RELEASED Python 2.4.4, Final.

2006-10-19 Thread Anthony Baxter
On behalf of the Python development team and the Python community,
I'm happy to announce the release of Python 2.4.4 (FINAL).

Python 2.4.4 is a bug-fix release. While Python 2.5 is the latest
version of Python, we're making this release for people who are
still running Python 2.4. This is the final planned release from
the Python 2.4 series. Future maintenance releases will be in the
2.5 series, beginning with 2.5.1.

See the release notes at the website (also available as Misc/NEWS
in the source distribution) for details of the more than 80 bugs
squished in this release, including a number found by the Coverity
and Klocwork static analysis tools. We'd like to offer our thanks
to both these firms for making this available for open source

 *  Python 2.4.4 contains a fix for PSF-2006-001, a buffer overrun   *
 *  in repr() of unicode strings in wide unicode (UCS-4) builds. *
 *  See for more.  *

There's only been one small change since the release candidate -
a fix to configure to repair cross-compiling of Python under

For more information on Python 2.4.4, including download links
for various platforms, release notes, and known issues, please

Highlights of this new release include:

  - Bug fixes. According to the release notes, at least 80 have
been fixed. This includes a fix for PSF-2006-001, a bug in
repr() for unicode strings on UCS-4 (wide unicode) builds.

Enjoy this release,

Anthony Baxter
Python Release Manager
(on behalf of the entire python-dev team)

Description: PGP signature

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: passing values to a program

2006-10-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh

  I almost have this thing running like I want it to run but I want
 the values to come from the program that calls this one.  There are two
 things I want to pass File_Name and CutString.  They both need to go to
 loadFile routine of Class WordGrid to replace constants.

note that your code is already using sys.argv to read arguments from 
the command line (inside the main function), so obviously you know how 
to do that, and your code is passing arguments around (to both the 
constructor and the main function), so obviously you know how to do that.

so what's the problem here?  why not just use the mechanisms you already 
know how to use?



Re: Getting method name from within the class method

2006-10-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Mitko Haralanov wrote:

 I need to be able to get the name of the currently executed method
 within that method. I know that the method object does have the
 __name__ attribute but I know know how to access it from withing the
 Something like this:
 class A:
 def a_method (self, this, that):
  print __name__

print a_method



Re: Getting method name from within the class method

2006-10-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Mitko Haralanov wrote:

 class test(object):  
 ...  def a_method(self,this,that):
 ...   print self.a_method.__name__
 Doing the above will obviously work!

so will

 print a_method

of course.  no need to be silly when you don't have to.

 However, I don't want to have to use the name of the function in the
 print statement (the .a_method. part). Imagine having about 100 of
 the above print statements in the function and then you change the name
 of the function. I want all 100 of the print statements to work without
 having to change every one of them to reflect the new function name.

why are you writing functions that needs to output their own name a
100 times?  why should the program's *external* behaviour depend on
such an irrelevant detail of its internal design?  sounds like lousy 
design to me.

if you want to tag 100 messages with the same name, and you want to make 
it easy to change that name, should the need arise, use a variable:

def a_method(self, this, that):
name = myname

print name, is running
print name, is about to return



Re: Getting method name from within the class method

2006-10-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Gabriel Genellina wrote:

 I could see some merit on getting that info in an automatic way.
 The only reason I can see for knowing the name of a function is for 
 debugging purposes - maybe some kind of logging utility. If you are in 
 debug mode, resources are not too important, but correct information 
 is. Imagine a logfile that says that you were at function_a but instead 
 you were at function_b (because of copypaste without replacing the names)

imagine a log file that says that you're about to create a file when 
you're actually removing it (because of copypaste without replacing the 

focussing on function names when logging is pretty silly, anyway.  it's 
usually better to focus on that the code is actually doing, rather than 
internal artifacts.

but even if you want to output function names, it's of course better to 
put that functionality into the logging function itself:

 # Issues a log message.

 def log(fmt, *args):
 print who_called_me(2), -, fmt % args

 # Returns the name of the calling function or method, if known.
 # @param depth Stack depth.  Defaults to immediate caller.
 # @return The name of the calling function.

 def who_called_me(depth=1):
 return sys._getframe(depth).f_code.co_name



Re: Cannot import a module from a variable

2006-10-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Cameron Walsh wrote:

 Woah, that actually works?  Having the finally after the return?
 That could make some things easier, and some things harder...

The whole point of having a clean-up handler is to make sure it runs no 
matter what:

When a return, break or continue statement is executed in the
try suite of a try-finally statement, the finally clause is also
executed on the way out.



Re: passing values to a program

2006-10-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I almost have this thing running like I want it to run but I want
 the values to come from the program that calls this one.  There are two
 things I want to pass File_Name and CutString.  They both need to go to
 loadFile routine of Class WordGrid to replace constants.  Thank you for
 putting up with my quesitons in advance.

 import wx
 import wx.grid as gridlib


 class WordGrid(gridlib.Grid):
 def __init__(self, parent, log):
 gridlib.Grid.__init__(self, parent, -1)


 self.CreateGrid(len(self.rows), self.widestRow)

 for r, row in enumerate(self.rows):
 for c, col in enumerate(row):
 self.SetCellValue(r, c, col)
 self.SetColSize(c, 10*self.widestCol)

 for c, label in enumerate(self.header):
 self.SetColLabelValue(c, label)

 def loadFile(self):
infile = open('test.sco', 'r')
foundHeader = False
self.rows = []
for line in infile:
if ;sco_header in line:
#removefirst = line.split(' ')
self.header = line.split()
#foundHeader = 'true'
continue # we don't want to process this line any

self.widestRow = max([len(r) for r in self.rows])
self.widestCol = max([len(c) for c in [r for r in self.rows]])


 class TestFrame(wx.Frame):
 def __init__(self, parent, log):
 wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, Simple Grid Demo,
 grid = WordGrid(self, log)

 #def main():

 def main(From_File, string):
 import sys
 From_file = argv[1]
 #split_string = argv2[2]
 app = wx.PySimpleApp()
 frame = TestFrame(None, sys.stdout)

 if __name__ == '__main__':
 import sys
 main('test.sco', 'sfd')

Try this code, save it in file called

def main(From_File, string):
print 'From_File: %s' % From_File
print 'string: %s' % string

if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
print 'command line'
print sys.argv
main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])

print 'hardcoded'
main('test.sco', 'sfd')

H:\ arg1 arg2
command line
['H:\\', 'arg1', 'arg2']
From_File: arg1
string: arg2
From_File: test.sco
string: sfd

argv is in namespace sys, but you don't tell that. Also I would
consider using a none built in and less generic name for the argument
'string' you're using.


Re: Getting method name from within the class method

2006-10-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh
 on that

on what



Re: [OT] a little about regex

2006-10-19 Thread Fulvio
Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.

On Wednesday 18 October 2006 15:32, Ron Adam wrote:

 |Instead of using two separate if's, Use an if - elif and be sure to test

Thank you, Ron, for the input :)
I'll examine also in this mode. Meanwhile I had faced the total disaster :) of 
deleting all my emails from all server ;(
(I've saved them locally, luckly :) )

 |It's not exactly clear on what output you are seeking.  If you want 0 for
 | not filtered and 1 for filtered, then look to Freds Hint.

Actually the return code is like herein:

if _filter(hdrs,allow,deny):
# allow and deny are objects prepared by re.compile(pattern)

In short, it means unwanted to be deleted. 
And now the function is :

def _filter(msg,al,dn):
 Filter try to classify a list of lines for a set of compiled
a = 0
for hdrline in msg:
# deny has the first priority and stop any further searching. Score 10 
if return len(msg) * 10
if return 0
a += 1
return a # it returns with a score of rejected matches or zero if none

The patterns are taken from a configuration file. Those with Axx ='pattern' 
are allowing streams the others are Dxx to block under different criteria.
Here they're :

A01 = ^From:.*\.it\b
A02 = ^(To|Cc):.*frioio@
A03 = ^(To|Cc):.*the_sting@
A04 = ^(To|Cc):.*calm_me_or_die@
A05 = ^(To|Cc):.*further@
A06 = ^From:.*\.za\b
D01 = ^From:.*\.co\.au\b
D02 = ^Subject:.*\*\*\*SPAM\*\*\*

*A bit of fake in order to get some privacy* :)
I'm using configparser to fetch their value and they're are joint by :

allow = re.compile('|'.join([k[1] for k in ifil if k[0] is 'a']))
deny = re.compile('|'.join([k[1] for k in ifil if k[0] is 'd']))

ifil is the input filter's section.

At this point I suppose that I have realized the right thing, just I'm a bit 
curious to know if ithere's a better chance and realize a single regex 
compilation for all of the options.
Basically the program will work, in term of filtering as per config and 
sincronizing with local $HOME/Mail/trash (configurable path). This last 
option will remove emails on the server for those that are in the local 
Todo = backup local and remote emails for those filtered as good.
multithread to connect all server in parallel
SSL for POP3 and IMAP4 as well
Actually I've problem on issuing the command to imap server to flag Deleted 
the message which count as spam. I only know the message details but what 
is the correct command is a bit obscure, for me.
BTW whose Fred?



Re: a little about regex

2006-10-19 Thread Fulvio
Your mail has been scanned by InterScan MSS.

On Wednesday 18 October 2006 16:43, Rob Wolfe wrote:

 |def filter(adr):    # note that filter is a builtin function also
 |    import re

I didn't know it, but my function _is_  starting by underscore (a bit of 
localization :) )

 |    allow = re.compile(r'.*(?!\.com)\.my(|$)')  # negative lookbehind
 |    deny = re.compile(r'.*\.com\.my(|$)')

Great,  it works perfectly. I found my errors.
I didn't use r ahead of the patterns and i was close to the 'allow' pattern 
but didn't give positive result and KregexEditor reported wrong way. This 
specially because of '' inside the stream. I thing that is not a normal 
regex input. It's only python valid. Am I right?

More details are the previous thread.



Re: Dictionaries

2006-10-19 Thread Lad
Thank you for help;
Here is a code that works in a way I need

if len(A)=len(B):
C = A.copy()
C = B.copy()

for key, value in Delsi.items():
if C.has_key(key):

How easy :-)

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Wed, 18 Oct 2006 09:31:50 -0700, Lad wrote:

  Thank you for your reply and question.
  What should the result be if both dictionaries have the same key?
  The answer: the values should be added together and assigned to the key
  That is
  {'a':1, 'b':5}
  ( from your example below)
  Is there a solution?

 Of course there is a solution. You just have to program it.

 Look again at my example code before:

 def add_dict(A, B):
 Add dictionaries A and B and return a new dictionary.
 C = A.copy()  # start with a copy of A
 for key, value in B.items():
 if C.has_key(key):
 raise ValueError(duplicate key '%s' detected! % key)
 C[key] = value
 return C

 Can you see how to modify this function to do what you want?

 (Hint: instead of raising a ValueError exception, you want to do something


Re: a little about regex

2006-10-19 Thread Rob Wolfe

Fulvio wrote:

 Great,  it works perfectly. I found my errors.
 I didn't use r ahead of the patterns and i was close to the 'allow' pattern
 but didn't give positive result and KregexEditor reported wrong way. This
 specially because of '' inside the stream. I thing that is not a normal
 regex input. It's only python valid. Am I right?

The sequence inside (?...) is an extension notation specific to



Re: creating many similar properties

2006-10-19 Thread Michele Simionato
Carl Banks wrote:
 You sound as if you're avoiding metaclasses just for the sake of
 avoiding them, which is just as bad as using them for the sake of using

Do you realize that you are effectively saying avoiding a complex
tool in favor of a simpler one is just as bad as avoing the simple tool
in favor of the complex one ?

 Here's how I see it: either it's ok to fiddle with the class dict, or
 it isn't.  If it's ok, then a metaclass is the way to do it.  If it's
 not ok to fiddle with the class dict, then he should be using
 __setattr__, or creating properties longhand.  Messing with frames is
 not the answer for production code.

I agree that messing with frames is not nice (however I should notice
this is how Zope interfaces are implemented, and they have been in
production use for years) but I disagree with your point about the
class dict. You should use a custom metaclass *only if you want to
mess with the class dict of all subclasses at each derivation*: this is

rarely the case, and definitely was not requested for the OP problem.

 Just for the hell of it, I decided to accept your challenge to run the
 standard library with a different metaclass applied to all new-style
 classes.  I ran the 2.4.3 regression test, replacing the builtin object
 with a class that used the mod256metaclass I presented in this thread.
 The results:

 229 tests OK.
 34 tests failed:
 test___all__ test_asynchat test_cgi test_cookielib test_copy
 test_copy_reg test_cpickle test_decimal test_descr test_descrtut
 test_email test_email_codecs test_httplib test_imaplib
 test_inspect test_logging test_mailbox test_mimetools
 test_mimetypes test_minidom test_pickle test_pyclbr
 test_robotparser test_sax test_sets test_socket test_socket_ssl
 test_sundry test_timeout test_urllib test_urllib2 test_urllib2net
 test_urllibnet test_xpickle

34 tests failed, worse than I expected.

 Not A-OK, but not exactly mass-pandemonium either.  There were plenty
 of modules used the the new base object and worked fine.

 There were only two causes for failure:
 1. A class attempting to use __weakref__ slot.
 2. There were also a few metaclass conflicts.

Yes, this agree with my findings. I was curious to know if there were
additional issues.

 IMO, neither of these failure modes argues against using a metaclass to
 preprocess the class dict.

But they argue against using metaclasses in general, IMO! (or at least,
against using them for users that are not aware of all the potential

 The __weakref__ error is not applicable;
 since it's an error to use it on any class with an instance dict.  (In
 fact, the metaclass wasn't even causing the error: the same error would
 have occurred if I had replaced builtin object with an empty subclass
 of itself, without the metaclass.)

Correct, this more of a problems of __slots__ that play havoc with
than a problem of metaclasses.

 The metaclass conflict would only occur in the present case only if
 someone wanted to subclass it AND specify a different metaclass.
 Arguing that metaclasses should be avoided just to guard against this
 rare possibility is defensive to the extreme.

Not too extreme in my opinion. Real life example: I had a debugging
using a custom metaclass, I tried to run it on Zope 2.7 classes and I
have got segmentation faults. In Zope 2.8 I get only metatype
conflicts, and to avoid that I had to rewrite the tool :-(

 I did not uncover any kinds of subtle, unexpected behavior that can
 occur when metaclasses do weird things.  I know such things are
 possible; how likely they are is another question.  The tests I ran
 didn't uncover any.  So for now, the results of these tests don't seem
 to support your point very well.

Well, this is a matter of opinion. In my opinion your tests support my
point pretty well, better than I expected ;)

 Appendix: Here's how I ran the test.  I inserted the following code at
 the top of Lib/test/, and
 ran make test.  I ran the tests on the Python 2.4.3 source tree, in

 import sys

 class mod256metatype(type):
 def __new__(metatype,name,bases,clsdict):
 print  sys.__stdout__, \
    Creating class %s of type mod256metatype %
 def makeprop(sym):
 prop = '_%s'  % sym
 def _set(self,v):
 def _get(self):
 return getattr(self,prop)
 return property(_get,_set)
 for sym in clsdict.get('__mod256__',()):
 clsdict[sym] = makeprop(sym)
 return super(metatype
 return type.__new__(metatype,name,bases,clsdict)

 class _object:
 __metaclass__ = mod256metatype

 import __builtin__
 __builtin__.object = _object

I used a similar approach. I added in the following

import __builtin__

class chatty_creation(type):

Re: creating many similar properties

2006-10-19 Thread Michele Simionato
James Stroud wrote:
 However, I think that what you are saying about metaclasses being
 brittle relates more to implementation than language. In theory, these
 should be equivalent:

 (1) class Bob(object): pass
 (2) Bob = type('Bob', (), {})

 And indeed a cursory inspection of the resulting classes show that they
 are indistinguishable.

 That they wouldn't be seems an implementation bug and perhaps that bug
 should be fixed rather than promoting the avoidance of (2) because it
 does not create classes that behave as number (1).

You got something wrong ;)

'type' is the builtin metaclass, it works, I have nothing against it,
and (1) and (2) are *exactly*
equivalent. My gripe is against *custom* metaclasses, i.e. subclasses
of 'type'. The paper is
all about avoiding custom metaclasses and using 'type' instead (i.e.
use the __metaclass__
hook, but not custom metaclasses). It is the same trick used by George
Sakkis in this same

 Michele Simionato


RELEASED Python 2.4.4, Final.

2006-10-19 Thread Anthony Baxter
On behalf of the Python development team and the Python community,
I'm happy to announce the release of Python 2.4.4 (FINAL).

Python 2.4.4 is a bug-fix release. While Python 2.5 is the latest
version of Python, we're making this release for people who are
still running Python 2.4. This is the final planned release from
the Python 2.4 series. Future maintenance releases will be in the
2.5 series, beginning with 2.5.1.

See the release notes at the website (also available as Misc/NEWS
in the source distribution) for details of the more than 80 bugs
squished in this release, including a number found by the Coverity
and Klocwork static analysis tools. We'd like to offer our thanks
to both these firms for making this available for open source

 *  Python 2.4.4 contains a fix for PSF-2006-001, a buffer overrun   *
 *  in repr() of unicode strings in wide unicode (UCS-4) builds. *
 *  See for more.  *

There's only been one small change since the release candidate -
a fix to configure to repair cross-compiling of Python under

For more information on Python 2.4.4, including download links
for various platforms, release notes, and known issues, please

Highlights of this new release include:

  - Bug fixes. According to the release notes, at least 80 have
been fixed. This includes a fix for PSF-2006-001, a bug in
repr() for unicode strings on UCS-4 (wide unicode) builds.

Enjoy this release,

Anthony Baxter
Python Release Manager
(on behalf of the entire python-dev team)

Description: PGP signature

__delitem__ affecting performance

2006-10-19 Thread Karl H.

I was performing some timing tests on a class that inherits from the 
built-in list, and got some curious results:

import timeit

class MyList(list):
 def __init__(self):
 self[:] = [0,0,0]

 def __delitem__(self,index):
 print 'deleting'

ml = MyList()

def test():
 global ml
 ml[0] += 0
 ml[1] += 0
 ml[2] += 0

t = timeit.Timer(test(),from __main__ import test)
print t.timeit()


import timeit

class MyList(list):
 def __init__(self):
 self[:] = [0,0,0]

ml = MyList()

def test():
 global ml
 ml[0] += 0
 ml[1] += 0
 ml[2] += 0

t = timeit.Timer(test(),from __main__ import test)
print t.timeit()


Does anybody know why defining __delitem__ is causing the code to run 
slower? It is not being called, so I don't see why it would affect 
performance. Overriding other sequence operators like __delslice__ does 
not exhibit this behavior.

The speed difference doesn't really bother me, but I am curious.

I used Python 2.4 for this test.


UTF-8 to unicode or latin-1 (and yes, I read the FAQ)

2006-10-19 Thread NoelByron

I'm struggling with the conversion of a UTF-8 string to latin-1. As far
as I know the way to go is to decode the UTF-8 string to unicode and
then encode it back again to latin-1?

So I tried:

'K\xc3\xb6ni'.decode('utf-8') # 'K\xc3\xb6ni' should be 'König',
contains a german 'umlaut'

but failed since python assumes every string to decode to be ASCII?

How can I convert this string to latin-1?

How would you write a function like:

def encode_string(string, from_encoding, to_encoding):

Best regards,


Re: __delitem__ affecting performance

2006-10-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Karl H. wrote:

 Does anybody know why defining __delitem__ is causing the code to run 
 slower? It is not being called, so I don't see why it would affect 

probably because overriding portions of the internal sequence slot API 
(tp_as_sequence) means that Python needs to do full dispatch for all 
members of that API, instead of keeping things at the C level.



libraries options not split in setup.cfg

2006-10-19 Thread Alexandre Guimond
Hi. I just noticed that the libraries options under the [build_ext]
section in setup.cfg doesn't seem to get expanded. In particular, in of python 2.4. (line147):

if type(self.libraries) is StringType:
self.libraries = [self.libraries]

though library_dirs for example gets split on ';' (line 156)

elif type(self.library_dirs) is StringType:
self.library_dirs = string.split(self.library_dirs,

is this a bug or am i using the libraries option in a wrong way in my

libraries = libgsl;libgslcblas

(btw, the above gets expanded on windows to libgsl;libgslcblas.lib on
the cmdline (not splitting on the ';' character).

thx for any help.


Re: UTF-8 to unicode or latin-1 (and yes, I read the FAQ)

2006-10-19 Thread Duncan Booth

 'K\xc3\xb6ni'.decode('utf-8') # 'K\xc3\xb6ni' should be 'König',
 contains a german 'umlaut'
 but failed since python assumes every string to decode to be ASCII?

No, Python would assume the string to be utf-8 encoded in this case:


Your code must have failed somewhere else. Try posting actual failing code 
and actual traceback.


Re: characters in python

2006-10-19 Thread Gigs_
I solve it. Just have to do another encoding:

Re: characters in python

2006-10-19 Thread Gigs_
Leo Kislov wrote:
 On Oct 18, 11:50 am, Stens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Stens wrote:
 Can python handle this characters: c,c,ž,d,š?
 If can howI wanna to change some characters in text (in the file) to the
 characters at this address:
 You need to use unicode, see any python unicode tutorial, for example
 this one or any other you can
 find with google.
 Your script can look like this:
 import codecs
 outfile = output file, w, encoding of the output
 for line in input file, r, encoding of the input
thx Leo

Re: UTF-8 to unicode or latin-1 (and yes, I read the FAQ)

2006-10-19 Thread NoelByron
  'K\xc3\xb6ni'.decode('utf-8') # 'K\xc3\xb6ni' should be 'König',

 Köni, to be precise.

Äh, yes.

  contains a german 'umlaut'
  but failed since python assumes every string to decode to be ASCII?

 that should work, and it sure works for me:

   s = 'K\xc3\xb6ni'.decode('utf-8')
   print s

 what did you do, and how did it fail?

First, thank you so much for answering so fast. I proposed python for a
project and it would be very embarrassing for me if I would fail
converting a UTF-8 string to latin-1.

I realized that my problem ist not the decode to UTF-8. The exception
is raised by print if I try to print the unicode string.

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xf6' in
position 1: ordinal not in range(128)

But that is not a problem at all since I can now turn my UTF-8 strings
to unicode! Once again the problem was sitting right in front of my
screen. Silly me...

Again, thank you for your reply!

Best regards,


Re: Python wrapper for C++ core

2006-10-19 Thread Holly

Thanks everyone for the responses - I think I have a better
understanding now. I can handle all the messy I/O in Python and use C
for the number crunching. I especially like the idea of using python to
output the results to excel.

OK time to learn Python i think - any tips on best place to start
(tutorials/documentation etc). I have a pretty comprehensive background
in C/C++/Java and a bit of experience some other scripting languages so
its really a matter of syntax/libraries rather than programming

 see fluid sim and games dev in the same post, which kind of makes
me scratch my head.  What would you need fluid sim for in a game?

sorry i was just listing places I had seem people waxing lyrical on the
benefits of python. I am not doing games development - I have just
heard lots of games developers saying they use python

Thanks again for all the help!



Re: Install from source on a x86_64 machine

2006-10-19 Thread Paul Boddie
Christopher Taylor wrote:

 Being relatively new to linux I'm a little confused about what options
 I need to use to build python from source.

The README should provide sufficient information, although if you want
to install Python into /usr rather than /usr/local (as I believe is the
default), you need to run configure as follows:

./configure --prefix=/usr

 Currently, I have python installed as part of the inital RHEL4 load
 located at /usr/bin/Python and /usr/bin/Python2.3 .  Some of the files
 are located in /usr/lib64/Python2.3 and in /usr/lib/Python2.3 .
 Please let me know if you need dir lsitings.

In fact, it's /usr/bin/python, /usr/bin/python2.3, /usr/lib64/python2.3
and /usr/lib/python, since Red Hat hasn't decided to capitalise the
name of the software. ;-)

 I'm trying to compile from source and plan on using the
 --enable-unicode=ucs4 option for the configure script due to some RHEL
 messing around with Tcl/Tk.

 *** How do I get make altinstall to put the appropriate files in
 /usr/lib64/Python2.4 and /usr/lib/Python2.4 respectively ? ***

The configured Makefile together with the various other tools should
work out where to put the libraries. I'm a newcomer to x86-64, although
I've had some relatively recent experience with sparc64, and whilst I'm
not really familiar with the way the various tools choose the install
directory of libraries, I've noticed that sometimes 64-bit libraries
end up in lib rather than lib64. Meanwhile, I notice that the Red Hat
libraries do adhere correctly to the expectation that 32-bit libraries
are found under /usr/lib/python2.3 and 64-bit libraries are found under

Perhaps you should configure and make Python, then run the install
process in pretend mode:

make -n altinstall

You'll get a huge amount of output, but this should at least tell you
what the installation process is thinking of doing, and it won't be
overwriting anything important while it does so.



Re: UTF-8 to unicode or latin-1 (and yes, I read the FAQ)

2006-10-19 Thread NoelByron
Duncan Booth wrote:

  'K\xc3\xb6ni'.decode('utf-8') # 'K\xc3\xb6ni' should be 'König',
  contains a german 'umlaut'
  but failed since python assumes every string to decode to be ASCII?

 No, Python would assume the string to be utf-8 encoded in this case:


 Your code must have failed somewhere else. Try posting actual failing code
 and actual traceback.

You are right. My test code was:

print 'K\xc3\xb6ni'.decode('utf-8')

and this line raised a UnicodeDecode exception. I didn't realize that
the exception was actually raised by print and thought it was the
decode. That explains the fact that a 'ignore' in the decode showed no
effect at all, too.

Thank you for helping!

Best regards,


Re: Flexible Collating (feedback please)

2006-10-19 Thread Leo Kislov
Ron Adam wrote:

 locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')  # use current locale settings

It's not current locale settings, it's user's locale settings.
Application can actually use something else and you will overwrite
that. You can also affect (unexpectedly to the application)
time.strftime() and C extensions. So you should move this call into the
_test() function and put explanation into the documentation that
application should call locale.setlocale

  self.numrex = re.compile(r'([\d\.]*|\D*)', re.LOCALE)


  if NUMERICAL in self.flags:
  slist = self.numrex.split(s)
  for i, x in enumerate(slist):
  slist[i] = float(x)
  slist[i] = locale.strxfrm(x)

I think you should call locale.atof instead of float, since you call
re.compile with re.LOCALE.

Everything else looks fine. The biggest missing piece is support for
unicode strings.

  -- Leo.


Re: Book about database application development?

2006-10-19 Thread Paul Boddie
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 On 18 Oct 2006 02:20:15 -0700, Paul Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
  Aren't we going round in circles here? There presumably are grid

  Possibly -- it was the fairly recent lamentation about Delphi that
 made me think the initial desire had been for some such automatic
 linkage between GUI and database that would have been preferred...

I think it's about finding the right level: the stated toolkits (Kiwi,
Thyme, GNUe, TinyERP) are probably quite high-level or mix in various
application-specific bonus material, and perhaps a fairly elementary
datagrid widget is what is being sought.

  widgets connected to database tables/views/cursors, if only exposed via
  user interface toolkits and other frameworks such as PyQt, Dabo and so
  on, but I thought the questioner wanted to know how to implement these
  things from the ground up.
 ... lacking such automation, a search for books on how to do this was
 next. But given so many combinations of toolkits, I didn't think a
 general (cookbook?) solution would be available.

True. Still, I can only point to things which might provide useful
building blocks in developing some of the solutions mentioned above.
For example, PyQt's QSqlRelationalTableModel and QTableView might be
acceptable building blocks:

See here for Python-based examples:

I'm sure other people can provide links to resources for other toolkits
and frameworks.



Re: More Noob Questions

2006-10-19 Thread Ravi Teja
 1) I'm also learning to program flash movies while I learn to do
 python.  How can one implement flash movies into their python code?

Depending on what implementing flash movies into Python code means.
Python and Flash can be complementary. You can develop the UI in Flash
and have it talk to Python via web services. I suppose that you can
embed the Flash Player control in a wxPython app as well and drive it
from there.

But such integrations typically deal with some slightly advanced issues
that are best left aside in context of a beginner.


Re: Python wrapper for C++ core

2006-10-19 Thread Roman Yakovenko
On 19 Oct 2006 03:10:55 -0700, Holly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks everyone for the responses - I think I have a better
 understanding now. I can handle all the messy I/O in Python and use C
 for the number crunching. I especially like the idea of using python to
 output the results to excel.

 OK time to learn Python i think - any tips on best place to start
 (tutorials/documentation etc). I have a pretty comprehensive background
 in C/C++/Java and a bit of experience some other scripting languages so
 its really a matter of syntax/libraries rather than programming

Be sure to check Boost.Python to create Python bindings for your project(s):

Roman Yakovenko
C++ Python language binding

Type discrepancy using struct.unpack

2006-10-19 Thread Pieter Rautenbach

I have a 64 bit server with CentOS 4.3 installed, running Python.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] pymsnt-0.11.2]$ uname -a
Linux 2.6.9-34.ELsmp #1 SMP Thu Mar 9 06:23:23 GMT
2006 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Consider the following two snippets, issuing a struct.unpack(...) using
Python 2.3.4 and Python 2.5 respectively.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] pymsnt-0.11.2]$ python
Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Oct 17 2006, 10:34:59)
[GCC 3.4.5 20051201 (Red Hat 3.4.5-2)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import struct
 print type(struct.unpack(L, )[0])
type 'int'

[EMAIL PROTECTED] pymsnt-0.11.2]$ /usr/bin/python2.3
Python 2.3.4 (#1, Feb 17 2005, 21:01:10)
[GCC 3.4.3 20041212 (Red Hat 3.4.3-9.EL4)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import struct
 print type(struct.unpack(L, )[0])
type 'long'

I would expect type 'long' in both cases. Why is this not so?

Pieter Rautenbach


Python Memory Leak Detector

2006-10-19 Thread Stephen Kellett
Announcing Software Tools for Python

We are pleased to inform you that we have completed the port and beta 
test of our Memory Analysis software tool to support Python. The 
software tools run on the Windows NT/2000/XP (and above) platforms.

Python Memory Validator (a memory leak detection tool)

The website provides 30 day evaluation versions of the software as well 
as full product versions of the software. The evaluation versions are 
fully functional with only the 30 day limit on usage.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

Re: Type discrepancy using struct.unpack

2006-10-19 Thread Leo Kislov

Pieter Rautenbach wrote:

 I have a 64 bit server with CentOS 4.3 installed, running Python.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] pymsnt-0.11.2]$ uname -a
 Linux 2.6.9-34.ELsmp #1 SMP Thu Mar 9 06:23:23 GMT
 2006 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

 Consider the following two snippets, issuing a struct.unpack(...) using
 Python 2.3.4 and Python 2.5 respectively.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] pymsnt-0.11.2]$ python
 Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Oct 17 2006, 10:34:59)
 [GCC 3.4.5 20051201 (Red Hat 3.4.5-2)] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  import struct
  print type(struct.unpack(L, )[0])
 type 'int'

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] pymsnt-0.11.2]$ /usr/bin/python2.3
 Python 2.3.4 (#1, Feb 17 2005, 21:01:10)
 [GCC 3.4.3 20041212 (Red Hat 3.4.3-9.EL4)] on linux2
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  import struct
  print type(struct.unpack(L, )[0])
 type 'long'

 I would expect type 'long' in both cases. Why is this not so?

  -- Leo.


Re: How to use python in TestMaker

2006-10-19 Thread kelin,[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Paddy wrote:
 kelin,[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Now I 'm learning python to do testing jobs, and want to use it in
  The problem is: I don't know how to use python in TestMaker.
  Just write python program in it or call .py files in it?
  I am really new about it and need some help.
  Thanks a lot!
 What/where is TestMaker?

Well, TestMaker is a tool to do testing jobs.
You can visit the following website for some info:


Re: How to use python in TestMaker

2006-10-19 Thread kelin,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
I don't know that TestMaker is written in Python before. So maybe it's
my mistake. Then have you ever done testing jobs with Python? I know
that many people do testing jobs with it. I just can't find a good tool
to do Unit Test  with Python. Could you please tell me any?

Thanks a lot!

Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 At Wednesday 18/10/2006 23:34, kelin,[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now I 'm learning python to do testing jobs, and want to use it in
 The problem is: I don't know how to use python in TestMaker.
 Just write python program in it or call .py files in it?
 I am really new about it and need some help.

 What do you mean by use python in TestMaker?
 TestMaker is written in Python, but you dont need to know Python to
 use it at all.
 Do you want to modify TestMaker itself? Then you should learn the
 Python language first.

 Gabriel Genellina
 Softlab SRL

 Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí.
 Todo lo que querías saber, y lo que ni imaginabas,
 está en Yahoo! Respuestas (Beta).
 ¡Probalo ya!


Re: More Noob Questions

2006-10-19 Thread Roberto Bonvallet
Omar wrote:
 more to come!

Please, use a more meaningful subject next time, like Integration of
Python and Flash or Where can I find vido tutorials.  That way it will
be easier to people that knows about the subject to find your message and
answer you.

And please think of us, non-native English speakers, that don't know slang
words like noob that don't even appear in the dictionaries and don't add
anything to your question.

Roberto Bonvallet

Re: UTF-8 to unicode or latin-1 (and yes, I read the FAQ)

2006-10-19 Thread Michael Ströder
 print 'K\xc3\xb6ni'.decode('utf-8')
 and this line raised a UnicodeDecode exception.

Works for me.

Note that 'K\xc3\xb6ni'.decode('utf-8') returns a Unicode object. With
print this is implicitly converted to string. The char set used depends
on your console

Check this out for understanding it:

 u = 'K\xc3\xb6ni'.decode('utf-8')

Ciao, Michael.

Re: Flexible Collating (feedback please)

2006-10-19 Thread Ron Adam
Leo Kislov wrote:
 Ron Adam wrote:
 locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')  # use current locale settings
 It's not current locale settings, it's user's locale settings.
 Application can actually use something else and you will overwrite
 that. You can also affect (unexpectedly to the application)
 time.strftime() and C extensions. So you should move this call into the
 _test() function and put explanation into the documentation that
 application should call locale.setlocale

I'll experiment with this a bit, I was under the impression that local.strxfrm 
needed the locale set for it to work correctly.

Maybe it would be better to have two (or more) versions?  A string, unicode, 
locale version or maybe add an option to __init__ to choose the behavior? 
Multiple versions seems to be the approach of pre-py3k.  Although I was trying 
to avoid that.

Sigh, of course issues like this is why it is better to have a module to do 
with.  If it was as simple as just calling sort() I wouldn't have bothered. ;-)

  self.numrex = re.compile(r'([\d\.]*|\D*)', re.LOCALE)
  if NUMERICAL in self.flags:
  slist = self.numrex.split(s)
  for i, x in enumerate(slist):
  slist[i] = float(x)
  slist[i] = locale.strxfrm(x)
 I think you should call locale.atof instead of float, since you call
 re.compile with re.LOCALE.

I think you are correct, but it seems locale.atof() is a *lot* slower than 
float(). :(

Here's the local.atof() code.

def atof(string,func=float):
 Parses a string as a float according to the locale settings.
 #First, get rid of the grouping
 ts = localeconv()['thousands_sep']

 if ts:
 string = string.replace(ts, '')
 #next, replace the decimal point with a dot
 dd = localeconv()['decimal_point']
 if dd:
 string = string.replace(dd, '.')
 #finally, parse the string
 return func(string)

I could set ts and dd in __init__ and just do the replacements in the try...

 if NUMERICAL in self.flags:
 slist = self.numrex.split(s)
 for i, x in enumerate(slist):
 if x:  # slist may contain null strings
 if self.ts:
 xx = x.replace(self.ts, '')   # remove thousands sep
 if self.dd:
 xx = xx.replace(self.dd, '.')  # replace decimal point 

 slist[i] = float(xx)
 slist[i] = locale.strxfrm(x)

How does that look?

It needs a fast way to determine if x is a number or a string.  Any suggestions?

 Everything else looks fine. The biggest missing piece is support for
 unicode strings.

This was the reason for using locale.strxfrm. It should let it work with 
strings from what I could figure out from the documents.

Am I missing something?



Re: Install from source on a x86_64 machine

2006-10-19 Thread Christopher Taylor
 The README should provide sufficient information, although if you want
 to install Python into /usr rather than /usr/local (as I believe is the
 default), you need to run configure as follows:

 ./configure --prefix=/usr

Yeah, I saw that in the readme.

 In fact, it's /usr/bin/python, /usr/bin/python2.3, /usr/lib64/python2.3
 and /usr/lib/python, since Red Hat hasn't decided to capitalise the
 name of the software. ;-)

ok you got me, type-o 

 The configured Makefile together with the various other tools should
 work out where to put the libraries. I'm a newcomer to x86-64, although
 I've had some relatively recent experience with sparc64, and whilst I'm
 not really familiar with the way the various tools choose the install
 directory of libraries, I've noticed that sometimes 64-bit libraries
 end up in lib rather than lib64. Meanwhile, I notice that the Red Hat
 libraries do adhere correctly to the expectation that 32-bit libraries
 are found under /usr/lib/python2.3 and 64-bit libraries are found under

 Perhaps you should configure and make Python, then run the install
 process in pretend mode:

 make -n altinstall

 You'll get a huge amount of output, but this should at least tell you
 what the installation process is thinking of doing, and it won't be
 overwriting anything important while it does so.

ok, so where does that leave me.  I'm not even sure which files
*should* be put in /lib64 vs lib.
 I guess what I'm expecting is a congifure option to specify where
architecture dependent files should be put.  

Has anyone else mentioned this before?

Christopher Taylor

Re: passing values to a program

2006-10-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If it is as simple as using the sys and dot befour the argv then I have
it made..  The example I was trying to get that from came from the
first edition programming python (I think they were using version 1.3).
 thanks for the help I will give that a try.

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

   I almost have this thing running like I want it to run but I want
  the values to come from the program that calls this one.  There are two
  things I want to pass File_Name and CutString.  They both need to go to
  loadFile routine of Class WordGrid to replace constants.

 note that your code is already using sys.argv to read arguments from
 the command line (inside the main function), so obviously you know how
 to do that, and your code is passing arguments around (to both the
 constructor and the main function), so obviously you know how to do that.

 so what's the problem here?  why not just use the mechanisms you already
 know how to use?


Re: UTF-8 to unicode or latin-1 (and yes, I read the FAQ)

2006-10-19 Thread NoelByron
Michael Ströder wrote:
  print 'K\xc3\xb6ni'.decode('utf-8')
  and this line raised a UnicodeDecode exception.

 Works for me.

 Note that 'K\xc3\xb6ni'.decode('utf-8') returns a Unicode object. With
 print this is implicitly converted to string. The char set used depends
 on your console

And that was the problem. I'm developing with eclipse (PyDev). The
console is integrated in the development environment. As I print out an
unicode string python tries to encode it to ASCII. And since the string
contains non ASCII characters it fails. That is no problem if you are
aware of this.

My mistake was that I thought the exception was raised by my call to
decode('UTF-8') because print and decode were on the same line and I
thought print could never raise an exception. Seems like I've learned
something today.

Best regards,


Can I use decorators to manipulate return type or create methods?

2006-10-19 Thread WakeBdr
I'm writing a class that will query a database for some data and return
the result to the caller.  I need to be able to return the result of
the query in several different ways: list, xml, dictionary, etc.  I was
wondering if I can use decorators to accomplish this.

For instance, I have the following method

def getUsers(self, params):
return users.query(dbc)

To get the appropriate return types, I also have these methods.  I have
these convenience methods for every query method in my class.

def getUsersAsXML(self, params):
return self._toXML(self.getUsers(params))
def getUsersAsDict(self, params):
return self._toDict(self.getUsers(params))
def getUsersAsList(self, params):
return self._toList(self.getUsers(params))

Instead of creating these three methods for every query method, is
there a way to use decorators to manipulate the return type.  I'd still
like to have the caller use getUsersAsXML, I just don't want to write
the AsXML methods for every query method.  So the decorator would
essentially create the convenience methods instead of me coding them.

One solution that I don't want to use is passing a variable into the
query method that determines the return type.  This is what I don't
want to do.
def getUsers(self, params, returnType):

Any ideas on how I can accomplish this?



Re: What happened to RuleDispatch

2006-10-19 Thread exhuma.twn

On Oct 18, 10:41 pm, Adam Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 exhuma.twn wrote:
  Hi all,

  yesterday I wanted to install TurboGears, which depends on
 RuleDispatch. However, I failed to download it. First I got the error
  Bad Gateway from the server, today it's simply a Not Found error.
  So what happened to it? Does somebody know?

  I would really need to install TurboGears in the next couple of days.
  So if someone knows where I can find a mirror ofRuleDispatchI would
  be very grateful.The required files for TG are mirrored on the download
 page. You should be able to get an installation by looking up the files
 there. Try this command:

 easy_install -f

 That is actually the recommended way to install TurboGears, as it is
 not always compatible with the latest version of the components.


Hmmm... this is wat I get:

Using /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/TurboGears-1.0b1-py2.4.egg
Processing dependencies for TurboGears
Searching for RuleDispatch
Best match: RuleDispatch
error: Can't download
502 Bad Gateway

Could this be a local issue?


Re: What happened to RuleDispatch

2006-10-19 Thread exhuma.twn

On Oct 19, 3:44 pm, exhuma.twn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 18, 10:41 pm, Adam Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  exhuma.twn wrote:
   Hi all,

   yesterday I wanted to install TurboGears, which depends on
  RuleDispatch. However, I failed to download it. First I got the error
   Bad Gateway from the server, today it's simply a Not Found error.
   So what happened to it? Does somebody know?

   I would really need to install TurboGears in the next couple of days.
   So if someone knows where I can find a mirror ofRuleDispatchI would
   be very grateful.The required files for TG are mirrored on the download
  page. You should be able to get an installation by looking up the files
  there. Try this command:

  easy_install -f

  That is actually the recommended way to install TurboGears, as it is
  not always compatible with the latest version of the components.

  -AdamHmmm... this is wat I get:

 Using /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/TurboGears-1.0b1-py2.4.egg
 Processing dependencies for TurboGears
 Searching forRuleDispatch
 error: Can't 
 502 Bad Gateway

 Could this be a local issue?

Forgot to say I also tried to download it via the web-browser. This
gave me the following error (generated by the proxy I have to use):

Server response could not be decoded using encoding type returned by
This is typically caused by a Web Site presenting a content encoding
header of one type, and then encoding the data differently.


Python with MPI enable C-module

2006-10-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello All,

A software project that I am working on currently has a C++ library
that runs on a Beowulf cluster for parallel computation. The library
code uses MPI for its implementation. We are currently developing
python wrappers for the library. Our current design uses one Python
process as a front end with processes created from the library code on
the back end (it is processes of this type that run on all the nodes of
the cluster).

What I'm considering is delving into the possibility of having Python
processes on all of the nodes of the cluster. These processes would
wrap our C++ library. What I'm wondering is:

1) Would setting up an environment like this require modifying the
Python interpreter or the C++ module that is being wrapped? What I'm
hoping is that the C++ module can go on happily doing MPI operations
despite the fact that it is actually being called by the Python

2) Would it be possible to spawn these Python processes using mpiexec
(or something similar), or would I need to use some of the MPI-2
features to dynamically set up the MPI environment?

3) Has anyone accomplished something like this already? I know there
are extensions and modules that add MPI functionality to Python, but
I'm hoping they could be avoided, since the Python code itself should
never really have to be aware of MPI, only the C++ module that has
already been written.

Let me apologize up front if this has already been discussed before.
I've done a few searches in this group and it seems that most of the
discussion on this front took place many years ago, so the relevance is
quite low.

Thank you in advance for your attention. 



wxPython help wxSashWindow

2006-10-19 Thread MatthewWarren
Hi, I'm wondering if anyone can tell me here, or point to a specific
tutorial (  I have searched for 1/2hour, but can find only reference
style docs or not-quite-what-im-after help) on how to build a
wxSashWindow in wxPython. I'm just starting out with wxPython, and the
first thing i need to do is use 3 sash windows, 1 split vertically, and
on the left and right of that a SashWindow splitting horizontally. I
can make frames, buttons, use sizers etc.. as they are fairly
intuitive, but SashWindow and SashLayoutWindow have stumped me.




Re: Install from source on a x86_64 machine

2006-10-19 Thread Paul Boddie
Christopher Taylor wrote:

 ok, so where does that leave me.  I'm not even sure which files
 *should* be put in /lib64 vs lib.

I'd imagine that anything which is a .so file (plus the modules which
depend on it, I suppose) should be put in the appropriate library
directory. Thus, 32-bit libraries should go into
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages and 64-bit libraries should go into
/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages. That said, I can see things that
I've installed via distutils (and various make; make install
combinations) that are in the wrong directory.

  I guess what I'm expecting is a congifure option to specify where
 architecture dependent files should be put.  

Generally, the install process should respect the prefix (ie. /usr in
your case, /usr/local in the default case) and then choose the
appropriate library directories below that (ie. /usr/lib, /usr/lib64 in
your case), but I can't find anything obvious in the README about
specifying architecture-dependent install directories.

 Has anyone else mentioned this before?

I'd be interested to hear more about this as well.



Re: Type discrepancy using struct.unpack

2006-10-19 Thread Pieter Rautenbach

Leo Kislov wrote:
 Pieter Rautenbach wrote:
  I have a 64 bit server with CentOS 4.3 installed, running Python.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] pymsnt-0.11.2]$ uname -a
  Linux 2.6.9-34.ELsmp #1 SMP Thu Mar 9 06:23:23 GMT
  2006 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  Consider the following two snippets, issuing a struct.unpack(...) using
  Python 2.3.4 and Python 2.5 respectively.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] pymsnt-0.11.2]$ python
  Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Oct 17 2006, 10:34:59)
  [GCC 3.4.5 20051201 (Red Hat 3.4.5-2)] on linux2
  Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
   import struct
   print type(struct.unpack(L, )[0])
  type 'int'
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] pymsnt-0.11.2]$ /usr/bin/python2.3
  Python 2.3.4 (#1, Feb 17 2005, 21:01:10)
  [GCC 3.4.3 20041212 (Red Hat 3.4.3-9.EL4)] on linux2
  Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
   import struct
   print type(struct.unpack(L, )[0])
  type 'long'
  I would expect type 'long' in both cases. Why is this not so?
   -- Leo.

Thanks a lot!


Re: Install from source on a x86_64 machine

2006-10-19 Thread Christopher Taylor
 Generally, the install process should respect the prefix (ie. /usr in
 your case, /usr/local in the default case) and then choose the
 appropriate library directories below that (ie. /usr/lib, /usr/lib64 in
 your case), but I can't find anything obvious in the README about
 specifying architecture-dependent install directories.

Well that's pretty much what's happening ...  either the 64bit libs
aren't being put in /usr/lib64 ... they're all being put in /usr/lib
or they were never compiled up in 64bit mode.  The only think I can
think of is that the configure script doesn't check the mode the OS is
running in and take appropriate steps, ie.e compile the libs in both
32 and 64 bit mode and place them accordingly.

I know this is a problem because when I try and compile up mod_python
it's telling I'm getting the following error when it tries to link
libpython2.4.a :
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/python2.4/config/libpython2.4.a(abstract.o):
relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol' can not be used when
making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
/usr/lib/python2.4/config/libpython2.4.a: could not read symbols: Bad value

Which basically means to me that for whatever reason, when python
compiled up, the ./configure script didn't see that the os was running
in 64bit mode and compile the libraries in PIC mode, something I think
that is required for libraries on a 64bit OS.

Christopher Taylor

A suggestion/request for IDEs

2006-10-19 Thread John Salerno
I apologize for the slightly off-topic nature, but I thought I'd just 
throw this out there for anyone working on text editors or IDEs with 

I think it should be a feature, when an item is selected for 
auto-completion in a drop-down box, that pressing the spacebar (in 
addition to tab or enter) will automatically finish the word and add a 
space. This is how Microsoft's new IDEs for .NET work, and I found it 
very helpful to be able to just press space as normal and keep typing. I 
know it sounds minor, but I find it to be a time saver instead of having 
to press tab or enter, and then also the spacebar.


Re: Classes and Functions - General Questions

2006-10-19 Thread John Salerno
John Salerno wrote:
 Setash wrote:
 And have class2 inherit class1 without any import statements, or need
 it be imported first?
 Or need class1 and class2 be both declared in the same .py file if
 there is inheritance?
 If the classes are in the same module, you don't need to do any 
 importing or qualification. If they are in separate modules, you need to 
 import the necessary module(s) and then you can use its contents.

Quick clarification: even if you import a module, you still need to 
qualify a call to its attributes:

import sys

print sys.version   #not 'print version'

But you can use the 'from module import attribute' format to avoid this:

from sys import version

print version

But this is very bad to do. The recommendation that I like is to only 
use from/import when you want a module from a package, not when you want 
classes, methods, etc. from a module.

Re: wxPython help wxSashWindow

2006-10-19 Thread John Salerno
MatthewWarren wrote:

 I'm just starting out with wxPython

Hi there. Sorry I can't help you because SashWindow isn't something I've 
worked with yet, but I just wanted to let you know that there is also a 
dedicated wxPython newsgroup (not that the people here aren't geniuses!) :)

gmane.comp.python.wxpython (newsgroup)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailing list)

It's a great resource.

Re: Flexible Collating (feedback please)

2006-10-19 Thread Ron Adam
 Ron Adam:
 Insted of:
   def __init__(self, flags=[]):
  self.flags = flags
  self.numrex = re.compile(r'([\d\.]*|\D*)', re.LOCALE)
  self.txtable = []
  if HYPHEN_AS_SPACE in flags:
  self.txtable.append(('-', ' '))
  if UNDERSCORE_AS_SPACE in flags:
  self.txtable.append(('_', ' '))
  if PERIOD_AS_COMMAS in flags:
  self.txtable.append(('.', ','))
  if IGNORE_COMMAS in flags:
  self.txtable.append((',', ''))
  self.flags = flags
 I think using a not mutable flags default is safer, this is an
 alternative (NOT tested!):
   numrex = re.compile(r'[\d\.]*  |  \D*', re.LOCALE|re.VERBOSE)
   dflags = {hyphen_as_space: ('-', ' '),
 underscore_as_space: ('_', ' '),
 period_as_commas: ('_', ' '),
 ignore_commas: (',', ''),
   def __init__(self, flags=()):
  self.flags = [fl.strip().lower() for fl in flags]
  self.txtable = []
  df = self.__class__.dflags
  for flag in self.flags:
  if flag in df:
 This is just an idea, it surely has some problems that have to be

I think the 'if's are ok since there are only a few options that need to be 
handled by them.

I'm still trying to determine what options are really needed.  I can get the 
thousand separator and decimal character from local.localconv() function.  So 
ignore_commas isn't needed I think.  And maybe change period_as_commas to 
_as_sep and then split on periods before comparing.

I also want it to issue exceptions when the Collate object is created if 
options are specified. That makes finding problems much easier.  The example 
above doesn't do that, it accepts them silently.  That was one of the reasons I 
went to named constants at first.

How does this look?

 numrex = re.compile(r'([\d\.]* | \D*)', re.LOCALE|re.VERBOSE)
 def __init__(self, flags=):
 if flags:
 flags = flags.upper().split()
 for value in flags:
 if value not in self.options:
 raise ValueError, 'Invalid option: %s' % value
 self.txtable = []
 if 'HYPHEN_AS_SPACE' in flags:
 self.txtable.append(('-', ' '))
 if 'UNDERSCORE_AS_SPACE' in flags:
 self.txtable.append(('_', ' '))
 if 'PERIOD_AS_COMMAS' in flags:
 self.txtable.append(('.', ','))
 if 'IGNORE_COMMAS' in flags:
 self.txtable.append((',', ''))
 self.flags = flags

So you can set an option strings as...

import collate as C

collateopts = \
colatedlist = C.collated(somelist, collateopts)

A nice advantage with an option string is you don't have to prepend all your 
options with the module name.  But you do have to validate it.


Re: wxPython help wxSashWindow

2006-10-19 Thread MatthewWarren

John Salerno wrote:
 MatthewWarren wrote:

  I'm just starting out with wxPython

 Hi there. Sorry I can't help you because SashWindow isn't something I've
 worked with yet, but I just wanted to let you know that there is also a
 dedicated wxPython newsgroup (not that the people here aren't geniuses!) :)

 gmane.comp.python.wxpython (newsgroup)
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailing list)

 It's a great resource.

Thanks, is that a newsgroup I can view through google groups? I tried
seraching for it but google says no..

And I'll give that list a subscribe.

I have found a wxPython google group, but only 11 members and a
handfull of posts in a year...


Re: Determining if a file is locked in Windows

2006-10-19 Thread elake
Larry Bates wrote:
 elake wrote:
  I found this thread about a pst file in Windows being locked and I am
  having the same issue.
  The problem is that I have a script that can find the pst files on
  every machine in my network and back them up to a server for safe
  keeping. The problem is that when Outlook is running it locks the file
  and will not allow me to copy it to the destination. I am using the
  shutil module for the copy.
  Is there a way to first determine if the file is locked and then do the
  copy if it isn't? I thought about looking to see if Outlook.exe is
  running but the machines are shared and the process could be running
  but with a different pst file in use.
  Thanks in advance
 Try the copy and catch the exception instead.

 -Larry Bates

Larry thanks for your suggestion. this is what I tried:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os, shutil

path = 'c:\documents and settings\username\Local Settings\Application

src = 'Outlook.pst'
dst = 'test.pst'


shutil.copy2(src, dst)
except IOError:
print 'Must be locked by Outlook'

print 'Finished'

The problem is that even though I catch the IOError it overwrites the
dst file and makes it 0kb. This is going to be for backing these files
up and it wont be good to overwrite the backup with a bad copy.

Is there another way to do this that I am missing. I am still kind of
new to Python. If i could tell that outlook had the file locked before
I tried the copy then I think that it would be prevented.


Bad Magic Number with only .py deployed

2006-10-19 Thread KronicDeth
I have a package of python modules deployed on an NFS mount on my
network that I use for sysadmin tools.   Since some of the machines use
different versions of python I've only put the .py files in the mounted
share.  However, I'm getting ImportError: Bad Magic Number when I try
to load any of the modules from the mount point.  All the discussions I
can find say that a bad magic number should only occur with a
mismatched interpreter and compiled .pyc, but all that's deployed is
the .py.  This should mean that any scripts that load the modules will
compile on import and so the interpreter should always be the same, but
that doesn't seem to be the case.  Could this be a permission issue?
Does the interpreter panic and say Bad Magic Number if it can't write
to the same location as the .py files are?  There are only 3 versions
of python on the network, but I'd rather not have to compile against
each.  Actually, I just tried it again and /usr/bin/python, which is
2.3.3 imports the top level module fine, but one of the network mounted
version, which is 2.5, gives the Bad Magic Number problem on
lib/  Neither of the intrepreters should be writing the
.pyc, so I don't see how they can get a Bad Magic Number from their own


Re: Classes and Functions - General Questions

2006-10-19 Thread Sybren Stuvel
Setash enlightened us with:

 class Class1(object):
 import class1

This line imports and places its contents under the name

   class Class1

   class Class2(Class1)

That's correct.

 or would I still need to call it as:

   class Class2(classes.Class1)

Nope, since the name classes is unknown.

Sybren Stüvel
Stüvel IT -

Re: Ok. This IS homework ...

2006-10-19 Thread Magnus Lycka
Frederic Rentsch wrote:
 Once upon a time programmers did things like this:
 |   |  |
 |   catch input|
 |   |  |
 |   input type valid? - prompt for correct input --|
 |   +  |
 |input too large? + --- prompt for new input --
 |   -
 |  add to running total |   |
 |  status report |   |
  -- - running total = max?
report done  |
 It was called a flow chart. Flow charts could be translated directly 
 into machine code written in assembly languages which had labels, tests 
 and jumps as the only flow-control constructs. When structured 
 programming introduced for and while loops they internalized labeling 
 and jumping. That was a great convenience. Flow-charting became rather 
 obsolete because the one-to-one correspondence between flow chart and 
 code was largely lost.

As long as you only draw your loops to the right (or left, just be
consistent) and make sure you don't cross any lines, you're doing
structured programming. (I think...)


| ^
v |
if xx--foo   |
bar baz   |
| |
v |


Re: Flexable Collating (feedback please)

2006-10-19 Thread Ron Adam
Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 At Wednesday 18/10/2006 21:36, Ron Adam wrote:
 Maybe changing the CAPS_FIRST to REVERSE_CAPS_ORDER would do?
 At least it's a more accurate name.
 There is an indirect way: test locale.strcoll(A,a) and see how they 
 get sorted. Then define options CAPS_FIRST, LOWER_FIRST accordingly. But 
 maybe it's too much trouble...

I should of thought of that simple test.  Thanks.   :-)

That would work, and it's really not that much trouble.  The actual test can be 
done during importing.  Maybe determining other useful values could be done at 
that time as well.

  You should try to make this part a bit more generic. If you are
  concerned about locales, do not use comma explicitely. In other
  countries 10*100=1.000 - and 1,234 is a fraction between 1 and 2.

 See the most recent version of this I posted.  It is a bit more generic.


 Maybe a 'comma_is_decimal' option?
 I'd prefer to use the 'decimal_point' and 'thousands_sep' from the 
 locale information. That would be more coherent with the locale usage 
 along your module.

Yes, it looks like I'll need to do this.

 The term I've seen before is called natural ordering, but that is more 
 and can include date, roman numerals, as well as other type.
 Sometimes that's the hard part, finding a name which is concise, 
 descriptive, and accurately reflects what the code does. A good name 
 should make obvious what it is used for (being these option names, or 
 class names, or method names...) but in this case it may be difficult to 
 find a good one. So users will have to read the documentation (a good 
 thing, anyway!)

I plan on making the doc strings a bit more informative so that help(collate) 
will give meaningful information on it's options.



wxPython and PIL

2006-10-19 Thread Odalrick
I'm making a simple program to crop and scale images, essentially make
thumbnails from a user defined subset of the image.

I'm planning to use Python Image Library to crop and resize the images,
mostly to make the resized smaller images look good.

How do I display a PIL image with wxPython?


Re: Determining if a file is locked in Windows

2006-10-19 Thread MatthewWarren
elake wrote:
 Larry Bates wrote:
  elake wrote:
   I found this thread about a pst file in Windows being locked and I am
   having the same issue.
   The problem is that I have a script that can find the pst files on
   every machine in my network and back them up to a server for safe
   keeping. The problem is that when Outlook is running it locks the file
   and will not allow me to copy it to the destination. I am using the
   shutil module for the copy.
   Is there a way to first determine if the file is locked and then do the
   copy if it isn't? I thought about looking to see if Outlook.exe is
   running but the machines are shared and the process could be running
   but with a different pst file in use.
   Thanks in advance
  Try the copy and catch the exception instead.
  -Larry Bates

 Larry thanks for your suggestion. this is what I tried:

 #!/usr/bin/env python

 import os, shutil

 path = 'c:\documents and settings\username\Local Settings\Application

 src = 'Outlook.pst'
 dst = 'test.pst'


 shutil.copy2(src, dst)
 except IOError:
 print 'Must be locked by Outlook'

 print 'Finished'

 The problem is that even though I catch the IOError it overwrites the
 dst file and makes it 0kb. This is going to be for backing these files
 up and it wont be good to overwrite the backup with a bad copy.

 Is there another way to do this that I am missing. I am still kind of
 new to Python. If i could tell that outlook had the file locked before
 I tried the copy then I think that it would be prevented.

maybe try and open the file for reading first, then if it opens ok,
just close it and do the copy?


Re: A suggestion/request for IDEs

2006-10-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

John Salerno wrote:
 I apologize for the slightly off-topic nature, but I thought I'd just
 throw this out there for anyone working on text editors or IDEs with

 I think it should be a feature, when an item is selected for
 auto-completion in a drop-down box, that pressing the spacebar (in
 addition to tab or enter) will automatically finish the word and add a
 space. This is how Microsoft's new IDEs for .NET work, and I found it
 very helpful to be able to just press space as normal and keep typing. I
 know it sounds minor, but I find it to be a time saver instead of having
 to press tab or enter, and then also the spacebar.


See I have to disagree with you.  I always hated that spacebar would
complete.  I found it more natural that space would simply enter a
space and you could keep typing.  I found it slowed my down more having
to change items that would autocomplete when I didn't want them to.
Of course, it's a matter of preference and comfort.


Re: Can I use decorators to manipulate return type or create methods?

2006-10-19 Thread Chris Mellon
On 19 Oct 2006 06:43:49 -0700, WakeBdr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm writing a class that will query a database for some data and return
 the result to the caller.  I need to be able to return the result of
 the query in several different ways: list, xml, dictionary, etc.  I was
 wondering if I can use decorators to accomplish this.

 For instance, I have the following method

 def getUsers(self, params):
 return users.query(dbc)

 To get the appropriate return types, I also have these methods.  I have
 these convenience methods for every query method in my class.

 def getUsersAsXML(self, params):
 return self._toXML(self.getUsers(params))
 def getUsersAsDict(self, params):
 return self._toDict(self.getUsers(params))
 def getUsersAsList(self, params):
 return self._toList(self.getUsers(params))

 Instead of creating these three methods for every query method, is
 there a way to use decorators to manipulate the return type.  I'd still
 like to have the caller use getUsersAsXML, I just don't want to write
 the AsXML methods for every query method.  So the decorator would
 essentially create the convenience methods instead of me coding them.

 One solution that I don't want to use is passing a variable into the
 query method that determines the return type.  This is what I don't
 want to do.
 def getUsers(self, params, returnType):

 Any ideas on how I can accomplish this?

You can't do it as fully magically as I'd like, because at the time
decorators are run, the methods are just functions and aren't bound as
methods yet (so you can't automagically add methods to the class, for
example - you'd need to do that after the class definition finishes
executing). You *could* decorate all the functions you want to have
special return types, then (after the class definition) loop through
those to generate the extra return funcs.

You can do it with a minimum of boilerplate this way:

from functools import wraps #only in 2.5, you can do this by hand in 2.4
#wrapped is the function we're calling and returning as XML
#xmlfunc is the stub function we're replacing
def returnXML(wrapped):
def f(xmlfunc):
def xmlMethod(self):
return self.asXML(wrapped(self))
return xmlMethod
return f

class T(object):
def getUser(self):
return user
def asXML(self, data):
return xml%s/xml%(data)
def getUserAsXML(self):pass

t = T()
print t.getUserAsXML()

Re: What happened to RuleDispatch

2006-10-19 Thread Adam Jones

exhuma.twn wrote:
 On Oct 19, 3:44 pm, exhuma.twn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Oct 18, 10:41 pm, Adam Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   exhuma.twn wrote:
Hi all,
yesterday I wanted to install TurboGears, which depends on
   RuleDispatch. However, I failed to download it. First I got the error
Bad Gateway from the server, today it's simply a Not Found error.
So what happened to it? Does somebody know?
I would really need to install TurboGears in the next couple of days.
So if someone knows where I can find a mirror ofRuleDispatchI would
be very grateful.The required files for TG are mirrored on the download
   page. You should be able to get an installation by looking up the files
   there. Try this command:
   easy_install -f
   That is actually the recommended way to install TurboGears, as it is
   not always compatible with the latest version of the components.
   -AdamHmmm... this is wat I get:
  Using /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/TurboGears-1.0b1-py2.4.egg
  Processing dependencies for TurboGears
  Searching forRuleDispatch
  error: Can't 
  502 Bad Gateway
  Could this be a local issue?

 Forgot to say I also tried to download it via the web-browser. This
 gave me the following error (generated by the proxy I have to use):

 Server response could not be decoded using encoding type returned by
 This is typically caused by a Web Site presenting a content encoding
 header of one type, and then encoding the data differently.

I just tried it for myself (with my workplace's proxy) and had no
problems. You might want to check on the TurboGears mailing list ( ) to see if someone there can
help you figure out what is going on. Downloading the eggs at another
location and installing locally is also an option.



[OT] Re: A suggestion/request for IDEs

2006-10-19 Thread Tim Chase
John Salerno wrote:
 I apologize for the slightly off-topic nature, but I thought I'd just
 throw this out there for anyone working on text editors or IDEs with

Well, Vim7's autocompletion already allows this.  Earlier 
versions of vim also allowed similar behavior, but (AFAIK) didn't 
have a nice way to cancel the suggestion or to accept the 
suggestion without an additional character (or leaving insert 
mode).  In Vim7, you can abort your current ^P/^N completion with 
^E (to regain just what you typed, minus the current 
completion/suggestion) or you can accept it with ^Y (which won't 
add an extra character), or you can just continue typing to 
accept the completion, and then add the character you typed (such 
as space, period, etc).

Other editors/IDEs may have similar functionality...



Dictionaries again - where do I make a mistake?

2006-10-19 Thread Lad
I use the following code  to sort dictionary.

i = [(val, key) for (key, val) in Olddict.items()]
i.sort() # by val
i.reverse() # Get largest first.
for (val, key) in i:
print key,val
print Olddict
print Newdict

Sorting seems to be OK,.
the command
print key,val
prints the proper values
 but I can not create Newdict to be sorted properly.

Where do I make a mistake?
Thank you for help.


Re: Dictionaries again - where do I make a mistake?

2006-10-19 Thread Dustin J. Mitchell
Lad wrote:
 Sorting seems to be OK,.
 the command
 print key,val
 prints the proper values
  but I can not create Newdict to be sorted properly.
 Where do I make a mistake?
 Thank you for help.

Dictionaries are unordered -- the order in which items come out is
unspecified.  It's based on the details of their internal storage mechanism (a
hash table), and you can't control it at all.

If you need your pairs in a certain order, you'll have to use a list of tuples.


Re: Dictionaries again - where do I make a mistake?

2006-10-19 Thread Tim Chase
  but I can not create Newdict to be sorted properly.
 Where do I make a mistake?

By assuming that dictionaries *can* be sorted.

For more reading:

They're intrinsically an unsorted datatype.




2006-10-19 Thread SpreadTooThin
Why is it that (On MAC OS X) in Komodo 3.5 Professional, if I try to
find something in my script,
I am unable to change the text it is searching for?


Re: What happened to RuleDispatch

2006-10-19 Thread exhuma.twn

On Oct 19, 5:32 pm, Adam Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 exhuma.twn wrote:
  On Oct 19, 3:44 pm, exhuma.twn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Oct 18, 10:41 pm, Adam Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

exhuma.twn wrote:
 Hi all,

 yesterday I wanted to install TurboGears, which depends on
RuleDispatch. However, I failed to download it. First I got the error
 Bad Gateway from the server, today it's simply a Not Found error.
 So what happened to it? Does somebody know?

 I would really need to install TurboGears in the next couple of days.
 So if someone knows where I can find a mirror ofRuleDispatchI would
 be very grateful.The required files for TG are mirrored on the download
page. You should be able to get an installation by looking up the files
there. Try this command:

easy_install -f

That is actually the recommended way to install TurboGears, as it is
not always compatible with the latest version of the components.

-AdamHmmm... this is wat I get:

   Using /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/TurboGears-1.0b1-py2.4.egg
   Processing dependencies for TurboGears
   Searching forRuleDispatch
   error: Can't 
   502 Bad Gateway

   Could this be a local issue?

  Forgot to say I also tried to download it via the web-browser. This
  gave me the following error (generated by the proxy I have to use):

  Server response could not be decoded using encoding type returned by
  This is typically caused by a Web Site presenting a content encoding
  header of one type, and then encoding the data differently.I just tried it 
  for myself (with my workplace's proxy) and had no
 problems. You might want to check on the TurboGears mailing list 
 ( to see if someone there can
 help you figure out what is going on. Downloading the eggs at another
 location and installing locally is also an option.

I'll do that. Thanks anyway.


Re: Can I use decorators to manipulate return type or create methods?

2006-10-19 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
WakeBdr schrieb:
 I'm writing a class that will query a database for some data and return
 the result to the caller.  I need to be able to return the result of
 the query in several different ways: list, xml, dictionary, etc.  I was
 wondering if I can use decorators to accomplish this.
 For instance, I have the following method
 def getUsers(self, params):
 return users.query(dbc)
 To get the appropriate return types, I also have these methods.  I have
 these convenience methods for every query method in my class.
 def getUsersAsXML(self, params):
 return self._toXML(self.getUsers(params))
 def getUsersAsDict(self, params):
 return self._toDict(self.getUsers(params))
 def getUsersAsList(self, params):
 return self._toList(self.getUsers(params))
 Instead of creating these three methods for every query method, is
 there a way to use decorators to manipulate the return type.  I'd still
 like to have the caller use getUsersAsXML, I just don't want to write
 the AsXML methods for every query method.  So the decorator would
 essentially create the convenience methods instead of me coding them.
 One solution that I don't want to use is passing a variable into the
 query method that determines the return type.  This is what I don't
 want to do.
 def getUsers(self, params, returnType):
 Any ideas on how I can accomplish this?

Use a metaclass.

class Magic(type):
 def __new__(cls, name, bases, d):
 for name, function in d.items():
 def toXML(self, *args, **kwargs):
 return self._toXML(function(self, *args, **kwargs))
 def toFOO(self, *args, **kwargs):
 return self._toFOO(function(self, *args, **kwargs))
 d[name + XML] = toXML
 d[name + FOO] = toFOO
 except AttributeError:
 return type(name, bases, d)

def mark(f):
 f._marked = True
 return f

class MyClass(object):
 __metaclass__ = Magic

 def _toXML(self, value):
 return Look Ma, its XML! %r % value

 def _toFOO(self, value):
 return Look Ma, its FOO! %r % value

 def someMethod(self):
 return Its the data, son

o = MyClass()

print o.someMethod()
print o.someMethodXML()
print o.someMethodFOO()


invert or reverse a string... warning this is a rant

2006-10-19 Thread rick
Why can't Python have a reverse() function/method like Ruby?

x = 'a_string'
# Reverse the string
print x[::-1]

x = 'a_string'
# Reverse the string
print x.reverse

The Ruby approach makes sense to me as a human being. The Python 
approach is not easy for me (as a human being) to remember. Can that be 
changed or should I just start blindly memorizing this stuff?

P.S. I like Python better than Ruby 90% of the time and use Python 90% 
of the time, but 10% of the time, little things such as this drive me crazy!

httplib problems -- bug, or am I missing something?

2006-10-19 Thread Dustin J. Mitchell
I'm building an interface to Amazon's S3, using httplib.  It uses a
single object for multiple transactions.  What's happening is this:

HTTP  PUT /unitest-temp-1161039691 HTTP/1.1
HTTP  Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 23:01:32 GMT
HTTP  Authorization: AWS cough:KiTWRuq/6aay0bI2J5DkE2TAWD0=
HTTP  (end headers)
HTTP  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
HTTP  content-length: 0
HTTP  x-amz-id-2: 40uQn0OCpTiFcX+LqjMuzG6NnufdUk/..
HTTP  server: AmazonS3
HTTP  x-amz-request-id: FF504E8FD1B86F8C
HTTP  location: /unitest-temp-1161039691
HTTP  date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 23:01:33 GMT
HTTPConnection.__state before  Idle
HTTPConnection.__response: closed? False length: 0
reading response
HTTPConnection.__state after  Idle
HTTPConnection.__response: closed? False length: 0

 ..later in the same connection..

HTTPConnection.__state before putrequest:  Idle
HTTPConnection.__response: closed? False length: 0
HTTP  DELETE /unitest-temp-1161039691 HTTP/1.1
HTTP  Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 23:01:33 GMT
HTTP  Authorization: AWS cough:a5OizuLNwwV7eBUhha0B6rEJ+CQ=
HTTP  (end headers)
HTTPConnection.__state before getresponse:  Request-sent
HTTPConnection.__response: closed? False length: 0
  File /usr/lib64/python2.4/, line 856, in getresponse
raise ResponseNotReady()

If the first request does not precede it, the second request is fine.
To avoid excessive memory use, I'm calling
repeatedly, instead of just calling  This seems to be
key to the problem -- if I omit the 'amt' argument to read(), then the
last line of the first request reads

HTTPConnection.__response: closed? True length: 0

and the later call to getresponse() doesn't raise ResponseNotReady.

Looking at the source for, self.close() gets
called in the latter (working) case, but not in the former
(non-working).  It would seem sensible to add 'if self.length == 0:
self.close()' to the end of that function (and, in fact, this change makes the
whole thing work), but this comment makes me hesitant:

# we do not use _safe_read() here because this may be a .will_close
# connection, and the user is reading more bytes than will be provided
# (for example, reading in 1k chunks)

What's going on here?  Is this a bug I should report, or am I missing
something about how one should use httplib?

Thanks for any assistance.


Re: wxPython help wxSashWindow

2006-10-19 Thread John Salerno
MatthewWarren wrote:

 Thanks, is that a newsgroup I can view through google groups? I tried
 seraching for it but google says no..

I'm not sure, but I don't think so. The way I have to do it is use 
Thunderbird (or equivalent) and subscribe first to the Gmane account, 
then to the specific newsgroup. You also have to send posts to the 
mailing list address, not to the newsgroup name itself (these seem to 
get sent, but never appear), so it's kind of funky.

pywin32 COM sort in Excel (late binding fails, early binding works) (+py2exe)

2006-10-19 Thread kogrover
ISSUE: COM Excel Sort works with Early Binding, but not Late Binding,
but py2exe only does Late Binding

I have code similar to this (type from notes, so there may be a

import win32com.client
xl = win32com.client.Dispatch(Excel.Application)
xl.Visible = False
xl.ScreenUpdating = False
wb = xl.Workbooks.Open(h:\\p.xls)
sht = wb.Sheets(SheetName) # wb.Worksheets(Sheetname)
sht.Cells.Sort(Key1=sht.Cells(2,1), Order1=1, Header=1, Orientation=1)

Python: 2.4.3
pywin32 200
py2exe 0.6.5
Office 2000

The sort DOES NOT work if called from a normal install (e.g. using late
binding):  the Header line gets sorted with all the data.

ID   Value   Mort
232   2 54
54 33   232
54 33   232
232   2 54
ID   Value   Mort

HOWEVER, If I run and select the Microsoft Excel 9.0 (-- I'm typing this
from memory!)
and run it, it creates the GUID'd py file in gen_py

If I run the above code again (on a clean copy of the xls file), it
DOES sort the sheet correctly --- the header line is left alone.

ID   Value   Mort
232   2 54
54 33   232
ID   Value   Mort
54 33   232
232   2 54

Normally, this would not be an issue, but when I bundle my app using
py2exe it does not grab the gen_py stuff.

Any help appreciated...


Re: UTF-8 to unicode or latin-1 (and yes, I read the FAQ)

2006-10-19 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2006-10-19, Michael Ströder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 print 'K\xc3\xb6ni'.decode('utf-8')
 and this line raised a UnicodeDecode exception.

 Works for me.

 Note that 'K\xc3\xb6ni'.decode('utf-8') returns a Unicode
 object. With print this is implicitly converted to string. The
 char set used depends on your console

No, the setting of the console encoding (sys.stdout.encoding) is
ignored. It's a good thing, too, since it's pretty flaky. It uses
sys.getdefaultencoding(), which is always 'ascii' as far as I

Neil Cerutti

Re: invert or reverse a string... warning this is a rant

2006-10-19 Thread John Salerno
rick wrote:
 Why can't Python have a reverse() function/method like Ruby?

I'm not steeped enough in daily programming to argue that it isn't 
necessary, but my question is why do you need to reverse strings? Is it 
something that happens often enough to warrant a method for it?

Re: Book about database application development?

2006-10-19 Thread Magnus Lycka
Wolfgang Keller wrote:
 does anyone know of a good book that about development of database 

Scott Ambler's Agile Database Techniques

Regardless of whether you'll actually use a full MVC framework or
not, I suggest that you write model classes that are fully decoupled
from the UI. Work in a test-driven fashion, writing tests first
and just coding until the test goes through, and then write the
next test. See e.g. Kent Beck's Test-Driven Development. If
you use an SQL database below some ORM, you can use SQLite with
an in-memory database :memory: for your functional test. Fast
and simple.

I'd make the GUI as thin as possible, since GUI code it typically
more complicated to test automatically.

Re: invert or reverse a string... warning this is a rant

2006-10-19 Thread Paul Rubin
rick [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Why can't Python have a reverse() function/method like Ruby?
 x = 'a_string'
 # Reverse the string
 print x[::-1]
 The Ruby approach makes sense to me as a human being. The Python
 approach is not easy for me (as a human being) to remember. Can that
 be changed or should I just start blindly memorizing this stuff?

You could use:

   print ''.join(reversed(x))

That also looks a little bit weird, but it combines well-known Python
idioms straightforwardly.

Calling functions

2006-10-19 Thread Tommy Grav
I have a small program that goes something like thisdef funcA() : passdef funcB() : passdef funcC() : passdef determine(f):	t = f()	return tWhat I would like to do is be able to n = determine(funcA)m = determine(funcB)But I can't really figure out how to do this (I think it is possible :) CheersTommy[EMAIL PROTECTED]"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction"                         -- Albert Einstein --

Re: invert or reverse a string... warning this is a rant

2006-10-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh
rick wrote:

 The Ruby approach makes sense to me as a human being.

do the humans on your planet spend a lot of time reversing strings? 
it's definitely not a very common thing to do over here.

anyway, if you do this a lot, why not define a helper function?

 def reverse(s):
 return s[::-1]

 print reverse(redael ruoy ot em ekat)



Re: Calling functions

2006-10-19 Thread Dustin J. Mitchell
Tommy Grav wrote:
 I have a small program that goes something like this
 def funcA() : pass
 def funcB() : pass
 def funcC() : pass
 def determine(f):
 t = f()
 return t
 What I would like to do is be able to 
 n = determine(funcA)
 m = determine(funcB)
 But I can't really figure out how to do this (I think it is 
 possible :)

Except for the spaces after the def's at the top (are those legal?), it should
work as written.

determine(funcA) results in 'f' being bound to 'funcA'; then 't = f()' results
in 'funcA' being called, and its resulting being bound to 't'; 'determine'
returns that result, and it's bound to 'n'.  Is that not what you wanted?


Re: UTF-8 to unicode or latin-1 (and yes, I read the FAQ)

2006-10-19 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Neil Cerutti wrote:

 Note that 'K\xc3\xb6ni'.decode('utf-8') returns a Unicode
 object. With print this is implicitly converted to string. The
 char set used depends on your console
 No, the setting of the console encoding (sys.stdout.encoding) is

Nope, it is not ignored.  This would not work then::

  In [2]: print 'K\xc3\xb6nig'.decode('utf-8')

  In [3]: import sys

  In [4]: sys.getdefaultencoding()
  Out[4]: 'ascii'

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

RE: invert or reverse a string... warning this is a rant

2006-10-19 Thread Demel, Jeff
John Salerno wrote:
'm not steeped enough in daily programming to argue that it 
sn't necessary, but my question is why do you need to 
reverse strings? Is it something that happens often enough 
to warrant a method for it?

I've been programming professionally for over 10 years, and have never
once needed to reverse a string.  Maybe it's a lack of imagination on my
part, but I can't think of a single instance this might be necessary.

However, if I did ever run across this need while using Python, it would
seem awkward to use [::-1], just from a clarity standpoint.  A
string.reverse() method would be a decent thing to have.

Just my $.02.


P.S.  How about a string.shuffle() method that splits the string in half
into two new strings str1 and str2, and then recompiles the string by
alternating one character from each str1 and str2 as it goes?  Like
shuffling cards.  ;)
This email is intended only for the individual or entity to which it is 
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Re: Calling functions

2006-10-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Tommy Grav wrote:

 I have a small program that goes something like this
 def funcA() : pass
 def funcB() : pass
 def funcC() : pass
 def determine(f):
 t = f()
 return t
 What I would like to do is be able to 
 n = determine(funcA)
 m = determine(funcB)
 But I can't really figure out how to do this

really?  the code you posted does work, to some extent (it doesn't
raise any errors, but since your functions don't contain any return 
statements, they'll return None, and both n and m will be set to None).

what did you expect this to do?



Re: wxPython and PIL

2006-10-19 Thread Laszlo Nagy
Odalrick wrote:
 I'm making a simple program to crop and scale images, essentially make
 thumbnails from a user defined subset of the image.

 I'm planning to use Python Image Library to crop and resize the images,
 mostly to make the resized smaller images look good.

 How do I display a PIL image with wxPython?

def piltoimage(pil,alpha=True):
Convert PIL Image to wx.Image.
if alpha:
image = apply( wx.EmptyImage, pil.size )
image.SetData( pil.convert( RGB).tostring() )
image = wx.EmptyImage(pil.size[0], pil.size[1])
new_image = pil.convert('RGB')
data = new_image.tostring()
return image

def imagetopil(image):
Convert wx.Image to PIL Image.
pil ='RGB', (image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight()))
return pil




Re: UTF-8 to unicode or latin-1 (and yes, I read the FAQ)

2006-10-19 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2006-10-19, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Neil Cerutti wrote:

 Note that 'K\xc3\xb6ni'.decode('utf-8') returns a Unicode
 object. With print this is implicitly converted to string. The
 char set used depends on your console
 No, the setting of the console encoding (sys.stdout.encoding) is

 Nope, it is not ignored.  This would not work then::

   In [2]: print 'K\xc3\xb6nig'.decode('utf-8')

   In [3]: import sys

   In [4]: sys.getdefaultencoding()
   Out[4]: 'ascii'

Interesting! Thanks for the correction.

Neil Cerutti
This scene has a lot of activity.  It is busy like a bee dive.
--Michael Curtis

advice for web-based image annotation

2006-10-19 Thread Brian Blais

I want to set up a system where I can have my family members write comments 
about a 
number of pictures, as part of a family tree project.  Essentially, I want them 
to be 
able to log into a website (I already have the webspace, and the server runs 
but not mod_python), see images, and be able to fill in text boxes for comments 
enter dates for the pictures.  These comments and dates will then be viewable 
by the 
others logging in, so that I can keep track of collect stories, details, dates, 
etc...and also, who is writing what, when.

I've written some basic CGI python scripts, and can imagine how to do this, but 
I was 
wondering if it would better to look into a framework like cherrypy, 
zope, etc.  I have never done any database programming, but have written CGI 
to modify excel sheets and text files to store state.  I am not adverse to 
the database end, but I don't want to climb that hill unless I feel there is a 
significant benefit.  I don't have admin rights on the server, if that makes a 

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Brian Blais



RE: invert or reverse a string... warning this is a rant

2006-10-19 Thread Demel, Jeff
John Salerno wrote:
'm not steeped enough in daily programming to argue that it sn't 
necessary, but my question is why do you need to reverse strings? Is it

something that happens often enough to warrant a method for it?

I've been programming professionally for over 10 years, and have never
once needed to reverse a string.  Maybe it's a lack of imagination on my
part, but I can't think of a single instance this might be necessary.

However, if I did ever run across this need while using Python, it would
seem awkward to use [::-1], just from a clarity standpoint.  A
string.reverse() method would be a decent thing to have.

Just my $.02.


P.S.  How about a string.shuffle() method that splits the string in half
into two new strings str1 and str2, and then recompiles the string by
alternating one character from each str1 and str2 as it goes?  Like
shuffling cards.  ;)
This email is intended only for the individual or entity to which it is 
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it from your system.  Any use, dissemination, distribution, or reproduction of 
this message by unintended recipients is strictly prohibited and may be 

Re: Calling functions

2006-10-19 Thread Tommy Grav
That does work yes :) I just noticed that the script had another little error in it, making me believe that the function call was crooking.Cheers   TommyOn Oct 19, 2006, at 12:30 PM, Dustin J. Mitchell wrote:Tommy Grav wrote: I have a small program that goes something like thisdef funcA() : passdef funcB() : passdef funcC() : passdef determine(f):t = f()return tWhat I would like to do is be able to n = determine(funcA)m = determine(funcB)But I can't really figure out how to do this (I think it is possible :) Except for the spaces after the def's at the top (are those legal?), it shouldwork as written.determine(funcA) results in 'f' being bound to 'funcA'; then 't = f()' resultsin 'funcA' being called, and its resulting being bound to 't'; 'determine'returns that result, and it's bound to 'n'.  Is that not what you wanted?Dustin--  CheersTommy[EMAIL PROTECTED]"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction"                         -- Albert Einstein --

Re: UTF-8 to unicode or latin-1 (and yes, I read the FAQ)

2006-10-19 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2006-10-19, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Neil Cerutti wrote:
 Note that 'K\xc3\xb6ni'.decode('utf-8') returns a Unicode
 object. With print this is implicitly converted to string. The
 char set used depends on your console
 No, the setting of the console encoding (sys.stdout.encoding) is

 Nope, it is not ignored.  This would not work then::

   In [2]: print 'K\xc3\xb6nig'.decode('utf-8')

   In [3]: import sys

   In [4]: sys.getdefaultencoding()
   Out[4]: 'ascii'

OK, I was thinking of the behavior of file.write(s). Thanks again
for the correction.

Neil Cerutti

Re: invert or reverse a string... warning this is a rant

2006-10-19 Thread Brad
John Salerno wrote:
 rick wrote:
 Why can't Python have a reverse() function/method like Ruby?
 I'm not steeped enough in daily programming to argue that it isn't 
 necessary, but my question is why do you need to reverse strings? Is it 
 something that happens often enough to warrant a method for it?

I'm home for lunch so my email addy is different.

No, it doesn't happen very often, but when I need to reverse something 
(usually a list or a string). I can never remember right of the top of 
my head how to do so in Python. I always have to Google for an answer or 
refer back to old code.

IMO, I should be able to intuitively know how to do this. Python is so 
user-friendly most every place else... why can it not be so here?

I wrote this so I'll never have to remember this again:

def invert(invertable_object):
 print invertable_object[::-1]
 return invertable_object[::-1]
 print 'Object not invertable'
 return 1

invert({1:2, 3:4})


Re: Determining if a file is locked in Windows

2006-10-19 Thread elake

MatthewWarren wrote:
 elake wrote:
  Larry Bates wrote:
   elake wrote:
I found this thread about a pst file in Windows being locked and I am
having the same issue.
The problem is that I have a script that can find the pst files on
every machine in my network and back them up to a server for safe
keeping. The problem is that when Outlook is running it locks the file
and will not allow me to copy it to the destination. I am using the
shutil module for the copy.
Is there a way to first determine if the file is locked and then do the
copy if it isn't? I thought about looking to see if Outlook.exe is
running but the machines are shared and the process could be running
but with a different pst file in use.
Thanks in advance
   Try the copy and catch the exception instead.
   -Larry Bates
  Larry thanks for your suggestion. this is what I tried:
  #!/usr/bin/env python
  import os, shutil
  path = 'c:\documents and settings\username\Local Settings\Application
  src = 'Outlook.pst'
  dst = 'test.pst'
  shutil.copy2(src, dst)
  except IOError:
  print 'Must be locked by Outlook'
  print 'Finished'
  The problem is that even though I catch the IOError it overwrites the
  dst file and makes it 0kb. This is going to be for backing these files
  up and it wont be good to overwrite the backup with a bad copy.
  Is there another way to do this that I am missing. I am still kind of
  new to Python. If i could tell that outlook had the file locked before
  I tried the copy then I think that it would be prevented.

 maybe try and open the file for reading first, then if it opens ok,
 just close it and do the copy?

I tried to do that and it did let me open it without an error. Here is
what I have done now and it seems work.

def copyFile(src, dst):
if os.path.isfile(dst):
shutil.copy2(dst, dst_bak)
shutil.copy2(src, dst)
except IOError:
if os.path.isfile(dst_bak):
shutil.copy2(dst_bak, dst)
shutil.copy2(src, dst)
except IOError:
if os.path.isfile(dst_bak):
shutil.copy2(dst_bak, dst)

It check to see if the dst file is there first and them makes a backup
of it first. That way if the copy goes bad then there is still a backup
of it. Do you see anywhere that I could have done  this


Re: wxPython help wxSashWindow

2006-10-19 Thread Max Erickson
MatthewWarren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks, is that a newsgroup I can view through google groups? I
 tried seraching for it but google says no..
 And I'll give that list a subscribe.
 I have found a wxPython google group, but only 11 members and a
 handfull of posts in a year...

Gmane archives many mailing lists and also allows access to the lists 
through a news server gateway( Posting throught the 
news gateway is allowed for many groups(including this one), but not 
all. For more information and web access to the archives, visit



Re: invert or reverse a string... warning this is a rant

2006-10-19 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2006-10-19, Brad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm home for lunch so my email addy is different.

 No, it doesn't happen very often, but when I need to reverse
 something (usually a list or a string). I can never remember
 right of the top of my head how to do so in Python. I always
 have to Google for an answer or refer back to old code.

 IMO, I should be able to intuitively know how to do this.
 Python is so user-friendly most every place else... why can it
 not be so here?

 I wrote this so I'll never have to remember this again:

 def invert(invertable_object):
  print invertable_object[::-1]
  return invertable_object[::-1]
  print 'Object not invertable'
  return 1

 invert({1:2, 3:4})

Shoot, now you'll have to remember where in heck you stashed that
function the next time you need to reverse something. ;-)

You'll still be better off in the long run memorizing the slice

Neil Cerutti

Re: invert or reverse a string... warning this is a rant

2006-10-19 Thread Brad
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 rick wrote:
 The Ruby approach makes sense to me as a human being.
 do the humans on your planet spend a lot of time reversing strings? it's 
 definitely not a very common thing to do over here.

On our planet, we're all dyslexic. We tend to do things 'backwards' so 
being able to easily invert what we do helps the people we show the code 
to on your planet make sense of it.

 anyway, if you do this a lot, why not define a helper function?
 def reverse(s):
 return s[::-1]
 print reverse(redael ruoy ot em ekat)

Thanks, that's what I ended up doing.

Re: Can I use decorators to manipulate return type or create methods?

2006-10-19 Thread Peter Otten
WakeBdr wrote:

 I'm writing a class that will query a database for some data and return
 the result to the caller.  I need to be able to return the result of
 the query in several different ways: list, xml, dictionary, etc.  I was
 wondering if I can use decorators to accomplish this.
 For instance, I have the following method
 def getUsers(self, params):
 return users.query(dbc)
 To get the appropriate return types, I also have these methods.  I have
 these convenience methods for every query method in my class.
 def getUsersAsXML(self, params):
 return self._toXML(self.getUsers(params))
 def getUsersAsDict(self, params):
 return self._toDict(self.getUsers(params))
 def getUsersAsList(self, params):
 return self._toList(self.getUsers(params))
 Instead of creating these three methods for every query method, is
 there a way to use decorators to manipulate the return type.  I'd still
 like to have the caller use getUsersAsXML, I just don't want to write
 the AsXML methods for every query method.  So the decorator would
 essentially create the convenience methods instead of me coding them.
 One solution that I don't want to use is passing a variable into the
 query method that determines the return type.  This is what I don't
 want to do.
 def getUsers(self, params, returnType):
 Any ideas on how I can accomplish this?

Here's an odd approach, entirely based on naming conventions:

from operator import attrgetter

class Composer(object):
def __getattr__(self, name):
prefix, delim, suffix = name.rpartition(_as_)
if prefix and suffix:
cls = self.__class__
inner = attrgetter(prefix)
outer = attrgetter(delim + suffix)
def wrapped(self, *args):
return outer(self)(inner(self)(*args))
setattr(cls, name, wrapped)
return getattr(self, name)
raise AttributeError(sorry, no %r % name)

class A(Composer):
def _as_xml(self, obj):
return as_xml(%s) % (obj,)
def _as_list(self, obj):
return as_list(%s) % (obj,)
def get_users(self):
return get_users()

class B(A):
def _as_list(self, obj):
return AS_LIST(%s) % (obj,)
def get_artist_as_a_young_man(self, name):
return get_artist_as_a_young_man(name=%r) % name

if __name__ == __main__:
a = A()
b = B()
print a.get_users_as_list()
print b.get_users_as_list()
print a.get_users_as_xml()
print b.get_artist_as_a_young_man_as_xml(James)
print a.get_artist_as_a_young_man_as_xml(James) # AttributeError


Re: Komodo

2006-10-19 Thread Mark Elston
* SpreadTooThin wrote (on 10/19/2006 8:47 AM):
 Why is it that (On MAC OS X) in Komodo 3.5 Professional, if I try to
 find something in my script,
 I am unable to change the text it is searching for?

Perhaps Emacs might work better ... :)


Re: invert or reverse a string... warning this is a rant

2006-10-19 Thread Paul McGuire

Demel, Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
John Salerno wrote:
P.S.  How about a string.shuffle() method that splits the string in half
into two new strings str1 and str2, and then recompiles the string by
alternating one character from each str1 and str2 as it goes?  Like
shuffling cards.  ;)

You mean:




-- Paul 


Re: Converting existing module/objects to threads

2006-10-19 Thread Gabriel Genellina

At Thursday 19/10/2006 00:01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Consider using the asyncore module instead of threads.

I think that is a good point and I am considering using
asyncore/asynchat...  i'm a little confused as to how i can make this
model work.  There is no server communication without connection from
the client (me), which happens on intervals, not when data is available
on a socket or when the socket is available to be written, which is
always.  Basically i need to determine how to trigger the asynchat
process based on time.  in another application that i write, i'm the
server and the chat process happens every time the client wakes
up...easy and perfect for asyncore

That is a solution i'd like to persue, but am having a hard time
getting my head around that as well.

You have to write your own dispatcher (inheriting from async_chat) as 
any other protocol. You can call asyncore.loop whith count=1 (or 10, 
but not None, so it returns after a few iterations) inside your *own* 
loop. Inside your loop, when time comes, call 
your_dispatcher.push(data) so the channel gets data to be sent. 
Override collect_incoming_data() to get the response.
You can keep your pending requests in a priority queue (sorted by 
time) and check the current time against the top element's time.

Maybe you could successfully implement your application using threads 
- if none uses global variables, and no thread waits for another, it 
may be safe. But I prefer to avoid threads whenever possible, at 
least because debugging the application becomes harder.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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