Elixir 0.2.0 released!

2007-03-02 Thread Gaetan de Menten
We are pleased to announce that the second release of Elixir
(http://elixir.ematia.de) is now available. We hope you'll enjoy it.

Highlights for this release

- Implemented singletable non-polymorphic inheritance
- Added support to pass non-keyword arguments to tables.
- Added support for deferred columns
- Look at the calling stack frame to ensure that we apply statements
to the proper class.
  We now attach the statement list to the class itself, rather than
attaching it to a global
  list that is neither threadsafe, nor safe when doing nested class definition.
- Fixed foreign key names on MySQL (and possibly other) databases by
  making sure the generated name is unique for the whole database, and not
  only for the table on which it applies.
- Applied patch from Robin Munn to make the code python 2.3 compatible

The full list of changes can be seen at:

What is Elixir?

Elixir is a declarative layer on top of SQLAlchemy. It is a fairly
thin wrapper, which provides the ability to define model objects
following the Active Record design pattern, and using a DSL syntax
similar to that of the Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord system.

Elixir does not intend to replace SQLAlchemy's core features, but
instead focuses on providing a simpler syntax for defining model
objects when you do not need the full expressiveness of SQLAlchemy's
manual mapper definitions.

Mailing list


Gaëtan de Menten

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Questions about app design - OOP with python classes

2007-03-02 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 A type system doesn't help. So what if they're both floats? The test
 is still bogus, your code will still wait too long to engage the
 retro-rockets, and the billion dollar space craft will still be travelling
 at hundreds of miles an hour when it reaches the surface of Mars.

A type system _could_ help. Multi-Level-Specification allows you to 
express physical quantities with their respective unit, and operations 
on them to yield the combined unit at compile-time. There are some 
rather complicated cases where simple unification won't solve the 
type-equations, but then you might annotate things explicitly.


Re: New to Tkinter GUI building

2007-03-02 Thread Eric Brunel
On Thu, 01 Mar 2007 21:01:40 +0100, Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 Ok the window has resized but the elements inside are still like they
 were, so they are going off the edge on the window. How can I get
 these to resize? I have put sizes on the frames they are in. Sorry to
 keep asking but I'm flying blind here, I have checked the python site
 and the intro to tkinter which are both usually good for this kinda

[snip code]

I've not tried your code, but it seems to be missing some grid  
configuration. Basically, you need to tell all containers what row(s) or  
column(s) will grow or shrink when the container itself grows or shrink.  
This is done by calling the grid_rowconfigure and grid_columnconfigure  
methods on the container, passing the weight option:
container.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
means that when the container size changes, all rows will (try to) stay  
the same, except row number 0 which will adapt its size to the new  
container size. (This is actually a bit more complicated than that, but it  
should suit your needs for the moment).

Since the default weight for all rows and columns is 0, meaning don't  
change your size, the behavior you see is quite normal.

A little tip: things are usually a bit more complicated when you have  
several levels of frames within each other. Specifying a flashy  
background color for frames can help you to figure out which one does  
change its size as you want. Use bg='red' or bg='green' in your Frame  
creations to make obvious where they are; you'll see far clearly what  
happens when you resize your window.

A few short notes:
- You don't need at all to put all your widgets in attributes. Unless  
you'll have to access the widget itself later (e.g to change it state or  
color, or whatever), putting it in a local variable is fine.
- In your code, it appears to me that self.mainWindow is not needed. The  
Tk instance (self.top) *is* the top-level window and is a valid container  
for whatever widgets you need. Having a Frame inside it will only cause  
layout problems. I'd do:
   self.mainWindow = tk.Tk()
   self.labAll = tk.Label(self.mainWindow, text=All Files/Folders:)

python -c print ''.join([chr(154 - ord(c)) for c in  

Re: Tkinter menus

2007-03-02 Thread Eric Brunel
On Thu, 01 Mar 2007 22:35:40 +0100, James Stroud [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 Gigs_ wrote:
 class MenuDemo(Frame):
 def __init__(self, parent=None):
 Frame.__init__(self, parent)
 self.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
  def createWidgets(self):
 L = Label(self, text='Menu and Toolbar demo')
 L.config(relief=SUNKEN, width=40, height=10, bg='white')
 L.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
  def makeMenuBar(self):
 self.menubar = Menu(self.master)#here
 self.master.config(menu=self.menubar)   #here
  why i need to use self.master?
 why i cant just use self?

 master is a reference to a Tk() or Toplevel(). Frames do not contain  
 menus, but the windows that contain them do.

This is the main reason why I always rant about examples of Tkinter  
programming creating windows by sub-classing Frame: frames are not  
windows. If you want to create a window, sub-class Toplevel (or Tk), not  
Frame. A frame is a general-purpose container. It can be sub-classed to  
create new mega-widgets that can be used in any context. This is  
obviously not the case in the code above, as the parent passed to any  
instance of MenuDemo *must* be a Toplevel or Tk. So just write:

class MenuDemo(Toplevel):
   def __init__(self):
   def makeMenuBar(self):
 self.menubar = Menu(self)

and your life will be easier ;-)

python -c print ''.join([chr(154 - ord(c)) for c in  

Re: Lists: Converting Double to Single

2007-03-02 Thread Duncan Booth
Jussi Salmela [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've run a couple of tests and it seems to me that Dennis Lee Bieber 
   on the trail of the truth when he claims that smallest magnitude to 
 the largest is the way to do the summation. Actually it isn't THE way 
 although it diminishes the error. I was sort of astonished because I 
 also had somewhere along the years formed the same notion as Dennis.
 Your pairwise method beats the former method by a large margin 
 although I don't understand why. To tell you the truth: I started out 
 show you were wrong because intuitively (for me at least) the former 
 method should work better than yours.

I think Dennis is spot on when he says that smallest to largest is the 
best way. What he has missed though is that if you have a list of 
similar sized values, then after you have added the first two together 
the next addition still needs to follow the smallest to largest rule so 
it shouldn't include the result of the first addition. One option, if 
you have access to the full list when you start, would be to reinsert 
each partial sum back into the sorted list as you calculate it: a heap 
queue might be an appropriate implementation for that.

The pairwise sum gives you most, although not quite all, of the benefit 
of sorting the data: obviously if the input values are identical it is 
almost exactly equivalent to adding the smallest values and then 
inserting the partial result back into the list. Even in the 100, 
0.1 case it avoids most of the precision-losing additions such as 
5005.0 + 0.1 which the simple sum hits.

Also it has the further advantages of still working with other summable 
objects (e.g. lists) so long as they are associative and not requiring 
you to know all the values or even the length of the sequence in 

For floating point you can of course use methods to preserve the lost 
bits such as the kahan sum, or even just do all imtermediate 
calculations to a higher internal precision.

By the way, I found another bug in my sumpairs: += is a very bad idea 
here if the input can contain mutables, so the relevant line should be:

tmp[-1] = tmp[-1] + v

Once I fixed that one, so it no longer attempts to modify lists in-
place, it appears that the more balanced intermediate results give a 
benefit when summing lists as well. sumpairs on a list of lists seems to 
beat the builtin sum as soon as the length of the list exceeds about 210 
items. At 1000 items it is about 3 times faster and 30 times faster at 
10,000 items. If I get the time I think I really should code up a C 
version of sumpairs and see how that compares against Pythons builtin 
sum for numerical sums.

I guess either everyone else missed that computer science lecture I 
thought I remembered, or maybe I was the one who was asleep and I 
dreamed it all. :)

Re: Python win32 tools

2007-03-02 Thread Tim Golden
Sick Monkey wrote:
 I am trying to build a python program that will reset a user's account
 (password) on a windows machine. I have been working with win32
 objects and was wondering if this functionality was already built in.

I'm going to assume that win32 objects is the stuff in the
pywin32 extensions. While there isn't a win32user.ResetPassword
function in there, you can certainly use the win32com scripting
to automate ActiveDirectory and (trivially) translate this code:


And just to prove how wrong I can be :) the win32net module
*does* in fact have a function named NetUserChangePassword.

NetUserChangePassword(server, username, oldPassword, newPassword)

Changes the password for a user.

A server or domain can be configured to require that a user log on to 
change the password on a user account. If that is the case, you need 
administrator or account operator access to change the password for 
another user acount. If logging on is not required, you can change the 
password for any user account, so long as you know the current password.


Re: Changing directories in oswalk [was Re: Walk thru each subdirectory from a top directory]

2007-03-02 Thread Peter Otten
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 For those times when os.walk's behaviour doesn't mesh well with that of
 the external program you are calling (like macunpack) is there an
 alternative to:
 - save the cwd;
 - change directories;
 - call the program;
 - return to the saved directory

os.walk() creates paths from the root you provide and the files/direcotories
it finds via os.listdir(), and uses that to determine. If that root is an
absolute path any such paths are absolute, too, and undoing the directory
change is not necessary.

cwd = os.getcwd()
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.abspath(root)):
for file in files:
invoke external program

That said, undoing the change immediately is better style, and probably a
good usecase for a with statement like

with current_working_directory(path):
invoke external program

Last minute idea:

for path, dirs, files in os.walk(root):
for file in files:
os.system(cd '%s'  macunpack '%s' % (path, file))



decimal and context objects!

2007-03-02 Thread MooMaster
Hey guys, I'm trying to do some black magic voodoo and it's a little
late, so forgive me if this question seems obvious or has been asked
before. I tried doing a search on context objects and didn't find
anything that popped out, and I'm too tired to keep digging.

I'm making a little program that is trying to do weird and sexy things
by fully leveraging the power of all the built-in beauty of Python. I
was trying to play around with the new features added into Python 2.5,
and ran into an unexpected issue...check this out:

 moo = lambda x, y : decimal.Context(3).sqrt(decimal.Context(3).power(x,2) + 
function lambda at 0x02CD0EB0
 row = [1,2,3,4,5]
 weight_vector = .00556
 moo(sum(row), weight_vector)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#5, line 1, in module
moo(sum(row), weight_vector)
  File pyshell#1, line 1, in lambda
moo = lambda x, y :
decimal.Context(3).sqrt(decimal.Context(3).power(x,2) +
  File C:\Python25\lib\decimal.py, line 2662, in power
return a.__pow__(b, modulo, context=self)
TypeError: wrapper __pow__ doesn't take keyword arguments

I have no idea what keyword argument is getting passed to __pow__,
anyone know what's going on?

This should compute sqrt(5^2 + 3^2)


Re: How to Read Bytes from a file

2007-03-02 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen

 Thanks Bart.  That's perfect.  The other suggestion was to precompute
 count1 for all possible bytes, I guess that's 0-256, right?

0 to 255 inclusive, actually - that is 256 numbers...

The largest number representable in a byte is 255

eight bits, of value 128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1

Their sum is 255...

And then there is zero.

- Hendrik


Re: decimal and context objects!

2007-03-02 Thread MooMaster
On Mar 2, 3:08 am, MooMaster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey guys, I'm trying to do some black magic voodoo and it's a little
 late, so forgive me if this question seems obvious or has been asked
 before. I tried doing a search on context objects and didn't find
 anything that popped out, and I'm too tired to keep digging.

 I'm making a little program that is trying to do weird and sexy things
 by fully leveraging the power of all the built-in beauty of Python. I
 was trying to play around with the new features added into Python 2.5,
 and ran into an unexpected issue...check this out:

  moo = lambda x, y : decimal.Context(3).sqrt(decimal.Context(3).power(x,2) 
  + decimal.Context(3).power(y,2))

 function lambda at 0x02CD0EB0 row = [1,2,3,4,5]
  weight_vector = .00556
  moo(sum(row), weight_vector)

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File pyshell#5, line 1, in module
 moo(sum(row), weight_vector)
   File pyshell#1, line 1, in lambda
 moo = lambda x, y :
 decimal.Context(3).sqrt(decimal.Context(3).power(x,2) +
   File C:\Python25\lib\decimal.py, line 2662, in power
 return a.__pow__(b, modulo, context=self)
 TypeError: wrapper __pow__ doesn't take keyword arguments

 I have no idea what keyword argument is getting passed to __pow__,
 anyone know what's going on?

 This should compute sqrt(5^2 + 3^2)

Oh sorry, ignore that last line, that was a copy/paste from another
example I forgot to remove...OBVIOUSLY it's going to compute something
else, that's not what I'm asking about...stupid late night hacking! XD


Re: decimal and context objects!

2007-03-02 Thread Peter Otten
MooMaster wrote:

 Hey guys, I'm trying to do some black magic voodoo and it's a little
 late, so forgive me if this question seems obvious or has been asked
 before. I tried doing a search on context objects and didn't find
 anything that popped out, and I'm too tired to keep digging.
 I'm making a little program that is trying to do weird and sexy things
 by fully leveraging the power of all the built-in beauty of Python. I
 was trying to play around with the new features added into Python 2.5,
 and ran into an unexpected issue...check this out:
 moo = lambda x, y :
 decimal.Context(3).sqrt(decimal.Context(3).power(x,2) +
 decimal.Context(3).power(y,2)) moo
 function lambda at 0x02CD0EB0
 row = [1,2,3,4,5]
 weight_vector = .00556
 moo(sum(row), weight_vector)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File pyshell#5, line 1, in module
 moo(sum(row), weight_vector)
   File pyshell#1, line 1, in lambda
 moo = lambda x, y :
 decimal.Context(3).sqrt(decimal.Context(3).power(x,2) +
   File C:\Python25\lib\decimal.py, line 2662, in power
 return a.__pow__(b, modulo, context=self)
 TypeError: wrapper __pow__ doesn't take keyword arguments
 I have no idea what keyword argument is getting passed to __pow__,
 anyone know what's going on?

Weird implementation hacks distorting error messages :-)
Context.power() expects a Decimal instance as its first argument:

 from decimal import *
 ctx = getcontext()
 ctx.power(10, 2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.5/decimal.py, line 2662, in power
return a.__pow__(b, modulo, context=self)
TypeError: wrapper __pow__ doesn't take keyword arguments
 ctx.power(Decimal(10), 2)


float64 print digits

2007-03-02 Thread Ulrich Dorda
I need a pytho nscript to read numbers(with loads of digits) from a 
file, do some basic math on it and write the result out to another file.

My problem: I don't get python to use more digits:

In order to try this I type:

The normal precision one:
  from numpy import *
  print %35.25e %x

Now I try to use float64 to get more digits

type 'numpy.float64'
type 'numpy.float64'
  print %35.25e %z[0]

This cuts the digits just like the 32bit case.

Can anyone please help me get more digits?

Thank you very much in advance,



Getting stdout from ctypes module

2007-03-02 Thread Massi
Hi everyone, I have a program which is written in C and interfaced
with python via
Ctypes.  The functions I call print stuff out to the console, using
the usual function printf. I would like to know if it is possible to
redirect the output of my C module to python. I'm working on windows
environment. Thanks in advance.


class attrdict

2007-03-02 Thread Hallvard B Furuseth
Does this class need anything more?
Is there any risk of a lookup loop?
Seems to work...

class attrdict(dict):
Dict where d['foo'] also can be accessed as d.foo
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.__dict__ = self
dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return dict.__repr__(self).join((attrdict(, )))

 a = attrdict([(1,2)], a=3, b=4)
attrdict({'a': 3, 1: 2, 'b': 4})
 a = attrdict([(1,2)], b=3, c=4)
attrdict({1: 2, 'c': 4, 'b': 3})
 a.d = 5
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
AttributeError: 'attrdict' object has no attribute 'e'
 a.__getattr__ = 'xyzzy'
 a.__getattribute__ = 'xyzzy'
 a.__setattr__ = 'xyzzy'
 a.__delattr__ = 'xyzzy'
 del a.c


Re: float64 print digits

2007-03-02 Thread Peter Otten
Ulrich Dorda wrote:

[Warning: I'm no expert and don't have numpy installed]

 I need a pytho nscript to read numbers(with loads of digits) from a
 file, do some basic math on it and write the result out to another file.
 My problem: I don't get python to use more digits:
 In order to try this I type:
 The normal precision one:
   from numpy import *
   print %35.25e %x
 Now I try to use float64 to get more digits
 type 'numpy.float64'

The right side of the assignment is a float, so the extra digits would
already be lost before you get a chance to convert to float64. But then
Python's float is a C double and should already use 64 bits...

 type 'numpy.float64'
   print %35.25e %z[0]
 This cuts the digits just like the 32bit case.
 Can anyone please help me get more digits?



Installation problem: Python 2.5 on solaris 8

2007-03-02 Thread Venkat
I am very new to Python. I installed Python in Windows and learning
it. But i need to install Python on Solaris 8 to automate few things
as my build environment is on Solaris. When i tried to download python
2.5 source code and tried to compile i got the error saying
configure: error: cannot compute sizeof (int), 77.

Between i am also getting parse errors for few files including

/usr/include/sys/siginfo.h:74: parse error before `pthread_attr_t'
/usr/include/sys/siginfo.h:76: parse error before `}'
/usr/include/pthread.h:152: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/pthread.h:153: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/pthread.h:154: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/pthread.h:155: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/pthread.h:156: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/pthread.h:157: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/pthread.h:158: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/pthread.h:159: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/pthread.h:160: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/pthread.h:161: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/pthread.h:162: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/pthread.h:163: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/pthread.h:164: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/pthread.h:165: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/pthread.h:166: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/pthread.h:168: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/pthread.h:170: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/pthread.h:171: parse error before `void'
/usr/include/pthread.h:172: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/pthread.h:172: parse error before `)'
/usr/include/pthread.h:173: parse error before `void'
/usr/include/pthread.h:177: parse error before `int'
/usr/include/pthread.h:178: parse error before `int'
/usr/include/pthread.h:183: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/pthread.h:183: parse error before `)'
/usr/include/pthread.h:185: parse error before `const'
/usr/include/pthread.h:187: parse error before `pthread_self'
/usr/include/pthread.h:192: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/pthread.h:193: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/pthread.h:194: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/pthread.h:195: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/pthread.h:196: parse error before `*'
/usr/include/pthread.h:197: parse error before `*'

uname -m = sun4u
uname -r = 5.8
uname -s = SunOS
uname -v = Generic_108528-15

/usr/bin/uname -p = sparc
/bin/uname -X = System = SunOS
Node = sword
Release = 5.8
KernelID = Generic_108528-15
Machine = sun4u
BusType = unknown
Serial = unknown
Users = unknown
OEM# = 0


Thanks a lot


Strange method signature via COM

2007-03-02 Thread Richard Jebb
We are trying to use the API of a Win32 app which presents the API as a COM
interface. The sample VB code for getting and setting the values of custom
data fields on an object shows a method named Value():

setterobj.Value(myfield) = newvalue

Using Python 2.5 and PythonWin we can get data from data fields using the
identical syntax

 print comp.Value(Phone1)

However the set value fails (unsurprisingly)

 comp.value(Phone1) = 6876876876
SyntaxError: can't assign to function call

Does anyone have any idea how to use Python to address this type of method
signature? Would MakePy allow us to see how we should be calling it?

All suggestions welcome!


Re: How to Read Bytes from a file

2007-03-02 Thread Bart Ogryczak
 On Mar 1, 12:46 pm, Bart Ogryczak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   This solution looks nice, but how does it work?  I'm guessing
   struct.unpack will provide me with 8 bit bytes

  unpack with 'B' format gives you int value equivalent to unsigned char
  (1 byte).

   (will this work on any system?)

  Any system with 8-bit bytes, which would mean any system made after
  1965. I'm not aware of any Python implementation for UNIVAC, so I
  wouldn't worry ;-)

   How does count1 work exactly?

  1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128 in binary are
  x1 == 1 if x has first bit set to 1
  x2 == 2, so (x20) == True if x has second bit set to 1
  ... and so on.
  In the context of int, True is interpreted as 1, False as 0.

 Thanks Bart.  That's perfect.  The other suggestion was to precompute
 count1 for all possible bytes, I guess that's 0-256, right?

0-255 actually. It'd be worth it, if accessing dictionary with
precomputed values would be significantly faster then calculating the
lambda, which I doubt. I suspect it actually might be slower.


Re: Image not displaying in Text widget

2007-03-02 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Sudipta Chatterjee wrote:

 I am facing a strange problem when I try to embed images in a text widget.
 After reading the file via PhotoImage() and then using
 image=img), I get a blank place instead of the image. The size of the blank
 area under highlighting via the mouse select comes to exactly the size of
 the image itself, but the contents of the image are not displaying.

 I have pack() -ed the text widget already and text around this
 image_create() function are displaying just fine. But the image's contents
 just don't show up! :(




Re: Writing an interpreter for language similar to python!!

2007-03-02 Thread Daniel Nogradi
 I am new to python and working on a project that involves designing a
 new language. The grammar of the language is very much inspired from
 python as in is supports nearly all the statements and expressions
 that are supported by python. Since my project is in initial stage, so
 I think it would be appropriate if I clarify the following questions:

 1. Would it make sense if I parse the whole program from scratch and
 then construct the valid python strings back so that they can be
 executed using ''exec'' and ''eval'' commands?
 2. Recently, I came across PLY (Python-Lex-Yacc) module that can be
 used to implement interpreters. It seems quite friendly to work with.
 Is there any implementation of python interpreter using ply? Any such
 reference would be extermely helpful for me to continue.

 Any kind of suggestions/ comments would be highly appreciated.

You might want to look at the pypy project:


A javascript interpreter has already been written using pypy:


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Re: Writing an interpreter for language similar to python!!

2007-03-02 Thread Paul Boddie
On 28 Feb, 18:38, luvsat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am new to python and working on a project that involves designing a
 new language. The grammar of the language is very much inspired from
 python as in is supports nearly all the statements and expressions
 that are supported by python. Since my project is in initial stage, so
 I think it would be appropriate if I clarify the following questions:

Sounds interesting!

 1. Would it make sense if I parse the whole program from scratch and
 then construct the valid python strings back so that they can be
 executed using ''exec'' and ''eval'' commands?

I wouldn't bother parsing the program from scratch - there's a module
called compiler in the standard library which will give you an
abstract syntax tree for virtually all of the syntax supported by the
version of Python you're using. Despite complaints about the API, it's
quite easy to work with and will save you from dealing with the
tedious details of actually parsing the source code. If you want to
produce the source code from the AST, some people have written visitor
classes which will probably do what you want.



Re: Questions about app design - OOP with python classes

2007-03-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On 2 mar, 05:14, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Thu, 01 Mar 2007 21:45:55 +0100, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
  As a side note : hungarian notation is usually considered bad form here.
  Look here for usual naming conventions:

 Which Hungarian notation do you mean?

 If you mean the Windows Systems Hungarian,

Yes. And don't tell, I know it's a totally braindead application of a
somewhat less braindead idea.


Re: Tkinter menus

2007-03-02 Thread Gigs_
 master is a reference to a Tk() or Toplevel(). Frames do not contain 
 menus, but the windows that contain them do.
 This is the main reason why I always rant about examples of Tkinter 
 programming creating windows by sub-classing Frame: frames are not 
 windows. If you want to create a window, sub-class Toplevel (or Tk), not 
 Frame. A frame is a general-purpose container. It can be sub-classed to 
 create new mega-widgets that can be used in any context. This is 
 obviously not the case in the code above, as the parent passed to any 
 instance of MenuDemo *must* be a Toplevel or Tk. So just write:
 class MenuDemo(Toplevel):
   def __init__(self):
   def makeMenuBar(self):
 self.menubar = Menu(self)
 and your life will be easier ;-)
 --python -c print ''.join([chr(154 - ord(c)) for c in 

btw im tkinter newbie so this question could be stupid

is it alright to use Menu instead Toplevel or Tk
like this?

from Tkinter import *
from tkMessageBox import *

class MenuDemo(Menu):
 def __init__(self, master=None):
 Menu.__init__(self, master)
 self.master.title('Toolbars and Mennus')

 def createWidgets(self):
 L = Label(self.master, text='Menu and Toolbar demo')
 L.config(relief=SUNKEN, width=40, height=10, bg='white')
 L.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)


Re: Writing an interpreter for language similar to python!!

2007-03-02 Thread Jim
On Mar 1, 1:16 am, Hendrik van Rooyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This post begs the following questions:

 - Why make a new language, when
 - It is going to be an inferior subset of Python -
 - What can the motivation be to do this instead of contributing to the python
Perhaps the OP only wants to learn something about compilers or
parsing, or something like that?



Re: Questions about app design - OOP with python classes

2007-03-02 Thread GHUM

 if hmmCurrentHeight = hinCriticalHeight:
 then you should instantly recognise that there's a problem.

all civilized nations but one use metric systems. Of course there is a
problem if you spot inches somewhere.



Re: Python Source Code Beautifier

2007-03-02 Thread Alan Franzoni
Il 28 Feb 2007 14:09:09 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

 Seems obvious and desirable to me.  Bare = is the way you assign a
 name to an object; saying NAME = will rebind the name, breaking the
 connection between a and b.  Without it, they continue to refer to the
 same object; extending the list (via += or .extend) mutates the
 object, but doesn't change which objects a and b are referencing.

Well... the main problem is not with the '+=' operators themselves, it's
with the 'global coherence'. I would assume then, that if the '+=' operator
is assumed to modify objects in-place, it would just fail on immutable
objects, wouldn't I?

I mean... I don't like that. I'm not really a Python expert, I found this
behaviour is documented in the language reference itself:


But... I don't know, still think it's confusing and not going to use it.

Togli .xyz dalla mia email per contattarmi.
Remove .xyz from my address in order to contact me.
GPG Key Fingerprint (Key ID = FE068F3E):
5C77 9DC3 BD5B 3A28 E7BC 921A 0255 42AA FE06 8F3E 

Sorting strings containing special characters (german 'Umlaute')

2007-03-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi !

I know that this topic has been discussed in the past, but I could not
find a working solution for my problem: sorting (lists of) strings
containing special characters like ä, ü,... (german umlaute).
Consider the following list:
l = [Aber, Beere, Ärger]

For sorting the letter Ä is supposed to be treated like Ae,
therefore sorting this list should yield
l = [Aber, Ärger, Beere]

I know about the module locale and its method strcoll(string1,
string2), but currently this does not work correctly for me. Consider
  locale.strcoll(Ärger, Beere)

Therefore Ärger ist sorted after Beere, which is not correct IMO.
Can someone help?

Btw: I'm using WinXP (german) and
   ('de_DE', 'cp1252')




Re: Sorting strings containing special characters (german 'Umlaute')

2007-03-02 Thread Robin Becker
 Hi !
 I know that this topic has been discussed in the past, but I could not
 find a working solution for my problem: sorting (lists of) strings
 containing special characters like ä, ü,... (german umlaute).
 Consider the following list:
 l = [Aber, Beere, Ärger]
 For sorting the letter Ä is supposed to be treated like Ae,
 therefore sorting this list should yield
 l = [Aber, Ärger, Beere]
 I know about the module locale and its method strcoll(string1,
 string2), but currently this does not work correctly for me. Consider
   locale.strcoll(Ärger, Beere)
 Therefore Ärger ist sorted after Beere, which is not correct IMO.
 Can someone help?
 Btw: I'm using WinXP (german) and
('de_DE', 'cp1252')
we tried this in a javascript version and it seems to work sorry for long line 
and possible bad translation to Python

#coding: cp1252
def _deSpell(a):
u = a.decode('cp1252')
def deSort(a,b):
return cmp(_deSpell(a),_deSpell(b))

l = [Aber, Ärger, Beere]
print l

Robin Becker


Re: Sorting strings containing special characters (german 'Umlaute')

2007-03-02 Thread Peter Otten

 I know that this topic has been discussed in the past, but I could not
 find a working solution for my problem: sorting (lists of) strings
 containing special characters like ä, ü,... (german umlaute).
 Consider the following list:
 l = [Aber, Beere, Ärger]
 For sorting the letter Ä is supposed to be treated like Ae,

I don't think so:

 sorted([Ast, Ärger, Ara], locale.strcoll)
['Ara', '\xc3\x84rger', 'Ast']

 sorted([Ast, Aerger, Ara])
['Aerger', 'Ara', 'Ast']

 therefore sorting this list should yield
 l = [Aber, Ärger, Beere]
 I know about the module locale and its method strcoll(string1,
 string2), but currently this does not work correctly for me. Consider
   locale.strcoll(Ärger, Beere)
 Therefore Ärger ist sorted after Beere, which is not correct IMO.
 Can someone help?
 Btw: I'm using WinXP (german) and
('de_DE', 'cp1252')

The default locale is not used by default; you have to set it explicitly

 import locale
 locale.strcoll(Ärger, Beere)
 locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, )
 locale.strcoll(Ärger, Beere)

By the way, you will avoid a lot of Ärger* if you use unicode right from
the start.

Finally, for efficient sorting, a key function is preferable over a cmp

 sorted([Ast, Ärger, Ara], key=locale.strxfrm)
['Ara', '\xc3\x84rger', 'Ast']


(*) German for trouble

Re: Converting a c array to python list

2007-03-02 Thread zefciu
I have just read about buffer and array objects and I think one of them
could be fit for my need.  However there are two questions.

If i make a buffer from a part of dynamically allocated memory, what
would free it?  Should it be allocated with malloc or some
python-specific function?

How on earth can I create array object in C?


Re: How to update DNS record

2007-03-02 Thread Martin P. Hellwig
Andi Clemens wrote:
 It's working!!!
 I don't know why I didn't get this the first time I tried dnspython, but now
 its working! And it's so easy, 3 lines of code:
 def make_dns_entry(pix):
  update = dns.update.Update(_DOMAIN)
  update.replace(pix.name, 3600, 'a', pix.outbound)
  response = dns.query.tcp(update, _NAMESERVER)
 Thank you for all your help!

Glad to be of service!


Re: class declaration shortcut

2007-03-02 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 Overkill? Storage of a single attribute holding a (usually short)
 string is overkill?

No, but storing the first name a class is bound to in it is a bit
of, IMHO.
 When you do that, you wouldn't expect the __name__ of
 some.module.function to change to f, and it doesn't.

But what is it for then? =) Showing the first name the class was
bound to?


BOFH excuse #217:

The MGs ran out of gas.


Re: Matplotlib axes label

2007-03-02 Thread John Henry
On Mar 1, 10:07 pm, John Henry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mar 1, 9:53 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Mar 1, 3:10 pm, John Henry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I've been asking this question at the matplotlib user list and never
   gotten an answer.  I am hoping that there are matplotlib users here
   that can help.

   My problem with matplotlib's way of handling axes label is illustrated
   by this example:


   Notice that the y-axis goes from (-1.1, 1.1) but the first label is at


   Is there a way to force the label to start at -1.1 instead of -1.0?


  You can try adjusting the labels and ticks
  using matplotlib.ticker.

  To the example you cited, one can add

  from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator, FormatStrFormatter

  # ...

  minorLocator = MultipleLocator(0.1)
  minorFormattor = FormatStrFormatter('%0.1f')


  Hope this helps,

 Thank you for the response.  Yes, adding those lines did work.

 But what exactly is going on here?  Why would adding these two lines


Okay, I played with the ticker formater and locator routines.
Unfortunately, it doesn't help.  The locator sets the major value and
the formatter determines how the axes label is formatted.  It doesn't
gurantee that the first label starts at the origin.  Half of my plots
works, and half of them doesn't.


Python GUI + OpenGL

2007-03-02 Thread Achim Domma

I'm developing a GUI app in Python/C++ to visualize numerical results. 
Currently I'm using Python 2.4 with wx and PyOpenGLContext, but there 
are no windows binaries for Python 2.5 for quite some time now.

I need a OpenGL context without restrictions and some settings dialogs. 
Is wx + PyOpenGL the way to go? Or could somebody recommend a better set 
of tools/libs?


tkinter what do you use?

2007-03-02 Thread Gigs_
list = Listbox()
list.insert('end', x)
list.insert(END, x)

what do you use 'end' or END?

Re: Matplotlib axes label

2007-03-02 Thread attn . steven . kuo
On Mar 2, 7:02 am, John Henry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mar 1, 10:07 pm, John Henry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Mar 1, 9:53 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   You can try adjusting the labels and ticks
   using matplotlib.ticker.

   To the example you cited, one can add

   from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator, FormatStrFormatter

   # ...

   minorLocator = MultipleLocator(0.1)
   minorFormattor = FormatStrFormatter('%0.1f')


  Thank you for the response.  Yes, adding those lines did work.

  But what exactly is going on here?  Why would adding these two lines


 Okay, I played with the ticker formater and locator routines.
 Unfortunately, it doesn't help.  The locator sets the major value and
 the formatter determines how the axes label is formatted.  It doesn't
 gurantee that the first label starts at the origin.  Half of my plots
 works, and half of them doesn't.

As default, matplotlib places labels and tick marks
at major ticks.  Minor ticks are invisible as
a default.

The lines that I added turned on *minor*
ticks and their labels; I set them to appear
at integer multiples of 0.1 and I
formatted them as floating point numbers.

There's nothing to prevent you from
having minor ticks appear at intervals
that exceed those of major ticks.  E.g.,

minorLocator = MultipleLocator(1.1)

# etc.

Hope this helps,


Re: Sorting strings containing special characters (german 'Umlaute')

2007-03-02 Thread Hallvard B Furuseth
 For sorting the letter Ä is supposed to be treated like Ae,
 therefore sorting this list should yield
 l = [Aber, Ärger, Beere]

Are you sure?  Maybe I'm thinking of another language, I thought Ä shold
be sorted together with A, but after A if the words are otherwise equal.
E.g. Antwort, Ärger, Beere.  A proper strcoll handles that by
translating Ärger to e.g. [Arger, something like E\0\0\0\0],
then it can sort first by the un-accentified name and then by the rest.


Re: float64 print digits

2007-03-02 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2007-03-02, Ulrich Dorda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I need a pytho nscript to read numbers(with loads of digits) from a 
 file, do some basic math on it and write the result out to another file.

 My problem: I don't get python to use more digits:

 In order to try this I type:

 The normal precision one:
  from numpy import *
  print %35.25e %x

 Now I try to use float64 to get more digits

You're already using 64 bit floats (which have about 15
significant digits).

type 'numpy.float64'
type 'numpy.float64'
  print %35.25e %z[0]

 This cuts the digits just like the 32bit case.

What 32-bit case?  A 32-bit float only has 7-8 significant

 Can anyone please help me get more digits?

Use the decimal module?

Grant Edwards   grante Yow!  What a
  at   COINCIDENCE! I'm an
   visi.comauthorized SNOOTS OF THE
   STARS dealer!!

A more navigable Python Library Reference page

2007-03-02 Thread m . n . summerfield
Although a fan of Python, I find the Python Library Reference page
(lib.html) very inconvenient because of its book contents-like layout.
Also, some things that seem to me to belong together, such as string
methods and string services are dispersed. Another annoyance is that
it is
so verbose: this is good for Python newbies, but frustrating once you
what you want to find.

So I now use a tiny Python script to read lib.html and produce a new
file, with a few manual tweaks to get something that addresses the
I've mentioned.

Google doesn't seem to let you add attachments so I've put a sample of
the output here:
at the bottom of the page there is a link to the ~100 line libindex.py
script that generated it.


Python installation problem

2007-03-02 Thread Ray Buck
I've been trying to install Mailman, which requires a newer version 
of the Python language compiler (p-code generator?) than the one I 
currently have on my linux webserver/gateway box.

It's running a ClarkConnect 2.01 package based on Red Hat 7.2 linux.

I downloaded the zipped tarball (Python-2.4.4.tgz), ran gunzip, then 
un-tarred it in /usr/local.  Then (logged in as root) from 
/usr/local/Python-2.4.4 I ran the configure script which appeared to 
run properly.  At least there were no error messages that I 
saw.  Then I attempted to run make install and ended up with an 
error make *** Error 1.  It was right at the libinstall section 
of the make, so I did some googling and came up with the following command:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Python-2.4.4]# make libinstall inclinstall

After thrashing for about 5 minutes, I got basically the same message:
Compiling /usr/local/lib/python2.4/zipfile.py ...
make: *** [libinstall] Error 1

I dunno if this is relevant, but I have Python 2.2.2 in the 
/usr/Python-2.2.2 directory.  Do I have to blow this away in order to 
install the newer distro?  Or do I need to install the new one in/usr 
instead of /usr/local?

Although I'm a retired programmer (mainframes), I'm still learning 
this linux stuff.  I guess that makes me a noob...I hope you'll take 
that into consideration.



Re: Tkinter menus

2007-03-02 Thread Eric Brunel
On Fri, 02 Mar 2007 13:41:12 +0100, Gigs_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 is it alright to use Menu instead Toplevel or Tk
 like this?

 from Tkinter import *
 from tkMessageBox import *

 class MenuDemo(Menu):
  def __init__(self, master=None):
  Menu.__init__(self, master)
  self.master.title('Toolbars and Mennus')

  def createWidgets(self):
  L = Label(self.master, text='Menu and Toolbar demo')
  L.config(relief=SUNKEN, width=40, height=10, bg='white')
  L.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)

Feels weird to me. Creating widgets in a window from what is supposed to  
its its menu is quite unexpected. I would definitely create a sub-class of  
Toplevel or Tk and create the menu in it.

python -c print ''.join([chr(154 - ord(c)) for c in  

Re: tkinter what do you use?

2007-03-02 Thread Eric Brunel
On Fri, 02 Mar 2007 16:17:32 +0100, Gigs_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 list = Listbox()
 list.insert('end', x)
 list.insert(END, x)

 what do you use 'end' or END?

 from Tkinter import END
 END == 'end'

So this isn't really important... My personal usage varies: for your use  
case, I tend to use the symbolic constant (END); for sticky options in  
grids, I tend to use the strings ('nswe' is shorter than N+S+W+E, not to  
mention tk.N+tk.S+tk.W+tk.E).
python -c print ''.join([chr(154 - ord(c)) for c in  

Re: Sorting strings containing special characters (german 'Umlaute')

2007-03-02 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
Hallvard B Furuseth wrote:

 For sorting the letter Ä is supposed to be treated like Ae,
 therefore sorting this list should yield
 l = [Aber, Ärger, Beere]
 Are you sure?  Maybe I'm thinking of another language, I thought Ä
 shold be sorted together with A, but after A if the words are
 otherwise equal.

In German, there are some different forms:

- the classic sorting for e.g. word lists: umlauts and plain vowels
are of same value (like you mentioned): ä = a

- name list sorting for e.g. phone books: umlauts have the same
value as their substitutes (like Dierk described): ä = ae

There are others, too, but those are the most widely used.



BOFH excuse #277:

Your Flux Capacitor has gone bad.


AJAX Calander like Google Calender

2007-03-02 Thread lalit
Hi all,

I would like to make the the calender cery similar to google
event calander in python. can any one help me where
i will get library that uses AJAX is this feasible



Re: Sorting strings containing special characters (german 'Umlaute')

2007-03-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On 2 Mrz., 15:25, Peter Otten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For sorting the letter Ä is supposed to be treated like Ae,
There are several way of defining the sorting order. The variant ä
equals ae follows DINDIN 5007 (according to wikipedia); defining (a
equals ä) complies with DIN 5007-1. Therefore both options are

 The default locale is not used by default; you have to set it explicitly

  import locale
  locale.strcoll(Ärger, Beere)
  locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, )
  locale.strcoll(Ärger, Beere)


On my machine
 locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, )

But this does not affect the sorting order as it does on your
 locale.strcoll(Ärger, Beere)
yields 1 in both cases.

Thank you for your hint using unicode from the beginning on, see the
 s1 = unicode(Ärger, latin-1)
 s2 = unicode(Beere, latin-1)
 locale.strcoll(s1, s2)
 locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, )

compared to

 s1 = Ärger
 s2 = Beere
 locale.strcoll(s1, s2)
 locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, )
 locale.strcoll(s1, s2)

Thanks for your help.


 ['Ara', '\xc3\x84rger', 'Ast']


 (*) German for trouble


Re: Dialog with a process via subprocess.Popen blocks forever

2007-03-02 Thread bayer . justin
 If you are both waiting for input, you have a Mexican standoff...

That is not the problem. The problem is, that the buffers are not
flushed correctly. It's a dialogue, so nothing complicated. But python
does not get what the subprocess sends onto the subprocess' standard
out - not every time, anyway.

I'm quite confused, but hopefully will understand what's going on and
come back here.


Re: class declaration shortcut

2007-03-02 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On Mar 2, 3:01 pm, Bjoern Schliessmann usenet-
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  Overkill? Storage of a single attribute holding a (usually short)
  string is overkill?

 No, but storing the first name a class is bound to in it is a bit
 of, IMHO.

Don't see it as the first name a class is bound to, but rather as the
name a class is defined as.
If class_object.__name__ == 'Foo' it means that somewhere in your code
there is a class definition:

class Foo:
# stuff

Same for function: if function_object.__name__ == 'bar' it means that
somewhere you have

def bar(...):
# stuff

(Of course this is not the case if you use another way to define
functions or classes, e.g. type() )

  When you do that, you wouldn't expect the __name__ of
  some.module.function to change to f, and it doesn't.

 But what is it for then? =) Showing the first name the class was
 bound to?

What I described above is quite useful I think.  The alternative
(anonymous classes) is that given an object myobj you have no means to
find out what its class is (by that I mean to be able to locate the
class definition in your source code), apart from stabbing in the dark
(i.e. trying type(myobj)==someclass until successful).



Re: ANN: PyDSTool now compatible with numpy 1.0.1, scipy 0.5.2 and 64-bit CPUs.

2007-03-02 Thread Rob Clewley

Yes, that is a pretty fair description of our support for symbolics
using Python's own inheritance. Our ModelSpec classes provide only an
elementary form of inheritance, polymorphism and type checking. We
hope to expand our existing support for hybrid/DAE systems at the
level of our ModelSpec model-building tools. All ideas and code
contributions are welcome!


Re: Python GUI + OpenGL

2007-03-02 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Achim Domma wrote:

 I'm developing a GUI app in Python/C++ to visualize numerical results.
 Currently I'm using Python 2.4 with wx and PyOpenGLContext, but there
 are no windows binaries for Python 2.5 for quite some time now.
 I need a OpenGL context without restrictions and some settings dialogs.
 Is wx + PyOpenGL the way to go? Or could somebody recommend a better set
 of tools/libs?

PyQt, but then there is the licensing question of course.


Re: Dialog with a process via subprocess.Popen blocks forever

2007-03-02 Thread Bernhard Herzog

 So, once I start the C Program from the shell, I immediately get its
 output in my terminal. If I start it from a subprocess in python and
 use python's sys.stdin/sys.stdout as the subprocess' stdout/stdin I
 also get it immediately.

If stdout is connected to a terminal, it's usually line buffered, so the
buffer is flushed whenever a newline is written.

 BUT If I use PIPE for both (so I can .write() on the stdin and .read()
 from the subprocess' stdout stream (better: file descriptor)) reading
 from the subprocess stdout blocks forever. If I write something onto
 the subprocess' stdin that causes it to somehow proceed, I can read
 from its stdout.

When stdout is not connected to a terminal, it's usually fully buffered,
so that nothing is actually written to the file until the buffer
overflows or until it's explictly flushed.

If you can modify the C program, you could force its stdout stream to be
line buffered.  Alternatively, you could call fflush on stdout whenever
you're about to read from stdin.  If you can't modify the C program you
may have to resort to e.g. pseudo ttys to trick it into believing that
its stdout is a terminal.


Intevation GmbH http://intevation.de/
Skencil   http://skencil.org/
Thuban  http://thuban.intevation.org/

is it bug or feature in xml.dom.minidom?

2007-03-02 Thread Maksim Kasimov

Hi, i'm faced with such a problem when i use xml.dom.minidom:

to append all child nodes from doc in _requ to doc in _resp, i do the 

_requ = 
_resp = minidom.parseString(respdoc//resp)

iSourseTag = _requ.getElementsByTagName('doc')[0]
iTargetTag = _resp.getElementsByTagName('doc')[0]

# it prints me that there are two child nodes
for iChild in iSourseTag.childNodes:
print iChild.toxml()

# when i walk elements, only first iteration was made
# and iSourseTag.childNodes now have only one element instead of two
for iChild in iSourseTag.childNodes:

# it prints me that there is only one child node
for iChild in iSourseTag.childNodes:
print iChild.toxml()

i'm not sure, whether i append child nodes in properly way, but IMHO it looks 
like a bug.

My question is how to avoid the iSourseTag changes while iterate its nodes?

And, of course, how to append all child nodes to iTargetTag?

Thank for any help.

Maksim Kasimov

Re: Dialog with a process via subprocess.Popen blocks forever

2007-03-02 Thread Donn Cave
 Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 En Thu, 01 Mar 2007 14:42:00 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
  BUT If I use PIPE for both (so I can .write() on the stdin and .read()
  from the subprocess' stdout stream (better: file descriptor)) reading
  from the subprocess stdout blocks forever. If I write something onto
  the subprocess' stdin that causes it to somehow proceed, I can read
  from its stdout.
 On http://docs.python.org/lib/popen2-flow-control.html there are some  
 notes on possible flow control problems you may encounter.

It's a nice summary of one problem, a deadlock due to full pipe
buffer when reading from two pipes.  The proposed simple solution
depends too much on the cooperation of the child process to be
very interesting, though.  The good news is that there is a real
solution and it isn't terribly complex, you just have to use select()
and UNIX file descriptor I/O.  The bad news is that while this is
a real problem, it isn't the one commonly encountered by first
time users of popen.

The more common problem, where you're trying to have a dialogue
over pipes with a program that wasn't written specifically to
support that, is not solvable per se - I mean, you have to use
another device (pty) or redesign the application.

 If you have no control over the child process, it may be safer to use a  
 different thread for reading its output.

Right - `I used threads to solve my problem, and now I have two
problems.'  It can work for some variations on this problem, but
not the majority of them.


HL7 servers in Python?

2007-03-02 Thread Richard Low, MD


I was most impressed by your answer below (in '03)

Do you know whether there is a third party application/library that 
can interface our software to the HL7 sockets systems so we do not 
have to develop them?

If you do, which one would you recommend?

Thank you,


Richard M. Low MD

Infor-Med Corporation
6271 Variel Avenue, Suite A
Woodland Hills, California 91367-2512, USA
Phone:  818-592-2900
Direct fax: (818)743-7759
URL:  http://www.infor-med.com/http://www.infor-med.com

HL7 servers in Python?

Richard Sharp 
at gmx.de

Mon Jun 16 17:29:22 CEST 2003

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and Interpretation of Computer Programs in Python?
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servers in Python?
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On Fri, 13 Jun 2003 07:10:26 +1000, Tim Churches wrote:

 Does anyone know of a Python HL7 socket server/daemon - that is, a
 daemon which accepts socket connections on a TCP port from an HL7
 source, receives an HL7 message via the connection, hands off the
 message for processing, and then sends back an ACK or NACK H7 message -
 usually synchronously, via a blocking connection (thus the server needs
 to be multi-threaded)?

 HL7 stands for Health Level 7 (where 7 represents the 7th layer of the
 OSI network stack) and is a widely-used standard for communication of
 medical information. I'm not looking for HL7 message assembly or parsing
 libraries, just the socket server bit. Perhaps the SocketServer module
 in the Python library makes this so trivial that no-one has felt the
 need to write a specific HL7 server in Python? Anyway, I've looked on
 Google but can't spot anything obvious.

It is extremely doubtful, given the specialised nature of the question,
whether most people understand what you want. Given that HL7 is really
only sending and receiving some information in a curious format, and that
you either receive data and then send the other side an ACK or a NAK, or
wait until they do that in reply to your message, it is really not all
that complicated.

The short answer to you question ist Twisted -

What may confuse you is that it does not use blocking sockets and
therefore does not need to be multithreaded, although I think it can be,
but it does work.

My bread and butter Python work is software that interfaces between a
Pathology System running any number of versions of Unix and some
overarching Hospital System that provides me with patient data and to
which I deliver reports and accounting data, mostly, but not always, in

I have one Pathology Unit that does work for two hospitals and
communicates with two hospital systems. With Twisted I basically subclass
protocol.Factory and implement the necessary submethods.

It is a little daunting at first and there was at the time (about 2 years
ago) when no usable documentation worth speaking of was available. I am
also stuck at the moment with Twisted 0.18.0, because it runs with Python
1.5.2, and I had trouble getting Python = 2.0 running on the all the
Unixes I had to get it running on. In the meantime, I think I've got that
under control.

If you're interested in looking at the programms I will have to ask the
company I developed the software for, but the complete program is only ca.
800 Lines and covers 4 Low Level Protocols.

I hope I have been of some help. Once people realise that what you want is
some sort of select-loop-server, then they will probably gush forth with
helpful suggestions.


Richard Sharp

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attachment: clip_image002.jpg

Re: Python GUI + OpenGL

2007-03-02 Thread Mike C. Fletcher
Achim Domma wrote:

 I'm developing a GUI app in Python/C++ to visualize numerical results. 
 Currently I'm using Python 2.4 with wx and PyOpenGLContext, but there 
 are no windows binaries for Python 2.5 for quite some time now.

 I need a OpenGL context without restrictions and some settings dialogs. 
 Is wx + PyOpenGL the way to go? Or could somebody recommend a better set 
 of tools/libs?

PyOpenGL 3.x (currently in alpha state, but reasonably usable) works on 
Python 2.5, there are no binaries because the system no longer requires 
binary versions.  Install the setuptools package, then run easy_install 
PyOpenGL and the egg file should be downloaded and installed to your 
machine.  The current version doesn't package GLE along with the code, 
however, so you'll have to find a DLL for that if you need it.



  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


Re: Python GUI + OpenGL

2007-03-02 Thread MonkeeSage
On Mar 2, 9:17 am, Achim Domma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I need a OpenGL context without restrictions and some settings dialogs.
 Is wx + PyOpenGL the way to go? Or could somebody recommend a better set
 of tools/libs?

You could use pygtk + pygtkglext.




Re: Sorting strings containing special characters (german 'Umlaute')

2007-03-02 Thread Robin Becker
Bjoern Schliessmann wrote:
 Hallvard B Furuseth wrote:
 In German, there are some different forms:
 - the classic sorting for e.g. word lists: umlauts and plain vowels
 are of same value (like you mentioned): ä = a
 - name list sorting for e.g. phone books: umlauts have the same
 value as their substitutes (like Dierk described): ä = ae
 There are others, too, but those are the most widely used.

Björn, in one of our projects we are sorting in javascript in several languages 
English, German, Scandinavian languages, Japanese; from somewhere (I cannot 
actually remember) we got this sort spelling function for scandic languages

.replace(/\u00C4/g,'A~') //A umlaut
.replace(/\u00e4/g,'a~') //a umlaut
.replace(/\u00D6/g,'O~') //O umlaut
.replace(/\u00f6/g,'o~') //o umlaut
.replace(/\u00DC/g,'U~') //U umlaut
.replace(/\u00fc/g,'u~') //u umlaut
.replace(/\u00C5/g,'A~~') //A ring
.replace(/\u00e5/g,'a~~'); //a ring

does this actually make sense?
Robin Becker


Re: pyHook or SetWindowsHookEx

2007-03-02 Thread abcd


Python 2.5, problems reading large ( 4Gbyes) files on win2k

2007-03-02 Thread paduffy

I've a Python 2.5 app running on 32 bit Win 2k SP4 (NTFS volume).
Reading a file of 13 GBytes, one line at a time.  It appears that,
once the read line passes the 4 GByte boundary, I am getting
occasional random line concatenations.  Input file is confirmed good
via UltraEdit.  Groovy version of the same app runs fine.

Any ideas?



Re: Will Python Run On Microsoft Vista?

2007-03-02 Thread vegaseat
On Feb 5, 9:24 am, Jonathan Curran [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Monday 05 February 2007 11:08, slogging_away wrote:

  I know, I know - flame away but its not clear to me if Python will run
  on a system running MicrosoftVista.  Is anyone successfully running
  Python onVista?  If so, is it what version of Python are you
  running?  I'm ordering a new system and if Python won't work onVista
  then it will definately influence the OS selection.

  Thanks in advance!

 I don't see why Python wouldn't work. The 2.5 version clearly has a version
 forVistaalbeit its the x64 Edition. If you downloaded the regular version
 (x86) then I assume it would work just fine. D/L an evaluation copy ofVista
 and try it yourself.

 - Jonathan

Python works fine with Vista using the normal Python-2.5.msi
installer.  The one fly in the ointment is that Tkinter will not work
at this point (can't find _tkinter).  Good news is that wxPython



Re: Python 2.5, problems reading large ( 4Gbyes) files on win2k

2007-03-02 Thread Peter Otten

 I've a Python 2.5 app running on 32 bit Win 2k SP4 (NTFS volume).
 Reading a file of 13 GBytes, one line at a time.  It appears that,
 once the read line passes the 4 GByte boundary, I am getting
 occasional random line concatenations.  Input file is confirmed good
 via UltraEdit.  Groovy version of the same app runs fine.
 Any ideas?

Do you open the file in  universal newline mode -- open(filename, U) --,
and if not, does the problem persist if you do?


Re: tkinter what do you use?

2007-03-02 Thread vegaseat
On Mar 2, 8:32 am, Eric Brunel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 02 Mar 2007 16:17:32 +0100, Gigs_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  list = Listbox()
  list.insert('end', x)
  list.insert(END, x)

  what do you use 'end' or END?
  from Tkinter import END
  END == 'end'


 So this isn't really important... My personal usage varies: for your use  
 case, I tend to use the symbolic constant (END); for sticky options in  
 grids, I tend to use the strings ('nswe' is shorter than N+S+W+E, not to  
 mention tk.N+tk.S+tk.W+tk.E).
 python -c print ''.join([chr(154 - ord(c)) for c in  

When you use other modules like PIL with Tkinter, it is best to give
Tkinter a namespace.  This way you keep track where things are coming
from.  I prefer 'import Tkinter as tk' then it is much simpler to use
'end' or 'nswe'.  Otherwise you have to use tk.END or God forbit tk.N
+tk.S+tk.W+tk.E -- see what I mean?


Re: HL7 servers in Python?

2007-03-02 Thread Tim Churches
Richard Low, MD wrote:
 I was most impressed by your answer below (in '03)
 Do you know whether there is a third party application/library that can
 interface our software to the HL7 sockets systems so we do not have to
 develop them?
 If you do, which one would you recommend?

 Richard M. Low MD
 Infor-Med Corporation
 6271 Variel Avenue, Suite A
 Woodland Hills, California 91367-2512, USA
 Phone:  818-592-2900
 Direct fax: (818)743-7759
 URL:  http://www.infor-med.com/http://www.infor-med.com

I posed the original question back in 2003 which prompted Richard
Sharp's reply, and as far as I am aware, there is still no general
purpose HL7 2.x server written in Python. If that is still your
requirement, then you'll have to write one, but it is highly feasible.
We ended up writing our own, back in 2003, which met our specific need
of listening for incoming HL7 2.x messages of just a few specific types
using MLLP (HL7 minimum lower-level protocol), parsing and validating
them, writing the data as a transaction to a special purpose PostgreSQL
database and sending back an ACK. It is part of a public health
surveillance system described here:

The code for our listener is available at

Please note and observe the the open source license under which that
code is made available (it is a Mozilla license, so should not cause you
too many difficulties should you chose to make use of it, but do read
the license). At the very least examination of our code may give you
some ideas, although it is written for POSIX platforms and I note that
your company's products seem to be MS-Windows-based. The Python-based
solution has been relentlessly reliable in production use over the last
3 and a half years.

If you are looking for more general HL7 servers which use Python in some
respect but aren't necessarily written entirely in Python, then have a
look at Mirth - see http://www.mirthproject.org/ - which is an open
source HL7 messaging server which can use Python (or Jython) to script
rules and actions for incoming and outgoing messages, and Interfaceware,
whose  closed-source products also embed Python for scripting purposes -
see for example http://www.interfaceware.com/manual/ch-7-7-4.html

There may be others.

Hope this helps,

Tim C

 HL7 servers in Python?
 Richard Sharp
 at gmx.de
 Mon Jun 16 17:29:22 CEST 2003
* Previous message:
 and Interpretation of Computer Programs in Python?
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 servers in Python?
* Messages sorted by:
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 On Fri, 13 Jun 2003 07:10:26 +1000, Tim Churches wrote:
 Does anyone know of a Python HL7 socket server/daemon - that is, a
 daemon which accepts socket connections on a TCP port from an HL7
 source, receives an HL7 message via the connection, hands off the
 message for processing, and then sends back an ACK or NACK H7 message -
 usually synchronously, via a blocking connection (thus the server needs
 to be multi-threaded)?

 HL7 stands for Health Level 7 (where 7 represents the 7th layer of the
 OSI network stack) and is a widely-used standard for communication of
 medical information. I'm not looking for HL7 message assembly or parsing
 libraries, just the socket server bit. Perhaps the SocketServer module
 in the Python library makes this so trivial that no-one has felt the
 need to write a specific HL7 server in Python? Anyway, I've looked on
 Google but can't spot anything obvious.
 It is extremely doubtful, given the specialised nature of the question,
 whether most people understand what you want. Given that HL7 is really
 only sending and receiving some information in a curious format, and that
 you either receive data and then send the other side an ACK or a NAK, or
 wait until they do that in reply to your message, it is really not all
 that complicated.
 The short answer to you question ist Twisted -
 What may confuse you is that it does not use blocking sockets and
 therefore does not need to be multithreaded, although I think it can be,
 but it does work.
 My bread and butter Python work is software that interfaces between a
 Pathology System running any number of versions of 

Re: Python 2.5, problems reading large ( 4Gbyes) files on win2k

2007-03-02 Thread Paul Duffy
I am not using the universal newline.  File reading loop is essentially...

ifile = open(fileName, r)
for line in ifile


Peter Otten wrote:

 I've a Python 2.5 app running on 32 bit Win 2k SP4 (NTFS volume).
 Reading a file of 13 GBytes, one line at a time.  It appears that,
 once the read line passes the 4 GByte boundary, I am getting
 occasional random line concatenations.  Input file is confirmed good
 via UltraEdit.  Groovy version of the same app runs fine.

 Any ideas?

 Do you open the file in  universal newline mode -- open(filename, U) --,
 and if not, does the problem persist if you do?


mercurial is not known from apache2

2007-03-02 Thread soloturn
as i'm not sure if apache2 or python is responsible for this, excuse
if i try to ask here too.

our problem is that mercurial does not work from apache, but from
python command-line it does. what could be a reason for this

from the command line it works:
$ which python
$ python
Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Feb 22 2007, 11:38:23)
[GCC 3.4.2] on sunos5
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 from mercurial.hgweb.hgwebdir_mod import hgwebdir

from apache-2.2.4 it does not work:

environment, output via:
def print_env():
print Content-Type: text/html\n\n;
for name, value in os.environ.items():
print %s\t= %s br/ % (name, value)
print sys.path

SERVER_SOFTWARE = Apache/2.2.4 (Unix) DAV/2 mod_python/3.2.10 Python/
2.5 SVN/1.4.3 mod_ssl/2.2.4 OpenSSL/0.9.8d
PATH = /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/
HTTP_USER_AGENT = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1;
SV1; i-NavFourF; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.1)
SERVER_NAME = myserver
DOCUMENT_ROOT = /usr/local/data/htdocs
SCRIPT_FILENAME = /usr/local/data/hg09/hgwebdir.cgi
HTTP_HOST = myserver
HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = en,de-ch;q=0.7,fr;q=0.3
HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING = gzip, deflate
['/usr/local/data/hg09', '/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/
setuptools-0.6c3-py2.5.egg', '/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/
Genshi-0.4dev_r494-py2.5.egg', '/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/
TracAccountManager-0.1.3dev_r1844-py2.5.egg', '/usr/local/lib/
python2.5/site-packages/TracCombineWiki-1.2-py2.5.egg', '/usr/local/
lib/python2.5/site-packages/TracForge-1.0-py2.5.egg', '/usr/local/lib/
python2.5/site-packages/TracWebAdmin-0.1.2dev_r4429-py2.5.egg', '/usr/
local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/TracHTTPAuth-1.1-py2.5.egg', '/usr/
local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/IniAdmin-0.1-py2.5.egg', '/usr/local/
lib/python2.5/site-packages/LdapPlugin-0.5.1dev_r1611-py2.5.egg', '/
usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/tracreposearch-0.2-py2.5.egg', '/
usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/TracXMLRPC-0.1-py2.5.egg', '/usr/
local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/TracTicketDelete-1.1.4-py2.5.egg', '/
usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/TracNav-3.92-py2.5.egg', '/usr/
local/lib/python25.zip', '/usr/local/lib/python2.5', '/usr/local/lib/
python2.5/plat-sunos5', '/usr/local/lib/python2.5/lib-tk', '/usr/local/
lib/python2.5/lib-dynload', '/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages']
exception output:
Python 2.5: /usr/local/bin/python
 /usr/local/data/hg09/hgwebdir.cgi in ()
   29 from mercurial.hgweb.hgwebdir_mod import hgwebdir
   30 from mercurial.hgweb.request import wsgiapplication
   31 import mercurial.hgweb.wsgicgi as wsgicgi

mercurial undefined, hgwebdir undefined
 /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/mercurial/hgweb/__init__.py in
7 # of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by
9 import hgweb_mod, hgwebdir_mod
   11 def hgweb(*args, **kwargs):

hgweb_mod undefined, hgwebdir_mod undefined
in ()
7 # of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by
9 import os, mimetypes, re, zlib, mimetools, cStringIO, sys
   10 import tempfile, urllib, bz2
   11 from mercurial.node import *
os = None, mimetypes = None, re = None, zlib undefined, mimetools
undefined, cStringIO undefined, sys undefined
type 'exceptions.ImportError': ld.so.1: python: fatal: relocation
error: file /usr/local/lib/python2.5/lib-dynload/zlib.so: symbol
inflateCopy: referenced symbol not found

file system

# ls -l /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/mercurial/hgweb/
-rw-r-   1 www-data other  40810 Mär  2 14:13 /usr/local/lib/
-rw-r-   1 www-data other  45015 Mär  2 14:34 /usr/local/lib/

try to manipulate LD_LIBRARY_PATH
if we try to set the 

Sort with extra variables

2007-03-02 Thread Thomas Dybdahl Ahle
I have a sort function in a python chess program.
Currently it looks like this:

def sortMoves (board, table, ply, moves):
f = lambda move: getMoveValue (board, table, ply, move)
moves.sort(key=f, reverse=True)
return moves

However I'd really like not to use the lambda, as it slows down the code.

I've thought about saving the extra variables in the global space, but it 
really feals ugly.

Do you have any ideas how I can sort these moves the fastest?

Re: Sort with extra variables

2007-03-02 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Thomas Dybdahl Ahle schrieb:
 I have a sort function in a python chess program.
 Currently it looks like this:
 def sortMoves (board, table, ply, moves):
 f = lambda move: getMoveValue (board, table, ply, move)
 moves.sort(key=f, reverse=True)
 return moves
 However I'd really like not to use the lambda, as it slows down the code.
 I've thought about saving the extra variables in the global space, but it 
 really feals ugly.
 Do you have any ideas how I can sort these moves the fastest?

First of all, in your case it is somewhat strange to use

f = lambda ...

because then you could as well use

def f(move):

But that is just a general remark. Regarding the question: I don't see 
how that could possibly become faster without much more insight into 
what you are doing in getMoveValue. As it seems, it is dependend of a 
lot of factors that change often, so caching it isn't a real option. And 
I hope you are aware that the key-method is invoked only _once_ per 

Thus it is pretty efficient.


Re: Strange method signature via COM

2007-03-02 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Richard Jebb a écrit :
 We are trying to use the API of a Win32 app which presents the API as a COM
 interface. The sample VB code for getting and setting the values of custom
 data fields on an object shows a method named Value():
 setterobj.Value(myfield) = newvalue
 Using Python 2.5 and PythonWin we can get data from data fields using the
 identical syntax

I have no experience with Python/COM, but IIRC, in VB (at least in VB6), 
the parens are also used for array subscript.

print comp.Value(Phone1)
 However the set value fails (unsurprisingly)
comp.value(Phone1) = 6876876876
 SyntaxError: can't assign to function call
 Does anyone have any idea how to use Python to address this type of method

Have you tried inspecting your COM object in an interactive Python 
shell, using dir(), help() and the inspect module ?

And FWIW, disd you try the following syntaxes:
comp.value['Phone1'] = xxx
comp['Phone1'] = xxx

My 2 cents

Re: Sort with extra variables

2007-03-02 Thread Paul Rubin
Thomas Dybdahl Ahle [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Do you have any ideas how I can sort these moves the fastest?

One idea: if you're using alpha-beta pruning, maybe you can use
something like heapq instead of sorting, since a lot of the time you
only have to look at the first few moves (ordered best-first).

Re: Sort with extra variables

2007-03-02 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
Thomas Dybdahl Ahle wrote:

 However I'd really like not to use the lambda, as it slows down
 the code.

Did you check how much the slowdown is?


BOFH excuse #65:

system needs to be rebooted


Re: Sorting strings containing special characters (german 'Umlaute')

2007-03-02 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
Robin Becker wrote:

 Björn, in one of our projects we are sorting in javascript in
 several languages English, German, Scandinavian languages,
 Japanese; from somewhere (I cannot actually remember) we got this
 sort spelling function for scandic languages
 .replace(/\u00C4/g,'A~') //A umlaut
 .replace(/\u00e4/g,'a~') //a umlaut
 .replace(/\u00D6/g,'O~') //O umlaut
 .replace(/\u00f6/g,'o~') //o umlaut
 .replace(/\u00DC/g,'U~') //U umlaut
 .replace(/\u00fc/g,'u~') //u umlaut
 .replace(/\u00C5/g,'A~~') //A ring
 .replace(/\u00e5/g,'a~~'); //a ring
 does this actually make sense?

If I'm not mistaken, this would sort all umlauts after the pure
vowels. This is, according to http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Alphabetische_Sortierung, used in Austria. 

If you can't understand german, the rules given there in
section Einsortierungsregeln (roughly: ordering rules) translate
as follows:

X und Y sind gleich: X equals Y
X kommt nach Y: X comes after Y



BOFH excuse #146:

Communications satellite used by the military for star wars.


Re: class declaration shortcut

2007-03-02 Thread Bjoern Schliessmann
Arnaud Delobelle wrote:

 Don't see it as the first name a class is bound to, but rather as
 the name a class is defined as.
 If class_object.__name__ == 'Foo' it means that somewhere in your
 code there is a class definition:
 class Foo:
 # stuff
 Same for function: if function_object.__name__ == 'bar' it means
 that somewhere you have
 def bar(...):
 # stuff
 (Of course this is not the case if you use another way to define
 functions or classes, e.g. type() )

This is somehow contrary to my understanding of the Python names

What if I use a loop to define several classes based on data --
they'll all have the same __name__ unless I change it manually.

Having this __name__ attribute set seems to me like magic behind
the lines which Python strives to evade, doesn't it? Personally,
I'd prefer inserting a mechanism for this manually if and when I
really need the functionality, but see below.

 What I described above is quite useful I think.  The alternative
 (anonymous classes) is that given an object myobj you have no
 means to find out what its class is (by that I mean to be able to
 locate the class definition in your source code), apart from
 stabbing in the dark (i.e. trying type(myobj)==someclass until

In the typical case where you have one name per class definition,

Perhaps I'm lacking a typical application of __name__; that must be
why I'm so stubborn here ;)



BOFH excuse #419:

Repeated reboots of the system failed to solve problem


Re: is it bug or feature in xml.dom.minidom?

2007-03-02 Thread Paul Boddie
Maksim Kasimov wrote:
 Hi, i'm faced with such a problem when i use xml.dom.minidom:

 to append all child nodes from doc in _requ to doc in _resp, i do the 

 _requ = 
 _resp = minidom.parseString(respdoc//resp)

Note that these are different documents - this is important later on.

 iSourseTag = _requ.getElementsByTagName('doc')[0]
 iTargetTag = _resp.getElementsByTagName('doc')[0]

 # it prints me that there are two child nodes
 for iChild in iSourseTag.childNodes:
  print iChild.toxml()

Seems alright.

 # when i walk elements, only first iteration was made
 # and iSourseTag.childNodes now have only one element instead of two
 for iChild in iSourseTag.childNodes:

But since you're taking a node from one document to add it to another,
you should instead use importNode to make that node importable into
the target document:

for iChild in iSourseTag.childNodes:
# 1 or True should cause a deep copy
iNewChild = _resp.importNode(iChild, 1)

 # it prints me that there is only one child node
 for iChild in iSourseTag.childNodes:
  print iChild.toxml()

That's probably because you've stolen the node from its document in
order to add it to the target document - something which is possibly
an artifact of the minidom implementation.

 i'm not sure, whether i append child nodes in properly way, but IMHO it looks 
 like a bug.

That minidom does not refuse to let you move nodes in this way could
be debated as being a bug or not, but the correct way of copying nodes
is to use importNode.

 My question is how to avoid the iSourseTag changes while iterate its nodes?

 And, of course, how to append all child nodes to iTargetTag?

These questions are hopefully answered above.



Re: Strange method signature via COM

2007-03-02 Thread Richard Jebb
After digging around in the group archives I've figured it out. It's not
been helped by my inability to identify the API's COM server/type library in
the list produced by the MakePy utility, so I've largely been flying blind.

Some posts on this same subject back in 1999 revealed the answer, namely
that when win32com encounters a method signature like the one we had, it
expects you to call it like this:

obj.Value(myfield, newvalue)

If there already exists an interface to Value() with this signature, then it
prepends the original method name with Set, so that in Python you would

obj.SetValue(myfield, newvalue)

We still have some other issues with the API, but I'm hoping once the
application vendor has revealed what name it will appear under in MakePy we
will be able to sort those out as well.

Bruno Desthuilliers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Richard Jebb a écrit :
  We are trying to use the API of a Win32 app which presents the API as a
  interface. The sample VB code for getting and setting the values of
  data fields on an object shows a method named Value():
  setterobj.Value(myfield) = newvalue
  Using Python 2.5 and PythonWin we can get data from data fields using
  identical syntax

 I have no experience with Python/COM, but IIRC, in VB (at least in VB6),
 the parens are also used for array subscript.

 print comp.Value(Phone1)
  However the set value fails (unsurprisingly)
 comp.value(Phone1) = 6876876876
  SyntaxError: can't assign to function call
  Does anyone have any idea how to use Python to address this type of

 Have you tried inspecting your COM object in an interactive Python
 shell, using dir(), help() and the inspect module ?

 And FWIW, disd you try the following syntaxes:
 comp.value['Phone1'] = xxx
 comp['Phone1'] = xxx

 My 2 cents


Re: How do I Color a QTableView row in PyQt4

2007-03-02 Thread Mel
Now that I can change the row colors of QTableView when loading data I
now need to be able to set the color of the row at anytime.  I've been
trying by using an item delegate but I'm not sure if I'm using it
correctly.  Would I try and set an item delegate for the row and
change the background color that way?  An example or a link to easy to
understand documentation on changing a row color for an object based
on QTableView using QSqlQueryModel as a model would be greatly
appreciated.  I'm still a bit confused in Qt4.



Re: Converting a c array to python list

2007-03-02 Thread Russell E. Owen
 zefciu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I want to embed a function in my python application, that creates a
 two-dimensional array of integers and passes it as a list (preferably a
 list of lists, but that is not necessary, as the python function knows
 the dimensions of this array).  As I read the reference, I see, that I
 must first initialize a list object and then item-by-item put the values
 to the list.  Is there any faster way to do it?  And is it worth to
 implement?  The same problem is resolved in the current version by
 calling a smaller c function (that counts just one element of the array)
 many times.  Will it add much performance to the process?

My first thought is to use the numpy library since it is good at quickly 
creating large arrays (of any dimension) and you can easily get the data 
out as a list if you really need that (but are you sure you need that? 
You may be able to just use the numpy array directly).

It might help to have a clearer idea of why you want to do this. 

-- Russell

P.S. numarray or Numeric would also do the job. They are older, 
deprecated numeric libraries. numpy is recommended for new code.

Re: Matplotlib axes label

2007-03-02 Thread John Henry
On Mar 2, 7:22 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mar 2, 7:02 am, John Henry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Mar 1, 10:07 pm, John Henry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   On Mar 1, 9:53 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


You can try adjusting the labels and ticks
using matplotlib.ticker.

To the example you cited, one can add

from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator, FormatStrFormatter

# ...

minorLocator = MultipleLocator(0.1)
minorFormattor = FormatStrFormatter('%0.1f')


   Thank you for the response.  Yes, adding those lines did work.

   But what exactly is going on here?  Why would adding these two lines


  Okay, I played with the ticker formater and locator routines.
  Unfortunately, it doesn't help.  The locator sets the major value and
  the formatter determines how the axes label is formatted.  It doesn't
  gurantee that the first label starts at the origin.  Half of my plots
  works, and half of them doesn't.

 As default, matplotlib places labels and tick marks
 at major ticks.  Minor ticks are invisible as
 a default.

 The lines that I added turned on *minor*
 ticks and their labels; I set them to appear
 at integer multiples of 0.1 and I
 formatted them as floating point numbers.

 There's nothing to prevent you from
 having minor ticks appear at intervals
 that exceed those of major ticks.  E.g.,

 minorLocator = MultipleLocator(1.1)

 # etc.

 Hope this helps,



Re: class attrdict

2007-03-02 Thread James Stroud
Hallvard B Furuseth wrote:
 Does this class need anything more?
 Is there any risk of a lookup loop?
 Seems to work...
 class attrdict(dict):
 Dict where d['foo'] also can be accessed as d.foo
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
 self.__dict__ = self
 dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
 def __repr__(self):
 return dict.__repr__(self).join((attrdict(, )))

Strangely enough, this seems okay since an instance of a dict subclass 
object has an empty __dict__ attribute anyway and so you won't be 
unwittingly destroying some behavior.


classes and functions

2007-03-02 Thread Silver Rock

I don´t see why using classes.. functions does everything already. I
read the Rossum tutotial and two other already.

Maybe this is because I am only writing small scripts, or some more
serious misunderstandings of the language.

Please give me a light.

thanks guys,

Re: New to Tkinter GUI building

2007-03-02 Thread Adam
Thanks for the reply, will work with this tomorrow.



Perl and Python, a practical side-by-side example.

2007-03-02 Thread Shawn Milo
I'm new to Python and fairly experienced in Perl, although that
experience is limited to the things I use daily.

I wrote the same script in both Perl and Python, and the output is
identical. The run speed is similar (very fast) and the line count is

Now that they're both working, I was looking at the code and wondering
what Perl-specific and Python-specific improvements to the code would
look like, as judged by others more knowledgeable in the individual

I am not looking for the smallest number of lines, or anything else
that would make the code more difficult to read in six months. Just
any instances where I'm doing something inefficiently or in a bad

I'm attaching both the Perl and Python versions, and I'm open to
comments on either. The script reads a file from standard input and
finds the best record for each unique ID (piid). The best is defined
as follows: The newest expiration date (field 5) for the record with
the state (field 1) which matches the desired state (field 6). If
there is no record matching the desired state, then just take the
newest expiration date.

Thanks for taking the time to look at these.


Perl code:
#! /usr/bin/env perl

use warnings;
use strict;

my $piid;
my $row;
my %input;
my $best;
my $curr;

foreach $row (){

$piid = (split(/\t/, $row))[0];

push ( @{$input{$piid}}, $row );

for $piid (keys(%input)){

$best = ;

for $curr (@{$input{$piid}}){
if ($best eq ){
$best = $curr;
#If the current record is the correct state

if ((split(/\t/, $curr))[1] eq (split(/\t/, $curr))[6]){
#If existing record is the correct state
if ((split(/\t/, $best))[1] eq (split(/\t/, 
if ((split(/\t/, $curr))[5] gt 
(split(/\t/, $best))[5]){
$best = $curr;
$best = $curr;
#if the existing record does not have the 
correct state
#and the new one has a newer expiration date
if (((split(/\t/, $best))[1] ne (split(/\t/, 
$curr))[6]) and
((split(/\t/, $curr))[5] gt (split(/\t/, $best))[5])){
$best = $curr;

print $best\n;

End Perl code

Python code

#! /usr/bin/env python

import sys

input = sys.stdin

recs = {}

for row in input:
row = row.rstrip('\n')
piid = row.split('\t')[0]
if recs.has_key(piid) is False:
recs[piid] = []

for piid in recs.keys():
best = 
for current in recs[piid]:
if best == :
best = current;
#If the current record is the correct state
if current.split(\t)[1] == current.split(\t)[6]:
#If the existing record is the correct state
if best.split(\t)[1] == best.split(\t)[6]:
#If the new record has a newer exp. date
if current.split(\t)[5]  
best = current
best = current
#If the existing  record does not have the 
correct state
#and the new record has a newer exp. date
if best.split(\t)[1] != best.split(\t)[6] 
current.split(\t)[5]  best.split(\t)[5]:
best = current

print best

End Python code

Re: Sort with extra variables

2007-03-02 Thread Thomas Dybdahl Ahle
Den Fri, 02 Mar 2007 21:13:02 +0100 skrev Bjoern Schliessmann:

 Thomas Dybdahl Ahle wrote:
 However I'd really like not to use the lambda, as it slows down the
 Did you check how much the slowdown is?

Yes, the lambda adds 50%

Re: classes and functions

2007-03-02 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Silver Rock a écrit :
 I don´t see why using classes.. functions does everything already. I
 read the Rossum tutotial and two other already.
 Maybe this is because I am only writing small scripts, or some more
 serious misunderstandings of the language.

or both ?-)

If you only write small scripts, then you may not have a use for 
classes. OTOH, everything in Python (including functions) is an object - 
that is, an instance of a class. So as soon as you're coding in Python, 
you are at least using classes one way or another. The nice thing is 
that you can safely ignore this if doesn't make sens to you !-)

One of the benefit of classes is that they allow you to have many 
instances of the same object, each with it's own values - while if you 
only use functions + global variables (to share state between 
functions), you only have one set of values (one 'instance') at a time. 
This is probably no big deal in your case, but it becomes quite useful 
as soon as your scripts start to turn into a full blown application.

My 2 cents...

Re: classes and functions

2007-03-02 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Hi Claire,

That is the beauty of using Python.  You have a choice of using  
classes and traditional OOP techniques or sticking to top level  
functions.  For short, small scripts it would probably be overkill to  
use classes.  Yet the programmer still has classes in his tool chest  
if he/she is writing code that is going to be reused in larger  
projects.  In contrast, languages like Java force you into doing  
everything with classes.

Another good resource to read is Learning Python by Mark Lutz and  
David Ascher if you want to learn more about python.

Hope this helps...


On Mar 2, 2007, at 5:26 PM, Silver Rock wrote:


 I don´t see why using classes.. functions does everything already. I
 read the Rossum tutotial and two other already.

 Maybe this is because I am only writing small scripts, or some more
 serious misunderstandings of the language.

 Please give me a light.

 thanks guys,


Re: Sort with extra variables

2007-03-02 Thread Thomas Dybdahl Ahle
Den Fri, 02 Mar 2007 11:44:27 -0800 skrev Paul Rubin:

 Thomas Dybdahl Ahle [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Do you have any ideas how I can sort these moves the fastest?
 One idea: if you're using alpha-beta pruning, maybe you can use
 something like heapq instead of sorting, since a lot of the time you
 only have to look at the first few moves (ordered best-first).

Do you mean that I add my moves something like this?

from heapq import heappush, heappop
heap = []
for move in genAll():
heappush(heap, (-getMoveValue (board, table, ply, move), move))

And then use heappop(heap) in the alphabeta loop?
I don't know much of heap queues, but it actually looks very smart.

Re: Sort with extra variables

2007-03-02 Thread Thomas Dybdahl Ahle
Den Fri, 02 Mar 2007 20:33:45 +0100 skrev Diez B. Roggisch:

 Thomas Dybdahl Ahle schrieb:
 I have a sort function in a python chess program. Currently it looks
 like this:
 def sortMoves (board, table, ply, moves):
 f = lambda move: getMoveValue (board, table, ply, move)
 moves.sort(key=f, reverse=True)
 return moves
 However I'd really like not to use the lambda, as it slows down the
 I've thought about saving the extra variables in the global space, but
 it really feals ugly.
 Do you have any ideas how I can sort these moves the fastest?
 First of all, in your case it is somewhat strange to use
 f = lambda ...
 because then you could as well use
 def f(move):

Wouldn't that be just as slow?

 But that is just a general remark. Regarding the question: I don't see
 how that could possibly become faster without much more insight into
 what you are doing in getMoveValue. As it seems, it is dependend of a
 lot of factors that change often, so caching it isn't a real option. And
 I hope you are aware that the key-method is invoked only _once_ per

Yeah, key is a nice thing. My only problem is that I need these other 
objects to generate the value, and I don't want to create a new function 
each time..

In my profiling the functions with the lambda line says 860 cumtime and 
getMoveValue says 580.

Re: class declaration shortcut

2007-03-02 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On Mar 2, 8:28 pm, Bjoern Schliessmann usenet-
 This is somehow contrary to my understanding of the Python names

 What if I use a loop to define several classes based on data --
 they'll all have the same __name__ unless I change it manually.

Well that's not a typical way of defining classes.  It is then your
job to name those classes.

 Having this __name__ attribute set seems to me like magic behind
 the lines which Python strives to evade, doesn't it? Personally,
 I'd prefer inserting a mechanism for this manually if and when I
 really need the functionality, but see below.

So you want a Class object without a __name__, and then you would
subclass it to NamedClass with a __name__.
OTOH every class that you define in python using the 'class' keyword
has an obvious name (the identifier that follows the 'class' keyword),
so it seems natural to me to endow each defined class with a __name__.

  What I described above is quite useful I think.  The alternative
  (anonymous classes) is that given an object myobj you have no
  means to find out what its class is (by that I mean to be able to
  locate the class definition in your source code), apart from
  stabbing in the dark (i.e. trying type(myobj)==someclass until

 In the typical case where you have one name per class definition,

As you say this is the typical case, and a __name__ attribute is very
useful in this case.  For the minority of cases when you have a class
factory for example, then I guess it is your responsibility to name
the class appropriately.

IMHO if you create classes in a way that makes it  impossible to name
them naturally, then it is likely that you are misusing the class

 Perhaps I'm lacking a typical application of __name__; that must be
 why I'm so stubborn here ;)

Here are 3 (please correct me if I'm wrong)

 class Foo: pass
 Foo# typical application 1
class __main__.Foo at 0x136ef30
 foo# typical application 2
__main__.Foo instance at 0x1372788
 pickle.dumps(foo)# typical application 3



Re: Sort with extra variables

2007-03-02 Thread MonkeeSage
On Mar 2, 5:11 pm, Thomas Dybdahl Ahle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Wouldn't that be just as slow?

Well, I'm not sure about speed, but with the lambda you're creating a
new callable for f every time you call sortMoves. Intuitively, that
seems like it would be more of a hit than just doing a lookup for a
predefined function. Mabye not though...you could time it and see.



Re: class declaration shortcut

2007-03-02 Thread MonkeeSage
On Feb 28, 1:26 pm, Luis M. González [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've come across a code snippet in www.rubyclr.com where they show how
 easy it is to declare a class compared to equivalent code in c#.
 I wonder if there is any way to emulate this in Python.

I posted like 10 minutes ago, but it looks like it didn't go through.
The ruby code is not an easy way to declare a class, it is a ruby
class for creating c-like struct objects.

This is the basic idea behind the ruby Struct class (but this is quick
and dirty, the real implementation is different and done in c, but you
should get the basic idea):

class Struct2
def initialize(*args)
@@attrs = []
args.each { |arg|
eval(class  self; attr_accessor :#{arg} end)
def new(*args)
args.each_index { |i|
return self

Person = Struct2.new(:name)
bob = Person.new('bob')
puts bob.name

A python equiv. would be something like:

class Struct():
def __init__(self, *args):
self.attrs = []
for arg in args:
setattr(self, arg, None)
def __call__(self, *args):
for i in range(len(args)):
setattr(self, self.attrs[i], args[i])
return self

Person = Struct('name')
bob = Person('bob')
print bob.name



How *extract* data from XHTML Transitional web pages? got xml.dom.minidom troubles..

2007-03-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm trying to extract some data from an XHTML Transitional web page.

What is best way to do this?

xml.dom.minidom.parseString(text of web page) gives errors about it
not being well formed XML.

Do I just need to add something like ?xml ...? or what?



thread safe SMTP module

2007-03-02 Thread Gordon Messmer
I believe that I've seen this discussed previously, so maybe there's 
some interest in it.  I wrote a threaded mail filtering framework a 
while ago, and one of the modules does address verification via SMTP.  
Since smtplib.SMTP uses blocking IO, it can block the whole 
interpreter.  Sometimes the whole thing would stop working indefinitely.

I'm now aware that Twisted offers a non-blocking SMTP class, but I 
didn't really want to make that a dependency of the address 
verification.  I ended up subclassing the smtplib.SMTP class and 
rewriting the functions that do I/O.  Perhaps someone who doesn't want 
to install Twisted will find this class useful, someday.  It doesn't 
support TLS, but it is otherwise a thread-safe SMTP class.

class ThreadSMTP(smtplib.SMTP):
SMTP class safe for use in threaded applications.

This class reimplements the SMTP class with non-blocking IO,
so that threaded applications don't lock up.

This class won't make starttls support thread-safe.

def connect(self, host='localhost', port=0):
Connect to a host on a given port.

If the hostname ends with a colon (`:') followed by a number, and
there is no port specified, that suffix will be stripped off and the
number interpreted as the port number to use.

Note: This method is automatically invoked by __init__, if a host is
specified during instantiation.

if not port and (host.find(':') == host.rfind(':')):
i = host.rfind(':')
if i = 0:
host, port = host[:i], host[i+1:]
try: port = int(port)
except ValueError:
raise socket.error, nonnumeric port
if not port: port = smtplib.SMTP_PORT
if self.debuglevel  0: printsys.stderr, 'connect:', (host, port)
msg = getaddrinfo returns an empty list
self.sock = None
for res in socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM):
af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res
self.sock = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto)
if self.debuglevel  0: printsys.stderr, 'connect:', (host, port)
# Try to connect to the non-blocking socket.  We expect connect()
# to throw an error, indicating that the connection is in progress.
# Use select to wait for the connection to complete, and then check
# for errors with getsockopt.
except socket.error:
readySocks = select.select([self.sock], [], [], _smtpTimeout)
if self.sock in readySocks[0]:
soError = self.sock.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_ERROR)
if soError:
raise socket.error, 'connection failed, error: %d' % soError
# The connection timed out.
raise socket.error, 'connection timed out'
except socket.error, msg:
if self.debuglevel  0: printsys.stderr, 'connect fail:', (host, port)
if self.sock:
self.sock = None
if not self.sock:
raise socket.error, msg
(code, msg) = self.getreply()
if self.debuglevel  0: printsys.stderr, connect:, msg
return (code, msg)

def send(self, str):
Send `str' to the server.
if self.debuglevel  0: printsys.stderr, 'send:', repr(str)
if self.sock:
# Loop: Wait for select() to indicate that the socket is ready
# for data, and call send().  If send returns a value smaller
# than the total length of str, save the remaining data, and
# continue to attempt to send it.  If select() times out, raise
# an exception and let the handler close the connection.
while str:
readySocks = select.select([], [self.sock], [], _smtpTimeout)
if not readySocks[1]:
raise socket.error, 'Write timed out.'
sent = self.sock.send(str)
if sent  len(str):
str = str[sent:]
# All the data was written, break the loop.
except socket.error:
raise smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected('Server not connected')
raise smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected('please run connect() first')

def getreply(self):
Get a reply from the server.

Returns a tuple consisting of:

  - server response code (e.g. 

Re: class declaration shortcut

2007-03-02 Thread Luis M. González
On Mar 2, 8:29 pm, MonkeeSage [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Feb 28, 1:26 pm, Luis M. González [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've come across a code snippet inwww.rubyclr.comwhere they show how
  easy it is to declare a class compared to equivalent code in c#.
  I wonder if there is any way to emulate this in Python.

 I posted like 10 minutes ago, but it looks like it didn't go through.
 The ruby code is not an easy way to declare a class, it is a ruby
 class for creating c-like struct objects.

 This is the basic idea behind the ruby Struct class (but this is quick
 and dirty, the real implementation is different and done in c, but you
 should get the basic idea):

 class Struct2
 def initialize(*args)
 @@attrs = []
 args.each { |arg|
 eval(class  self; attr_accessor :#{arg} end)
 def new(*args)
 args.each_index { |i|
 return self

 Person = Struct2.new(:name)
 bob = Person.new('bob')
 puts bob.name

 A python equiv. would be something like:

 class Struct():
 def __init__(self, *args):
 self.attrs = []
 for arg in args:
 setattr(self, arg, None)
 def __call__(self, *args):
 for i in range(len(args)):
 setattr(self, self.attrs[i], args[i])
 return self

 Person = Struct('name')
 bob = Person('bob')
 print bob.name


Thanks for your detailed reply!
So after all, the www.rubyclr.com code is not a fair comparison.
Because the c# code shows a class definition, and the ruby code shows
a struct definition, which is not equivalent to a class.
Is that right?


Re: How *extract* data from XHTML Transitional web pages? got xml.dom.minidom troubles..

2007-03-02 Thread Paul Boddie
 I'm trying to extract some data from an XHTML Transitional web page.

 What is best way to do this?

An XML parser should be sufficient. However...

 xml.dom.minidom.parseString(text of web page) gives errors about it
 not being well formed XML.

 Do I just need to add something like ?xml ...? or what?

If the page isn't well-formed then it isn't proper XHTML since the
XHTML specification [1] says...

4.1. Documents must be well-formed

Yes, it's a heading, albeit in an informative section describing how
XHTML differs from HTML 4. See 3.2. User Agent Conformance for a
normative mention of well-formedness.

You could try libxml2dom (or other libxml2-based solutions) for some
fairly effective HTML parsing:

libxml2dom.parseString(text of document here, html=1)

See http://www.python.org/pypi/libxml2dom for more details.


[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/


Re: Sort with extra variables

2007-03-02 Thread Thomas Dybdahl Ahle
Den Fri, 02 Mar 2007 15:20:33 -0800 skrev MonkeeSage:

 On Mar 2, 5:11 pm, Thomas Dybdahl Ahle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Wouldn't that be just as slow?
 Well, I'm not sure about speed, but with the lambda you're creating a
 new callable for f every time you call sortMoves. Intuitively, that
 seems like it would be more of a hit than just doing a lookup for a
 predefined function. Mabye not though...you could time it and see.

I guess the thing is that I'd have to create a new callable no matter 
how, as it is the only way to bring the extra variables into the getValue 
function when called by sort.

Re: classes and functions

2007-03-02 Thread Thomas Dybdahl Ahle
Den Fri, 02 Mar 2007 19:26:08 -0300 skrev Silver Rock:

 I don´t see why using classes.. functions does everything already. I
 read the Rossum tutotial and two other already.
 Maybe this is because I am only writing small scripts, or some more
 serious misunderstandings of the language.
 Please give me a light.

I guess you are fimiliar with the string methods. You can do stuff like 
hi hi.split( ) or   hi.strip().
This is because a string is a class.
The same functionality could be done by functions:
split(hi hi,  ) and strip(  hi)
but it feals more inituitive to put the dot after the variable.
It also makes it easier to know where to look for functions related to 
the object.

And yes, I'm sure you will see the light, when doing larger programs :) 
Don't worry.

Re: How *extract* data from XHTML Transitional web pages? got xml.dom.minidom troubles..

2007-03-02 Thread Thomas Dybdahl Ahle
Den Fri, 02 Mar 2007 15:32:58 -0800 skrev [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I'm trying to extract some data from an XHTML Transitional web page.
 xml.dom.minidom.parseString(text of web page) gives errors about it
 not being well formed XML.
 Do I just need to add something like ?xml ...? or what?

As many HTML Transitional pages are very bad formed, you can't really 
create a dom of them.

I've written multiple grabbers, which grab tv data from html pages, and 
parses it into xml.

Basicly there are three ways to get the info:

  # Use find(): If you are only searching for a few data pieces, you 
might be able to find some html code always appearing before the data you 

  # Use regular expressions: This can very quickly get all data from a 
table or so into a nice list. Only problem is regular expressions having 
a little steep learing curve.

  # Use a SAX parser: This will iterate through all html items, not 
carring if they validate or not. You will define a method to be called 
each time it finds a tag, a piece of text etc.

 What is best way to do this?

In the beginning I mostly did the SAX way, but it really generates a lot 
of code, which is not necessaryly more readable than the regular 

Re: Perl and Python, a practical side-by-side example.

2007-03-02 Thread bearophileHUGS
Few suggestions, some important, some less important. All my
suggestions are untested.

Use 4 spaces to indent.

If you want to speed up this code you can move it inside a function.
After that, if you want to make it even faster you can use Psyco too.

Ho are the dates represented? How do you test what is the older one?

You seem to compute current.split(\t) and best.split(\t) many
times, so you can compute it once only.
You can keep best and best_splitted.

You can split the last line:
if best.split(\t)[1] != best.split(\t)[6] and \
   current.split(\t)[5]  best.split(\t)[5]:

input() is a builtin function, so you may want to use a different
name, or just:
for row in sys.stdin:

Instead of:
row = row.rstrip('\n')
You often may use just:
row = row.strip()

Instead of:
piid = row.split('\t')[0]
You can probably use (test it):
piid = row.split('\t', 1)[0]

Instead of:
if recs.has_key(piid) is False:
if piid not in recs:

Instead of (on Python 2.5):
recs = {}
for row in input:
row = ...
piid = ...
if recs.has_key(piid) is False:
recs[piid] = []
You can probably use:
from collection import defaultdict
recs = defaultdict(list)
for row in input:
row = ...
piid = ...

Instead of:
for piid in recs.keys():
You can use this, lazily:
for piid in recs:

Instead of:
for piid in recs.keys():
best = 
for current in recs[piid]:
You can probably use:
for piid, piii_recs in recs.iteritems():
best = 
for current in piii_recs:
But your version may be a little faster anyway.

Instead of:
best = 
for current in recs[piid]:
if best == :
best = current;
You may want to use the singleton None:
best = None
for current in recs[piid]:
if best is None:
best = current

Note that to read such files you may use the csv module (present in
the standard library).

You can try to modify the code and show us the second working version.



Re: class declaration shortcut

2007-03-02 Thread MonkeeSage
On Mar 2, 5:48 pm, Luis M. González [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks for your detailed reply!
 So after all, the www.rubyclr.com code is not a fair comparison.
 Because the c# code shows a class definition, and the ruby code shows
 a struct definition, which is not equivalent to a class.
 Is that right?

Well c sharp has a struct type, but it's basically just a class, so in
that sense the comparison is accurate. But I don't think the ruby code
is supposed to be a one to one comparison (you could write a similar
Struct class in c sharp too). I assume that what the author there was
trying to say was that ruby is a higher-level language / has more
syntactic sugar than c sharp many times. The same can be said of
python as well, though python is a bit more reserved about adding
sugar (ruby is more aligned with perl in TMTOWTDI, python is more like
There should be one -- and preferably only one -- obvious way to do



Re: How *extract* data from XHTML Transitional web pages? got xml.dom.minidom troubles..

2007-03-02 Thread James Graham
 I'm trying to extract some data from an XHTML Transitional web page.
 What is best way to do this?

May I suggest html5lib [1]? It's based on the parsing section of the 
WHATWG HTML5 spec [2] which is in turn based on the behavior of major 
web browsers so it should parse more or less* any invalid markup you 
throw at it. Despite the name html5lib it works with any (X)HTML 
document. By default, you have the option of producing a minidom tree, 
an ElementTree, or a simpletree - a lightweight DOM-like 
html5lib-specific tree.

If you are happy to pull from SVN I recommend that version; it has a few 
bug fixes over the 0.2 release as well as improved features including 
better error reporting and detection of encoding from meta elements 
(the next release is imminent).

[1] http://code.google.com/p/html5lib/
[2] http://whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#parsing

* There might be a problem if e.g. the document uses a character 
encoding that python does not support, otherwise it should parse anything.

Re: Sort with extra variables

2007-03-02 Thread MonkeeSage
On Mar 2, 5:51 pm, Thomas Dybdahl Ahle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I guess the thing is that I'd have to create a new callable no matter
 how, as it is the only way to bring the extra variables into the getValue
 function when called by sort.

Yes, but you don't have to create it every time you call sortMoves...

def sortKey(move):
return getMoveValue(board, table, ply, move)

def sortMoves(board, table, ply, moves):
moves.sort(key=sortKey, reverse=True)
return moves



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