ANN: encutils 0.9

2009-04-24 Thread Christof Hoeke

what is it
Encoding detection collection for Python developed mainly for use in 
cssutils but may be useful standalone too.

about this release
0.9 is a bugfix release.

encutils has a dual-license, please choose whatever you prefer:

* encutils is published under the LGPL 3 or later
* encutils is published under the Creative Commons License


For download options see

encutils probably needs Python 2.4 or higher (tested with Python 2.6.2, 
2.5.2 and 2.4.4 on Vista only)

Bug reports, comments, etc are very much appreciated! Thanks.


   Support the Python Software Foundation:

PyAMF 0.4.2 released

2009-04-24 Thread Thijs Triemstra | Collab
The PyAMF team is proud to announce the release of 0.4.2!

PyAMF [1] is a lightweight library that allows Flash and Python
applications to communicate via Adobe’s ActionScript Message Format.

This is a bugfix release [2], see the changelog [3] for the complete list
of changes. A brief overview of the changes:

 - Support for decoding the 'source' property on ArrayCollections
 - Fixed an issue in the GAE adapter where dynamic properties would be
missing on referenced objects
 - Fixed a critical issue with AMF0 reference counting when encoding
remoting responses
 - Support for Django i18n ugettext_lazy
 - Added support for microseconds for datetime objects
 - Support for property types on SQLAlchemy mapped classes
 - Support for property types for Google AppEngine db.Model and db.Expando

Check out the download page [4], installation instructions [5] or the API
documentation [6] for more information.

Questions? First stop is the mailing list [7] but we also hang out on IRC


the PyAMF team.

[8] irc://


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Apr 24)

2009-04-24 Thread Gabriel Genellina
QOTW:  ... [C]alling Python Object-Orientated is a bit of an
insult :-).  I would say that Python is Ego-Orientated, it allows
me to do what I want. - Martin P. Hellwig

April 25: Python Bug Day
A perfect opportunity to get involved in Python development, bring your
own issues to attention, discuss them and (hopefully) resolve them
together with the core developers.

Surprising behavior of `and` with lists:

Best way to compare two binary files:

Determine if two lists contains the same elements (with duplicates):

How to transparently add modules to an installed package (without
modifying it):

What's a good strategy to write Python code aimed at being rewritten in
C later?

python.exe not found - how to fix PATH issues on Windows:

Python, Basic, nostalgia, and goto considered harmful (long thread):

How to represent table joins in a non-relational database (e.g. BigTable
in Google App Engine)

A mathematical puzzle: express numbers as sum of squares

This time, the man bites the python:

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Among the ways you can support PSF is with a donation.

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Watch this space for links to them.

Among several Python-oriented RSS/RDF feeds available, see:

itools 0.60.1 released

2009-04-24 Thread J. David Ibáñez

itools is a Python library, it groups a number of packages into a single
meta-package for easier development and deployment:

  itools.abnf itools.i18n itools.stl
  itools.core itools.ical itools.tmx
  itools.csv  itools.odf  itools.uri
  itools.datatypesitools.pdf  itools.vfs
  itools.gettext  itools.pkg  itools.web
  itools.git  itools.relaxng  itools.workflow
  itools.handlers itools.xapian
  itools.html itools.rss  itools.xliff
  itools.http itools.srx  itools.xml

Now Python 2.6 is required.

New feature in itools.git, there are now facilities to start a process
that will specialize in calling Git commands, and send the data back to
the parent process.  This is useful for applications that may take more
than a little memory, so instead of forking a big process we fork an
small process; this reduces the probability of a MemoryError, and saves
the time to copy large chunks of memory.  (This is a work-around to the
fact that Git is not yet available as a library, but the mechanism could
be useful for anything that uses the 'subprocess' module.)

The itools.handlers package now includes a read-only version of the Git
database, it is named 'ROGitDatabase'.

Some errors fixed, including #640.




Mailing list

Bug Tracker

J. David Ibáñez
Itaapy Tel +33 (0)1 42 23 67 45
9 rue Darwin, 75018 Paris  Fax +33 (0)1 53 28 27 88

   Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Strange problem when using imp.load_module

2009-04-24 Thread pythoncurious
Well spotted :)
That does seem to be the problem. Adding removal of the .pyc file will
make the tests pass.

I guess that python doesn't use the higher resolution timestamp
you can get from at least Solaris when doing 'stat' on a file.

Thanks for the help.


On Apr 23, 10:28 pm, Arnaud Delobelle wrote:

 My guess is that without the sleep(1), the imp.load_source function will
 use the compiled file 'my_module.pyc' created in test_1 instead of
 compiling the new '' file.




Re: can't find the right simplification

2009-04-24 Thread Lie Ryan

Stef Mientki wrote:


I've a program where you can connect snippets of code (which I call a 
Brick) together to create a program.
To make it easier to create these code snippets, I need some 

For simple parameters ( integer, tupple, list etc)  this works ok,
and is done like this:

class _Simple_Par ( object ) :
   Class to make it more easy to set a Bricks.Par from a control.
   So instead of :
 self.Brick.Par [ self.EP[0] ] = Some_Value
   you can write
 self.P[0] = Some_Value
   def __init__ ( self, control ) :
   self.Control = control
   def __setitem__ ( self, index, value ) :
   i = self.Control.EP [ index ]
   if i :
   self.Control.Brick.Par [ i ] = value

Now I want a similar simplification for the case that Par is a dictionary:
So instead of writing:
 self.Brick.Par [ self.EP[0] ] [ 'Filename' ] = Some_Value

I would like to write:
 self.P[0] [ 'Filename' ] = Some_Value

But I can't figure out how to accomplish that ?

Any suggestions ?

Stef Mientki

Do this work?

class _Simple_Par (object):
def __init__(self, control):
class P(object):
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.parent.Brick.Par[self.parent.EP[key]]

self.P = P(self)
self.Control = control

btw, it seems your code violated many of PEP 8 style recommendations.

Re: best way to compare contents of 2 lists?

2009-04-24 Thread bearophileHUGS
 oh, I forgot to mention that each list may contain duplicates.

Comparing the sorted lists is a possible O(n ln n) solution:

a == b

Another solution is to use frequency dicts, O(n):

from itertools import defaultdict
d1 = defaultdict(int)
for el in a:
d1[el] += 1
d2 = defaultdict(int)
for el in b:
d2[el] += 1
d1 == d2

As the arrays (Python lists) become large the second solution may
become faster.


Re: relation class

2009-04-24 Thread Aaron Brady
On Apr 22, 11:34 pm, Aaron Brady wrote:
 On Apr 22, 11:52 am, Aaron Brady wrote:

  On Apr 22, 12:09 am, Chris Rebert wrote:

   On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 5:51 PM, Aaron Brady wrote:
Hi all,

I think Python should have a relation class in the standard library.
Fat chance.

   Perhaps I'm not understanding relation correctly, but are you not
   aware of

   I have a blog:
  It only supports numbers and strings.


 My point is that in undirected relations, it's redundant to maintain
 reciprocal membership.
 Here is another sample:

 Tree= Relation( ( parent, child, direction ) )
 nodes= [ object( ) for _ in range( 10 ) ]
 Tree( ( nodes[ 0 ], nodes[ 1 ], left ) )
 Tree( ( nodes[ 0 ], nodes[ 2 ], right ) )
 'select' would need the context
 of its caller, which isn't available.

Or, pass 'locals()'.  Actually, I discovered an interesting catch to
'locals()'.  When you don't use a variable that's in an outer scope in
a function, it doesn't appear in 'locals()'.  However, if you just use
it in a blank statement, it magically appears.

 def f( ):
... x= []
... def g( ):
... print( locals( ) )
... g( )
 f( )
 def f( ):
... x= []
... def g( ):
... x # empty use of 'x'
... print( locals( ) )
... g( )
 f( ) # changes the contents of 'locals()'
{'x': []}

Here is what the docs have to say about *that*:

Free variables are returned by locals() when it is called in a
function block.

Since 'x' doesn't appear in the function, 'g' in this case, it isn't
included in 'g's free variables.  'eval' actually therefore doesn't
return exactly the result of evaluating a string where it's used.

 def f( ):
... x= []
... def g( ):
... print( eval( 'x' ) )
... g( )
 f( )
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
  File stdin, line 5, in f
  File stdin, line 4, in g
  File string, line 1, in module
NameError: name 'x' is not defined

The 'eval' function docs do assert otherwise though:

...the expression is executed in the environment where eval() is

'eval' doesn't obviously keep its contract as shown.

 I think some kind of markers would have to replace any identifiers it
 would use:

 recordset= [ child ],
     parent is %var and direction=='left', nodes[0] )

The 'sqlite3' module just uses a question mark.  Despite the fact that
variables are separated from exactly where they are used, it has the
advantage, as S. D'Aprano pointed out nearby, of being able to use
queries independently of them, as well as of being legal Python.

If anyone is still reading, there is a further nifty-cool construct
that the 'Relation' class can offer.  Given the earlier definition of
'Tree' as an instance of 'Relation', a new class can combine property
descriptors with the select statement.

class TreeNode:
relation= Tree
left= Relation.getter(
child, parent is ? and direction=='left' )

nodes= [ TreeNode( ) for _ in range( 10 ) ]
record= nodes[ 0 ].left

Getting the 'left' member of an instance of this class is just
syntactic sugar for a long-hand query.  It only returns one field of
an arbitrary element of the recordset.  It only allows one '?' in the
definition, since getter functions only take one argument: self!
Here's the definition of 'getter':

def getter( field, where ):
def _getter( self ):
return getattr( next( '*', where, self ) ), field )
return property( fget= _getter )

It could be an attribute of the module, not specifically of the
Relation class... which might even be advisable.  You could even
combine the 'relation' member into the call to 'getter', so 'getter'
wouldn't have to retrieve it as 'self.relation'.  That has the
disadvantage of increasing repetition of the relation in the class
statement, but enables a class to participate in multiple relations.
Come to think of it, you could write it as 'Tree.getter', and
compromise.  Then 'getter' becomes:

def getter( self, field, where ):
def _getter( ob ):
return getattr( next( '*', where, ob ) ), field )
return property( fget= _getter )

and 'TreeNode' becomes:

class TreeNode:
left= Tree.getter(
child, parent is ? and direction=='left' )

You might want 'getter', 'getiter', and 'getone' methods, which return
a set of, an iterator over, and just the field of an arbitrary one of
the matching records respectively.

Proof-of-concept isn't even complete; but nonetheless, pretty cool,

Re: and [True,True] -- [True, True]?????

2009-04-24 Thread Lie Ryan

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 15:13:15 -0500, Grant Edwards wrote:

I fail to see the difference between length greater than 0 and list
is not empty.  They are, by definition, the same thing, aren't they?

For built-in lists, but not necessarily for arbitrary list-like sequences.

I think a list-like sequence that does not emulate this behavior (False 
when empty, True otherwise) should be considered a buggy implementation 
of the list interface.


Re: Presentation software for Python code

2009-04-24 Thread Michael Hoffman

alex23 wrote:

How do you feel about reStructuredText? If you're open to it, I highly
recommend Bruce:

That looks like it would be perfect. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to 
work on my Windows laptop:

C:\Documents and 
Settings\Michael\Desktop\bruce-3.2.1C:\Python25\python.exe bru

ce.pyw ..\bruce-3.2.1-examples\test_bullet_mode.rst
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File bruce.pyw, line 6, in module
  File\bruce\, line 25, in main
  File\bruce\, line 217, in cmd_line
  File\bruce\, line 313, in run
  File\bruce\, line 31, in 

  File\bruce\, line 29, in create
  File\bruce\, line 143, in create
  File\pyglet\graphics\, line 348, in add
  File\pyglet\graphics\, line 436, in 

  File\pyglet\graphics\, line 135, 
in create_

  File\pyglet\graphics\, line 174, 
in __init_

  File\pyglet\graphics\, line 117, 
in create_

  File\pyglet\graphics\, line 383, 
in __init_

  File\pyglet\graphics\, line 301, 
in __init_

  File\pyglet\gl\, line 94, in __call__
  File\pyglet\gl\, line 63, in MissingFunction glGenBuffers is not exported by 
the avai

lable OpenGL driver.  VERSION_1_5 is required for this functionality.
Exception exceptions.AttributeError: 'VertexDomain' object has no 
attribute 'at
tributes' in bound method VertexDomain.__del__ of 
vertexdom...@a9c7350 allocs

=[] ignored

I don't understand this. OpenGL Extensions Viewer says I have OpenGL 1.5 
and the glGenBuffers function.


Re: and [True,True] -- [True, True]?????

2009-04-24 Thread Lie Ryan

Gerhard Häring wrote:

len() make it clear
that the argument is a sequence.

Not necessarily. Classes that overrides __len__ may fool that assumption 
(well, in python classes that overrides special functions may do 
anything it is never intended to do).

I often think an if item: as is item workable?. What the exact 
definition of workable is just something I don't care, at least until 
I need to debug the code. A container is workable if it contains 
something; most of the time, an empty sequence does not have any value 
(pun intended) and thus unworkable.


Re: Presentation software for Python code

2009-04-24 Thread alex23
On Apr 24, 4:23 pm, Michael Hoffman wrote:
 That looks like it would be perfect. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to
 work on my Windows laptop:

 I don't understand this. OpenGL Extensions Viewer says I have OpenGL 1.5
 and the glGenBuffers function.

That's a shame, if you feel like pursuing it you should report the
error to the pyglet devs, but I'd certainly understand if you didn't.


Re: What is the best framework or module in Python for a small GUI based application development?

2009-04-24 Thread CM
On Apr 22, 9:11 am, srinivasan srinivas
 Could you suggest me some modules in Python which can be used to develop GUI 
 based applications? and tell me which could be the best(in terms of 
 efficiency) one for a small GUI based application development?


       Bollywood news, movie reviews, film trailers and more! Go 

For browser-based stuff--that is, web apps--as far as I know the only
options for Python-based web app GUI is Pyjamas, a python-to-
compiler and a web widget set, which would allow the GUI to be
in Python but then it translates it to javascript:
And then you could use one of the aforementioned Python web


Re: Large data arrays?

2009-04-24 Thread Ole Streicher
Hi John,

John Machin writes:
 The Morton layout wastes space if the matrix is not square. Your 100K
 x 4K is very non-square. Looks like you might want to use e.g. 25
 Morton arrays, each 4K x 4K.

What I found was that Morton layout shall be usable, if the shape is
rectangular and both dimensions are powers of two. But, all examples
were done with equal dimensions, so I am a bit confused here.

From my access pattern, it would be probably better to combine 25 rows
into one slice and have one matrix where every cell contains 25 rows.

Are there any objections about that?

Best regards 


Re: sorting two corresponding lists?

2009-04-24 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On Apr 24, 2:32 am, Hans DushanthaKumar wrote:
 Just being pedantic here :)

 [items[x] for x in [i for i in map(values.index, new_values)]]

 Is the same as

 [items[x] for x in map(values.index, new_values)]

It's also the same as

[items[x] for x in [values.index(i) for i in new_values]]

Which reduces to

[items[values.index(i)] for i in new_values]

(Although 'i' is not a good choice of variable as it represents a
value, not an index)

Anyway it doesn't work well if the 'values' list has repeated values,

items = ['spam', 'eggs', 'wafer']
values = [3, 7, 3]


Re: Large data arrays?

2009-04-24 Thread Ole Streicher
Hi Nick,

Nick Craig-Wood writes:
 I'd start by writing a function which took (x, y) in array
 co-ordinates and transformed that into (z) remapped in the Morton

This removes the possibility to use the sum() and similar methods of
numpy. Implementing them myself is probably much worse than using
Numpys own.

 Alternatively you could install a 64bit OS on your machine and use
 my scheme!

Well: I am just the developer. Ofcourse I could just raise the
requirements to use my software, but I think it is good style to keep
them as low as possible. 

Best regards



Re: Regular expression to capture model numbers

2009-04-24 Thread Piet van Oostrum
 John Machin (JM) wrote:

JM On Apr 24, 1:29 am, Piet van Oostrum wrote:

 obj = re.compile(r'(?:[a-z]+[-0-9]|[0-9]+[-a-z]|-+[0-9a-z])[-0-9a-z]*', 

JM Understandable and maintainable, I don't think. Suppose that instead
JM the first character is limited to being alphabetic. You have to go
JM through the whole process of elaborating the possibilites again, and I
JM don't consider that process qualifies as express[ing] complicated
JM conditions like that.

No, I don't think regular expressions are the best tool for these kind
of tests. I just wanted to show that it *could* be done. By the way,
your additional hypothetical requirement that the first character should
be alphabetic just makes it easier: only the first alternative remains.
But on the other hand, suppose you would have the requirement that the
pattern should not end in a hyphen then it becomes even uglier. Or when
there should never be two hyphens in a row, I wouldn't even think of
using a re, although theoretically it would be possible.

Translating these requirements into re's is not `composable'.
Piet van Oostrum
URL: [PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
Private email:

Re: What IDE support python 3.0.1 ?

2009-04-24 Thread Peter Anderson

Sam (I presume),

Like you I am also in the process of learning to program in Python. I 
have been using Python 2.5.2 for quite some time but recently made the 
switch to 3.0.1. Why? Because I read an article where Guido van Rossum 
himself recommended that anyone starting out learning Python now was 
wasting their time if they didn't start with Python 3. Some folks on 
this list will tell you there is not much difference and that seems to 
be true but I pleased that I made the switch.

Now for your question about an IDE. I am presuming you are just 
beginning, perhaps done some programming in another language and 
probably using a Windows based PC. Given that there are some things I 
would recommend you stay away from (this will get the juices going :-) 
): Vi, Vim, Emacs and all those old fashioned UNIX/Linux based editors - 
they are just too hard and why bother anyway, there are much more 
civilised ways of proving your manhood. Eclipse is also an over-kill. I 
would recommend any of the popular text editors; most will recognise 
Python files.

I can tell you what I use:
*EditPad+* - - A great general 
purpose text editor that has the additional benefit of clip libraries 
(what?). This might not seem important but it is a great time saver. A 
clip library is a text file of code snippets that when you 
'double-click' the required clip the editor inserts that code at the 
current cursor position. For example the following is a clip I use for 
the heading of a short script file:

#T=Short script
^# ^!.py
^# The purpose of this script is

def main():
{code here}


After the clip has been inserted the cursor is positioned where the ^! 
string is (before .py) waiting for the script name to be inserted. You 
just build these clips to suit yourself. TextPad is another text editor 
with the same features.

The main drawback with EditPlus is that when you run a Python script 
from within EditPlus and that script uses stdin (eg. an input() 
function) the editor can't handle it and you get an error message. I 
overcome this problem by using easygui ( 
dialogs for text input; a piece of cake :-) . Another drawback is that 
EditPlus is shareware and you have to pay for it (US35).

*SciTE* - - Scite is a very good 
little editor, it does not have the bells and whistles that editors 
like EditPlus have but it does recognise Python files and can run them 
from within the editor. It can also handle stdin (not that elegantly, 
but it works) so you don't need the easygui work-around and its free.

*IDLE* - the built-in Python IDE. I have it configured so that the 
editor panel loads first rather than the Python prompt. Everything runs 
in IDLE!

*PyScripter* - - From the web site: 
PyScripter is a free and open-source Python Integrated Development 
Environment (IDE) created with the ambition to become competitive in 
functionality with commercial Windows-based IDEs available for other 
languages. This is a true IDE with most of the things you would expect. 
However, I find that it gets a bit buggy at times. It does support 
Python 3 and is free so its worth a try.

There are several other good Python editor/IDE's but they require 
wxPython and it has not yet been made available in a Python 3 compatible 

I hope that helps. Give me a reply if you want any more help with any of 
these things. Easygui is something that is really worth getting to know. 
A copy of Python (Second Edition) by Toby Donaldson (ISBN 13: 
978-0-321-58544-8) is another good thing to have when you are learning.

*Peter Anderson*
There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to 
conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the 
introduction of a new order of things—Niccolo Machiavelli, /The Prince/, 
ch. 6


Re: best way to compare contents of 2 lists?

2009-04-24 Thread Piet van Oostrum
 John Yeung (JY) wrote:

JY It takes care of the duplicates, but so does your initial solution,
JY which I like best:


JY This is concise, clear, and in my opinion, the most Pythonic.  It may
JY well even be the fastest.  (If you didn't have to match up the numbers
JY of duplicates, the set solution would be most Pythonic and probably
JY fastest.)

But it may fail if the list cannot be sorted because it contains
incomparable elements:

 a = [1, 2, 3+4j]
 b = [2, 3+4j, 1]
 set(a) == set(b)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: no ordering relation is defined for complex numbers

In Python 3 there are even more incomparable objects pairs.
Piet van Oostrum
URL: [PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
Private email:

Re: getter and setter and list appends

2009-04-24 Thread Piet van Oostrum
 dasacc22 (d) wrote:

d Ah thank you for clarifying, I did confuse instance and class
d attributes from creating the list in the class def. I actually just
d spiffed up that class to represent a portion of a much larger class
d that needs getter and setter for children. Doing as you said fixed my
d problem, heres the code as reference for w/e

d class Widget(object):
d _children = None
d _parent = None

You still have them as class variables here. Now they are only used as
defaults because you assign to them in the instances so the instance
variables will be created then. But I think it is still confusing to
have these class variables here that you never use as such. Maybe this
is some leftover from Java experience where you do declare instance
variables at the class level?

d def __init__(self, parent=None):
d self.children = []
d self.parent = parent

d @property
d def children(self):
d return self._children

d @children.setter
d def children(self, obj):
d self._children = obj

What is the added value of using a property for the children attribute?
Why not just use an instance variable directly? Also a Java inheritance?

Piet van Oostrum
URL: [PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
Private email:

Re: Why can function definitions only use identifiers, and not attribute references or any other primaries?

2009-04-24 Thread Marco Mariani

Scott David Daniels wrote:

I am afraid it will make it too easy to define functions in other
modules remotely, a tempting sharp stick to poke your eye out with.

It's not very hard at the moment, and I don't see lots of eyes flying 
by. I don't know about Ruby where monkeypatching seems to be common 
practice, though.

Imagine debugging a pile of code that includes a module with:
import random
def random.random():
return .42

No need to imagine. I can do the same, one line shorter:

 import random
 random.random = lambda: .42


Re: and [True,True] -- [True, True]?????

2009-04-24 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 24 Apr 2009 06:50:01 +, Lie Ryan wrote:

 Gerhard Häring wrote:
 len() make it clear that the argument is a sequence.
 Not necessarily. 

len() works on dicts and sets, and they're not sequences.


Re: best way to compare contents of 2 lists?

2009-04-24 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 21:51:42 -0400, Esmail wrote:

 set(a) == set(b)# test if a and b have the same elements
 # check that each list has the same number of each element # i.e.   
 [1,2,1,2] == [1,1,2,2], but [1,2,2,2] != [1,1,1,2] for elem in set(a):
   a.count(elem) == b.count(elem)
 Ah .. this part would take care of different number of duplicates in the
 lists. Cool.

At significant cost of extra work.

Counting the number of times a single element occurs in the list is O(N). 
Counting the number of times every element occurs in the list is O(N**2). 
Sorting is O(N*log N), so for large lists, sorting will probably be much 


Re: Why can function definitions only use identifiers, and not attribute references or any other primaries?

2009-04-24 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 10:48:57 -0700, Scott David Daniels wrote:

 I am afraid it will make it too easy to define functions in other
 modules remotely, a tempting sharp stick to poke your eye out with. 

It's not terribly difficult to do so already:

 def spam():
... return spam spam spam
 import math
 math.spam = spam
'spam spam spam'

 also, that it will not be so easy to find the definition of a function
 provided as a argument to a failing function.  Right now you can get the
 function name and (with a bit more effort) its module. Imagine debugging
 a pile of code that includes a module with:
  import random
  def random.random():
  return .42


 import random
 random.random = lambda: 0.42


Sure, if somebody wants to really work at it, they could create a 
function that looks exactly like the original, including claiming to come 
from the same module, but that's possible now anyway.

I don't think the proposed syntax is useful because it doesn't actually 
gain us anything. Currently, you add a function to a class at class 
creation time:

class Spam(object):
def spam(self):
return spam spam spam

Adding functions to a class after the class already exists is rare, but 
not unheard of. Currently you can do this:

def ham(self):
return ham is not spam

Spam.ham = ham
del ham  # if you can be bothered

And you're done. The proposal gives us this:

class Spam(object):
pass  # Need to have a class before you can add methods to it.

def Spam.spam(self):
return spam spam spam

def Spam.ham(self):
return ham is not spam

Whatever benefit there might be from doing this, it's so minor I don't 
think it's worth the effort to implement it. Unlike decorators, I'd be 
surprised if it opens the door to bigger and better things.


Re: and [True,True] -- [True, True]?????

2009-04-24 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 17:18:25 +0800, Leo wrote:

 There's also the performance issue. I might have a sequence-like
 structure where calling len() takes O(N**2) time, (say, a graph) but
 calling __nozero__ might be O(1). Why defeat the class designer's
 Is that true?
 Calling len() actually traverses the whole list?

Not for built-in lists, but for sequences created by somebody else, who 
knows what it does?


wxpython notebook oddness

2009-04-24 Thread Lawson English

Can anyone tell me why these two behave differfently? vs


Raw command line arguments

2009-04-24 Thread Enchanter
How to pass the raw command line arguments to the python?

Such as:  txt -c Test Only {Help}

The arguments I hope to get is:

  txt -c Test Only {Help}   -- Keep the
quotation marks in the arguments.


Re: unicode(lString, utf8) vs. lString.encode(utf8) vs. urjakiś tekst

2009-04-24 Thread Jax
Sorry, my mistake.
My interntion was post this message on pl.comp.lang.python.


Re: Raw command line arguments

2009-04-24 Thread Chris Rebert
On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 2:40 AM, Enchanter wrote:
 How to pass the raw command line arguments to the python?

 Such as:  txt -c Test Only {Help}

 The arguments I hope to get is:

              txt -c Test Only {Help}               -- Keep the
 quotation marks in the arguments.

Remember that the quotes are parsed by the shell before python ever
receives the arguments, so you have to deal with it in whatever is
calling python.

Recall/note the differences between:
rm foo bar #delete foo and delete bar
rm foo bar #delete one file with a space in its name but no quotes in its name
rm 'foobarbaz' #delete one file with double-quotes in its name
rm foo\bar\baz #delete the same file as in the previous example

Therefore, you need to invoke the script differently to take account
of the shell's quote processing by adding another set of quotes, like
so:  txt -c 'Test Only' {Help}
#or alternatively:  txt -c \Test Only\ {Help}

I have a blog:

Convert numpy.ndarray into normal array

2009-04-24 Thread Johannes Bauer
Hi group,

I'm confused, kind of. The application I'm writing currently reads data
from a FITS file and should display it on a gtk window. So far I have:

pb = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8, width, height)
pb_pixels = pb.get_pixels_array()


which gives

type 'numpy.ndarray'
type 'array'

So now I want to copy the fits_pixels - pb_pixels. Doing

pb_pixels = fits_pixels

works and is insanely fast, however the picture looks all screwed-up
(looks like a RGB picture of unititialized memory, huge chunks of 0s
interleaved with lots of white noise).

Doing the loop:

for x in range(width):
for y in range(height):
pb_pixels[y, x] = fits_pixels[y, x]

works as expected, but is horribly slow (around 3 seconds for a 640x480

So now I've been trying to somehow convert the array in a fast manner,
but just couldn't do it. What exactly is array anyways? I know
array.array, but that's something completely different, right? Does
anyone have hints on how to go do this?

Kind regards,

Meine Gegenklage gegen dich lautet dann auf bewusste Verlogenheit,
verlästerung von Gott, Bibel und mir und bewusster Blasphemie.
 -- Prophet und Visionär Hans Joss aka HJP in de.sci.physik

if statement, with function inside it: if (t = Test()) == True:

2009-04-24 Thread GC-Martijn

I'm trying to do a if statement with a function inside it.
I want to use that variable inside that if loop , without defining it.

def Test():
return 'Vla'

I searching something like this:

if (t = Test()) == 'Vla':
print t # Vla


if (t = Test()):
print t # Vla

The long way
t = Test()
if (t == 'Vla':
print t # must contain Vla


Re: if statement, with function inside it: if (t = Test()) == True:

2009-04-24 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 24 Apr 2009 03:00:26 -0700, GC-Martijn wrote:

 I'm trying to do a if statement with a function inside it. I want to use
 that variable inside that if loop , without defining it.
 def Test():
 return 'Vla'
 I searching something like this:
 if (t = Test()) == 'Vla':
 print t # Vla
 if (t = Test()):
 print t # Vla

Fortunately, there is no way of doing that with Python. This is one 
source of hard-to-debug bugs that Python doesn't have.

 -- The long way
 t = Test()
 if (t == 'Vla':
 print t # must contain Vla

What's wrong with that?


Re: if statement, with function inside it: if (t = Test()) == True:

2009-04-24 Thread Chris Rebert
On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 3:00 AM, GC-Martijn wrote:

 I'm trying to do a if statement with a function inside it.
 I want to use that variable inside that if loop , without defining it.

 def Test():
    return 'Vla'

 I searching something like this:

 if (t = Test()) == 'Vla':
    print t # Vla


 if (t = Test()):
    print t # Vla

 The long way
 t = Test()
 if (t == 'Vla':
    print t # must contain Vla

Disregarding some ugly hacks, Python does not permit assignment in
expressions, so what you're asking for is not possible.
For the goods of readability, prevention of errors, and simplicity,
Python forces you to do it the long way (the Right Way(tm) if you
ask most Python partisans).

If you could explain your situation and the context of your question
in greater detail, someone might be able to suggest an alternate
structure for your code which obviates your desire for such a

I have a blog:

Re: if statement, with function inside it: if (t = Test()) == True:

2009-04-24 Thread GC-Martijn
On 24 apr, 12:11, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:
 On Fri, 24 Apr 2009 03:00:26 -0700, GC-Martijn wrote:

  I'm trying to do a if statement with a function inside it. I want to use
  that variable inside that if loop , without defining it.

  def Test():
      return 'Vla'

  I searching something like this:

  if (t = Test()) == 'Vla':
      print t # Vla


  if (t = Test()):
      print t # Vla

 Fortunately, there is no way of doing that with Python. This is one
 source of hard-to-debug bugs that Python doesn't have.

  -- The long way
  t = Test()
  if (t == 'Vla':
      print t # must contain Vla

 What's wrong with that?

 Steven- Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht niet weergeven -

 - Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht weergeven -

Nothing is wrong with it , but it cost more lines (= more scrolling)
When possible I want to keep my code small.

Re: and [True,True] -- [True, True]?????

2009-04-24 Thread Paul Rubin
Steven D'Aprano writes:
 len() works on dicts and sets, and they're not sequences.

Of course dicts and sets are sequences.  But there are also sequences
on which len doesn't work.

You could use:  sum(1 for x in seq)
Of course iterating through seq may have undesired side effects.

Re: if statement, with function inside it: if (t = Test()) == True:

2009-04-24 Thread Paul Rubin
Chris Rebert writes:
 Python forces you to do it the long way (the Right Way(tm) if you
 ask most Python partisans).
 If you could explain your situation and the context of your question
 in greater detail, someone might be able to suggest an alternate
 structure for your code which obviates your desire for such a

One very common situation is matching something against a series of
regexps, and ugly hacks often end up being more attractive than the
long way.

If you want to do it the pointy headed way, start with the article

Re: Raw command line arguments

2009-04-24 Thread Dave Angel

Enchanter wrote:

How to pass the raw command line arguments to the python?

Such as:  txt -c Test Only {Help}

The arguments I hope to get is:

  txt -c Test Only {Help}   -- Keep the
quotation marks in the arguments.

As Chris has said, the shell (and the C runtime) preprocesses the line 
before python ever sees it.  However, if you're on Windows, there is a 
function GetCommandLine, located in Kernel32.dll, which I *think* keeps 
the raw bytes typed by the user.  Clearly, that would be a non-portable 
answer, but here's some samples if you want to try it:

import sys
print sys.argv#this one loses the quotes

import ctypes
#print ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetModuleHandleA
#hdl = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetModuleHandleA(0)
#print hdl

func = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetCommandLineA
print func
func.restype = ctypes.c_char_p

cmd = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetCommandLineA()
print cmd   #this one gives a single string, such as the one below:

M:\Programming\Python\sources\dummy\  txt -c Test Only (Help)

If you do go this route, but still want to be portable, you could make 
this code conditional on platform, then document the user to use 
escaping on Linux and Apple, while you do this approach for Windows.


PDB break

2009-04-24 Thread Ricardo Aráoz
Hi, I need to track where a certain condition is met in a program.
Checking on pdb docs I find the break statement :

b(reak) [[/filename/:]/lineno/ | /function/[, /condition/]]

But it requires me to name a line/function where my condition is tested.
Now there are far too many places in a project where this condition may
be set to true, and I might overlook some (and it would take an awful
lot of time to identify them all). Is there a statement that allows me
to stop execution when a condition is met regardless of where this happens?




Re: best way to compare contents of 2 lists?

2009-04-24 Thread Esmail

John Yeung wrote:

 so does your initial solution,
which I like best:


This is concise, clear, and in my opinion, the most Pythonic.  It may
well even be the fastest.  

Great .. I can live with that :-)


Re: and [True,True] -- [True, True]?????

2009-04-24 Thread Peter Otten
Paul Rubin wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano writes:
 len() works on dicts and sets, and they're not sequences.
 Of course dicts and sets are sequences.  But there are also sequences
 on which len doesn't work.

That was my intuition, too. But Python takes a different stance:

 from collections import *
 for obj in [(), [], {}, set()]:
... print((%r:  % (obj,)) + , .join(a.__name__ for a in [Iterable,
Container, Sequence] if isinstance(obj, a)))
(): Iterable, Container, Sequence
[]: Iterable, Container, Sequence
{}: Iterable, Container
set(): Iterable, Container


Re: and [True,True] -- [True, True]?????

2009-04-24 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 24 Apr 2009 03:22:50 -0700, Paul Rubin wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano writes:
 len() works on dicts and sets, and they're not sequences.
 Of course dicts and sets are sequences.

Dicts and sets are explicitly described as other containers:

Note that addition is included in the table of sequence operations, but 
neither dicts nor sets support it:

 {} + {}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'dict' and 'dict'

Nor do they support slicing.

 But there are also sequences on which len doesn't work.

 You could use:  sum(1 for x in seq)
 Of course iterating through seq may have undesired side effects.

It's also not guaranteed to terminate.

Well, technically no user-defined function is guaranteed to terminate, 
but you know what I mean :)


Re: best way to compare contents of 2 lists?

2009-04-24 Thread Esmail

MRAB wrote:

You could use Raymond Hettinger's Counter class:

on both lists and compare them for equality.

thanks for the pointer, I'll study the code provided.



Re: best way to compare contents of 2 lists?

2009-04-24 Thread bearophileHUGS
Arnaud Delobelle:
 Thanks to the power of negative numbers, you only need one dict:

 d = defaultdict(int)
 for x in a:
     d[x] += 1
 for x in b:
     d[x] -= 1
 # a and b are equal if d[x]==0 for all x in d:
 not any(d.itervalues())

Very nice, I'll keep this for future use.
Someday I'll have to study this new new kind of numbers that can
represent borrowed items too.


HTTP Authentication using urllib2

2009-04-24 Thread Lakshman
I am trying to authenticate using urllib2. The basic authentication
works if I hard code authheaders.
def is_follows(follower, following):

theurl = '
username = 'uname1'
password = 'pwd1'

handle = urllib2.Request(theurl)

authheader =  Basic %s % base64.encodestring('%s:%s' %
(username, password))
handle.add_header(Authorization, authheader)

return simplejson.load(urllib2.urlopen(handle))
except IOError, e:
print Something wrong. This shouldnt happen

I am trying to refactor this code into how urllib2 expects to do. But
I am getting an error.

def is_follows(follower, following):

url = '
%s' %(
follower, following)

#Authenticate once for all
auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(auth_handler)

return simplejson.load(urllib2.urlopen(url))
print Something wrong. This shouldnt happen
return False

Can U please point what I am missing. As I understand, the Auth
Headers are put appropriately in either cases, but the latter one
doesnt work.

Re: Convert numpy.ndarray into normal array

2009-04-24 Thread MRAB

Johannes Bauer wrote:

Hi group,

I'm confused, kind of. The application I'm writing currently reads data
from a FITS file and should display it on a gtk window. So far I have:

pb = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8, width, height)
pb_pixels = pb.get_pixels_array()


which gives

type 'numpy.ndarray'
type 'array'

So now I want to copy the fits_pixels - pb_pixels. Doing

pb_pixels = fits_pixels

This simply makes pb_pixels refer to the same object as fits_pixels. It
doesn't copy the values into the existing pb_pixels object.

works and is insanely fast, however the picture looks all screwed-up
(looks like a RGB picture of unititialized memory, huge chunks of 0s
interleaved with lots of white noise).

Doing the loop:

for x in range(width):
for y in range(height):
pb_pixels[y, x] = fits_pixels[y, x]

works as expected, but is horribly slow (around 3 seconds for a 640x480

This does copy the values into the existing pb_pixels object.

So now I've been trying to somehow convert the array in a fast manner,
but just couldn't do it. What exactly is array anyways? I know
array.array, but that's something completely different, right? Does
anyone have hints on how to go do this?

You should be able to copy the values using array slicing, something

pb_pixels[:] = fits_pixels


pb_pixels[:, :] = fits_pixels


Re: if statement, with function inside it: if (t = Test()) == True:

2009-04-24 Thread Ulrich Eckhardt
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Fri, 24 Apr 2009 03:00:26 -0700, GC-Martijn wrote:
 t = Test()
 if (t == 'Vla':
 print t # must contain Vla
 What's wrong with that?

It unnecessarily injects the name 't' into the scope.


Sator Laser GmbH
Geschäftsführer: Thorsten Föcking, Amtsgericht Hamburg HR B62 932


Re: if statement, with function inside it: if (t = Test()) == True:

2009-04-24 Thread MRAB

GC-Martijn wrote:

On 24 apr, 12:15, Chris Rebert wrote:

On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 3:00 AM, GC-Martijn wrote:

I'm trying to do a if statement with a function inside it.
I want to use that variable inside that if loop , without defining it.
def Test():
   return 'Vla'
I searching something like this:
if (t = Test()) == 'Vla':
   print t # Vla
if (t = Test()):
   print t # Vla
The long way
t = Test()
if (t == 'Vla':
   print t # must contain Vla

Disregarding some ugly hacks, Python does not permit assignment in
expressions, so what you're asking for is not possible.
For the goods of readability, prevention of errors, and simplicity,
Python forces you to do it the long way (the Right Way(tm) if you
ask most Python partisans).

If you could explain your situation and the context of your question
in greater detail, someone might be able to suggest an alternate
structure for your code which obviates your desire for such a

Oke, thanks.
I will use the (correct) long way.

It's possible in C, but sometimes you might write '=' where you intended
'=='. It happens. I've done it myself. :-(

Sometimes it's an annoying restriction, but it does reduce bugs.

Re: best way to compare contents of 2 lists?

2009-04-24 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On Apr 24, 7:12 am, wrote:
 Another solution is to use frequency dicts, O(n):

 from itertools import defaultdict
 d1 = defaultdict(int)
 for el in a:
     d1[el] += 1
 d2 = defaultdict(int)
 for el in b:
     d2[el] += 1
 d1 == d2

Thanks to the power of negative numbers, you only need one dict:

d = defaultdict(int)
for x in a:
d[x] += 1
for x in b:
d[x] -= 1
# a and b are equal if d[x]==0 for all x in d:
not any(d.itervalues())


Re: if statement, with function inside it: if (t = Test()) == True:

2009-04-24 Thread GC-Martijn
On 24 apr, 12:15, Chris Rebert wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 3:00 AM, GC-Martijn wrote:

  I'm trying to do a if statement with a function inside it.
  I want to use that variable inside that if loop , without defining it.

  def Test():
     return 'Vla'

  I searching something like this:

  if (t = Test()) == 'Vla':
     print t # Vla


  if (t = Test()):
     print t # Vla

  The long way
  t = Test()
  if (t == 'Vla':
     print t # must contain Vla

 Disregarding some ugly hacks, Python does not permit assignment in
 expressions, so what you're asking for is not possible.
 For the goods of readability, prevention of errors, and simplicity,
 Python forces you to do it the long way (the Right Way(tm) if you
 ask most Python partisans).

 If you could explain your situation and the context of your question
 in greater detail, someone might be able to suggest an alternate
 structure for your code which obviates your desire for such a

 I have a blog: Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht niet 
 weergeven -

 - Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht weergeven -

Oke, thanks.
I will use the (correct) long way.

Re: best way to compare contents of 2 lists?

2009-04-24 Thread Esmail

Thanks all, after reading all the posting and suggestions for
alternatives, I think I'll be going with


it seems fast, intuitive and clean and can deal with
duplicates too.



Re: best way to compare contents of 2 lists?

2009-04-24 Thread Esmail

Piet van Oostrum wrote:

John Yeung (JY) wrote:

JY It takes care of the duplicates, but so does your initial solution,
JY which I like best:


JY This is concise, clear, and in my opinion, the most Pythonic.  It may
JY well even be the fastest.  (If you didn't have to match up the numbers
JY of duplicates, the set solution would be most Pythonic and probably
JY fastest.)

But it may fail if the list cannot be sorted because it contains
incomparable elements:

Ah .. good point .. something I had not considered. Lucky for me in
this case it's not an issue, but something I'll keep in mind for the


unicode(lString, utf8) vs. lString.encode(utf8) vs. urjakiś tekst

2009-04-24 Thread Jax

Zakładam, że kod Pythona w drugiej lini ma:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

oraz gdzieś na początku:

No i mam takie pytania odnośnie unicode w utf8:

Czy obie poniższe linie dają ten sam efekt, czyli obiekt unicode zakodowany w
lString = unicode(lString, utf8)
lString = lString.encode(utf8)

Konkretnie chodzi mi czy aby mieć obiekt unicode zakodowany w utf8 muszę robić
coś takiego:
lString = unicode(lString.decode(ISO-8859-15).encode(utf8), utf8)
czy może wystarczy:
lString = lString.decode(ISO-8859-15).encode(utf8)

Dodatkowo mam pytanie: Czy aby mieć ze stringu podanego w kodzie pythona obiekt
unicode zakodowany w utf8 zawsze muszę robić:
lString = unicode(jakiś tekst, utf8)
czy może wystarczy
lString = urjakiś tekst

Pytam, bo ciągłe klepanie unicode(xxx, utf8) jest męczące.

z góry dzięki


Re: Presentation software for Python code

2009-04-24 Thread Sebastian Wiesner
Michael Hoffman – Donnerstag, 23. April 2009 19:52

 I'm willing to consider TeX- and HTML-based approaches.

I can recommend latex with the beamer package.  It doesn't directly support 
formatting of code snippets, but the pygments syntax highlighter comes with 
a Latex formatter.

Freedom is always the freedom of dissenters.
  (Rosa Luxemburg)


Re: JSON and Firefox sessionstore.js

2009-04-24 Thread Дамјан Георгиевски
 Unless I'm badly mistaken, the Firefox sessionstore.js file is
 supposed to be JSON.
 If it matters, I'm using Firefox under Linux.

maybe it can be parsed with PyYAML?

дамјан ( )

Well when _I_ was in school, I had to run Netscape on HP/UX, displayed on my 
local X Server running on a Windows 3.1 box. Displayed over a 2400 baud 
modem. Uphill. Both ways. In the rain. With NOBODY to hold my hands. Because 
the life of the geek is a lonely life.
- aclarke on /.


Re: Numpy Performance

2009-04-24 Thread timlash
Thanks for your replies.

@Peter - My arrays are not sparse at all, but I'll take a quick look
as scipy.  I also should have mentioned that my numpy arrays are of
Object type as each data point (row) has one or more text labels for

@Robert - Thanks for the comments about how numpy was optimized for
bulk transactions.  Most of the processing I'm doing is with
individual elements.

Essentially, I'm testing tens of thousands of scenarios on a
relatively small number of test cases.  Each scenario requires all
elements of each test case to be scored, then summarized, then sorted
and grouped with some top scores captured for reporting.

It seems like I can either work toward a procedure that features
indexed categorization so that my arrays are of integer type and a
design that will allow each scenario to be handled in bulk numpy
fashion, or expand RectangularArray with custom data handling methods.

Any other recommended approaches to working with tabular data in



Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Apr 24)

2009-04-24 Thread Gabriel Genellina
QOTW:  ... [C]alling Python Object-Orientated is a bit of an
insult :-).  I would say that Python is Ego-Orientated, it allows
me to do what I want. - Martin P. Hellwig

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Determine if two lists contains the same elements (with duplicates):

How to transparently add modules to an installed package (without
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What's a good strategy to write Python code aimed at being rewritten in
C later?

python.exe not found - how to fix PATH issues on Windows:

Python, Basic, nostalgia, and goto considered harmful (long thread):

How to represent table joins in a non-relational database (e.g. BigTable
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Re: if statement, with function inside it: if (t = Test()) == True:

2009-04-24 Thread Marco Mariani

Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:

t = Test()
if (t == 'Vla':
print t # must contain Vla

What's wrong with that?

It unnecessarily injects the name 't' into the scope.

Since there is no concept in Python of a scope local to block 
statements, I don't understant what you would like to happen instead.


Re: if statement, with function inside it: if (t = Test()) == True:

2009-04-24 Thread Paul McGuire
On Apr 24, 5:00 am, GC-Martijn wrote:

 I'm trying to do a if statement with a function inside it.
 I want to use that variable inside that if loop , without defining it.

 def Test():
     return 'Vla'

 I searching something like this:

 if (t = Test()) == 'Vla':
     print t # Vla

Here is a thread from 3 weeks ago on this very topic, with a couple of
proposed solutions.

-- Paul

Failed to build these modules:_ctypes

2009-04-24 Thread PS
Hello all

I can't install neither python 2.6.1 nor 2.6.2 because an error during
compilation of _ctypes module, I don't need the module but I don't
know how to instruct to skip it.

The plattform is Suse 11.0

The steps I performed are the following:

./configure  --prefix $HOME/app/Python-2.6.2

The last command from make with its error is the following

gcc -pthread -shared build/temp.linux-i686-2.6/home/ps/soft/
Python-2.6.2/Modules/_ctypes/_ctypes.o build/temp.linux-i686-2.6/home/
ps/soft/Python-2.6.2/Modules/_ctypes/callbacks.o build/temp.linux-
i686-2.6/home/ps/soft/Python-2.6.2/Modules/_ctypes/callproc.o build/
stgdict.o build/temp.linux-i686-2.6/home/ps/soft/Python-2.6.2/Modules/
_ctypes/cfield.o build/temp.linux-i686-2.6/home/ps/soft/Python-2.6.2/
Modules/_ctypes/malloc_closure.o build/temp.linux-i686-2.6/home/ps/
src/x86/ffi.o build/temp.linux-i686-2.6/home/ps/soft/Python-2.6.2/
Modules/_ctypes/libffi/src/x86/sysv.o -L/home/ps/app/Python-2.6.2/lib -
L/usr/local/lib -o build/lib.linux-i686-2.6/
*** WARNING: renaming _ctypes since importing it failed: build/
lib.linux-i686-2.6/ undefined symbol: ffi_prep_cif_machdep

Failed to find the necessary bits to build these modules:
bsddb185   dl imageop
To find the necessary bits, look in in detect_modules() for
the module's name.

Failed to build these modules:

running build_scripts

any idea?

Thanks in advance

Re: getter and setter and list appends

2009-04-24 Thread dasacc22
On Apr 24, 4:04 am, Piet van Oostrum wrote:
  dasacc22 (d) wrote:
 d Ah thank you for clarifying, I did confuse instance and class
 d attributes from creating the list in the class def. I actually just
 d spiffed up that class to represent a portion of a much larger class
 d that needs getter and setter for children. Doing as you said fixed my
 d problem, heres the code as reference for w/e
 d class Widget(object):
 d     _children = None
 d     _parent = None

 You still have them as class variables here. Now they are only used as
 defaults because you assign to them in the instances so the instance
 variables will be created then. But I think it is still confusing to
 have these class variables here that you never use as such. Maybe this
 is some leftover from Java experience where you do declare instance
 variables at the class level?

 d     def __init__(self, parent=None):
 d         self.children = []
 d         self.parent = parent
 d     @property
 d     def children(self):
 d         return self._children
 d     @children.setter
 d     def children(self, obj):
 d         self._children = obj

 What is the added value of using a property for the children attribute?
 Why not just use an instance variable directly? Also a Java inheritance?

 Piet van Oostrum
 URL:[PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
 Private email:

Hi, yes, you are right, this is from previous experience, and thank
you for bringing this out. It would be better suited to move those
class variables to a comment to stay comfortable perhaps or eliminate
them altogether.

The property method of parent and children actually calls a
_set_as_parent() and _set_as_child() method after setting the private
variable to pack the object for display purposes so that children can
be detached from the parent (becoming its own parent) as a gui event.

Re: Convert numpy.ndarray into normal array

2009-04-24 Thread Johannes Bauer
MRAB schrieb:

 type 'numpy.ndarray'
 type 'array'

 So now I want to copy the fits_pixels - pb_pixels. Doing

 pb_pixels = fits_pixels

 This simply makes pb_pixels refer to the same object as fits_pixels. It
 doesn't copy the values into the existing pb_pixels object.

Oh okay, I was thinking of C++ std::vectorchar which behaves
differently :-/ Switching between languages back and forth is not
something I'm good in, appearently.

 You should be able to copy the values using array slicing, something
 pb_pixels[:] = fits_pixels
 pb_pixels[:, :] = fits_pixels

OK, I hadn't been familiar with that syntax at all - need to catch up
reading on this.

However, it doesn't work (altough probably for another reason):

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./, line 433, in on_Result
  File ./, line 385, in __updateresult
pb_pixels[:, :] = fits_pixels
TypeError: Array can not be safely cast to required type

I guess Python fears truncation. However I ensure in advance the values
won't be truncated. How can I convince Python that it may safely assume
that is true?

Kind regards,

Meine Gegenklage gegen dich lautet dann auf bewusste Verlogenheit,
verlästerung von Gott, Bibel und mir und bewusster Blasphemie.
 -- Prophet und Visionär Hans Joss aka HJP in de.sci.physik

Superclass initialization

2009-04-24 Thread Ole Streicher
Hi again,

I am trying to initialize a class inherited from numpy.ndarray:

from numpy import ndarray

class da(ndarray):
def __init__(self, mydata):
ndarray.__init__(self, 0)
self.mydata = mydata

When I now call the constructor of da:

I get the message:

ValueError: sequence too large; must be smaller than 32

which I do not understand. This message is generated by the
constructor of ndarray, but the ndarray constructor
(ndarray.__init__()) has only 0 as argument, and calling
ndarray(0) directly works perfect.

In the manual I found that the constructor of a superclass is not
called implicitely, so there should be no other call to
ndarray.__init__() the the one in my __init__ method.

I am now confused on where does the call to ndarray come from. How do
I correct that?

Best regards


Re: Superclass initialization

2009-04-24 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 24 Apr 2009 16:04:00 +0200, Ole Streicher wrote:

 I get the message:
 ValueError: sequence too large; must be smaller than 32
 which I do not understand. This message is generated by the constructor
 of ndarray, but the ndarray constructor (ndarray.__init__()) has only
 0 as argument, and calling ndarray(0) directly works perfect.

Perhaps you should post the full trace back instead of just the final 


Re: Superclass initialization

2009-04-24 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On Apr 24, 3:04 pm, Ole Streicher wrote:
 Hi again,

 I am trying to initialize a class inherited from numpy.ndarray:

 from numpy import ndarray

 class da(ndarray):
     def __init__(self, mydata):
         ndarray.__init__(self, 0)
         self.mydata = mydata

 When I now call the constructor of da:

 I get the message:

 ValueError: sequence too large; must be smaller than 32

 which I do not understand. This message is generated by the
 constructor of ndarray, but the ndarray constructor
 (ndarray.__init__()) has only 0 as argument, and calling
 ndarray(0) directly works perfect.

 In the manual I found that the constructor of a superclass is not
 called implicitely, so there should be no other call to
 ndarray.__init__() the the one in my __init__ method.

 I am now confused on where does the call to ndarray come from. How do
 I correct that?

 Best regards


numpy.ndarray has a __new__ method (and no __init__).  I guess this is
the one you should override.  Try:

class da(ndarray):
def __new__(cls, mydata):
return ndarray.__new__(cls, 0)
def __init__(self, mydata):
self.mydata = mydata



Re: mailbox.mbox.add() sets access time as well as modification time

2009-04-24 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2009-04-23, MRAB wrote: wrote:
 It seems to me that mailbox.mbox.add() sets the access time of a mbox
 file as well as the modification time.  This is not good for MUAs that
 detect new mail by looking to see if the access time is before the
 modification time.
 Have I done something wrong somewhere or is mailbox.mbox.add() really
 as broken as it would appear?
 The access time is the time it was last accessed, ie read or modified.


 The modification time is the time it was last modified.


 The access time can never be before the modification time because it
 must be accessed in order to be modified!

Nonsense.  You can set atime and mtime to anything you want.

SOP for writing to to an mbox formatted mailbox is to preserve
the atime (changing only the mtime) so that other programs know
that that there is new mail in the mbox.  I know mutt works
that way, and I believe that the you've got new mail features
in some shells work that way.  AFAIK, atimemtime has been the
standard way to determine when an mbox contains new mail for
at least 20 years.

Anybody writing to an mbox mailbox has to follow the rules if
they expect to interoperate with other mail applications.  If
mailbox.mbox.add() doesn't preserve the atime when writing to
an mbox, then mailbox.mbox.add is broken.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! I put aside my copy
  at   of BOWLING WORLD and
   visi.comthink about GUN CONTROL

Re: Superclass initialization

2009-04-24 Thread Ole Streicher
Steven D'Aprano writes:
 Perhaps you should post the full trace back instead of just the final 

No Problem, although I dont see the information increase there:

In [318]: class da(ndarray):
   .: def __init__(self, mydata):
   .: ndarray.__init__(self, 0)
   .: self.mydata = mydata

In [319]: da(range(100))
ValueErrorTraceback (most recent call last)

/m3d/src/python/ipython console in module()

ValueError: sequence too large; must be smaller than 32

The same happens if I put the class definition into a file: the
traceback does *not* point to a code line in that source file but to
the input line. Again, full trace:

In [320]: import da

In [321]: da.da(range(100))
ValueErrorTraceback (most recent call last)

/m3d/src/python/ipython console in module()

ValueError: sequence too large; must be smaller than 32

(using python instead of ipython also does not give more details).

Best regards


Re: Superclass initialization

2009-04-24 Thread Ole Streicher
Arnaud Delobelle writes:
 numpy.ndarray has a __new__ method (and no __init__).  I guess this is
 the one you should override.  Try:

What is the difference?

best regards


Re: Superclass initialization

2009-04-24 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On Apr 24, 3:46 pm, Ole Streicher wrote:
 Arnaud Delobelle writes:
  numpy.ndarray has a __new__ method (and no __init__).  I guess this is
  the one you should override.  Try:

 What is the difference?

 best regards


Here's an explanation.


repost: http web page fetch question

2009-04-24 Thread grocery_stocker
Given the following...

[cdal...@localhost oakland]$ more

import sched
import time

scheduler = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep)

def print_event(name):
print 'EVENT:', time.time(), name

print 'START:', time.time()
scheduler.enter(2, 1, print_event, ('first',))
[cdal...@localhost oakland]$ ./
START: 1240584506.06
EVENT: 1240584508.06 first
[cdal...@localhost oakland]$

How do I modify it so that it runs every hour on the hour.

Re: mailbox.mbox.add() sets access time as well as modification time

2009-04-24 Thread MRAB

Grant Edwards wrote:

On 2009-04-23, MRAB wrote: wrote:

It seems to me that mailbox.mbox.add() sets the access time of a mbox
file as well as the modification time.  This is not good for MUAs that
detect new mail by looking to see if the access time is before the
modification time.

Have I done something wrong somewhere or is mailbox.mbox.add() really
as broken as it would appear?

The access time is the time it was last accessed, ie read or modified.


The modification time is the time it was last modified.


The access time can never be before the modification time because it
must be accessed in order to be modified!

Nonsense.  You can set atime and mtime to anything you want.

Well, yes, you can always change atime and mtime and make it look like
something happened at a different time to when it actually happened...

SOP for writing to to an mbox formatted mailbox is to preserve
the atime (changing only the mtime) so that other programs know
that that there is new mail in the mbox.  I know mutt works
that way, and I believe that the you've got new mail features
in some shells work that way.  AFAIK, atimemtime has been the
standard way to determine when an mbox contains new mail for
at least 20 years.

So atime is used to indicate when it was last read, not last accessed?

Anybody writing to an mbox mailbox has to follow the rules if
they expect to interoperate with other mail applications.  If
mailbox.mbox.add() doesn't preserve the atime when writing to
an mbox, then mailbox.mbox.add is broken.


Re: Failed to build these modules:_ctypes

2009-04-24 Thread Thomas Heller
PS schrieb:
 Hello all
 I can't install neither python 2.6.1 nor 2.6.2 because an error during
 compilation of _ctypes module, I don't need the module but I don't
 know how to instruct to skip it.

You only get a warning, right?  So a subsequent 'make install' should work.

Re: Large data arrays?

2009-04-24 Thread John Machin
On Apr 24, 5:17 pm, Ole Streicher wrote:
 Hi John,

 John Machin writes:
  The Morton layout wastes space if the matrix is not square. Your 100K
  x 4K is very non-square. Looks like you might want to use e.g. 25
  Morton arrays, each 4K x 4K.

 What I found was that Morton layout shall be usable, if the shape is
 rectangular and both dimensions are powers of two. But, all examples
 were done with equal dimensions, so I am a bit confused here.

Yes, you are right, it can be done in one hit with a rectangular
array. How it is done: in your case you have a 2**17 x 2**12 array, so
the Morton index corresponding to (i, j) would have the top 5 bits of
i followed by the remaining 12 bits of i interleaved with the 12 bits
of j -- scarcely distinguishable from my original suggestion of 25
4Kx4K arrays, once you've ignored the trailing approx 2**17 - 100
elements that you don't need to allocate space for ;-)

 From my access pattern, it would be probably better to combine 25 rows
 into one slice and have one matrix where every cell contains 25 rows.

 Are there any objections about that?

Can't object, because I'm not sure what you mean ... how many elements
in a cell?


Re: Help with code! Gamepad?

2009-04-24 Thread DC16
On Apr 23, 4:03 pm, Mike Driscoll wrote:
 On Apr 23, 6:46 am, DC16 wrote:

  I am using pygame and OpenGL.
  How do I make a gamepad able to move the camera to a side of a cube on

  Here is the code for keyboard use:

  import pygame
  from pygame.locals import *
  import sys
  from OpenGLLibrary import *


  Screen = (800,600)
  Window = glLibWindow(Screen,caption=Camera Test)
  View3D = glLibView3D((0,0,Screen[0],Screen[1]),45)

  Camera = glLibCamera([0,0.5,6],[0,0,0])


  drawing = 0
  Objects = [glLibObjCube(),glLibObjTeapot(),glLibObjSphere

  while True:
      key = pygame.key.get_pressed()
      for event in pygame.event.get():
          if event.type == QUIT:
          if event.type == KEYDOWN:
              if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
              if event.key == K_RETURN:
                  drawing += 1
                  if drawing == 5:
                      drawing = 0
              if event.key == K_1: glLibColor((255,255,255))
              if event.key == K_2: glLibColor((255,0,0))
              if event.key == K_3: glLibColor((255,128,0))
              if event.key == K_4: glLibColor((255,255,0))
              if event.key == K_5: glLibColor((0,255,0))
              if event.key == K_6: glLibColor((0,0,255))
              if event.key == K_7: glLibColor((128,0,255))
      if   key[K_LEFT]: Camera.set_target_pos([-6,0.5,0])
      elif key[K_RIGHT]: Camera.set_target_pos([6,0.5,0])
      elif key[K_UP]: Camera.set_target_pos([0,6,2])
      elif key[K_DOWN]: Camera.set_target_pos([0,-6,2])
      else: Camera.set_target_pos([0,0.5,6])



  How do I change it so that a gampad can move the camera in the same
  (Ignore the colour changing code)

  Dexter (DC16)

  BTW the code was originally by someone else.

 Try cross-posting to the pygame guys:

 I read that pyglet will have some sort of gamepad support soon too, so
 you might want to check that project out as well.

 - Mike- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

I cannot find any code for gamepad/joypad on there.

Re: Large data arrays?

2009-04-24 Thread Ole Streicher
Hi John,

John Machin writes:
 From my access pattern, it would be probably better to combine 25 rows
 into one slice and have one matrix where every cell contains 25 rows.
 Are there any objections about that?
 Can't object, because I'm not sure what you mean ... how many elements
 in a cell?

Well, a matrix consists of cells? A 10x10 matrix has 100 cells.



python list handling and Lisp list handling

2009-04-24 Thread Mark Tarver
This page says that Python lists are often flexible arrays

but also says that their representation is implementation dependent.
As far as I see this should mean that element access in Python should
run in constant time.  Now if so this is a boon, because generally

'A list is a sequence of elements, but it is not a single primitive
object; it is made of cons cells, one cell per element. Finding the
nth element requires looking through n cons cells, so elements farther
from the beginning of the list take longer to access. But it is
possible to add elements to the list, or remove elements.'


But are Python lists also indistinguishable from conventional
Lisplists for list processing.  For example, can I modify a Python
list non-destructively?  Are they equivalent to Lisp lists. Can CAR
and CDR in Lisp be thought of as

def car (x):
  return x[0]

def cdr (x):
  return x[1:]

The idea of a list in which elements can be accessed in constant time
is novel to me.


Re: Large data arrays?

2009-04-24 Thread John Machin
On Apr 25, 1:14 am, Ole Streicher wrote:
 Hi John,

 John Machin writes:
  From my access pattern, it would be probably better to combine 25 rows
  into one slice and have one matrix where every cell contains 25 rows.
  Are there any objections about that?
  Can't object, because I'm not sure what you mean ... how many elements
  in a cell?

 Well, a matrix consists of cells? A 10x10 matrix has 100 cells.

Yes yes but you said every cell contains 25 rows ... what's in a
cell? 25 rows, with each row containing what?

Re: gethostbyname blocking

2009-04-24 Thread marc wyburn
On Apr 23, 2:16 pm, Piet van Oostrum wrote:
  marc wyburn (MW) wrote:
 MW Hi, I am writing anasynchronousping app to check if 1000s of hosts
 MW are alive very quickly.  Everything works extremely quickly unless the
 MW host name doesn't have a DNS record.
 MW when calling socket.gethostbynameif there is no record for the host
 MW the result seems to block all other threads.  As an example I have 6
 MW threads running and if I pass the class below a Queue with about 30
 MW valid addresses with one invalid address in the middle the thread that
 MW the exception occurs in seems to block the others.

 What you could do is have two Queues, one with host names, and one with
 results fromgethostbyname. And an additional thread which gets from the
 first queue, callsgethostbynameand puts the results in the second queue.
 The ping threads then should get from the second queue. The lookup
 thread could even do caching of the results if you often have to repeat
 the pings for thew same host.
 Piet van Oostrum
 URL:[PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
 Private email:

Hi, I did try this but the socket blocked for so long that this was a
real bottleneck.  It also seemed that whilst the DNS lookup thread was
blocking the other threads were also blocked.  I guess this may have
something to do with the GIL but I'm still fairly new to threading.  I
ended up using DNSPython which flys along.  I have a thread creating
the ping packets and pinging them and another performing a select and
logging + filtering any ICMP replies.  I may put the DNS code into
another thread but the whole script runs faster than I need it to as
it is, I've got time.sleeps in the ping thread as I'm scared of
saturating the local LAN during work hours.

Re: python list handling and Lisp list handling

2009-04-24 Thread MRAB

Mark Tarver wrote:

This page says that Python lists are often flexible arrays

but also says that their representation is implementation dependent.
As far as I see this should mean that element access in Python should
run in constant time.  Now if so this is a boon, because generally

'A list is a sequence of elements, but it is not a single primitive
object; it is made of cons cells, one cell per element. Finding the
nth element requires looking through n cons cells, so elements farther
from the beginning of the list take longer to access. But it is
possible to add elements to the list, or remove elements.'


But are Python lists also indistinguishable from conventional
Lisplists for list processing.  For example, can I modify a Python
list non-destructively?  Are they equivalent to Lisp lists. Can CAR
and CDR in Lisp be thought of as

def car (x):
  return x[0]

def cdr (x):
  return x[1:]

The idea of a list in which elements can be accessed in constant time
is novel to me.

They are usually implemented as resizable arrays. In CPython great care
has been taken to make appending average to constant time; however,
inserting requires the later elements to be shifted up.

In the way they are normally used they are fast.

There are also queues and deques for when you want efficient queue or
deque behaviour.

Re: Large data arrays?

2009-04-24 Thread Ole Streicher
Hi John

John Machin writes:
 On Apr 25, 1:14 am, Ole Streicher wrote:
 John Machin writes:
  From my access pattern, it would be probably better to combine 25 rows
  into one slice and have one matrix where every cell contains 25 rows.
  Are there any objections about that?
  Can't object, because I'm not sure what you mean ... how many elements
  in a cell?

 Well, a matrix consists of cells? A 10x10 matrix has 100 cells.

 Yes yes but you said every cell contains 25 rows ... what's in a
 cell? 25 rows, with each row containing what?

I mean: original cells.
I have 100.000x4096 entries:

(0,0) (0,1) ... (0,4095)
(1,0) (1,1) ... (1,4095)
(100.000,0) (100.000,1) ... (100.000,4095)

This will be re-organized in a new matrix, containing 4096 columns (as
before) and 4000 rows. The leftmost cell (first row, first col) in the
new matrix then contains the array


The second column of the first row contains the array


and so on. The first column of the second row contains


That way, I get a new matrix where every cell contains an array of 24
original cells. Disadvantage (what I see now when I write it down)
is that this is bad for numpy since it deals with arrays instead of
numbers in matrix positions.

Best regards


Re: python list handling and Lisp list handling

2009-04-24 Thread Paul Rubin
Mark Tarver writes:
 But are Python lists also indistinguishable from conventional
 Lisplists for list processing.  

Forgot to add: you might look at

Mark Tarver writes:

 But are Python lists also indistinguishable from conventional
 Lisplists for list processing.

They are very different.  There is nothing like cons or nconc.
You can't convert two lists to a single longer list with nconc, 

Re: python list handling and Lisp list handling

2009-04-24 Thread Paul Rubin
Mark Tarver writes:
 But are Python lists also indistinguishable from conventional
 Lisplists for list processing.  For example, can I modify a Python
 list non-destructively?  Are they equivalent to Lisp lists. Can CAR
 and CDR in Lisp be thought of as

Python lists are vectors that automatically resize.  You can append to
the end in amortized constant time in the obvious way (i.e. the
implementation allocates some extra space for expansion, and copies to
an even bigger area if you run out of expansion room).  You can insert
and delete in the middle in linear time.  This isn't as bad as it
sounds because the Python interpreter is pretty slow, but the list
insertion/deletion primitives are in C and are fast.

mod_python form upload: permission denied sometimes...

2009-04-24 Thread
I have a mod_python application that takes a POST file upload from a
form. It works fine from my machine, other machines in my office and
my home machine. It does not work from my bosses machine in a
different city - he gets You don't have permission to access this on
this server.

In the logs, it's returned 403. I also have this error in error.log:

Cannot traverse upload in /pythonapps/wiggle/form/upload because
function form at 0x7fe7568e31b8 is not a traversable object,
referer: ...

Could this be a network level problem? If so, why does it work from my
home machine but not my bosses machine?? The file to upload is quite
large - 7MB.

Re: best way to compare contents of 2 lists?

2009-04-24 Thread Terry Reedy

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 21:51:42 -0400, Esmail wrote:

set(a) == set(b)# test if a and b have the same elements

# check that each list has the same number of each element # i.e.   
[1,2,1,2] == [1,1,2,2], but [1,2,2,2] != [1,1,1,2] for elem in set(a):

  a.count(elem) == b.count(elem)

Ah .. this part would take care of different number of duplicates in the
lists. Cool.

At significant cost of extra work.

Counting the number of times a single element occurs in the list is O(N). 
Counting the number of times every element occurs in the list is O(N**2). 

A frequency dict should be O(n) also, and hence faster than sorting.

Sorting is O(N*log N), so for large lists, sorting will probably be much 


Re: Help with code! Gamepad?

2009-04-24 Thread Mike Driscoll
On Apr 24, 10:11 am, DC16 wrote:
 On Apr 23, 4:03 pm, Mike Driscoll wrote:

  On Apr 23, 6:46 am, DC16 wrote:

   I am using pygame and OpenGL.
   How do I make a gamepad able to move the camera to a side of a cube on

   Here is the code for keyboard use:

   import pygame
   from pygame.locals import *
   import sys
   from OpenGLLibrary import *


   Screen = (800,600)
   Window = glLibWindow(Screen,caption=Camera Test)
   View3D = glLibView3D((0,0,Screen[0],Screen[1]),45)

   Camera = glLibCamera([0,0.5,6],[0,0,0])


   drawing = 0
   Objects = [glLibObjCube(),glLibObjTeapot(),glLibObjSphere

   while True:
       key = pygame.key.get_pressed()
       for event in pygame.event.get():
           if event.type == QUIT:
           if event.type == KEYDOWN:
               if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
               if event.key == K_RETURN:
                   drawing += 1
                   if drawing == 5:
                       drawing = 0
               if event.key == K_1: glLibColor((255,255,255))
               if event.key == K_2: glLibColor((255,0,0))
               if event.key == K_3: glLibColor((255,128,0))
               if event.key == K_4: glLibColor((255,255,0))
               if event.key == K_5: glLibColor((0,255,0))
               if event.key == K_6: glLibColor((0,0,255))
               if event.key == K_7: glLibColor((128,0,255))
       if   key[K_LEFT]: Camera.set_target_pos([-6,0.5,0])
       elif key[K_RIGHT]: Camera.set_target_pos([6,0.5,0])
       elif key[K_UP]: Camera.set_target_pos([0,6,2])
       elif key[K_DOWN]: Camera.set_target_pos([0,-6,2])
       else: Camera.set_target_pos([0,0.5,6])



   How do I change it so that a gampad can move the camera in the same
   (Ignore the colour changing code)

   Dexter (DC16)

   BTW the code was originally by someone else.

  Try cross-posting to the pygame guys:

  I read that pyglet will have some sort of gamepad support soon too, so
  you might want to check that project out as well.

  - Mike- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -

 I cannot find any code for gamepad/joypad on there.

I guess I was thinking of this:


Re: Raw command line arguments

2009-04-24 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Fri, 24 Apr 2009 06:40:23 -0300, Enchanter  

How to pass the raw command line arguments to the python?

That depends on the OS or the shell you're using.

Such as:  txt -c Test Only {Help}

The arguments I hope to get is:

  txt -c Test Only {Help}   -- Keep the
quotation marks in the arguments.

I guess you're using Windows:

import sys
print sys.argv

ggpython one txt -c Test Only {Help}
['', 'one', 'txt', '-c', 'Test Only', '{Help}']

Two double quotes represent a single one. And you have to enclose the  
whole argument in quotes too because of the space character.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: sorting two corresponding lists?

2009-04-24 Thread tiefeng wu

  Just being pedantic here :)
  [items[x] for x in [i for i in map(values.index, new_values)]]
  Is the same as
  [items[x] for x in map(values.index, new_values)]

 It's also the same as

[items[x] for x in [values.index(i) for i in new_values]]

 Which reduces to

[items[values.index(i)] for i in new_values]

All these variances prove how python amazing is, thanks!

 (Although 'i' is not a good choice of variable as it represents a
 value, not an index)

Actually, I think 'i' indeed represents index of each sorted values in
original values list

 Anyway it doesn't work well if the 'values' list has repeated values,

 items = ['spam', 'eggs', 'wafer']
 values = [3, 7, 3]

Yes, I didn't even think about this situation!
I'm new to python too, as original poster Esmail, there are a lot of things
to learn to be a real pythoner:)

Re: first, second, etc line of text file

2009-04-24 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Thu, 23 Apr 2009 18:50:06 -0300, Scott David Daniels escribió:

Gabriel Genellina wrote:
En Wed, 25 Jul 2007 19:14:28 -0300, James Stroud  

[nice recipe to retrieve only certain lines of a file]

I think your time machine needs an adjustment, it spits things almost two  
years later :)

Gabriel Genellina


Python servlet for Java applet ?

2009-04-24 Thread Linuxguy123
Hi guys.

Is there a way to use a python application as the back end (ie rpc) for
a Java based applet ?

How does it work compared to a Java servlet with a Java applet ?



confused with so many python package locations for imports

2009-04-24 Thread Krishnakant

hello all,
I was doing my first complete python packaging for my software and I am
totally confused.
I see, /usr/local/lib/python-2.6/site-packages and also dist-packages.
Then I also see a directory called pyshare, then again site-packages in
usr/lib/python (I am not even remembering correct paths for many such
locations ).

Now my question is, which the perfect place?  I would like to know if I
write a distutils based for my application, then which is the
place which I should choose?

happy hacking.


Re: best way to compare contents of 2 lists?

2009-04-24 Thread norseman

Esmail wrote:

What is the best way to compare the *contents* of two different
lists regardless of their respective order? The lists will have
the same number of items, and be of the same type.

E.g. a trivial example (my lists will be larger),

a=[1, 2, 3]

b=[2, 3, 1]

should yield true if a==b

I suppose I could sort them and then compare them. I.e.,


I am wondering if there is a more efficient/preferred way to do so.



Technically, ==  is reserved for identical, as in byte for byte same

-If sorted(listA) == sorted(listB):
-  etc
Is the preferred.

While there are other ways, the ones I know of are much more computer 

Things like:
  get (next) line from file1
  if checking it against each line of file2 yields a found
are a real I/O killers.
Indexes are good but introduce a separate maintenance issue.

By the way - does original order of original files count?
If not, sorting AND KEEPING can speed up future things.

Of course each method has its time and place of use and Python has some 
well oiled list search and list maintain routines of its own. List 
comparisons are most accurate when using presorted ones. (Some things 
don't lend themselves to sorting very well. Like paragraphs, books, 
chapters, computer programs, manuals, etc... These need the searchers 
(equivalent to the Unix diff) for checking equivalence.)



PyQt4 - widget signal trouble

2009-04-24 Thread Joacim Thomassen

I'm trying to get my first PyQt4 application to work as intended, but it 
seems I'm stuck and out of ideas for now.

The program is a simple GUI showing an image. If the image on disk change 
my intension is that the displayed image in my application also change 

What works: The filesystem change is detected and my program prints out 
Change happened!

what is the problem: The image shown in the application is not changed.

What am I doing wrong here? Any ideas and suggestions are appreciated.

Best regards,
Joacim Thomassen

My program:

Simple photo frame for the desktop

Author: Joacim Thomassen, 4/2-2009
License: AGPLv3+

Last change: 24/2-2009

from __future__ import division
import sys
from math import *
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *

import time
import fcntl
import os
import signal

fname = /home/joacim/.familyframe

class Watcher(QObject):
def handler(self, signum, frame):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(Watcher, self).__init__()
signal.signal(signal.SIGIO, self.handler)
fd =, os.O_RDONLY)
fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETSIG, 0)
fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_NOTIFY, fcntl.DN_MODIFY | 

class ImageWidget(QLabel):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(QLabel, self).__init__(parent)
self.image = QImage(/home/joacim/.familyframe/image.jpg)
self.setMinimumSize(200, 200)
def reload(self):
print Change happened!

class CentralWidget(QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(QWidget, self).__init__(parent)
self.imagewidget = ImageWidget() = QHBoxLayout()
def reload(self):

class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, w, parent=None):
super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent)
self.centralwidget = CentralWidget()
self.setWindowTitle(Family Frame)
self.connect(w, SIGNAL(imageChange), self.updateUi)
def updateUi(self):

if __name__ == __main__:
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
w = Watcher()
main = MainWindow(w)

Re: Convert numpy.ndarray into normal array

2009-04-24 Thread Aahz
In article,
Johannes Bauer wrote:

So now I want to copy the fits_pixels - pb_pixels. Doing

pb_pixels = fits_pixels

works and is insanely fast, however the picture looks all screwed-up
(looks like a RGB picture of unititialized memory, huge chunks of 0s
interleaved with lots of white noise).

Doing the loop:

for x in range(width):
   for y in range(height):
   pb_pixels[y, x] = fits_pixels[y, x]

works as expected, but is horribly slow (around 3 seconds for a 640x480

So now I've been trying to somehow convert the array in a fast manner,
but just couldn't do it. What exactly is array anyways? I know
array.array, but that's something completely different, right? Does
anyone have hints on how to go do this?
Aahz (   *

If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait
until you hire an amateur.  --Red Adair

Help AIX 5.3 build on Python-3.1a2

2009-04-24 Thread pruebauno
OPT=-O2 LDFLAGS=-s ./configure --prefix=/ptst --with-gcc=xlc_r -q64
--with-cxx=xlC_r -q64 --disable-ipv6 AR=ar -X64 --without-locale --

checking for --with-universal-archs... 32-bit
checking MACHDEP... aix5
checking machine type as reported by uname -m... 00023AAA4C00
checking for --without-gcc... xlc_r -q64
checking for gcc... xlc_r -q64
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of executables...
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... no
checking whether xlc_r -q64 accepts -g... yes
checking for xlc_r -q64 option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking for --with-cxx-main=compiler... no
checking for c++... no
checking for g++... no
checking for gcc... no
checking for CC... no
checking for cxx... no
checking for cc++... no
checking for cl... no
checking how to run the C preprocessor... xlc_r -q64 -E
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep
checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E
checking for AIX... yes
checking for --with-suffix...
checking for case-insensitive build directory... no
checking LIBRARY... libpython$(VERSION).a
checking LINKCC... $(srcdir)/Modules/makexp_aix Modules/python.exp . $
checking for --enable-shared... no
checking for --enable-profiling...
checking LDLIBRARY... libpython$(VERSION).a
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking for ar... ar -X64
checking for svnversion... not-found
checking for a BSD-compatible install... ./install-sh -c
checking for --with-pydebug... no
checking whether xlc_r -q64 accepts -OPT:Olimit=0... no
checking whether xlc_r -q64 accepts -Olimit 1500... no
checking whether pthreads are available without options... yes
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking asm/types.h usability... no
checking asm/types.h presence... no
checking for asm/types.h... no
checking conio.h usability... no
checking conio.h presence... no
checking for conio.h... no
checking curses.h usability... yes
checking curses.h presence... yes
checking for curses.h... yes
checking direct.h usability... no
checking direct.h presence... no
checking for direct.h... no
checking dlfcn.h usability... yes
checking dlfcn.h presence... yes
checking for dlfcn.h... yes
checking errno.h usability... yes
checking errno.h presence... yes
checking for errno.h... yes
checking fcntl.h usability... yes
checking fcntl.h presence... yes
checking for fcntl.h... yes
checking grp.h usability... yes
checking grp.h presence... yes
checking for grp.h... yes
checking ieeefp.h usability... no
checking ieeefp.h presence... no
checking for ieeefp.h... no
checking io.h usability... no
checking io.h presence... no
checking for io.h... no
checking langinfo.h usability... yes
checking langinfo.h presence... yes
checking for langinfo.h... yes
checking libintl.h usability... yes
checking libintl.h presence... yes
checking for libintl.h... yes
checking ncurses.h usability... no
checking ncurses.h presence... no
checking for ncurses.h... no
checking poll.h usability... yes
checking poll.h presence... yes
checking for poll.h... yes
checking process.h usability... no
checking process.h presence... no
checking for process.h... no
checking pthread.h usability... yes
checking pthread.h presence... yes
checking for pthread.h... yes
checking shadow.h usability... no
checking shadow.h presence... no
checking for shadow.h... no
checking signal.h usability... yes
checking signal.h presence... yes
checking for signal.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... (cached) yes
checking stropts.h usability... yes
checking stropts.h presence... yes
checking for stropts.h... yes
checking termios.h usability... yes
checking termios.h presence... yes
checking for termios.h... yes
checking thread.h usability... no
checking thread.h presence... no
checking for thread.h... no
checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes
checking utime.h usability... yes
checking utime.h presence... yes
checking for utime.h... yes
checking sys/audioio.h usability... no
checking sys/audioio.h presence... no
checking for sys/audioio.h... no
checking sys/bsdtty.h usability... no
checking sys/bsdtty.h presence... no
checking for sys/bsdtty.h... no
checking sys/epoll.h usability... no
checking sys/epoll.h presence... no
checking for sys/epoll.h... no
checking sys/event.h usability... no
checking sys/event.h presence... no
checking for sys/event.h... no
checking sys/file.h usability... yes
checking sys/file.h presence... yes
checking for sys/file.h... yes
checking sys/loadavg.h usability... no
checking sys/loadavg.h presence... no
checking for sys/loadavg.h... no

Re: mailbox.mbox.add() sets access time as well as modification time

2009-04-24 Thread Lawrence D'Oliveiro
In message gtudnry7tappu2zunz2dnuvz_h6dn...@posted.visi, Grant Edwards 

 AFAIK, atimemtime has been the standard way to determine when an mbox
 contains new mail for at least 20 years.

Doesn't apply to maildir though, does it?

Updating atime adds a lot of filesystem overhead; that's why the relatime 
option was invented But better still is 
not to bother.


Re: best way to compare contents of 2 lists?

2009-04-24 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, 24 Apr 2009 10:39:39 -0700, norseman wrote:

 Technically, ==  is reserved for identical, as in byte for byte same

Really? Then how do you explain these?

 u'abc' == 'abc'
 1 == 1.0
 2L == 2

 import decimal
 decimal.Decimal('42') == 42

Here's one to think about:

 d1 = {-1: None, -2: None}
 d2 = {-2: None, -1: None}
 print d1, d2
{-2: None, -1: None} {-1: None, -2: None}
 d1 == d2

If d1 and d2 are equal and both are dictionaries with the same keys and 
same values, why do they print in different orders?


Re: python list handling and Lisp list handling

2009-04-24 Thread Mark Tarver
On 24 Apr, 17:19, Paul Rubin http://phr...@nospam.invalid wrote:
 Mark Tarver writes:
  But are Python lists also indistinguishable from conventional
  Lisplists for list processing.  

 Forgot to add: you might look at

 Mark Tarver writes:
  But are Python lists also indistinguishable from conventional
  Lisplists for list processing.

 They are very different.  There is nothing like cons or nconc.
 You can't convert two lists to a single longer list with nconc,

Ah;  so this

def cons (x,y):
  return [x] + y

is not accurate?


Re: mailbox.mbox.add() sets access time as well as modification time

2009-04-24 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2009-04-24, MRAB wrote:

 The access time is the time it was last accessed, ie read or modified.
 The modification time is the time it was last modified.
 The access time can never be before the modification time because it
 must be accessed in order to be modified!
 Nonsense.  You can set atime and mtime to anything you want.

 Well, yes, you can always change atime and mtime and make it
 look like something happened at a different time to when it
 actually happened...

Yup.  And that's what one does when writing to an mbox format

 SOP for writing to to an mbox formatted mailbox is to preserve
 the atime (changing only the mtime) so that other programs know
 that that there is new mail in the mbox.  I know mutt works
 that way, and I believe that the you've got new mail features
 in some shells work that way.  AFAIK, atimemtime has been the
 standard way to determine when an mbox contains new mail for
 at least 20 years.

 So atime is used to indicate when it was last read, not last
 accessed? Hmm...

Unfortunately, that's how mbox works.  It's an ugly hack, but
if one didn't care about backwards-compatiblity with old e-mail
apps, then one would use a less broken mailbox format like

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! I smell like a wet
  at   reducing clinic on Columbus

Re: mailbox.mbox.add() sets access time as well as modification time

2009-04-24 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2009-04-24, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand wrote:
 In message gtudnry7tappu2zunz2dnuvz_h6dn...@posted.visi, Grant Edwards 

 AFAIK, atimemtime has been the standard way to determine
 when an mbox contains new mail for at least 20 years.

 Doesn't apply to maildir though, does it?

Nope.  With maildir, there's a completely separate directory
where one puts new messages.

 Updating atime adds a lot of filesystem overhead; that's why
 the relatime option was invented

The relatime should cut down a great deal on system overhead
and yet still preserves the atime/mtime semantics used by mbox

 But better still is not to bother.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! I wonder if I could
  at   ever get started in the
   visi.comcredit world?

Re: repost: http web page fetch question

2009-04-24 Thread Emile van Sebille

grocery_stocker wrote:

Given the following...

[cdal...@localhost oakland]$ more


How do I modify it so that it runs every hour on the hour.

I'd probably use cron, but here's one way.


import sched
import time

scheduler = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep)

def print_event(count,rescheduler):
print 'EVENT:', time.time(), count

print 'START:', time.time()
scheduler.enter(2, 1, print_event, (1,scheduler))


Re: and [True,True] -- [True, True]?????

2009-04-24 Thread Martin v. Löwis

 Of course dicts and sets are sequences.  But there are also sequences
 on which len doesn't work.
 That was my intuition, too. But Python takes a different stance:

It's a sequence if it can be indexed by numbers in range(len(seq)).
Neither dicts nor sets can be indexed that way.


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