ANN: Assembly Line 0.5

2008-05-08 Thread Greg Ewing

I've uploaded a new version of my PyWeek 6 game, Assembly Line.

As a potential Pyggy entry, I'm keen to get some testing and feedback on it.

This version is greatly expanded. Some of the new features include:

* More machine types and enhanced machine functionality
* Simulation of a market that's buying your products
* Multiple factories
* Extensive reports showing what's going on with sales and finances
* Sales and profit targets to aim for, and salary raises to seek after

Note that not all the products and machines are available at once now. The new 
machines will become available as the game progresses (about one every two 
months of game time) and you need to spend money to research new products.

I still haven't done much playtesting or balancing -- I've verified that the 
Phunky Phrisbee, Mojo Mallet and Supa Slice can be manufactured and sold at a 
profit, but I don't know about the others yet.


   Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] Leipzig Python User Group - Meeting, May 13, 2008, 08:00pm

2008-05-08 Thread Mike Müller

=== Leipzig Python User Group ===

We will meet on Tuesday, May 13 at 8:00 pm at the training
center of Python Academy in Leipzig, Germany
( ).

Christian Theune will give a talk about Grok ( ).

Food and soft drinks are provided. Please send a short
confirmation mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], so we can prepare

Everybody who uses Python, plans to do so or is interested in
learning more about the language is encouraged to participate.

While the meeting language will be mainly German, we will provide
English translation if needed.

Current information about the meetings are at .


== Leipzig Python User Group ===

Wir treffen uns am Dienstag, 13.05.2008 um 20:00 Uhr
im Schulungszentrum der Python Academy in Leipzig
( ).

Christian Theune wird einen Vortrag über Grok ( ) 

Für das leibliche Wohl wird gesorgt. Eine Anmeldung unter
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wäre nett, damit wir genug Essen
besorgen können.

Willkommen ist jeder, der Interesse an Python hat, die Sprache
bereits nutzt oder nutzen möchte.

Aktuelle Informationen zu den Treffen sind unter zu finden.

Viele Grüße


   Support the Python Software Foundation:

REMINDER: Python Sprint Weekend This Weekend!

2008-05-08 Thread Trent Nelson
Just a friendly reminder that this weekend is the Python sprint weekend!  Look 
forward to seeing everyone on #python-dev over the course of 
the weekend!


On 16 Apr, 18:52, Trent Nelson wrote:

Following on from the success of previous sprint/bugfix weekends and
sprinting efforts at PyCon 2008, I'd like to propose the next two
Global Python Sprint Weekends, taking place on the following dates:

* May 10th-11th (four days after 2.6a3 and 3.0a5 are released)
* June 21st-22nd (~week before 2.6b2 and 3.0b2 are released)

It seems there are a few of the Python User Groups keen on meeting
up in person and sprinting collaboratively, akin to PyCon, which I
highly recommend.  I'd like to nominate Saturday across the board
as the day for PUGs to meet up in person, with Sunday geared more
towards an online collaboration day via IRC, where we can take care
of all the little things that got in our way of coding on Saturday
(like finalising/preparing/reviewing patches, updating tracker and
documentation, writing tests ;-).

For User Groups that are planning on meeting up to collaborate,
please reply to this thread on [EMAIL PROTECTED] and let every-
one know your intentions!

As is commonly the case, #python-dev on will be
the place to be over the course of each sprint weekend; a large
proportion of Python developers with commit access will be present,
increasing the amount of eyes available to review and apply patches.

For those that have an idea on areas they'd like to sprint on and
want to look for other developers to rope in (or just to communicate
plans in advance), please also feel free to jump on this thread via
python-dev@ and indicate your intentions.

For those that haven't the foggiest on what to work on, but would
like to contribute, the bugs tracker at is
the best place to start.  Register an account and start searching
for issues that you'd be able to lend a hand with.

All contributors that submit code patches or documentation updates
will typically get listed in Misc/ACKS.txt; come September when the
final release of 2.6 and 3.0 come about, you'll be able to point at
the tarball or .msi and exclaim loudly ``I helped build that!'',
and actually back it up with hard evidence ;-)

Bring on the pizza and Red Bull!


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Python Bootcamp at Big Nerd Ranch

2008-05-08 Thread David Beazley

It's just a flesh wound!  - Student Review

Just a quick reminder that it's not too late to register for my upcoming Python 
course at Big Nerd Ranch, June 9 - 13 in Atlanta, GA.

This class is an intense hands-on introduction to Python and its standard 
libraries.  Even 
if you've used Python before, this class may have a lot to offer as it is fully 
with modern Python features.

The above web site has more information, but feel free to contact me personally 
for more 
details about the class.

David Beazley
(Course Instructor)


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Plotdb fiction writer's database.

2008-05-08 Thread David May
I am pleased to announce the availability of an application developed to 
aid fiction writers on Linux.  It is called plotdb, the plot database.  It 
is designed to help track all the components of a story, including 
characters, objects, concepts and locations, and to attach them to 
chapters and scenes in a way that facilitates the story-writing component 
of authoring.  I wrote this application to scratch an itch I had for free 
(as in beer and as in freedom) novel writing software for Linux.

The pure python version of plotdb is v.0.3.  This sounds extremely low, 
like pre-alpha, but the application began existence in the early fall of 
2007 using a different database engine.  Recently, I decided to move to 
sqlite as the database back end, which is supported as a native module in 
python 2.5.x.  The first release of the version written in pure python was 
dated 4/30/2008.

I have used the original version of this software extensively since it's 
initial incarnation in August of 2007.  I have used this pure python 
version since I ported it to sqlite.  There is no real difference that I 
can see in the two versions, except the pure python version is easier to 
maintain, albeit slightly slower.  I would consider this beta quality 
software, tested somewhat in real usage but not full production yet.  I am 
currently writing a novel and use this software daily for that purpose.

I, David May, am the sole party of blame in the production of this 
application.  It was conceived and written by me from scratch.  You can 
get plotdb with my compliments at:

plotdb is released under GPL v.2.  I am willing, as time permits, to 
incorporate changes made by users into the application.  I am particularly 
interested in portability changes that allow plotdb to be used on Windows 
or Mac, since I use Linux almost exclusively.  You can contact me at

dmay at cnm dot edu

If this is not the correct forum to announce this software, please accept 
my apologies in advance.  And thanks in advance for any direction anyone 
can provide on where else this should be posted to capture the largest 
audience of interest.  I do not lurk this list, so please respond to my 
email as well as (or in lieu of) posting to the list.

Kind regards,

David F. May

   Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: The Importance of Terminology's Quality

2008-05-08 Thread J�rgen Exner
George Neuner gneuner2/@/ wrote:
On Wed, 7 May 2008 16:13:36 -0700 (PDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 +---+ .:\:\:/:/:.
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   \/|  |\|   __\,,\ /,,/__
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The del statement

2008-05-08 Thread George Sakkis
One of the few Python constructs that feels less elegant than
necessary to me is the del statement. For one thing, it is overloaded
to mean three different things:
(1) del x: Remove x from the current namespace
(2) del x[i]: Equivalent to x.__delitem__(i)
(3) del x.a: Equivalent to x.__delattr__('a') (or delattr(x,'a'))

(1) is useful, or even necessary, at least as long as there are only
two namespaces (local and global) instead of a separate namespace per
block, so that's ok for now. The other two though, don't justify IMO a
separate statement.

I would strongly prefer (2) to be implemented by a normal method
instead of a special syntax and method. See the inconsistency:
s = ['a', 'b']
del s[0]

Likewise for dicts. Why not s.del(0) ? And just in case someone argues
for the same reason we have __getitem__ and __setitem__, it is not
the same; the syntax for get/set (s[0], s[0] = 'a') doesn't introduce
a new keyword (or overload an existing one), it is pretty intuitive
and used across many languages. As for (3), it is pretty uncommon to
deserve its own syntax; delattr() or directly modifying self.__dict__
are good enough.

I understand that no more proposals are accepted for Python 3 but it
looks like a missed opportunity to make the language a bit simpler and
more consistent. Anyone else have an opinion on this?


Re: The del statement

2008-05-08 Thread Arnaud Delobelle

George Sakkis wrote:
 One of the few Python constructs that feels less elegant than
 necessary to me is the del statement. For one thing, it is overloaded
 to mean three different things:
 (1) del x: Remove x from the current namespace
 (2) del x[i]: Equivalent to x.__delitem__(i)
 (3) del x.a: Equivalent to x.__delattr__('a') (or delattr(x,'a'))

Note that the 'X = Y' construct has the corresponding three meanings:

(1) x = 4 # Bind x to 4 in the 'current namespace'
(2) x[i] = 4 # equivalent to x.__setitem__(i, 4)
(3) x.a = 4 # Equivalent to x.__setattr__('a', 4)

What conclusion should we draw from that?


Re: Am I missing something with Python not having interfaces?

2008-05-08 Thread Daniel Marcel Eichler
Am Mittwoch 07 Mai 2008 22:39:30 schrieb Luis Zarrabeitia:

 There you have it, interfaces are not enough to ensure that the
 implementors actually implement the methods. They are useful for
 warning at compile time if there is a missing method, but nothing

It's not the fault of the enviroment, if the coder is to stupid to use 
it the right way.

 I believe you could achieve a very similar warning in python 
 using some kind of Interface metaclass (too lazy right now to hack a
 proof of concept, but it looks doable).

Of course. And unlike Javas interfaces, it ensure a more dynamic 
coding-style, without great tools which check all the time for correct 

python newbie: some surprises

2008-05-08 Thread v4vijayakumar
When I started coding in python, these two things surprised me.

1. my code is inconsistently indented with the combination of tabs and
spaces. Even lines looked intended, but it is not.

2. python requires to pass self to all instance methods

and I missed : often. :)

Re: strftime() argument 1 must be str, not unicode

2008-05-08 Thread Tim Roberts
Andrii V. Mishkovskyi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

2008/5/7 Alexandr N Zamaraev [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Subj is bag?

  Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Feb 21 2008, 13:11:45) [MSC v.1310 32 bit
 (Intel)] on win32
  Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
   from datetime import datetime'%Y_%m_%d %H_%M_%S.csv')
  '2008_05_07 12_30_22.csv''%Y_%m_%d %H_%M_%S.csv')
  Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
  TypeError: strftime() argument 1 must be str, not unicode

Unicode and str objects are not the same. Why do you think that this
is a bug?

I think that's a perfectly reasonable thing to expect.  At the risk of
over-generalization, there is no good reason why, by this point in time,
all of the standard library routines that accept strings shouldn't also
accept Unicode strings.

It's the duck typing principle.  Unicode strings look, walk, and talk like
regular strings.  An error like this is not intuitive.
Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

How to gather information about the system hardware?

2008-05-08 Thread Florencio Cano
I'm looking for a method of gathering information about the system
hardware and software installed using Python. I would like to do it in
UNIX and in Windows. I think that it would be good in Windows to look
in the registry and be able to parse and search it. Any pointer to
information would be appreciated.

Re: Am I missing something with Python not having interfaces?

2008-05-08 Thread Daniel Marcel Eichler
Am Donnerstag 08 Mai 2008 00:12:26 schrieb 

 very often sees do-nothing catch-all try/catch blocks in Java - which
 is way worse than just letting the exception propagate. I find all
 this totally pointless, because there's just no way for a compiler to
 check if your code is logically correct.

But it's enough if the called method exists and returns the correct 
type. At least it prevents a crash.

  Interfaces work at
  compile-time, while method-stubs raise at their first call, so in
  worst case, never.
 And then ? If it's never called, why bother implementing it ?

You never can't say when it's called at least, that's the point. 

  That's the point. Interfaces garantee that a duck is a duck, an not
  only a chicken that quack.
 Who cares if it's a chicken as long as it quacks when you ask her to
 ? Now *This* is the whole point of chicken^Mduck typing, isn't it ?-)

Ducks can also swim and fly. And if you need a really duck, but have 
onyl a chicken while the coder was to bored to make one...

Of course, in the practical world that all doesn't  matter. But in the 
theoretical world of the big coding farms, called business, that's one 
cornerstone of success, in the tinking of managers and so.

Re: python newbie: some surprises

2008-05-08 Thread Martin P. Hellwig

v4vijayakumar wrote:

When I started coding in python, these two things surprised me.

1. my code is inconsistently indented with the combination of tabs and
spaces. Even lines looked intended, but it is not.

Even the standard editor Idle tries to guess the intendation, so this 
was never a problem for me. Though these days I use PyDev a lot.

2. python requires to pass self to all instance methods
A lot of editors help you with these 'unnecessary' things by 
auto-completion might be worth looking into one.

and I missed : often. :)

Still do after 5 years of python abuse :-)


Problems with os.walk

2008-05-08 Thread Dominique.Holzwarth
Hi everyone

The following code:

scriptPath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
(dirpath, dirnames, filenames) = os.walk(scriptPath)
print 'dirpath\n'
print dirpath
print 'dirnames\n'
print 'filenames\n'

Fails on the os.walk call with the following error:

(dirpath, dirnames, filenames) = os.walk(scriptPath)
ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack

Any ideas what could be wrong?

Thx  greetings

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Re: What is the purpose of ptyhon in Windows

2008-05-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On May 7, 9:35 pm, Max Erickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 WolfgangZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
  hi All,

  At least I'm living in a free country and nobody forces me to
  learn python. So I don't fully understand why you HAVE TO learn
  it. When your problems can be solved in a different programming
  language than you should be free to use whatever you like. And
  also why should it be forbidden to create a new programming
  language? Diversity and competition is usually not bad.


 I imagine that there is some English as a second language getting
 involved and the intent of the question was more like What is
 python useful for on Windows?, which has pretty much the same
 meaning but is open to a slightly friendlier interpretation(i.e.,
 tell me how I can use python instead of tell me why I should use

 The other question might be more like I already know VBS, what do I
 gain by learning python?.

 (the answers could be lots of things, including full applications
 and among other things, you can use it on other platforms, and you
 might prefer the syntax.)


thanks to all,
Can you all forward me some sites where there may examples of work
done on Python and that which I amy bring into some application

Re: DISLIN 9.3 stuck

2008-05-08 Thread michels
On 8 Mai, 02:55, adolfo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 1- The strange thing is that I went to thedislindirectory in the C:
 drive and there was no disli.pyd file anywhere. I found the file in
 the My Documents subdirectory where I had originally unzipped 
 thedislinarchived files I downloaded and from where I run the setup.

The name of the Dislin module for Python 2.5 is dislin.pyd, not
disli.pyd. It's
copied by the setup program to the directory c:\dislin\python if you
have choosed
the default installation directory c:\dislin.

  you should set environment variableDISLINtoo
  (see python.inf, which you can find in thedislin-distribution)

 2 - Well I have followed theDISLIN9.3 inf file for Python 2.5.2 for
 Windows. It contains commands for a unix command line unzip -o setup first and then...  and then:

  Windows 98/ME

 Add the following commands to the autoexec.bat file

 SET PYTHONPATH=c:\dislin\python

  Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista

 The environment variables can be set or modified with the
 Control Panel
 (see - Control Panel - System - Advanced - Environment

  *** I have followed all these directions butDISLINstill does not
 shop up as a module when making the Python calls.

The environment variable for Python is PYTHONPATH without any blanks.
You can check
the variable with the command 'echo %PYTHONPATH%' at a command prompt.



Re: anagram finder / dict mapping question

2008-05-08 Thread Kam-Hung Soh
On Thu, 08 May 2008 15:42:07 +1000, dave [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

This is what i've came up with.  My problem is that I can't get them to  
properly evaluate.. when  comparewords() runs it finds itself...  Should  
I have the keys of mapdict iterate over itself?  Is that possible?

def annafind():
fin = open('text.txt')  # file has one word per line
mapdic = {} # each word gets sorted  goes in here
for line in fin:
rawword = line.strip()
word = list(rawword)
mapdic[''.join(word)] = 0
return mapdic

def comparewords(): ***not working as intended
fin = open('text.txt')
for line in fin:
line = line.strip()
word = list(line)
sortedword = (''.join(word))
if sortedword in mapdic:
print line

On 2008-05-07 19:25:53 -0600, Kam-Hung Soh [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

On Thu, 08 May 2008 11:02:12 +1000, dave [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi All,
 I wrote a program that takes a string sequence and finds all the words

inside a text file (one word per line) and prints them:
 def anagfind(letters): #find anagrams of these letters
fin = open('text.txt')  #one word per line file
wordbox = [] #this is where the words will go
for line in fin:
word = line.strip()
count = 0
for char in letters:
if char not in word:
count += 1
if count == len(word):
return wordbox
 Now I'd like to modify the code to naturally find all anagrams inside


wordlist.  What would be the best way to do this?  Using Hints?  Is it

possible to iterate over dict keys?  How can I make a dict that maps

from a set of letters to a list of words that are spelled from those

letters?  Wouldn't I need to make the set of letters a key in a dict?
 As always - Thanks for helping someone trying to learn...

 Suggestion: for each word, sort their characters and use them as the
dictionary key.  If two words have the same combination of characters,
then they are anagrams.  For example: edam and made are anagrams
because they have the letters 'a', 'd', 'e' and 'm'.
 Refer Programming Pearls by Jon Bentley.
Kam-Hung Soh a href=;Software Salariman/  

Your code is always going to return the same list because every word is an  
anagram of itself.

Tip: Create a list for each dictionary key, then add a word to the list if  
that word is not in the list.  So:

mapdic('adem') -- [edam, made]

P.S. When replying, the convention is to add your response to the bottom,  
not top of the message.

Kam-Hung Soh a href=;Software Salariman/a

Re: strftime() argument 1 must be str, not unicode

2008-05-08 Thread Alexandr N Zamaraev

Tim Roberts wrote:
 I think that's a perfectly reasonable thing to expect.  At the risk of
 over-generalization, there is no good reason why, by this point in time,
 all of the standard library routines that accept strings shouldn't also
 accept Unicode strings.
However, file(fname), open(fname), os .*, os.path .*, 
time.strftime(format) take unicode parameters.


Re: strftime() argument 1 must be str, not unicode

2008-05-08 Thread Andrii V. Mishkovskyi
2008/5/8 Tim Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Andrii V. Mishkovskyi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  2008/5/7 Alexandr N Zamaraev [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Subj is bag?
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Feb 21 2008, 13:11:45) [MSC v.1310 32 bit
   (Intel)] on win32
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 from datetime import datetime'%Y_%m_%d %H_%M_%S.csv')
'2008_05_07 12_30_22.csv''%Y_%m_%d %H_%M_%S.csv')
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: strftime() argument 1 must be str, not unicode

 Unicode and str objects are not the same. Why do you think that this
  is a bug?

  I think that's a perfectly reasonable thing to expect.  At the risk of
  over-generalization, there is no good reason why, by this point in time,
  all of the standard library routines that accept strings shouldn't also
  accept Unicode strings.

  It's the duck typing principle.  Unicode strings look, walk, and talk like
  regular strings.  An error like this is not intuitive.

On a second thought -- both of you (you and Alexander) are right. I
changed mind and posted a bug on Roundup already (bug #2782).

  Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.


Wbr, Andrii Mishkovskyi.

He's got a heart of a little child, and he keeps it in a jar on his desk.

POP connection timeout.

2008-05-08 Thread Aspersieman

Hi All

I am have written an application that queries a POP mailbox and 
downloads messages. When the application tries to connect to the mail 
server, but takes too long (eg. longer than 60 seconds) I want to have 
it time out.

Something like

   pop = poplib.POP3(POPHOST, POPPORT)
except someerror, err:
   print Connecting to mail box has timed out:\n, err

I know that in python 2.5 I could pass an additional timeout parameter 
to the above statement ( ie: pop = poplib.POP3(POPHOST, POPPORT, 
TIMEOUTINSECONDS), but I am using python 2.4.

Can anyone help me implement this timeout functionality.



The three things to remember about Llamas:
1) They are harmless
2) They are deadly
3) They are made of lava, and thus nice to cuddle. 


Re: The del statement

2008-05-08 Thread Duncan Booth
Arnaud Delobelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 George Sakkis wrote:
 One of the few Python constructs that feels less elegant than
 necessary to me is the del statement. For one thing, it is overloaded
 to mean three different things:
 (1) del x: Remove x from the current namespace
 (2) del x[i]: Equivalent to x.__delitem__(i)
 (3) del x.a: Equivalent to x.__delattr__('a') (or delattr(x,'a'))
 Note that the 'X = Y' construct has the corresponding three meanings:
 (1) x = 4 # Bind x to 4 in the 'current namespace'
 (2) x[i] = 4 # equivalent to x.__setitem__(i, 4)
 (3) x.a = 4 # Equivalent to x.__setattr__('a', 4)

I think you both missed a case:

  (1b) global x; del x# Remove x from global namespace
  (1b) global x; x = 4# Bind x to 4 in the global namespace

 What conclusion should we draw from that?

That Python is simple and consistent.

Re: The Importance of Terminology's Quality

2008-05-08 Thread John Thingstad
På Thu, 08 May 2008 04:14:35 +0200, skrev Kyle McGivney  

• Module, Block, in Mathematica is in lisp's various “let*”. The
lisp's keywords “let”, is based on the English word “let”. That word
is one of the English word with multitudes of meanings. If you look up
its definition in a dictionary, you'll see that it means many
disparate things. One of them, as in “let's go”, has the meaning of
“permit; to cause to; allow”. This meaning is rather vague from a
mathematical sense. Mathematica's choice of Module, Block, is based on
the idea that it builds a self-contained segment of code. (however,
the choice of Block as keyword here isn't perfect, since the word also
has meanings like “obstruct; jam”)

If the purpose of let is to introduce one or more variable bindings,
then I don't see how changing to block or module would improve
anything. I've always found it fairly intuitive to parse (let ((x
5)) ...) to let x be five. Additionally, replacing let with the
synonyms you provided would approximately yield permit x to be five
or allow x to be five. In my mind you have constructed an argument
in favor of let here (obviously it's better than block, because
nobody's going to come along and be confused about whether let will
obstruct or jam them :)

How about bind?
 (bind ((v f (mod i)) ((a b) list) (t (rem q)))

1. is a multiple-value-bind
2. is a destructuring-bind
3. is a let

To me this is a example of where the ANSI group could have spent more time  
on naming.

John Thingstad

Re: explain this function to me, lambda confusion

2008-05-08 Thread Duncan Booth

 Here is a simple lambda that implements an exclusive or:
 def XOR(x,y) :
   return lambda : ( ( x ) and not ( y ) ) or ( not ( x ) and ( y ) 
 (Because of the resemblance to C macros, I have been cautious and
 written the lambda with lots of parentheses.)
 To use this in later code, we define instances of the lambda with
 specific function arguments.
 topping = XOR( cream, icecream)
 sauce = XOR( tomato, BBQ )
 We now have two ­øfunctions­ñ, topping() and sauce() which we can use
 later to test flags.
 cream = True
 icecream = False
 print topping()

No, no, no, no, no!

You have got it entirely wrong here. Your XOR function simply returns a 
function which gives you the result of xoring the parameters AT THE TIME 
WHEN YOU ORIGINALLY CREATED IT. I'm guessing that you had already set 
cream and icecream (otherwise the call to XOR would have thrown an 
exception) and at leas one was true. Try setting them both False at the 

 cream = False
 icecream = False
 topping = XOR( cream, icecream)
 cream = True
 icecream = False
 print topping()

Using a lambda was a completely pointless exercise here, you could have 
just returned the result directly:

 def XOR(x,y):
return x^y

 topping = XOR(cream, icecream)
 print topping

Same thing for your TFF function:

def TFF(x,y,z) :
  return x and not y and not z

AddOnly = TFF( options.AddAction, options.ReplaceAction,
options.DeleteAction )
DeleteOnly = TFF( options.DeleteAction, options.AddAction,
options.ReplaceAction )
ReplaceOnly = TFF( options.ReplaceAction, options.AddAction,
options.DeleteAction )

if not (DeleteOnly or AddOnly or ReplaceOnly):
  print Error:  Exactly one of  [ --add | --replace | --delete ]

which boils down to:

if (options.AddAction + options.ReplaceAction +
options.DeleteAction) != 1:
print Error: ...

Re: The Importance of Terminology's Quality

2008-05-08 Thread kodifik

          |   PLEASE DO NOT   |            :.:\:\:/:/:.:
          |  FEED THE TROLLS  |           :=.' -   - '.=:

I don't think Xah is trolling here (contrary to his/her habit)
but posing an interesting matter of discussion.

Don't know to which point it fits, but I would like to do some rather
novel comment on operator naming:
As a non native english speaker, the first time I ever encountered the
word if was when learning to program. The same can be said of the
other words (for, then, else...) This caused my brain to adscribe them
meanings completely outside the context of everyday language. My point
is that perhaps this is advantageous. So, contrary to tradition (which
considers a desirable goal to write programs as close as possible to
everyday english), I found convenient that programming languages use
words different from the words of my native tongue. I suspect that is
why car and cdr have caught on vs. first end rest.

Re: Problems with os.walk

2008-05-08 Thread Hrvoje Niksic

 (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) = os.walk(scriptPath)

You're supposed to loop over values in different directories, like

for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(scriptPath):
... handle dirpath with dirnames and filenames ...

The loop will be executed for each subdirectory (direct and indirect)
of scriptPath.

Re: How to gather information about the system hardware?

2008-05-08 Thread s0suk3
On May 8, 2:14 am, Florencio Cano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm looking for a method of gathering information about the system
 hardware and software installed using Python. I would like to do it in
 UNIX and in Windows. I think that it would be good in Windows to look
 in the registry and be able to parse and search it. Any pointer to
 information would be appreciated.

The 'platform' module gives a lot of information about the hardware
and OS. To access the Windows Registry, you can use the '_winreg'

Re: The del statement

2008-05-08 Thread Arnaud Delobelle

Duncan Booth wrote:
 Arnaud Delobelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  George Sakkis wrote:
  One of the few Python constructs that feels less elegant than
  necessary to me is the del statement. For one thing, it is overloaded
  to mean three different things:
  (1) del x: Remove x from the current namespace
  (2) del x[i]: Equivalent to x.__delitem__(i)
  (3) del x.a: Equivalent to x.__delattr__('a') (or delattr(x,'a'))
  Note that the 'X = Y' construct has the corresponding three meanings:
  (1) x = 4 # Bind x to 4 in the 'current namespace'
  (2) x[i] = 4 # equivalent to x.__setitem__(i, 4)
  (3) x.a = 4 # Equivalent to x.__setattr__('a', 4)

 I think you both missed a case:

   (1b) global x; del x# Remove x from global namespace
   (1b) global x; x = 4# Bind x to 4 in the global namespace

This is why you put 'current namespace' in quotes!  But all three of
us missed the case:

(1-3000) What about nonlocal?

 That Python is simple and consistent.

Seems reasonable to me.


Python module for SNMP bindings ?

2008-05-08 Thread Banibrata Dutta

While looking around for Python API's to do SNMP, found the following link
with a high level comparison --

i.e. options seems to be: PySNMP (complete SNMP impl.), SNMPy, yapSNMP
(Net-SNMP bindings).

Of those, yapSNMP seems to be most promising. Any comments ?


Re: Can't drag and drop onto .py in Windows XP?

2008-05-08 Thread Sizer
Roger Upole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in
 Sizer wrote:
 It's just a little weird that I
 can't just drag and drop file names onto .pyw or .py files. Am I
 missing something here?

 Thanks for any help.
 You can register a DropHandler for the Python file class.
 Put this in a .reg file and merge it into the registry:

Sir, you rock! I found that it actually worked a little better if I used 
a generic wsh drop handler instead of the .exe handler, but I would never 
have known where to start looking without your suggestion. I ended up 
with the following .reg file, and now I can drag and drop files onto my 
.py, .pyw, and .pyc files and off they go as you'd expect. It kind of 
seems like this should be the default installer behavior unless there's a 
good reason not to do it. Thanks again for your help.





Re: The del statement

2008-05-08 Thread Duncan Booth
Arnaud Delobelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Duncan Booth wrote:
 Arnaud Delobelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  George Sakkis wrote:
  One of the few Python constructs that feels less elegant than
  necessary to me is the del statement. For one thing, it is 
  to mean three different things:
  (1) del x: Remove x from the current namespace
  (2) del x[i]: Equivalent to x.__delitem__(i)
  (3) del x.a: Equivalent to x.__delattr__('a') (or delattr(x,'a'))
  Note that the 'X = Y' construct has the corresponding three 
  (1) x = 4 # Bind x to 4 in the 'current namespace'
  (2) x[i] = 4 # equivalent to x.__setitem__(i, 4)
  (3) x.a = 4 # Equivalent to x.__setattr__('a', 4)

 I think you both missed a case:

   (1b) global x; del x# Remove x from global namespace
   (1b) global x; x = 4# Bind x to 4 in the global namespace
 This is why you put 'current namespace' in quotes!  But all three of
 us missed the case:

I'd assumed you were just trying to say that the current namespace might 
be different things: locals or a class namespace. I would say that the 
global statement makes the assign/del refer to a non-current namespace.

 (1-3000) What about nonlocal?

What about nonlocal? You can't (in Python 2.x) assign or del a name from 
an enclosing scope if that's what you mean. If that isn't what you mean 
then you'll have to explain it to me in simpler terms.


Re: how to use subprocess.Popen execute find in windows

2008-05-08 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Wed, 07 May 2008 23:29:58 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

 On 5月7日, 上午9时45分, Justin Ezequiel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On May 6, 5:19 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  p1 = Popen(['netstat', '-an'], stdout = PIPE)
  p2 = Popen(['find',  '445'], stdin = p1.stdout, stdout = PIPE)

  It doesn't work.
  Because subprocess.Popen execute find like this.

  C:\find \445\

  It adds a '\' before each ''.
  How to remove the '\'?
  Thank you.

 cannot help with the backslashes but try findstr instead of find

 Thank you.
 findstr doesn't need quotes, so it works.

Build the command line yourself -instead of using a list of arguments-. Popen 
doesn't play with the quotes in that case:

p1 = Popen(['netstat', '-an'], stdout = PIPE) # using list
p2 = Popen('find 445', stdin = p1.stdout, stdout = PIPE) # using str
print p2.communicate()[0]

Gabriel Genellina


Re: PHP + TinyButStrong Python replacement

2008-05-08 Thread pistacchio

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

On 7 mai, 16:17, pistacchio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

George Sakkis ha scritto:


What does it matter if it's a single file or a dozen under a package ?
Installation for pure Python packages can be as simple as copying
the package under any directory in your PYTHONPATH.

well, it doesn't matter if it's a single file or a package, but it
_does_ matter if you have to put them under the path where python is
installed because, in a typical shared web hosting environment (such the
one that i use) you don't have access to system directories.

You *never* have to install anything in the default path - install
your python libs wherever you want, and just make sure this wherever
is in your python path (usually via the PYTHONPATH environment

again, in a shared environment, you don't have access to environment 
variables. all you can do is copy files in your own little directory, 
and that's it. this directory is never something like /share/python, but 
something like /home/averagejoe. and /home/averagejoe is not usually in 

Check out Mako (, it's pretty powerful
and fast.

woudl you suggest mako over cheetah?

As far as I'm concerned, I would.  Now if you're looking for a
somewhat barebone MVC framework, you may want to have a look at

i've tried mako. sees to work fine for me, both for its potential and 
for its installation method. in fact i just copied it under my own 

mako stuff

and the following testcase worked well:

from mako.template import Template
mytemplate = Template(hello world!)
print mytemplate.render()

can i do the same with mind that i work under an apache 
environment (mod_python).

now, back to mako. can you provide an example of blocks and nested 
blocks in mako? the documentation doesn't seem to be too clear in this 

for example, if i want to show a table with a list of restaurants 
(gathered from a db query), i can construct a template like this:

% for rest in restaurants:
% endfor

but what if if each restaurant has a list of dishes (pasta, pizza, meat, 
pie) and some (or each) dish has the ingrediets? is it just like 
embedding pure python into the template ( like $(rest['dish'])  and 
$rest['dish']['ingredient']) )?

thanks for you interest

Re: The Importance of Terminology's Quality

2008-05-08 Thread Robert Maas,
 the importance of naming of functions.

I agree, that's a useful consideration in the design of any system
based on keywords, such as names of functions or operators.
(I'm not using keyword in the sense of a symbol in the KEYWORD package.)

 the naming in Mathematica, as Stephen Wolfram implied in his blog
 above, takes the perspective of naming by capturing the essense, or
 mathematical essence, of the keyword in question.

For concepts adapted from mathematics, that naming meta-convention makes sense.
For concepts adapted from data-processing, it's not so clearly good.

 lambda, widely used as a keyword in functional languages, is
 named just Function in Mathematica.

That makes sense, but then what does Mathematica call the special
operator which Common Lisp calls Function? Or is that not provided,
and the programmer must case-by-case handcode what they really mean?
(function foo) == (symbol-function 'foo) ;so FUNCTION not really needed there
(function (lambda (x) (+ x y)) ;y is a lexical variable to be encapsulated
   ; into the resultant closure
How would you do something like that in mathematica?

 Module, Block, in Mathematica is in lisp's various let*
 The lisp's keywords let, is based on the English word let.

No, that's not correct. It's based on the mathematical use of let:
Let R be the complete ordered field of real numbers.
Let S be the subset of R consisting of numbers which satisfy
  equations expressed in transcendental functions with rational
Prove that S is dense in R.
(Yeah, the question is trivial, but I'm just showing how let might be used.)

I see nothing wrong with LET used in that way in Lisp.
Bind would be good too.
I don't like Module or Block at all, because those words convey
nothing about binding some temporary local name to represent some
globally-definable concept, and they actually mis-lead because
module can mean either something like a vector space over a ring,
or a set of functions/methods that serve some small problem domain
within a larger library of functions/methods, or a set of lectures
on a single-topic within a curriculum, while Block sounds more like
just some random consecutive interval of statements rather having
nothing specific to do with bindings. TAGBODY or PROGN would be
more properly called Block perhaps.

 One easy way to confirm this, is taking a keyword and ask a wide
 audience, who doesn't know about the language or even unfamiliar of
 computer programing, to guess what it means.

That is a biassed question because the only options are the words
you choose in advance. Better would be to reverse the question: Ask
random people on the street what they would like to call these
1 You set up a temporary relation between a name and some datum,
   such that all references to that name give you that same datum.
   For example you might set up the name 'n' to temporarily mean 5.
   Fill in the missing word: (word (n 5) say ouch n times)
2 You set up a rule by which one step of data-processing is performed,
   taking input to produce output. For example you set up a rule by
   which the input value is divided by two if it's even but
   multiplied by three and then 1 added if it was odd.
   Fill in the missing word: (word (n) if n even n/2 else 3*n+1)
3 You set up a rule as above, but also give it a permanent name.
   Fill in the missing word: (word collatz (n) if n even n/2 else 3*n+1)
4 You already have a rule that takes two input data and produces one output.
 (oldword foo (x y) absolute value of difference between x and y)
   You now know one of the two inputs, and that info won't change for a while,
   and you hate to keep repeating it. So you want to define a new rule
   that has that one known parameter built-in so that you only have
   to say the *other* parameter each time you use the new rule.
   Fill in the missing newword: (newword foo x is fixed as 3)
So I'd choose words: 1=let 2=lambda 3=defun 4=curry.
What words would a typical man on the street choose instead?

 The name regex has done major hidden damage to the computing industry

I have my own gripe against regular expressions (regex for short).
I hate the extremely terse format, with horrible concoctions of
escape and anti-escape magic characters, to fit within Unix's
255-character limit on command lines, compared to a nicely
s-expression nested notation that would be possible if regex hadn't
entrenched itself so solidly.

Re: pickle problem

2008-05-08 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

 I'm wondering if anyone can help with a workaround for a problem I
 currently have.  I'm trying to set up a prefork tcp server.
 Specifically, I'm setting up a server that forks children and has them
 listen on pipes created with os.pipe().  The parent process for the
 group starts an inet:tcp server on a given port.  In the parent, after
 a socket.accept(), I'm trying to pickle the connection object to
 send over an IPC pipe (as stated previously), but I get the following
 File /usr/lib/python2.4/, line 76, in _reduce_ex
 raise TypeError(a class that defines __slots__ without 
 TypeError: a class that defines __slots__ without defining
 __getstate__ cannot be pickled
 Does anyone know of a workaround for this?  Maybe my approach to this
 is wrong?  Any help would be appreciated.

The error-message is pretty clear I'd say. You use slots - so you are
responsible yourself for implementing the pickling-protocol using
__getstate__ and __setstate__. Looking at the pickle-docs should give you
an idea.

But the really easy solution is: do not use slots. They are intended as
memory-consumption optimization technique, *not* as I want to declare my
attributes explicitly-mechanism. So - get rid of them and be a happy


Re: The Importance of Terminology's Quality

2008-05-08 Thread Lew


 |   PLEASE DO NOT   |:.:\:\:/:/:.:
 |  FEED THE TROLLS  |   :=.' -   - '.=:

I don't think Xah is trolling here (contrary to his/her habit)
but posing an interesting matter of discussion.

Interesting is in the eye of the beholder.  After you'd read the same recycled 
crud from certain posters again and again, it because trollish spam.


Re: The Importance of Terminology's Quality

2008-05-08 Thread Lew

Robert Maas, wrote:

I have my own gripe against regular expressions (regex for short).
I hate the extremely terse format, with horrible concoctions of
escape and anti-escape magic characters, to fit within Unix's
255-character limit on command lines, compared to a nicely
s-expression nested notation that would be possible if regex hadn't
entrenched itself so solidly.

This is all very interesting, but not Java.


Re: Newbie to python --- why should i learn !

2008-05-08 Thread A.T.Hofkamp

 i was reading/learning some hello world program in python.
 I think its very simillar to Java/C++/C#. What's different (except
 syntax) ?

Yes, and all programs that people write typically look like the hello world
Look at some real-world programs for a comparison, for example the Python

 what can i do easily with python which is not easy in c++/java !?

- be productive in programming, rather than hassling with declaring all kind of
  stuff first.

- skip compile step.

On the other hand, if you typically write hello world programs, don't bother.
You won't see the difference.


Re: Am I missing something with Python not having interfaces?

2008-05-08 Thread J. Clifford Dyer
On Thu, 2008-05-08 at 09:12 +0200, Daniel Marcel Eichler wrote:
 Am Mittwoch 07 Mai 2008 21:48:56 schrieben Sie:
   That's the point. Interfaces garantee that a duck is a duck, an not
   only a chicken that quack.
  Which, in spite of your rhetorical flourish, is the exact opposite of
  duck typing.  Duck typing means that if you're looking for quacking
  behavior, and you find a quacking chicken, it's close enough.
 I didn't said that interfaces are a kind of duck-typing. In fact it was 
 the exact opposite.
  Sometimes you need that kind of rigor, and you can get it as easily
 And sometimes you need more. So what?

More rigor than Zope's interfaces offer?  That's new information to me.
Perhaps you should stop being argumentative for a moment, and explain
exactly what it is you're looking for and why Zope interfaces don't fit
the bill.


Re: PHP + TinyButStrong Python replacement

2008-05-08 Thread Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven
-On [20080507 15:06], Mike Driscoll ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

Add the following to that list:

I think Jinja and Mako are currently two of the fastest around.

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven asmodai(-at-) / asmodai
イェルーン ラウフロック ヴァン デル ウェルヴェン | | GPG: 2EAC625B
If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind..?

Re: Newbie to python --- why should i learn !

2008-05-08 Thread s0suk3

 i was reading/learning some hello world program in python.
 I think its very simillar to Java/C++/C#. What's different (except
 syntax) ?

 what can i do easily with python which is not easy in c++/java !?

Are you a newbie to Python, or to programming in general? I'll assume
you are a newbie to programming in general because of that last
question you asked. Things in Python are easier than in almost any
other programming language. Here are three Hello World programs:

#include iostream.h

cout  Hello World!;
return 0;

class HW {
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println(Hello World!);

print Hello World!

I have no idea!

I think you can clearly see which one is easiest. Of course, that
doesn't mean that the easiest language is always the best
language, although it is a strong point. But ease of use is just a one-
in-a-million characteristic of Python. If you're a total beginner, I'd
recommend you learning the one that attracts you the most.

Urgent opening for Engineer (Open Source Technologies)

2008-05-08 Thread ranjan
Hi,This is regarding an opening for software Engineer(Open Source
The opening is with our client for their Noida branch.They are working
on various platforms like Microsoft,Open Source Technology.
The designation will be of software engineer/senior software engineer.
Skillset Required will be Plone,experience in development
 implementation of applications using Python  open source
Experience : 2-3 years
Qualification : BE/B.Tech/MCA/PGDCA or equivalent.
If you are interested you can forward your CV on this mail id
[EMAIL PROTECTED] as early as possible.

Re: Newbie to python --- why should i learn !

2008-05-08 Thread pistacchio

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:


i was reading/learning some hello world program in python.
I think its very simillar to Java/C++/C#. What's different (except
syntax) ?

well, it's similar in the sense that it is a programming language. So 
you can say that assembly is similar to BASIC, but that both are 
different from finnish, but from a programmer's point of view, they're 
all rather different languages.

what can i do easily with python which is not easy in c++/java !?

generally speaking python is said to be easier to pick up for a pletora 
of reasons. technically speaking, it is not, for example, strongly 
typed, nor it forces you to use a programming paradigm like object 
oriented programming.
This means that if you just want to see your name printed on the screen 
you can simply write:

print raxit

and get the work done. to understand it you just have to understand some 
basics like what is a string and what is a statement.

in java, for example, it would look like:

public class HelloWorld {
 public static void main(String[] args) {

in short, to obtain the same result (limited to this case) you have to 
write 650% more code and you're forced to know what is a class, what 
namespace means, what is a function (and arguments) and what are methods 
and the dot notation and an array. not that you won't encounter all of 
them learning python, but you're presented with all of them, all at 
once, in the moment where you just want to write the simplest program. 
that's why a typical java beginner's guide starts with ditto examples 
and adds: ignore everything for the moment. i hate when i have to 
ignore things of a code that i'm writing!

the same applies to C# and, to a certain extend, C++ that is a much 
older language and present different learning problems.
Now, what can you do with python? Virtually everything (network 
programming, game programming, server side scripting). In most cases, it 
would run slower than it would do with the other languages (even slower 
than the slow java). You won't do drivers or kernels in python, but you 
won't even code them in java or C#.
the programs you'll write will mostly run on a number of different 
platform, like java programs. porting a c++ is a bit tougher. at the 
moment there is project (mono) that is porting the .net platform (where 
c# runs) to multiple platforms, but basically, if you write a c# program 
you're programming for windows.

hope it helps



Re: #!/usr/bin/env python vs. #!/usr/bin/python

2008-05-08 Thread Brian Vanderburg II
This is sort of related, but I'm wondering what is different between 
#!/usr/bin/env python and #!python.  Wouldn't the second do the same 
thing, since an absolute path is not specified, find 'python' from the 
PATH environment,  I don't really know.

Brian Vanderburg II

Re: Newbie to python --- why should i learn !

2008-05-08 Thread maxinbjohn
Hi Raxit,

One of the the tempting features of Python is that it is fun to code
in Python. If you are really trying to learn python, you should read
Adventures with Neko ( . It is an
introductory book on Python programming for school children by Mr.
Pramode CE.

It is fun for children (when I tried it, me too liked it) to do
programming with Neko, the cat. I am sure that it will be a fun filled
learning experience for you.


Maxin B. John

pistacchio wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:
  i was reading/learning some hello world program in python.
  I think its very simillar to Java/C++/C#. What's different (except
  syntax) ?

 well, it's similar in the sense that it is a programming language. So
 you can say that assembly is similar to BASIC, but that both are
 different from finnish, but from a programmer's point of view, they're
 all rather different languages.

  what can i do easily with python which is not easy in c++/java !?

 generally speaking python is said to be easier to pick up for a pletora
 of reasons. technically speaking, it is not, for example, strongly
 typed, nor it forces you to use a programming paradigm like object
 oriented programming.
 This means that if you just want to see your name printed on the screen
 you can simply write:

 print raxit

 and get the work done. to understand it you just have to understand some
 basics like what is a string and what is a statement.

 in java, for example, it would look like:

 public class HelloWorld {
   public static void main(String[] args) {

 in short, to obtain the same result (limited to this case) you have to
 write 650% more code and you're forced to know what is a class, what
 namespace means, what is a function (and arguments) and what are methods
 and the dot notation and an array. not that you won't encounter all of
 them learning python, but you're presented with all of them, all at
 once, in the moment where you just want to write the simplest program.
 that's why a typical java beginner's guide starts with ditto examples
 and adds: ignore everything for the moment. i hate when i have to
 ignore things of a code that i'm writing!

 the same applies to C# and, to a certain extend, C++ that is a much
 older language and present different learning problems.
 Now, what can you do with python? Virtually everything (network
 programming, game programming, server side scripting). In most cases, it
 would run slower than it would do with the other languages (even slower
 than the slow java). You won't do drivers or kernels in python, but you
 won't even code them in java or C#.
 the programs you'll write will mostly run on a number of different
 platform, like java programs. porting a c++ is a bit tougher. at the
 moment there is project (mono) that is porting the .net platform (where
 c# runs) to multiple platforms, but basically, if you write a c# program
 you're programming for windows.
 hope it helps


Re: #!/usr/bin/env python vs. #!/usr/bin/python

2008-05-08 Thread Michael Mabin
For me, the difference is #!python doesn't work for me.  I get a bad
interpreter error.

On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 6:31 AM, Brian Vanderburg II 

 This is sort of related, but I'm wondering what is different between
 #!/usr/bin/env python and #!python.  Wouldn't the second do the same
 thing, since an absolute path is not specified, find 'python' from the PATH
 environment,  I don't really know.

 Brian Vanderburg II


| _ | * | _ |
| _ | _ | * |
| * | * | * |

RE: Newbie to python --- why should i learn !

2008-05-08 Thread Mark Jordaan

pls dont learn it
Move on
The world is full enough of 9 to 5 coders
Mark From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Newbie to python --- why should i learn 
! Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 03:25:17 -0700 To:  Hi,  i 
was reading/learning some hello world program in python. I think its very 
simillar to Java/C++/C#. What's different (except syntax) ?  what can i do 
easily with python which is not easy in c++/java !?  Tnx, Raxit --
Tired of having no room left in your inbox? Windows Live Hotmail now gives you 
5GB of FREE storage! Get your free Windows Live Hotmail account here!

Re: Generate labels for a multi-level outline

2008-05-08 Thread python

 Do you want send and throw in it too?

If its not too much trouble, I would love to see how you add these.


I'm not sure what you mean by the above lines ... googling ... are you

Thanks for your help on this - I'm learning a lot! 


PS: throw( up ) ... very funny! :)

framework build question for mac

2008-05-08 Thread Brian Blais


I just had to install an older version of python for a particular  
app.  Afterward, I had some necessary clean-up so that my normal work  
python would work, but I noticed something odd about the  
installation.  Python is installed on the Mac in the directory


where there is (now) a 2.5 and a 2.4 directory, and a link called  
Current which points to the 2.5 directory.  So far, so good.  Now,  
the python binary (as well as idle, and some other python related  
binaries) are in /usr/local/bin and are links:

python@ - ../../../Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/ 
pydoc@ - ../../../Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/ 
python2.4@ - ../../../Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/ 


Now, what I find odd is that the generic binaries (python, pydoc,  
etc...) as opposed to the version-specific binaries (python2.4,  
python2.5, etc...) do not point to the Current link in the /Library/ 
Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/ directory, but instead point to  
the last python installed.  As a result, in addition to re-pointing  
the Current link, I also had to manually re-point python, pydoc,  
idle, etc... in /usr/local/bin

Is there a reason for this, or is it just a small oversight on the  
install script?


Brian Blais

Brian Blais


Re: Newbie to python --- why should i learn !

2008-05-08 Thread cokofreedom

using System;
namespace HelloWorld
Class HelloWorld
static void Main(String[] args)
Console.WriteLine(Hello World);

python equivalent to perl's inplace edit mechanism

2008-05-08 Thread Michael Mabin
Does python have an equivalent to Perl's inplace-edit variable $^I?
For example, the following perl code below changes mike to dave in a file
that is passed as an argument.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
#chgit script
$^I = '';
while() {

The script would be used as below:
chgit somefile

Afterward, all instances of mike are changed to dave.



| _ | * | _ |
| _ | _ | * |
| * | * | * |

Re: Newbie to python --- why should i learn !

2008-05-08 Thread Krishnakant Mane
I have programmed co insidentally in all the 3 languages.
so out of my experience of 10 + years, I got my personal share of
reasons to prefer python over the other 2 namely c++ and java.
firstly as every one has already explained, python is easy, fun to
learn and can do many things much productively for programmers
compared to c++ and java.
and c# is no better in that.
besides, now a days python has become much much faster in some cases
faster than java.
compare pygtk vs java swing.
python has huge amount of libraries/ modules which are as easy to use
as the language itself.
the syntax difference mentioned in the first email on this thread
makes a huge difference when the code becomes complex and the number
of lines increase.
so there are a lot of reasons to prefer python over java.
for the question what can I do in python easier than other languages
 is not a question to be answered because it all depends on how one
associates the problem space with the language space in which the
programmer wishes to express the solution.
there will be people who will say java is much better choice for
large scale programmes  but people like myself will always question
happy hacking.

Re: Idea for P3K

2008-05-08 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
M�ta-MCI (MVP) wrote:

 I don't often feel like using this word
 Look at languages like OCAML or F #

The point being? Yes, shockingly enough other languages have other syntax 


POP connection timeout.

2008-05-08 Thread Aspersieman

Hi All

I have written an application that queries a POP mailbox and 
downloads messages. When the application tries to connect to the mail 
server, but takes too long (eg. longer than 60 seconds) I want to have 
it time out.

Something like

  pop = poplib.POP3(POPHOST, POPPORT)
except someerror, err:
  print Connecting to mail box has timed out:\n, err

I know that in python 2.5 I could pass an additional timeout parameter 
to the above statement ( ie: pop = poplib.POP3(POPHOST, POPPORT, 
TIMEOUTINSECONDS), but I am using python 2.4.

Can anyone help me implement this timeout functionality.



The three things to remember about Llamas:
1) They are harmless
2) They are deadly
3) They are made of lava, and thus nice to cuddle. 


The three things to remember about Llamas:
1) They are harmless
2) They are deadly
3) They are made of lava, and thus nice to cuddle. 


Re: Writing elapsed time as a string

2008-05-08 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Fri, 02 May 2008 16:13:41 -0300, Simon Pickles [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

 I'm sorry if this has been asked a thousand (million) times.

 Is there a nifty pythonesque way to produce a string representing an
 elapsed time period, in terms of years, months, days, hours, mins, seconds?

 I am storing times in a MySQL db, and would love to be able to write the
 time elapsed between accesses of certain data. These are in seconds
 since the epoch, as produced by time.time()

Two options:

a) You can construct a datetime object with that info, using 
(note that the MySQLdb module already returns datetime objects for timestamp 
columns in MySQL).
If you substract two datetime objects, you get a timedelta object, which stores 
info as whole days, seconds (fraction of day) and microseconds (fraction of 
second). If you can live with years having exactly 365 days and months having 
exactly 30 days (or up to 35!):

def timedelta_str(td):
 def plural(n):
 if n1: return 's'
 return ''
 out = []
 y, d = divmod(td.days, 365)
 if y: out.append('%d year' % y + plural(y))
 m, d = divmod(d, 30)
 if m: out.append('%d month' % m + plural(m))
 if d: out.append('%d day' % d + plural(d))
 h, s = divmod(td.seconds, 60*60)
 if h: out.append('%d hour' % h +  + plural(h))
 m, s = divmod(s, 60)
 if m: out.append('%d min' % m + plural(m))
 if s: out.append('%d sec' % s + plural(s))
 return ' '.join(out)

py from datetime import datetime
py d1 = datetime(1992, 5, 11, 8, 23, 8, 612)
py d2 =
py print d1
1992-05-11 08:23:08.000612
py print d2
2008-05-08 09:21:53.592000
py print timedelta_str(d2-d1)
16 years 1 day 58 mins 45 secs

or b) Use the dateutil package

 It is probable right in front of me in the docs but I am spinning off
 into outer space (mentally!)

Nope... showing time intervals as years,months,days... isn't trivial, because 
there are many special cases, and sometimes legal issues too. It's impossible 
to make everyone happy in this topic.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: #!/usr/bin/env python vs. #!/usr/bin/python

2008-05-08 Thread D'Arcy J.M. Cain
On Thu, 08 May 2008 07:31:17 -0400
Brian Vanderburg II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is sort of related, but I'm wondering what is different between 
 #!/usr/bin/env python and #!python.  Wouldn't the second do the same 
 thing, since an absolute path is not specified, find 'python' from the 
 PATH environment,  I don't really know.

Well, I know what happened when I tried it.  What happened when you
tried it?

D'Arcy J.M. Cain [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  Democracy is three wolves|  and a sheep voting on
+1 416 425 1212 (DoD#0082)(eNTP)   |  what's for dinner.

Re: python equivalent to perl's inplace edit mechanism

2008-05-08 Thread David
 #!/usr/bin/env perl
 #chgit script
 $^I = '';
 while() {

import sys
lines = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()
open(sys.argv[1], 'w').writelines([line.replace('mike', 'dave') for
line in lines])

Re: python equivalent to perl's inplace edit mechanism

2008-05-08 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Thu, 08 May 2008 09:11:56 -0300, Michael Mabin [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

 Does python have an equivalent to Perl's inplace-edit variable $^I?
 For example, the following perl code below changes mike to dave in a file
 that is passed as an argument.

 #!/usr/bin/env perl
 #chgit script
 $^I = '';
 while() {

 The script would be used as below:
 chgit somefile

 Afterward, all instances of mike are changed to dave.

Like this?

import sys,fileinput

for line in fileinput.input(inplace=True):

Sample session:

C:\TEMPtype foo.txt
this line tells about mike and john
this second line says nothing
goodbye mike!

C:\TEMPpython foo.txt

C:\TEMPtype foo.txt
this line tells about dave and john
this second line says nothing
goodbye dave!

Gabriel Genellina


Re: slicing lists

2008-05-08 Thread Boris Borcic

Yves Dorfsman wrote:

So would it be a worthy addition to python, to add it right in the core 
of the language, and hopefully in an efficient manner ?

Note that the s[0,2:6] syntax is currently allowed because of the distinct 
semantics that the Numeric module and its successors numarray and numpy had for it.


Re: Problems with os.walk

2008-05-08 Thread Scott David Daniels

Hrvoje Niksic wrote:


(dirpath, dirnames, filenames) = os.walk(scriptPath)

You're supposed to loop over values in different directories, like

for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(scriptPath):
... handle dirpath with dirnames and filenames ...

The loop will be executed for each subdirectory (direct and indirect)
of scriptPath.

And if you are simply hand-experimenting, try somthing like:
generator = os.walk(scriptPath)
dirpath, dirnames, filenames =
dirpath, dirnames, filenames =

--Scott David Daniels

Re: python equivalent to perl's inplace edit mechanism

2008-05-08 Thread David
On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 2:11 PM, Michael Mabin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does python have an equivalent to Perl's inplace-edit variable $^I?

I misread your question.

No, Python eschews magic characters and symbols. They make code ugly
and harder to read and maintain.

The first 3 lines of the Zen of Python:

Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.

You might find a variable like that in Ruby, which has strong Perl influences.


Re: POP connection timeout.

2008-05-08 Thread Scott David Daniels

Aspersieman wrote:

I have written an application that queries a POP mailbox and ...

 I want to have it time out
I know that in python 2.5 I could pass an additional timeout parameter 
to the above statement ( ie: pop = poplib.POP3(POPHOST, POPPORT, 
TIMEOUTINSECONDS), but I am using python 2.4.

Can anyone help me implement this timeout functionality.

Obviously, get a copy of 2.5 and back-port the poplib code as
poplib25 or some such.  If you want more help than that, hire
someone to do it.

--Scott David Daniels


Re: POP connection timeout.

2008-05-08 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Thu, 08 May 2008 09:24:37 -0300, Aspersieman [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

 I have written an application that queries a POP mailbox and
 downloads messages. When the application tries to connect to the mail
 server, but takes too long (eg. longer than 60 seconds) I want to have
 it time out.

 Something like

pop = poplib.POP3(POPHOST, POPPORT)
 except someerror, err:
print Connecting to mail box has timed out:\n, err

 I know that in python 2.5 I could pass an additional timeout parameter
 to the above statement ( ie: pop = poplib.POP3(POPHOST, POPPORT,
 TIMEOUTINSECONDS), but I am using python 2.4.

Use socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout_in_seconds) before you create the POP3 
object; this value will be used by the initial connect. Once it is connected, 
you can set a different timeout for retrieving mail using 
Note that setdefaulttimeout applies to ALL subsequent socket operations, not 
only using poplib.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: #!/usr/bin/env python vs. #!/usr/bin/python

2008-05-08 Thread Brian Vanderburg II

D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:

On Thu, 08 May 2008 07:31:17 -0400
Brian Vanderburg II [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This is sort of related, but I'm wondering what is different between 
#!/usr/bin/env python and #!python.  Wouldn't the second do the same 
thing, since an absolute path is not specified, find 'python' from the 
PATH environment,  I don't really know.

Well, I know what happened when I tried it.  What happened when you
tried it?

I haven't tried it but I've seen some files like written that in the 
past with just a name and no path for some other interpreter (perl or sh 
probably) and didn't know what the different was or if it was even 
valid.  I at a windows system now so I can't try it yet.

Brian Vanderburg II

Re: Newbie to python --- why should i learn !

2008-05-08 Thread Eduardo O. Padoan
On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 7:25 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  i was reading/learning some hello world program in python.
  I think its very simillar to Java/C++/C#. What's different (except
  syntax) ?

  what can i do easily with python which is not easy in c++/java !?

Programming in a pure duck typing style


 Eduardo de Oliveira Padoan

Parsing Email 'References' header.

2008-05-08 Thread Aspersieman


I have a python script that parses email headers to extract information 
from them. I need to get the _last_ messageid in the 'References' field 
( to create a threaded view of these 
emails (these messageid's are stored in a database).

Now, I can easily access the 'References' field using the python 'email' 
module, but I need a regular expression to get the last messageid in the 
'References' field.

Here's what I have so far:
rx_lastmesgid = re.compile(r(.+$))
lastmesgid = .join( filter( rx_lastmesgid.match, parentid ) ) # 
parentid's value is 

lastmesgid = .join( filter( rx_lastmesgid.match, parentid ) )

I need it to return [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can anyone help?




The three things to remember about Llamas:
1) They are harmless
2) They are deadly
3) They are made of lava, and thus nice to cuddle. 


PCBuild.sin - Attempt to compile Python using Visual Studio 2008

2008-05-08 Thread Colin J. Williams

The readme.txt has:

All you need to do is open the workspace 
pcbuild.sln in Visual Studio,
select the desired combination of 
configuration and platform and eventually
build the solution. Unless you are going 
to debug a problem in the core or
you are going to create an optimized 
build you want to select Release as


Unfortunately, the Express Edition 
(Free) doesn't handle solution files.

Installed Edition: VC Express

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008

Does anyone have any advice for a person 
who has limited C++ experience and none 
with the Visual C++ please?

Colin W.

listen on TCP port

2008-05-08 Thread petr . poupa
is it possibble listening on TCP port by python and how? I am trying
chilkat but poorly :(.


Re: POP connection timeout.

2008-05-08 Thread Aspersieman

Gabriel Genellina wrote:

Use socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout_in_seconds) before you create the POP3 
object; this value will be used by the initial connect. Once it is connected, 
you can set a different timeout for retrieving mail using 
Note that setdefaulttimeout applies to ALL subsequent socket operations, not 
only using poplib.


Fantastic! This works thanks.



The three things to remember about Llamas:
1) They are harmless
2) They are deadly
3) They are made of lava, and thus nice to cuddle. 


Re: Parsing Email 'References' header.

2008-05-08 Thread David
On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 2:53 PM, Aspersieman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have a python script that parses email headers to extract information
 from them. I need to get the _last_ messageid in the 'References' field
 ( to create a threaded view of these
 emails (these messageid's are stored in a database).

  Now, I can easily access the 'References' field using the python 'email'
 module, but I need a regular expression to get the last messageid in the
 'References' field.

  Here's what I have so far:
  rx_lastmesgid = re.compile(r(.+$))
  lastmesgid = .join( filter( rx_lastmesgid.match, parentid ) ) #
 parentid's value is
  lastmesgid = .join( filter( rx_lastmesgid.match, parentid ) )

  I need it to return [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Can anyone help?


Re: Newbie to python --- why should i learn !

2008-05-08 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Thu, 08 May 2008 04:17:01 -0700, s0suk3 wrote:

 Are you a newbie to Python, or to programming in general? I'll assume
 you are a newbie to programming in general because of that last
 question you asked. Things in Python are easier than in almost any
 other programming language. Here are three Hello World programs:

Counterexamples for quite short greetings in other programming languages:


  Print Hello World!


  print_string Hello World! ;;


  Hello World! linePrint


  main = putStrLn Hello World!

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: web client in Python Q

2008-05-08 Thread Jerry Hill
On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 11:22 PM, Jive Dadson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I wonder why it does not work with

It looks like that is a subscription site.  That makes things more
complicated, because it means you'll need to figure out how to log in,
then probably store cookies related to your session and offer them
back up to the web server on subsequent requests.  Python has modules
that help with these things (mostly in the urllib2 module if i recall
correctly), but it's not quite as straightforward as just fetching a

I don't have time to dig up an example at the moment, but if you're
still having trouble with it, I can try to pull something together
this weekend.


Re-launch of The Gadgets Forum

2008-05-08 Thread Blue Pikes
Re-launch of The Gadgets Forum

Re-launch of The Gadgets Forum - with new and stunning
categories, now you can find latest news and reviews about the

1) Audio/Video Gadgets = MP3 Players, iPods, Speakers, Audio/Video
Systems, Digital Cameras etc.

2) Automobile Gadgets

3) Cell Phones  Accessories

4) Laptops, Desktops  Accessories

5) Clocks  Watches

6) Gaming Gadgets

7) Geek Toys

8) GPS  Satellites

9) Home  Office Gadgets

10) Kitchen Gadgets

11) Solar Powered Gadgets

12) Travel  Power Gadgets



Re: PCBuild.sin - Attempt to compile Python using Visual Studio 2008

2008-05-08 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Thu, 08 May 2008 09:55:36 -0300, Colin J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 The readme.txt has:

 All you need to do is open the workspace
 pcbuild.sln in Visual Studio,
 select the desired combination of
 configuration and platform and eventually
 build the solution. Unless you are going
 to debug a problem in the core or
 you are going to create an optimized
 build you want to select Release as

 Unfortunately, the Express Edition
 (Free) doesn't handle solution files.

Yes, it does. You get a warning saying that solution *folders* aren't 
supported; that just means that you won't see those 26 projects nicely grouped, 
only as a long list, that's all... Python builds fine with Visual C++ Express 
Select Release, Win32 from the dropdown lists, press F7, and wait for 
compilation to complete...

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Parsing Email 'References' header.

2008-05-08 Thread David


Doesn't work if there is only one e-mail address:

Here's another one:


Re: PCBuild.sin - Attempt to compile Python using Visual Studio 2008

2008-05-08 Thread Colin J. Williams

Colin J. Williams wrote:

The readme.txt has:

All you need to do is open the workspace pcbuild.sln in Visual Studio,
select the desired combination of configuration and platform and eventually
build the solution. Unless you are going to debug a problem in the core or
you are going to create an optimized build you want to select Release as

Unfortunately, the Express Edition (Free) doesn't handle solution files.

Installed Edition: VC Express

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 91909-152-052-60812
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008

Does anyone have any advice for a person who has limited C++ experience 
and none with the Visual C++ please?

Colin W.

Please ignore the request above.

In spite of the above message the 
program appears to build and execute OK 
for 2.6a2
Now I have to find where the executable 
has been placed.

Colin W.

Re: Parsing Email 'References' header.

2008-05-08 Thread J. Cliff Dyer
On Thu, 2008-05-08 at 14:53 +0200, Aspersieman wrote:
 I have a python script that parses email headers to extract information 
 from them. I need to get the _last_ messageid in the 'References' field 
 ( to create a threaded view of these 
 emails (these messageid's are stored in a database).
 Now, I can easily access the 'References' field using the python 'email' 
 module, but I need a regular expression to get the last messageid in the 
 'References' field.
 Here's what I have so far:
 rx_lastmesgid = re.compile(r(.+$))
 lastmesgid = .join( filter( rx_lastmesgid.match, parentid ) ) # 
 parentid's value is 
 lastmesgid = .join( filter( rx_lastmesgid.match, parentid ) )
 I need it to return [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Can anyone help?

Forget regular expressions.  

py lastmesgid = '' + parentid.split('')[-1]


Re: Newbie to python --- why should i learn !

2008-05-08 Thread pistacchio

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch ha scritto:

On Thu, 08 May 2008 04:17:01 -0700, s0suk3 wrote:

Are you a newbie to Python, or to programming in general? I'll assume
you are a newbie to programming in general because of that last
question you asked. Things in Python are easier than in almost any
other programming language. Here are three Hello World programs:

Counterexamples for quite short greetings in other programming languages:


  Print Hello World!

freebasic is another language i'd point out to a newbie, even if it is 
not as multiplatform as python if. it has a decent community and a large 
amount of libraries. it doesn't let you explore functional or, worse, 
object oriented programming nor you can write server side programs with it.
The others are examples of easy hello world languages, but, passed 
that, i think they don't have the same capabilities of python on terms 
of support, kind of programs you can write and even overall complexity 
(haskell forces you to functional programming, io is really a minor 
language, ocalm forces you to di OOP and, if writing hello world is 
simple, on the other hand ir may have lines of code that read like:

| [] - []

and that negatively compesate the easy way you can write hello world


  print_string Hello World! ;;


  Hello World! linePrint


  main = putStrLn Hello World!

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch



2008-05-08 Thread Lucas Prado Melo
How could I prove to someone that python accepts this syntax using
the documentation (I couldn't find it anywhere):

Re: listen on TCP port

2008-05-08 Thread J. Cliff Dyer
On Thu, 2008-05-08 at 05:56 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 is it possibble listening on TCP port by python and how? I am trying
 chilkat but poorly :(.

You just asked this exact same question yesterday, and got a few
responses, none of which are addressed in the post above.  Do neither
twisted nor the socket module work for you?



Re: The del statement

2008-05-08 Thread George Sakkis
On May 8, 2:58 am, Arnaud Delobelle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 George Sakkis wrote:
  One of the few Python constructs that feels less elegant than
  necessary to me is the del statement. For one thing, it is overloaded
  to mean three different things:
  (1) del x: Remove x from the current namespace
  (2) del x[i]: Equivalent to x.__delitem__(i)
  (3) del x.a: Equivalent to x.__delattr__('a') (or delattr(x,'a'))

 Note that the 'X = Y' construct has the corresponding three meanings:

 (1) x = 4 # Bind x to 4 in the 'current namespace'
 (2) x[i] = 4 # equivalent to x.__setitem__(i, 4)
 (3) x.a = 4 # Equivalent to x.__setattr__('a', 4)

 What conclusion should we draw from that?

I think you're trying to imply that it is consistent with setting a
value (same with getting). I guess what bugs me about del is that
it's a keyword and not some universally well-known punctuation. Do you
you feel that Python misses a pop keyword and respective
expressions ?

(1) pop x: Remove x from the current namespace and return it.
(2) pop x[i]: Instead of x.pop(i)
(3) pop x.a: Equivalent to _y=x.a; del x.a; return y


Re: PCBuild.sin - Attempt to compile Python using Visual Studio 2008

2008-05-08 Thread Tim Golden

Gabriel Genellina wrote:

En Thu, 08 May 2008 09:55:36 -0300, Colin J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

The readme.txt has:

All you need to do is open the workspace
pcbuild.sln in Visual Studio,
select the desired combination of
configuration and platform and eventually
build the solution. Unless you are going
to debug a problem in the core or
you are going to create an optimized
build you want to select Release as

Unfortunately, the Express Edition
(Free) doesn't handle solution files.

Python builds fine with Visual C++ Express Edition.
Select Release, Win32 from the dropdown lists, press F7, 
and wait for compilation to complete...

Or, if you prefer not to have the long startup time for Visual Studio,
simple start a command prompt in python\pcbuild, call the env
cmd script and then the build script:

C:\tempcd \work_in_progress

C:\work_in_progresscd python

C:\work_in_progress\pythoncd PCbuild

Build environments: x86, ia64, amd64, x86_amd64, x86_ia64

Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 x86 tools.

vcbuild /useenv pcbuild.sln  Release|Win32
Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Project Builder - Command Line Version 9.00.21022
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Build started: Project: make_versioninfo, Configuration: Release|Win32



Troubles with 'self'

2008-05-08 Thread Richard Speaker
I'm somewhat new to Python... and programming in general.  I know enough to be 
dangerous for sure. I have a feeling the solution to this is simple.  I'm 
having trouble getting 'self' to initialize or work in a class application. I 
keep getting the message:
  LogFile = self.BasicSummary ( )
NameError: name 'self' is not defined
  Code looks like this:
  from data_decode import *
  class DataAnalysis:

def PainInTheArse ( self , i , InvI ):
This is a filter I made to overcome
some problems I was having with sine wave
TemporaryData = [ ]
for a in range ( int ( InvI [ i ] ) , len ( InvI ) ):
if a  0:
a = 0
b = a + 1
TemporaryData.append ( InvI [ a + i ] )
if ( InvI [ b + i ]  0 and InvI [ b + i + 1 ] 
 0 ):
TemporaryData.append ( InvI [ a + i + 1 
] )
except IndexError:
return TemporaryData
  def GetTheInvIData ( self , InvI ):
  Function determines zero-crossing, and then
calculates the +/- peaks to get an average 
CurrentMaxList = [ ]
CurrentMinList = [ ]
for i in range ( 0 , len ( InvI ) ):
if ( InvI [ i ] = 0 and InvI [ i + 1 ]  0 ):
TemporaryData = self. PainInTheArse ( i 
, InvI )
BetterData = self.FilterTheBS ( 
TemporaryData )
CurrentMaxList.append ( max ( 
BetterData ) )
CurrentMinList.append ( min ( 
BetterData ) )
except IndexError:
  MeanCurrentMax = sum ( CurrentMaxList ) / len ( 
CurrentMaxList )
MeanCurrentMin = sum ( CurrentMinList ) / len ( CurrentMinList )
InvIPeakToPeak = MeanCurrentMax - MeanCurrentMin
EstPeak = InvIPeakToPeak / 2
return EstPeak
  def FilterTheBS ( self , TemporaryData ):
This is another filter I made to overcome
some problems I was having with sine wave
BetterData = [ ]
UselessData = [ ]
for i in range ( 0 , len ( TemporaryData ) ):
if TemporaryData [ i ] == TemporaryData [ i + 1 
UselessData.append ( TemporaryData [ i 
] )
BetterData.append ( TemporaryData [ i ] 
except IndexError:
BetterData.append ( TemporaryData [ i ] )
return BetterData
  def BasicSummary ( self ):

DDC = DecodeData( )
  MeanCurrent_A = float ( ( self.GetTheInvIData ( 
DDC.InvIa ) ) )
MeanCurrent_B = float ( ( self.GetTheInvIData ( 
DDC.InvIb ) ) )
MeanCurrent_C = float ( ( self.GetTheInvIData ( 
DDC.InvIc ) ) )
  except ValueError:
LogFile = []
LogFile.append ('DEVICE CURRENT SUMMARY:\n')
LogFile.append ( '\tPHASE A: AVG Current = +/- %.2f A' % ( 
MeanCurrent_A ) )
LogFile.append ( '\tPHASE A: AVG Current = +/- %.2f A' % ( 
MeanCurrent_B ) )

  return LogFile

LogFile = self.BasicSummary ( )
  for a in LogFile:
  print a

any and all advice is welcome

Best technology for agent/web server architecture

2008-05-08 Thread Florencio Cano
I would be interested in your opinion about what technology you
considear the ideal technology for implementing in Python an agent
that should comunicate information to a web server. I have read about
SOAP but I'm now sure if this will be the right one.
The aim of the agent is gather inventory information and the web
application (I'm programming it in Django) will receive this
information and will store it in the database and will show it in

ANN: Assembly Line 0.5

2008-05-08 Thread Greg Ewing

I've uploaded a new version of my PyWeek 6 game, Assembly Line.

As a potential Pyggy entry, I'm keen to get some testing and feedback on it.

This version is greatly expanded. Some of the new features include:

* More machine types and enhanced machine functionality
* Simulation of a market that's buying your products
* Multiple factories
* Extensive reports showing what's going on with sales and finances
* Sales and profit targets to aim for, and salary raises to seek after

Note that not all the products and machines are available at once now. The new 
machines will become available as the game progresses (about one every two 
months of game time) and you need to spend money to research new products.

I still haven't done much playtesting or balancing -- I've verified that the 
Phunky Phrisbee, Mojo Mallet and Supa Slice can be manufactured and sold at a 
profit, but I don't know about the others yet.


Re: prove

2008-05-08 Thread David

Do you mean something like this?

class myclass:
def myfunction(myobject): pass

myobject = None

If so, then you want to check the staticmethod decorator, described here:


Re: PCBuild.sin - Attempt to compile Python using Visual Studio 2008

2008-05-08 Thread Colin J. Williams

Gabriel Genellina wrote:

En Thu, 08 May 2008 09:55:36 -0300, Colin J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

The readme.txt has:

All you need to do is open the workspace
pcbuild.sln in Visual Studio,
select the desired combination of
configuration and platform and eventually
build the solution. Unless you are going
to debug a problem in the core or
you are going to create an optimized
build you want to select Release as

Unfortunately, the Express Edition
(Free) doesn't handle solution files.

Yes, it does. You get a warning saying that solution *folders* aren't 
supported; that just means that you won't see those 26 projects nicely grouped, 
only as a long list, that's all... Python builds fine with Visual C++ Express 
Select Release, Win32 from the dropdown lists, press F7, and wait for 
compilation to complete...

Many thanks.  Yes, you are right.

Colin W.

Re: prove

2008-05-08 Thread Marco Mariani

Lucas Prado Melo wrote:

How could I prove to someone that python accepts this syntax using
the documentation (I couldn't find it anywhere):

TUtorial 9.3.4, method objects

What exactly happens when a method is called? You may have noticed that 
x.f() was called without an argument above, even though the function 
definition for f specified an argument. What happened to the argument? 
Surely Python raises an exception when a function that requires an 
argument is called without any -- even if the argument isn't actually 

Actually, you may have guessed the answer: the special thing about 
methods is that the object is passed as the first argument of the 
function. In our example, the call x.f() is exactly equivalent to 
MyClass.f(x). In general, calling a method with a list of n arguments is 
equivalent to calling the corresponding function with an argument list 
that is created by inserting the method's object before the first argument.


Re: python equivalent to perl's inplace edit mechanism

2008-05-08 Thread Michael Mabin
I miswrote my question.  But I still completely understand.  What I really
wanted to know was whether there was something equivalent to how perl can
perform inplace edits of a file with something like the magic $^I variable.

I see from Gabriel that you can use the fileinput module to  achieve this.
Very cool.

And yeah, I think ruby is very perl-like, in that like perl, which looks
like someone duct-taped shell, sed, awk and c into a scripting language,
ruby duct-taped perl, Smalltalk and Python together.

On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 7:49 AM, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 2:11 PM, Michael Mabin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does python have an equivalent to Perl's inplace-edit variable $^I?

 I misread your question.

 No, Python eschews magic characters and symbols. They make code ugly
 and harder to read and maintain.

 The first 3 lines of the Zen of Python:

 Beautiful is better than ugly.
 Explicit is better than implicit.
 Simple is better than complex.

 You might find a variable like that in Ruby, which has strong Perl


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Re: Newbie to python --- why should i learn !

2008-05-08 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
On Thu, 08 May 2008 15:49:01 +0200, pistacchio wrote:

 Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch ha scritto:
 On Thu, 08 May 2008 04:17:01 -0700, s0suk3 wrote:
 Are you a newbie to Python, or to programming in general? I'll assume
 you are a newbie to programming in general because of that last
 question you asked. Things in Python are easier than in almost any
 other programming language. Here are three Hello World programs:
 Counterexamples for quite short greetings in other programming languages:
   Print Hello World!
 freebasic is another language i'd point out to a newbie, even if it is 
 not as multiplatform as python if. it has a decent community and a large 
 amount of libraries. it doesn't let you explore functional or, worse, 
 object oriented programming nor you can write server side programs with

OOP support is under development and why can't you write server side
programs in it?  CGI is possible.

 The others are examples of easy hello world languages, but, passed
 that, i think they don't have the same capabilities of python on terms
 of support, kind of programs you can write and even overall complexity
 (haskell forces you to functional programming, io is really a minor
 language, ocalm forces you to di OOP and, if writing hello world is
 simple, on the other hand ir may have lines of code that read like:
 | [] - []

Okay, Haskell's pure functional approach feels somewhat weird.

Io is a minor language but a quite nice one IMHO.  Simple syntax and
relatively simple semantics but very powerful.

OCaml doesn't enforce OOP.  It's some kind of mirror of Python.  Python
is an OOP language with support for functional programming, and OCaml is a
functional language with support for OOP.

The biggest pro for Python among the easy and clear syntax languages is
the standard library and the amount of third party modules.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

observer pattern question #1 (reference to subject)

2008-05-08 Thread Alan Isaac

I have two questions about the observer pattern in Python.

This is question #1.  (I'll put the other is a separate post.)

Here is a standard example of the observer pattern in Python:

Contrast with this rather standard discussion:

The difference I am focusing on is that in the latter,

the observer (investor) maintains a reference to the

subject (stock).  

(Many questions can be raised of course: see the discussion at

Is anything lost by not maintaining this reference (other 

than error checking ...)?  If I feel the observer needs 

access to the subject, what is wrong with just having the 

subject pass itself as part of the notification?

Thank you,

Alan Isaac


source beautifier

2008-05-08 Thread Marco Mariani

Is there a program (free, payware, whatever) like polystyle for 

I've never used it, but the example is quite clear.
I just need it for python -- but it should not force me to use PEP8.


Re: Generate labels for a multi-level outline (THANK-YOU!)

2008-05-08 Thread python

 I was a touch bored in the last hour at work today so...

Thank you!!


observer pattern question #2 (notification chain)

2008-05-08 Thread Alan Isaac

I have two questions about the observer pattern in Python.

This is question #2.  (I'll put the other is a separate post.)

Consider this standard example of the observer pattern in Python:


Now suppose I have a variant.

(I am not a programmer, so this may be a separate related pattern.)

To make it a little concrete and relate it to the discussion at


suppose there are stocks, mutual funds, and investors.

Let us say that funds are observers for stocks,

and investors are observers for funds.

Once a month I want all stocks to notify their observing funds

of their end-of-month price, and *then* all fund to notify their

observing investors of their end-of-month investment value.

I see a couple differences from the standard pattern referenced above,

and one problem.


- observer/subject linked hierarchy (funds are both observers and subjects)

- many-many relation (a fund is an observer of many stocks)

I think (?) these differences are inessential, but the 

second does create the following problem: if I do not want 

a fund to notify an its investors until all stocks have 

reported, what is the best way to determine the last report 

in event?

Here is one way: create a ``reportreceived`` dict that maps 

stocks to True or False, and after each stock notification 

change False to True and check ``all(reportreceived.values())``

to determine whether it is ok to notify investors.  When it 

is ok, then notify investors and reset all the

``reportreceived`` values.

This is meant to be a general description so please do not 

focus on the real world aspects, which are only for 


Thank you,

Alan Isaac 

Re: observer pattern question #1 (reference to subject)

2008-05-08 Thread Ville M. Vainio
Alan Isaac [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Is anything lost by not maintaining this reference (other

 than error checking ...)?  If I feel the observer needs

 access to the subject, what is wrong with just having the

 subject pass itself as part of the notification?

It reduces the number of places the observer can be called from,
because now the event source is part of the function signature. If you
omit the event source in the signature, you gain looser coupling -
it's the observer business to create the dependency.

Also, consider the situation where you want all investors to refresh
their idea about stock prices (because of, short network
failure). It's easy to run through a list of them and call update()
for everybody, while it's not so easy to find out what stock the
investor is observing (that's the investors business!) and pass that
object to the investor in the call.

Are these school questions btw? ;-)

Re: The Importance of Terminology's Quality

2008-05-08 Thread Sherman Pendley

          |   PLEASE DO NOT   |            :.:\:\:/:/:.:
          |  FEED THE TROLLS  |           :=.' -   - '.=:

 I don't think Xah is trolling here (contrary to his/her habit)
 but posing an interesting matter of discussion.

It might be interesting in the abstract, but any such discussion, when
cross-posted to multiple language groups on usenet, will inevitably
devolve into a flamewar as proponents of the various languages argue
about which language better expresses the ideas being talked about.
It's like a law of usenet or something.

If Xah wanted an interesting discussion, he could have posted this to
one language-neutral group such as comp.programming. He doesn't want
that - he wants the multi-group flamefest.


My blog:
Cocoa programming in Perl:

Re: Newbie to python --- why should i learn !

2008-05-08 Thread Gary Herron



i was reading/learning some hello world program in python.
I think its very simillar to Java/C++/C#. What's different (except
syntax) ?

what can i do easily with python which is not easy in c++/java !?

With Python, you can program with a smile on your face.

(Truly, when I found Python, programming became fun again.)

Gary Herron



How to kill Python interpreter from the command line?

2008-05-08 Thread spectrumdt

I am running Fedora Linux and KDE, using the Konsole command line.

When coding Python, I regularly make a bug causing my program to not
terminate. But how do I kill the non-terminating Python interpreter
without killing the entire Konsole?

The default way of killing the current process on the command line is
Ctrl+C, but that doesn't work with Python. Neither do the terminate
task, suspend task or interrupt task commands (available from
right-click in Konsole).

So, can someone please help? How do I kill Python without having to
restart Konsole?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Custom Classes?

2008-05-08 Thread Victor Subervi
Okay, trying this again with everything working and no ValueError or any
other errors, here we go:

Load this code. Unless you use a similar login() script, you will want to
edit your own values into the user, passwd, db and host:


import MySQLdb

import sys,os
from login import login
user, passwd, db, host = login()

pic = pic1
w = 20
x = 0
d = 6
y = 1

getpic = getpic + str(w) + .py
code = 
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
import MySQLdb
import cgi
import sys,os
from login import login
user, passwd, db, host = login()
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
picid = int(form[id].value)
x = int(form[x].value)
pics =
pic = pics[x]
db = MySQLdb.connect(host, user, passwd, db)
cursor= db.cursor()
sql = select %s from products where id='%s'; % (pic, str(picid))

content = cursor.fetchall()[0][0].tostring()
print 'Content-Type: image/jpeg'
print content

script = open(getpic, w)

and then surf to:

Also, please re-send the link on how to post good questions to the list. I
cannot find it.

Re: How to kill Python interpreter from the command line?

2008-05-08 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone

On Thu, 8 May 2008 08:29:33 -0700 (PDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am running Fedora Linux and KDE, using the Konsole command line.

When coding Python, I regularly make a bug causing my program to not
terminate. But how do I kill the non-terminating Python interpreter
without killing the entire Konsole?

The default way of killing the current process on the command line is
Ctrl+C, but that doesn't work with Python. Neither do the terminate
task, suspend task or interrupt task commands (available from
right-click in Konsole).

Ctrl+C often works with Python, but as with any language, it's possible
to write a program which will not respond to it.  You can use Ctrl+\
instead (Ctrl+C sends SIGINT which can be masked or otherwise ignored,
Ctrl+\ sends SIGQUIT which typically isn't) or you can use the kill
command.  You can either use it in another terminal or you can suspend
the Python process (Ctrl+Z which sends SIGSTOP and _cannot_ be masked
or otherwise ignored) and then use kill in that terminal.  You need to
know the PID or jobspec in order to use kill.  In bash (and probably
elsewhere), jobspecs are easy.  When you hit Ctrl+Z, the jobspec will
be written to your terminal in the form [N]+ Stopped   python. N
is the jobspec and you can kill it with kill %N.  You may need to use
SIGKILL to end the process, in which case use kill -KILL %N.  You can
then resume the Python process with the fg command, it will immediately
end since it has be killed.

This is more a Linux/bash/etc question than a Python question, so followups
might be directed to a more appropriate forum (eg, the man page for your
shell, or a bash user group, etc).


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