[ANN] Leipzig Python User Group - Meeting, January 12, 2010, 08:00pm

2010-01-08 Thread Mike Müller

=== Leipzig Python User Group ===

We will meet on Tuesday, January 12 at 8:00 pm at the training
center of Python Academy in Leipzig, Germany
( http://www.python-academy.com/center/find.html ).

Markus Zapke-Gründemann will introduce the modules xml.sax[1] and 
xml.sax.handler[2]. They are useful for fast processing of large amounts 
of XML data.

Food and soft drinks are provided. Please send a short
confirmation mail to i...@python-academy.de, so we can prepare

Everybody who uses Python, plans to do so or is interested in
learning more about the language is encouraged to participate.

While the meeting language will be mainly German, we will provide
English translation if needed.

Current information about the meetings are at
http://www.python-academy.com/user-group .


== Leipzig Python User Group ===

Wir treffen uns am Dienstag, 12.01.2010 um 20:00 Uhr
im Schulungszentrum der Python Academy in Leipzig
( http://www.python-academy.de/Schulungszentrum/anfahrt.html ).

Markus Zapke-Gründemann wird die Module xml.sax[1] und 
xml.sax.handler[2] vorstellen, mit denen sich schnell große Mengen an 
XML-Daten verarbeiten lassen.

Für das leibliche Wohl wird gesorgt. Eine Anmeldung unter
i...@python-academy.de wäre nett, damit wir genug Essen
besorgen können.

Willkommen ist jeder, der Interesse an Python hat, die Sprache
bereits nutzt oder nutzen möchte.

Aktuelle Informationen zu den Treffen sind unter
http://www.python-academy.de/User-Group zu finden.

Viele Grüße

[1] http://docs.python.org/library/xml.sax.html
[2] http://docs.python.org/library/xml.sax.handler.html


   Support the Python Software Foundation:

SQLObject 0.11.3

2010-01-08 Thread Oleg Broytman

I'm pleased to announce version 0.11.3, a minor bugfix release of 0.11 branch
of SQLObject.

What is SQLObject

SQLObject is an object-relational mapper.  Your database tables are described
as classes, and rows are instances of those classes.  SQLObject is meant to be
easy to use and quick to get started with.

SQLObject supports a number of backends: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite,
Firebird, Sybase, MSSQL and MaxDB (also known as SAPDB).

Where is SQLObject



Mailing list:



News and changes:

What's New

News since 0.11.2

* The cache culling algorithm was enhanced to eliminate memory leaks by
  removing references to dead objects; tested on a website that runs around
  4 million requests a day.

* Fixed a bug in col.py and dbconnection.py - if dbEncoding is None suppose
  it's 'ascii'.

* Fixed a bug in FirebirdConnection.

For a more complete list, please see the news:

 Oleg Broytmanhttp://phd.pp.ru/p...@phd.pp.ru
   Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

Support the Python Software Foundation:

SQLObject 0.12.1

2010-01-08 Thread Oleg Broytman

I'm pleased to announce version 0.12.1, a bugfix release of branch 0.12
of SQLObject.

What is SQLObject

SQLObject is an object-relational mapper.  Your database tables are described
as classes, and rows are instances of those classes.  SQLObject is meant to be
easy to use and quick to get started with.

SQLObject supports a number of backends: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite,
Firebird, Sybase, MSSQL and MaxDB (also known as SAPDB).

Where is SQLObject



Mailing list:



News and changes:

What's New

News since 0.12.0

* The cache culling algorithm was enhanced to eliminate memory leaks by
  removing references to dead objects; tested on a website that runs around
  4 million requests a day.

* Fixed a bug in col.py and dbconnection.py - if dbEncoding is None suppose
  it's 'ascii'.

* Fixed three bugs in PostgresConnection.

* Fixed a bug in FirebirdConnection.

For a more complete list, please see the news:

 Oleg Broytmanhttp://phd.pp.ru/p...@phd.pp.ru
   Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Caching objects in a C extension

2010-01-08 Thread casevh
I'm working with a C extension that needs to rapidly create and delete
objects. I came up with an approach to cache objects that are being
deleted and resurrect them instead of creating new objects. It appears
to work well but I'm afraid I may be missing something (besides
heeding the warning in the documentation that _Py_NewReference is for
internal interpreter use only).

Below is a simplified version of the approach I'm using:

MyType_dealloc(MyTypeObject *self)
if(I_want_to_save_MyType(self)) {
// Save the object pointer in a cache
} else {

MyTypeObject *self;
if(there_is_an_object_in_the_cache) {
self = get_object_from_cache;
} else {
if(!(self = PyObjectNew(MyTypeObject, MyType))
return NULL;
return self;

The objects referenced in the cache have a reference count of 0 and I
don't increment the reference count until I need to resurrect the
object. Could these objects be clobbered by the garbage collector?
Would it be safer to create the new reference before stuffing the
object into the cache (even though it will look like there is a memory
leak when running under a debug build)?

Thanks in advance for any comments,



Re: Ask how to use HTMLParser

2010-01-08 Thread h0uk
On 8 янв, 11:44, Water Lin water...@ymail.invalid wrote:
 h0uk vardan.pogos...@gmail.com writes:
  On 8 янв, 08:44, Water Lin water...@ymail.invalid wrote:
  I am a new guy to use Python, but I want to parse a html page now. I
  tried to use HTMLParse. Here is my sample code:
  from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
  from urllib2 import urlopen

  class MyParser(HTMLParser):
      title = 
      is_title = 
      def __init__(self, url):
          req = urlopen(url)

      def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
          if tag == 'div' and attrs[0][1] == 'articleTitle':
              print Found link = %s % attrs[0][1]
              self.is_title = 1

      def handle_data(self, data):
          if self.is_title:
              print here
              self.title = data
              print self.title
              self.is_title = 0

  For the tag
  div class=articleTitleopen article title/div

  I use my code to parse it. I can locate the div tag but I don't know how
  to get the text for the tag which is open article title in my example.

  How can I get the html content? What's wrong in my handle_data function?


  Water Lin

  Water Lin's notes and pencils:http://en.waterlin.org
  Email: water...@ymail.com

  I want to say your code works well

 But in handle_data I can't print self.title. I don't why I can't set the
 self.title in handle_data.


 Water Lin

 Water Lin's notes and pencils:http://en.waterlin.org
 Email: water...@ymail.com

I have tested your code as :

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- conding: utf-8 -*-

from HTMLParser import HTMLParser

class MyParser(HTMLParser):
title = 
is_title = 
def __init__(self, data):

def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
if tag == 'div' and attrs[0][1] == 'articleTitle':
print Found link = %s % attrs[0][1]
self.is_title = 1

def handle_data(self, data):
if self.is_title:
print here
self.title = data
print self.title
self.is_title = 0

if __name__ == __main__:

m  = MyParser( div class=secttlbarwrap
  table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 
  div style=background: 
c=99bc=whitew=4h=4a=af) 0px 0px; width: 4px; height: 4px
  td bgcolor=#99 width=100% 
height=4img alt=
width=1 height=1td
  div style=background: 
c=99bc=whitew=4h=4a=af) -4px 0px; width: 4px; height: 4px
div class=articleTitleopen article 
  div class=secttlbar
  div class=lf secttl
  span id=thread_subject_site
  Ask how to use HTMLParser
  div class=rf secmsg frtxt padt2
  a class=uitl id=showoptions_lnk2 
onclick=TH_ToggleOptionsPane(); return false;Parametrs/a
  div class=hght0 clear 

All stuff printed and handled fine. Also, the 'print self.title'
statement works fine.
Try run my code.


Re: C Structure rebuild with ctypes

2010-01-08 Thread Georg
Hi Mark,

 Are you passing in these values, or are they being returned?  To me the 
 depth of the pointer references implies numVars, varNames, and varTypes 
 are out parameters. I'll assume that for now.  If they are in/out 
 parameters let me know.

If these parameters were in parameters. What would I have to do different?

Best regards



Re: getfirst and re

2010-01-08 Thread Victor Subervi
On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 2:19 PM, Victor Subervi victorsube...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 3:09 PM, Carsten Haese carsten.ha...@gmail.comwrote:

 Victor Subervi wrote:
  I have an automatically generated HTML form from which I need to extract
  data to the script which this form calls (to which the information is

 Ideally, the script that receives the submitted fields should know how
 the form was generated, so it knows what fields to expect. Failing that,
  you should realize that getfirst() is not the only way to access the
 contents of a cgi.FieldStorage object.

 If you need to know the values of all fields whose names obey a certain
 pattern, I recommend you start with a list of all field names in the
 FieldStorage object and pick out the ones whose names obey that pattern.
 To get the list of field names, you should consider using the .keys()
 method of the FieldStorage object.

Code snippet:

def cgiFieldStorageToDict(fieldStorage):
  params = {}
  for key in fieldStorage.keys():
params[key] = cgi.FieldStorage[key].value
  return params

def display():
  dict = cgiFieldStorageToDict(cgi.FieldStorage())
  print dict


  163 print 'All products together usually cost: $%fbr /br /' %
str(fpformat.fix(round(int(allPrices * 100))/100, 2))
  164   cursor.close()
  165   bottom()
  167 display()
display = function display
 /var/www/html/angrynates.com/christians/cart/display.py in display()
  120 def display():
  121   top()
  122   dict = cgiFieldStorageToDict(cgi.FieldStorage())
  123   print dict
  124   if store == 'prescriptions':
builtin dict = type 'dict', global cgiFieldStorageToDict = function
cgiFieldStorageToDict, global cgi = module 'cgi' from
'/usr/lib64/python2.4/cgi.pyc', cgi.FieldStorage = class cgi.FieldStorage
 /var/www/html/angrynates.com/christians/cart/display.py in
cgiFieldStorageToDict(fieldStorage=FieldStorage(None, None,
[MiniFieldStorage('stor...products'), MiniFieldStorage('cat', 'prodCat1')]))
  115   params = {}
  116   for key in fieldStorage.keys():
  117 params[key] = cgi.FieldStorage[key].value
  118   return params
params = {}, key = 'store', global cgi = module 'cgi' from
'/usr/lib64/python2.4/cgi.pyc', cgi.FieldStorage = class
cgi.FieldStorage, ].value undefined

TypeError: unsubscriptable object
  args = ('unsubscriptable object',)

What do?

#! /usr/bin/python

import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
import cgi
import MySQLdb
import sys,os
from login import login
from template import top, bottom
from sets import Set
import fpformat

form = cgi.FieldStorage()
store = form.getfirst('store')
cat = form.getfirst('cat', '')

user, passwd, db, host = login()
db = MySQLdb.connect(host, user, passwd, db)
cursor = db.cursor()

def displayProducts(patientID=''):
  try: # These are stores with categories where ordering by price is
sql = 'select ID from %s where Category=%s order by Price desc;' %
(store, cat)
  except: # Stores, like prescriptions, where ordering by price is not
sql = 'select ID from %s;' % (store)
  ids = [itm[0] for itm in cursor]
  cursor.execute('describe %s;' % store)
  colFields, colFieldValues = [itm[0] for itm in cursor], [itm[1] for itm in
  i = 0
  if len(ids)  0:
for id in ids:
#  print 'tr\n'
  print 'form method=post action=displayOneProduct.py'
  print input type='hidden' name='store' value='%s' / % store
  print input type='hidden' name='id' value='%s' / % id
  j = 0
  for col in colFields:
sql = 'select %s from %s where ID=%s;' % (col, store, str(id))
colValue = cursor.fetchone()
if col == 'SKU':
  print input type='hidden' name='sku' value='%s' / %
  print 'b%s: /b%sbr /\n' % (col, colValue[0])
elif col == 'Category':
  print input type='hidden' name='cat' value='%s' / %
  print 'b%s: /b%sbr /\n' % (col, colValue[0])
elif col == 'OutOfStock':
  if colValue[0] == '1': # This product is out of stock
outOfStockFlag = 'yes'
outOfStockFlag = 'no'
elif col[:3] != 'pic':
  notSet = 1
  if isinstance(colValue[0], (str, int, float, long, complex,
unicode, list, buffer, xrange, tuple)):
  html = b%s/b: select name='%s' % (col, col)
  notSet = 0
  for itm in colValue[0]:
  color, number = itm.split('$')
  html += option name='%s'%s/option % (itm, color)
  html += option name='%s'%s/option % (itm, itm)
  html += /selectbr /
  print html
  if notSet == 1:

multiprocessing and remote objects

2010-01-08 Thread Frank Millman
Hi all

I am experimenting with the multiprocessing module, to get a feel of what is 
possible and what is not. I have got a situation that does not behave as 
expected. I can work around it, but I would like to find out the underlying 
reason, to get a more solid understanding.

I am trying to create 'remote objects' that can be shared between processes. 
I can create and return an instance of a class, with no problem. Now I want 
to add a method to the class which, when called remotely, creates and 
returns an instance of another class. I cannot get this to work.

On the server side I have -

tables = {}  # a cache of table instances, keyed on name

class Table(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name

def get_table(self, tablename):
# if table with this name does not exist,
#   create it and store it in cache
if tablename not in tables:
tables[tablename] = Table(tablename)
# retrieve table instance from cache and return it
return tables[tablename]

class MyManager(BaseManager): pass

MyManager.register('get_table', get_table,
method_to_typeid={'get_table': 'Table')
MyManager.register('Table', Table)

if __name__ == '__main__':
manager = MyManager(address=('', 5))
server = manager.get_server()

On the client side I have -

class MyManager(BaseManager): pass


if __name__ == '__main__':
manager = MyManager(address=('', 5))

cust = manager.get_table('Customers')

So far so good.

Then I extend the server program as follows -

class Table(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
+   self.columns = {}

+   def add_column(self, colname):
+   if colname not in self.columns:
+   self.columns[colname] = Column(colname)
+   return self.columns[colname]

+   class Column(object):
+   def __init__(self, colname):
+   self.colname = colname

MyManager.register('get_table', get_table,
method_to_typeid={'get_table': 'Table')
-   MyManager.register('Table', Table)
+   MyManager.register('Table', Table,
+   method_to_typeid={'add_column': 'Column')
+   MyManager.register('Column', Column)

and I extend the client program as follows -

+   MyManager.register('Column')

cust = manager.get_table('Customers')
+   acno = cust.add_column('Acno')

The server appears to create and return the column ok, but on the client 
side I get the following traceback -

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File F:\junk\multiprocess\mp13b.py, line 29, in module
acno = cust.add_column('Acno')
  File string, line 2, in add_column
  File C:\Python26\lib\multiprocessing\managers.py, line 726, in 
kind, result = conn.recv()
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Column'

Does anyone know if it is possible to do what I am attempting, and what the 
correct approach is?

BTW, version is Python 2.6.2.


Frank Millman


Standardized interpreter speed evaluation tool

2010-01-08 Thread alexru
Is there any standardized interpreter speed evaluation tool? Say I
made few changes in interpreter code and want to know if those changes
made python any better, which test should I use?

Re: Ask how to use HTMLParser

2010-01-08 Thread Dave Angel

Water Lin wrote:

h0uk vardan.pogos...@gmail.com writes:


On 8 янв, 08:44, Water Lin water...@ymail.invalid wrote:

I am a new guy to use Python, but I want to parse a html page now. I
tried to use HTMLParse. Here is my sample code:
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
from urllib2 import urlopen

class MyParser(HTMLParser):
title = 
is_title = 
def __init__(self, url):
req = urlopen(url)

def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
if tag == 'div' and attrs[0][1] == 'articleTitle':
print Found link = %s % attrs[0][1]
self.is_title = 1

def handle_data(self, data):
if self.is_title:
print here
self.title = data
print self.title
self.is_title = 0

For the tag
div class=articleTitleopen article title/div

I use my code to parse it. I can locate the div tag but I don't know how
to get the text for the tag which is open article title in my example.

How can I get the html content? What's wrong in my handle_data function?


Water Lin

Water Lin's notes and pencils:http://en.waterlin.org
Email: water...@ymail.com

I want to say your code works well

But in handle_data I can't print self.title. I don't why I can't set the
self.title in handle_data.


Water Lin

I don't know HTMLParser, but I see a possible confusion point in your 
class definition.

You have both class-attributes and instance-attributes of the same names 
(title and is_title). So if you have more than one instance of MyParser, 
then they won't see each other's changes. Normally, I'd move the 
initialization of such attributes into the __init__() method, so the 
behavior is clear.

When an instance-attribute has the same name as a class-attribute, the 
instance-attribute takes precedence, and hides the class-attribute, 
for further processing in that same instance. So effectively, the 
class-attribute acts as a default value.


Re: How do I access what's in this module?

2010-01-08 Thread Fencer

On 2010-01-08 05:01, John Machin wrote:

Error message should appear after line starting with File. Above
excerpt taken from google groups; identical to what shows in
http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.general ... what are you
looking at?

With Windows XP and Python 2.5.4 I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, inmodule
AttributeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object has no attribute

I'm sorry, I managed to leave out that last line by mistake! My bad. I 
didn't spot that in my first reply to you because I was under the 
impression that you hadn't seen the tiniest part of traceback. As you 
neatly pointed out earlier, it's easy to become confused when 
communicating. :)

It turns out I no longer want to access anything in there but I thank
you for your information nontheless.

You're welcome -- the advice on _methods is portable :-)

I will look more closely at what other advice you write, I must confess 
I didn't actually do that because, as I mentioned, I no longer had any 
interest in accessing the module and I was busy (and still am) with 
another problem. Thanks John!

- Fencer

Re: Standardized interpreter speed evaluation tool

2010-01-08 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

alexru schrieb:

Is there any standardized interpreter speed evaluation tool? Say I
made few changes in interpreter code and want to know if those changes
made python any better, which test should I use?

Pybench I guess.


Re: Caching objects in a C extension

2010-01-08 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

casevh schrieb:

I'm working with a C extension that needs to rapidly create and delete
objects. I came up with an approach to cache objects that are being
deleted and resurrect them instead of creating new objects. It appears
to work well but I'm afraid I may be missing something (besides
heeding the warning in the documentation that _Py_NewReference is for
internal interpreter use only).

Below is a simplified version of the approach I'm using:

MyType_dealloc(MyTypeObject *self)
if(I_want_to_save_MyType(self)) {
// Save the object pointer in a cache
} else {

MyTypeObject *self;
if(there_is_an_object_in_the_cache) {
self = get_object_from_cache;
} else {
if(!(self = PyObjectNew(MyTypeObject, MyType))
return NULL;
return self;

The objects referenced in the cache have a reference count of 0 and I
don't increment the reference count until I need to resurrect the
object. Could these objects be clobbered by the garbage collector?
Would it be safer to create the new reference before stuffing the
object into the cache (even though it will look like there is a memory
leak when running under a debug build)?

Deep out of my guts I'd say keeping a reference, and using you own 
LRU-scheme would be the safest without residing to use dark magic.


Re: Standardized interpreter speed evaluation tool

2010-01-08 Thread Dave Angel

alexru wrote:

Is there any standardized interpreter speed evaluation tool? Say I
made few changes in interpreter code and want to know if those changes
made python any better, which test should I use?

Not trying to be a smart-aleck, but the test you use should reflect your 
definition of the phrase any better.  For example, suppose you decided 
that you could speed things up by pre-calculating a few dozen megabytes 
of data, and including that in the python.dll.  This would change the 
memory footprint of Python, and possibly the interpreter's startup/load 
time, not just the runtime of whatever loop you are testing.

But if I assume you know all that and just want to do timings.  There 
are at least two stdlib functions that can help:

import time
time.time() and time.clock() will give you a wall-clock floating point 
number, and you can subtract two of these within the same program to see 
how long something takes.  This approach ignores interpreter startup, 
and does nothing to compensate for other processes running on the 
system.  But it can be very useful, and easy to run.  The resolution on 
each function varies by OS, so you may have to experiment to see which 
one gives the most precision.

import time
start  = time.time()
print Elapsed time, time.time() - start

timeit module can be used within code for timing, or it may be used to 
load and run a test from the command line.  In the latter version, it 
includes the startup time for the interpreter, which might be 
important.  It also can execute the desired code repeatedly, so you can 
get some form of averaging, or amortizing.

*** python -m timeit 

Note that due to system caching, doing multiple runs consecutively may 
give different results than ones that are separated by other programs 
running.  And of course when you recompile and link., the system buffers 
will contain an unusual set of data.  So there are ways (which I don't 
recall) of flushing the system buffers to let programs start on equal 



Re: PyQt QThreadPool error

2010-01-08 Thread Phil Thompson
On Thu, 7 Jan 2010 15:07:10 -0800 (PST), h0uk vardan.pogos...@gmail.com


 Phil you right about app.exec_(). But situation is sligthly different.
 I want to have more than one Job. I add these Jobs into QThreadPool
 trough cycle. And I also want these Jobs to run  sequentially.
 The following code illustrate what I mean:
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 import sys
 import os
 import time
 from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
 class Job(QtCore.QRunnable):
   def __init__(self, name):
   self._name = name
   def run(self):
   print self._name
 if __name__ == __main__:
   app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
   for i in range(5):
   j = Job(Job- + str(i))
   QtCore.QThreadPool.globalInstance().start(j, i)
 After 5 cycle I get the same error:  An unhandled win32 exception
 occured in python.exe.
 How I can do it?? To run my Jobs sequentially???

It's a PyQt bug. The workaround is not to use setAutoDelete() and instead
keep an explicit reference to your Job instances - for example in a list of


Transforming a List of elements into a List of lists of elements

2010-01-08 Thread tiago almeida
Hello all,

I'd like to ask how you'd implement a function *f* that transforms a list of
elements into a list of lists of elements by grouping contiguous elements

print( f(a, 2) )   # - [ [1, 2], [3, 4], [5] ]
print( f(a, 3) )   # - [ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5] ]
print( f(a, 1) )   # - [ [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] ]

I have done a small function that does this using a while loop but what I'm
looking for is a more *pythonic* way to do this. Maybe some function in some
standard Module does this and I don't know?

Ps: I don't post the function here because I don't have it with me.

Thanks a lot in advance!
Tiago Almeida

Re: Transforming a List of elements into a List of lists of elements

2010-01-08 Thread Jan Kaliszewski

08-01-2010 tiago almeida tiago.b.alme...@gmail.com wrote:

Hello all,

I'd like to ask how you'd implement a function *f* that transforms a  
list of elements into a list of lists of elements by grouping

contiguous elements together.

print( f(a, 2) )   # - [ [1, 2], [3, 4], [5] ]
print( f(a, 3) )   # - [ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5] ]
print( f(a, 1) )   # - [ [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] ]

I have done a small function that does this using a while loop but
what I'm looking for is a more *pythonic* way to do this. Maybe
some function in some standard Module does this and I don't know?

[In Python 2.x]

 s = [1,2,3,4,5]
 zip(*[iter(s)]*3)  # zip truncates result
[(1, 2, 3)]
[(1, 2), (3, 4)]
 zip(*[iter(s)]*3)  # or simpler: zip(s) :-)
[(1,), (2,), (3,), (4,), (5,)]
 map(None, *[iter(s)]*2)  # map fills result with None
[(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, None)]
 map(None, *[iter(s)]*3)
[(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, None)]

Instead of map, you can use izip_longest from itertools module:

[(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, None)]
[(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, None)]



Jan Kaliszewski (zuo) z...@chopin.edu.pl

Re: Transforming a List of elements into a List of lists of elements

2010-01-08 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

tiago almeida wrote:

Hello all,

I'd like to ask how you'd implement a function /f/ that transforms a 
list of elements into a list of lists of elements by grouping 
contiguous elements together.


print( f(a, 2) )   # - [ [1, 2], [3, 4], [5] ]
print( f(a, 3) )   # - [ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5] ]
print( f(a, 1) )   # - [ [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] ]

I have done a small function that does this using a while loop but 
what I'm looking for is a more /pythonic/ way to do this. Maybe some 
function in some standard Module does this and I don't know?

Ps: I don't post the function here because I don't have it with me.

Thanks a lot in advance!
Tiago Almeida
tiago.b.alme...@gmail.com mailto:tiago.b.alme...@gmail.com

using list comprehention 

# note: poor naming
def func(l, slice):
   r = range(0, len(l), slice)
   result = [l[sl:sl+slice] for sl in r]
   print result

 func(a,1) ; func(a,2) ; func(a,3)
[[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]]
[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]
[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]

I would add that I personally find list comprehension hard to read, so 
I'm not sure it is that pythonic. Your old school while loop could be 
less concise/elegant, but perfectly readable.


Re: Transforming a List of elements into a List of lists of elements

2010-01-08 Thread Jan Kaliszewski

PS. Sorry, I wrote:

  zip(*[iter(s)]*3)  # or simpler: zip(s) :-)

But should be

  zip(*[iter(s)]*1)  # or simpler: zip(s) :-)


SQLObject 0.11.3

2010-01-08 Thread Oleg Broytman

I'm pleased to announce version 0.11.3, a minor bugfix release of 0.11 branch
of SQLObject.

What is SQLObject

SQLObject is an object-relational mapper.  Your database tables are described
as classes, and rows are instances of those classes.  SQLObject is meant to be
easy to use and quick to get started with.

SQLObject supports a number of backends: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite,
Firebird, Sybase, MSSQL and MaxDB (also known as SAPDB).

Where is SQLObject



Mailing list:



News and changes:

What's New

News since 0.11.2

* The cache culling algorithm was enhanced to eliminate memory leaks by
  removing references to dead objects; tested on a website that runs around
  4 million requests a day.

* Fixed a bug in col.py and dbconnection.py - if dbEncoding is None suppose
  it's 'ascii'.

* Fixed a bug in FirebirdConnection.

For a more complete list, please see the news:

 Oleg Broytmanhttp://phd.pp.ru/p...@phd.pp.ru
   Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

SQLObject 0.12.1

2010-01-08 Thread Oleg Broytman

I'm pleased to announce version 0.12.1, a bugfix release of branch 0.12
of SQLObject.

What is SQLObject

SQLObject is an object-relational mapper.  Your database tables are described
as classes, and rows are instances of those classes.  SQLObject is meant to be
easy to use and quick to get started with.

SQLObject supports a number of backends: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite,
Firebird, Sybase, MSSQL and MaxDB (also known as SAPDB).

Where is SQLObject



Mailing list:



News and changes:

What's New

News since 0.12.0

* The cache culling algorithm was enhanced to eliminate memory leaks by
  removing references to dead objects; tested on a website that runs around
  4 million requests a day.

* Fixed a bug in col.py and dbconnection.py - if dbEncoding is None suppose
  it's 'ascii'.

* Fixed three bugs in PostgresConnection.

* Fixed a bug in FirebirdConnection.

For a more complete list, please see the news:

 Oleg Broytmanhttp://phd.pp.ru/p...@phd.pp.ru
   Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

dtd validation on python 3.1 on Windows.

2010-01-08 Thread VYAS ASHISH M-NTB837
What is the best way to validate xmls against my dtd in python?
I dont see minodom doing this. 
Sax has dtd validation, but does not complain on dtd violations. (it
does access the dtd, if it does not find dtd it complains me.)
I am using python 3.1 on Win32 machine.
I was planning to try lxml2.2.4 but it shows DLL importerror. I posted
the problem on this forum a few days back, but there is no reply on
Any help?!

Re: Need help to pass self.count to other classes.

2010-01-08 Thread Steve Holden
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
[... points out my misapprehension ...]
 kbi = kbInterface()
 sys.ps1 = kbi.prompt1
 bound method kbInterface.prompt1 of __main__.kbInterface object at 
 0xb7cbd52cprint Hello
 bound method kbInterface.prompt1 of __main__.kbInterface object at 
Right, this is expert mode ...

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon is coming! Atlanta, Feb 2010  http://us.pycon.org/
Holden Web LLC http://www.holdenweb.com/
UPCOMING EVENTS:http://holdenweb.eventbrite.com/


Re: How to execute a script from another script and other script does not do busy wait.

2010-01-08 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Thu, 2010-01-07, danmcle...@yahoo.com wrote:
 On Jan 7, 9:18 am, Jorgen Grahn grahn+n...@snipabacken.se wrote:
 On Thu, 2010-01-07, Rajat wrote:
  I want to run a python script( aka script2) from another python script
  (aka script1). While script1 executes script2 it waits for script2 to
  complete and in doing so it also does some other useful work.(does not
  do a busy wait).

  My intention is to update a third party through script1 that script2
  is going to take longer.

 I do not understand that sentence.
 What are you trying to do, more exactly?  The best solution can be
 threads, os.popen, os.system or something different -- depending on
 the details of what you want to do.


 I personally use subprocess. Once you launch via subprocess you can
 wait or not.

 p = subprocess.Popen(...)
 p.wait() #or not.

 See subprocess docs.

Yes, that was included in or something different above. I have never
used it myself, since I've needed to be compatible with Python  2.4.

Still, we need to know what he tries to do.


  // Jorgen Grahn grahn@  Oo  o.   .  .
\X/ snipabacken.se   O  o   .

Re: getfirst and re

2010-01-08 Thread Carsten Haese
Victor Subervi wrote:
 Code snippet:
 What do?

After eliminating the pieces of your post that have been copied or
quoted from elsewhere, I am left with a total of five words of your own
to ask this question, which seems to be approximately the same amount of
effort you have put into trying to figure out what's causing the error.

If you put in a little bit more effort than that, you might figure out
yourself what's causing the error, which should then logically lead you
to how to fix the error.

Good luck.



Re: getfirst and re

2010-01-08 Thread Victor Subervi
On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 10:11 AM, Carsten Haese carsten.ha...@gmail.comwrote:

 Victor Subervi wrote:
  Code snippet:
  What do?

 After eliminating the pieces of your post that have been copied or
 quoted from elsewhere, I am left with a total of five words of your own
 to ask this question, which seems to be approximately the same amount of
 effort you have put into trying to figure out what's causing the error.

First I get scolded for not including enough information. Now I get scolded
for including too much. Seems I can't win. I *am* putting effort into
understanding this. I'm sorry I'm not as sharp as you are in these matters.

params = {}, key = 'store', global cgi = module 'cgi' from
, cgi.FieldStorage = class cgi.FieldStorage, ].value undefined

TypeError: unsubscriptable object
  args = ('unsubscriptable object',)

Why is the value undefined? What is an unsubscriptable object?

Re: Do I have to use threads?

2010-01-08 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Wed, 2010-01-06, Gary Herron wrote:
 aditya shukla wrote:
 Hello people,

 I have 5 directories corresponding 5  different urls .I want to 
 download images from those urls and place them in the respective 
 directories.I have to extract the contents and download them 
 simultaneously.I can extract the contents and do then one by one. My 
 questions is for doing it simultaneously do I have to use threads?

 Please point me in the right direction.



 You've been given some bad advice here.

 First -- threads are lighter-weight than processes, so threads are 
 probably *more* efficient.  However, with only five thread/processes, 
 the difference is probably not noticeable.(If the prejudice against 
 threads comes from concerns over the GIL -- that also is a misplaced 
 concern in this instance.  Since you only have network connection, you 
 will receive only one packet at a time, so only one thread will be 
 active at a time.   If the extraction process uses a significant enough 
 amount of CPU time

I wonder what that extraction would be, by the way.  Unless you ask
for compression of the HTTP data, the images come as-is on the TCP

 so that the extractions are all running at the same 
 time *AND* if you are running on a machine with separate CPU/cores *AND* 
 you would like the extractions to be running truly in parallel on those 
 separate cores,  *THEN*, and only then, will processes be more efficient 
 than threads.)

I can't remember what the bad advice was, but here processes versus
threads clearly doesn't matter performance-wise.  I generally
recommend processes, because how they work is well-known and they're
not as vulnerable to weird synchronization bugs as threads.

 Second, running 5 wgets is equivalent to 5 processes not 5 threads.

 And third -- you don't have to use either threads *or* processes.  There 
 is another possibility which is much more light-weight:  asynchronous 
 I/O,  available through the low level select module, or more usefully 
 via the higher-level asyncore module.

Yeah, that would be my first choice too for a problem which isn't
clearly CPU-bound.  Or my second choice -- the first would be calling
on a utility like wget(1).


  // Jorgen Grahn grahn@  Oo  o.   .  .
\X/ snipabacken.se   O  o   .

Re: Do I have to use threads?

2010-01-08 Thread r0g
Marco Salden wrote:
 On Jan 6, 5:36 am, Philip Semanchuk phi...@semanchuk.com wrote:
 On Jan 5, 2010, at 11:26 PM, aditya shukla wrote:

 Hello people,
 I have 5 directories corresponding 5  different urls .I want to  
 images from those urls and place them in the respective  
 directories.I have
 to extract the contents and download them simultaneously.I can  
 extract the
 contents and do then one by one. My questions is for doing it  
 do I have to use threads?
 No. You could spawn 5 copies of wget (or curl or a Python program that  
 you've written). Whether or not that will perform better or be easier  
 to code, debug and maintain depends on the other aspects of your  

 Yep, the more easier and straightforward the approach, the better:
 threads are always (programmers')-error-prone by nature.
 But my question would be: does it REALLY need to be simultaneously:
 the CPU/OS only has more overhead doing this in parallel with
 processess. Measuring sequential processing and then trying to
 optimize (e.g. for user response or whatever) would be my prefered way
 to go. Less=More.

Threads aren't as hard a some people make out although it does depend on
the problem. If your processes are effectively independent then threads
are probably the right solution. You can turn any function into a thread
quite easily, I posted a function for this a while back...


Also it's often a good idea to build in a flag that switches your app
from multi threaded to single threaded as it's easier to debug the latter.


Re: PIL show() not working for 2nd pic

2010-01-08 Thread McColgst
Do you get any errors or warnings?
Could we see the code you ran to get this problem?


Re: getfirst and re

2010-01-08 Thread Steve Holden
Victor Subervi wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 10:11 AM, Carsten Haese carsten.ha...@gmail.com
 mailto:carsten.ha...@gmail.com wrote:
 Victor Subervi wrote:
  Code snippet:
  What do?
 After eliminating the pieces of your post that have been copied or
 quoted from elsewhere, I am left with a total of five words of your own
 to ask this question, which seems to be approximately the same amount of
 effort you have put into trying to figure out what's causing the error.
 First I get scolded for not including enough information. Now I get
 scolded for including too much. Seems I can't win. I *am* putting effort
 into understanding this. I'm sorry I'm not as sharp as you are in these
 params = {}, key = 'store', global cgi = module 'cgi' from
, cgi.FieldStorage = class cgi.FieldStorage, ].value undefined
 TypeError: unsubscriptable object
   args = ('unsubscriptable object',)
 Why is the value undefined? What is an unsubscriptable object?
What is why?

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon is coming! Atlanta, Feb 2010  http://us.pycon.org/
Holden Web LLC http://www.holdenweb.com/
UPCOMING EVENTS:http://holdenweb.eventbrite.com/


Scripting (was Re: Python books, literature etc)

2010-01-08 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Thu, 2010-01-07, Peter wrote:

 [...] depending on your 
 application domain, I liked:

 1) Hans Petter Langtangen: Python Scripting for Computational Science
 A truly excellent book, not only with respect to Python Scripting , but 
 also on how to avoid paying  license fees by using opensource tools as 
 an engineer ( plotting, graphing, gui dev etc ). Very good , pratical 
 introduction to Python with careful and non-trivial examples and exercises.

Sounds good.

Regarding the book's title: is it just me, or are Python programmers
in general put off when people call it scripting?

I won't attempt a strict definition of the term scripting language,
but it seems like non-programmers use it to mean less scary than what
you might think of as programming, while programmers interpret it as
not useful as a general-purpose language.


  // Jorgen Grahn grahn@  Oo  o.   .  .
\X/ snipabacken.se   O  o   .

Re: getfirst and re

2010-01-08 Thread Steve Holden
Victor Subervi wrote:
 TypeError: unsubscriptable object
   args = ('unsubscriptable object',)
 Why is the value undefined? What is an unsubscriptable object?
Sorry, that wasn't very helpful. Here's some more advice:

Google is you friend. Try Googling for components of the error
traceback. It's unlikely you are the first person to experience this

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon is coming! Atlanta, Feb 2010  http://us.pycon.org/
Holden Web LLC http://www.holdenweb.com/
UPCOMING EVENTS:http://holdenweb.eventbrite.com/


C Module's '1.#INF' changes to 'inf' at Python

2010-01-08 Thread CELEN Erman
Hi All,


My problem is that I've noticed a strange behavior in Python while handling 
FPEs on Windows after switching compilers (msvc8 to msvc9) and I am trying to 
find out how Python handles INF values to figure out where the problem might 


The problem appeared when we noticed that behavior of Numeric (older version of 
NumPy) library has changed when dealing with Floating-Point Exceptions. We are 
building our own slightly modified version of Python in-house (including 
Numeric/NumPy) and when we switched from the msvc8 to msvc9 compiler, Numeric 
started to return '-inf' as a result of 'Numeric.log10(0.0)' instead of rasing 
an OverflowError. I know that Numeric is using umath instead of the math 
library and since math.log10(0.0) is still raising an Error (which is 
ValueError in 2.6 and OverflowError in 2.4, but still an error) I thought that 
it might have something to do with how umath or Numeric handles the input or 
return values of log functions.


Before hunting blindly I wanted to see how Python interprets INF results. I 
built a simple module with only one function that causes an FPE with log10(0.0) 
using C's math library and prints the results with printf. Then I imported that 
module from python, called the function and printed the result in python too to 
see if there are any differences between two values (which I found out that 
there are)


Here is the that part of the code from my C Python module:


static PyObject *badNum(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)


int sts = 0; //Not used, just dummy


double a = 0.0;

double c = 0.0;

if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, i, sts)) //Dummy check, no use

return NULL;


c = log10(a); //Since FPEs disabled, should return '-1.#INF'



printf(C-Val: %f\n, c);

return Py_BuildValue(d, c);



After I build the module and imported it into Python, I called the function and 
printed the return value in Python. The output was different in two versions of 


Output1 (Module was built with msvc8 and run by python24)

C-Val: -1.#INF

Py-Val: -1.#INF


Output2 (Module was built with msvc9 and run by python26)

C-Val: -1.#INF

Py-Val: -inf


I now know that compiler change didn't cause any change in return value of 
log10(0.0) at C level (both compilations resulted in '-1.#INF') so I am 
thinking that somehow at somewhere in Python core the value is translated into 
'-inf' and that might be the reason why Numeric/NumPy is missing the problem 
and having issues raising OverflowError like it's supposed to.


I started debugging Python.exe (with my module loaded) in Visual Studio. While 
tracing what's happening after the line return Py_BuildValue(d, c); I went 
down to the floatobject.c  file (which I thought is highly relevant to 
floating-point value conversions) and in particular format_float() function 
but since I am not that familiar with Python internals, I am having trouble 
pinpointing the issue and the code where the conversion is happening and I 
can't even be sure if I am looking at the right place.


I would appreciate if someone could help me out or at least could point me to 
the right direction so that I can figure out the rest.




Best Regards,


Ali Erman CELEN

Platform Specialists / Porting

Dassault Systèmes I www.3ds.com http://www.3ds.com/ 

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to http://www.3ds.com/terms/email-disclaimer.

Re: One function calling another defined in the same file being exec'd

2010-01-08 Thread Gabriel Genellina
En Thu, 07 Jan 2010 19:47:13 -0300, Mitchell L Model mlm...@comcast.net  

 def dofile(filename):
ldict = {'result': None}
with open(filename) as file:
exec(file.read(), globals(), ldict)
print('Result for {}: {}'.format(filename, ldict['result']))

Next I call dofile() on a slightly more complex file, in which one  

calls  another function defined earlier in the same file.

def fn1(val):
 return sum(range(val))

def fn2(arg):
 return fn1(arg)

result = fn2(5)

This produces a surprise:

 NameError: global name 'fn1' is not defined

Ok - short answer or long answer?

Short answer: Emulate how modules work. Make globals() same as locals().  
(BTW, are you sure you want the file to run with the *same* globals as the  
caller? It sees the dofile() function and everything you have  
defined/imported there...). Simply use: exec(..., ldict, ldict)

[1] How is it that fn2 can be called from the top-level of the script  
but fn1

cannot be called from fn2?

Long answer: First, add these lines before result=fn2(5):

print(globals=, globals().keys())
print(locals=, locals().keys())
import dis

and you'll get:

globals()= dict_keys(['dofile', '__builtins__', '__file__', '__package__',  
'__name__', '__doc__'])

locals()= dict_keys(['result', 'fn1', 'fn2'])

So fn1 and fn2 are defined in the *local* namespace (as always happens in  
Python, unless you use the global statement). Now look at the code of fn2:

  6   0 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (fn1)
  3 LOAD_FAST0 (arg)

Again, the compiler knows that fn1 is not local to fn2, so it must be  
global (because there is no other enclosing scope) and emits a LOAD_GLOBAL  
instruction. But when the code is executed, 'fn1' is not in the global  

Solution: make 'fn1' exist in the global scope. Since assignments (implied  
by the def statement) are always in the local scope, the only alternative  
is to make both scopes (global and local) the very same one.

This shows that the identity globals() is locals() is essential for the  
module system to work.

[2] Is this correct behavior or is there something wrong with Python  

It's perfectly logical once you get it... :)

[3] How should I write a file to be exec'd that defines several  
functions that

call each other, as in the trivial fn1-fn2 example above?

Use the same namespace for both locals and globals: exec(file.read(),  
ldict, ldict)

Gabriel Genellina


Re: Recommended new way for config files

2010-01-08 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Thu, 2010-01-07, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:
 Peter wrote:
 There seems to be several strategies to enhance the old ini-style 
 config files with real python code, for example:
 Is there a strategy that should be prefered for new projects ?

 The .ini file is the simpliest solution, at least from the user point of 
 view, no need to learn any python syntax.

Yeah. Use whatever your users expect, and deal with it. The language
you've happened to implement your stuff in should normally be
irrelevant to the users.

I wouldn't use .ini-style, but that's because I'm a Unix guy and they
remind me of brief and painful experiments with Windows 3.1.

Just remember to include support for commented-out lines.


  // Jorgen Grahn grahn@  Oo  o.   .  .
\X/ snipabacken.se   O  o   .

Re: getfirst and re

2010-01-08 Thread Carsten Haese
Victor Subervi wrote:
 First I get scolded for not including enough information. Now I get
 scolded for including too much. Seems I can't win. I *am* putting effort
 into understanding this. I'm sorry I'm not as sharp as you are in these

I didn't scold you for including too much information. I scolded you for
not demonstrating any effort on your part to try to figure out the
problem. Maybe you did put effort into figuring it out, but you didn't
show us any of it. You simply threw your entire code out there and asked
an open-ended question that gave us no insight into your thought process.

 params = {}, key = 'store', global cgi = module 'cgi' from
, cgi.FieldStorage = class cgi.FieldStorage, ].value undefined
 TypeError: unsubscriptable object
   args = ('unsubscriptable object',)
 Why is the value undefined? What is an unsubscriptable object?

At least those are specific questions. value undefined means that the
cgitb traceback is unable to show a meaningful value for the object
known as cgi.FieldStorage. Maybe you should ask yourself why that is
and why you're operating on an object that doesn't have a meaningful value.

An unsubscriptable object is an object that can't be subscripted. In
other words, it's an object foo for which the expression foo[bar] is
invalid and results in exactly the kind of exception you're struggling
with right now.



Re: Scripting (was Re: Python books, literature etc)

2010-01-08 Thread J
On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 09:37, Jorgen Grahn grahn+n...@snipabacken.se wrote:
 Regarding the book's title: is it just me, or are Python programmers
 in general put off when people call it scripting?

 I won't attempt a strict definition of the term scripting language,
 but it seems like non-programmers use it to mean less scary than what
 you might think of as programming, while programmers interpret it as
 not useful as a general-purpose language.

I dunno...  I consider it programming when I'm writing bash scripts.
Same with running python scripts.

My personal take on it, so YMMV, is that scripting is just a synonym
for programming an interpreted language, as opposed to programming
(common parlance) which is usually meant writing code for a compiled
language (C, C++, VB, etc...)

Then again, I also tend to use scripting, coding and programming
interchangeably too.

And sometimes scripting = just writing a quick and dirty program to do
a small task, programming = writing something much larger for long
term use.

Either way, I'm not offended by any of those terms as they all involve
programming, regardless of whether or not someone actually calls it

For another analogy, what do they call Chinese food in China?  Food.




Ted Turner  - Sports is like a war without the killing. -

Re: Recommended new way for config files

2010-01-08 Thread r0g
Chris Rebert wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 10:19 AM, Peter vm...@mycircuit.org wrote:
 The .ini file is the simpliest solution, at least from the user point of
 view, no need to learn any python syntax.
 I am speaking from the point of view of a python programmer, and I find the
 .ini restrictions not necessarily simple, for example when dealing with
 structured data (I suppose it is trivial to specify a dictionnary or a list
 for the purpose of my request) For example, configuration files for the
 logging module get unwieldy when you specify several loggers , handlers,
 formatters etc, because you have to break down structured data ( objects )
 to name,value pairs.
 So what is the worshipped approach, when you need more than name=value
 pairs ?
 JSON is one option: http://docs.python.org/library/json.html

Yes, JSON is rapidly becoming a standard for stuff like this as it's
widely portable and less bulky than XML. It's the native format for
couchdb too which is nice if you want to replicate and share the
contents of your documents.


Re: Accessing python from a network share in windows 7

2010-01-08 Thread r0g
aj wrote:
 On Jan 7, 3:51 pm, MRAB pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com wrote:
 aj wrote:
 It works without any issue on win7 if I copy python to my local drive.
 Also, accessing python from the same network share works fine on win
 XP. So I am suspecting some security policy of win7 that is causing
 problem while accessing it over a network share.

You might also want to ask on Microsoft Answers...


Good luck,


Re: C Module's '1.#INF' changes to 'inf' at Python

2010-01-08 Thread Robert Kern

On 2010-01-08 07:48 AM, CELEN Erman wrote:

Hi All,

My problem is that I’ve noticed a strange behavior in Python while
handling FPEs on Windows after switching compilers (msvc8 to msvc9) and
I am trying to find out how Python handles INF values to figure out
where the problem might be.

The problem appeared when we noticed that behavior of Numeric (older
version of NumPy) library has changed when dealing with Floating-Point
Exceptions. We are building our own slightly modified version of Python
in-house (including Numeric/NumPy) and when we switched from the msvc8
to msvc9 compiler, Numeric started to return ‘-inf’ as a result of
‘Numeric.log10(0.0)’ instead of rasing an OverflowError. I know that
Numeric is using umath instead of the math library and since
math.log10(0.0) is still raising an Error (which is ValueError in 2.6
and OverflowError in 2.4, but still an error) I thought that it might
have something to do with how umath or Numeric handles the input or
return values of log functions.

Numeric.log10() will check to see if the errno was set to ERANGE. It does not 
check if a floating point exception flag was set, which is tricky to do across 
platforms. The newer numpy can do it because we've finally managed to implement 
all of that platform-specific code, but the earlier Numeric does not. 
Presumably, the msvc8 C runtime's implementation of log10() sets errno and the 
msvc9 runtime's version does not.

Before hunting blindly I wanted to see how Python interprets INF
results. I built a simple module with only one function that causes an
FPE with log10(0.0) using C’s math library and prints the results with
printf. Then I imported that module from python, called the function and
printed the result in python too to see if there are any differences
between two values (which I found out that there are)

Python 2.6 changed the string representations of the special floating point 
values inf and nan. Previously, the string representation was left up to the C 
runtime, so they differed between platforms. Python 2.6 normalized the string 
representation across all platforms. The underlying values are the same. What 
version of Python are you using?

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: getfirst and re

2010-01-08 Thread MRAB

Victor Subervi wrote:

Code snippet:

def cgiFieldStorageToDict(fieldStorage):
  params = {}
  for key in fieldStorage.keys():
params[key] = cgi.FieldStorage[key].value

This is your problem.

  return params



Manipulating pointers in C using ctypes

2010-01-08 Thread Daniel Platz

I have to ask a newbie question about manipulating pointers in C using
ctypes. I have a C dll with two functions. The first one creates a
pointer and returns it to python. The second one takes a pointer as an
argument shows its address and the value at which it is pointing. This
I have implemented using the following code

---  pointers.c 
#include stdio.h
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern C {  // only need to export C interface if
  // used by C++ source code
using namespace std;

__declspec(dllexport) void* create()
double number = 2.2;
double* ptr = number;
printf(Pointer address \t %p \n, ptr);
printf(Value at pointer \t %f \n, ptr[0]);
return (void*) ptr;

__declspec(dllexport) int show(double* ptr)
printf(Pointer address \t %p \n, ptr);
printf(Pointer value \t %f\n, *ptr);
*ptr = 2.4;
printf(New pointer value \t %f\n, *ptr);
return 0;

#ifdef __cplusplus

Please note that in the second function, the show function, I want to
manipulate the value at which the pointer points.
Now, I call this function from python with the following script.

--- pointers.py --
import ctypes as ct

# Load dll
pointers = ct.cdll.LoadLibrary('pointers.dll')
getattr(pointers, 'create')
getattr(pointers, 'show')
pointers.create.restype = ct.c_void_p

# Create pointer in C
ptr = pointers.create()

# Show pointer address and value
print 'Adress returned to python ' +hex(ptr)

Calling this script gives me the following output:

Pointer address  0021E508
Value at pointer 2.20
Adress returned to python 0x21e508
Pointer address  0021E508
Pointer value0.00(2.2 expected)
New pointer value2.40 (2.4 expected)

But the script returns also an error.

WindowsError: exception: access violation reading 0x4003
WARNING: Failure executing file: pointers.py

Another thing that I find strange is that the return value of
pointers.create is actually an integer instead of an ct.c_void_p

Moreover, I also tried to directly manipulate the address of the
pointer given as an argument to pointers.show. But when it returns to
python the pointer points still at the same address as before the
function call.

Can someone help me with this problem? I would be very glad about an

With kind regards,


Advanced Python Programming - March 8-12, 2010

2010-01-08 Thread Chander Ganesan
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Space is limited, so enroll today!

Chander Ganesan
Open Technology Group, Inc.
One Copley Parkway, Suite 210
Morrisville, NC  27560


restructuredText editor ?

2010-01-08 Thread Peter
What editor do people out there use to edit .rst files for sphinx-python 
documentation ?


Re: please help shrink this each_with_index() implementation

2010-01-08 Thread Roel Schroeven
Phlip schreef:
 Nobody wrote:
 Writing robust software from the outset puts you at a competitive
 disadvantage to those who understand how the system works.
 And I, not my language, should pick and chose how to be rigorous. The 
 should not make the decision for me.

You can always easily make your program less rigorous than the language,
but the reverse is generally very difficult. So a rigorous language
gives you the choice, why a non-rigorous language does not.

The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge
faster than society gathers wisdom.
  -- Isaac Asimov

Roel Schroeven

Re: File transfer with python

2010-01-08 Thread Kamill Sokol
On Jan 6, 7:00 pm, Valentin de Pablo Fouce thi...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi there,

 My intention is to transfer files from one
 computer to another.

Hi Valentin,

take a look at dropbox!
Clients are available for mac, linux and windows.
Up and running in just 2 minutes.



Re: Scripting (was Re: Python books, literature etc)

2010-01-08 Thread MRAB

Jorgen Grahn wrote:

On Thu, 2010-01-07, Peter wrote:

[...] depending on your 
application domain, I liked:

1) Hans Petter Langtangen: Python Scripting for Computational Science
A truly excellent book, not only with respect to Python Scripting , but 
also on how to avoid paying  license fees by using opensource tools as 
an engineer ( plotting, graphing, gui dev etc ). Very good , pratical 
introduction to Python with careful and non-trivial examples and exercises.

Sounds good.

Regarding the book's title: is it just me, or are Python programmers
in general put off when people call it scripting?

I won't attempt a strict definition of the term scripting language,
but it seems like non-programmers use it to mean less scary than what
you might think of as programming, while programmers interpret it as
not useful as a general-purpose language.

I'd probably say that in scripting, convenience is more important than

You don't need to create a project, just put the code into a file and
then run it.


Re: restructuredText editor ?

2010-01-08 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Peter schrieb:
What editor do people out there use to edit .rst files for sphinx-python 
documentation ?

Emacs has a RST-mode (which unfortunately has some runtime-issues, the 
longer the text  the edit, the slower it gets), and together with 
flymake  rst2xml, you get nice error-notifications.


Re: Caching objects in a C extension

2010-01-08 Thread casevh
On Jan 8, 2:59 am, Diez B. Roggisch de...@nospam.web.de wrote:
 casevh schrieb:

  I'm working with a C extension that needs to rapidly create and delete
  objects. I came up with an approach to cache objects that are being
  deleted and resurrect them instead of creating new objects. It appears
  to work well but I'm afraid I may be missing something (besides
  heeding the warning in the documentation that _Py_NewReference is for
  internal interpreter use only).

  Below is a simplified version of the approach I'm using:

  MyType_dealloc(MyTypeObject *self)
      if(I_want_to_save_MyType(self)) {
          // Save the object pointer in a cache
      } else {

      MyTypeObject *self;
      if(there_is_an_object_in_the_cache) {
          self = get_object_from_cache;
      } else {
          if(!(self = PyObjectNew(MyTypeObject, MyType))
              return NULL;
      return self;

  The objects referenced in the cache have a reference count of 0 and I
  don't increment the reference count until I need to resurrect the
  object. Could these objects be clobbered by the garbage collector?
  Would it be safer to create the new reference before stuffing the
  object into the cache (even though it will look like there is a memory
  leak when running under a debug build)?

 Deep out of my guts I'd say keeping a reference, and using you own
 LRU-scheme would be the safest without residing to use dark magic.

 Diez- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

Thanks for the reply. I realized that I missed one detail. The objects
are created by the extension but are deleted by Python. I don't know
that an object is no longer needed until its tp_dealloc is called. At
that point, its reference count is 0.


Re: Caching objects in a C extension

2010-01-08 Thread Antoine Pitrou
Le Fri, 08 Jan 2010 08:39:17 -0800, casevh a écrit :
 Thanks for the reply. I realized that I missed one detail. The objects
 are created by the extension but are deleted by Python. I don't know
 that an object is no longer needed until its tp_dealloc is called. At
 that point, its reference count is 0.

tuple objects and others already have such a caching scheme, so you could 
download the Python source and look at e.g. Objects/tupleobject.c to see 
how it's done.




Re: One function calling another defined in the same file being exec'd

2010-01-08 Thread Mitchell L Model

On Jan 7, 2010, at 10:45 PM, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this-cybersource.com.au 
 wrote an extensive answer to my questions about one function  
calling another in the same file being exec'd. His suggestion about  
printing out locals() and globals() in the various possible places  
provided the clues to explain what was going on. I would like to  
summarize what I have learned from this, because although I have known  
all the relevant pieces for many years I never put them together in a  
way that explains the odd behavior I observed.

Statements that bind new names -- assignment, def, and class -- do so  
in the local scope. While exec'ing a file the local scope is  
determined by the arguments passed to exec; in my case, I passed an  
explicit local scope. It was particularly obtuse of me not to notice  
the effects of this because I was intentionally using it so that an  
assignment to 'result' in the exec'd script would enable the exec'ing  
code to retrieve the value of result. However, although the purity of  
Python with respect to the binding actions of def and class statements  
is wonderful and powerful, it is very difficult cognitively to view a  
def on a page and think aha! that's just like an assignment of a  
newly created function to a name, even though that is precisely the  
documented behavior of def. So mentally I was making an incorrect  
distinction between what was getting bound locally and what was  
getting bound globally in the exec'd script.

Moreover, the normal behavior of imported code, in which any function  
in the module can refer to any other function in the module, seduced  
me into this inappropriate distinction. To my eye I was just defining  
and using function definitions the way they are in modules. There is a  
key difference between module import and exec: as Steven pointed out,  
inside a module locals() is globals(). On further reflection, I will  
add that what appears to be happening is that during import both the  
global and local dictionaries are set to a copy of the globals() from  
the importing scope and that copy becomes the value of the module's  
__dict__ once import has completed successfully. Top-level statements  
bind names in locals(), as always, but because locals() and globals()  
are the same dictionary, they are also binding them in globals(), so  
that every function defined in the module uses the modified copy of  
globals -- the value of the module's __dict__ -- as its globals() when  
it executes. Because exec leaves locals() and globals() distinct,  
functions defined at the top level of a string being exec'd don't see  
other assignments and definitions that are also in the string.

Another misleading detail is that top-level expressions in the exec  
can use other top-level names (assigned, def'd, etc.), which they will  
find in the exec string's local scope, but function bodies do not see  
the string's local scope. The problem I encountered arises because the  
function definitions need to access each other through the global  
scope, not the local scope. In fact, the problem would arise if one of  
the functions tried to call itself recursively, since its own name  
would not be in the global scope. So we have a combination of two  
distinctions: the different ways module import and exec use globals  
and locals and the difference between top-level statements finding  
other top-level names in locals but functions looking for them in  

Sorry for the long post. These distinctions go deep into the semantics  
of Python namespaces, which though they are lean, pure, and beautiful,  
have some consequences that can be surprising -- more so the more  
familiar you are with other languages that do things differently.

Oh, and as far as using import instead of exec for my scripts, I don't  
think that's appropriate, if only because I don't want my  
application's namespace polluted by what could be many of these pseudo- 
modules users might load during a session. (Yes, I could remove the  
name once the import is finished, but importing solely for side- 
effects rather than to use the imported module is offensive. Well, I  
would be using one module name -- result -- but that doesn't seem to  
justify the complexities of setting up the import and accessing the  
module when exec does in principle just what I need.)

Finally, once all of this is really understood, there is a simple way  
to change an exec string's def's to bind globally instead of locally:  
simply begin the exec with a global declaration for any function  
called by one of the others. In my example, adding a global fn1 at  
the beginning of the file fixes it so exec works.

global fn1# enable fn1 to be called from fn2!
def fn1(val):
   return sum(range(val))

def fn2(arg):
   return fn1(arg)

result = fn2(5)


Re: One function calling another defined in the same file being exec'd

2010-01-08 Thread Mitchell L Model

On Jan 8, 2010, at 9:55 AM, Gabriel Genellina gagsl- 
p...@yahoo.com.ar wrote:

Ok - short answer or long answer?

Short answer: Emulate how modules work. Make globals() same as  
locals(). (BTW, are you sure you want the file to run with the  
*same* globals as the caller? It sees the dofile() function and  
everything you have defined/imported there...). Simply use:  
exec(..., ldict, ldict)

[1] How is it that fn2 can be called from the top-level of the  
script but fn1

cannot be called from fn2?

Long answer: First, add these lines before result=fn2(5):

print(globals=, globals().keys())
print(locals=, locals().keys())
import dis

and you'll get:

globals()= dict_keys(['dofile', '__builtins__', '__file__',  
'__package__', '__name__', '__doc__'])

locals()= dict_keys(['result', 'fn1', 'fn2'])

So fn1 and fn2 are defined in the *local* namespace (as always  
happens in Python, unless you use the global statement). Now look at  
the code of fn2:

 6   0 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (fn1)
 3 LOAD_FAST0 (arg)

Again, the compiler knows that fn1 is not local to fn2, so it must  
be global (because there is no other enclosing scope) and emits a  
LOAD_GLOBAL instruction. But when the code is executed, 'fn1' is not  
in the global scope...

Solution: make 'fn1' exist in the global scope. Since assignments  
(implied by the def statement) are always in the local scope, the  
only alternative is to make both scopes (global and local) the very  
same one.

This is very helpful additional information and clarification! Thanks.

This shows that the identity globals() is locals() is essential  
for the module system to work.

Yes, though I doubt more than a few Python programmers would guess  
that identity.

[2] Is this correct behavior or is there something wrong with  
Python here?

It's perfectly logical once you get it... :)

I think I'm convinced.

[3] How should I write a file to be exec'd that defines several  
functions that

call each other, as in the trivial fn1-fn2 example above?

Use the same namespace for both locals and globals:  
exec(file.read(), ldict, ldict)

I was going to say that this wouldn't work because the script couldn't  
use any built-in names, but the way exec works if the value passed for  
the globals argument doesn't contain an entry for '__builtins__' it  
adds one. I would have a further problem in that there are some names  
I want users to be able to use in their scripts, in particular classes  
that have been imported into the scope of the code doing the exec, but  
come to think of it I don't want to expose the entire globals()  
anyway. The solution is do use the same dictionary for both globals  
and locals, as you suggest, to emulate the behavior of module import,  
and explicitly add to it the names I want to make available (and since  
they are primarily classes, there are relatively few of those, as  
opposed to an API of hundreds of functions). Thanks for the help.


Re: PyQt QThreadPool error

2010-01-08 Thread h0uk
On 8 янв, 16:27, Phil Thompson p...@riverbankcomputing.com wrote:
 On Thu, 7 Jan 2010 15:07:10 -0800 (PST), h0uk vardan.pogos...@gmail.com


  Phil you right about app.exec_(). But situation is sligthly different.

  I want to have more than one Job. I add these Jobs into QThreadPool
  trough cycle. And I also want these Jobs to run  sequentially.

  The following code illustrate what I mean:

  #!/usr/bin/env python
  # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

  import sys
  import os
  import time

  from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui

  class Job(QtCore.QRunnable):
     def __init__(self, name):
             self._name = name

     def run(self):
             print self._name

  if __name__ == __main__:

     app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)


     for i in range(5):
             j = Job(Job- + str(i))
             QtCore.QThreadPool.globalInstance().start(j, i)

  After 5 cycle I get the same error:  An unhandled win32 exception
  occured in python.exe.

  How I can do it?? To run my Jobs sequentially???

 It's a PyQt bug. The workaround is not to use setAutoDelete() and instead
 keep an explicit reference to your Job instances - for example in a list of


Thanks, Phil.

Re: Caching objects in a C extension

2010-01-08 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

casevh schrieb:

On Jan 8, 2:59 am, Diez B. Roggisch de...@nospam.web.de wrote:

casevh schrieb:

I'm working with a C extension that needs to rapidly create and delete
objects. I came up with an approach to cache objects that are being
deleted and resurrect them instead of creating new objects. It appears
to work well but I'm afraid I may be missing something (besides
heeding the warning in the documentation that _Py_NewReference is for
internal interpreter use only).
Below is a simplified version of the approach I'm using:
MyType_dealloc(MyTypeObject *self)
if(I_want_to_save_MyType(self)) {
// Save the object pointer in a cache
} else {
MyTypeObject *self;
if(there_is_an_object_in_the_cache) {
self = get_object_from_cache;
} else {
if(!(self = PyObjectNew(MyTypeObject, MyType))
return NULL;
return self;
The objects referenced in the cache have a reference count of 0 and I
don't increment the reference count until I need to resurrect the
object. Could these objects be clobbered by the garbage collector?
Would it be safer to create the new reference before stuffing the
object into the cache (even though it will look like there is a memory
leak when running under a debug build)?

Deep out of my guts I'd say keeping a reference, and using you own
LRU-scheme would be the safest without residing to use dark magic.

Diez- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Thanks for the reply. I realized that I missed one detail. The objects
are created by the extension but are deleted by Python. I don't know
that an object is no longer needed until its tp_dealloc is called. At
that point, its reference count is 0.

I don't fully understand. Whoever creates these objects, you get a 
reference to them at some point. Then you increment (through the 
destined Macros) the ref-count.

All objects in your pool with refcount 1 are canditates for removal. All 
you need to do is to keep a kind of timestamp together with them, since 
when they are released. If that's to old, fully release them.


Re: getfirst and re

2010-01-08 Thread Steve Holden
MRAB wrote:
 Victor Subervi wrote:

 Code snippet:

 def cgiFieldStorageToDict(fieldStorage):
Further hint ...

   params = {}
   for key in fieldStorage.keys():
 params[key] = cgi.FieldStorage[key].value
 This is your problem.
   return params

Steve Holden   +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
PyCon is coming! Atlanta, Feb 2010  http://us.pycon.org/
Holden Web LLC http://www.holdenweb.com/
UPCOMING EVENTS:http://holdenweb.eventbrite.com/


Re: Caching objects in a C extension

2010-01-08 Thread casevh
On Jan 8, 9:19 am, Diez B. Roggisch de...@nospam.web.de wrote:
 casevh schrieb:

  On Jan 8, 2:59 am, Diez B. Roggisch de...@nospam.web.de wrote:
  casevh schrieb:

  I'm working with a C extension that needs to rapidly create and delete
  objects. I came up with an approach to cache objects that are being
  deleted and resurrect them instead of creating new objects. It appears
  to work well but I'm afraid I may be missing something (besides
  heeding the warning in the documentation that _Py_NewReference is for
  internal interpreter use only).
  Below is a simplified version of the approach I'm using:
  MyType_dealloc(MyTypeObject *self)
      if(I_want_to_save_MyType(self)) {
          // Save the object pointer in a cache
      } else {
      MyTypeObject *self;
      if(there_is_an_object_in_the_cache) {
          self = get_object_from_cache;
      } else {
          if(!(self = PyObjectNew(MyTypeObject, MyType))
              return NULL;
      return self;
  The objects referenced in the cache have a reference count of 0 and I
  don't increment the reference count until I need to resurrect the
  object. Could these objects be clobbered by the garbage collector?
  Would it be safer to create the new reference before stuffing the
  object into the cache (even though it will look like there is a memory
  leak when running under a debug build)?
  Deep out of my guts I'd say keeping a reference, and using you own
  LRU-scheme would be the safest without residing to use dark magic.

  Diez- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -

  Thanks for the reply. I realized that I missed one detail. The objects
  are created by the extension but are deleted by Python. I don't know
  that an object is no longer needed until its tp_dealloc is called. At
  that point, its reference count is 0.

 I don't fully understand. Whoever creates these objects, you get a
 reference to them at some point. Then you increment (through the
 destined Macros) the ref-count.

 All objects in your pool with refcount 1 are canditates for removal. All
 you need to do is to keep a kind of timestamp together with them, since
 when they are released. If that's to old, fully release them.

 Diez- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

These are numeric objects created by gmpy. I'm trying to minimize the
overhead for using mpz with small numbers. Objects are created and
deleted very often by the interpreter as expressions are evaluated. I
don't keep ownership of the objects.


monitor reading file with thread

2010-01-08 Thread wiso
I'm reading and processing a huge file, so during the execution I want to 
now the state of the processing: how many lines are already processed, and 
so on. The first approach is:

f = open(filename)
n = 0
for l in f:
  if n % 1000 = 0:
print Reading %d lines %n

but I want something diffent. I want to monitor the running of the computing 
every n seconds. It's the first time I use threading, and I think mine is 
not the best solution:

import threading
import time
import Queue

class Reader():
def __init__(self,filename):
self.filename = filename
self.lineno = 0
def __iter__(self):
f = open(self.filename)
for line in f:
self.lineno += 1
time.sleep(0.01) # slow down
yield line

class Monitor(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self,reader,stop_queue,interval=2):
self.interval = interval
self.reader = reader
self.stop_queue = stop_queue
def run(self):
while True:
if self.stop_queue.get(timeout=self.interval) == stop:
except Queue.Empty:
print MONITOR: , reader.lineno

reader = Reader(r1_200910.log)
q = Queue.Queue()
monitor = Monitor(reader,q)

for line in reader:
# do_somethinghard(line)

It't works, but I don't like how I'm stopping the thread. In general the 
Monitor class can be more complex, for example a progress bar. Using python 

table from csv file

2010-01-08 Thread marlowe
I am trying to create a table in python from a csv file where I input
which columns I would like to see, and the table only shows those
columns. I have attached an example of the csv file i am using, and
some of the code I have written. I am having trouble converting
variables between lists, dictionaries and tuples. Is there a name for
what I am attempting to do? any help to get me on the right track with
this is appreciated.

DateOpen HighLowClose   Volume  Adj Close
12/14/09110.01  110.7   109.5   110.24  16316000110.24
12/11/09110.6   110.82  108.72  109.32  28983100109.32
12/10/09110.66  111.03  110.04  110.82  20491700110.82
12/9/09 111.6   112.48  109.38  110.84  37104900110.84
12/8/09 112.76  113.06  110.21  110.95  37630800110.95
12/7/09 111.51  114.22  111.44  113.11  42480500113.11
12/4/09 117.15  117.26  112.41  113.75  79182600113.75
12/3/09 118.57  119.54  118.03  118.7   28802100118.7
12/2/09 118.8   119.27  118.3   119.18  30994600119.18
12/1/09 117.3   117.93  116.78  117.38  27641000117.38
11/30/09114.48  115.89  114.27  115.64  16402300115.64
11/27/09113.08  115.81  113.02  115.06  21234400115.06
11/25/09115.69  116.88  115.53  116.62  24553300116.62
11/24/09114.73  114.81  113.97  114.73  22599700114.73
11/23/09114.67  115.12  113.99  114.29  24422700114.29
11/20/09111.74  112.94  111.54  112.94  17302500112.94
11/19/09111.85  112.4   110.76  112.3   21239800112.3
11/18/09112.69  113.09  111.8   112.25  22320600112.25
11/17/09111.09  111.99  110.9   111.97  19732900111.97
11/16/09110.7   112.16  110.65  111.63  25002300111.63
11/13/09108.32  109.8   108.14  109.74  17246000109.74
11/12/09109.16  109.56  108.12  108.21  17848300108.21
11/11/09109.49  109.71  109 109.6   17654100109.6
11/10/09108.03  108.78  107.7   108.39  15973300108.39
11/9/09 108.69  108.75  107.91  108.19  18444800108.19
11/6/09 107.38  108.04  107.06  107.43  14789000107.43
11/5/09 106.81  107.2   106.6   106.98  10189000106.98
11/4/09 107.11  107.68  106.43  107.1   27125500107.1


import csv

(D, O, H, L, C, V, A) = (11, 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 66, 77)

d = {'high':H, 'low':L, 'close':C, 'open':O}

spacing = '%-*s'

w=raw_input('what do you want to see? (use commas to seperate values)
x=y.replace(' ','')
print x

p = x.split(',')#this takes string, converts to
print p
num = len(p)
format = num*spacing
width = 12*num
wi = 12
secwidth = width - wi

bb = []
while i  num:  #creates new list with variables
ll = d[p[i]]
print bb
i = 0
while i  num:
bb.insert(i*2, 12)   #this works on list
print bb

i = 0
while i  num:
p.insert(i*2, 12)   #this works on list

q = tuple (p)   #takes list, converts to tuple

reader = csv.reader(open('/prog/test.csv', rb))

rownum = 0
for row in reader:
if rownum == 0:
print '=' * width
print format % (q)
print '-' * width
print ''

D, O, H, L, C, V, A = row [:7]
o = tuple (bb)
print format % (o)

rownum += 1

Re: Need help to pass self.count to other classes.

2010-01-08 Thread Peter Otten
Steve Holden wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 [... points out my misapprehension ...]
 kbi = kbInterface()
 sys.ps1 = kbi.prompt1
 bound method kbInterface.prompt1 of __main__.kbInterface object at
 0xb7cbd52cprint Hello
 bound method kbInterface.prompt1 of __main__.kbInterface object at
 Right, this is expert mode ...

Here's a way to turn expert mode into something less advanced:

 import sys
 def expert_mode():
... return for newbies ;) 
 sys.ps1 = expert_mode
function expert_mode at 0x7f498b9735f0class Str:
... def __init__(self, f): self.f = f
... def __str__(self): return self.f()
function expert_mode at 0x7f498b9735f0sys.ps1 = Str(expert_mode)
for newbies ;)


Re: Dynamic text color

2010-01-08 Thread Dave McCormick
On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 9:18 AM, John Posner jjpos...@optimum.net wrote:

 On Tue, 05 Jan 2010 16:54:44 -0500, Dave McCormick mackrac...@gmail.com

  But it is not what I am wanting. I first thought to make it look for a
 space but that would not work when a single character like # is to be
 colored if there is a string of them.  Or if all of the characters between
 quotes are to be colored.

 Regular expressions are good at handling searches like:

 * all the characters between quotes
 * the two-character string do, but only if it's a complete word



I need another hint...

Been doing some reading and playing and it looks like
is what I need. But I can not figure out how to pass a variable between
If the word in question is between the \b \b and in the list then it works
like I want it to.
 The below does not work.

greenList_regexp = |.join(greenList)
for matchobj in re.finditer(r'\bgreenList_regexp\b', complete_text):
start,end = matchobj.span()


Re: getfirst and re

2010-01-08 Thread Victor Subervi
On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Steve Holden st...@holdenweb.com wrote:

 MRAB wrote:
  Victor Subervi wrote:
  Code snippet:
  def cgiFieldStorageToDict(fieldStorage):
 Further hint ...

params = {}
for key in fieldStorage.keys():
  params[key] = cgi.FieldStorage[key].value
  This is your problem.

The problem is that I don't understand this code that I exactly copied from
a Web page tutorial. Can you folks point me to tutorials where I can learn
to comprehend this code? Specifically, the line in question. How is it that
one can code params[key] (what does that mean?) and the other side, what
does that mean

Re: getfirst and re

2010-01-08 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Victor Subervi wrote:
On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Steve Holden st...@holdenweb.com 
mailto:st...@holdenweb.com wrote:

MRAB wrote:
 Victor Subervi wrote:

 Code snippet:

 def cgiFieldStorageToDict(fieldStorage):

Further hint ...

   params = {}
   for key in fieldStorage.keys():
 params[key] = cgi.FieldStorage[key].value
 This is your problem.

The problem is that I don't understand this code that I exactly copied 
from a Web page tutorial. Can you folks point me to tutorials where I 
can learn to comprehend this code? Specifically, the line in question. 
How is it that one can code params[key] (what does that mean?) and 
the other side, what does that mean

I think you are gathering more fans Victor :)



Re: Recommended new way for config files

2010-01-08 Thread Vinay Sajip
On Jan 7, 8:12 pm, Peter vm...@mycircuit.org wrote:

  So what is the worshipped approach, when you need more than name=value
  pairs ?

  JSON is one option:http://docs.python.org/library/json.html

 Thanks, didn't think about that, although most of the apps I know don't
 seem to use this approach for improved conf file handling ( ipython,
 pylons, etc ).

 To me , the ipython way ( hybrid: ipy_user_conf.py and *.ini files )
 seems to be the most comprehensive way amongst the larger apps I know
 of, since it let you have a python coded file for what ever you might
 want to do during initialization and have additional .ini files,
 ,possibily several in different locations, for simpler options in
 name,value format.

 Has anybody experiences with other tools that use this approach ?


I don't know if you will find it relevant to your needs, but PEP 391
suggests an alternative method of configuring logging using dicts. The
use of dicts as the basic format (rather than Python code) allows for
some end-user flexibility and interoperability with other systems:
e.g. JSON, YAML and Python can all produce Python dicts.


Vinay Sajip

Re: table from csv file

2010-01-08 Thread Jon Clements
On Jan 8, 5:59 pm, marlowe marlowequ...@hotmail.com wrote:
 I am trying to create a table in python from a csv file where I input
 which columns I would like to see, and the table only shows those
 columns. I have attached an example of the csv file i am using, and
 some of the code I have written. I am having trouble converting
 variables between lists, dictionaries and tuples. Is there a name for
 what I am attempting to do? any help to get me on the right track with
 this is appreciated.

 Date    Open     High    Low    Close   Volume  Adj Close
 12/14/09        110.01  110.7   109.5   110.24  16316000        110.24
 12/11/09        110.6   110.82  108.72  109.32  28983100        109.32
 12/10/09        110.66  111.03  110.04  110.82  20491700        110.82
 12/9/09 111.6   112.48  109.38  110.84  37104900        110.84
 12/8/09 112.76  113.06  110.21  110.95  37630800        110.95
 12/7/09 111.51  114.22  111.44  113.11  42480500        113.11
 12/4/09 117.15  117.26  112.41  113.75  79182600        113.75
 12/3/09 118.57  119.54  118.03  118.7   28802100        118.7
 12/2/09 118.8   119.27  118.3   119.18  30994600        119.18
 12/1/09 117.3   117.93  116.78  117.38  27641000        117.38
 11/30/09        114.48  115.89  114.27  115.64  16402300        115.64
 11/27/09        113.08  115.81  113.02  115.06  21234400        115.06
 11/25/09        115.69  116.88  115.53  116.62  24553300        116.62
 11/24/09        114.73  114.81  113.97  114.73  22599700        114.73
 11/23/09        114.67  115.12  113.99  114.29  24422700        114.29
 11/20/09        111.74  112.94  111.54  112.94  17302500        112.94
 11/19/09        111.85  112.4   110.76  112.3   21239800        112.3
 11/18/09        112.69  113.09  111.8   112.25  22320600        112.25
 11/17/09        111.09  111.99  110.9   111.97  19732900        111.97
 11/16/09        110.7   112.16  110.65  111.63  25002300        111.63
 11/13/09        108.32  109.8   108.14  109.74  17246000        109.74
 11/12/09        109.16  109.56  108.12  108.21  17848300        108.21
 11/11/09        109.49  109.71  109     109.6   17654100        109.6
 11/10/09        108.03  108.78  107.7   108.39  15973300        108.39
 11/9/09 108.69  108.75  107.91  108.19  18444800        108.19
 11/6/09 107.38  108.04  107.06  107.43  14789000        107.43
 11/5/09 106.81  107.2   106.6   106.98  10189000        106.98
 11/4/09 107.11  107.68  106.43  107.1   27125500        107.1


 import csv

 (D, O, H, L, C, V, A) = (11, 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 66, 77)

 d = {'high':H, 'low':L, 'close':C, 'open':O}

 spacing = '%-*s'

 w=raw_input('what do you want to see? (use commas to seperate values)
 x=y.replace(' ','')
 print x

 p = x.split(',')                    #this takes string, converts to
 print p
 num = len(p)
 format = num*spacing
 width = 12*num
 wi = 12
 secwidth = width - wi

 bb = []
 while i  num:                      #creates new list with variables
     ll = d[p[i]]
 print bb
 i = 0
 while i  num:
     bb.insert(i*2, 12)               #this works on list
 print bb

 i = 0
 while i  num:
     p.insert(i*2, 12)               #this works on list

 q = tuple (p)                       #takes list, converts to tuple

 reader = csv.reader(open('/prog/test.csv', rb))

 rownum = 0
 for row in reader:
     if rownum == 0:
         print '=' * width
         print format % (q)
         print '-' * width
         print ''

         D, O, H, L, C, V, A = row [:7]
         o = tuple (bb)
         print format % (o)

     rownum += 1

This might be a useful starting point (I'm guessing this is what
you're after...)

Let's assume your 'CSV' file is tab separated as it's certainly not
comma separated :)

import csv
csvin = csv.reader(open('test.csv'), delimiter='\t')
header = dict( (val.strip(),idx) for idx, val in enumerate(next
(csvin)) )

We can use header as a column name-column index lookup eg header
['Open'] == 1

from operator import itemgetter
wanted = ['Open', 'Close'] # Although you'll want to use raw_input and
split on ','
getcols = itemgetter(*[header[col] for col in wanted])

getcols is a helper function that'll return a tuple of the columns in
the requested order...

for row in csvin:
print getcols(row)

Loop over the rest of the file and output the required columns.



Re: getfirst and re

2010-01-08 Thread Victor Subervi
On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Jean-Michel Pichavant 
jeanmic...@sequans.com wrote:

 Victor Subervi wrote:

  On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Steve Holden st...@holdenweb.commailto:
 st...@holdenweb.com wrote:

MRAB wrote:
 Victor Subervi wrote:

 Code snippet:

 def cgiFieldStorageToDict(fieldStorage):

Further hint ...

   params = {}
   for key in fieldStorage.keys():
 params[key] = cgi.FieldStorage[key].value
 This is your problem.

 The problem is that I don't understand this code that I exactly copied
 from a Web page tutorial. Can you folks point me to tutorials where I can
 learn to comprehend this code? Specifically, the line in question. How is it
 that one can code params[key] (what does that mean?) and the other side,
 what does that mean

 I think you are gathering more fans Victor :)

Fans? You aught to hear me sing. I didn't think I'd gain fans here LOL!



Re: Manipulating pointers in C using ctypes

2010-01-08 Thread Jason Scheirer
On Jan 8, 7:37 am, Daniel Platz mail.to.daniel.pl...@googlemail.com

 I have to ask a newbie question about manipulating pointers in C using
 ctypes. I have a C dll with two functions. The first one creates a
 pointer and returns it to python. The second one takes a pointer as an
 argument shows its address and the value at which it is pointing. This
 I have implemented using the following code

 ---  pointers.c 
 #include stdio.h
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern C {  // only need to export C interface if
               // used by C++ source code
 using namespace std;

 __declspec(dllexport) void* create()
         double number = 2.2;
         double* ptr = number;
         printf(Pointer address \t %p \n, ptr);
         printf(Value at pointer \t %f \n, ptr[0]);
         return (void*) ptr;


 __declspec(dllexport) int show(double* ptr)
         printf(Pointer address \t %p \n, ptr);
         printf(Pointer value \t %f\n, *ptr);
         *ptr = 2.4;
         printf(New pointer value \t %f\n, *ptr);
         return 0;


 #ifdef __cplusplus}


 Please note that in the second function, the show function, I want to
 manipulate the value at which the pointer points.
 Now, I call this function from python with the following script.

 --- pointers.py --
 import ctypes as ct

 # Load dll
 pointers = ct.cdll.LoadLibrary('pointers.dll')
 getattr(pointers, 'create')
 getattr(pointers, 'show')
 pointers.create.restype = ct.c_void_p

 # Create pointer in C
 ptr = pointers.create()

 # Show pointer address and value
 print 'Adress returned to python ' +hex(ptr)

 Calling this script gives me the following output:

 Pointer address          0021E508
 Value at pointer         2.20
 Adress returned to python 0x21e508
 Pointer address          0021E508
 Pointer value    0.00    (2.2 expected)
 New pointer value        2.40 (2.4 expected)

 But the script returns also an error.

 WindowsError: exception: access violation reading 0x4003
 WARNING: Failure executing file: pointers.py

 Another thing that I find strange is that the return value of
 pointers.create is actually an integer instead of an ct.c_void_p

 Moreover, I also tried to directly manipulate the address of the
 pointer given as an argument to pointers.show. But when it returns to
 python the pointer points still at the same address as before the
 function call.

 Can someone help me with this problem? I would be very glad about an

 With kind regards,


try this:

__declspec(dllexport) void* create()
double* ptr = new double;
*ptr = 2.2;
printf(Pointer address \t %p \n, ptr);
printf(Value at pointer \t %f \n, ptr[0]);
return (void*) ptr;

Basically once you leave create() the address being used for number is
no longer valid. The other implication for this is you are going to
need a delete() function to free that memory you allocated for the
double as well.

Re: getfirst and re

2010-01-08 Thread Victor Subervi
On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Jean-Michel Pichavant 
jeanmic...@sequans.com wrote:

 Victor Subervi wrote:

  On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Steve Holden st...@holdenweb.commailto:
 st...@holdenweb.com wrote:

MRAB wrote:
 Victor Subervi wrote:

 Code snippet:

 def cgiFieldStorageToDict(fieldStorage):

Further hint ...

   params = {}
   for key in fieldStorage.keys():
 params[key] = cgi.FieldStorage[key].value
 This is your problem.

 The problem is that I don't understand this code that I exactly copied
 from a Web page tutorial. Can you folks point me to tutorials where I can
 learn to comprehend this code? Specifically, the line in question. How is it
 that one can code params[key] (what does that mean?) and the other side,
 what does that mean

 I think you are gathering more fans Victor :)


This still isn't telling me what I need to know. Perhaps I'm missing the
point, as in the recent case with putting the print cookie statement in
the header. I am assuming (translation: making an a$$ out of you and me)
that params[key] automatically assigns the fieldStorage key to the newly
created params key in the dict of the same, and assigning the value from the
cgi.FieldStorage of that key to the params value. Is that correct?

Mencoder not working from a python script

2010-01-08 Thread aditya shukla
Hello guys,

I am trying to create a python script which uses mencoder to create videos
from a set of images.When I am using  the command(windows 7) i am able to
generate the video properly.But when used within a python script i am
ggetting error.Below is the code and error.any help is appreciated.

import *subprocess*,*sys*,os

def *createVideo*():

mencoder = *C:\\MPlayer-p4-svn-30075\\mencoder.exe*



commande = *%s %s -mf w=800:h=600:fps=25:type=jpg -ovc copy -oac copy -o

os.system(commande % (mencoder, path,output))

 if __name__==*__main__*:



MEncoder Sherpya-SVN-r30075-4.2.5 (C) 2000-2009 MPlayer Team

success: format: 16 data: 0x0 - 0x0

MF file format detected.

[mf] search expr: C:\cameras\Perkins Road\*.jpg

[mf] number of files: 301 (1204)

VIDEO: [IJPG] 800x600 24bpp 25.000 fps 0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s)

[V] filefmt:16 fourcc:0x47504A49 size:800x600 fps:25.000 ftime:=0.0400

videocodec: framecopy (800x600 24bpp fourcc=47504a49)

Writing index...

Writing header...

ODML: Aspect information not (yet?) available or unspecified, not writing
vprp header.

Video stream: nan kbit/s (-2147483648 B/s) size: 0 bytes 0.000 secs 0 frames



lightweight encryption of text file

2010-01-08 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
I have a plain text file which I would like to protect in a very
simple minded, yet for my purposes sufficient, way. I'd like to
encrypt/convert it into a binary file in such a way that possession of
a password allows anyone to convert it back into the original text
file while not possessing the password one would only see the
following with the standard linux utility 'file':

[fetchin...@fetch ~]$ file encrypted.data
encrypted.data: data

and the effort required to convert the file back to the original text
file without the password would be equivalent to guessing the

I'm fully aware of the security implications of this loose
specification, but for my purposes this would be a good solution.

What would be the simplest way to achieve this using preferably stock
python without 3rd party modules? If a not too complex 3rd party
module made it really simple that would be acceptable too.


Psss, psss, put it down! - http://www.cafepress.com/putitdown

Re: getfirst and re

2010-01-08 Thread Victor Subervi
On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 3:09 PM, Victor Subervi victorsube...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Jean-Michel Pichavant 
 jeanmic...@sequans.com wrote:

 Victor Subervi wrote:

  On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Steve Holden st...@holdenweb.commailto:
 st...@holdenweb.com wrote:

MRAB wrote:
 Victor Subervi wrote:

 Code snippet:

 def cgiFieldStorageToDict(fieldStorage):

Further hint ...

   params = {}
   for key in fieldStorage.keys():
 params[key] = cgi.FieldStorage[key].value
 This is your problem.

 The problem is that I don't understand this code that I exactly copied
 from a Web page tutorial. Can you folks point me to tutorials where I can
 learn to comprehend this code? Specifically, the line in question. How is it
 that one can code params[key] (what does that mean?) and the other side,
 what does that mean

 I think you are gathering more fans Victor :)


 This still isn't telling me what I need to know. Perhaps I'm missing the
 point, as in the recent case with putting the print cookie statement in
 the header. I am assuming (translation: making an a$$ out of you and me)
 that params[key] automatically assigns the fieldStorage key to the newly
 created params key in the dict of the same, and assigning the value from the
 cgi.FieldStorage of that key to the params value. Is that correct?

I may have answered my own question. I have this:

def cgiFieldStorageToDict(fieldStorage):
  params = {}
  for key in fieldStorage.keys():
params[key] = fieldStorage[key].value
  return params

  dict = cgiFieldStorageToDict(cgi.FieldStorage())
  print dict

which gave me this:

{'store': 'products', 'cat': 'prodCat1'}

which looks about right. I would have written the code like this:

  keys = []
  values = []
  for key, value in fieldStorage.iteritems():
  params = dict(zip(keys, values))

which obviously isn't as elegant. But that's what I knew. Learned another
trick, I guess ;)
Thanks all.

Re: getfirst and re

2010-01-08 Thread MRAB

Victor Subervi wrote:
On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Steve Holden st...@holdenweb.com 
mailto:st...@holdenweb.com wrote:

MRAB wrote:
  Victor Subervi wrote:
  Code snippet:
  def cgiFieldStorageToDict(fieldStorage):

Further hint ...

params = {}
for key in fieldStorage.keys():
  params[key] = cgi.FieldStorage[key].value
  This is your problem.

The problem is that I don't understand this code that I exactly copied 
from a Web page tutorial. Can you folks point me to tutorials where I 
can learn to comprehend this code? Specifically, the line in question. 
How is it that one can code params[key] (what does that mean?) and the 
other side, what does that mean

If you got it from:

Recipe 81547: Using a simple dictionary for CGI parameters

then no, it wasn't exactly copied. If you'd copy-and-pasted it then it
would've been correct, as well as much quicker to do...

Re: Scripting (was Re: Python books, literature etc)

2010-01-08 Thread Peter

Sounds good.

Regarding the book's title: is it just me, or are Python programmers
in general put off when people call it scripting?

I won't attempt a strict definition of the term scripting language,
but it seems like non-programmers use it to mean less scary than what
you might think of as programming, while programmers interpret it as
not useful as a general-purpose language.

It took me a while to take scripting seriously. I grew up with Pascal 
and Eiffel and I found it difficult to appreciate dynamic typing and 
scripting. The author Langtangen is explaining in detail why he 
considers scripting useful, in particular he provides an automatic test 
suite to run different language versions ( perl, python, c, c++) of the 
same program to compare performance. The results are amazing, in that 
some of the examples run faster than the C++ version.

I find Python extremly useful as a general purpose language ( its 
clearly now my prefered one ) and I find it equally useful to develop 
toy apps in C++, Haskell and Lisp, just to better appreciate the idea of 
general purpose.
For me, it has turned out that the point is not scripting versus not 
scripting or static versus dynamic typing but having automatic 
unittests or not having automatic unittests. My most important module is 
nose for running unittests the easy way.



Re: Dynamic text color

2010-01-08 Thread MRAB

Dave McCormick wrote:

On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 9:18 AM, John Posner jjpos...@optimum.net 
mailto:jjpos...@optimum.net wrote:

On Tue, 05 Jan 2010 16:54:44 -0500, Dave McCormick
mackrac...@gmail.com mailto:mackrac...@gmail.com wrote:

But it is not what I am wanting. I first thought to make it look
for a space but that would not work when a single character like
# is to be colored if there is a string of them.  Or if all
of the characters between quotes are to be colored.

Regular expressions are good at handling searches like:

* all the characters between quotes
* the two-character string do, but only if it's a complete word



I need another hint...

Been doing some reading and playing and it looks like
is what I need. But I can not figure out how to pass a variable between
If the word in question is between the \b \b and in the list then it 
works like I want it to.

 The below does not work.

greenList_regexp = |.join(greenList)
for matchobj in re.finditer(r'\bgreenList_regexp\b', complete_text):
start,end = matchobj.span()

The regex r'\bgreenList_regexp\b' will match the string
'greenList_regexp' if it's a whole word.

What you mean is any of these words, provided that they're whole
words. You'll need to group the alternatives within (?:...), like

r'\b(?:' + greenList_regexp + ')\b'

Re: Recommended new way for config files

2010-01-08 Thread Peter

On 01/08/2010 03:57 PM, r0g wrote:

Chris Rebert wrote:

On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 10:19 AM, Petervm...@mycircuit.org  wrote:

The .ini file is the simpliest solution, at least from the user point of
view, no need to learn any python syntax.

I am speaking from the point of view of a python programmer, and I find the
.ini restrictions not necessarily simple, for example when dealing with
structured data (I suppose it is trivial to specify a dictionnary or a list
for the purpose of my request) For example, configuration files for the
logging module get unwieldy when you specify several loggers , handlers,
formatters etc, because you have to break down structured data ( objects )
to name,value pairs.


So what is the worshipped approach, when you need more than name=value
pairs ?

JSON is one option: http://docs.python.org/library/json.html


Yes, JSON is rapidly becoming a standard for stuff like this as it's
widely portable and less bulky than XML. It's the native format for
couchdb too which is nice if you want to replicate and share the
contents of your documents.

Excellent, thanks , have to check that out. Any experience with yaml 
http://yaml.org/ ?


Another Screwy Problem

2010-01-08 Thread Victor Subervi
I have this line of code:
 sql = 'select Name, Price from %sPackages where ID=%s;' % (store, pid)
which prints to this:
 select Name, Price from productsPackages where ID=1;
which when I enter it into the MySQL interpreter gives me this:
mysql select Name, Price from productsPackages where ID=1;
| Name | Price  |
| pkg  | 123.45 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

exactly what I expect. However, in my script for some reason it returns
Why would it do that? I guess there's some foolish thing I did in my code
somewhere, but I'll be darned if I know where. Here's the whole script:

#! /usr/bin/python

import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
import cgi
import MySQLdb
import sys,os
from login import login
from template import top, bottom
from sets import Set
import fpformat

form = cgi.FieldStorage()
store = form.getfirst('store')
cat = form.getfirst('cat', '')

user, passwd, db, host = login()
db = MySQLdb.connect(host, user, passwd, db)
cursor = db.cursor()

def displayProducts(patientID=''):
  try: # These are stores with categories where ordering by price is
sql = 'select ID from %s where Category=%s order by Price desc;' %
(store, cat)
  except: # Stores, like prescriptions, where ordering by price is not
sql = 'select ID from %s;' % (store)
  ids = [itm[0] for itm in cursor]
  cursor.execute('describe %s;' % store)
  colFields, colFieldValues = [itm[0] for itm in cursor], [itm[1] for itm in
  i = 0
  if len(ids)  0:
for id in ids:
#  print 'tr\n'
  print 'form method=post action=displayOneProduct.py'
  print input type='hidden' name='store' value='%s' / % store
  print input type='hidden' name='id' value='%s' / % id
  j = 0
  for col in colFields:
sql = 'select %s from %s where ID=%s;' % (col, store, str(id))
colValue = cursor.fetchone()
if col == 'SKU':
  print input type='hidden' name='sku' value='%s' / %
  print 'b%s: /b%sbr /\n' % (col, colValue[0])
elif col == 'Category':
  print input type='hidden' name='cat' value='%s' / %
  print 'b%s: /b%sbr /\n' % (col, colValue[0])
elif col == 'OutOfStock':
  if colValue[0] == '1': # This product is out of stock
outOfStockFlag = 'yes'
outOfStockFlag = 'no'
elif col[:3] != 'pic':
  notSet = 1
  if isinstance(colValue[0], (str, int, float, long, complex,
unicode, list, buffer, xrange, tuple)):
  html = b%s/b: select name='%s' % (col, col)
  notSet = 0
  for itm in colValue[0]:
  color, number = itm.split('$')
  html += option name='%s'%s/option % (itm, color)
  html += option name='%s'%s/option % (itm, itm)
  html += /selectbr /
  print html
  if notSet == 1:
if len(col)  49:
  colX = col[:50] + '...'
   colX = col
print 'b%s: /b%sbr /\n' % (colX, colValue[0])
elif col == 'pic1':
if (colValue[0] != None):
#if (colValue[0] != None) and (len(colValue[0]  0)):
  print 'a href=getpic.py?store=%spic=%sid=%s
class=highslide href=getpic.py?store=%spic=%sid=%s onclick=return
hs.expand(this)img src=getpic.py?store=%spic=%sid=%s width=100
height=80 alt= align=left border=0 title=Click to enlarge
style=border: 0px/abr clear=all /\n' % (store, col[3:], id, store,
col[3:], id, store, col[3:], id)
  except TypeError:
#  i += 1
#  try:
#content = colValues[0][x].tostring()
#pic = tmp + str(i) + .jpg
#  os.remove(pic)
#  pass
#img = open(pic, w)
#print 'img src=%sbr /br /' % pic
#  except:
j += 1
  if store != 'prescriptions':
if outOfStockFlag == 'yes':
  print 'font color=redThis item is currently bout of
  print input type='submit' value=' More Info ' /
print input type='hidden' name='patientID' value='%s' / %
print input type='submit' value=' More Info ' /
  print '/formbr /br /'
print '/td/tr/table\n'
print '/table\n'

def cgiFieldStorageToDict(fieldStorage):
  params = {}
  for key in fieldStorage.keys():
params[key] = fieldStorage[key].value
  return params

def display():
  dict = cgiFieldStorageToDict(cgi.FieldStorage())

Re: getfirst and re

2010-01-08 Thread Victor Subervi
On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 3:21 PM, MRAB pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com wrote:

 Victor Subervi wrote:

  On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Steve Holden st...@holdenweb.commailto:
 st...@holdenweb.com wrote:

MRAB wrote:
  Victor Subervi wrote:
  Code snippet:
  def cgiFieldStorageToDict(fieldStorage):

Further hint ...

params = {}
for key in fieldStorage.keys():
  params[key] = cgi.FieldStorage[key].value
  This is your problem.

 The problem is that I don't understand this code that I exactly copied
 from a Web page tutorial. Can you folks point me to tutorials where I can
 learn to comprehend this code? Specifically, the line in question. How is it
 that one can code params[key] (what does that mean?) and the other side,
 what does that mean

  If you got it from:

Recipe 81547: Using a simple dictionary for CGI parameters

 then no, it wasn't exactly copied. If you'd copy-and-pasted it then it
 would've been correct, as well as much quicker to do...

I'm afraid to say you're right again :-}

Re: getfirst and re

2010-01-08 Thread MRAB

Victor Subervi wrote:
On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 3:09 PM, Victor Subervi victorsube...@gmail.com 
mailto:victorsube...@gmail.com wrote:

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Jean-Michel Pichavant
jeanmic...@sequans.com mailto:jeanmic...@sequans.com wrote:

Victor Subervi wrote:

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Steve Holden
st...@holdenweb.com mailto:st...@holdenweb.com
mailto:st...@holdenweb.com mailto:st...@holdenweb.com

   MRAB wrote:
Victor Subervi wrote:
Code snippet:
def cgiFieldStorageToDict(fieldStorage):
   Further hint ...

  params = {}
  for key in fieldStorage.keys():
params[key] = cgi.FieldStorage[key].value
This is your problem.

The problem is that I don't understand this code that I
exactly copied from a Web page tutorial. Can you folks point
me to tutorials where I can learn to comprehend this code?
Specifically, the line in question. How is it that one can
code params[key] (what does that mean?) and the other
side, what does that mean

I think you are gathering more fans Victor :)


This still isn't telling me what I need to know. Perhaps I'm missing
the point, as in the recent case with putting the print cookie
statement in the header. I am assuming (translation: making an a$$
out of you and me) that params[key] automatically assigns the
fieldStorage key to the newly created params key in the dict of the
same, and assigning the value from the cgi.FieldStorage of that key
to the params value. Is that correct?

I may have answered my own question. I have this:

def cgiFieldStorageToDict(fieldStorage):
  params = {}
  for key in fieldStorage.keys():
params[key] = fieldStorage[key].value
  return params

Which is what Recipe 81547 actually says!

  dict = cgiFieldStorageToDict(cgi.FieldStorage())
  print dict

which gave me this:

{'store': 'products', 'cat': 'prodCat1'}

which looks about right. I would have written the code like this:

  keys = []
  values = []
  for key, value in fieldStorage.iteritems():
  params = dict(zip(keys, values))

which obviously isn't as elegant. But that's what I knew. Learned 
another trick, I guess ;)

If that works then so should this:

params = dict(fieldStorage.iteritems())


Re: lightweight encryption of text file

2010-01-08 Thread Robert Kern

On 2010-01-08 13:14 PM, Daniel Fetchinson wrote:

I have a plain text file which I would like to protect in a very
simple minded, yet for my purposes sufficient, way. I'd like to
encrypt/convert it into a binary file in such a way that possession of
a password allows anyone to convert it back into the original text
file while not possessing the password one would only see the
following with the standard linux utility 'file':

[fetchin...@fetch ~]$ file encrypted.data
encrypted.data: data

and the effort required to convert the file back to the original text
file without the password would be equivalent to guessing the

I'm fully aware of the security implications of this loose
specification, but for my purposes this would be a good solution.

What would be the simplest way to achieve this using preferably stock
python without 3rd party modules? If a not too complex 3rd party
module made it really simple that would be acceptable too.

Paul Rubin's p3.py algorithm is probably the most straightforward way to meet 
these requirements. It's not a standard crypto algorithm by any means, but Paul 
knows his stuff and has devised it with these deployment restrictions in mind.


Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


Re: Dynamic text color

2010-01-08 Thread Dave McCormick
On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 12:28 PM, MRAB pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com wrote:

 Dave McCormick wrote:

 On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 9:18 AM, John Posner jjpos...@optimum.netmailto:
 jjpos...@optimum.net wrote:

On Tue, 05 Jan 2010 16:54:44 -0500, Dave McCormick
mackrac...@gmail.com mailto:mackrac...@gmail.com wrote:

But it is not what I am wanting. I first thought to make it look
for a space but that would not work when a single character like
# is to be colored if there is a string of them.  Or if all
of the characters between quotes are to be colored.

Regular expressions are good at handling searches like:

* all the characters between quotes
* the two-character string do, but only if it's a complete word



 I need another hint...

 Been doing some reading and playing and it looks like
 is what I need. But I can not figure out how to pass a variable between
 If the word in question is between the \b \b and in the list then it
 works like I want it to.
  The below does not work.

greenList_regexp = |.join(greenList)
for matchobj in re.finditer(r'\bgreenList_regexp\b', complete_text):
start,end = matchobj.span()

  The regex r'\bgreenList_regexp\b' will match the string
 'greenList_regexp' if it's a whole word.

 What you mean is any of these words, provided that they're whole
 words. You'll need to group the alternatives within (?:...), like

r'\b(?:' + greenList_regexp + ')\b'

  Thanks but that did not work either.
Maybe I have something else wrong too?

complete_text = Tbox.get(1.0, END)
greenList = green grass.split()
greenList_regexp = |.join(greenList)
for matchobj in re.finditer(r'\b(?:' + greenList_regexp + ')\b',
start,end = matchobj.span()
Tbox.tag_add(green, 1.0 + %d chars % start,1.0 + %d chars %
Tbox.tag_config(green, foreground=green)

The words green and grass do not turn green.


Re: getfirst and re

2010-01-08 Thread Victor Subervi
On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 3:37 PM, MRAB pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com wrote:

 Victor Subervi wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 3:09 PM, Victor Subervi 
 victorsube...@gmail.com wrote:

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Jean-Michel Pichavant
jeanmic...@sequans.com mailto:jeanmic...@sequans.com wrote:

Victor Subervi wrote:

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Steve Holden
st...@holdenweb.com mailto:st...@holdenweb.com
mailto:st...@holdenweb.com mailto:st...@holdenweb.com


   MRAB wrote:
Victor Subervi wrote:
Code snippet:
def cgiFieldStorageToDict(fieldStorage):
   Further hint ...

  params = {}
  for key in fieldStorage.keys():
params[key] = cgi.FieldStorage[key].value
This is your problem.

The problem is that I don't understand this code that I
exactly copied from a Web page tutorial. Can you folks point
me to tutorials where I can learn to comprehend this code?
Specifically, the line in question. How is it that one can
code params[key] (what does that mean?) and the other
side, what does that mean

I think you are gathering more fans Victor :)


This still isn't telling me what I need to know. Perhaps I'm missing
the point, as in the recent case with putting the print cookie
statement in the header. I am assuming (translation: making an a$$
out of you and me) that params[key] automatically assigns the
fieldStorage key to the newly created params key in the dict of the
same, and assigning the value from the cgi.FieldStorage of that key
to the params value. Is that correct?

 I may have answered my own question. I have this:

 def cgiFieldStorageToDict(fieldStorage):
  params = {}
  for key in fieldStorage.keys():
params[key] = fieldStorage[key].value
  return params

  Which is what Recipe 81547 actually says!

   dict = cgiFieldStorageToDict(cgi.FieldStorage())
  print dict

 which gave me this:

 {'store': 'products', 'cat': 'prodCat1'}

 which looks about right. I would have written the code like this:

  keys = []
  values = []
  for key, value in fieldStorage.iteritems():
  params = dict(zip(keys, values))

 which obviously isn't as elegant. But that's what I knew. Learned another
 trick, I guess ;)

  If that works then so should this:

params = dict(fieldStorage.iteritems())

Yeah. Thanks!

Re: asyncore based port splitter code questions

2010-01-08 Thread Giampaolo Rodola'
On 4 Gen, 18:58, George Trojan george.tro...@noaa.gov wrote:

 asyncore based code is supposed to be simple,
 but I need while loops and a lot of try/except clauses.

First of all: you DON'T have to use while loops or anything which is
blocking where by blocking I mean anything like time.sleep().
asyncore, just like Twisted, is an asynchrounous abstraction on top of
Anything you call must return *immediately* otherwise the whole thing
will hang aka stop serving any connected client or server.

 I designed the code by looking at Python 2.3
 source for asyncore and originally wanted to use add_channel() and
 del_channel() methods. However in Python 2.6 del_channel() closes the
 socket in addition to deleting it from the map.

Don't look at the 2.3 source. Use asyncore of Python 2.6 which is far
more improved, bug-fixed and also *different*, where by that I mean
that it might actually behaves differently.
If you are forced to use Python 2.3 my advice is to get a copy of
Python's asyncore.py and asynchat.py and include them in your code.

Secondly, to temporarily sleep your connections *don't* remove
anything from your map.
The correct way of doing things here is to override readable() and
writable() methods and make them return False as long as you want your
connection to hang.

Now I'm going to comment some parts of your code.

 class Reader(asyncore.dispatcher):
      def __init__(self, sock, writers):
          asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self, sock)
          self.writers = writers

      def handle_read(self):
          data = self.recv(1024)
          for writer in self.writers:
      def handle_write(self):
          while self.data:
              log_msg('sending data to %s' % str(self.address))
              sent = self.send(self.data)
              self.data = self.data[sent:]

By looking at how you are appending data you want to send in a buffer,
it looks like you might want to use asynchat.async_chat rather than
async_chat.push() and async_chat.push_with_producer() methods already
take care of buffers logic and make sure that all the data gets sent
to the other peer without going lost.

Actually there's no reason to use asyncore.dispatcher class directly
except for creating a socket which listens on an interface and then
passes the connection to another class inheriting from
asynchat.async_chat which will actually handle that session.

So my recommendation is to use asynchat.async_chat whenever possible.

      def suspend_channel(self, map=None):
          fd = self._fileno
          if map is None:
              map = self._map
          if fd in map:
              del map[fd]

As I said this is unecessary.
Override readable() and writable() methods instead.

      def handle_close(self):
          log_msg('closing writer connection')
          # try to reconnect

You really don't want to use time.sleep() there.
It blocks everything.

          while True:
                  disp = Dispatcher(port, destinations)
                 asyncore.loop(timeout=TMOUT, use_poll=True)
              except socket.error, (errno, e):
                  if errno == 98:
                      log_msg('sleeping %d s: %s', (30, e))

Same as above.

As a final note I would recommend to take a look at pyftpdlib code
which uses asyncore/asynchat as part of its core:
It can be of some help to figure out how things should be done.

--- Giampaolo

Re: PIL show() not working for 2nd pic

2010-01-08 Thread suresh.amritapuri
On Jan 8, 6:32 am, McColgst mccol...@gmail.com wrote:
 Do you get any errors or warnings?
 Could we see the code you ran to get this problem?


I used to get no such file or directory showing some files in /tmp
directory. But today I am getting a different type of message, which
appeared yesterday also.

(eog:8368): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_tree_model_get_iter: assertion `path-
depth  0' failed

(eog:8368): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_list_store_get_value: assertion
`VALID_ITER (iter, list_store)' failed

(eog:8368): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.20.1/
gobject/gtype.c:3940: type id `0' is invalid

(eog:8368): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: can't peek value table for type
`invalid' which is not currently referenced
Segmentation fault

print Aum Amriteshwaryai Namaha

import Image

imagePath = /home/suresh/EE241/book_images_3ed/ch03/

im34 = Image.open(imagePath + breast_digital_Xray.tif)
im35 = Image.open(imagePath + DFT_no_log.tif)

def neg(x):
return 255-1-x

import math

def logtr(x):
y = math.log(1+x,10)
print y
return y*100

im34x = im34.point(neg)

im35x = im35.point(logtr)
---end of code
Any ideas?


Re: table from csv file

2010-01-08 Thread J
On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 13:55, Jon Clements jon...@googlemail.com wrote:
 On Jan 8, 5:59 pm, marlowe marlowequ...@hotmail.com wrote:
 I am trying to create a table in python from a csv file where I input
 which columns I would like to see, and the table only shows those
 columns. I have attached an example of the csv file i am using, and
 some of the code I have written. I am having trouble converting
 variables between lists, dictionaries and tuples. Is there a name for
 what I am attempting to do? any help to get me on the right track with
 this is appreciated.


I had to edit that and comma delimit it, because cut and paste gave me
random numbers/types of whitespace...

[code snipped]

 This might be a useful starting point (I'm guessing this is what
 you're after...)

 Let's assume your 'CSV' file is tab separated as it's certainly not
 comma separated :)

 import csv
 csvin = csv.reader(open('test.csv'), delimiter='\t')
 header = dict( (val.strip(),idx) for idx, val in enumerate(next
 (csvin)) )

 We can use header as a column name-column index lookup eg header
 ['Open'] == 1

 from operator import itemgetter
 wanted = ['Open', 'Close'] # Although you'll want to use raw_input and
 split on ','
 getcols = itemgetter(*[header[col] for col in wanted])

 getcols is a helper function that'll return a tuple of the columns in
 the requested order...

 for row in csvin:
    print getcols(row)

 Loop over the rest of the file and output the required columns.

As someone who knows just enough to be dangerous... what about this:

import csv

reader = open('C:/test.txt','rb')
data = csv.DictReader(reader,restval='000',restkey='Misc')

print Options are: Date, Open, Close, High, Low, Volume, Adj Close
column = raw_input('What do you want? (comma delimited)?')
choice = column.split(',')
f = 12

print ''.join([s.center(f) for s in choice])

for row in data:
print ''.join([(row.get(s)).center(f) for s in choice])


Mike Ditka  - If God had wanted man to play soccer, he wouldn't have
given us arms. -

Re: Another Screwy Problem

2010-01-08 Thread Carsten Haese
Victor Subervi wrote:
 I have this line of code:
  sql = 'select Name, Price from %sPackages where ID=%s;' % (store, pid)
 which prints to this:
  select Name, Price from productsPackages where ID=1;
 which when I enter it into the MySQL interpreter gives me this:
 mysql select Name, Price from productsPackages where ID=1;
 | Name | Price  |
 | pkg  | 123.45 |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 exactly what I expect. However, in my script for some reason it returns

The only logical explanation is that this is not the output from
executing the above-mentioned query. Maybe you should ask yourself what
it actually is.



24 bit signed integer binary conversion help needed

2010-01-08 Thread Robert Somerville

I am trying to read 24bit signed WAV format (little endian) data from a 
WAV file and convert it to 32 bit little endian integer format ... can 
anybody please tell me how to do the conversion from 24 bit to 32 bit 
with a snippet of Python code ???

Thanks so much
Robert Somerville

Re: Threading change, 2.5.4 - 2.6.1

2010-01-08 Thread Hans Mulder

anon wrote:

Gib Bogle wrote:
The code below runs with Python 2.5.4, but gives the following error 
messages with Python 2.6.1.  What needs to be done to make it work?  

C:\Summer09\Tutorialspython url_queue.pyw
Traceback (most recent call last):
File url_queue.pyw, line 3, in module
import threading
File C:\Summer09\Tutorials\threading.py, line 9, in module
class ProcessingThread(threading.Thread, QtCore.QObject):
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Thread'

Nothing to do with the version of python

You have a file called threading.py in C:\Summer09\Tutorials (the same 
folder as url_queue.pyw). The line 'import threading' is finding this 
module before python's threading module.

Rename this file and you should be fine.

Keep in mind that if there's a threading.pyc in C:\Summer09\Tutorials,
you have to rename (or delete) that one as well.

Hope this helps,

-- HansM


Re: 24 bit signed integer binary conversion help needed

2010-01-08 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2010-01-08, Robert Somerville rsomervi...@sjgeophysics.com wrote:

 I am trying to read 24bit signed WAV format (little endian) data from a 
 WAV file and convert it to 32 bit little endian integer format ... can 
 anybody please tell me how to do the conversion from 24 bit to 32 bit 
 with a snippet of Python code ???

def sext24(d):
if ord(d[2])  0x80:
return d+'\xff'
return d+'\x00'

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! Am I having fun yet?

Re: Dynamic text color

2010-01-08 Thread John Posner
On Fri, 08 Jan 2010 14:28:57 -0500, MRAB pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com  

Dave McCormick wrote:
  On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 9:18 AM, John Posner jjpos...@optimum.net  
mailto:jjpos...@optimum.net wrote:

 On Tue, 05 Jan 2010 16:54:44 -0500, Dave McCormick
mackrac...@gmail.com mailto:mackrac...@gmail.com wrote:
 But it is not what I am wanting. I first thought to make it  

for a space but that would not work when a single character like
# is to be colored if there is a string of them.  Or if all
of the characters between quotes are to be colored.
  Regular expressions are good at handling searches like:
 * all the characters between quotes
* the two-character string do, but only if it's a complete word
 -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
 I need another hint...
 Been doing some reading and playing and it looks like
is what I need. But I can not figure out how to pass a variable between
If the word in question is between the \b \b and in the list then it  
works like I want it to.

 The below does not work.
 greenList_regexp = |.join(greenList)
for matchobj in re.finditer(r'\bgreenList_regexp\b', complete_text):
start,end = matchobj.span()

The regex r'\bgreenList_regexp\b' will match the string
'greenList_regexp' if it's a whole word.

What you mean is any of these words, provided that they're whole
words. You'll need to group the alternatives within (?:...), like

 r'\b(?:' + greenList_regexp + ')\b'

Oops, MRAB, you forgot to make the last literal a RAW string -- it should  
be r')\b'

Dave, we're already into some pretty heavy regular-expression work, huh?.  
Here's another approach -- not nearly as elegant as MRAB's:

Given this list:

  greenList = ['green', 'grass', 'grump']

... you currently are using join() to construct this regexp search string:


... but you've decided that you really want this similar regexp search  


You can achieve this by transforming each item on the list, then invoking  
join() on the transformed list to create the search string. Here are a  
couple of ways to transform the list:

* List comprehension:

  whole_word_greenList = [ r'\b' + word + r'\b' for word in greenList]

* map() and a user-defined function:

  def xform_to_wholeword_searchstring(word):
  return r'\b' + word + r'\b'

  whole_word_greenList = map(xform_to_wholeword_searchstring, greenList)


Re: 24 bit signed integer binary conversion help needed

2010-01-08 Thread Irmen de Jong

On 8-1-2010 22:12, Robert Somerville wrote:

I am trying to read 24bit signed WAV format (little endian) data from a
WAV file and convert it to 32 bit little endian integer format ... can
anybody please tell me how to do the conversion from 24 bit to 32 bit
with a snippet of Python code ???

Thanks so much
Robert Somerville

Are you using the standard wave module?
I guess that will produce a string of 3-byte audio frames with readframes().

Won't it work to chop this up in individual 3-byte frames,
then appending a '\0' char to every frame,
and then writing the frames to the target wave ?


Re: 24 bit signed integer binary conversion help needed

2010-01-08 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2010-01-08, Grant Edwards inva...@invalid.invalid wrote:
 On 2010-01-08, Robert Somerville rsomervi...@sjgeophysics.com wrote:

 I am trying to read 24bit signed WAV format (little endian) data from a 
 WAV file and convert it to 32 bit little endian integer format ... can 
 anybody please tell me how to do the conversion from 24 bit to 32 bit 
 with a snippet of Python code ???

 def sext24(d):
 if ord(d[2])  0x80:
 return d+'\xff'
 return d+'\x00'

I guess I assumed you knew how to read 3 bytes of data from a

f = open('datafile','rb')
d = f.read(3)

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! I need to discuss
   visi.comwith at least six studio

Re: lightweight encryption of text file

2010-01-08 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
 I have a plain text file which I would like to protect in a very
 simple minded, yet for my purposes sufficient, way. I'd like to
 encrypt/convert it into a binary file in such a way that possession of
 a password allows anyone to convert it back into the original text
 file while not possessing the password one would only see the
 following with the standard linux utility 'file':

 [fetchin...@fetch ~]$ file encrypted.data
 encrypted.data: data

 and the effort required to convert the file back to the original text
 file without the password would be equivalent to guessing the

 I'm fully aware of the security implications of this loose
 specification, but for my purposes this would be a good solution.

 What would be the simplest way to achieve this using preferably stock
 python without 3rd party modules? If a not too complex 3rd party
 module made it really simple that would be acceptable too.

 Paul Rubin's p3.py algorithm is probably the most straightforward way to
 these requirements. It's not a standard crypto algorithm by any means, but
 knows his stuff and has devised it with these deployment restrictions in


Thanks a lot, currently I'm having trouble using this code on python
2.6 but probably some small tweaking will fix it.


Psss, psss, put it down! - http://www.cafepress.com/putitdown

Re: 24 bit signed integer binary conversion help needed

2010-01-08 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2010-01-08, Irmen de Jong irmen-nosp...@xs4all.nl wrote:
 On 8-1-2010 22:12, Robert Somerville wrote:
 I am trying to read 24bit signed WAV format (little endian) data from a
 WAV file and convert it to 32 bit little endian integer format ... can
 anybody please tell me how to do the conversion from 24 bit to 32 bit
 with a snippet of Python code ???

 Are you using the standard wave module? I guess that will
 produce a string of 3-byte audio frames with readframes().

 Won't it work to chop this up in individual 3-byte frames,
 then appending a '\0' char to every frame, and then writing
 the frames to the target wave ?

Not if the 3-byte values are signed two's compliment values.

Grant Edwards   grante Yow! I feel like I am
  at   sharing a ``CORN-DOG''
   visi.comwith NIKITA KHRUSCHEV ...

PIL how to display multiple images side by side

2010-01-08 Thread suresh.amritapuri

In PIL, how to display multiple images in say m rows and n colums when
I have m*n images.


Re: lightweight encryption of text file

2010-01-08 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
 I have a plain text file which I would like to protect in a very
 simple minded, yet for my purposes sufficient, way. I'd like to
 encrypt/convert it into a binary file in such a way that possession of
 a password allows anyone to convert it back into the original text
 file while not possessing the password one would only see the
 following with the standard linux utility 'file':

 [fetchin...@fetch ~]$ file encrypted.data
 encrypted.data: data

 and the effort required to convert the file back to the original text
 file without the password would be equivalent to guessing the

 I'm fully aware of the security implications of this loose
 specification, but for my purposes this would be a good solution.

 What would be the simplest way to achieve this using preferably stock
 python without 3rd party modules? If a not too complex 3rd party
 module made it really simple that would be acceptable too.

 Paul Rubin's p3.py algorithm is probably the most straightforward way to
 these requirements. It's not a standard crypto algorithm by any means,
 knows his stuff and has devised it with these deployment restrictions in


 Thanks a lot, currently I'm having trouble using this code on python
 2.6 but probably some small tweaking will fix it.

Actually, it also doesn't work with python 2.5 and currently I don't
have access to anything older. array.array raises a

ValueError: string length not a multiple of item size

Does anyone recall a change to array.array?

The full traceback is

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File p3.py, line 163, in module
  File p3.py, line 143, in _test
c1 = e(plain,key)
  File p3.py, line 69, in p3_encrypt
xkey = _expand_key(k_enc, n+4)
  File p3.py, line 41, in _expand_key
return array ('L', j)
ValueError: string length not a multiple of item size


Psss, psss, put it down! - http://www.cafepress.com/putitdown

Re: 24 bit signed integer binary conversion help needed

2010-01-08 Thread Irmen de Jong

On 8-1-2010 22:37, Grant Edwards wrote:

On 2010-01-08, Irmen de Jongirmen-nosp...@xs4all.nl  wrote:

Are you using the standard wave module? I guess that will
produce a string of 3-byte audio frames with readframes().

Won't it work to chop this up in individual 3-byte frames,
then appending a '\0' char to every frame, and then writing
the frames to the target wave ?

Not if the 3-byte values are signed two's compliment values.

Meh. The wave module is pretty useless for format conversion then until 
it grows some utility methods.


Re: Another Screwy Problem

2010-01-08 Thread J. Clifford Dyer
Victor Subervi wrote:
 I have this line of code:
  sql = 'select Name, Price from %sPackages where ID=%s;' % (store, pid)
 which prints to this:
  select Name, Price from productsPackages where ID=1;
 which when I enter it into the MySQL interpreter gives me this:
 mysql select Name, Price from productsPackages where ID=1;
 | Name | Price  |
 | pkg  | 123.45 |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 exactly what I expect. However, in my script for some reason it returns

First, never use string formatting to pass parameters to your database.  Read 
the MySQLdb documentation (or sqlite, or psycopg2) documentation for reasons 
why, and how to do it right.

Second, in the same documentation, look up anything having the word fetch in 
it.  That should show you how to get the data you want

Third, please be more specific in your questions.  You say In my script for 
some reason *it* returns this: ((1,),), but you don't show us what it is.  
How did you get that from your script?  So far we've got a variable called sql 
with your query in it.  How do I get the same wrong result you got?  I don't 
know.  I could pass it to a function that looks like this:

def botch_sql_query(sql):
return ((1,),)

I could furthermore fix it, so that it looks right, by doing this:

def fixed_sql_query(sql):
return(('pkg', 123.45),)

But that probably doesn't help.  Give us enough code to be clear, but not so 
much as to be overwhelming.  There's an essay called How to ask smart 
question by Eric Raymond that should help.



Re: Another Screwy Problem

2010-01-08 Thread J. Clifford Dyer
On Fri, Jan 08, 2010 at 03:32:34PM -0400, Victor Subervi wrote regarding 
Another Screwy Problem:
 Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2010 15:32:34 -0400
 From: Victor Subervi victorsube...@gmail.com
 To: python-list python-list@python.org
 Subject: Another Screwy Problem
I have this line of code:
 sql = 'select Name, Price from %sPackages where ID=%s;' % (store, pid)
which prints to this:
 select Name, Price from productsPackages where ID=1;
which when I enter it into the MySQL interpreter gives me this:
mysql select Name, Price from productsPackages where ID=1;
| Name | Price  |
| pkg  | 123.45 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
exactly what I expect. However, in my script for some reason it returns
Why would it do that? I guess there's some foolish thing I did in my
code somewhere, but I'll be darned if I know where. Here's the whole
#! /usr/bin/python
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
import cgi
import MySQLdb
import sys,os
from login import login
from template import top, bottom
from sets import Set
import fpformat
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
store = form.getfirst('store')
cat = form.getfirst('cat', '')
user, passwd, db, host = login()
db = MySQLdb.connect(host, user, passwd, db)
cursor = db.cursor()
def displayProducts(patientID=''):
  try: # These are stores with categories where ordering by price is
sql = 'select ID from %s where Category=%s order by Price desc;'
% (store, cat)
  except: # Stores, like prescriptions, where ordering by price is not
sql = 'select ID from %s;' % (store)
  ids = [itm[0] for itm in cursor]
  cursor.execute('describe %s;' % store)
  colFields, colFieldValues = [itm[0] for itm in cursor], [itm[1] for
itm in cursor]
  i = 0
  if len(ids)  0:
for id in ids:
#  print 'tr\n'
  print 'form method=post action=displayOneProduct.py'
  print input type='hidden' name='store' value='%s' / % store
  print input type='hidden' name='id' value='%s' / % id
  j = 0
  for col in colFields:
sql = 'select %s from %s where ID=%s;' % (col, store,
colValue = cursor.fetchone()
if col == 'SKU':
  print input type='hidden' name='sku' value='%s' / %
  print 'b%s: /b%sbr /\n' % (col, colValue[0])
elif col == 'Category':
  print input type='hidden' name='cat' value='%s' / %
  print 'b%s: /b%sbr /\n' % (col, colValue[0])
elif col == 'OutOfStock':
  if colValue[0] == '1': # This product is out of stock
outOfStockFlag = 'yes'
outOfStockFlag = 'no'
elif col[:3] != 'pic':
  notSet = 1
  if isinstance(colValue[0], (str, int, float, long, complex,
unicode, list, buffer, xrange, tuple)):
  html = b%s/b: select name='%s' % (col, col)
  notSet = 0
  for itm in colValue[0]:
  color, number = itm.split('$')
  html += option name='%s'%s/option % (itm,
  html += option name='%s'%s/option % (itm, itm)
  html += /selectbr /
  print html
  if notSet == 1:
if len(col)  49:
  colX = col[:50] + '...'
   colX = col
print 'b%s: /b%sbr /\n' % (colX, colValue[0])
elif col == 'pic1':
if (colValue[0] != None):
#if (colValue[0] != None) and (len(colValue[0]  0)):
  print 'a href=getpic.py?store=%spic=%sid=%s
class=highslide href=getpic.py?store=%spic=%sid=%s
onclick=return hs.expand(this)img
src=getpic.py?store=%spic=%sid=%s width=100 height=80 alt=
align=left border=0 title=Click to enlarge style=border:
0px/abr clear=all /\n' % (store, col[3:], id, store, col[3:],
id, store, col[3:], id)
  except TypeError:
#  i += 1
#  try:
#content = colValues[0][x].tostring()
#pic = tmp + str(i) + .jpg
#  os.remove(pic)
#  pass
#img = open(pic, w)
#print 'img src=%sbr 

Re: lightweight encryption of text file

2010-01-08 Thread Irmen de Jong

On 8-1-2010 22:39, Daniel Fetchinson wrote:


Thanks a lot, currently I'm having trouble using this code on python
2.6 but probably some small tweaking will fix it.

If you keep having issues with this module, maybe you can try this:


It provides a very easy compact api on top of PyCrypto. So you'll need 
to install that as well to be able to use this.


Re: lightweight encryption of text file

2010-01-08 Thread Robert Kern

On 2010-01-08 15:47 PM, Daniel Fetchinson wrote:

I have a plain text file which I would like to protect in a very
simple minded, yet for my purposes sufficient, way. I'd like to
encrypt/convert it into a binary file in such a way that possession of
a password allows anyone to convert it back into the original text
file while not possessing the password one would only see the
following with the standard linux utility 'file':

[fetchin...@fetch ~]$ file encrypted.data
encrypted.data: data

and the effort required to convert the file back to the original text
file without the password would be equivalent to guessing the

I'm fully aware of the security implications of this loose
specification, but for my purposes this would be a good solution.

What would be the simplest way to achieve this using preferably stock
python without 3rd party modules? If a not too complex 3rd party
module made it really simple that would be acceptable too.

Paul Rubin's p3.py algorithm is probably the most straightforward way to
these requirements. It's not a standard crypto algorithm by any means,
knows his stuff and has devised it with these deployment restrictions in


Thanks a lot, currently I'm having trouble using this code on python
2.6 but probably some small tweaking will fix it.

Actually, it also doesn't work with python 2.5 and currently I don't
have access to anything older. array.array raises a

ValueError: string length not a multiple of item size

Does anyone recall a change to array.array?

The full traceback is

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File p3.py, line 163, inmodule
   File p3.py, line 143, in _test
 c1 = e(plain,key)
   File p3.py, line 69, in p3_encrypt
 xkey = _expand_key(k_enc, n+4)
   File p3.py, line 41, in _expand_key
 return array ('L', j)
ValueError: string length not a multiple of item size

Are you on a 64-bit platform? Unfortunately, array's integer typecodes are 
platform-specific, but p3.py requires a 32-bit integer and was written on a 
32-bit platform. It's reasonably straightforward to fix. Put this bit of 
(untested) code at the top of the file and replace occurrences of 'L' with uint32:

# Find the typecode of a 32-bit unsigned integer.
for typecode in 'IL':
if len(array(typecode, [0]).tostring()) == 4:
uint32 = typecode
raise RuntimeError(Neither 'I' nor 'L' are unsigned 32-bit integers.)

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco


24 bit signed integer binary conversion help needed

2010-01-08 Thread Robert Somerville

thanks Grant, your sext24 function does the trick (this Python
newbie thanks you a lot ...)

so i loop on d=wave.readframes(1) 
 call dd=sext24(d) on the frame read , then
 unpack(dd) the output of sext24 into a 32bit integer (seems to do
the trick correctly for signed 24 bit integers )

 On 2010-01-08, Robert Somerville rsomerville at sjgeophysics.com wrote:

 I am trying to read 24bit signed WAV format (little endian) data from a 
 WAV file and convert it to 32 bit little endian integer format ... can 
 anybody please tell me how to do the conversion from 24 bit to 32 bit 
 with a snippet of Python code ???

 def sext24(d):
 if ord(d[2])  0x80:
 return d+'\xff'
 return d+'\x00'


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