Announce: Linux Desktop Testing Project (LDTP) 1.5.1 released

2009-03-12 Thread Nagappan A
Greetings all,
  We are proud to announce the release of LDTP 1.5.1. This release features
number of important breakthroughs in LDTP as well as in the field of Test
Automation. This release note covers a brief introduction on LDTP followed
by the list of new features and major bug fixes which makes this new version
of LDTP the best of the breed. Useful references have been included at the
end of this article for those who wish to hack / use LDTP.

About LDTP:

Linux Desktop Testing Project is aimed at producing high quality test
automation framework (C / Python) and cutting-edge tools that can be used to
test Linux Desktop and improve it. It uses the Accessibility libraries to
poke through the application's user interface. The framework also has tools
to record test-cases based on user events in the interface of the
application which is under testing. We strive to help in building a quality

Whats new in this release:

Bug fixes:

* Fixes b.g.o # 574787, 574789, 574791, 574793
  Bug 574791 – ldtputils.captureimage() ignores coordinate arguments
  Bug 574793 – Use wnck to get window id instead of LTFX (digwin)
  Bug 574787 – LDTP package is not installing correctly
  Bug 574789 – getwindowlist (and others?) don't handle utf8 well

Special thanks to Ara Pulido ara at, Eitan Isaacson and Michael Terry

Download source tarball -
Binary (openSUSE / Ubuntu / Fedora / Debian / RHEL / CentOS / Mandriva) - (Just scheduled
in openSUSE build service, might take time to complete depending upon server


For detailed information on LDTP framework and latest updates visit

For information on various APIs in LDTP including those added for this
release can be got from

To subscribe to LDTP mailing lists, visit

IRC Channel - #ldtp on


Linux Desktop (GUI Application) Testing Project -

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Mar 11)

2009-03-12 Thread Gabriel Genellina
QOTW:  [Perhaps] it sounds [as though] I'm saying that most prospective users
of OSS [open-source software] can't even manage to download it.  Let me be
clear: that is exactly what I am saying. - Patrick McKenzie

New itertool candidate: like groupby but edge-triggered (or

Is python worth learning as a second language?

Other language used to have significant indentation, but is now
considering alternatives to allow multiline expressions (like a
multiline lambda in Python):

Enumerating all modules imported by a script:

Several attempts to improve a code fragment involving lists, repeated
elements, and sorting:

Why are some strings automatically interned, and not other?

Is it legal to modify an exception before re-raising it?

PHP has == and ===, but they do NOT behave the same as Python's
== and is operators

Everything Python-related you want is probably one or two clicks away in
these pages:'s Python Language Website is the traditional
center of Pythonia
Notice especially the master FAQ

PythonWare complements the digest you're reading with the
marvelous daily python url

Just beginning with Python?  This page is a great place to start:

The Python Papers aims to publish the efforts of Python enthusiats:
The Python Magazine is a technical monthly devoted to Python:

Readers have recommended the Planet sites:

comp.lang.python.announce announces new Python software.  Be
sure to scan this newsgroup weekly.

Python411 indexes podcasts ... to help people learn Python ...
Updates appear more-than-weekly:

The Python Package Index catalogues packages.

The somewhat older Vaults of Parnassus ambitiously collects references
to all sorts of Python resources.

Much of Python's real work takes place on Special-Interest Group
mailing lists

Python Success Stories--from air-traffic control to on-line
match-making--can inspire you or decision-makers to whom you're
subject with a vision of what the language makes practical.

The Python Software Foundation (PSF) has replaced the Python
Consortium as an independent nexus of activity.  It has official
responsibility for Python's development and maintenance.
Among the ways you can support PSF is with a donation.

The Summary of Python Tracker Issues is an automatically generated
report summarizing new bugs, closed ones, and patch submissions.

Although unmaintained since 2002, the Cetus collection of Python
hyperlinks retains a few gems.

Python FAQTS

The Cookbook is a collaborative effort to capture useful and
interesting recipes.

Many Python conferences around the world are in preparation.
Watch this space for links to them.

Among several Python-oriented RSS/RDF feeds available, see:
For more, see:
The old Python To-Do List now lives principally in a
SourceForge reincarnation. 

Python training for cheminformatics, Leipzig, 27-29 April

2009-03-12 Thread Andrew Dalke

My next training course on Python for cheminformatics will
be in Leipzig, Germany on 27-29 April. For full details see

The schedule for the three day course is

Day 1: overview of Python and OEChem,
Day 2: plotting with matplotlib, communicating with Excel,
   XML processing, calling command-line programs, numeric
   computing with NumPy and R.
Day 3: SQL databases and web development with Django.

The course is designed for working computational chemists
who know how to do some programming and want more training
in how to use Python effectively for their research.

The examples and hands-on exercises are all drawn
from cheminformatics.

If you have any questions or to register, please contact me.



   Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] Pyjamas 0.5 Web Widget Set and python-to-javascript Compiler released

2009-03-12 Thread Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
This is the release of Pyjamas 0.5, a python-to-javascript
compiler with an AJAX Web Widget set, for creating python
desktop-like applications that run in all major web browsers.

Pyjamas is NOT another AJAX framework where the
widgets are predefined, fixed and inflexible.  Thanks to
the compiler, Pyjamas is a dynamic framework's framework
where developers can define their own web framework, in
Python classes and modules instead of being forced to
write code in pure Javascript.

The Pyjamas Web Widget set makes it possible for users
to develop Rich Media Applications as if they were writing
desktop applications, without having to know any Javascript,
or even very much HTML.  Developing applications using
Pyjamas is much more similar to and has far more in
common with developing PyQT4 or PyGtk2 applications than
it has with traditional AJAX web development.  Yet,
thanks to the applications actually running in a Web
Browser, developers get the best of both worlds.

For those people who prefer to stick to true Desktop
development, or who prefer to debug applications in
Python rather than rely on the debugging features of
Web Browser engines, there is the sister project,
Pyjamas-Desktop -

Pyjamas-Desktop allows the same application source code
to be run, unmodified, in both the web browser and as
a desktop application.

The 0.5 release is a significant functionality update.

Additions have been made to the core python-to-javascript
compiler such as support for exceptions (try / except), lambda,
and a debug option to track and print run-time stack traces,
in cases where the deployment of a javascript script debugger
is difficult or impossible (IE6 running under Wine).

Also, the code-generator has undergone a reorganisation,
and now has much better support for local and global
variable, function, class and module scopes.

Support for Dynamic loading of modules has been added,
where each python module now has its own javascript
(compiled) cache file.  This makes it possible to
share the modules across the 5 supported platforms,
bringing a dramatic reduction in the amount of compiled
javascript that is deployed.  Also, support for dynamic
module loading makes it much clearer how developers may
interact with pyjamas-compiled modules from existing
applications which already have an AJAX framework in place.

Users of previous versions of Pyjamas should note that the
UI widget classes have undergone a restructuring, reducing
the 4,000 line into 70 separate small modules.  The
reorganisation allows applications to undergo a significant
reduction in the amount of compiled javascript, by only
importing UI Modules that are needed.  Reorganisation
scripts can be found in contrib/pyjamas_0.4_0.5_upgrade/
that will help in the conversion of existing applications.

Also, to make developers' lives easier in both the testing
and deployment of pyjamas applications, buildout has been
added, along with a standard

Finally, an experiment is included, which is the beginnings
of a way to speed up the execution of standard python,
in a similar way to Python-Psyco.

The combination of the pyjs python-to-javascript compiler
and PyV8 - - becomes a JIT
compiler that supports both ARM and i386 assembler.

The use of the Google V8 JIT compiler provides a means
to dynamically load standard c-based python modules,
and the use of pyjs means that the intermediate javascript
is actually still human-readable.  These are two distinct
advantage over pypy, and the third advantage is that the
direct translation, instead of going through an intermediary
(RPython) means that the full dynamic semantics of the
python language are reflected into javascript, and still available.

Downloads are available at:

Pyjamas Book is at:

Links to other documentation is on the main site:

Development and discussion is at:

Subversion Source repository is at:

IRC Channel is:
   #pyjamas at
IRC Logs (thanks to Tim Riker) at:

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Regular Toronto Python User's Group on Tuesday the 17th

2009-03-12 Thread Mike C. Fletcher


   OpenGL 3.1: A whole new OpenGL (Mike Fletcher)


   A preview of the PyCon 2009 presentation on OpenGL 3.1: A whole new
   OpenGL.  We'll be looking at what the legacy-free OpenGL programming
   model looks like, and how you access it via PyOpenGL.  The upcoming
   OpenGL 3.1 represents the first major backwards incompatible release
   of OpenGL, and pretty much everything you've read about OpenGL is
   out the window.  The result is a system that is very close to the
   metal of the modern GPU, a set of two (three in newer cards)
   programmable engines with generic mechanisms for feeding data in and
   reading it out.

Next month Myles Braithwaite will be presenting Google's AppEngine, so 
be sure to mark the 21st of April on your calendars.  As usual, we'll 
meet at Linux Caffe, at the corner of Grace and Harbord, one block South 
of Christie station at 7:00, with the meeting starting at 7:15pm. More 
details on the NextMeeting page on the web-site:

Enjoy yourselves,


 Mike C. Fletcher
 Designer, VR Plumber, Coder


   Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Why is lambda allowed as a key in a dict?

2009-03-12 Thread Lie Ryan

Terry Reedy wrote:

r wrote:

On Mar 11, 3:40 pm, Craig Allen wrote:

On Mar 10, 1:39 pm, Paul Rubin http://phr...@nospam.invalid wrote:

Identical strings don't necessarily have the same id:

A more verbose way to put this is Requesting a string with a value that 
 is the same an an existing string does not necessarily result in reuse 
of the existing string but mey result in creation of a new, duplicate 

I'd rather go with: All object creation will create a new object; 
except for immutable for which the object creator may choose to return 
an equivalent existing object.

Immutables are the exception.

NameError: name 'execfile' is not defined

2009-03-12 Thread Henrik Bechmann
Newbie issue:

I downloaded (windows
insaller), opened the interpreter, wrote a print Hello World program
in, and in the interpreter typed


Got back

NameError: name 'execfile' is not defined

(following tutorial in David Beazley's Python Essential Reference).

Is execfile not supported in 3?


- Henrik

Invalid syntax with print Hello World

2009-03-12 Thread Henrik Bechmann
obviously total mewbiew:

My first program in Python Windows

print Hello World

I select Run/Run Module and get an error:

Syntax error, with the closing quote highlighted.

Tried with single quotes as well. Same problem.

Can someone explain my mistake?


- Henrik

Re: NameError: name 'execfile' is not defined

2009-03-12 Thread Gary Herron

Henrik Bechmann wrote:

Newbie issue:

I downloaded (windows
insaller), opened the interpreter, wrote a print Hello World program
in, and in the interpreter typed


Got back

NameError: name 'execfile' is not defined

(following tutorial in David Beazley's Python Essential Reference).

Is execfile not supported in 3?

That's correct. 

From you can find this 

   Removed execfile().   Instead of execfile(fn) use exec(open(fn).read()).

Gary Herron


- Henrik


Re: Invalid syntax with print Hello World

2009-03-12 Thread Gary Herron

Henrik Bechmann wrote:

obviously total mewbiew:

My first program in Python Windows

print Hello World

I select Run/Run Module and get an error:

Syntax error, with the closing quote highlighted.

Tried with single quotes as well. Same problem.

Can someone explain my mistake?

You are apparently using Python2 syntax in Python3.  Python3 has made 
some incompatible changes from previous version of Python2. 

 In Python2: print Hello World
 In Python3: print(Hello World)

Either download Python2.5 (or 2.6) to go with your tutorial, or find a 
Python3 tutorial to go with your Python3 installation.Once you are 
familiar with either version of the language, you will find that the 
differences are not very large, but using out-of-sync tutorials and 
implementations will be the source of much frustration.

Welcome to Python.


Gary Herron


- Henrik


Re: Invalid syntax with print Hello World

2009-03-12 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
 obviously total mewbiew:

 My first program in Python Windows

 print Hello World

 I select Run/Run Module and get an error:

 Syntax error, with the closing quote highlighted.

 Tried with single quotes as well. Same problem.

 Can someone explain my mistake?

Are you using python 3.0? In this case please see:


Psss, psss, put it down! -

Re: Invalid syntax with print Hello World

2009-03-12 Thread John Machin
On Mar 12, 5:57 pm, Henrik Bechmann wrote:
 obviously total mewbiew:

 My first program in Python Windows

What is that you are callind Python Windows? What version of Python
are you running?

2.X: print Hello World
should work.

3.X: print is now a function,
print(Hello World)
should work.

If that gets you going: read the tutorial that belongs to the version
of Python that you are using.
If it doesn't, come back here with a bit more detail.

BTW, don't indent your first line. Make sure it starts in column 1.


 print Hello World

 I select Run/Run Module and get an error:

 Syntax error, with the closing quote highlighted.

 Tried with single quotes as well. Same problem.

 Can someone explain my mistake?


 - Henrik


Rough draft: Proposed format specifier for a thousands separator

2009-03-12 Thread Raymond Hettinger
If anyone here is interested, here is a proposal I posted on the
python-ideas list.

The idea is to make numbering formatting a little easier with the new
format() builtin
in Py2.6 and Py3.0:



Provide a simple, non-locale aware way to format a number
with a thousands separator.

Adding thousands separators is one of the simplest ways to
improve the professional appearance and readability of
output exposed to end users.

In the finance world, output with commas is the norm.  Finance
and non-professional programmers find the locale approach to be
frustrating, arcane and non-obvious.

It is not the goal to replace locale or to accommodate every
possible convention.  The goal is to make a common task easier
for many users.

Research so far:

Scanning the web, I've found that thousands separators are
usually one of COMMA, PERIOD, SPACE, or UNDERSCORE.  The
COMMA is used when a PERIOD is the decimal separator.

James Knight observed that Indian/Pakistani numbering systems
group by hundreds.   Ben Finney noted that Chinese group by

Visual Basic and its brethren (like MS Excel) use a completely
different style and have ultra-flexible custom format specifiers
like: _($* #,##0_).

Proposal I (from Nick Coghlan]:

A comma will be added to the format() specifier mini-language:


The ',' option indicates that commas should be included in the
output as a
thousands separator. As with locales which do not use a period as
decimal point, locales which use a different convention for digit
separation will need to use the locale module to obtain

The proposal works well with floats, ints, and decimals.  It also
allows easy substitution for other separators.  For example:

format(n, 6,f).replace(,, _)

This technique is completely general but it is awkward in the one
case where the commas and periods need to be swapped.

format(n, 6,f).replace(,, X).replace(., ,).replace
(X, .)

Proposal II (to meet Antoine Pitrou's request):

Make both the thousands separator and decimal separator user
but not locale aware.  For simplicity, limit the choices to a
comma, period,
space, or underscore..

[[fill]align][sign][#][0][minimumwidth][T[tsep]][dsep precision]


format(1234, 8.1f)-- '  1234.0'
format(1234, 8,1f)-- '  1234,0'
format(1234, 8T.,1f)  -- ' 1.234,0'
format(1234, 8T .f)   -- ' 1 234,0'
format(1234, 8d)  -- '1234'
format(1234, 8T,d)  --   '   1,234'

This proposal meets mosts needs (except for people wanting
for hundreds or ten-thousands), but it comes at the expense of
being a little more complicated to learn and remember.  Also, it
makes it
more challenging to write custom __format__ methods that follow
format specification mini-language.

For the locale module, just the T is necessary in a formatting
since the tool already has procedures for figuring out the actual
separators from the local context.

Comments and suggestions are welcome but I draw the line at supporting
Mayan numbering conventions ;-)


Re: Question on periods in strings

2009-03-12 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Wed, 11 Mar 2009 23:42:45 -0200, Philip Bloom  

Thanks for the welcome :)

You're right.  Here's with the missed line (I was cutting out commented  
parts).  Hopefully these are all cut/paste-able.

#test A
#runs in 5.8 seconds.
from datetime import datetime
startTime =
for var in range(1000):
print ( - startTime)

#test B
[using '9.00' -- otherwise identical]

I do use the same filename, but I've run the tests in different orders  
and it's made no difference.  Repeatedly running the same test results  
in the same numbers with only minor fluctuations (as would be expected  
from cache issues).  Ten runs in a row of Test B all result in about 11  
seconds each.  Ten runs in a row of Test A all result in about 6 seconds  

I could not reproduce this. You've got better hardware than mine,  
certainly (I had to remove a 0 to get reasonable times) but I got almost  
identical results with both versions. I've tested also with 3.0 (and I had  
to take another 0 off!) with the same results.
I have no idea why you see a difference. Unless the antivirus is  
interfering, or you have some crazy driver monitoring disk activity and  
the dot triggers something...
Try using a different language - I'd say this is totally unrelated to  

Gabriel Genellina


Re: wxPython fast and slow

2009-03-12 Thread David Bolen
iu2 writes:

 A question about CallAfter: As I understand, this function is intended
 to be used from within threads, where it queues the operation to be
 performed in the GUI queue.

I agree with the second half of the sentence but not the first.
CallAfter is intended to queue up a delayed call (via the GUI queue),
but it can be used anywhere you wish that behavior.  Yes, it's also
one of the very few functions that can be called from a thread other
than the GUI thread, but it works just as well from the GUI thread.

Or to quote its docstring:

Call the specified function after the current and pending event
handlers have been completed.  This is also good for making GUI
method calls from non-GUI threads.  Any extra positional or
keyword args are passed on to the callable when it is called.

 How does it work in this situation? Does it queue the opreation for
 some idle time or does it perform it right away?

You can actually see the source in in your wx installation.
It always executes via a wx.PostEvent call.

 And another question, if I may, I used to make tight loops in windows
 API, planting inside them a command that processes messages from the
 GUI queue and returns when no more messages exists. Something like

 loop {

 The loop ran quickly and the GUI remained responsive during the loop.
 I did it on window API using a function I defined similar to this one:

I don't think there's much difference in the above and doing your
operations during one of the events.  In both cases operations is
going to block any further event processing so cannot be lengthy or
the GUI will feel unresponsive.  Lengthy varies but I'd certainly
put it in the neighborhood of small fractions of a second.

Your original code took almost 2 seconds for the operations part
(before getting back to processing GUI messages through the main
loop), which certainly seems too long.

 void ProcessMessages()
   while (PeekMessage()) {

Not quite positive, but if you're talking about implementing this as a
nested dispatch loop (e.g., called from within an existing event), you
can do that via wxYield.  Of course, as with any nested event loop
processing, you have to be aware of possible reentrancy issues.

 This technique is not good for long loops, where the user may activate
 other long GUI opreations during the tight loop and make a mess.
 But it carries out the job well where during the time of the loop the
 user may only access to certain features, such as pressing a button to
 cancel the operation, operating the menu to exit the program, etc.
 This scheme saves some state-machine code that is required when using
 event-based programming.

Maybe - for my own part, I'm not completely convinced and tend to far
prefer avoiding nested event loop dispatching.  There are some times
when it might be unavoidable, but I tend to find it indicative that I
might want to re-examine what I am doing.

It seems to me that as long as you have to keep the operations step
of your loop small enough, you have to be able to divide it up.  So
you'll need some state no matter what to be able to work through each
stage of the overall operations in between calls to process the GUI.

At that point, whether it's a local variable within the scope of the
looping code, or just some instance variables in the object handling
the event loop seems about the same amount of state management.

For example, in your original code you could probably consider the
generator and/or 'x' your local state.  But the current step in the
movement could just as easily be an instance variable.

 Does wxPython have something like ProcessMessages?

If you just mean a way to process pending messages wxYield may be

If you want to take over the primary dispatch loop for the application,
normally that has been handed off to wxWidgets via wxApp.MainLoop.  However,
I believe you can build your own main dispatch loop if you want, as there
are functions in wxApp like ProcessPendingEvents, Pending, Dispatch and
so on.  You may need to explicitly continue to support Idle events in
your own loop if desired.

If you need to get into more details, it's probably better dealt with
on the wxPython mailing list.

-- David

Re: Stopping SocketServer on Python 2.5

2009-03-12 Thread Mark Tolonen

Falcolas wrote in message

On Mar 11, 1:11 pm, David George wrote:

Again, problem here is the issue of being unable to kill the server
while it's waiting on a request. In theory, i could force it to
continue by sending some sort of junk data with the method i use to
stop the server, but that seems a bit hacky, don't you think?


I agree, it does.

I'm in a bit over my head at this point, but does setting
self.socket.settimeout(0.5) cause the call to get_request (and thus
self.socket.accept()) to timeout? If so, that may be your ticket,
since socket.error exceptions are already caught by the TCPServer

Here's the relevant code from Python 2.6's  It uses 
select() to see if a request is waiting to be serviced so handle_request 
won't block.  If the poll interval expires the while loop will check the 
__serving flag.  Not ideal, but better than requiring a client to connect 
before the flag is checked.  The comment lists another idea:

  def serve_forever(self, poll_interval=0.5):
   Handle one request at a time until shutdown.

   Polls for shutdown every poll_interval seconds. Ignores
   self.timeout. If you need to do periodic tasks, do them in
   another thread.
   self.__serving = True
   while self.__serving:
   # XXX: Consider using another file descriptor or
   # connecting to the socket to wake this up instead of
   # polling. Polling reduces our responsiveness to a
   # shutdown request and wastes cpu at all other times.
   r, w, e =[self], [], [], poll_interval)
   if r:



Re: Question on periods in strings

2009-03-12 Thread John Machin
On Mar 12, 12:42 pm, Philip Bloom wrote:

 The range is not actually a meaningful adjustment as the time results are 
 identical switching out xrange (as I believe they should be since in 2.6 
 range maps to xrange for the most part according to some of the docs).  

Please do
import sys; print sys.version
and copy/paste the results into your reply.

Sorry, in 2.6 range maps to xrange for the most part is just plain
wrong and/or meaningless. In version X.Y, nothing maps to anything
else, for any value of X or Y.

What you may have read is that in 2.X, range() produces a list, and
xrange() produces a magic gadget whose type is 'xrange', and that in
3.X, xrange() has disappeared, range() produces a similar gadget to
what xrange() did, and if you want a list, you have to do list(range
()). This is a very interesting phenomenon, but it *doesn't* mean that
xrange and range are equivalent for your problem.

Note that on my machine (running Python 2.6.1 under Windows XP SP 3)
doing y = range(1000) grabs about 154MB of memory. In the absence
of any information from you about how much spare memory you have,
Gabriel's point was quite valid.

What are OS (+ version etc) are you running, and how much physical
memory is free when you start running these scripts?


Re: Read a content file from a P7M

2009-03-12 Thread Luca
On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 5:05 PM, Luca wrote:
 There is standard or sugested way in python to read the content of a P7M file?

 I don't need no feature like verify sign, or sign using a certificate.
 I only need to extract the content file of the p7m (a doc, a pdf, ...)

I'm there again!

I found a document and some exaples related to the M2Crypto library

I tryed to use this:

 from M2Crypto import BIO, SMIME, X509
 p7, data = SMIME.smime_load_pkcs7('/Users/luca/Desktop/testsigned.pdf.p7m')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
  File build/bdist.macosx-10.5-i386/egg/M2Crypto/, line 91,
in smime_load_pkcs7
M2Crypto.SMIME.SMIME_Error: no content type

May be this is the wrong library... but even Google can't help me a
lot with this problem :-(

-- luca

Re: A Dangling Tk Entry

2009-03-12 Thread r
On Mar 11, 1:09 am, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:

 Then he did it consequently wrong.  `frame_delay` is always `None` here
 so the ``return`` is useless.

 You asked what this code means and now you don't like the answer that
 it's somewhat useless code!?

         Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Oh this is not the first time Walter has asked for help and then
scoffed at those who wish to help him. Just look back through a few of
his posts. I had ignored the other rudeness but i won't anymore.

Re: What happened to NASA at Python? :(

2009-03-12 Thread Michele Simionato
On Mar 12, 4:26 am, r wrote:
 On Mar 11, 10:09 pm, wrote:

  In fact, graphics were added for several organizations.  I believe they will
  be chosen randomly.  NASA is still there.


 Whew! Thats good news, i thought we had lost their support.

That's pretty much impossible. I am sure NASA uses all programming
languages in existence,
plus probably many internal ones we never heard of.

Re: What happened to NASA at Python? :(

2009-03-12 Thread Mikael Olofsson wrote:

In fact, graphics were added for several organizations.  I believe they will
be chosen randomly.  NASA is still there.

In that case, they must be using the random number generator from 
Dilbert. You know, the one that said 9, 9, 9, 9,...

I, at least, get the same parking lot graphics every time I reload the page.



Re: Rough draft: Proposed format specifier for a thousands separator

2009-03-12 Thread Raymond Hettinger
 If anyone here is interested, here is a proposal I posted on the
 python-ideas list.

 The idea is to make numbering formatting a little easier with
 the new format() builtin:

Here's a re-post (hopefully without the line wrapping problems
in the previous post).




Provide a simple, non-locale aware way to format a number
with a thousands separator.

Adding thousands separators is one of the simplest ways to
improve the professional appearance and readability of output
exposed to end users.

In the finance world, output with commas is the norm.  Finance
users and non-professional programmers find the locale
approach to be frustrating, arcane and non-obvious.

It is not the goal to replace locale or to accommodate every
possible convention.  The goal is to make a common task easier
for many users.

Research so far:

Scanning the web, I've found that thousands separators are
usually one of COMMA, PERIOD, SPACE, or UNDERSCORE.  The
COMMA is used when a PERIOD is the decimal separator.

James Knight observed that Indian/Pakistani numbering systems
group by hundreds.   Ben Finney noted that Chinese group by

Visual Basic and its brethren (like MS Excel) use a completely
different style and have ultra-flexible custom format
specifiers like: _($* #,##0_).

Proposal I (from Nick Coghlan):

A comma will be added to the format() specifier mini-language:


The ',' option indicates that commas should be included in the
output as a thousands separator. As with locales which do not
use a period as the decimal point, locales which use a
different convention for digit separation will need to use the
locale module to obtain appropriate formatting.

The proposal works well with floats, ints, and decimals.
It also allows easy substitution for other separators.
For example:

  format(n, 6,f).replace(,, _)

This technique is completely general but it is awkward in the
one case where the commas and periods need to be swapped:

  format(n, 6,f).replace(,, X).replace(., ,).replace(X,

Proposal II (to meet Antoine Pitrou's request):

Make both the thousands separator and decimal separator user
specifiable but not locale aware.  For simplicity, limit the
choices to a comma, period, space, or underscore.

[[fill]align][sign][#][0][minimumwidth][T[tsep]][dsep precision][type]


  format(1234, 8.1f)-- '  1234.0'
  format(1234, 8,1f)-- '  1234,0'
  format(1234, 8T.,1f)  -- ' 1.234,0'
  format(1234, 8T .f)   -- ' 1 234,0'
  format(1234, 8d)  -- '1234'
  format(1234, 8T,d)-- '   1,234'

This proposal meets mosts needs (except for people wanting
grouping for hundreds or ten-thousands), but iIt comes at the
expense of being a little more complicated to learn and
remember.  Also, it makes it more challenging to write custom
__format__ methods that follow the format specification

For the locale module, just the T is necessary in a
formatting string since the tool already has procedures for
figuring out the actual separators from the local context.


PythonWin, python thread and PostQuitMessage?

2009-03-12 Thread arnaud
Hi All,

I'm not so much involved in any Windows programming however I needed
to write a client for the Windows platform. I have this very simple
question which I've been unable to answer. I'm listening for keyboard
strokes using the pyhook library. I'm doing this in a dedicated
thread. The gui just controls the thread. When I want to pause
listening for keyboard strokes I wanted to do a PostQuitMessage() to
the thread. However this does not work since it either kills the whole
app or just does not happen in the thread it's supposed to. I've now
made an ugly workaround using PumpWaitingMessages and a delay.

def run(self):
print Wkeylog run called
# Hook Keyboard
while self.log:

i can now just cancel the process by setting self.log to False. I
wanted to do just:

def run(self):
print Wkeylog run called
# Hook Keyboard

However I'm unable to stop this process. Can anyone shred al light



Re: Rough draft: Proposed format specifier for a thousands separator

2009-03-12 Thread Ulrich Eckhardt
Raymond Hettinger wrote:
 The idea is to make numbering formatting a little easier with
 the new format() builtin:
 Scanning the web, I've found that thousands separators are
 usually one of COMMA, PERIOD, SPACE, or UNDERSCORE.  The
 COMMA is used when a PERIOD is the decimal separator.
 James Knight observed that Indian/Pakistani numbering systems
 group by hundreds.   Ben Finney noted that Chinese group by

IIRC, some cultures use a non-uniform grouping, like e.g. 123 456 78.9.
For that, there is also a grouping reserved in the locale (at least in
those of C++ IOStreams, that is). Further, an that seems to also be one of
your concerns, there are different ways to represent negative numbers like
e.g. (123) or -456.

 Make both the thousands separator and decimal separator user
 specifiable but not locale aware.  For simplicity, limit the
 choices to a comma, period, space, or underscore.
 [[fill]align][sign][#][0][minimumwidth][T[tsep]][dsep precision][type]
   format(1234, 8.1f)-- '  1234.0'
   format(1234, 8,1f)-- '  1234,0'
   format(1234, 8T.,1f)  -- ' 1.234,0'
   format(1234, 8T .f)   -- ' 1 234,0'
   format(1234, 8d)  -- '1234'
   format(1234, 8T,d)-- '   1,234'

How about this?
   format(1234, 8.1, tsep=,)
  -- ' 1,234.0'
   format(1234, 8.1, tsep=., dsep=,)
  -- ' 1.234,0'
   format(123456, tsep= , grouping=(3, 2,))
  -- '1 234 56'

IOW, why not explicitly say what you want using keyword arguments with
defaults instead of inventing an IMHO cryptic, read-only mini-language?
Seriously, the problem I see with this proposal is that its aim to be as
short as possible actually makes the resulting format specifications
unreadable. Could you even guess what 8T.,1f should mean if you had not
written this?

 This proposal meets mosts needs (except for people wanting
 grouping for hundreds or ten-thousands), but iIt comes at the
 expense of being a little more complicated to learn and

Too expensive for my taste.


Sator Laser GmbH
Geschäftsführer: Thorsten Föcking, Amtsgericht Hamburg HR B62 932


__import__ with dict values

2009-03-12 Thread alex goretoy
How would I import with __import__ from dict values?
I want sys.path value inside d['syspath'], below code doesn't work for me



and how come does  above line doesn't give me diff value than below line?


Meaning, when I do this doesn't work. Which makes sense.

but this works both with fromlist and without.


-Alex Goretoy

Re: What happened to NASA at Python? :(

2009-03-12 Thread James Matthews
From what I see most startups are jumping to Python to rapidly setup their

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 10:38 AM, Mikael Olofsson wrote: wrote:

 In fact, graphics were added for several organizations.  I believe they
 be chosen randomly.  NASA is still there.

 In that case, they must be using the random number generator from Dilbert.
 You know, the one that said 9, 9, 9, 9,...

 I, at least, get the same parking lot graphics every time I reload the




Re: What happened to NASA at Python? :(

2009-03-12 Thread Dotan Cohen
 I, at least, get the same parking lot graphics every time I reload the page.

If you click and more link, you will come to a page of success
stories, one of which is this:

It is not as prominent as the earlier Nasa logo, though.

Dotan Cohen


Re: c.Win32_OperatingSystem question.

2009-03-12 Thread bryan rasmussen

well coming back to the project and looking over it I realized I had
somehow messed up the names for some Win32 Operating System properties
- for example ComputerOrganization instead of Organization. Not sure
where I got the values from cause I've just be copying the properties
I want from scriptomatic output.

Bryan Rasmussen

On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 8:15 PM, Tim Golden wrote:
 bryan rasmussen wrote:

 Maybe there's a more specific list I should ask this question on but I
 don't know what it is. I'm using Tim Golden's wmi stuff, and putting
 my output into an XML document.

 I have the following bit of code

 [.. snip ...]

 At the end of that thhe only text node thaht comes out is
 ComputerName, WMI is running - Am I using the wrong names for things
 here? When I try to get the same values using WScript and WQL to
 extract from Win32_OperatingSystem I get all the values.

 I'd love to help here, but you're not making it easy. I'm not
 clear if you're suggesting there's a problem with WMI or with
 ElementTree or with something else. Can you narrow down, please
 so I don't have to invent a code wrapper for your code fragment.
 Try producing an instantly-runnable piece of code which demonstrates
 the problem and I'll happily have a look from the WMI perspective at



Re: Question on periods in strings

2009-03-12 Thread Bruno Desthuilliers

Philip Bloom a écrit :

from datetime import datetime
startTime =


print ( - startTime)

A bit OT, but you may want to use timeit.Timer for this kind of 


Re: __import__ with dict values

2009-03-12 Thread alex goretoy
I have resolved this problem in my code. It has something to do with your
current working directory when you append cwd/jars to sys.path and try to
import from interactive console
-Alex Goretoy

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 4:58 AM, alex goretoy

 How would I import with __import__ from dict values?
 I want sys.path value inside d['syspath'], below code doesn't work for me



 and how come does  above line doesn't give me diff value than below line?


 Meaning, when I do this doesn't work. Which makes sense.

 but this works both with fromlist and without.


 -Alex Goretoy


Re: __import__ with dict values

2009-03-12 Thread alex goretoy
yay, no more

exec (import  + sys)

in my code

-Alex Goretoy

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 5:42 AM, alex goretoy

 I have resolved this problem in my code. It has something to do with your
 current working directory when you append cwd/jars to sys.path and try to
 import from interactive console
 -Alex Goretoy

 On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 4:58 AM, alex goretoy

 How would I import with __import__ from dict values?
 I want sys.path value inside d['syspath'], below code doesn't work for me



 and how come does  above line doesn't give me diff value than below line?


 Meaning, when I do this doesn't work. Which makes sense.

 but this works both with fromlist and without.


 -Alex Goretoy


Re: __import__ with dict values

2009-03-12 Thread alex goretoy
or eval for that matter
-Alex Goretoy

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 5:43 AM, alex goretoy

 yay, no more

 exec (import  + sys)

 in my code

 -Alex Goretoy

 On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 5:42 AM, alex goretoy

 I have resolved this problem in my code. It has something to do with your
 current working directory when you append cwd/jars to sys.path and try to
 import from interactive console
 -Alex Goretoy

 On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 4:58 AM, alex goretoy wrote:

 How would I import with __import__ from dict values?
 I want sys.path value inside d['syspath'], below code doesn't work for me



 and how come does  above line doesn't give me diff value than below line?


 Meaning, when I do this doesn't work. Which makes sense.

 but this works both with fromlist and without.


 -Alex Goretoy


Re: __import__ with dict values

2009-03-12 Thread alex goretoy
note i would still like to be able to do __import__(sys).path

maybe if __import__ had __str__ defined, How is my thinking on this?
and how would I achieve something like this?
-Alex Goretoy

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 5:44 AM, alex goretoy

 or eval for that matter
 -Alex Goretoy

 On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 5:43 AM, alex goretoy

 yay, no more

 exec (import  + sys)

 in my code

 -Alex Goretoy

 On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 5:42 AM, alex goretoy wrote:

 I have resolved this problem in my code. It has something to do with your
 current working directory when you append cwd/jars to sys.path and try to
 import from interactive console
 -Alex Goretoy

 On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 4:58 AM, alex goretoy wrote:

 How would I import with __import__ from dict values?
 I want sys.path value inside d['syspath'], below code doesn't work for



 and how come does  above line doesn't give me diff value than below


 Meaning, when I do this doesn't work. Which makes sense.

 but this works both with fromlist and without.


 -Alex Goretoy


Re: Invalid syntax with print Hello World

2009-03-12 Thread steven.oldner
On Mar 12, 2:25 am, John Machin wrote:
 On Mar 12, 5:57 pm, Henrik Bechmann wrote:

  obviously total mewbiew:

  My first program in Python Windows

 What is that you are callind Python Windows? What version of Python
 are you running?

 2.X: print Hello World
 should work.

 3.X: print is now a function,
 print(Hello World)
 should work.

 If that gets you going: read the tutorial that belongs to the version
 of Python that you are using.
 If it doesn't, come back here with a bit more detail.

 BTW, don't indent your first line. Make sure it starts in column 1.


  print Hello World

  I select Run/Run Module and get an error:

  Syntax error, with the closing quote highlighted.

  Tried with single quotes as well. Same problem.

  Can someone explain my mistake?


  - Henrik- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -


Welcome to the list.  As a newbie myself, I ran into the Python3 vrs
2.6 issue.  May I suggest starting with 2.6?  There is many more books
and internet stuff you can learn with in 2.6 - and the examples will
work. As Garry wrote, once you understand 2.6, 3.0 will not be a

Steve Oldner

Re: __import__ with dict values

2009-03-12 Thread alex goretoy


how to make top work like bottom?
-Alex Goretoy

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 5:56 AM, alex goretoy

 note i would still like to be able to do __import__(sys).path

 maybe if __import__ had __str__ defined, How is my thinking on this?
 and how would I achieve something like this?
 -Alex Goretoy

 On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 5:44 AM, alex goretoy

 or eval for that matter
 -Alex Goretoy

 On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 5:43 AM, alex goretoy wrote:

 yay, no more

 exec (import  + sys)

 in my code

 -Alex Goretoy

 On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 5:42 AM, alex goretoy wrote:

 I have resolved this problem in my code. It has something to do with
 your current working directory when you append cwd/jars to sys.path and try
 to import from interactive console
 -Alex Goretoy

 On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 4:58 AM, alex goretoy wrote:

 How would I import with __import__ from dict values?
 I want sys.path value inside d['syspath'], below code doesn't work for



 and how come does  above line doesn't give me diff value than below


 Meaning, when I do this doesn't work. Which makes sense.

 but this works both with fromlist and without.


 -Alex Goretoy


Re: Invalid syntax with print Hello World

2009-03-12 Thread Dotan Cohen
 Welcome to the list.  As a newbie myself, I ran into the Python3 vrs
 2.6 issue.  May I suggest starting with 2.6?  There is many more books
 and internet stuff you can learn with in 2.6 - and the examples will
 work. As Garry wrote, once you understand 2.6, 3.0 will not be a

I do not think that is the best way to go about learning Python. Why
learn an arguably depreciating version when the new version is
available. I agree that there are not many tutorial written for Python
3 however there are enough to get going: most of the Python 2
tutorials are redundant. Sticking to Python 3 tutorials will give him
a higher signal-to-noise ratio in the tutorials that he finds.

Dotan Cohen


Re: Rough draft: Proposed format specifier for a thousands separator

2009-03-12 Thread Raymond Hettinger
[Ulrich Eckhardt]
 IOW, why not explicitly say what you want using keyword arguments with
 defaults instead of inventing an IMHO cryptic, read-only mini-language?

That makes sense to me but I don't think that's the way the format()
builtin was implemented (see PEP 3101 which was implemented Py2.6 and
It is a simple pass-through to a __format__ method for each
object.  I don't see how keywords would fit in that framework.  What
proposed is similar to locale module's existing n specifier except
this lets you say exactly what you want instead of deferring to the

The mini-language seems to already be the way of things (just as it is
many other languages including PHP, C, Fortran, and whatnot).  I'm
proposing an addition T, so you add commas as a thousands separator.



Input data from .txt file and object array problem

2009-03-12 Thread SamuelXiao
I want to input data by using pickle
First of all, I have a database.txt
The content is like:


AAA,BBB,CCC is Language name, and aaalink,bbblink,ccclink is their
respective link.
I want to store data by using pickle.  Meanwhile , I got a problem.
#I have created a class:
class Lang:
def __init__(self,lname=,tlink=,alink=):
self.lname = lname #lname is the Language
self.tlink = tlink #tlink is the tutorial link
self.alink = alink #alink is the a link to school Library 
the first returned Language book

def alibrary_link(self,alink):
self.alink = alink

def tutorial_link(self,tlink):
self.tlink = tlink

def lang_name(self,lname):
self.lname = lname

def _display(self):
string = +++  + \
+ + lname \
+ + tlink \
+ + alink \

def Print(self):
print self._display()

def originData():
fo = (/database.txt,r+)
lines = fo.readlines()
for line in lines:
pair = line.split(,)
temp = Lang();
temp.lname = pair[0]
temp.tlink = pair[1]
temp.alink = findbook(temp.lname)
#stopping here, because I don't know how to do here...
   #I want to use object array here...
   #Then using pickle to dump the object...
   # Is this work?  Or there is another better method to do so?

I hope to create an object array to store all the language and its
information from database.txt.
How can I do that?  I am a beginner to Python.  Any help would be

Re: What happened to NASA at Python? :(

2009-03-12 Thread skip

 If they were so keen on new graphics, why did 2.6 revert
 to the same icons that 2.4 used? (At least they did on my
 machine. After installing 2.6, I no longer had the new
 2.5 icons but had reverted to the earlier ones.)

Can you be more specific?  Is this a Windows thing?  Did you submit a bug

Skip Montanaro - -

cross platform accessing paths (windows, linux ...)

2009-03-12 Thread Vlastimil Brom
Hi all,
I'd like to ask for some advice on how to acomplish file access in a
cross platform way.
My application is a kind of viewer of text and corresponding image
files (stored in separate subdirectories) and I'm going to deploy it
as binaries for windows and source files (again in separate
Of course the text and image data should be shared for the source and
executable version.
The program should be runnable without instalation, e.g. directly from
a CD-ROM, flashdisk etc. (supposing the working python ...
installation while using the source version).
the directory structure looks like:
 - src
 - bin
 - txt
 - img

While writing the source on windows, I didn't notice problems, as the
simple path
worked well with open(...). (script file executed with the associated
However on Linux (Kubuntu 8.0.4) the files in neighbour directories
were not found most of the time (probably depending on how the script
was run - console; file manager Krusader ...)
After a lot of trials and gradually solving some corner issues, I
ended up with:

def path_from_pardir(path):
os.pardir, path)))
#  __file__ is substituted with sys.path[0] if not present

real_path = path_from_pardir(txt/text_1.txt)

The above seems to work both on windows and linux, but it very much
looks like woodoo code for me;
as I have rather limited experiences on Linux, I'd like to ask, how
this would be best done in a cross platform way; or is the above realy
the way to go?
(I hope, using / as path separator should be fine, as it is also
supported on windows and other OS would use the slash anyway; is it
true, or do I have to use os.sep (which would complicate the code
slightly more)?
Are there any issues I'm likely to run into say on Mac with this approach?

I'm using python 2.5.4 on windows XPp SP3, and the default python
2.5.2 on Kubuntu 8.0.4;
(as I probably can't reasonably use 2.6 here for deployment with py2exe).

Any hints or comments are much appreciated; thanks in advance!


Re: Building python 64-bit on OS 10.5?

2009-03-12 Thread Dan Yamins
Dear all:

I've two questions:

1)  I've been trying to building python as a 64-bit version on OS 10.5.
I'm not too familiar with building python from scratch, and a number of
basic attempts made from piecing together things I've seen on the web have
failed.   (For instance,

 ./configure --enable-framework --disable-toolbox-glue
--with-universal-archs=all  --with-gcc=gcc -m64

leads to a failure when I try to do make, as do all other similar variants
I've tried.)

So, is there a good source where I can find step-by-step 64-bit build
instructions?  (I'd like to do it if possible as a framework build.)  I've
looked it up a lot on google but am mostly getting fragments of descriptions
of errors with other people's builds.

 2)  I often use a number of python extensions like matplot, pylab, and
ipython.   Will these (especially the graphics parts) be able to build on
top of my 64-bit installation?  Is there some way to find out if they will
likely work without actually having to build them?



multiprocessing + atexit

2009-03-12 Thread Neal Becker
I have some code that uses atexit (remove old log files).  Before converting 
to use multiprocessing, it worked.  Since converting, it seems to not be 
running the atexit code (old log files are not removed).

Any known issues with multiprocessing + atexit?


Re: Question on periods in strings

2009-03-12 Thread skip

Gabriel I could not reproduce this.

Nor can I.  I didn't see the original post.  What were the hardware
parameters and Python version?

Skip Montanaro - -

Re: What happened to NASA at Python? :(

2009-03-12 Thread skip

 In fact, graphics were added for several organizations.  I believe
 they will be chosen randomly.  NASA is still there.

MiO In that case, they must be using the random number generator from
MiO Dilbert. You know, the one that said 9, 9, 9, 9,...

Sorry, randomly chosen whenever the front page is rebuilt by one of the web
gnomes.  It's not chosen randomly on each page fetch.


Re: cross platform accessing paths (windows, linux ...)

2009-03-12 Thread Mike Mazurek
You might want to look at the path module:

It will probably make your code more readable.

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 8:10 AM, Vlastimil Brom vlastimil.b...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi all,
 I'd like to ask for some advice on how to acomplish file access in a
 cross platform way.
 My application is a kind of viewer of text and corresponding image
 files (stored in separate subdirectories) and I'm going to deploy it
 as binaries for windows and source files (again in separate
 Of course the text and image data should be shared for the source and
 executable version.
 The program should be runnable without instalation, e.g. directly from
 a CD-ROM, flashdisk etc. (supposing the working python ...
 installation while using the source version).
 the directory structure looks like:
  - src
  - bin
  - txt
  - img

 While writing the source on windows, I didn't notice problems, as the
 simple path
 worked well with open(...). (script file executed with the associated
 However on Linux (Kubuntu 8.0.4) the files in neighbour directories
 were not found most of the time (probably depending on how the script
 was run - console; file manager Krusader ...)
 After a lot of trials and gradually solving some corner issues, I
 ended up with:

 def path_from_pardir(path):
 os.pardir, path)))
 #  __file__ is substituted with sys.path[0] if not present

 real_path = path_from_pardir(txt/text_1.txt)

 The above seems to work both on windows and linux, but it very much
 looks like woodoo code for me;
 as I have rather limited experiences on Linux, I'd like to ask, how
 this would be best done in a cross platform way; or is the above realy
 the way to go?
 (I hope, using / as path separator should be fine, as it is also
 supported on windows and other OS would use the slash anyway; is it
 true, or do I have to use os.sep (which would complicate the code
 slightly more)?
 Are there any issues I'm likely to run into say on Mac with this approach?

 I'm using python 2.5.4 on windows XPp SP3, and the default python
 2.5.2 on Kubuntu 8.0.4;
 (as I probably can't reasonably use 2.6 here for deployment with py2exe).

 Any hints or comments are much appreciated; thanks in advance!



Re: Rough draft: Proposed format specifier for a thousands separator

2009-03-12 Thread MRAB

Raymond Hettinger wrote:

Proposal I (from Nick Coghlan):

A comma will be added to the format() specifier mini-language:


The ',' option indicates that commas should be included in the
output as a thousands separator. As with locales which do not
use a period as the decimal point, locales which use a
different convention for digit separation will need to use the
locale module to obtain appropriate formatting.

The proposal works well with floats, ints, and decimals.
It also allows easy substitution for other separators.
For example:

  format(n, 6,f).replace(,, _)

This technique is completely general but it is awkward in the
one case where the commas and periods need to be swapped:

  format(n, 6,f).replace(,, X).replace(., ,).replace(X,

Proposal II (to meet Antoine Pitrou's request):

Make both the thousands separator and decimal separator user
specifiable but not locale aware.  For simplicity, limit the
choices to a comma, period, space, or underscore.

[[fill]align][sign][#][0][minimumwidth][T[tsep]][dsep precision][type]


  format(1234, 8.1f)-- '  1234.0'
  format(1234, 8,1f)-- '  1234,0'
  format(1234, 8T.,1f)  -- ' 1.234,0'
  format(1234, 8T .f)   -- ' 1 234,0'
  format(1234, 8d)  -- '1234'
  format(1234, 8T,d)-- '   1,234'

This proposal meets mosts needs (except for people wanting
grouping for hundreds or ten-thousands), but iIt comes at the
expense of being a little more complicated to learn and
remember.  Also, it makes it more challenging to write custom
__format__ methods that follow the format specification

For the locale module, just the T is necessary in a
formatting string since the tool already has procedures for
figuring out the actual separators from the local context.

I'd probably prefer Proposal I with . representing the decimal point
and , representing the grouping (thousands) separator, although I'd
add an L flag to indicate that it should use the locale to provide the
actual characters to be used and even the number of digits for the



  Assuming the locale has:

decimal point:  ,
grouping separator: .
grouping spacing:   3

  format(123456, 10.1f)-- '  123456.0'
  format(123456, 10.1Lf)   -- ' 123.456,0'
  format(123456, 10,.1f)   -- ' 123,456.0'
  format(123456, 10,.1Lf)  -- ' 123.456,0'


Re: Rough draft: Proposed format specifier for a thousands separator

2009-03-12 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:

IOW, why not explicitly say what you want using keyword arguments with
defaults instead of inventing an IMHO cryptic, read-only mini-language?
Seriously, the problem I see with this proposal is that its aim to be as
short as possible actually makes the resulting format specifications
unreadable. Could you even guess what 8T.,1f should mean if you had not
written this?


Look back in history, and see how COBOL did it with the
PICTURE - dead easy and easily understandable.
Compared to that, even the C printf stuff  and python's %
are incomprehensible.

- Hendrik


loop performance in global namespace (python-2.6.1)

2009-03-12 Thread Poor Yorick

In the following snippet, the loop in the global namespace takes twice as long
as the loop in the function namespace.  Why?

limit = 5000

def f1():
counter = 0
while counter  limit:
counter += 1
time1 = time.time()
print(time.time() - time1)
print('number of locals: ', len(locals()))

time1 = time.time()
counter = 0
while counter  limit:
counter += 1
print(time.time() - time1)
print('number of locals: ', len(locals()))



Re: [Tutor] loop performance in global namespace (python-2.6.1)

2009-03-12 Thread spir
Le Thu, 12 Mar 2009 11:13:33 -0400,
Kent Johnson s'exprima ainsi:

 Because local name lookup is faster than global name lookup. Local
 variables are stored in an array in the stack frame and accessed by
 index. Global names are stored in a dict and accessed with dict access

? I thought this was mainly because a name has first to be searched 
(unsuccessfully) locally before a global lookup is launched.
Also, are locals really stored in an array? How does lookup then proceed? Is it 
a kind of (name,ref) sequence?

la vita e estrany

Re: Input data from .txt file and object array problem

2009-03-12 Thread odeits
On Mar 12, 5:03 am, SamuelXiao wrote:
 I want to input data by using pickle
 First of all, I have a database.txt
 The content is like:


 AAA,BBB,CCC is Language name, and aaalink,bbblink,ccclink is their
 respective link.
 I want to store data by using pickle.  Meanwhile , I got a problem.
 #I have created a class:
 class Lang:
         def __init__(self,lname=,tlink=,alink=):
                 self.lname = lname #lname is the Language
                 self.tlink = tlink #tlink is the tutorial link
                 self.alink = alink #alink is the a link to school Library 
 the first returned Language book

         def alibrary_link(self,alink):
                 self.alink = alink

         def tutorial_link(self,tlink):
                 self.tlink = tlink

         def lang_name(self,lname):
                 self.lname = lname

         def _display(self):
                 string = +++  + \
                                 + + lname \
                                 + + tlink \
                                 + + alink \

         def Print(self):
                 print self._display()

 def originData():
         fo = (/database.txt,r+)
         lines = fo.readlines()
         for line in lines:
                 pair = line.split(,)
                 temp = Lang();
                 temp.lname = pair[0]
                 temp.tlink = pair[1]
                 temp.alink = findbook(temp.lname)
         #stopping here, because I don't know how to do here...
        #I want to use object array here...
        #Then using pickle to dump the object...
        # Is this work?  Or there is another better method to do so?

 I hope to create an object array to store all the language and its
 information from database.txt.
 How can I do that?  I am a beginner to Python.  Any help would be

check out the csv module for the parsing of the file

Re: can python import class or module directly from a zip package

2009-03-12 Thread Coonay
On Mar 11, 9:47 pm, Lorenzo wrote:
 On Mar 10, 2:13 pm, Flank wrote:

  can python import class or  module directly from  a zip package ,just
  like jave does from jar package without extracting the class file into

  so far as i know ,python module should be unzip to file system in
  order to use them,

 After a little digging/googling, the answer came right from the docs:

 I think that this module is just right what you need.


thanks  you 2 guys

Re: Rough draft: Proposed format specifier for a thousands separator

2009-03-12 Thread John Machin
On Mar 12, 9:56 pm, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
 [Ulrich Eckhardt]

  IOW, why not explicitly say what you want using keyword arguments with
  defaults instead of inventing an IMHO cryptic, read-only mini-language?

 That makes sense to me but I don't think that's the way the format()
 builtin was implemented (see PEP 3101 which was implemented Py2.6 and
 It is a simple pass-through to a __format__ method for each
 object.  I don't see how keywords would fit in that framework.  What
 proposed is similar to locale module's existing n specifier except
 this lets you say exactly what you want instead of deferring to the

 The mini-language seems to already be the way of things (just as it is
 many other languages including PHP, C, Fortran, and whatnot).  I'm
 proposing an addition T, so you add commas as a thousands separator.

... and why not C (centum) for hundreds (can't have H(ollerith)) and W
for wan (the Chinese word for 10 thousand)?


Re: Invalid syntax with print Hello World

2009-03-12 Thread Paul Boddie
On 12 Mar, 12:45, Dotan Cohen wrote:

[starting with 2.6]

 I do not think that is the best way to go about learning Python. Why
 learn an arguably depreciating version when the new version is
 available. I agree that there are not many tutorial written for Python
 3 however there are enough to get going: most of the Python 2
 tutorials are redundant. Sticking to Python 3 tutorials will give him
 a higher signal-to-noise ratio in the tutorials that he finds.

So we are to conclude that Python 2 is redundant now, are we?

I don't think it's bad advice to suggest that people learn Python 2 if
they want to get stuff done, and since people keep saying how Python 3
is really the same language, let us entertain that assertion and
encourage people to take advantage of its predecessor: the thing which
actually powers the overwhelming majority of Python-powered systems
today and for the foreseeable future.


Re: Invalid syntax with print Hello World

2009-03-12 Thread Henrik Bechmann
On Mar 12, 7:45 am, Dotan Cohen wrote:
  Welcome to the list.  As a newbie myself, I ran into the Python3 vrs
  2.6 issue.  May I suggest starting with 2.6?  There is many more books
  and internet stuff you can learn with in 2.6 - and the examples will
  work. As Garry wrote, once you understand 2.6, 3.0 will not be a

 I do not think that is the best way to go about learning Python. Why
 learn an arguably depreciating version when the new version is
 available. I agree that there are not many tutorial written for Python
 3 however there are enough to get going: most of the Python 2
 tutorials are redundant. Sticking to Python 3 tutorials will give him
 a higher signal-to-noise ratio in the tutorials that he finds.

 Dotan Cohen



Thanks everyone!

Now that I know what the issue is (2 vs 3), I'll be able to resolve
those kinds of issues in the future.

Thanks again!

- Henrik

Re: NameError: name 'execfile' is not defined

2009-03-12 Thread Henrik Bechmann
On Mar 12, 3:15 am, Gary Herron wrote:
 Henrik Bechmann wrote:
  Newbie issue:

  I downloaded
  insaller), opened the interpreter, wrote a print Hello World program
  in, and in the interpreter typed


  Got back

  NameError: name 'execfile' is not defined

  (following tutorial in David Beazley's Python Essential Reference).

  Is execfile not supported in 3?

 That's correct.

  From can find this

     Removed execfile().   Instead of execfile(fn) use exec(open(fn).read()).

 Gary Herron


  - Henrik

Excellent. Thanks very much!

- Henrik

Re: Stopping SocketServer on Python 2.5

2009-03-12 Thread David George

On 2009-03-12 08:03:06 +, Mark Tolonen said:

Falcolas wrote in message

On Mar 11, 1:11 pm, David George wrote:

Again, problem here is the issue of being unable to kill the server
while it's waiting on a request. In theory, i could force it to
continue by sending some sort of junk data with the method i use to
stop the server, but that seems a bit hacky, don't you think?


I agree, it does.

I'm in a bit over my head at this point, but does setting
self.socket.settimeout(0.5) cause the call to get_request (and thus
self.socket.accept()) to timeout? If so, that may be your ticket,
since socket.error exceptions are already caught by the TCPServer

Here's the relevant code from Python 2.6's  It uses 
select() to see if a request is waiting to be serviced so 
handle_request won't block.  If the poll interval expires the while 
loop will check the __serving flag.  Not ideal, but better than 
requiring a client to connect before the flag is checked.  The comment 
lists another idea:

   def serve_forever(self, poll_interval=0.5):
Handle one request at a time until shutdown.

Polls for shutdown every poll_interval seconds. Ignores
self.timeout. If you need to do periodic tasks, do them in
another thread.

self.__serving = True
while self.__serving:
# XXX: Consider using another file descriptor or
# connecting to the socket to wake this up instead of
# polling. Polling reduces our responsiveness to a
# shutdown request and wastes cpu at all other times.
r, w, e =[self], [], [], poll_interval)
if r:


Thanks to everybody for helping me with this matter, but eventually 
i've had to settle for a simpler and probably far less elegant solution 
due to time constraints.

It seems that in 2.6 doesn't directly rely on anything 
that's in Python 2.6, so i've simply copied the code across and i'm 
using it in place of the version built into Python 2.5.

I will probably return to this at a later date and try for a more 
elegant solution, but right now university deadlines are looming!

Thanks all,



How to send an email with GMail in Python from Windows

2009-03-12 Thread ∂ √ ¡ ŋ ∂ ♪ ђ
Can somebody help me with sending an email using Python from GMail
Here's what I tried but it fails always.

import smtplib
import base64

smtpserver = ''
AUTHREQUIRED = 0 # if you need to use SMTP AUTH set to 1
smtpuser = '' # for SMTP AUTH, set SMTP username here
smtppass = '*' # for SMTP AUTH, set SMTP password here

mssg = open('mssg.txt', 'r').read() # I am reading from this file on
the same directory

session = smtplib.SMTP(smtpserver,'465')
#session.esmtp_features[auth] = LOGIN PLAIN

session.login(smtpuser, smtppass)

except SMTPAuthenticationError, e:
# if login fails, try again using a manual plain login method
smtp.docmd(AUTH LOGIN, base64.b64encode( smtpuser ))
smtp.docmd(base64.b64encode( smtppass ), )
smtpresult = session.sendmail(SENDER, RECIPIENTS, mssg)
if smtpresult:
errstr = 
for recip in smtpresult.keys():
errstr = Could not delivery mail to: %s

Server said: %s

%s % (recip, smtpresult[recip][0], smtpresult[recip][1], errstr)
raise smtplib.SMTPException, errstr

This is the Stack Trace I got when I ran the above script after a very
long time(15min)

Traceback (most recent call last):
File C:\Python26\, line 13, in module
session = smtplib.SMTP(smtpserver,'465')
File C:\Python26\lib\, line 239, in __init__
(code, msg) = self.connect(host, port)
File C:\Python26\lib\, line 296, in connect
(code, msg) = self.getreply()
File C:\Python26\lib\, line 340, in getreply
raise SMTPServerDisconnected(Connection unexpectedly closed)
smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected: Connection unexpectedly closed

Tool completed with exit code 1


Re: How to send an email with GMail in Python from Windows

2009-03-12 Thread dorzey
You might want to try - This is a
Python binding for GMail; I've used it a little and it did the job for


Re: How to send an email with GMail in Python from Windows

2009-03-12 Thread gordyt
Howdy Avinash,

Here is a simple example for you.

from smtplib import SMTP
PORT = 587
ACCOUNT = # put your gmail email account here
PASSWORD =# put your gmail email password here

def send_email(to_addrs, subject, msg):
server = SMTP(HOST,PORT)
server.set_debuglevel(1)# you don't need this (comment out to
avoid debug messages)
server.login(ACCOUNT, PASSWORD)
server.sendmail(ACCOUNT, to_addrs,
From: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nSubject: %s\r\n\r\n%s\r\n.\r\n % (
ACCOUNT, ,.join(to_addrs), subject, msg

if __name__ == __main__:
send_email( [''], 'this is just a test',
hello world! )


Re: Rough draft: Proposed format specifier for a thousands separator

2009-03-12 Thread pruebauno
On Mar 12, 3:30 am, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
 If anyone here is interested, here is a proposal I posted on the
 python-ideas list.

 The idea is to make numbering formatting a little easier with the new
 format() builtin
 in Py2.6 and Py3.0:



     Provide a simple, non-locale aware way to format a number
     with a thousands separator.

     Adding thousands separators is one of the simplest ways to
     improve the professional appearance and readability of
     output exposed to end users.

     In the finance world, output with commas is the norm.  Finance
     and non-professional programmers find the locale approach to be
     frustrating, arcane and non-obvious.

     It is not the goal to replace locale or to accommodate every
     possible convention.  The goal is to make a common task easier
     for many users.

 Research so far:

     Scanning the web, I've found that thousands separators are
     usually one of COMMA, PERIOD, SPACE, or UNDERSCORE.  The
     COMMA is used when a PERIOD is the decimal separator.

     James Knight observed that Indian/Pakistani numbering systems
     group by hundreds.   Ben Finney noted that Chinese group by

     Visual Basic and its brethren (like MS Excel) use a completely
     different style and have ultra-flexible custom format specifiers
     like: _($* #,##0_).

 Proposal I (from Nick Coghlan]:

     A comma will be added to the format() specifier mini-language:


     The ',' option indicates that commas should be included in the
 output as a
     thousands separator. As with locales which do not use a period as
     decimal point, locales which use a different convention for digit
     separation will need to use the locale module to obtain

     The proposal works well with floats, ints, and decimals.  It also
     allows easy substitution for other separators.  For example:

         format(n, 6,f).replace(,, _)

     This technique is completely general but it is awkward in the one
     case where the commas and periods need to be swapped.

         format(n, 6,f).replace(,, X).replace(., ,).replace
 (X, .)

 Proposal II (to meet Antoine Pitrou's request):

     Make both the thousands separator and decimal separator user
     but not locale aware.  For simplicity, limit the choices to a
 comma, period,
     space, or underscore..

     [[fill]align][sign][#][0][minimumwidth][T[tsep]][dsep precision]


         format(1234, 8.1f)    --     '  1234.0'
         format(1234, 8,1f)    --     '  1234,0'
         format(1234, 8T.,1f)  --     ' 1.234,0'
         format(1234, 8T .f)   --     ' 1 234,0'
         format(1234, 8d)      --     '    1234'
         format(1234, 8T,d)      --   '   1,234'

     This proposal meets mosts needs (except for people wanting
     for hundreds or ten-thousands), but it comes at the expense of
     being a little more complicated to learn and remember.  Also, it
 makes it
     more challenging to write custom __format__ methods that follow
     format specification mini-language.

     For the locale module, just the T is necessary in a formatting
     since the tool already has procedures for figuring out the actual
     separators from the local context.

 Comments and suggestions are welcome but I draw the line at supporting
 Mayan numbering conventions ;-)


As far as I am concerned the most simple version plus a way to swap
around commas and period is all that is needed. The rest can be done
using one replace (because the decimal separator is always one of two
options). This should cover everywhere but the far east. 80% of cases
for 20% of implementation complexity.

For example:


 format(1234, .8.1f)  -- ' 1.234,0'
 format(1234, ,8.1f)  -- ' 1,234.0'


default shelve on linux corrupts, does different DB system help?

2009-03-12 Thread Paul Sijben
I have the problem that my shelve(s) sometimes corrupt (looks like it
has after python has run out of threads).

I am using the default shelve so on linux I get the dbhash version.
Is there a different DB type I can choose that is known to be more
resilient? And if so, what is the elegant way of doing that?


Re: Input data from .txt file and object array problem

2009-03-12 Thread Piet van Oostrum
 SamuelXiao (S) wrote:

S I want to input data by using pickle
S First of all, I have a database.txt
S The content is like:

S AAA,aaalink
S BBB,bbblink
S CCC,ccclink
S ...,...

S AAA,BBB,CCC is Language name, and aaalink,bbblink,ccclink is their
S respective link.
S I want to store data by using pickle.  Meanwhile , I got a problem.
S #I have created a class:
S class Lang:
S def __init__(self,lname=,tlink=,alink=):
S self.lname = lname #lname is the Language
S self.tlink = tlink #tlink is the tutorial link
S self.alink = alink #alink is the a link to school Library 
S the first returned Language book

S def alibrary_link(self,alink):
S self.alink = alink

S def tutorial_link(self,tlink):
S self.tlink = tlink

S def lang_name(self,lname):
S self.lname = lname

S def _display(self):
S string = +++  + \
S + + lname \
S + + tlink \
S + + alink \
S +

This will not do very much. The string is calculated and then thrown
away. You will need also a return string to make it useful.

S def Print(self):
S print self._display()

S def originData():
S fo = (/database.txt,r+)
S lines = fo.readlines()
S for line in lines:
S pair = line.split(,)
S temp = Lang();
S temp.lname = pair[0]
S temp.tlink = pair[1]
S temp.alink = findbook(temp.lname)

Why do you set these attributes directly while you also have methods for
this (like lang_name, tutorial_link)? Or better use 
temp = Lang(pair[0], pair[1], findbook(temp.lname))

S #stopping here, because I don't know how to do here...
S#I want to use object array here...
S#Then using pickle to dump the object...
S# Is this work?  Or there is another better method to do so?
S I hope to create an object array to store all the language and its
S information from database.txt.

I guess you want to put them in a list. Then use 
here and 
objList = [] before the loop.

S How can I do that?  I am a beginner to Python.  Any help would be
S appreciated.

You can use pickle to store the list is a file after reading.
Something like (untested):

import pickle # or use the faster cPickle module.

output = open('somefile', 'wb')

# Pickle object list
pickle.dump(objList, output)


But as this is only textual data (I think) there is not much profit in
using pickle. Unless you have other things added in your class. You
could also write these things to a simple text file, for example with
the csv module.

Piet van Oostrum
URL: [PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
Private email:

Re: Killing subservient threads

2009-03-12 Thread Aahz
In article,
Christian Heimes wrote:
Gabriel Genellina wrote:

 1) make the child window set a flag in the thread (let's say,
 t.terminate = True). And make the polling thread check the flag
 periodically (you possibly already have a loop there - just break the
 loop when you detect that self.terminate became true)

threading.Condition() and threading.Event() are especially designed for
the job. Please use them appropriately.

Personally, I prefer to just use Queue for everything.  See
for examples, including one with Tkinter.

Side note: because of the Subject: line, I have to mention a website for
those who haven't seen it (requires Flash enabled):
Aahz (   *

All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of 
indirection.  --Butler Lampson

question on msvcrt.dll versioning

2009-03-12 Thread rogerdpack
It appears from sites like
at the bottom that at least this developer made an effort to link
against the same version of msvcrt.dll that the python exe was
compiled with [ex: vc2008 - msvcr90.dll].  Is this pain necessary?
Are there known drawbacks to not doing this anyone can think of? [just
trying to plan releases for windows ruby shtuffs with similar

Re: pymssql text type

2009-03-12 Thread Aahz
[posted and e-mailed, please reply to group]

In article,
marc wyburn wrote:
Hi, I'm trying to pass a text blob to MS SQL Express 2008 but get the
follwoing error.

(class 'pymssql.OperationalError', OperationalError(SQL Server
message 102, severity 15, state 1, line 1:\nIncorrect syntax near
'assigned'.\n,), traceback object at 0x044ABDF0)

the string it is having an issue with is

(\r\n\r\n\tLogon ID:\t\t(0x0,0xE892A8)\r\n\r\n\tLogon Type:\t2\r\n\r

What is the code you're trying to execute and what is the full traceback?
Aahz (   *

All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of 
indirection.  --Butler Lampson

Re: import not working?

2009-03-12 Thread Aahz
In article,
Rhodri James wrote:

Just so that we're clear, this is a *really* *bad* habit to get into.
Not appending to sys.path, though that isn't often a good idea, but
failing to escape your backslashes.  This works because '\D' happens
not to be a valid escape sequence: if your directory had instead been
called newtypes then C:\newtypes would not have had the result you
were expecting at all.  If you really mean a backslash to be in any
literal string, you should always double it:


My preference:


This doesn't work if you need to add a trailing backslash, though.
Aahz (   *

All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of 
indirection.  --Butler Lampson

Re: how to assert that method accepts specific types

2009-03-12 Thread Aahz
In article,
Darren Dale wrote:

class Test(object):
def check(self, obj):
print obj

t = Test()

but now I want Test.check to accept an instance of Test as well. Does
anyone know how this can be accomplished? The following class
definition for Test raises a NameError:

class Test(object):
@accepts(int, Test)
def check(self, obj):
print obj

Are you using Python 2.6 or later?  You could probably write a tricky
class decorator that re-wraps all wrapped methods
Aahz (   *

All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of 
indirection.  --Butler Lampson

Re: Input data from .txt file and object array problem

2009-03-12 Thread SamuelXiao
On Mar 12, 11:17 pm, Piet van Oostrum wrote:
  SamuelXiao (S) wrote:
 S I want to input data by using pickle
 S First of all, I have a database.txt
 S The content is like:
 S AAA,aaalink
 S BBB,bbblink
 S CCC,ccclink
 S ...,...
 S AAA,BBB,CCC is Language name, and aaalink,bbblink,ccclink is their
 S respective link.
 S I want to store data by using pickle.  Meanwhile , I got a problem.
 S #I have created a class:
 S class Lang:
 S       def __init__(self,lname=,tlink=,alink=):
 S               self.lname = lname #lname is the Language
 S               self.tlink = tlink #tlink is the tutorial link
 S               self.alink = alink #alink is the a link to school Library 
 S the first returned Language book
 S       def alibrary_link(self,alink):
 S               self.alink = alink
 S       def tutorial_link(self,tlink):
 S               self.tlink = tlink
 S       def lang_name(self,lname):
 S               self.lname = lname
 S       def _display(self):
 S               string = +++  + \
 S                               + + lname \
 S                               + + tlink \
 S                               + + alink \
 S                               +

 This will not do very much. The string is calculated and then thrown
 away. You will need also a return string to make it useful.

 S       def Print(self):
 S               print self._display()
 S def originData():
 S       fo = (/database.txt,r+)
 S       lines = fo.readlines()
 S       for line in lines:
 S               pair = line.split(,)
 S               temp = Lang();
 S               temp.lname = pair[0]
 S               temp.tlink = pair[1]
 S               temp.alink = findbook(temp.lname)

 Why do you set these attributes directly while you also have methods for
 this (like lang_name, tutorial_link)? Or better use
                 temp = Lang(pair[0], pair[1], findbook(temp.lname))

 S       #stopping here, because I don't know how to do here...
 S        #I want to use object array here...
 S        #Then using pickle to dump the object...
 S        # Is this work?  Or there is another better method to do so?
 S I hope to create an object array to store all the language and its
 S information from database.txt.

 I guess you want to put them in a list. Then use
 here and
 objList = [] before the loop.

 S How can I do that?  I am a beginner to Python.  Any help would be
 S appreciated.

     You can use pickle to store the list is a file after reading.
     Something like (untested):

 import pickle # or use the faster cPickle module.

 output = open('somefile', 'wb')

 # Pickle object list
 pickle.dump(objList, output)


 But as this is only textual data (I think) there is not much profit in
 using pickle. Unless you have other things added in your class. You
 could also write these things to a simple text file, for example with
 the csv module.

 Piet van Oostrum
 URL:[PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
 Private email:

Hi, odeits, Piet van Oostrum, thanks for your reply.  But I found that
my school's server have problem with reading csv file.  So, I think I
have to do it another way.  By the way, is there any better way to
store data?  Actually, what I want to do is like:

1. Given a post or an essay, I want to find any language names in the
post or essay matching with data in my database.txt
2. Then insert a href=tutoriallink title=school library book
title/a about the matched word.

My original version is super slow because each time go to and back
from the library website wastes a lot of times.  I hope to use class
to store the data in database.txt first, then store the book
information from library.  Then visited matched word no need to go to
search again.  Just simply insert a.../a about it.  But my problem
is how to store object array and call it out?  Thanks for any help.

Re: Rough draft: Proposed format specifier for a thousands separator

2009-03-12 Thread Raymond Hettinger
On Mar 12, 7:51 am, wrote:
 On Mar 12, 3:30 am, Raymond Hettinger wrote:

  If anyone here is interested, here is a proposal I posted on the
  python-ideas list.

  The idea is to make numbering formatting a little easier with the new
  format() builtin
  in Py2.6 and Py3.0:



      Provide a simple, non-locale aware way to format a number
      with a thousands separator.

      Adding thousands separators is one of the simplest ways to
      improve the professional appearance and readability of
      output exposed to end users.

      In the finance world, output with commas is the norm.  Finance
      and non-professional programmers find the locale approach to be
      frustrating, arcane and non-obvious.

      It is not the goal to replace locale or to accommodate every
      possible convention.  The goal is to make a common task easier
      for many users.

  Research so far:

      Scanning the web, I've found that thousands separators are
      usually one of COMMA, PERIOD, SPACE, or UNDERSCORE.  The
      COMMA is used when a PERIOD is the decimal separator.

      James Knight observed that Indian/Pakistani numbering systems
      group by hundreds.   Ben Finney noted that Chinese group by

      Visual Basic and its brethren (like MS Excel) use a completely
      different style and have ultra-flexible custom format specifiers
      like: _($* #,##0_).

  Proposal I (from Nick Coghlan]:

      A comma will be added to the format() specifier mini-language:


      The ',' option indicates that commas should be included in the
  output as a
      thousands separator. As with locales which do not use a period as
      decimal point, locales which use a different convention for digit
      separation will need to use the locale module to obtain

      The proposal works well with floats, ints, and decimals.  It also
      allows easy substitution for other separators.  For example:

          format(n, 6,f).replace(,, _)

      This technique is completely general but it is awkward in the one
      case where the commas and periods need to be swapped.

          format(n, 6,f).replace(,, X).replace(., ,).replace
  (X, .)

  Proposal II (to meet Antoine Pitrou's request):

      Make both the thousands separator and decimal separator user
      but not locale aware.  For simplicity, limit the choices to a
  comma, period,
      space, or underscore..

      [[fill]align][sign][#][0][minimumwidth][T[tsep]][dsep precision]


          format(1234, 8.1f)    --     '  1234.0'
          format(1234, 8,1f)    --     '  1234,0'
          format(1234, 8T.,1f)  --     ' 1.234,0'
          format(1234, 8T .f)   --     ' 1 234,0'
          format(1234, 8d)      --     '    1234'
          format(1234, 8T,d)      --   '   1,234'

      This proposal meets mosts needs (except for people wanting
      for hundreds or ten-thousands), but it comes at the expense of
      being a little more complicated to learn and remember.  Also, it
  makes it
      more challenging to write custom __format__ methods that follow
      format specification mini-language.

      For the locale module, just the T is necessary in a formatting
      since the tool already has procedures for figuring out the actual
      separators from the local context.

  Comments and suggestions are welcome but I draw the line at supporting
  Mayan numbering conventions ;-)


 As far as I am concerned the most simple version plus a way to swap
 around commas and period is all that is needed.

Thanks for the feedback.

FWIW, posted a cleaned-up version of the proposal at


Python/Django forum-building software Snap/SCT, any reviews?

2009-03-12 Thread John Crawford
I'm looking for good open-source software for forums. There is a *lot* out 
there, for instance Lussumo's Vanilla gets good reviews, but most are 
PHP-based, and I would obviously prefer to use Python, with or without Django. 

Two packages that are Django-based that I have found, are Snap and SCT. They 
both look pretty good (and Snap was influenced by Vanilla). Does anyone have 
any experience with these packages, and comments about them? Thanks

John C
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Re: Rough draft: Proposed format specifier for a thousands separator

2009-03-12 Thread Paul Rubin
Raymond Hettinger writes:
 FWIW, posted a cleaned-up version of the proposal at

It would be nice if the PEP included a comparison between the proposed
scheme and how it is done in other programs and languages.  For
example, I think Common Lisp has a feature for formatting thousands.
Spreadsheets like Excel probably have something similar.  Those
programs are pretty well evolved and probably address the important
real use cases by now.  It might be best to follow an existing example
(with adjustments for Pythonification as necessary) to the extent

Re: python contextmanagers and ruby blocks

2009-03-12 Thread Aahz
In article,
Alia K wrote:
Aahz wrote:

 Longer answer: the way in Python to achieve the full power of Ruby
 blocks is to write a function.

You are most likely right... there is probably no need to introduce
ruby-like blocks to python where iteration comes naturally with list
comprehensions and generators. But for the simple case of entering a
block of code as one does with @contextmanager I suppose it would be
nice to make a generator with a single yield statement a
contextmanager by default such that [...]

There has been some discussion of this on the python-ideas mailing list;
if this is a subject you care about, you may want to read up on the
history and join the list.
Aahz (   *

All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of 
indirection.  --Butler Lampson

PyCon Update

2009-03-12 Thread Raymond Hettinger
As of today, we still have rooms at the Hyatt.
If you haven't registered yet and want to attend,
it is not sold out.


Re: Rough draft: Proposed format specifier for a thousands separator

2009-03-12 Thread Raymond Hettinger
[Paul Rubin]
 It would be nice if the PEP included a comparison between the proposed
 scheme and how it is done in other programs and languages.

Good idea.  I'm hoping that people will post those here.
In my quick research, it looks like many languages offer
nothing more than the usual C style % formatting and defer
the rest for a local aware module.

 example, I think Common Lisp has a feature for formatting thousands.

Do you have more detail?

 Spreadsheets like Excel probably have something similar.

I addressed that in the PEP in the section on VB and relatives.  Their
approach doesn't graft-on to our existing approach.  They use format
specifiers like: _($* #,##0_).


Re: Invalid syntax with print Hello World

2009-03-12 Thread Luis Zarrabeitia
On Thursday 12 March 2009 07:45:55 am Dotan Cohen wrote:
 I do not think that is the best way to go about learning Python. Why
 learn an arguably depreciating version when the new version is

Because it is not only the language that matters, you also need the libraries 
to accomplish real-world tasks. As a language, python2 is an impressive one, 
and python3 is a great improvement over python2, but python3 still lacks some 
of the libraries and framewoks that makes programming in python so extremely 
delightful (yes, I like python :D).

I don't consider python2 deprecated (can't be deprecated yet!), and as a 
teacher and/or student, I'd recomment to teach/learn python2.5-2.6, keeping 
an eye on all those features that are new in python3... and backporting 
everything that is possible to backport.

 I agree that there are not many tutorial written for Python 
 3 however there are enough to get going: most of the Python 2
 tutorials are redundant. Sticking to Python 3 tutorials will give him
 a higher signal-to-noise ratio in the tutorials that he finds.

That is true. We need python tutorials aimed at python2.6 :D

Luis Zarrabeitia (aka Kyrie)
Fac. de Matemática y Computación, UH.

Re: ipython / vs \ in readline on MS Windows (and ipython help grepper)

2009-03-12 Thread Jason Scheirer
On Mar 10, 3:34 pm, bdb112 wrote:
 Q1/ I run a standard python ditribution with ipython and readline
 under cygwin.  The tab filename completion works fine in the OS (bash
 shell) as expected, and tab filename completion at the ipython command
 line works, but with MS style path separators (backslash: run examples
 \ which the run command itself interprets unix style
 ERROR: File `` not found.

 Also Q2/ can I less or grep the output from help(my_fun)

 Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Feb 21 2008, 13:11:45) [MSC v.1310 32 bit
 IPython 0.8.4 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.

Cygwin does not magically change the platform you are on, the fact
that you are on Windows is hard-coded into the Python.exe binary. Look
for references to os.path.sep in IPython. Windows does let you use
forward slashes as path separators, though, so I am not entirely sure
what your issue is.

Re: Candidate for a new itertool

2009-03-12 Thread pruebauno
On Mar 7, 8:47 pm, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
 The existing groupby() itertool works great when every element in a
 group has the same key, but it is not so handy when groups are
 determined by boundary conditions.

 For edge-triggered events, we need to convert a boundary-event
 predicate to groupby-style key function.  The code below encapsulates
 that process in a new itertool called split_on().

 Would love you guys to experiment with it for a bit and confirm that
 you find it useful.  Suggestions are welcome.



 from itertools import groupby

 def split_on(iterable, event, start=True):
     'Split iterable on event boundaries (either start events or stop
     # split_on('X1X23X456X', 'X'.__eq__, True)  -- X1 X23 X456 X
     # split_on('X1X23X456X', 'X'.__eq__, False) -- X 1X 23X 456X
     def transition_counter(x, start=start, cnt=[0]):
         before = cnt[0]
         if event(x):
             cnt[0] += 1
         after = cnt[0]
         return after if start else before
     return (g for k, g in groupby(iterable, transition_counter))

 if __name__ == '__main__':
     for start in True, False:
         for g in split_on('X1X23X456X', 'X'.__eq__, start):
             print list(g)

     from pprint import pprint
     boundary = '--===2615450625767277916==\n'
     email = open('email.txt')
     for mime_section in split_on(email, boundary.__eq__):
         pprint(list(mime_section, 1, None))
         print '= = ' * 30

For me your examples don't justify why you would need such a general
algorithm. A split function that works on iterables instead of just
strings seems straightforward, so maybe we should have that and
another one function with examples of problems where a plain split
does not work.
Something like this should work for the two examples you gave were the
boundaries are a known constants (and therefore there is really no
need to keep them. I can always add them later):

def split_on(iterable, boundary):
for el in iterable:
if el!=boundary:
yield l
yield l

def join_on(iterable, boundary):
for el in it:
yield boundary
for x in el:
yield x

if __name__ == '__main__':
for g in split_on('X1X23X456X', 'X'):
print list(g)
print list(join_on(lst,'X'))

Re: PythonWin, python thread and PostQuitMessage?

2009-03-12 Thread Gabriel Genellina

En Thu, 12 Mar 2009 07:21:35 -0200, escribió:

I'm not so much involved in any Windows programming however I needed
to write a client for the Windows platform. I have this very simple
question which I've been unable to answer. I'm listening for keyboard
strokes using the pyhook library. I'm doing this in a dedicated
thread. The gui just controls the thread. When I want to pause
listening for keyboard strokes I wanted to do a PostQuitMessage() to
the thread. However this does not work since it either kills the whole
app or just does not happen in the thread it's supposed to. I've now
made an ugly workaround using PumpWaitingMessages and a delay.

If you have a GUI, then very likely it has its own message loop, so you  
should not create another.

def run(self):
print Wkeylog run called
# Hook Keyboard
while self.log:

i can now just cancel the process by setting self.log to False. I
wanted to do just:

def run(self):
print Wkeylog run called
# Hook Keyboard

Then, if you remove PumpMesages and PumpWaitingMessages, there is nothing  
left... so this thread is useless.
Perhaps you want to *process* keyboard events in another thread - in this  
case, use a Queue object to send events to the worker thread, from the  
main thread where the message loop resides.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Byte type?

2009-03-12 Thread Scott David Daniels

John Nagle wrote:

Martin v. Löwis wrote:

Please don't call something dumb that you don't fully understand

...- do you have to convert twice?

Depends on how you write your code. If you use the bytearray type
(which John didn't, despite his apparent believe that he did),
then no conversion additional conversion is needed.

According to PEP 3137, there should be no distinction between
the two for read purposes.  In 2.6, there is.  That's a bug.

If we something like the following for the bytes type in 2.7, perhaps
we could improve the 2.X behavior (and make everyone happier).

class bytes(str):

def __getitem__(self, index):
# keep exceptions the same
result = super(bytes, self).__getitem__(index)
if isinstance(index, int):
# Picking out a single char
return ord(result)
 # otherwise, it an extraction, return a similar type.
 return bytes(result)

def __repr__(self):
# make a nice visible-in-debugger type
return 'b' + super(bytes, self).__repr__()

At the very least, you can smuggle this into your programs
to check out their behavior.

--Scott David Daniels

Re: Rough draft: Proposed format specifier for a thousands separator

2009-03-12 Thread Raymond Hettinger
[Paul Rubin]
 I think Common Lisp has a feature for formatting thousands.

I found the Common Lisp spec for this and added it to the PEP.



Re: import not working?

2009-03-12 Thread Scott David Daniels

Aahz wrote:

In article,
Rhodri James wrote: ...


My preference:
This doesn't work if you need to add a trailing backslash, though.

Also my preference (except, due to aging eyes and bad fonts, I prefer
single quotes unless doubles are needed).  I solve the trailing
backslash problem as so:
   sys.path.append(r'C:\DataFileTypes' '\\')

--Scott David Daniels

Re: Python 2.7 MSI / pywin32 snapshots [was: Windows install to custom location ...]

2009-03-12 Thread Scott David Daniels

Tim Golden wrote:

Scott David Daniels wrote:

Tim Golden wrote:

... Anyhow, at the end I have a working Python 2.7a0 running
under Windows.

Do you mean 3.1a0?  As far as I know, 2.7a0 requires the use
of the time machine, as it is expected to be 3 months out.

If you do get an installer built, even having a semi-official copy
around for those of us not on the MS compiler upgrade train to
do a little alpha (and/or beta) testing as well.

I've uploaded a couple of installers here:

Currently, there's the Python Subversion trunk (py2.7) and the 
corresponding pywin32, built from the latest CVS. I believe

I've got everything in there, altho' the platform test was
failing irreproducibly when I last looked.

Thanks so much for these.  Yes, they work (and I'm happily running
little experiments).

--Scott David Daniels

Raw String Question

2009-03-12 Thread Jim Garrison

I'm an experienced Perl developer learning Python, but I seem to
be missing something about raw strings.  Here's a transcript of
a Python shell session:

 Python 3.0 (r30:67507, Dec  3 2008, 20:14:27) [MSC v.1500 32 bit 
(Intel)] on win32

 Type copyright, credits or license() for more information.

 Personal firewall software may warn about the connection IDLE
 makes to its subprocess using this computer's internal loopback
 interface.  This connection is not visible on any external
 interface and no data is sent to or received from the Internet.

 IDLE 3.0
 SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal (pyshell#45, line 1)
 'a\\ '

It seems the parser is interpreting the backslash as an escape
character in a raw string if the backslash is the last character.
Is this expected?

Re: __import__ with dict values

2009-03-12 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Thu, 12 Mar 2009 09:27:35 -0200, alex goretoy escribió:

note i would still like to be able to do __import__(sys).path

p = __import__(sys).path

That's a convoluted way of doing:

import sys
p = sys.path

(except that the latter one inserts sys in the current namespace)

maybe if __import__ had __str__ defined, How is my thinking on this?
and how would I achieve something like this?

__str__ has absolutely nothing to do.



how to make top work like bottom?

If you think you have to use eval: you don't. Never.

module = __import__(opt['imp_mod'])

If the name options is not known until runtime, use getattr:

getattr(module, name_of_attribute)

The above assumes you want an attribute (like logging.ERROR). If you want  
a sub-module (a module inside a package) use __import__( and  
then retrieve the module by name from sys.modules; see

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Rough draft: Proposed format specifier for a thousands separator

2009-03-12 Thread Paul Rubin
Raymond Hettinger writes:
 In my quick research, it looks like many languages offer
 nothing more than the usual C style % formatting and defer
 the rest for a local aware module.

Hendrik van Rooyen's mention of Cobol's picture (aka PIC)
specifications might be added to the list.  Cautionary tale: I once
had a similar idea and suggested including a bastardized version of
PIC in an extension language for something I worked on once.  Another
programmer then coded a reasonable PIC subset and we shipped it.
Turned out that a number of our users were Cobol experts and once we
had anything like PIC, they expected the weirdest and most obscure
features (of which there were quite a few) of real Cobol PIC to work.
We ended up having to assign someone a fairly lengthy task of figuring
out the Cobol spec and implementing every last damn PIC feature.  But
I digress.

  example, I think Common Lisp has a feature for formatting thousands.
 Do you have more detail?

gives as an example:

 (format nil The answer is ~:D. (expt 47 x)) 
= The answer is 229,345,007.


Re: Rough draft: Proposed format specifier for a thousands separator

2009-03-12 Thread Paul Rubin
Raymond Hettinger writes:
 I found the Common Lisp spec for this and added it to the PEP.

Ah, cool, I simultaneously looked for it and posted about it.

Re: Raw String Question

2009-03-12 Thread Tim Chase

  SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal (pyshell#45, line 1)

It seems the parser is interpreting the backslash as an escape
character in a raw string if the backslash is the last character.
Is this expected? documented[1], even a raw string cannot end in an odd 
number of backslashes.




Re: Rough draft: Proposed format specifier for a thousands separator

2009-03-12 Thread Scott David Daniels

Raymond Hettinger wrote:
... a generally interesting PEP...

Missing from this PEP:
 output below the decimal point.

show results for something like:
  format(12345.54321, 15,.5f) -- '  12,345.543,21'

Explain the interaction on sizes and lengths (which numbers are digits,
which are length [I vote for length on overall, digits on precision]),
and what happens with length-4 -- I'd say explicitly 1000 is show as
1,000 despite style sheets that prefer 1000 and 10,000.

FWIW, I agree with pruebano, do the simplest easily usable thing, and
provide a way to swap  the commas and periods.  The rest can be ponied
in by string processing.

--Scott David Daniels

Re: Building python 64-bit on OS 10.5?

2009-03-12 Thread Ned Deily
In article,
  I've two questions:
 1)  I've been trying to building python as a 64-bit version on OS 10.5.
 I'm not too familiar with building python from scratch, and a number of
 basic attempts made from piecing together things I've seen on the web have
 failed.   (For instance,
  ./configure --enable-framework --disable-toolbox-glue
 --with-universal-archs=all  --with-gcc=gcc -m64
 leads to a failure when I try to do make, as do all other similar variants
 I've tried.)
 So, is there a good source where I can find step-by-step 64-bit build
 instructions?  (I'd like to do it if possible as a framework build.)  I've
 looked it up a lot on google but am mostly getting fragments of descriptions
 of errors with other people's builds.

It's hard to diagnose a problem with so little information.  What 
version of python?  What failure?  In general, though, make sure you 
have a recent version of Apple's Developer Tools (aka Xcode) installed 
to get the Apple-supported gcc and friends.  There are a number of ways 
to build either a 64-bit only or a universal build that supports 32- and 
64-bit architectures.  See, for example, Graham Dumpleton's instructions 
at the bottom of this page:

  2)  I often use a number of python extensions like matplot, pylab, and
 ipython.   Will these (especially the graphics parts) be able to build on
 top of my 64-bit installation?  Is there some way to find out if they will
 likely work without actually having to build them?

You may be able to find out more by checking forums specific to those 
products and/or the Mac python forum.

 Ned Deily,


Re: Minimilistic Python on Linux?

2009-03-12 Thread Royce Wilson
Thanks, much better. What exactly do I lose when I launch python without

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 10:27 PM, Gabriel Genellina

 En Thu, 12 Mar 2009 00:41:18 -0200, Royce Wilson

 On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 9:33 PM, Royce Wilson wrote:

  Thanks for the quick responses. When I view sys.modules I get this:

  sre_compile _collections locale _sre functools encodings site operator
 __main__ copyreg _weakref abc builtins encodings.cp437 errno
 re encodings.latin_1 collections ntpath nt genericpath stat zipimport
 _codecs encodings.utf_8 encodings.cp1252 sys codecs _bytesio _thread
 _functools _locale keyword signal _stringio _weakrefset encodings.aliases
 sre_parse os _abcoll _fileio

 Each module is seperated by a space.

 Can you give me in instructions on how to remove the

 Start python with the -S option

 Gabriel Genellina



Re: loop performance in global namespace (python-2.6.1)

2009-03-12 Thread Duncan Booth
Poor Yorick wrote:

 In the following snippet, the loop in the global namespace takes twice
 as long as the loop in the function namespace.  Why?
Accessing global variables is generally slower than accessing local 
variables. Locals are effectively stored in a vector so the bytecode can go 
straight to the first local or the second local. Globals require a 
dictionary lookup.

Re: loop performance in global namespace (python-2.6.1)

2009-03-12 Thread Scott David Daniels

Poor Yorick wrote:
In the following snippet, the loop in the global namespace takes twice 
as long as the loop in the function namespace.  Why?

Locals are known to have no outside interaction, and so are not looked
up by name.  your code could have a thread that did,

 global counter
 while True:
 counter *= 2

For that matter, it could do ... del counter ... and force a NameError
in your second loop.

--Scott David Daniels

Re: What happened to NASA at Python? :(

2009-03-12 Thread r
On Mar 12, 3:31 am, Michele Simionato

 That's pretty much impossible. I am sure NASA uses all programming
 languages in existence,
 plus probably many internal ones we never heard of.

True but...

 all([NASA.does_endorse(lang) for lang in NASA['languages']])

As the code suggests NASA doesn't sport an endorsement of X languages
on every X language's webpage, which i feel is very important for
Python's image, along with Google(Even more important!!), ILM, and

I am really not worried if NASA *actually* uses Python or not(or to
what extent), just as long as they say they do is good enough for
me. *wink-wink*

Re: Raw String Question

2009-03-12 Thread Jim Garrison

Tim Chase wrote:

  SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal (pyshell#45, line 1)

It seems the parser is interpreting the backslash as an escape
character in a raw string if the backslash is the last character.
Is this expected? documented[1], even a raw string cannot end in an odd number 
of backslashes.



OK, I'm curious as to the reasoning behind saying that

   When an 'r' or 'R' prefix is present, a character following a
   backslash is included in the string without change, and all
   backslashes are left in the string.

which sounds reasonable, but then saying in effect Oh wait, let's
introduce a special case and make it impossible to have a literal
backslash as the last character of a string without doubling it.

So you have a construct (r'...') whose sole reason for existence
is to ignore escapes, but it REQUIRES an escape mechanism for one
specific case (which comes up frequently in Windows pathnames).

I would suggest that this is pathologically inconsistent (now donning
my flameproof underwear -)

At the very least the all backslashes are left in the string quote
from the Lexical Analysis page (rendered in italics no less) needs to
be reworded to include the exception instead of burying this in a
parenthetical side-comment.

Re: Raw String Question

2009-03-12 Thread Nick Craig-Wood
Jim Garrison wrote:
SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal (pyshell#45, line 1)
'a\\ '
  It seems the parser is interpreting the backslash as an escape
  character in a raw string if the backslash is the last character.
  Is this expected?


  Specifically, a raw string cannot end in a single backslash (since
  the backslash would escape the following quote character).

The usual way round this is like this

 ra \\

Which isn't terribly elegant, but it doesn't happen very often.

Nick Craig-Wood --

RE: Question on periods in strings

2009-03-12 Thread Philip Bloom
Thanks.  I now know the cause of this, the suggestion to fling it in a few 
languages made it obvious.  All of them were sharing the issue.  Specifically 
that Trend MicroOffice Scan was the stalling factor, which was significantly 
boosting write times and if the write had any periods it would send it way off 
into the moon.  So yeah, the antivirus program was the culprit.

  Python was interestingly less affected than C# which saw a 15 times slowdown 
from the same effect.

Anyhow, sorry for bothering the list on what is clearly not a python problem, 
but thanks as well for helping lead me to the bottom of this mystery.

 -Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of 
Gabriel Genellina
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 12:42 AM
Subject: Re: Question on periods in strings

En Wed, 11 Mar 2009 23:42:45 -0200, Philip Bloom  

 Thanks for the welcome :)

 You're right.  Here's with the missed line (I was cutting out commented  
 parts).  Hopefully these are all cut/paste-able.

 #test A
 #runs in 5.8 seconds.
 from datetime import datetime
 startTime =
 for var in range(1000):
 print ( - startTime)

 #test B
 [using '9.00' -- otherwise identical]

 I do use the same filename, but I've run the tests in different orders  
 and it's made no difference.  Repeatedly running the same test results  
 in the same numbers with only minor fluctuations (as would be expected  
 from cache issues).  Ten runs in a row of Test B all result in about 11  
 seconds each.  Ten runs in a row of Test A all result in about 6 seconds  

I could not reproduce this. You've got better hardware than mine,  
certainly (I had to remove a 0 to get reasonable times) but I got almost  
identical results with both versions. I've tested also with 3.0 (and I had  
to take another 0 off!) with the same results.
I have no idea why you see a difference. Unless the antivirus is  
interfering, or you have some crazy driver monitoring disk activity and  
the dot triggers something...
Try using a different language - I'd say this is totally unrelated to  

Gabriel Genellina


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Re: cross platform accessing paths (windows, linux ...)

2009-03-12 Thread Vlastimil Brom
 On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 8:10 AM, Vlastimil Brom

 Hi all,
 I'd like to ask for some advice on how to acomplish file access in a
 cross platform way.

Any hints or comments are much appreciated; thanks in advance!


2009/3/12 Mike Mazurek
 You might want to look at the path module:

 It will probably make your code more readable.

Hi Mike,
thank you for the tip, I didn't know that module.
Actually I was trying to reduce the external dependencies (python and
wxpython only sofar); I'll look into it to see the improvement.
I guess, the need for such module actually seems to confirm, that the
path manipulation can be tricky in some cases ...

Thanks again

Re: Raw String Question

2009-03-12 Thread Duncan Booth
Jim Garrison wrote:

 OK, I'm curious as to the reasoning behind saying that
 When an 'r' or 'R' prefix is present, a character following a
 backslash is included in the string without change, and all
 backslashes are left in the string.
 which sounds reasonable, but then saying in effect Oh wait, let's
 introduce a special case and make it impossible to have a literal
 backslash as the last character of a string without doubling it.
 So you have a construct (r'...') whose sole reason for existence
 is to ignore escapes, but it REQUIRES an escape mechanism for one
 specific case (which comes up frequently in Windows pathnames).

You have a construct whose primary intent is to make it easier to write 
regular expressions without doubling all the backslashes. Regular 
expressions are quite likely to contain both single and double quote marks, 
so you need some way to include both kinds of quote marks. Regular 
expressions also cannot end with a single backslash.

If you need Windows pathnames then you can almost always just write them 
using forward slashes (and use os.path.normpath() on them if you really 
need backslashes).

There are many other strings which cannot be easily represented as a raw 
string: they are a convenience but not a replacement for ordinary string 

Re: Raw String Question

2009-03-12 Thread Jim Garrison

Tim Chase wrote:

  SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal (pyshell#45, line 1)

It seems the parser is interpreting the backslash as an escape
character in a raw string if the backslash is the last character.
Is this expected? documented[1], even a raw string cannot end in an odd number 
of backslashes.

So how do you explain this?


The backslash is kept, but it causes the following quote to be escaped.

Getting final url when original url redirects

2009-03-12 Thread IanR
I'm processing RSS content from a # of given sources.  Most of the
time the url given by the RSS feed redirects to the real URL (I'm
guessing they do this for tracking purposes)

For example.

This is a url that I get from and RSS feed,
It redirects to

I want to record the final URL and not the URL I get from the RSS feed
(However sometimes there is no redirect so I might want the original

I've tried sniffing the header and don't see any Location:... I
think sites are using different ways to redirect.  Does anyone have
any suggestions on how I might handle this?


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