pytemplate: template for python developers

2009-02-24 Thread Stephane Bulot

I'm pleased to announce the new release (1.5) of pytemplate project, major
step in its young life.
pytemplate project is a framework helping python developers at starting
their program with a lightweight template, managing basic options like
configuration file, logging, daemon capabilities, signal management. I
believe that this project is able to help to bring development quality and
speed leverage to a lot of small programs. Until a maybe wise introduction
in a python release as a built-in module, the best way to use it is to
introduce the source file itself in your program. You only have to import
the module.

You will be able to find usage examples, to download sources at, wiki page
of the project. Do not hesitate to give me your feedback on the concept
itself on the program usage, and on its implementation. I would be glad to
share this project to improve it.

Things that have be done soon:
-Windows platform testing (not done). I'm not sure about daemon methodology
and signal management.
-Python 3 portability. As far as I know, it should not be to much work.

Best regards.

Support the Python Software Foundation:

web2py 1.56.4

2009-02-24 Thread Massimo Di Pierro

web2py 1.56.4 is out

What is web2py?

- It is the web framework used by PyCon 2009 for registration.

- It a very easy and very powerful Python web framework.

- It is fast and rock solid. It has a very clean design and it is
strong on security.

- Includes a web based development environment, maintenance
environment, and database administrative interface.

- Includes a Database Abstraction Layer that works with SQLite, MySQL,
PostgreSQL, FireBird, MSSQL, Oracle, AND the Google App Engine. The
DAL does migrations.

- Includes a pure Python based template language with no indentation

- Includes jQuery, simplejson, markdown, feedparser, PyRSS2, nicEdit,
EditArea and a lot more.

- Runs on any platform that runs python. The binary versions can even
run off a USB drive without dependences.

- The same apps can run on a PC with Oracle or on the Google App
Engine or on Windows Mobile, without changes, including DB API.

New features In 1.56.4:
- Bugs fixes in docs and new authentication API

New features In 1.56:

- Authentication
- Authorization (Role Based Access Controller)
- portable url fetch function
- portable geocoding function
- PEP8 compliant
- Python 2.5
- Runs on Jython (although without db drivers)
- Runs on IronPython (although without CSV, db drivers and internal   

- DAL shortcuts
- SQLFORM has default image preview
- new generic.html view
- more examples and documentation
- always backward compatible

Example of code
## in model
from import *
db.define_table('puppy', db.Field('name'),   


## in controller
def user():
 to expose register, login, logout, etc 
return dict(form=auth())

def data():
  to expose select, create, update, delete, etc 
 return dict(form=crud())

def download():
 for downloading uploaded images 

## in view default/user.html
{{extend 'layout.html'}}

## in view default/data.html
{{extend 'layout.html'}}

This code will allow to register, login, change password,
upload images of puppies (with relative names), select puppies, edit
records, read and preview images, enforce authorization, and more.

Thanks to all the contributors:

* Attila Csipa (cron job)
* Bill Ferrett (modular DAL design)
* CJ Lazell (tester)
* DenesL (validators)
* Douglas Andrade (2.6 compliance, docstrings)
* Francisco Gama (bug fixing)
* Fran Boon (authorization and authentication)
* Fred Yanowski (XHTML compliance)
* Jonathan Benn (is_url validator and tests)
* Jose Jachuf (Firebird support)
* Kyle Smith (javascript)
* Limodou (winservice)
* Marcel Leuthi (Oracle support)
* Mark Larsen (taskbar widget)
* Mark Moore (databases and daemon scripts)
* Markus Gritsch (bug fixing)
* Martin Hufsky (expressions in DAL)
* Mateusz Banach (stickers)
* Michael Willis (shell)
* Nathan Freeze (admin design)
* Niall Sweeny (MSSQL support)
* Niccolo Polo (epydoc)
* Ondrej Such (MSSQL support)
* Pai (internationalization)
* Phyo Arkar Lwin (web hosting and Jython tester)
* Robin Bhattacharyya (Google App Engine support)
* Sharriff Aina (tester and PyAMF integration)
* Sterling Hankins (tester)
* Stuart Rackham (MSSQL support)
* Telman Yusupov (Oracle support)
* Timothy Farrell (python 2.6 compliance, windows support)
* Yarko Tymciurak (design)
* Younghyun Jo (internationalization)


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Pydev 1.4.4 Released

2009-02-24 Thread Fabio Zadrozny
Hi All,

Pydev and Pydev Extensions 1.4.4 have been released -- note that the
release already happened 4 days ago... :)

Details on Pydev Extensions:
Details on Pydev:
Details on its development:

Release Highlights in Pydev:

This release fixes a critical bug when configuring the interpreter (if
no environment variables were specified, it was not possible to
configure an interpreter)

What is PyDev?

PyDev is a plugin that enables users to use Eclipse for Python and
Jython development -- making Eclipse a first class Python IDE -- It
comes with many goodies such as code completion, syntax highlighting,
syntax analysis, refactor, debug and many others.


Fabio Zadrozny
Software Developer


Pydev Extensions

Pydev - Python Development Enviroment for Eclipse

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: bool evaluations of generators vs lists

2009-02-24 Thread Antoon Pardon
On 2009-02-10, Albert Hopkins wrote:
 On Tue, 2009-02-10 at 12:50 -0800, Josh Dukes wrote:

 I don't understand what you mean by this.  But if you really want to
 know if a generator is non-empty:

 def non_empty(virgin_generator):
 try: # note you just lost the first value
 return True
 except StopIteration:
 return False

 The only way to get around this is to put all the values of a generator
 inside a container (e.g. a list):

 l = list(generator_object)

 but in doing so you've (obviously) lost the advantages of the generator.

Well he could always use a wrapper like the following:

nothing = object()

class BoolIterator (object):
  def __init__(self, iter):
self.iter = iter
self.value = nothing
self.item = nothing

  def __iter__(self):
return (self)

  def __nonzero__(self):
if self.value is nothing:
self.item =
self.value = True
return True
  except StopIteration:
self.value = False
return False
  return self.value

  def next(self):
if self.item is not nothing:
  result = self.item
  self.item = nothing
  return result
if self.value is not nothing:
result =
self.value = True
return result
  except StopIteration:
self.value = False

it1 = BoolIterator(i for i in xrange(10))

for i in it1:
  print i

it2 = BoolIterator(i for i in xrange(10))

if it2:
  print item found
  for i in it2:
print i
  print problem

it3 = BoolIterator(i for i in xrange(0))

if it3:
  print problem
  print it3 is empty


Re: How does one get from ImportError: DLL load failed:... to a culprit .dll and symbol?

2009-02-24 Thread Chris Cormie

My reading of the Python 2.6.1 version of dynload_win.c tells me that:

1. It uses LoadLibraryEx() to attempt to load the pyd given its full

2. If that fails, it gets the Windows error code using GetLastError()

3. It gets the Windows message text using FormatMessage()

4. It assembles the message as DLL load failed:  plus the Windows
message text (less any trailing \r\n).

Note that if the pyd load succeeds, it rummages in memory to find the
pythonxx.dll used by the pyd so that it can be checked for
consistency. Then and only then it uses GetProcAddress() to get the
address of the initFOO function.

Do you know a way of getting more info out of Windows than GetLastError

Thank you for your help, it is much appreciated:

In summary:

Q) How can one get Python to tell you which symbol is causing a problem 
when it loads an extension with a bad reference to a symbol in a DLL it 

A) There is no such way: you *must* use external tools: When a symbol is 
missing form a DLL that a Python extension depends on, the failure will 
be picked up in Python immediately on attempting to load the extension: 
the extension code is never reached and there is no specific attempt 
made in Python to resolve the problem symbol. further, The normal 
platform APIs lack the ability to determine the cause of the load failure.

 Do you know a way of getting more info out of Windows than GetLastError

No, but presumably the ability to determine in code that a DLL has a bad 
reference and which symbol is bad exists because the depends program is 
able to do it. Of course it's a separate question as to whether Python 
wants to load itself down with complex platform specific code for a 
small corner case.

Best Regards,

Re: read csv error question

2009-02-24 Thread John Machin
On Feb 24, 10:42 am, wrote:
 Vincent Davis wrote:
  I am trying to read a csv file from excel on a mac. I get the following
  error.SystemExit: file some.csv, line 1: new-line character seen in unquoted
  field - do you need to open the file in universal-newline mode?
  I was using the example code
  import csv, sys

  reader = csv.reader(open('/Volumes/vincentdavis
  2/match/data/matchdata2008.csv', rb))
      for row in reader:
          print row
  except csv.Error, e:
      sys.exit('file %s, line %d: %s' % (filename, reader.line_num, e))

  I think this has to do with the end of line character but I am unsure how to
  fix it. I don't what to change the actual csv file I would like to fix the

 You could try reading the error message and looking at the documentation
 of the 'open' function.  Pay particular attention to the keywords
 'universal-newline mode'.

 Hint: 'rb' is almost the opposite of universal newline mode, and
 it is very rare that you'd want to use 'b' to read a text file.


A CSV file is *NOT* a text file. See the module docs. Also see this:

Re: opening files with names in non-english characters.

2009-02-24 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 24 Feb 2009 01:29:07 -0200, escribió:

First of all thanks for your response. I've written a function
as shown below to recurse a directory and return a file based on the
value of n. I am calling this fucntion from my main code to catch that
filename. The folder which it recurses through contains a folder
having files with unicode names (as an example i've given earlier.

def findFile(dir_path):
for name in os.listdir(dir_path):
full_path = os.path.join(dir_path, name)
print full_path
if os.path.isdir(full_path):

Here, you're simply discarding the result from the recursive call. Try  
something like this:

 result = findFile(full_path)
 if result is not None:
 return result

n = n - 1
if(n ==0):
return full_path

Now, what happens if you forget about findFile and try with a direct name  

fpath =  

st = os.stat(path)
print st

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Reference or Value?

2009-02-24 Thread andrew cooke
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Mon, 23 Feb 2009 08:14:34 -0300, andrew cooke wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Sun, 22 Feb 2009 13:37:27 -0300, andrew cooke wrote:

 as far as i understand things, the best model is:

 1 - everything is an object
 2 - everything is passed by reference

 Except that is wrong. If it were true, you could do this:
 [pointer swapping]

 i was thinking of how the stack is used; i would have called what you
 are talking about pointer semantics.  however, on reading around a
 little, it seems that i'm in a very small minority (which is a pity,
 because if you restrict the meaning to how values are handled on the
 stack then you get a lot closer to having just values and references,
 rather than the whole pile of different terms that are apparently in

 sorry for the confusion,

 Why is it a pity to have a whole pile of different terms to describe a
 whole lot of different behaviours? I would suggest the real confusion
 would be if we had two terms to describe a dozen different parameter-
 passing conventions.


(1) it's often useful to explain things as (simpler) orthogonal components
rather than globbing everything under one term; that lets you more easily
carry across knowledge from previous experience.

(2) while using a term that has (according to wikipedia) widespread usage
in the Python community helps you save time and avoid confusion, it
doesn't necessarily explain best to someone from outside that community
what is happening.  in this particular case you are getting dangerously
close to having a term that is used only for one language and which,
therefore, is at risk of meaning little more that the way python does it
(which is, i think you'll agree, more tautological than helpful).



Re: Problem in accessing files with unicode fonts.

2009-02-24 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 24 Feb 2009 05:15:33 -0200, venu madhav  

 def findFile(dir_path):
 for name in os.listdir(dir_path):
 full_path = os.path.join(dir_path, name)
 print full_path
 if os.path.isdir(full_path):
 v = unicode(full_path,errors='skip')
 i = win32api.GetFileAttributes(v)

 Now when I run this scirpt, the full_path variable which should  

 name of the file has  for non english ( I tried Arabic)  

 a result the getfileattributes function is failing to recognise that  

 and is raising an exception.
 i = win32api.GetFileAttributes(v)
 error: (123, 'GetFileAttributes', 'The filename, directory name, or
 label syntax is incorrect.')

If you call os.listdir with an unicode directory, it returns unicode file  

That is (after correcting the previous error in findFile), call it using:

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Problem in accessing files with unicode fonts.

2009-02-24 Thread
On Feb 24, 1:44 pm, Gabriel Genellina
 En Tue, 24 Feb 2009 05:15:33 -0200, venu madhav  

   def findFile(dir_path):
       for name in os.listdir(dir_path):
           full_path = os.path.join(dir_path, name)
           print full_path
           if os.path.isdir(full_path):
               v = unicode(full_path,errors='skip')
               i = win32api.GetFileAttributes(v)

   Now when I run this scirpt, the full_path variable which should  
   name of the file has  for non english ( I tried Arabic)  
   a result the getfileattributes function is failing to recognise that  
   and is raising an exception.
       i = win32api.GetFileAttributes(v)
   error: (123, 'GetFileAttributes', 'The filename, directory name, or
   label syntax is incorrect.')

 If you call os.listdir with an unicode directory, it returns unicode file  
 That is (after correcting the previous error in findFile), call it using:

 Gabriel Genellina

Thank you for your solution. It really helped. But how should I give
if my path is in a varialble.

For ex: path has that value obtained through command line arguments.

path = sys.argv[2]

In such a case how can we convert the path to UNICODE?

Thank you once again,


Re: intermediate python csv reader/writer question from a beginner

2009-02-24 Thread Nick Craig-Wood
Learning Python wrote:
  anything related to csv, I usually use VB within excel to manipulate
  the data, nonetheless, i finally got the courage to take a dive into
  python.  i have viewed a lot of googled csv tutorials, but none of
  them address everything i need.  Nonetheless, I was wondering if
  someone can help me manipulate the sample csv (sample.csv) I have
  1,Adam,1,2,Monday,1:00 PM,,
  2,Bob,3,4,Monday,1:00 PM,,
  3,Charlie,5,6,Monday,1:00 PM,,
  4,Adam,7,8,Monday,2:00 PM,,
  5,Bob,9,10,Monday,2:00 PM,,
  6,Charlie,11,12,Monday,2:00 PM,,
  7,Adam,13,14,Tuesday,1:00 PM,,
  8,Bob,15,16,Tuesday,1:00 PM,,
  9,Charlie,17,18,Tuesday,1:00 PM,,
  into (newfile.csv):
  1,2,3,4,5,6,Monday,1:00 PM
  7,8,9,10,11,12,Monday,2:00 PM
  13,14,15,16,17,18,Tuesday,1:00 PM
  1. the true header doesn't start line 4 (if this is the case would i
  have to use split?)
  2. if there were SEQ#10-12, or 13-15, it would still be Adam, Bob,
  Charlie, but with different Test1/Test2/Date/Time

I'm not really sure what you are trying to calculate, but this should
give you some ideas...

import csv
from collections import defaultdict

reader = csv.reader(open(sample.csv))
result = defaultdict(list)
for row in reader:
# ignore unless first row is numeric
if not row or not row[0].isdigit():
n, name, a, b, day, time = row[:6]
print n=%r, name=%r, a=%r, b=%r, day=%r, time=%r % (n, name, a,
b, day, time)
result[(day, time)].append(n)

writer = csv.writer(open(newfile.csv, w))
for key, values in result.iteritems():
day, time = key
values = values + [day, time]

This prints

n='1', name='Adam', a='1', b='2', day='Monday', time='1:00 PM'
n='2', name='Bob', a='3', b='4', day='Monday', time='1:00 PM'
n='3', name='Charlie', a='5', b='6', day='Monday', time='1:00 PM'
n='4', name='Adam', a='7', b='8', day='Monday', time='2:00 PM'
n='5', name='Bob', a='9', b='10', day='Monday', time='2:00 PM'
n='6', name='Charlie', a='11', b='12', day='Monday', time='2:00 PM'
n='7', name='Adam', a='13', b='14', day='Tuesday', time='1:00 PM'
n='8', name='Bob', a='15', b='16', day='Tuesday', time='1:00 PM'
n='9', name='Charlie', a='17', b='18', day='Tuesday', time='1:00 PM'

And leaves newfile.csv with the contents

1,2,3,Monday,1:00 PM
7,8,9,Tuesday,1:00 PM
4,5,6,Monday,2:00 PM

Nick Craig-Wood --

Re: Reference or Value?

2009-02-24 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 24 Feb 2009 06:44:01 -0200, andrew cooke  

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Mon, 23 Feb 2009 08:14:34 -0300, andrew cooke wrote:

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Sun, 22 Feb 2009 13:37:27 -0300, andrew cooke wrote:

as far as i understand things, the best model is:

1 - everything is an object
2 - everything is passed by reference

Except that is wrong. If it were true, you could do this:

[pointer swapping]

i was thinking of how the stack is used; i would have called what you
are talking about pointer semantics.  however, on reading around a
little, it seems that i'm in a very small minority (which is a pity,
because if you restrict the meaning to how values are handled on the
stack then you get a lot closer to having just values and references,
rather than the whole pile of different terms that are apparently in

sorry for the confusion,

Why is it a pity to have a whole pile of different terms to describe a
whole lot of different behaviours? I would suggest the real confusion
would be if we had two terms to describe a dozen different parameter-
passing conventions.


(1) it's often useful to explain things as (simpler) orthogonal  

rather than globbing everything under one term; that lets you more easily
carry across knowledge from previous experience.

(2) while using a term that has (according to wikipedia) widespread  

in the Python community helps you save time and avoid confusion, it
doesn't necessarily explain best to someone from outside that community
what is happening.  in this particular case you are getting dangerously
close to having a term that is used only for one language and which,
therefore, is at risk of meaning little more that the way python does  

(which is, i think you'll agree, more tautological than helpful).

But -paraphrasing A.E.- we should explain it in the simplest terms, but  
not simpler.

Some people think that there exist only two possible ways to pass an  
argument: by value or by reference. The way Python does it doesn't have  
the same properties that pass-by-value nor pass-by-reference have in other  
languages, so both names are inapropiate. You appear to favor the by  
reference name. A couple months ago some other guy were strongly  
defending the by value name -- he even set up a website supporting his  

The fact is, if you say it's by value you'll disappoint some  
expectations from some users, and if you say it's by reference you'll  
disappoint some other expectations. So you must say something different  
(it's by reference, but the references cannot be modified (!), and...,  
it's by value, but the values are references (!!), and..., or whatever  
description you choose). Given that, it's better to use a different name:  
you're going to explain the concept anyway.

And Python isn't the first language using this convention; if you look in  
the FAQ or search recent threads in this group you'll find references  
going back to the '70s.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Problem in accessing files with unicode fonts.

2009-02-24 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 24 Feb 2009 07:18:41 -0200, escribió:

Thank you for your solution. It really helped. But how should I give
if my path is in a varialble.

For ex: path has that value obtained through command line arguments.

path = sys.argv[2]

In such a case how can we convert the path to UNICODE?

If you know the encoding used for your file names, use it; else try  

fsencoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
path = sys.argv[2].decode(fsencoding)

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Reference or Value?

2009-02-24 Thread andrew cooke
Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 En Tue, 24 Feb 2009 06:44:01 -0200, andrew cooke

 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Mon, 23 Feb 2009 08:14:34 -0300, andrew cooke wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Sun, 22 Feb 2009 13:37:27 -0300, andrew cooke wrote:

 as far as i understand things, the best model is:

 1 - everything is an object
 2 - everything is passed by reference

 Except that is wrong. If it were true, you could do this:
 [pointer swapping]

 i was thinking of how the stack is used; i would have called what you
 are talking about pointer semantics.  however, on reading around a
 little, it seems that i'm in a very small minority (which is a pity,
 because if you restrict the meaning to how values are handled on the
 stack then you get a lot closer to having just values and references,
 rather than the whole pile of different terms that are apparently in

 sorry for the confusion,

 Why is it a pity to have a whole pile of different terms to describe a
 whole lot of different behaviours? I would suggest the real confusion
 would be if we had two terms to describe a dozen different parameter-
 passing conventions.


 (1) it's often useful to explain things as (simpler) orthogonal
 rather than globbing everything under one term; that lets you more
 carry across knowledge from previous experience.

 (2) while using a term that has (according to wikipedia) widespread
 in the Python community helps you save time and avoid confusion, it
 doesn't necessarily explain best to someone from outside that community
 what is happening.  in this particular case you are getting dangerously
 close to having a term that is used only for one language and which,
 therefore, is at risk of meaning little more that the way python does
 (which is, i think you'll agree, more tautological than helpful).

 But -paraphrasing A.E.- we should explain it in the simplest terms, but
 not simpler.

 Some people think that there exist only two possible ways to pass an
 argument: by value or by reference. The way Python does it doesn't have
 the same properties that pass-by-value nor pass-by-reference have in other
 languages, so both names are inapropiate. You appear to favor the by
 reference name. A couple months ago some other guy were strongly
 defending the by value name -- he even set up a website supporting his

 The fact is, if you say it's by value you'll disappoint some
 expectations from some users, and if you say it's by reference you'll
 disappoint some other expectations. So you must say something different
 (it's by reference, but the references cannot be modified (!), and...,
 it's by value, but the values are references (!!), and..., or whatever
 description you choose). Given that, it's better to use a different name:
 you're going to explain the concept anyway.

if you read my post i think you'll find i was not advocating either of those.

i really think this discussion has gone on far enough; i have better
things to do.


 And Python isn't the first language using this convention; if you look in
 the FAQ or search recent threads in this group you'll find references
 going back to the '70s.

 Gabriel Genellina



Re: A tale of two execs

2009-02-24 Thread Carl Banks
On Feb 23, 9:13 pm, aha wrote:
 Hello All,
   It occurred to me that I might just want to try copying the installed in a /usr/lib/python24 installation to the
 directory where I place the scripts that I need to launch my
 application...I know this was mentioned earlier.  Anyway, my
 application worked under python 2.3 and later python versions as
 well.  Here is what I did:

 I renamed to and then used the following

   import subprocess
 except ImportError:
   import subprocess23 as subprocess

 I chose this route because I took a deeper look at the code in the
 subprocess module and I also realized that I would not be able to use
 the popen2, because I would not be able to do things like os.setpgrp
 for preexec_fn, with popen2.  In the end, if I wanted that type of
 functionality I would have to use os.dup, fork, exec, which meant
 reinventing the wheel.  I overcame the issue of dealing with msvcrt
 and _subprocess under windows by requiring python24 or greater under

Distributing the interpreter doesn't look quite as silly as it did
this morning now, does it?

Carl Banks

Re: tkinter icons as bytestrings, not files?

2009-02-24 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 24 Feb 2009 02:56:12 -0200, Peter Billam  

As a newbie, starting with Python3, I'm working my way through Mark
Summerfield's tkinter examples.  In the toolbar, there's lines like:

image = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), image)
image = tkinter.PhotoImage(file=image)

which are always failing because the icons are in the wrong place
and I can't help but wonder if I can put all these little images
in the application itself, either as b'whatever' or uuencoded or
in svg etc, and then invoke some suitable variation of the
image = tkinter.PhotoImage(file=image)
or of the
button = tkinter.Button(toolbar, image=image, command=command)
command ?  (I did try help('tkinter.PhotoImage') but didn't spot a
magic key (unless it's data=something, format=something)) ...

Almost; see the best documentation source for tkinter:

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Python, HTTPS (SSL), tlslite and POST method (and lots of pain)

2009-02-24 Thread yatsek
OK I found workaround.

So just for other fighting the same thing:
Instead of using tlslite use pyOpenSSL and as a base for your server
you can use:

When you add do_POST method everything works


Re: Reference or Value?

2009-02-24 Thread Steven D'Aprano
andrew cooke wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Mon, 23 Feb 2009 08:14:34 -0300, andrew cooke wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Sun, 22 Feb 2009 13:37:27 -0300, andrew cooke wrote:

 as far as i understand things, the best model is:

 1 - everything is an object
 2 - everything is passed by reference

 Except that is wrong. If it were true, you could do this:
 [pointer swapping]

 i was thinking of how the stack is used; i would have called what you
 are talking about pointer semantics.  however, on reading around a
 little, it seems that i'm in a very small minority (which is a pity,
 because if you restrict the meaning to how values are handled on the
 stack then you get a lot closer to having just values and references,
 rather than the whole pile of different terms that are apparently in

 sorry for the confusion,

 Why is it a pity to have a whole pile of different terms to describe a
 whole lot of different behaviours? I would suggest the real confusion
 would be if we had two terms to describe a dozen different parameter-
 passing conventions.
 (1) it's often useful to explain things as (simpler) orthogonal components
 rather than globbing everything under one term; 

One term? 

If you look at this Wikipedia page:

you should be able to count no fewer than thirteen different terms for 
different evaluation strategies, and call-by-value itself is described as
a family of strategies. Who is gobbing everything under one term? Certainly
not me. If anything, your preferred tactic is to gob everything under one
of two terms, call-by-value and call-by-reference. That's not my preferred

 that lets you more easily 
 carry across knowledge from previous experience.

That's only useful if that previous experience *clarifies* rather than
*confuses*. This very thread demonstrates that people's prior knowledge of
call-by-whatever doesn't clarify Python's behaviour.

 (2) while using a term that has (according to wikipedia) widespread usage
 in the Python community helps you save time and avoid confusion, it
 doesn't necessarily explain best to someone from outside that community
 what is happening.  

And you think call-by-reference does?

Python demonstrably does not behave like call-by-reference in other
languages. I do not agree that it is wise to hammer the round peg of
Python's actual behaviour into the square peg of newbies' concept of

 in this particular case you are getting dangerously 
 close to having a term that is used only for one language 

So what? What if Python was the only language that used the term? That
doesn't make it inappropriate. If the users of other languages that use
call-by-object semantics (Java, RealBasic, etc) choose to prefer a
misleading name over a descriptive name, that's no reason for Python users
to follow down their path.

 and which, 
 therefore, is at risk of meaning little more that the way python does it
 (which is, i think you'll agree, more tautological than helpful).

No at all. Do you imagine that call-by-name means the way Algol does it?
Algol is the only major language that uses call-by-name, it may even be the
only language of any size, but that doesn't mean that call-by-name can't be
defined and described independently of Algol. There's even a test,
Knuth's Man Or Boy Test, for testing how well a language implements
call-by-name semantics.



undefined reference to `init_warnings' when compiling after freeze...

2009-02-24 Thread PS
Hello Python users

I am trying to compile .py files using freeze with Python 2.6.1, but I
get an error even when trying with from the examples.

Freeze semes to do its work (last lines only):

p...@linux-s7f4:~/soft/Python-2.6.1/Tools/freeze python

generating table of frozen modules
Warning: unknown modules remain: _bisect _collections _ctypes
_functools _heapq _locale _random _socket _ssl _struct array binascii
cPickle cStringIO fcntl itertools math operator readline select strop
termios time
Now run make to build the target: hello

Now comes make:

p...@linux-s7f4:~/soft/Python-2.6.1/Tools/freeze make
gcc -pthread  -Xlinker -export-dynamic config.o frozen.o
M_BaseHTTPServer.o M_FixTk.o M_SocketServer.o M_StringIO.o
M_Tkconstants.o M_Tkinter.o M_UserDict.o M___future__.o M___main__.o
M__abcoll.o M__threading_local.o M_abc.o M_base64.o M_bdb.o M_bisect.o
M_cmd.o M_codecs.o M_collections.o M_copy.o M_copy_reg.o
M_ctypes.oM_ctypes___endian.o M_ctypes__macholib.o
M_ctypes__macholib__dyld.o M_ctypes__macholib__dylib.o
M_ctypes__macholib__framework.o M_ctypes__util.o M_difflib.o M_dis.o
M_distutils.o M_distutils__dep_util.o M_distutils__errors.o
M_distutils__log.o M_distutils__spawn.o M_distutils__sysconfig.o
M_distutils__text_file.o M_distutils__util.o M_doctest.o
M_dummy_thread.o M_dummy_threading.o M_email.o M_email___parseaddr.o
M_email__base64mime.o M_email__charset.o M_email__encoders.o
M_email__errors.o M_email__feedparser.o M_email__message.o
M_email__mime.o M_email__parser.o M_email__quoprimime.o
M_email__utils.o M_encodings.o M_encodings__aliases.o M_fnmatch.o
M_formatter.o M_ftplib.o M_functools.o M_genericpath.o M_getopt.o
M_getpass.o M_gettext.o M_glob.o M_heapq.o M_httplib.o M_inspect.o
M_keyword.o M_linecache.o M_locale.o M_macurl2path.o M_mimetools.o
M_mimetypes.o M_ntpath.o M_nturl2path.o M_opcode.o M_optparse.o M_os.o
M_os2emxpath.o M_pdb.o M_pickle.o M_pkgutil.o M_posixpath.o M_pprint.o
M_py_compile.o M_pydoc.o M_pydoc_topics.o M_quopri.o M_random.o M_re.o
M_repr.oM_rfc822.o M_shlex.o M_site.o M_socket.o M_sre_compile.o
M_sre_constants.o M_sre_parse.o M_ssl.o M_stat.o M_string.o M_struct.o
M_subprocess.o M_tempfile.o M_textwrap.o M_threading.o M_token.o
M_tokenize.o M_traceback.o M_tty.o M_types.o M_unittest.o M_urllib.o
M_urlparse.o M_uu.o M_warnings.o M_webbrowser.o /home/ps/app/lib/
python2.6/config/libpython2.6.a   -lpthread -ldl  -lutil -lm  -o hello
/home/ps/app/lib/python2.6/config/libpython2.6.a(posixmodule.o): In
function `posix_tmpnam':
/home/ps/soft/Python-2.6.1/./Modules/posixmodule.c:7079: warning: the
use of `tmpnam_r' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp'
/home/ps/app/lib/python2.6/config/libpython2.6.a(posixmodule.o): In
function `posix_tempnam':
/home/ps/soft/Python-2.6.1/./Modules/posixmodule.c:7034: warning: the
use of `tempnam' is dangerous, betteruse `mkstemp'
config.o:(.data+0x28): undefined reference to `init_warnings'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [hello] Error 1

I tested it on OpenSuSe 11.0 and Ubuntu 8.10 with the same results.

Did somebody experienced the same problem?

With Python 2.5.1 it works without problems.

Thanks in advance

try except question - serious foo bar question, and pulling my hair out :-)

2009-02-24 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Given this class below:

import Queue
import threading
from sorb.util.dumpexc import dumpexc
import waitablemixin


class Feeder(threading.Thread,waitablemixin.WaitableMixin):
   def __init__(self,connection_manager): = connection_manager
   self.expired_asins = Queue.Queue()
   self.logger =

   def run(self):
   d =
   od_producer = d.locate('od_producer')
   while not
   items = od_producer.getsomeasins()
   if items: %d items to 

   for item in items:
   if self.expired_asins.qsize()PREFETCH_SIZE:
(self.expired_asins.qsize()PREFETCH_SIZE) and \

   %s (%s) items in the 
queue, waiting...,

   else: more items to 
process, will wait 5 minutes.)

   except Exception,e:
   self.logger.error(Could not get asins: 
%s,dumpexc(e) )

   self.logger.error(Will retry in 10 seconds.)
   except Exception,e:
   self.logger.error(Feeder stopped. stop_requested = 
How in the hell can I get the following log output:

2009-02-24 11:42:14,696 INFO .feeder Got 5 items to process
2009-02-24 11:42:14,732 INFO .feeder Got 5 items to process
2009-02-24 11:42:14,733 INFO .feeder 15 (10) items in the queue, waiting...
2009-02-24 11:42:15,740 INFO .feeder 15 (10) items in the queue, waiting...
2009-02-24 11:42:16,965 ERROR .feeder Feeder stopped. stop_requested = False

It seems impossible to me. The while loop should only exit if 
stop_requested becomes set, OR if an exception is raised. However, all 
exceptions are cought and logged. But there are no exceptions logged. 
And stop_requested is NOT SET. (see the last line in the log).

What is happening here?

Re: try except question - serious foo bar question, and pulling my hair out :-)

2009-02-24 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 24 Feb 2009 09:22:41 -0200, Laszlo Nagy  

Given this class below:

[code removed]

It seems impossible to me. The while loop should only exit if  
stop_requested becomes set, OR if an exception is raised. However, all  
exceptions are cought and logged. But there are no exceptions logged.  
And stop_requested is NOT SET. (see the last line in the log).

I assume stop_requested is an Event object. Maybe other thread cleared it?

Gabriel Genellina


Re: try except question - serious foo bar question, and pulling my hair out :-)

2009-02-24 Thread Laszlo Nagy

I assume stop_requested is an Event object. Maybe other thread cleared 

It was never set! - nothing can clear it.

Re: try except question - serious foo bar question, and pulling my hair out :-)

2009-02-24 Thread Laszlo Nagy

I assume stop_requested is an Event object. Maybe other thread 
cleared it?

It was never set! - nothing can clear it.

In theory, it could be that a thread sets the event object. E.g.:

#1. other thread calls stop_requested.set()
#2. while not self.stop_requested.isSet() -- loop exists
#3. other thread calls stop_requested.clear()
#4. called this: self.logger.error(Feeder stopped. stop_requested = 

However, this cannot happen. This application is running multiple 
threads (10+) and every thread monitors the global stop_requested 
flag. If there was an unexpected error in the service, 
stop_requested.set() is called. It will stop all threads and exit the 
process. stop_requested.clear() is NEVER called, so the while loop 
should have not been ended. So what is happening here? It drives me crazy.


Re: Byte type?

2009-02-24 Thread Paddy O'Loughlin
2009/2/24 John Nagle
 Martin v. Löwis wrote:

 Please don't call something dumb that you don't fully understand. It's
 offenses the people who have spent lots of time developing Python --
 personal, unpaid and voluntary time!

   Some of the people involved are on Google's payroll.

Uh, what does that have to do with anything?
It would only be relevant if you are saying that Google is paying them
to do the work (so not just on their payroll).

More importantly, it's also only relevant if ALL the people
contributing are being paid by Google to do the work, which I'm pretty
sure is not the case.

There are people are spending lots of personal, unpaid and voluntary
time developing Python.

Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!

Re: Newby - is this what they are looking for ?? and is their a better a way

2009-02-24 Thread Chris Rebert
On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 4:54 AM, Gary Wood wrote:
 ''' program.
 1.What type of data will the input be? What type of data will the output be?
 2.Get the phrase from the user.
 3.Convert to upper case.
 4.Divide the phrase into words.
 5.Initialize a new empty list, letters.
 6.Get the first letter of each word.
 7.Append the first letter to the list letters.
 8.Join the letters together, with no space between them.
 9.Print the acronym.

You're not doing 5 or 7-9 right. Where's the `letters` list they asked for?

 Which of these steps is in a loop? What for statement controls this loop?

 line = input('enter a phrase')
 lines = line.upper()
 seq = lines.split()
 for i in seq:
     word = (i[0])
     print(word, end='')

Hint: `print` shouldn't be used inside the loop at all.


Follow the path of the Iguana...

Re: try except question - serious foo bar question, and pulling my hair out :-)

2009-02-24 Thread Laszlo Nagy

It seems impossible to me. The while loop should only exit if 
stop_requested becomes set, OR if an exception is raised. However, all 
exceptions are cought and logged. But there are no exceptions logged. 
And stop_requested is NOT SET. (see the last line in the log).

What is happening here?

It was a bad assumption. Not all exceptions are subclasses of 
Exception. In this case, an inner call raised SystemExit(0). So be 
aware. Don't think that this will catch all exceptions:

except Exception,e:

Use this instead:

import sys
  e = sys.exc_value




Re: How to read columns in python

2009-02-24 Thread Steve Holden
Dhananjay wrote:
 The three columns are tab separated and there are 200 such rows having
 these 3 columns in the file.
 First two columns are x and y coordinates and third column is the
 corresponding value.
 I want to read this file as a matrix in which column1 correspond to
 row,  column2 corresponds to columns(in matrix) and column3 corresponds
 to value in the matrix.
 -- Dhananjay
 On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 12:18 PM, Chris Rebert wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 10:41 PM, Dhananjay
  I am bit new to python and programming and this might be a basic
  I have a file containing 3 columns.
 Your question is much too vague to answer. What defines a column for
 you? Tab-separated, comma-separated, or something else altogether?
Try something like

f = open(datafile.txt, 'r')
x = []; y = []; val = []
for line in f:
xx, yy, vv = line.split()

Of course this is only one way to represent the data - as vectors of x,
y and val. If you just wanted a list of the data triples then you could
have written

f = open(datafile.txt, 'r')
values = []
for line in f:
   x, y, v = line.split()
   values.append(float(x), float(y), float(v))


Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Newby - is this what they are looking for ?? and is their a better a way

2009-02-24 Thread Gary Wood
''' program. 
1.What type of data will the input be? What type of data will the output be? 
2.Get the phrase from the user. 
3.Convert to upper case. 
4.Divide the phrase into words. 
5.Initialize a new empty list, letters. 
6.Get the first letter of each word. 
7.Append the first letter to the list letters. 
8.Join the letters together, with no space between them. 
9.Print the acronym.
Which of these steps is in a loop? What for statement controls this loop? '''

line = input('enter a phrase')
lines = line.upper()
seq = lines.split()
for i in seq:
word = (i[0])
print(word, end='')

Re: Python C-API Object Allocation

2009-02-24 Thread Stefan Behnel
 On Feb 21, 2009, at 10:01 AM, William Newbery wrote:
 Ive been learning the C-API lately so I can write python extensions
 for some of my c++ stuff.

First thing that comes to (my) mind is that you probably do not want to
write code against the bare C-API. Instead, give Cython a try.


Extract CDATA Node

2009-02-24 Thread Girish
How do I extract CDATA node in Python? I'm using dom.minidom as

from xml.dom.minidom import Document

class XMLDocument():

def __init__(self):
self.doc  = Document()

def parseString(self, d):
self.doc = parseString(_encode(d))
return self

#Create instance of XMLDocument
doc = XMLDocument()
doc.parseString(open(os.curdir + '\\XML\\1.xml', 'r').read())

Please help me out.


Re: Extract CDATA Node

2009-02-24 Thread Jean-Paul Calderone

On Tue, 24 Feb 2009 05:29:21 -0800 (PST), Girish wrote:

How do I extract CDATA node in Python? I'm using dom.minidom as

from xml.dom.minidom import Document

class XMLDocument():

   def __init__(self):
   self.doc  = Document()

   def parseString(self, d):
   self.doc = parseString(_encode(d))
   return self

#Create instance of XMLDocument
doc = XMLDocument()
doc.parseString(open(os.curdir + '\\XML\\1.xml', 'r').read())

Please help me out.

Here's one approach.

   from xml.dom.minidom import parse
   doc = parse(file('XML/1.xml'))
   cdata = []
   elements = [doc.documentElement]
   while elements:
   e = elements.pop(0)
   if e.nodeType == doc.TEXT_NODE:
   elif e.nodeType == doc.ELEMENT_NODE:
   elements[:0] = e.childNodes
   print cdata

I bet there are simpler ways, though, based on other XML libraries.


Re: more on unescaping escapes

2009-02-24 Thread Rhodri James

On Tue, 24 Feb 2009 00:46:34 -, bvdp wrote:

Just because I never really thought too much about it :) I'm doing my  
work on a linux box and my user is on windows ... and he's used to using  
'\' ... but, you are absolutely right! Just use '/' on both systems and  
be done with it. Of course I still need to use \x20 for spaces, but that  
is easy.

Erm, no.  \x20 is exactly the same as   in a string literal.

Rhodri James *-* Wildebeeste Herder to the Masses

Which group ...

2009-02-24 Thread Ben
Ok, thanks ... I am going to be asking a lot of questions now ;-

Re: try except question - serious foo bar question, and pulling my hair out :-)

2009-02-24 Thread Steve Holden
Laszlo Nagy wrote:

 I assume stop_requested is an Event object. Maybe other thread
 cleared it?

 It was never set! - nothing can clear it.
 In theory, it could be that a thread sets the event object. E.g.:
 #1. other thread calls stop_requested.set()
 #2. while not self.stop_requested.isSet() -- loop exists
 #3. other thread calls stop_requested.clear()
 #4. called this: self.logger.error(Feeder stopped. stop_requested =
 However, this cannot happen. This application is running multiple
 threads (10+) and every thread monitors the global stop_requested
 flag. If there was an unexpected error in the service,
 stop_requested.set() is called. It will stop all threads and exit the
 process. stop_requested.clear() is NEVER called, so the while loop
 should have not been ended. So what is happening here? It drives me crazy.
Time to get a stuffed toy and go through your code, explaining to the
toy exactly why your code is right and nothing can go wrong. With luck,
within half an hour you will realize what you are doing wrong ...

Steve Holden+1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC


Re: Reference or Value?

2009-02-24 Thread Tim Rowe
2009/2/24 Steven D'Aprano

 If you look at this Wikipedia page:

 you should be able to count no fewer than thirteen different terms for
 different evaluation strategies, and call-by-value itself is described as
 a family of strategies.

And that call by sharing is a member of that family even though the
behaviour is (as I understand it) exactly what you would get if you
pass an object by ^reference^ in C++. Wikipedia can be a double-edged
sword ;-).

I think the problem is that Call by value and Call by reference
are terms that pre-date object orientation, and don't cope well with
obect-oriented languages in general, not just with Python. That Java
programmers get by thinking the mechanism is called call by value,
C++ programmers get by thinking the same mechanism is called call by
reference and Python programmers get by thinking the same mechanism
is called call by sharing suggests that the terms are no longer
helpful. Programmers in one language simply can't know what the
terminology means when applied to another language without learning
the behaviour in that other language before learning the terminology.

That means that Torsten's original question probably wasn't the one he
wanted to ask, and wasn't a useful one. The useful question is what
is Python's parameter passing *behaviour^,
with a possible supplementary what do they call that behaviour *in
the Python community*, recognising that if they asked what is Java's
parameter passing *behaviour^,
with the supplementary what do they call that behaviour *in the Java
community* they would get much the same answer for the first question
(immutability is handled differently, I think, but it's there) but a
totally different answer to the second.

Tim Rowe

Re: Extending Python Questions .....

2009-02-24 Thread Ben
On Feb 23, 2:31 pm, Nick Craig-Wood wrote:
 Ben wrote:
   In My S-Lag Project called, SLAG, I have some function keys that get
   mapped back to S-lang internal functions.

   My SLAG project works pretty much like Python (as does the S-Lang).
   You write a S-lang script
   that imports your extension. module - and all this gets run by the

   I allow function keys to be mapped back internal function(s) inside of
   the controlling program.

   My question is which Python C api Do I need to this with ?

 Do you mean like this?

 Not sure how well maintained it is though.

  Do I need to worry about my reference counting since the Python
  Program is in essence calling a function in itself?

 I'm not sure I understand you here, but in general you don't need to
 worry about reference counting in Python - it all happens behind the
 scenes.  If you are writing a python extension in C then you do need
 to worry about reference counting - a lot!

 Nick Craig-Wood --

No, It uses the the S-lang for video, and input control. However, SLAG
is more of an abstract layer on top of that.

It has a Structures that contains menus and screens (menumodule /
screenmodule). One LOADS them up with parameters.
such as creating a new menu is like:

OpenMenu( Company name, SubSystem, this program name, mode, bottom
status display)   - Create initial menu structure
Addtomenu(Menu Block Set name, DISPLAY line, ID, type of program,
password ID )  - add to / update MENU blocks.
runMenu()   - Displays the whole create menu structure.

The Menu structure is done in pull downs and scrollable blocks in a
TUI (text User Interface) and using the
S-lang screen library is fully mouseable.

The screen module works mych the same way, but with the abiltity to
open and close and
work within Sub Screens.

For those who do not know, S-lang is a interpreted language much like
Python. However, there
is s direth of library modules. The original S-lang started out as
library of screen of keyboard
modules, but has been expanded

My SLAG project does not care in reality WHICH or what language, it is
simply handling menu and
screen control.

Hope this helps ...

Re: Running script in module initialization

2009-02-24 Thread Gabriel Genellina

En Mon, 23 Feb 2009 05:51:27 -0200, Kom2 escribió:

On 20 Ún, 16:27, Steve Holden wrote:

Kom2 wrote:
 I'm trying to convert my project from python 2.5 to python 3.0 and I
 have the following problem. My project is PYD library written in C++.
 So I have this PyInit_ModuleName function containing PyModule_Create
 call and this function also call some script with declarations:

    PyObject* m;

    m = PyModule_Create(PyVRDAModule);
    if (m == NULL) {
       return NULL;
    PyObject *d, *v;
    d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
    v = PyRun_StringFlags(txtPyPredefinedConstants), Py_file_input, d,
 d, NULL);

 txtPyPredefinedConstants is string with this content:

 class CursorMoveType:
    First = 0
    Last = 1
    Next = 2
    Previous = 3
    Bookmark = 4
    NewRecord = 5

 In Python 2.5 everything works fine, now in python3.0
 PyRun_StringFlags returns NULL and I get error __build_class__ not

__build_class__ is a (hidden?) function in the builtins module.
Your module isn't completely created yet, it lacks the __builtins__  
attribute, so you can't execute any Python code that calls a builtin  
function. In 2.5 the class statement was a lot simpler, but in 3.0 it  
requires an auxiliary function (implemented as builtins.__build_class__)
You may try setting __builtins__ to the current builtins  
(PyEval_GetBuiltins) before executing Python code.
Or, if those 7 lines are all you need, you may just write the equivalent C  

Gabriel Genellina


variables bound in moudules are None when module is not completely imported

2009-02-24 Thread chrysn
when a module being loaded is interrupted by an exception, code blocks
that have the module's scope in their environment will later evaluate
variables bound to that module to None, instead of preserving that scope
(because it is still referenced somewhere) or raising a NameError (for
which i see no reason, but which would still be better than silently
returning None).

this can happen, for example, when one tries to join different programs
in one main loop by having the modules first hook up to events and then
terminating the subprograms by replacing the call to the main loop with
an exception raiser.

attached, there is a tarball with two similar examples, one
demonstrating that with functions instead of modules (this behaves as
expected; ./function/), the other showing that when a module's block is
terminated, the remaining variables are set to None (./module/); both
can be run by calling `python` in the respective directory.

* is this a bug in the pythin implementation? (i've tested it both with
  2.5 and with 3.0b2)
* if yes, is it identical to [1748015]? (i suppose it is, but lacking
  experience with pdb i am not sure)
* can / will this be fixed?
* is there a workaround?
* especially, is there a workaround that works w/o rewriting the
  modules that raise the exceptions? (otherwise, wrapping all the
  stuff called in the __name__==__main__ wrapper into a main()
  function and then calling that would trivially solve that)

answers to any of these questions would be very much appreciated



To use raw power is to make yourself infinitely vulnerable to greater powers.
  -- Bene Gesserit axiom

Description: Binary data

Description: Digital signature

Re: try except question - serious foo bar question, and pulling my hair out :-)

2009-02-24 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 24 Feb 2009 11:09:44 -0200, Laszlo Nagy  

It seems impossible to me. The while loop should only exit if  
stop_requested becomes set, OR if an exception is raised. However, all  
exceptions are cought and logged. But there are no exceptions logged.  
And stop_requested is NOT SET. (see the last line in the log).

What is happening here?

It was a bad assumption. Not all exceptions are subclasses of  
Exception. In this case, an inner call raised SystemExit(0).

Glad to see you finally found what was happening!

So be aware. Don't think that this will catch all exceptions:

except Exception,e:

Use this instead:

import sys
   e = sys.exc_value

Only at the outermost block on your code, if ever... The fact that some  
exceptions don't inherit from Exception is on purpose -- usually you  
*dont* want to catch (and swallow) SystemExit (nor KeyboardInterrupt, and  
a few more I think)

Gabriel Genellina


Re: shared lib from python code?

2009-02-24 Thread Gabriel Rossetti

andrew cooke wrote:

Gabriel Rossetti wrote:

Ok, maybe I mis-stated my problem (or mis-understood your answers).. I
don' t want to share code as in have multiple processes access a
variable and have the same value, like it is done in threads, what I
want is to not have n copies of the code (classes, functions, etc)
loaded by n python interpreters. When you load Apache for instance, it
runs n processes but loads only one copy of parts of it's code (so/dll),
that's what I want to do. In C/C++ I would write a shared-lib (so/dll),
so once the system has loaded it, it doesn' t re-load it when another
process needs it.

i think i understand what you want.  the problem is that the kind of
language that python is really doesn't work well with that kind of
approach.  this is (and i may be wrong - i've not really thought much
about this before) largely because python places a very strong emphasis on
late binding.  that means that everything is very flexible - all kinds of
things can be changed under the hood.  and that means that it is very
difficult to share things safely because almost any solution would end up
doing what you don't want (sharing variables, like with threads (even
though they are very deeply buried variables)) rather than what you do
want (just sharing the static part of the code to save space).

another way to see this is to see the connection with security.  this is
the flip side of your case - because things are so flexible it is very
hard to run some python code in a sandbox in a larger python program. 
there's some discussion on the dev group at the moment and it looks like

the solution is to only use function closures.  but even that doesn't work
without some patches that remove certain ways to dynamically alter the
code base.


Ok, I see, thank you. I thought this was possible since I have used 
*.pyd files before and from what I had read they were dynamic library 
files. I guess they must be written in C/C++ then. Thank you for the 


Re: shared lib from python code?

2009-02-24 Thread Gabriel Rossetti

Duncan Booth wrote:

Gabriel Rossetti wrote:

Ok, maybe I mis-stated my problem (or mis-understood your answers).. I 
don' t want to share code as in have multiple processes access a 
variable and have the same value, like it is done in threads, what I 
want is to not have n copies of the code (classes, functions, etc) 
loaded by n python interpreters. When you load Apache for instance, it 
runs n processes but loads only one copy of parts of it's code (so/dll), 
that's what I want to do. In C/C++ I would write a shared-lib (so/dll), 
so once the system has loaded it, it doesn' t re-load it when another 
process needs it.

It doesn't matter how you restate it, the answer is still the one Gabriel 
Genellina gave you: Python code objects are not shared between processes.


Ok, I had though that he had misunderstood me.
Code objects are immutable, but they are still objects like everything else 
in Python. That means they are reference counted and discarded when no 
longer referenced.

To share code objects between different processes you would have to change 
the reference counting mechanism so it was either safe across multiple 
processes or didn't reference count shared code objects (but still ref 
counted non-shared objects).

The actual code is just stored in a string, so perhaps you could share 
those strings between processes: just executing the code doesn't change the 
string's refcount (whereas it does change the function and the code 
objects' counts). You could probably make something work simply by editing 
the code constructor to move the code into shared memory and using some 
other mechanism to control the shared memory storage.


Ok, thanks for the explanation.

C extension libraries on the other hand may be shared.


Ok, so pyd files must be C extensions then.


Re: reading file to list

2009-02-24 Thread nick_keighley_nospam
On 17 Jan, 17:16, Xah Lee wrote:

 Here's a interesting toy problem posted by Drew Krause to

 On Jan 16, 2:29 pm, Drew Krause wrote [paraphrased a bit]:

 OK, I want to create a nested list in Lisp (always of only integers)
 from a text file, such that each line in the text file would be
 represented as a sublist in the 'imported' list.

 example of a file's content

 3 10 2
 4 1
 11 18

 example of programing behavior
 (make-list-from-text blob.txt) = ((3 10 2) (4 1) (11 18))

 Here's a emacs lisp version:

 (defun read-lines (file)
   Return a list of lines in FILE.
 (insert-file-contents file)
  (buffer-substring-no-properties 1 (point-max)) \n t)

 (defvar mylist '() result list )
 (setq mylist '()) ; init in case eval'd again

  (lambda (x) (setq mylist
(cons (split-string x  ) mylist )) )
  (read-lines xxblob.txt)

 The above coding style is a typical maintainable elisp.

 In a show-off context, it can be reduced to by about 50%, but still
 far verbose than ruby or say perl (which is 1 or 2 lines. (python
 would be 3 or 5)).

 Note that the result element is string, not numbers. There's no easy
 way to convert them on the fly. 3 or so more lines will be needed to
 do that.

 The “read-lines” function really should be a built-in part of elisp.
 It is not so mostly because emacs people have drawn themselves into a
 elitist corner, closing off to the outside world. (i am sending a
 suggestion to the official emacs dev list on adding read-line now.)


(define (read-line port)
(define (rec-read-line port line)
(define next-char (peek-char port))
(define number #f)
(cond ((eof-object? next-char) '())
  ((char=? next-char #\newline) (read-char port) line)
  ((char-numeric? next-char)
   (set! number (read port))
   (cons number (rec-read-line port line)))
  ((char=? next-char #\space)
   (read-char port)
   (rec-read-line port line))
  (else (error (string-append bad character \
  (string next-char) \)))

(rec-read-line port '())

(define (make-int-list port)
(define line (read-line port))
(if (null? line)
(cons line (make-int-list port

(define (make-list-from-text file)
(make-int-list (open-input-file file)))

 - gave a ruby solution:

   IO.readlines(blob.txt).map{|line| line.split }

 augumented by Jilliam James for result to be numbers:

   IO.readlines(blob.txt).map{|line|{|s| s.to_i }}

 Very beautiful.


 That's really the beauty of Ruby.

 This problem and ruby code illustrates 2 fundamental problems of lisp,
 namely, the cons problem, and the nested syntax pain. Both of which
 are practically unfixable.

 The lisp's cons fundamentally makes nested list a pain to work with.
 Lisp's nested syntax makes functional sequencing cumbersome.

 In the ruby code, its post-fix sequential notation (as a side effect
 of its OOP notation) brings out the beauty of functional sequencing
 paradigm (sometimes known as functional chain, sequencing, filtering,
 unix piping).

 its list, like all modern high level langs such as perl, php, python,
 javascript, don't have the lisp's cons problem. The cons destroys the
 usability of lists up-front, untill you have some at least 2 full-time
 years of coding lisp to utilize cons properly. (and even after that,
 it is still a pain to work with, and all you gain is a bit of speed
 optimization in rare cases that requires largish data, most of which
 has better solutions such as a database.)

 Both of these problems i've published articles on.

 For more detail on the cons problem, see
 the section “The Cons Business” at

 • Fundamental Problems of Lisp

 For more detail on the nested syntax problem for function chaining,
 the section “How Purely Nested Notation Limits The Language's Utility”

 • The Concepts and Confusions of Prefix, Infix, Postfix and Fully
 Nested Notations

Re: Newby - is this what they are looking for ?? and is their a better a way

2009-02-24 Thread Tim Rowe
You're doing well so far. As Chris has said, you need to read the
later part of the question more carefully. A couple of other things:

1. 'input' might not be the best way to get the phrase, because the
user will have to put the phrase in quotes or the program will
(probably) crash. Have a look at raw_input.

2. A cosmetic thing. Your users will be happier if you put a space
after 'enter a phrase'

3. A better way might not be a better way for you. There's a very
Pythonic way of doing this using something called list comprehensions,
but they're almost certainly not what your tutor wants because they're
rather more advanced than the level you're working at. If it wasn't
for the requirement to put the acronym into the variable letters,
the whole task could be done in one Python statement. Don't try that.
Keep it simple, the way you have been so far.

4. If you want to be a wise guy, ask your tutor why he/she got you to
convert the whole phrase to upper case, wasting a whole pile of
character conversion operations under the hood, because it's only the
acronym that needs to be converted :-)

Tim Rowe

Unix Change Passwd Python CGI

2009-02-24 Thread Derek Tracy
I am using python version 2.5.1 and need to create a python cgi application
to allow a user to change their unix password.

Apache is running on the same system that needs the password changed.  I
need to keep security high and can not install additional modules at this

I just need a general direction to start looking, and I do not have expect
installed on the system.

Any ideas would be wonderful!

R/S --
Derek Tracy

Re: try except question - serious foo bar question, and pulling my hair out :-)

2009-02-24 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2009-02-24, Steve Holden wrote:

 However, this cannot happen. This application is running
 multiple threads (10+) and every thread monitors the global
 stop_requested flag. If there was an unexpected error in the
 service, stop_requested.set() is called. It will stop all
 threads and exit the process. stop_requested.clear() is NEVER
 called, so the while loop should have not been ended. So what
 is happening here? It drives me crazy.

 Time to get a stuffed toy and go through your code, explaining
 to the toy exactly why your code is right and nothing can go
 wrong. With luck, within half an hour you will realize what
 you are doing wrong ...

It works with a person as well as stuffed toys -- but trying to
order a person on the internet gets you in a lot more trouble.
It's also a little more embarassing when you realize your
mistake in front of a person.  OTOH, sometimes a person will
ask an enlightening question; but, sometimes they just make
unhelpfull wisecracks.  It's a tough choice.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! OVER the underpass!
  at   UNDER the overpass!
   visi.comAround the FUTURE and

Re: try except question - serious foo bar question, and pulling my hair out :-)

2009-02-24 Thread Laszlo Nagy

Use this instead:

import sys
   e = sys.exc_value

Only at the outermost block on your code, if ever... The fact that 
some exceptions don't inherit from Exception is on purpose -- usually 
you *dont* want to catch (and swallow) SystemExit (nor 
KeyboardInterrupt, and a few more I think)

Yes, this was at the outermost block of my thread's run method.

SystemExit exception did not generate an exception in Thread-32 type 
traceback on stderr because for Python, it seemed to be a normal exit 
of the thread. So I wrote an except block, to see why the thread has 
been stopping. In this case, catching SystemExit was desired. The 
problem was in my mind: I thought that except Exception,e: will catch 

The solution was to replace raise SystemExit(0) with raise 
TransportClosedException() in another class.

Thanks again,



Re: Newby - is this what they are looking for ?? and is their a better a way

2009-02-24 Thread Peter Otten
Tim Rowe wrote:

 1. 'input' might not be the best way to get the phrase, because the
 user will have to put the phrase in quotes or the program will
 (probably) crash. Have a look at raw_input.

Gary is using Python 3 where input() works like the raw_input() of yore.
The giveaway is

 print(word, end='')


Re: Python AppStore / Marketplace

2009-02-24 Thread Richard Brodie

Rhodri James wrote in message

 A souq is a bazaar :-)

 Maybe I've just read too much arabic-themed fiction, but I was surprised not
 to find the word in my trusty Chambers.

Try under 'souk'. Transliterating to the Roman 'q' seems to have become
popular relatively recently. 


March 2, 2009 Pyowa Meeting

2009-02-24 Thread Mike Driscoll

Just a quick note to say that our next Pyowa (Python Users Group of
Iowa) meeting will be next Monday, March 2nd from 7-9 p.m. We will be
in our original location at the Marshall County Sheriff's Office, 2369
Jessup Ave, Marshalltown, IA. Remember, it's technically NOT in
Marshalltown at all. It's actually about 7 miles to the West of
Marshalltown. Keep an eye on our website ( for updates
and/or cancellations should the weather turn bad.

We are currently going to have a presentation featuring real-life
programs/scripts to give our members an idea of what Python is used
for on a day-to-day basis. We'll probably open it up to the audience
to see if they have anything to add. We are also hoping to have a
presentation on some basic GIS scripts, but this is rather tentative.
Regardless, there will be free drinks provided (pop / water).

Let me know if you can make it!


Re: thanks very much indeed for your help is there a better way to do this (python3) newby

2009-02-24 Thread kshitij
On Feb 24, 6:29 am, Rhodri James
 On Mon, 23 Feb 2009 23:33:31 -, Gary Wood wrote:
  '''exercise to complete and test this function'''
  import string
  def joinStrings(items):
      '''Join all the strings in stringList into one string,
      and return the result. For example:
       print joinStrings(['very', 'hot', 'day'])
      for i in items:
         return (''.join(items))

 As I'm sure your teacher will point out, this is sub-optimal :-)
 That for-loop isn't doing anything, because you always return
 out of it at the first iteration.

 I suspect that you're expected to concatenate the strings
 together by hand and return the resulting string once you've
 done them all.  Trying writing it that way.

 PS: it helps a lot if what you say in the doc string matches
 what you write in the rest of the code.  In this case you
 call your input string items, but then say Join all the
 strings in *stringList*...

 Rhodri James *-* Wildebeeste Herder to the Masses

Here is another way of doing this:

print ('very' + 'hot' + 'day')

Hope this helps.

Re: tkinter icons as bytestrings, not files?

2009-02-24 Thread Eric Brunel
On Tue, 24 Feb 2009 05:56:12 +0100, Peter Billam  


As a newbie, starting with Python3, I'm working my way through Mark
Summerfield's tkinter examples.  In the toolbar, there's lines like:
for image, command in (
('images/filenew.gif',  self.fileNew),
('images/fileopen.gif', self.fileOpen),
('images/filesave.gif', self.fileSave),
('images/editadd.gif',  self.editAdd),
('images/editedit.gif', self.editEdit),
('images/editdelete.gif', self.editDelete),):
image = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), image)
image = tkinter.PhotoImage(file=image)
button = tkinter.Button(toolbar, image=image, command=command)
button.grid(row=0, column=len(self.toolbar_images) -1)

which are always failing because the icons are in the wrong place
and I can't help but wonder if I can put all these little images
in the application itself, either as b'whatever' or uuencoded or
in svg etc, and then invoke some suitable variation of the
image = tkinter.PhotoImage(file=image)
or of the
button = tkinter.Button(toolbar, image=image, command=command)
command ?  (I did try help('tkinter.PhotoImage') but didn't spot a
magic key (unless it's data=something, format=something)) ...

Just dump the contents of the file as a bytestring and use:
image = PhotoImage(data=the_byte_string)
With no extension, I guess it'll only work with GIF files, as it is the  
only natively supported image format in tcl/tk (AFAIK...).

python -c print ''.join([chr(154 - ord(c)) for c in  


Re: python sql query in django

2009-02-24 Thread May
On Feb 23, 12:48 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
 May a écrit :

  I may not stay with Django.

 Nope, but your question was about Django.

  I am seriously looking for whether python
  can read data from a relational database

 Of course - as long as there's a Python adapter for your DB.

  and send to an html template

 Of course - as long as it's either a Python templating system or there's
 a Python binding for this system.

  or do I always need some kind of wrapper/interface such as Rails

 Uh ? Rails is a Ruby framework.


 No, you don't. If you prefer to reinvent the wheel on each and any part
 of each an any web app you write, please feel free to do so.

  If this is the wrong group to ask that question

 Which that question ?-)

 For question related to Django's ORM, the django group is indeed a
 better place (as usual: always use the most specific group / maling list
 / whatever first). If you have questions (like the above) that are about
 Python itself, you're at the right place.

Thanks for all your suggestions.  From what I've experienced in Django
and now that I know a little more about how Python functions, I will
probably use a combination of PHP and Django, instead of trying to get
Python to do the web portion of my project.  Thanks again!

Re: Extending Python Questions .....

2009-02-24 Thread Nick Craig-Wood
Ben wrote:
  No, It uses the the S-lang for video, and input control. However, SLAG
  is more of an abstract layer on top of that.
  It has a Structures that contains menus and screens (menumodule /
  screenmodule). One LOADS them up with parameters.  such as creating
  a new menu is like:
  OpenMenu( Company name, SubSystem, this program name, mode, bottom
  status display) - Create initial menu structure Addtomenu(Menu
  Block Set name, DISPLAY line, ID, type of program, password ID ) -
  add to / update MENU blocks.  runMenu() - Displays the whole create
  menu structure.
  The Menu structure is done in pull downs and scrollable blocks in a
  TUI (text User Interface) and using the S-lang screen library is
  fully mouseable.
  The screen module works mych the same way, but with the abiltity to
  open and close and work within Sub Screens.
  For those who do not know, S-lang is a interpreted language much
  like Python. However, there is s direth of library modules. The
  original S-lang started out as library of screen of keyboard
  modules, but has been expanded
  My SLAG project does not care in reality WHICH or what language, it
  is simply handling menu and screen control.

So do you want to embed python into your code?

I'm still not clear what you are trying to achieve with python, though
I have a better idea what SLAG is now!

Nick Craig-Wood --

Python Image Library IOError - cannot find JPEG decoder?

2009-02-24 Thread Dario Traverso
I've been trying to install the Python Image Library  (PIL) on my Mac  
OSX Leopard laptop, but have been running into some difficulties.

I've built the library, using the included  script. The build  
summary checks out ok, and sounds the option libraries to all be  
found. I grabbed both libjpeg and freetype2  using  fink.


version   1.1.6
platform  darwin 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Jan 13 2009, 10:26:13)
 [GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5465)]

--- TKINTER support ok
--- JPEG support ok
--- ZLIB (PNG/ZIP) support ok
--- FREETYPE2 support ok

However,  I then run the included self test, and 1 out of 57 tests  
fails. I receive an IOError. Specifically:

Failure in example: _info(
from line #24 of selftest.testimage
Exception raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File ./, line 499, in _run_examples_inner
   exec compile(source, string, single) in globs
 File string, line 1, in module
 File ./, line 22, in _info
 File PIL/, line 180, in load
   d = Image._getdecoder(self.mode, d, a, self.decoderconfig)
 File PIL/, line 375, in _getdecoder
   raise IOError(decoder %s not available % decoder_name)
IOError: decoder jpeg not available
1 items had failures:
  1 of  57 in selftest.testimage
***Test Failed*** 1 failures.
*** 1 tests of 57 failed.

I've followed all of the installation instructions exactly. The build  
summary reported everything was ok. What could be the problem here.   
Libjpeg-6b  is not accessible?

Thank you for any insight you can provide!!


Re: try except question - serious foo bar question, and pulling my hair out :-)

2009-02-24 Thread Tim Rowe
2009/2/24 Grant Edwards inva...@invalid:

 It works with a person as well as stuffed toys -- but trying to
 order a person on the internet gets you in a lot more trouble.
 It's also a little more embarassing when you realize your
 mistake in front of a person.  OTOH, sometimes a person will
 ask an enlightening question; but, sometimes they just make
 unhelpfull wisecracks.  It's a tough choice.

I used to use a baby, which avoids the embarrassment but can be just
as problematic to order on the internet.

Tim Rowe

Re: Python AppStore / Marketplace

2009-02-24 Thread Paul Boddie
On 22 Feb, 12:24, Marcel Luethi wrote:

 Using my iPhone I suddenly realize how easy it is to find applications
 in Apple's AppStore. How easy and fast it is to install or de-install
 an app. My iPhone even checks in the background if there is an upgrade
 which could be installed painlessly.

Yes, but this is just one platform. Can you download these iPhone
applications onto Android devices and use them? How would you package
your Objective-C (or whatever Apple has mandated) software for Android
or Debian or anything else out there?

 Then I see VMware's Virtual Appliance Marketplace, where you can
 download already pre-configured appliances for all kind of stuff.
 You can even download a basic appliance, install and configure your
 servers and tools - and upload it again, so that others can profit of
 your work.

 Unfortunately there's nothing like this in the Python world...

That's because you first wrote about platform-specific packaging and
now you're writing about language-specific packaging. And it's not as
if the former area hasn't been well addressed by Free Software,
either, but I suppose that's another discussion to be had.

 My idea: what about having a beefed up Cheeseshop for Python apps and
 an accompanying client app kind of iTunes for Python apps?

 The server side could be easily implemented with any of the current
 web frameworks. It's simply a management platform for the app packages
 (descriptions, versions, platforms, licenses, user's comments, number
 of downloads, ...) and the package files themselves.
 It should be definitely hosted by the PSF I think.

Well, what you're proposing risks exactly the same problems that many
other language-specific packaging solutions suffer from: it starts off
with specifying platforms, dependencies (which you didn't mention),
download files, and ends up with the user downloading huge amounts of
stuff that may already be on their system, mostly because such
solutions assume that the system doesn't really know anything about
what's already installed. Consequences of this may include a lack of
decent system-related tools to manage the result of installing stuff:
it would be like your iPhone application being installable on Android
by being dumped into the filesystem with little regard for existing
content and with no obvious strategy for safely removing the
application later.

It's true that there are other application repositories similar to the
VMware service you mention which don't really care about dependencies
and just offer self-contained applications for reasons of catering to
the lowest common denominator, and perhaps there's a desire to have
such services out there, but then again, doing such stuff specifically
for Python will lead you into making self-contained applications using
those installer technologies, or at least mapping and providing non-
Python library dependencies across multiple platforms. Or you could
just make it easier for Python projects to provide self-contained
applications based on VMware or Free Software alternatives - at least
that would allow you to focus on one platform, although the result
wouldn't be regarded as a fully integrated cross-platform approach
because a virtual machine would be involved.

 The multi-platform client should be intuitively and elegantly allow
 app browsing, downloading and installing those Python apps. In that
 respect it is sort of a Linux package manager (Synaptic, YUM, ...).

Why wouldn't you make use of existing system package management, then?

 But this is only the end-user related stuff. Furthermore it should
 allow to create new apps (probably based on a previously downloaded
 base app), package and upload them again (kind of Google AppEngine
 Launcher). Those base packages should include some basic management
 framework (for installation and configuration) and hopefully soon
 after the release of this platform they will be created in a broad
 variety to allow app developers to choose among many Python-version/

Well, system packages of Python software typically make some use of
distutils to put files in the right places before bundling those files
together. The resulting system packages then work within a basic
management framework, although I accept that there typically isn't
much support for trivial repackaging, although it isn't that difficult
to repackage, say, a Debian package and to publish it in your own

 IMHO an architecture like this would greatly enhance the productivity
 of the whole Python community by capitalizing the knowledge of many
 Python specialists. I don't have to find/install/configure all the
 basic stuff myself (see above) to build my app. But I can concentrate
 on my app because I'm standing on the shoulders of giants.

It isn't hard to find/install/configure the basic stuff in most GNU/
Linux distributions, either.

 I believe it also would make Python as a great platform more visible

Re: Unix Change Passwd Python CGI

2009-02-24 Thread James Matthews
IMHO That sounds like the biggest security hole I can think of. Anyways you
can open a pipe to passwd. to have the change there password.


On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 5:19 PM, Derek Tracy wrote:

 I am using python version 2.5.1 and need to create a python cgi application
 to allow a user to change their unix password.

 Apache is running on the same system that needs the password changed.  I
 need to keep security high and can not install additional modules at this

 I just need a general direction to start looking, and I do not have expect
 installed on the system.

 Any ideas would be wonderful!

 R/S --
 Derek Tracy



Re: Metaclass conflict TypeError exception: problem demonstration script

2009-02-24 Thread Hrvoje Niksic
Barak, Ron writes:

 However, when line 7 is in effect (with line 8 commented out), viz.:

 $ cat -n | head
   1  #!/usr/bin/env python
   3  import sys
   4  import wx
   5  import CopyAndPaste
   7  class ListControl(wx.Frame, CopyAndPaste):

If this is the actual source you're running, then CopyAndPaste is a
module, not a type, and that causes the conflict.  Use
CopyAndPaste.CopyAndPaste, or change the import line to read from
CopyAndPaste import CopyAndPaste.  Or, even better, adhere to
recommendations laid down in PEP 8 and you'll avoid confusion between
module and class names.

Re: Python 3 and easygui problem

2009-02-24 Thread blogger
Thanks to all for helping Peter on this.

Just a bit of an update...

The solution offered in this thread to Peter's original problem is the
same as the once I arrived at.  There is a bit of discussion about it

The current version of EasyGui doesn't run under 3.0, but Peter and I
are in contact and we're working on a version that will. (No estimated
availablity date yet.)

EasyGui is not in PyPI.  A semi-significant revision of EasyGui is in
the works (no predicted availablity date yet).  Once that revision is
out the door, I'll look into putting EasyGui into PyPI.

Again, thanks to all who participated in this thread.

-- Steve Ferg

Re: python sql query in django

2009-02-24 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Thanks for all your suggestions.  From what I've experienced in Django
and now that I know a little more about how Python functions, I will
probably use a combination of PHP and Django, instead of trying to get
Python to do the web portion of my project.  Thanks again!

That sounds like the worst idea. Django's ORM is good when used from 
within django, because of all the additional goodies like the admin 

But if you are going to do the webfrontend using PHP, what part is left 
for django? If it's only the ORM (for whatever you still use that 
anyway), there are better alternatives - SQLAlchemy, and SQLObject, for 
Python. They are more powerful and not interwoven with django.

If you are going to hand-code the interface in PHP, I fail to see though 
why you don't do that in Django directly. You are not forced to use the 


Accessing callers context from callee method

2009-02-24 Thread mobiledreamers
when i call a method foo from another method func. can i access func context
variables or locals() from foo
def func():

in foo, can i access func's local variables on in this case i
Thanks a lot
Bidegg worlds best auction site

Re: Accessing callers context from callee method

2009-02-24 Thread Chris Rebert
On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 10:53 AM, wrote:
 when i call a method foo from another method func. can i access func context
 variables or locals() from foo
 def func():

 in foo, can i access func's local variables on in this case i

You can, but it's an evil hack that I would avoid if at all possible;
there are almost certainly better ways to accomplish whatever your
goal is.


Follow the path of the Iguana...


2009-02-24 Thread Reimar Bauer

Does one know about a python interface to pdftk?
Or something similar which can be used to fill a form by fdf data.


Is there any equivalent feature available in Python..?

2009-02-24 Thread zaheer . agadi

Is there any Python equivalent of java jar,can I include all my
sources,properties file etc into a single file.Is there anyway in
Python that I can run like the following

java  -jar Mytest.jar --startwebserver

How to so something like this in Python?


Re: Python AppStore / Marketplace

2009-02-24 Thread ajaksu
Steve Holden wrote:
 And the multiplatform client that should easily and elegantly allow
 app browsing, downloading and installing those apps would presumably
 have to account for the many differences in package formats and install
 requirements between the different platforms.

And then you'd also need to re-download the app if you need it on a
(sometimes slightly) different platform.

Unless the Souq can beat Apple in its own game, by offering
Multiversal Binaries that work across hardware platforms, OSes and
their versions, GUI frameworks, Python versions and universes.
Settling for Downright Obese Binaries if supporting different
universes is considered overkill would be OK too.

shoulda-include-a-single-asset-8-by-8-shotgun-cross-compiler-ly y'rs

Re: Is there any equivalent feature available in Python..?

2009-02-24 Thread Chris Rebert
On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 11:05 AM, wrote:

 Is there any Python equivalent of java jar,can I include all my
 sources,properties file etc into a single file.Is there anyway in
 Python that I can run like the following

 java  -jar Mytest.jar --startwebserver

 How to so something like this in Python?

It's mostly possible. See


Follow the path of the Iguana...

Re: Extending Python Questions .....

2009-02-24 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Feb 24, 11:31 am, Nick Craig-Wood wrote:
 Ben wrote:
   No, It uses the the S-lang for video, and input control. However, SLAG
   is more of an abstract layer on top of that.

   It has a Structures that contains menus and screens (menumodule /
   screenmodule). One LOADS them up with parameters.  such as creating
   a new menu is like:

   OpenMenu( Company name, SubSystem, this program name, mode, bottom
   status display) - Create initial menu structure Addtomenu(Menu
   Block Set name, DISPLAY line, ID, type of program, password ID ) -
   add to / update MENU blocks.  runMenu() - Displays the whole create
   menu structure.

   The Menu structure is done in pull downs and scrollable blocks in a
   TUI (text User Interface) and using the S-lang screen library is
   fully mouseable.

   The screen module works mych the same way, but with the abiltity to
   open and close and work within Sub Screens.

   For those who do not know, S-lang is a interpreted language much
   like Python. However, there is s direth of library modules. The
   original S-lang started out as library of screen of keyboard
   modules, but has been expanded

   My SLAG project does not care in reality WHICH or what language, it
   is simply handling menu and screen control.

 So do you want to embed python into your code?

 I'm still not clear what you are trying to achieve with python, though
 I have a better idea what SLAG is now!

 Nick Craig-Wood --

Maybe he wants SendKeys? Here's the link just in case:


Re: shared lib from python code?

2009-02-24 Thread Terry Reedy

Gabriel Rossetti wrote:

Ok, I see, thank you. I thought this was possible since I have used 
*.pyd files before and from what I had read they were dynamic library 
files. I guess they must be written in C/C++ then. Thank you for the 

Yes, that can be confusing.  Unlike .py, .pyc, .pyo, a .pyd is a 
Windows-only version of a .dll that is called .pyd instead of .dll for 
technical reasons I have forgotten.   The difference is not directly 
relevant to *Python* programming.


Run a linux system command as a superuser, using a python script

2009-02-24 Thread madhav
I have got postfix installed on my machine and I am updating on of its
configuration files programmatically(using python)(on some action).
Since any change in the configuration needs a reload, I need to reload
postfix to reflect the latest change. How can I do that in a python
script. Precisely, I have something like this:

import subprocess
subprocess.Popen('sudo /etc/init.d/postifx reload')

Since this script should be run in no-human environment(on the fly), I
cant supply the sudo password or even root password(if needed). Even
sudo doesn't have a flag to input the password for the command at the
first shot. How do I do this?

Re: Run a linux system command as a superuser, using a python script

2009-02-24 Thread Chris Rebert
On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 11:38 AM, madhav wrote:
 I have got postfix installed on my machine and I am updating on of its
 configuration files programmatically(using python)(on some action).
 Since any change in the configuration needs a reload, I need to reload
 postfix to reflect the latest change. How can I do that in a python
 script. Precisely, I have something like this:

 import subprocess
 subprocess.Popen('sudo /etc/init.d/postifx reload')

 Since this script should be run in no-human environment(on the fly), I
 cant supply the sudo password or even root password(if needed). Even
 sudo doesn't have a flag to input the password for the command at the
 first shot. How do I do this?

pexpect may be useful in this situation -


Follow the path of the Iguana...

Re: [Tutor] Accessing callers context from callee method

2009-02-24 Thread wesley chun
 when i call a method foo from another method func. can i access func context
 variables or locals() from foo
 def func():

 in foo, can i access func's local variables

A. python has statically-nested scoping, so you can do it as long as you:

1. define foo() as an inner function -- its def is contained within
func()'s def:
def func():
i = 10
def foo():
print i

2. you don't define a variable with the same name locally. in other
words, you do have access to func()'s 'i' as long as you don't create
another 'i' within foo() -- if you do, only your new local 'i' will be
within your scope.

B. another alterative is to pass in all of func()'s local variables to foo():


this will require you to accept the incoming dictionary in foo() and
access the variables from it instead of having them be in foo()'s

C. in a related note, your question is similar to that of global vs.
local variables. inside a function, you have access to the global as
long as you don't define a local using the same name. should you only
wish to manipulate the global one, i.e. assign a new value to it
instead of creating a new local variable with that name, you would
need to use the global keyword to specify that you only desire to
use and update the global one.

i = 0
def func():
i = 10

in this example, the local 'i' in func() hides access to the global
'i'. in the next code snippet, you state you only want to
access/update the global 'i'... IOW, don't create a local one:

i = 0
def func():
global i
i = 10

D. this doesn't work well for inner functions yet:

i = 0
def func():
i = 10
def foo():
i = 20

the 'i' in foo() shadows/hides access to func()'s 'i' as well as the
global 'i'. if you issue the 'global' keyword, that only gives you
access to the global one:

i = 0
def func():
i = 10
def foo():
global i
i = 20

you cannot get access to func()'s 'i' in this case.

E. however, starting in Python 3.x, you'll be able to do somewhat
better with the new 'nonlocal' keyword:

i = 0
print('globally, i ==', i)
def func():
i = 10
print('in func(), i ==', i)
def foo():
nonlocal i
i = 20
print('in foo(), i ==', i)
print('in func() after calling foo(), i ==', i)

in this case, foo() modified func()'s 'i'.

hope this helps!
-- wesley
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Core Python Programming, Prentice Hall, (c)2007,2001
Python Fundamentals, Prentice Hall, (c)2009

wesley.j.chun ::
python training and technical consulting : silicon valley, ca

Re: Is there any equivalent feature available in Python..?

2009-02-24 Thread Albert Hopkins
On Tue, 2009-02-24 at 11:05 -0800, wrote:
 Is there any Python equivalent of java jar,can I include all my
 sources,properties file etc into a single file.Is there anyway in
 Python that I can run like the following
 java  -jar Mytest.jar --startwebserver
 How to so something like this in Python?

Similar but not equal:

$ tree mytest

$ cat mytest/ 
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
print sys.argv
import mytest.main

$ cat mytest/ 
print 'hi mom'

$ zip -r mytest
  adding: mytest/ (stored 0%)
  adding: mytest/ (stored 0%)
  adding: mytest/ (deflated 4%)

$ python -m mytest --startserver
[None, '--startserver']
hi mom


Re: more on unescaping escapes

2009-02-24 Thread Adam Olsen
On Feb 23, 7:18 pm, bvdp wrote:
 Gabriel Genellina wrote:
  En Mon, 23 Feb 2009 23:31:20 -0200, bvdp escribió:
  Gabriel Genellina wrote:
  En Mon, 23 Feb 2009 22:46:34 -0200, bvdp escribió:
  Chris Rebert wrote:
  On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 4:26 PM, bvdp wrote:

  [problem with Python and Windows paths using backslashes]
   Is there any particular reason you can't just internally use regular
  forward-slashes for the paths? [...]

  you are absolutely right! Just use '/' on both systems and be done
  with it. Of course I still need to use \x20 for spaces, but that is
  Why is that? \x20 is exactly the same as  . It's not like %20 in
  URLs, that becomes a space only after decoding.

  I need to use the \x20 because of my parser. I'm reading unquoted
  lines from a file. The file creater needs to use the form foo\x20bar
  without the quotes in the file so my parser can read it as a single
  token. Later, the string/token needs to be decoded with the \x20
  converted to a space.

  So, in my file foo bar (no quotes) is read as 2 tokens; foo\x20bar
  is one.

  So, it's not really a problem of what happens when you assign a string
  in the form foo bar, rather how to convert the \x20 in a string to a
  space. I think the \\ just complicates the entire issue.

  Just thinking, if you was reading the string from a file, why were you
  worried about \\ and \ in the first place? (Ok, you moved to use / so
  this is moot now).

 Just cruft introduced while I was trying to figure it all out. Having to
 figure the \\ and \x20 at same time with file and keyboard input just
 confused the entire issue :) Having the user set a line like
 c:\\Program\x20File ... works just fine. I'll suggest he use
 c:/program\x20files to make it bit simple for HIM, not my parser.
 Unfortunately, due to some bad design decisions on my part about 5 years
 ago I'm afraid I'm stuck with the \x20.


You're confusing the python source with the actual contents of the
string.  We already do one pass at decoding, which is why \x20 is
quite literally no different from a space:

' '

However, the interactive interpreter uses repr(x), so various
characters that are considered formatting, such as a tab, get
reescaped when printing:


It really is a tab that gets stored there, not the escape for one.

Finally, if you give python an unknown escape it passes it leaves it
as an escape.  Then, when the interactive interpreter uses repr(x), it
is the backslash itself that gets reescaped:

['\\', 'P']

What does this all mean?  If you want to test your parser with python
literals you need to escape them twice, like so:

['c', ':', '\\', '\\', 'P', 'r', 'o', 'g', 'r', 'a', 'm', '\\', 'x',
'2', '0', 'F', 'i', 'l', 'e', 's', '\\', '\\', 't', 'e', 's', 't']
'c:\\Program Files\\test'
['c', ':', '\\', 'P', 'r', 'o', 'g', 'r', 'a', 'm', ' ', 'F', 'i',
'l', 'e', 's', '\\', 't', 'e', 's', 't']

However, there's an easier way: use raw strings, which prevent python
from unescaping anything:

['c', ':', '\\', '\\', 'P', 'r', 'o', 'g', 'r', 'a', 'm', '\\', 'x',
'2', '0', 'F', 'i', 'l', 'e', 's', '\\', '\\', 't', 'e', 's', 't']

Re: 'u' Obselete type – it is identical to 'd'. (7)

2009-02-24 Thread John Machin
On Feb 25, 4:48 am, mathieu wrote:
 I did not know where to report that:

 'u'     Obselete type – it is identical to 'd'.       (7)

So what's your problem with that? Do you believe that 'u' is not
accepted? That 'u' is not identical to 'd' and thus the doc should be
rewritten as its behaviour is identical to that of 'd'? That the
behaviour of 'u' is NOT identical to that of 'd'? That 'u' should not
be documented? That 'u' should not be described as obselete?


Re: Python 3D CAD -- need collaborators, or just brave souls :)

2009-02-24 Thread r
On Feb 20, 3:09 pm, Dotan Cohen wrote:
  Even 3DS or Maya is easier to learn that Blender.

 Notepad is easier to learn that VI. Not a good program does simple make.

And not a good program does complex make either Yoda.

Assembly language is very powerful and allows full control down to the
processor level. With your logic all programs would be written in
assembly. Only problem is with that logic we would be 30 years behind
in development of software at this time. Abstraction is paramount to
advancement. With abstraction now you can focus on the problem at hand
instead of miles of steps just to get to the problem at hand. Human
beings are not hardware, we need high levels of abstraction so we can
do what we do best... dream, image, and create.

Re: pdftk

2009-02-24 Thread JB

Reimar Bauer a écrit :


Does one know about a python interface to pdftk?
Or something similar which can be used to fill a form by fdf data.

everyday i use :

import os
os.system(pdftk.exe source.pdf fill_form data.fdf output output.pdf 

and BIM


Cross-compiling error when compiling 2.6.1...

2009-02-24 Thread Garrett Cooper
I come across the following error:

checking for chflags... configure: error: cannot run test program
while cross compiling
See `config.log' for more details.
make-3.81[1]: ***
Error 1
make-3.81[1]: Leaving directory `/nobackup/garrcoop/python_upgrade'
make-3.81: *** [all] Error 2

The blurb from configure that does this test says:

# On Tru64, chflags seems to be present, but calling it will
# exit Python

Basically this testcase (while valid for Tru64) doesn't work with many
cross-compilation environments. Couldn't test instead be disabled, but
the compilation continue with a warning? Erroring out the build seems
like a silly decision...


Re: Python AppStore / Marketplace

2009-02-24 Thread geremy condra
Just a few quick questions on your proposed design:

1) What tools, if any, do you propose to help developers package for this
2) How do you plan to deal with applications that change or depend on
system-wide settings, ie, conf files, kernel version, or the registry?
3) What advantages do you see this having over, say, porting portage or

Thanks for your time,

Geremy Condra

Re: python sql query in django

2009-02-24 Thread May
On Feb 24, 10:36 am, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
  Thanks for all your suggestions.  From what I've experienced in Django
  and now that I know a little more about how Python functions, I will
  probably use a combination of PHP and Django, instead of trying to get
  Python to do the web portion of my project.  Thanks again!

 That sounds like the worst idea. Django's ORM is good when used from
 within django, because of all the additional goodies like the admin

 But if you are going to do the webfrontend using PHP, what part is left
 for django? If it's only the ORM (for whatever you still use that
 anyway), there are better alternatives - SQLAlchemy, and SQLObject, for
 Python. They are more powerful and not interwoven with django.

 If you are going to hand-code the interface in PHP, I fail to see though
 why you don't do that in Django directly. You are not forced to use the


Hello Diez,

I think Django is fabulous for the admin-interface, a simple text
search and template inheritance.  I will use Django for all of those.
What I'm not getting an answer to and cannot find an example of is a
complex search, where I have to retrieve data from multiple tables,
combine the data, remove the duplicates, etc between a web page and
the database.  The code that started this thread is only a small piece
of the complex data retrieval I need to do.  PHP is great for writing
complex SQL queries right in the HTML template and I know exactly what
it is doing.

Re: more on unescaping escapes

2009-02-24 Thread bvdp

Adam Olsen wrote:

On Feb 23, 7:18 pm, bvdp wrote:

Gabriel Genellina wrote:

En Mon, 23 Feb 2009 23:31:20 -0200, bvdp escribió:

Gabriel Genellina wrote:

En Mon, 23 Feb 2009 22:46:34 -0200, bvdp escribió:

Chris Rebert wrote:

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 4:26 PM, bvdp wrote:
[problem with Python and Windows paths using backslashes]
 Is there any particular reason you can't just internally use regular
forward-slashes for the paths? [...]

you are absolutely right! Just use '/' on both systems and be done
with it. Of course I still need to use \x20 for spaces, but that is

Why is that? \x20 is exactly the same as  . It's not like %20 in
URLs, that becomes a space only after decoding.

I need to use the \x20 because of my parser. I'm reading unquoted
lines from a file. The file creater needs to use the form foo\x20bar
without the quotes in the file so my parser can read it as a single
token. Later, the string/token needs to be decoded with the \x20
converted to a space.
So, in my file foo bar (no quotes) is read as 2 tokens; foo\x20bar
is one.
So, it's not really a problem of what happens when you assign a string
in the form foo bar, rather how to convert the \x20 in a string to a
space. I think the \\ just complicates the entire issue.

Just thinking, if you was reading the string from a file, why were you
worried about \\ and \ in the first place? (Ok, you moved to use / so
this is moot now).

Just cruft introduced while I was trying to figure it all out. Having to
figure the \\ and \x20 at same time with file and keyboard input just
confused the entire issue :) Having the user set a line like
c:\\Program\x20File ... works just fine. I'll suggest he use
c:/program\x20files to make it bit simple for HIM, not my parser.
Unfortunately, due to some bad design decisions on my part about 5 years
ago I'm afraid I'm stuck with the \x20.


You're confusing the python source with the actual contents of the
string.  We already do one pass at decoding, which is why \x20 is
quite literally no different from a space:


' '

However, the interactive interpreter uses repr(x), so various
characters that are considered formatting, such as a tab, get
reescaped when printing:





It really is a tab that gets stored there, not the escape for one.

Finally, if you give python an unknown escape it passes it leaves it
as an escape.  Then, when the interactive interpreter uses repr(x), it
is the backslash itself that gets reescaped:






['\\', 'P']

What does this all mean?  If you want to test your parser with python
literals you need to escape them twice, like so:




['c', ':', '\\', '\\', 'P', 'r', 'o', 'g', 'r', 'a', 'm', '\\', 'x',
'2', '0', 'F', 'i', 'l', 'e', 's', '\\', '\\', 't', 'e', 's', 't']


'c:\\Program Files\\test'


['c', ':', '\\', 'P', 'r', 'o', 'g', 'r', 'a', 'm', ' ', 'F', 'i',
'l', 'e', 's', '\\', 't', 'e', 's', 't']

However, there's an easier way: use raw strings, which prevent python
from unescaping anything:




['c', ':', '\\', '\\', 'P', 'r', 'o', 'g', 'r', 'a', 'm', '\\', 'x',
'2', '0', 'F', 'i', 'l', 'e', 's', '\\', '\\', 't', 'e', 's', 't']

Thank you. That is very clear. Appreciate your time.

Re: Python 3D CAD -- need collaborators, or just brave souls :)

2009-02-24 Thread geremy condra
I'm interested. If you are still serious about doing this in two months,
send me an email. If you have
something put together at that point we can talk about its future. Sound

Geremy Condra

Re: Run a linux system command as a superuser, using a python script

2009-02-24 Thread geremy condra
Run the script as root and have it drop privs when it doesn't need them. Or
set up a separate daemon to do the rootish parts of it.

Problem with environment variables and cx_Oracle

2009-02-24 Thread Brandon Taylor
Hello everyone,

Here's my setup: OS X (10.5.6 - Intel), Oracle Instant Clinet 10_2,
Python 2.6.1, Django trunk

I have my Oracle instantclient folder at: /Users/bft228/Library/Oracle/

In my .bash_profile, I have ORACLE_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH specified



When I try to compile cx_Oracle-4.4.1 or 5.0.1, I get an error stating
that it cannot find an Oracle installation. will error here:

# try to determine the Oracle home
userOracleHome = os.environ.get(ORACLE_HOME)

Now, here's where things get wierd...
If I: echo $ORACLE_HOME = /Users/bft228/Library/Oracle/
If I: python
  import os

  'ORACLE_HOME': '/Users/bft228/Library/Oracle/
  'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': '/Users/bft228/Library/Oracle/

If I hard-code the userOracleHome, cx_Oracle will compile, but I'm
getting errors wen attempting to connect to Oracle, like:
cx_Oracle.InterfaceError: Unable to acquire Oracle environment handle

I've been wrestling with this for quite some time. My Oracle person
assures me that my user has appropriate permissions for the schema. My
Oracle experience is pretty limited, but this seems like it's an issue
with the environment on my Mac.

Does anyone have any ideas? I would REALLY appreciate some insight.

Kind regards,
Brandon Taylor

Senior Web Developer
The University of Texas at Austin

Pydev 1.4.4 Released

2009-02-24 Thread Fabio Zadrozny
Hi All,

Pydev and Pydev Extensions 1.4.4 have been released -- note that the
release already happened 4 days ago... :)

Details on Pydev Extensions:
Details on Pydev:
Details on its development:

Release Highlights in Pydev:

This release fixes a critical bug when configuring the interpreter (if
no environment variables were specified, it was not possible to
configure an interpreter)

What is PyDev?

PyDev is a plugin that enables users to use Eclipse for Python and
Jython development -- making Eclipse a first class Python IDE -- It
comes with many goodies such as code completion, syntax highlighting,
syntax analysis, refactor, debug and many others.


Fabio Zadrozny
Software Developer


Pydev Extensions

Pydev - Python Development Enviroment for Eclipse

Re: Run a linux system command as a superuser, using a python script

2009-02-24 Thread birdsong
On Feb 24, 11:44 am, Chris Rebert wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 11:38 AM, madhav wrote:
  I have got postfix installed on my machine and I am updating on of its
  configuration files programmatically(using python)(on some action).
  Since any change in the configuration needs a reload, I need to reload
  postfix to reflect the latest change. How can I do that in a python
  script. Precisely, I have something like this:

  import subprocess
  subprocess.Popen('sudo /etc/init.d/postifx reload')

  Since this script should be run in no-human environment(on the fly), I
  cant supply the sudo password or even root password(if needed). Even
  sudo doesn't have a flag to input the password for the command at the
  first shot. How do I do this?

 pexpect may be useful in this situation -


 Follow the path of the Iguana...

I vote down the pexpect, you'd be hardcoding a password.  How about
adjusting the sudoers file to grant the user of this script sudo on /
etc/init.d/postifx or even sudo on your python script.

Re: Cross-compiling error when compiling 2.6.1...

2009-02-24 Thread Garrett Cooper
On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 12:55 PM, Garrett Cooper wrote:
 I come across the following error:

 checking for chflags... configure: error: cannot run test program
 while cross compiling
 See `config.log' for more details.
 make-3.81[1]: ***
 Error 1
 make-3.81[1]: Leaving directory `/nobackup/garrcoop/python_upgrade'
 make-3.81: *** [all] Error 2

 The blurb from configure that does this test says:

 # On Tru64, chflags seems to be present, but calling it will
 # exit Python

 Basically this testcase (while valid for Tru64) doesn't work with many
 cross-compilation environments. Couldn't test instead be disabled, but
 the compilation continue with a warning? Erroring out the build seems
 like a silly decision...


I've so far tied this issue down to the chflags, lchflags, and
printf with %zd support tests. After commenting out those items things
run to completion.

Re: pdftk

2009-02-24 Thread Jason Scheirer
On Feb 24, 12:43 pm, JB wrote:
 Reimar Bauer a écrit :


  Does one know about a python interface to pdftk?
  Or something similar which can be used to fill a form by fdf data.

 everyday i use :

 import os
 os.system(pdftk.exe source.pdf fill_form data.fdf output output.pdf

 and BIM


Reportlab will let you use an existing PDF as a template, letting you
use its text layout routines to overly your data on the existing page
and output a new document.

Re: 'u' Obselete type – it is identical to 'd'. (7)

2009-02-24 Thread Steven D'Aprano
mathieu wrote:

 I did not know where to report that:
 'u'   Obselete type – it is identical to 'd'. (7)

If you google on python bug tracker the first link is the correct one.

I don't know what you want to report, but I've reported that obsolete is



Getting screen dims platform specific? Say it ain't so!

2009-02-24 Thread Lionel
Hello people, I'm looking for a way to get the screen dimensions (in
pixels) using the standard Python library. The only thing I found so
far was the following:

from win32api import GetSystemMetrics
Width = GetSystemMetrics(0)
Height = GetSystemMetrics(1)

I get an error claiming no module named win32api. It's platform
specific anyway, but I thought I would try.

Anyone got this?


Re: 'u' Obselete type – it is identical to 'd'. (7)

2009-02-24 Thread John Machin
On Feb 25, 9:06 am, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 mathieu wrote:
  I did not know where to report that:

  'u'   Obselete type – it is identical to 'd'.         (7)


 If you google on python bug tracker the first link is the correct one.

 I don't know what you want to report, but I've reported that obsolete is

+1 Own Goal of the Year ... see


Re: Getting screen dims platform specific? Say it ain't so!

2009-02-24 Thread Luis Zarrabeitia
On Tuesday 24 February 2009 05:57:52 pm Lionel wrote:
 from win32api import GetSystemMetrics

I'd guess that win32api is patform specific, as in api for win32.

Luis Zarrabeitia (aka Kyrie)
Fac. de Matemática y Computación, UH.

Re: Getting screen dims platform specific? Say it ain't so!

2009-02-24 Thread geremy condra
For X systems you can use xwininfo, ie:

from commands import getstatusoutput

def get_screen_dims():
status, output = getstatusoutput(xwininfo -root)
if not status:

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 6:53 PM, Luis Zarrabeitia wrote:

 On Tuesday 24 February 2009 05:57:52 pm Lionel wrote:
  from win32api import GetSystemMetrics

 I'd guess that win32api is patform specific, as in api for win32.

 Luis Zarrabeitia (aka Kyrie)
 Fac. de Matemática y Computación, UH.

OpenMigration LLC- Open Source solutions for your business. Visit us at

Re: Getting screen dims platform specific? Say it ain't so!

2009-02-24 Thread geremy condra
my apologies- hit enter accidentally. anyway, just process the output of
that command for the Height: and Width: lines.

How do I decode unicode characters in the subject using email.message_from_string()?

2009-02-24 Thread Roy H. Han
Dear python-list,

I'm having some trouble decoding an email header using the standard
imaplib.IMAP4 class and email.message_from_string method.

In particular, email.message_from_string() does not seem to properly
decode unicode characters in the subject.

How do I decode unicode characters in the subject?

I read on the documentation that the email module supports RFC 2047.
But is there a way to make imaplib.IMAP4 and email.message_from_string
use this protocol?  I'm using Python 2.5.2 on Fedora.  Perhaps this
problem has been fixed already in Python 2.6.


Re: Getting screen dims platform specific? Say it ain't so!

2009-02-24 Thread Lionel
On Feb 24, 3:53 pm, Luis Zarrabeitia wrote:
 On Tuesday 24 February 2009 05:57:52 pm Lionel wrote:

  from win32api import GetSystemMetrics

 I'd guess that win32api is patform specific, as in api for win32.

 Luis Zarrabeitia (aka Kyrie)
 Fac. de Matemática y Computación, UH.

Yes, it's platform specific. I was just trying anyway to see if it
would work.

In a nutshell, what I need is a way to acquire the screen dimensions
(in pixels) and its dpi setting.

Re: Problem with environment variables and cx_Oracle

2009-02-24 Thread Zvezdan Petkovic

On Feb 24, 2009, at 4:34 PM, Brandon Taylor wrote:

Here's my setup: OS X (10.5.6 - Intel), Oracle Instant Clinet 10_2,
Python 2.6.1, Django trunk

OS X is an important detail here.

In my .bash_profile, I have ORACLE_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH specified



Shouldn't this be DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH for Mac?

Re: 'u' Obselete type – it is identical to 'd'. (7)

2009-02-24 Thread Ben Finney
John Machin writes:

 On Feb 25, 9:06 am, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  I don't know what you want to report, but I've reported that obsolete is
 +1 Own Goal of the Year ... see

Not so notable. It's merely one more incident of the law of
communication variously known as McKean's Law, Skitt's Law, and
Muphry's Law URL:

 \  “I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: ‘O |
  `\   Lord, make my enemies ridiculous!’ And God granted it.” |
_o__)—Voltaire |
Ben Finney

Re: Getting screen dims platform specific? Say it ain't so!

2009-02-24 Thread John McMonagle
Lionel wrote:
 Yes, it's platform specific. I was just trying anyway to see if it
 would work.
 In a nutshell, what I need is a way to acquire the screen dimensions
 (in pixels) and its dpi setting.

This should work on all platforms:

from Tkinter import *
r = Tk()



Re: Getting screen dims platform specific? Say it ain't so!

2009-02-24 Thread Luis Zarrabeitia
On Tuesday 24 February 2009 07:12:36 pm Lionel wrote:
 In a nutshell, what I need is a way to acquire the screen dimensions
 (in pixels) and its dpi setting.

This is a guess, and a guess only. 
What do you want to know it for? If it is for painting something on the 
screen, maybe (just maybe - I'm guessing here big time), whatever API you are 
using for painting can be used for getting the dimensions of the drawing 
device. I don't even know if GTK or Qt have that feature, but you should look 
into it. If the same api you will use for painting provides that 
functionality, then it would be kind of irrelevant if it is on the stdlib or 

Of course, this only applies if you want to paint and your api provides that 

Luis Zarrabeitia (aka Kyrie)
Fac. de Matemática y Computación, UH.

Re: How do I decode unicode characters in the subject using email.message_from_string()?

2009-02-24 Thread John Machin
On Feb 25, 11:07 am, Roy H. Han
 Dear python-list,

 I'm having some trouble decoding an email header using the standard
 imaplib.IMAP4 class and email.message_from_string method.

 In particular, email.message_from_string() does not seem to properly
 decode unicode characters in the subject.

 How do I decode unicode characters in the subject?

You don't. You can't. You decode str objects into unicode objects. You
encode unicode objects into str objects. If your input is not a str
object, you have a problem.

I'm no expert on the email package, but experts don't have crystal
balls, so let's gather some data for them while we're waiting for
their timezones to align:

Presumably your code is doing something like:
   msg = email.message_from_string(a_string)

Please report the results of
   print repr(a_string)
   print type(msg)
   print msg.items()
and tell us what you expected.


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