Leipzig Python User Group - Meeting, June 13, 2006, 8:00pm

2006-06-09 Thread Mike Müller
Leipzig Python User Group

Next Meeting Tuesday, June 13, 2006

We will meet on June 13 at 8:00 pm at the 
training center of Python Academy in Leipzig, 
Germany (http://www.python-academy.com/center/find.html).

Stefan Schwarzer will give its presentation for 
the EuropPython 2006 titled Speed up your Python 
code. The talk will be in English.

Food and soft drinks are provided. Please send a short confirmation
mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], so we can prepare appropriately.

Everybody who uses Python, plans to do so or is 
interested in learning more about the language is encouraged to participate.

While the meeting language will be mainly German, 
English speakers are very welcome. We will 
provide English interpretation if needed.

Current information about the meetings can always be found at

Leipzig Python User Group

Stammtisch am 13.06.2006

Wir treffen uns am 13.06.2006 um 20:00 Uhr wieder im
im Schulungszentrum der Python Academy in Leipzig 

Stefan Schwarzer wird seinen Vortrag für die 
EuroPython 2006 Anfang Juli in Genf mit dem Titel 
Speed up your Python code vorstellen. Die 
Vortragsprache wird diesmal Englisch sein. Wir 
werden aber in deutsch diskutieren und bei Bedarf 
Wichtiges auf deutsch wiederholen.

Für das leibliche Wohl wird gesorgt.
Wir bitten um kurze Anmeldung per e-mail an: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

An den Treffen der Python Anwendergruppe kann 
jeder teilnehmen, der Interesse an Python hat, 
die Sprache bereits nutzt oder nutzen möchte.

Die Arbeitssprachen des Treffens ist Deutsch. 
Englisch sprechende Python-Enthusiasten sind 
trotzdem herzlich eingeladen. Wir übersetzen gern.

Aktuelle Informationen zu den Treffen sind immer unter
zu finden.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Python-Workshop in Leipzig, Germany, September 8, 2006

2006-06-09 Thread Mike Müller
The following announcement is in German.
Despite this we would like to post it here,
because many German speaking Python users read this group/list.

=== Workshop Python im deutschsprachigen Raum ===

Am 8. September 2006 findet in Leipzig der Workshop Python im
deutschsprachigen Raum statt.

Der Workshop ist als Ergänzung zu den internationalen und
europäischen Python-Zusammenkünften gedacht.
Die Themenpalette der Vorträge ist sehr weit gefasst und
soll alles einschließen, was mit Python im deutschsprachigen
Raum zu tun hat.

Eine ausführliche Beschreibung der Ziele des Workshops,
der Workshop-Themen sowie Details zu Organisation und
Anmeldung sind unter

Vorträge können bis zum 15. Juli angemeldet werden.
Dazu bitte eine Kurzfassung an [EMAIL PROTECTED] senden.
Zu jedem Vortrag kann ein Artikel eingereicht werden,
der in einem Proceedings-Band Ende des Jahres erscheinen wird.

=== Wichtige Termine ===

15.07.2005 Vortragsanmeldung mit Kurzfassung
31.07.2006 Einladung und vollständiges Programm
15.08.2006 Letzter Termin für Frühbucherrabatt
08.09.2006 Workshop
15.09.2006 Letzter Termin für die Einreichung der publikationsfähigen Beiträge
Dezember 2006 Veröffentlichung des Tagungsbandes

=== Bitte weitersagen ===

Der Workshop soll auch Leute ansprechen, die
bisher nicht mit Python arbeiten.
Wer mithelfen möchte den Workshop bekannt zu machen,
kann einen Link auf
Auch außerhalb des Internets kann der Workshop durch den Flyer
bekannt gemacht werden. Einfach doppelseitig ausdrucken oder kopieren und
ein paar Exemplare am Schwarzen Brett von Universitäten, Firmen,
Organisationen usw. aushängen.

Wir freuen uns auf eine rege Teilnahme,
Mike Müller
Stefan Scharzer


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Writing to a certain line?

2006-06-09 Thread John Savage
Tommy  B [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I was wondering if there was a way to take a txt file and, while
keeping most of it, replace only one line. See, I'd have a file like:


Is there any easy way to do this?

An easy way? If you know how many bytes in from the start of the file
your desired changes are to be positioned, the utility of choice is
the strange but wonderful dd for Unix, MSwindows, MSDOS, etc.
That's its name: dd. Are you planning to execute a call to dd from within
a python program? Of course, you are constrained to substituting N bytes
with another N bytes, exactly.
John Savage   (my news address is not valid for email)


Re: Extended zip() for lists

2006-06-09 Thread Florian Reiser
Hello Gene,

a big THANKS for this tip. This is exactly what I was looking for.


Florian Reiser

gene tani [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb im Newsbeitrag 

 Florian Reiser wrote:

 I have 4 lists: a, b, c and d
 Out of this 4 lists I want to build a table (e.g. list of lists):


 You see: the lists are not equally sized.
 Is there a command which fills up the shorter lists with blanks?
 Like an enhanced zip() command, maybe?

 map(None, list1, list2, list3)



Re: HOST - dreamhost.com / Liberality (Hosting, Basic Requirement)

2006-06-09 Thread J�rgen Exner
Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
 crossposted to 5 groups, which are affected by this case.

[some random ramblings about a troll being silenced for the moment]

And your article has exactly what relationship to Perl?




Re: dynamic inheritance

2006-06-09 Thread Kay Schluehr

alf wrote:
 is there any way to tell the class the base class during runtime?



 class A(object):pass
 class B(A):pass
[class '__main__.B', class '__main__.A', type 'object']

See also Micheles nice article about the semantics of the mro (
method resolution order).




Re: Importing again and again

2006-06-09 Thread Steve Holden
abcd wrote:
 If I have code which imports a module over and over again...say each
 time a function is called, does that cause Python to actually re-import
 it...or will it skip it once the module has been imported??
 for example:
 def foo():
 import bar
 ...will that re-import bar 4 times...or just import it once?  is this a
 big performance hit?
To address the performance question, by the way, the first thing that 
the import process does is look in sys.modules to see whether the module 
has already been imported. If so then it uses the module referenced by 
sys.modules, so the overhead is pretty small (dicts being quite fast 
generally speaking).

So your code is a reasonable way to defer the import of bar until the 
function is called, which is why I presumed you coded it that way.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd  http://www.holdenweb.com
Love me, love my blog  http://holdenweb.blogspot.com
Recent Ramblings http://del.icio.us/steve.holden


Re: Allowing zero-dimensional subscripts

2006-06-09 Thread Steve Holden
 Terry Reedy wrote:
So I do not see any point or usefulness in saying that a tuple subcript is
not what it is.
 I know that a tuple is *constructed*. The question is, is this,
 conceptually, the feature that allows you to ommit the parentheses of a
 tuple in some cases. If we see this as the same feature, it's
 reasonable that nothing won't be seen as an empty tuple, just like a
 =  doesn't mean a = ().
 However, if we see this as a different feature, which allows
 multidimensional subscript by constructing a tuple behind the scenes,
 constructing an empty tuple for x[] seems very reasonable to me. Since
 in some cases you can't have the parentheses at all, I think that x[]
 makes sense.
Hey, I have an idea, why don't we look at the language reference manual 
instead of imagining how we think it might work!

In section 3.2 we find:

The items of a tuple are arbitrary Python objects. Tuples of two or more 
items are formed by comma-separated lists of expressions. A tuple of one 
item (a `singleton') can be formed by affixing a comma to an expression 
(an expression by itself does not create a tuple, since parentheses must 
be usable for grouping of expressions). An empty tuple can be formed by 
an empty pair of parentheses.

So it seems that your speculation is false. Section 2.6 specifically 
defines [ and ] as delimiters. Section 5.3.2 defines a subscription 
(a term I've not really grown to love, but what the heck) as

subscription ::= primary [ expression_list ]

and section 5.12, which defines expression_list, explicitly says

An expression list containing at least one comma yields a tuple..

So it would appear that while your change might be very convenient to 
allow you to refer to scalar values as zero-dimensional arrays, it 
doesn't really fit into Python's conceptual framework. Sorry.

One further point: if you really do conceptualize scalars as 
zero-dimensional arrays, where is the value conceptually stored?

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd  http://www.holdenweb.com
Love me, love my blog  http://holdenweb.blogspot.com
Recent Ramblings http://del.icio.us/steve.holden


Error in Chain of Function calls

2006-06-09 Thread Girish Sahani

There is a code in my main function which is something like:

while prunedFinal != []:
prunedNew = genColocations(prunedK) ***
tableInstancesNew = genTableInstances(prunedNew,tableInstancesK)
tiCountDict = tiCount(tableInstancesNew)
tiDict = findPI(tableInstancesNew)
prunedFinal = pruneTI(tiDict,pi)
rulesDict = genRules(prunedFinal)
cpDict = findCP(rulesDict)
prunedRulesList = pruneCP(cpDict,cp)
prunedK = prunedFinal
tableInstancesK = tableInstancesNew
return prunedRulesList

prunedK and tableInstancesK are defined in the main function. Before the
main function, i have defined the other functions such as
genColocations,genTableInstances,etc. Output of genColocations is to be
given to the next function genTableInstances,output of this function to
tiCount and findPI, and so on.
However i am getting an error at the line marked with ***.

Also,i am getting a ValueError in the code below:

  for s in prunedNew:
substrings = [s[:i]+s[i+1:] for i in range(len(s))]
for string in substrings:
if string not in prunedK:

The error is:
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

Could anyone enlighten me as to why i'm getting these two errors??

Thanks a lot,


Re: Win XP: Problem with shell scripting in Python

2006-06-09 Thread Fredrik Lundh
A.M wrote:

 It works very fine with DIR command, but for commands like MD : it doesn't 
 return the error message into the string:
 print os.popen('MD :').read()
 # No error message

in python, MD is spelled os.mkdir.

 Am I missing anything?

the difference between STDOUT and STDERR, and the difference between 
buffered output and non-buffered output, and perhaps a few other things 
related to how STDIO behaves on modern computers...  however, if you 
want to pretend that STDOUT and STDERR are the same thing, you can use 

  o, i = os.popen4(md :)
'The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.\n'

or the subprocess module.

 Considering the fact that Ruby doesn't have any problem with redirecting
  STDOUT into files or string variables, is Python the right tool for
  this kinds of shell scripting?

rewriting BAT files as a series of os.system or os.popen calls isn't 
exactly optimal (neither for the computer nor the programmer nor the 
future user); better take an hour to skim the generic operating system 
services section in the library reference, and use built-in functions 
wherever you can:


the following modules are especially useful:


by using the built-in tools, you get better performance in many cases, 
better error handling, and code that's a lot easier to reuse (also on 
non-Windows platforms).



Re: Select hangs after some reads

2006-06-09 Thread Steve Holden
Donn Cave wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The PSH flag indicates that the data stream must be flushed right 
through to the other end. This is essential for interactive protocols 
such as FTP: without it the server has no way to know that the client 
has sent a complete command, and vice versa.
 So you would expect to see this done explicitly in the source
 for an FTP client or server implementation -- something that
 sets this PSH flag or else the protocol won't work?  Or am
 I misunderstanding what you mean?
 I don't see that specific string anywhere in a the particular
 FTP implementation whose source happened to be handy, basically
 a Berkeley 4.4 variant as I think most are on UNIX.  Somewhere
 around here I have a pass-through FTP client/server application
 that adds GSSAPI-Kerberos5 authentication to the protocol traffic,
 and I don't remember needing to do any such thing there.
 I'd have to look harder at the details, but as I recall it,
 like any sane application the protocol is defined in terms of
 data, so you know if you have a complete command by looking at
 what you have.
Nope, I wouldn't look any harder. You and I both know you won't find 
them. The client in this case was the client's transport layer, not 
the client application - I should have said sender, since I referred 
to the system at the other end as the receiver.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd  http://www.holdenweb.com
Love me, love my blog  http://holdenweb.blogspot.com
Recent Ramblings http://del.icio.us/steve.holden


Re: better Python IDE? Mimics Maya's script editor?

2006-06-09 Thread Steve Holden
warpcat wrote:
 I've been scripting in Maya, via mel for years now.  Recently learning
 to Python, love it.  Thing that's driving me nuts it the IDE.  I'm
 using PythonWin right now and trying to find something better, mainly
 with this functionality:
 In Maya's mel script editor window, it's split into two sections.
 Bottom window you can enter commands (where your script lives), top
 window gives results.  The thing I'm really used to is highlighting X#
 of lines in the bottom window (little snippits from my script), and
 executing that selection, with instant feedback of the results on top.
 This really speeds my workflow.
 It seems completely missing (so far) in Python's IDE.  I have to copy
 and paste from a script to the ide window to execute and see the
 results, or I have to make a bunch of buffer scripts with just the
 code snippetsI want to test in.  Seems *really* clunky.
 Does anyone know of a scripting enviroment for Python that mimics what
 Maya's script editor has?  Much appreciated.
I don't know of anything that exhibits the exact behaviour you describe, 
but then again you might like to consider that i found your request very 
odd. I'm sure that way of testing code seems entirely natural to you, 
but I can honestly say that in almost ten years using Python it's not 
something I have ever wished for.

You might also wish to reconsider your approach to the Python community. 
PythonWin sucks isn't my idea of how to win friends and influence 
people in a first posting to a usenet newsgroup. By and large we are a 
friendly bunch here, but you don't want to start off on the wrong foot :-)

Take a look at DrPython (http://drpython.sourceforge.net/) - you might 
be able to script it to do what you want, and anyway it's more of a 
lightweight interface than PythonWin so you might find it less intrusive.

[Irrelevant ramble: Man, SoureceForge really know how to screw a web 
site up. I'm guessing they think that the changes of the last year are 
improvements. Boy are they wrong. What a mess!]

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd  http://www.holdenweb.com
Love me, love my blog  http://holdenweb.blogspot.com
Recent Ramblings http://del.icio.us/steve.holden


Re: Exeucte a system command in python script

2006-06-09 Thread Steve Holden
 I am using python 2.4, so I don' t need to insteall that module
Thanks I get this error 'NameError: global name 'call' is not defined

I already import 'subprocess'.

Can you pleaes tell me what am I missing?

Among other things you are missing the traceback that the Python 
interpreter provides with its error messages. This will point you to a 
particular line of the source. If you include a few lines of the source 
around that point, as well as a pasted copy of the traceback, we have 
some chance to determine the error without overtaxing our psychic powers.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd  http://www.holdenweb.com
Love me, love my blog  http://holdenweb.blogspot.com
Recent Ramblings http://del.icio.us/steve.holden


Re: Python Class for Apache log analysis

2006-06-09 Thread Steve Holden
And80 wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am looking for a python package that I could employ to analyze
 Apache's log files in real time. Of course I already have found some
 scripts, but most of them are outdated (python1.5), while others are
 simply impossible to use for a custom application. I was looking for
 something reliable, flexible  and not to much outdated...
Are you saying that a Python 1.5 script won't work on recent Pythons, or 
just that the scripts, being old, don't meet your requirements?

The log file format is old enough that you might find the old scripts 
are fine.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd  http://www.holdenweb.com
Love me, love my blog  http://holdenweb.blogspot.com
Recent Ramblings http://del.icio.us/steve.holden


Re: Allowing zero-dimensional subscripts

2006-06-09 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 Well, what do you think about this?

-0 from me, but it's definitely a PEP-able proposal.

suggestion: turn your post into a pre-PEP and post it somewhere, post 
the patch to the patch tracker, and post a brief heads-up to python-dev, 
and see what happens.

(you probably have to do all that today if you want this to go into 2.5, 



RE: better Python IDE? Mimics Maya's script editor?

2006-06-09 Thread Tim Golden
[Steve Holden]

| warpcat wrote:

|  In Maya's mel script editor window, it's split into two sections.
|  Bottom window you can enter commands (where your script lives), top
|  window gives results.  The thing I'm really used to is 
| highlighting X#
|  of lines in the bottom window (little snippits from my script), and
|  executing that selection, with instant feedback of the 
| results on top.
|  This really speeds my workflow.

| I don't know of anything that exhibits the exact behaviour 
| you describe, 
| but then again you might like to consider that i found your 
| request very 
| odd. I'm sure that way of testing code seems entirely natural to you, 
| but I can honestly say that in almost ten years using Python it's not 
| something I have ever wished for.

I may have misread, but it sounds just like what Lightning does:


Except that you enter snippets in the top window and the
results appear in the bottom window. (Or, I think, even
side-by-side according to some preference setting).

Try it and see, perhaps.


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Re: Error in Chain of Function calls

2006-06-09 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Girish Sahani wrote:

 However i am getting an error at the line marked with ***.

what error ?

 Also,i am getting a ValueError in the code below:
   for s in prunedNew:
 substrings = [s[:i]+s[i+1:] for i in range(len(s))]
 for string in substrings:
 if string not in prunedK:
 The error is:
 ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

the ValueError means exactly what it says -- have you verified that the 
value of s really is present in the list?  did you really mean to 
remove s and not, say, string ?



Re: Select hangs after some reads

2006-06-09 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Steve Holden wrote:

 Nope, I wouldn't look any harder. You and I both know you won't find 
 them. The client in this case was the client's transport layer, not 
 the client application - I should have said sender, since I referred 
 to the system at the other end as the receiver.

you know that it's a terminology issue when three experienced developers 
reply well, it already does that, you cannot do that, and I don't 
understand what you mean to the same question.

(if you're playing Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, this is the right 
time to take the money and quit...)



Re: dynamic inheritance

2006-06-09 Thread bruno at modulix
alf wrote:
 is there any way to tell the class the base class during runtime?
Technically, yes - the solution depending on your definition of during

FWIW, the class statement is evaled at import/load time, which is
during runtime So if you want to use one or other (compatible)
classes depending on configuration or system or like, you can use a
conditionnal at the top level, *before* the class statement is eval'd. ie:

import os
if os.name == 'posix':
  import posixmodule as basemodule
elif os.name == 'nt':
  import ntmodule as basemodule
# etc...

class MyClass(basemodule.baseclass):
  # class def here

If you want to dynamically change the base class (or one of the base
classes) during execution (ie: after the class statement has been
eval'd), read Kay Schluehr's answer.

*But* you'd probably better tell us about the problem you're trying to
solve. Since in Python, inheritance is mostly about implementation (ie:
 not needed for subtyping), your problem would probably be best solved
with composition/delegation, for which Python offers a good support:

class MyClass(object):
   def __init__(self, delegate):
   self._delegate = delegate

  def __getattr__(self, name):
   return getattr(self._delegate, name)

or, if you don't want to explicitely pass the delegate at instanciation

import os
if os.name == 'posix':
  import posixmodule as basemodule
elif os.name == 'nt':
  import ntmodule as basemodule
# etc...

class MyClass(object):
_delegate_class = basemodule.SomeClass

def __init__(self):
self._delegate = self._delegate_class()

# etc

there are of course some variants of the above solutions, but one can't
tell you which one to use without knowing more about your actual problem.

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: How to generate k+1 length strings from a list of k length strings?

2006-06-09 Thread Boris Borcic
 Boris Borcic:
 I challenge you to write simpler code to do the equivalent.

context ?

 I don't do challenges.

Pfff... and you don't do real debates either.

 I too have written the code to solve that

Why ? When ?

Re: tracking dependencies

2006-06-09 Thread Michele Simionato
Dennis Benzinger wrote:

 I've never tried it, but http://www.tarind.com/depgraph.html looks like
 what you are looking for.

This is EXACTLY what I had in mind :-)

 Michele Simionato


Re: Error in Chain of Function calls

2006-06-09 Thread bruno at modulix
Girish Sahani wrote:
 There is a code in my main function which is something like:
 while prunedFinal != []:
 prunedNew = genColocations(prunedK) ***
 tableInstancesNew = genTableInstances(prunedNew,tableInstancesK)
 tiCountDict = tiCount(tableInstancesNew)
 tiDict = findPI(tableInstancesNew)
 prunedFinal = pruneTI(tiDict,pi)
 rulesDict = genRules(prunedFinal)
 cpDict = findCP(rulesDict)
 prunedRulesList = pruneCP(cpDict,cp)
 prunedK = prunedFinal
 tableInstancesK = tableInstancesNew
 return prunedRulesList
 prunedK and tableInstancesK are defined in the main function.

defined as what ? functions, strings, lists, classes, ... ?

 Before the
 main function, i have defined the other functions such as
 genColocations,genTableInstances,etc. Output of genColocations is to be
 given to the next function genTableInstances,output of this function to
 tiCount and findPI, and so on.
 However i am getting an error at the line marked with ***.

Which error ? How do you hope us to be of any help here if you don't *at
least* provide the full traceback ? FWIW, the canonical way to do things
is to:
- provide minimal *runnable* code exposing the problem
- explain what you hoped to get
- explain what you got instead (including full traceback)

As a matter of fact, it's often the case that one solves the problem
when working on the first point !-)


bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Importing again and again

2006-06-09 Thread Maric Michaud
Le Jeudi 08 Juin 2006 22:02, abcd a écrit :

 def foo():
 import bar


 ...will that re-import bar 4 times...or just import it once?  is this a
 big performance hit?

Import a module more than once doesn't execute the code of this module more 
than once.

I don't know what's your need but as some have spoke of reload I just want to 
warn you, reload a module means that you want invalidate the code of this and 
replace it by a new one, this is not like a normal but deeper import. Also, 
you'll have to deal yourself wiith references to your old code.
Hmmm,  the following example should be clear than my explanations :)

n [1]: import temp

In [2]: class a(temp.Base

In [2]: class a(temp.Base

In [2]: class a(temp.Base

In [2]: class a(temp.Base) : pass

In [3]: reload(temp)
Out[3]: module 'temp' from 'temp.pyc'

In [4]: class b(temp.Base) : pass

In [7]: b.__base__, a.__base__, b.__base__ is a.__base__
Out[7]: (class 'temp.Base', class 'temp.Base', False)

In [8]: isinstance(a(), temp.Base), isinstance(b(), temp.Base)
Out[8]: (False, True)


Maric Michaud

Aristote - www.aristote.info
3 place des tapis
69004 Lyon
Tel: +33 426 880 097

Re: what are you using python language for?

2006-06-09 Thread bruno at modulix
baalbek wrote:
 To score with the chicks!
 A Python script roams the nightclubs for beautiful women, finds an
 appropriate woman based on my preferances, charms her with its sleek
 Pythonic manners, calls for a cab and brings the lady to my recidency.
 Works like a charm!

Is that OSS ?-)

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: How to generate k+1 length strings from a list of k length strings?

2006-06-09 Thread bearophileHUGS
Boris Borcic:
  I don't do challenges.

 Pfff... and you don't do real debates either.

Different nations have different values and different cultures, in mine
challenges are often seen as things for children, and a waste of time
for adults (probably in USA challenges are appreciated more).



Python to be used to build OLPC apps

2006-06-09 Thread Michael Dillon
The $100 laptop from MIT will be providing Python for application
developers to use. This laptop is a low-power consumption 
innovative laptop that includes features like:
- low-power wi-fi with longer than normal range and the ability
  to keep communicating after the CPU has been put to sleep.
- color LCD screen that can be switched to an extra-low power
  reflective monochrome mode for reading ebooks.
- limited memory, flash storage and no hard drive like a PDA
- several USB ports
- accepts DC input voltages from 5 to 25 volts to recharge battery
- ships with a hand-crank power generator

The table of contents of their wiki is the best place
to learn more: http://wiki.laptop.org/index.php/Table_of_Contents

Other key pages are 
http://wiki.laptop.org/index.php/OLPC_Python_Environment and 


Re: Allowing zero-dimensional subscripts

2006-06-09 Thread Terry Reedy

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 The question is, is this,
 conceptually, the feature that allows you to ommit the parentheses of a
 tuple in some cases.

To repeat: tuples are defined by commas.  There are no 'parentheses of a 
tuple', except for empty tuples, to be omitted.  Consider: a+b is a sum; in 
(a+b)*c, the sum is parenthesized to avoid confusion with a+b*c.  Like 
other expressions, tuples are parenthesezed when needed to avoid similar 
confusion.  So (1,2)+(3,4) needs parens because 1,2+3,4 would be something 
different.  In both examples, parens are used to reverse normal precedence 

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Allowing zero-dimensional subscripts

2006-06-09 Thread Carl Banks
Steve Holden wrote:
 Hey, I have an idea, why don't we look at the language reference manual
 instead of imagining how we think it might work!

I don't know.  Sounds risky.

 In section 3.2 we find:

 The items of a tuple are arbitrary Python objects. Tuples of two or more
 items are formed by comma-separated lists of expressions. A tuple of one
 item (a `singleton') can be formed by affixing a comma to an expression
 (an expression by itself does not create a tuple, since parentheses must
 be usable for grouping of expressions). An empty tuple can be formed by
 an empty pair of parentheses.

 So it seems that your speculation is false. Section 2.6 specifically
 defines [ and ] as delimiters. Section 5.3.2 defines a subscription
 (a term I've not really grown to love, but what the heck) as

 subscription ::= primary [ expression_list ]

 and section 5.12, which defines expression_list, explicitly says

 An expression list containing at least one comma yields a tuple..

 So it would appear that while your change might be very convenient to
 allow you to refer to scalar values as zero-dimensional arrays, it
 doesn't really fit into Python's conceptual framework. Sorry.

Yes, that would appear to be so.  You would have a point... if the
documentation were correct.  Only it's not.

According to the reference manual, the rule for an expression_list is:

expression_list ::= expression ( , expression )* [,]

But take the following legal Python subscripted array:


Is 1:2 an expression?  How about ...?  When I enter 1:2 at the
Python prompt, I get a syntax error.  The fact is, the documentation
here is either wrong or simplified or both.  (I don't think it's a big
deal, actually: the real grammar has lots of complexity to handle
tricky cases that would needlessly complicate the reference manual for
a human reader.)  So let's look at an excerpt the actual Python grammar
(from 2.4.3).  You'll be happy to know subscription isn't used. :)

trailer: '(' [arglist] ')' | '[' subscriptlist ']' | '.' NAME
subscriptlist: subscript (',' subscript)* [',']
sliceop: ':' [test]
subscript: '.' '.' '.' | test | [test] ':' [test] [sliceop]
testlist: test (',' test)* [',']

Clearly, the grammar rule used for list subscript is different from the
one used for list of expressions (for some reason, what an ordinary
person would call an expression is called a test in the grammar,
whereas expr is a non-short-circuiting expression).

So there's a regular way to create non-empty tuples, and a subscript

And there's a regular way to create an empty tuple... but not a
subscript way.

So I'd say this change fits the conceptual framework of the tuple quite
well; in fact, it makes subscript tuples more parallel to their regular

 One further point: if you really do conceptualize scalars as
 zero-dimensional arrays, where is the value conceptually stored?

Think of it this way: an array with n-dimensions of length 3 would have
3**n total entries.  How many entries would a 0-dimensional array have?
 3**0 == 1.

Numeric has had zero-dimensional arrays for a long time, and has had no
problem storing them.  Think of the rule for accessing an element of an
array: it's a base pointer + sum (indices*stride) for all indices.  Now
generalize it down to zero: there are no indices, so the scalar is
stored at the base pointer.

Carl Banks


Re: How to generate k+1 length strings from a list of k length strings?

2006-06-09 Thread Boris Borcic
 Boris Borcic:
 I don't do challenges.
 Pfff... and you don't do real debates either.
 Different nations have different values and different cultures, in mine
 challenges are often seen as things for children, and a waste of time
 for adults (probably in USA challenges are appreciated more).

(1) This is becoming very ridiculous. What do the USA have to do with it ?

(2) Different nations have different languages, and a good rule of thumb when 
debating with someone of unknown linguistic origins is not to focus on the 
connotations you percieve to a single word you abstract from its context.

(3) Different intellectual communities have different values, in mine it is the 
rule not to make abstract claims if not ready to put them to experimental test 
and it's less a matter of (passing or failing) tests than a matter of making 
clear the rule of translation between one's own abstract language and objective 
facts. And by these means, ultimately, to measure the divergence in languages.

(4) As concerns the matter of the case, you made broad and abstract claims 
implicitely referring to some doctrine(s), and I concisely formulated the 
that you back them up with (according to you) observable facts. I note that 
instead you chose to articulate your doctrine while avoiding an occasion to 
probe its adequacy.

(5) I find your systematic enrollment of children to your cause quite 


Re: better Python IDE? Mimics Maya's script editor?

2006-06-09 Thread Kay Schluehr

warpcat wrote:
 I've been scripting in Maya, via mel for years now.  Recently learning
 to Python, love it.  Thing that's driving me nuts it the IDE.



Re: How to generate k+1 length strings from a list of k length strings?

2006-06-09 Thread Boris Borcic

 It's not that difficult to improve the readability of a quite long
 line, you can start splitting it.

The point is that it is observer and context dependent whether

res = set(''.join(sorted(X|Y))
  for X in sets
  for Y in sets
  if len(X^Y)==2)

is measurably easier to read than

res = set(''.join(sorted(X|Y)) for X in sets for Y in sets if len(X^Y)==2)

*and* that I acknowledged it by writing I find most readable
while you denied it by speaking of the readability - and similar language.


Amazon and Webservices

2006-06-09 Thread vpr
Hi All

I've been trying to consume the webservices at Amazon using python.
I have not been able to find a *good* webservices module and I've had a
look at SOAPpy, etc.
Yes I have googled etc, but there seems to be a lack of development in
this space apart for one or two projects.

Does anyone have a working webservices implementation (not pyamazon) ?



Re: Allowing zero-dimensional subscripts

2006-06-09 Thread Steve Holden
Carl Banks wrote:
 Steve Holden wrote:
Hey, I have an idea, why don't we look at the language reference manual
instead of imagining how we think it might work!
 I don't know.  Sounds risky.
In section 3.2 we find:

The items of a tuple are arbitrary Python objects. Tuples of two or more
items are formed by comma-separated lists of expressions. A tuple of one
item (a `singleton') can be formed by affixing a comma to an expression
(an expression by itself does not create a tuple, since parentheses must
be usable for grouping of expressions). An empty tuple can be formed by
an empty pair of parentheses.

So it seems that your speculation is false. Section 2.6 specifically
defines [ and ] as delimiters. Section 5.3.2 defines a subscription
(a term I've not really grown to love, but what the heck) as

subscription ::= primary [ expression_list ]

and section 5.12, which defines expression_list, explicitly says

An expression list containing at least one comma yields a tuple..

So it would appear that while your change might be very convenient to
allow you to refer to scalar values as zero-dimensional arrays, it
doesn't really fit into Python's conceptual framework. Sorry.
 Yes, that would appear to be so.  You would have a point... if the
 documentation were correct.  Only it's not.
 According to the reference manual, the rule for an expression_list is:
 expression_list ::= expression ( , expression )* [,]
 But take the following legal Python subscripted array:
But the element inside the brackets there isn't  an expression-list, 
it's a slicing (see section 5.3.2).

 Is 1:2 an expression?  How about ...?  When I enter 1:2 at the

1:2 is a short slice.

... is an ellipsis.

Neither of these elements are allowed in non-subscripting contexts.

 Python prompt, I get a syntax error.  The fact is, the documentation
 here is either wrong or simplified or both.  (I don't think it's a big
 deal, actually: the real grammar has lots of complexity to handle
 tricky cases that would needlessly complicate the reference manual for
 a human reader.)  So let's look at an excerpt the actual Python grammar
 (from 2.4.3).  You'll be happy to know subscription isn't used. :)
 trailer: '(' [arglist] ')' | '[' subscriptlist ']' | '.' NAME
 subscriptlist: subscript (',' subscript)* [',']
 sliceop: ':' [test]
 subscript: '.' '.' '.' | test | [test] ':' [test] [sliceop]
 testlist: test (',' test)* [',']
The simplification of the grammar is explicitly documented:

Rather than further complicating the syntax, this is disambiguated by 
defining that in this case the interpretation as a subscription takes 
priority over the interpretation as a slicing (this is the case if the 
slice list contains no proper slice nor ellipses). Similarly, when the 
slice list has exactly one short slice and no trailing comma, the 
interpretation as a simple slicing takes priority over that as an 
extended slicing.

 Clearly, the grammar rule used for list subscript is different from the
 one used for list of expressions (for some reason, what an ordinary
 person would call an expression is called a test in the grammar,
 whereas expr is a non-short-circuiting expression).
 So there's a regular way to create non-empty tuples, and a subscript
 And there's a regular way to create an empty tuple... but not a
 subscript way.
 So I'd say this change fits the conceptual framework of the tuple quite
 well; in fact, it makes subscript tuples more parallel to their regular
Although this debate is beginning to make me sound like one, I am really 
not a language lawyer. However, I should point out that what you are 
describing as a tuple should more correctly be described as a 
slice-list once you include slices or an ellipsis as elements. 
Slicings are described, as I am fairly sure you know, in section 5.3.3.
One further point: if you really do conceptualize scalars as
zero-dimensional arrays, where is the value conceptually stored?
 Think of it this way: an array with n-dimensions of length 3 would have
 3**n total entries.  How many entries would a 0-dimensional array have?
  3**0 == 1.
 Numeric has had zero-dimensional arrays for a long time, and has had no
 problem storing them.  Think of the rule for accessing an element of an
 array: it's a base pointer + sum (indices*stride) for all indices.  Now
 generalize it down to zero: there are no indices, so the scalar is
 stored at the base pointer.
I can see that, and it doesn't seem unreasonable. Fortunately your 
persistence has goaded me into determining the point that *did* seem 
unreasonable to me: you were falsely trying to equate slicings and tuples.

Having said all of which, there probably *is* a case for proposing that 
an empty slicing become syntactically acceptable, so why not write the 
PEP and go for it?

But be quick: feature freeze for 2.5b1 looms ...

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 

Re: Large Dictionaries

2006-06-09 Thread Marcin Ciura
Tim Peters wrote:
 shellsort is much more a refinement of insertion-sort than of
 bubblesort, but is not an O(N log N) algorithm regardlesss.

With a judiciously chosen increment sequence,
the number of comparisons made by shellsort
*is* of the order N log N for practical values of N.
See Figure 8 in

Re: How to generate k+1 length strings from a list of k lengthstrings?

2006-06-09 Thread Sibylle Koczian
Girish Sahani schrieb:
 Yes it is the former of course.Common elements could be in any order in
 both strings.
 Thanks Marc :)...though we need to add an if for checking the length of
 the string (k+1).

No, why? Every character from string1 is removed from string2 at most
once. And string2 is added to string1 if and only if it has length 1; if
not, string1 is set to the empty string. So either string1 is empty or
it has length k+1. Or did you mean checking if string1 is empty?

Dr. Sibylle Koczian
Universitaetsbibliothek, Abt. Naturwiss.
D-86135 Augsburg

Re: Amazon and Webservices

2006-06-09 Thread skip

vpr I've been trying to consume the webservices at Amazon using python.
vpr I have not been able to find a *good* webservices module...



Re: Instead of saving text files i need as html

2006-06-09 Thread Sion Arrowsmith
Tim Chase  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [ ... ]
 urllib.urlretrieve(lines.strip('/n'), 'c:\\temp\\' \
 + outfilename.strip('\n')[7:] + '.html')
 [ ... ]  I'm not sure what the odd 
slicing is for, but I'll presume the OP knows what they're doing.

It's taking the http://; off the front of the URL.


\S -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- http://www.chaos.org.uk/~sion/
  ___  |  Frankly I have no feelings towards penguins one way or the other
  \X/  |-- Arthur C. Clarke
   her nu becomeþ se bera eadward ofdun hlæddre heafdes bæce bump bump bump

Re: Allowing zero-dimensional subscripts

2006-06-09 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Sybren Stuvel wrote:

 Just curious: how would you initialize 'x' in such a case? If I simply
 say 'x = []' and then try to index it with x[1, 2], I get TypeError:
 list indices must be integers.

that's up to the x implementation to decide, of course:

  class MyContainer:
... def __getitem__(self, index):
... return index
  x = MyContainer()
  x[1, 2]
(1, 2)
  x[(1, 2, 3)]
(1, 2, 3)

noam's proposal is to make this work:


(but should it really result in an empty tuple?  wouldn't None be a bit 
more Pythonic?)



Re: How to generate k+1 length strings from a list of k length strings?

2006-06-09 Thread Boris Borcic
 Hum, since your code is not syntactically correct, anything will run 
 faster :)

in fact it parses, I was fooled by this line

 if k in range(1,len(prunedK),1)  i+k = len(prunedK) -1:

I was fooled because the form k in range( tends to imply a for statement ;
  in the case of an if statement, one usually uses chained comparisons instead.

If you know i=0 and i,k are integers (as is implied by context), you could 
simply write something like:

if 0  k  i+k  len(prunedK) :

in the contrary case,
assuming your line does what you want, you should really write it as

if 1 = k  len(prunedK) and i+k = len(prunedK)-1 :

or more concisely

if 1 = k  len(prunedK) = i+k+1 :

or even

if i+k  len(prunedK)  k  0 :

Re: Error in Chain of Function calls

2006-06-09 Thread Girish Sahani
 Girish Sahani wrote:

 However i am getting an error at the line marked with ***.

 what error ?
...line 266, in colocationMiner
prunedNew = genColocations(prunedK)
genColocations is a function defined before which returns prunedNew.

 Also,i am getting a ValueError in the code below:

   for s in prunedNew:
 substrings = [s[:i]+s[i+1:] for i in range(len(s))]
 for string in substrings:
 if string not in prunedK:

 The error is:
 ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

 the ValueError means exactly what it says -- have you verified that the
 value of s really is present in the list?  did you really mean to
 remove s and not, say, string ?
Yes. I want to remove s from the prunedNew list if that condition is not




Re: Large Dictionaries

2006-06-09 Thread Duncan Booth
Marcin Ciura wrote:

 Tim Peters wrote:
 shellsort is much more a refinement of insertion-sort than of
 bubblesort, but is not an O(N log N) algorithm regardlesss.
 With a judiciously chosen increment sequence,
 the number of comparisons made by shellsort
 *is* of the order N log N for practical values of N.
 See Figure 8 in

That isn't what the reference says. It only covers N up to a few thousand. 
Practical values of N need to at least go up into the millions.

Read the summary:
 Using sequential analysis, the search for optimal increment sequences
 for Shellsort was accelerated enough to find them for arrays up to
 several thousand elements.
 However, the sequences obtained so far are too short to draw a
 reliable conclusion whether an appropriate sequence of increments can
 make Shellsort a O(N logN) sorting method on the average. Some
 hypotheses may be possible when the sequences are prolonged to sort
 arrays of about 10^5 elements. 


Re: Win XP: Problem with shell scripting in Python

2006-06-09 Thread A.M

Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 A.M wrote:

 in python, MD is spelled os.mkdir.

 Am I missing anything?

 the difference between STDOUT and STDERR, and the difference between 
 buffered output and non-buffered output, and perhaps a few other things 
 related to how STDIO behaves on modern computers...  however, if you want 
 to pretend that STDOUT and STDERR are the same thing, you can use 

  o, i = os.popen4(md :)
 'The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.\n'

 or the subprocess module.

 Considering the fact that Ruby doesn't have any problem with redirecting
  STDOUT into files or string variables, is Python the right tool for
  this kinds of shell scripting?

 rewriting BAT files as a series of os.system or os.popen calls isn't 
 exactly optimal (neither for the computer nor the programmer nor the 
 future user); better take an hour to skim the generic operating system 
 services section in the library reference, and use built-in functions 
 wherever you can:


 the following modules are especially useful:


 by using the built-in tools, you get better performance in many cases, 
 better error handling, and code that's a lot easier to reuse (also on 
 non-Windows platforms).


Thanks Fredrik for help.

The MD : is just a sample. The actual script contains different commands.

The actual script that I am translating consolidates huge table data from 
multiple SQL Server database into Oracle. I have to use BCP command line at 
the SQL server side and SQL*Loader at the Oracle side.

I must capture the stdout/stderr output of command lines into log files for 
future inspection/troubleshooting. Beside the issue with stdout/stderror, 
the main stressful problem that I have is the fact that Python captures 
command line's output somehow differently. For example, popen captures BCP's 
command output completely wrong. Some part of summary is at the top and the 
progress percentages are at the bottom and more.! This is just stdout 

I am going to investigate other popen4 and other popen forms per your 
suggestion and try to fix the stdout sequence problem.




Writing PNG with pure Python

2006-06-09 Thread Johann C. Rocholl
Just in case anybody has the same problem, here's my first attempt at
implementing a subset of the PNG spec in pure Python. I license it to
you under the terms of the GNU GPL.


It encodes RGB images with 24 bits per pixel into PNG, using only the
modules sys, zlib and struct. These are all included in the base
distribution of Python. You don't need gd or imlib.

I have done a little testing, and my implementation processes 8 megs of
RGB input in 0.6 seconds. With Adam7 interlacing enabled, it takes 10
times longer.

I would really appreciate any feedback and suggestions for improvement.



Re: Error in Chain of Function calls

2006-06-09 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Girish Sahani wrote:

 what error ?
 ...line 266, in colocationMiner
 prunedNew = genColocations(prunedK)
 genColocations is a function defined before which returns prunedNew.

that's a line of code, not an error.  please include the entire 
traceback, or at least the actual error message.  also see:


 The error is:
 ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list
 the ValueError means exactly what it says -- have you verified that the
 value of s really is present in the list?  did you really mean to
 remove s and not, say, string ?
 Yes. I want to remove s from the prunedNew list if that condition is not

are the item you want to remove in the list?  if you cannot be sure of 
that when you call remove, you need to check first (or catch the 
exception).  i.e.

 if s in prunedNew:


 prunedNew.remove(s) # remove, if present
 except ValueError:
 pass # ignore error if not present



Re: Error in Chain of Function calls

2006-06-09 Thread Boris Borcic
Girish Sahani wrote:
 Also,i am getting a ValueError in the code below:
   for s in prunedNew:
 substrings = [s[:i]+s[i+1:] for i in range(len(s))]
 for string in substrings:
 if string not in prunedK:
 The error is:
 ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list
 Could anyone enlighten me as to why i'm getting these two errors??

Why don't you use sets instead of lists ? It would make your life much easier.

Specifically here, the problem seems to be that for some s there is more than 
one substring of it that fails to be in prunedK, so that the failing line is 
called more than once for a single s.

The simplest modification is to replace your first 'continue' by a 'break' (and 
remove the second 'continue' which serves no purpose).


Short questions wrt Python Unicode

2006-06-09 Thread KvS
Hi all,

I've been reading about unicode in general and using it in Python in
particular lately as this turns out to be not so straightforward
actually. I wanted to aks two questions:

1) I'm writing a program that interacts with the user through wxPython
(unicode build) and stores  retrieves data using PySQLite. As fas as I
know now, both packages are capable of handling Python unicode objects
(wxPython returns the values of text controls etc. by default as Python
unicode objects and TEXT columns in PySQLite have unicode entries)
and since of course both interface with me through Python unicode
objects I should be able to use each others generated unicode objects
without any fear in each other functions, right??

2) How do I get a representation of a unic. object in terms of Unicode
code points? repr() doesn't do that, it sometimes parses or encodes the
code points right:


(does this latter \xe6 have to do with the internal representation of
unic. objects, maybe with this  UCS-2 encoding?)

Thanks in advance!

- Kees


Re: Large Dictionaries

2006-06-09 Thread Marcin Ciura
Duncan Booth wrote:
 Marcin Ciura wrote:
See Figure 8 in
 That isn't what the reference says. It only covers N up to a few thousand. 
 Practical values of N need to at least go up into the millions.

Please look at the performance graph of Tokuda's increment sequence.
You can see that it scales pretty well at least up to 100 million.

Re: Win XP: Problem with shell scripting in Python

2006-06-09 Thread Steve Holden
A.M wrote:
 Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
A.M wrote:

in python, MD is spelled os.mkdir.

Am I missing anything?

the difference between STDOUT and STDERR, and the difference between 
buffered output and non-buffered output, and perhaps a few other things 
related to how STDIO behaves on modern computers...  however, if you want 
to pretend that STDOUT and STDERR are the same thing, you can use 

o, i = os.popen4(md :)

'The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.\n'

or the subprocess module.

Considering the fact that Ruby doesn't have any problem with redirecting
STDOUT into files or string variables, is Python the right tool for
this kinds of shell scripting?

rewriting BAT files as a series of os.system or os.popen calls isn't 
exactly optimal (neither for the computer nor the programmer nor the 
future user); better take an hour to skim the generic operating system 
services section in the library reference, and use built-in functions 
wherever you can:


the following modules are especially useful:


by using the built-in tools, you get better performance in many cases, 
better error handling, and code that's a lot easier to reuse (also on 
non-Windows platforms).


 Thanks Fredrik for help.
 The MD : is just a sample. The actual script contains different commands.
 The actual script that I am translating consolidates huge table data from 
 multiple SQL Server database into Oracle. I have to use BCP command line at 
 the SQL server side and SQL*Loader at the Oracle side.
 I must capture the stdout/stderr output of command lines into log files for 
 future inspection/troubleshooting. Beside the issue with stdout/stderror, 
 the main stressful problem that I have is the fact that Python captures 
 command line's output somehow differently. For example, popen captures BCP's 
 command output completely wrong. Some part of summary is at the top and the 
 progress percentages are at the bottom and more.! This is just stdout 
 I am going to investigate other popen4 and other popen forms per your 
 suggestion and try to fix the stdout sequence problem.
I dare hardly suggest this, but might it not be better to use Python's 
database functionality to perform the task? The language can access both 
databases, and you might find it quicker. Then again, if your database 
experience is limited, you may not ...

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd  http://www.holdenweb.com
Love me, love my blog  http://holdenweb.blogspot.com
Recent Ramblings http://del.icio.us/steve.holden


How to link foreign keys primary keys using python?

2006-06-09 Thread sonal
Hi all,
I hv started with python just recently... and have been assigned to
make an utility which would be used for data validations...
In short we take up various comma separated  data files
for eg: area.txt, school.txt, students.txt and so on (ok?!?)
1. area code used in the school.txt must be defined in the area.txt
(Primary key in area = area_code defined in area.txt
 Foreign key on school = area_code defined in school.txt)

i hv created primary key using the following piece of code:

# primary key for area.txt (index created on the column AREACODE as per
# schema defined earlier )
area_pk = PartitionedPK( name = 'Area PK ',
save_to  =
fields   = ['A_AREACODE'] )
 # col name in area schema

# foreign key is defined as follows...
school_fk = HashedFK( name  = ' School code FK',
   load_from = '../Index/area_code.idx',
   fields= ['S_AREACODE'] )
  # col name in school schema

Description for abv code:
1.  An index {area_code.idx } is formed on the field AREACODE in the
2.  The data values in the S_AREACODE field in the school.txt are
checked in the index {area_code.idx}
If the area code given in school.txt is not present in the area
code, then the record is not validated(as foreign key constraint

Now if the Primary key is on mutiple columns...the foreign key, which
is also definedon the same no. of columns works..
for eg..

# primary key for school.txt (index created on the columns AREACODE 
SCHOOLCODE as per the
# schema defined earlier )
school_pk = PartitionedPK( name = 'School PK ',
save_to  = '../Index/school.idx',
fields   =
['S_AREACODE','S_SCHOOLCODE'] )  # col names in school schema

# foreign key for students is defined as follows...
student_fk = HashedFK( name  = ' STUDENT code FK',
   load_from = '../Index/student.idx',
['STUD_AREACODE','STUD_SCHOOLCODE'] )   # col name in
student schema

Now if I hv to define foreign key on student.txt but with only one
field, school code, so as to make sure that the school name given in
the student.txt exists in the school.txt whatever be the area code...
I am unable to do this...

Say, if the AREACODE field is not present in the student.txt file
I tried using the foll code

student_fk = HashedFK( name  = ' Student FK',
   load_from = '../Index/school.idx',
   fields= ['STUD_SCHOOLCODE'] )

Its showing an AttributeError : 'list' object has no attribute

I also tried making another index with only SCHOOLCODE field (another
PK for school.txt) and the foreign key on student.txt to be loaded from
this index...
it still shows the same error
That's may be becoz... one SCHOOLCODE may repeat often, with a
different AREACODE... so may be we need to index on distinct
SCHOOLCODES in school.txt...
how do i do that??

I hope i am not confusing the genious' ... plz help me...
till get my hands on python... :)


Re: Error in Chain of Function calls

2006-06-09 Thread bruno at modulix
Girish Sahani wrote:
Girish Sahani wrote:

However i am getting an error at the line marked with ***.

what error ?
 ...line 266, in colocationMiner

Great. We now know at which line of an unknown file an unknown error
happens. Will use my PythonPsychicPowers(tm) now to see waht's there...

Also,i am getting a ValueError in the code below:
The error is:
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

the ValueError means exactly what it says -- have you verified that the
value of s really is present in the list?  did you really mean to
remove s and not, say, string ?
 Yes. I want to remove s from the prunedNew list if that condition is not

Anyway the error message is very clear : you're trying to remove a
non-existant item from a list. Don't try to remove non-existent items,
and you'll be fine.

Hint 1 : in-place modifying a list you're iterating upon is a sure way
to get into trouble
Hint 2 : once you removed an item from that list, you shouldn't have to
worry about deciding once again if you need to remove it...

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: Large Dictionaries

2006-06-09 Thread Duncan Booth
Marcin Ciura wrote:

 Duncan Booth wrote:
 Marcin Ciura wrote:
See Figure 8 in
 That isn't what the reference says. It only covers N up to a few
 thousand. Practical values of N need to at least go up into the
 Please look at the performance graph of Tokuda's increment sequence.
 You can see that it scales pretty well at least up to 100 million.

Ah sorry, I misread it. It was sequences with several thousand elements, 
which corresponds to N of 100 million.

Re: Short questions wrt Python Unicode

2006-06-09 Thread John Machin
On 9/06/2006 10:04 PM, KvS wrote:

 2) How do I get a representation of a unic. object in terms of Unicode
 code points? repr() doesn't do that, it sometimes parses or encodes the
 code points right:
| s=u\u0040\u0166\u00e6
| s

| ' '.join('U+%04X % ord(c) for c in s)
'U+0040 U+0166 U+00E6'

If you'd prefer it more Pythonic than unicode.orgic, adjust the format 
string and separator to suit your taste.

 (does this latter \xe6 have to do with the internal representation of
 unic. objects, maybe with this  UCS-2 encoding?)

| u'\xe6' == u'\u00e6' == unichr(0xe6)
| hex(ord(u'\u00e6'))

U+nn is represented internally as the integer 0xnn -- except if 
it won't fit, but you can pretend that surrogate pairs don't exist, for 
the moment :-)



Re: Allowing zero-dimensional subscripts

2006-06-09 Thread spam . noam

Sybren Stuvel wrote:
 I think it's ugly to begin with. In math, one would write simply 'x'
 to denote an unsubscribed (ubsubscripted?) 'x'. And another point, why
 would one call __getitem__ without an item to call?

I think that in this case, mathematical notation is different from
python concepts.

If I create a zero-dimensional array, with the value 5, like this:
 a = array(5)

I refer to the array object as a, and to the int it stores as a[].

For example, I can change the value it holds by writing
 a[] = 8
Writing a = 8 would have a completely different meaning - create a
new name, a, pointing at a new int, 8.



Re: wddx problem with entities

2006-06-09 Thread Tim Arnold
Tim Arnold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 I'm confused about why I get this error:
 UnicodeError: ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128)

 when I try to load a wddx file containing this string:
 stringThe image file, gif/aper#231;u.png, does
  not exist./string

 When I loop through the file as if it's text and check the ord() value of 
 each character, of course it's clean. Do I have to replace numbered 
 entities in the wddx file before I can wddx.load() it?

 example program:
 from xml.marshal import wddx

 datastring = '''?xml version=1.0?
 !DOCTYPE wddxPacket SYSTEM wddx_0090.dtd
 wddxPacket version=0.9
  stringThe image file, gif/aper#231;u.png,does not exist./string

 data = wddx.loads(datastring)

Replying to my own post.
I got around this problem, which *looks* like a bug to me, (although I'm 
sure I don't understand the internals of xml.marshal) with this:

self.data = wddx.loads(''.join(codecs.open(self.filename,
where self.filename contains the numbered entity.

just in case anyone else out there is using wddx to communicate between 
python and php.

--Tim Arnold


Re: Short questions wrt Python Unicode

2006-06-09 Thread Fredrik Lundh
KvS wrote:

 (does this latter \xe6 have to do with the internal representation of
 unic. objects, maybe with this  UCS-2 encoding?)

no, it's simply the shortest way to represent U+00E6 as Python Unicode 
string literal, when limited to ASCII only.



Re: Allowing zero-dimensional subscripts

2006-06-09 Thread spam . noam

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 (but should it really result in an empty tuple?  wouldn't None be a bit
 more Pythonic?)

I don't think it would. First of all, x[()] already has the desired
meaning in numpy. But I think it's the right thing - if you think of
what's inside the brackets as a list of subscripts, one for each
dimension, which is translated to a call to __getitem__ or __setitem__
with a tuple of objects representing the subscripts, then an empty
tuple is what you want to represent no subscripts.

Of course, one item without a comma doesn't make a tuple, but I see
this as the special case - just like parentheses with any number of
commas are interpreted as tuples, except for parentheses with one item
without a comma.

(By the way, thanks for the tips for posting a PEP - I'll try to do it



Re: Where is the ucs-32 codec?

2006-06-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Méta-MCI wrote:

 Look at: http://cjkpython.berlios.de   (iconvcodec)

 (Serge Orlov has built a version for Python 2.4 special for me; thanks to

Thanks for the pointer.
iconvcodec should do the job, but I still want a native implementation
to be included with any python.


Re: Short questions wrt Python Unicode

2006-06-09 Thread KvS

John Machin wrote:
 On 9/06/2006 10:04 PM, KvS wrote:

  2) How do I get a representation of a unic. object in terms of Unicode
  code points? repr() doesn't do that, it sometimes parses or encodes the
  code points right:
 | s=u\u0040\u0166\u00e6
 | s

 | ' '.join('U+%04X % ord(c) for c in s)
 'U+0040 U+0166 U+00E6'

 If you'd prefer it more Pythonic than unicode.orgic, adjust the format
 string and separator to suit your taste.

  (does this latter \xe6 have to do with the internal representation of
  unic. objects, maybe with this  UCS-2 encoding?)

 | u'\xe6' == u'\u00e6' == unichr(0xe6)
 | hex(ord(u'\u00e6'))

 U+nn is represented internally as the integer 0xnn -- except if
 it won't fit, but you can pretend that surrogate pairs don't exist, for
 the moment :-)


Thanks to you and Fredrik! What about q1? I know it's silly since for
integers e.g. one doesn't give such an issue any thought at all, it's
just that this understanding of en/decodings etc. make things a bit
more blurry to me. It should be the case that a package may do
internally (en-/decodign etc.) what it wants to represent/manipulate
unic. strings but should always communicate to the outside world via
the interchangable  uniform Python unicode object right?


Re: Where is the ucs-32 codec?

2006-06-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 Erik Max Francis wrote:
  The only reason is that nobody has needed one so far, and because
  it is quite some work to do if done correctly. Why do you need it?
Somebody asked me about generating UTF-32 (he didn't have choice of the
output format).
I was about to propose the obvious ``u.encode('utf-32')`` but
discovered it's missing.
Someone proposed 'unicode-internal' but it depends on the build and is
an ugly answer.
Next time, I want Guido's Time Machine to just work, so I have to fix
this ;-).

  Why would it be quite some work?  Converting from UTF-16 to UTF-32 is
  pretty straightforward, and UTF-16 is already supported.

 I would like to see it correct, unlike the current UTF-16 codec. Perhaps
 whoever contributes an UTF-32 codec could also deal with the defects of
 the UTF-16 codec.

Now this is interesting, as I hoped to base my code on UTF-16 (and
perhaps UTF-8 for combining surrogates)...  Can you elaborate?

I could attempt to fix UTF-16 as well but I don't have the expertise to
choose the right behaviour,
so you'll have to specify precisely what it should do (that it doesn't
do now).


Re: better Python IDE? Mimics Maya's script editor?

2006-06-09 Thread Slawomir Nowaczyk
On Thu, 08 Jun 2006 16:40:48 -0700
warpcat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

# I'm using PythonWin right now and trying to find something better,
# mainly with this functionality:

*Assuming* I understood your description correctly, python-mode in
Emacs does what you want. Emacs is hardly a substitute for PythonWin,
though: the learning curve is quite steep.

 Best wishes,
   Slawomir Nowaczyk

If you're constantly looking behind you, you may miss the frontal attack.


Re: secure xmlrpc server?

2006-06-09 Thread Kent Johnson
Laszlo Nagy wrote:
 But I do not know how to create an XML RPC server in Python that uses 
 HTTPS for XML transports.

This recent recipe seems to do exactly what you want:


Re: Select hangs after some reads

2006-06-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Grant Edwards escreveu:

 On 2006-06-08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Well, actually I´m using a very simple protocol wich sends
  only strings ended by newline. I need to send 3 chunks of
  information and a newline after them. On the reader side I
  make 3 readline(), this way I wouldn´t have to care about this
  problem, but maybe that´s where I´m falling. If that´s the
  case, I´ll have to use a more complex protocol.
  You can't use readline() with select().  Select tells you
  whether recv() called on the underlying socket will block or
  not.  What's probably happening is that all of the data has
  been read from the underlying socket and is being held in a
  buffer waiting to be read by readline().
  Yes, as I expected, its the buffers. In my opinion the problem
  is that the socket module doesn't provide a way of reading all
  its internal buffer.

 What internal buffer?

  readlines() just make subsequent calls to readline and
  readline may call recv, so we have a locked scene. I want to
  know if I will block anyway.

 I'm lost.

  Of course I can clean the buffer myself, but I think the
  socket module should provide a way of doing this.

 I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean.

 Since you talked about calling readline(), I assumed that you
 had called the socket object's makefile() method to create a
 file-object.  The select system call can only tell you whether
 a recv on the socket will block or not.  It knows nothing about
 the state of the file object on which you're calling readline().

Yes, that's right. The problem I was having and discussing is that, if
you read one request at a time,
using a readline, and used select to check for the incoming of new
ones, you will block and the other
unread requests will rest in the socket buffer (_rbuf class attribute,
wich is a string). If you use several readline() (that's readlines()),
to try to read all the buffer, and use select to check for the new
ones, you will block because after the buffer is empty readline() will
try a recv(). So the problem: readline() and readlines() can block and
there's nothing (given by the module) to prevent you from it happening.

There are solutions to this of course, but what I was arguing is that
the module and the documentation don't warn and dont treat this case.

 Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  Is this an out-take
   at   from the BRADY BUNCH?


Re: Where is the ucs-32 codec?

2006-06-09 Thread Fredrik Lundh

 Somebody asked me about generating UTF-32 (he didn't have choice of the
 output format).  I was about to propose the obvious ``u.encode('utf-32')``
  but discovered it's missing.

hint 1:

  u = uHello
  a = array.array(I, map(ord, u))

hint 2:

  import sys



Re: secure xmlrpc server?

2006-06-09 Thread Kent Johnson
Kent Johnson wrote:
 Laszlo Nagy wrote:
 But I do not know how to create an XML RPC server in Python that uses 
 HTTPS for XML transports.
 This recent recipe seems to do exactly what you want:

It was gently pointed out to me that the OP is the author of the 
recipe...well I guess he figured it out!

That will teach me to get two days behind on reading c.l.py...

Re: Allowing zero-dimensional subscripts

2006-06-09 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2006-06-08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Terry Reedy wrote:
  In a few more words: Currently, an object can be subscripted by a few
  elements, separated by commas. It is evaluated as if the object was
  subscripted by a tuple containing those elements.

 It is not 'as if'.   'a,b' *is* a tuple and the object *is* subcripted by a
 Adding () around the non-empty tuple adds nothing except a bit of noise.

 It doesn't necessarily matter, but technically, it is not a tuple.

Yes it is.

 The 1, 2 in x[1, 2] isn't evaluated according to the same rules as
 in x = 1, 2

I was pretty sure it was.

 - for example, you can have x[1, 2:3:4, ..., 5], which
 isn't a legal tuple outside of square braces

Yes it is, it just is illegal notation outside square brackets.
You could have approximate the same effect by

  I = 1, slice(2,3,4), Ellipsis, 5

 - in fact, it even isn't
 legal inside parens: x[(1, 2:3:4, ..., 5)] isn't legal syntax.

But what is illegal is the notation, not the value.

Antoon Pardon

Getting start/end dates given week-number

2006-06-09 Thread Tim Chase
I've been trying to come up with a good algorithm for determining 
the starting and ending dates given the week number (as defined 
by the strftime(%W) function).

My preference would be for a Sunday-Saturday range rather than a 
Monday-Sunday range.  Thus,

  startDate, stopDate = weekBoundaries(2006, 23)

would yield a start-date of June 4, 2006 and an end-date of June 
10, 2006 in this hypothetical function (as strftime(%W) for 
today, June 9th, 2006 returns 23).

I've posted my first round of code below, but I'm having problems 
with dates early in 2005, as the tests show.

Any thoughts/improvements/suggestions would be most welcome.



from datetime import date, timedelta
from time import strptime
DEBUG = False
tests = [
 #test datestart   end
 (date(2006,1,1), (date(2006,1,1), date(2006,1,7))),
 (date(2006,1,2), (date(2006,1,1), date(2006,1,7))),
 (date(2006,1,3), (date(2006,1,1), date(2006,1,7))),
 (date(2006,1,4), (date(2006,1,1), date(2006,1,7))),
 (date(2006,1,5), (date(2006,1,1), date(2006,1,7))),
 (date(2006,1,6), (date(2006,1,1), date(2006,1,7))),
 (date(2006,1,7), (date(2006,1,1), date(2006,1,7))),
 (date(2006,1,8), (date(2006,1,8), date(2006,1,14))),
 (date(2005,1,1), (date(2004,12,26), date(2005,1,1))),
 (date(2005,1,2), (date(2005,1,2), date(2005,1,8))),
def weekBoundaries(year, week):
 startOfYear = date(year, 1, 1)
 now = startOfYear + timedelta(weeks=week)
 # isoweekday() % 7 returns Sun=0 ... Sat=6
 sun = now - timedelta(days=now.isoweekday() % 7)
 sat = sun + timedelta(days=6)
 if DEBUG:
 print DEBUG: now = %s/%s % (now, now.strftime(%a))
 print DEBUG: sun = %s/%s % (sun, sun.strftime(%a))
 print DEBUG: sat = %s/%s % (sat, sat.strftime(%a))
 return sun, sat

for test, expectedResult in tests:
 print Testing %s % test
 year = test.year
 # jigger it so that %W is Sun-Sat rather than Mon-Sun
 weekNum = int((test + timedelta(days=1)).strftime(%W)) - 1
 results = weekBoundaries(year, weekNum)
 passed = (expectedResult == results)
 print Week#%s: %s % (weekNum, passed)
 print = * 50


Re: UltraEdit and Python

2006-06-09 Thread kilnhead
Check out the following link:


gregory diaczok wrote:
 How do I sent up Ultra Edit to work w/ Python?

 How do I get Ultra Edit to run a Python script currently in the edit window
 and supply results?

 I can't figure out how to get Ultra Edit to invoke the Python debugger to
 allow stepping through a Python script and view each line reults?

 How do I set pause / break points  in Ultra Edit for a Python script?


Re: How to link foreign keys primary keys using python?

2006-06-09 Thread MTD
Your post is confusing. Here is my advice: investigate the use of
dictionaries. Dictionaries can allow you to define data in the form {
key:data }, e.g.

{ area_code : area_data }

{ (area_code,school_code) : school_data }

{ (school_code,student_code) : student_data }


removing dictionary key-pair

2006-06-09 Thread JD


I try to remove a dictionary key-pair (remove an entry), 
but I'm unsuccessful. Does anyone know how to achieve this?


Re: Getting start/end dates given week-number

2006-06-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
see the calendar faq http://www.faqs.org/faqs/calendars/faq/part3/,
look especially in section 6.7.

Tim Chase wrote:
 I've been trying to come up with a good algorithm for determining
 the starting and ending dates given the week number (as defined
 by the strftime(%W) function).

 My preference would be for a Sunday-Saturday range rather than a
 Monday-Sunday range.  Thus,

   startDate, stopDate = weekBoundaries(2006, 23)

 would yield a start-date of June 4, 2006 and an end-date of June
 10, 2006 in this hypothetical function (as strftime(%W) for
 today, June 9th, 2006 returns 23).

 I've posted my first round of code below, but I'm having problems
 with dates early in 2005, as the tests show.

 Any thoughts/improvements/suggestions would be most welcome.



 from datetime import date, timedelta
 from time import strptime
 DEBUG = False
 tests = [
  #test datestart   end
  (date(2006,1,1), (date(2006,1,1), date(2006,1,7))),
  (date(2006,1,2), (date(2006,1,1), date(2006,1,7))),
  (date(2006,1,3), (date(2006,1,1), date(2006,1,7))),
  (date(2006,1,4), (date(2006,1,1), date(2006,1,7))),
  (date(2006,1,5), (date(2006,1,1), date(2006,1,7))),
  (date(2006,1,6), (date(2006,1,1), date(2006,1,7))),
  (date(2006,1,7), (date(2006,1,1), date(2006,1,7))),
  (date(2006,1,8), (date(2006,1,8), date(2006,1,14))),
  (date(2005,1,1), (date(2004,12,26), date(2005,1,1))),
  (date(2005,1,2), (date(2005,1,2), date(2005,1,8))),
 def weekBoundaries(year, week):
  startOfYear = date(year, 1, 1)
  now = startOfYear + timedelta(weeks=week)
  # isoweekday() % 7 returns Sun=0 ... Sat=6
  sun = now - timedelta(days=now.isoweekday() % 7)
  sat = sun + timedelta(days=6)
  if DEBUG:
  print DEBUG: now = %s/%s % (now, now.strftime(%a))
  print DEBUG: sun = %s/%s % (sun, sun.strftime(%a))
  print DEBUG: sat = %s/%s % (sat, sat.strftime(%a))
  return sun, sat

 for test, expectedResult in tests:
  print Testing %s % test
  year = test.year
  # jigger it so that %W is Sun-Sat rather than Mon-Sun
  weekNum = int((test + timedelta(days=1)).strftime(%W)) - 1
  results = weekBoundaries(year, weekNum)
  passed = (expectedResult == results)
  print Week#%s: %s % (weekNum, passed)
  print = * 50


Re: removing dictionary key-pair

2006-06-09 Thread bruno at modulix
JD wrote:
 I try to remove a dictionary key-pair (remove an entry), 
 but I'm unsuccessful. Does anyone know how to achieve this?

mydict = {key : value}
del mydict(key)

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: removing dictionary key-pair

2006-06-09 Thread Steve Holden
JD wrote:
 I try to remove a dictionary key-pair (remove an entry), 
 but I'm unsuccessful. Does anyone know how to achieve this?

   d = {1: one, 2: two, 3: three}
   del d[2]
{1: 'one', 3: 'three'}

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd  http://www.holdenweb.com
Love me, love my blog  http://holdenweb.blogspot.com
Recent Ramblings http://del.icio.us/steve.holden


Re: removing dictionary key-pair

2006-06-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

JD wrote:

 I try to remove a dictionary key-pair (remove an entry),
 but I'm unsuccessful. Does anyone know how to achieve this?


Assuming you know the key:

d = {foo:1,bar:2}
print d
print d


Re: removing dictionary key-pair

2006-06-09 Thread bruno at modulix
bruno at modulix wrote:
 JD wrote:

I try to remove a dictionary key-pair (remove an entry), 
but I'm unsuccessful. Does anyone know how to achieve this?

 mydict = {key : value}
 del mydict(key)

grmf... Typo. This is:

del mydict['key']

of course...
bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

Re: removing dictionary key-pair

2006-06-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

JD wrote:

 I try to remove a dictionary key-pair (remove an entry),
 but I'm unsuccessful. Does anyone know how to achieve this?

d = dict(a=1, b=2, c=3)

print d

del d['a']

print d


Re: UltraEdit and Python

2006-06-09 Thread John Salerno
gregory diaczok wrote:
 How do I sent up Ultra Edit to work w/ Python?

What do you mean?

 How do I get Ultra Edit to run a Python script currently in the edit window 
 and supply results?

With much help from Kent Johnson, I have the following line set up in a 
custom Tool Configuration:
C:\Python24\pythonw C:\Python24\Lib\idlelib\idle.pyw -r %f

So I just press F5 and the script gets run in IDLE. I get the nice error 
messages, or hopefully it just works! :)

 I can't figure out how to get Ultra Edit to invoke the Python debugger to 
 allow stepping through a Python script and view each line reults?

Not sure about the debugger. Do you mean using the pdb module?

 How do I set pause / break points  in Ultra Edit for a Python script?

I don't think you can normally, but maybe you can write a macro to do 
this. Not sure how though.

Re: Writing PNG with pure Python

2006-06-09 Thread Johann C. Rocholl
 You should really also include the alpha channel. Without that, PNG is
 crippled IMHO.

I have now added simple transparency (marking one color as transparent
with a tRNS chunk). If anybody wants full alpha channel support, ask
kindly or send me a patch. I would like to avoid duplicating all the
functions, so maybe we should introduce a parameter to switch between 3
and 4 bytes per pixel.



Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-09 Thread Joe Marshall

Xah Lee wrote:
 in March, i posted a essay What is Expressiveness in a Computer
 Language, archived at:

 I was informed then that there is a academic paper written on this

 On the Expressive Power of Programming Languages, by Matthias
 Felleisen, 1990.

 Has anyone read this paper? And, would anyone be interested in giving a

The gist of the paper is this:  Some computer languages seem to be
`more expressive' than
others.  But anything that can be computed in one Turing complete
language can be computed in any other Turing complete language.
Clearly the notion of
expressiveness isn't concerned with ultimately computing the answer.

Felleisen's paper puts forth a formal definition of expressiveness in
terms of semantic
equivilances of small, local constructs.  In his definition, wholescale
program transformation is
disallowed so you cannot appeal to Turing completeness to claim program

Expressiveness isn't necessarily a good thing.  For instance, in C, you
can express the
addresses of variables by using pointers.  You cannot express the same
thing in Java, and
most people consider this to be a good idea.


Interacting with a process that I ran with subprocess module

2006-06-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi folks,

I'm trying to use the nmap runtime interaction feature while using it
with the subprocess module. For those not familiar with nmap, the
runtime interaction feature allow users to get informations about the
scan stats during the nmap execution. More at:
If someone want to try, just run nmap and try to type some keys to see
what happens. This only works with nmap 4.00 and above.

Ok.. What I've tried is shown below:

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
nmap = Popen(nmap -T3 -A, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE,
stderr=PIPE, shell=True, bufsize=1)

To interact with nmap, I tried:


And I tried this, also:


What's wrong? Is that suposed to be this way? Is there a better way to
interact with it that I've missed? Any help is very welcome. Thanks in



Re: Interacting with a process that I ran with subprocess module

2006-06-09 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 Hi folks,
 I'm trying to use the nmap runtime interaction feature while using it
 with the subprocess module. For those not familiar with nmap, the
 runtime interaction feature allow users to get informations about the
 scan stats during the nmap execution. More at:
 If someone want to try, just run nmap and try to type some keys to see
 what happens. This only works with nmap 4.00 and above.
 Ok.. What I've tried is shown below:
 from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
 nmap = Popen(nmap -T3 -A, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE,
 stderr=PIPE, shell=True, bufsize=1)
 To interact with nmap, I tried:
 And I tried this, also:
 What's wrong? Is that suposed to be this way? Is there a better way to
 interact with it that I've missed? Any help is very welcome. Thanks in

Programs that interact with users usually require a terminal to be run 
from. This is not the case when using pipes. Use pexpect.


[noob question] References and copying

2006-06-09 Thread zefciu

Where can I find a good explanation when does an interpreter copy the
value, and when does it create the reference.  I thought I understand
it, but I have just typed in following commands:

[[1, 2], [3, 4]]
[5, 6]

And I don't understand it.  I thought, that b will be a reference to a,
so changing b should change a as well.  What do I do wrong.  And a
second question - can I create a reference to element of a list of
floating points and use this reference to change that element?

Greets to all PyFans

Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-09 Thread Paul McGuire
I've removed the massive cross-posting - I wouldn't presume this message is
all that interesting to folks in those other NG's, and I'm sure they'd be
saying, who the heck is Paul McGuire, and who gives a @#*$! what he

Joe Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Expressiveness isn't necessarily a good thing.  For instance, in C, you
 can express the
 addresses of variables by using pointers.  You cannot express the same
 thing in Java, and
 most people consider this to be a good idea.

For those who remember the bad old days of COBOL, its claim to fame was that
it was more like English prose, with the intent of making a programming
language that was as readable as English, assuming that this was more
expressive, and not requiring as much of a mental mapping exercise for
someone trying to read a program.  Even the language terminology itself
strived for this: statements were sentences; blocks were paragraphs.
The sentence model may have ended up being one of COBOL's Achilles Heel's -
the placement of terminating periods for an IF THEN ELSE block was crucial
for disambiguating which ELSE went with which IF.  Unfortunately, periods
are one of the least visible printed characters, and an extra or missing
period could cause hours of extra debugging.

(Of course, at the time of COBOL's inception, the only primary languages to
compare with were assembly or FORTRAN-60, so this idea wasn't totally

-- Paul


Re: How to extract 2 integers from a string in python?

2006-06-09 Thread Cameron Laird
Klaus Alexander Seistrup  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 how can I extract 2 integers from a string in python?

 for example, my source string is this:
 Total size: 173233 (371587)

 I want to extract the integer 173233 and 371587 from that 
 soource string, how can I do that?



 import re
 re.findall(r'\d+', 'Total size: 173233 (371587)')
['173233', '371587']
Nicely expressed.

People doing a lot of report-scraping might also want to
consider one of the scanf implementations for Python. 
URL: http://hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu/~dyoo/python/scanf/ 
has an example.

Re: [noob question] References and copying

2006-06-09 Thread Boris Borcic
zefciu wrote:
 Where can I find a good explanation when does an interpreter copy the
 value, and when does it create the reference.  I thought I understand
 it, but I have just typed in following commands:
 [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
 [5, 6]
 And I don't understand it.  I thought, that b will be a reference to a,
 so changing b should change a as well.

It would if you had written b[:]=[5,6]

 What do I do wrong.  And a
 second question - can I create a reference to element of a list of
 floating points and use this reference to change that element?

not like that.

 Greets to all PyFans

Re: CONSTRUCT - Python's way of Ruby's alias_method

2006-06-09 Thread Ilias Lazaridis
Maric Michaud wrote:
 Le Jeudi 08 Juin 2006 14:28, Ilias Lazaridis a écrit :
 Another possibility is to enlink (hook?) the functionality into an
 existent function

 Is there any way (beside a patch) to alter the behaviour to an existing
 function. Is ther a python construct similar to the alias_method of Ruby:

 No, there is no special construct to do this, but we do things very similar 
 every day in Zope, it's called monkey patch :
 from toto import service
 def my_impl(self, *args) :
   old_result = self._old_method(*args)
   # ...
   return new_result
 if not hasattr(service, '_old_method') :
   service._old_method = service.method
   service.method = my_impl
 once this file is imported, all future calls to method of service instances 
 will use my_impl.

Ok, just a small problem when a _function_ is to be hooked.

Looking a the code in the debugger shows that the function syncdb is 
correctly overridden. But when the code returns, syncdb has again it's 
original value.

Can I import syncdb by reference instead by value, thus the change 



from django.rework.evolve   import evolvedb
from django.core.management import syncdb

def syncdb_new(*args) :
 syncdb_result = syncdb_old(*args)
 return syncdb_result

if syncdb != syncdb_new:
 syncdb_old = syncdb
 syncdb = syncdb_new



Re: Error in Chain of Function calls (Code Attached)

2006-06-09 Thread Girish Sahani
 Girish Sahani wrote:

 There is a code in my main function which is something like:

 while prunedFinal != []:
 prunedNew = genColocations(prunedK) ***
 tableInstancesNew =
 tiCountDict = tiCount(tableInstancesNew)
 tiDict = findPI(tableInstancesNew)
 prunedFinal = pruneTI(tiDict,pi)
 rulesDict = genRules(prunedFinal)
 cpDict = findCP(rulesDict)
 prunedRulesList = pruneCP(cpDict,cp)
 prunedK = prunedFinal
 tableInstancesK = tableInstancesNew
 return prunedRulesList

 prunedK and tableInstancesK are defined in the main function.

 defined as what ? functions, strings, lists, classes, ... ?
PrunedK is a list that contains 2 length strings and tableInstancesK is a
dictionary,its keys are 2 length strings and values are lists of lists

 Before the
 main function, i have defined the other functions such as
 genColocations,genTableInstances,etc. Output of genColocations is to be
 given to the next function genTableInstances,output of this function to
 tiCount and findPI, and so on.
 However i am getting an error at the line marked with ***.

 Which error ? How do you hope us to be of any help here if you don't *at
 least* provide the full traceback ? FWIW, the canonical way to do things
 is to:
 - provide minimal *runnable* code exposing the problem
 - explain what you hoped to get
 - explain what you got instead (including full traceback)

 As a matter of fact, it's often the case that one solves the problem
 when working on the first point !-)

Ohh...I was thinking that posting the whole code would not be a good idea.
The error i get above is:
line 266, in colocationMiner
prunedNew = genColocations(prunedK)

 Anyways, i've attached the file colocations.py. The expected output is a
List of rules (prunedRulesList).These rules are themselves lists.e.g
['ab','c'] denotes the rule ab=c.
Please do have a look if you have time :).

 bruno desthuilliers
 python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
 p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

#convert the input file into a dictionary (global ids mapped to feature type) 
and a list of global id pairs
def get_colocations(filename):
lines = open(filename).read().split(\n)
colocnDict = {}
for line in lines:
n1, b1, n2, b2 = line.split(,)
n1 = int(n1)
n2 = int(n2)
a1 = b1.strip(')
a2 = b2.strip(')
colocnDict[n1] = a1
colocnDict[n2] = a2
return colocnDict

#get pairs of feature ids which are colocated
def getPairs(filename):
lines = open(filename).read().split(\n)
pairList = []
for line in lines:
n1, b1, n2, b2 = line.split(,)
pairList.append([n1, n2])
return pairList

#count number of occurences of each feature in the feature list and store in 
def getFeatureCount():
colocnDict = get_colocations(colocations.txt)
featureList= colocnDict.values()
featureListUnique = []
[featureListUnique.append(word) for word in featureList if not 
featureCountDict = {}
for feature in featureListUnique:
featureCountDict[feature] = featureList.count(feature)
return featureCountDict

def k2k1(string1, string2):
for c in string1:
string2 = string2.replace(c,,1)
if len(string2) == 1:
string1 += string2
return string1

def dictInvert(d):
dictInv = {}
for k, v in d.iteritems():
keys = dictInv.setdefault(v, [])
return dictInv

#Generate candidate co-locations of size k+1 from size k
#get lower level subsets and prune it by antimonotone property
def genColocations(prunedK):
prunedNew = substringList = []
for string1 in prunedK:
for string2 in prunedK:
k = len(string2)
if string1 != string2:
string1 = k2k1(string1, string2)
if len(string1) == k+1:

for s in prunedNew:
substrings = [s[:i]+s[i+1:] for i in range(len(s))] 
for string in substrings:
if string not in prunedK:

#tableInstancesNew is a dictionary with keys as k level colocations and values 
as table instances
def genTableInstances(prunedNew,tableInstancesK):
 colocnDict = get_colocations(colocations.txt)
 tableInstancesNew = {}

 for s in p:
 substring1 =  s[:len(s)-1]
 substring2 = s[:len(s)-2]+s[len(s)-1:]  #get 2 substrings
 list1 = tableInstancesK(substring1)
 list2 = 

Re: [noob question] References and copying

2006-06-09 Thread Steve Holden
zefciu wrote:
 Where can I find a good explanation when does an interpreter copy the
 value, and when does it create the reference.  I thought I understand
 it, but I have just typed in following commands:
 [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
 [5, 6]
 And I don't understand it.  I thought, that b will be a reference to a,
 so changing b should change a as well.  What do I do wrong.  And a
 second question - can I create a reference to element of a list of
 floating points and use this reference to change that element?
 Greets to all PyFans

Nope, b is a reference to the same object referenced by a[1], but only 
until you rebind it. Think of assignment (binding) as storing a pointer 
to an object in a name.


a = [[2,3],[3,4]]

stores a pointer to a list in a. The list itself holds two pointers to 
(otherwise anonymous) lists. Then

b = a[1]

make b point to the same object as a[1] does.

At this point you could, for example, execute

b[0] = 42

Then when you printed the value of a you would see

[[1, 2], [42, 4]]

and you would see

[42, 4]

as the value of b. But you don't do that, you next do

b = [5, 6]

This stores a reference to an entirely different new list in b, with 
the results you observe.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd  http://www.holdenweb.com
Love me, love my blog  http://holdenweb.blogspot.com
Recent Ramblings http://del.icio.us/steve.holden


Re: References and copying

2006-06-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Where can I find a good explanation when does an interpreter copy the
 value, and when does it create the reference.
Any good Python book. I have Learning Python and Programming Python 2nd
edition and they are very good IMO.

 I thought I understand
 it, but I have just typed in following commands:

 [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
 [5, 6]

 And I don't understand it.  I thought, that b will be a reference to a,
 so changing b should change a as well.

No, you've set the name b to reference a slice of a. Slicing a list
always returns a new list.
To change a via b, do this:

a = [[1,2],[3,4]]
b = a

print a
print b

b[1] = [5,6]

print a
print b


About sizers..

2006-06-09 Thread Mario Lacunza

Im build a cross platform application develop with Python and wxPython
and I ask for your opinions about if is a good choice use sizers for my
frames design? or not?

Other techniques?

Thanks in advance!

Mi configuracion/My config:

Ubuntu Dapper 6.06
Linux Kernel
Python 2.4.3

Saludos / Best regards 

Mario Lacunza Vásquez 
Desarrollador de Software - Webmaster 
Desarrollador 2 Estrellas VS2005

Website: http://mlacunzav.cogia.net 
Email  : mlacunza[AT]gmail[DOT]com
Email  : mario_lacunza[AT]yahoo[DOT]es 
Blog   : http://mlacunza.blogspot.com 
Lima - Peru


About sizers..

2006-06-09 Thread Mario Lacunza

Im build a cross platform application develop with Python and wxPython
and I ask for your opinions about if is a good choice use sizers for my
frames design? or not?

Other techniques?

Thanks in advance!

Mi configuracion/My config:

Ubuntu Dapper 6.06
Linux Kernel
Python 2.4.3

Saludos / Best regards 

Mario Lacunza Vásquez 
Desarrollador de Software - Webmaster 
Desarrollador 2 Estrellas VS2005

Website: http://mlacunzav.cogia.net 
Email  : mlacunza[AT]gmail[DOT]com
Email  : mario_lacunza[AT]yahoo[DOT]es 
Blog   : http://mlacunza.blogspot.com 
Lima - Peru


Re: How to link foreign keys primary keys using python?

2006-06-09 Thread Harry George
sonal [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi all,
 I hv started with python just recently... and have been assigned to
 make an utility which would be used for data validations...
 plz help me... till get my hands on python... :)

1. This sure looks like a school assignment.  

2. till get my... Do you actually not have python installed yet?  It
   is hopeless to tackle this problem if you haven't done a few simple
   hello, world tasks.  

3. Do you have a data model?  In this case, you need to think
   carefully about what a RDBMS, PK, and FK are.  In otherwords, a
   metamodel.  Generally, once you understand the data structures you
   should implement them pretty much verbatim in a model module.
   Then do reader/writer modules so you can load that model from your
   data sources and dump out to your data sinks.

4. Do you have a testsuite and test harness?  Put together your test
   harness, then develop for the simplest case, then add complexity.
   E.g., no FK, FK with 1 attr, FK with multiple attrs, FKs with
   shared attrs.

Harry George
PLM Engineering Architecture

Thread specific singleton

2006-06-09 Thread Gabriele Farina

I'm tring to implement a Singleton object that should be specific for 
every thread who create it, not global.
I tried a solution that seems to work, but I have a very poor knowledge 
of concurrent programming, so I'd like someone to help me find some 
problems in my implementation.

Here is the code:


import thread

class ThreadLock(object):

 locks = {}

 def __new__(cls):
 id = thread.get_ident()
 lock = cls.locks[id]
 except KeyError:
 lock = thread.allocate_lock()
 cls.locks[id] = lock

 return lock

 def clear(cls, id=None):
  Clear the lock associated with a given id.

 If the id is None, thread.get_ident() is used.

 if id is None:
 id = thread.get_ident()
 del cls.locks[id]
 except KeyError:

class ThreadedSingleton(object):

 pool = {}

 def __new__(cls, *args, **kw):
 lock = ThreadLock()

 id = thread.get_ident()
 obj = cls.pool[id]
 except KeyError:
 obj = object.__new__(cls, *args, **kw)
 if hasattr(obj, '__init_singleton__'):
 obj.__init_singleton__(*args, **kw)
 cls.pool[id] = obj


 return obj

 def __del__(self):
 id = thread.get_ident()
 del cls.pool[id]
 except KeyError:

if __name__ == '__main__':

 import time
 import random

 class Specific(ThreadedSingleton):

 def __init_singleton__(self):
 print Init singleton
 self.a = None

 def test(a):
 s = Specific()
 s.a = a
 print %d: %s %(thread.get_ident(), Specific().a)
 print %d: %s %(thread.get_ident(), Specific().a)
 time.sleep(random.randint(1, 5))
 print %d: %s %(thread.get_ident(), Specific().a)
 print %d: %s %(thread.get_ident(), Specific().a)

 for x in range(4):
 thread.start_new_thread(test, (x, ))



using the thread module should be fine even if threads are created 
trought the threading module, right ?


Re: Win XP: Problem with shell scripting in Python

2006-06-09 Thread A.M

 I dare hardly suggest this, but might it not be better to use Python's
 database functionality to perform the task? The language can access both 
 databases, and you might find it quicker. Then again, if your database 
 experience is limited, you may not ...

 Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
 Holden Web LLC/Ltd  http://www.holdenweb.com
 Love me, love my blog  http://holdenweb.blogspot.com
 Recent Ramblings http://del.icio.us/steve.holden

Hi Steven,

Based on my experience, the fastest possible way to import raw data into 
Oracle is SQL*Loader. Similarly, the fastest way to extract raw data from 
SQL server is BCP.

My script transfers 40,000,000 records (actually big records) from sql 
server to oracle in 20 Min. I tried ODBC to do the same work. I turned off 
all record locking and transactions through query hints. The actual program 
was a C# program. After 12 hours, I just stopped the program.

I created DOS batch files to control BCP and SQL*Loader steps. It is faster 
than any fancy GUI tools. Now I am using Python.

I am thinking to add comprehensive logging to the ETL (extract transform 
load) process. All details command line outputs will be stored in database. 
System administrators can query database and watch how the ETL job is 

At this point I have quite challenge with capturing BCP's stdout/stderr 
output to string variables in Python program.

I'll post the final outcome here.

Regards, Alan


Re: Error in Chain of Function calls (Code Attached)

2006-06-09 Thread Boris Borcic
Girish Sahani wrote:

 However i am getting an error at the line marked with ***.

 Which error ? How do you hope us to be of any help here if you don't *at
 least* provide the full traceback ? FWIW, the canonical way to do things
 is to:
 - provide minimal *runnable* code exposing the problem
 - explain what you hoped to get
 - explain what you got instead (including full traceback)

 As a matter of fact, it's often the case that one solves the problem
 when working on the first point !-)

 Ohh...I was thinking that posting the whole code would not be a good idea.

And what changed your mind ? Please note the word minimal in bruno's sentence 
about submitting your code. And also the request for explanations.

 The error i get above is:
 line 266, in colocationMiner
 prunedNew = genColocations(prunedK)

OTOH, bruno asked for the full traceback, that's not it - that's not the 
in any constructive sense, neither its type nor its real location.

Re: Win XP: Problem with shell scripting in Python

2006-06-09 Thread Steve Holden
A.M wrote:
I dare hardly suggest this, but might it not be better to use Python's
database functionality to perform the task? The language can access both 
databases, and you might find it quicker. Then again, if your database 
experience is limited, you may not ...

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd  http://www.holdenweb.com
Love me, love my blog  http://holdenweb.blogspot.com
Recent Ramblings http://del.icio.us/steve.holden

 Hi Steven,
 Based on my experience, the fastest possible way to import raw data into 
 Oracle is SQL*Loader. Similarly, the fastest way to extract raw data from 
 SQL server is BCP.
 My script transfers 40,000,000 records (actually big records) from sql 
 server to oracle in 20 Min. I tried ODBC to do the same work. I turned off 
 all record locking and transactions through query hints. The actual program 
 was a C# program. After 12 hours, I just stopped the program.
I'm not that surprised - it was just an inquiry. Usually the database 
bulk dump and load utilities take advantage of every trick in their 
respective books to provide speed. A native driver might have done 
better than ODBC, but you are probably correct on going that route for 
 I created DOS batch files to control BCP and SQL*Loader steps. It is faster 
 than any fancy GUI tools. Now I am using Python.
 I am thinking to add comprehensive logging to the ETL (extract transform 
 load) process. All details command line outputs will be stored in database. 
 System administrators can query database and watch how the ETL job is 
 At this point I have quite challenge with capturing BCP's stdout/stderr 
 output to string variables in Python program.
 I'll post the final outcome here.
OK, good luck.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd  http://www.holdenweb.com
Love me, love my blog  http://holdenweb.blogspot.com
Recent Ramblings http://del.icio.us/steve.holden


Re: What is Expressiveness in a Computer Language

2006-06-09 Thread Simon Richard Clarkstone
Joe Marshall wrote:
 Xah Lee wrote:
On the Expressive Power of Programming Languages, by Matthias
Felleisen, 1990.
 The gist of the paper is this: Some computer languages seem to be 
 `more expressive' than others. But anything that can be computed in
 one Turing complete language can be computed in any other Turing
 complete language. Clearly the notion of expressiveness isn't
 concerned with ultimately computing the answer.
 Felleisen's paper puts forth a formal definition of expressiveness in
 terms of semantic equivilances of small, local constructs. In his
 definition, wholescale program transformation is disallowed so you
 cannot appeal to Turing completeness to claim program equivalence.

I suspect that the small, local transformations versus global 
transformations is also to do with the practice of not saying the same 
thing twice.  Everything from subroutines to LISP macros also helps 
here, increasing language expressiveness.

 Expressiveness isn't necessarily a good thing. For instance, in C,
 you can express the addresses of variables by using pointers. You
 cannot express the same thing in Java, and most people consider this
 to be a good idea.

Assuming the more-expressive feature does not preclude the 
less-expressive one, good/bad depends on the programmer.  I know *I* 
can't be trusted with pointers ;-) , but I know many programmers benefit 
greatly from them.  Of course, knowing that the programmer cannot do 
something does help the compiler stop you shooting yourself in the foot.

Simon Richard Clarkstone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/s?m?n.cl?rkst?n?@
hotmail.com ### I have a spelling chequer / it came with my PC /
it plainly marks for my revue / Mistake's I cannot sea ...
by: John Brophy (at: http://www.cfwf.ca/farmj/fjjun96/)

Re: capture video from camera

2006-06-09 Thread dan
K.S.Sreeram wrote:
 dan wrote:
  I hope you won't be deterred from posting further questions to the
  group by Fredrik's somewhat terse and unfriendly reply.
  comp.lang.python is a forum generally noted for its pleasing admixture
  of erudition and encouragement. Fredrik is uncommonly distinguished in
  the scope and depth of his knowledge. He does himself, and the group in
  general, an injustice by the intolerance of his response.

 People need to learn to be precise and to-the-point in their posts. If
 not, its a waste of time for a lot of people.. more so for frequent
 contributors like fredrik. I hope criticism like yours does not deter him!

Hi K.S,

People learn through encouragement and appropriate example, not through

Best wishes,



Re: Allowing zero-dimensional subscripts

2006-06-09 Thread spam . noam

Following Fredrik's suggestion, I wrote a pre-PEP. It's available on
the wiki, at http://wiki.python.org/moin/EmptySubscriptListPEP and I
also copied it to this message.

Have a good day,

Title: Allow Empty Subscript List Without Parentheses
Version: $Revision$
Last-Modified: $Date$
Author: Noam Raphael [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 09-Jun-2006
Python-Version: 2.5?
Post-History: 30-Aug-2002


This PEP suggests to allow the use of an empty subscript list, for
example ``x[]``, which is currently a syntax error. It is suggested
that in such a case, an empty tuple will be passed as an argument to
the __getitem__ and __setitem__ methods. This is consistent with the
current behaviour of passing a tuple with n elements to those methods
when a subscript list of length n is used, if it includes a comma.


The Python grammar specifies that inside the square brackets trailing
an expression, a list of subscripts, separated by commas, should be
given. If the list consists of a single subscript without a trailing
comma, a single object (an ellipsis, a slice or any other object) is
passed to the resulting __getitem__ or __setitem__ call. If the list
consists of many subscripts, or of a single subscript with a trailing
comma, a tuple is passed to the resulting __getitem__ or __setitem__
call, with an item for each subscript.

Here is the formal definition of the grammar:

   trailer: '(' [arglist] ')' | '[' subscriptlist ']' | '.' NAME
   subscriptlist: subscript (',' subscript)* [',']
   subscript: '.' '.' '.' | test | [test] ':' [test] [sliceop]
   sliceop: ':' [test]

This PEP suggests to allow an empty subscript list, with nothing
inside the square brackets. It will result in passing an empty tuple
to the resulting __getitem__ or __setitem__ call.

The change in the grammar is to make subscriptlist in the first
quoted line optional:

   trailer: '(' [arglist] ')' | '[' [subscriptlist] ']' | '.' NAME


This suggestion allows you to refer to zero-dimensional arrays
elegantly. In
NumPy, you can have arrays with a different number of dimensions. In
order to refer to a value in a two-dimensional array, you write
``a[i, j]``. In order to refer to a value in a one-dimensional array,
you write ``a[i]``. You can also have a zero-dimensional array, which
holds a single value (a scalar). To refer to its value, you currently
need to write ``a[()]``, which is unexpected - the user may not even
know that when he writes ``a[i, j]`` he constructs a tuple, so he
won't guess the ``a[()]`` syntax. If the suggestion is accepted, the
user will be able to write ``a[]`` in order to refer to the value, as
expected. It will even work without changing the NumPy package at all!

In the normal use of NumPy, you usually don't encounter
zero-dimensional arrays. However, the author of this PEP is designing
another library for managing multi-dimensional arrays of data. Its
purpose is similar to that of a spreadsheet - to analyze data and
preserve the relations between a source of a calculation and its
destination. In such an environment you may have many
multi-dimensional arrays - for example, the sales of several products
over several time periods. But you may also have several
zero-dimensional arrays, that is, single values - for example, the
income tax rate. It is desired that the access to the zero-dimensional
arrays will be consistent with the access to the multi-dimensional
arrays. Just using the name of the zero-dimensional array to obtain
its value isn't going to work - the array and the value it contains
have to be distinguished.


Passing an empty tuple to the __getitem__ or __setitem__ call was
chosen because it is consistent with passing a tuple of n elements
when a subscript list of n elements is used. Also, it will make NumPy
and similar packages work as expected for zero-dimensional arrays
any changes.

Another hint for consistency: Currently, these equivalences hold:

   x[i, j, k]  --  x[(i, j, k)]
   x[i, j] --  x[(i, j)]
   x[i, ]  --  x[(i, )]
   x[i]--  x[(i)]

If this PEP is accepted, another equivalence will hold:

   x[] --  x[()]

Backwards Compatibility

This change is fully backwards compatible, since it only assigns a
meaning to a previously illegal syntax.

Reference Implementation

Available as SF Patch no. 1503556.
(and also in http://python.pastebin.com/768317 )

It passes the Python test suite, but currently doesn't provide
additional tests or documentation.


This document has been placed in the public domain.


regexp questoin

2006-06-09 Thread micklee74

i created a script to ask user for an input that can be a pattern
right now, i use re to compile that pattern
pat = re.compile(r%s %(userinput) )  #userinput is passed from
command line argument
if the user key in a pattern , eg [-] ,  and my script will search some
lines that contains [-]


but the script produce some error: sre_constants.error: unexpected end
of regular expression

how can i successful catch  patterns such as [-] in my regexp
compilation where input is unknown...?


Re: [noob question] References and copying

2006-06-09 Thread bruno at modulix
zefciu wrote:
 Where can I find a good explanation when does an interpreter copy the
 value, and when does it create the reference.

Unless you explicitely ask for a copy (either using the copy module or a
specific function or method), you'll get a reference.

  I thought I understand
 it, but I have just typed in following commands:

- creates a list object containing 2 list objects, the first one
containing 2 integer objects with respective values 1 and 2, the second
one containing 2 integer objects with respective values 3 and 4

- associates ('binds') the name 'a' with the list object. Now in the
current namespace, 'a' refers to this list.


- binds the name 'b' with the second element of [the list bound to] 'a'


- *re*binds 'b' to a new list containing two integer objects with
respective values 5 and 6.

 [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
 [5, 6]

Which is exactly what you asked for (while not being what you thought
you asked for...).

 And I don't understand it.  I thought, that b will be a reference to a,

It was - before you rebind it to another object.

 so changing b should change a as well.

To be pedantic, you don't change 'b'. You can either modify the object
bound to 'b' (which you did not) or rebind 'b' to another object (which
you did).

  What do I do wrong.  

confusing rebinding a name and modifying an object.

Try this to better see what happens
NB :
 - id() returns the unique identifier of an object - actually, in
CPython, it's memory address,
- 'is' test for identity ( a is b = id(a) == id(b)

 a = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
 b = a[1]
 b is a[1]
 b = [5, 6]
 b is a[1]

Now to modify a[1] thru b :
 b = a[1]
 b is a[1]
 # add an item
[3, 4, 5]
 b is a[1]
[3, 4, 5]
 # remove the first item
 del b[0]
[4, 5]
 # replace actual content with something else
 b[:] = [5, 6]
[5, 6]
 b is a[1]
[[1, 2], [5, 6]]

 And a
 second question - can I create a reference to element of a list of
 floating points and use this reference to change that element?

Not directly - but this has nothing to do with a reference-or-value
problem. It's just that floats (like ints, strings and tuples) are
immutable. You'll need either to work with indices or to wrap your
floats in mutable objects. I'd recommand the first solution.

 Greets to all PyFans

bruno desthuilliers
python -c print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])

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