ANN: Python Meeting Düsseldorf - 17.07.2012 (Erinnerung)

2012-07-09 Thread eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg
[This announcement is in German since it targets a local user group
 meeting in Düsseldorf, Germany]

Wir hatten vor ein paar Wochen schon die Ankündigung verschickt. Da
wir noch ein paar Plätze frei haben, wiederhole ich hier das Posting.

Sowohl Anmeldungen zu dem Meeting als auch für die Lightning Talks
sind noch in begrenzter Zahl möglich.

Beste Grüße,
Marc-Andre Lemburg


 Python Meeting Düsseldorf

   Ein Treffen von Python Enthusiasten und Interessierten
in ungezwungener Atmosphäre.

  Dienstag, 17.07.2012, 18:00 Uhr
Clara Schumann Raum
  DJH Düsseldorf

Diese Nachricht können Sie auch online lesen:


Das Python Meeting Düsseldorf ( ist eine neue
lokale Veranstaltung in Düsseldorf, die sich an Python Begeisterte
in der Region wendet.

Wir starten bei den Treffen mit einer kurzen Einleitung und gehen
dann zu einer Reihe Kurzvorträgen (Lightning Talks) über, bei denen
die Anwesenden über neue Projekte, interessante Probleme und
sonstige Aktivitäten rund um Python berichten können.

Anschließend geht es in eine Gaststätte, um die Gespräche zu

Einen guten Überblick über die Vorträge bietet unser YouTube-Kanal,
auf dem wir die Vorträge nach den Meetings veröffentlichen:

Veranstaltet wird das Meeting von der GmbH, Langenfeld,
in Zusammenarbeit mit Clark Consulting  Research, Düsseldorf:



Für das Python Meeting Düsseldorf haben wir den Clara Schumann
Raum in der modernen Jugendherberge Düsseldorf angemietet:

Jugendherberge Düsseldorf
Düsseldorfer Str. 1
40545 Düsseldorf
Telefon: +49 211 557310

Die Jugendherberge verfügt über eine kostenpflichtige Tiefgarage (EUR
2,50 pro Stunde, maximal EUR 10,00). Es ist aber auch möglich per
Bus und Bahn anzureisen. Der Raum befindet sich im 1.OG links.


Das Python Meeting Düsseldorf nutzt eine Mischung aus Open Space
und Lightning Talks:

Die Treffen starten mit einer kurzen Einleitung. Danach geht es
weiter mit einer Lightning Talk Session, in der die Anwesenden
Kurzvorträge von fünf Minuten halten können.

Hieraus ergeben sich dann meisten viele Ansatzpunkte für
Diskussionen, die dann den Rest der verfügbaren Zeit in Anspruch
nehmen können.

Für 19:45 Uhr haben wir in einem nahegelegenen Restaurant Plätze
reserviert, damit auch das leibliche Wohl nicht zu kurz kommt.

Lightning Talks können vorher angemeldet werden, oder auch
spontan während des Treffens eingebracht werden. Ein Beamer mit
XGA Auflösung steht zur Verfügung. Folien bitte als PDF auf USB
Stick mitbringen.

Lightning Talk Anmeldung bitte formlos per EMail an


Das Python Meeting Düsseldorf wird von Python Nutzern für Python
Nutzer veranstaltet.

Da Tagungsraum, Beamer, Internet und Getränke Kosten produzieren,
bitten wir die Teilnehmer um einen Beitrag in Höhe von EUR 10,00
inkl. 19% Mwst.

Wir möchten alle Teilnehmer bitten, den Betrag in bar mitzubringen.


Da wir nur für ca. 20 Personen Sitzplätze haben, möchten wir
bitten, sich per EMail anzumelden. Damit wird keine Verpflichtung
eingegangen. Es erleichtert uns allerdings die Planung.

Meeting Anmeldung bitte formlos per EMail an


Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Webseite des Meetings:

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Jul 09 2012)
 Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...
 mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...
 mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...

2012-07-17: Python Meeting Duesseldorf ...  8 days to go

::: Try our new mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
   Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

Re: Tkinter.event.widget: handler gets name instead of widget.

2012-07-09 Thread Terry Reedy

On 7/8/2012 5:19 PM, Frederic Rentsch wrote:

Hi widget wizards,

The manual describes the event attribute widget as The widget
which generated this event. This is a valid Tkinter widget instance, not
a name. This attribute is set for all events.

Same in 3.3, with nice example of using it.

def turnRed(self, event):
event.widget[activeforeground] = red

self.button.bind(Enter, self.turnRed)

Ans so it is--has been until on the latest occasion event.widget was
not the widget, but its name, crashing the handler.

Has event.widget been the widget only in other programs or previously 
with the same program?

# Here I build a list of selectable records having each four fields.
# The fields are labels. The selectable line is a frame containing the
# labels side by side. The line frames go into self, which is a Frame.

for n in range (len (records)):

for n, record in enumerate(records):

record = records [n]
line_frame = Frame (self, name = '-%d-' % n, relief = RAISED, 
line_frame.bind ('Enter', self.enter)
line_frame.bind ('Leave', self.leave)
line_frame.bind ('ButtonRelease-1', self.pick_record)
line_frame.bind ('ButtonRelease-3', self.info_profile)
line_frame.grid (row = n+2, column = 1)
for i in self.range_n_fields:   # (0, 1, 2, 3)
field = Label (line_frame, text = record [self.INDICES [i]], 
anchor = W, width = self.COLUMN_WIDTHS [i], **DB_LIST_LABEL_)
field.grid (row = 0, column = i, sticky = NW)

When posting problem code, you should post a minimal, self-contained 
example that people can try on other systems and versions. Can you 
create the problem with one record, which you could give, and one 
binding? Do you need 4 fields, or would 1 'work'?

# Here is the Enter handler:

def enter (self, event):
w = event.widget
print 'hit list.enter (). Event, widget', event, w, w.__class__ # 
Tracing line
w.config (bg = SELECTED_BG_COLOR)

# And here is what comes out. The first line is my tracing line. The name is 
correct in that it
# names the entered line_frame, but is wrong because it should be the 
line_frame, not its name.
# The rest is the red exception message:

hit list.enter (). Event, widget Tkinter.Event instance at 0x9115dcc type 'str'
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /usr/lib/python2.6/lib-tk/, line 1413, in __call__
 return self.func(*args)
   File /home/fr/python/finance/piam/, line 83, in enter
 w.config (bg = SELECTABLE_BG_COLOR)
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'config'

# The same thing happens with Leave. The other handlers I haven't done yet. 
The same bindings work well in
# a Menu class with the difference that the bindings are on the Labels, not a 
containing Frame.

# Dell E6500, Ubuntu 10.04, Python 2.6

You might try a current Python release, and the latest tcl/tk 8.5.11 
released last March (comes with 3.3.0 Windows release, don't know how on 
Ubuntu). There might be (have been?) a bug with events on Frames, or on 
Frames within Frames treated as widgets.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: How to safely maintain a status file

2012-07-09 Thread Plumo
  and then on startup read from tmp_file if status_file does not exist.
  But this seems awkward.

         It also violates your requirement -- since the crash could take
 place with a partial temp file.

Can you explain why?
My thinking was if crash took place when writing the temp file this
would not matter because the status file would still exist and be read
from. The temp file would only be renamed when fully written.

Re: how can I make it work?

2012-07-09 Thread Terry Reedy

On 7/8/2012 10:02 PM, self.python wrote:

it's a finder using threading to accelerate

Threading with Python does not accelerate unless all but one of the 
treads are i/o bound. You need multiple processes to use multiple cores 
in parallel.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: How to safely maintain a status file

2012-07-09 Thread Plumo
 Windows doesn't suppport atomic renames if the right side exists.  I
 suggest that you implement two code paths:

 if == posix:
     rename = os.rename
     def rename(a, b):
             os.rename(a, b)
         except OSError, e:
             if e.errno != 183:
             os.rename(a, b)

Problem is if the process is stopped between unlink and rename there
would no status file.

Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-09 Thread yeryomin . igor
On Tuesday, 30 October 2007 21:24:04 UTC+2, Tim Chase  wrote:
  I have used Python for a couple of projects last year and
   I found it extremely useful. I could write two middle size
   projects in 2-3 months (part time). Right now I am a bit
   rusty and trying to catch up again with Python.
   I am now appearing for Job Interviews these days and I am
   wondering if anybody of you appeared for a Python
   Interview. Can you please share the questions you were
   asked. That will be great help to me.
 While I haven't interviewed precisely for Python, I've been
 on the other (interviewing) end and can offer a few of the
 sorts of things I ask.  I don't expect perfect answers to
 all of them, but they show me a range of what the
 interviewee knows.  I try and give a scattershot of
 questions from the following areas to try and narrow down
 where they fall in terms of pythonability, and then grill
 more deeply around the edges that I find.
 Basic Python:
 - do they know a tuple/list/dict when they see it?
 - when to use list vs. tuple vs. dict. vs. set
 - can they use list comprehensions (and know when not to
abuse them? :)
 - can they use tuple unpacking for assignment?
 - string they use += or do they build a list
and use .join() to recombine them efficiently
 - truth-value testing questions and observations (do they
write if x == True or do they just write if x)
 - basic file-processing (iterating over a file's lines)
 - basic understanding of exception handling
 Broader Basic Python:
 - questions about the standard library (do you know if
there's a standard library for doing X?, or in which
library would you find [common functionality Y]?)  Most
of these are related to the more common libraries such as
 - questions about iterators/generators
 - questions about map/reduce/sum/etc family of functions
 - questions about special methods (__foo__)
 More Advanced Python:
 - can they manipulate functions as first-class objects
(Python makes it easy, but do they know how)
 - more detailed questions about the std. libraries (such as
 - questions about testing (unittests/doctests)
 - questions about docstrings vs. comments, and the Why of
 - more detailed questions about regular expressions
 - questions about mutability
 - keyword/list parameters and unpacked kwd args
 - questions about popular 3rd-party toolkits (BeautifulSoup,
pyparsing...mostly if they know about them and when to use
them, not so much about implementation details)
 - questions about monkey-patching
 - questions about PDB
 - questions about properties vs. getters/setters
 - questions about classmethods
 - questions about scope/name-resolution
 - use of lambda
 Python History:
 - decorators added in which version?
 - batteries included SQL-capible DB in which version?
 - the difference between class Foo and class Foo(object)
 - questions from import this about pythonic code
 Python Resources:
 - what do they know about various Python web frameworks
(knowing a few names is usually good enough, though
knowledge about the frameworks is a nice plus) such as
Django, TurboGears, Zope, etc.
 - what do they know about various Python GUI frameworks and
the pros/cons of them (tkinter, wx, pykde, etc)
 - where do they go with Python related questions (c.l.p,
google, google-groups, etc)
 Other Process-releated things:
 - do they use revision control
(RCS/CVS/Subversion/Mercurial/Git...anything but VSS) and
know how to use it well
 - do they write automated tests for their code
 Touchy-feely things:
 - tabs vs. spaces, and their reasoning
 - reason for choosing Python
 - choice of editor/IDE
 Good luck with your interviewing and hope this helped,


How can I disable module of tkinter when compiling Python 2.5 on redhat9 ?

2012-07-09 Thread cheetah
I don't need it.


Re: How to safely maintain a status file

2012-07-09 Thread Christian Heimes
Am 09.07.2012 07:50, schrieb Plumo:
 Windows doesn't suppport atomic renames if the right side exists.  I
 suggest that you implement two code paths:

 Problem is if the process is stopped between unlink and rename there
 would no status file.

Yeah, you have to suffer all of Windows' design flaws. You could add a
backup status file or use a completely different approach.


Re: Discussion on some Code Issues

2012-07-09 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 10:57 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 07:54:47 +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:

 It's like
 the difference between reminder text on a Magic: The Gathering card and
 the actual entries in the Comprehensive Rules. Perfect example is the
 Madness ability - the reminder text explains the ability, but uses
 language that actually is quite incorrect. It's a better explanation,

 Hang on, you say that an explanation which is quite incorrect is
 *better* than one which is correct?

 I can see why they call the card Madness.


Agreed about the ability name :) The fact is, though, that when you're
explaining something, it's often better to have a one-sentence
explanation that's not quite technically accurate than two paragraphs
explaining it in multiple steps and are opaque to anyone who doesn't
have the rules-lawyer mind. (I happen to have such a mind. It's not
always a good thing, but it makes me a better debugger.)

Does it really hurt to anthropomorphize and say that Python looks for
modules in the directories in sys.path instead of Module lookup
consists of iterating over the elements in sys.path [and that's
leaving out the worst-case DFS where you explain THAT in detail],
calling combine_path [or whatever it is] with the element and the
module name, and attempting to stat/open the result? While your
listener's getting bogged down in unnecessary detail, s/he isn't
grokking the overall purpose of what you're saying.

One option is more accurate. The other is far more helpful.


Re: How to safely maintain a status file

2012-07-09 Thread Nobody
On Sun, 08 Jul 2012 22:57:56 +0200, Laszlo Nagy wrote:

 Yes, this is much better. Almost perfect. Don't forget to consult your
 system documentation, and check if the rename operation is atomic or not.
 (Most probably it will only be atomic if the original and the renamed file
 are on the same physical partition and/or mount point).

On Unix, rename() is always atomic, and requires that source and
destination are on the same partition (if you want to move a file across
partitions, you have to copy it then delete the original).

 But even if the rename operation is atomic, there is still a race
 condition. Your program can be terminated after the original status file
 has been deleted, and before the temp file was renamed. In this case, you
 will be missing the status file (although your program already did
 something just it could not write out the new status).

In the event of abnormal termination, losing some data is to be expected.
The idea is to only lose the most recent data while keeping the old copy,
rather than losing everything. Writing to a temp file then rename()ing
achieves that.


migrating from python 2.4 to python 2.6

2012-07-09 Thread Mark Devine
I have a large code base that was written in python 2.4. I want to migrate
to python 2.6. Are there any tools that will aid me in this migration?



Re: How can I disable module of tkinter when compiling Python 2.5 on redhat9 ?

2012-07-09 Thread Putilov Roman

09.07.12 13:21, cheetah ?:

I don't need it.


In python's replace:
self.detect_tkinter(inc_dirs, lib_dirs)
def detect_modules(self):

This will ignore the compilation of _tkinter.c and tkappinit.c of
the python distribution.


Re: migrating from python 2.4 to python 2.6

2012-07-09 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 09/07/2012 10:37, Mark Devine wrote:

I have a large code base that was written in python 2.4. I want to migrate
to python 2.6. Are there any tools that will aid me in this migration?



Check the what's new for python 2.6.  If, and I doubt that there are, 
any compatabilty issues change your code accordingly.  If not your code 
should run as is. An alternative is simply to run your code and see if 
it breaks, again I doubt it.


Mark Lawrence.


Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-09 Thread Tim Chase
On 07/09/12 01:39, wrote:
 On Tuesday, 30 October 2007 21:24:04 UTC+2, Tim Chase  wrote:

yes, yes I did, almost 5 years ago. :-)

You didn't include any questions/comments on my email, so it's a bit
hard to respond.

 While I haven't interviewed precisely for Python, I've been
 on the other (interviewing) end and can offer a few of the
 sorts of things I ask. 
 Python History:
 - decorators added in which version?

 - batteries included SQL-capible DB in which version?

I've long wanted to update my original post in this department to
include things like the with statement as well as my reasoning.
Some of our deployments were stuck on earlier versions (currently
our oldest is a 2.4 deployment that is merrily chugging along,
somewhat stuck due to an external binary dependency for which terms
changed between versions).  At the time I wrote that, we had some
2.2 and 2.3 code in production that couldn't use decorators, and
sqlite wasn't officially added until 2.5 (IIRC).   Now that
everything is at least 2.4, code can now use decorators freely.

I'd also likely include questions about integer division and other
stuff added in 3.x (such as the default new-class behavior).

So my main motivation was to make sure applicants knew that, in some
of our environments, certain features might not be available.  Not
that I wanted to hire a Python historian.

 Other Process-releated things:
 - do they use revision control
(RCS/CVS/Subversion/Mercurial/Git...anything but VSS) and
know how to use it well

 - do they write automated tests for their code

Don't let the importance of these two escape.  It's SOOO easy to
grab any of the freely available VCS tools and learn the ropes, or
to write some test code.  Failure to do so just seems like
negligence these days.



Re: Deditor 0.4.0

2012-07-09 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Kruptein wrote:

Hey I released a new version of my python-focused text-editor.
you can download it at

What is it?
Deditor is aimed to be a text-editor which can be used as a basic text-editor 
as gedit or with the right plugins become a full-feature ide.
I focus on making it a python specific editor but you can use it to edit other 
files as well.
It is python specific because the plugin system that is used (DPlug) is written 
in python and thus all plugins are written in python.  Also some of the plugins 
there is one plugin that comes bundled with deditor that adds some python 
specific features like code-analyzing, code-inspection, auto-completion etc.

So plugins are the main core of the program you can disable and enable plugins 
at your will.  The plugins that come bundled are made to increase the joy of 

NOTICE that this I don't regard this as a stable product yet.  There is no high 
risk in data loss and there are definitely no privacy concerns but you should 
still be aware that there are bugs/malfunctions and that you will encounter 

I hope some of you like it and if you don't try to give some constructive 
criticism :)

Most changes in regard to previous release are under the hood.  so existing 
users might not notice a lot.
Also the customize plugin's second configuration tab: syntax highlighting is 
bugged try to avoid it :p

Good job.

I have 2 question:
Aren't you reinventing the wheel ?
No way to use tabs for tabulation ??? (I'm CEO of the 'space haters club')

Otherwise, I found this bug :
Start the editor, click twice on 'Analyse code', and you'll get a traceback.
I looked into the related code:

def dUpdate(self, trig, value=None):
   if trig == tabclosed:
   return self.tabClosed(value)

def tabClosed(self, tab):
   Checks if the tab that is closing is a project
   if tab.parentTab == None:

Your method interfaces are quite inconsistent, I sense this is quite 
global to your code:

1/ dUpdate has None as default value for 'value'
2/ tab.parentTab will fail if tab is None
3/ on the traceback you get from the bug above, a bool has been given, 
bool has no parentTab.

Here are 2 advices:

1/ Default values are for the fool/weak/noob/..., your pick. I tend to 
use them only for backward compatibilty or for interface stability. 
Otherwise, it's better not to use them. Some people still use them 
appropriately but in your I think it may help.

2/ In your docstrings, note down the expected type of your parameters 
(only 1 type ! (except for the None alternative)) and stick to it.



Re: Deditor 0.4.0

2012-07-09 Thread Kruptein
Op maandag 9 juli 2012 13:05:58 UTC+2 schreef Jean-Michel Pichavant het 
 Kruptein wrote:
  Hey I released a new version of my python-focused text-editor.
  you can download it at
  What is it?
  Deditor is aimed to be a text-editor which can be used as a basic 
  text-editor as gedit or with the right plugins become a full-feature ide.
  I focus on making it a python specific editor but you can use it to edit 
  other files as well.
  It is python specific because the plugin system that is used (DPlug) is 
  written in python and thus all plugins are written in python.  Also some of 
  the plugins there is one plugin that comes bundled with deditor that adds 
  some python specific features like code-analyzing, code-inspection, 
  auto-completion etc.
  So plugins are the main core of the program you can disable and enable 
  plugins at your will.  The plugins that come bundled are made to increase 
  the joy of programming.
  NOTICE that this I don't regard this as a stable product yet.  There is no 
  high risk in data loss and there are definitely no privacy concerns but you 
  should still be aware that there are bugs/malfunctions and that you will 
  encounter them.
  I hope some of you like it and if you don't try to give some constructive 
  criticism :)
  Most changes in regard to previous release are under the hood.  so existing 
  users might not notice a lot.
  Also the customize plugin's second configuration tab: syntax highlighting 
  is bugged try to avoid it :p

 Good job.
 I have 2 question:
 Aren't you reinventing the wheel ?
 No way to use tabs for tabulation ??? (I'm CEO of the 'space haters club')
 Otherwise, I found this bug :
 Start the editor, click twice on 'Analyse code', and you'll get a traceback.
 I looked into the related code:
 def dUpdate(self, trig, value=None):
 if trig == tabclosed:
 return self.tabClosed(value)
 def tabClosed(self, tab):
 Checks if the tab that is closing is a project
 if tab.parentTab == None:
 Your method interfaces are quite inconsistent, I sense this is quite 
 global to your code:
 1/ dUpdate has None as default value for 'value'
 2/ tab.parentTab will fail if tab is None
 3/ on the traceback you get from the bug above, a bool has been given, 
 bool has no parentTab.
 Here are 2 advices:
 1/ Default values are for the fool/weak/noob/..., your pick. I tend to 
 use them only for backward compatibilty or for interface stability. 
 Otherwise, it's better not to use them. Some people still use them 
 appropriately but in your I think it may help.
 2/ In your docstrings, note down the expected type of your parameters 
 (only 1 type ! (except for the None alternative)) and stick to it.

To begin with not everything that I want to see is yet implemented.  A lot 
still has to be done for example indentation although I really hate tabs ;D I 
will give the option in a future release maybe even the next one.

I'll check the bug as it probably is indeed a bug.

Regarding the default value dUpdate is a method from the plugin system and is 
called when a trigger is updated.  some triggers give an additional value for 
example a trigger that registers pressed buttons could potentially give which 
exact key as value.  However some triggers don't need this additional value.  
If a plugin needs both types of triggers the method will need this default 
value to work.  Also the dev version already changed that there always will be 
sent a value so no need for the default value anymore.

Regarding the docstrings: as deditor still is under heavy development not all 
docstrings are correct or even there.


recompiling standard modules

2012-07-09 Thread Rita
I noticed that active state python Tk inter isnt compiled with
--enable-threads therefore I would like to recompile the module with a new
version of TCL/TK which is compiled with threads. How can I do this?

--- Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.--

Re: Discussion on some Code Issues

2012-07-09 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 18:41:28 +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:

 Does it really hurt to anthropomorphize 

Don't anthropomorphise computers. They don't like it when you do.

 and say that Python looks for
 modules in the directories in sys.path instead of Module lookup
 consists of iterating blah blah blah yadda watermelon yadda blah.

I don't think so, I often talk about Python looking for files myself. The 
intentional stance is an incredibly powerful technique for understanding 
behaviour of all sorts of entities, sentient or not, from DNA to 
computers to corporations, and even people.

But it does depend on context. Sometimes you need more detail than just 
Python looks. You need to know precisely *how* Python looks, and how it 
decides whether it has found or not. 

And note that I'm still using the intentional stance.


how to write configure

2012-07-09 Thread contro opinion
PyGObject uses the standard autotools for the build infrastructure.  To
build, it should be as simple as running:

$ ./configure --prefix=prefix where python is installed

my python2.7 is  in  /usr/lib/python2.7

will  i  write :
./configure --prefix=/usr/lib/python2.7


./configure --prefix=/usr/lib

Re: Deditor 0.4.0

2012-07-09 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Kruptein wrote:

Op maandag 9 juli 2012 13:05:58 UTC+2 schreef Jean-Michel Pichavant het 

Kruptein wrote:

Hey I released a new version of my python-focused text-editor.
you can download it at

What is it?
Deditor is aimed to be a text-editor which can be used as a basic text-editor 
as gedit or with the right plugins become a full-feature ide.
I focus on making it a python specific editor but you can use it to edit other 
files as well.
It is python specific because the plugin system that is used (DPlug) is written 
in python and thus all plugins are written in python.  Also some of the plugins 
there is one plugin that comes bundled with deditor that adds some python 
specific features like code-analyzing, code-inspection, auto-completion etc.

So plugins are the main core of the program you can disable and enable plugins 
at your will.  The plugins that come bundled are made to increase the joy of 

NOTICE that this I don't regard this as a stable product yet.  There is no high 
risk in data loss and there are definitely no privacy concerns but you should 
still be aware that there are bugs/malfunctions and that you will encounter 

I hope some of you like it and if you don't try to give some constructive 
criticism :)

Most changes in regard to previous release are under the hood.  so existing 
users might not notice a lot.
Also the customize plugin's second configuration tab: syntax highlighting is 
bugged try to avoid it :p

Good job.

I have 2 question:
Aren't you reinventing the wheel ?
No way to use tabs for tabulation ??? (I'm CEO of the 'space haters club')

Otherwise, I found this bug :
Start the editor, click twice on 'Analyse code', and you'll get a traceback.
I looked into the related code:

def dUpdate(self, trig, value=None):
if trig == tabclosed:
return self.tabClosed(value)

def tabClosed(self, tab):
Checks if the tab that is closing is a project
if tab.parentTab == None:

Your method interfaces are quite inconsistent, I sense this is quite 
global to your code:

1/ dUpdate has None as default value for 'value'
2/ tab.parentTab will fail if tab is None
3/ on the traceback you get from the bug above, a bool has been given, 
bool has no parentTab.

Here are 2 advices:

1/ Default values are for the fool/weak/noob/..., your pick. I tend to 
use them only for backward compatibilty or for interface stability. 
Otherwise, it's better not to use them. Some people still use them 
appropriately but in your I think it may help.

2/ In your docstrings, note down the expected type of your parameters 
(only 1 type ! (except for the None alternative)) and stick to it.



To begin with not everything that I want to see is yet implemented.  A lot 
still has to be done for example indentation although I really hate tabs ;D I 
will give the option in a future release maybe even the next one.

I'll check the bug as it probably is indeed a bug.

Regarding the default value dUpdate is a method from the plugin system and is 
called when a trigger is updated.  some triggers give an additional value for 
example a trigger that registers pressed buttons could potentially give which 
exact key as value.  However some triggers don't need this additional value.  
If a plugin needs both types of triggers the method will need this default 
value to work.  Also the dev version already changed that there always will be 
sent a value so no need for the default value anymore.


If you can, use the **kwargs syntax.
def foo(tabs, **kwargs):
   # optional arg
   if kwargs.get('saveFile', False):
   # required arg
   if kwargs['saveFile']:

The type of kwargs will be consistent, it will be always a dictionnary, 
possibly an empty one, but still a dictionnary, and best part of it, if 
you change the number of argument in the call, you don't break your 

Regarding the docstrings: as deditor still is under heavy development not all 
docstrings are correct or even there.

Yep, but writing the expected type of your parameters always help, in 
particular during the dev phase. you can save the verbose part of the 
documentation for later.



Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-09 Thread Roy Smith
In article, wrote:

 On Tuesday, 30 October 2007 21:24:04 UTC+2, Tim Chase  wrote:

  - more detailed questions about the std. libraries (such as

You need to be careful when you ask questions like this.  I would expect 
somebody to be aware of those and have a high-level understanding of 
what they do, but certainly not remember the details of the exact syntax 
and argument order.  Even with stuff I use everyday (like unittest and 
datetime), I have a browser open to the reference manual most of the 

  - questions about PDB

Heh.  I would answer that with, Python Debugger?  I've never used it.

  Python History:
  - decorators added in which version?
  - batteries included SQL-capible DB in which version?
  - the difference between class Foo and class Foo(object)
  - questions from import this about pythonic code

With the exception of the question about new-style classes, these are 
silly questions.  I was around when both decorators and sqlite3 were 
added.  I couldn't possible tell you when to any precision better than 
2 dot something.  As for the zen of python, it's cute, and a piece of 
python folklore, but hardly an essential part of being a good python p

Re: Deditor 0.4.0

2012-07-09 Thread Kruptein
Op maandag 9 juli 2012 14:54:03 UTC+2 schreef Jean-Michel Pichavant het 
 Kruptein wrote:
  Op maandag 9 juli 2012 13:05:58 UTC+2 schreef Jean-Michel Pichavant het 

  Kruptein wrote:
  Hey I released a new version of my python-focused text-editor.
  you can download it at
  What is it?
  Deditor is aimed to be a text-editor which can be used as a basic 
  text-editor as gedit or with the right plugins become a full-feature ide.
  I focus on making it a python specific editor but you can use it to edit 
  other files as well.
  It is python specific because the plugin system that is used (DPlug) is 
  written in python and thus all plugins are written in python.  Also some 
  of the plugins there is one plugin that comes bundled with deditor that 
  adds some python specific features like code-analyzing, code-inspection, 
  auto-completion etc.
  So plugins are the main core of the program you can disable and enable 
  plugins at your will.  The plugins that come bundled are made to increase 
  the joy of programming.
  NOTICE that this I don't regard this as a stable product yet.  There is 
  no high risk in data loss and there are definitely no privacy concerns 
  but you should still be aware that there are bugs/malfunctions and that 
  you will encounter them.
  I hope some of you like it and if you don't try to give some constructive 
  criticism :)
  Most changes in regard to previous release are under the hood.  so 
  existing users might not notice a lot.
  Also the customize plugin's second configuration tab: syntax highlighting 
  is bugged try to avoid it :p

  Good job.
  I have 2 question:
  Aren't you reinventing the wheel ?
  No way to use tabs for tabulation ??? (I'm CEO of the 'space haters club')
  Otherwise, I found this bug :
  Start the editor, click twice on 'Analyse code', and you'll get a 
  I looked into the related code:
  def dUpdate(self, trig, value=None):
  if trig == tabclosed:
  return self.tabClosed(value)
  def tabClosed(self, tab):
  Checks if the tab that is closing is a project
  if tab.parentTab == None:
  Your method interfaces are quite inconsistent, I sense this is quite 
  global to your code:
  1/ dUpdate has None as default value for 'value'
  2/ tab.parentTab will fail if tab is None
  3/ on the traceback you get from the bug above, a bool has been given, 
  bool has no parentTab.
  Here are 2 advices:
  1/ Default values are for the fool/weak/noob/..., your pick. I tend to 
  use them only for backward compatibilty or for interface stability. 
  Otherwise, it's better not to use them. Some people still use them 
  appropriately but in your I think it may help.
  2/ In your docstrings, note down the expected type of your parameters 
  (only 1 type ! (except for the None alternative)) and stick to it.
  To begin with not everything that I want to see is yet implemented.  A lot 
  still has to be done for example indentation although I really hate tabs ;D 
  I will give the option in a future release maybe even the next one.
  I'll check the bug as it probably is indeed a bug.
  Regarding the default value dUpdate is a method from the plugin system and 
  is called when a trigger is updated.  some triggers give an additional 
  value for example a trigger that registers pressed buttons could 
  potentially give which exact key as value.  However some triggers don't 
  need this additional value.  If a plugin needs both types of triggers the 
  method will need this default value to work.  Also the dev version already 
  changed that there always will be sent a value so no need for the default 
  value anymore.

 If you can, use the **kwargs syntax.
 def foo(tabs, **kwargs):
 # optional arg
 if kwargs.get('saveFile', False):
 # required arg
 if kwargs['saveFile']:

 The type of kwargs will be consistent, it will be always a dictionnary, 
 possibly an empty one, but still a dictionnary, and best part of it, if 
 you change the number of argument in the call, you don't break your 
  Regarding the docstrings: as deditor still is under heavy development not 
  all docstrings are correct or even there.

 Yep, but writing the expected type of your parameters always help, in 
 particular during the dev phase. you can save the verbose part of the 
 documentation for later.

Yeah I started to use kwargs in some methods but it's only usefull in some 
cases imo.

I'm a pretty decent python dev imo but I know that there is still a lot that 
I've to learn so often if I get to know something knew I tend to rewrite a 
large portion of my program(s) and thus I often am too lazy to write proper 
docstrings as they would change anyway (- very bad coding practice 

Re: How to safely maintain a status file

2012-07-09 Thread Duncan Booth
Richard Baron Penman wrote:

 Is there a better way? Or do I need to use a database?

Using a database would seem to meet a lot of your needs. Don't forget that 
Python comes with a sqlite database engine included, so it shouldn't take 
you more than a few lines of code to open the database once and then write 
out your status every few seconds.

import sqlite3

con = sqlite3.connect('status.db')

with con:
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute('UPDATE ...', ...)

and similar code to restore the status or create required tables on 

Duncan Booth

Re: Discussion on some Code Issues

2012-07-09 Thread Chris Angelico
On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 10:24 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 But it does depend on context. Sometimes you need more detail than just
 Python looks. You need to know precisely *how* Python looks, and how it
 decides whether it has found or not.

Agreed. So, looking back at the original context: A question was posed
that isn't really about Python at all, but more about file systems. I
gave a simple one-sentence answer that omitted heaps of details. It
didn't seem likely that someone confused by path names would be
changing the current directory inside the script, nor that the
distinction of who evaluates a path would be significant (how often
does _anyone_ care whether your path is parsed by Python, by the OS,
or by the underlying file system?).


Re: tiffany 0.6.1 released

2012-07-09 Thread Christian Tismer

On 30.06.12 18:25, Paul Rubin wrote:

Christian Tismer writes:

Tiffany stands for any tiff. The tiny module solves a large set of
problems, has no dependencies and just works wherever Python works.
Tiffany was developed in the course of the *DiDoCa* project and will
always appear on PyPi.

This sounds pretty neat.  I didn't comment on it earlier because I
haven't tried it out, since I haven't had occasion to deal with tiff
files anytime recently.  But I've had to process them for some projects
in the past, and tiffany would have been useful then.  It's good to know
that it's out there.

Meanwhile I got some feedback and test data.
(Thanks to Christian and Anthon)
It turns out to be a problem with multiple strips in a tiff file.
PIL does not support that. Maybe I can find an easy solution,
maybe I'm better off using


as suggested by Christian Heimes,

we will see. Right now I'm pretty exhaused after EuroPython...

cheers - chris

Christian Tismer :^)
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Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-09 Thread Tim Chase
On 07/09/12 08:25, Roy Smith wrote:
 On Tuesday, 30 October 2007 21:24:04 UTC+2, Tim Chase  wrote:
 - more detailed questions about the std. libraries (such as
 You need to be careful when you ask questions like this.  I would expect 
 somebody to be aware of those and have a high-level understanding of 
 what they do, but certainly not remember the details of the exact syntax 
 and argument order.  Even with stuff I use everyday (like unittest and 
 datetime), I have a browser open to the reference manual most of the 

Yeah, the aim isn't to grill them on the minutia, but to get a
feeling that they know the basics.  The zipfile module offers a
ZipFile object for reading/writing zip files with or without
compression.  The CSV file allows for reading/writing CSV files with
definable delimiters and quoting/escaping.  Etc.

 - questions about PDB
 Heh.  I would answer that with, Python Debugger?  I've never used it.

The ability to know off the top of your head that it's the Python
Debugger is more than enough :-)  That's just first-order
ignorance:  you know what you don't know and can spend a few minutes
reading up on it if you need it.  The second[or higher]-order
ignorance of not knowing what pdb is (or, if you need more powerful
debugging, how to do it) is sign the person hasn't been programming
in Python much.

 Python History:
 - decorators added in which version?

 - batteries included SQL-capible DB in which version?

 - the difference between class Foo and class Foo(object)

 - questions from import this about pythonic code
 With the exception of the question about new-style classes, these are 
 silly questions.  I was around when both decorators and sqlite3 were 
 added.  I couldn't possible tell you when to any precision better than 
 2 dot something. 

I'd even be satisfied if a person just knew that such features
weren't there all along and might need to be worked around for older

 As for the zen of python, it's cute, and a piece of python
 folklore, but hardly an essential part of being a good python p

[Ed: something appears to have gotten truncated there]  Yeah, it's
more about a person being sufficiently steeped in python to know
bits and pieces of the zen, and their ability to recognize/create
pythonic code.  I've seen enough Java-written-in-Python to know what
I don't want :-)



Re: Tkinter.event.widget: handler gets name instead of widget.

2012-07-09 Thread Rick Johnson
On Jul 9, 12:58 am, Terry Reedy wrote:
 When posting problem code, you should post a minimal, self-contained
 example that people can try on other systems and versions. Can you
 create the problem with one record, which you could give, and one
 binding? Do you need 4 fields, or would 1 'work'?

I'll firmly back that sentiment. Fredric, if you cannot get the
following simple code events to work properly, then how do you think
you can get events working properly on something more complex?

import Tkinter as tk
from Tkconstants import *

class MyFrame(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, master, **kw):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, **kw)
self.bind('Enter', self.evtMouseEnter)
self.bind('Leave', self.evtMouseLeave)
self.bind('Button-1', self.evtButtonOneClick)

def evtMouseEnter(self, event):

def evtMouseLeave(self, event):

def evtButtonOneClick(self, event):

if __name__ == '__main__':
root = tk.Tk()
for x in range(10):
f = MyFrame(root, height=20, bd=1, relief=SOLID)
f.pack(fill=X, expand=YES, padx=5, pady=5)

More points to ponder:
1. Just because the Tkinter designers decided to use idiotic names for
event sequences does not mean you are required to blindly follow their
bad example (the whole: if johnny jumps off a cliff..., thing comes
to mind)

2. I would strongly recommend you invest more thought into your event
handler identifiers. ALL event handlers should marked as *event
handlers* using a prefix. I like to use the prefix evt. Some people
prefer other prefixes. In any case, just remember to be consistent.
Also, event handler names should reflect WHAT event they are
processing, not some esoteric functionality of the application like
pick_record or info_profile. However if you like, simply have the
event handler CALL an outside func/meth. This type of consistency is
what separates the men from the boys.

3. The Python Style Guide[1] frowns on superfluous white space (be it
horizontal OR vertical!) I would strongly recommend you read and adapt
as much of this style as you possibly can bear. Even if we don't all
get along, it IS *very* important that we structure our code in a
similar style.


Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-09 Thread Rick Johnson
On Jul 9, 12:40 pm, Tim Chase wrote:
 The second[or higher]-order
 ignorance of not knowing what pdb is (or, if you need more powerful
 debugging, how to do it) is sign the person hasn't been programming
 in Python much.

So guru knowledge of pdb is prerequisite to being accepted as a
Pythonista? I find that ridiculous since *real* programmers don't use
debuggers anyway.

 [Ed: something appears to have gotten truncated there]  Yeah, it's
 more about a person being sufficiently steeped in python to know
 bits and pieces of the zen, and their ability to recognize/create
 pythonic code.  I've seen enough Java-written-in-Python to know what
 I don't want :-)

I know you are a member of the group who has an aversion to strict OOP
paradigm but is this a justified aversion, or just fear of OOP due to
static evolution? Look, i don't like java's strict approach either,
however, i do not have an aversion to OOP.


Re: Tkinter.event.widget: handler gets name instead of widget.

2012-07-09 Thread Terry Reedy

On 7/9/2012 1:49 PM, Rick Johnson wrote:

On Jul 9, 12:58 am, Terry Reedy wrote:

When posting problem code, you should post a minimal, self-contained
example that people can try on other systems and versions. Can you
create the problem with one record, which you could give, and one
binding? Do you need 4 fields, or would 1 'work'?

I'll firmly back that sentiment. Fredric, if you cannot get the
following simple code events to work properly, then how do you think
you can get events working properly on something more complex?

import Tkinter as tk
from Tkconstants import *

class MyFrame(tk.Frame):
 def __init__(self, master, **kw):
 tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, **kw)
 self.bind('Enter', self.evtMouseEnter)
 self.bind('Leave', self.evtMouseLeave)
 self.bind('Button-1', self.evtButtonOneClick)

 def evtMouseEnter(self, event):

 def evtMouseLeave(self, event):

 def evtButtonOneClick(self, event):

if __name__ == '__main__':
 root = tk.Tk()
 for x in range(10):
 f = MyFrame(root, height=20, bd=1, relief=SOLID)
 f.pack(fill=X, expand=YES, padx=5, pady=5)

I copied and pasted this self-contained code into a 3.3 Idle edit window 
and lightly edited for 3.x. Change 'Tkinter' to 'tkinter', remove 
tkconstants import and prefix constants with 'tk.'. (The alternative: 
change 'tkconstants' to 'tkinter.constants', but I prefer prefixes). It 
runs as expected.

import tkinter as tk

class MyFrame(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, master, **kw):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, **kw)
self.bind('Enter', self.evtMouseEnter)
self.bind('Leave', self.evtMouseLeave)
self.bind('Button-1', self.evtButtonOneClick)

def evtMouseEnter(self, event):

def evtMouseLeave(self, event):

def evtButtonOneClick(self, event):

if __name__ == '__main__':
root = tk.Tk()
for x in range(10):
f = MyFrame(root, height=20, bd=1, relief=tk.SOLID)
f.pack(fill=tk.X, expand=tk.YES, padx=5, pady=5)

Add details and data (maybe less than 10 records) until you get what you 
want or recreate problem.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-09 Thread Demian Brecht
On Monday, 9 July 2012 10:40:59 UTC-7, Tim Chase  wrote:
 On 07/09/12 08:25, Roy Smith wrote:
  On Tuesday, 30 October 2007 21:24:04 UTC+2, Tim Chase  wrote:
  - more detailed questions about the std. libraries (such as
  You need to be careful when you ask questions like this.  I would expect 
  somebody to be aware of those and have a high-level understanding of 
  what they do, but certainly not remember the details of the exact syntax 
  and argument order.  Even with stuff I use everyday (like unittest and 
  datetime), I have a browser open to the reference manual most of the 
 Yeah, the aim isn't to grill them on the minutia, but to get a
 feeling that they know the basics.  The zipfile module offers a
 ZipFile object for reading/writing zip files with or without
 compression.  The CSV file allows for reading/writing CSV files with
 definable delimiters and quoting/escaping.  Etc.
  - questions about PDB
  Heh.  I would answer that with, Python Debugger?  I've never used it.
 The ability to know off the top of your head that it's the Python
 Debugger is more than enough :-)  That's just first-order
 ignorance:  you know what you don't know and can spend a few minutes
 reading up on it if you need it.  The second[or higher]-order
 ignorance of not knowing what pdb is (or, if you need more powerful
 debugging, how to do it) is sign the person hasn't been programming
 in Python much.
  Python History:
  - decorators added in which version?
  - batteries included SQL-capible DB in which version?
  - the difference between class Foo and class Foo(object)
  - questions from import this about pythonic code
  With the exception of the question about new-style classes, these are 
  silly questions.  I was around when both decorators and sqlite3 were 
  added.  I couldn't possible tell you when to any precision better than 
  2 dot something. 
 I'd even be satisfied if a person just knew that such features
 weren't there all along and might need to be worked around for older
  As for the zen of python, it's cute, and a piece of python
  folklore, but hardly an essential part of being a good python p
 [Ed: something appears to have gotten truncated there]  Yeah, it's
 more about a person being sufficiently steeped in python to know
 bits and pieces of the zen, and their ability to recognize/create
 pythonic code.  I've seen enough Java-written-in-Python to know what
 I don't want :-)

Definitely appreciate your approach, I've asked similar questions when 

I also usually like to ask what a candidate likes and dislikes about Python, 
hoping for the GIL to creep up, along with an explanation as to what it is, 
implementations that don't have it along with methods of getting around the 
lock (although that would be a fairly advanced topic IMHO). If it doesn't come 
up, sometimes I'll pop it in depending on their level of experience.

Re: How to safely maintain a status file

2012-07-09 Thread John Nagle

On 7/8/2012 2:52 PM, Christian Heimes wrote:

You are contradicting yourself. Either the OS is providing a fully
atomic rename or it doesn't. All POSIX compatible OS provide an atomic
rename functionality that renames the file atomically or fails without
loosing the target side. On POSIX OS it doesn't matter if the target exists.

Rename on some file system types (particularly NFS) may not be atomic.

You don't need locks or any other fancy stuff. You just need to make
sure that you flush the data and metadata correctly to the disk and
force a re-write of the directory inode, too. It's a standard pattern on
POSIX platforms and well documented in e.g. the maildir RFC.

You can use the same pattern on Windows but it doesn't work as good.

  That's because you're using the wrong approach. See how to use
ReplaceFile under Win32:

Renaming files is the wrong way to synchronize a
crawler.  Use a database that has ACID properties, such as
SQLite.  Far fewer I/O operations are required for small updates.
It's not the 1980s any more.

I use a MySQL database to synchronize multiple processes
which crawl web sites.  The tables of past activity are InnoDB
tables, which support transactions.  The table of what's going
on right now is a MEMORY table.  If the database crashes, the
past activity is recovered cleanly, the MEMORY table comes back
empty, and all the crawler processes lose their database
connections, abort, and are restarted.  This allows multiple
servers to coordinate through one database.

John Nagle


Re: Tkinter.event.widget: handler gets name instead of widget.

2012-07-09 Thread Frederic Rentsch
On Mon, 2012-07-09 at 01:58 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
 On 7/8/2012 5:19 PM, Frederic Rentsch wrote:
  Hi widget wizards,
  The manual describes the event attribute widget as The widget
  which generated this event. This is a valid Tkinter widget instance, not
  a name. This attribute is set for all events.
 Same in 3.3, with nice example of using it.
 def turnRed(self, event):
  event.widget[activeforeground] = red
 self.button.bind(Enter, self.turnRed)
  Ans so it is--has been until on the latest occasion event.widget was
  not the widget, but its name, crashing the handler.
 Has event.widget been the widget only in other programs or previously
 with the same program?

I bind Enter to Frames, each Frame calling the same handler that is
supposed to change the background color. It is the Enter action that
generates the event. No later the handler receives the event whose
attribute widget is the widget's name (full path). My code doesn't
create events anywhere. I suppose events vanish when the last handler

. . .

 When posting problem code, you should post a minimal, self-contained 
 example that people can try on other systems and versions. 

Attempting to strip the critical code, throwing out everything
incidental to the problem so I could post something intelligible, I
failed to fail: the bare essentials work. The problem appears to be in
the incidental.

 Can you 
 create the problem with one record, which you could give, and one 
 binding? Do you need 4 fields, or would 1 'work'?
It fails even with the Frame containing no Labels at all, like this:

for n, record in enumerate(records):
line_frame = Frame (self, name = _verbalize_number (n), width = 600, 
height = 20, relief = RAISED, **BUTTON_FRAME_)
line_frame.bind ('Enter', self.enter)
## No Labels at all:
##  for i in self.range_n_fields:
##  field = Label (line_frame, text = record [self.INDICES [i]], 
anchor = W, width = self.COLUMN_WIDTHS [i], **DB_LIST_LABEL_)
##  field.grid (row = 0, column = i, sticky = NW)

def enter (self, event):
w = event.widget
print 'hit list.enter (). Event, widget', event, w, w.__class__
w.config (bg = ENTERED_BG_COLOR)

hit list.leave (). Event, widget Tkinter.Event instance at 0xa52c60c type 'str'
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/lib/python2.6/lib-tk/, line 1413, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
  File /home/fr/python/finance/piam/, line 114, in enter
w.config (bg = ENTERED_BG_COLOR)
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'config'

_verbalize_number spells out the line numbers, because the manual says
something about digits being reserved for the auto-generated widget
names. I thought that assigned names containing digits might be a
problem, but it wasn't.
   The dictionary arguments, by the way, are just style elements:
colors, fonts, reliefs, etc. nothing functionally essential.

  # Dell E6500, Ubuntu 10.04, Python 2.6
 You might try a current Python release, and the latest tcl/tk 8.5.11 
 released last March (comes with 3.3.0 Windows release, don't know how on 
 Ubuntu). There might be (have been?) a bug with events on Frames, or on 
 Frames within Frames treated as widgets.
 Terry Jan Reedy


I interspersed a couple of answers above. As to your last suggestion I
got Python 2.7.3 and managed to compile it. I would have preferred
something ready to install, but that doesn't seem to be available for
Linux. The compile went smoothly. But it'll take me another day to
reorganize, beginning with the Applications menu which still shows IDLE
(Python 2.6), while terminals already call the new version 2.7.3, but
it doesn't know where MySQLdb is, and possibly where other things are.
So for now I can't report on this effort either.

But I certainly appreciate your help. Many thanks.



Re: Tkinter.event.widget: handler gets name instead of widget.

2012-07-09 Thread Frederic Rentsch
On Mon, 2012-07-09 at 10:49 -0700, Rick Johnson wrote:
 On Jul 9, 12:58 am, Terry Reedy wrote:
  When posting problem code, you should post a minimal, self-contained
  example that people can try on other systems and versions. Can you
  create the problem with one record, which you could give, and one
  binding? Do you need 4 fields, or would 1 'work'?
 I'll firmly back that sentiment. Fredric, if you cannot get the
 following simple code events to work properly, then how do you think
 you can get events working properly on something more complex?
 import Tkinter as tk
 from Tkconstants import *
 class MyFrame(tk.Frame):
 def __init__(self, master, **kw):
 tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, **kw)
 self.bind('Enter', self.evtMouseEnter)
 self.bind('Leave', self.evtMouseLeave)
 self.bind('Button-1', self.evtButtonOneClick)
 def evtMouseEnter(self, event):
 def evtMouseLeave(self, event):
 def evtButtonOneClick(self, event):
 if __name__ == '__main__':
 root = tk.Tk()
 for x in range(10):
 f = MyFrame(root, height=20, bd=1, relief=SOLID)
 f.pack(fill=X, expand=YES, padx=5, pady=5)
 More points to ponder:
 1. Just because the Tkinter designers decided to use idiotic names for
 event sequences does not mean you are required to blindly follow their
 bad example (the whole: if johnny jumps off a cliff..., thing comes
 to mind)
 2. I would strongly recommend you invest more thought into your event
 handler identifiers. ALL event handlers should marked as *event
 handlers* using a prefix. I like to use the prefix evt. Some people
 prefer other prefixes. In any case, just remember to be consistent.
 Also, event handler names should reflect WHAT event they are
 processing, not some esoteric functionality of the application like
 pick_record or info_profile. However if you like, simply have the
 event handler CALL an outside func/meth. This type of consistency is
 what separates the men from the boys.
 3. The Python Style Guide[1] frowns on superfluous white space (be it
 horizontal OR vertical!) I would strongly recommend you read and adapt
 as much of this style as you possibly can bear. Even if we don't all
 get along, it IS *very* important that we structure our code in a
 similar style.

Thanks for your remarks. I spent most of the day working with Terry's
input. And now I am falling asleep. So I shall study your inspirations



Re: How to safely maintain a status file

2012-07-09 Thread Michael Hrivnak
Please consider batching this data and doing larger writes.  Thrashing
the hard drive is not a good plan for performance or hardware
longevity.  For example, crawl an entire FQDN and then write out the
results in one operation.  If your job fails in the middle and you
have to start that FQDN over, no big deal.  If that's too big of a
chunk for your purposes, perhaps break each FQDN up into top-level
directories and crawl each of those in one operation before writing to

There are existing solutions for managing job queues, so you can
choose what you like.  If you're unfamiliar, maybe start by looking at


On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 1:52 AM, Plumo wrote:
 What are you keeping in this status file that needs to be saved
 several times per second?  Depending on what type of state you're
 storing and how persistent it needs to be, there may be a better way
 to store it.


 This is for a threaded web crawler. I want to cache what URL's are
 currently in the queue so if terminated the crawler can continue next
 time from the same point.

Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-09 Thread Peter
One of my favourite questions when interviewing - and it was 100% reliable :-) 
- what are your hobbies?

If the answer included programming then they were hired, if not, then they went 
to the B list.

In my experience, anybody who is really interested in programming will have it 
as a hobby (and is keen to learn even if they don't currently have the 
knowledge you require) - otherwise it is just a job. Every job has a learning 
curve - whether it is just the particular domain or even a new language, the 
individual who sees programming as more than a job will come up to speed much 
faster and be more productive in both the short and long term.

Every programmer I have ever hired using this criteria worked out well.

Re: How to safely maintain a status file

2012-07-09 Thread Dan Stromberg
On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 8:24 PM, John Nagle wrote:

 On 7/8/2012 2:52 PM, Christian Heimes wrote:

 You are contradicting yourself. Either the OS is providing a fully
 atomic rename or it doesn't. All POSIX compatible OS provide an atomic
 rename functionality that renames the file atomically or fails without
 loosing the target side. On POSIX OS it doesn't matter if the target

 Rename on some file system types (particularly NFS) may not be atomic.

Actually, ISTR that rename() is one of the few things on NFS that is

Re: Tkinter.event.widget: handler gets name instead of widget.

2012-07-09 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 3:49 AM, Rick Johnson wrote:
 ALL event handlers should marked as *event
 handlers* using a prefix. I like to use the prefix evt. Some people
 prefer other prefixes. In any case, just remember to be consistent.
 Also, event handler names should reflect WHAT event they are
 processing, not some esoteric functionality of the application like
 pick_record or info_profile. However if you like, simply have the
 event handler CALL an outside func/meth. This type of consistency is
 what separates the men from the boys.

Or perhaps it separates the half-elves from the hobgoblins.
Hard-and-fast rules are seldom valid in stylistic questions. There's
nothing wrong with having a prefix like evt or on or whatever;
there's also nothing wrong with a naming convention of PB_Open_Click
(PB for PushButton (which is what that GUI toolkit called them),
Open being what the button does, and Click is the event being handled
- that's the VX-REXX convention). Or having no specific event handler
and going straight to your pick_record function; that's fine too,
especially if you have multiple entry-points to that.

Frederic, you'll get a lot of advice on this list, but treat it as
just that - advice. There are very few actual rules; read what people
say and then make your own choices.


Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-09 Thread Devin Jeanpierre
On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 5:22 PM, Peter wrote:
 One of my favourite questions when interviewing - and it was 100% reliable 
 :-) - what are your hobbies?
 If the answer included programming then they were hired, if not, then they 
 went to the B list.

Woe is the poor college grad, who wants to appear like a well-rounded
individual and lists capoeira and gardening, instead.

-- Devin

Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-09 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 09Jul2012 11:44, Rick Johnson wrote:
| On Jul 9, 12:40 pm, Tim Chase wrote:
|  The second[or higher]-order
|  ignorance of not knowing what pdb is (or, if you need more powerful
|  debugging, how to do it) is sign the person hasn't been programming
|  in Python much.
| So guru knowledge of pdb is prerequisite to being accepted as a
| Pythonista? I find that ridiculous since *real* programmers don't use
| debuggers anyway.

You've misread him. He's saying not knowing what PDB is and what it may
be used for is a sign of low experience. Whether one uses it or not
isn't what he's measuring, it's whether one knows what it is for and how
it may be used.

|  [...]  I've seen enough Java-written-in-Python to know what
|  I don't want :-)
| I know you are a member of the group who has an aversion to strict OOP
| paradigm but is this a justified aversion, or just fear of OOP due to
| static evolution? Look, i don't like java's strict approach either,
| however, i do not have an aversion to OOP.

More misreading. Java-written-in-Python (and its variants) means non-python
code written in python, in this case from someone with a strong (or
rigid) Java background who is not adept with Python idioms. It has
nothing to do with OOP one way or the other. Surely we've all seen
(and doubtless written) clumsy python code; this is an example.

Cameron Simpson

A strong conviction that something must be done is the parent of many
bad measures.   - Daniel Webster

Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-09 Thread Roy Smith
In article,
 Peter wrote:

 One of my favourite questions when interviewing - and it was 100% reliable 
 :-) - what are your hobbies?

My hobby happens to be gardening, for which I don't expect to be paid.

Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-09 Thread Cameron Simpson
On 09Jul2012 18:53, Devin Jeanpierre wrote:
| On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 5:22 PM, Peter wrote:
|  One of my favourite questions when interviewing - and it was 100% reliable 
:-) - what are your hobbies?
|  If the answer included programming then they were hired, if not, then they 
went to the B list.
| Woe is the poor college grad, who wants to appear like a well-rounded
| individual and lists capoeira and gardening, instead.

A new word! A quick google search confused me as to whether this was
martial art or a form of dance. The GF suggested it was both. Having
seen this:

I am now convinced :-)
Cameron Simpson

Hit the button Chewie!  - Han Solo

Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-09 Thread Christian Heimes
Am 09.07.2012 23:22, schrieb Peter:
 One of my favourite questions when interviewing - and it was 100% reliable 
 :-) - what are your hobbies?
 If the answer included programming then they were hired, if not, then they 
 went to the B list.

on the contrary! When a potential candidate has computer stuff as her
main hobby then she goes on the no-hire list. I prefer people that can
cope with stress and pressure as well as people who can think outside
the box. When you work with computers all day at work *and* at home then
you are unable to shut off mentally.

Gardening is great hobbies for a developer. You need to be patient,
reliable and provide constantly good work to grow your own vegetables.



Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-09 Thread Tim Chase
On 07/09/12 17:53, Devin Jeanpierre wrote:
 One of my favourite questions when interviewing - and it was
 100% reliable :-) - what are your hobbies? If the answer
 included programming then they were hired, if not, then they
 went to the B list.
 Woe is the poor college grad, who wants to appear like a
 well-rounded individual and lists capoeira and gardening,

The problem is the instead...if your list of hobbies includes
capoeira and gardening in addition to programming, you're at least
considered. :-)



Re: How to safely maintain a status file

2012-07-09 Thread Christian Heimes
Am 09.07.2012 22:24, schrieb John Nagle:
 Rename on some file system types (particularly NFS) may not be atomic.

The actual operation is always atomic but the NFS server may not notify
you about success or failure atomically.

See, section BUGS.

   That's because you're using the wrong approach. See how to use
 ReplaceFile under Win32:

The page doesn't say that ReplaceFile is an atomic op.



Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-09 Thread Tim Chase
On 07/09/12 18:12, Cameron Simpson wrote:
 On 09Jul2012 18:53, Devin Jeanpierre wrote:
 | On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 5:22 PM, Peter wrote:
 |  One of my favourite questions when interviewing - and it was 100% 
 reliable :-) - what are your hobbies?
 |  If the answer included programming then they were hired, if not, then 
 they went to the B list.
 | Woe is the poor college grad, who wants to appear like a well-rounded
 | individual and lists capoeira and gardening, instead.
 A new word! A quick google search confused me as to whether this was
 martial art or a form of dance. The GF suggested it was both.

You were unfamiliar with the word gardening and unsure whether it
was a martial art or a form of dance?

«grins, ducks  runs»



Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-09 Thread Roy Smith
In article,
 Christian Heimes wrote:

 Am 09.07.2012 23:22, schrieb Peter:
  One of my favourite questions when interviewing - and it was 100% reliable 
  :-) - what are your hobbies?
  If the answer included programming then they were hired, if not, then they 
  went to the B list.
 on the contrary! When a potential candidate has computer stuff as her
 main hobby then she goes on the no-hire list.

I think this points out the silliness of these kinds of questions.  
There is no right answer.  More to the point, the interviewee, when 
he/she gets one of these questions, probably goes into hyper-analysis 
mode: Now, just what did he mean by that question?  He's likely to 
give the answer he thinks you want to hear.

Do you really want to make hire/no-hire decisions based on somebody's 
ability to second-guess what you probably wanted to hear when you asked 
a pointless question?

Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-09 Thread Emile van Sebille

On 7/9/2012 2:22 PM Peter said...

One of my favourite questions when interviewing - and it was 100% reliable :-) - 
what are your hobbies?

If the answer included programming then they were hired, if not, then they went to the 
B list.

In my experience, anybody who is really interested in programming will have it as a hobby (and is 
keen to learn even if they don't currently have the knowledge you require) - otherwise it is 
just a job. Every job has a learning curve - whether it is just the particular domain 
or even a new language, the individual who sees programming as more than a job will 
come up to speed much faster and be more productive in both the short and long term.

Every programmer I have ever hired using this criteria worked out well.

Hence the age bias.

Personally, I'm quite happy now that I've divorced my hobby from my 
career.  And my family likes me better too.



Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-09 Thread Christian Heimes
Am 10.07.2012 01:40, schrieb Roy Smith:
 Do you really want to make hire/no-hire decisions based on somebody's 
 ability to second-guess what you probably wanted to hear when you asked 
 a pointless question?

I don't want her/him to second-guess at all. I expect a straight and
honest answer. Second-guessing leads to cheating and lying which doesn't
work in the long run.

I don't like to disclose my personal life is also a good answer as it
shows that the candidate self-confidence and doesn't sell privacy for a job.


Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-09 Thread dncarac

I've read your list and with one exception it all looks very reasonable.  (As 
an hobbiest, I'm amazed at just how much I have picked up.)

The set of questions I'm not sure I understand is the 'What version did ... 
appear?' questions.  This, to me, doesn't seem to indicate any programming 
experience or expertise.  A question asking 'Do you understand different 
versions?' and 'How would you find out whether a particular version can do a 
particular thing?'  (i.e. which version can you use on GAE?) would seem to give 
good information.  'How do decorators work?' would seem to give good 

So my question is: what information are you looking for by asking which version 
introduced decorators?

With respect,


Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-09 Thread Tim Chase
On 07/09/12 19:01, wrote:
 The set of questions I'm not sure I understand is the 'What
 version did ... appear?' questions.  This, to me, doesn't seem to
 indicate any programming experience or expertise.  A question
 asking 'Do you understand different versions?' and 'How would you
 find out whether a particular version can do a particular thing?'
 (i.e. which version can you use on GAE?) would seem to give good

The reason *I* ask them is that we have some 2.4 installations
(where things like with aren't available) and at the time I typed
up the list, there was some earlier 2.2 and 2.3 code out there where
decorators or sqlite[*] didn't work.

So I guess it's a bit of a how long have they been programming in
python experience aspect.  Programmers that have been around a
while often remember the frustration of $FEATURE_LACK and then the
relief of a much better way to do it.  The functionality of
decorators was around far earlier, but the clean syntactic sugar
made it much nicer to use.  The sqlite/sqlite3 libraries were
around, but you had to install them yourself (whether from source, a
custom installer, or your package manager).

As mentioned in another branch of this thread, I don't require
python historians, but do prefer folks that know which features to
check availability for deployment.


[*] without installing an add-on


Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-09 Thread Roy Smith
In article,
 Tim Chase wrote:

 As mentioned in another branch of this thread, I don't require
 python historians, but do prefer folks that know which features to
 check availability for deployment.

Heh.  Tell me, when did strings get methods? :-)

Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-09 Thread Tim Chase
On 07/09/12 19:27, Roy Smith wrote:
 prefer folks that know which features to check availability for
 Heh.  Tell me, when did strings get methods? :-)

IIRC, ~2.0?  I'm cognizant of the shift happening from the string
module to string methods, but I wouldn't expect deep history
knowledge--last I checked, RedHat still supports a RHEL version that
ships with 2.4, so that's about as far back as I'd probe these days
(so I'd drop the decorators question now).  Certainly not a
deal-breaker either way.  Just more data points.



Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-09 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 10/07/2012 00:33, Christian Heimes wrote:

Am 09.07.2012 23:22, schrieb Peter:

One of my favourite questions when interviewing - and it was 100% reliable :-) - 
what are your hobbies?

If the answer included programming then they were hired, if not, then they went to the 
B list.

on the contrary! When a potential candidate has computer stuff as her
main hobby then she goes on the no-hire list. I prefer people that can
cope with stress and pressure as well as people who can think outside
the box. When you work with computers all day at work *and* at home then
you are unable to shut off mentally.

Gardening is great hobbies for a developer. You need to be patient,
reliable and provide constantly good work to grow your own vegetables.


I guess that's why I detest gardening :-)


Mark Lawrence.


Re: How to safely maintain a status file

2012-07-09 Thread alex23
On Jul 10, 6:24 am, John Nagle wrote:
 That's because you're using the wrong approach. See how to use
 ReplaceFile under Win32:

I'm not convinced ReplaceFile is atomic:

The ReplaceFile function combines several steps within a single
function. An application can call ReplaceFile instead of calling
separate functions to save the data to a new file, rename the original
file using a temporary name, rename the new file to have the same name
as the original file, and delete the original file.

About the best you can get in Windows, I think, is MoveFileTransacted,
but you need to be running Vista or later:

I agree with your suggestion of using something transactional that
isn't bound to later Window versions, though.

How to pick content from html using beatifulsoup

2012-07-09 Thread Sheetal Singh

I am a newbie in python, I need to fetch names of side filters and save in csv 
[PFA screen shot].

Following is snippet from code:
  soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(html)
#for e in soup.findAll('div'):
# for c in e.findAll('h3'):
#for d in c.findAll('li'):
#print'@@@', d.extract()

##select_pod=soup.findAll('div', {class:win aboutUs})
##promeg= select_pod[0].findAll(p)[0]

#for dv in soup.findAll('div', {class:attribution}):
#ds = dv.findAll(h3)
#print ds

select_pod = soup.findAll('div')
print select_pod
for j in select_pod:
if j is not None:
print j.findall('a')
promeg = select_pod.findAll(h3)
#print '--', promeg

#hreflist = [ each.get('value') for each in 
soup.findAll('h3') ]

for m in promeg :
if m:
print 'Data values', m
fd1.writerow([x[2], m, i[0], Data 

Structure of HTML:

div class=attribution
h3By Brand/h3
a href=;Nokia/a
li class=more
h3By Seller/h3
a id=att_296935_184059 class=attributeUrlReplacementTarget 
input id=att_296935_184059_replacement type=hidden 
li class=more

Output required in csv:

By Brands

By Seller

Please suggest how to fetch details.

Sheetal Singh
attachment: filters.png--

RE: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-09 Thread Shambhu Rajak
I agree with Christian, a developer should have hobbies other than computer 
stuffs. Versatile environment give more
Ability to think differently. 
I like playing guitar :-) 

Be enthu, run foolishly and learn intelligently.


-Original Message-
From: Christian Heimes [] 
Sent: 10/07/2012 5:03 AM
Subject: Re: Python Interview Questions

Am 09.07.2012 23:22, schrieb Peter:
 One of my favourite questions when interviewing - and it was 100% reliable 
 :-) - what are your hobbies?
 If the answer included programming then they were hired, if not, then they 
 went to the B list.

on the contrary! When a potential candidate has computer stuff as her
main hobby then she goes on the no-hire list. I prefer people that can
cope with stress and pressure as well as people who can think outside
the box. When you work with computers all day at work *and* at home then
you are unable to shut off mentally.

Gardening is great hobbies for a developer. You need to be patient,
reliable and provide constantly good work to grow your own vegetables.



Re: How can I disable module of tkinter when compiling Python 2.5 on redhat9 ?

2012-07-09 Thread Tim Roberts
cheetah wrote:

I don't need it.

It's not worth worrying about.  You're talking about way less than a
megabyte of disk space, and there is no performance penalty unless you're
using it.

In general, the parts of the Python standard library are not individually
Tim Roberts,
Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

[issue11176] give more meaningful argument names in argparse documentation

2012-07-09 Thread David Lam

David Lam added the comment:

haha wow, I was working on this bug too!  maybe we can work on the final patch 

I got through about 2/3's of the docs, so I thought it might help to upload 
what I got so far.  I basically just made stuff up so I'm totally winning to 
change anything (or everything)

I made a little effort to make the examples mildly amusing, since novelty sorta 
helps in retention.  So one of the recurring examples I used involves that of a 
pizza-making-program... hopefully this helps in some way!

nosy: +dlam
Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15189] tkinter.messagebox does not use the application's icon

2012-07-09 Thread Mark Summerfield

Mark Summerfield added the comment:

On Linux  Windows every top-level window (including dialogs) normally has an 
icon at the left of the title bar. Typically this icon is the application's 
icon. But tkinter doesn't provide such an icon and so a system default icon is 
used instead. For one's own code this can be fixed by using the iconbitmap() 
function, but for the tkinter convenience dialogs (e.g., askyesno()), this 
cannot be done. So, my suggestion is to make the convenience dialogs use the 
same icon as the application (if the application has one).


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15303] Minor revision to the BaseWidget._setup method in Tkinter

2012-07-09 Thread Drew French

New submission from Drew French

In the BaseWidget._setup method, master is evaluated as a Boolean (when 
Tkinter attempts to find a parent for the widget). I think it should really be 
evaluated against None, seeing as that is the default master keyword 
argument value for most widgets. I ran into problems with this when making a 
container widget class that inherited from the Canvas, then implementing the 
__len__ magic method. When the length was zero the widget would evaluate as 
false, which would prevented me from packing widgets inside my container widget.

I attached a revised version of the method.

components: Tkinter
messages: 165070
nosy: Drew.French
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Minor revision to the BaseWidget._setup method in Tkinter
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7
Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15279] Spurious unittest warnings

2012-07-09 Thread Łukasz Langa

Łukasz Langa added the comment:

Unfortunately, exactly the same thing happens with

== CPython 3.3.0b1 (default:464c6a50b0ce, Jul 9 2012, 09:26:07) [GCC 4.2.1 
Compatible Apple Clang 3.1 (tags/Apple/clang-318.0.61)]
==   Darwin-11.4.0-x86_64-i386-64bit little-endian
Testing with flags: sys.flags(debug=0, inspect=0, interactive=0, 
optimize=0, dont_write_bytecode=0, no_user_site=0, no_site=0, 
ignore_environment=0, verbose=0, bytes_warning=0, quiet=0, hash_randomization=1)

What's interesting is that test_warnings itself works as advertised and it's 
only Lib/unittest/test/ that misbehaves.

On my friend's 10.7 machine everything runs fine with a little older Clang:

== CPython 3.3.0b1 (default, Jul 9 2012, 09:52:57) [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible 
Apple Clang 3.0 (tags/Apple/clang-211.12)]
==   Darwin-11.4.0-x86_64-i386-64bit little-endian
==   /Users/sheep/dev/python/cpython-464c6a50b0ce/build/test_python_7695
Testing with flags: sys.flags(debug=0, inspect=0, interactive=0, 
optimize=0, dont_write_bytecode=0, no_user_site=0, no_site=0, 
ignore_environment=0, verbose=0, bytes_warning=0, quiet=0, hash_randomization=1)

Will investigate further.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15283] pyvenv says nothing on success

2012-07-09 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset baf5ed391a7f by Vinay Sajip in branch 'default':
Issue #15283: Updated pyvenv documentation to expand on activation.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15189] tkinter.messagebox does not use the application's icon

2012-07-09 Thread Drew French

Drew French added the comment:

This is also true for some of the other dialogs (such as the file dialogs). 

Does anyone know if this behavior can be changed in Tk itself?

nosy: +Drew.French

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15267] tempfile.TemporaryFile and httplib incompatibility

2012-07-09 Thread Tim Golden

Tim Golden added the comment:

Could you create a failing test, please, Tim S?

nosy: +tim.golden

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15279] Spurious unittest warnings

2012-07-09 Thread Chris Jerdonek

Changes by Chris Jerdonek

nosy: +cjerdonek

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15304] Wrong path in error message

2012-07-09 Thread Chris Jerdonek

New submission from Chris Jerdonek has a typo (s/name/path/):

except OSError:
if not quiet:
warnings.warn('tests may fail, unable to change the CWD to ' + name,
  RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=3)

components: Tests
keywords: easy
messages: 165075
nosy: cjerdonek
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Wrong path in error message
versions: Python 3.3

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15267] tempfile.TemporaryFile and httplib incompatibility

2012-07-09 Thread Ramchandra Apte

Ramchandra Apte added the comment:

BTW, type(0) should be replaced with int in the code.

nosy: +ramchandra.apte

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15305] Test harness unnecessarily disambiguating twice

2012-07-09 Thread Chris Jerdonek

New submission from Chris Jerdonek

It seems like our test harness is disambiguating more than it needs to for 
parallel testing.

In Lib/test/, we do this--

# Define a writable temp dir that will be used as cwd while running
# the tests. The name of the dir includes the pid to allow parallel
# testing (see the -j option).
TESTCWD = 'test_python_{}'.format(os.getpid())
with support.temp_cwd(TESTCWD, quiet=True):

And then in Lib/test/, we are doing this--

# Disambiguate TESTFN for parallel testing, while letting it remain a valid
# module name.
TESTFN = {}_{}_tmp.format(TESTFN, os.getpid())

with uses like--

with open(TESTFN, wb) as f:
# Do stuff with f.

It seems like only one of these measures should be necessary (a single working 
directory for all parallel tests using a disambiguated TESTFN, or one working 
directory for each process with a non-disambiguated TESTFN).

components: Tests
keywords: easy
messages: 165077
nosy: cjerdonek
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Test harness unnecessarily disambiguating twice
versions: Python 3.3

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15305] Test harness unnecessarily disambiguating twice

2012-07-09 Thread Chris Jerdonek

Chris Jerdonek added the comment:

The former option seems to make more sense to me (a single working directory 
for all parallel tests using a disambiguated TESTFN).


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15300] test directory doubly-nested running tests with -j/--multiprocess

2012-07-09 Thread Chris Jerdonek

Chris Jerdonek added the comment:

After this patch, it's clear that TEMPDIR and TESTCWD no longer have to be 
global variables.

I can make that a separate issue after this one.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15304] Wrong path in error message

2012-07-09 Thread Chris Jerdonek

Chris Jerdonek added the comment:

Adding failing test.

keywords: +patch
stage:  - needs patch
Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15304] Wrong path in error message

2012-07-09 Thread Chris Jerdonek

Chris Jerdonek added the comment:

Attaching fix.

stage: needs patch - patch review
Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15297] pkgutil.iter_importers() includes an ImpImporter

2012-07-09 Thread Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis

Changes by Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis

nosy: +Arfrever

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15299] pkgutil.ImpImporter(None).iter_modules() does not search sys.path

2012-07-09 Thread Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis

Changes by Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis

nosy: +Arfrever

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15299] pkgutil.ImpImporter(None).iter_modules() does not search sys.path

2012-07-09 Thread Chris Jerdonek

Chris Jerdonek added the comment:

I'm working on a test for this.

stage:  - test needed

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[issue15299] pkgutil.ImpImporter(None).iter_modules() does not search sys.path

2012-07-09 Thread Chris Jerdonek

Chris Jerdonek added the comment:

Add failing tests.

keywords: +patch
stage: test needed - needs patch
Added file:

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[issue15262] Idle does not show traceback in other threads

2012-07-09 Thread Mark

Mark added the comment:

Yay!  I can't wait :)


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[issue15306] Python3 segfault? (works in Python2)

2012-07-09 Thread Ztatik Light

Ztatik Light added the comment:

Crash happens in FT_Request_Size and seems to have been addressed by someone 
working at SFML:

[Backtrace attached as 'backtrace.txt']

Added file:

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[issue15307] Patch for --symlink support in pyvenv with framework python

2012-07-09 Thread Ronald Oussoren

New submission from Ronald Oussoren

The attached patch ensures that python3.3 -mvenv --symlinks myenv works with 
framework builds.

There are two functional changes:
1) don't call 'realpath' in pythonw.c because realpath resolves
   symlinks and that breaks the '--symlinks' options because the
   python command is a symlink with that option (and resolving that
   gives the path to the python executable in the framework)

2) Look for the __PYVENV_LAUNCHER__ environment variable in
   Modules/getpath.c and use that in preference on the already
   calculated value of argv0_path. That code is only active for
   framework builds

I'm not happy with the following line in this patch:

+wcsncpy(argv0_path, (wchar_t*)pyvenv_launcher, MAXPATHLEN);

That mirrors a similar cast of the result of NSLibraryNameForModule earlier in 
Modules/getpath.c, but in both cases the input stream is a narrow character 
string (char, not wchar_t) and wcsncpy expects a wchar_t. The the cast 
seems to paper over a real problem here.

Shouldn't both lines use _Py_char2wchar to convert the char* buffer to a 
wchar_t* one?

assignee: ronaldoussoren
components: Library (Lib), Macintosh
files: venv-symlinks.txt
keywords: needs review, patch
messages: 165087
nosy: ronaldoussoren
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Patch for --symlink support in pyvenv with framework python
versions: Python 3.3
Added file:

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[issue15307] Patch for --symlink support in pyvenv with framework python

2012-07-09 Thread Ronald Oussoren

Changes by Ronald Oussoren

nosy: +ned.deily, vinay.sajip

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[issue15306] Python3 segfault? (works in Python2)

2012-07-09 Thread Ztatik Light

Ztatik Light added the comment:

I think this is the related SFML fix patch commit:


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[issue15306] Python3 segfault? (works in Python2)

2012-07-09 Thread Amaury Forgeot d'Arc

Amaury Forgeot d'Arc added the comment:

How is the fix related to Python?

Also, you pass a unicode string to freetype.FT_New_Face.
You should probably pass a bytes string there, and in any case set the 
argtypes and restypes attributes to ctypes functions, to prevent such 

nosy: +amaury.forgeotdarc

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[issue15306] Python3 segfault? (works in Python2)

2012-07-09 Thread Ztatik Light

Ztatik Light added the comment:

Mmmm. The fix isn't necessary related to python at all but I figured might 
potentially AIDE in a python fix. Also, I'm not passing a unicode string... 
that says '/u' not '\u' ... Also, I tried setting res/argtypes but to no avail.


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[issue15306] Python3 segfault? (works in Python2)

2012-07-09 Thread Ztatik Light

Ztatik Light added the comment:

Ooo ... using bytes() DID seem to help. HAHA?


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[issue15306] Python3 segfault? (works in Python2)

2012-07-09 Thread Amaury Forgeot d'Arc

Amaury Forgeot d'Arc added the comment:

In Python2, strings are bytes; in Python3, they are unicode.  You need to use 
the b'' syntax.

resolution:  - invalid
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15267] tempfile.TemporaryFile and httplib incompatibility

2012-07-09 Thread Tim Smith

Tim Smith added the comment:

Here is a program that demonstrates the problem:

import httplib
import tempfile

f = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
f.write(Hello, Temporary File!)

c = httplib.HTTPConnection('')
c.request('POST', '/', f, {'Content-type' : 'application/octet-stream'})

r = c.getresponse()
print r.status, r.reason

The expected output is 200 OK, and that's what happens on Mac and almost 
certainly on Linux. On Windows, this is the result:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 9, in module
c.request('POST', '/', f, {'Content-type' : 'application/octet
  File C:\Python27\lib\, line 958, in request
self._send_request(method, url, body, headers)
  File C:\Python27\lib\, line 989, in _send_request
  File C:\Python27\lib\, line 964, in _set_content_len
thelen = str(len(body))
  File C:\Python27\lib\, line 383, in __getattr__
a = getattr(file, name)
AttributeError: 'file' object has no attribute '__len__'

Changing the lines:

f = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
f.write(Hello, Temporary File!)


f = open(temp.file, w+)
f.write(Hello, Less Temporary File!)

makes it work on Windows.


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[issue14787] pkgutil.walk_packages returns extra modules

2012-07-09 Thread Brett Cannon

Brett Cannon added the comment:

So the lack of output in 3.3 is not surprising as walk_packages() won't work 
with the new import implementation as it relies on a non-standard method on 
loaders that import does not provide.


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[issue15297] pkgutil.iter_importers() includes an ImpImporter

2012-07-09 Thread Ronan Lamy

Ronan Lamy added the comment:

AFAICT, the intent of this function was to help provide a fully PEP-302 
compliant import process wrapping the builtin C-implemented import mechanism. 
Nowadays, I believe that iterating over sys.meta_path should probably be enough.

nosy: +Ronan.Lamy

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15288] Clarify the pkgutil.walk_packages() note

2012-07-09 Thread Ronan Lamy

Ronan Lamy added the comment:

It seems that most, if not all, uses of importer in pkgutil refer to finders, 
e.g. ImpImporter is a actually only a finder, not an importer. So 
s/importer/finder/ is needed, and perhaps also a note explaining that 
ImpImporter isn't in fact an importer, in addition to glossary links.

nosy: +Ronan.Lamy

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[issue15256] Typo in error message

2012-07-09 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 75831951a6b5 by Brett Cannon in branch 'default':
Issue #15256: Re-use the ImportError exception message as defined by

nosy: +python-dev

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15256] Typo in error message

2012-07-09 Thread Brett Cannon

Brett Cannon added the comment:

Thanks for the patch, Marc!

resolution:  - fixed
status: open - closed

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[issue15297] pkgutil.iter_importers() includes an ImpImporter

2012-07-09 Thread Chris Jerdonek

Chris Jerdonek added the comment:

Marking this a documentation issue because the same behavior is also present in 

Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 19 2012, 00:55:09) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2335.15.00)] on darwin
 from pkgutil import iter_importers
pkgutil.ImpImporter instance at 0x10517b710

assignee:  - docs@python
components: +Documentation -Library (Lib)
keywords: +easy
nosy: +docs@python
versions: +Python 2.7

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[issue15056] Have imp.cache_from_source() raise NotImplementedError when cache tag not available

2012-07-09 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset e86330669bb5 by Brett Cannon in branch 'default':
Issue #15056: imp.cache_from_source() and source_from_cache() raise

nosy: +python-dev

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[issue15056] Have imp.cache_from_source() raise NotImplementedError when cache tag not available

2012-07-09 Thread Brett Cannon

Brett Cannon added the comment:

I released Pranav's patch and fleshed it out with docs, tests, and changes to 
importlib's use of cache_from_source().

resolution:  - fixed
status: open - closed

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15288] Clarify the pkgutil.walk_packages() note

2012-07-09 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 96f7926ea444 by Brett Cannon in branch 'default':
Issue #15288: Clarify that pkgutil.walk_packages() and friends will no

nosy: +python-dev

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15288] Clarify the pkgutil.walk_packages() note

2012-07-09 Thread Brett Cannon

Brett Cannon added the comment:

I changed to term to loader and linked to the glossary. I also added a 
versionchanged note for Python 3.3 so people are not too surprised that pkgutil 
no longer does what it did in Python 3.2.

resolution:  - fixed
status: open - closed

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[issue15242] PyImport_GetMagicTag() should use the same const char * as sys.implementation.cache_tag

2012-07-09 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset ee01fd98b5b0 by Brett Cannon in branch 'default':
Issue #15242: Have PyImport_GetMagicTag() return a const char *

nosy: +python-dev

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[issue15242] PyImport_GetMagicTag() should use the same const char * as sys.implementation.cache_tag

2012-07-09 Thread Brett Cannon

Brett Cannon added the comment:

I went ahead and committed Eric's patch. Amaury, if you want to move the macros 
to a header file I see no reason not to, but I also don't see a need so I 
didn't want to spend the time doing it myself.

resolution:  - fixed

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[issue15288] Clarify the pkgutil.walk_packages() note

2012-07-09 Thread Brett Cannon

Brett Cannon added the comment:

Ronan is right that it is all about finders, not importers per-se. I fixed the 
docs to not say loader.


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[issue15300] test directory doubly-nested running tests with -j/--multiprocess

2012-07-09 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Changes by Antoine Pitrou

nosy: +flox, r.david.murray
stage:  - patch review

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