ANN: Rainbowstream: smart and nice Twitter client on terminal

2014-07-08 Thread Minh Nhat
Rainbow Stream v0.2.5 is now available.


Rainbow Stream is a smart and nice Twitter client on terminal.
It has colourful stream, interactive commands and beautiful built-in themes.
It even can display an image directly on terminal.

License: MIT
Author: Vu Nhat Minh
* Twitter: @dtvd88
* Mail:

PA HREF=;Rainbow Stream 0.2.5/A - A smart 
and nice Twitter client on terminal. (08-07-2014)


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Re: error handling when opening files

2014-07-08 Thread Marko Rauhamaa
Alex Burke

 While reading up on a previous thread 'open() and EOFError' I saw the
 following (with minor changes to help make my question clearer) block
 suggested as a canonical way to open files and do something:

 f = open(path)
 except IOError:
 with f:

 This somewhat surprised me because I'd always written such a block
 something more as follows:

 with open(path) as f:
 except IOError:
 handle_error('file never opened')
 except ApplicationError:
 handle_error('doing something with the content went wrong')

 Aside from the pythonic but less widely known else clause of the
 try/except in the first form, what else is different? What nuances am
 I missing?

Your version catches IOError for do_stuff() as well as open(). You
usually want to guard each statement with try-except so you can log and
pinpoint the error better.


PyPy-STM: first interesting release

2014-07-08 Thread Mark Lawrence
A GIL-less Python? See

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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is active.


Re: PEP8 and 4 spaces

2014-07-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 08 Jul 2014 11:22:25 +1000, Ben Finney wrote:

 A group of (a particular amount of) U+0020 characters is visually
 indistinguishable from a U+0009 character, when the default semantics
 are applied to each.

Hmmm. I'm not sure there actually *is* such a thing as default 
semantics for tabs. If you look at a tab character in a font, it 
probably looks like a single space, but that depends on the font 
designer. But if you look at it in a text editor, it will probably look 
like eight spaces, unless it looks like four, or some other number, and 
if you look at it in a word processor, it will probably look like a jump 
to the next tab stop command. In a spreadsheet application, it will be a 
cell separator and consequently doesn't look like anything at all. I 
don't think any of those things count as default semantics.

The point being, tabs are *control characters*, like newlines and 
carriage returns and form feeds, not regular characters like spaces and 
A or λ. Since indent is an *instruction* rather than a character, 
it is best handled with a control character.

In any case, if we limit ourselves to text editors, only a specific 
number of spaces will be visually indistinguishable from a tab, where the 
number depends on which column you start with:

x   x   # Tab
x   x   # Seven spaces
x  x# Six spaces
xx  # Eight spaces

Even in a proportional font, the last two should be distinguishable from 
the first two. Admittedly, that does leave the case where N spaces (for 
some 1 = N = 8) looks like a tab. That's a probably, but it's not the 
only one:

* End of line is a problem. I know of *at least* the following seven 
conventions for end-of-line:

- ASCII line feed, \n (Unix etc.)
- ASCII carriage return, \r (Acorn, ZX Spectrum, Apple, etc.)
- ASCII \r\n (CP/M, DOS, Windows, Symbian, Palm, etc.)
- ASCII \n\r (RISC OS)
- ASCII Record Separator, \x1E (QNX)
- EBCDIC New Line, \N{NEXT LINE} in Unicode (IBM mainframes)
- ATASCII \x9B (Atari)

* Form feeds are a problem, since they are invisible, but still get used 
(by Vim or Emacs, I forget which) to mark sections of text.

* Issues to do with word-wrapping and hyphenation, or lack thereof, are a 

* Encoding issues are a problem.

* There are other invisible characters than spaces (non-breaking space, 
em-space, en-space, thin space).

The solution is to use a smarter editor. For example, an editor might 
draw a horizontal rule to show a form feed on a line of its own, or 
highlight unexpected carriage return characters with ^M, or display tabs 
in a different colour from spaces, or overlay it with a \x09 glyph. Or an 
editor might be smart enough to automatically do what the current 
paragraph or block does: if the block is already indented with tabs, 
pressing tab inserts a tab, but if it is indented with spaces, pressing 
tab inserts spaces.

Isn't this why you recommend people use a programmer's editor rather than 
Notepad? A good editor should handle these things for you automatically, 
or at least with a minimum amount of manual effort.

 The former is a control character, which has specific semantics
 associated with it; the latter is a printable character, which is
 usually printed and interpreted as itself (although in this particular
 case, the printed representation is hard to see on most output
 And those specific semantics make the display of those characters easily
 confused. That is why it's generally a bad idea to use U+0009 in text
 edited by humans.

I disagree. Using tabs is no more a bad idea than using a formfeed, or 
having support for multiple encodings.

 This mailing list doesn't seem to mind that lines beginning with ASCII
 SPC characters are semantically different from lines beginning with
 ASCII LF characters, although many detractors of Python seem unduly
 fixated on it.
 The salient difference being that U+000A LINE FEED is easily visually
 distinguished from a short sequence of U+0020 SPACE characters. This
 avoids the confusion, and makes use of both together unproblematic.

True, but that's *only* because your editor chooses to follow the 
convention display a LINE FEED by starting a new line rather than by 
the convention display the (invisible or zero-width) glyph of the LINE 
FEED. If editors were to standardise on the convention display a 
HORIZONTAL TAB character as visibly distinct from a sequence of 
spaces (e.g. by shading the background a different colour, or overlying 
it with an arrow) then we would not be having this discussion.

In other words, it is the choice of editors to be *insufficiently smart* 
about tabs that causes the problem. There is a vicious circle here:

* editors don't handle tabs correctly

* which leads to (some) people believing that tabs are bad and should 
be avoided

* which leads to editors failing to handle tabs correctly, because tabs 
are bad and should be avoided.

A pity really.

Re: open() and EOFError

2014-07-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Mon, 07 Jul 2014 14:49:56 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:

 Avoid EOFError. Much better, I think, is the somewhat customary
 s = input(Enter something, or hit return to exit) if not s:
 else: process s

Under many circumstances, I would do exactly that. But sometimes an empty 
string is valid data, not a signal for special processing (whether 
exiting the application, or something else).


Re: error handling when opening files

2014-07-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 08 Jul 2014 01:49:58 +0200, Alex Burke wrote:

 Hi there,
 While reading up on a previous thread 'open() and EOFError' I saw the
 following (with minor changes to help make my question clearer) block
 suggested as a canonical way to open files and do something:

Emphasis on a canonical way, out of many canonical ways ;-)

 f = open(path)
 except IOError:
 with f:

I wrote it that way to show that there is no need to fall back on the old-
fashioned try...except...finally idiom that was used before the with 
statement and context managers. In practice, I would usually do what you 

 This somewhat surprised me because I'd always written such a block
 something more as follows:
 with open(path) as f:
 except IOError:
 handle_error('file never opened')
 except ApplicationError:
 handle_error('doing something with the content went wrong')

assuming that open() and do_stuff() don't raise the same exceptions. If 
they do raise the same exceptions, and it is important to distinguish 
IOError raised by open() from IOError raised by do_stuff, then you cannot 
use this idiom.

 Aside from the pythonic but less widely known else clause of the
 try/except in the first form, what else is different? What nuances am I
 The reason I preferred the second was in addition to catching the
 IOError when attempting the open() if the file does not exist I thought
 I was accounting for the possibility en error occurs while reading data
 out of the file. That and to handle if do_stuff() was actually calling
 readline() or such on the file which I thought was possible source of

Correct. But now imagine you're happily reading through the file, 
processing line after line, and halfway through the file read() fails 
because it's on a network share and somebody just tripped over the cable. 
Your script now *lies to you* and says the file was never opened.

If you care about accurate error messages, you should be more careful 
about conflating two different errors (that is, catching too much in a 
single try...except block).

 I am wondering if this is also related to some misunderstanding around
 the file context manager - on exit of the with() block a close is
 arranged, but if that close() is called in an error situation I was
 under the impression that the error would be raised again outside it.

In general, context managers may choose whether or not to re-raise 
exceptions. Some exceptions are not errors and may be swallowed silently. 
However, file objects will re-raise the error.

Interestingly, did you know that even *closing* a file can fail?


Re: PyPy-STM: first interesting release

2014-07-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 08 Jul 2014 09:48:08 +0100, Mark Lawrence wrote:

 A GIL-less Python? See

Both Jython and IronPython are GIL-less, and have been forever.


Re: PEP8 and 4 spaces

2014-07-08 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 6:48 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 If editors were to standardise on the convention display a
 HORIZONTAL TAB character as visibly distinct from a sequence of
 spaces (e.g. by shading the background a different colour, or overlying
 it with an arrow)

DeScribe Word Processor has (had? it hasn't been developed in about a
decade... but it still runs just fine) a whole lot of visual guides
for metacharacters, which can be turned on or off. Normally, we prefer
not to have a little dot to mark every 0x20 space, but you can have
'em if you want 'em; tabs get shown as diamonds; paragraph markers as
pilcrows; line breaks as a small circle; and so on. (The difference
between a paragraph and a line break isn't a normal one in most text
editors, so I'd be looking at representing U+000A newlines with a
pilcrow, probably.) Obviously you need a means of distinguishing the
end-of-line marker from an actual character, since PILCROW SIGN is a
perfectly acceptable character; but if the metacharacters are shown
in, say, a pale blue, rather than the usual black text, it'd be easy


Re: PEP8 and 4 spaces

2014-07-08 Thread Marko Rauhamaa
Steven D'Aprano

 * editors don't handle tabs correctly

But you said yourself:

 I'm not sure there actually *is* such a thing as default semantics
 for tabs.

What is correct handling of ASCII TAB characters in a text file?

The unix tradition is to let the TTY interpret the TABs. Utilities such
as ed, cat, diff or gcc don't interpret or process TABs in any
way but simply output them together with the rest of the text.

And the TTY tradition is to have TAB stops at every 8 columns (by

So this question has little to do with text editors except in that your
editor should display your program roughly the same way as lpr prints
it out.


Re: PEP8 and 4 spaces

2014-07-08 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 7:09 PM, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
 The unix tradition is to let the TTY interpret the TABs. Utilities such
 as ed, cat, diff or gcc don't interpret or process TABs in any
 way but simply output them together with the rest of the text.

Not quite; tools like diff that put a character at the beginning of
the line are likely to be tab-aware, and gcc is certainly going to
comprehend them (at least to the extent of treating them as
whitespace). And I think less takes notice of them, too, so it's only
the very simplest tools like cat that actually ignore them or treat
them as single characters (or even bytes).


Re: open() and EOFError

2014-07-08 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 7:03 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Mon, 07 Jul 2014 14:49:56 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:

 Avoid EOFError. Much better, I think, is the somewhat customary

 s = input(Enter something, or hit return to exit) if not s:
 else: process s

 Under many circumstances, I would do exactly that. But sometimes an empty
 string is valid data, not a signal for special processing (whether
 exiting the application, or something else).

Or you want to have two different signals: empty string means use the
default, and something else means exit the application now please.
Very common.


Re: error handling when opening files

2014-07-08 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 7:00 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Interestingly, did you know that even *closing* a file can fail?

I know that can happen with SSL sockets (which can require writing and
reading). Can't think of any situations on normal file systems where
that's true, unless the actual failure is in the flushing of buffers;
technically, that's not a failure of closing, but it could be a
failure that's detected on close(). Is that what you're thinking of?


generic _ssl error

2014-07-08 Thread Robin Becker
I have the following from some production machines when trying to clone / pull 
etc etc using mercurial on ubuntu 10.04

hg clone https://myhost/myrepos
abort: error: _ssl.c:480: error:0D0C50A1:asn1 encoding 
routines:ASN1_item_verify:unknown message digest algorithm

I believe that _ssl.c must be the module which presumably is being used 
by the hg command.

The system python which mercurial uses is

Python 2.7.2 (default, Sep 20 2011, 16:38:53)

Could this error be  the result of upgrading the openssl to fix heartbleed and 
not upgrading the system python?

On other servers I am able to clone etc etc without issue, but those are almost 
all 12.04 machines and were fully updated at the time of heartbleed.

Robin Becker


Re: PEP8 and 4 spaces

2014-07-08 Thread Marko Rauhamaa
Chris Angelico

 Not quite; tools like diff that put a character at the beginning of
 the line are likely to be tab-aware,

No, just tried it again: diff outputs tabs as tabs.

   $ diff abc def

where line 1 begins with a tab and line 2 begins with 8 spaces in each

 and gcc is certainly going to comprehend them

   $ gcc -c test.c
   test.c:1:2: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ at end of input

where test.c contains


IOW, gcc reports that the open parenthesis is in column 2.

 (at least to the extent of treating them as whitespace).

Sure, but that doesn't concern the tab stops in any way.

 And I think less takes notice of them, too,


 so it's only the very simplest tools like cat that actually ignore
 them or treat them as single characters (or even bytes).

They all seem to be simple. At least Python is:

   $ python3 -c 'print  ('
 File string, line 1
   SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

where the caret is pointing at the wrong visual column.


Re: PEP8 and 4 spaces

2014-07-08 Thread Chris Angelico
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 9:13 PM, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
 Chris Angelico

 Not quite; tools like diff that put a character at the beginning of
 the line are likely to be tab-aware,

 No, just tried it again: diff outputs tabs as tabs.

$ diff abc def

 where line 1 begins with a tab and line 2 begins with 8 spaces in each

Check out its -t and -T options; diff is definitely tab-aware.

 and gcc is certainly going to comprehend them

$ gcc -c test.c
test.c:1:2: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ at end of input

 where test.c contains


 IOW, gcc reports that the open parenthesis is in column 2.

It's easier to number the positions that way, in the same way that you
would number lines - by how many times you have to hit down or right
arrow to get there. In my MUD client, I measure text positions in
characters (within a line; a particular position is identified by
(line, char), because lines are generally far more important than
overall positions), even when tabs are involved; a tab simply counts
as one character, even though it displays as up to eight times the
width. Actually, I'm currently contemplating a reworking of how that's
all mapped out, which would mean that *any* character is allowed to
take up *any* width, including zero, in which case the only
significance is that a tab takes up a variable width depending on
where it is in the line (which is already coped with).

 And I think less takes notice of them, too,


Shrink your terminal down to some weird width like 45, create a file
with long lines including tabs, 'less' the file, and use the right
arrow key to scroll horizontally. It takes note of tabs and renders
them properly.

 so it's only the very simplest tools like cat that actually ignore
 them or treat them as single characters (or even bytes).

 They all seem to be simple. At least Python is:

$ python3 -c 'print  ('
  File string, line 1
SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

 where the caret is pointing at the wrong visual column.

If someone cares enough to write a patch, I'm sure the traceback
renderer could be improved. But how many people actually use tabs
inside code like that?


Re: open() and EOFError

2014-07-08 Thread Grant Edwards
On 2014-07-07, Gregory Ewing wrote:
 Terry Reedy wrote:
 Avoid EOFError. Much better, I think, is the somewhat customary
 s = input(Enter something, or hit return to exit)
 if not s: sys.exit()
 else: process s

 I beg to differ -- on Unix, Ctrl-D *is* the customary
 way to exit from something that's reading from stdin.

Indeed.  Ctrl-D is _the_ canonical way to tell a program that's
reading stdin that your're done.

I've never run across hit return to exit.

 In any case, you need to be able to handle EOF gracefully if the user
 uses it.

Grant Edwards   grant.b.edwardsYow! Nipples, dimples,
  at   knuckles, NICKLES,
  gmail.comwrinkles, pimples!!

Re: open() and EOFError

2014-07-08 Thread Neil D. Cerutti

On 7/7/2014 7:10 PM, Mark Lawrence wrote:

On 07/07/2014 23:09, Gregory Ewing wrote:

Marko Rauhamaa wrote:

with open(path) as f:

If the open() call is guarded against exceptions (as it usually should),
one must revert to the classic syntax:

Hmmm, maybe we could do with a with-except statement:

with open(path) as f:
except IOError:
   # Catches exceptions in the with-expression only

Although that would be a bit confusing.

I wrap the with inside a try/except, the other file handling parts
within another try/except and use the finer grained exceptions from PEP
3151 to write (at least to my eye) cleaner looking code.  Somehow I
think we'll get agreement on the best way to do this when the cows come

On Windows it's my experience that EOF from interactive sessions is 
ignored. Programs keep going as best they can, providing some other 
means of exit, e.g., an 'exit' command.

But maybe that's just the shell.

Neil Cerutti


NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Anders J. Munch

Most people don't need to deal with NaN's in Python at all,
fortunately. They just don't appear in normal computation, because the
interpreter raises an exception instead.

It happens in my work I come across them quite a lot. I'm writing
software that talks to embedded applications that can contain NaN
values for a variety of reasons - never-initialised storage,
initialise-to-NaN, hardware failures etc.

So when my software reads these values in binary, unpack them using
the struct module, and goes to work. And NaN's are no different from
any other value, it's something to store, compare, display etc.

And that worked fine in my Python 2.4 apps.  Then I upgraded to 2.7
and it broke.  Because 2.7 goes out of it's way to ensure that NaN's
don't compare equal to themselves.

I discovered it when a sanity check told me that two functions,
to_binary and from_binary, weren't each other's inverse, as they were
intended to be.  Apparently,
bitPattern==to_binary(from_binary(bitPattern)) wasn't true for this
particular value of bitPattern.  Of course, the bit pattern in
question was the binary representation for a floating-point NaN.

Panic time! If I can't trust == to return True for (mathematically)
equal objects, that means that every single algorithm I had ever written
that explicitly or implicitly does .__eq__ or .__ne__ comparison was

That meant I had 3 lines of code to review.  Every time there's a
comparison, if there was any chance that either value could be a
float NaN, I would have to change e.g.
   if x==y:
   if x==y or (isinstance(x, float) and isinstance(y, float) and
 math.isnan(x) and math.isnan(y)):
To make it bearable, I could wrap the pattern up in a function and
   if my_equal(x,y):
but I would still lose, because the standard library does == and !=
all over the place without calling my_equal.

In the end I came up with this hack: Every time I struct.unpack'd a
float, I check if it's a NaN, and if it is, then I replace it with a
reference to a single, shared, canonical NaN. That means that
container objects that skip __equal__ when comparing an object to
itself will work -- e.g. hash keys.

It's half a solution, of course: Any further computation with a NaN
value will change it to a different NaN object, so I still needed to
do explicit NaN-checks in various places.  I'm sure there are still
NaN-related bugs in my code, but right now it's good enough - I
haven't seen NaN-related bugs in a good while.

Now, all this bothers me.  Not that I had to do some work to get stuff
to work in an imperfect world.  No, what bothers me is that this
behaviour was explicitly and deliberately put in for no good reason.
The only reason is standard says so. Not that there's any legal
requirement for Python to follow the IEEE-754 standard. Or for that
matter, for Python's spelling of IEEE-754 comparisons to be ==.

So I make this claim: float.__eq__ implementing IEEE-754 NaN
comparison rules creates real problems for developers. And it has
never, ever, helped anyone do anything.

Never is a strong claim, and easily disproven if false: Simply
provide a counterexample.  So that is my challenge: If you have a
program (a pre-existing and useful one, not something artificial
created for this challenge) that benefits from NaN!=NaN and that would
fail if x==x for all float objects x, then please come forward and
show it, and I'll buy you a beer the next time I'm at PyCon.

regards, Anders


Naming conventions for functions and methods

2014-07-08 Thread python
Looking for your opinions on how you name your functions and
methods. Example: I have a function that hashes a file. I could
name this function hash_file() or file_hash(). The 1st naming
convention sounds more natural, the 2nd naming convention
allows one to group related functions together by the object
being acted on. PEP-8 doesn't appear to offer guidance in this
area. Thoughts? Malcolm

Re: open() and EOFError

2014-07-08 Thread Terry Reedy

On 7/8/2014 10:19 AM, Grant Edwards wrote:

On 2014-07-07, Gregory Ewing wrote:

Terry Reedy wrote:

Avoid EOFError. Much better, I think, is the somewhat customary

s = input(Enter something, or hit return to exit)
if not s: sys.exit()
else: process s

I beg to differ -- on Unix, Ctrl-D *is* the customary
way to exit from something that's reading from stdin.

Indeed.  Ctrl-D is _the_ canonical way to tell a program that's
reading stdin that your're done.

Not on Windows.

I've never run across hit return to exit.

In any case, you need to be able to handle EOF gracefully if the user
uses it.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 12:53 AM, Anders J. Munch wrote:
 In the end I came up with this hack: Every time I struct.unpack'd a
 float, I check if it's a NaN, and if it is, then I replace it with a
 reference to a single, shared, canonical NaN. That means that
 container objects that skip __equal__ when comparing an object to
 itself will work -- e.g. hash keys.

Let's take a step back.

No, let's take a step forward.

And let's take a step back again.

(And we're building a military-grade laser!)

Why *should* all NaNs be equal to each other? You said on the other
list that NaN==NaN was equivalent to (2+2)==(1+3), but that assumes
that NaN is a single thing. It's really describing the whole huge
area of stuff that just ain't numbers. Imagine if (x + y) wasn't 4,
but was table. And (a + b) turned out to be cyan. Does table equal
cyan, just because neither of them is a number? Certainly not. Neither
should (inf - inf) be equal to (inf / inf). Both of those expressions
evaluate to something that can't possibly be a number - it can't be
anywhere on the number line, it can't be anywhere on the complex
plane, it simply isn't a number. And they're not the same non-numeric

For hash keys, float object identity will successfully look them up:
{nan: 1, nan: 2, nan: 3}

So I'm not sure where the problems come from. You can iterate over a
dict's keys and look things up with them:

 for k,v in d.items():
nan 1 1
nan 2 2
nan 3 3

You can do a simple 'is' check as well as your equality check:

if x is y or x == y:
print(They're the same)

But any time you compare floats for equality, you *already* have to
understand what you're doing (because of rounding and such), so I
don't see why the special case on NaN is significant, unless as
mentioned above, you want all NaNs to be equal, which doesn't make


Re: open() and EOFError

2014-07-08 Thread Tim Chase
On 2014-07-08 11:08, Terry Reedy wrote:
  Indeed.  Ctrl-D is _the_ canonical way to tell a program that's
  reading stdin that your're done.  
 Not on Windows.

Okay, EOF is the canonical way to tell a program reading stdin that
you're done.  It just happens that EOF ^D on *nix-likes and ^Z on
Win32. :-)



Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Ian Kelly
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 8:53 AM, Anders J. Munch wrote:
 And that worked fine in my Python 2.4 apps.  Then I upgraded to 2.7
 and it broke.  Because 2.7 goes out of it's way to ensure that NaN's
 don't compare equal to themselves.

As far as I know nothing changed between 2.4 and 2.7 in this regard.
Python has always had NaN compare unequal to everything, per the

 I discovered it when a sanity check told me that two functions,
 to_binary and from_binary, weren't each other's inverse, as they were
 intended to be.  Apparently,
 bitPattern==to_binary(from_binary(bitPattern)) wasn't true for this
 particular value of bitPattern.  Of course, the bit pattern in
 question was the binary representation for a floating-point NaN.

Okay, here's your problem: there isn't just one binary representation
for NaN.  The standard defines any value with all 1's in the exponent
and a non-zero significand as NaN (a zero significand would instead be
an infinity).  Your bit comparison is going to have to be prepared to
compare NaNs that don't have the same binary representation.

By the way, there are also multiple binary representations for 0.  If
you compare them as floats, then they'll compare equal to one another,
but if you're just comparing binary representations then you'll have
issues there as well.

 Now, all this bothers me.  Not that I had to do some work to get stuff
 to work in an imperfect world.  No, what bothers me is that this
 behaviour was explicitly and deliberately put in for no good reason.
 The only reason is standard says so. Not that there's any legal
 requirement for Python to follow the IEEE-754 standard. Or for that
 matter, for Python's spelling of IEEE-754 comparisons to be ==.

Following the standard isn't a good reason itself?  It seems to me
that one should be expected to provide a strong justification for
*deviating* from the standard, not for following it.

Re: open() and EOFError

2014-07-08 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 1:20 AM, Tim Chase wrote:
 On 2014-07-08 11:08, Terry Reedy wrote:
  Indeed.  Ctrl-D is _the_ canonical way to tell a program that's
  reading stdin that your're done.

 Not on Windows.

 Okay, EOF is the canonical way to tell a program reading stdin that
 you're done.  It just happens that EOF ^D on *nix-likes and ^Z on
 Win32. :-)


I can't think of any Windows-native programs that ask for EOF. Only
those which came from POSIX platforms do it. That said, though,
Windows doesn't tend to encourage interactive command-line programs at
all, so you may as well just follow the Unix convention.


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Skip Montanaro
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 10:19 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
 For hash keys, float object identity will successfully look them up:
 {nan: 1, nan: 2, nan: 3}



Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 1:24 AM, Skip Montanaro wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 10:19 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
 For hash keys, float object identity will successfully look them up:
 {nan: 1, nan: 2, nan: 3}


Yeah. It's one of those arguable points; is it a mere optimization
that dict lookup does an identity check before an equality check, or
is it crucial to other invariants (like the iteration one - if you
iterate over items(), it should give exactly the same results as
iterating over keys() and then looking things up)? Obviously it's
better for the dict to use equality checks rather than identity checks
(otherwise, at the very least, you'd have to explicitly intern all
strings used as dict keys - that'd just be ridiculous), but with
objects that don't compare equal to themselves, what should be done?

I think Python's picked a quite reasonable approach.


Re: open() and EOFError

2014-07-08 Thread Tim Chase
On 2014-07-09 01:24, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 1:20 AM, Tim Chase
  Okay, EOF is the canonical way to tell a program reading stdin
  that you're done.  It just happens that EOF ^D on *nix-likes and
  ^Z on Win32. :-)
 I can't think of any Windows-native programs that ask for EOF. Only
 those which came from POSIX platforms do it. That said, though,
 Windows doesn't tend to encourage interactive command-line programs
 at all, so you may as well just follow the Unix convention.

There was a time in life where I used copy con output.txt on a
disturbingly frequent basis.  Control+Z ended my file for me.



Re: open() and EOFError

2014-07-08 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 1:46 AM, Tim Chase wrote:
 On 2014-07-09 01:24, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 1:20 AM, Tim Chase
  Okay, EOF is the canonical way to tell a program reading stdin
  that you're done.  It just happens that EOF ^D on *nix-likes and
  ^Z on Win32. :-)

 I can't think of any Windows-native programs that ask for EOF. Only
 those which came from POSIX platforms do it. That said, though,
 Windows doesn't tend to encourage interactive command-line programs
 at all, so you may as well just follow the Unix convention.

 There was a time in life where I used copy con output.txt on a
 disturbingly frequent basis.  Control+Z ended my file for me.

Yes, and I've done that with a few programs (sort comes to mind; also
Regina Rexx, because it lacked a true interactive interpreter), but
not interactive ones. Those programs are filters, so obviously EOF is
the way to signal, well, end of file.

(Have you ever used COPY CON to create a binary file?)


Re: ^D vs ^Z as EOF and DOS dinosaurs talking (was: open() and EOFError)

2014-07-08 Thread Tim Chase
On 2014-07-09 01:49, Chris Angelico wrote:
 Have you ever used COPY CON to create a binary file?

No, for that I used DEBUG.EXE (or DEBUG.COM on older versions of DOS)



Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Marko Rauhamaa
Chris Angelico

 Why *should* all NaNs be equal to each other?

I appreciate why you can't say NaN is equal to NaN. However, shouldn't
the very comparison attempt trigger an arithmetic exception? After all,
so does a division by zero.


Re: ^D vs ^Z as EOF and DOS dinosaurs talking (was: open() and EOFError)

2014-07-08 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 1:57 AM, Tim Chase wrote:
 On 2014-07-09 01:49, Chris Angelico wrote:
 Have you ever used COPY CON to create a binary file?

 No, for that I used DEBUG.EXE (or DEBUG.COM on older versions of DOS)

I never used a DOS version so old it had DEBUG.COM, but I used
DEBUG.EXE extensively. It was, for years, the only means I had of
building assembly language programs - no C compiler, no proper
assembler, nothing. One of my greatest triumphs, at the time, was the
development of an absolutely insane (even at the time I knew it was
insane) system that let me build an assembly program with line labels
in it; it would pipe commands into DEBUG and pipe the output back out,
and drive DEBUG's mini-assembler. When it came to a label, it would
look at what the prompt said would be the next address, and save it.
When the label was used, it would patch in the actual address. And
forward references were handled, too - it'd put in a placeholder, and
then go and assemble over it afterward. (I'm not sure what happened if
the placeholder resulted in the wrong size of jump command being
assembled. It was a definite consideration, as conditional jumps had
to be relative, but unconditional jumps could be relative (two-byte
command) or absolute (three-byte command). Maybe it just always put in
a distant target, and patched in a NOP if it didn't need the third
byte, or something. I don't remember.)

Sadly, there was a period when all my programming was either in BASIC
or assembly, and even more sadly, I would write low-level code using
DEBUG, save it into the format needed by BLOAD, and then CALL ABSOLUTE
the routine from BASIC... in order to, for instance, access the mouse.
Life got ever so much better when I moved to OS/2, and started using
REXX for most of my work. (And then eventually got a C compiler,
albeit a Windows one. Was years and years before I actually got a
decent build system for OS/2.)

There was a time when, just for the fun of it, I started memorizing a
whole lot of 8086 opcodes in hex, just so I could COPY CON PROGRAM.COM
and make something actually work. I don't think there was ever any
purpose in it at all, but it was fun. I guess that's a purpose... some
people play Tetris, some people have girlfriends/boyfriends, and some
people learn to write machine code at COPY CON...


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 2:16 AM, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
 Chris Angelico

 Why *should* all NaNs be equal to each other?

 I appreciate why you can't say NaN is equal to NaN. However, shouldn't
 the very comparison attempt trigger an arithmetic exception? After all,
 so does a division by zero.

I'd say it would surprise people rather a lot if operations like dict
insertion/lookup could trigger arithmetic exceptions. :)


Re: ^D vs ^Z as EOF and DOS dinosaurs talking (was: open() and EOFError)

2014-07-08 Thread Jan van den Broek
On 2014-07-08, Tim Chase wrote:
 On 2014-07-09 01:49, Chris Angelico wrote:
 Have you ever used COPY CON to create a binary file?

 No, for that I used DEBUG.EXE (or DEBUG.COM on older versions of DOS)

 Jan v/d Broek

Geef je over, wy zyn Bassie en Adriaan, weerstand is nutteloos

Re: open() and EOFError

2014-07-08 Thread Tim Chase
On 2014-07-09 01:24, Chris Angelico wrote:
 I can't think of any Windows-native programs that ask for EOF. Only
 those which came from POSIX platforms do it. That said, though,
 Windows doesn't tend to encourage interactive command-line programs
 at all, so you may as well just follow the Unix convention.

And within the last 10 minutes doing some work on a Win32 box, I
noticed that both the wmic console (standard since at least XP I
believe) and Python use EOF to quit (both provide alternate methods of
quitting, but EOF is fast  easy).



Re: open() and EOFError

2014-07-08 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 2:40 AM, Tim Chase wrote:
 On 2014-07-09 01:24, Chris Angelico wrote:
 I can't think of any Windows-native programs that ask for EOF. Only
 those which came from POSIX platforms do it. That said, though,
 Windows doesn't tend to encourage interactive command-line programs
 at all, so you may as well just follow the Unix convention.

 And within the last 10 minutes doing some work on a Win32 box, I
 noticed that both the wmic console (standard since at least XP I
 believe) and Python use EOF to quit (both provide alternate methods of
 quitting, but EOF is fast  easy).

Python doesn't count, as it's cross-platform; lots of programs work
the same way on all their platforms, and it doesn't say anything about
the expectations of native Windows apps. But wmic, that's a better
example. Counter-example: Command-line FTP on Windows doesn't react to
Ctrl-Z, which annoys me somewhat when I move from one to another. (Not
as much as it annoys me by not supporting passive mode, though. I
generally have to turn to a web browser to do basic FTP downloads
across a VM boundary, and for uploads, I either have to go fetch a
better FTP client (like FileZilla), or - as I've often done - whip up
a few lines of basic TCP socket file transfer, because I can do that
at an interactive interpreter faster than most people can move files
any other way.)


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 08 Jul 2014 16:53:47 +0200, Anders J. Munch wrote:

 Most people don't need to deal with NaN's in Python at all, fortunately.
 They just don't appear in normal computation, because the interpreter
 raises an exception instead.
 It happens in my work I come across them quite a lot. I'm writing
 software that talks to embedded applications that can contain NaN values
 for a variety of reasons - never-initialised storage, initialise-to-NaN,
 hardware failures etc.
 So when my software reads these values in binary, unpack them using the
 struct module, and goes to work. And NaN's are no different from any
 other value, it's something to store, compare, display etc.
 And that worked fine in my Python 2.4 apps.

I think you're smoking something funny :-)

[steve@ando ~]$ python2.4
Python 2.4.3 (#1, Jan  9 2013, 06:49:54)
[GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-54)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
py NAN = float('NAN')
py NAN == NAN

NANs compared unequal in Python 2.4.

 Now, all this bothers me.  Not that I had to do some work to get stuff
 to work in an imperfect world.  No, what bothers me is that this
 behaviour was explicitly and deliberately put in for no good reason.

Oh, you've read the IEEE-754 standard, and that's what it says? We're 
going to specify this behaviour for NANs just to annoy people perhaps?


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 3:13 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Now, all this bothers me.  Not that I had to do some work to get stuff
 to work in an imperfect world.  No, what bothers me is that this
 behaviour was explicitly and deliberately put in for no good reason.

 Oh, you've read the IEEE-754 standard, and that's what it says? We're
 going to specify this behaviour for NANs just to annoy people perhaps?

You're confusing IEEE with Adobe. IEEE is pronounced
Ai!, but it's Adobe that makes people scream


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Skip Montanaro
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 9:53 AM, Anders J. Munch wrote:
 Most people don't need to deal with NaN's in Python at all,
 fortunately. They just don't appear in normal computation, because the
 interpreter raises an exception instead.

In addition to what others have written, I will add one thing. There
are certainly situations where raising an exception is bad. Consider
all the people in the scientific computing community doing fancy
linear algebra sorts of things, often with missing data. They
generally want NaN propagated and not have some long running
calculation crash in the middle.


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Marko Rauhamaa
Chris Angelico

 I'd say it would surprise people rather a lot if operations like dict
 insertion/lookup could trigger arithmetic exceptions. :)

That wouldn't trigger exceptions.

Dict operations do an is test before an == test. In fact, you
couldn't even use NaN as a dict key otherwise. Thus, dict operations
never test NaN == NaN.


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Marko Rauhamaa
Skip Montanaro

 In addition to what others have written, I will add one thing. There
 are certainly situations where raising an exception is bad. Consider
 all the people in the scientific computing community doing fancy
 linear algebra sorts of things, often with missing data. They
 generally want NaN propagated and not have some long running
 calculation crash in the middle.

Do the scientific computers mind:

 1 / 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

or would they prefer their fancy linear-algebraic computation to just
forge on?


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Skip Montanaro
 import numpy
 a1 = numpy.ones(5)
array([ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.])
 a0 = numpy.zeros(5)
array([ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.])
 a1 / a0
__main__:1: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
array([ inf,  inf,  inf,  inf,  inf])
 nans = numpy.array([float(nan)] * 5)
array([ nan,  nan,  nan,  nan,  nan])
 a1 / nans
array([ nan,  nan,  nan,  nan,  nan])
 a1 / a0 * nans
array([ nan,  nan,  nan,  nan,  nan])

You get a runtime warning (this is in Python 2.7), but the division
returns the appropriate value, in this case, infinity. So, yes, they
forge on, and NaN taints things just about the way you'd expect.


On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 12:36 PM, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
 Skip Montanaro

 In addition to what others have written, I will add one thing. There
 are certainly situations where raising an exception is bad. Consider
 all the people in the scientific computing community doing fancy
 linear algebra sorts of things, often with missing data. They
 generally want NaN propagated and not have some long running
 calculation crash in the middle.

 Do the scientific computers mind:

  1 / 0
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
 ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

 or would they prefer their fancy linear-algebraic computation to just
 forge on?


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 3:31 AM, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
 Chris Angelico

 I'd say it would surprise people rather a lot if operations like dict
 insertion/lookup could trigger arithmetic exceptions. :)

 That wouldn't trigger exceptions.

 Dict operations do an is test before an == test. In fact, you
 couldn't even use NaN as a dict key otherwise. Thus, dict operations
 never test NaN == NaN.

Check out the example I posted early in this thread of a dict with
three keys, all of them NaN. And note that hash(float(nan))==0. Now
try looking up d[0]. Before it raises KeyError, it has to compare that
0 for equality with each of the nans, because it can't shortcut it
based on the hash. In fact, I can prove it thus:

 class X:
def __eq__(self, other):
if self is other:
print(Comparing against self - I am me!)
return True
print(Comparing against,other,-,id(other))
return False
def __hash__(self):
return 0

Comparing against nan - 18777952
Comparing against nan - 19624864
Comparing against nan - 18776272
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#20, line 1, in module
KeyError: __main__.X object at 0x016B40D0

Any lookup of anything with a hash of 0 will do this. 0 itself (as any
type of number), another NaN, or anything at all. For the dict to work
sanely, these comparisons have to work and be False.


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 3:54 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
 class X:
 def __eq__(self, other):
 if self is other:
 print(Comparing against self - I am me!)
 return True
 print(Comparing against,other,-,id(other))
 return False
 def __hash__(self):
 return 0

 Comparing against nan - 18777952
 Comparing against nan - 19624864
 Comparing against nan - 18776272
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File pyshell#20, line 1, in module
 KeyError: __main__.X object at 0x016B40D0

Better example: Subclass float, then it can actually *be* a nan.

 class NoisyFloat(float):
def __eq__(self, other):
return super().__eq__(other)
def __hash__(self):
return super().__hash__()

Comparing 23777152 against 18777952
Comparing 23777152 against 19624864
Comparing 23777152 against 18776272
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File pyshell#35, line 1, in module
KeyError: nan

That's comparing nan==nan three types with four different nans.


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Ethan Furman

On 07/08/2014 07:53 AM, Anders J. Munch wrote:

Most people don't need to deal with NaN's in Python at all,
fortunately. They just don't appear in normal computation, because the
interpreter raises an exception instead.

What exception?  Apparently your claims about NaN in Python are all 
wrong -- have you been using a custom interpreter?

Python 2.7.4 (default, Sep 26 2013, 03:20:26)
[GCC 4.7.3] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 float('inf') - float('inf')


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 08 Jul 2014 20:31:25 +0300, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:

 Thus, dict operations never test NaN == NaN

You're assuming that there is only one NAN instance. That is not correct:

py a = float('nan')
py b = float('nan')
py a is b
py a in {b: None}


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 08 Jul 2014 19:16:53 +0300, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:

 Chris Angelico
 Why *should* all NaNs be equal to each other?
 I appreciate why you can't say NaN is equal to NaN. However, shouldn't
 the very comparison attempt trigger an arithmetic exception? 

No. Why should it? It's not an error to check whether two things are 

 After all, so does a division by zero.

Um, yes, and multiplying by zero isn't an error. In what way is x == y 
related to x/0 ?

But having said that, sometimes it is useful to stop processing as soon 
as you reach a NAN. For that, IEEE-754 defines two kinds of NANs, Quiet 
NANs and Signalling NANs. Quiet NANs don't trigger a signal when you 
perform operations on them. (By default -- I believe you can enable 
signals if you wish.) Signalling NANs always trigger a signal, including 
when you check them for equality:

py from decimal import Decimal as D
py a = D('nan')
py b = D('snan')
py 1 == a
py 1 == b
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
decimal.InvalidOperation: [class 'decimal.InvalidOperation']

But by default, NANs are quiet. The C99 standard doesn't support 
signalling NANs, and Java actually prohibits them.

Aside: The influence of C and Java has crippled IEEE-754 support across 
almost all languages and hardware. It's a crying shame the pernicious 
influence those two languages have had.

Floating point is *hard*, and people who don't understand it insist on 
telling those who do that you don't need that feature :-(


Re: Naming conventions for functions and methods

2014-07-08 Thread Arnaud Delobelle
On 8 July 2014 15:59, wrote:

 Looking for your opinions on how you name your functions and methods. 
 Example: I have a function that hashes a file. I could name this function 
 hash_file() or file_hash(). The 1st naming convention sounds more natural, 
 the 2nd naming convention allows one to group related functions together by 
 the object being acted on. PEP-8 doesn't appear to offer guidance in this 
 area. Thoughts? Malcolm

If you want to group related functions together, I would suggest
putting them in a module, e.g. 'fileutils'.  I'd still go for hashfile
for the function name though.


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Anders J. Munch

Chris Angelico wrote:

Why *should* all NaNs be equal to each other? You said on the other
list that NaN==NaN was equivalent to (2+2)==(1+3), but that assumes
that NaN is a single thing.

I don't actually care if all NaN bitpatterns are in the same equivalence group 
or if each bitpattern is its own equivalence group. I just want the == 
equivalence relation to be sound.

For hash keys, float object identity will successfully look them up:

Except you can't expect to rely on object identity in most interesting cases.

 x = float('nan')
 import struct
 y = struct.unpack('f', struct.pack('f', x))[0]
 d[x] = found
Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in module
KeyError: nan

and also:

 def f(): return float('inf')/float('inf')
 f() == f()
 f() is f()

But any time you compare floats for equality, you *already* have to
understand what you're doing (because of rounding and such), so I
don't see why the special case on NaN is significant, unless as
mentioned above, you want all NaNs to be equal, which doesn't make

Let me conjure up a simple example:

| class Monitor(Thread):
| def run(self):
| old = self.get_current_value()
| while not self.Terminated:
| new = self.get_current_value()
| if new != old:
| print(time.asctime(), changed to, new)
| old = new
| time.sleep(1)

This is a completely generic change detection algorithm, and not a 
floating-point algorithm in any way: It will work on strings, lists, sets, 
anything that get_current_value returns, including non-NaN floats. You don't 
need to know anything about floating-point representation to write or use such 
an algorithm, why should you? It works on tuples, sets, lists, serial port 
handles, module objects, pretty much anything you can imagine -- except NaN floats.

regards, Anders


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 4:29 AM, Anders J. Munch wrote:
 Chris Angelico wrote:
 For hash keys, float object identity will successfully look them up:

 Except you can't expect to rely on object identity in most interesting

 x = float('nan')
 import struct
 y = struct.unpack('f', struct.pack('f', x))[0]
 d[x] = found

 Traceback (most recent call last):
 File stdin, line 1, in module
 KeyError: nan

 and also:

 def f(): return float('inf')/float('inf')
 f() == f()
 f() is f()

Neither of those examples is anything to do with object identity. In
the first case, you pack the value and recreate an equivalent of the
same type with the same value. In the second, you independently
construct two floats with the same value. Both times, you have
equivalence (both are NaN), but not identical objects.

 Let me conjure up a simple example:

 | class Monitor(Thread):
 | def run(self):
 | old = self.get_current_value()
 | while not self.Terminated:
 | new = self.get_current_value()
 | if new != old:
 | print(time.asctime(), changed to, new)
 | old = new
 | time.sleep(1)

 This is a completely generic change detection algorithm, and not a
 floating-point algorithm in any way: It will work on strings, lists, sets,
 anything that get_current_value returns, including non-NaN floats. You don't
 need to know anything about floating-point representation to write or use
 such an algorithm, why should you? It works on tuples, sets, lists, serial
 port handles, module objects, pretty much anything you can imagine -- except
 NaN floats.

You also have to cope with objects that define __eq__ or __ne__. If
you know that you have a monitor like that, then you make sure that
the value is something comparable; there are plenty of reasons to have
to be careful there. (Consider, for instance, what happens if
get_current_value() returns a list. Mutating that list can change
whether or not it's equal to something else.)


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Anders J. Munch

Ian Kelly wrote:

As far as I know nothing changed between 2.4 and 2.7 in this regard.
Python has always had NaN compare unequal to everything, per the

It might have been platform-specific in 2.4.

Okay, here's your problem: there isn't just one binary representation
for NaN.
I'm fully aware of that. Whether NaN's are one equivalence class or several is 
not the issue. What matters is the integrity of the equivalence relation.

Following the standard isn't a good reason itself? 

If a standard tells you to jump of a cliff...

regards, Anders


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Anders J. Munch

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Oh, you've read the IEEE-754 standard, and that's what it says? We're going 
to specify this behaviour for NANs just to annoy people perhaps? 
I was referring to the deliberate choice to enforce IEEE-754 rules in Python. 
There is no force of law that requires Python to do so.

regards, Anders


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Anders J. Munch

Ethan Furman skrev:
What exception? Apparently your claims about NaN in Python are all wrong -- 
have you been using a custom interpreter?

 float('inf') - float('inf')

If you deliberately try to manufacture NaN's, you can. I never said otherwise.

regards, Anders


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Anders J. Munch

Den 14-07-08 19:23, Skip Montanaro skrev:

In addition to what others have written, I will add one thing. There
are certainly situations where raising an exception is bad. Consider
all the people in the scientific computing community doing fancy
linear algebra sorts of things, often with missing data. They
generally want NaN propagated and not have some long running
calculation crash in the middle.

NaN!=NaN doesn't cause NaN's to propagate any more or any less. It simply causes 
a different branch of code to run, quite often the wrong one.

regards, Anders


Python top learning language

2014-07-08 Thread candide

Re: Loading modules from files through C++

2014-07-08 Thread Roland Plüss

 On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 3:17 AM, Roland Plüss wrote:
 The important part are the last two lines. An important module is
 lacking the __builtins__ dictionary member so I had to add it.

 Hopefully this works also in Py3 should I switch some time later. But I
 guess it should seeing how simple the import now became.
 An interesting omission, I'm a little surprised at that. But if your
 switch to Py3 is a serious (or even half-serious) possibility, I
 recommend tossing a quick comment against that line of code. Check to
 see if you actually need it, and if you still do, see if there's a
 change there. The module has been renamed (from __builtin__ to
 builtins, although the global reference to it is still __builtins__),
 so you may need to adjust something there, too. But mainly, see if you
 can drop that line of code in Py3.

 Furthermore I had to call the string runner with moduleDict both as
 global and local dictionary. With that change the virtual script is
 properly loaded and working as it should.
 This part does make sense, though. Normally, module-level code runs
 with the same locals and globals:

 locals() is globals()

 And that doesn't change in Py3, so I would expect that your C++ code
 also won't change.

I changed now a couple of things and it looks like the segfault happens
somewhere inside PyErr_Print(). So I've programatically loaded a script
into a new module using load_module and a module created by hand. If now
in this script I've loaded an error is located the crash happens. The
situation thus looks like this. Let's say is my script. The
call chain would be something like this for example:

someNativeClass.cpp : someFunction() : def run()

The error is due to a
if( ! PyArg_ParseTuple( args, , x1, y1, x2, y2 ) ){
return NULL;

Thus the PyErr_Print() would have to print in the stack trace two C++
class, one in the someNativeClass and one generated for the loaded . It looks like Python 3 expects something from the C++
classes not written in the documentation.

What could a C++ class require to be working being included in a stack
trace like this?

Yours sincerely
Plüss Roland

Leader and Head Programmer
- Game: Epsylon ( )
- Game Engine: Drag[en]gine (
, )
- Normal Map Generator: DENormGen ( )
- As well as various Blender export scripts und game tools

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Anders J. Munch

I wrote:

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Oh, you've read the IEEE-754 standard, and that's what it says? We're going 
to specify this behaviour for NANs just to annoy people perhaps? 
I was referring to the deliberate choice to enforce IEEE-754 rules in Python. 
There is no force of law that requires Python to do so.

And just to be clear, I didn't mean python-dev did this to annoy people either. 
I just meant that the choice made is not supported by any use case, so there's 
no upside to outweigh the problems it creates.

At least I've yet to hear any use case. So far I'm 0 beers in debt.

regards, Anders

Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Ethan Furman

On 07/08/2014 12:04 PM, Anders J. Munch wrote:

Ethan Furman skrev:

What exception? Apparently your claims about NaN in Python are all wrong -- 
have you been using a custom interpreter?
 float('inf') - float('inf')

If you deliberately try to manufacture NaN's, you can. I never said otherwise.

What you said is: They just don't appear in normal computation, because the
interpreter raises an exception instead.

I just ran a calculation that created a NaN, the same as 4 - 3 creates a 1, and 
no exception was raised.

Do you have an example where one is?


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Ian Kelly
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 1:16 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:
 What you said is: They just don't appear in normal computation, because the

 interpreter raises an exception instead.

 I just ran a calculation that created a NaN, the same as 4 - 3 creates a 1,
 and no exception was raised.

 Do you have an example where one is?

The math module functions raise exceptions instead of returning NaN.

Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Ian Kelly
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 12:54 PM, Anders J. Munch wrote:

 Ian Kelly wrote:

 As far as I know nothing changed between 2.4 and 2.7 in this regard.
 Python has always had NaN compare unequal to everything, per the

 It might have been platform-specific in 2.4.

I doubt it, but okay, which platform?

 Okay, here's your problem: there isn't just one binary representation
 for NaN.

 I'm fully aware of that. Whether NaN's are one equivalence class or several
 is not the issue. What matters is the integrity of the equivalence relation.

I have some bad news for you.  This is on Python 2.7.6:

 from decimal import Decimal
 from fractions import Fraction
 Decimal(2) == 2
 2 == Fraction(2)
 Decimal(2) == Fraction(2)

I'm not sure exactly when this bug was fixed, but it works as expected in 3.4.0.

 Following the standard isn't a good reason itself?

 If a standard tells you to jump of a cliff...

So I don't know of a good use case for nan != nan in Python (but
really I'm not the one to ask), but I do know of use cases in other
scenarios.  On platforms that don't provide an isnan() function, the
only convenient and efficient way to test for nan is by testing
reflexivity: x != x.

Following the standard means that any algorithm that uses this trick
can (in theory) be implemented in Python without changes.

Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Ethan Furman

On 07/08/2014 12:50 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:

On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 1:16 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:

What you said is: They just don't appear in normal computation, because the

interpreter raises an exception instead.

I just ran a calculation that created a NaN, the same as 4 - 3 creates a 1,
and no exception was raised.

Do you have an example where one is?

The math module functions raise exceptions instead of returning NaN.

Ah, so if actual numbers go in, either actual numbers come out or an exception is raised -- good to know, and thanks for 


Re: [Python-Dev] == on object tests identity in 3.x

2014-07-08 Thread Anders J. Munch

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

- Dropping reflexivity preserves the useful property that NANs compare
   unequal to everything.

Please present an example from real life where that turned out useful, and earn 
yourself a beer!

I've only experienced examples to the contrary.

- Keeping reflexivity for NANs would have implied some pretty nasty
   things, e.g. if log(-3) == log(-5), then -3 == -5.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File stdin, line 1, in module
ValueError: math domain error

You were perhaps referring to the log functions in C and Fortran, not math.log?
The tradeoffs are different in those languages, so choices the IEEE-754 
committee made with C and Fortran in mind may be less relevant for Python.

regards, Anders


Re: [Python-Dev] == on object tests identity in 3.x

2014-07-08 Thread Ian Kelly
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 2:10 PM, Anders J. Munch wrote:
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 - Keeping reflexivity for NANs would have implied some pretty nasty
things, e.g. if log(-3) == log(-5), then -3 == -5.

 Traceback (most recent call last):
 File stdin, line 1, in module
 ValueError: math domain error

 You were perhaps referring to the log functions in C and Fortran, not
 The tradeoffs are different in those languages, so choices the IEEE-754
 committee made with C and Fortran in mind may be less relevant for Python.

 import ctypes
 libm = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(
 log = libm.log
 log.argtypes = [ctypes.c_double]
 log.restype = ctypes.c_double
 log(-3) == log(-5)

Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Ethan Furman

On 07/08/2014 11:54 AM, Anders J. Munch wrote:

If a standard tells you to jump of a cliff...

because a bunch of tanks are chasing you down, there's water at the bottom, and 
not a helicopter in sight...

well, jumping off the cliff could easily be your best chance.  ;)


Re: [Python-Dev] == on object tests identity in 3.x

2014-07-08 Thread Ian Kelly
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 3:53 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 2:10 PM, Anders J. Munch wrote:
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 - Keeping reflexivity for NANs would have implied some pretty nasty
things, e.g. if log(-3) == log(-5), then -3 == -5.

 Traceback (most recent call last):
 File stdin, line 1, in module
 ValueError: math domain error

 You were perhaps referring to the log functions in C and Fortran, not
 The tradeoffs are different in those languages, so choices the IEEE-754
 committee made with C and Fortran in mind may be less relevant for Python.

 import ctypes
 libm = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(
 log = libm.log
 log.argtypes = [ctypes.c_double]
 log.restype = ctypes.c_double
 log(-3) == log(-5)

Also, numpy provides more control over floating-point error handling
than straight Python does, and I think (but can't presently test) that
numpy.log(-3) will return nan by default.

Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Ian Kelly
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 4:03 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:
 On 07/08/2014 11:54 AM, Anders J. Munch wrote:

 If a standard tells you to jump of a cliff...

 because a bunch of tanks are chasing you down, there's water at the bottom,
 and not a helicopter in sight...

 well, jumping off the cliff could easily be your best chance.  ;)

Especially if you have a friend with a TARDIS.

Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 08/07/2014 23:07, Ian Kelly wrote:

On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 4:03 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:

On 07/08/2014 11:54 AM, Anders J. Munch wrote:

If a standard tells you to jump of a cliff...

because a bunch of tanks are chasing you down, there's water at the bottom,
and not a helicopter in sight...

well, jumping off the cliff could easily be your best chance.  ;)

Especially if you have a friend with a TARDIS.

This can lead to unforeseen circumstances though

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask 
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.


Re: PyPy-STM: first interesting release

2014-07-08 Thread Ethan Furman

On 07/08/2014 02:04 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Tue, 08 Jul 2014 09:48:08 +0100, Mark Lawrence wrote:

A GIL-less Python? See


Both Jython and IronPython are GIL-less, and have been forever.

Yeah, but one requires Java, and the other .NET.  :/


Re: Naming conventions for functions and methods

2014-07-08 Thread Ben Finney writes:

 Looking for your opinions on how you name your functions and
 methods. Example: I have a function that hashes a file. I could
 name this function hash_file() or file_hash().

I'd prefer just ‘hash’. The function name can be considered an action
verb, with its arguments as the objects acted upon.

 \ “Nothing worth saying is inoffensive to everyone. Nothing worth |
  `\saying will fail to make you enemies. And nothing worth saying |
_o__)will not produce a confrontation.” —Johann Hari, 2011 |
Ben Finney


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 08 Jul 2014 21:02:09 +0200, Anders J. Munch wrote:

 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Oh, you've read the IEEE-754 standard, and that's what it says? We're
 going to specify this behaviour for NANs just to annoy people perhaps?
 I was referring to the deliberate choice to enforce IEEE-754 rules in
 Python. There is no force of law that requires Python to do so.

There's no force of law that requires Python to enforce reflexivity on 
values where reflexivity does not apply, any more than Python should 
enforce total order on values which aren't ordered (such as complex 
numbers, or sets).

I'm sorry that you happened to (apparently) have a use-case where you 
simultaneously have to deal with NANs but not in a numeric context. But 
from the description of your problem, it seems to me that the obvious 
solution is not to deal with floats until as late as possible. That is, 
your current work-flow (if I have understood it correctly) is:

* gather unpacked floats from some device, as ints
* pack them into floats
* process them in some way which requires reflexivity
* (maybe) much later perform numeric calculations on them

It seems to me that the trivial work-around is:

* gather packed floats from some device, as ints
* process them *as ints* in some way which requires reflexivity
* unpack back into floats
* (maybe) much later perform numeric calculations on them

Although perhaps I don't understand your use-case.


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 08 Jul 2014 13:50:06 -0600, Ian Kelly wrote:

 The math module functions raise exceptions instead of returning NaN.

That's not the only way that NANs can be constructed. In particular, the 
OP is collecting NANs from some other device. I don't know how it ends up 
with NANs, but it does, so he has to deal with them.


Re: [Python-Dev] == on object tests identity in 3.x

2014-07-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 08 Jul 2014 16:05:45 -0600, Ian Kelly wrote:

 On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 3:53 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 2:10 PM, Anders J. Munch wrote:
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 - Keeping reflexivity for NANs would have implied some pretty nasty
things, e.g. if log(-3) == log(-5), then -3 == -5.

 Traceback (most recent call last):
 File stdin, line 1, in module
 ValueError: math domain error

 You were perhaps referring to the log functions in C and Fortran, not
 The tradeoffs are different in those languages, so choices the
 IEEE-754 committee made with C and Fortran in mind may be less
 relevant for Python.

 import ctypes
 libm = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary( log = libm.log
 log.argtypes = [ctypes.c_double]
 log.restype = ctypes.c_double
 log(-3) == log(-5)
 Also, numpy provides more control over floating-point error handling
 than straight Python does, and I think (but can't presently test) that
 numpy.log(-3) will return nan by default.


py numpy.log(-3)
py if numpy.log(-3) == numpy.log(-5):
... print -3 == -5


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Tue, 08 Jul 2014 13:57:30 -0600, Ian Kelly wrote:

 Decimal(2) == Fraction(2)
 I'm not sure exactly when this bug was fixed, but it works as expected
 in 3.4.0.

It isn't a bug, it's a missing feature. The problem is that in Python 
2.7, neither Decimal nor Fraction are aware of the other:

py Decimal(2).__eq__(Fraction(2))
py Fraction(2).__eq__(Decimal(2))

The obvious, but wrong, solution is to coerce both into floats:

py a = Decimal(2.01)
py b = Fraction(2) - Fraction(1, 2)**100
py a  2  b  # a and b are certainly not equal
py float(a) == float(b)

Some time by Python 3.3, Decimal appears to have become aware of how to 
compare exactly with Fraction.


Re: open() and EOFError

2014-07-08 Thread Roy Smith
In article,
 Tim Chase wrote:

 On 2014-07-09 01:24, Chris Angelico wrote:
  On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 1:20 AM, Tim Chase
   Okay, EOF is the canonical way to tell a program reading stdin
   that you're done.  It just happens that EOF ^D on *nix-likes and
   ^Z on Win32. :-)
  I can't think of any Windows-native programs that ask for EOF. Only
  those which came from POSIX platforms do it. That said, though,
  Windows doesn't tend to encourage interactive command-line programs
  at all, so you may as well just follow the Unix convention.
 There was a time in life where I used copy con output.txt on a
 disturbingly frequent basis.  Control+Z ended my file for me.

I once knew a guy who linked /dev/tty.c to /dev/tty, then he could do 
cc /dev/tty.c and type a C program in to the compiler from the 

Re: Python top learning language

2014-07-08 Thread Dan Stromberg
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 12:19 PM, candide wrote:

As a sort of nano-celebration, here's a blast from Python's past (May, 1997):

Re: PEP8 and 4 spaces

2014-07-08 Thread Ben Finney
Steven D'Aprano writes:

 On Tue, 08 Jul 2014 11:22:25 +1000, Ben Finney wrote:

  A group of (a particular amount of) U+0020 characters is visually
  indistinguishable from a U+0009 character, when the default semantics
  are applied to each.

 Hmmm. I'm not sure there actually *is* such a thing as default 
 semantics for tabs.

It was likely never standardised, but yes, default semantics are long
established for the HT (Horizontal Tab) control code in a text stream

The default semantics are that an HT (Horizontal Tabulation) control
code is an instruction to introduce enough horizontal space such that
the following character appears at the next multiple-of-8 column. These
semantics assume a fixed character width, which is itself a default
semantic of the display of computer text; variable-width is a deviation
from the default.

 If you look at a tab character in a font

I'm not talking about glyphs (for a control code, there isn't much sense
talking about a default glyph), I'm talking about the default semantics
of how they affect display.

 But if you look at it in a text editor, it will probably look like
 eight spaces, unless it looks like four, or some other number, and if
 you look at it in a word processor, it will probably look like a jump
 to the next tab stop command.

Right. Programs that conform to the established default semantics for an
HT (U+0009) code point will shift to the next tab stop to display the
following character. Tab stops themselves are, in fixed-width character
layout (which is itself the historical default), spaced apart by
multiples of 8 character columns.

 I don't think any of those things count as default semantics.

I hope my position is clearer.

 The point being, tabs are *control characters*, like newlines and
 carriage returns and form feeds, not regular characters like spaces
 and A or λ. Since indent is an *instruction* rather than a
 character, it is best handled with a control character.

Right. And those control codes affect display of the text, and there are
default semantics for those codes: what those control codes specifically
mean. The HT code has the default display semantic of “display the
following character at the next horizontal tab stop”.

 The solution is to use a smarter editor.

The recipient's choice of editor program is not within the control of
the author. Furthermore, it's expecting that the recipient will deviate
from the default display semantics of the text as received.

The author should write the text such that the default semantics are
useful, and/or avoid text where the default semantics are undesirable or
unreliably implemented.

In this case: If the programmer doesn't like U+0009 resulting in text
aligned at multiple-of-8 tab stops, or doesn't like the fact that
recipients may have tab stops set differently, then I don't care what
editor the author uses; they should avoid putting U+0009 into text.

That said, a smarter text editor program *can* be a solution for “I
don't like the default semantics *as displayed on my computer*”.

If a programmer wants to deviate from the defaults, and can convince
others on a rational and non-coercive basis to go along with their
non-default preferences, they all have my blessing.

If they want their preferences to override the default more broadly,
they need a better argument than “it just looks better to me”.

 Isn't this why you recommend people use a programmer's editor rather
 than Notepad?

I don't see how recommending a better editor for the *author* addresses
how the *recipient*'s device renders the text. so no, that's not a
reason why I recommend the author use a programmer's editor.

 True, but that's *only* because your editor chooses to follow the
 convention display a LINE FEED by starting a new line rather than by
 the convention display the (invisible or zero-width) glyph of the
 LINE FEED. If editors were to standardise on the convention display
 a HORIZONTAL TAB character as visibly distinct from a sequence of
 spaces (e.g. by shading the background a different colour, or
 overlying it with an arrow) then we would not be having this

If things were different, they'd be different. I'm talking about default
display semantics of the U+0009 code as they are.

 \  “I used to be an airline pilot. I got fired because I kept |
  `\   locking the keys in the plane. They caught me on an 80 foot |
_o__)stepladder with a coathanger.” —Steven Wright |
Ben Finney


[OT] Grandma, is that you? [was Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes]

2014-07-08 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, 09 Jul 2014 00:21:22 +0100, Mark Lawrence wrote:

 This can lead to unforeseen circumstances though

I prefer this one:


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Terry Reedy

On 7/8/2014 8:10 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

There's no force of law that requires Python to enforce reflexivity on
values where reflexivity does not apply,

There are laws of logic that make the lack of reflexivity obnoxious when 
putting objects in collections. Python evaded the problem, at least for 
some builtins, by contradicting itself and treating nans as equal to 
themselves in the context of collections.

In 2.x, 'in' was defined in terms of ==, but
 nl = [nan]
 nan in nl
even though nan != the only member of nl.

In 3.x, 'in' was redefined to include 'is' as well as '=='.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: NaN comparisons - Call For Anecdotes

2014-07-08 Thread Gregory Ewing

Ian Kelly wrote:

well, jumping off the cliff could easily be your best chance.  ;)

Especially if you have a friend with a TARDIS.

Or you're James Bond, in which case you ski off the
cliff and then open your parachute.


Re: generic _ssl error

2014-07-08 Thread dieter
Robin Becker writes:

 I have the following from some production machines when trying to
 clone / pull etc etc using mercurial on ubuntu 10.04

 hg clone https://myhost/myrepos
 abort: error: _ssl.c:480: error:0D0C50A1:asn1 encoding
 routines:ASN1_item_verify:unknown message digest algorithm

 I believe that _ssl.c must be the module which presumably is
 being used by the hg command.

 The system python which mercurial uses is

 Python 2.7.2 (default, Sep 20 2011, 16:38:53)

 Could this error be  the result of upgrading the openssl to fix
 heartbleed and not upgrading the system python?

The error message tells you that a message digest algorithm
is being used (liklely by the remote site) which is not supported locally.
There is a big chance that this means that locally something (related
with ssl/message digests - i.e. likely OpenSSL) is too old.

I would try to upgrade the OpenSSL installation -- and then see
whether the problem goes away.


[issue21270] object has inherited count method

2014-07-08 Thread Kushal Das

Kushal Das added the comment:

To start with I am overriding count and index method. Do you think this is 


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[issue21922] PyLong: use GMP

2014-07-08 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson added the comment:

 IMO you must discuss the GMP license on the python-dev mailing list

I think the maintenance implications of having another external dependency  
would also need discussion on python-dev.


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[issue21922] PyLong: use GMP

2014-07-08 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson added the comment:

Hmm.  Looking back at my previous comments, I should explain my negativity a 
bit better.

1. Like Victor's issue 1814 work, this is great stuff, and very impressive.

2. I'm really not convinced that it belongs in the Python core.

To expand on 2: we already have a simple, highly portable, battle-tested 
implementation of big integers that's reasonably efficient for normal uses and 
requires little day-to-day maintenance.  We'd be replacing that with something 
that's a lot more complicated, less thoroughly tested, and *not* significantly 
more efficient in normal use-cases.  Apart from the pain of the transition (and 
any refactor of this size is bound to involve some pain), I'm particularly 
worried about future headaches involved in maintaining the external GMP 
dependency:  keeping up with bugfixes, managing the binary builds, etc.  I 
anticipate that that would add quite of a lot of work for the core team in 
general and those building releases in particular.  (And that's another reason 
that we should have a python-dev discussion, so that those involved in the 
release process get a chance to weigh in.)  To offset that, there needs to be a 
clear *benefit* to making this change.

A couple of specific questions for Hristo Venev:

- What's the current status of GMP on Windows?  IIUC, one of the motivations 
for the MPIR unfriendly fork of GMP was better Windows support.  Does your 
patch already build cleanly on Windows?

- Whom do you see this change benefiting?  Those doing serious large-number 
stuff on Python (SAGE users, for example) are presumably already using gmpy2 or 
something similar.

- Do you want to initiate the python-dev discussion, or leave that to someone 

[I'm deliberately steering clear of the licensing issues; it needs discussion, 
but IANAL and I have nothing useful to contribute here.]


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[issue15133] tkinter.BooleanVar.get() behavior and docstring disagree

2014-07-08 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

Here is a patch.

1) getboolean() and BooleanVar.get() now always return bool. Wrapping the 
result of getboolean() into bool() is not more needed.

2) getboolean() and BooleanVar.get() now works with Tcl_Obj. This makes Tkinter 
more robust against future Tcl/Tk changes.

3) An exception is raised if an argument to BooleanVar.set() couldn't be 
considered as boolean value. An argument is converted to canonized 0/1 values. 
This makes errors to be exposed earlier.

Similar changes should be made for getint() and getdouble().

keywords: +patch
stage:  - patch review
Added file:

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[issue21922] PyLong: use GMP

2014-07-08 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson added the comment:

Previous python-dev discussions:

[Regarding the ancient mpz module, which used to be part of Python]


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[issue21772] platform.uname() not EINTR safe

2014-07-08 Thread Stefano Borini

Stefano Borini added the comment:

You can't use subprocess. platform is used during build. subprocess needs 
select, but select is a compiled module and at that specific time in the build 
process is not compiled yet.

nosy: +stefanoborini

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Re: [issue21772] platform.uname() not EINTR safe

2014-07-08 Thread M.-A. Lemburg
On 08.07.2014 11:40, Stefano Borini wrote:
 You can't use subprocess. platform is used during build. subprocess needs 
 select, but select is a compiled module and at that specific time in the 
 build process is not compiled yet.

Good point :-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue17153] tarfile extract fails when Unicode in pathname

2014-07-08 Thread Lars Gustäbel

Lars Gustäbel added the comment:

IIRC, tarfile under 2.7 has never been explicitly unicode-safe, support for 
unicode objects is heterogeneous at best. The obvious work-around is to work 
exclusively with str objects.

What we can't do is to decode the utf-8 pathname from the archive to a unicode 
object, because we have no way to detect an archive's encoding. We can either 
emit a warning if the user passes a unicode object to extract() or we 
implicitly encode the passed unicode object using TarFile.encoding, so that the 
os.path.join() succeeds.

Unfortunately, I am not entirely sure if there was possibly a rationale behind 
the current behaviour of extract(). This needs more inspection.


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[issue21365] asyncio.Task reference misses the most important fact about it, related info spread around intros and example commentary instead

2014-07-08 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:


I pushed my change to add a new BaseEventLoop.create_task() method. For that, I 
also updated the documentation:

I rewrote the documentation of the Task method, and more generally all places 
describing how to create a Task object. I changed the first sentence to 
Schedule the execution of a coroutine object to be the most explicit.

The documentation will be readable online in a few hours:

Thanks for your report.

resolution:  - fixed
status: open - closed

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[issue17288] cannot jump from a return after setting f_lineno

2014-07-08 Thread Xavier de Gaye

Xavier de Gaye added the comment:

Python 3.5 is still crashing with this test:

$ python
- for i in gen():
(Pdb) break 3
Breakpoint 1 at
(Pdb) continue
- yield i
(Pdb) step
- yield i
(Pdb) jump 2
- for i in range(1):
(Pdb) continue
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

It is true that frame_setlineno() assumes incorrectly that f-f_stacktop is not 
NULL, but the reason of the crash or of the SystemError: unknown opcode is 
that PyEval_EvalFrameEx() expects on its invocation f-f_lasti to refer to the 
index of the last instruction executed and sets (and assumes this instruction 
does not have argument) 'next_instr' accordingly to the next byte, while by 
jumping to line 2 we set f-f_lasti to zero and 'SETUP_LOOP', the opcode at 
this index, has an argument.

The attached patch is a slight improvement over the last one.

type: behavior - crash
versions: +Python 3.5 -Python 2.7, Python 3.3, Python 3.4
Added file:

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[issue17288] cannot jump from a return after setting f_lineno

2014-07-08 Thread STINNER Victor

Changes by STINNER Victor

nosy: +haypo

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[issue21938] Py_XDECREF statement in gen_iternext()

2014-07-08 Thread Xavier de Gaye

New submission from Xavier de Gaye:

The Py_XDECREF statement in gen_iternext() at Objects/genobject.c is not needed 
since val is NULL (may be optimized out by the compiler).
Actually, the whole function could be written as:

return gen_send_ex(gen, NULL, 0);

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 222556
nosy: xdegaye
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Py_XDECREF statement in gen_iternext()
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.5

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[issue21937] IDLE interactive window doesn't display unsaved-indicator

2014-07-08 Thread Saimadhav Heblikar

Changes by Saimadhav Heblikar

nosy: +sahutd

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[issue1610654] multipart/form-data

2014-07-08 Thread Hynek Schlawack

Hynek Schlawack added the comment:

I would have long ago if I had any domain knowlege on this topic, but alas….


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[issue21772] platform.uname() not EINTR safe

2014-07-08 Thread Stefano Borini

Stefano Borini added the comment:

Wouldn't it make sense to use the same strategy used in the subprocess fix 
(that is, retry?). See


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[issue19608] devguide needs pictures

2014-07-08 Thread Ezio Melotti

Changes by Ezio Melotti

resolution:  - works for me
stage:  - resolved
status: open - closed
type:  - enhancement

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue21927] BOM appears in stdin when using Powershell

2014-07-08 Thread Ezio Melotti

Ezio Melotti added the comment:

I would argue that adding the BOM is a Powershell issue, and I'm not sure 
Python should do anything about it.
There are probably cases where people expects the BOM to be received by python, 
so stripping it is probably not an option.
As for detecting, it should happen automatically only if sys.stdin.encoding is 
set to 'utf-8-bom', but, by default, Python 3 uses 'UTF-8'.

nosy: +lemburg, loewis
type:  - behavior

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15759] make suspicious doesn't display instructions in case of failure

2014-07-08 Thread Ezio Melotti

Ezio Melotti added the comment:

Serhiy, your patch LGTM.
Can you apply a similar fix for the linkcheck and doctest target and commit it?

FWIW the patch produces a slightly different output (in addition to showing the 
missing message), but I don't think it's a problem:
Without patch:
  build finished with problems, 8 warnings.
  make: *** [build] Error 1
With patch:
  build finished with problems, 8 warnings.
  make[1]: *** [build] Error 1
  make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/wolf/dev/py/py3k/Doc'
  Suspicious check complete; ...
  make: *** [suspicious] Error 1

versions: +Python 3.5 -Python 3.3

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue21939] IDLE - Test Percolator

2014-07-08 Thread Saimadhav Heblikar

New submission from Saimadhav Heblikar:

Attached is a unittest for idlelib.Percolator.
2.7 version will be added once this is OK.

components: IDLE
files: test_percolator-34.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 222561
nosy: jesstess, sahutd, taleinat, terry.reedy
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: IDLE - Test Percolator
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.4, Python 3.5
Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue21270] object has inherited count method

2014-07-08 Thread Michael Foord

Michael Foord added the comment:

Those are the only ones I think. Thanks.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue21940] IDLE - Test WidgetRedirector

2014-07-08 Thread Saimadhav Heblikar

New submission from Saimadhav Heblikar:

Attached is unittest for idlelib.WidgetRedirector
2.7 version will be uploaded once this is OK.

components: Extension Modules
files: test-widgetredir-34.diff
keywords: patch
messages: 222563
nosy: jesstess, sahutd, taleinat, terry.reedy
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: IDLE - Test WidgetRedirector
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.4, Python 3.5
Added file:

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