Re: lambda in list comprehension acting funny

2012-07-10 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
> funcs = [ lambda x: x**i for i in range( 5 ) ]
> print funcs[0]( 2 )
> print funcs[1]( 2 )
> print funcs[2]( 2 )
> This gives me
> 16
> 16
> 16
> When I was excepting
> 1
> 2
> 4
> Does anyone know why?

And more importantly, what's the simplest way to achieve the latter? :)

Psss, psss, put it down! -

lambda in list comprehension acting funny

2012-07-10 Thread Daniel Fetchinson
funcs = [ lambda x: x**i for i in range( 5 ) ]
print funcs[0]( 2 )
print funcs[1]( 2 )
print funcs[2]( 2 )

This gives me


When I was excepting


Does anyone know why?


Psss, psss, put it down! -

Re: Opening multiple Files in Different Encoding

2012-07-10 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 10:46:08 -0700, Subhabrata wrote:

> Dear Group,
> I kept a good number of files in a folder. Now I want to read all of
> them. They are in different formats and different encoding. Using
> listdir/glob.glob I am able to find the list but how to open/read or
> process them for different encodings?

open('first file', encoding='uft-8')
open('second file', encoding='latin1')

How you decide which encoding to use is up to you. Perhaps you can keep a 
mapping of {filename: encoding} somewhere.

Or perhaps you can try auto-detecting the encodings. The chardet module 
should help you there.


Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread Stefan Behnel
Mark Lawrence, 10.07.2012 11:42:
> I recall reading in a book in the local library
> of a manager that wouldn't employ people unless they were wearing a new
> pair of shoes.  Guess they didn't take many people on.

Managers tend to like wasting resources. Buying a new pair of shoes for
each job interview sounds reasonable once you have a salary well beyond
your own capabilities.



Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread Rick Johnson
On Jul 10, 4:29 am, Jean-Michel Pichavant 
> Why would you want to hire someone that knows something pointless as the
> version where feature X has been introduced ? Just tell him that feature
> X has been introducted in version Y, costless 2.5sec training. Don't you
> want to hire someone that knows things you don't and benefit from each
> others abilities, learning from each others, improving the company
> global skill range ?
> JM

Ha! Intelligent people are scary to bosses. They want robots Jean.
Robots that are *just* intelligent enough to reduce their own work
load whist NOT intelligent enough to render them obsolete.

Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread David Robinow
On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 1:02 PM, Ethan Furman  wrote:
> Reminds me of a job posting a few years ago where the prospective employer
> wanted three plus years experience in some language, and that language had
> only been created a year and a half before.
 I saw several of those when Java was new.

Re: Tkinter.event.widget: handler gets name instead of widget.

2012-07-10 Thread Rick Johnson


Q3: Why are you explicitly setting the name of your "subFrame" widgets
instead of allowing Tkinter to assign a unique name?...AND are you
aware of the conflicts that can arise from such changes[1]?

Q4: Are you aware of the built-in function "enumerate"[2]? I see you
are passing around indexes to iterables AND simultaneously needing the
obj reference itself. I prefer to keep indexing to a minimum.  If
there is no bleeding edge performance issue to worry about (and there
almost *always* never is) why not use enumerate?


Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread Ian Kelly
On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 4:26 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber
> On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 09:05:50 -0700, Ethan Furman 
> declaimed the following in gmane.comp.python.general:
>> As an example from today, if someone claimed to have 5+ years of Python
>> experience, but didn't know that 'with' was standard in 2.6 (or at least
>> the end of the 2.x cycle) I would be suspicious that they actually had
>> the experience they claimed.
> >From the 2.5 help file:
> """
> 3.4.9 With Statement Context Managers
> New in version 2.5.
> """

In 2.5 the with statement requires a __future__ import, so can't be
considered "standard".

RE: how to interact with Windows cmd?

2012-07-10 Thread Prasad, Ramit
> what I want to do is
> cmd
> 2.waiting for user's typing
> 3.when I type "dir"
> 4.print the result of "dir"
> 5.then I type some other commands, printing the result until I type
> 'exit'
> I used
> p=subprocess.Popen('cmd',stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=s
> ubprocess.PIPE,shell=True)
> p=communicate('dir')
> it shows the first result but the problem is
> 1. it's too long so the cmd split the result with "more?", so result
> is not perfect
> 2. after this, I typed like "cd .." but I/O is already closed so I
> can't do another things..
> Is there any good way?

Not much experience with subprocess, but from what I have read
on here shell=True is usually bad. If you are trying to use 
Python as a sort of bash replacement, you may want to take a 
look at iPython 

Not Apple related!


Ramit Prasad | JPMorgan Chase Investment Bank | Currencies Technology
712 Main Street | Houston, TX 77002
work phone: 713 - 216 - 5423


This email is confidential and subject to important disclaimers and
conditions including on offers for the purchase or sale of
securities, accuracy and completeness of information, viruses,
confidentiality, legal privilege, and legal entity disclaimers,
available at  

Re: Tkinter.event.widget: handler gets name instead of widget.

2012-07-10 Thread Rick Johnson
I've tried to condense your code using the very limited info you have
provided. I have removed unnecessarily configuring of widgets and
exaggerated the widget borders to make debugging easier. Read below
for Q&A.

records = range(4)

'bd':5, # rowFrame boder width.


class FooFrame(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, master, **kw):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, **kw)

def build_records(self):
# Should this method be called by __init__???
# Not sure if "records" is passed-in or global???
for n in range(len(records)):
record = records[n]
rowFrame = tk.Frame(self, name='-%d-'%n, **CNF_SUBFRAME)
rowFrame.bind ('', self.evtEnter)
rowFrame.bind ('', self.evtLeave)
rowFrame.bind ('',
rowFrame.bind ('',
rowFrame.grid (row=n+2, column=1, padx=5, pady=5)
for i in range(4):
lbtext = 'Label_'+str(i)
label = tk.Label(rowFrame, text=lbtext, **CNF_LABEL)
label.grid (row=0, column=i, sticky=NW)

def evtEnter(self, event):
w = event.widget
print 'evtEnter', w.winfo_class()

def evtLeave(self, event):
w = event.widget
print 'evtLeave', w.winfo_class()

def evtButtonOneRelease(self, event):
w = event.widget
print 'evtButtonOneRelease', w.winfo_class()

def evtButtonThreeRelease(self, event):
w = event.widget
print 'evtButtonThreeRelease', w.winfo_class()

if __name__ == '__main__':
root = tk.Tk()
frame = FooFrame(root, width=100, height=100, bg='red', bd=1)
frame.pack(padx=5, pady=5)

In the code sample provided, you will see that the label widgets
stacked on each row will block "click" events on the containing
"rowFrames" below them. You can get a click event (on the sub frames)
to work by clicking the exaggerated border on the frames. All the
events work properly for me, although this GUI interface seems
unintuitive even with proper borders and colors.

Fredric, I can't help but feel that you are not attacking the problem
correctly. Please explain the following questions in detail so that i
may be able to provide help:

Q1. You have subclassed a Tkinter.Frame and you are building "rows" of
sub-frames into this toplevel frame; with each row holding
horizontally stacked label widgets. Okay, I can see a need to wrap up
a "RowFrame" object, but i don't see a need to create a
"RowFrameFactory". Can you explain this design decision?

Q2. It seems odd to me that you want to engage the "rowFrame" widgets
via events but NOT the Label widgets. Can you explain this design


Re: Adding to a List and displaying quantity in the list

2012-07-10 Thread Shamefaced
> print("%8.3f %s: Waited too long %6.3f" % (now()/60,, 
> wait) + " time units have passed - Customer has left")
 > leavelist.append(self.acquired) 

Yeah, I should have changed that back to :
leavelist.append( -- my thinking was that it would append the name of 
each item to the list.? 

Re: Adding to a List and displaying quantity in the list

2012-07-10 Thread John Gordon
In  Shamefaced 

> else:
> print("%8.3f %s: Waited too long %6.3f" % (now()/60,, 
> wait) + " time units have passed - Customer has left")
> leavelist.append(self.acquired)

What is self.acquired?  Judging from earlier code it appears to be a
function, but here you're appending it to leavelist.  Did you really mean
to append a function object to leavelist?

John Gordon   A is for Amy, who fell down the stairs  B is for Basil, assaulted by bears
-- Edward Gorey, "The Gashlycrumb Tinies"


Re: Opening multiple Files in Different Encoding

2012-07-10 Thread MRAB

On 10/07/2012 18:46, Subhabrata wrote:

Dear Group,

I kept a good number of files in a folder. Now I want to read all of
them. They are in different formats and different encoding. Using
listdir/glob.glob I am able to find the list but how to open/read or
process them for different encodings?

If any one can help me out.I am using Python3.2 on Windows.

You could try different encodings. If it raises a UnicodeDecodeError,
then it's the wrong encoding, Otherwise just look at the decoding
result and see whether it "looks" OK.

I believe that one method is to look at the frequency distribution of
characters compared with sample texts.

Adding to a List and displaying quantity in the list

2012-07-10 Thread Shamefaced
I have coded a program whihc outputs what I like, but I am trying to modify it 
to add specific result info to a list and then display the number of items in 
the list. This is easy for me with basic code, but seems difficult when trying 
to adapt my program.
My code and explanation is as follows:

class Source(Process):
""" Source generates customers randomly """

def generate(self, number, meanTBA, resource):
for i in range(number):
c = Customer(name="Customer%02d" % (i+1,))
activate(c, c.visit(b=resource))
#t = expovariate(1.0 / meanTBA)
t = 10.0
yield hold, self, t

class Customer(Process):
""" Customer arrives, is served and  leaves """

def visit(self, b):
leavelist = [] /* Name of List defined */
arrive = now()  
#tib = expovariate(1.0 / timeInBank)
tib = timeInBank 
/* Console Output results start here */
print("%8.3f %s: Here I am" % (now()/60,
yield (request, self, b), (hold, self,maxWaitTime)  
wait = now() - arrive  
if self.acquired(b): 
print("%8.3f %s: Waited %6.3f" % (now()/60,, wait))
yield hold, self, tib
yield release, self, b
print("%8.3f %s: Finished" % (now()/60,
print("%8.3f %s: Waited too long %6.3f" % (now()/60,, 
wait) + " time units have passed - Customer has left")
print len(leavelist)

What I am looking to do is the "customers" who have "Waited too long" get added 
to my leavelist() as they occur.

Does this make sense?

Thank you.

Re: ANN: Intro+Intermediate Python, San Francisco, Aug 1-3

2012-07-10 Thread wesley chun
hello everyone, hope some of you enjoyed #EuroPython this past
week/end, and perhaps i'll see some of you at OSCON next week!

as promised, here's the one and only FINAL REMINDER of the hardcore
intro+intermediate Python course i'm offering 2012 Aug 1-3 near the
San Francisco airport. reach out to me directly with any questions and
let other folks know who may be interested.

best regards,

On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 2:07 PM, wesley chun  wrote:
> Greetings!
> I'll be doing another hardcore Python course this summer in the San
> Francisco area. If you're somewhat new to Python or have tinkered but
> want to fill-in the holes, this course is for you. It's somewhat true
> you can learn Python online, watching videos, or reading books, but it
> still takes time and experience to master... I help accelerate this
> process. The course is based on my bestselling "Core Python" books and
> is made up of 3 full days complete with lectures and three hands-on
> coding labs per day.
> Please pass on this message to your colleagues who also need to learn
> Python. It's also a great excuse to coming to beautiful Northern
> California for a summer vacation! More details at
> as well as the links in my .signature below.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"A computer never does what you want... only what you tell it."
   +wesley chun : wescpy at gmail : @wescpy
Python training & consulting :
"Core Python" books :
Python blog:

Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread Demian Brecht
I also judge candidates on their beards 
( If the beard's 
awesome enough, no questions needed. They're pro.

Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 10/07/2012 18:12, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

On 10 Jul 2012 07:33:59 GMT, Steven D'Aprano
 declaimed the following in

may not be capable of telling the difference between a cheese sandwich
and a box of hair -- and even the *good* interviewers are probably making

They are both containers holding samples of protein

Does the hair contain much more roughage?


Mark Lawrence.


Opening multiple Files in Different Encoding

2012-07-10 Thread Subhabrata
Dear Group,

I kept a good number of files in a folder. Now I want to read all of
them. They are in different formats and different encoding. Using
listdir/glob.glob I am able to find the list but how to open/read or
process them for different encodings?

If any one can help me out.I am using Python3.2 on Windows.

Subhabrata Banerjee.

Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 11 Jul 2012 02:59:15 +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 2:51 AM, Steven D'Aprano
>  wrote:
>> If only that were true. I know quite a few people who looked the
>> interviewer straight in the eye and told the most bare-faced lies
>> without a trace of shame, and got the job. Ten years on, at least one
>> of them is making something around $300,000 a year, based entirely on
>> his ability to smile and tell customers plausible lies.
> So he's either a politician, a salesman, a lawyer, a counselor, a
> manager, a thespian, or a venture capitalist. And maybe a few other
> possibilities. Professional liars, all. :)

Actually, he's a senior software developer for a major international 
software company whose name Might Seem familiar to you.

To be honest, I can't tell you too much more about his job, as I've made 
it a practice not to learn too many details.


Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 11:29:24 +0200, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:


Why would you want to hire someone that knows something pointless as the
version where feature X has been introduced ? Just tell him that feature
X has been introducted in version Y, costless 2.5sec training. Don't you
want to hire someone that knows things you don't and benefit from each
others abilities, learning from each others, improving the company
global skill range ?

The reason for the question is to get some idea of how well the candidate 
actually knows Python. If you ask them questions that you don't know the 
answer to, how will you tell if they're right?

I certainly wouldn't disqualify a candidate if they didn't know what 
version introduced (say) decorators. If they said "what's a decorator?" 
or "version 10", that would be a hint that they don't actually know much 
about Python. If they said "I don't know, I'm still stuck on Python 2.3", 
they would get a point for honesty and lose a point for being way out of 
date. If they said version 2.3 or 2.5 (it's actually 2.4), well, that's 
close enough.

Of course, an acceptable answer would be "buggered if I know, but if you 
give me a minute, I'll google it for you".

Must be a cultural thing. We don't question people experience that much 
here. They'll be challenged anyway during the trial period (6 months 
during which the contract can be cancelled anytime without any reason). 
Actually I think it would be considered quite rude to challenge someone 
with questions right after he told you he worked 5 years as technical 
leader on a software developped in python for instance.

I've never been asked nor did I asked to go into such technical details. 
Interviews are more about years of experience, projects, working with 
teams, carreer expectations, distance between home and workplace, 
willingness to work weekends when required.

I'm no saying one way is better than another. I'm making an observation 
on how different can be an interview from one location to another.


Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 2:51 AM, Steven D'Aprano
> If only that were true. I know quite a few people who looked the
> interviewer straight in the eye and told the most bare-faced lies without
> a trace of shame, and got the job. Ten years on, at least one of them is
> making something around $300,000 a year, based entirely on his ability to
> smile and tell customers plausible lies.

So he's either a politician, a salesman, a lawyer, a counselor, a
manager, a thespian, or a venture capitalist. And maybe a few other
possibilities. Professional liars, all. :)


Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread Ethan Furman

Chris Angelico wrote:

On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 2:34 AM, Steven D'Aprano

Of course, if they try to sell themselves as having
five years experience with Python 3.2...

... then they've been borrowing Guido's time machine for personal purposes.

Reminds me of a job posting a few years ago where the prospective 
employer wanted three plus years experience in some language, and that 
language had only been created a year and a half before.


Wing IDE 4.1.7 released

2012-07-10 Thread Wingware


Wingware has released version 4.1.7 of Wing IDE, our integrated development
environment designed specifically for the Python programming language.

Wing IDE provides a professional quality code editor with vi, emacs, and 
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other features.  For details see

This minor release includes:

Support for Stackless Python 3.2
Support for Maya 2013
Support for Visual Studio 2010 builds of Python 2.6 and 2.7
Update Python 3.3 support to the beta1 release
Pretty Print option in Python Shell and Debug Probe
How-To for using Wing IDE with Pyramid (thanks to Eric Ongerth)
Implemented vi mode :delm to delete marks
Added open-url-from-editor and open-clicked-url-from-editor commands
Ability to set options sent to Python while debugging
Toolbar icon for viewing and changing the Python configuration
Improved tab key action in Eclipse key binding
Preference to disable editor scrolling past the last line
Several auto-editing improvements
Improved experimental Turbo completion mode
Improved heuristic for auto-indent after paste
Support _thread module under Python 3.x
About 30 other minor improvements and bug fixes

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More information:

Questions?  Don't hesitate to email us at



Stephan Deibel
Wingware | Python IDE
Advancing Software Development


Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 10:11:22 +0200, Christian Heimes wrote:

> Am 10.07.2012 09:33, schrieb Steven D'Aprano:
>> This is why I hate job interviews. You have like 30 minutes, or even as
>> little as 30 seconds, to make a good impression on somebody who may or
>> may not be capable of telling the difference between a cheese sandwich
>> and a box of hair -- and even the *good* interviewers are probably
>> making their judgement on the basis of subjective factors with no right
>> or wrong answers.
> IMHO one category of answers is always wrong: lies. You may oversell
> yourself a bit, you can (and should) keep private matters to yourself
> but don't lie.

If only that were true. I know quite a few people who looked the 
interviewer straight in the eye and told the most bare-faced lies without 
a trace of shame, and got the job. Ten years on, at least one of them is 
making something around $300,000 a year, based entirely on his ability to 
smile and tell customers plausible lies.

I can't lie to save my life, which is why I have trouble in interviews. 
But of course all good liars would say the same thing.


Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 11:29:24 +0200, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:

> Why would you want to hire someone that knows something pointless as the
> version where feature X has been introduced ? Just tell him that feature
> X has been introducted in version Y, costless 2.5sec training. Don't you
> want to hire someone that knows things you don't and benefit from each
> others abilities, learning from each others, improving the company
> global skill range ?

The reason for the question is to get some idea of how well the candidate 
actually knows Python. If you ask them questions that you don't know the 
answer to, how will you tell if they're right?

I certainly wouldn't disqualify a candidate if they didn't know what 
version introduced (say) decorators. If they said "what's a decorator?" 
or "version 10", that would be a hint that they don't actually know much 
about Python. If they said "I don't know, I'm still stuck on Python 2.3", 
they would get a point for honesty and lose a point for being way out of 
date. If they said version 2.3 or 2.5 (it's actually 2.4), well, that's 
close enough.

Of course, an acceptable answer would be "buggered if I know, but if you 
give me a minute, I'll google it for you".


Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 2:34 AM, Steven D'Aprano
> Of course, if they try to sell themselves as having
> five years experience with Python 3.2...

... then they've been borrowing Guido's time machine for personal purposes.


Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 09:05:50 -0700, Ethan Furman wrote:

> Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:
>> Why would you want to hire someone that knows something pointless as
>> the version where feature X has been introduced ?
> As an example from today, if someone claimed to have 5+ years of Python
> experience, but didn't know that 'with' was standard in 2.6 (or at least
> the end of the 2.x cycle) I would be suspicious that they actually had
> the experience they claimed.

Be careful of jumping to conclusions though. Perhaps they have five years 
experience with Python 1.5, 2.3 and 2.4 on Centos systems. Of course, if 
they try to sell themselves as having five years experience with Python 
3.2 and they don't know anything about the with statement, that tells you 
everything you need to know.


Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 1:55 AM, BartC  wrote:
> There's also the risk of mixing up software created at home, with that done
> at work, with all the intellectual property issues that might arise.

You just make the matter clear from the beginning, for instance:
what's done at work stays at work, and copyright is assigned by the
act of pushing to the repository. I've lifted oddments of code from my
home projects to use at work; it's no different from using skills
learned at home, which is exactly what a programmer is being paid for.

This is another good reason to make license terms clear and explicit
on every project you ever put a hand to. Doesn't matter who's lifting
code from where to where, it's easy to work out whether it's
permissible or not.


Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread BartC

"Peter"  wrote in message
One of my favourite questions when interviewing - and it was 100% reliable 
:-) - "what are your hobbies?"

If the answer included programming then they were hired, if not, then they 
went to the "B" list.

In my experience, anybody who is really interested in programming will 
have it as a hobby (and is keen to learn even if they don't currently have 
the knowledge you require) - otherwise it is "just a job".

Won't they be tempted to work on their pet project instead of what they're 
being paid for? There's also the risk of mixing up software created at home, 
with that done at work, with all the intellectual property issues that might 



Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread Ethan Furman

Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:
Why would you want to hire someone that knows something pointless as the 
version where feature X has been introduced ?

As an example from today, if someone claimed to have 5+ years of Python 
experience, but didn't know that 'with' was standard in 2.6 (or at least 
the end of the 2.x cycle) I would be suspicious that they actually had 
the experience they claimed.


Re: what's the effect of cmp here?

2012-07-10 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 10/07/2012 16:01, levi nie wrote:


print "bList is",bList

print "cList is",cList

Why don't you tell us, you have the same documentatation avaialable as 
everybody else.


Mark Lawrence.


Re: what's the effect of cmp here?

2012-07-10 Thread Dave Angel
On 07/10/2012 11:01 AM, levi nie wrote:
> what's the effect of cmp here? The bList and cList is the same at last.
> code:
> aList=[3,2,5,4]
> bList=aList[:]
> bList.sort()
> print "bList is",bList
> cList=aList[:]
> cList.sort(cmp)
> print "cList is",cList

The main effect is for the reader of the code.  When you supply your own
callback to sort(), you're being explicit about how you want the items
to be compared.  If the default works for you, then you can omit
supplying a function.




Re: Issues with `codecs.register` and `codecs.CodecInfo` objects

2012-07-10 Thread Walter Dörwald

On 07.07.12 04:56, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Fri, 06 Jul 2012 12:55:31 -0400, Karl Knechtel wrote:

Hello all,

While attempting to make a wrapper for opening multiple types of
UTF-encoded files (more on that later, in a separate post, I guess), I
ran into some oddities with the `codecs` module, specifically to do with
`.register` ing `CodecInfo` objects. I'd like to report a bug or
something, but there are several intertangled issues here and I'm not
really sure how to report it so I thought I'd open the discussion.
Apologies in advance if I get a bit rant-y, and a warning that this is
fairly long.


Yes, it's a strangely indirect API, and yes it looks like you have
identified a whole bucket full of problems with it. And no, I don't know
why that API was chosen.

This API was chosen for backwards compatibility reasons when incremental 
encoders/decoders were introduced (in 2006).

And yes: We missed the opportunity to clean that up to always use CodecInfo.

Changing to a cleaner, more direct (sensible?) API would be a fairly big
step. If you want to pursue this, the steps I recommend you take are:

1) understanding the reason for the old API (search the Internet
and particularly the archives);

See e.g.

2) have a plan for how to avoid breaking code that relies on the
existing API;

3) raise the issue on to gather feedback
and see how much opposition or support it is likely to get;
they'll suggest whether a bug report is sufficient or if you'll
need a PEP;

If you can provide a patch and a test suite, you will have a much better
chance of pushing it through. If not, you are reliant on somebody else
who can being interested enough to do the work.

And one last thing: any new functionality will simply *not* be considered
for Python 2.x. Aim for Python 3.4, since the 2.x series is now in bug-
fix only maintenance mode and the 3.3 beta is no longer accepting new
functionality, only bug fixes.


Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread rusi
On Jul 10, 12:33 pm, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
> This is why I hate job interviews. You have like 30 minutes, or even as
> little as 30 seconds, to make a good impression on somebody who may or
> may not be capable of telling the difference between a cheese sandwich
> and a box of hair -- and even the *good* interviewers are probably making
> their judgement on the basis of subjective factors with no right or wrong
> answers.

You make it sound terrible...
But just think which is worse: jobs decided in 30 minutes or marriages
decided in 30 seconds?

what's the effect of cmp here?

2012-07-10 Thread levi nie
what's the effect of cmp here? The bList and cList is the same at last.


print "bList is",bList

print "cList is",cList

Re: Tkinter.event.widget: handler gets name instead of widget.

2012-07-10 Thread Frederic Rentsch
On Mon, 2012-07-09 at 10:49 -0700, Rick Johnson wrote:
> On Jul 9, 12:58 am, Terry Reedy  wrote:
> > When posting problem code, you should post a minimal, self-contained
> > example that people can try on other systems and versions. Can you
> > create the problem with one record, which you could give, and one
> > binding? Do you need 4 fields, or would 1 'work'?
> I'll firmly back that sentiment. Fredric, if you cannot get the
> following simple code events to work properly, then how do you think
> you can get events working properly on something more complex?
> import Tkinter as tk
> from Tkconstants import *
> class MyFrame(tk.Frame):
> def __init__(self, master, **kw):
> tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, **kw)
> self.bind('', self.evtMouseEnter)
> self.bind('', self.evtMouseLeave)
> self.bind('', self.evtButtonOneClick)
> def evtMouseEnter(self, event):
> event.widget.config(bg='magenta')
> def evtMouseLeave(self, event):
> event.widget.config(bg='SystemButtonFace')
> def evtButtonOneClick(self, event):
> event.widget.config(bg='green')
> if __name__ == '__main__':
> root = tk.Tk()
> for x in range(10):
> f = MyFrame(root, height=20, bd=1, relief=SOLID)
> f.pack(fill=X, expand=YES, padx=5, pady=5)
> root.mainloop()

This works perfectly well!

What makes the case difficult is an exceptional misbehavior for no
apparent reason. If I manage to strip the critical section of
environmental details in the interest of concision and legibility and
still reproduce the error I shall post it. So far I have failed: the
stripped model I distilled yesterday worked fine.

> ---
> More points to ponder:
> ---
> 1. Just because the Tkinter designers decided to use idiotic names for
> event sequences does not mean you are required to blindly follow their
> bad example (the whole: "if johnny jumps off a cliff...", thing comes
> to mind)
> 2. I would strongly recommend you invest more thought into your event
> handler identifiers. ALL event handlers should marked as *event
> handlers* using a prefix. I like to use the prefix "evt". Some people
> prefer other prefixes. In any case, just remember to be consistent.
> Also, event handler names should reflect WHAT event they are
> processing, not some esoteric functionality of the application like
> "pick_record" or "info_profile". However if you like, simply have the
> event handler CALL an outside func/meth. This type of consistency is
> what separates the men from the boys.
> 3. The Python Style Guide[1] frowns on superfluous white space (be it
> horizontal OR vertical!) I would strongly recommend you read and adapt
> as much of this style as you possibly can bear. Even if we don't all
> get along, it IS *very* important that we structure our code in a
> similar style.
> [1]

Excellent suggestions.



Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 10/07/2012 09:11, Christian Heimes wrote:

Almost everybody can garden under ideal conditions. I grow about 15
herbs, strawberries, tomatoes, chillies and flowers on a small balcony
in the middle of the city. This year I'm going to harvest at least 200
tomatoes from two plants in a 1m * 40cm * 40cm box of soil. I even have
a calabash plant that grows like crazy. See? :)


Big 'ead :)


Mark Lawrence.


Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 10/07/2012 09:03, Chris Angelico wrote:

On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 3:08 PM, Shambhu Rajak

I agree with Christian, a developer should have hobbies other than computer 
stuffs. Versatile environment give more
Ability to think differently.
I like playing guitar :-)

Music and programming do go VERY well together. My hobbies include
online roleplaying (Dungeons & Dragons, etc), writing/managing a MUD,
playing the church organ, and arranging 19th-century music. It's not
at all an uncommon pairing.

But would a job interviewer REALLY care that I spend my Sunday
mornings up front, hiding behind two manuals and a set of faulty
pedals? Or would it be of interest that I play the odd video game (and
believe you me, some of the games I play are VERY odd)? If so, I
hereby resign all hope of comprehending job interviews, and will fall
back on Mr Hall Pycroft's notion[1] that there's absolutely no logic
to them at all.


[1] cf Sherlock Holmes: The Adventure of the Stock-Broker's Clerk

Surely the purpose of asking questions about hobbies or similar is to 
establish whether or not the person is likely to fit in?

Slightly different tack, you have to get into the interview, i.e. pass 
the first thirty seconds test.  I recall reading in a book in the local 
library of a manager that wouldn't employ people unless they were 
wearing a new pair of shoes.  Guess they didn't take many people on.


Mark Lawrence.


Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread Jean-Michel Pichavant

Tim Chase wrote:

On 07/09/12 19:27, Roy Smith wrote:

prefer folks that know which features to check availability for

Heh.  Tell me, when did strings get methods? :-)

IIRC, ~2.0?  I'm cognizant of the shift happening from the string
module to string methods, but I wouldn't expect deep history
knowledge--last I checked, RedHat still supports a RHEL version that
ships with 2.4, so that's about as far back as I'd probe these days
(so I'd drop the decorators question now).  Certainly not a
deal-breaker either way.  Just more data points.


Why would you want to hire someone that knows something pointless as the 
version where feature X has been introduced ? Just tell him that feature 
X has been introducted in version Y, costless 2.5sec training. Don't you 
want to hire someone that knows things you don't and benefit from each 
others abilities, learning from each others, improving the company 
global skill range ?



Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread Christian Heimes
Am 10.07.2012 09:33, schrieb Steven D'Aprano:
> This is why I hate job interviews. You have like 30 minutes, or even as 
> little as 30 seconds, to make a good impression on somebody who may or 
> may not be capable of telling the difference between a cheese sandwich 
> and a box of hair -- and even the *good* interviewers are probably making 
> their judgement on the basis of subjective factors with no right or wrong 
> answers.

IMHO one category of answers is always wrong: lies. You may oversell
yourself a bit, you can (and should) keep private matters to yourself
but don't lie.

> And live in a house in the suburbs with enough room for a garden, good 
> soil, and not in the shadow of buildings. And work hours where you are 
> home during daylight hours.

Almost everybody can garden under ideal conditions. I grow about 15
herbs, strawberries, tomatoes, chillies and flowers on a small balcony
in the middle of the city. This year I'm going to harvest at least 200
tomatoes from two plants in a 1m * 40cm * 40cm box of soil. I even have
a calabash plant that grows like crazy. See? :)



Re: Python Interview Questions

2012-07-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 3:08 PM, Shambhu Rajak
> I agree with Christian, a developer should have hobbies other than computer 
> stuffs. Versatile environment give more
> Ability to think differently.
> I like playing guitar :-)

Music and programming do go VERY well together. My hobbies include
online roleplaying (Dungeons & Dragons, etc), writing/managing a MUD,
playing the church organ, and arranging 19th-century music. It's not
at all an uncommon pairing.

But would a job interviewer REALLY care that I spend my Sunday
mornings up front, hiding behind two manuals and a set of faulty
pedals? Or would it be of interest that I play the odd video game (and
believe you me, some of the games I play are VERY odd)? If so, I
hereby resign all hope of comprehending job interviews, and will fall
back on Mr Hall Pycroft's notion[1] that there's absolutely no logic
to them at all.


[1] cf Sherlock Holmes: The Adventure of the Stock-Broker's Clerk

Re: tiffany 0.6.1 released

2012-07-10 Thread Christian Heimes
Am 09.07.2012 17:51, schrieb Christian Tismer:
> It turns out to be a problem with multiple strips in a tiff file.
> PIL does not support that. Maybe I can find an easy solution,
> maybe I'm better off using
> smc.freeimage
> as suggested by Christian Heimes,
> we will see. Right now I'm pretty exhaused after EuroPython...

Yes, TIFF is a complex format. Even baseline TIFF has several ways to
store data (e.g. chunky or planar configuration, different settings for
stripes). PIL didn't support several features as well as bitonal
compression (G3, G4).

I'll clean up the code of smc.freeimage and release it on bitbucket over
the next couple of days.

