Code hosting services

2011-07-12 Thread Andrew Berg
Hash: RIPEMD160

I know this isn't specific to Python, but it is somewhat on topic. Way
back when I had a simple project, SourceForge was by far the most
prominent place to host (and it still is, though to a lesser extent
now). SourceForge is still an option for me, but I know there are many
other hosts out there. The problem is I don't which one what the pros
and cons of each are. Wikipedia has some information, but it's generally
objective. This is useful, but it's not enough to narrow my choices down
to one or two. What can you guys recommend?

BTW, I'll likely be sticking with Mercurial for revision control.
TortoiseHg is a wonderful tool set and I managed to get MercurialEclipse
working well.

- -- 
CPython 3.2.1 | Windows NT 6.1.7601.17592 | Thunderbird 5.0
PGP/GPG Public Key ID: 0xF88E034060A78FCB
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: Installing PyPy alongside Python 2.7 on Windows?

2011-07-12 Thread cjrh
You can just extract the windows pypy 1.5 distribution to any folder and run 
"pypy.exe" from there as if it was called "python.exe".  This is how I have 
been using it.  In fact, pypy has been the default python for my portable 
eclipse for a good while now.

Re: An interesting beginner question: why we need colon at all in the python language?

2011-07-12 Thread alex23
Thomas Jollans  wrote:
> Coincidentally, Guido wrote this blog post just last week, without which
> I'd be just as much at a loss as you:

It's also part of the Python FAQ:

Re: Virtual functions are virtually invisible!

2011-07-12 Thread alex23
rantingrick  wrote:
> i cannot force others

If only you really understood that.

Re: Lisp refactoring puzzle

2011-07-12 Thread rusi
On Jul 13, 9:39 am, Terry Reedy  wrote:
> On 7/12/2011 2:23 PM, gene heskett wrote:
> > Now, I hate to mention it Terry, but your clock seems to be about 126
> > months behind the rest of the world.
> Please do not hate to be helpful.

Ha Ha. Cute one. Thanks

Re: Lisp refactoring puzzle

2011-07-12 Thread Terry Reedy

On 7/12/2011 2:23 PM, gene heskett wrote:

Now, I hate to mention it Terry, but your clock seems to be about 126
months behind the rest of the world.

Please do not hate to be helpful. It was a bad malfunction perhaps due 
to a run-down battery on a machine turned off for two weeks. I will keep 
watch to see if it happens again overnight.

Does your system not run ntpd by default?

Is that *nix or Windows? My XP system only checks the net time 
automatically once a week and refused to update at first on request 
because the dates did not match. Typically windows stupidity. If I click 
'Update from internet', it should believe that I really mean it.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Enhanced dir() function

2011-07-12 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 7:46 AM, rantingrick  wrote:
 [x for x in dir([]) if not x.startswith('_')]
> ['append', 'count', 'extend', 'index', 'insert', 'pop', 'remove',
> 'reverse', 'sort']
> Because we have plenty of room for args in this function...
> ['append', 'count', 'extend', 'index', 'insert', 'pop', 'remove',
> 'reverse', 'sort']

#define my_dir(o,verbose) verbose?dir(o):[x for x in dir(o) if not

And there you are, out of your difficulty at once. Granted, you now
have to run your code through cpp, but is that so big a problem?

(For the sarcasm-impaired: I am NOT advocating this.)

Re: Set run vars with each call

2011-07-12 Thread Gnarlodious
On Jul 12, 6:44 pm, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> All the words are in English, but the sentences make no sense :)
LOL, impressive powers of mind-reading! Exactly what I needed:

import time
class Event:
def doSomething(self, epoch=None):
if epoch is None:
epoch = self.epoch

e = Event()
e.epoch = 1310522110.404471

Thanks for the help!

-- Gnarlie

Re: Lisp refactoring puzzle

2011-07-12 Thread Roy Smith
In article <>,
 Gregory Ewing  wrote:

> Xah Lee wrote:
> > they
> > don't provide even simple list manipulation functions such as union,
> > intersection, and the like. Not in perl, not in python, not in lisps.
> Since 2.5 or so, Python has a built-in set type that
> provides these (which is arguably a better place for them
> than lists).

Set is the best addition to Python since string methods.

Re: Lisp refactoring puzzle

2011-07-12 Thread Gregory Ewing

Xah Lee wrote:

don't provide even simple list manipulation functions such as union,
intersection, and the like. Not in perl, not in python, not in lisps.

Since 2.5 or so, Python has a built-in set type that
provides these (which is arguably a better place for them
than lists).


Re: "Python Wizard," with apologies to The Who

2011-07-12 Thread Steven D'Aprano
John Keisling wrote:

> After too much time coding Python scripts and reading Mark Lutz's
> Python books, I was inspired to write the following lyrics. For those
> too young to remember, the tune is that of "Pinball Wizard," by The
> Who. May it bring you as much joy as it brought me!

I wouldn't know a good song parody if it kicked me in the head, but my wife
is a (retired) professional musician with a history of writing parodies.
She's not impressed by the work of most "filk singers" and supposed
parodies, most of which are seventeen kinds of crap... but she gives you
full marks. And trust me on this, she does not give compliments lightly.

She says you got the rhyming scheme and number of syllables spot on.
Technically, "That modeling and sim guy" needs to be slurred to make it
fit, "That mod'ling and sim guy", but that's acceptable.

(Most parodies get the syllable count wrong -- if a lyric goes
dum-de-dum-de-dum, the parody ends up like dum-dum-de-dum-de-dum or

Have a +1 from me and the missus.



mrjob v0.2.7 released

2011-07-12 Thread Jimmy Retzlaff
What is mrjob?
mrjob is a Python package that helps you write and run Hadoop Streaming

mrjob fully supports Amazon's Elastic MapReduce (EMR) service, which allows
you to buy time on a Hadoop cluster on an hourly basis. It also works with
your own Hadoop cluster.

Some important features:

 * Run jobs on EMR, your own Hadoop cluster, or locally (for testing).
 * Write multi-step jobs (one map-reduce step feeds into the next)
 * Duplicate your production environment inside Hadoop
   * Upload your source tree and put it in your job's $PYTHONPATH
   * Run make and other setup scripts
   * Set environment variables (e.g. $TZ)
   * Easily install python packages from tarballs (EMR only)
   * Setup handled transparently by mrjob.conf config file
 * Automatically interpret error logs from EMR
 * SSH tunnel to hadoop job tracker on EMR
 * Minimal setup
   * To run on your Hadoop cluster, install simplejson and make sure
$HADOOP_HOME is set.

More info:

 * Install mrjob: python install
 * Documentation:
 * PyPI:
 * Development is hosted at github:

What's new?
Big thank you to Yelp intern Steve Johnson, who wrote the majority of the
code for this release. Wahbeh Qardaji, another Yelp intern, contributed as
well, and has been working hard on features for v0.3.0.

v0.2.7, 2011-07-12 -- Hooray for interns!
 * All runner options can be set from the command line (Issue #121)
  * Including for (Issue #142)
 * New EMR options:
  * availability_zone (Issue #72)
  * bootstrap_actions (Issue #69)
  * enable_emr_debugging (Issue #133)
 * Read counters from EMR log files (Issue #134)
 * Clean old files out of S3 with (Issue #9)
 * EMR parses and reports job failure due to steps timing out (Issue #15)
 * EMR boostrap files are no longer made public on S3 (Issue #70)
 * handles custom hadoop streaming
  jars correctly (Issue #116)
 * LocalMRJobRunner separates out counters by step (Issue #28)
 * bootstrap_python_packages works regardless of tarball name (Issue #49)
 * mrjob always creates temp buckets in the correct AWS region (Issue #64)
 * Catch abuse of __main__ in jobs (Issue #78)
 * Added mr_travelling_salesman example

Re: Set run vars with each call

2011-07-12 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Gnarlodious wrote:

> Question. Is there a special method or easy way to set default values
> with each call to an instance? Any ideas to make it easier? What I
> want to do is have a constantly updating set of values which can be
> overridden. Just thought there was an easy way to set that up.

All the words are in English, but the sentences make no sense :)

Seriously, I don't understand what you mean. "Call to an instance"? Do mean
treating instances as a callable (like a function), or do you mean calling
an arbitrary method?

To make an instance itself callable, define a __call__ method.

What do you mean, "constantly updating set of values that can be
overridden"? Perhaps a simple example might help.

The closest thing I can think of, might be: you want to store a data
attribute in an instance, and use that if the caller doesn't specify
differently. Something like:

class Parrot:
name = "Polly"
def speak(self, name=None):
if name is None:
name =
print("%s wants a cracker!" % name)

And in use:

>>> p = Parrot()
>>> p.speak()
Polly wants a cracker!
>>> p.speak("Peter")
Peter wants a cracker!
>>> = "Penelope"
>>> p.speak()
Penelope wants a cracker!

If None is a legitimate value, then you can define your own sentinel to use

MISSING = object()  # Unique object guaranteed not to be used by the caller.
# (Guarantee void on planet Earth.)

then replace None by MISSING in the code above.

Is this the sort of scenario you are talking about? If not, I'm completely



Re: Wgy isn't there a good RAD Gui tool fo python

2011-07-12 Thread CM
On Jul 12, 5:18 pm, rantingrick  wrote:
> On Jul 12, 1:43 pm, CM  wrote:
> > > > One reason there hasn't been much demand for a GUI builder is that, in
> > > > many cases, it's just as simpler or simpler to code a GUI by hand.
> > I use a GUI builder because I'd rather click less than
> > type more. I just tried that in Boa Constructor; with ~10
> > mouse clicks I produced 964 characters of Python code.
> Remember, it's NOT the length of the code that matters, no, it's the
> motion of the "sources" ocean. Did it produce rough seas full of
> spaghetti monsters? Or tranquil fjords worth pining over (sadly to
> death apparently?)?

In my experience, the GUI builder I use creates reasonable code
that deals with the GUI in a separate portion of the code.  It does
not strike me as spaghetti-ish (though it's not perfect).

> Also, you MAY have created 964 chars of code with your ten or so
> clicks HOWEVER that is just template code. You'll need to set many
> attributes for the widgets before they are ready for prime time. Your
> "supposed" ten or so click estimate is very naive. It takes MUCH more
> to create even a simple GUI, because, we have NOT even discussed logic
> yet!

Sure.  But my point was just that to even get as far as I did (which
just a frame and two unspecified widgets) takes 964+ keystrokes, but
only ~10 clicks.  So the pacing of keystrokes:clicks is favorable.
If I built a small functioning GUI application, it  might take 100
and 9,640 keystrokes (very roughly).  But it is the same point.

> > I would use a sketch-pad and pencil and *then* use the GUI builder.
> But do you really? Your following statements lead me to believe that
> you don't.
> > What's nice about a builder is one can move things around
> > quickly and see the results in the real application, which
> > one can never really see well on a paper sketch. 

I just meant that though I might start on paper, once it is on
the screen I sometimes will shift things around a bit at that point
to see how it looks.  This is easily done with sizers and a sizer
collection manager and an up/down arrow, so it is worth an
extra minute to just see how it looks.

>  1. GUI builders remove us from the initial "mental design phase" and
> temp us to let our inner "click-ity-click" and "drag-ity-drag" child
> loose. This inner child likes to play but he hates to plan. Very soon
> he has the play room floor (source code) overflowing with toys (code)
> arranged in a completely haphazard way. Unlike the child however,
> there is no code mommy to spank this bad little boy when he is a
> programmer. So he just keeps messing up play room after play room
> making a complete fool of himself along the way.
>  2. GUI builders remove us from the source code. When you are playing
> "clicky-click" with yourself you could be in the trenches fighting the
> spaghetti code monster. Instead you are losing mental focus. Remember,
> playing with yourself makes you lazy!

I've certainly heard of others who feel that working with only code
is "cleaner" for them, mentally speaking.  I can understand that.  I
think it just depends on what one is used to.  I don't find the GUI
builder disrupts my ability to plan or keep things orderly.  In fact,
most of my disorder and spaghetti problems have been in the logic
side of the applications, the part which the GUI builder doesn't have
anything to do with.  (That's my own issue to keep working on).

> Kevin made the argument earlier that Tkinter (and others) are so easy
> to use that they render needing a GUI builder useless -- and he is
> correct! But did you know that there are GUI libraries EVEN more
> highly abstracted than Tkinter? Oh yes! So your "OMG, this typing and
> using my imagination is so difficult" *crap* is really making me
> laugh.

My attitude is, if I could speak in English to an AI to tell it what
I'd like
the program to do, I'd do it. Yes, since I can't do that, I inevitably
sometimes enjoy puzzling things out, but only because I have to.

> PS: if you don't like to type, programming IS NOT the best career (or
> hobby) choice for you.

I guess it is not so much that I dislike typing, as I dislike having
switch from visual mode to code mode, remember the keywords and
such for the widgets, rather than quickly clicking around.  The
keystroke count is really just a proxy for that sort of effort.


Re: How to write a file generator

2011-07-12 Thread Thomas Rachel

Am 12.07.2011 16:46 schrieb Billy Mays:

I want to make a generator that will return lines from the tail of
/var/log/syslog if there are any, but my function is reopening the file
each call


I have another solution: an object which is not an iterator, but an 

class Follower(object):
def __init__(self, file):
self.file = file
def __iter__(self):
while True:
l = self.file.readline()
if not l: return
yield l

if __name__ == '__main__':
f = Follower(open("/var/log/messages"))
while True:
for i in f: print i,
print "foo"
import time

Here, you iterate over the object until it is exhausted, but you can 
iterate again to get the next entries.


Re: Lisp refactoring puzzle

2011-07-12 Thread Pascal J. Bourguignon
Neil Cerutti  writes:

> What's the rationale for providing them? Are the definitions
> obvious for collections that a not sets?

The rational is to prove that Xah is dumb.

__Pascal Bourguignon__
A bad day in () is better than a good day in {}.

Re: "Python Wizard," with apologies to The Who

2011-07-12 Thread Ethan Furman

John Keisling wrote:

After too much time coding Python scripts and reading Mark Lutz's
Python books, I was inspired to write the following lyrics. For those
too young to remember, the tune is that of "Pinball Wizard," by The
Who. May it bring you as much joy as it brought me!

Absolutely hilarious!  Thanks!


Installing PyPy alongside Python 2.7 on Windows?

2011-07-12 Thread Ben Sizer
I'd like to evaluate the recent build of PyPy on the project I'm
currently working on, but am not sure how best to go about it. So my
question is simply - how would I go about installing PyPy alongside
Python 2.7 on Windows? In particular, unzipping PyPy and adding it to
the PATH is easy enough, but what about getting setuptools and
easy_setup working to install various packages for it? Is there a
virtualenv-based method I can use here? (And is pip a decent
replacement for setuptools on Windows yet?)

Ben Sizer

Re: Enhanced dir() function

2011-07-12 Thread rantingrick
On Jul 1, 12:20 pm, Tim Chase  wrote:

> If it came in as an effortless (i.e. O(1) where I do it once and
> never again; not an O(n) where n=the number of times I invoke
> Python) default replacement for dir(), I'd reach for it a lot
> more readily.  I seem to recall there's some environment-var or
> magic file-name that gets sourced on every startup.
> I use the list-comp version on a regular basis:

I strongly agree with this statement because i prefer the LC myself.
HOWEVER i've always lamented the verbosity of dir().
 Case in Point
>>> dir([])
['__add__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', '__delitem__',
'__delslice__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__',
'__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__getslice__', '__gt__',
'__hash__', '__iadd__', '__imul__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__le__',
'__len__', '__lt__', '__mul__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__',
'__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__reversed__', '__rmul__',
'__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__setslice__', '__sizeof__', '__str__',
'__subclasshook__', 'append', 'count', 'extend', 'index', 'insert',
'pop', 'remove', 'reverse', 'sort']

Do we really need to see all the built in methods EVERY time? I don't,
i've had them memorized for years. HOWEVER i do understand the fact
that n00bs need to see them every time. So why should old hats need to
type this every time...

>>> [x for x in dir([]) if not x.startswith('_')]
['append', 'count', 'extend', 'index', 'insert', 'pop', 'remove',
'reverse', 'sort']

Because we have plenty of room for args in this function...

>>> dir(verbose=False)
['append', 'count', 'extend', 'index', 'insert', 'pop', 'remove',
'reverse', 'sort']

Ahhh, i love it when a plan comes together!

Re: Enhanced dir() function

2011-07-12 Thread rantingrick
On Jun 30, 11:29 pm, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
> The dir() function is designed for interactive use, inspecting objects for
> the names of attributes and methods.
> Here is an enhanced version that allows you to pass a glob to filter the
> names you see:


I have always believed in keeping my namespace squeaky clean so i
never have this problem. Modules like Tkinter (where you yourself have
supported the global import!) i always import as "tk". I think this IS
more a housekeeping issue than a "nail on patch" issue.

PS: However pay attention because i have some interesting ideas about
"dir culling" in my next post to this thread.

Re: Set run vars with each call

2011-07-12 Thread Ben Finney
Gnarlodious  writes:

> OK, [the ‘__init__’ method] sets a value at init time. But is there a
> similar built-in to run whenever the class instance is called?

You can write a ‘__call__’ method which will be called when the instance
is called.

But I suspect that's still not what you're asking.

Maybe it will be quicker to ask: What is it you want to achieve?

 \  “Compulsory unification of opinion achieves only the unanimity |
  `\of the graveyard.” —Justice Roberts in 319 U.S. 624 (1943) |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

Re: Wgy isn't there a good RAD Gui tool fo python

2011-07-12 Thread rantingrick
On Jul 12, 1:43 pm, CM  wrote:
> > > One reason there hasn't been much demand for a GUI builder is that, in
> > > many cases, it's just as simpler or simpler to code a GUI by hand.
> I use a GUI builder because I'd rather click less than
> type more. I just tried that in Boa Constructor; with ~10
> mouse clicks I produced 964 characters of Python code.

Remember, it's NOT the length of the code that matters, no, it's the
motion of the "sources" ocean. Did it produce rough seas full of
spaghetti monsters? Or tranquil fjords worth pining over (sadly to
death apparently?)?

 1. Never judge the quality of code simply by it's length. Because if
you do, some folks might suffer from "source envy"!

Also, you MAY have created 964 chars of code with your ten or so
clicks HOWEVER that is just template code. You'll need to set many
attributes for the widgets before they are ready for prime time. Your
"supposed" ten or so click estimate is very naive. It takes MUCH more
to create even a simple GUI, because, we have NOT even discussed logic

> Now, sure, depending on how I wrote the code I could do
> better than that, but for me, I just find it more
> intuitive and easier to use a GUI to make a GUI.

Personal opinions should always be respected, and as such i respect
yours but later i would outline my GUI design workflow so pay close

> > Often a GUI builder is used as a bad replacement for
> > sketch-pad and pencil.
> I would use a sketch-pad and pencil and *then* use the GUI builder.

But do you really? Your following statements lead me to believe that
you don't.

> What's nice about a builder is one can move things around
> quickly and see the results in the real application, which
> one can never really see well on a paper sketch. 

I prefer to skip any pencil and paper completely myself. I just use my
imagination. UNLESS the GUI is EXTREMELY complicated. For me the
design of a GUI starts in my brain. No pencil, no paper, no three
hours using Auto Cad GUI designer. Next i start creating widgets and
laying them out using geometry managers (in CODE). Finally i run a few
tests, make a few changes, and design phase is over. Time for logic.

My argument against GUI builders is two fold.

 1. GUI builders remove us from the initial "mental design phase" and
temp us to let our inner "click-ity-click" and "drag-ity-drag" child
loose. This inner child likes to play but he hates to plan. Very soon
he has the play room floor (source code) overflowing with toys (code)
arranged in a completely haphazard way. Unlike the child however,
there is no code mommy to spank this bad little boy when he is a
programmer. So he just keeps messing up play room after play room
making a complete fool of himself along the way.

 2. GUI builders remove us from the source code. When you are playing
"clicky-click" with yourself you could be in the trenches fighting the
spaghetti code monster. Instead you are losing mental focus. Remember,
playing with yourself makes you lazy!

What happens is... you get lost "playing" and fail to keep your mental
focus. A programmers metal focus is his most valuable weapon in the
fight against the spaghetti code monster. I am a programmer. I love my
source code more than i love most people in this world. I do not want
to be away from my source. I am jealous of my source! And so too
should you be.

Kevin made the argument earlier that Tkinter (and others) are so easy
to use that they render needing a GUI builder useless -- and he is
correct! But did you know that there are GUI libraries EVEN more
highly abstracted than Tkinter? Oh yes! So your "OMG, this typing and
using my imagination is so difficult" *crap* is really making me

That is my argument people. Opinions may vary. Keep watch for the
spaghetti code monster!
Cheers folks.

PS: if you don't like to type, programming IS NOT the best career (or
hobby) choice for you.

Re: Enhanced dir() function

2011-07-12 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman wrote:

Tim Chase wrote:
If it came in as an effortless (i.e. O(1) where I do it once and never 
again; not an O(n) where n=the number of times I invoke Python) 
default replacement for dir(), I'd reach for it a lot more readily.  I 
seem to recall there's some environment-var or magic file-name that 
gets sourced on every startup.
import os, sys
sys.ps1 = '--> '

from cookbook.utils import dir  # or whereever you keep your copy
sys.modules['__builtin__'].dir = dir

Imagine my amusement when I went to change an environment variable today 
and found:



Building Python 2.5.6 on Ubuntu Natty

2011-07-12 Thread Ricardo Bánffy
Hi folks.

Has anyone succeeded in building Python 2.5.6 from sources in Ubuntu Natty?
I installed all the build dependencies and keep getting

running build_ext
/usr/include/sqlite3.h: version 3.7.4
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 1545, in 
  File "./", line 1540, in main
  File "/tmp/Python-2.5.6/Lib/distutils/", line 151, in setup
  File "/tmp/Python-2.5.6/Lib/distutils/", line 974, in run_commands
  File "/tmp/Python-2.5.6/Lib/distutils/", line 994, in run_command
  File "/tmp/Python-2.5.6/Lib/distutils/command/", line 112, in run
  File "/root/Python-2.5.6/Lib/", line 333, in run_command
del help[cmd]
  File "/tmp/Python-2.5.6/Lib/distutils/", line 994, in run_command
  File "/tmp/Python-2.5.6/Lib/distutils/command/", line 290, in
  File "./", line 97, in build_extensions
  File "./", line 810, in detect_modules
sqlite_libdir = [os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sqlite_libfile))]
  File "/root/Python-2.5.6/Lib/", line 119, in dirname
return split(p)[0]
  File "/root/Python-2.5.6/Lib/", line 77, in split
i = p.rfind('/') + 1
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'rfind'
make: *** [sharedmods] Error 1

when I do "make test" and

Compiling /opt/python2.5/lib/python2.5/ ...
make: *** [libinstall] Error 1

when I do "make install"

Any ideas?

Ricardo Bánffy

Re: "Python Wizard," with apologies to The Who

2011-07-12 Thread Phlip
> That's pretty funny.  I knew what it would be even when I saw the cut-off 
> subject line, and I am too young to remember it.
> Carl Banks

TTTO "[She put the lime in the] Coconut":

  Brother wrote a database, he finish it on time
  His sister add requirements, refactor every line
  She change design in the database, she mix it all up
  She change design in the database, she mix it all up
  She change design in the database, she mix it all up
  She change design in that database, she called the doctor, woke him

  Sayin' "Doctor, now I got to pay my dues,
  I say, Doctor, to debug away my blues,
  I say, Doctor, such a big change has to break,
  I say, Doctor! I must'a made a bug mistake!"

  "Now let me get this straight,
  You change the design in the database, mix things all up
  You change the design in the database, mix it all up,
  You change the design in the database, mix it all up..."

Re: Lisp refactoring puzzle

2011-07-12 Thread WJ
Petter Gustad wrote:

> Xah Lee  writes:
> > it's funny, in all these supposedly modern high-level langs, they
> > don't provide even simple list manipulation functions such as union,
> > intersection, and the like. Not in perl, not in python, not in lisps.
> In Common Lisp you have:
> CL-USER> (union '(a b c) '(b c d))
> (A B C D)
> CL-USER> (intersection '(a b c) '(b c d))
> (C B)

The order was changed.

COBOL Lisp is always mindless.

* (union '(2 2 3 4) '(7 7 8 9))

(4 3 2 2 7 7 8 9)

The right way (MatzLisp):

[2,2,3,4] | [7,7,8,9]
==>[2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9]

Re: Lisp refactoring puzzle

2011-07-12 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2011-07-12, Petter Gustad  wrote:
> Xah Lee  writes:
>> it's funny, in all these supposedly modern high-level langs, they
>> don't provide even simple list manipulation functions such as union,
>> intersection, and the like. Not in perl, not in python, not in lisps.
> In Common Lisp you have:
> CL-USER> (union '(a b c) '(b c d))
> (A B C D)
> CL-USER> (intersection '(a b c) '(b c d))
> (C B)

What's the rationale for providing them? Are the definitions
obvious for collections that a not sets?

Neil Cerutti

Complete Google Advertising Solutions

2011-07-12 Thread Amelia Grace
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Time & Material basis, depending upon the nature of each project.
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Re: How to write a file generator

2011-07-12 Thread Thomas Jollans
On 07/12/2011 06:42 PM, Billy Mays wrote:
> On 07/12/2011 11:52 AM, Thomas Jollans wrote:
>> On 07/12/2011 04:46 PM, Billy Mays wrote:
>>> I want to make a generator that will return lines from the tail of
>>> /var/log/syslog if there are any, but my function is reopening the file
>>> each call:
>>> def getLines():
>>>  with open('/var/log/syslog', 'rb') as f:
>>>  while True:
>>>  line = f.readline()
>>>  if line:
>>>  yield line
>>>  else:
>>>  raise StopIteration
>>> I know the problem lies with the StopIteration, but I'm not sure how to
>>> tell the caller that there are no more lines for now.
>>> -- 
>>> Bill
> That was actually the behavior I was trying to avoid.  If there is no
> data to be read, the call will hang.  That function is actually called
> by a webserver (from wsgiref) so it cannot hang indefinitely.

What Terry said, then. (Not Bruno, I confused that. Sorry for sending a
mail both short and wrong.)

Re: Lisp refactoring puzzle

2011-07-12 Thread Petter Gustad
Xah Lee  writes:

> it's funny, in all these supposedly modern high-level langs, they
> don't provide even simple list manipulation functions such as union,
> intersection, and the like. Not in perl, not in python, not in lisps.

In Common Lisp you have:

CL-USER> (union '(a b c) '(b c d))
(A B C D)
CL-USER> (intersection '(a b c) '(b c d))
(C B)

.sig removed by request. 

Re: How to write a file generator

2011-07-12 Thread Thomas Jollans
On 07/12/2011 06:42 PM, Billy Mays wrote:
> On 07/12/2011 11:52 AM, Thomas Jollans wrote:
>> On 07/12/2011 04:46 PM, Billy Mays wrote:
>>> I want to make a generator that will return lines from the tail of
>>> /var/log/syslog if there are any, but my function is reopening the file
>>> each call:
>>> def getLines():
>>>  with open('/var/log/syslog', 'rb') as f:
>>>  while True:
>>>  line = f.readline()
>>>  if line:
>>>  yield line
>>>  else:
>>>  raise StopIteration
>>> I know the problem lies with the StopIteration, but I'm not sure how to
>>> tell the caller that there are no more lines for now.
>>> -- 
>>> Bill
> That was actually the behavior I was trying to avoid.  If there is no
> data to be read, the call will hang.  That function is actually called
> by a webserver (from wsgiref) so it cannot hang indefinitely.

In that case, what Bruno said.

Re: "Python Wizard," with apologies to The Who

2011-07-12 Thread Carl Banks
On Tuesday, July 12, 2011 9:40:23 AM UTC-7, John Keisling wrote:
> After too much time coding Python scripts and reading Mark Lutz's
> Python books, I was inspired to write the following lyrics. For those
> too young to remember, the tune is that of "Pinball Wizard," by The
> Who. May it bring you as much joy as it brought me!
> I cut my teeth on BASIC
> At scripting I'm no pawn
> From C++ to Java
> My code goes on and on
> But I ain't seen nothing like this
> In any place I've gone
> That modeling and sim guy
> Sure codes some mean Python!

That's pretty funny.  I knew what it would be even when I saw the cut-off 
subject line, and I am too young to remember it.

Carl Banks

Re: Set run vars with each call

2011-07-12 Thread Ian Kelly
On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 11:50 AM, Andrew Berg  wrote:
> On 2011.07.12 12:32 PM, Gnarlodious wrote:
>> OK, that sets a value at init time. But is there a similar built-in
>> to run whenever the class instance is called?
> What do you mean by call an instance? Do you want to run certain code
> whenever any method is called? Do you want to want certain code to run
> whenever an attribute is accessed? Calling an instance doesn't make any
> sense, especially if you're not referring to the __init__() method.

If I'm understanding correctly, I think the OP wants to do something like this:

class Gadget:
def do_something(self, some_argument=some_default_value):
# do stuff

where the exact default value of some_argument depends on the current
state of the Gadget instance.  The canonical approach here would be:

class Gadget:
def do_something(self, some_argument=None):
if some_argument is None:
some_argument = self._some_argument_default
# do stuff

And then the other instance methods of Gadget can update the default
by setting the value of the _some_argument_default attribute.

Re: "Python Wizard," with apologies to The Who

2011-07-12 Thread John Keisling
On Jul 12, 11:34 am, Tim Daneliuk  wrote:
> On 7/12/2011 12:08 PM, Tim Daneliuk said this:
> > On 7/12/2011 11:40 AM, John Keisling said this:
> >> After too much time coding Python scripts and reading Mark Lutz's
> >> Python books, I was inspired to write the following lyrics. For those
> >> too young to remember, the tune is that of "Pinball Wizard," by The
> >> Who. May it bring you as much joy as it brought me!
> > 
> > You realize that you must now reprise this with,
> > "I'm your wicked Uncle Guido" ... right?
> While were on the subject:
>   "T-t-t-alking 'bout my generator "
> --
> Tim Daneliuk

Brilliant! LOL!

Re: Wgy isn't there a good RAD Gui tool fo python

2011-07-12 Thread CM

> > One reason there hasn't been much demand for a GUI builder is that, in
> > many cases, it's just as simpler or simpler to code a GUI by hand.

I use a GUI builder because I'd rather click less than type more. I
tried that in Boa Constructor; with ~10 mouse clicks I produced 964
characters of Python code.  Now, sure, depending on how I wrote the
code I could do better than that, but for me, I just find it more
and easier to use a GUI to make a GUI.

> Often a GUI builder is used as a bad replacement for sketch-pad and
> pencil.

I would use a sketch-pad and pencil and *then* use the GUI builder.
What's nice about a builder is one can move things around quickly
and see the results in the real application, which one can never
see well on a paper sketch.  You could use a mock-up program of
course, but I feel you might as well do it in the builder because when
you're satisfied with it you have a real runnable application instead
of just a picture.

> Using a GUI builder with layout managers might actually
> feel awkward.

It takes some getting used to in Boa, in my experience, but then
it feels intuitive and I really like using sizers with Boa.  It helps
you give your sizers descriptive names.


Re: Lisp refactoring puzzle

2011-07-12 Thread gene heskett
On Tuesday, July 12, 2011 02:08:02 PM Terry Reedy did opine:

> On 7/11/2011 11:37 PM, Xah Lee wrote:
> > watch the first episode of Douglas Crockford's talk here:
> >
> The link includes a transcript of the talk, which I read
> I suspect Lee likes Crockford because they both think they are smarter
> than everyone else. Writing about Smalltalk, for instance, Crockford
> says:
> "I don't know why it is, but a lot of programmers just couldn't get used
> to this syntax. [everything is done by sending a message with arguments
> to some object] ...So this may be a superior notation, but it was
> profoundly rejected. By who? By us, by the programmers, because we
> couldn't understand it."
> Actually, I and others see Smalltalk as deeply flawed because its
> message passing syntax arbitrarily breaks symmetries in operations. For
> instance, in the expression 'a+b', both operands have equivalent roles
> in the operation for all normal interpretations of '+'.# On the other
> hand, in the expression 'a.extend(b)', where a is a list and b any
> iterable and the result is to mutate a but not b, a and b have very
> different roles in both the operation and the expression that invokes
> it.
> # Under the covers, Python implements 'a+b' as first 'a.__add__(b)', but
> it also tries 'b.__radd__(a)' if the first does not work. This
> introduces a slight asymmetry in that a gets first say at defining the
> meaning of 'a+b', but it does not get the only say. And, as far as I can
> presently remember, this asymmetry is never visible with builtins. In
> fact, this implementation makes it possible for 'a+b' and 'b+a' to both
> give the same answer when a is a builtin and b is a user-class instance.
> Crockford is right that he does not 'know why it is' that not everyone
> loves Smalltalk. He should have stopped there instead of projecting his
> ignorance on everyone else.
I have my own reasons to hate smalltalk but won't elaborate.

> As a side note, the same principle of expressions matching operations in
> symmetry suggest that majority of up are quite sensible and not dumb
> idiots for preferring 'f(x)' to the '(f x)' of Lisp. In a function call,
> the function has a different role than the arguments, so it is
> appropriate that it have a different role in the expression.

Which should be well documented if one expects the programmers to use it 
properly.  So far, I have only found two languages that are adequately 
defined and implemented.  K&R C, and the now essentially defunct Amiga 
ARexx.  But I should preface that by saying that I have not yet adequately 
studied python, one of the reasons I joined this list.

Specifically, I am trying to install the altera quartus software so I can 
program one of their DE1 boards, but because the majority of the linux 
distro's have not kept their repo's zlib packages up to date, one of the 
quartus imports, gzdirect is on the missing list and I am dead in the water 
until I install zlib version 1.2.5.

I hope this list serves me as a tutorial to fill in the gaps of my python 
knowledge which at the moment seem too wide to jump over.  I hope I can ask 
intelligent, if newbie, questions occasionally.

Now, I hate to mention it Terry, but your clock seems to be about 126 
months behind the rest of the world.  Does your system not run ntpd by 
default?  The date in the header from your machine is 
"Mon Jan 1 14:11:11 2001".

Cheers, gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
What makes us so bitter against people who outwit us is that they think
themselves cleverer than we are.

Re: "Python Wizard," with apologies to The Who

2011-07-12 Thread Phlip
> That modeling and sim guy
> Sure codes some mean Python!


And he changes key on the fly, too!

new python contracts library

2011-07-12 Thread Rodney Gomes
Hey I recently created a contracts library for python and was wondering if 
anyone finds it useful or wants to have additional features added ? Feel free 
to open new issues on the github project.

This is just a v0.1 and I welcome any and all suggestions to make it into 
something really useful. I've found it useful for when I start putting together 
a few other project ideas I have and want to make sure that the certain 
functions are being used correctly and that bad arguments or return values 
don't end up blowing up the application in a completely unrelated function call 
sometime later than the original point where the bug actually occurred.

If this is not the correct forum for this posting let me know and i'll move it 

Re: How to write a file generator

2011-07-12 Thread Terry Reedy

On 7/12/2011 10:46 AM, Billy Mays wrote:

I want to make a generator that will return lines from the tail of
/var/log/syslog if there are any, but my function is reopening the file
each call:

def getLines():
with open('/var/log/syslog', 'rb') as f:
while True:
line = f.readline()
if line:
yield line
raise StopIteration

Please use spaces rather than (disappearing) tabs in posted code.

I know the problem lies with the StopIteration, but I'm not sure how to
tell the caller that there are no more lines for now.

The same way you currently decide when to raise StopIteration

def tail(filename):
  with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
while True:
  yield f.readline()

When the caller gets '', it should go and do something else for awhile.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Set run vars with each call

2011-07-12 Thread Andrew Berg
Hash: RIPEMD160

On 2011.07.12 12:32 PM, Gnarlodious wrote:
> OK, that sets a value at init time. But is there a similar built-in 
> to run whenever the class instance is called?
What do you mean by call an instance? Do you want to run certain code
whenever any method is called? Do you want to want certain code to run
whenever an attribute is accessed? Calling an instance doesn't make any
sense, especially if you're not referring to the __init__() method.

- -- 
CPython 3.2.1 | Windows NT 6.1.7601.17592 | Thunderbird 5.0
PGP/GPG Public Key ID: 0xF88E034060A78FCB
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: "Python Wizard," with apologies to The Who

2011-07-12 Thread Tim Daneliuk
On 7/12/2011 12:08 PM, Tim Daneliuk said this:
> On 7/12/2011 11:40 AM, John Keisling said this:
>> After too much time coding Python scripts and reading Mark Lutz's
>> Python books, I was inspired to write the following lyrics. For those
>> too young to remember, the tune is that of "Pinball Wizard," by The
>> Who. May it bring you as much joy as it brought me!
> You realize that you must now reprise this with,
> "I'm your wicked Uncle Guido" ... right?

While were on the subject:

  "T-t-t-alking 'bout my generator "


Tim Daneliuk

Re: Set run vars with each call

2011-07-12 Thread Gnarlodious
On Jul 12, 8:46 am, Alister Ware wrote:

> I thought that was the role of the __init__ function
> class Something:
>         def __init__(self):
>                 self.value="some value"

OK, that sets a value at init time. But is there a similar built-in to
run whenever the class instance is called?

-- Gnarlie

Re: "Python Wizard," with apologies to The Who

2011-07-12 Thread Tim Daneliuk
On 7/12/2011 11:40 AM, John Keisling said this:
> After too much time coding Python scripts and reading Mark Lutz's
> Python books, I was inspired to write the following lyrics. For those
> too young to remember, the tune is that of "Pinball Wizard," by The
> Who. May it bring you as much joy as it brought me!

You realize that you must now reprise this with,
"I'm your wicked Uncle Guido" ... right?


Tim Daneliuk

Re: How to write a file generator

2011-07-12 Thread sturlamolden
On 12 Jul, 16:46, Billy Mays  wrote:

> I know the problem lies with the StopIteration, but I'm not sure how to
> tell the caller that there are no more lines for now.

Try 'yield None' instead of 'raise StopIteration'.



Re: Lisp refactoring puzzle

2011-07-12 Thread Terry Reedy

On 7/11/2011 11:37 PM, Xah Lee wrote:

watch the first episode of Douglas Crockford's talk here:

The link includes a transcript of the talk, which I read

I suspect Lee likes Crockford because they both think they are smarter 
than everyone else. Writing about Smalltalk, for instance, Crockford says:

"I don't know why it is, but a lot of programmers just couldn't get used 
to this syntax. [everything is done by sending a message with arguments 
to some object] ...So this may be a superior notation, but it was 
profoundly rejected. By who? By us, by the programmers, because we 
couldn't understand it."

Actually, I and others see Smalltalk as deeply flawed because its 
message passing syntax arbitrarily breaks symmetries in operations. For 
instance, in the expression 'a+b', both operands have equivalent roles 
in the operation for all normal interpretations of '+'.# On the other 
hand, in the expression 'a.extend(b)', where a is a list and b any 
iterable and the result is to mutate a but not b, a and b have very 
different roles in both the operation and the expression that invokes it.

# Under the covers, Python implements 'a+b' as first 'a.__add__(b)', but 
it also tries 'b.__radd__(a)' if the first does not work. This 
introduces a slight asymmetry in that a gets first say at defining the 
meaning of 'a+b', but it does not get the only say. And, as far as I can 
presently remember, this asymmetry is never visible with builtins. In 
fact, this implementation makes it possible for 'a+b' and 'b+a' to both 
give the same answer when a is a builtin and b is a user-class instance.

Crockford is right that he does not 'know why it is' that not everyone 
loves Smalltalk. He should have stopped there instead of projecting his 
ignorance on everyone else.

As a side note, the same principle of expressions matching operations in 
symmetry suggest that majority of up are quite sensible and not dumb 
idiots for preferring 'f(x)' to the '(f x)' of Lisp. In a function call, 
the function has a different role than the arguments, so it is 
appropriate that it have a different role in the expression.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: "Python Wizard," with apologies to The Who

2011-07-12 Thread Matty Sarro
I don't know whether to LOL or mourn the part of me that just died inside :-P

j/k j/k
clever song, and it made me laugh :)

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 12:40 PM, John Keisling
> After too much time coding Python scripts and reading Mark Lutz's
> Python books, I was inspired to write the following lyrics. For those
> too young to remember, the tune is that of "Pinball Wizard," by The
> Who. May it bring you as much joy as it brought me!
> I cut my teeth on BASIC
> At scripting I'm no pawn
> >From C++ to Java
> My code goes on and on
> But I ain't seen nothing like this
> In any place I've gone
> That modeling and sim guy
> Sure codes some mean Python!
> He knows his dictionaries
> His exceptions never pass
> His polymorphic methods
> Extend each superclass
> He uses indentation
> Its lines are clearly drawn
> That modeling and sim guy
> Sure codes some mean Python!
> He's a Python wizard
> His code just never wrecks
> A Python wizard
> He knows simple beats complex
> How do you think he does it?
> (I don't know)
> What makes him so good?
> He codes with TkInter
> He can render treble clefs
> He uses lamdba functions
> With *args in their defs
> Defines his module search path
> Of tuples he's the don
> That modeling and sim guy
> Sure codes some mean Python!
> I thought I was
> The scripting language king
> But I just handed
> My Python crown to him
> He links in to libraries
> All optimized in C
> He always uses docstrings
> For readability
> He knows file iterators
> He bids all bugs begone
> That modeling and sim guy
> Sure codes some mean Python!
> --

Re: How to write a file generator

2011-07-12 Thread Billy Mays

On 07/12/2011 11:52 AM, Thomas Jollans wrote:

On 07/12/2011 04:46 PM, Billy Mays wrote:

I want to make a generator that will return lines from the tail of
/var/log/syslog if there are any, but my function is reopening the file
each call:

def getLines():
 with open('/var/log/syslog', 'rb') as f:
 while True:
 line = f.readline()
 if line:
 yield line
 raise StopIteration

I know the problem lies with the StopIteration, but I'm not sure how to
tell the caller that there are no more lines for now.


That was actually the behavior I was trying to avoid.  If there is no 
data to be read, the call will hang.  That function is actually called 
by a webserver (from wsgiref) so it cannot hang indefinitely.


"Python Wizard," with apologies to The Who

2011-07-12 Thread John Keisling
After too much time coding Python scripts and reading Mark Lutz's
Python books, I was inspired to write the following lyrics. For those
too young to remember, the tune is that of "Pinball Wizard," by The
Who. May it bring you as much joy as it brought me!

I cut my teeth on BASIC
At scripting I'm no pawn
>From C++ to Java
My code goes on and on
But I ain't seen nothing like this
In any place I've gone
That modeling and sim guy
Sure codes some mean Python!

He knows his dictionaries
His exceptions never pass
His polymorphic methods
Extend each superclass
He uses indentation
Its lines are clearly drawn
That modeling and sim guy
Sure codes some mean Python!

He's a Python wizard
His code just never wrecks
A Python wizard
He knows simple beats complex

How do you think he does it?
(I don't know)
What makes him so good?

He codes with TkInter
He can render treble clefs
He uses lamdba functions
With *args in their defs
Defines his module search path
Of tuples he's the don
That modeling and sim guy
Sure codes some mean Python!

I thought I was
The scripting language king
But I just handed
My Python crown to him

He links in to libraries
All optimized in C
He always uses docstrings
For readability
He knows file iterators
He bids all bugs begone
That modeling and sim guy
Sure codes some mean Python!

Re: Lisp refactoring puzzle

2011-07-12 Thread fortunatus
I think the problem with so-called "forward looking" or "highest
level" languages is that they tend to become domain specific.  What
Lispers are always saying is construct your own high level language
out of your favorite Lisp.  Of course no one else will use it then, or
even discuss it, unless you have some good buddies.

What happens is that high level languages don't end up addressing
needs across a large community.  The lower down languages can be
common denominators across wide swaths of programmers.  So we live in
this world of roll-your-own on top of the common denominator language.

One exception to this is in data base development, where there were
some "4th generation" languages that had some success, where the needs
of mapping business data models onto data base oriented implementation
has had a large community.

I guess Mathematica, or MatLab in my environment, also address a
community of needs for modelling mathematical algorithms, or for doing
analysis of data sets.

However both the data base field and the math/arithmetic tool field
are examples of domains that are narrower than programming in
general.  Hence those higher level languages could be seen as domain
specific, but for domains with lots of users.

Re: How to write a file generator

2011-07-12 Thread Thomas Jollans
On 07/12/2011 04:46 PM, Billy Mays wrote:
> I want to make a generator that will return lines from the tail of
> /var/log/syslog if there are any, but my function is reopening the file
> each call:
> def getLines():
> with open('/var/log/syslog', 'rb') as f:
> while True:
> line = f.readline()
> if line:
> yield line
> else:
> raise StopIteration
> I know the problem lies with the StopIteration, but I'm not sure how to
> tell the caller that there are no more lines for now.
> -- 
> Bill

Re: How to write a file generator

2011-07-12 Thread
On Jul 12, 4:46 pm, Billy Mays  wrote:
> I want to make a generator that will return lines from the tail of
> /var/log/syslog if there are any

Err... I must have missed something, but python files are their own

Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Sep 15 2010, 15:52:39)
[GCC 4.4.5] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
pythonrc start
pythonrc done
>>> f = open("/var/log/syslog")
>>> for line in f:
... print line
(snip unintersting syslog stuff))

>, but my function is reopening the file
> each call:

How do you know, and how do you call your function ?

> def getLines():
>      with open('/var/log/syslog', 'rb') as f:
>          while True:
>              line = f.readline()
>              if line:
>                  yield line
>              else:
>                  raise StopIteration
> I know the problem lies with the StopIteration, but I'm not sure how to
> tell the caller that there are no more lines for now.

If you want the generator to wait until new content is available, just
remove the raise part - but you'll have a blocking call... Else, I
don't see what behaviour you are expecting exactly.


Re: Lisp refactoring puzzle

2011-07-12 Thread Chris Kaynor
On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 8:37 PM, Xah Lee  wrote:
> it's funny, in all these supposedly modern high-level langs, they
> don't provide even simple list manipulation functions such as union,
> intersection, and the like. Not in perl, not in python, not in lisps.
> (sure, lib exists, but it's a ride in the wild)

Python has them, but, as they are set functions, not list functions, they
exist for the set type:

>>> set((1, 2, 3)) & set((2,3,4))
set([2, 3])

>>> set((1, 2, 3)) | set((2,3,4))
set([1, 2, 3, 4])

Symmetric Difference:
>>> set((1, 2, 3)) ^ set((2,3,4))
set([1, 4])

You can also get a non-symmetric difference by calling the difference method
of the set:
>>> set((1, 2, 3)).difference(set((2,3,4)))
>>> set((2, 3, 4)).difference(set((1,2,3)))

In Python 3 (2.7?) there is even more syntactical sugar for them: {1, 2, 3}
^ {2, 3, 4} produces {1, 4}.

Re: Lisp refactoring puzzle

2011-07-12 Thread WJ
Xah Lee wrote:

> it's funny, in all these supposedly modern high-level langs, they
> don't provide even simple list manipulation functions such as union,
> intersection, and the like. Not in perl, not in python, not in lisps.

Ruby has them.


[2,3,5,8] & [0,2,4,6,8]
==>[2, 8]


[2,3,5,8] | [0,2,4,6,8]
==>[2, 3, 5, 8, 0, 4, 6]

Re: Lisp refactoring puzzle

2011-07-12 Thread jvt
I might argue that it isn't quite right (or politic) to call those who
resist technological changes "idiots" so much as to observe they often
have goals which cannot wait for the ideal expressive system.  People
love python not because Python is the platonic programming language,
but because it does what they need it to do right now.  Ditto (often)
for Lisp.

It is easy to point out an example of forward thinking languages like
Mathematica, and who knows, perhaps it will be the template upon which
languages are built in the next 100 years.  But if it is, there will
be tons of other technologies which _didn't_ make it but which might
have seemed equally advanced.  Early adoption is always a risk, and
few people want to deal with it when technology exists now that solves
their problem now, however sub-optimally. That is hardly idiotic, Xah.


Re: Lisp refactoring puzzle

2011-07-12 Thread Terry Reedy

On 7/11/2011 11:37 PM, Xah Lee wrote:

it's funny, in all these supposedly modern high-level langs, they
don't provide even simple list manipulation functions such as union,
intersection, and the like. Not in perl, not in python,

Union and intersection are set operations, not list operations. Python 
has had a set type with a full set of set operations for several years. 
It has list concatenation, which is the list equivalent of union. It has 
lots of other useful list operations.

> Mathematica has Union, Intersection, and a host of others
> some 20 years ago, and today it has a complete set of combinatorics
> functions as *builtin* functions

Python has the basic combinatoric function in the itertools module, 
though they are not used much. If Mathematica has Catalan sequences 
builtin, I wonder how much they are used. Since Python is free, in both 
meanings, it does not have paid people sitting around writing things to 
pad numbers to justify a $2k price tag. On the other hand, lots of 
people have added and made available lots of good add-ons. Mathematica 
should probably be most fairly compared with Python+numpy+scipy and 
maybe a few other things.

Terry Jan Reedy


How to write a file generator

2011-07-12 Thread Billy Mays
I want to make a generator that will return lines from the tail of 
/var/log/syslog if there are any, but my function is reopening the file 
each call:

def getLines():
with open('/var/log/syslog', 'rb') as f:
while True:
line = f.readline()
if line:
yield line
raise StopIteration

I know the problem lies with the StopIteration, but I'm not sure how to 
tell the caller that there are no more lines for now.


Re: Set run vars with each call

2011-07-12 Thread Alister Ware
On Tue, 12 Jul 2011 06:32:32 -0700, Gnarlodious wrote:

> Question. Is there a special method or easy way to set default values
> with each call to an instance? Any ideas to make it easier? What I want
> to do is have a constantly updating set of values which can be
> overridden. Just thought there was an easy way to set that up.
> -- Gnarlie

I thought that was the role of the __init__ function

class Something:
def __init__(self):
self.value="some value"

No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife in the shoulder blades will 
cramp his style.

Set run vars with each call

2011-07-12 Thread Gnarlodious
Question. Is there a special method or easy way to set default values
with each call to an instance? Any ideas to make it easier? What I
want to do is have a constantly updating set of values which can be
overridden. Just thought there was an easy way to set that up.

-- Gnarlie

Re: Python bug? Indexing to matrices

2011-07-12 Thread David
Thank all for the very helpful replies.  The goal of the matrix
multiply exercise was just to help my son and I learn Python better.
I now understand *why* my initialization of [c] was wrong and I am
continuing to check out numpy and scipy.


Re: Python bug? Indexing to matrices

2011-07-12 Thread sturlamolden
On 12 Jul, 14:59, sturlamolden  wrote:

>    ma = np.matrix(a)
>    mb = np.matrix(b)
>    a*b


Sorry for the typo.


Re: Python bug? Indexing to matrices

2011-07-12 Thread sturlamolden
On 12 Jul, 07:39, David  wrote:
> Should the following line work for defining a matrix with zeros?
> c= [[0]*col]*row

No. The rows will be aliased.

This will work:

c = [[0]*col for i in range(row)]

Note that Python lists are not ment to be used as matrices. We have
NumPy or the array module for that.

> If this a valid way of initializing a matrix in Python 3.2.1, then it
> appears to me that a bug surfaces in Python when performing this line:
> c[i][j] = c[i][j] + a[i][k] * b[k][j]
> It writes to the jth column rather than just the i,j cell.

That is due to aliasing.

> I'm new at Python and am not sure if I'm just doing something wrong if
> there is really a bug in Python.  The script works fine if I
> initialize the matrix with numpy instead:
> c = np.zeros((row,col))
> So, I know my matrix multiply algorithm is correct (I know I could use
> numpy for matrix multiplication, this was just to learn Python).

Like so:,b)


   ma = np.matrix(a)
   mb = np.matrix(b)

or call BLAS directly:




Re: Wgy isn't there a good RAD Gui tool fo python

2011-07-12 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 8:24 PM, Steven D'Aprano
> Where is the Windows equivalent of yum or apt-get? Why isn't there a central
> repository of independent and third party Windows software? It seems clear
> to me that it is the major open source communities that aim for
> convenience, at the cost of the opportunity to sell licences.

The nearest commercial equivalent is probably Apple's iTunes store. It
manages to be the "one place to go" for iphone apps, many of which
cost money. Upside: Developers know where to host their stuff if they
want it to sell. Downside: Developers have to host it there if they
want it to sell - and Apple snag 30% on the way through.

I've not seen a Windows equivalent, but Microsoft could make one if
they wanted to. All they need is for the next version of Windows to
recommend that all software be signed, and make it somewhat awkward to
install unsigned software, and that would be that. It would probably
be the knell of Windows, but it could be done.


What Programing Language are the Largest Website Written In?

2011-07-12 Thread Xah Lee

maybe this will be of interest.

〈What Programing Language Are the Largest Website Written In?〉


i don't remember how, but today i suddenly got reminded that Facebook
is written in PHP. So, on the spur of the moment, i twitted:

  “Remember folks, the world's largest sites {Facebook, Wikipedia,
“Yahoo!”, etc} are written in Pretty Home Page!”

and followed with:

  “To Chinese friends, what's Baido, QQ, Taobao, Sina written in?”

Then, this question piqued me, even i tried to not waste my time. But
it overpowered me before i resisted, becuase i quickly spend 15 min to
write this list (with help of Google):

1 Google ◇ Java
2 Facebook ◇ PHP
3 YouTube ◇ Python
4 Yahoo! ◇ PHP
5 ◇ Java
6 ◇ C/C++. perl/python/ruby
7 Wikipedia ◇ PHP
8 Windows Live
9 ◇ Scala and Ruby?
10 ◇ ?
11 ◇ ?
13 LinkedIn ◇ PHP?
15 ◇ ?
16 ◇ ?
17 ◇ ?
18 ◇ PHP
22 ◇ ?
23 (Russian) ◇ ?
24 Bing ◇ ?
27 ◇ ?
28 网易 ◇ ?
29 ◇ Java?
31 新浪微博 ◇ ?
32 ◇ ?
34 ◇ ?
35 ◇ perl
36 ◇ ?
38 ◇ Objective J?
39 ◇ ?
41 ◇ ?
43 搜狐网 ◇ ?
44 ◇ ?
45 ◇ ?
46 ◇ PHP
47 (porn) ◇ ?
48 (porn) ◇ ?
56 土豆网 ◇ ?
81 ◇ ? ◇ PHP, Perl, C++

the numbers is site ranking, from (missing ones are mostly
duplicates, such as google japan, google india, etc.)

i think notable interest is that twitter stands out, with Scala and

Those with perl are probably going back to the first dot com era (aka
Web 1.0, ~1995 to ~2002). At that time, perl was basically the only
game in town (secondarily: Java). (i don't recall what amazon and ebay
were in... was it perl or php? how about

most php follows starting in early 2000s, that's when PHP quietly
surpassed perl in all battle fronts.

it'd be interesting to know what some of the chinese sites uses, and
porn sites (e.g. livejasmin, xvideos, youporn)

as for Microsoft sites... are they in C/C++ and or dotnet?


Re: Wgy isn't there a good RAD Gui tool fo python

2011-07-12 Thread Andrew Berg
Hash: RIPEMD160

On 2011.07.12 05:24 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> Rather than taking advantage of that convenience, commercial vendors
> put barriers in the way and try to carve out little walled gardens.
> Did they not learn anything from AOL?
DRM and activation schemes will /always/ make things harder, but that is
the cost of doing business, at least in the minds of commercial software

There are actually a lot of good freeware (proprietary, but zero cost)
apps out there. Some even better than open-source alternatives. I avoid
commercial apps, though, since they tend to be far inferior to the
alternatives (inconvenience aside).

> Where is the Windows equivalent of yum or apt-get? Why isn't there a
> central repository of independent and third party Windows software?
If Microsoft made such a repository, how much of the repository would be
high-quality open-source software, and how much would be commercial

Attempts at independent repos have been made, but they all fail because
there's no effort among developers (especially developers of proprietary
software), to package their software this way. These attempts also fail
because they fail to gain support from users (a catch-22 where users
don't bother because there's not much in the repo and there's not much
in the repo because users don't bother).

> It seems clear to me that it is the major open source communities
> that aim for convenience, at the cost of the opportunity to sell
> licences.
The developers of open-source projects often aim to please the user
rather than make money. You'd think pleasing the user and making money
would go hand-in-hand, but history has shown that the latter can be
achieved with little thought of the former.

> That might have been true, oh, 20 years ago, but today, that's far
> less of a rule. Linux distros make interoperability far simpler. Some
> level of savvy is needed, but it is remarkable how much Linux
> software Just Works.
At first, Linux had to learn how to crawl and then walk. Now it's doing
gymnastics. :)

> In my experience, two categories of Linux software are generally hard
> to deal with: one-man projects (usually stuck on version 0.2b for the
> last seven years), and big, popular projects that have been taken
> over by developers from the Windows world (I'm looking at you,
> Firefox). YMMV.
Firefox (and Thunderbird with it) are falling into the same trap that
many fall into when they become popular. This is more prevalent among
commercial apps, but it's not too surprising considering Firefox's
popularity. The trap is making things shiny. That is, using UI designs
(and to a lesser extent adding neat, but generally useless features)
that appeal to the computer-illiterate masses who cling to something
that looks neat, regardless of how useful it ultimately is. AFAICT,
Mozilla's problem isn't that incompetent Windows-centric devs took over,
but rather that Google and MS were stepping up their game with their
respective browsers and is desperately trying not to lose market share.

- -- 
CPython 3.2 | Windows NT 6.1.7601.17592 | Thunderbird 5.0
PGP/GPG Public Key ID: 0xF88E034060A78FCB
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: Wgy isn't there a good RAD Gui tool fo python

2011-07-12 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Thorsten Kampe wrote:

> * sturlamolden (Mon, 11 Jul 2011 06:44:22 -0700 (PDT))
>> On 11 Jul, 14:39, Ben Finney  wrote:
>> > The Unix model is: a collection of general-purpose, customisable
>> > tools, with clear standard interfaces that work together well, and
>> > are easily replaceable without losing the benefit of all the others.
>> This is opposed to the "Windows model" of a one-click installer for a
>> monolithic application. Many Windows users get extremely frustrated
>> when they have to use more than one tool.
> *sigh* There is no Windows nor Unix "model". There is only you-get-what-
> you-pay-for.
> On Windows, you're a customer and the developer wants to make using his
> application as convenient as possible for you, the customer.

That's an astonishing statement.

Today, I started to update a commercial, proprietary Windows application,
Quickbooks. I didn't actually get around to running the installer
application yet, on account of the installer having trouble if your data is
on a network share. (Apparently the developers of Quickbooks never
considered that when you have multiple users connected to the same database
at once, at least one of them must be accessing it over the network.) But
in preparation for the process, I took note of the information needed to
make QB run. I don't have the list in front of me, but there were something
like 6 or 8 keys needed to make the software work:

Customer account number
Licence key
Upgrade key
Validation code

(I don't remember the full list. I try not to bring that part of my work
home :)

Or consider the Windows licence key, product activation code, etc. If "as
convenient as possible" was their aim (as opposed to "making a profit from
licencing"), then you wouldn't need all that.

Why on earth should I have to install a "Amazon MP3 Downloader" app to
purchase mp3s? Or the iTunes app? The internet and web browsers excel at
making it easy to download files. Rather than taking advantage of that
convenience, commercial vendors put barriers in the way and try to carve
out little walled gardens. Did they not learn anything from AOL?

Where is the Windows equivalent of yum or apt-get? Why isn't there a central
repository of independent and third party Windows software? It seems clear
to me that it is the major open source communities that aim for
convenience, at the cost of the opportunity to sell licences.

In fairness though, open source developers' idea of "convenient" is not
always the same as mine.

> On Unix you don't pay and the developer couldn't care less if his
> application works together with application b or how much it takes you
> to actually get this damn thing running.

That might have been true, oh, 20 years ago, but today, that's far less of a
rule. Linux distros make interoperability far simpler. Some level of savvy
is needed, but it is remarkable how much Linux software Just Works.

In my experience, two categories of Linux software are generally hard to
deal with: one-man projects (usually stuck on version 0.2b for the last
seven years), and big, popular projects that have been taken over by
developers from the Windows world (I'm looking at you, Firefox). YMMV.

> And as soon as developers start developing for Unix customers (say
> Komodo, for instance), they start following the "Windows model" - as you
> call it.

Surely that's because Komodo started off as a Windows application before
being ported to Unix?



Re: Virtual functions are virtually invisible!

2011-07-12 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 7:46 AM, rantingrick  wrote:
> Actually no i was purposely implying Mt. Vesuvius. You know, the
> VOLCANO that erupted and left poor Pompeii in ruins? Here is some text
> from the wiki verbatim:

Yes, I do know that mountain. But it doesn't have very many gods
sitting on it... maybe a magma elemental, but that's all. Anyhow, this
is quite off-topic for Python I think. (Though not off-topic for
