ANN: PyAMF 0.2

2008-03-13 Thread Thijs Triemstra | Collab
We released PyAMF 0.2, a lightweight library that allows Flash and  
Python applications to communicate via Adobe's ActionScript Message  
AMF3 and RemoteObject are supported in all the implemented Remoting  
gateways, currently supported for Django, Twisted, Web2Py and WSGI.

This release comes with the following changes:

 - Encoding/decoding performance has been increased 2x for AMF0 and  
upto 10x(!) for AMF3 (Ticket:198)

 - Logging is now possible in all the supported gateways (Ticket:173)
 - Python 2.3 support (Ticket:33)
 - Python 2.6 support (Ticket:222)
 - Made PyAMF distributable as zip-based Python Egg (Ticket:193)
 - Encoders/Decoders now check for __getstate__/__setstate__  
respectively (Ticket:209)
 - A new preprocessor function that runs after authentication, but  
before invoking the service method (Ticket:196)

 - authenticator can now be decorated with expose_request (Ticket:195)
 - Removed amfinfo console_script (Ticket:226)
 - Gateway import hack has now been removed - permanently (Ticket:224)

Check out the download page [1], installation instructions [2] and  
examples [3].
Questions? First stop is the mailing list [4], but we also hang out on  


- the PyAMF team

[5] irc://


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: EuroSciPy 2008 Conference - Leipzig, Germany

2008-03-13 Thread Travis Vaught

We're pleased to announce the EuroSciPy 2008 Conference to be held in  
Leipzig, Germany on July 26-27, 2008.

We are very excited to create a venue for the European community of  
users of the Python programming language in science. This conference  
will bring the presentations and collaboration that we've enjoyed at  
Caltech each year closer to home for many users of SciPy, NumPy and  
Python generally--with a similar focus and schedule.

Call for Participation:
If you are a scientist using Python for your computational work, we'd  
love to have you formally present your results, methods or  
experiences. To apply to present a talk at this year's EuroSciPy,  
please submit an abstract of your talk as a PDF, MS Word or plain text  
file to [EMAIL PROTECTED] The deadline for abstract submission  
is April 30, 2008. Papers and/or presentation slides are acceptable  
and are due by June 15, 2008. Presentations will be allotted 30 minutes.


Registration will open April 1, 2008. The registration fee will be  
100.00€ for early registrants and will increase to 150.00€ for late  
registration. Registration will include breakfast, snacks and lunch  
for Saturday and Sunday.

Volunteers Welcome:
If you're interested in volunteering to help organize things, please  
email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] PyGtkImageView 1.1.0 -- Image viewer widget for PyGTK

2008-03-13 Thread BJörn Lindqvist
I'm pleased to finally announce PyGtkImageView 1.1.0!

GtkImageView is a simple image viewer widget for GTK+. Similar to the
image viewer panes in gThumb or Eye of Gnome. It makes writing image
viewing and editing applications easy. Among its features are:

* Mouse and keyboard zooming.
* Scrolling and dragging.
* Adjustable interpolation.
* Fullscreen mode.
* GIF animation support.
* Ability to make selections.
* Extensible using a tool system.

PyGtkImageView is the Python bindings for GtkImageView.

PyGtkImageView Download
Subversion: svn co
API doc:

Project website:


Here is the canonical example for using the widget::

   import gtk
   import gtk.gdk
   import gtkimageview

   view = gtkimageview.ImageView()
   scroll = gtkimageview.ImageScrollWin(view)

   # Where box is a gtk.Box already part of your layout.
   pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(someimage.png)

mvh Björn

Support the Python Software Foundation:

VIFF 0.4

2008-03-13 Thread Martin Geisler

I'm very happy to announce the release of VIFF version 0.4:


The changes since version 0.3 are:

  Implemented a reliable Bracha broadcast which is secure against active
  adversaries. Shamir sharings, pseudo-random as well as standard, can
  now be asymmetric which means that only a subset of the parties
  provide input. The open protocol is now also asymmetric, in the sense
  that only a subset of the parties receive the opened result. The
  behavior of field elements in Boolean expressions has been fixed. This
  means that GF256(0) and GF256(1) now returns GF256(0) instead of
  GF256(1). Added a modern implementation of the classic Yao
  millionaires example from 1982 which started this field of research.

About VIFF:

  Virtual Ideal Functionality Framework is a framework for creating
  efficient and secure multi-party computations (SMPC). Players, who do
  not trust each other, participate in a joint computation based on
  their private inputs. The computation is done using a cryptographic
  protocol which allows them to obtain a correct answer without
  revealing their inputs. Operations supported include addition,
  multiplication, and comparison, all with Shamir secret shared outputs.

Martin Geisler

VIFF (Virtual Ideal Functionality Framework) brings easy and efficient
SMPC (Secure Multi-Party Computation) to Python. See:

Description: PGP signature

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: no more comparisons

2008-03-13 Thread Paul Rubin
Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 | I don't see what's so inefficient about it necessarily.
 The key function is called once per list item, for n calls total.  The 
 comparision function is called once per comparision.  There are at least 
 n-1 such calls and typically something on the order of n * lg2(n) calls. 

Right.  Depending on the application, calling the comparison function
lg(n) times may be faster than calling the key function once.

Example: you want to sort a list of strings case-independently, each
string containing a few pages worth of text.  There are 1 strings,
each maybe 1 chars long.  Then (untested):

   x.sort(xs, key=lower)

makes a copy of each of the 1 strings, makes 1 tuples, sorts,
then releases the temporary strings and tuples.  At least 100
megabytes of memory allocated and 100 million chars copied, even
though any give pair of strings will usually differ somewhere in the
first few characters and there's no need to look past those.

   from string import lower
   from operator import eq
   from itertools import *

   def xcmp(a,b):
  for x,y in izip(a,b)):
 c = cmp(x.lower() y.lower())
 if c: return c
  return 0


runs the comparison function about 14000 times, looking at only a few
bytes on most of the calls, and using only a small constant amount of
auxiliary storage, and is likely to be much faster than all that

Hmm, there is a slight problem with xcmp-- it will fail if a is a
prefix of b.  That's fixable but anyway it still makes its point as

Dispatch(Excel.Application) failed

2008-03-13 Thread lialie
Maybe it 's quite simple, but I can't fix it. Do I make some mistakes in
my env setting? My excel version is 2003.
any suggestion? Thanks.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File, line 3, in ?
excel = Dispatch(Excel.Application)
File C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\, line
95, in
dispatch, userName = dynamic._GetGoodDispatchAndUserName(dispatch,userName,c
File C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\, line
98, in _
return (_GetGoodDispatch(IDispatch, clsctx), userName)
File C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\, line
78, in _
IDispatch = pythoncom.CoCreateInstance(IDispatch, None, clsctx, pythoncom.II
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147221005,
None, None)

copying all data(tags and values) after a particular XML tag

2008-03-13 Thread bijeshn
i've an XML file with the following structure


what i want to do is copy all data(tags and all) between N and N+k
appearances of c. I am a python newbie. How do I do it?


Re: a Roguelike in Python

2008-03-13 Thread andrei . avk
On Mar 12, 8:25 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Seeing the 7DRL start up recently, i wanted to see what one was made
 of. Python is the language i'm most familiar with so i searched for
 some code to look at, but i couldn't find any. Can anyone direct me to
 the right place?

 I did some searching on what it would take to write a roguelike in
 python and it looked like the curses module would work perfectly, but
 it looks to me like it doesn't work in windows? I tried to import it
 and it says 'No Module named _curses'

 Sorry if all this sounds a bit noobish, it's only cause i am.

I made a very small basic roguelike, except that in it you control
the monsters instead of the hero. It uses curses so no worky in

I later modified this game to control the hero and sometimes to ask
you multiple-choice questions from biology and other fields of
and based on your right/wrong answer it either makes a Hit for your HP
or gives you a small reward. If there's interest i can post that
game too. Both are kind of buggy though.. -ak

Re: copying all data(tags and values) after a particular XML tag

2008-03-13 Thread Chris
On Mar 13, 8:21 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i've an XML file with the following structure


 what i want to do is copy all data(tags and all) between N and N+k
 appearances of c. I am a python newbie. How do I do it?


You can take a look at the docs for Beautiful Soup, they might help
you. If it's just as simple as you're describing and you could always
do something like...

test = a

test = test.replace('c','|||').replace('/c','|||')
[i for (j,i) in enumerate(tmp2.split('|')) if j%2]

which would yield
['\n1\n', '\n2\n']

which you could then parse as required.

Re: no more comparisons

2008-03-13 Thread Terry Reedy

Paul Rubin wrote in message 
| Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
|  | I don't see what's so inefficient about it necessarily.
|  The key function is called once per list item, for n calls total.  The
|  comparision function is called once per comparision.  There are at 
|  n-1 such calls and typically something on the order of n * lg2(n) 
| Right.  Depending on the application, calling the comparison function
| lg(n) times may be faster than calling the key function once.
| Example: you want to sort a list of strings case-independently, each
| string containing a few pages worth of text.  There are 1 strings,
| each maybe 1 chars long.

If the strings are pulled in from a file, or stored off to a file, as I 
would expect in and real app of this sort, the in-memory data to be sorted 
could/should be tuples of the lowercased strings and files positions.  Then 
no key param is needed.

|  Then (untested):
|   x.sort(xs, key=lower)
| makes a copy of each of the 1 strings, makes 1 tuples, sorts,
| then releases the temporary strings and tuples.  At least 100
| megabytes of memory allocated and 100 million chars copied, even
| though any give pair of strings will usually differ somewhere in the
| first few characters and there's no need to look past those.
|   from string import lower
|   from operator import eq
|   from itertools import *
|   def xcmp(a,b):
|  for x,y in izip(a,b)):
| c = cmp(x.lower() y.lower())
| if c: return c
|  return 0
|   x.sort(xcmp)
| runs the comparison function about 14000 times,

14 * 1 = 14, not 14000.  For each of these, you have a call to izip 
and multiple calls to .next, cmp, and .lower.

That said, this use case of where the potentially needed key is long 
whereas the actually needed key is much shorter is a better use case than 
anything I have seen so far.

Still, as I figure it, the initial part of each text is lowercased around 
28 times, on average.  So there can only be a speed saving if the text is 
more than 28 times the effective actual key.

To actually do such a thing, at least more than once, I would be tempted to 
have the key function take just the first k chars, for k perhaps 50.  If 
the texts average, say, 1500 chars, then the key array would be 1/30 * 
perhaps 2 (for object overhead) = 1/15 of the original array space.  Then 
run over the 'sorted' array to see if there are any cases where the first 
50 chars match and if so, check more to see if a swap needs to be made. 
Easiest would be to do a  simple bubble or insert sort with the full 



Re: mulithreaded server

2008-03-13 Thread Tim Roberts
asit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In the above program, why there is an unhandeled exception ???

Probably because the code as you posted it has at least a half-dozen

import socket
import sys
import thread


def getData(cSocket):
global stdoutlock,cSocketlock
while True:
if data=='q':
data='client exited'

You do not need the global statement there, since you are not changing
either stdoutlock or cSocketlock.  However, you ARE setting p, so you
need a global p.  Otherwise, you are simply creating a variable called
p that is local to the function, and which disappears when the function

Calling a global variable p is a very bad practice, by the way.

def sendData(cSocket):
global stdoutlock,cSocketlock
while True:
if data=='q':
stdout.write('server exited')

Same comments.  You do not need the global statement you have, but you do
need global p if you want to change the global version of p.  Further,
as Jean-Paul pointed out and you rather rudely ignored, there is no
variable called sSocketlock, because you commented it out.

Next, stdout.release() will fail.  stdout does not have a release
function.  You meant stdoutlock.release().

Next, you release sSocketlock, but you never acquired it.  And if data does
not equal q, you repeatedly acquire stdoutlock, but you never release it.

Fix these problems, and then see if you can ask for help in a more thorough
Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

Re: sys.stdout assign to- bug

2008-03-13 Thread castironpi
 import sys
 class ThreadedOut:
         def __init__( self, old ):
                 self._old= old
         def write( self, s ):
                 self._old.write( s )
 sys.stdout= ThreadedOut( sys.stdout )

 Python 3.0a2 WinXP, on the console.  'a' is undeclared but error
 message isn't thrown.  With 'sys.stdout= Thr...' commented:

 stdout and stderr needn't be built-in file objects: any object is
 acceptable as long as it has a write() method that takes a string


def flush( self ):

fixed it.  Can we get that in the docs?

Re: Is there Python equivalent to Perl BEGIN{} block?

2008-03-13 Thread Alex
On Mar 12, 8:48 pm, Carl Banks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mar 12, 2:19 pm, Alex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all,

  The subject says pretty much all, i would very appreciate an answer. I
  tried to search the various forums and groups, but didn't find any
  specific answer...

 Python technically has no equivalent: you can't run code at compile
 time.  However, the BEGIN block in Perl seems to have been added to
 work around some of Perl's nonlinear order of execution.  Normally in
 Python you don't need a BEGIN block: just put the code at the top of
 you script/module and it will exectute before anything else.

 Want to tell us what you need it for?  Perhaps we can suggest a way of
 doing it that's appropriate in Python.

 Carl Banks


First of all thanks all for answering!

I have some environment check and setup in the beginning of the code.
I would like to move it to the end of the script. But I want it to
execute first, so the script will exit if the environment is not
configured properly.


Re: Class Inheritance

2008-03-13 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Thu, 13 Mar 2008 00:06:52 -0500, Andrew Rekdal  wrote:

 Problem is layout_ext and Layout code is dependant on a Class instance 

Then pass that instance to the `Layout` class in the `__init__()` so both,
the base class and the subclass use the same `CSS` instance.

Marc 'BlackJack'

Re: Creating a file with $SIZE

2008-03-13 Thread Robert Bossy
 On Mar 12, 2:44 pm, Robert Bossy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Matt Nordhoff wrote:
 Robert Bossy wrote:
 k.i.n.g. wrote:
 I think I am not clear with my question, I am sorry. Here goes the
 exact requirement.
 We use dd command in Linux to create a file with of required size. In
 similar way, on windows I would like to use python to take the size of
 the file( 50MB, 1GB ) as input from user and create a uncompressed
 file of the size given by the user.
 ex: If user input is 50M, script should create 50Mb of blank or empty
 def make_blank_file(path, size):
 f = open(path, 'w') - 1)
 I'm not sure the trick will work on all platforms, so you can:
 def make_blank_file(path, size):
 f = open(path, 'w')
 f.write('\0' * size)
 I point out that a 1 GB string is probably not a good idea.
 def make_blank_file(path, size):
 chunksize = 10485760 # 10 MB
 chunk = '\0' * chunksize
 left = size
 fh = open(path, 'wb')
 while left  chunksize:
 left -= chunksize
 if left  0:
 fh.write('\0' * left)
 Indeed! Maybe the best choice for chunksize would be the file's buffer
 size... I won't search the doc how to get the file's buffer size because
 I'm too cool to use that function and prefer the seek() option since
 it's lighning fast regardless the size of the file and it takes near to
 zero memory.


 But what platforms does it work on / not work on?
Posix. It's been ages since I touched Windows, so I don't know if XP and 
Vista are posix or not.
Though, as Marco Mariani mentioned, this may create a fragmented file. 
It may or may not be an hindrance depending on what you want to do with 
it, but the circumstances in which this is a problem are quite rare.


Re: How to port Python code into C++ code automatically?

2008-03-13 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Wed, 12 Mar 2008 20:15:32 -0700, Bo wrote:

 I want to port a Python project (about 10,000 line python code) to C+
 +. Is there any automatically tool to do this kind of things? e.g.,
 Any comment is welcome!

Have a look at the ShedSkin Python-to-C++ compiler:

It has some restrictions, i.e. the code has to be written in a more or
less statically typed way.

And me too is interested in why you want to port the entire project instead
just the time critical parts?  ShedSkin might help here too.  As Cython_
or Pyrex_ do.  Both compile a subset of Python with optional static typing
to C extension modules.

.. _Cython:
.. _Pyrex:

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: call by reference howto????

2008-03-13 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 2008-02-28, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 28 Feb 2008 02:02:19 +0200, Tamer Higazi wrote:

 Can somebody of you make me a sample how to define a function based on
 call by reference ???

 Python doesn't do call by reference. Nor does it do call by value. Please 
 pay no attention to anyone who says it does.

Whatever python has for a calling convention, it is close enough that
naming it call by reference gives people a reasonable idea of what
is going on.

 Instead, read this:

Which IMO isn't very helpfull. The mentioning of e.g. mutable just
confuses things since it really isn't the issue.

AFAICS people don't have a problem with understanding the calling
convention of python. They have a problem understanding the
assignment semantics. It is just that these problems of understanding
most often surface when an assignment is made to a parameter which
makes them think they don't understand the calling convention.

The important thing to understand is that an assigment in python
is not copying the contends into the variable but is passing
a reference/binding the name to a new object.

After the variable is assigned to it doesn't refer to the same object
with a new contend. It refers to a different object.

Antoon Pardon

Re: Class Inheritance

2008-03-13 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Andrew Rekdal  a écrit :
 I am trying to bring functions to a class by inheritance... for instance in 
 layout_ext I have..
 class Layout()
 def...some function that rely on css in

It shouldn't, definitively. The Layout instance should have a reference 
on the CSS instance, ie:

class LayoutExt(object):
   def __init__(self, css):
 self.css = css

   def some_function(self):

from layout_ext import LayoutExt
from CSS import CSS

class Layout(LayoutExt):
def __init__(self, css):
LayoutExt.__init__(self, css)
# etc

 in the main application file I have...
 from layout_ext import Layout
 from CSS import CSS
 css = CSS()
 class Layout(Layout)

You will have a problem here - this class statement will shadow the 
Layout class imported from layout_ext. Remember that in Python, def and 
class statements are executed at runtime and that they bind names in 
current namespace - here, the 'class Layout' statement rebinds the name 
'Layout' in the Layout module's namespace.

 def __init__
 more code.
 Problem is layout_ext and Layout code is dependant on a Class instance 
 'css'.  Whenever the CSS instance it parses a file, this means that I would
 have to parse the file twice?? Why is this? Can I do something like pass an 
 already created instance to the import?

Wrong solution, obviously. cf above for the most probably correct one.


Re: help please, splitter windows like in maya or 3ds max

2008-03-13 Thread moonrie
On Mar 13, 12:47 pm, Andrew Rekdal wrote:
 This seems to work... split then split each side. then tandem the size.

 import wx

 class Layout(wx.Frame):

 def __init__(self, parent, id, title):

 wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title)

 sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)

 panel = wx.Panel(self,-1)

 splitter = wx.SplitterWindow(panel)

 sizer_left = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)

 panel_left = wx.Panel(splitter,-1)

 splitter_left = wx.SplitterWindow(panel_left)


 panel_left_upper = wx.Panel(splitter_left,style= wx.BORDER_SUNKEN)


 panel_left_lower = wx.Panel(splitter_left,style= wx.BORDER_SUNKEN)



 sizer_right = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)

 panel_right = wx.Panel(splitter,-1)

 splitter_right =wx.SplitterWindow(panel_right)


 panel_right_upper = wx.Panel(splitter_right,style= wx.BORDER_SUNKEN)

 panel_right_lower = wx.Panel(splitter_right,style= wx.BORDER_SUNKEN)









 self.splitter_left = splitter_left

 self.splitter_right = splitter_right

 def leftChange(self,event):

 pos = self.splitter_left.GetSashPosition()



 def rightChange(self,event):

 pos = self.splitter_right.GetSashPosition()



 app = wx.App(0)

 k = Layout(None, -1, '')



 -- Andrew

 - Original Message -
 From: moonrie [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Newsgroups: comp.lang.python
 Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 10:19 PM
 Subject: help please, splitter windows like in maya or 3ds max

  hi, everyone there, I am doing a 3D modeling project. I like to do it
  with Python( am a newbie), but have no idea with the wxSplitterWindow
  to create the 4-view windows( top, front, side, perspective), like the
  mfc CSplitterWnd guy),
  anyone can give me some help with wxPython?

  thanks in advance.

  - moonrie

should be these ones,

thanks, :P

List mutation method gotcha - How well known?

2008-03-13 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen

I am surprised that it took me so long to bloody my nose on this one.

It must be well known - and I would like to find out how well known.

So here is a CLOSED BOOK multiple choice question - no RTFM, 
no playing at the interactive prompt:

Given the following three lines of code at the interactive prompt:

foo = [1,2,3,4]
x = foo.append(5)
print x

What will be the output (choose one):

1)  [1,2,3,4]
2)  [1,2,3,4,5]
3)  That famous picture of Albert Einstein sticking out his tongue
4)  Nothing - no output
5)  None of the above

I undertake to summarise answers posted to complete this survey.

- Hendrik


Re: call by reference howto????

2008-03-13 Thread Paul Rudin
Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 2008-02-28, Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 28 Feb 2008 02:02:19 +0200, Tamer Higazi wrote:

 Can somebody of you make me a sample how to define a function based on
 call by reference ???

 Python doesn't do call by reference. Nor does it do call by value. Please 
 pay no attention to anyone who says it does.

 Whatever python has for a calling convention, it is close enough that
 naming it call by reference gives people a reasonable idea of what
 is going on.

Quite. The thing is not to get hung up with the label - but to
understand what actually happens.


Re: List mutation method gotcha - How well known?

2008-03-13 Thread cokofreedom
On Mar 13, 8:36 am, Hendrik van Rooyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am surprised that it took me so long to bloody my nose on this one.

 It must be well known - and I would like to find out how well known.

 So here is a CLOSED BOOK multiple choice question - no RTFM,
 no playing at the interactive prompt:

 Given the following three lines of code at the interactive prompt:

 foo = [1,2,3,4]
 x = foo.append(5)
 print x

 What will be the output (choose one):

 1)  [1,2,3,4]
 2)  [1,2,3,4,5]
 3)  That famous picture of Albert Einstein sticking out his tongue
 4)  Nothing - no output
 5)  None of the above

 I undertake to summarise answers posted to complete this survey.

 - Hendrik

None is the likely answer as .append is an inplace change and will
return None...

Re: List mutation method gotcha - How well known?

2008-03-13 Thread Peter Otten
Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

 I am surprised that it took me so long to bloody my nose on this one.
 It must be well known - and I would like to find out how well known.
 So here is a CLOSED BOOK multiple choice question - no RTFM,
 no playing at the interactive prompt:
 Given the following three lines of code at the interactive prompt:
 foo = [1,2,3,4]
 x = foo.append(5)
 print x
 What will be the output (choose one):

I thought it were a FAQ, but found only

I'm sure you can draw the analogy.


Re: List mutation method gotcha - How well known?

2008-03-13 Thread Chris
On Mar 13, 9:36 am, Hendrik van Rooyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am surprised that it took me so long to bloody my nose on this one.

 It must be well known - and I would like to find out how well known.

 So here is a CLOSED BOOK multiple choice question - no RTFM,
 no playing at the interactive prompt:

 Given the following three lines of code at the interactive prompt:

 foo = [1,2,3,4]
 x = foo.append(5)
 print x

 What will be the output (choose one):

 1)  [1,2,3,4]
 2)  [1,2,3,4,5]
 3)  That famous picture of Albert Einstein sticking out his tongue
 4)  Nothing - no output
 5)  None of the above

 I undertake to summarise answers posted to complete this survey.

 - Hendrik

No output because x is a NoneType...

Re: no more comparisons

2008-03-13 Thread Duncan Booth
Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Terry Reedy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 | I don't see what's so inefficient about it necessarily.
 The key function is called once per list item, for n calls total. 
 The comparision function is called once per comparision.  There are
 at least n-1 such calls and typically something on the order of n *
 lg2(n) calls. 
 Right.  Depending on the application, calling the comparison function
 lg(n) times may be faster than calling the key function once.
 Example: you want to sort a list of strings case-independently, each
 string containing a few pages worth of text.  There are 1 strings,
 each maybe 1 chars long.  Then (untested):
x.sort(xs, key=lower)
 makes a copy of each of the 1 strings, makes 1 tuples, sorts,
 then releases the temporary strings and tuples.  At least 100
 megabytes of memory allocated and 100 million chars copied, even
 though any give pair of strings will usually differ somewhere in the
 first few characters and there's no need to look past those.

Not tuples actually, there's a special sortwrapper type which is used. 
This is slightly better as it stops the comparison leaking through to 
the original values without having to store an index value.

As Dan has pointed out, for those rare cases where it actually is better 
to use cmp than key you can easily create a wrapper. The only change is 
that you now have to work at using cmp instead of it being the first 
thing you think of. So here you could use his wrapper and your 
comparison function together:


I'd agree though that the comparison wrapper should be reasonably well 
publicised: I'd remembered that there was an easy way to implement cmp 
in terms of key but not what it was.


Re: problem with Python 2.5.2 and gcc 4.3

2008-03-13 Thread Andrew MacIntyre
David P. Riedel wrote:

 I tried building Python 2.5.2 using gcc 4.3.0.  The build completes with no 
 problems but when I run 'make test', I get a 
   segfault part way through the test run.
 here is the last part of the output from make test
 test_sqlite skipped -- no sqlite available
 test_startfile skipped -- cannot import name startfile
 make: *** [test] Segmentation fault

You don't identify the platform or O/S, though I'd guess some Linux
distro on i386 or x86-64...

If you have gdb available, a backtrace might give a clue.

However, as this is a new major release of gcc I'm automatically going to
assume an optimisation issue.  To test this I'd suggest doctoring the
makefile generated by configure to reduce the optimisation level - I'd
suggest trying -O instead of -O3.  If that works, try -O2 or -Os.

If -O2 or -Os works, I'd be taking the matter up with the gcc team.

Andrew I MacIntyre These thoughts are mine alone...
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (pref) | Snail: PO Box 370
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (alt) |Belconnen ACT 2616
Web:   |Australia

Re: List mutation method gotcha - How well known?

2008-03-13 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

 I am surprised that it took me so long to bloody my nose on this one.
 It must be well known - and I would like to find out how well known.
 So here is a CLOSED BOOK multiple choice question - no RTFM,
 no playing at the interactive prompt:
 Given the following three lines of code at the interactive prompt:
 foo = [1,2,3,4]
 x = foo.append(5)
 print x
 What will be the output (choose one):
 1)  [1,2,3,4]
 2)  [1,2,3,4,5]
 3)  That famous picture of Albert Einstein sticking out his tongue
 4)  Nothing - no output
 5)  None of the above
 I undertake to summarise answers posted to complete this survey.

None, as python chose deliberately to return None on mutating functions like
append, sort and reverse.


Re: List mutation method gotcha - How well known?

2008-03-13 Thread Paul Rubin
Hendrik van Rooyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Given the following three lines of code at the interactive prompt:
 foo = [1,2,3,4]
 x = foo.append(5)
 print x
 What will be the output (choose one):
 4)  Nothing - no output

By Python convention, methods that mutate the object return None, and
also stuff that returns None doesn't generate output at the
interactive prompt.

There is a similar situation with list.sort() which led to the
introduction of the sorted() builtin.

Lately I try to avoid mutation, e.g. by using a generator or listcomp
instead of building up a list with .append()

Re: List mutation method gotcha - How well known?

2008-03-13 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Hendrik van Rooyen a écrit :
 I am surprised that it took me so long to bloody my nose on this one.
 It must be well known - and I would like to find out how well known.
 So here is a CLOSED BOOK multiple choice question - no RTFM, 
 no playing at the interactive prompt:
 Given the following three lines of code at the interactive prompt:
 foo = [1,2,3,4]
 x = foo.append(5)
 print x
 What will be the output (choose one):
 1)  [1,2,3,4]
 2)  [1,2,3,4,5]
 3)  That famous picture of Albert Einstein sticking out his tongue
 4)  Nothing - no output
 5)  None of the above

answer 5 - list.append returns None, which when printed gives 'None'.

You'll get the same thing with list.sort, list.extend, list.reverse etc...


Re: List mutation method gotcha - How well known?

2008-03-13 Thread Roel Schroeven
Hendrik van Rooyen schreef:
 So here is a CLOSED BOOK multiple choice question - no RTFM, 
 no playing at the interactive prompt:
 Given the following three lines of code at the interactive prompt:
 foo = [1,2,3,4]
 x = foo.append(5)
 print x
 What will be the output (choose one):
 1)  [1,2,3,4]
 2)  [1,2,3,4,5]
 3)  That famous picture of Albert Einstein sticking out his tongue
 4)  Nothing - no output
 5)  None of the above

Answer 5: the output will be 'None': append() doesn't return the list, 
it returns None.

The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge
faster than society gathers wisdom.
   -- Isaac Asimov

Roel Schroeven

Re: List mutation method gotcha - How well known?

2008-03-13 Thread Paul Rubin
Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hendrik van Rooyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Given the following three lines of code at the interactive prompt:
  foo = [1,2,3,4]
  x = foo.append(5)
  print x
  What will be the output (choose one):
  4)  Nothing - no output

Correction, it will print None, there is an explicit print statement
that went past me.  I'm sleepy.

Re: List mutation method gotcha - How well known?

2008-03-13 Thread cokofreedom
Still, I suppose this is a gotcha for a lot of people, just follow the
good advice Paul said;
By Python convention, methods that mutate the object return None, and
also stuff that returns None doesn't generate output at the
interactive prompt.

And you should survive most.

What's Going On?

2008-03-13 Thread MartinRinehart
(Accompanied by Marvin Gaye)

 def f(list=[0]):
...return list[0]
 f() # 'list' is a name bound to a list (mutable) so this makes sense
f() # What's Going On?

Off topic: Motown chief Berry Gordy tells Gaye he won't release the
uncommercial song. Gaye tells Gordy
he'll never have another Gaye song if he doesn't release it. Gordy
backs down. 2.5 million singles plus title
track for blockbuster album.

Re: Is there Python equivalent to Perl BEGIN{} block?

2008-03-13 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers
Alex a écrit :
 First of all thanks all for answering!
 I have some environment check and setup in the beginning of the code.
 I would like to move it to the end of the script.

Why ? (if I may ask...)

 But I want it to
 execute first, so the script will exit if the environment is not
 configured properly.

If you want some code to execute first when the script/module is loaded, 
then keep this code where it belongs : at the beginning of the script.


Re: What's Going On?

2008-03-13 Thread Peter Otten

 (Accompanied by Marvin Gaye)
 def f(list=[0]):
 ...return list[0]
 f() # 'list' is a name bound to a list (mutable) so this makes sense
f() # What's Going On?

You heard it through the grapevine ;)


Re: What's Going On?

2008-03-13 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

 (Accompanied by Marvin Gaye)
 def f(list=[0]):
 ...return list[0]
 f() # 'list' is a name bound to a list (mutable) so this makes sense
f() # What's Going On?

That the same default argument is mutated? What did you expect, that it got
replaced by you passing another list? That would kind of defy the meaning
of default-arguments, replacing them whenever you call a function with
actual parameters.


Re: help please, splitter windows like in maya or 3ds max

2008-03-13 Thread John at Quintivity
Sounds like this might do exactly what you need...


On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 1:45 AM, moonrie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mar 13, 12:47 pm, Andrew Rekdal wrote:
  This seems to work... split then split each side. then tandem the size.
  import wx
  class Layout(wx.Frame):
  def __init__(self, parent, id, title):
  wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title)
  sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
  panel = wx.Panel(self,-1)
  splitter = wx.SplitterWindow(panel)
  sizer_left = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
  panel_left = wx.Panel(splitter,-1)
  splitter_left = wx.SplitterWindow(panel_left)
  panel_left_upper = wx.Panel(splitter_left,style= wx.BORDER_SUNKEN)
  panel_left_lower = wx.Panel(splitter_left,style= wx.BORDER_SUNKEN)
  sizer_right = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
  panel_right = wx.Panel(splitter,-1)
  splitter_right =wx.SplitterWindow(panel_right)
  panel_right_upper = wx.Panel(splitter_right,style= wx.BORDER_SUNKEN)
  panel_right_lower = wx.Panel(splitter_right,style= wx.BORDER_SUNKEN)
  self.splitter_left = splitter_left
  self.splitter_right = splitter_right
  def leftChange(self,event):
  pos = self.splitter_left.GetSashPosition()
  def rightChange(self,event):
  pos = self.splitter_right.GetSashPosition()
  app = wx.App(0)
  k = Layout(None, -1, '')
  -- Andrew
  - Original Message -
  From: moonrie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Newsgroups: comp.lang.python
  Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 10:19 PM
  Subject: help please, splitter windows like in maya or 3ds max
   hi, everyone there, I am doing a 3D modeling project. I like to do it
   with Python( am a newbie), but have no idea with the wxSplitterWindow
   to create the 4-view windows( top, front, side, perspective), like the
   mfc CSplitterWnd guy),
   anyone can give me some help with wxPython?
   thanks in advance.
   - moonrie

 should be these ones,

 thanks, :P


How to send a var to stdin of an external software

2008-03-13 Thread Benjamin Watine
Hi the list,

I need to send a var to stdin of an external soft (cat command for 

How can I do this ? I would like a function like that :

theFunction ('cat -', stdin=myVar)

I don't need to get any return value.

Another related question : Is there's a limitation of var size ? I would 
have var up to 10 MB.

Thanks !



subprocess.Popen pipeline bug?

2008-03-13 Thread Marko Rauhamaa

This tiny program hangs:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import subprocess
a = subprocess.Popen('cat',shell = True,stdin = subprocess.PIPE,
 stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
b = subprocess.Popen('cat /dev/null',shell = True,stdin = a.stdout)
b.wait() # hangs
a.wait() # never reached

It shouldn't, should it?


Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Jun 20 2007, 12:14:09) 
[GCC 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (SUSE Linux)] on linux2


Marko Rauhamaa  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to send a var to stdin of an external software

2008-03-13 Thread Marko Rauhamaa
Benjamin Watine [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 How can I do this ? I would like a function like that :
   theFunction ('cat -', stdin=myVar)

 Another related question : Is there's a limitation of var size ? I
 would have var up to 10 MB.

import subprocess
myVar = '*' * 1000
cat = subprocess.Popen('cat',shell = True,stdin = subprocess.PIPE)


Marko Rauhamaa  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Diary of a Stripper.

2008-03-13 Thread MSmith
Hi, my name is Michelle, I'm 27, just left being a secretary to become
a stripper, and looking for friends to talk to. I love meeting new

I also have a blog where I talk about my life...

Talk to you soon!


Re: List mutation method gotcha - How well known?

2008-03-13 Thread Dustan
On Mar 13, 2:36 am, Hendrik van Rooyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am surprised that it took me so long to bloody my nose on this one.

 It must be well known - and I would like to find out how well known.

 So here is a CLOSED BOOK multiple choice question - no RTFM,
 no playing at the interactive prompt:

 Given the following three lines of code at the interactive prompt:

 foo = [1,2,3,4]
 x = foo.append(5)
 print x

 What will be the output (choose one):

 1)  [1,2,3,4]
 2)  [1,2,3,4,5]
 3)  That famous picture of Albert Einstein sticking out his tongue
 4)  Nothing - no output
 5)  None of the above


Re: problem with Python 2.5.2 and gcc 4.3

2008-03-13 Thread David P. Riedel
Andrew MacIntyre wrote:
 David P. Riedel wrote:
 I tried building Python 2.5.2 using gcc 4.3.0.  The build completes 
 with no problems but when I run 'make test', I get a   segfault part 
 way through the test run.

 here is the last part of the output from make test

 test_sqlite skipped -- no sqlite available
 test_startfile skipped -- cannot import name startfile
 make: *** [test] Segmentation fault
 You don't identify the platform or O/S, though I'd guess some Linux
 distro on i386 or x86-64...
 If you have gdb available, a backtrace might give a clue.
 However, as this is a new major release of gcc I'm automatically going to
 assume an optimisation issue.  To test this I'd suggest doctoring the
 makefile generated by configure to reduce the optimisation level - I'd
 suggest trying -O instead of -O3.  If that works, try -O2 or -Os.
 If -O2 or -Os works, I'd be taking the matter up with the gcc team.
You are correct -- Mandriva Linux 2007.  I will try varying the optimization 
level and see what happens.



Re: Dispatch(Excel.Application) failed

2008-03-13 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Mar 13, 1:02 am, lialie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Maybe it 's quite simple, but I can't fix it. Do I make some mistakes in
 my env setting? My excel version is 2003.
 any suggestion? Thanks.

 Traceback (most recent call last):
 File, line 3, in ?
 excel = Dispatch(Excel.Application)
 File C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\, line
 95, in
 dispatch, userName = dynamic._GetGoodDispatchAndUserName(dispatch,userName,c
 File C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\, line
 98, in _
 return (_GetGoodDispatch(IDispatch, clsctx), userName)
 File C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\, line
 78, in _
 IDispatch = pythoncom.CoCreateInstance(IDispatch, None, clsctx, pythoncom.II
 pywintypes.com_error: (-2147221005,
 None, None)

I'm not seeing anything obviously wrong. What version of Windows are
you using? Are you logged in as an admin?

You also might try the PyWin32 user's mailing list:


Re: Different results when running script from IDLE versus Command Line

2008-03-13 Thread Casey T
On Mar 12, 5:28 pm, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mar 12, 8:10 pm, Casey T [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I'm new to Python and I'm having some problems with getting different
  results from my script when I run it from IDLE versus just double-
  clicking the .py file and having it run through the command line.
  Basically, my script reads some CSV files, assembles a text files,
  then uploads that test file to an ftp site. When I run the script from
  IDLE, everything works fine. But when it runs from the command line,
  the file that gets uploaded is empty. It seems that it is creating a
  new file to upload, rather than using the existing file (or at least
  that's what I think is going on.) Below is my script. I apologize for
  any ugly code. Thanks for your help.

  import sys,os,linecache,csv,ftplib,time

  starttime = time.time()

  #Summary file assembling
  currentdir = //folder/

  reg_sum = open('reg_sum.txt','w')

  for files in os.listdir(currentdir):
      reg_file = csv.reader(open(currentdir + files))
      for row in reg_file:
          reg_sum = open('reg_sum.txt','a')
          reg_sum.write(,.join(row) + ',\n')


  #Summary file processing
  coordList = [

  coordList_index =
  #coordList_index is a list containing

  in_text = open('reg_sum.txt','r')

  out_text = open('reg_out.txt','w')

  out_text = open('reg_out.txt','a')

  for line in in_text:
      split_line = line.split(',')
      if (split_line[0]) in coordList_index:
         i = coordList_index.index(split_line[0])
         coords = str(coordList[i][1]) + , + str(coordList[i][2])
         last_update = str(split_line[2])
      print str(split_line[0])
      if split_line[1] == 1:
         out_text.write(split_line[0] + br,Test1:  + last_update +
  , + coords + ,1 + \n)
      elif split_line[1] == 0:
         out_text.write(split_line[0] + br,Test2.brLast updated: 
  + last_update + ,  + coords + ,0 + \n)
         out_text.write(split_line[0] + br,No data., + coords +


  ###Uploads file via FTP
  s = ftplib.FTP(','user','pass')'reg_out.txt','r')
  s.storlines('STOR reg_out.txt', f)


  print  Processed in  + str(((time.time() - starttime) / 60) *60) + 
  seconds! #prints elapsed time

 You never closed your file.

 built-in method close of file object at 0x00BA6CC8

 try adding '()' at the end of your close calls.
 As to why it differs, I can't think offhand why it wouldn't.

wow. thank you so much. it was the '()'. I now get consistent results.
In all the sample code I saw, I never saw the '()' after close. thanks

- casey

Re: Python - CGI - XML - XSD

2008-03-13 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
 Sorry, it was really late when i wrote this post. The file is an XSL
 file. It defines HTML depending on what appears in the XML document.

Then the content-type might be the culprit, yes. But testing so would have
been faster than waiting for answers here... 


RE: Socket Performance

2008-03-13 Thread Brian Smith
 Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 9:47 PM
 Subject: Socket Performance
 Can anyone explain why socket performance (throughput) varies 
 depending on the amount of data send and recv are called with?
 For example: try creating a local client/server (running on the same
 computer) where the server sends the client a fixed amount of data.
 Using method A, recv(8192) and sendall( ) with 8192 bytes 
 worth of data. Do this 100 times. Using method B, recv(1) and 
 sendall( ) with 1 byte worth of data. Do this 819200 times.
 If you time both methods, method A has much greater 
 throughput than method B.

Why is it faster to drink a liter of water a cupful at a time than to
drink it out of an eyedropper?

- Brian


Re: Problem with subprocess in threaded enviroment

2008-03-13 Thread dripton
On Mar 12, 12:58 pm, Ningyu Shi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to write a multi-task downloader to download files from a
 website using multi-threading. I have one thread to analyze the
 webpage, get the addresses of the files to be downloaded and put these
 in a Queue. Then the main thread will start some threads to get the
 address from the queue and download it. To keep the maximum files
 downloaded concurrently, I use a semaphore to control this, like at
 most 5 downloads at same time.

You don't need a semaphore for that.  Semaphores are low-level and
very hard to get right.  (Read
if you don't believe me.)  You don't need any other type of explicit
lock either.  Just use Queues.

Queues are much easier.  Make simple threads, each of which typically
reads from one queue and writes to one queue.  If you want N-way
concurrency at one stage, start N instances of that thread.  If you
need to guarantee non-concurrency at some stage, make that thread a
singleton.  Avoid sharing mutable data across threads except through

 I tried to use urllib.urlretreive in the download() thread, but from
 time to time, it seems that one download thread may freeze the whole
 program. Then I gave up and use subprocess to call wget to do the job.
 My download thread is like this:

 def download( url ):[wget, -q, url])
 with print_lock:
 print url, 'finished.'

If the prints are just for debugging, print_lock is overkill.  And in
practice that print statement is probably atomic in CPython because of
the GIL.

But let's assume that it really is critical not to mix the output
streams, and that the print isn't necessarily atomic.  So instead of
the lock, use a print_queue and a single PrintThread that just pulls
strings off the queue and prints them.

 But later I found that after the specific wget job finished
 downloading, that download() thread never reach the print url
 statement. So I end up with files been downloaded, but the download()
 thread never ends and don't realease the semaphore then block the
 whole program. My guess is that at the time wget process ends, that
 specific download thread is not active and missed the return of the

The fact that changing libraries didn't fix your problem is a strong
indicator that it's your code, not the libraries.  You're probably
introducing deadlocks with your semaphores.  Too much locking is as
bad as too little.

Here's the skeleton of how I'd write this program:

main thread: create queues, create and start other threads, find URLs,
put URLs on input_queue

class DownloadThread(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
while True:
url = input_queue.get()
print_queue.put(done with %s % url)

class PrintThread(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
while True:
st = print_queue.get()
print st

Then you just have to worry about clean shutdown.  A simple way to
handle this to initialize a counter to the number of URLs in main, and
decrement it in PrintThread.  Then have main busy-wait (with a sleep
to avoid consuming too much CPU) for it to hit zero, then join all the
other threads and exit.  (This seems to violate the no-shared-mutable-
data rule, but only one thread at a time can mutate it, so it's safe.)

Once you've done this manually, consider using the TaskQueue recipe on
the Python Cookbook site, to simplify it a bit.

Re: How to send a var to stdin of an external software

2008-03-13 Thread Sion Arrowsmith
Benjamin Watine  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
How can I do this ? I would like a function like that :

   theFunction ('cat -', stdin=myVar)

I don't need to get any return value. says this is spelt

myVar = subprocess.Popen([cat, -], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]

(Probably not obvious how to find this if you've not come across the
backtick notation in shell or Perl.)

   Frankly I have no feelings towards penguins one way or the other
-- Arthur C. Clarke
   her nu becomeþ se bera eadward ofdun hlæddre heafdes bæce bump bump bump

wx and pil conversion

2008-03-13 Thread azrael
A little problem.

Can I directly show Pil objects in Wx or do I
have to transform them.

If I have to transofm them How can I do it. Pixel by pixel or is there
somethin built in in pil or wx or python.
pilj-wx and wx-pil.


Re: Get cgi script to begin execution of another script...

2008-03-13 Thread Sion Arrowsmith
sophie_newbie  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Basically I've a CGI script, that when executed by the user, I want to
call another script that does a very long running task (10 hours +)
and print a message on the screen saying that the user will be emailed
on completion of the very long task. The script executing the very
long task will then email the user on completion.
was helpful to me in solving this problem.

   Frankly I have no feelings towards penguins one way or the other
-- Arthur C. Clarke
   her nu becomeþ se bera eadward ofdun hlæddre heafdes bæce bump bump bump

(off-topic) JS/DHTML export to XLS format?

2008-03-13 Thread Michael Wieher
Anyone use/know of anything looks like a spreadsheet, lives in a web-browser
and can export to XLS format?

Re: How to send a var to stdin of an external software

2008-03-13 Thread Benjamin Watine
Marko Rauhamaa a écrit :
 Benjamin Watine [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 How can I do this ? I would like a function like that :

  theFunction ('cat -', stdin=myVar)

 Another related question : Is there's a limitation of var size ? I
 would have var up to 10 MB.
 import subprocess
 myVar = '*' * 1000
 cat = subprocess.Popen('cat',shell = True,stdin = subprocess.PIPE)

Thank you Marko, it's exactly what I need.

And if somebody need it : to get the stdout in a var (myNewVar), not in 
the shell :

cat = subprocess.Popen('cat', shell = True, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, 
myNewVar =

Is it correct ?


Re: List mutation method gotcha - How well known?

2008-03-13 Thread BJörn Lindqvist
On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 8:36 AM, Hendrik van Rooyen
  foo = [1,2,3,4]
  x = foo.append(5)
  print x

  What will be the output (choose one):

  1)  [1,2,3,4]
  2)  [1,2,3,4,5]
  3)  That famous picture of Albert Einstein sticking out his tongue
  4)  Nothing - no output
  5)  None of the above


mvh Björn

Attribute Doesnt Exist ... but.... it does :-s

2008-03-13 Thread Robert Rawlins
Hello Guys,


I've got an awfully aggravating problem which is causing some substantial
hair loss this afternoon J I want to get your ideas on this. I am trying to
invoke a particular method in one of my classes, and I'm getting a runtime
error which is telling me the attribute does not exist.


I'm calling the method from within __init__ yet it still seems to think it
doesn't exist.




# Define the RemoteDevice class.

class remote_device:

# I'm the class constructor method.

def __init__(self, message_list=):


def set_pending_list(self, pending_list):

# Set the message list property.

self.pending_list = message_list


And the error message which I receive during the instantiation of the class:


File: /path/to/my/files/, line 22, in __init__


AttributeError: remote_device instance has no attribute 'set_pending_list'


Does anyone have the slightest idea why this might be happening? I can see
that the code DOES have that method in it, I also know that I don't get any
compile time errors so that should be fine. I know it mentions line 22 in
the error, but I've chopped out a load of non relevant code for the sake of
posting here.


Perhaps I'm missing something really simple, but it's got my head spinning.






Re: Attribute Doesnt Exist ... but.... it does :-s

2008-03-13 Thread Chris Mellon
On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 10:36 AM, Robert Rawlins

 Hello Guys,

 I've got an awfully aggravating problem which is causing some substantial
 hair loss this afternoon J I want to get your ideas on this. I am trying to
 invoke a particular method in one of my classes, and I'm getting a runtime
 error which is telling me the attribute does not exist.

 I'm calling the method from within __init__ yet it still seems to think it
 doesn't exist.


 # Define the RemoteDevice class.

 class remote_device:

 # I'm the class constructor method.

 def __init__(self, message_list=):


 def set_pending_list(self, pending_list):

 # Set the message list property.

 self.pending_list = message_list

 And the error message which I receive during the instantiation of the class:

 File: /path/to/my/files/, line 22, in __init__


 AttributeError: remote_device instance has no attribute 'set_pending_list'

 Does anyone have the slightest idea why this might be happening? I can see
 that the code DOES have that method in it, I also know that I don't get any
 compile time errors so that should be fine. I know it mentions line 22 in
 the error, but I've chopped out a load of non relevant code for the sake of
 posting here.

 Perhaps I'm missing something really simple, but it's got my head spinning.

Create a copy of your source file, confirm that it shows the problem,
and start chopping out lines until all that is left is what you pasted
here. See if it still shows the problem. If it does, and if you
haven't found the problem yet, post again, attaching (not pasting
inline) your chopped down file.

scons Buffer.cpp

2008-03-13 Thread brnstrmrs
I am trying to install some libs but can not get them build properly.
It seems to be looking for Buffer.cpp but can't find it any where .
Here is the error message:
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
g++ -o AssociationRejection.o -c -I/usr/lib -I/usr/lib/boost
g++ -o Buffer.o -c -I/usr/lib -I/usr/lib/boost Buffer.cpp
In file included from Buffer.cpp:1:
Buffer.hpp:9:27: error: socket/Base.hpp: No such file or directory
Buffer.hpp:10:35: error: socket/SwitchEndian.hpp: No such file or
Buffer.hpp: In member function 'dicom::Buffer
Buffer.hpp:84: error: 'is_fundamental' is not a member of 'boost'
Buffer.hpp:84: error: '::value' has not been declared
Buffer.hpp:90: error: template argument 1 is invalid
Buffer.hpp:95: error: template argument 1 is invalid
Buffer.hpp:96: error: expected unqualified-id before '}' token
Buffer.hpp: In member function 'dicom::Buffer
Buffer.hpp:103: error: 'is_const' is not a member of 'boost'
Buffer.hpp:103: error: '::value' has not been declared
Buffer.hpp:104: error: template argument 1 is invalid
Buffer.hpp:105: error: template argument 1 is invalid
Buffer.hpp:105: error: invalid type in declaration before ';' token
Buffer.hpp:105: error: declaration of 'typedef int data' shadows a
Buffer.hpp:109: error: 'pdata' was not declared in this scope
Buffer.hpp:117: error: expected unqualified-id before '=' token
Buffer.cpp: In member function 'dicom::Buffer
dicom::Buffer::operator(std::vectorshort unsigned int,
std::allocatorshort unsigned int )':
Buffer.cpp:38: error: 'SwitchVectorEndian' was not declared in this
Buffer.cpp: In member function 'void dicom::Buffer::AddVector(const
std::vectorshort unsigned int, std::allocatorshort unsigned int
Buffer.cpp:112: error: 'SwitchVectorEndian' was not declared in this
Buffer.hpp: In member function 'dicom::Buffer
dicom::Buffer::operator(T) [with T = char]':
Buffer.cpp:51:   instantiated from here
Buffer.hpp:105: error: declaration of 'typedef int data' shadows a
Buffer.hpp: In member function 'dicom::Buffer
dicom::Buffer::operator(T) [with T = UINT16]':
Buffer.cpp:59:   instantiated from here
Buffer.hpp:105: error: declaration of 'typedef int data' shadows a
scons: *** [Buffer.o] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.

Re: Attribute Doesnt Exist ... but.... it does :-s

2008-03-13 Thread Robert Bossy
Robert Rawlins wrote:

 Hello Guys,

 I’ve got an awfully aggravating problem which is causing some 
 substantial hair loss this afternoon J I want to get your ideas on 
 this. I am trying to invoke a particular method in one of my classes, 
 and I’m getting a runtime error which is telling me the attribute does 
 not exist.

 I’m calling the method from within __init__ yet it still seems to 
 think it doesn’t exist.


 # Define the RemoteDevice class.

 class *remote_device*:

 # I'm the class constructor method.

 def *__init__*(/self/, message_list=//):


 def *set_pending_list*(/self/, pending_list):

 # Set the message list property.

 /self/.pending_list = message_list

 And the error message which I receive during the instantiation of the 

 File: “/path/to/my/files/, line 22, in __init__


 AttributeError: remote_device instance has no attribute 'set_pending_list'

 Does anyone have the slightest idea why this might be happening? I can 
 see that the code DOES have that method in it, I also know that I 
 don’t get any compile time errors so that should be fine. I know it 
 mentions line 22 in the error, but I’ve chopped out a load of non 
 relevant code for the sake of posting here.

I don't get this error if I run your code. Maybe the irrelevant code 
causes the error: my guess is that there's a parenthesis mismatch or an 
undeindented line.

Btw, calls to set_pending_list will fail since the name message_list 
is not defined in its scope. Please follow Chris Mellon's advice.


Re: Creating a file with $SIZE

2008-03-13 Thread Bryan Olson
k.i.n.g. wrote:
 I think I am not clear with my question, I am sorry. Here goes the
 exact requirement.
 We use dd command in Linux to create a file with of required size. In
 similar way, on windows I would like to use python to take the size of
 the file( 50MB, 1GB ) as input from user and create a uncompressed
 file of the size given by the user.
 ex: If user input is 50M, script should create 50Mb of blank or empty

You mean all zero bytes? Python cannot guarantee that the system
will not compress such a file. For testing data transfer rates,
random data is a usually a better choice.


RE: Attribute Doesnt Exist ... but.... it does :-s

2008-03-13 Thread Robert Rawlins
Hi Guys,

Well thanks for the response, I followed your advice and chopped out all the
crap from my class, right down to the bare __init__ and the setter method,
however, the problem continued to persist.

However, Robert mentioned something about unindented lines which got me
thinking so I deleted my tab indents on that method and replaces them with
standard space-bar indents and it appears to have cured the problem.

Usually my Eclipse IDE throws up an error about this but for some reason
decided not too this time around, what a PITA.

Thanks for the ideas guys, I appreciate it.


-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Robert Bossy
Sent: 13 March 2008 15:51
Subject: Re: Attribute Doesnt Exist ... but it does :-s

Robert Rawlins wrote:

 Hello Guys,

 I've got an awfully aggravating problem which is causing some 
 substantial hair loss this afternoon J I want to get your ideas on 
 this. I am trying to invoke a particular method in one of my classes, 
 and I'm getting a runtime error which is telling me the attribute does 
 not exist.

 I'm calling the method from within __init__ yet it still seems to 
 think it doesn't exist.


 # Define the RemoteDevice class.

 class *remote_device*:

 # I'm the class constructor method.

 def *__init__*(/self/, message_list=//):


 def *set_pending_list*(/self/, pending_list):

 # Set the message list property.

 /self/.pending_list = message_list

 And the error message which I receive during the instantiation of the 

 File: /path/to/my/files/, line 22, in __init__


 AttributeError: remote_device instance has no attribute 'set_pending_list'

 Does anyone have the slightest idea why this might be happening? I can 
 see that the code DOES have that method in it, I also know that I 
 don't get any compile time errors so that should be fine. I know it 
 mentions line 22 in the error, but I've chopped out a load of non 
 relevant code for the sake of posting here.

I don't get this error if I run your code. Maybe the irrelevant code 
causes the error: my guess is that there's a parenthesis mismatch or an 
undeindented line.

Btw, calls to set_pending_list will fail since the name message_list 
is not defined in its scope. Please follow Chris Mellon's advice.



Re: What's Going On?

2008-03-13 Thread castironpi
On Mar 13, 6:12 am, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  (Accompanied by Marvin Gaye)

  def f(list=[0]):
  ...return list[0]
  f() # 'list' is a name bound to a list (mutable) so this makes sense
 f() # What's Going On?

 That the same default argument is mutated? What did you expect, that it got
 replaced by you passing another list? That would kind of defy the meaning
 of default-arguments, replacing them whenever you call a function with
 actual parameters.

f( ite, itr= ite.__iter__ ).

Case 1:  'ite' is bound in outer scope.
Case 2:  not.

function(code, globals[, name[, argdefs[, closure]]])
The optional argdefs tuple specifies the default argument values.

TypeError: __defaults__ must be set to a tuple object

 import functools
 def k():
... print( 'k call' )
 class GT:
... def __init__( self, arg ):
... self._arg= arg
 def latebound( fun ):
... @functools.wraps( fun )
... def post( *ar ):
... lar= list( fun.__defaults__ )
... for i, a in enumerate( lar ):
... if isinstance( lar[ i ], GT ):
... lar[ i ]= eval( a._arg)
... return fun( *( list( ar )+ lar ) )
... return post
... def f( ite, itr= GT('k()') ):
... return itr
 f( 2 )
k call
 f( 2 )
k call
 f( 2 )
k call


... def f( ite, itr= GT('ar[0]+ 1') ):
... return itr
 f( 2 )
 f( 2 )
 f( 2 )


... def f( ite, itr= GT('ite+ 1') ):
... return itr
 f( 2 )
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File stdin, line 7, in post
  File string, line 1, in module
NameError: name 'ite' is not defined

The moral of the story is, wouldn't it be nice if wrappers could
access the post-invocation bindings of the wrappee's internal
variables?  Certainly the 'TypeError: __defaults__ must be set to a
tuple object' is unnecessarily restrictive: let it be a mutable, or,
if it's not a tuple, call it.  Just add a __call__ method to that
tuple that does nothing, if a type-test isn't faster-- perhaps even a
null __call__ which does -actually- nothing.  (Why is __defaults__
None when empty, not an empty tuple?)

What are the use case proportions of function-static vs. call-time
evaluation?  Function-static is nice in that it keeps objects floating
around with the function, both in information design, and in
encapsulation.  They both have easy workarounds:

 import functools
 def auto( fun ):
... @functools.wraps( fun )
... def post( *ar ):
... return fun( post, *ar )
... return post
... def f( self ):
... print( self.ite )
 f.ite= []

 f.ite.append( 2 )

@auto adds the binding function to its called parameter list, which is
nice if the function will change names ever-- that is, become bound to
other variables-- because its statics still stay with it, and because
it's not a global either.

 g= f
 del f
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File stdin, line 4, in post
  File stdin, line 3, in f
NameError: global name 'f' is not defined

But on the other hand, if the Python community on the whole wants to
keep the status quo,

 def f( ite, itr= None ):
... if None is itr:
... itr= ite+ 1
... return itr
 f( 2 )
 f( 2 )
 f( 2 )

isn't so bad.  (If you think it is, lobby!)

@latebound is a good compromise.  It keeps the information in the
right place, but takes a little redundancy if the evalled expression
refers to another variable, and but costs the additional GT class, and
adds an O( n ) argument-length boilerplate rearrangement.  @auto frees
us to allow a different behavior to default parameters while keeping
both statics and call-times explicit, keeping the information in the
right place, but it's a change in the language.  Lastly, we have:

 @late( itr= 'ite+ 1' )
... def f( ite, itr= latearg, j= 0 ):
... return itr, j
 print( f( 2 ) )
(3, 0)

Proof of concept:

import functools

latearg= object()
def late( **kw ):
def pre( fun ):
_defs= fun.__defaults__
if None is _defs: _defs= ()
_names= fun.__code__.co_varnames
_deflen= len( _defs )
_namelen= fun.__code__.co_argcount
for k in kw:
if k not in _names:
raise TypeError( 'Non-parameter'
' keyword \'%s\' in \'late\''
' call.'% k )
print( _defs )
print( _names )
print( _deflen )
for a, b in zip( _names[ -_deflen: ], _defs ):
if b is latearg and a not in kw:
raise TypeError( 'Non-bound'
' latearg \'%s\' in \'late\''
' call.'% k )
@functools.wraps( fun )
def post( *ar ):
_arglen= len( ar )

Re: wx and pil conversion

2008-03-13 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
azrael wrote:

 A little problem.
 Can I directly show Pil objects in Wx or do I
 have to transform them.
 If I have to transofm them How can I do it. Pixel by pixel or is there
 somethin built in in pil or wx or python.
 pilj-wx and wx-pil.

PIL doesn't depend on wx, so if anything then wx knows about PIL. But I
doubt it. Instead, use cStringIO and save a PIL-Image to memory, then use
that as file-argument to something that works for wx - no idea what, but
there should be means to load JPEGs and so forth.

If file-objects aren't enough, create a temp-file. No, that's not to slow.


Re: Attribute Doesnt Exist ... but.... it does :-s

2008-03-13 Thread Michael Wieher
2008/3/13, Robert Rawlins [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi Guys,

 Well thanks for the response, I followed your advice and chopped out all
 crap from my class, right down to the bare __init__ and the setter method,
 however, the problem continued to persist.

 However, Robert mentioned something about unindented lines which got me
 thinking so I deleted my tab indents on that method and replaces them with
 standard space-bar indents and it appears to have cured the problem.

 Usually my Eclipse IDE throws up an error about this but for some reason
 decided not too this time around, what a PITA.

 Thanks for the ideas guys, I appreciate it.


 -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Robert Bossy
 Sent: 13 March 2008 15:51
 Subject: Re: Attribute Doesnt Exist ... but it does :-s

 Robert Rawlins wrote:
  Hello Guys,
  I've got an awfully aggravating problem which is causing some
  substantial hair loss this afternoon J I want to get your ideas on
  this. I am trying to invoke a particular method in one of my classes,
  and I'm getting a runtime error which is telling me the attribute does
  not exist.
  I'm calling the method from within __init__ yet it still seems to
  think it doesn't exist.
  # Define the RemoteDevice class.
  class *remote_device*:
  # I'm the class constructor method.
  def *__init__*(/self/, message_list=//):
  def *set_pending_list*(/self/, pending_list):
  # Set the message list property.
  /self/.pending_list = message_list
  And the error message which I receive during the instantiation of the
  File: /path/to/my/files/, line 22, in __init__
  AttributeError: remote_device instance has no attribute
  Does anyone have the slightest idea why this might be happening? I can
  see that the code DOES have that method in it, I also know that I
  don't get any compile time errors so that should be fine. I know it
  mentions line 22 in the error, but I've chopped out a load of non
  relevant code for the sake of posting here.
 I don't get this error if I run your code. Maybe the irrelevant code
 causes the error: my guess is that there's a parenthesis mismatch or an
 undeindented line.

 Btw, calls to set_pending_list will fail since the name message_list
 is not defined in its scope. Please follow Chris Mellon's advice.



All the more reason to use VIM and set it to auto-indent / remove 4 spaces
with tab  backspace. =)

Re: Is there Python equivalent to Perl BEGIN{} block?

2008-03-13 Thread Carl Banks
On Mar 13, 7:02 am, Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.
 Alex a écrit :

  First of all thanks all for answering!

  I have some environment check and setup in the beginning of the code.
  I would like to move it to the end of the script.

 Why ? (if I may ask...)

  But I want it to
  execute first, so the script will exit if the environment is not
  configured properly.

 If you want some code to execute first when the script/module is loaded,
 then keep this code where it belongs : at the beginning of the script.

I concur with Bruno's recommendation: stuff you want to do first
should come first in the script.  Things like BEGIN blocks hurt
readability because you can't identify where execution begins without
reading the whole file.

Having said that, one thing that often happens in Python scripts is
that all the functions are defined first, then the script logic
follows.  So you could put the meat of your script in a function, then
the BEGIN stuff after that functions:

def run_script():
# script contained in this long function

# Then test preconditions here...
if os.environ[HELLO] != WORLD:

# Then call the run_script functions

But having said THAT, I don't recommend you do that with
preconditions.  If the script has a quick early exit scenario, you
really ought to put that near the top, before the function
definitions, to clearly show to a human reader what is necessary to
run the script.

Carl Banks

Re: Attribute Doesnt Exist ... but.... it does :-s

2008-03-13 Thread Robert Bossy
Robert Rawlins wrote:
 Hi Guys,

 Well thanks for the response, I followed your advice and chopped out all the
 crap from my class, right down to the bare __init__ and the setter method,
 however, the problem continued to persist.

 However, Robert mentioned something about unindented lines which got me
 thinking so I deleted my tab indents on that method and replaces them with
 standard space-bar indents and it appears to have cured the problem.
Aha! Killed the bug at the first guess! You owe me a beer, mate.


Re: wx and pil conversion

2008-03-13 Thread azrael
I thought of using Temp files but I am afraid of the JPG destorsion
while saving because of the compresion.I am looking for a way to
directly transform it.

On Mar 13, 5:09 pm, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 azrael wrote:
  A little problem.

  Can I directly show Pil objects in Wx or do I
  have to transform them.

  If I have to transofm them How can I do it. Pixel by pixel or is there
  somethin built in in pil or wx or python.
  pilj-wx and wx-pil.

 PIL doesn't depend on wx, so if anything then wx knows about PIL. But I
 doubt it. Instead, use cStringIO and save a PIL-Image to memory, then use
 that as file-argument to something that works for wx - no idea what, but
 there should be means to load JPEGs and so forth.

 If file-objects aren't enough, create a temp-file. No, that's not to slow.



Re: How to send a var to stdin of an external software

2008-03-13 Thread Bryan Olson
Benjamin Watine wrote:
 And if somebody need it : to get the stdout in a var (myNewVar), not in 
 the shell :
 cat = subprocess.Popen('cat', shell = True, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, 
 myNewVar =
 Is it correct ?

No, not really. It is prone to deadlock. The external program might
work by iteratively reading a little input and writing a little
output, as 'cat' almost surely does. If the size of myVar exceeds
the buffer space in cat and the pipes, you get stuck.

Your Python program can block at cat.stdin.write(myVar), waiting
for cat to read from its input pipe, while cat blocks at a write
to its output stream, waiting for you to start reading and freeing
up buffer space. Pipe loops are tricky business.

Popular solutions are to make either the input or output stream
a disk file, or to create another thread (or process) to be an
active reader or writer.


Re: no more comparisons

2008-03-13 Thread Alan Isaac
Dan Bishop wrote:

 def cmp_key(cmp_fn):

 class CmpWrapper(object):

 def __init__(self, obj):

 self.obj = obj

 def __cmp__(self, other):

 return cmp_fn(self.obj, other.obj)

 return CmpWrapper

Apparently I'm overlooking something obvious ...

how is this supposed to work if __cmp__ is no longer

being called?  (Which was my understanding.)

Thank you,

Alan Isaac


Re: no more comparisons

2008-03-13 Thread Carl Banks
On Mar 13, 12:38 pm, Alan Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dan Bishop wrote:
  def cmp_key(cmp_fn):
  class CmpWrapper(object):
  def __init__(self, obj):
  self.obj = obj
  def __cmp__(self, other):
  return cmp_fn(self.obj, other.obj)
  return CmpWrapper

 Apparently I'm overlooking something obvious ...

 how is this supposed to work if __cmp__ is no longer

 being called?  (Which was my understanding.)

It won't.  In Python 3.0 you'd have to write this class in terms of
rich comparisons (__lt__, __gt__, etc.).

Carl Banks

Re: How to send a var to stdin of an external software

2008-03-13 Thread Bryan Olson
I wrote:
 [...] Pipe loops are tricky business.
 Popular solutions are to make either the input or output stream
 a disk file, or to create another thread (or process) to be an
 active reader or writer.

Or asynchronous I/O. On Unix-like systems, you can select() on
the underlying file descriptors. (MS-Windows async mechanisms are
not as well exposed by the Python standard library.)


Re: Socket Performance

2008-03-13 Thread sleddd
On Mar 13, 9:33 am, Brian Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 9:47 PM
  Subject: Socket Performance

  Can anyone explain why socket performance (throughput) varies
  depending on the amount of data send and recv are called with?

  For example: try creating a local client/server (running on the same
  computer) where the server sends the client a fixed amount of data.
  Using method A, recv(8192) and sendall( ) with 8192 bytes
  worth of data. Do this 100 times. Using method B, recv(1) and
  sendall( ) with 1 byte worth of data. Do this 819200 times.

  If you time both methods, method A has much greater
  throughput than method B.

 Why is it faster to drink a liter of water a cupful at a time than to
 drink it out of an eyedropper?

 - Brian

Well, lets say you have a situation where you're going to be
alternating between sending large and small chunks of data. Is the
solution to create a NetworkBuffer class and only call send when the
buffer is full, always recv(8192)?

RE: Attribute Doesnt Exist ... but.... it does :-s

2008-03-13 Thread Robert Rawlins
Haha, I could use a stiff whisky myself after the stress that caused me :-)


-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Robert Bossy
Sent: 13 March 2008 16:10
Subject: Re: Attribute Doesnt Exist ... but it does :-s

Robert Rawlins wrote:
 Hi Guys,

 Well thanks for the response, I followed your advice and chopped out all
 crap from my class, right down to the bare __init__ and the setter method,
 however, the problem continued to persist.

 However, Robert mentioned something about unindented lines which got me
 thinking so I deleted my tab indents on that method and replaces them with
 standard space-bar indents and it appears to have cured the problem.
Aha! Killed the bug at the first guess! You owe me a beer, mate.



Re: wx and pil conversion

2008-03-13 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
azrael wrote:

 I thought of using Temp files but I am afraid of the JPG destorsion
 while saving because of the compresion.I am looking for a way to
 directly transform it.

Then don't use JPEG, use PNG. It's lossless.


Re: wx and pil conversion

2008-03-13 Thread azrael
On Mar 13, 6:57 pm, Diez B. Roggisch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 azrael wrote:
  I thought of using Temp files but I am afraid of the JPG destorsion
  while saving because of the compresion.I am looking for a way to
  directly transform it.

 Then don't use JPEG, use PNG. It's lossless.


 thnx. i did't think about that. i totaly forgot png.

getattr/setattr still ASCII-only, not Unicode - blows up SGMLlib from BeautifulSoup

2008-03-13 Thread John Nagle
   Just noticed, again, that getattr/setattr are ASCII-only, and don't support

   SGMLlib blows up because of this when faced with a Unicode end tag:

File /usr/local/lib/python2.5/, line 353, in finish_endtag
method = getattr(self, 'end_' + tag)
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xae'
in position 46: ordinal not in range(128)

Should attributes be restricted to ASCII, or is this a bug?

John Nagle

Re: Socket Performance

2008-03-13 Thread Grant Edwards

  For example: try creating a local client/server (running on the same
  computer) where the server sends the client a fixed amount of data.
  Using method A, recv(8192) and sendall( ) with 8192 bytes
  worth of data. Do this 100 times. Using method B, recv(1) and
  sendall( ) with 1 byte worth of data. Do this 819200 times.

  If you time both methods, method A has much greater
  throughput than method B.

 Why is it faster to drink a liter of water a cupful at a time than to
 drink it out of an eyedropper?

 Well, lets say you have a situation where you're going to be
 alternating between sending large and small chunks of data. Is the
 solution to create a NetworkBuffer class and only call send when the
 buffer is full, always recv(8192)?

If you need to send large and small chumks of data, the
solution is to send large and small chunks of data.



Re: List mutation method gotcha - How well known?

2008-03-13 Thread Lie
On Mar 13, 2:36 pm, Hendrik van Rooyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am surprised that it took me so long to bloody my nose on this one.

 It must be well known - and I would like to find out how well known.

 So here is a CLOSED BOOK multiple choice question - no RTFM,
 no playing at the interactive prompt:

 Given the following three lines of code at the interactive prompt:

 foo = [1,2,3,4]
 x = foo.append(5)
 print x

 What will be the output (choose one):

 1)  [1,2,3,4]
 2)  [1,2,3,4,5]
 3)  That famous picture of Albert Einstein sticking out his tongue
 4)  Nothing - no output
 5)  None of the above

 I undertake to summarise answers posted to complete this survey.

 - Hendrik

I think I'll choose 3. Well, no, I suppose the correct behavior
_should_ be undefined (i.e. what it returns is an implementation
details that should not be relied on). The fact that it returns None
is just a coincidence that happens to happen every time you tested
it (you can't prove by ignorance)

Re: app runs fine with interpreter, but not under py2exe

2008-03-13 Thread GHUM
Doug, is part of the Numeric package.  AFAIKT, the problem is during
 the module initialization.  The first lines of are:

 from multiarray import zeros
 import string

and your program is crashing on the

lst.append( (zeros( (1,), t ).itemsize()*8, t) )   -- Line 18

line... Please, try the following:

import multiarray
from multiarray import zeros
import string

(adding the line import multiarray before zeros are imported from

I used this workaround with various packages I py2exed - maybe it also
works for you?

please keep us updated,



Re: frequency count or number of occurences of a number in an array

2008-03-13 Thread Bernard

On 12 mar, 07:58, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mar 12, 10:29 pm, Bernard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hey Larry,

  that one is fairly easy:

   from array import array
   array('i', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2])
   def count(x, arr):

          cpt = 0 # declare a counter variable
          for el in arr: # for each element in the array
                  if el == x: # when it is equal to the 'x' value
                          cpt+=1 # increment the counter variable by one
          return cpt # return the counter after the loop count(1,a)


 Hey Bernard, you have just laboriously reinvented the count method:

  from array import array
  a = array('i', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2])

 which Larry has already said doesn't do the job -- the job is to
 create a histogram!!


Re: subprocess.Popen pipeline bug?

2008-03-13 Thread bryanjugglercryptographer
Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
 This tiny program hangs:

 #!/usr/bin/env python
 import subprocess
 a = subprocess.Popen('cat',shell = True,stdin = subprocess.PIPE,
  stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
 b = subprocess.Popen('cat /dev/null',shell = True,stdin = a.stdout)
 b.wait() # hangs
 a.wait() # never reached

To make it work, add close_fds=True in the Popen that creates b.

 It shouldn't, should it?

Not sure. I think what's happening is that the second cat subprocess
never gets EOF on its stdin, because there are still processes with
an open file descriptor for the other end of the pipe.

The Python program closes a.stdin, and let's suppose that's file
descriptor 4. That's not enough, because the subshell that ran cat and
the cat process itself inherited the open file descriptor 4 when they
forked off.

It looks like Popen is smart enough to close the extraneous
descriptors for pipes it created in the same Popen call, but that
one was created in a previous call and passed in.


Re: List mutation method gotcha - How well known?

2008-03-13 Thread yoz
Dustan wrote:
 On Mar 13, 2:36 am, Hendrik van Rooyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am surprised that it took me so long to bloody my nose on this one.

 It must be well known - and I would like to find out how well known.

 So here is a CLOSED BOOK multiple choice question - no RTFM,
 no playing at the interactive prompt:

 Given the following three lines of code at the interactive prompt:

 foo = [1,2,3,4]
 x = foo.append(5)
 print x

 What will be the output (choose one):

 1)  [1,2,3,4]
 2)  [1,2,3,4,5]
 3)  That famous picture of Albert Einstein sticking out his tongue
 4)  Nothing - no output
 5)  None of the above

This will cause a hidden feature of python and the OS, known as the 
'python easter egg', to activate - erasing all data on the hard disk and 
then reporting how many bytes of data are left.

Usually None ;-} - This really is a 'gotcha' (Aren't you sorry you 
cheated and typed this in !!)

So the answer is 5 ?

Re: Is there Python equivalent to Perl BEGIN{} block?

2008-03-13 Thread Jonathan Gardner
On Mar 12, 6:37 pm, Carl Banks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mar 12, 8:11 pm, Justus Schwabedal [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  What do you need it for anyway? I just read about it and I think it's
  in python.

 Perl, like Python, has a separate compilation and run times.  One day,
 someone who was trying to use Perl for something asked, You know,
 wouldn't it be neat-o if you could execute some Perl code *before* you
 compiled the script?  And so (since that's usually enough reason to
 add something to Perl) was borne the BEGIN block.

 I believe the official rationale was that they wanted to add some
 magic variables that affected Perl's compilation and couldn't do it
 without a magic block that executed at compile time.

It's a bit different. Python's import and perl's use statements
aren't very similar at all. See, perl looks for any use statements
and runs those first. That's not the way for Python at all. It's ok to
import a module right before you need it in a function. If you never
call the function, you'll never import the module.

What if you want to reprogram the search path before you use a module?
Well, in Python, you just work on sys.path before the import
statement. But in perl, if you put a statement that mucks with the
perl path, then it will be ignored until it is too late. So you have
to throw it into the BEGIN block to have it do anything at all. What
was an obvious task in Python that uses only constructs and concepts
you already know about, requires a new concept and syntax that wasn't
needed before in perl.

Also, Jeff has it right. Those who don't get it should look closely at
the '-p' option passed to perl. (It has a cousin '-n' that is also
just as useful.) Here, he wants to initialize some code before the
loop starts, but he can't specify that initializing code outside of
the loop without a BEGIN block.

BEGIN is a dirty, ugly, stupid bandage to an underlying weakness in
perl. That is, there is magic that needs more magic to override it.
(And then you'll need magic to override the overriding magic, ad
infinitum.) Rather than adding more magic, what you really need to do
is get rid of magic that gets in people's way, or change the magic so
it is actually useful for everyone.

Python has it right. Tokenize, parse, (skip compile-link-import
magic), and run.

And leave out the magical -p and -n. If you want to iterate through a
file, for line in sys.stdin:.

Re: List mutation method gotcha - How well known?

2008-03-13 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On Mar 13, 10:42 am, Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 By Python convention, methods that mutate the object return None, and
 also stuff that returns None doesn't generate output at the
 interactive prompt.

A convention that does not always hold:

 l = [1, 2, 3]
[1, 2]

There is also the .next() method:

 i = iter([1, 2, 3])

I can't think of others ATM in python 2.x but there might be some.

Moreover PEP 3119 introduces .add(), .discard(), .toggle() for
MutableSets which all mutate self and return a non None object.



Re: Is there Python equivalent to Perl BEGIN{} block?

2008-03-13 Thread Paddy
On Mar 13, 7:03 pm, Jonathan Gardner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Mar 12, 6:37 pm, Carl Banks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 And leave out the magical -p and -n. If you want to iterate through a
 file, for line in sys.stdin:.

Or better still:

import fileinput
for line in fileinput.input():

- Paddy.

Re: Is there Python equivalent to Perl BEGIN{} block?

2008-03-13 Thread Jeff Schwab
Paddy wrote:
 On Mar 13, 7:03 pm, Jonathan Gardner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Mar 12, 6:37 pm, Carl Banks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And leave out the magical -p and -n. If you want to iterate through a
 file, for line in sys.stdin:.
 Or better still:
 import fileinput
 for line in fileinput.input():

I write maybe a dozen one-liners a day.  It's not practical to do this 
with Python, or at least it's not nearly as convenient as Perl.  I'm 
fine with the magic.  Abusing the magic is another story; Perl language 
features are meant to be used in particular contexts, and BEGIN blocks 
are rarely if ever necessary in Perl modules.

Re: no more comparisons

2008-03-13 Thread Alan Isaac
 Dan Bishop wrote:

 def cmp_key(cmp_fn):

class CmpWrapper(object):

def __init__(self, obj):

self.obj = obj

def __cmp__(self, other):

return cmp_fn(self.obj, other.obj)

return CmpWrapper

 On Mar 13, 12:38 pm, Alan Isaac  wrote:

 how is this supposed to work if __cmp__ is no longer 

 being called?  (Which was my understanding.)

Carl Banks wrote:

 It won't.  In Python 3.0 you'd have to write this class in terms of 

 rich comparisons (__lt__, __gt__, etc.). 

Exactly.  So something simple (define an anonymous function)

has become a bit of a pain.

On the other hand, I've looked through my extant code and

have not found a use of ``cmp`` that I cannot work around.

So maybe this is not as bad as I feared.  What are some use

cases that will clearly be harder (i.e., at least require

a slightly elaborate wrapper) after this change?


Alan Isaac


Python regex

2008-03-13 Thread Andrew Rekdal
I hope posting is ok here for this question...

I am attempting to extract the text from a CSS comment using 're' such as...

string = /* CSS comment /*
exp = [^(/*)].*[^(*/)] 

p = re.compile(exp)
q =
r =

print r

CSS comment

although this works to a degree... I know the within the brackets everything 
is taken literally so the pattern
I am to negating is (/*). ie. includes the parenthesis.

So my question is...

Is there a way to negate a pattern that is more than on character long? eg. 
where rather than saying if forward slash OR astrisk appear..negate.

I would be saying if parenthesis AND asterisk appear in this order... negate

-- Andrew


Re: Python regex

2008-03-13 Thread Andrew Rekdal
made error on last line... read as...

 I would be saying if forward-slash AND asterisk appear in this order... 

-- Andrew

Andrew Rekdal nospam wrote in message 
I hope posting is ok here for this question...

 I am attempting to extract the text from a CSS comment using 're' such 

 string = /* CSS comment /*
 exp = [^(/*)].*[^(*/)] 

 p = re.compile(exp)
 q =
 r =

 print r

CSS comment

 although this works to a degree... I know the within the brackets 
 everything is taken literally so the pattern
 I am to negating is (/*). ie. includes the parenthesis.

 So my question is...

 Is there a way to negate a pattern that is more than on character long? 
 eg. where rather than saying if forward slash OR astrisk appear..negate.

 I would be saying if parenthesis AND asterisk appear in this order... 

 -- Andrew



Ping and ARP on both Win and Linux in Python

2008-03-13 Thread Mauro Baba Mascia
Hi, this is my question:

I want to know if several switch (about 50) in a big lan are up and then 
know their MAC addresses to do a list that contains host name, ip and mac.
I know only the range of their IP addresses (the host name it's simply 
to know using socket.gethostn.

The first idea it's to ping all ip, parse the response and then execute 
the command arp -a and parse the response.
However this way depends on the operating system and the ping response 
depends too from the language.

Another way it's to open the main page of the switch and parse the HTML 
code where i can find the MAC address.
However this way depends on the particular brand's switch.

I know (or better i think) that there is a third way: make ping and arp 
building the packets with socket and so on (but i dont have understand 
in what way do this).

Any suggestion?

(i've already search in google, found many sources but a lot of them 
don't works or don't do what im trying to do...)



Re: Python regex

2008-03-13 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On Mar 13, 8:03 pm, Andrew Rekdal wrote:
 I hope posting is ok here for this question...

 I am attempting to extract the text from a CSS comment using 're' such as...

 string = /* CSS comment /*
 exp = [^(/*)].*[^(*/)] 

 p = re.compile(exp)
 q =
 r =

 print r

 CSS comment

 although this works to a degree... I know the within the brackets everything
 is taken literally so the pattern
 I am to negating is (/*). ie. includes the parenthesis.

 So my question is...

 Is there a way to negate a pattern that is more than on character long? eg.
 where rather than saying if forward slash OR astrisk appear..negate.

 I would be saying if parenthesis AND asterisk appear in this order... negate

 -- Andrew

There would be many ways to do this. One:

 import re
 r = re.compile(r'/\*(.*?)\*/')
 tst = '.a { color: 0xAACC66; /* Fav color */ }'
 m =
' Fav color '




This actually works.

2008-03-13 Thread troyj1978
I couldn't believe it. Screw programming Python anymore!

I'm totally serious. This actually works!

It is SO EASY to make money this way. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE can do

You should start seeing returns within a day or two.

Do yourself a favour and at least check it out:


Re: Is there Python equivalent to Perl BEGIN{} block?

2008-03-13 Thread Aahz
Jeff Schwab  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I write maybe a dozen one-liners a day.  It's not practical to do this 
with Python, or at least it's not nearly as convenient as Perl.  

That is a defensible position, but my take is that writing the one-liners
in Python is more convenient than remembering enough Perl to make writing
one-liners useful.  Especially when the one-liners often start expanding.

All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of 
indirection.  --Butler Lampson

Re: Python regex

2008-03-13 Thread Andrew Rekdal

-- Andrew

Arnaud Delobelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
On Mar 13, 8:03 pm, Andrew Rekdal wrote:
 I hope posting is ok here for this question...

 I am attempting to extract the text from a CSS comment using 're' such 

 string = /* CSS comment /*
 exp = [^(/*)].*[^(*/)] 

 p = re.compile(exp)
 q =
 r =

 print r

 CSS comment

 although this works to a degree... I know the within the brackets 
 is taken literally so the pattern
 I am to negating is (/*). ie. includes the parenthesis.

 So my question is...

 Is there a way to negate a pattern that is more than on character long? 
 where rather than saying if forward slash OR astrisk appear..negate.

 I would be saying if parenthesis AND asterisk appear in this order... 

 -- Andrew

There would be many ways to do this. One:

 import re
 r = re.compile(r'/\*(.*?)\*/')
 tst = '.a { color: 0xAACC66; /* Fav color */ }'
 m =
' Fav color '




in your expression above..

 r = re.compile(r'/\*(.*?)\*/')

what does the 'r' do?

-- andrew


Re: This actually works.

2008-03-13 Thread Grant Edwards

 I couldn't believe it. Screw programming Python anymore!


I guess you've got to give the wanker credit for actually
mention Python programming. :)



Re: Python regex

2008-03-13 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On Mar 13, 8:22 pm, Andrew Rekdal wrote:
 in your expression above..

  r = re.compile(r'/\*(.*?)\*/')

 what does the 'r' do?

It means the literal is a 'raw string' :

 print 'Hi\nthere!'
 print r'Hi\nthere!'

If you haven't done so already, I suggest reading the tutorial.  Here
is a link to the relevant section on strings:



Re: how to pass the workspace ?

2008-03-13 Thread Stef Mientki
Gary Herron wrote:
 Stef Mientki wrote:

 I've GUI tree with drag and drop nodes,
 where each nodes contains a code snippet.
 Now I want to run one or more branches in that tree,
 so I enumerate over the nodes and have to run something like this:

 execfile ( node1 )
 execfile ( node2 )

 Now how do I pass the workspace created in node1, to node 2, etc ?

 Stef Mientki

 RTFM!  In particular:
thanks Gary, I read that,
but sorry, unfortunately I don't understand it,
this is what I tried:

  tree_globs = {}
  tree_locals = {}
  tree_globs [ 'NewVar' ] = 24
  filename = self.Get_Editor_Filename (nodename)
  execfile ( filename, tree_globs, tree_locals )
  print dir ( tree_globs)
  print dir ( tree_locals )

where the code in the executed file is:

beer = 'testje'
print dir()
print dir (globals)
print dir (locals)

the output I get is:



['__call__', '__class__', '__cmp__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', 
'__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__name__', 
'__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__self__', 
'__setattr__', '__str__']

['__call__', '__class__', '__cmp__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', 
'__getattribute__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__name__', 
'__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__self__', 
'__setattr__', '__str__']

['__class__', '__cmp__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', '__delitem__', 
'__doc__', '__eq__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', 
'__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__le__', '__len__', 
'__lt__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', 
'__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__str__', 'clear', 'copy', 
'fromkeys', 'get', 'has_key', 'items', 'iteritems', 'iterkeys', 
'itervalues', 'keys', 'pop', 'popitem', 'setdefault', 'update', 'values']

['__class__', '__cmp__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', '__delitem__', 
'__doc__', '__eq__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', 
'__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__le__', '__len__', 
'__lt__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', 
'__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__str__', 'clear', 'copy', 
'fromkeys', 'get', 'has_key', 'items', 'iteritems', 'iterkeys', 
'itervalues', 'keys', 'pop', 'popitem', 'setdefault', 'update', 'values']

The result of globals and locals in the file is eaxctly the same and 
none of them mentions 'NewVar' and 'beer'
The result of tree_globs and tree_locals is exactly the same and both 
doesn't contain 'NewVar' and 'beer'
Maybe it's very simple after reading the manual,
but apperently I'm missing the essential clue.
What am I missing ?

Stef Mientki

Update pytz timezone definitions

2008-03-13 Thread _robby
I am looking at using pytz in a scheduling application which will be
used internationally. I would like to be able to update the definition
files that pytz uses monthly or bi-monthly.

As far as I can tell, pytz seems to be updated (fairly) regularly to
the newest tzdata, but I don't want to have to update my pytz, just
it's definitions. says that pytz compiles tz
source into Python. Does this mean that there is already a method for
updating the definitions?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, even if it is to point out
something obvious which I over looked.

- Robby

Re: subprocess.Popen pipeline bug?

2008-03-13 Thread Marko Rauhamaa

 Not sure. I think what's happening is that the second cat subprocess
 never gets EOF on its stdin, because there are still processes with an
 open file descriptor for the other end of the pipe.

You are right. However, the close_fds technique seems a bit
heavy-handed. Well, that's what you get when you try to combine fork and
exec into a single call.


Marko Rauhamaa  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Python-PHP bridge?

2008-03-13 Thread erikcw
Hi all,

I'm starting to translate a large legacy php app to python (django),
and was wondering if anyone knew of a bridge between the 2 languages.
(access php objects from python and vice versa).

Some of the solutions I've come across so far include using php's
passthru() ( ) and pyphp.

passthru():  I'm concerned about the potential performance hit of all
these system calls.  Isn't this the equivalent of a CGI app?

pyphp:  Seems closer to what I'm looking for, but I haven't been able
to get the examples working yet.  Maybe it is to alpha?

If anyone has any experience with these tools or others and can share
some advice, I'd appreciate it!


Re: List mutation method gotcha - How well known?

2008-03-13 Thread John Machin
On Mar 14, 6:13 am, Arnaud Delobelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mar 13, 10:42 am, Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  By Python convention, methods that mutate the object return None, and
  also stuff that returns None doesn't generate output at the
  interactive prompt.

 A convention that does not always hold:

  l = [1, 2, 3]
 [1, 2]

Try this then for the convention: Any function/method that is not
documented to return something else should be assumed to return None.
Note: no nexus with whether or not the function/method mutates its

  1   2   >