead to atrocious coupling in your program. It's the 
kind of thing people used to use Fortran common blocks for, for goodness 

The point Peter was trying to make about the distinction between first 
import of a module and subsequent ones is, I suspect, quite relevant, as 
you made it appear that you wanted to rely on code executed *during the 
import* to distinguish its importer. Clearly this would only be possible 
on the first import, as subsequent imports wouldn't execute the module's 

But now it appears that the import structure isn't really as relevant as 
the calling relationships anyway, no?

Or am I misunderstanding your intent?


Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Love me, love my blog


should os.walk return a list instead of a tuple?

2006-03-21 Thread Ministeyr
Seems i forgot about the [:] notation.
Thanks for the help.

Handling yes/no questions from the User

2006-03-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm writing a scipt that need to interact with the user.
Lets say I have the:

Do you want to continue [Y|n]

Where just pressing return means Yes (since its uppercase).

Its easy to write a function for this, but perhaps something like this
already exists. Could someone point me to a class that handles this
kind of user interaction?

BR / Claes


Re: [CODE] - Python Newcomer Starting with Coding

2006-03-21 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
bruno at modulix wrote:
 Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 Where can I find practical coding examples for real life coding problems?
 Probably in real life code ?-)
 Something like a categorized solution guide?
 Look for the Python cookbook (google is your friend).

sorry, I've not clarified that I mean an free internet resource.

 * copy the content of the package folder to the created folder
 import shutil

this one was helpfull.

thanks a lot.



Re: Design mini-lanugage for data input

2006-03-21 Thread aurora
Yes. But they have different motivations.

The mini-language concept is to design an input format that is convenient  
for human editor and that is close to the semi-structured data source. I  
think the benefit from ease of editing and flexibility would justify  
writing a little parsing code.

JSON is mainly designed for data exchange between programs. You can hand  
edit JSON data (as well as XML or Python statement) but it is not the most  

Just consider you don't have to enter two quotes for every string object  
is almost liberating. These quotes are only artifacts for structured data  
format. The idea to design a format convenient for human and let code to  
parse and built the data structure.


 Do you know about JSON and YAML?

 They have the advantage of being maintained by a group of people and
 being available for a number of languages. (as well as NOT being XML

 - Cheers, Paddy.


Re: Encoding newlines in XML?

2006-03-21 Thread skip

Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 *argh!*  I hate XML!   There, now that that's off my chest...

Robert I think, rather, that you hate XML libraries.

Well, I guess I don't mind XML as long as I don't have to look at it.
XML-RPC is one example I'm perfectly happy with.  You could call it
Martian-RPC and I might not have known the difference.  Still, I suspect
you're correct that it's more the libraries than the ''s and ''s that give
me fits.

Robert Other libraries seem to get this right.
Robert In [89]: from lxml import etree

Thanks, an existence proof of a correct solution makes me less concerned
about hacking around the current problem.


Re: Encoding newlines in XML?

2006-03-21 Thread skip

Fredrik I don't recommend putting non-trivial formatted stuff in
Fredrik attributes ...

Yeah, I sort of knew that going in, but didn't want to make big changes to
the code to do it in a cleaner fashion.  I'll figure something out.


Re: Python 2.5 Schedule

2006-03-21 Thread Terry Reedy

Ant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 Looks like some good new stuff coming along. Does anyone know what's
 happened to the path PEP ( - I
 thought I'd seen somewhere that that was originally planned for 2.5...

It is still being discussed and has not been accepted.  Latest revision was 
just 2 weeks ago and open issues are at bottom.  There is the broad problem 
that it mostly just rearranges existing functionality (even if for the 
better) and would create two ways to do everything it does, since the 
existing modules and functions could not disappear until 3.0.



Re: [CODE] - Python Newcomer Starting with Coding

2006-03-21 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Ed Singleton wrote:
 On 21/03/06, Ilias Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Where can I find practical coding examples for real life coding problems?

 Something like a categorized solution guide?

 This sounds quite a lot like PLEAC.  It certainly contains a lot that
 you would find useful.

yes, this looks like the resource I was looking for.

 Also, try using the python-tutor list.  It's a lot more helpful for
 questions like these.

I've subscribed via gmane's nntp:


will take a close look to this list.

 My current problem:

 * create a folder
* seems to be: os.mkdir(path)
 Try using the Path module.  It makes all that stuff much easier:

looks very intresting.

for now I am limited to the standard library.

but I will for sure take a deeper look in near future.



Re: Can XML-RPC performance be improved?

2006-03-21 Thread Steve Holden
gregarican wrote:
 Sion Arrowsmith wrote:
shovel huge amounts of data
 That right there basically takes XML-RPC off the table as a viable
 solution. No matter how much fine tuning you try large amounts of data
 don't bode well using XML-RPC. The other posted alternatives are
 certainly worth a shot. From CORBA to cPickle to even a basic TCP
 socket connection would be more efficient. I have used XML-RPC for very
 small recordset transfers but I wouldn't use it for anything large.
I am continually surprised that the industry as a whole has become so 
enamoured of XML that people persist in using it for tasks it was never 
designed nor intended to be used for.

I suppose there *was* a good reason for using XML-RPC in the first place?

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Love me, love my blog


Re: [CODE] - Python Newcomer Starting with Coding

2006-03-21 Thread Dave Hansen
On Tue, 21 Mar 2006 20:05:48 +0200 in comp.lang.python, Ilias
Lazaridis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

bruno at modulix wrote:
 Look for the Python cookbook (google is your friend).

sorry, I've not clarified that I mean an free internet resource.

Try the first hit from google rather than the third.


Change is inevitable, progress is not.

Re: Design mini-lanugage for data input

2006-03-21 Thread aurora
P.S. Also it is a 'mini-language' because it is an ad-hoc design that is  
good enough and can be easily implemented for a given problem. This is  
oppose to a general purpose solution like XML that is one translation from  
the original data format and carries too much baggages.

 Just consider you don't have to enter two quotes for every string object  
 is almost liberating. These quotes are only artifacts for structured  
 data format. The idea to design a format convenient for human and let  
 code to parse and built the data structure.


Re: Can XML-RPC performance be improved?

2006-03-21 Thread skip

Steve I suppose there *was* a good reason for using XML-RPC in the
Steve first place?

I don't know about the OP, but in my case it was a drop-dead simple
cross-language RPC protocol.  At one point Mojam's XML-RPC server talked to
clients written in Python, Perl and Objective-C (via a Java bridge, no



Re: Installing PyExcelerator to write Excel files from Python

2006-03-21 Thread tkpmep
Thanks!!! I had a good laugh at myself after i got it working.


Re: Can XML-RPC performance be improved?

2006-03-21 Thread gregarican
Skip wrote:

 I don't know about the OP, but in my case it was a drop-dead simple
 cross-language RPC protocol.

Exactly. RPC implementations. Typically these are a quick do this with
this sent from the client, with a brief okay, I did that, here's the
result back from the server. Shovelling huge amounts of data using any
XML encapsulation leads to a certain code smell at the very least.


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