[ANN] pypiserver 1.1.0 - minimal private pypi server

2013-02-15 Thread Ralf Schmitt

I've just uploaded pypiserver 1.1.0 to the python package index.

pypiserver is a minimal PyPI compatible server. It can be used to serve
a set of packages and eggs to easy_install or pip.

pypiserver is easy to install (i.e. just 'pip install pypiserver'). It
doesn't have any external dependencies.

http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pypiserver/ should contain enough
information to easily get you started running your own PyPI server in a
few minutes.

The code is available on github: https://github.com/schmir/pypiserver

Changes in version 1.1.0

- implement multi-root support (one can now specify multiple package
- normalize pkgnames, handle underscore like minus
- sort files by their version, not alphabetically
- upgrade embedded bottle to 0.11.6
- upgrade waitress to 0.8.2 in the standalone script
- merge vsajip's support for verify, doc_upload and remove_pkg


Support the Python Software Foundation:

A new webpage promoting Compiler technology for CPython

2013-02-15 Thread Travis Oliphant
Hey all, 

With Numba and Blaze we have been doing a lot of work on what essentially is 
compiler technology and realizing more and more that we are treading on ground 
that has been plowed before with many other projects.   So, we wanted to create 
a web-site and perhaps even a mailing list or forum where people could 
coordinate and communicate about compiler projects, compiler tools, and ways to 
share efforts and ideas.

The website is:  http://compilers.pydata.org/

This page is specifically for Compiler projects that either integrate with or 
work directly with the CPython run-time which is why PyPy is not presently 
listed.  The PyPy project is a great project but we just felt that we wanted to 
explicitly create a collection of links to compilation projects that are 
accessible from CPython which are likely less well known.

But that is just where we started from.   The website is intended to be a 
community website constructed from a github repository.   So, we welcome pull 
requests from anyone who would like to see the website updated to reflect their 
related project.Jon Riehl (Mython, PyFront, ROFL, and many other 
interesting projects) and Stephen Diehl (Blaze) and I will be moderating the 
pull requests to begin with.   But, we welcome others with similar interests to 
participate in that effort of moderation.

The github repository is here:  https://github.com/pydata/compilers-webpage

This is intended to be a community website for information spreading, and so we 
welcome any and all contributions.  

Thank you,

Travis Oliphant


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Exception ... in generator object ... ignored Messages

2013-02-15 Thread Peter Otten
Ami Tavory wrote:

 From: Peter Otten __pete...@web.de
 To: python-list@python.org
 Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 09:00:58 +0100
 Subject: Re: Exception ... in generator object ... ignored Messages

How did the subject get into the message body?

 Ami Tavory wrote:

   Running the unit tests for some generator code, prints, as a side
 numerous messages of the form:

 Exception NameError: global name 'l' is not defined in generator
 object _dagpype_internal_fn_act at 0x9d4c500 ignored
 Exception AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'close' in
 generator object split at 0x7601640 ignored
 Exception AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'close' in
 generator object split at 0x7601690 ignored

 The tests otherwise run fine.

   Is there any way to catch the point where such a message originates,
 print a traceback? I find it difficult to debug otherwise. I've tried
 running Python with -W error, catching warnings with context managers,
 and so forth, but without any success.
 def g():
 ... try:
 ... yield 42
 ... finally:
 ... 1/0
 for item in g():
 ... break
 Exception ZeroDivisionError: 'integer division or modulo by zero' in
 generator object g at 0x7f990243b0f0 ignored
 Can you exhaust the generator?
 for item in g():
 ... pass
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
   File stdin, line 5, in g
 ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
 Explicitly closing the generator seems to work, too:
 x = g()
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
   File stdin, line 5, in g
 ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero

   So basically the thing is that, as you've shown, if you exhaust a
 generator or force-close it, an exception is indeed thrown. However, in
 this were the case then unittest would identify it as a problem, and I
 could relatively easily get a traceback and see from where it's
 originating. However, the unittests are passing fine (except for the pesky
 messages), so it's something else.
   I'm starting to think that what's happening is something like this: I
 have a cascade of generator objects (some hold on to others), and the
 unittests check both the exhaustion case and the non-exhaustion case (both
 cases are valid use cases). *Later on*, after the tests finish, the
 garbage collector starts tearing down the generator cascade, but in a
 different order. Some generators, while closing down, are attempting to
 close down other generators that no longer exist.
   So, notwithstanding your correct answer - I'm still stumped about
 out how to get rid of these annoying messages.

Posting a minimal example that exposes the behaviour and reflects the 
situation in your actual code would definitely a good idea ;)

But short of closing your generators in a controlled manner the only thing 
that might help is avoiding global names in the finally clause. Globals are 
all set to None when the module object is destroyed. Code that runs in that 
phase may fail for that reason:

$ cat tmp.py
class X:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name

x = X(whatever)

def g():
yield 42
print x.name

y = g()
$ python tmp.py
Exception AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name' in 
generator object g at 0x7f3dbf3580f0 ignored
$ cat tmp2.py
class X:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name

x = X(whatever)

def g(x=x):
yield 42
print x.name

y = g()
$ python tmp2.py

I'd still recommend fixing the cause rather than the symptoms...


Re: Awsome Python - chained exceptions

2013-02-15 Thread Ulrich Eckhardt

Am 15.02.2013 08:51, schrieb Rick Johnson:

  How could a line in the try block ever be considered offensive?

My suggestion of offensive does not imply ignorance on /my/ part[...]

Well, it seems to imply that you are not aware of the subtle difference 
between offending and offensive. The irony on that was probably lost 
in my last posting, since you are still repeating this mistake.

Now, concerning the rest, you are relying on too many implications that 
others should draw from what you wrote that are not clear. This doesn't 
help you getting across what you want to say.

Further, you wrote Which (by showing the offensive line) is quite clear 
to me., i.e. that there can be offensive lines, then you go on to 
/i/ never suggested that ANY line in ANY block was offensive. Those 
two statements just don't fit together, see for yourself which of them 
you want to clarify or not, but please stop blaming others for your slips!

You're welcome.



Re: Java NIO server and Python asyncore client

2013-02-15 Thread Petri Heinilä
On Tuesday, February 5, 2013 10:09:28 AM UTC+2, foobar...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can someone help answer this?
 Blocking python client works, asyncore doesn't work.

There was return missing in writeable().

Modified code::

import socket
import select
import asyncore

class Connector(asyncore.dispatcher):
def __init__(self, host, port):
self.debug = True
self.buffer = bytes(hi,ascii)
self.connect((host, port))

def handle_connect(self):
print(handle_connect()) # not called --

def handle_read(self):

def writable(self):
return len(self.buffer)  0 # remember RETURN

def handle_write(self):
sent = self.send(self.buffer)
self.buffer = self.buffer[sent:]

def handle_close(self):

connector = Connector(localhost, 12000) #  Handler()
print(asyncore.loop() enter)
print(asyncore.loop() leave)

BSD socket communication framework does not itself support connection 
on connection-oriented protocols, so asyncore fakes the indication by 
if socket is writable. As the writable was false = no write event = no 
connection indication.

asyncore usage and documentation is bad, so when using the module, read the 
code to understand it's usage and functioning, or use other implementation eg.

multiple 2.7.3 versions?

2013-02-15 Thread Robin Becker

A colleague reports that this python from a recent Ubuntu x86_x64

Python 2.7.3 (default, Sep 26 2012, 21:51:14)

contains a fix of this bug


however, all of my other Python 2.7.3s seem to lack this 'fix'.

I would have thought that for a fix to appear in python we should at least get a 
micro version change, but the text here


The developers issue “bugfix” releases of older versions, so the stability of 
existing releases gradually improves. Bugfix releases, indicated by a third 
component of the version number (e.g. 2.5.3, 2.6.2), are managed for stability; 
only fixes for known problems are included in a bugfix release, and it’s 
guaranteed that interfaces will remain the same throughout a series of bugfix 

would seem to indicate that changes to the spelling of a public variable would 
not change even with a change to the micro level so my colleague's machine 
should not produce this output

from compiler import consts

'__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__']

where the originally mis-spelled SC_GLOBAL_EXPLICT has changed to 

Can someone explain how this 'fix' is leaking out onto his machine? On all the 
other machines I have access to I'm seeing something similar to this

Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2012, 23:31:26) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on 
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.

from compiler import consts

'__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__']

Robin Becker


Re: First attempt at a Python prog (Chess)

2013-02-15 Thread Oscar Benjamin
On 13 February 2013 23:25, Chris Hinsley chris.hins...@gmail.com wrote:
 New to Python, which I really like BTW.

 First serious prog. Hope you like it. I know it needs a 'can't move if your
 King would be put into check' test. But the weighted value of the King piece
 does a surprising emergent job.

 #!/usr/bin/python -tt
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 # Copyright (C) 2013 Chris Hinsley, GPL V3 License

 import sys
 import random
 import os

 PLY = 3

 EMPTY = 0
 BLACK = 1
 WHITE = 2

 def piece_type(piece):
return EMPTY if piece == 32 else BLACK if chr(piece) in 'KQRBNP' else

You call chr(piece) many times in this program. It would be better to
just have piece be a string rather than always converting it to one
every time you want to do something. Also comparing it with a numeric
code is fairly cryptic. I guess that ascii 32 is a space character but
I'd have to look that up to be sure.

 def display_board(board):
print '  a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h'
print '+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+'
for row in range(8):
for col in range(8):

Why not make board a list of lists. Then you can do:

for row in board:
for piece in row:

rather than using range().

Or perhaps you could have a dict that maps position tuples to pieces,
e.g.: {(1, 2): 'k', ...}

sys.stdout.write('| ')
sys.stdout.write(chr(board[row * 8 + col]))
sys.stdout.write(' ')
print 8 - row
print '+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+'

You seem to be using sys.stdout.write as a way of printing without a
trailing newline. In Python 2 you can get this effect by using:
print 'foo',

(note the trailing comma). In Python 3 you would do

   print('foo', end=' ')

You can use the Python 3 syntax in your Python 2 script if you do
from __future__ import print_function so that your script works on
Python 2 and 3.

Also I would probably separate the function that generates the text
representing the board from the code that actually sends that
information to stdout.

 def piece_moves(board, index, dx, dy, capture_flag, distance):
piece = board[index]
type = piece_type(piece)
cx = index % 8
cy = index / 8

You can use divmod for this:
cx, cy = divmod(index, 8)

Also in Python 3 index / 8 will return a float. Use // for floor
division in both versions (from __future__ import division).

for step in range(distance):
nx = cx + (dx * (step + 1))
ny = cy + (dy * (step + 1))

Why not make a function that yields these values and loop over that?

def continued_moves(x, y, dx, dy):
while 0 = x  8 and 0 = y  8:
x += dx
y += dy
yield x, y

if nx in range(8) and ny in range(8):

Use chained comparisons 0 = x  8 rather than testing for membership
in a range object. x in range(N, M) creates (in Python 2) a list
integers and then (in 2 or 3) iterates over that list to find an
object equal to x. This is inefficient and not as clear.

newindex = ny * 8 + nx
newpiece = board[newindex]

With a list of lists you could access the board with board[ny][nx]
which is clearer. Or with the dict: board[(nx, ny)].

The code below is overly indented. consider factoring it into functions.

newtype = piece_type(newpiece)
if capture_flag == MUST_CAPTURE:
if newtype != EMPTY and newtype != type:
board[index] = ' '
if (ny == 0 or ny == 7) and chr(piece) in 'Pp':
for promote in 'QRBN' if type == BLACK else 'qrbn':
board[newindex] = promote
yield board
board[newindex] = piece
yield board
board[index], board[newindex] = piece, newpiece
elif capture_flag == MAY_CAPTURE:
if newtype == EMPTY or newtype != type:
board[index], board[newindex] = ' ', piece
yield board
board[index], board[newindex] = piece, newpiece

Rather than modifying and unmodifying the board in place (which is
fragile), could you not just have the compute_score function compute
the score as if the move had taken place? Then you could just yield
the move and the score.

elif newtype == EMPTY:
board[index] = ' '
if (ny == 0 or ny == 7) and chr(piece) in 'Pp':
for promote in 'QRBN' if type == BLACK else 'qrbn':
board[newindex] = promote
yield board
board[newindex] = piece
yield board
board[index], board[newindex] = piece, newpiece

 def pawn_moves(board, index, options):
for x, y, flag, distance 

Re: First attempt at a Python prog (Chess)

2013-02-15 Thread Tim Golden
On 15/02/2013 11:22, Oscar Benjamin wrote:
 Why not make board a list of lists. Then you can do:
 for row in board:
 for piece in row:
 rather than using range().
 Or perhaps you could have a dict that maps position tuples to pieces,
 e.g.: {(1, 2): 'k', ...}

I'm laughing slightly here because, at the monthly London Python
Dojo, we often find ourselves implementing board-game mechanics
of one sort or another: Boggle, Battleships, Sliding block,
Connect 4, Noughts-and-Crosses, even things like Game of Life
(which has a board of sorts).

And the how shall we represent the board? question is pretty
much the first thing any team asks themselves. And you always
get someone in favour of lists of lists, someone for one long
list, someone who likes a string, someone (me) who likes a sparse
dict keyed on coords, someone else likes nested defaultdicts,
and occasionally more outlandish schemes.

We even went to the extent of having a Dojo a few months back
which was solely about implementing the ideal board for varying
characteristics, but we didn't come to any conclusions :)

(Also I seem to remember that the OP was advised earlier precisely
to abandon lists of lists in favour of something else).



Re: Python trademark under attack -- the PSF needs your help

2013-02-15 Thread Giles Coochey

On 14/02/2013 21:52, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Hello all,

The Python Software Foundation is the organisation which protects and
manages the boring bits of keeping a big open source project alive: the
legal and contractual parts, funding for projects, trademarks and

If you are based in Europe, or know somebody who uses Python in Europe, the
PSF needs your help.

There is a company in the UK who has applied to trademark the name Python
and are claiming the *exclusive* right to use the word Python for
software, servers, and web services over the entire European Union.

You can read more about this here:


If you have documentation of European user groups, trade associations,
books, conferences, scans of job advertisements for Python programmers,
software that uses some variation of Python in the name, etc. your
evidence will be helpful in defeating this attempted grab of the Python


One would think that is enough. 8,457 published results - practically 
all of them referring to Python (the language), none to my knowledge 
referring to python.co.uk

Surely and open/shut case.


Giles Coochey, CCNA, CCNAS
NetSecSpec Ltd
+44 (0) 7983 877438

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Python trademark under attack -- the PSF needs your help

2013-02-15 Thread Stefan Behnel
Giles Coochey, 15.02.2013 12:24:
 On 14/02/2013 21:52, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Hello all,

 The Python Software Foundation is the organisation which protects and
 manages the boring bits of keeping a big open source project alive: the
 legal and contractual parts, funding for projects, trademarks and

 If you are based in Europe, or know somebody who uses Python in Europe, the
 PSF needs your help.

 There is a company in the UK who has applied to trademark the name Python
 and are claiming the *exclusive* right to use the word Python for
 software, servers, and web services over the entire European Union.

 You can read more about this here:


 If you have documentation of European user groups, trade associations,
 books, conferences, scans of job advertisements for Python programmers,
 software that uses some variation of Python in the name, etc. your
 evidence will be helpful in defeating this attempted grab of the Python

 One would think that is enough. 8,457 published results - practically all
 of them referring to Python (the language), none to my knowledge referring
 to [domain stripped]
 Surely and open/shut case.

I'm sure it's a pure marketing thing for their domain. I'd expect the
number of links to their site to rise rapidly during the next weeks, that's
very likely worth the bit of money they'd pay to their lawyer(s). Seriously
- who's ever heard of them before this? So it worked already, didn't it?

My advice: don't mention their name or their domain in any of your blog
posts etc., and definitely don't link to them.



Re: First attempt at a Python prog (Chess)

2013-02-15 Thread Oscar Benjamin
On 15 February 2013 11:36, Tim Golden m...@timgolden.me.uk wrote:
 On 15/02/2013 11:22, Oscar Benjamin wrote:
 Why not make board a list of lists. Then you can do:

 for row in board:
 for piece in row:

 rather than using range().

 Or perhaps you could have a dict that maps position tuples to pieces,
 e.g.: {(1, 2): 'k', ...}

 I'm laughing slightly here because, at the monthly London Python
 Dojo, we often find ourselves implementing board-game mechanics
 of one sort or another: Boggle, Battleships, Sliding block,
 Connect 4, Noughts-and-Crosses, even things like Game of Life
 (which has a board of sorts).

 And the how shall we represent the board? question is pretty
 much the first thing any team asks themselves. And you always
 get someone in favour of lists of lists, someone for one long

I always get confused when doing this about which of my coordinates
needs to be multiplied (i.e. whether I am in Fortran or C order).

 someone who likes a string, someone (me) who likes a sparse
 dict keyed on coords,

Clearly better than the others.

 someone else likes nested defaultdicts,
 and occasionally more outlandish schemes.

 We even went to the extent of having a Dojo a few months back
 which was solely about implementing the ideal board for varying
 characteristics, but we didn't come to any conclusions :)

In this case the innermost loop of the program is over the pieces on
the board. Clearly you want a data structure that allows you to
iterate directly over them. (Actually since that loop is to calculate
the score I would replace it with a function that computes the change
in score as a result of each move).

 (Also I seem to remember that the OP was advised earlier precisely
 to abandon lists of lists in favour of something else).

Actually the suggestion was for the list of lists (instead of a flat list).


Re: Python trademark under attack -- the PSF needs your help

2013-02-15 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Giles Coochey wrote:

 If you have documentation of European user groups, trade associations,
 books, conferences, scans of job advertisements for Python programmers,
 software that uses some variation of Python in the name, etc. your
 evidence will be helpful in defeating this attempted grab of the Python

 One would think that is enough.

Giles, thank you for taking the time to respond, but I'm sorry to say that I
don't think your response is helpful. Unless you are a trademark lawyer,
your intuition about how trivially easy this will be is probably not going
to be accurate.

You would probably think it was presumptuous for a trademark lawyer to
venture an opinion on how easy it is to write some piece of software. The
same applies in reverse. We need to listen to the experts in European
trademark law, those who know what sort of evidence the European Trademark
Office consider meaningful and significant. These people have told the
Python Software Foundation what needs to be done to fight this trademark
application, and trust me, spend two seconds doing a search on Amazon is
*not* it.

Dismissing the trademark grab as:

 Surely and open/shut case.

is the simplest way to ensure that the PSF loses their appeal and the right
to the name Python in Europe.

If anyone has the sort of documentary evidence which the PSF has requested,
and can scan and email them to the PSF, that will be helpful. If anyone is
willing and able to donate money to the foundation to help with the legal
expenses, estimated at tens of thousands of dollars, to challenge this
trademark application, that will also be helpful. If you have a blog,
please consider spreading the word.

The PSF needs all the help it can get, but it needs to be the sort of help
set out here:


If anyone is thinking of doing something trivially easy which anyone can do,
such as googling python, trust me, the PSF has already done it. The PSF
is looking for the sort of help that they can't get by typing into a search
engine. If anyone can help, that's great. If you can't help, then please
don't discourage those who can by claiming this is trivial.

Thank you.



Re: Python trademark under attack -- the PSF needs your help

2013-02-15 Thread Giles Coochey

On 15/02/2013 14:04, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Giles Coochey wrote:


If you have documentation of European user groups, trade associations,
books, conferences, scans of job advertisements for Python programmers,
software that uses some variation of Python in the name, etc. your
evidence will be helpful in defeating this attempted grab of the Python


One would think that is enough.

Giles, thank you for taking the time to respond, but I'm sorry to say that I
don't think your response is helpful. Unless you are a trademark lawyer,
your intuition about how trivially easy this will be is probably not going
to be accurate.

You would probably think it was presumptuous for a trademark lawyer to
venture an opinion on how easy it is to write some piece of software. The
same applies in reverse. We need to listen to the experts in European
trademark law, those who know what sort of evidence the European Trademark
Office consider meaningful and significant. These people have told the
Python Software Foundation what needs to be done to fight this trademark
application, and trust me, spend two seconds doing a search on Amazon is
*not* it.

Dismissing the trademark grab as:

Surely and open/shut case.

is the simplest way to ensure that the PSF loses their appeal and the right
to the name Python in Europe.

If anyone has the sort of documentary evidence which the PSF has requested,
and can scan and email them to the PSF, that will be helpful. If anyone is
willing and able to donate money to the foundation to help with the legal
expenses, estimated at tens of thousands of dollars, to challenge this
trademark application, that will also be helpful. If you have a blog,
please consider spreading the word.

The PSF needs all the help it can get, but it needs to be the sort of help
set out here:


If anyone is thinking of doing something trivially easy which anyone can do,
such as googling python, trust me, the PSF has already done it. The PSF
is looking for the sort of help that they can't get by typing into a search
engine. If anyone can help, that's great. If you can't help, then please
don't discourage those who can by claiming this is trivial.

Thank you.

In order to register Python in Europe it has to be deemed registrable 
by OHIM.

It is clearly not registrable as there is substantial prior use.


Giles Coochey, CCNA, CCNAS
NetSecSpec Ltd
+44 (0) 7983 877438

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: multiple 2.7.3 versions?

2013-02-15 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Robin Becker wrote:

 A colleague reports that this python from a recent Ubuntu x86_x64
 Python 2.7.3 (default, Sep 26 2012, 21:51:14)
 contains a fix of this bug
 however, all of my other Python 2.7.3s seem to lack this 'fix'.
 Can someone explain how this 'fix' is leaking out onto his machine?

The major Linux distros, including Ubuntu, tend to release their own bug
fixes independently to official Python releases.

I guess that the fix your colleague is seeing is from Ubuntu.



Re: First attempt at a Python prog (Chess)

2013-02-15 Thread Tim Golden
On 15/02/2013 13:11, Oscar Benjamin wrote:
 On 15 February 2013 11:36, Tim Golden m...@timgolden.me.uk wrote:
 And the how shall we represent the board? question is pretty
 much the first thing any team asks themselves. And you always
 get someone in favour of lists of lists, someone for one long
 I always get confused when doing this about which of my coordinates
 needs to be multiplied (i.e. whether I am in Fortran or C order).

How true. This last time, my team split into two: one half
to handle the display, the other working on the algorithm. We
ended up having to draw a really simple diagram on the back of
an envelope with the x,y pairs written out and pass it back
and forth as *everyone* kept forgetting which went first.

 (Also I seem to remember that the OP was advised earlier precisely
 to abandon lists of lists in favour of something else).
 Actually the suggestion was for the list of lists (instead of a flat list).

Ah, ok. I'd only followed the thread casually. (And I was too lazy to
go back and check).



Re: First attempt at a Python prog (Chess)

2013-02-15 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 2:36 AM, Tim Golden m...@timgolden.me.uk wrote:
 How true. This last time, my team split into two: one half
 to handle the display, the other working on the algorithm. We
 ended up having to draw a really simple diagram on the back of
 an envelope with the x,y pairs written out and pass it back
 and forth as *everyone* kept forgetting which went first.

I'm sorry, I don't follow. People forgot that x comes before y, like
it does in everything algebraic? Or is it that people lost track of
which axis you called 'x' and which you called 'y'?


Re: First attempt at a Python prog (Chess)

2013-02-15 Thread Neil Cerutti
On 2013-02-15, Oscar Benjamin oscar.j.benja...@gmail.com wrote:
 if score  best_score or best_score is None:

You need the None check first to avoid an exception from the

if best_score is None or score  best_score:

Neil Cerutti

Re: First attempt at a Python prog (Chess)

2013-02-15 Thread Jussi Piitulainen
Tim Golden writes:
 On 15/02/2013 13:11, Oscar Benjamin wrote:
  On 15 February 2013 11:36, Tim Golden wrote:
  And the how shall we represent the board? question is pretty
  much the first thing any team asks themselves. And you always get
  someone in favour of lists of lists, someone for one long list,
  I always get confused when doing this about which of my
  coordinates needs to be multiplied (i.e. whether I am in Fortran
  or C order).
 How true. This last time, my team split into two: one half to handle
 the display, the other working on the algorithm. We ended up having
 to draw a really simple diagram on the back of an envelope with the
 x,y pairs written out and pass it back and forth as *everyone* kept
 forgetting which went first.

Surely you knew to have f1(board, x, y) for getting whatever is at
(x,y) and f2(store, x, y, wev) for putting wev at (x,y). Why didn't
you do that?

inheritance and how to use it

2013-02-15 Thread Bob Brusa

I use a module downloaded from the net. Now I want to build my own
class, based on the class SerialInstrument offered in this module -
and in my class I would like to initialize a few things, using e. g.
the method clear() offered by SerialInstrument. Hence I type:

class myClass(SerialInstrument)
    def f1(self, str1, str2)
        ...do something etc.

I then get the message "self not know" from the statement
self.clear(self). I have tried many other notations - none worked.
What works is however the following code - specifying myClass
without the self.clear(self) in it:

x = myClass("argument")

How can I integrate this call into the definition of myClass? Thanks
for advice.


Re: Python trademark under attack -- the PSF needs your help

2013-02-15 Thread Chris Rebert
On Feb 15, 2013 8:13 AM, Jason Swails jason.swa...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm not offering much help here, more like wondering aloud.  Doesn't
Google (not to mention other software companies) have an interest staked in
binding the Python name with the Python language?  I can't imagine
python.co.uk staging a successful campaign against one of the best-known
companies in computers (that employs Python's creator, no less).

That very last part is actually no longer the case:
Regardless, your general point still stands.


Re: inheritance and how to use it

2013-02-15 Thread Dave Angel

On 02/15/2013 11:59 AM, Bob Brusa wrote:

I use a module downloaded from the net. Now I want to build my own class, based
on the class SerialInstrument offered in this module - and in my class I would
like to initialize a few things, using e. g. the method clear() offered by
SerialInstrument. Hence I type:

class myClass(SerialInstrument)
  def f1(self, str1, str2)
  ...do something etc.

I then get the message self not know from the statement self.clear(self). I
have tried many other notations - none worked. What works is however the
following code - specifying myClass without the self.clear(self) in it:

x = myClass(argument)

How can I integrate this call into the definition of myClass? Thanks for advice.

By initialize, I'll assume you want this code to execute when your class 
is instantiated.  The way to do that is with a method called __init__(). 
 Notice the double underscore at begin and end.

class myClass(SerialInstrument):
def __init__(self):
self.val1 = 42
self.val2 = 31
#...   also initialize the base class

def f1(self, str1, str2):

You should also call the __init__() method of the base class.  But I 
don't know whether you're using Python2 or Python3, so I won't write 
that call

This is without knowing anything about your base class, so there may be 
many other adjustments to be made.


Re: inheritance and how to use it

2013-02-15 Thread Thomas Rachel

Am 15.02.2013 17:59 schrieb Bob Brusa:

I use a module downloaded from the net. Now I want to build my own
class, based on the class SerialInstrument offered in this module - and
in my class I would like to initialize a few things, using e. g. the
method clear() offered by SerialInstrument. Hence I type:

class myClass(SerialInstrument)
 def f1(self, str1, str2)
 ...do something etc.

I then get the message self not know from the statement

Which is absolutely correct. Besides, I would have expected some syntax 

You try to execute the clear() method during the definition of the 
class, not during the instantiation.

Instantiation happens in the __init__() method.

You'll have to do it like this:

class myClass(SerialInstrument):
def __init__(self, *a, **k): # accept all parameters
super(myClass, self).__init__(*a, **k)
self.clear() # I don't think that self is to be given twice here...
def f1(self, str1, str2):

I have tried many other notations - none worked. What

works is however the following code - specifying myClass without the
self.clear(self) in it:

x = myClass(argument)

Here the clear() is called on the object which has been created, so 
after calling the __init__() above (which is, roughly, equivalent to 
calling it at the bottom of __init__()).


Re: inheritance and how to use it

2013-02-15 Thread Bob Brusa

Am 15.02.2013 18:11, schrieb Dave Angel:

On 02/15/2013 11:59 AM, Bob Brusa wrote:

I use a module downloaded from the net. Now I want to build my own
class, based
on the class SerialInstrument offered in this module - and in my class
I would
like to initialize a few things, using e. g. the method clear()
offered by
SerialInstrument. Hence I type:

class myClass(SerialInstrument)
  def f1(self, str1, str2)
  ...do something etc.

I then get the message self not know from the statement
self.clear(self). I
have tried many other notations - none worked. What works is however the
following code - specifying myClass without the self.clear(self) in it:

x = myClass(argument)

How can I integrate this call into the definition of myClass? Thanks
for advice.

By initialize, I'll assume you want this code to execute when your class
is instantiated.  The way to do that is with a method called __init__().
  Notice the double underscore at begin and end.

class myClass(SerialInstrument):
 def __init__(self):
 self.val1 = 42
 self.val2 = 31
 #...   also initialize the base class

 def f1(self, str1, str2):

You should also call the __init__() method of the base class.  But I
don't know whether you're using Python2 or Python3, so I won't write
that call

This is without knowing anything about your base class, so there may be
many other adjustments to be made.

I defined (which should clear visa-buffers when instantiating the class):

class myvisa(visa.SerialInstrument):
def __init__ (self):

def io (self, printstr, askstr):
when I run (python 2.7) a program using this class I get this:

C:\Projekte\TDSsw\mypythonpython chk_clear_1.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File chk_clear_1.py, line 8, in module
from myvisa import *
  File C:\Projekte\TDSsw\mypython\myvisa.py, line 15, in module
class myvisa(visa.SerialInstrument):
  File C:\Projekte\TDSsw\mypython\myvisa.py, line 121, in myvisa
TypeError: unbound method clear() must be called with Instrument 
instance as first argument (got nothing instead)

would it help to define instead:

class myvisa(visa.SerialInstrument):
def __init__ (self):
x = SerialInstrument(self)
x.clear()   #and then forget about this x?

def io (self, printstr, askstr):



2013-02-15 Thread matt . doolittle33
here is the code in hier_block2.py:

# Copyright 2006,2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Radio
# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

from gnuradio_core import hier_block2_swig
import pmt
except ImportError:
from gruel import pmt

# This hack forces a 'has-a' relationship to look like an 'is-a' one.
# It allows Python classes to subclass this one, while passing through
# method calls to the C++ class shared pointer from SWIG.
# It also allows us to intercept method calls if needed
class hier_block2(object):

Python wrapper around the C++ hierarchical block implementation.
Provides convenience functions and allows proper Python subclassing.

def __init__(self, name, input_signature, output_signature):

Create a hierarchical block with a given name and I/O signatures.

self._hb = hier_block2_swig(name, input_signature, output_signature)

def __getattr__(self, name):

Pass-through member requests to the C++ object.

if not hasattr(self, _hb):
raise RuntimeError(hier_block2: invalid state--did you forget to 
call gr.hier_block2.__init__ in a derived class?)
return getattr(self._hb, name)

def connect(self, *points):

Connect two or more block endpoints.  An endpoint is either a (block, 
tuple or a block instance.  In the latter case, the port number is 
to be zero.

To connect the hierarchical block external inputs or outputs to 
internal block
inputs or outputs, use 'self' in the connect call.

If multiple arguments are provided, connect will attempt to wire them 
in series,
interpreting the endpoints as inputs or outputs as appropriate.

if len (points)  1:
raise ValueError, (connect requires at least one endpoint; %d 
provided. % (len (points),))
if len(points) == 1:
for i in range (1, len (points)):
self._connect(points[i-1], points[i])

def _connect(self, src, dst):
(src_block, src_port) = self._coerce_endpoint(src)
(dst_block, dst_port) = self._coerce_endpoint(dst)
self._hb.primitive_connect(src_block.to_basic_block(), src_port,
   dst_block.to_basic_block(), dst_port)

def _coerce_endpoint(self, endp):
if hasattr(endp, 'to_basic_block'):
return (endp, 0)
if hasattr(endp, __getitem__) and len(endp) == 2:
return endp # Assume user put (block, port)
raise ValueError(unable to coerce endpoint)

def disconnect(self, *points):

Disconnect two endpoints in the flowgraph.

To disconnect the hierarchical block external inputs or outputs to 
internal block
inputs or outputs, use 'self' in the connect call.

If more than two arguments are provided, they are disconnected 

if len (points)  1:
raise ValueError, (disconnect requires at least one endpoint; %d 
provided. % (len (points),))
if len (points) == 1:
for i in range (1, len (points)):
self._disconnect(points[i-1], points[i])

def _disconnect(self, src, dst):
(src_block, src_port) = self._coerce_endpoint(src)
(dst_block, dst_port) = self._coerce_endpoint(dst)
self._hb.primitive_disconnect(src_block.to_basic_block(), src_port,
  dst_block.to_basic_block(), dst_port)

def msg_connect(self, src, srcport, dst, dstport):
self.primitive_msg_connect(src.to_basic_block(), srcport, 
dst.to_basic_block(), dstport);

def msg_disconnect(self, src, srcport, dst, dstport):
self.primitive_msg_disconnect(src.to_basic_block(), srcport, 
dst.to_basic_block(), dstport);

def message_port_register_hier_in(self, portname):


Re: First attempt at a Python prog (Chess)

2013-02-15 Thread Tim Golden

On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 2:36 AM, Tim Golden m...@timgolden.me.uk wrote:

How true. This last time, my team split into two: one half
to handle the display, the other working on the algorithm. We
ended up having to draw a really simple diagram on the back of
an envelope with the x,y pairs written out and pass it back
and forth as *everyone* kept forgetting which went first.

On 15/02/2013 15:49, Chris Angelico wrote:

I'm sorry, I don't follow. People forgot that x comes before y, like
it does in everything algebraic? Or is it that people lost track of
which axis you called 'x' and which you called 'y'?

 On 15/02/2013 16:48, Jussi Piitulainen wrote:
 Surely you knew to have f1(board, x, y) for getting whatever is at
 (x,y) and f2(store, x, y, wev) for putting wev at (x,y). Why didn't
 you do that?

To be honest I don't remember exactly what we did get confused
over; it was probably whether our origin was top left and/or
whether we were storing in row or in column order. But in any
case, my experience is that stuff which is perfectly easy to
reason about and write as Jussi has above when you're just
coding quietly on your own becomes a confused ball of mess as
soon as you're part of a Dojo team with 60 minutes to come up
with a solution. (Not saying that we couldn't have managed better;
merely that we didn't).




2013-02-15 Thread matt . doolittle33
oh and the version of python is 2.7.3

THanks in advance!

Re: inheritance and how to use it

2013-02-15 Thread Bob Brusa

Am 15.02.2013 18:06, schrieb Thomas Rachel:

Am 15.02.2013 17:59 schrieb Bob Brusa:

I use a module downloaded from the net. Now I want to build my own
class, based on the class SerialInstrument offered in this module - and
in my class I would like to initialize a few things, using e. g. the
method clear() offered by SerialInstrument. Hence I type:

class myClass(SerialInstrument)
 def f1(self, str1, str2)
 ...do something etc.

I then get the message self not know from the statement

Which is absolutely correct. Besides, I would have expected some syntax

You try to execute the clear() method during the definition of the
class, not during the instantiation.

Instantiation happens in the __init__() method.

You'll have to do it like this:

class myClass(SerialInstrument):
 def __init__(self, *a, **k): # accept all parameters
 super(myClass, self).__init__(*a, **k)
 self.clear() # I don't think that self is to be given twice
 def f1(self, str1, str2):

I have tried many other notations - none worked. What

works is however the following code - specifying myClass without the
self.clear(self) in it:

x = myClass(argument)

Here the clear() is called on the object which has been created, so
after calling the __init__() above (which is, roughly, equivalent to
calling it at the bottom of __init__()).


This does not work either. The error comes while python analyses the 
code - even prior to executing my program But what I want to achieve 
is that this clear() is executed when the class is instantiatedwhich 
I do with the code

x = myClass(COM7)

Of course, when scanning the class definition, the argument COM7 is 
not yet known.

Thanks for further help. Bob


Re: First attempt at a Python prog (Chess)

2013-02-15 Thread MRAB

On 2013-02-15 16:17, Neil Cerutti wrote:

On 2013-02-15, Oscar Benjamin oscar.j.benja...@gmail.com wrote:

if score  best_score or best_score is None:

You need the None check first to avoid an exception from the

Only in Python 3.

if best_score is None or score  best_score:


Re: First attempt at a Python prog (Chess)

2013-02-15 Thread Matt Jones
Only in Python 3.

Use best practices always, not just when you have to.

*Matt Jones*

On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 11:52 AM, MRAB pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com wrote:

 On 2013-02-15 16:17, Neil Cerutti wrote:

 On 2013-02-15, Oscar Benjamin oscar.j.benja...@gmail.com wrote:

 if score  best_score or best_score is None:

 You need the None check first to avoid an exception from the

  Only in Python 3.

  if best_score is None or score  best_score:



Re: inheritance and how to use it

2013-02-15 Thread Dave Angel

On 02/15/2013 12:23 PM, Bob Brusa wrote:

Am 15.02.2013 18:11, schrieb Dave Angel:

On 02/15/2013 11:59 AM, Bob Brusa wrote:

I use a module downloaded from the net. Now I want to build my own
class, based
on the class SerialInstrument offered in this module - and in my class
I would
like to initialize a few things, using e. g. the method clear()
offered by
SerialInstrument. Hence I type:

class myClass(SerialInstrument)
  def f1(self, str1, str2)
  ...do something etc.

I then get the message self not know from the statement
self.clear(self). I
have tried many other notations - none worked. What works is however the
following code - specifying myClass without the self.clear(self) in it:

x = myClass(argument)

How can I integrate this call into the definition of myClass? Thanks
for advice.

By initialize, I'll assume you want this code to execute when your class
is instantiated.  The way to do that is with a method called __init__().
  Notice the double underscore at begin and end.

class myClass(SerialInstrument):
 def __init__(self):
 self.val1 = 42
 self.val2 = 31
 #...   also initialize the base class

 def f1(self, str1, str2):

You should also call the __init__() method of the base class.  But I
don't know whether you're using Python2 or Python3, so I won't write
that call

This is without knowing anything about your base class, so there may be
many other adjustments to be made.

I defined (which should clear visa-buffers when instantiating the class):

class myvisa(visa.SerialInstrument):
 def __init__ (self):

I still don't see the call to the superclass __init__().  Get that code 
from Bob Brusa's message.

 def io (self, printstr, askstr):
when I run (python 2.7) a program using this class I get this:

C:\Projekte\TDSsw\mypythonpython chk_clear_1.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File chk_clear_1.py, line 8, in module
 from myvisa import *
   File C:\Projekte\TDSsw\mypython\myvisa.py, line 15, in module
 class myvisa(visa.SerialInstrument):
   File C:\Projekte\TDSsw\mypython\myvisa.py, line 121, in myvisa
TypeError: unbound method clear() must be called with Instrument
instance as first argument (got nothing instead)

would it help to define instead:

class myvisa(visa.SerialInstrument):
 def __init__ (self):
 x = SerialInstrument(self)
 x.clear()#and then forget about this x?

 def io (self, printstr, askstr):

Besides being indented wrong (did you even try it ?), that code doesn't 
begin to be what you want.  You're calling clear on some other instance, 
then throwing that instance away, and not clearing the one you just created.

But as I said before, you haven't said word-one about what the base 
class looks like, or how it's supposed to be used, nor when clear() is 
supposed to be called.

You also aren't showing us the code which got the error, so I can't see 
how we could help.  What does the code around line 115 look like?  Is it 
part of the same class definition?


Re: inheritance and how to use it

2013-02-15 Thread Dave Angel

On 02/15/2013 12:50 PM, Bob Brusa wrote:

Am 15.02.2013 18:06, schrieb Thomas Rachel:

Am 15.02.2013 17:59 schrieb Bob Brusa:

I use a module downloaded from the net. Now I want to build my own
class, based on the class SerialInstrument offered in this module - and
in my class I would like to initialize a few things, using e. g. the
method clear() offered by SerialInstrument. Hence I type:

class myClass(SerialInstrument)
 def f1(self, str1, str2)
 ...do something etc.

I then get the message self not know from the statement

Which is absolutely correct. Besides, I would have expected some syntax

You try to execute the clear() method during the definition of the
class, not during the instantiation.

Instantiation happens in the __init__() method.

You'll have to do it like this:

class myClass(SerialInstrument):
 def __init__(self, *a, **k): # accept all parameters
 super(myClass, self).__init__(*a, **k)
 self.clear() # I don't think that self is to be given twice
 def f1(self, str1, str2):

I have tried many other notations - none worked. What

works is however the following code - specifying myClass without the
self.clear(self) in it:

x = myClass(argument)

Here the clear() is called on the object which has been created, so
after calling the __init__() above (which is, roughly, equivalent to
calling it at the bottom of __init__()).


This does not work either. The error comes while python analyses the
code - even prior to executing my program But what I want to achieve
is that this clear() is executed when the class is instantiatedwhich
I do with the code

x = myClass(COM7)

Of course, when scanning the class definition, the argument COM7 is
not yet known.
Thanks for further help. Bob

Your error is on line 115, so what does it look like, and its context? 
I expect you're never getting to the line x = myClass().


Re: inheritance and how to use it

2013-02-15 Thread Bob Brusa

Am 15.02.2013 19:03, schrieb Dave Angel:

On 02/15/2013 12:23 PM, Bob Brusa wrote:

Am 15.02.2013 18:11, schrieb Dave Angel:

On 02/15/2013 11:59 AM, Bob Brusa wrote:

I use a module downloaded from the net. Now I want to build my own
class, based
on the class SerialInstrument offered in this module - and in my class
I would
like to initialize a few things, using e. g. the method clear()
offered by
SerialInstrument. Hence I type:

class myClass(SerialInstrument)
  def f1(self, str1, str2)
  ...do something etc.

I then get the message self not know from the statement
self.clear(self). I
have tried many other notations - none worked. What works is however
following code - specifying myClass without the self.clear(self) in it:

x = myClass(argument)

How can I integrate this call into the definition of myClass? Thanks
for advice.

By initialize, I'll assume you want this code to execute when your class
is instantiated.  The way to do that is with a method called __init__().
  Notice the double underscore at begin and end.

class myClass(SerialInstrument):
 def __init__(self):
 self.val1 = 42
 self.val2 = 31
 #...   also initialize the base class

 def f1(self, str1, str2):

You should also call the __init__() method of the base class.  But I
don't know whether you're using Python2 or Python3, so I won't write
that call

This is without knowing anything about your base class, so there may be
many other adjustments to be made.

I defined (which should clear visa-buffers when instantiating the class):

class myvisa(visa.SerialInstrument):
 def __init__ (self):

I still don't see the call to the superclass __init__().  Get that code
from Bob Brusa's message.

 def io (self, printstr, askstr):
when I run (python 2.7) a program using this class I get this:

C:\Projekte\TDSsw\mypythonpython chk_clear_1.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File chk_clear_1.py, line 8, in module
 from myvisa import *
   File C:\Projekte\TDSsw\mypython\myvisa.py, line 15, in module
 class myvisa(visa.SerialInstrument):
   File C:\Projekte\TDSsw\mypython\myvisa.py, line 121, in myvisa
TypeError: unbound method clear() must be called with Instrument
instance as first argument (got nothing instead)

would it help to define instead:

class myvisa(visa.SerialInstrument):
 def __init__ (self):
 x = SerialInstrument(self)
 x.clear()#and then forget about this x?

 def io (self, printstr, askstr):

Besides being indented wrong (did you even try it ?), that code doesn't
begin to be what you want.  You're calling clear on some other instance,
then throwing that instance away, and not clearing the one you just

But as I said before, you haven't said word-one about what the base
class looks like, or how it's supposed to be used, nor when clear() is
supposed to be called.

You also aren't showing us the code which got the error, so I can't see
how we could help.  What does the code around line 115 look like?  Is it
part of the same class definition?

to make it more clear, I attach a cut-down version of my program. It 
includes comments to explain in more detail what my problem is.


edit history:
15-02-2013  Creation

import sys
import visa
import time

class myvisa(visa.SerialInstrument):
provide utilities to handle the instrument

#def __init__ ():   this doe not work

def io (self, printstr, askstr):
combines a print and an ask-string into a single call

res = 0
antw = self.ask(askstr)
antw = time-out
res = 1
print printstr + antw
return res

strich =  | ; pfeil = -
print start of program q1.py
iodev = COM9
tds = myvisa(iodev, baud_rate = 57600)
tds.clear() # this call I want to be called automatically when instantiating 
the class
cmd = *idn?; tds.io(pfeil+cmd+strich,cmd)
cmd = status?; tds.write(cmd) # exit with something in the visa-buffer 
and this will
# lead to a de-chronization between write 
and reads when 
# executing a next program
print end of program


Re: inheritance and how to use it

2013-02-15 Thread Dave Angel

On 02/15/2013 01:28 PM, Bob Brusa wrote:


to make it more clear, I attach a cut-down version of my program. It
includes comments to explain in more detail what my problem is.

Good job cutting down the sample.  Naturally, it'd have been smart to 
tell us you don't get the same traceback this way.  But it looks like 
the first problem is in that missing __init__() method.  Instead of 
saying it doe not work it'd be good to examine just what error 
traceback you got when you did have it there.  I suspect it's because 
you're passing parameters in when you invoke it  (iodev, baud_rate = 
57600)  but you don't have any arguments.  You don't even have the self 

You are also missing the super call, as outlined earlier in this thread. 
 So the base class won't being properly initialized once you fix the 
first problem.

Reread Thomas Rachel's message, and if you still can't make it work, 
tell us what errors you still get, or what you don't understand.


Re: Awsome Python - chained exceptions

2013-02-15 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

On 14.02.13 08:39, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Here is one example of using raise to re-raise an exception you have just

import errno
paths = [here, there, somewhere else]
for location in paths:
 filename = os.path.join(location, prefs.ini)
 f = open(filename)
 except IOError as e:
 if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:  # File not found.

In Python 3.3:

f = open(filename)
except FileNotFound:

But not all errnos have special OSError subclasses.


Exception running GNU module op25_grc.py : AttributeError: 'gr_hier_block2_sptr' object has no attribute 'set_callback'

2013-02-15 Thread matt . doolittle33
I am using using ubuntu 12.10 i am trying to run a python block, namely OP25, 
in GNU Radio Companion v3.6.3-35-g4435082f, which uses python version 2.7.3 for 
some reason although python3.2 is in the lib folder. I run the following trace 
command in terminal:

~$ python -m trace --count -C . op25_grc.py

Here is the output with an error:

Imported legacy fsk4
 Using Volk machine: ssse3_32
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 File /usr/lib/python2.7/runpy.py, line 162, in run_module_as_main
 _main__, fname, loader, pkg_name)
 File /usr/lib/python2.7/runpy.py, line 72, in run_code
 exec code in run_globals
 File /usr/lib/python2.7/trace.py, line 819, in
 File /usr/lib/python2.7/trace.py, line 807, in main
 t.runctx(code, globs, globs)
 File /usr/lib/python2.7/trace.py, line 513, in runctx
 exec cmd in globals, locals
 File op25_grc.py, line 493, in
 tb = op25_grc()
 File op25_grc.py, line 231, in __init_
 File /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gnuradio/gr/hier_block2.py, line 
54, in getattr
 return getattr(self._hb, name)
 AttributeError: 'gr_hier_block2_sptr' object has no attribute 'set_callback'

The code for op25_grc.py:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Gnuradio Python Flow Graph
# Title: Op25 Grc
# Generated: Wed Feb 13 19:37:41 2013

from baz import message_callback
from baz import op25
from gnuradio import audio
from gnuradio import blks2
from gnuradio import eng_notation
from gnuradio import gr
from gnuradio import window
from gnuradio.eng_option import eng_option
from gnuradio.gr import firdes
from gnuradio.wxgui import fftsink2
from gnuradio.wxgui import forms
from gnuradio.wxgui import scopesink2
from gnuradio.wxgui import waterfallsink2
from grc_gnuradio import wxgui as grc_wxgui
from optparse import OptionParser
import ConfigParser
import math
import wx

class op25_grc(grc_wxgui.top_block_gui):

def __init__(self):
grc_wxgui.top_block_gui.__init__(self, title=Op25 Grc)
_icon_path = 
self.SetIcon(wx.Icon(_icon_path, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY))

# Variables
self._config_freq_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
try: config_freq = self._config_freq_config.getfloat(main, 
except: config_freq = 434075000
self.config_freq = config_freq
self.freq = freq = config_freq
self._config_xlate_offset_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
try: config_xlate_offset = 
self._config_xlate_offset_config.getfloat(main, xlate_offset)
except: config_xlate_offset = 0
self.config_xlate_offset = config_xlate_offset
self.click_freq = click_freq = freq-config_xlate_offset
self.xlate_offset_fine = xlate_offset_fine = 0
self.xlate_offset = xlate_offset = freq-click_freq
self.samp_rate = samp_rate = 48000
self.samp_per_sym = samp_per_sym = 5+1
self.decim = decim = 20
self._config_xlate_bandwidth_config = 
try: config_xlate_bandwidth = 
self._config_xlate_bandwidth_config.getfloat(main, xlate_bandwidth)
except: config_xlate_bandwidth = 24000
self.config_xlate_bandwidth = config_xlate_bandwidth
self.auto_tune_offset = auto_tune_offset = 0
self.xlate_bandwidth = xlate_bandwidth = config_xlate_bandwidth
self.variable_static_text_0 = variable_static_text_0 = 
self.pre_channel_rate = pre_channel_rate = samp_rate/decim
self.gain = gain = 20
self.fine_click_freq = fine_click_freq = 0
self.channel_rate = channel_rate = op25.SYMBOL_RATE*samp_per_sym
self.auto_tune_offset_freq = auto_tune_offset_freq = 
self.audio_mul = audio_mul = 2

# Message Queues
op25_decoder_0_msgq_out = baz_message_callback_0_msgq_in = 

# Blocks

Re: Implicit conversion to boolean in if and while statements

2013-02-15 Thread Serhiy Storchaka
On 10.02.13 13:37, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Unfortunately, Python has a minor design flaw. One of the most common
 use-cases for sets is for membership testing of literal sets:
 def example(arg):
  if arg in {'spam', 'ham', 'eggs', 'cheese'}:
 Unfortunately, set literals create *mutable* sets, not frozensets. That
 means that the compiler wastes time and memory creating am over-allocated
 mutable set object. If set literals created immutable frozensets, there
 would be some nice opportunities for the compiler to optimize this

CPython 3.2 optimizes this special case and creates a constant frozenset.

$ echo arg in {'spam', 'ham', 'eggs', 'cheese'} | python3.2 -m dis -
  1   0 LOAD_NAME0 (arg) 
  3 LOAD_CONST   5 (frozenset({'cheese', 'eggs', 'ham', 
  6 COMPARE_OP   6 (in) 
  9 POP_TOP  
 10 LOAD_CONST   4 (None) 


Re: How would you do this?

2013-02-15 Thread vduncan80
On Thursday, February 14, 2013 5:19:51 PM UTC-7, eli m wrote:
 On Thursday, February 14, 2013 4:09:37 PM UTC-8, Oscar Benjamin wrote:
  On 14 February 2013 23:34, eli m techgeek...@gmail.com wrote:
   I want to make a guess the number game (Which i have), but i want to make 
   the computer play the game against itself. How would i do this?

  Your question would make more sense if you would show your program and
  also explain how you would like the output to look when the computer
  played itself.
 This is my code:
 #Guess the number game
 import random
 run = 0
 while run == 0:
 print (I am thinking of a number between 1 and 100)
 num = random.randint(1, 100)
 num = int(num)
 guesses = 0
 guessestaken = 0
 while guesses == 0:
 guess = raw_input(Your guess:)
 guess = int(guess)
 guessestaken = (guessestaken) + 1
 guessestaken = int(guessestaken)
 if guess == (num):
 print 'Correct! It took you', int(guessestaken), 'guesses!'
 playagain = raw_input(Do you want to play again?)
 if playagain == yes:
 guesses = 1
 if playagain == no:
 run = 1
 if guess  num:
 print (My number is lower)
 if guess  num:
 print (My number is higher)
 except TypeError, err:
 print (Not a valid number)
 I would like it to show the computer guessing the numbers.

Hello.  I think you code is Python 2.7.  My solution uses Python 3 but I can 
help you convert it if the solution is what you are looking for.  My approach 
as to create a class that tries to guess the right number.  This code also 
eliminates raw_input.  I didn't know how important having it respond via 
raw_input is to you.  Code follows:

import random
import sys

class Guesser():
def __init__(self):
self.low = 1
self.high = 100

def getRand(self,x,y):
num = random.randint(x,y) 
return num 
def guess(self,guess,boundary):
if boundary == :
self.low = guess
elif boundary == :
self.high = guess
self.low = 1
self.high = 100
return self.getRand(self.low,self.high)

def playagain(self):
choice = ['Y','N']
return random.choice(choice)

run = 0

while run == 0: 
guessestaken = 0
comp = Guesser()
num = comp.getRand(1,100) 
result = 
print (I am thinking of a number between 1 and 100) 
while guesses == 0: 
guessestaken += 1
guess = comp.guess(guess,result) # replaces input
print(Unexpected error:, sys.exc_info()[0]) 
print(Your guess:, guess)
if guess == num: 
print('Correct! It took you', guessestaken, 'guesses!') 
guesses = 1
elif guess  num:
print(My number is lower) 
result = 
print(My number is higher) 
result = 
print(Do you want to play again?) 
playagain = comp.playagain()# replaces input
if playagain == N: 
run = 1

Please let me know if you have questions or would like to discuss this solution 



python math problem

2013-02-15 Thread Kene Meniru
I am trying to calculate the coordinates at the end of a line. The length 
and angle of the line are given and I am using the following formula:

x = (math.sin(math.radians(angle)) * length)
y = (math.cos(math.radians(angle)) * length)

The following are sample answers in the format (x, y) to the given 
length/angle values of the line:

120/0  = (0.0, 25.0)
120/89 = (24.9961923789, 0.436310160932)
120/90 = (25.0, 1.53075794228e-15)
120/91 = (24.9961923789, -0.436310160932)

Why am I getting a string number instead of the expected answer  for 120/90 
which should be (25.0, 0.0). This happens at all multiples of 90 (i.e. 180 
and 270)




Re: inheritance and how to use it

2013-02-15 Thread Bob Brusa

Am 15.02.2013 19:06, schrieb Dave Angel:

On 02/15/2013 12:50 PM, Bob Brusa wrote:

Am 15.02.2013 18:06, schrieb Thomas Rachel:

Am 15.02.2013 17:59 schrieb Bob Brusa:

I use a module downloaded from the net. Now I want to build my own
class, based on the class SerialInstrument offered in this module - and
in my class I would like to initialize a few things, using e. g. the
method clear() offered by SerialInstrument. Hence I type:

class myClass(SerialInstrument)
 def f1(self, str1, str2)
 ...do something etc.

I then get the message self not know from the statement

Which is absolutely correct. Besides, I would have expected some syntax

You try to execute the clear() method during the definition of the
class, not during the instantiation.

Instantiation happens in the __init__() method.

You'll have to do it like this:

class myClass(SerialInstrument):
 def __init__(self, *a, **k): # accept all parameters
 super(myClass, self).__init__(*a, **k)
 self.clear() # I don't think that self is to be given twice
 def f1(self, str1, str2):

I have tried many other notations - none worked. What

works is however the following code - specifying myClass without the
self.clear(self) in it:

x = myClass(argument)

Here the clear() is called on the object which has been created, so
after calling the __init__() above (which is, roughly, equivalent to
calling it at the bottom of __init__()).


This does not work either. The error comes while python analyses the
code - even prior to executing my program But what I want to achieve
is that this clear() is executed when the class is instantiatedwhich
I do with the code

x = myClass(COM7)

Of course, when scanning the class definition, the argument COM7 is
not yet known.
Thanks for further help. Bob

Your error is on line 115, so what does it look like, and its context? I
expect you're never getting to the line x = myClass().

Hi Dave and Thomas,
yep - now its working: See also attachment q4.py

C:\Projekte\TDSsw\mypythonpython q4.py
start of program q4.py
-*idn? | SPEAG,TDS,RUID:00.00-00.00 FW:2. SID:00.00-00.00 

end of program

Thanks for your kind help - bob
edit history:
15-02-2013  Creation

import sys
import visa
import time

class myvisa(visa.SerialInstrument):
provide utilities to handle the instrument

def __init__(self, addr): # accept all parameters
super(myvisa, self).__init__(addr, baud_rate = 57600)
self.clear() # Thomas does not think that self is to be given twice
# he is right!

def io (self, printstr, askstr):
combines a print and an ask-string into a single call

res = 0
antw = self.ask(askstr)
antw = time-out
res = 1
print printstr + antw
return res

strich =  | ; pfeil = -
print start of program q4.py
iodev = COM7
tds = myvisa(iodev)
cmd = *idn?; tds.io(pfeil+cmd+strich,cmd)
cmd = status?; tds.write(cmd) # exit with something in the visa-buffer 
and this will
# lead to a de-chronization between write 
and reads when 
# executing a next program
print end of program


Re: python math problem

2013-02-15 Thread Gary Herron

On 02/15/2013 11:39 AM, Kene Meniru wrote:

I am trying to calculate the coordinates at the end of a line. The length
and angle of the line are given and I am using the following formula:

x = (math.sin(math.radians(angle)) * length)
y = (math.cos(math.radians(angle)) * length)

The following are sample answers in the format (x, y) to the given
length/angle values of the line:

120/0  = (0.0, 25.0)
120/89 = (24.9961923789, 0.436310160932)
120/90 = (25.0, 1.53075794228e-15)
120/91 = (24.9961923789, -0.436310160932)

Why am I getting a string number instead of the expected answer  for 120/90
which should be (25.0, 0.0). This happens at all multiples of 90 (i.e. 180
and 270)

Floating point calculations on a computer (ANY computer, and ANY 
programming language) can *never* be expected to be exact!  (Think about 
1/3 , PI, and sqrt(2) for instance.)The values written out as


is the (scientific notation) representation of .00153075794228.  Is 
that not close enough to zero for your purposes?  (Or is it that you don't 
understand the 'e-15' portion of the output?)

Dr. Gary Herron
Department of Computer Science
DigiPen Institute of Technology
(425) 895-4418


Re: python math problem

2013-02-15 Thread Joel Goldstick
On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 2:39 PM, Kene Meniru kene.men...@illom.org wrote:

 I am trying to calculate the coordinates at the end of a line. The length
 and angle of the line are given and I am using the following formula:

 x = (math.sin(math.radians(angle)) * length)
 y = (math.cos(math.radians(angle)) * length)

 The following are sample answers in the format (x, y) to the given
 length/angle values of the line:

 120/0  = (0.0, 25.0)
 120/89 = (24.9961923789, 0.436310160932)
 120/90 = (25.0, 1.53075794228e-15)

This is not a string, it is scientific notion for 1.53... times 10 to the
-15th power.  Because of rounding errors caused by doing floating point
math on in binary, you get a very small number instead of 0.

 120/91 = (24.9961923789, -0.436310160932)

 Why am I getting a string number instead of the expected answer  for 120/90
 which should be (25.0, 0.0). This happens at all multiples of 90 (i.e. 180
 and 270)




Joel Goldstick

Re: python math problem

2013-02-15 Thread Bob Brusa

Am 15.02.2013 20:39, schrieb Kene Meniru:

I am trying to calculate the coordinates at the end of a line. The length
and angle of the line are given and I am using the following formula:

x = (math.sin(math.radians(angle)) * length)
y = (math.cos(math.radians(angle)) * length)

The following are sample answers in the format (x, y) to the given
length/angle values of the line:

120/0  = (0.0, 25.0)
120/89 = (24.9961923789, 0.436310160932)
120/90 = (25.0, 1.53075794228e-15)
120/91 = (24.9961923789, -0.436310160932)

Why am I getting a string number instead of the expected answer  for 120/90
which should be (25.0, 0.0). This happens at all multiples of 90 (i.e. 180
and 270)

are you sure your length is 120? It seems to be 25. I did these 
calculations with length = 25 and then your numbers make perfect sense.


Re: Implicit conversion to boolean in if and while statements

2013-02-15 Thread Ian Kelly
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 10:48 AM, Rick Johnson
rantingrickjohn...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Monday, February 11, 2013 11:55:19 PM UTC-6, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 12:06 PM, 8 Dihedral wrote:
  A permanently mutated list is a tuple of constant objects.

 I nominate this line as bemusing head-scratcher of the week.

 Actually the statement is fact IF you can grok it through the eyes of clarity.

 A permanently mutated list...

 A list that has been mutated permanently, that is, it cannot be changed back 
 into a list. psst: i have a sneaking suspicion that he his referring to 
 tuples, let's see.

FYI, the general consensus here is that he (8 Dihedral) is a
bot.  It posts in non sequiturs and fails to respond meaningfully to
direct queries.  A few months ago I posed an obvious Turing test for
it, which it failed.


Your naive effort to extort meaning from its nonsense is admirable, however.

Re: python math problem

2013-02-15 Thread Kene Meniru
Bob Brusa wrote:

 are you sure your length is 120? It seems to be 25. I did these
 calculations with length = 25 and then your numbers make perfect sense.

Thanks. You are right I was actually using 25




Re: python math problem

2013-02-15 Thread Kene Meniru
Joel Goldstick wrote:

 This is not a string, it is scientific notion for 1.53... times 10 to the
 -15th power.  Because of rounding errors caused by doing floating point
 math on in binary, you get a very small number instead of 0.

I was just doing some testing and it was not equating to zero. Perhaps if I 
rounded it up I may be more successful.




Re: Curious to see alternate approach on a search/replace via regex

2013-02-15 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

On 08.02.13 03:08, Ian Kelly wrote:

I think what we're seeing here is that
the time needed to look up the compiled regular expression in the
cache is a significant fraction of the time needed to actually execute

There is a bug issue for this. See http://bugs.python.org/issue16389 .


New User-Need-Help

2013-02-15 Thread Deborah Piotrowski

I am very new to Python, I am using the e-book Python Programming for the
Absolute Beginner and am starting with a simple Game Over Program.  This
is the code:which is extremely simple!
printGame Over raw_input(\n\nPress Enter Key to exit)
That's it. It is supposed to bring up a window that says Game Over and at
the bottom say Press enter Key to exit and when you press the enter key
it is supposed to exit(big suprise).
But all it does is highlight raw_input and says invalid syntax Now, if
I just put print Game Over then it says Game Over UNDERNEATH the code I
just printed!
now I am following the book to the *pixel* and that is not what is supposed
to happen!
Please email me back as soon as you get this...(if you are not to busy).


Re: New User-Need-Help

2013-02-15 Thread Joel Goldstick
On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Deborah Piotrowski


 I am very new to Python, I am using the e-book Python Programming for the
 Absolute Beginner and am starting with a simple Game Over Program.  This
 is the code:which is extremely simple!
 printGame Over raw_input(\n\nPress Enter Key to exit)

welcome Nicholas

One important thing about python is indentation is important.  You have
presented your code in a way that can't be.  Can you actually copy your
program and paste it into an email message.  Also, Windows, Linux, Mac?

 That's it. It is supposed to bring up a window that says Game Over and
 at the bottom say Press enter Key to exit and when you press the enter
 key it is supposed to exit(big suprise).
 But all it does is highlight raw_input and says invalid syntax Now, if
 I just put print Game Over then it says Game Over UNDERNEATH the code I
 just printed!
 now I am following the book to the *pixel* and that is not what is
 supposed to happen!
 Please email me back as soon as you get this...(if you are not to busy).



Joel Goldstick

Re: multiple 2.7.3 versions?

2013-02-15 Thread Terry Reedy

On 2/15/2013 5:53 AM, Robin Becker wrote:

A colleague reports that this python from a recent Ubuntu x86_x64

Python 2.7.3 (default, Sep 26 2012, 21:51:14)

Look at the date. This is Ubuntu's updated 2.7.3. It really should be 
'' or '2.7.3b' or '2.7.3-ubuntu' or '2.7.3 -- 2012 Sep 6 update' 
or even '2.7.4a0'.

contains a fix of this bug


which will be in 2.7.4 for everyone else.

Can someone explain how this 'fix' is leaking out onto his machine?

Ubuntu considers getting fixes to people early a feature, not a 'leak'.

all the other machines I have access to I'm seeing something similar to

Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2012, 23:31:26) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32

Notice the date again -- the original release date of 2.7.3.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: New User-Need-Help

2013-02-15 Thread Bob Brusa
Am Freitag, 15. Februar 2013 schrieb Joel Goldstick :

 On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Deborah Piotrowski 
 spiceninj...@gmail.com javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
 'spiceninj...@gmail.com'); wrote:


 I am very new to Python, I am using the e-book Python Programming for
 the Absolute Beginner and am starting with a simple Game Over Program.
  This is the code:which is extremely simple!
 printGame Over raw_input(\n\nPress Enter Key to exit)

 welcome Nicholas

 One important thing about python is indentation is important.  You have
 presented your code in a way that can't be.  Can you actually copy your
 program and paste it into an email message.  Also, Windows, Linux, Mac?

 That's it. It is supposed to bring up a window that says Game Over and
 at the bottom say Press enter Key to exit and when you press the enter
 key it is supposed to exit(big suprise).
 But all it does is highlight raw_input and says invalid syntax Now,
 if I just put print Game Over then it says Game Over UNDERNEATH the
 code I just printed!
 now I am following the book to the *pixel* and that is not what is
 supposed to happen!
 Please email me back as soon as you get this...(if you are not to busy).



 Joel Goldstick

Could it be that you use a more recent version ( e. g. 3.3) of python? I
found that raw_input is indeed no longer recognized. Use input instead and
your code will work - at least it did so with python 3.3 on my iPad.

Von Gmail Mobile gesendet

Re: New User-Need-Help

2013-02-15 Thread John Gordon
In mailman.1848.1360964736.2939.python-l...@python.org Deborah Piotrowski 
spiceninj...@gmail.com writes:

 This is the code:which is extremely simple!
 printGame Over raw_input(\n\nPress Enter Key to exit)
 That's it.

Does your code really have everything on one line, as you posted?  If so,
that's the problem.  It should be broken into two separate lines:

print Game Over
raw_input(\n\nPress Enter Key to exit)

I can't believe the book put all that code on one line...

John Gordon   A is for Amy, who fell down the stairs
gor...@panix.com  B is for Basil, assaulted by bears
-- Edward Gorey, The Gashlycrumb Tinies


Howto parse a string using a char in python

2013-02-15 Thread Steve Goodwin

I am looking for the python2.7 function(s) to parse a string from a colon 
character :

Sounds simple enough.

For example, a string like 123456:789.  I just need the 123456 
substring.(left of the :)

I have looked at regular expressions and string functions, so far no luck. 
Custom function required?

Thank you.

- Spoog98 


Re: multiple 2.7.3 versions?

2013-02-15 Thread Ned Deily
In article kfmdu8$iim$1...@ger.gmane.org, Terry Reedy tjre...@udel.edu 
 On 2/15/2013 5:53 AM, Robin Becker wrote:
  all the other machines I have access to I'm seeing something similar to
  Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2012, 23:31:26) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
  (Intel)] on win32
 Notice the date again -- the original release date of 2.7.3.

FYI - the date is a build date; it doesn't tell you much about the 
source code base used for that Python build.  The tag to the left of it 
*may* tell you something, for example, if the build is made from an hg 
checkout or if the build is from an official tagged source tarball.  In 
this case, default doesn't tell much.  But if it had the hg rev used 
for the checkout, you have some indication of what it contains.  The 
official rev tags for each release are available here:


 Ned Deily,


Re: New User-Need-Help

2013-02-15 Thread Deborah Piotrowski
print Game Over
input(\n\nPress the Enter Key to Exit)
Syntax Error: Invalid Syntax

On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Bob Brusa bob.br...@gmail.com wrote:

 Am Freitag, 15. Februar 2013 schrieb Joel Goldstick :

 On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Deborah Piotrowski 
 spiceninj...@gmail.com wrote:


 I am very new to Python, I am using the e-book Python Programming for
 the Absolute Beginner and am starting with a simple Game Over Program.
  This is the code:which is extremely simple!
 printGame Over raw_input(\n\nPress Enter Key to exit)

 welcome Nicholas

 One important thing about python is indentation is important.  You have
 presented your code in a way that can't be.  Can you actually copy your
 program and paste it into an email message.  Also, Windows, Linux, Mac?

 That's it. It is supposed to bring up a window that says Game Over and
 at the bottom say Press enter Key to exit and when you press the enter
 key it is supposed to exit(big suprise).
 But all it does is highlight raw_input and says invalid syntax Now,
 if I just put print Game Over then it says Game Over UNDERNEATH the
 code I just printed!
 now I am following the book to the *pixel* and that is not what is
 supposed to happen!
 Please email me back as soon as you get this...(if you are not to busy).



 Joel Goldstick

 Could it be that you use a more recent version ( e. g. 3.3) of python? I
 found that raw_input is indeed no longer recognized. Use input instead and
 your code will work - at least it did so with python 3.3 on my iPad.

 Von Gmail Mobile gesendet

Nicholas J. Piotrowski

Re: Howto parse a string using a char in python

2013-02-15 Thread Tim Chase
On 2013-02-15 18:04, Steve Goodwin wrote:
 I am looking for the python2.7 function(s) to parse a string from a
 colon character :
 Sounds simple enough.
 For example, a string like 123456:789.  I just need the 123456 
 substring.(left of the :)
 I have looked at regular expressions and string functions, so far
 no luck. Custom function required?

With just a single character, it sounds like you want something like

  whole = 123456:789
  parts = whole.split(':') # or .split(':', 1)
  interesting = parts[0]

No custom function needed.



Re: New User-Need-Help

2013-02-15 Thread Bob Brusa
print uses the new syntax e.g. print(example) in 3.r
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

-Original Message-
From: Deborah Piotrowski spiceninj...@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2013 16:08:17 
To: Bob Brusabob.br...@gmail.com
Cc: Joel Goldstickjoel.goldst...@gmail.com; 
Subject: Re: New User-Need-Help

print Game Over
input(\n\nPress the Enter Key to Exit)
Syntax Error: Invalid Syntax

On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Bob Brusa bob.br...@gmail.com wrote:

 Am Freitag, 15. Februar 2013 schrieb Joel Goldstick :

 On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Deborah Piotrowski 
 spiceninj...@gmail.com wrote:


 I am very new to Python, I am using the e-book Python Programming for
 the Absolute Beginner and am starting with a simple Game Over Program.
  This is the code:which is extremely simple!
 printGame Over raw_input(\n\nPress Enter Key to exit)

 welcome Nicholas

 One important thing about python is indentation is important.  You have
 presented your code in a way that can't be.  Can you actually copy your
 program and paste it into an email message.  Also, Windows, Linux, Mac?

 That's it. It is supposed to bring up a window that says Game Over and
 at the bottom say Press enter Key to exit and when you press the enter
 key it is supposed to exit(big suprise).
 But all it does is highlight raw_input and says invalid syntax Now,
 if I just put print Game Over then it says Game Over UNDERNEATH the
 code I just printed!
 now I am following the book to the *pixel* and that is not what is
 supposed to happen!
 Please email me back as soon as you get this...(if you are not to busy).



 Joel Goldstick

 Could it be that you use a more recent version ( e. g. 3.3) of python? I
 found that raw_input is indeed no longer recognized. Use input instead and
 your code will work - at least it did so with python 3.3 on my iPad.

 Von Gmail Mobile gesendet

Nicholas J. Piotrowski


Re: Howto parse a string using a char in python

2013-02-15 Thread David Robinow
On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 6:04 PM, Steve Goodwin sgood...@cfl.rr.com wrote:

 I am looking for the python2.7 function(s) to parse a string from a colon
 character :

 Sounds simple enough.

 For example, a string like 123456:789.  I just need the 123456
 substring.(left of the :)

Re: Howto parse a string using a char in python

2013-02-15 Thread John Gordon
In 511ebf0c$0$21334$9a6e1...@unlimited.newshosting.com Steve Goodwin 
sgood...@cfl.rr.com writes:

 I am looking for the python2.7 function(s) to parse a string from a colon 
 character :

 Sounds simple enough.

 For example, a string like 123456:789.  I just need the 123456 
 substring.(left of the :)

 I have looked at regular expressions and string functions, so far no luck. 
 Custom function required?

Use the split() string function.

John Gordon   A is for Amy, who fell down the stairs
gor...@panix.com  B is for Basil, assaulted by bears
-- Edward Gorey, The Gashlycrumb Tinies


Re: Howto parse a string using a char in python

2013-02-15 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 15/02/2013 23:04, Steve Goodwin wrote:


I am looking for the python2.7 function(s) to parse a string from a colon
character :

Sounds simple enough.

For example, a string like 123456:789.  I just need the 123456
substring.(left of the :)

I have looked at regular expressions and string functions, so far no luck.
Custom function required?

Thank you.

- Spoog98

More likely a visit to the opticians :)  See 
http://docs.python.org/2/library/stdtypes.html#string-methods for the 
find and index methods.


Mark Lawrence


Re: New User-Need-Help

2013-02-15 Thread John Gordon
In mailman.1855.1360969699.2939.python-l...@python.org Deborah Piotrowski 
spiceninj...@gmail.com writes:

 print Game Over
 input(\n\nPress the Enter Key to Exit)
 Syntax Error: Invalid Syntax

You're probably using Python version 3, but the book was written for 
version 2.  The print statement is handled a bit differently in version 3.

Change your print statement to look like this:

print(Game Over)

John Gordon   A is for Amy, who fell down the stairs
gor...@panix.com  B is for Basil, assaulted by bears
-- Edward Gorey, The Gashlycrumb Tinies


Re: New User-Need-Help

2013-02-15 Thread Joel Goldstick
Print needs parense in python 3
On Feb 15, 2013 5:48 PM, Bob Brusa bob.br...@gmail.com wrote:

 Am Freitag, 15. Februar 2013 schrieb Joel Goldstick :

 On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Deborah Piotrowski 
 spiceninj...@gmail.com wrote:


 I am very new to Python, I am using the e-book Python Programming for
 the Absolute Beginner and am starting with a simple Game Over Program.
  This is the code:which is extremely simple!
 printGame Over raw_input(\n\nPress Enter Key to exit)

 welcome Nicholas

 One important thing about python is indentation is important.  You have
 presented your code in a way that can't be.  Can you actually copy your
 program and paste it into an email message.  Also, Windows, Linux, Mac?

 That's it. It is supposed to bring up a window that says Game Over and
 at the bottom say Press enter Key to exit and when you press the enter
 key it is supposed to exit(big suprise).
 But all it does is highlight raw_input and says invalid syntax Now,
 if I just put print Game Over then it says Game Over UNDERNEATH the
 code I just printed!
 now I am following the book to the *pixel* and that is not what is
 supposed to happen!
 Please email me back as soon as you get this...(if you are not to busy).



 Joel Goldstick

 Could it be that you use a more recent version ( e. g. 3.3) of python? I
 found that raw_input is indeed no longer recognized. Use input instead and
 your code will work - at least it did so with python 3.3 on my iPad.

 Von Gmail Mobile gesendet


Re: Howto parse a string using a char in python

2013-02-15 Thread Gary Chambers

 I am looking for the python2.7 function(s) to parse a string from a colon 
 character :
 Sounds simple enough.
 For example, a string like 123456:789.  I just need the 123456 
 substring.(left of the :)

How about:

newstr = str[:str.find(':')]


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: New User-Need-Help

2013-02-15 Thread Deborah Piotrowski
WAIT!! It works now, I just needed to save it in script.
Thank you guys so much!!
My best regards, Nicholas

On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 4:21 PM, Joel Goldstick joel.goldst...@gmail.comwrote:

 Print needs parense in python 3
 On Feb 15, 2013 5:48 PM, Bob Brusa bob.br...@gmail.com wrote:

 Am Freitag, 15. Februar 2013 schrieb Joel Goldstick :

 On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Deborah Piotrowski 
 spiceninj...@gmail.com wrote:


 I am very new to Python, I am using the e-book Python Programming for
 the Absolute Beginner and am starting with a simple Game Over Program.
  This is the code:which is extremely simple!
 printGame Over raw_input(\n\nPress Enter Key to exit)

 welcome Nicholas

 One important thing about python is indentation is important.  You have
 presented your code in a way that can't be.  Can you actually copy your
 program and paste it into an email message.  Also, Windows, Linux, Mac?

 That's it. It is supposed to bring up a window that says Game Over
 and at the bottom say Press enter Key to exit and when you press the
 enter key it is supposed to exit(big suprise).
 But all it does is highlight raw_input and says invalid syntax Now,
 if I just put print Game Over then it says Game Over UNDERNEATH the
 code I just printed!
 now I am following the book to the *pixel* and that is not what is
 supposed to happen!
 Please email me back as soon as you get this...(if you are not to



 Joel Goldstick

 Could it be that you use a more recent version ( e. g. 3.3) of python? I
 found that raw_input is indeed no longer recognized. Use input instead and
 your code will work - at least it did so with python 3.3 on my iPad.

 Von Gmail Mobile gesendet

Nicholas J. Piotrowski

Re: New User-Need-Help

2013-02-15 Thread Terry Reedy

On 2/15/2013 4:45 PM, Deborah Piotrowski wrote:

I am very new to Python, I am using the e-book Python Programming for
the Absolute Beginner and am starting with a simple Game Over
Program.  This is the code:which is extremely simple!\
printGame Over raw_input(\n\nPress Enter Key to exit)

That code is two statements. It should either have a semicolon

printGame Over; raw_input(\n\nPress Enter Key to exit)

or be entered on two lines

printGame Over
raw_input(\n\nPress Enter Key to exit)

That's it. It is supposed to bring up a window that says Game Over

I don't know what system you are running on, but print just prints to 
the window you are running in and does not bring up a new window.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Implicit conversion to boolean in if and while statements

2013-02-15 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 7:12 AM, Ian Kelly ian.g.ke...@gmail.com wrote:
 FYI, the general consensus here is that he (8 Dihedral) is a
 bot.  It posts in non sequiturs and fails to respond meaningfully to
 direct queries.  A few months ago I posed an obvious Turing test for
 it, which it failed.


Which, I might add, was something awesome. I find Dihedral pretty
amusing, tbh... permanently mutated list is an interesting concept.


Re: multiple 2.7.3 versions?

2013-02-15 Thread Terry Reedy

On 2/15/2013 6:06 PM, Ned Deily wrote:

In article kfmdu8$iim$1...@ger.gmane.org, Terry Reedy tjre...@udel.edu

On 2/15/2013 5:53 AM, Robin Becker wrote:

all the other machines I have access to I'm seeing something similar to

Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2012, 23:31:26) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32

Notice the date again -- the original release date of 2.7.3.

FYI - the date is a build date; it doesn't tell you much about the
source code base used for that Python build.

If a build called 2.7.3 is built on the 2.7.3 release date, one may 
reasonably think that it is built from the 2.7.3 code released on that 
date. Besides which, I recognized that as the header from the PSF 
distributed build ;-). More problematical is any build, even of the same 
name, built later, by anyone else, as with Ubuntu releases.

 But if it had the hg rev used

for the checkout, you have some indication of what it contains.

My impression is that Ubuntu does not build from any of *our* hg revs, 
but that they cherry pick patches to apply in their repository. I agree 
that is they gave *their* repository url and checkout id, that would be 
helpful. We could possible do that with our releases too.

Terry Jan Reedy


Help with creating django-admin.py file

2013-02-15 Thread Yoni201
Hello everyone,

I am trying to follow this tutorial:

I am on step 3 as of now (scroll down a little bit to see it).

For some reason when I run the code in terminal I get: 
zsh: permission denied: /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/django.pth

Here is my terminal with path information and everything:

Yonatan-Orens-MacBook-Pro-2% echo $PATH
Yonatan-Orens-MacBook-Pro-2% which django-admin.py
django-admin.py not found
Yonatan-Orens-MacBook-Pro-2% python -c from distutils.sysconfig import 
get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()
Yonatan-Orens-MacBook-Pro-2% echo documents/django/trunk/django-trunk  
zsh: permission denied: /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/django.pth

Would anyone be able to help me resolve this issue?

Thank you for your time,


Re: python math problem

2013-02-15 Thread John Machin
On Feb 16, 6:39 am, Kene Meniru kene.men...@illom.org wrote:

 x = (math.sin(math.radians(angle)) * length)
 y = (math.cos(math.radians(angle)) * length)

A suggestion about coding style:

from math import sin, cos, radians # etc etc
x = sin(radians(angle)) * length
y = cos(radians(angle)) * length

... easier to write, easier to read.

Re: Python-list Digest, Vol 113, Issue 111

2013-02-15 Thread Claira
Hi, I don't know if I should ask this on here, or in the tutor section, but
I heard that http://www.lighttable.com was an innovative IDE, so I was
wondering if it works for python since I'm learning python over time.

On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 5:25 PM, python-list-requ...@python.org wrote:

 Send Python-list mailing list submissions to

 To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
 or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

 You can reach the person managing the list at

 When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
 than Re: Contents of Python-list digest...

 Today's Topics:

1. Re: Howto parse a string using a char in python (John Gordon)
2. Re: New User-Need-Help (John Gordon)
3. Re: Howto parse a string using a char in python (Tim Chase)
4. Re: Howto parse a string using a char in python (David Robinow)
5. Re: Howto parse a string using a char in python (Mark Lawrence)
6. Re: Howto parse a string using a char in python (Gary Chambers)
7. Re: New User-Need-Help (Joel Goldstick)
8. Re: New User-Need-Help (Deborah Piotrowski)

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: John Gordon gor...@panix.com
 To: python-list@python.org
 Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2013 23:11:52 + (UTC)
 Subject: Re: Howto parse a string using a char in python
 In 511ebf0c$0$21334$9a6e1...@unlimited.newshosting.com Steve Goodwin 
 sgood...@cfl.rr.com writes:

  I am looking for the python2.7 function(s) to parse a string from a colon
  character :

  Sounds simple enough.

  For example, a string like 123456:789.  I just need the 123456
  substring.(left of the :)

  I have looked at regular expressions and string functions, so far no
  Custom function required?

 Use the split() string function.

 John Gordon   A is for Amy, who fell down the stairs
 gor...@panix.com  B is for Basil, assaulted by bears
 -- Edward Gorey, The Gashlycrumb Tinies

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: John Gordon gor...@panix.com
 To: python-list@python.org
 Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2013 23:14:20 + (UTC)
 Subject: Re: New User-Need-Help
 In mailman.1855.1360969699.2939.python-l...@python.org Deborah
 Piotrowski spiceninj...@gmail.com writes:

  print Game Over
  input(\n\nPress the Enter Key to Exit)
  Syntax Error: Invalid Syntax

 You're probably using Python version 3, but the book was written for
 version 2.  The print statement is handled a bit differently in version 3.

 Change your print statement to look like this:

 print(Game Over)

 John Gordon   A is for Amy, who fell down the stairs
 gor...@panix.com  B is for Basil, assaulted by bears
 -- Edward Gorey, The Gashlycrumb Tinies

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Tim Chase python.l...@tim.thechases.com
 To: Steve Goodwin sgood...@cfl.rr.com
 Cc: python-list@python.org
 Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2013 17:16:26 -0600
 Subject: Re: Howto parse a string using a char in python
 On 2013-02-15 18:04, Steve Goodwin wrote:
  I am looking for the python2.7 function(s) to parse a string from a
  colon character :
  Sounds simple enough.
  For example, a string like 123456:789.  I just need the 123456
  substring.(left of the :)
  I have looked at regular expressions and string functions, so far
  no luck. Custom function required?

 With just a single character, it sounds like you want something like

   whole = 123456:789
   parts = whole.split(':') # or .split(':', 1)
   interesting = parts[0]

 No custom function needed.


 -- Forwarded message --
 From: David Robinow drobi...@gmail.com
 To: Steve Goodwin sgood...@cfl.rr.com
 Cc: python-list@python.org
 Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2013 18:19:09 -0500
 Subject: Re: Howto parse a string using a char in python
 On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 6:04 PM, Steve Goodwin sgood...@cfl.rr.com
  I am looking for the python2.7 function(s) to parse a string from a colon
  character :
  Sounds simple enough.
  For example, a string like 123456:789.  I just need the 123456
  substring.(left of the :)

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Mark Lawrence breamore...@yahoo.co.uk
 To: python-list@python.org
 Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2013 23:20:06 +
 Subject: Re: Howto parse a string using a char in python
 On 15/02/2013 23:04, Steve Goodwin wrote:


 I am looking for the python2.7 function(s) to parse a string from a colon
 character :

 Sounds simple enough.

 For example, a string like 123456:789.  I just need the 123456
 substring.(left of the :)

 I have looked at regular expressions and string functions, so far no luck.
 Custom function required?


Small program ideas

2013-02-15 Thread eli m
Any small program ideas? I would prefer to stick to command line ones. Thanks.

Re: Small program ideas

2013-02-15 Thread Mitya Sirenef

On 02/15/2013 10:22 PM, eli m wrote:

Any small program ideas? I would prefer to stick to command line ones. Thanks.

How about these two:

 - simulation of a street crossing with green/red lights allowing cars 
and pedestrians to pass in one direction then another

 - simulation of an elevator in a building: buttons on each floor to 
call the elevator, buttons inside to go to a particular floor,
   multiple floors can be selected at the same time, creating a queue 
of floors to go to.


Lark's Tongue Guide to Python: http://lightbird.net/larks/


Re: Python trademark under attack -- the PSF needs your help

2013-02-15 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Stefan Behnel wrote:

 I'm sure it's a pure marketing thing for their domain. I'd expect the
 number of links to their site to rise rapidly during the next weeks,
 that's very likely worth the bit of money they'd pay to their lawyer(s).

I doubt that. The amount of time required to make a trademark application is
significant, measured in months or years of elapsed time and persons-days
or -weeks, in effort.

 Seriously - who's ever heard of them before this? So it worked already,
 didn't it?

Just because they aren't Microsoft or Apple doesn't mean they aren't a
serious vendor in their space.

 My advice: don't mention their name or their domain in any of your blog
 posts etc., and definitely don't link to them.

This would be the there's no such thing as bad publicity theory.



Re: Small program ideas

2013-02-15 Thread eli m
On Friday, February 15, 2013 7:52:57 PM UTC-8, Mitya Sirenef wrote:
 On 02/15/2013 10:22 PM, eli m wrote:
  Any small program ideas? I would prefer to stick to command line ones. 
 How about these two:
   - simulation of a street crossing with green/red lights allowing cars 
 and pedestrians to pass in one direction then another
   - simulation of an elevator in a building: buttons on each floor to 
 call the elevator, buttons inside to go to a particular floor,
 multiple floors can be selected at the same time, creating a queue 
 of floors to go to.
 Lark's Tongue Guide to Python: http://lightbird.net/larks/

Could i make these text and not visual? That is what i am trying to do.

Re: Python trademark under attack -- the PSF needs your help

2013-02-15 Thread Quint Rankid
On Feb 14, 4:52 pm, Steven D'Aprano steve
+comp.lang.pyt...@pearwood.info wrote:

 You can also testify to the fact that when you read or hear of the
 name Python in relation to computers and the Internet, you think of
 Python the programming language.

Has anyone considered a search of Amazon for Python, or more
particularly searches at sites that Amazon uses to do business in

Re: Small program ideas

2013-02-15 Thread Mitya Sirenef

On 02/15/2013 10:57 PM, eli m wrote:

On Friday, February 15, 2013 7:52:57 PM UTC-8, Mitya Sirenef wrote:

On 02/15/2013 10:22 PM, eli m wrote:

Any small program ideas? I would prefer to stick to command line ones. Thanks.

How about these two:

   - simulation of a street crossing with green/red lights allowing cars

and pedestrians to pass in one direction then another

   - simulation of an elevator in a building: buttons on each floor to

call the elevator, buttons inside to go to a particular floor,

 multiple floors can be selected at the same time, creating a queue

of floors to go to.



Lark's Tongue Guide to Python: http://lightbird.net/larks/

Could i make these text and not visual? That is what i am trying to do.

Of course - just think up some textual representation before starting on 
the code. -m

Lark's Tongue Guide to Python: http://lightbird.net/larks/


Re: python math problem

2013-02-15 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

 Classical CompSci teachings when working with floating point numbers
 is to NEVER compare for equality. Instead one should compare against
 some epsilon:

Don't compare floats for equality is reasonably good advice.

Adding never to that advice, especially when shouting as you do, moves it
into the category superstition.


- Python floating point integers are exact for entire range of -2**53 
  to 2**53, or about -9 million million to +9 million million; if you
  are working with floats that have integral values in this range, 
  testing for equality is perfectly fine.

- If you work exclusively with fractional powers of two, such as 1/2, 
  1/4, 1/8, 1/16, etc. floats are typically exact.

- Testing against an epsilon raises as many problems as it solves:

  + What epsilon should I pick? How do I know if my epsilon is too small,
and therefore I'm rejecting values that I should accept, or too large,
and so I'm accepting values I should reject?

  + If my epsilon is too small, calculating abs(x - y) = epsilon is 
exactly equivalent to x == y, only slower.

  + Should I test for absolute error, or relative error?

  + If relative error, how do I deal with values around zero where 
division is likely to introduce excessive rounding error?

  + Not to mention the risk of dividing by zero.

- And how do I deal with INFs?

  py x = float('inf')
  py x == x
  py abs(x - x) = 1e-14



Re: Python trademark under attack -- the PSF needs your help

2013-02-15 Thread llanitedave
The news is featured as an article on Groklaw now.

Those folks are on it...


Re: Exception running GNU module op25_grc.py : AttributeError: 'gr_hier_block2_sptr' object has no attribute 'set_callback'

2013-02-15 Thread Dave Angel

On 02/15/2013 02:00 PM, matt.doolittl...@gmail.com wrote:

I am using using ubuntu 12.10 i am trying to run a python block, namely OP25, 
in GNU Radio Companion v3.6.3-35-g4435082f, which uses python version 2.7.3 for 
some reason although python3.2 is in the lib folder. I run the following trace 
command in terminal:

~$ python -m trace --count -C . op25_grc.py

Here is the output with an error:

Imported legacy fsk4
  Using Volk machine: ssse3_32
  Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/runpy.py, line 162, in run_module_as_main
  _main__, fname, loader, pkg_name)
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/runpy.py, line 72, in run_code
  exec code in run_globals
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/trace.py, line 819, in
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/trace.py, line 807, in main
  t.runctx(code, globs, globs)
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/trace.py, line 513, in runctx
  exec cmd in globals, locals
  File op25_grc.py, line 493, in
  tb = op25_grc()
  File op25_grc.py, line 231, in __init_
  File /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gnuradio/gr/hier_block2.py, 
line 54, in getattr
  return getattr(self._hb, name)
  AttributeError: 'gr_hier_block2_sptr' object has no attribute 'set_callback'

The code for op25_grc.py:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Gnuradio Python Flow Graph
# Title: Op25 Grc
# Generated: Wed Feb 13 19:37:41 2013


and the code from hier_block2_.py:

# Copyright 2006,2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GNU Radio
# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify


My goal is to fix the error: AttributeError: 'gr_hier_block2_sptr' object has no attribute 
'set_callback' so that the block op25_grc.py will run in GNU radio companion.

i have been unable to find any sort of solution to this problem anywhere.  some 
have said its a version problem with GNUradio but as i posted above i have the 
latest version.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.  Thank you very much!

I'm rather surprised somebody hasn't jumped in by now.  I thought your 
reworded query was quite well done.  One of the source files is pretty 
large, but it's not your code, so that perhaps cannot be helped.  I'm 
not sure why you included the code from hier_block2_.py, as I cannot see 
any reference to it.

I'm surprised at the comment in the first file that said the code was 
generated.  if it was generated by your efforts, perhaps there was 
something wrong with that.

I know nothing about this gnuradio thingie, and you didn't supply a 
website url.  I was wondering if the module is even intended to be run 
standalone, but I suppose the if __name__ == __main__  thing is a clue 
that it's supposed to.

I found the mixture of trace lines to confuse the stack trace immensely, 
since the exception doesn't occur in the last source line quoted. 
Somebody better than I had best jump in and help.

The error message referenced class gr_hier_block2_sptr, but I don't see 
where this is defined.  So I'm not sure how to tell whether it does or 
should have a set_callback method.

If nobody else jumps in, I'd suggest finding a forum that supports 
gnuradio, and ask there.


Re: The python computer language

2013-02-15 Thread Dave Angel

On 02/16/2013 12:33 AM, Bama Parameshwaran wrote:


Without any text body, you surely don't expect any of us to follow a link ??


Python trademark - A request for civility

2013-02-15 Thread Steven D'Aprano

It seems that people have been sending threats and abuse to the company
claiming a trademark on the name Python. And somebody, somewhere, may
have launched a DDOS attack on their website.

The Python Software Foundation has asked the community for restraint and
civility during this dispute. Abuse and threats just bring the Python
community into disrepute.




[issue13153] IDLE crashes when pasting non-BMP unicode char on Py3

2013-02-15 Thread Ned Deily

Ned Deily added the comment:

LGTM.  The patch does prevent the crash in IDLE which is certainly an 
improvement until such time as someone investigates having Tk/tkinter fully 
support non-BMP characters.


Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17200] telnetlib.read_until() timeout uses the wrong units

2013-02-15 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

0 and None must be different.

nosy: +serhiy.storchaka

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue5308] cannot marshal objects with more than 2**31 elements

2013-02-15 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Changes by Serhiy Storchaka storch...@gmail.com:

resolution:  - fixed
stage: patch review - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue13555] cPickle MemoryError when loading large file (while pickle works)

2013-02-15 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Changes by Serhiy Storchaka storch...@gmail.com:

resolution:  - fixed
stage: patch review - committed/rejected
status: open - closed

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue16991] Add OrderedDict written in C

2013-02-15 Thread Eric Snow

Eric Snow added the comment:

Are there any objections to this unittest cleanup patch?  I'd like to commit it 
separately prior to anything that will go in for the C OrderedDict.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file29077/cleanup-test-collections.diff

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17208] add note/warning about daemon threads

2013-02-15 Thread Antoine Pitrou

New submission from Antoine Pitrou:

People are generally not aware of the properties of daemon threads.
I suggest to add a note such as the following:

« Daemon threads are abruptly stopped at shutdown. Their resources (such as 
open files, database transactions, etc.) may not be released properly. If you 
want your threads to stop gracefully, make them non-daemonic and use a suitable 
signalling mechanism such as an Event. »

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 182133
nosy: docs@python, pitrou, sbt
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: add note/warning about daemon threads
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.2, Python 3.3, Python 3.4

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue16991] Add OrderedDict written in C

2013-02-15 Thread Eric Snow

Eric Snow added the comment:

Incidently, I'm just about done with the OrdereDict patch.  I'm attaching the 
current one.  At present it passes the unit tests, but I have two 
memory-related issues and a number of open questions (that I don't think are 

The patch has the unittest cleanup merged in just so it will show up in 

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file29078/odict.diff

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue16991] Add OrderedDict written in C

2013-02-15 Thread Eric Snow

Changes by Eric Snow ericsnowcurren...@gmail.com:

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file28839/cleanup-test-collections.diff

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue16991] Add OrderedDict written in C

2013-02-15 Thread Eric Snow

Changes by Eric Snow ericsnowcurren...@gmail.com:

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file28956/odict.diff

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17208] add note/warning about daemon threads

2013-02-15 Thread Tim Golden

Tim Golden added the comment:

+1 This is essentially the answer to the naive user's question:

Why would anyone *not* use daemon threads given that they're less
hassle to manage?

nosy: +tim.golden

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue979407] urllib2 digest auth totally broken

2013-02-15 Thread Michele Orrù

Michele Orrù added the comment:

Isn't this issue fixed and tested on Lib/test/test_urllib2.py:1304?

nosy: +maker

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17209] get_wch() doesn't handle KeyboardInterrupt

2013-02-15 Thread raymontag

New submission from raymontag:

If I've initialized a window in curses, try to get a single character with 
get_wch() and press Ctrl+C, the program crashes even if I handle 
KeyboardInterrupt. Here's a code example.

import curses

scr = curses.initscr()
char = scr.get_wch()
except KeyboardInterrupt:

With getch() instead of get_wch() it works though.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 182137
nosy: raymontag
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: get_wch() doesn't handle KeyboardInterrupt
versions: Python 3.3

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17209] get_wch() doesn't handle KeyboardInterrupt

2013-02-15 Thread raymontag

Changes by raymontag kkoe...@posteo.de:

type:  - crash

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue16043] xmlrpc: gzip_decode has unlimited read()

2013-02-15 Thread Christian Heimes

Christian Heimes added the comment:

+1 for a keyword argument

I also have to add a limit to GzipDecodedResponse().

Python 2.6 and 3.1 are not affected by the issue. The problematic code was 
added in 2.7 and 3.2.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17201] Use allowZip64=True by default

2013-02-15 Thread Ramchandra Apte

Ramchandra Apte added the comment:


nosy: +Ramchandra.Apte

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17210] documentation of PyUnicode_Format() states wrong argument type requirements

2013-02-15 Thread Stefan Behnel

New submission from Stefan Behnel:

The current documentation says:

PyObject* PyUnicode_Format(PyObject *format, PyObject *args)
Return value: New reference.

Return a new string object from format and args; this is analogous to 
format % args. The args argument must be a tuple.

According to the implementation, however, args can be a tuple, a unicode 
string, or an arbitrary mapping, i.e. everything that Python's % operator 
allows for strings as well.

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 182140
nosy: docs@python, scoder
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: documentation of PyUnicode_Format() states wrong argument type 
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.6, Python 2.7, Python 3.2, Python 3.3, Python 3.4

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[issue13153] IDLE crashes when pasting non-BMP unicode char on Py3

2013-02-15 Thread Ramchandra Apte

Ramchandra Apte added the comment:

@Ned Deily
Tk, at least on my system, doesn't render Unicode characters, even within BMP 
correctly but the characters are kept (cut-and-paste works correctly)
What you mean by support.

nosy: +Ramchandra.Apte

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17179] Incorrect use of type function in types.new_class

2013-02-15 Thread Ramchandra Apte

Ramchandra Apte added the comment:

@Daniel Urban
Me too.

nosy: +Ramchandra.Apte

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17179] Incorrect use of type function in types.new_class

2013-02-15 Thread Ramchandra Apte

Changes by Ramchandra Apte maniandra...@gmail.com:

type:  - behavior

Python tracker rep...@bugs.python.org
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17211] pkgutil.iter_modules and walk_packages should return a namedtuple

2013-02-15 Thread Ramchandra Apte

New submission from Ramchandra Apte:

Will attach a patch soon.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 182143
nosy: Ramchandra.Apte
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: pkgutil.iter_modules and walk_packages should return a namedtuple
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.3, Python 3.4

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