ANN: SfePy 2009.3 released

2009-07-21 Thread Robert Cimrman
I am pleased to announce release 2009.3 of SfePy.

SfePy (simple finite elements in Python) is a software, distributed
under the BSD license, for solving systems of coupled partial
differential equations by the finite element method. The code is based
on NumPy and SciPy packages.

Mailing lists, issue tracking, git repository:
Home page:

Highlights of this release
Finally, SfePy has a basic support for Windows installation via numpy
- still very experimental!
- the tests will not finish if umfpack is not installed, as the
default direct solver in scipy cannot handle some problems (see recent
sfepy-devel mailing list discussions).

Major improvements
- new scripts:
  - cylindrical mesh generator
- updated scripts:
- quite usable now for fast first glance at the results
- plots point, cell data of all kinds (scalar, vector, tensor)
- Viewer is much more configurable
- can probe selected quantities only
  - isfepy:
- Viewer is much more configurable
- new tests and terms


- phononic materials:
   - plotting improved
   - caching of eigen-problem solution and Christoffel acoustic tensor
   - choose and call DFT solver via solver interface

People who contributed to this release: Vladimir Lukes.

For more information on this release, see

Best regards,
Robert Cimrman


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: ignore special characters in python regex

2009-07-21 Thread John Machin
On Jul 21, 3:02 pm, Astan Chee wrote:
 I'm reading text from a file (per line) and I want to do a regex using
 these lines but I want the regex to ignore any special characters and
 treat them like normal strings.
 Is there a regex function that can do this?

It would help if you were to say

(1) what ignore ... characters means -- pretend they don't exist?
(2) what are special chararacters -- non-alphanumeric?
(3) what treat them like normal strings means
(4) how you expect these special characters to be (a) ignored and (b)
treated like normal strings /at the same time/.


Re: any suggestions to synchronize typed text and speech ?

2009-07-21 Thread Che M
On Jul 19, 4:15 pm, Stef Mientki wrote:

 I'm using Scintilla as a wxPython widget with great pleasure.
 I now have an application where I want to make notes during a conversation,
 but also want to record the speech during that conversation.
 I'm using Scintilla as a wxPython widget for editing and PyAudio for the
 speech recording,
 until so far everything works fine.

 Here the problem part:
 I need to synchronize the typed text with the sound during playback.
 So if I click somewhere in the sound recording,
 the line of text, typed that moment should be highlighted.
 And vise versa, if the cursor in the text is moved and some special key
 is pressed,
 the sound starting 10 or 20seconds earlier should be playbacked.

 I though of adding bookmarks (because these are fixed in the text), and
 keep a list of bookmarks and sound pointers.
 This idea should work, but there are only 31 bookmarks.

 Any other suggestions ?

 Stef Mientki

Stef, it occurs to me now that you might be useful to look at

From their site:

Transana is software for professional researchers who want to
analyze digital video or audio data. Transana lets you analyze
and manage your data in very sophisticated ways. Transcribe it,
identify analytically interesting clips, assign keywords to clips,
arrange and rearrange clips, create complex collections of
interrelated clips, explore relationships between applied keywords,
and share your analysis with colleagues.

It is written in Python, uses Scintilla, and is open source (GPL):


Re: comments? storing a function in an object

2009-07-21 Thread I V
On Mon, 20 Jul 2009 21:53:59 -0400, Esmail wrote:
 In general I would agree with you, but in my specific case I want so
 store some additional meta-data with each function, such as the valid
 range for input values, where the max or minimum are located, the
 name/source for the function etc. I am creating list of functions for
 use in testing optimization code, so it seems best to store this data
 along with the function I am going to optimize in order to verify the
 results for a given range (for instance).

You can set attributes on functions, so if your class is just storing 
this data, rather than altering the behavior of the function, you may be 
able to just use a function:

def f(x, y):
x * y
return x * y

f.arguments_max = [1000, 255]

A function also already knows how many arguments it takes, which you can 
access as f.func_code.co_argcount

python function for retrieving key and encryption

2009-07-21 Thread jayshree
M2Crypto package not showing the 'recipient_public_key.pem' file at
linux terminal .how do i get/connect with recipient public key.

exactly i need to check how can i open this file through linux

import M2Crypto def encrypt(): recip = M2Crypto.RSA.load_pub_key(open
('recipient_public_key.pem','rb').read()) print recip; plaintext =
whatever i need to encrypt msg = recip.public_encrypt
(plaintext,RSA.pkcs1_padding) print msg;

after calling the function its not giving any output and even any

i also tried as 'Will' said

pk = open('public_key.pem','rb').read() print pk; rsa =

whats the mistake i am not getting .will somebody help me out.
is something wrong in opening 'recipient_public_key.pem'. is M2Crypto
contain this file inbuilt .from where this file taking public key of
the recipient i'. what this file contain and how it will work .should
i need to create such a file for my purpose.if it is then how can i
create this  and how it will retrieve the key,where i recognize my
recipient to get his public key .is something like database at server.

please give me a quick response..
looking for your answer.

Re: Why aren't OrderedDicts comparable with etc?

2009-07-21 Thread Jack Diederich
On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 10:00 AM, Steven
D' wrote:
 On Mon, 20 Jul 2009 09:34:24 +, Sion Arrowsmith wrote:

 Terry Reedy wrote:
Sion Arrowsmith wrote:
 Jack Diederich wrote:
 It isn't an OrderedDict thing, it is a comparison thing.  Two regular
 dicts also raise an error if you try to LT them.
 Python 2.5.2
 d1 = dict((str(i), i) for i in range (10)) d2 = dict((str(i), i)
 for i in range (20)) d1  d2
Try reversing the definitions of d1 and d2. The dicts are probably being
compared by id (address), which is the 2.x CPython default.

 Like this?

 d1 = dict((str(i), i) for i in range (20))
 d2 = dict((str(i), i) for i in range (10))
 d1  d2
 id(d1)  id(d2)

 I didn't know that comparison for anything other than equality defaulted
 to using id. That really is rather broken, and I'm glad 3.0 fixed it.

 I don't think comparisons other than equality use id. That would be
 rather insane. If anyone can demonstrate such comparisons in a built-in
 or standard library class, I'd like to see it.

 For the record, dicts have been comparable with  and  since at least
 Python 1.5:

 $ python1.5
 Python 1.5.2 (#1, Apr  1 2009, 22:55:54)  [GCC 4.1.2 20070925 (Red Hat
 4.1.2-27)] on linux2
 Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam

 {1: 'a', 2: 'b'}  {2: 'b', 3: 'a'}

 Reading the docs:

 I can only suggest that dicts compare in an arbitrary but consistent

I should have specified 3.x but since we were talking about
OrderedDicts (only in 3.1) I didn't say it explicitly.   Earlier
versions of python were very permissive with comparisons -- it was
rare that any cmp() raised an error and the ultimate fallback was on
the object's id.  This is one of the non-backwards compatible changes
in 3k.  Now comparing two of the same thing that don't have an obvious
ordering is an error.  Is a dict greater than if it has a larger
size?  if its max key is larger?  what does max key mean when the
keys aren't even comparable?.  Comparing things that aren't extremely
similar is an error now also.


Re: comments? storing a function in an object

2009-07-21 Thread Gabriel Genellina

En Mon, 20 Jul 2009 22:53:59 -0300, Esmail escribió:

Gabriel Genellina wrote:
If you follow the above suggestions, you'll see that your Function  
class becomes almost useless: a normal function already IS an object,  
so you don't have to wrap it inside ANOTHER object unless you need very  
special features.

Hello Gabriel,

In general I would agree with you, but in my specific case
I want so store some additional meta-data with each function, such
as the valid range for input values, where the max or minimum are  

the name/source for the function etc. I am creating list of functions
for use in testing optimization code, so it seems best to store this
data along with the function I am going to optimize in order to verify
the results for a given range (for instance).

You can store all meta-data in the function itself:

py def triangle(b, h):
...   area of triangle: b*h/2
...   return b*h/2
py = some value
'some value'

Python already knows some properties:

py triangle.func_code.co_argcount
py triangle.func_doc
'area of triangle: b*h/2'
py triangle.__doc__
'area of triangle: b*h/2'

You may use this variant of Carl Banks proposal - this is a factory  
function that returns new function objects:

def inline_function_factory(name, args, expr):
  ns = {}
  exec '''def %s(%s):
return %s''' % (
name, args, expr, expr) in ns
  function = ns[name]
  return function

py sqr = inline_function_factory(square, x, x*x)
py sqr(3)
py sqr.__doc__
py sqr
function square at 0x00B46770

Wrapping a function object isn't necesarily bad, but perhaps you're doing  
things more complicated than should be.

Gabriel Genellina


Re: ignore special characters in python regex

2009-07-21 Thread Astan Chee

I think the re.escape did the trick.
to answer your questions:
By ignore i meant instead of using non-alphanumeric characters that 
have special significance in regular expression (e.g. [|\]) and treat 
them as normal strings (i.e preceded by \), but since I don't know all 
the characters in regular expression that have special significance, I 
don't know which ones to add a '\' infront of.

Thanks anyway

John Machin wrote:

On Jul 21, 3:02 pm, Astan Chee wrote:

I'm reading text from a file (per line) and I want to do a regex using
these lines but I want the regex to ignore any special characters and
treat them like normal strings.
Is there a regex function that can do this?

It would help if you were to say

(1) what ignore ... characters means -- pretend they don't exist?
(2) what are special chararacters -- non-alphanumeric?
(3) what treat them like normal strings means
(4) how you expect these special characters to be (a) ignored and (b)
treated like normal strings /at the same time/.


Re: If Scheme is so good why MIT drops it?

2009-07-21 Thread Rainer Joswig
On 21 Jul., 06:57, Frank Buss wrote:
 Scott Burson wrote:
  Have you looked at ECL?

  I've used it only a little, so I can't vouch for its stability, but it
  fits the threading and license requirements (well, some corporate
  lawyers have trouble with the LGPL, but I think it's usable).

 I didn't tried it myself, but looks like it is not very stable:

I'm not sure if it is fair to post a reference to a single
post by someone without context and without having used ECL.
If there are stability problems, people can report to the
ECL mailing list. The maintainers are very active.

Frank, I have seen you constructive and posting code a year ago.
What happened? Several messages of yours I've seen here are now
going in the direction of been mostly useless. I thought
you could do better.

If you are no longer interested in Lisp with no first hand usage,
why not switch to comp.lang.misc or some other random place?

Re: Mutable Strings - Any libraries that offer this?

2009-07-21 Thread Thomas Guettler
casebash schrieb:
 I have searched this list and found out that Python doesn't have a
 mutable string class (it had an inefficient one, but this was removed
 in 3.0). Are there any libraries outside the core that offer this?


you could use a list of characters. It would not be difficult to
implement this as a class with all fancy methods like startswith() ...


Thomas Guettler,
E-Mail: guettli (*) thomas-guettler + de

PIL for OSX 64bit

2009-07-21 Thread moerchendiser2k3

I have a problem with Python and the Python Image Library to get it
work on OSX 64 bit. Maybe anyone can help me? I started Python in 64
bit mode and called and got:

ImportError: The _imaging C module is not installed

Yes, it seems PIL is not available in 64 bit on my system, but I can't
compile it in any way. Is there a tutorial or something like that
which explains how I can compile it in 64 bit? I found a workaround
where I added this function to the

OrigExtension = Extension
def Extension(*args, **kwargs):
extra_args = ['-arch', 'x86_64']
kwargs['extra_compile_args'] = extra_args + kwargs.get
('extra_compile_args', [])
kwargs['extra_link_args'] = extra_args + kwargs.get('extra_link_args',
return OrigExtension(*args, **kwargs)

without success. Can anyone help me? Thanks...

Cheers, Googler

Re: Running a Python Service under the LocalService or NetworkService Account

2009-07-21 Thread sightseer
On Jul 20, 5:25 pm, David Adamo Jr. wrote:
 On Jul 20, 5:14 pm, Tim Golden wrote:

  mistersexy wrote:
   On Jul 20, 3:03 pm, Tim Golden wrote:
   mistersexy wrote:
   I am trying to create a Windows service in Python using pywin32. I do
   not want this service to run under a user account. I want this service
   to be able to run as a LocalService, NetworkService and the like. How
   do I specify this using the win32 library? Thanks, everyone.
   When you install the service, using the HandleCommandLine
   option, specify --username= and --password options.


   That's exactly my point. I do not want to have to specify username and
   password options. For instance, when creating a Windows Service
   in .NET, it is possible to specify that the service should run using
   the LocalService or NetworkService account. Doing this, you would not
   need to specify username and password options. Is there a way to
   achieve this in Python?

  Sorry, I misread: I mentally removed the not in your 'I do not want
  this service to run under a user account' and reinserted it
  further on!

  By default, the service will run as LocalSystem: you
  only specify a username to override that default. The value
  in Username is passed straight through to the CreateService
  Win32 API, and the docs for that:


  lpServiceStartName [in, optional]

      The name of the account under which the service should run. If the 
  service type is SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, use an account name in the form 
  DomainName\UserName. The service process will be logged on as this user. If 
  the account belongs to the built-in domain, you can specify .\UserName.

      If this parameter is NULL, CreateService uses the LocalSystem account. 
  If the service type specifies SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS, the service must 
  run in the LocalSystem account.

      If this parameter is NT AUTHORITY\LocalService, CreateService uses the 
  LocalService account. If the parameter is NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService, 
  CreateService uses the NetworkService account.

      A shared process can run as any user.

      If the service type is SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER or 
  SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER, the name is the driver object name that the 
  system uses to load the device driver. Specify NULL if the driver is to use 
  a default object name created by the I/O system.

      A service can be configured to use a managed account or a virtual 
  account. If the service is configured to use a managed service account, the 
  name is the managed service account name. If the service is configured to 
  use a virtual account, specify the name as NT SERVICE\ServiceName. For more 
  information about managed service accounts and virtual accounts, see the 
  Service Accounts Step-by-Step Guide.

          Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, and 
  Windows XP/2000:  Managed service accounts and virtual accounts are not 
  supported until Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

  So, although I haven't tried it, it looks as though you can pass
  LocalService or NetworkService and so on if you want to
  override the default LocalSystem but don't want to specify a


 I'll try this stuff. Thanks a million...I'll let everyone know how it

I'm finding it hard to install my Python service. When I try to
install the service, this is what I get:

Error Installing Service: Access is Denied. (5)

Event with a correct username and password (I think).
Also, inheriting from the win32serviceutil.Framework class, I do not
see a way to explicitly specify the serviceType. I know some of the
parameters such as the startupType can be specified when installing
the service in the command line, but how are these things specified in
the service code when inheriting from win32serviceutil.Framework
(especially the serviceType).

Does this mean I would have to code my service from scratch without
using win32serviceutil.Framework? Basically, I still can't install my
service using a NetworkService or LocalSystem Account because it still
requires me to specify a username and password. Following Tim Golden's
advice, I'm trying to specify the service type in order to determine
what account to run the service under. Please help!

Re: Help understanding the decisions *behind* python?

2009-07-21 Thread Hendrik van Rooyen
On Monday 20 July 2009 21:26:07 Phillip B Oldham wrote:
 On Jul 20, 6:08 pm, Duncan Booth wrote:
  The main reason why you need both lists and tuples is that because a
  tuple of immutable objects is itself immutable you can use it as a
  dictionary key.

 Really? That sounds interesting, although I can't think of any real-
 world cases where you'd use something like that.

simplest is something like a point in the cartesian plane with
an associated attribute like colour.

- Hendrik


Re: ANN: Shed Skin 0.2, an experimental (restricted) Python-to-C++ compiler

2009-07-21 Thread William Dode
On 20-07-2009, srepmub wrote:

 Nice timings, can you please show me the Python, Java and C code
 versions? I may do more tests.

Of course, the codes are here :

Like you'll see, i tried to use exactly the same code for each langage.

 also, which shedskin options did you use? did you use -bw, to disable
 bounds and wrap-around checking? this can make quite a difference for
 code that does a lot of indexing. if the code uses random numbers,
 then -r can also make a big difference, to use C rand(), instead of
 Python compatible random numbers.

 and which C++ compiler flags did you use? the default -O2, or
 something like -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -msse2..?

I used the default, shedksin; make
shedskin 0.2

With -bw and -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -msse2 i have 5.5s (instead of 8)

Let me know if you find better.

William Dodé -
Informaticien Indépendant

Re: ANN: Shed Skin 0.2, an experimental (restricted) Python-to-C++ compiler

2009-07-21 Thread William Dode
On 20-07-2009, Bearophile wrote:
 Skip Montanaro:
 I read just enough French to know that avec means with, but I don't
 understand the difference between avec malloc *int and avec [].  Can you
 explain please?

 Maybe it's the time difference between using a Python list from Cython
 and using a C array allocated with a malloc from Cython.

yes, it's this

William Dodé -
Informaticien Indépendant

Re: Mutable Strings - Any libraries that offer this?

2009-07-21 Thread Ben Finney
John Machin writes:

 OK, I'll bite: where does the Python 3.x bytearray type

I wasn't previously aware of it, thanks for bringing it to my attention

 fit into your taxonomy? At first glance it appears to be mutable and
 have a fair swag of functionality.

Yes. I'd classify it as a mutable array of bytes :-) but, as such, not
to be used as a text string.

 \“Science doesn't work by vote and it doesn't work by |
  `\authority.” —Richard Dawkins, _Big Mistake_ (The Guardian, |
_o__)  2006-12-27) |
Ben Finney

Re: Mutable Strings - Any libraries that offer this?

2009-07-21 Thread Ben Finney
Steven D'Aprano writes:

 On Mon, 20 Jul 2009 21:08:22 +1000, Ben Finney wrote:
  A mutable string would not (AFAICT) be usefully implementable as a
  subclass of the built-in string types. So even if such a type
  existed, it would not be useable with all the functionality that
  works with strings.
 If applications ignore duck-typing and do isinstance(value, str), it's
 arguably the application and not the value that is broken.

Agreed, I wouldn't advise that. My point was rather meant to imply that
subclassing the built-in (immutable) string types was the best way to
usefully get all their functionality, rather than re-implementing most
of it.

 \ “I went to a restaurant that serves ‘breakfast at any time’. So |
  `\I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance.” —Steven Wright |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

Re: missing 'xor' Boolean operator

2009-07-21 Thread Mark Dickinson
On Jul 20, 11:34 pm, Ethan Furman wrote:
 Dr. Phillip M. Feldman wrote:
   Suppose that 'xor' returns the value that is true when only one value is
   true, and False otherwise.  This definition of xor doesn't have the
   associative property, that is,
   (a xor b) xor c
   will not necessarily equal
   a xor (b xor c)
   To see that this is the case, let a= 1, b= 2, and c= 3.
   (a xor b) xor c
   yields 3, while
   a xor (b xor c)
   yields 1.  So, I'd prefer an xor operator that simply returns True or

 You are, of course, free to write your version however it makes sense to
 you and your team.  :)

 Since the 'and' and 'or' already return objects (and objects evaluate to
 true or false), then 'xor' should behave likewise, IMO.  I expect that
 would be the case if it were ever added to the language.

I'm not so sure.  Did you ever wonder why the any() and all()
functions introduced in 2.5 return a boolean rather than returning
one of their arguments?  (I did, and I'm still not sure what the
answer is.)


Re: If Scheme is so good why MIT drops it?

2009-07-21 Thread Juanjo
On Jul 21, 6:57 am, Frank Buss wrote:
 Scott Burson wrote:
  Have you looked atECL?

  I've used it only a little, so I can't vouch for its stability, but it
  fits the threading and license requirements (well, some corporate
  lawyers have trouble with the LGPL, but I think it's usable).

 I didn't tried it myself, but looks like it is not very stable:

ECL suffers from fast development problems if this is what you mean.
People are advised to stay with certain releases and we announce when
some ports are broken due to progress along certain lines.

For instance, if I find that the generational garbage collector is
needed for Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and OS X, and it works, I do not
mind dropping temporarily the mingw port until the garbage collector
library catches up. People who wanted to stay with mingw produced a
branch (see Samium's posts) with the old garbage collector.

Now this is not so dramatic. ECL now has a release cycle of ONE MONTH.
If you find that this month's release does not work on your platform
(and this is normally explicit in the announcement), then do not
upgrade and wait one or two months until the problem is solved.

OTOH, people only seem to notice problems when their petty platform is
temporarily broken, but nobody seems to notice the overall stability
and portability of the platform. See the list
which will soon expand including Solaris and regular builds on Windows
using the free Microsoft compiler. And once the ARM computer I have
been gifted by a happy arrives, then Debian-ARM as well.


Re: If Scheme is so good why MIT drops it?

2009-07-21 Thread milanj
On Jul 19, 8:31 pm, Frank Buss wrote:
 Python is not that bad. Unlike Lisp, there is much less undefined behavior,
 there is one free unique implementation on the 3 major platforms Linux,
 Windows and MacOS X, which is stable, support multithreading and has a
 default GUI library binding, which is difficult to find for Lisp (e.g. I
 don't know of a free modern and stable Lisp implemenation with
 mulithreading support for Windows, with a licence with which you can use it
 in closed source commercial programs, like you can do with Python). Many
 problems in the Lispbuilder mailing list are related to problems due to
 different operating systems and Lisp implementations.

 Frank Buss, 

Someone should mention Clozure CL -
As you can see there is os x, freebsd, linux, solaris and windows port
and all of them use native threads (python still use green threads ?)
and development is pretty alive, they did planty of developing last
year[s], ccl licence permits you to deliver closed source programs ...
CCL is promising bright feature to CL since looks like the insist of
building stable implementation across most arch in use today


Re: Running a Python Service under the LocalService or NetworkService Account

2009-07-21 Thread Martin P. Hellwig

sightseer wrote:

Error Installing Service: Access is Denied. (5)

Are you trying to do this on windows vista?

'If consumed, best digested with added seasoning to own preference.'

Re: ignore special characters in python regex

2009-07-21 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 21 Jul 2009 02:02:57 -0300, Astan Chee  

I'm reading text from a file (per line) and I want to do a regex using  
these lines but I want the regex to ignore any special characters and  
treat them like normal strings.

Is there a regex function that can do this?
Here is what I have so far:
fp = open('file.txt','r')
notes = fp.readlines()
strin = this is what I want
for note in notes:
 if str(note) + ,strin):
   print Found  + str(note) +  in  + strin

You don't even need a regex for that.

py fragil in supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

Note that: r+ str(note) + 
is the same as: str(note)
which in turn is the same as: note

Remember that each line keeps its '\n' final!

for note in notes:
  if note.rstrip('\n') in strin:
print Found %s in %s % (note, strin)

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Help understanding the decisions *behind* python?

2009-07-21 Thread Duncan Booth
Hrvoje Niksic wrote:

 Chris Rebert writes:
 x = [2,1,3]
 print sorted(x)[0]
DB 3

 What kind of Python produces that?

 Assuming you're referring to the latter example, it was added in
 version 2.4 If you meant the former example, I think that's purely
 sorted([2, 1, 3])[0] evaluates to 1, not 3.

I guess you can tell I broke my unbreakable rule to never post untested 
code without labelling it as such. :-)

Duncan Booth

Re: How to import pydoc and then use it?

2009-07-21 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Albert Hopkins wrote:

On Mon, 2009-07-20 at 13:38 -0700, mrstevegross wrote:

I know how to use pydoc from the command line. However, because of
complicated environmental setup, it would be preferable to run it
within a python script as a native API call. That is, my python runner
looks a bit like this:

  import pydoc

However, it's not clear to me from the pydoc documentation which
function calls I need to use to make this behavior work. Any ideas?

Did you try 'pydoc pydoc'? ;)


import pydoc
htmldoc = pydoc.HTMLDoc()
htmldoc_for_pydoc = htmldoc(pydoc)
print htmldoc_for_pydoc

By the way, just in case the OP didn't know, there is the epydoc module 
(google it) which is doing basically the same things than pydoc, but 
with a much better look and feel to my opinion.


Re: ANN: Shed Skin 0.2, an experimental (restricted) Python-to-C++ compiler

2009-07-21 Thread srepmub

 With -bw and -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -msse2 i have 5.5s (instead of 8)

 Let me know if you find better.

thanks. now I'm wondering how fast does the C version become with
these flags..? :-)


Re: ANN: Shed Skin 0.2, an experimental (restricted) Python-to-C++ compiler

2009-07-21 Thread Nick Craig-Wood
Mark Dufour wrote:
  I have just released version 0.2 of Shed Skin, an experimental
  (restricted) Python-to-C++ compiler (
  It comes with 7 new example programs (for a total of 40 example
  programs, at over 12,000 lines) and several important improvements/bug
  fixes. See for the
  full changelog.


I tried it on a program I wrote to solve a puzzle (Rush Hour).
(Actually it solves the meta-puzzle - trying to make the hardest
possible Rush Hour puzzle.)

After a bit of twiddling (remove psyco and profiling) I got it to
start compiling, but unfortunately it compiled for about an hour (in
iterative type analysis..) used up 600 MB of RAM printing an '*' every
10 minutes or so then gave an error message and gave up.

Unfortunately I shut the window by accident, but the error message was
something about not being able to resolve types I think with a list of
20 or so unresolved types.

Can you give a hint as to how I debug this?  I presume my program has
some instances of non static types which is causing the problem, but
it is going to be a very long debugging session if it takes me an hour
each cycle ;-)

The program is about 700 lines of python (excluding comments).


Nick Craig-Wood --

Re: ANN: Shed Skin 0.2, an experimental (restricted) Python-to-C++ compiler

2009-07-21 Thread William Dode
On 21-07-2009, srepmub wrote:

 With -bw and -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -msse2 i have 5.5s (instead of 8)

 Let me know if you find better.

 thanks. now I'm wondering how fast does the C version become with
 these flags..? :-)

I don't see any difference...

William Dodé -
Informaticien Indépendant

Re: Running a Python Service under the LocalService or NetworkService Account

2009-07-21 Thread David Adamo Jr.
On Jul 21, 10:40 am, Martin P. Hellwig
 sightseer wrote:


  Error Installing Service: Access is Denied. (5)

 Are you trying to do this on windows vista?

 'If consumed, best digested with added seasoning to own preference.'

Yeah, I was trying to do it on Vista. Someone has just helped me out.
I had to deactivate User Account Control on Windows Vista...and now
everything is rosy. Thanks guys.

Re: JavaScript toolkits (was Re: ANN: Porcupine Web Application Server 0.6 is released!)

2009-07-21 Thread Paul Boddie
On 20 Jul, 18:00, (Aahz) wrote:

 Out of curiosity, are there any JavaScript toolkits that generate code
 that degrades gracefully when JavaScript is disabled?

You mean Web toolkits which use JavaScript, I presume. I have
written (and use myself) a toolkit/framework called XSLForms (part of
the XSLTools distribution) which supports in-page updates (AJAX,
effectively) that degrade to vanilla whole-page requests if JavaScript
is switched off:

I've been meaning to have a few example applications running on that
site to illustrate the point. Some people complain that by
constraining the JavaScript functionality to merely enhance vanilla
HTML/HTTP functionality, one is not using the full potential of the
medium, but having used sites whose JavaScript has failed, thus
preventing the use of those sites almost completely, I think that
stacking AJAX-like stuff on top of normal stuff helps the majority of
developers offer an accessible solution.


Particle research opens door for new technology

2009-07-21 Thread Rashid Ali Soomro
Big uses for small particles will be explored at the annual Particle
Technology Research Centre Conference at The University of Western
Ontario July 9 and 10.more link

RE: Auto-generate GUI from a database table structure

2009-07-21 Thread Boyd, Craig1

Thanks for pointing this out.  It does not look like it supports Oracle at this 
time, which is one of my requirements, but that is based on doing a quick read 
of the wiki.  I will dig in further and see.  Perhaps it supports ODBC which 
would be an acceptable work-around. 

Thanks again,

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of 
Gabriel Genellina
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2009 4:40 PM
Subject: Re: Auto-generate GUI from a database table structure

En Mon, 20 Jul 2009 12:09:47 -0300, Boyd, Craig1

 I am trying to write a couple screens to update three or four database 
 tables on Oracle 10g and I was wondering if there was a way to 
 automatically generate some kind of GUI shell based on the tables that 
 I could then fill in with the logic / functionality I need.

I've never actually used it, but the DABO project seems to provide what you 

Gabriel Genellina


Multiple versions of python

2009-07-21 Thread ChrisW

I have installed 2 versions of python on my Windows XP computer - I
originally had 3.0.1, but then found that the MySQL module only
supported 2.*, so I've now installed that.  I have found that if I
change the Windows Environment Variable path, then I can change the
version of python called when I type 'python' into a command line.
However, I'd like to be able to choose which version I use.  I know
that if I change C:\Python26\python.exe to
C:\Python26\python2.exe and C:\Python30\python.exe to C:
\Python26\python3.exe, then typing 'python2' or 'python3' will invoke
the correct interpreter.  However, is it safe just to rename the
executable files? Is there a more elegant way to achieve the same


Regular expression

2009-07-21 Thread Peter Fodrek
Dear conference!

I have  third party regular expression

 self.pattern_main = re.compile('(\s+|\w(?:[+])?\d*(?:\.\d*)?|\w\#\d+|\(.*?\)|

with code

 def readline(self):
self.line = self.file_in.readline().rstrip()  
if (len(self.line)) : return True
else : return False

 while (self.readline()):
words = self.pattern_main.findall(self.line)

This handles text file  like

// remark
MA  52.8806 ,  18.0914
C   52.3955 ,  -16.1511 ,  -90.

It handles file correctly with two exceptions

1) omits ',' in the a output
2) omits minus sign in the numbers...

Would anyone recommend me what to change regular expression to add thesee two 
think to the output,please?

Thank you for any help.

I  look forward hearing form you
Yours faithfully

Peter Fodrek

Re: Help understanding the decisions *behind* python?

2009-07-21 Thread Inky 788
On Jul 20, 12:27 pm, Phillip B Oldham
 [snip] We
 understand that lists are mutable and tuples are not, but we're a
 little lost as to why the two were kept separate from the start. They
 both perform a very similar job as far as we can tell.

My guess is that it was probably for optimization reasons long ago.
I've never heard a *good* reason why Python needs both.

Re: Mutable Strings - Any libraries that offer this?

2009-07-21 Thread Scott David Daniels

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Mon, 20 Jul 2009 21:08:22 +1000, Ben Finney wrote:

What is it you're trying to do that makes you search for a mutable
string type? It's likely that a better approach can be found.

When dealing with very large strings, it is wasteful to have to duplicate 
the entire string just to mutate a single character.

However, when dealing with very large strings, it's arguably better to 
use the rope data structure instead.

The general problem is that whether strings are mutable or not is an
early language design decision, and few languages provide both.
Mutable strings need lots of data copying to be safe passing args to
unknown functions; immutable strings need lots of copying for ncremental
changes.  The rope is a great idea for some cases.

I'd argue Python works better with immutable strings, because Python is
too slow at per-character operations to be running up and down strings
a character at a time, changing here and there.  So it becomes more
natural to deal with strings as chunks to pass around, and it is nice
not to have to copy the strings when doing that passing around.

--Scott David Daniels

Re: Multiple versions of python

2009-07-21 Thread Scott David Daniels

ChrisW wrote:


I have installed 2 versions of python on my Windows XP computer - I
originally had 3.0.1, but then found that the MySQL module only
supported 2.*, so I've now installed that.  I have found that if I
change the Windows Environment Variable path, then I can change the
version of python called when I type 'python' into a command line.
However, I'd like to be able to choose which version I use.  I know
that if I change C:\Python26\python.exe to
C:\Python26\python2.exe and C:\Python30\python.exe to C:
\Python26\python3.exe, then typing 'python2' or 'python3' will invoke
the correct interpreter.  However, is it safe just to rename the
executable files? Is there a more elegant way to achieve the same

I wouldn't rename them.  You can, of course, copy them (so you have two
executables), or you can pick a somedir on your path (I made a directory
C:\cmds that I add to my path, but tastes vary).

C: copy con somedir\py25.cmd
C:\Python25\python\python.exe %*
C: copy con somedir\py31.cmd
C:\Python31\python\python.exe %*

I'd use the two-digit form, as that is where interface changes
happen; trying code with py24, py25, py26 can be convenient.
By the way, install Python 3.1 rather than 3.0; think of 3.0 as the
alpha of the 3.X branches (it will get no love at all now that 3.1
is out).

--Scott David Daniels

Re: If Scheme is so good why MIT drops it?

2009-07-21 Thread Raffael Cavallaro

On 2009-07-21 05:37:27 -0400, milanj said:

Someone should mention Clozure CL -
As you can see there is os x, freebsd, linux, solaris and windows port
and all of them use native threads (python still use green threads ?)
and development is pretty alive, they did planty of developing last
year[s], ccl licence permits you to deliver closed source programs ...
CCL is promising bright feature to CL since looks like the insist of
building stable implementation across most arch in use today

Hear, hear!
Raffael Cavallaro


Re: Multiple versions of python

2009-07-21 Thread Dave Angel

ChrisW wrote:


I have installed 2 versions of python on my Windows XP computer - I
originally had 3.0.1, but then found that the MySQL module only
supported 2.*, so I've now installed that.  I have found that if I
change the Windows Environment Variable path, then I can change the
version of python called when I type 'python' into a command line.
However, I'd like to be able to choose which version I use.  I know
that if I change C:\Python26\python.exe to
C:\Python26\python2.exe and C:\Python30\python.exe to C:
\Python26\python3.exe, then typing 'python2' or 'python3' will invoke
the correct interpreter.  However, is it safe just to rename the
executable files? Is there a more elegant way to achieve the same


The elegant way is to have a batch directory on your PATH ( I use  
m:\t\bat )  and put your *.bat files there.   I do NOT put any python 
installations on the PATH.

For example, I have a batch file called: m:\t\bat\python26.bat

c:\progfiles\python26\python.exe %*

The %* syntax means pass all arguments through to the program.

Once it all works, you can add an @ in front of the c:   in order to 
suppress echoing the command.  At that point, it'll look and work the 
same way as what you did, but without modifying anything in the install 
directory.(You may want  python26.bat, pythonw26.bat, python31.bat 
and pythonw31.bat)

The other thing you may want to do in a batch file is to change the file 
associations so that you can run the .py file directly, without typing 
python or pythonw in front of it.

The relevant Windows commands are: assoc and ftype  And on a 
related note, you may want to edit the PATHEXT environment variable, to 
add .PY and .PYW


Workflow Libraries (DB vs Code)

2009-07-21 Thread Thomas Guettler

I need to write some simple workflows with web interface.

For the web stuff I will use django, but I am not sure how
to do the workflow part.

Here are ideas:

Do it myself. I don't think it will be difficult, I did things like
this before. But they were not reusable.

Use spiff Workflow library

Use goflow for django (port of OpenFlow of Zope). It does not look like a 
active project.

Has anyone worked with spiff, goflow or other workflow software? What do you 
like and

Somehow I like it the way goflow does it: The process definitions are stored
in the database. But on the other hand I prefer to have things like this in
a SVN-Repository.

Creating the workflow definitions will be done by python programmers. I don't 
a GUI to build them.

There are many languages to define processes (BPML, XPDL, BPEL or YAWL). But I 
prefer python.

Feedback welcome,


Thomas Guettler,
E-Mail: guettli (*) thomas-guettler + de

Re: invoke method on many instances

2009-07-21 Thread Simon Forman
On Jul 20, 3:29 am, Gabriel Genellina
 En Sat, 18 Jul 2009 12:31:46 -0300, Alan G Isaac  

  On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 05:19:50 +, Alan G Isaac wrote:
  def apply2(itr, methodname, *args, **kwargs):
      f = operator.methodcaller(methodname, *args, **kwargs)
      for item in itr:

  On 7/17/2009 3:45 AM Steven D'Aprano apparently wrote:
  for obj in objects:
      getattr(obj, methodname)(*args, **kwargs)

  Are there any obvious considerations in choosing
  between those two?

 The operator.methodcaller version is faster in my tests for large  
 collections, but slightly slower when you have very few elements.

 import operator
 import timeit

 class X:
    def method(self, x, y, **kw): pass

 def apply1(itr, methodname, *args, **kwargs):
      for item in itr:
          getattr(item, methodname)(*args, **kwargs)

 def apply2(itr, methodname, *args, **kwargs):
      f = operator.methodcaller(methodname, *args, **kwargs)
      for item in itr:

 L=[X() for _ in range(3000)]
 apply1(L,'method', 1, 2, foo=3)
 apply2(L,'method', 1, 2, foo=3)

 timeit.timeit(setup=from __main__ import apply1,apply2,L,  
 stmt=apply1(L,'method', 1, 2, foo=3), number=1000)
 timeit.timeit(setup=from __main__ import apply1,apply2,L,  
 stmt=apply2(L,'method', 1, 2, foo=3), number=1000)

 Gabriel Genellina

If your instances are all of the same class you can pass in the method
directly like so:

def apply3(iterator, method, *args, **kwargs):
for item in iterator:
method(item, *args, **kwargs)

class X:
   def method(self, x, y, **kw): pass

items = [X() for _ in range(10)]

apply3(items, X.method, 1, 2, foo=3)


Re: tough-to-explain Python

2009-07-21 Thread Simon Forman
On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 9:54 PM, Paul Rubinhttp://phr...@nospam.invalid wrote:
 Simon Forman writes:
 But I'm glad it's there to study, these are wheels I don't have to
 invent for myself.

 might be an interesting place to start.

OO la la!  Thank you!

Re: If Scheme is so good why MIT drops it?

2009-07-21 Thread Slobodan Blazeski
On Jul 19, 7:33 pm, fft1976 wrote:
 On Jul 19, 9:55 am, Frank Buss wrote:

  E.g. the number system: In many Lisp
  implementations (/ 2 3) results in the fractional object 2/3. In Python 2.6
  2 / 3 results in 0. Looks like with Python 3.1 they have fixed it, now
  it returns 0.66, which will result in lots of fun for porting
  applications written for Python = 2.6.

 How do you explain that something as inferior as Python beat Lisp in
 the market place despite starting 40 years later.

Worse is better?


Re: ANN: Shed Skin 0.2, an experimental (restricted) Python-to-C++ compiler

2009-07-21 Thread Bearophile
Nick Craig-Wood:
 Can you give a hint as to how I debug this?  I presume my program has
 some instances of non static types which is causing the problem, but
 it is going to be a very long debugging session if it takes me an hour
 each cycle ;-)

 The program is about 700 lines of python (excluding comments).

You can show us the Python (SSPython) code, and we can try to find the
problem. Sometimes there's no simple ways to solve such problems.

Generally for not very large progrograms if SS doesn't compile in
about a minute or so then it's gone in infinite loop (there's a
compilation flag that avoids some infinite loops, try it).


Re: Help understanding the decisions *behind* python?

2009-07-21 Thread Piet van Oostrum
 Hendrik van Rooyen (HvR) wrote:

HvR On Monday 20 July 2009 21:26:07 Phillip B Oldham wrote:
 On Jul 20, 6:08 pm, Duncan Booth wrote:
  The main reason why you need both lists and tuples is that because a
  tuple of immutable objects is itself immutable you can use it as a
  dictionary key.
 Really? That sounds interesting, although I can't think of any real-
 world cases where you'd use something like that.

HvR simplest is something like a point in the cartesian plane with
HvR an associated attribute like colour.

There are numerous other examples. Anytime you need a key that is not a
single object but composed of more than one:
Name + birthday
Street + number + City
Student + Course
Piet van Oostrum
URL: [PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
Private email:

Re: ANN: Shed Skin 0.2, an experimental (restricted) Python-to-C++ compiler

2009-07-21 Thread Bearophile
William Dode':
 Like you'll see, i tried to use exactly the same code for each langage.

It's a cute solver.

Few more versions of mine:

#1, a Psyco version of mine:

#2, unrolled Psyco version:

#3, a quick D (D1) version:

Timings (no printing), seconds, best of 3:
#1: 4.79
#2: 3.67
#3: 1.10
Your Psyco version: 13.37
Your C version, compiled with GCC 4.3.2, -s -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer:

I have timed the whole running time of the programs, with an external
timer, so my timings include the start of the PythonVM and the final
cleanup of the GC.

Please, feel free to time my code again, so we can compare with your
other timings (Java, etc) better.

I have used Psyco 1.6 final and Python 2.6.2 on a Core2 CPU at 2 GHz.

To compile the D1 code you can use the free DMD compiler for D1, I
have used version 1.042, ).

In such benchmarks it's often better to start from the fastest low
level code (written in an imperative language as C/D/C++, or a version
in a functional language like Clean or OCaML) and then use it to
create higher level versions (in Python, etc). This offers you a
baseline timing, and usually the small differences of the higher level
code compared to the original C/Clean code don't invalidate the test.

I have changed only small things in the program, as you can see the
Psyco program #2 is faster than your C code :-) If you learn how to
use it well, Psyco1.6 can often lead to very good performance. But lot
of people don't know how to use Psyco well (I too am ignorant: I don't
know how to profile Python programs yet).


Re: Help understanding the decisions *behind* python?

2009-07-21 Thread David Smith
Piet van Oostrum wrote:
 Hendrik van Rooyen (HvR) wrote:
 HvR On Monday 20 July 2009 21:26:07 Phillip B Oldham wrote:
 On Jul 20, 6:08 pm, Duncan Booth wrote:
 The main reason why you need both lists and tuples is that because a
 tuple of immutable objects is itself immutable you can use it as a
 dictionary key.
 Really? That sounds interesting, although I can't think of any real-
 world cases where you'd use something like that.
 HvR simplest is something like a point in the cartesian plane with
 HvR an associated attribute like colour.
 There are numerous other examples. Anytime you need a key that is not a
 single object but composed of more than one:
 Name + birthday
 Street + number + City
 Student + Course

Compound keys (like what's listed above) can also be used for sorting
lists of dictionaries using DSU style sorting.  Something I believe (and
 I could be wrong) won't work with mutable types like lists.


Re: Regular expression

2009-07-21 Thread MRAB

Peter Fodrek wrote:

Dear conference!

I have  third party regular expression

 self.pattern_main = re.compile('(\s+|\w(?:[+])?\d*(?:\.\d*)?|\w\#\d+|\(.*?\)|


It handles file correctly with two exceptions

1) omits ',' in the a output
2) omits minus sign in the numbers...

Would anyone recommend me what to change regular expression to add thesee two 
think to the output,please?

self.pattern_main = 


Re: missing 'xor' Boolean operator

2009-07-21 Thread Ethan Furman

Mark Dickinson wrote:

On Jul 20, 11:34 pm, Ethan Furman wrote:

Dr. Phillip M. Feldman wrote:
 Suppose that 'xor' returns the value that is true when only one value is
 true, and False otherwise.  This definition of xor doesn't have the
 associative property, that is,

 (a xor b) xor c

 will not necessarily equal

 a xor (b xor c)

 To see that this is the case, let a= 1, b= 2, and c= 3.

 (a xor b) xor c

 yields 3, while

 a xor (b xor c)

 yields 1.  So, I'd prefer an xor operator that simply returns True or


You are, of course, free to write your version however it makes sense to
you and your team.  :)

Since the 'and' and 'or' already return objects (and objects evaluate to
true or false), then 'xor' should behave likewise, IMO.  I expect that
would be the case if it were ever added to the language.

I'm not so sure.  Did you ever wonder why the any() and all()
functions introduced in 2.5 return a boolean rather than returning
one of their arguments?  (I did, and I'm still not sure what the
answer is.)


Very good question -- I likewise do not know the answer.  I will only 
observe that any() and all() are functions, while 'and' and 'or' are 
not.  If one wanted the object-returning behavior one could string 
together 'or's or 'and's instead.

Thinking out loud here -- YMMV.  :)

Re: Help understanding the decisions *behind* python?

2009-07-21 Thread Piet van Oostrum
 David Smith (DS) wrote:

DS Piet van Oostrum wrote:
 Hendrik van Rooyen (HvR) wrote:
HvR On Monday 20 July 2009 21:26:07 Phillip B Oldham wrote:
 On Jul 20, 6:08 pm, Duncan Booth wrote:
 The main reason why you need both lists and tuples is that because a
 tuple of immutable objects is itself immutable you can use it as a
 dictionary key.
 Really? That sounds interesting, although I can't think of any real-
 world cases where you'd use something like that.
HvR simplest is something like a point in the cartesian plane with
HvR an associated attribute like colour.
 There are numerous other examples. Anytime you need a key that is not a
 single object but composed of more than one:
 Name + birthday
 Street + number + City
 Student + Course

DS Compound keys (like what's listed above) can also be used for sorting
DS lists of dictionaries using DSU style sorting.  Something I believe (and
DS  I could be wrong) won't work with mutable types like lists.

For sorting there is no problem with mutable arrays as long as you don't
mutate them during the sorting process (for example in the comparison
routine). Doing that would be extremely perverse. And there is no
enforcement of that.
Piet van Oostrum
URL: [PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
Private email:

Re: Regular expression

2009-07-21 Thread Rhodri James
On Tue, 21 Jul 2009 14:30:47 +0100, Peter Fodrek  

Dear conference!

I have  third party regular expression

 self.pattern_main =  


Always use raw strings (r...) when you're working with regular
expressions.  *Always*.  It may happen that you don't need them,
as in this case, because Python fails to throw an exception when
it meets unknown escape sequences in string literals, but when
you do need them you will spend hours before realising it.

Also, whoever wrote this regular expression should be taken
out and slapped with a wet fish, for it is abominable and
unlikely to look much like what you actually want.

with code

 def readline(self):
self.line = self.file_in.readline().rstrip()
if (len(self.line)) : return True
else : return False

 while (self.readline()):
words = self.pattern_main.findall(self.line)

Um.  Yes.  Well.

This handles text file  like

// remark
MA  52.8806 ,  18.0914
C   52.3955 ,  -16.1511 ,  -90.

It handles file correctly with two exceptions

1) omits ',' in the a output

You don't do any output, so it's hard to correct that!

2) omits minus sign in the numbers...

Would anyone recommend me what to change regular expression to add  
thesee two

think to the output,please?

It would help considerably if you explained what it handles file
correctly means, since the regular expresion makes little sense
with the input you give.  What are you trying to extract from the
input, and what do you think you are getting at the moment?

Rhodri James *-* Wildebeest Herder to the Masses

Re: Multiple versions of python

2009-07-21 Thread CCW
On 21 July, 15:19, Dave Angel wrote:
 ChrisW wrote:

  I have installed 2 versions of python on my Windows XP computer - I
  originally had 3.0.1, but then found that the MySQL module only
  supported 2.*, so I've now installed that.  I have found that if I
  change the Windows Environment Variable path, then I can change the
  version of python called when I type 'python' into a command line.
  However, I'd like to be able to choose which version I use.  I know
  that if I change C:\Python26\python.exe to
  C:\Python26\python2.exe and C:\Python30\python.exe to C:
  \Python26\python3.exe, then typing 'python2' or 'python3' will invoke
  the correct interpreter.  However, is it safe just to rename the
  executable files? Is there a more elegant way to achieve the same


 The elegant way is to have a batch directory on your PATH ( I use  
 m:\t\bat )  and put your *.bat files there.   I do NOT put any python
 installations on the PATH.

 For example, I have a batch file called:     m:\t\bat\python26.bat

 c:\progfiles\python26\python.exe %*

 The %* syntax means pass all arguments through to the program.

 Once it all works, you can add an @ in front of the c:   in order to
 suppress echoing the command.  At that point, it'll look and work the
 same way as what you did, but without modifying anything in the install
 directory.    (You may want  python26.bat, pythonw26.bat, python31.bat
 and pythonw31.bat)

 The other thing you may want to do in a batch file is to change the file
 associations so that you can run the .py file directly, without typing
 python or pythonw in front of it.

 The relevant Windows commands are:     assoc and ftype      And on a
 related note, you may want to edit the PATHEXT environment variable, to
 add .PY and .PYW

Thanks for this - this way made a bit more sense to me.  I've now got
C:\commands with the 4 .bat files in, and C:\commands in my path.  It
all seems to work :) I think I've missed the point of the @ though -
it doesn't seem to make any difference..

I'm also a bit confused with the associations - since I've got python
2.6 and 3.1, surely the command I type (python26 or python31) is the
only way to force a script to be run using a specific interpreter at
runtime without having to change the .bat file every time I want to
run a script using 3.1 instead of 2.6?

Re: Workflow Libraries (DB vs Code)

2009-07-21 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Thomas Guettler wrote:

 I need to write some simple workflows with web interface.
 For the web stuff I will use django, but I am not sure how
 to do the workflow part.

Did you consider using OpenERP? It comes with a web-frontend
(TG1.0.8-based), but also offers a XMLRPC-server to connect to, so using it
from within django shouldn't be any difficult.

Workflow-definitions are stored in the DB, and can be generated visually,
not sure if they have to though.

I'm not very familiar with the system myself, but the EuroPython
presentation was truly impressive.


Re: python function for retrieving key and encryption

2009-07-21 Thread Piet van Oostrum
 jayshree (j) wrote:

j M2Crypto package not showing the 'recipient_public_key.pem' file at
j linux terminal .how do i get/connect with recipient public key.

j exactly i need to check how can i open this file through linux
j commands.

j import M2Crypto def encrypt(): recip = M2Crypto.RSA.load_pub_key(open
j ('recipient_public_key.pem','rb').read()) print recip; plaintext =
j whatever i need to encrypt msg = recip.public_encrypt
j (plaintext,RSA.pkcs1_padding) print msg;

j after calling the function its not giving any output and even any
j error

j i also tried as 'Will' said

j pk = open('public_key.pem','rb').read() print pk; rsa =
j M2Crypto.RSA.load_pub_key(pk)

j whats the mistake i am not getting .will somebody help me out.
j is something wrong in opening 'recipient_public_key.pem'. is M2Crypto
j contain this file inbuilt .from where this file taking public key of
j the recipient i'. what this file contain and how it will work .should
j i need to create such a file for my purpose.if it is then how can i
j create this  and how it will retrieve the key,where i recognize my
j recipient to get his public key .is something like database at server.

j please give me a quick response..
j looking for your answer.

1. Type your python code with newlines and proper indentation.
2. Show the error messages that your code gives when you run it.
3. Use proper capital letters at the beginning of your sentences.
4. Don't fire so many questions in rapid succession.

The recipient_public_key.pem file is the public key of the recipient
which means the person that is going to receive the encrypted message.
You should get it from the recipient him/herself or from some key store
where s/he has deposited it.
Piet van Oostrum
URL: [PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
Private email:

Re: PIL for OSX 64bit

2009-07-21 Thread Ned Deily
In article,
 moerchendiser2k3 wrote:
 I have a problem with Python and the Python Image Library to get it
 work on OSX 64 bit. Maybe anyone can help me? I started Python in 64
 bit mode and called and got:
 ImportError: The _imaging C module is not installed

It's hard to know what your problem is without more information.  One 
potential stumbling block: PIL has dependencies on other open-source 
libraries, such as libjpeg and freetype.  You'll need to have 64-bit 
versions of them available when building and when running, as well.  
There are a number of ways to do that.  The simplest might be to 
download pre-built frameworks containing those libraries from here:

There are also build scripts there for building your own versions from 

 Ned Deily,


Re: Regular expression

2009-07-21 Thread Peter Fodrek

21.7.2009 v 16:50, MRAB:

Peter Fodrek wrote:

Dear conference!
I have  third party regular expression
self.pattern_main = re.compile('(\s+|\w(?:[+])?\d*(?:\.\d*)?|\w\#\d 



It handles file correctly with two exceptions
1) omits ',' in the a output
2) omits minus sign in the numbers...
Would anyone recommend me what to change regular expression to add  
thesee two think to the output,please?

self.pattern_main = re.compile(r'(\s+|,|-?\w\+?\d*(?:\.\d*)?|\w#\d+|\ 

Thank you I will try yesterday...


Issue combining gzip and subprocess

2009-07-21 Thread Iwan Vosloo
Hi there,

We tried to gzip the output of a shell command, but this results in a
strange error: the resulting file seems to be the concatenation of the
plaintext file with the zipped content.

For example:

f =, 'w')
subprocess.check_call(['ls','-la'], stdout=f)

Using a normal file works as expected, but a GzipFile results in a file
containing what looks like the unzipped data, followed by the zipped

I suspect this may have something to do with limitations of GzipFile
such as it not implementing truncate().

Does anyone have an explanation / can you suggest a nice solution for
doing what we are trying to do?

- Iwan


Re: any suggestions to synchronize typed text and speech ?

2009-07-21 Thread Stef Mientki

hi Marcus,
That sounds like a very specialized type of thing, 

Well from an application point of view,
with the current netbooks,
this looks like a perfect tool for any conversation or meeting.
which only the few people with experience with wxPython, PyAudio, 
and Scintilla could help you with...

I was afraid of that too, so I dropped the question in several places,
and the writer of Scintilla himself came with the perfect answer.

But you might try having a dictionary with notes and associated 
times, or just give each note a four-digit ID number at the 
beginning of it when it's entered and use that in the dictionary (to 
keep keys shorter). Or you could just do a little hack and increase 
the number of bookmarks allowed (seeing as source is available) :p


Glad you got a good answer from somebody. Sounds like an interesting 
project. About when would this be headed for a release? Could you post 
a link to a googlecode or sourceforge project or something so I can 
follow and/or help with development?

For the moment it's just an idea, so no line of code yet.
I first like to tackle all the problems,
at least to the level I think I can handle them.
So first solve the next problem,
before I start coding:
automatic synchronization (file uploading and deleting) between EEE-pc 
and desktop PC over bluetooth.

And another problem, as my customers are physicians,
both the text and audio need to be stored encrypted.




Re: Help understanding the decisions *behind* python?

2009-07-21 Thread Simon Forman
On Jul 20, 12:27 pm, Phillip B Oldham
 My colleagues and I have been working with python for around 6 months
 now, and while we love a lot of what python has done for us and what
 it enables us to do some of the decisions behind such certain
 data-types and their related methods baffle us slightly (when compared
 to the decisions made in other, similarly powerful languages).

 Specifically the differences between lists and tuples have us
 confused and have caused many discussions in the office. We
 understand that lists are mutable and tuples are not, but we're a
 little lost as to why the two were kept separate from the start. They
 both perform a very similar job as far as we can tell.

 Consider the following:

  x = [2,1,3]
  print x

 [1, 2, 3]

 Now, if the sort operations were unable to affect the original
 structure of the list (as in JavaScript) you'd effectively have a
 tuple which you could add/remove from, and the example above would
 look more like:

  x = [2,1,3]
  print x.sort()
 [1, 2, 3]
  print x


 This make a lot more sense to us, and follows the convention from
 other languages. It would also mean chaining methods to manipulate
 lists would be easier:

  x = [2,1,3]
  print x.sort()[0]

(As others have already pointed out this would print 1, not 3.)

  print x


 We often find we need to do manipulations like the above without
 changing the order of the original list, and languages like JS allow
 this. We can't work out how to do this in python though, other than
 duplicating the list, sorting, reversing, then discarding.

In this case you can use:

 x = [2,1,3]
 print min(x)

(There's also a max() function.)

 We're not looking to start any arguments or religious wars and we're
 not asking that python be changed into something its not. We'd simply
 like to understand the decision behind the lists and tuple structures.
 We feel that in not getting the difference between the two types we
 may be missing out on using these data structures to their full

One way to think about tuples (as distinct from lists) is as a short-
hand version of Pascal's 'record' type, or C's 'struct' (with the
caveats that the fields are not named, only indexed, and the types of
the fields are implied by use, not explicitly declared.)

(FWIW: )

Broadly speaking, lists are useful for things like stacks and queues,
and sorting, while tuples are useful for aggregating heterogeneous
data into coherent units, and you can hash them (provided their
contents are also hashable.)


Re: If Scheme is so good why MIT drops it?

2009-07-21 Thread Frank Buss
Rainer Joswig wrote:

 I'm not sure if it is fair to post a reference to a single
 post by someone without context and without having used ECL.
 If there are stability problems, people can report to the
 ECL mailing list. The maintainers are very active.

This was just one example. Another one:

Luke and Elliott are no beginners, so it is at least difficult to use ECL:
On Windows it doesn't work with MinGW and on MacOS X there was at least one
case were it freezed. But as I have written, I didn't tried it myself, so
this is only some second hand experience. Maybe it is all wrong setups in
combination with Lispbuilder and ECL itself is stable, I don't know.

But I know that it is much easier to get a full featured running Python
system on Windows, MacOS X and Linux, so this is something where Lisp
distributions could be improved.

Frank Buss,,

Re: Pep 342 (val = yield MyGenerator(foo)), synchronous os.system() that doesn't block gui event loops

2009-07-21 Thread John Nagle

Ville Vainio wrote:

Has anyone implementing something like what the subject line

The idea:

To run functions that execute a series of system commands without
blocking the ui, *and* without adding state machine logic.

   At some level, there's going to be state machine logic.
You need interlocking so that the user can't initiate
simultaneous conflicting background operations from the GUI.

   The usual solution is to run the background operations
in another thread, and have them put events on a queue
read by the GUI task.

   You also have to work out how to cancel background operations,
if they're going to be as big as a make.

   Here's the very first application which did this sort of thing,
running commands in multiple threads without blocking the user
interface thread.  This is from 1972.

   And yes, it did properly interlock everything it was
doing in the background.

John Nagle

Re: Issue combining gzip and subprocess

2009-07-21 Thread Piet van Oostrum
 Iwan Vosloo (IV) wrote:

IV Hi there,
IV We tried to gzip the output of a shell command, but this results in a
IV strange error: the resulting file seems to be the concatenation of the
IV plaintext file with the zipped content.

IV For example:

IV f =, 'w')
IV subprocess.check_call(['ls','-la'], stdout=f)
IV f.close()

IV Using a normal file works as expected, but a GzipFile results in a file
IV containing what looks like the unzipped data, followed by the zipped
IV data.

IV I suspect this may have something to do with limitations of GzipFile
IV such as it not implementing truncate().

IV Does anyone have an explanation / can you suggest a nice solution for
IV doing what we are trying to do?

stdout (and the others) must be None, PIPE or a real file object or file
descriptor, not a file like object. In your case the solution would be
to use PIPE, and then read the output and write in to the GzipFile

f =, 'w')
proc = subprocess.Popen(['ls','-la'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
while True:
line = proc.stdout.readline()
if not line: break

Piet van Oostrum
URL: [PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
Private email:

Re: win32api install problem

2009-07-21 Thread Tim Golden

MCIPERF wrote:

On Jul 20, 9:57 am, Tim Golden wrote:

Gerry wrote:

I'm running Python 2.6 under XP.
I've installed Windows 32 extensions for Python 2.6 version 1.4
But If I try to import win32api, I get:
  File C:\python_projects\euler\, line 1, in module
import win32api
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

Used to be you'd get this error if you installed as a
non-admin user. Don't know if that's still an issue.


Not a possibility (afaict) -- I am an administrator, according to the
control panel.

Not too many ideas, then, I'm afraid. Apart from the obvious --
uninstall and try again -- how about running Python with the
-vv option:

python -vv

to get more information about what it's trying to get, 
and/or running sysinternal's Process Explorer at the

same time to spot the DLL Dependencies.

I have seen a (not too similar) problem when running TortoiseHg
and the pywin32 extensions, since the shell import's TortoiseHg's
version of various pywin32 DLLs before I try to import them
myself for some other purpose, and the two versions clashed
dramatically (crashed Explorer hard, I seem to remember).

Just in case that rings any bells..


Re: Regular expression

2009-07-21 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Rhodri James wrote:
On Tue, 21 Jul 2009 14:30:47 +0100, Peter Fodrek wrote:

Dear conference!

I have  third party regular expression

 self.pattern_main = 


Also, whoever wrote this regular expression should be taken
out and slapped with a wet fish, for it is abominable and
unlikely to look much like what you actually want.

Here, take that fish and please, hit really hard !

** ;'-. 
`;-._)  '---.._

`-.__.-'  `'.__
 /_.-'-._ _,   ^ ---)
 `   `'--/_.'``



Re: If Scheme is so good why MIT drops it?

2009-07-21 Thread Tim Bradshaw

On 2009-07-19 19:31:36 +0100, Frank Buss said:

(e.g. I
don't know of a free modern and stable Lisp implemenation with
mulithreading support for Windows, with a licence with which you can use it
in closed source commercial programs, like you can do with Python).

Openmcl seems reasonably stable to me, is LLGPL-licensed, and runs on 
these platforms and Solaris x86.

It's kind of tragic, of course, that this kind of parasitic behaviour 
(will not consider a commercial product to use in your commercial 
system) has now become so common.


Re: clean way prepend an element to a numpy array

2009-07-21 Thread Robert Kern

On 2009-07-20 22:56, bdb112 wrote:

If I want to add an element at the beginning of an array, it seems
like I must make a list, insert in place, then make an array again.

the_array = numpy.concatenate([new_value, the_array])

You will want to ask numpy questions on the numpy mailing list.

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: Regular expression

2009-07-21 Thread Rhodri James
On Tue, 21 Jul 2009 17:12:53 +0100, Peter Fodrek  

21.7.2009 v 17:39, Rhodri James:

On Tue, 21 Jul 2009 14:30:47 +0100, Peter Fodrek 

[snipped for space]

This handles text file  like

// remark
MA  52.8806 ,  18.0914
C   52.3955 ,  -16.1511 ,  -90.

It handles file correctly with two exceptions

1) omits ',' in the a output

You don't do any output, so it's hard to correct that!

for line

C   52.3955 ,  -16.1511 ,  -90.

it returns (as I remember)

('C', ' ', '52.3955', ' ', ' ', ' 16.1511', ' ', ' ','90.0')

I was to get (number and positions of empty strings are not related to  
me. I can add, remove then as you wish)

('C', ' ', '52.3955', ' ', ' ,', ' -16.1511', ' ', ' ,','-90.0')

If whitespace isn't an issue and the format really is as simple as
your example, you don't need the full power of a regular expression
here.  split() would do the trick:

words = self.line.split()

will return what you want for that example.  It will produce different
(but more consistent) results than the regular expression for other lines,
though: for example,

MA  52.8806 , 18.0914

when put through the regular expression (if fixed for commas) would give  

('M', 'A', '  ', '52.8806', ' ', ',', ' ', '18.0914')

as against

['MA', '52.8806', ',', '18.0914']

I use eval call in python to do format conversion, so just parsing is  

float() might be better than eval(), if you know for sure that you are
expecting floats.

Rhodri James *-* Wildebeest Herder to the Masses

Re: are user defined classes hashable?

2009-07-21 Thread Hyuga
On Jul 20, 10:53 pm, (Aahz) wrote:
 In article,

 Hyuga wrote:

 Regardless, Nicolas's example can be applied to the class too:

  class Foo(object):


 class objects are just objects of type 'type'.

 Not quite.  They certainly default that way, but changing the metaclass
 changes a class's type::

 class M(type):

 class C(object):

 class C2(object):
     __metaclass__ = M

 print type(C)
 print type(C2)

Well, okay, you got me there.  But the OP wasn't asking about classes
with different metaclasses.  And besides, type(type(C2)) is still
type ;)

Re: ANN: Shed Skin 0.2, an experimental (restricted) Python-to-C++ compiler

2009-07-21 Thread Terry Reedy

Nick Craig-Wood wrote:

I tried it on a program I wrote to solve a puzzle (Rush Hour).
(Actually it solves the meta-puzzle - trying to make the hardest
possible Rush Hour puzzle.)

After a bit of twiddling (remove psyco and profiling) I got it to
start compiling, but unfortunately it compiled for about an hour (in
iterative type analysis..) used up 600 MB of RAM printing an '*' every
10 minutes or so then gave an error message and gave up.

Unfortunately I shut the window by accident, but the error message was
something about not being able to resolve types I think with a list of
20 or so unresolved types.

Can you give a hint as to how I debug this?  I presume my program has
some instances of non static types which is causing the problem, but
it is going to be a very long debugging session if it takes me an hour
each cycle ;-)

The program is about 700 lines of python (excluding comments).

Split it into pieces and compile each separately.



setuptools question.

2009-07-21 Thread Fred C

I have a python program and when I install this program from the  
module home directory using everything works fine.

But easy_install fails with the following error, because I am trying  
to install some start up shell scripts into /etc/init.d

 The package setup script has attempted to modify files on your system
that are not within the EasyInstall build area, and has been aborted.

Is there a way to use easy_install to install the start scripts into / 
etc/init.d. If not, what is the best way to install these scripts.




Re: Pep 342 (val = yield MyGenerator(foo)), synchronous os.system() that doesn't block gui event loops

2009-07-21 Thread Terry Reedy

Ville Vainio wrote:

Has anyone implementing something like what the subject line

Your subject line is so long that it is cut off even on my wide screen.
Better to repeat the question in the body.


Re: Running a Python Service under the LocalService or NetworkService Account

2009-07-21 Thread Martin P. Hellwig

David Adamo Jr. wrote:

On Jul 21, 10:40 am, Martin P. Hellwig

sightseer wrote:


Error Installing Service: Access is Denied. (5)

Are you trying to do this on windows vista?

'If consumed, best digested with added seasoning to own preference.'

Yeah, I was trying to do it on Vista. Someone has just helped me out.
I had to deactivate User Account Control on Windows Vista...and now
everything is rosy. Thanks guys.

No need to deactivate it, just right click on the command shell program 
and say run as administrator, than you can install the service via the 
command line.

'If consumed, best digested with added seasoning to own preference.'

List insertion cost

2009-07-21 Thread Lucas P Melo

I would like to know how much it costs to insert an element into a list 
using this operation:

a[2:2] = [ 1 ]
i. e, what is the complexity of the operation above (given that len(a) = n)?


Re: List insertion cost

2009-07-21 Thread Daniel Stutzbach
On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 2:21 PM, Lucas P Melo wrote:

 I would like to know how much it costs to insert an element into a list
 using this operation:
 a[2:2] = [ 1 ]
 i. e, what is the complexity of the operation above (given that len(a) =


If you want O(log n), you can use the blist extension type from

Daniel Stutzbach, Ph.D.
President, Stutzbach Enterprises, LLC

Pyserial and pyQt

2009-07-21 Thread Seth

I have used pyserial in the past but this is my first experience with
pyQt.  I am using the Python xy package for windows current but might
move to linux.  I have a small device that is outputting a basic text
string.  I want to be able to read this string(from the comm port) and
update a text box and eventually a graph in pyQt.  I can't find any
documentation or tutorials on how to do this.  If anyone can point me
in the right direction or give me some tips I would be grateful.


Re: List insertion cost

2009-07-21 Thread Robert Kern

On 2009-07-21 14:21, Lucas P Melo wrote:

I would like to know how much it costs to insert an element into a list
using this operation:
a[2:2] = [ 1 ]
i. e, what is the complexity of the operation above (given that len(a) =

O(n). Python lists are contiguous arrays in memory, and everything after the 
insertion point needs to be moved. Raymond Hettinger has a good talk about the 
implementation of Python lists and other container objects.

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: List insertion cost

2009-07-21 Thread Lucas P Melo

Robert Kern wrote:
O(n). Python lists are contiguous arrays in memory, and everything 
after the insertion point needs to be moved. Raymond Hettinger has a 
good talk about the implementation of Python lists and other container 

Thanks. :)


Changing the private variables content

2009-07-21 Thread Ryniek90

I'm writing some class, and decided to use inside private method and 
some private variables. While with method i haven't got any problem's 
with variables i have.

Maybe some example.
A class with private method and private variable:

 class Secret(object):
   def __init__(self):
   self._number = 1
   def _secret(self):
   print self._number
   def showit(self):
   print Secret number is:\n

 sec = Secret()
Secret number is:

 sec._number = 2
 sec._number += 3

As You can see, i made class with private method and private variable 
inside __init__ constructor. I've changed also the variable value, but 
outside class.
I've got problem with changing some variable value _inside__my_ class, 
which i'm writing.
I've searched over google, some tuts with topics about operations on 
private variables, but didn't found anything - only how to make them, 
but no how to assign new objects/override them with new content (and 
other advanced and helpful options).

If someone could help me, it would be great.


time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%m:%S') to log is out of order

2009-07-21 Thread davidj411
I am using a recursive function to print the time and a few other
things on each pass. ( the function calculates size of file that is
being transferred and if not 100 % copied, it waits 20 secs and checks

i would expect the time to be correct anytime it is used:

--code below --
print time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%m:%S')
--code above --

here is an example of what i am seeing:


Balanced binary tree implementation

2009-07-21 Thread Lucas P Melo


I would like to use a balanced binary tree implementation (preferably 
within some API).

Any hints about where I could find it?

I am looking for something that implements insertion, deletion, search 
and a special search that returns the lesser element bigger than a given 
key [1].

A nice possibility would be an extensible API that allows me to inherit 
its classes and to add operations myself.

Thanks in advance.

[1] Ex: 1 2 3 4 5 6 are elements of the bbt. If I use this operation 
given 4 as the parameter, the value returned would be 5.


Re: time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%m:%S') to log is out of order

2009-07-21 Thread Jon Clements
On 21 July, 22:00, davidj411 wrote:
 I am using a recursive function to print the time and a few other
 things on each pass. ( the function calculates size of file that is
 being transferred and if not 100 % copied, it waits 20 secs and checks

 i would expect the time to be correct anytime it is used:

 --code below --
 print time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%m:%S')
 --code above --

 here is an example of what i am seeing:


I assume month, day and year are actually being output and that you've
removed it from your post.

Err, what else do you expect to happen if you're doing this

Re: Changing the private variables content

2009-07-21 Thread Gary Herron

Ryniek90 wrote:

I'm writing some class, and decided to use inside private method and 
some private variables. While with method i haven't got any problem's 
with variables i have.

Maybe some example.
A class with private method and private variable:

 class Secret(object):
   def __init__(self):
   self._number = 1
   def _secret(self):
   print self._number
   def showit(self):
   print Secret number is:\n

 sec = Secret()
Secret number is:

 sec._number = 2
 sec._number += 3

As You can see, i made class with private method and private variable 
inside __init__ constructor. I've changed also the variable value, but 
outside class.
I've got problem with changing some variable value _inside__my_ class, 
which i'm writing.

Not sure this is what you are asking, but a method (which is how I 
interpret _inside__my_ class) changes the value by normal assignment 
like this:

class Secret(object):
 def SetNumber(self,value):
   self._number = value

Is that what you were asking?

Gary Herron

I've searched over google, some tuts with topics about operations on 
private variables, but didn't found anything - only how to make them, 
but no how to assign new objects/override them with new content (and 
other advanced and helpful options).

If someone could help me, it would be great.



Re: time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%m:%S') to log is out of order

2009-07-21 Thread Simon Forman
On Jul 21, 5:00 pm, davidj411 wrote:
 I am using a recursive function to print the time and a few other
 things on each pass. ( the function calculates size of file that is
 being transferred and if not 100 % copied, it waits 20 secs and checks

 i would expect the time to be correct anytime it is used:

 --code below --
 print time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%m:%S')
 --code above --

 here is an example of what i am seeing:


Your output doesn't match your format string:

In [1]: import time

In [2]: print time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%m:%S')
07-21-2009 17:07:16

There's no way to tell why your output times seem to repeat without
seeing the code that surrounds your print time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:
%m:%S') line.


Re: time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%m:%S') to log is out of order

2009-07-21 Thread Piet van Oostrum
 davidj411 (d) wrote:

d I am using a recursive function to print the time and a few other
d things on each pass. ( the function calculates size of file that is
d being transferred and if not 100 % copied, it waits 20 secs and checks
d again).

d i would expect the time to be correct anytime it is used:

d --code below --
d print time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%m:%S')
d --code above --

d here is an example of what i am seeing:

d 16:07:16
d 16:07:36
d 16:07:56
d 16:07:16
d 16:07:36
d 16:07:56
d 16:07:16
d 16:07:36
d 16:07:56

You probably meant: print time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S')
Piet van Oostrum
URL: [PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
Private email:

doted filenames in import statements

2009-07-21 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Hi fellows,

I'd like to use the dynamic __import__ statement. It works pretty well 
with non dotted names, but I cannot figure how to make it work with 
dotted file paths.


file = /home/dsp/
test = __import__(file)

works like a charm

file = /home/dsp/
test = __import__(file)
= no module name blalalal found.

Any suggestion ? I tried multiple escape technics without any success.



Re: time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%m:%S') to log is out of order

2009-07-21 Thread Jon Clements
On 21 July, 22:38, Piet van Oostrum wrote:
  davidj411 (d) wrote:
 d I am using a recursive function to print the time and a few other
 d things on each pass. ( the function calculates size of file that is
 d being transferred and if not 100 % copied, it waits 20 secs and checks
 d again).
 d i would expect the time to be correct anytime it is used:
 d --code below --
 d print time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%m:%S')
 d --code above --
 d here is an example of what i am seeing:
 d 16:07:16
 d 16:07:36
 d 16:07:56
 d 16:07:16
 d 16:07:36
 d 16:07:56
 d 16:07:16
 d 16:07:36
 d 16:07:56

 You probably meant: print time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S')
 Piet van Oostrum
 URL:[PGP 8DAE142BE17999C4]
 Private email:

Good spot!

Re: time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%m:%S') to log is out of order

2009-07-21 Thread davidj411
On Jul 21, 5:29 pm, Simon Forman wrote:
 On Jul 21, 5:00 pm, davidj411 wrote:

  I am using a recursive function to print the time and a few other
  things on each pass. ( the function calculates size of file that is
  being transferred and if not 100 % copied, it waits 20 secs and checks

  i would expect the time to be correct anytime it is used:

  --code below --
  print time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%m:%S')
  --code above --

  here is an example of what i am seeing:


 Your output doesn't match your format string:

 In [1]: import time

 In [2]: print time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%m:%S')
 07-21-2009 17:07:16

 There's no way to tell why your output times seem to repeat without
 seeing the code that surrounds your print time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:
 %m:%S') line.

sorry, yes, i did manually filter the output.

here is the function:

def log_out(msg,servername='std.out'):
print msg
open(log_dir + '\\' + servername + .log,'a').write(servername + -
+ time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S') +   + msg+'\n')

on each pass, it should output the newer time (whether recursive or
not, right) ?

Re: doted filenames in import statements

2009-07-21 Thread Chris Rebert
On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 2:42 PM, Jean-Michel wrote:
 Hi fellows,

 I'd like to use the dynamic __import__ statement. It works pretty well with
 non dotted names, but I cannot figure how to make it work with dotted file


 file = /home/dsp/
 test = __import__(file)

 works like a charm

 file = /home/dsp/
 test = __import__(file)
 = no module name blalalal found.

 Any suggestion ? I tried multiple escape technics without any success.

You want the imp.load_module() function:

__import__() only operates on module/package names. I'm not sure how
you even got it to work with a filename...


Re: time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%m:%S') to log is out of order

2009-07-21 Thread MRAB

davidj411 wrote:

On Jul 21, 5:29 pm, Simon Forman wrote:

On Jul 21, 5:00 pm, davidj411 wrote:

I am using a recursive function to print the time and a few other
things on each pass. ( the function calculates size of file that is
being transferred and if not 100 % copied, it waits 20 secs and checks
i would expect the time to be correct anytime it is used:
--code below --
print time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%m:%S')
--code above --
here is an example of what i am seeing:

Your output doesn't match your format string:

In [1]: import time

In [2]: print time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%m:%S')
07-21-2009 17:07:16

There's no way to tell why your output times seem to repeat without
seeing the code that surrounds your print time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:
%m:%S') line.

sorry, yes, i did manually filter the output.

here is the function:

def log_out(msg,servername='std.out'):
print msg
open(log_dir + '\\' + servername + .log,'a').write(servername + -
+ time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S') +   + msg+'\n')

on each pass, it should output the newer time (whether recursive or
not, right) ?

Maybe it does, but you were outputting the month (07) instead of the
minutes; the seconds were changing.

Re: Pyserial and pyQt

2009-07-21 Thread David Boddie
On Tuesday 21 July 2009 21:37, Seth wrote:

 I have used pyserial in the past but this is my first experience with
 pyQt.  I am using the Python xy package for windows current but might
 move to linux.  I have a small device that is outputting a basic text
 string.  I want to be able to read this string(from the comm port) and
 update a text box and eventually a graph in pyQt.  I can't find any
 documentation or tutorials on how to do this.  If anyone can point me
 in the right direction or give me some tips I would be grateful.

It seems that someone has already asked a similar question on Stack
Overflow, though perhaps you should start with a simpler solution
and look at more advanced ones later:

One starting point is this list of tutorials on the PyQt and PyKDE Wiki:

Later, when you want to draw graphs, you might find PyQwt useful:

You may already be aware that there's also a mailing list for PyQt and

Another way to get answers to questions is to join the #pyqt IRC channel



Re: setuptools question.

2009-07-21 Thread David Lyon
On Tue, 21 Jul 2009 11:12:01 -0700, Fred C wrote:
 I have a python program and when I install this program from the  
 module home directory using everything works fine.
 But easy_install fails with the following error, because I am trying  
 to install some start up shell scripts into /etc/init.d
   The package setup script has attempted to modify files on your system
  that are not within the EasyInstall build area, and has been aborted.
 Is there a way to use easy_install to install the start scripts into / 
 etc/init.d. If not, what is the best way to install these scripts.

What package is it? what platform ?

Re: time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%m:%S') to log is out of order

2009-07-21 Thread Simon Forman
On Jul 21, 5:53 pm, davidj411 wrote:
 On Jul 21, 5:29 pm, Simon Forman wrote:

  On Jul 21, 5:00 pm, davidj411 wrote:

   I am using a recursive function to print the time and a few other
   things on each pass. ( the function calculates size of file that is
   being transferred and if not 100 % copied, it waits 20 secs and checks

   i would expect the time to be correct anytime it is used:

   --code below --
   print time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%m:%S')
   --code above --

   here is an example of what i am seeing:


  Your output doesn't match your format string:

  In [1]: import time

  In [2]: print time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%m:%S')
  07-21-2009 17:07:16

  There's no way to tell why your output times seem to repeat without
  seeing the code that surrounds your print time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:
  %m:%S') line.

 sorry, yes, i did manually filter the output.

 here is the function:

 def log_out(msg,servername='std.out'):
         print msg
         open(log_dir + '\\' + servername + .log,'a').write(servername + -
 + time.strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S') +   + msg+'\n')

 on each pass, it should output the newer time (whether recursive or
 not, right) ?

Well, as Piet van Oostrum pointed out, your problem in the first code
you posted was that you used '%m' rather than '%M' for the minutes.
(Good eye Van Oostrum!)  But now in this function you seem to have the
correct '%M' field.  Are you still having the same output after
changing that?

In any event, here's a rewritten version of that function that's a
little cleaner, FWIW.

from os.path import join
from time import strftime

format = '%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S'

def log_out(msg, servername='std.out'):
print msg
msg = %s - %s %s\n % (servername, strftime(format), msg)
log_file = open(join(log_dir, servername + .log), 'a')

But why not just use the logging module?

Fast reading and unpacking of binary data (struct module)

2009-07-21 Thread Daniel Platz

I have a Python newbie question about reading data from a binary file.
I have an huge binary file from an external program. I want to read
and process the data in this file in a reasonable time. It turns out
that the reading of the data itself and the processing do not need
most of the time. However, when using the read(bytes) method Python
returns a string representing the binary information in hex. This
string I have to cast/translate into a number (in my case a signed
short). For this I am using the method struct.unpack from the struct
module. This unpacking part of the program takes by far the most time.
Is there a way to speed this up or to do it the unpacking more
cleverly than with the struct module?

Thanks in advance.

With kind regards,


trouble with minidom

2009-07-21 Thread Ronn Ross
Hello I'm trying to read an xml file using minidome. The xml looks like:

My code looks like so:
from xml.dom.minidom import parse

dom = parse(myfile.xml)

for node in dom.getElementsByTagName(project'):
   print('name: %s, path: %s \n') % (node.childNodes[0].nodeValue,

Unfortunately, it returns 'nodeValue as none. I'm trying to read the value
out of the node fir example name: myProj. I haven't found much help in the
documentation. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Re: Fast reading and unpacking of binary data (struct module)

2009-07-21 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 21 Jul 2009 21:00:13 -0300, Daniel Platz escribió:

I have an huge binary file from an external program. I want to read
and process the data in this file in a reasonable time. It turns out
that the reading of the data itself and the processing do not need
most of the time. However, when using the read(bytes) method Python
returns a string representing the binary information in hex. This
string I have to cast/translate into a number (in my case a signed
short). For this I am using the method struct.unpack from the struct
module. This unpacking part of the program takes by far the most time.
Is there a way to speed this up or to do it the unpacking more
cleverly than with the struct module?

Try creating a Struct object with your format and use its unpack() method.

If your format consists of just integers, probably an array is more  

Gabriel Genellina


Re: tough-to-explain Python

2009-07-21 Thread greg

Simon Forman wrote:

My understanding (so far) is that you (hope to) /derive/ correct code
using formal logic, rather than writing code and then proving its

But to the extent you can rigorously formalise it,
all you've done is create Yet Another Programming

Which is fine, if you can come up with one that
works at a high enough level in some domain that
you can see just by looking that the program will
do what you want.

However, I suspect that you can't improve much on
what we've already got without restricting the
domain of applicability of the language. Otherwise,
you just shift the intellectual bottleneck from
writing a correct program to writing correct

In the realm of programming language design, it's
been said that you can't eliminate complexity, all
you can do is push it around from one place to
another. I suspect something similar applies to
the difficulty of writing programs.


Re: Mutable Strings - Any libraries that offer this?

2009-07-21 Thread greg

Ben Finney wrote:

My point was rather meant to imply that
subclassing the built-in (immutable) string types was the best way to
usefully get all their functionality

However, it would be difficult to do that without changing
all C code that deals with strings, including that in extension

That's because the existing string type stores the characters
in the string object itself. A mutable variant would have to
contain a pointer to a resizable memory block, and therefore
couldn't be used as a drop-in replacement by existing C
code that expects a string.



2009-07-21 Thread khanh le
do you have any materials about Python?
can you show me the link of Python or some books?
thanks a lots!


Re: trouble with minidom

2009-07-21 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Tue, 21 Jul 2009 21:08:57 -0300, Ronn Ross  

Hello I'm trying to read an xml file using minidome. The xml looks like:

My code looks like so:
from xml.dom.minidom import parse

dom = parse(myfile.xml)

for node in dom.getElementsByTagName(project'):
   print('name: %s, path: %s \n') % (node.childNodes[0].nodeValue,

Unfortunately, it returns 'nodeValue as none. I'm trying to read the  
out of the node fir example name: myProj. I haven't found much help in  

documentation. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Unless you have a specific reason to use the DOM interface (like having a  
masochistic mind), working with ElementTree usually is a lot easier:

py import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
py xml = rootNode
... project
... /project
... /rootNode
py doc = ET.fromstring(xml)
py for project in doc.findall('project'):
...   for child in project.getchildren():
... print child.tag, child.text
name myProj
path /here/

Gabriel Genellina


Re: ANN: Shed Skin 0.2, an experimental (restricted) Python-to-C++ compiler

2009-07-21 Thread greg

William Dode wrote:

I just tested it with a litle game, to find the places of horse on 
a board 5x5. The result is :

cython avec malloc *int 18s

Posting benchmark times for Pyrex or Cython is pretty
meaningless without showing the exact code that was
used, since times can vary enormously depending on
how much you C-ify things.


SMTPlib and SMTPd Performance Issues

2009-07-21 Thread Casey McGinty

I just wanted mention a few workarounds I've come up with for the Python
SMTP modules in regards to performance.

Before I started, I was getting about 15MB/s while sending e-mail from
smtplib to smptd over a local connection. (i.e. both client/server running
on the same machine). After the following changes, I'm seeing around*220+MB/s
* (increase of 14x)

The source can be found here:

When sending e-mail through *smtpdlib*, the following method is called.

def quotedata(data):
Quote data for email.

Double leading '.', and change Unix newline '\\n', or Mac '\\r' into
Internet CRLF end-of-line.

return re.sub(r'(?m)^\.', '..',
re.sub(r'(?:\r\n|\n|\r(?!\n))', CRLF, data))

As you can see there are two regular expressions parsing the data. If you
know that your message is formatted correctly to start with, then this step
is unnecessary.

When receiving e-mail through *smtpd*, the SMTPChannel class inherits from *
asynchat.async_chat*. The default recv buffer size for asynchat is 4K. This
can be too much overhead for high data throughput. The buffer size can be
increased with this code:

import asynchat
asynchat.async_chat.ac_in_buffer_size  = 1024*128
asynchat.async_chat.ac_out_buffer_size = 1024*128

The *smtpd.SMTP* class prcoesses data through the *smtpd.SMTPChannel* class.
There are a lot of debug statements in the module, like so:

print  DEBUGSTREAM, 'Data:', repr(line)

By default, DEBUGSTREAM is a no-op, but that that doesn't prevent
repr(line) from being called. When variable, line, contains a large
email (multiple megabytes),
this debug step will really kill performance.

Secondly, the method *found_terminator* will also perform expensive
strings ops on the e-mail. Maybe its not possible to disable this
step, in all cases,
but for testing performance, you can override the method like so:

class QuickSMTPChannel( smtpd.SMTPChannel, object):
   def found_terminator(self):
  if (self._SMTPChannel__state == self.COMMAND or
self._SMTPChannel__state != self.DATA):
 data = smtpd.EMPTYSTRING.join(self._SMTPChannel__line)
 self._SMTPChannel__line = []
 status = self._SMTPChannel__server.process_message(
   self._SMTPChannel__peer, self._SMTPChannel__mailfrom,
   self._SMTPChannel__rcpttos, data)
 self._SMTPChannel__rcpttos = []
 self._SMTPChannel__mailfrom = None
 self._SMTPChannel__state = self.COMMAND
 if not status:
 self.push('250 Ok')


- Casey

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