ANN: Pandas 0.15.0 released

2014-10-21 Thread Jeff Reback

We are proud to announce v0.15.0 of pandas, a major release from 0.14.1.

This release includes a small number of API changes, several new features,
enhancements, and performance improvements along with a large number of bug

This was 4 months of work with 420 commits by 79 authors encompassing 236

We recommend that all users upgrade to this version.


   - Drop support for numpy  1.7.0
   - The Categorical type was integrated as a first-class pandas type
   - New scalar type Timedelta, and a new index type TimedeltaIndex
   - New DataFrame default display for to include memory usage
   - New datetimelike properties accessor .dt for Series
   - Split indexing documentation into Indexing and Selecting Data and
   MultiIndex / Advanced Indexing
   - Split out string methods documentation into Working with Text Data
   - read_csv will now by default ignore blank lines when parsing
   - API change in using Indexes in set operations
   - Internal refactoring of the Index class to no longer sub-class ndarray
   - dropping support for PyTables less than version 3.0.0, and numexpr
   less than version 2.1

See a full description of Whatsnew for v0.15.0 here:

*What is it:*

*pandas* is a Python package providing fast, flexible, and expressive data
structures designed to make working with “relational” or “labeled” data both
easy and intuitive. It aims to be the fundamental high-level building block
doing practical, real world data analysis in Python. Additionally, it has
broader goal of becoming the most powerful and flexible open source data
analysis / manipulation tool available in any language.


Source tarballs, windows binaries are available on PyPI:

windows binaries are courtesy of  Christoph Gohlke and are built on Numpy
macosx wheels are courtesy of Matthew Brett and are built on Numpy 1.7.1

Please report any issues here:


The Pandas Development Team

Contributors to the 0.15.0 release

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[ANN] iPOPO 0.5.8

2014-10-21 Thread Thomas Calmant
iPOPO 0.5.8

iPOPO v0.5.8 has been released !

What is iPOPO

iPOPO is a Python-based Service-Oriented Component Model (SOCM) based on
Pelix, a dynamic service platform. They are inspired on two popular Java
technologies for the development of long-lived applications: the iPOJO
component model and the OSGi Service Platform.
iPOPO enables to conceive long-running and modular IT services.

It is based on OSGi concepts:
  - Bundle: a Python module imported using Pelix and associated to a
context. A bundle has a life-cycle (install, start, updated, stop,
  - Service: a Python object registered in a service registry, associated
to a specification and to properties.
  - Component: the instance of a class described/manipulated by iPOPO

Components are bound together by the specification(s) of the service(s)
they provide. The required services are injected into components by iPOPO.

For more information, see

iPOPO is released under the terms of Apache Software License 2.0

What's new in 0.5.8

This version adds the immediate_rebind feature to iPOPO, and introduces
new variables in the Shell.
New features:
   The @Requires decorator has a new immediate_rebind flag argument,
which indicates iPOPO to not invalidate then re-validate a component if a
service can replace an unbound required one. See
The shell now supports variables ($var, ${var}, $doted.var, …)
A special variable, $? keeps the last non-None result of shell
Added the run file shell command to execute files as shell commands

You can take a look at the documentation at
iPOPO is available on PyPI:
Source is available on GitHub:
Feel free to send feedback on your experience of Pelix/iPOPO, via the
mailing lists:

User list :
Development list :

Have fun !

Support the Python Software Foundation:

PyPy3 2.4.0 released

2014-10-21 Thread Philip Jenvey
PyPy3 2.4 - Snow White

We're pleased to announce PyPy3 2.4, which contains significant performance
enhancements and bug fixes.

You can download the PyPy3 2.4.0 release here:

PyPy3 Highlights

Issues reported with our previous release were fixed after reports from users on
our new issue tracker at or on IRC at
#pypy. Here is a summary of the user-facing PyPy3 specific changes:

* Better Windows compatibility, e.g. the nt module functions _getfinalpathname
   _getfileinformation are now supported (the former is required for the
  popular pathlib library for example)

* Various fsencode PEP 383 related fixes to the posix module (readlink, uname,
  ttyname and ctermid) and improved locale handling

* Switched default binary name os POSIX distributions to 'pypy3' (which
  symlinks to to 'pypy3.2')

* Fixed a couple different crashes related to parsing Python 3 source code

Further Highlights (shared w/ PyPy2)

Benchmarks improved after internal enhancements in string and
bytearray handling, and a major rewrite of the GIL handling. This means
that external calls are now a lot faster, especially the CFFI ones. It also
means better performance in a lot of corner cases with handling strings or
bytearrays. The main bugfix is handling of many socket objects in your
program which in the long run used to leak memory.

We fixed a memory leak in IO in the sandbox_ code

We welcomed more than 12 new contributors, and conducted two Google
Summer of Code projects, as well as other student projects not
directly related to Summer of Code.

* Reduced internal copying of bytearray operations

* Tweak the internal structure of StringBuilder to speed up large string
  handling, which becomes advantageous on large programs at the cost of slightly
  slower small *benchmark* type programs.

* Boost performance of thread-local variables in both unjitted and jitted code,
  this mostly affects errno handling on linux, which makes external calls

* Move to a mixed polling and mutex GIL model that make mutlithreaded jitted
  code run *much* faster

* Optimize errno handling in linux (x86 and x86-64 only)

* Remove ctypes pythonapi and ctypes.PyDLL, which never worked on PyPy

* Classes in the ast module are now distinct from structures used by
  the compiler, which simplifies and speeds up translation of our
  source code to the PyPy binary interpreter

* Win32 now links statically to zlib, expat, bzip, and openssl-1.0.1i.
  No more missing DLLs

* Many issues were resolved_ since the 2.3.1 release in June

.. _`whats-new`:
.. _resolved:
.. _sandbox:

We have further improvements on the way: rpython file handling,
numpy linalg compatibility, as well
as improved GC and many smaller improvements.

Please try it out and let us know what you think. We especially welcome
success stories, we know you are using PyPy, please tell us about it!


The PyPy Team

Support the Python Software Foundation:

py2exe released

2014-10-21 Thread Thomas Heller

py2exe version released

`py2exe` is a distutils extension which allows to build standalone
Windows executable programs (32-bit and 64-bit) from Python scripts;
Python 3.3 and later are supported.  It can build console executables,
windows (GUI) executables, windows services, and DLL/EXE COM servers.
(For Python 2.3 - 2.7 the older version 0.6.9 is still available.)

Changes in version

- Added support for six, cffi, pycparser, openssl.

- The cmdline_style options for windows services (py2exe, pywin32,
  custom) should work again.

- Several bugfixes, better error messages.

News for py2exe 0.9.2:

- brand new implementation, written from scratch for Python 3

- py2exe now supports Python 3.3 and 3.4

- can be installed with 'pip' since py2exe is released in wheel format
  (in addition to a source package and bdist_wininst installers)

- less warnings from the build process thanks to a hooks module which
  contains knowledge about some often used packages

- easy start: executables can now be built with a simple command line
  script; no need to write a setup-script from scratch.  In fact a
  commented setup-script can now be autogenerated

- py2exe does now find Python modules even in zipped eggs

Short manual and download at the Python cheeseshop (or simply install
or upgrade it with 'pip install -U py2exe'):


   Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: OS X Menubar in Tkinter

2014-10-21 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 21/10/2014 02:34, Noble Bell wrote:

Creating the app with py2app fixed my problem.

I'm pleased to see that you have an answer.  In return would you please 
access this list via or read and action 
this to prevent us 
seeing double line spacing and single line paragraphs, thanks.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Struggling with python-daemon and subprocess module to work together

2014-10-21 Thread Praveen Kumar

I am writing a very basic server side application[0] which get data
from a client and create a virtual machine using provided data and
also tells client about what's going on during *virt-install* command
execution. Previously this basic server is executed using *openvt* but
I thought it would be nice to have a daemon process for it and used

Issue I am facing is after some time server will stop sending data to
client which suppose to happen in #120 and get error message Cannot
run interactive console without a controlling TTY . I am not able to
figure out issue is occurred due to module or I missed something
during daemon initialization.


Praveen Kumar

real-life example LC_CTYPE effects?

2014-10-21 Thread Albert-Jan Roskam


The locale category LC_CTYPE may affect character classification and case 

That's the theory. Can you give a practical example where this locale setting 
matters? Eg.:
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_CTYPE, loc)
m = re.match(\d+, s, re.I | re.L)

So with two different values for loc, and s is identical, there will or won't 
be a match.



Re: Building lists

2014-10-21 Thread Larry Hudson

On 10/20/2014 12:49 PM, Seymore4Head wrote:

On Mon, 20 Oct 2014 20:40:18 +0100, MRAB


Do you have to know the number of items the list will have before
making it?

No, it is not necessary, lists are NOT the same as arrays in other languages.  But it IS 
possible to create an initial list of a specific size:

myList = [None] * 50

That creates a 50-element list with each element set to None.  (BTW, the indexes are from 0-49, 
not 0-50.)  I have found this occasionally useful, but I'll emphasize, it's only RARELY useful. 
 The .append() method is far more versatile.

As to your original problem:  my question to you is what is your purpose?

1)  To solve this particular problem, using Python.
2)  To explore the usage of lists, applying them to this problem.

If your purpose is the first, then I agree with the advice you have already been given here. 
Dictionaries are a much better fit to this problem.

If your purpose is the second, then go ahead and use this for your exploration.  But realize 
that to more experienced Pythonistas this would be a very un-pythonic approach.  Even better 
would be to try multiple approaches -- lists, dictionaries, lists with dictionaries, 
dictionaries with lists or tuples...  And any other combinations you can come up with.  This 
will give you even more experience, and allow you to evaluate the different approaches.

And no, I will not give you a ready-made canned answer.  For one thing, your description is 
too vague to effectively do that.  Good luck.

 -=- Larry -=-


Re: Building lists

2014-10-21 Thread Larry Hudson

On 10/20/2014 12:49 PM, Seymore4Head wrote:

On Mon, 20 Oct 2014 20:40:18 +0100, MRAB


Do you have to know the number of items the list will have before
making it?

No.  Lists are NOT the same as arrays in other languages.  But it IS possible to create an 
initial list of a specific size:

myList = [None] * 50

This creates a 50-element list with each element set to None.  (BTW, that makes the indexes 
0-49, not 0-50.)  I have occasionally found this useful, but I emphasize it is only RARELY 
useful.  The .append() method is far more versatile.

As to your original problem:  my question to you is what is your purpose?

1)  To solve this particular problem, using Python.
2)  To explore the usage of lists by applying them to this problem.

If your purpose is the first, then I agree with the advice you have already been given here -- 
dictionaries are a much better fit to this problem.

If your purpose is the second, then go ahead, have at it.  But realize that to more experienced 
Pythonistas this approach the very un-pythonic for this problem.  It would be even better to try 
multiple approaches -- lists, dictionaries, lists with dictionaries, dictionaries with lists or 
tuples...  or whatever combination you can come up with.  This will give you even more 
experience and allow you to evaluate these various techniques.

And no, I won't give you a ready-made canned answer.  For one thing your original description 
is much too vague.  But good luck!

 -=- Larry -=-


Re: When to use assert

2014-10-21 Thread Anton
On Saturday, November 16, 2013 11:35:50 PM UTC-8, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 The question of when to use the assert statement comes up occasionally, 
 usually in response to somebody misusing it, so I thought I'd write a 
 post describing when and why to use assertions, and when not to.
 For those who aren't aware of it, Python's assert checks a condition, 
 if it is true it does nothing, and if it is false it raises an 
 AssertionError with an optional error message. For example:
 py x = 23
 py assert x  0, x is not zero or negative
 py assert x%2 == 0, x is not an even number
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
 AssertionError: x is not an even number
 Many people use asserts as a quick and easy way to raise an exception if 
 an argument is given the wrong value. But this is wrong, dangerously 
 wrong, for two reasons. The first is that AssertionError is usually the 
 wrong error to give when testing function arguments. You wouldn't write 
 code like this:
 if not isinstance(x, int):
 raise AssertionError(not an int)
 you'd raise TypeError instead. assert raises the wrong sort of 
 But, and more dangerously, there's a twist with assert: it can be 
 compiled away and never executed, if you run Python with the -O or -OO 
 optimization flags, and consequently there is no guarantee that assert 
 statements will actually be run. When using assert properly, this is a 
 feature, but when assert is used inappropriately, it leads to code that 
 is completely broken when running with the -O flag.
 When should use assert? In no particular order, assertions should be used 
 * defensive programming;
 * runtime checks on program logic;
 * checking contracts (e.g. pre-conditions and post-conditions);
 * program invariants; and 
 * checked documentation.
 (It's also acceptable to use assert when testing code, as a sort of quick-
 and-dirty poor man's unit testing, so long as you accept that the tests 
 simply won't do anything if you run with the -O flag. And I sometimes use 
 assert False in code to mark code branches that haven't been written 
 yet, and I want them to fail. Although raise NotImplementedError is 
 probably better for that, if a little more verbose.)
 Opinions on assertions vary, because they can be a statement of 
 confidence about the correctness of the code. If you're certain that the 
 code is correct, then assertions are pointless, since they will never 
 fail and you can safely remove them. If you're certain the checks can 
 fail (e.g. when testing input data provided by the user), then you dare 
 not use assert since it may be compiled away and then your checks will be 
 It's the situations in between those two that are interesting, times when 
 you're certain the code is correct but not *quite* absolutely certain. 
 Perhaps you've missed some odd corner case (we're all only human). In 
 this case an extra runtime check helps reassure you that any errors will 
 be caught as early as possible rather than in distant parts of the code.
 (This is why assert can be divisive. Since we vary in our confidence 
 about the correctness of code, one person's useful assert is another 
 person's useless runtime test.)
 Another good use for asserts is checking program invariants. An invariant 
 is some condition which you can rely on to be true unless a bug causes it 
 to become false. If there's a bug, better to find out as early as 
 possible, so we make a test for it, but we don't want to slow the code 
 down with such tests. Hence assert, which can be turned on in development 
 and off in production.
 An example of an invariant might be, if your function expects a database 
 connection to be open when it starts, and promises that it will still be 
 open when it returns, that's an invariant of the function:
 def some_function(arg):
 assert not DB.closed()
 ... # code goes here
 assert not DB.closed()
 return result
 Assertions also make good checked comments. Instead of writing a comment:
 # when we reach here, we know that n  2
 you can ensure it is checked at runtime by turning it into an assert:
 assert n  2
 Assertions are also a form of defensive programming. You're not 
 protecting against errors in the code as it is now, but protecting 
 against changes which introduce errors later. Ideally, unit tests will 
 pick those up, but let's face it, even when tests exist at all, they're 
 often incomplete. Build-bots can be down and nobody notices for weeks, or 
 people forget to run tests before committing code. Having an internal 
 check is another line of defence against errors sneaking in, especially 
 those which don't noisily fail but cause the code to malfunction and 

Re: Is there an easy way to control indents in Python

2014-10-21 Thread Simon Kennedy
On Monday, 20 October 2014 18:56:05 UTC+1, Ian  wrote:
 Rather, I'm saying that where the blank line is should be the start of
 a new function. There would still be a blank line, just no longer
 inside the function.
 Now, maybe you think there should be more blank lines in the above, in
 which case we'll just have to disagree on that point.

Why did you separate the above 2 sequences of thoughts by a blank line? Is the 
inherent pause in the communication of your thoughts not also applicable to 
your code?

Where we see the pause between thoughts appears to be in a different place. I 
see them both within the function and between the functions and I assume you 
see them between the functions only.

BTW I'm more than happy to disagree. There is no right or wrong answer unless 
Guido wants to pronounce on the issue :-J

Re: OS X Menubar in Tkinter

2014-10-21 Thread Noble Bell
On Tuesday, October 21, 2014 12:59:08 AM UTC-5, Mark Lawrence wrote:
 On 21/10/2014 02:34, Noble Bell wrote:
 I'm pleased to see that you have an answer.  In return would you please 
 access this list via or read and action 
 this to prevent us 
 seeing double line spacing and single line paragraphs, thanks.

I was not aware of the issue. Sorry. I will correct my posts in the future. 
Thanks for pointing it out to me.


Re: real-life example LC_CTYPE effects?

2014-10-21 Thread random832
On Mon, Oct 20, 2014, at 16:33, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:
 The locale category LC_CTYPE may affect character classification and case
 That's the theory. Can you give a practical example where this locale
 setting matters? Eg.:
 locale.setlocale(locale.LC_CTYPE, loc)
 m = re.match(\d+, s, re.I | re.L)
 So with two different values for loc, and s is identical, there will or
 won't be a match.

You're generally isolated from this by using unicode strings - there are
only a few unicode characters that have different case mappings in
different languages. LC_CTYPE was designed in an era of 8-bit character
sets. For example, in a Russian locale with KOI8-R character set, C0-DF
are all lowercase letters, and E0-FF are all the uppercase equivalent,
whereas in an English or other western european locale with ISO-8859-1,
C0-DF [except D7] are all uppercase letters, with the lowercase versions
in E0-FF [except F7], and in a Hebrew ISO-8859-8 locale only E0-FA are
letters and are not uppercase/lowercase.

Try setting the locale to tr_TR and matching i against I, for a
demonstration of one of the few remaining effects this can have.

Re: Building lists

2014-10-21 Thread Seymore4Head
On Tue, 21 Oct 2014 00:11:38 -0700, Larry Hudson

On 10/20/2014 12:49 PM, Seymore4Head wrote:
 On Mon, 20 Oct 2014 20:40:18 +0100, MRAB


 Do you have to know the number of items the list will have before
 making it?

No, it is not necessary, lists are NOT the same as arrays in other languages.  
But it IS 
possible to create an initial list of a specific size:

myList = [None] * 50

That creates a 50-element list with each element set to None.  (BTW, the 
indexes are from 0-49, 
not 0-50.)  I have found this occasionally useful, but I'll emphasize, it's 
only RARELY useful. 
  The .append() method is far more versatile.

As to your original problem:  my question to you is what is your purpose?

1)  To solve this particular problem, using Python.
2)  To explore the usage of lists, applying them to this problem.

If your purpose is the first, then I agree with the advice you have already 
been given here. 
Dictionaries are a much better fit to this problem.

If your purpose is the second, then go ahead and use this for your 
exploration.  But realize 
that to more experienced Pythonistas this would be a very un-pythonic 
approach.  Even better 
would be to try multiple approaches -- lists, dictionaries, lists with 
dictionaries with lists or tuples...  And any other combinations you can come 
up with.  This 
will give you even more experience, and allow you to evaluate the different 

And no, I will not give you a ready-made canned answer.  For one thing, your 
description is 
too vague to effectively do that.  Good luck.

  -=- Larry -=-

The concept I was asking about was a master list with my example of
1,2,3 as a index for the second and third items.  It was suggested to
make my task easier.  It turns out that it didn't. 
Thanks for all the suggestions, though.

Re: Building lists

2014-10-21 Thread Seymore4Head
On Tue, 21 Oct 2014 00:40:06 -0700, Larry Hudson

On 10/20/2014 12:49 PM, Seymore4Head wrote:
 On Mon, 20 Oct 2014 20:40:18 +0100, MRAB


 Do you have to know the number of items the list will have before
 making it?

No.  Lists are NOT the same as arrays in other languages.  But it IS possible 
to create an 
initial list of a specific size:

myList = [None] * 50

This creates a 50-element list with each element set to None.  (BTW, that 
makes the indexes 
0-49, not 0-50.)  I have occasionally found this useful, but I emphasize it is 
only RARELY 
useful.  The .append() method is far more versatile.

As to your original problem:  my question to you is what is your purpose?

1)  To solve this particular problem, using Python.
2)  To explore the usage of lists by applying them to this problem.

If your purpose is the first, then I agree with the advice you have already 
been given here -- 
dictionaries are a much better fit to this problem.

If your purpose is the second, then go ahead, have at it.  But realize that to 
more experienced 
Pythonistas this approach the very un-pythonic for this problem.  It would be 
even better to try 
multiple approaches -- lists, dictionaries, lists with dictionaries, 
dictionaries with lists or 
tuples...  or whatever combination you can come up with.  This will give you 
even more 
experience and allow you to evaluate these various techniques.

And no, I won't give you a ready-made canned answer.  For one thing your 
original description 
is much too vague.  But good luck!

  -=- Larry -=-

Also, I had no need to impose a limit on the list, but I asked that
question, just in case.


Re: Building lists

2014-10-21 Thread Seymore4Head
On Mon, 20 Oct 2014 21:31:05 -0400, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

On Mon, 20 Oct 2014 17:25:31 -0400, Seymore4Head
Seymore4Head@Hotmail.invalid declaimed the following:

The thing is I am not really sure what I want.  I do know I need more
practice to find out.  Since I am taking a course now, I can't really
ask a direct question and my first example wasn't so good.

   Unfortunately, that puts your questions at the level of algorithm, not
language... Once you know the algorithm and data structures, THEN you can
figure out how to map them into Python (or Rexx, or any other language).


Re: Py2App - Could not import Tkinter error from resulting app

2014-10-21 Thread Noble Bell
On Monday, October 20, 2014 11:07:51 PM UTC-5, Terry Reedy wrote:
 tkinter imports _tkinter
 _tkinter connects with tclx.dll and tkx.dll (x is variable)
 So one possibility is no accessible tcl/tx.  I have no idea how py2app 
 is supposed to handle this on your undisclosed system.
 Terry Jan Reedy

Thanks for the reply. I am using a Mac.
The problem turns out that for some reason when I installed the py2app utility 
it got installed under python 2.7 instead of python 3, which I am using, and 
that caused it to create the bundle under 2.x instead of 3.x. The result was it 
was trying to use python 2.x instead of 3.x syntax.

I realized this problem shortly after I posted the question and tried to go 
back to google groups and delete my post before anyone had seen it.


Re: Py2App - Could not import Tkinter error from resulting app

2014-10-21 Thread Skip Montanaro
On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 8:20 AM, Noble Bell wrote:

 I realized this problem shortly after I posted the question and tried to
 go back to google groups and delete my post before anyone had seen it.

In general, that won't work, as lots of people use email ( or Usenet (comp.lang.python) to read the group. In
fact, Google Groups is very much a latecomer to the party.

More importantly, just because you made a mistake doesn't mean you should
delete your message. Other people might make the same mistake and learn
from your post what the solution is.


Re: Is there an easy way to control indents in Python

2014-10-21 Thread jumppanen . jussi
On Wednesday, October 15, 2014 12:13:51 PM UTC+10, ryguy7272 wrote:
 I'm just learning Python.

One of the best ways to learn any language is to type in the example code by 

As you type in the code you will make mistakes, you will learn from your 
mistakes and that will help you learn the language and in the process make you 
a better programmer.

So if you really want to learn the language just type in the code by hand and 
the problem goes away.


string processing - some problems whenever I have to parse a more complex string

2014-10-21 Thread CWr

Hello together,

currently I have to parse a string in an atomic way. Normally - in this case 
too - I have a counter variable to keep the current position inside the string. 
So far, I think this is the most flexible solution to do some lookaround's 
inside the string if necessary. Subroutines will be feed by the underlying data 
and the current position. A subroutine returns a tuple of the new position and 
the result. But I would like process subroutines with the same flexibillity 
(slicing/lookaround) but without returning the new position every again.

Is there any implementation like C++ StringPiece class? Or something like the 
following behavior:

s = StringSlice('abcdef')
StringSlice('abcdef') at xxx
s.chop(1) # chop the first item
s[0] # 'b' is the new first item
s.chop(-1) # chop the last item
while s[0] != 'e':

Subroutines could chop the number of processed items internally if no error 

Another possibillty will be to chop the current item manually. But I don't know 
how efficient this is in case of large strings.

while string:
   c = string[0]
   # process it ...
   string = string[1:]

But this assumes that I have to return rest of the string too and not useful for
my problem covered abrove.

Has anyone some tips what's the best practice to process a complex string, 
handling prositions in/and subroutines.

Thanks for all answers...

Pex import problems

2014-10-21 Thread Sam Raker
Hi all,
I'm trying to use Pex ( to 
include requests in a little script to ping a server from a machine that 
doesn't come with pip (or much of anything, really) installed. I'm running into 
problems outputting a pex file that depends on a local script. 

I've got a command-line file, ``, that can be called with a few 
command-line options. I can run `pex -r requests -o client.pex --`, 
but when I try `./client.pex -h` I get an error about no such file or 
directory: '-h'.

Ok, next attempt: `pex -r requests -o client.pex -e client` -- ImportError: 
No module named client. I dug around in the code a bit, and from what I can 
tell, `-e FOO` boils down to `__import__(FOO)`, which I can do, both from the 
interpreter and from a test script. So what am I missing?

The only other option I can think of would be: `pex -r requests -o client.pex` 
 then write a script that calls `` from the pex environment (i.e., 
`./client.pex -h` or whatever), and bundle the pex file, ``, 
and the script together. But that seems like a misuse of the tool, at best.

Alternatively/additionally: is there any mailing list/help source for pex? It 
seems like a great project, but I've not been able to find many resources out 
there, which is why I'm turning to you guys.

(Why not just install pip/requests on the target machine? Because this is part 
of an effort to automate provisioning of a bunch of machines.)
(Why not use pants? Because literally all we need is requests, and that seems 
like overkill.)

(Also: anyone who's planning on chewing me out about formatting: I TRIED 
posting by email to, but it wouldn't let me. 
Sorry for the extra whitespace.)

Re: Pex import problems

2014-10-21 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 2:34 AM, Sam Raker wrote:
 (Also: anyone who's planning on chewing me out about formatting: I TRIED 
 posting by email to, but it wouldn't let 
 me. Sorry for the extra whitespace.)

That's because that isn't the mailing list's name. Sign up here:


Re: Pex import problems

2014-10-21 Thread Sam Raker
On Tuesday, October 21, 2014 12:05:00 PM UTC-4, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 2:34 AM, Sam Raker wrote:
  (Also: anyone who's planning on chewing me out about formatting: I TRIED 
  posting by email to, but it wouldn't let 
  me. Sorry for the extra whitespace.)

 That's because that isn't the mailing list's name. Sign up here:


Thank you for your help.

Re: Pex import problems

2014-10-21 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 3:36 AM, Sam Raker wrote:
 That's because that isn't the mailing list's name. Sign up here:


 Thank you for your help.

No probs. Sorry I can't help with your main issue, as I'm not at all
familiar with pex.


PyPy3 2.4.0 released

2014-10-21 Thread Philip Jenvey
PyPy3 2.4 - Snow White

We're pleased to announce PyPy3 2.4, which contains significant performance
enhancements and bug fixes.

You can download the PyPy3 2.4.0 release here:

PyPy3 Highlights

Issues reported with our previous release were fixed after reports from users on
our new issue tracker at or on IRC at
#pypy. Here is a summary of the user-facing PyPy3 specific changes:

* Better Windows compatibility, e.g. the nt module functions _getfinalpathname
   _getfileinformation are now supported (the former is required for the
  popular pathlib library for example)

* Various fsencode PEP 383 related fixes to the posix module (readlink, uname,
  ttyname and ctermid) and improved locale handling

* Switched default binary name os POSIX distributions to 'pypy3' (which
  symlinks to to 'pypy3.2')

* Fixed a couple different crashes related to parsing Python 3 source code

Further Highlights (shared w/ PyPy2)

Benchmarks improved after internal enhancements in string and
bytearray handling, and a major rewrite of the GIL handling. This means
that external calls are now a lot faster, especially the CFFI ones. It also
means better performance in a lot of corner cases with handling strings or
bytearrays. The main bugfix is handling of many socket objects in your
program which in the long run used to leak memory.

We fixed a memory leak in IO in the sandbox_ code

We welcomed more than 12 new contributors, and conducted two Google
Summer of Code projects, as well as other student projects not
directly related to Summer of Code.

* Reduced internal copying of bytearray operations

* Tweak the internal structure of StringBuilder to speed up large string
  handling, which becomes advantageous on large programs at the cost of slightly
  slower small *benchmark* type programs.

* Boost performance of thread-local variables in both unjitted and jitted code,
  this mostly affects errno handling on linux, which makes external calls

* Move to a mixed polling and mutex GIL model that make mutlithreaded jitted
  code run *much* faster

* Optimize errno handling in linux (x86 and x86-64 only)

* Remove ctypes pythonapi and ctypes.PyDLL, which never worked on PyPy

* Classes in the ast module are now distinct from structures used by
  the compiler, which simplifies and speeds up translation of our
  source code to the PyPy binary interpreter

* Win32 now links statically to zlib, expat, bzip, and openssl-1.0.1i.
  No more missing DLLs

* Many issues were resolved_ since the 2.3.1 release in June

.. _`whats-new`:
.. _resolved:
.. _sandbox:

We have further improvements on the way: rpython file handling,
numpy linalg compatibility, as well
as improved GC and many smaller improvements.

Please try it out and let us know what you think. We especially welcome
success stories, we know you are using PyPy, please tell us about it!


The PyPy Team

Re: Is there an easy way to control indents in Python

2014-10-21 Thread Ian Kelly
On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 2:45 AM, Simon Kennedy wrote:
 On Monday, 20 October 2014 18:56:05 UTC+1, Ian  wrote:
 Rather, I'm saying that where the blank line is should be the start of
 a new function. There would still be a blank line, just no longer
 inside the function.

 Now, maybe you think there should be more blank lines in the above, in
 which case we'll just have to disagree on that point.

 Why did you separate the above 2 sequences of thoughts by a blank line? Is 
 the inherent pause in the communication of your thoughts not also applicable 
 to your code?

 Where we see the pause between thoughts appears to be in a different place. I 
 see them both within the function and between the functions and I assume you 
 see them between the functions only.

That makes sense. I see two distinct thoughts in the function that I
posted: build the graph and search the graph. The blank line
separates them. By my view, a function should represent a single,
complete thought. Thus, the function should be broken up at the blank

Re: PyPy3 2.4.0 released

2014-10-21 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 4:03 AM, Philip Jenvey wrote:
 PyPy3 2.4 - Snow White

Interesting choice of name. I flipped through some of the release
pages for previous versions and couldn't see a pattern to the names;
is there a list somewhere of the code names and why they were
selected? I'm sure there's a story behind this!


Problem with Android Build

2014-10-21 Thread Cyd Haselton
If I have a problem with building Python on an Android device, would
this be the list to post it to, or should I post it to python-help or


Re: Problem with Android Build

2014-10-21 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 2:32 AM, Cyd Haselton wrote:
 If I have a problem with building Python on an Android device, would
 this be the list to post it to, or should I post it to python-help or


Start here. If we can't help, python-dev might be the next place to
ask, but this is the best first option.


Pex import problems

2014-10-21 Thread Sam Raker
Hi all,
I'm trying to use Pex ( to
include requests in a little script to ping a server from a machine that
doesn't come with pip (or much of anything, really) installed. I'm running
into problems outputting a pex file that depends on a local script.

I've got a command-line file, ``, that can be called with a few
command-line options. I can run `pex -r requests -o client.pex --`, but when I try `./client.pex -h` I get an error about no such
file or directory: '-h'.

Ok, next attempt: `pex -r requests -o client.pex -e client` --
ImportError: No module named client. I dug around in the code a bit, and
from what I can tell, `-e FOO` boils down to `__import__(FOO)`, which I can
do, both from the interpreter and from a test script. So what am I missing?

The only other option I can think of would be: `pex -r requests -o
client.pex`  then write a script that calls `` from the pex
environment (i.e., `./client.pex -h` or whatever), and bundle the
pex file, ``, and the script together. But that seems like a
misuse of the tool, at best.

Alternatively/additionally: is there any mailing list/help source for pex?
It seems like a great project, but I've not been able to find many
resources out there, which is why I'm turning to you guys.

(Why not just install pip/requests on the target machine? Because this is
part of an effort to automate provisioning of a bunch of machines.)
(Why not use pants? Because literally all we need is requests, and that
seems like overkill.)

Re: string processing - some problems whenever I have to parse a more complex string

2014-10-21 Thread Ned Batchelder

On 10/21/14 10:32 AM, CWr wrote:

Is there any implementation like C++ StringPiece class? Or something like the 
following behavior:

s = StringSlice('abcdef')

StringSlice('abcdef') at xxx



s.chop(1) # chop the first item
s[0] # 'b' is the new first item




s.chop(-1) # chop the last item




while s[0] != 'e':








You could certainly implement a StringSlice object that worked like 
this.  Store the string, the start and end indexes.  Override 
__getitem__ to adjust indexes and slice endpoints, implement chop() to 
change the start or end indexes.  Implementing the string operations 
would get messy, likely you would materialize the sliced string to make 
them work.

Ned Batchelder,


Re: Problem with Android Build

2014-10-21 Thread Cyd Haselton
On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 12:36 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 2:32 AM, Cyd Haselton wrote:
 If I have a problem with building Python on an Android device, would
 this be the list to post it to, or should I post it to python-help or


 Start here. If we can't help, python-dev might be the next place to
 ask, but this is the best first option.



I'm building Python v2.7.8 on my Android device in a fakechroot
environment with GCC 4.8.0 and make fails with the following error

Could not import runpy module

Running the Makefile command (minus the LD_LIBRARY_PATH prepend)
produces the same error, but running the same command minus the -S
returns a
File ..Lib/, line 117, in module
raise ImportError, 'no os specific module found'

I've configured with
./configure --prefix=/usr/python --build=arm-linux-androideabi
--host=arm-linux-androideabi --target=arm-linux-androideabi
./configure --prefix=/usr/python
with the same results.

The two post-configure makefile edits I've added are:
which allows make to continue past an 'undefined reference to sincos' and
which prevents the fakechroot environment from breaking

I've also commented out the initpwd references in
Android doesn't do passwords per se.

Any help would be appreciated!

No Error; No Output...Nothing

2014-10-21 Thread ryguy7272
Hey everyone, I'm trying to run this code.

import os
import pickle
#import urllib2
from urllib.request import urlopen
#import cookielib
import http.cookiejar
import re
import time
import numpy as np
#import pylab as pl
# symbol - USDEUR=X - problem that the server sometimes returns 0.0
def getSpotPrice(symbol):
numberOfAttempts = 0
while numberOfAttempts  10:
url = 
fxrate_pure = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
fxrate = fxrate_pure.strip()
if fxrate != 0.00:
return fxrate
numberOfAttempts += 1
raise Exception(Unable to obtain market data from Yahoo! ... wrong 
# symbol = the yahoo ticker; the expected tickers of the components contain 
alphanumerical characters or dot or hyphen; if the yahoo format changes, 
nothing is returned
def getConstituentsOfAnIndexFromYahoo(symbol):
url = '' % symbol
p = re.compile('td class=\yfnc_tabledata1\ba 
components = []
pageIndex = 0
finished = False
while not finished:
if pageIndex == 0:
actualUrl = url
actualUrl = url + c= + str(pageIndex)
pageResults = p.findall(urllib2.urlopen(actualUrl).read())
if len(pageResults) == 0:
finished = True
return components
# prices = data[:,6] or prices = data[:, title.index(Adj Close)], 
pl.num2date(data[:,1]) back dates
# syntax{Yahoo.Symbol.[isin]}a={Von.M-1}b={Von.T}c={Von.J}d={Bis.M}e={Bis.T}f={Bis.
def getNumpyHistoricalTimeseries(symbol,fromDate, toDate):
f = urllib2.urlopen(''+ 
str(fromDate.month -1) +'c='+ str(fromDate.year) +'b=' + str( + 
'e='+  str( + 'd='+ str(toDate.month-1) +'g=df=' + 
str(toDate.year) + 's=' + symbol + 'ignore=.csv')
header = f.readline().strip().split(,)
#return np.loadtxt(f, dtype=np.float, delimiter=,, converters={0: 

I commented out the import pylab as pl because I couldn't get the 
matplotlib.pylab import working.  So, anyway, I hit F5, and it seems to run, 
but it doesn't really do anything.  Isn't this either supposed to be 
downloading data from the web, or throwing an error so I can troubleshoot, and 
try to figure out what's going on?  It's hard to troubleshoot, when you don't 
get any error.  Does this work for others?


Re: No Error; No Output...Nothing

2014-10-21 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 8:44 AM, ryguy7272 wrote:
 So, anyway, I hit F5, and it seems to run, but it doesn't really do anything.

It defines a few functions, but nothing ever calls them, so you won't
see much out of it :) Try adding some code at the bottom that actually
calls one of your functions, providing constants for whatever
parameters it needs.


Re: No Error; No Output...Nothing

2014-10-21 Thread Chris Kaynor
On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 2:44 PM, ryguy7272 wrote:

 I commented out the import pylab as pl because I couldn't get the
 matplotlib.pylab import working.  So, anyway, I hit F5, and it seems to
 run, but it doesn't really do anything.  Isn't this either supposed to be
 downloading data from the web, or throwing an error so I can troubleshoot,
 and try to figure out what's going on?  It's hard to troubleshoot, when you
 don't get any error.  Does this work for others?

No where in the code are any of the functions being called, so unless your
F5 is bound to something that will call some functions, I would not
expect it to do anything.


Re: string processing - some problems whenever I have to parse a more complex string

2014-10-21 Thread Terry Reedy

On 10/21/2014 10:32 AM, CWr wrote:

Hello together,

currently I have to parse a string in an atomic way. Normally - in this case 
too - I have a counter variable to keep the current position inside the string. 
So far, I think this is the most flexible solution to do some lookaround's 
inside the string if necessary. Subroutines will be feed by the underlying data 
and the current position. A subroutine returns a tuple of the new position and 
the result. But I would like process subroutines with the same flexibillity 
(slicing/lookaround) but without returning the new position every again.

Is there any implementation like C++ StringPiece class?

I am going to guess that this is a string view class that encapsulates a 
piece of an underlying class.  Otherwise there is no point.

A view class depends on a primary, independently accessible class for 
its data.  There are two main categories.  A subview gives the primary 
class interface to a part of the primary data. Numpy had array subviews 
an I presume you are talking about string subviews here.  An altview 
class gives an alternative interface to the primary data.  Dict views 
are examples.

If the primary object is mutable, one reason to use a view instead of a 
copy is to keep the data for two objects synchronized.  This does not 
apply to strings.

Another reason is to save memory space.  The downside is that the 
primary data cannot be erased until *both* objects are deleted. 
Moreover, if the primary data is small or the subview data is a small 
fraction of the primary data, the memory saving is small.  So small 
subviews that persist after the primary object may end up costing more 
memory than they save.  This is one reason Python does not have string 
subview.  The numpy array view use case is large subarrays of large 
arrays that have to persist through a calculation anyway.

Another reason Python lack sequence subviews is that the extra data 
needed for a contiguous slice are only the start and stop indexes. 
These can easily be manipulated directly without wrapping them in a 
class.  And anyone who does want a method interface can easily create a 
class to their liking.

To answer your question, I tried

and did not find anything.  'view' matches the generic use of 'view', as 
well as 'views', 'viewed', 'viewer', 'review', and 'preview'.

The third answer here
has a StringView class that could be modifed to work on 3.x by removing 
the unneeded use of buffer.

 Or something like the following behavior:

s = StringSlice('abcdef')

s = 'abcdef'
a, b = 0, len(s)  # s start, s end


StringSlice('abcdef') at xxx




s.chop(1) # chop the first item
s[0] # 'b' is the new first item

a += 1





s.chop(-1) # chop the last item

b -= 1





while s[0] != 'e':



while s[a] != 'e':
a += 1








Subroutines could chop the number of processed items internally if no error 

Another possibillty will be to chop the current item manually. But I don't know 
how efficient this is in case of large strings.

while string:

c = string[0]
# process it ...
string = string[1:]

This is extremely bad as it replaces the O(n) processing (below) with 
O(n*n) processing.  In general, the right way to linearly process any 
iterable is

for item in iterable:

or sometimes

for index, item in enumerate(iterable):
  process(index, item)

or even, for sequences, (but not when the first option above suffices)

for index in range(len(sequence)):
  process(index, sequence)

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: No Error; No Output...Nothing

2014-10-21 Thread Matthew Ruffalo
On 10/21/2014 05:44 PM, ryguy7272 wrote:
 Hey everyone, I'm trying to run this code.


 I commented out the import pylab as pl because I couldn't get the 
 matplotlib.pylab import working.  So, anyway, I hit F5, and it seems to run, 
 but it doesn't really do anything.  Isn't this either supposed to be 
 downloading data from the web, or throwing an error so I can troubleshoot, 
 and try to figure out what's going on?  It's hard to troubleshoot, when you 
 don't get any error.  Does this work for others?

No, it isn't supposed to be downloading data from the web. You have
defined a few functions but you're not actually calling any of them. The
script terminates successfully with no output, since there's nothing for
it to do after executing your imports and function definitions.

Additionally, your attempted use of 'urllib2' inside
getConstituentsOfAnIndexFromYahoo will fail. Your import of that module
is commented out, since (from your imports) you're presumably using
Python 3 and a module with that name no longer exists. Since you have
'from urllib.request import urlopen', you can use the 'urlopen' module
without any fully-qualified name. The relevant line in your
getConstituentsOfAnIndexFromYahoo function should be 'pageResults =



Re: No Error; No Output...Nothing

2014-10-21 Thread ryguy7272
On Tuesday, October 21, 2014 5:44:33 PM UTC-4, ryguy7272 wrote:
 Hey everyone, I'm trying to run this code.
 import os
 import pickle
 #import urllib2
 from urllib.request import urlopen
 #import cookielib
 import http.cookiejar
 import re
 import time
 import numpy as np
 #import pylab as pl
 # symbol - USDEUR=X - problem that the server sometimes returns 0.0
 def getSpotPrice(symbol):
 numberOfAttempts = 0
 while numberOfAttempts  10:
 url = 
 fxrate_pure = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
 fxrate = fxrate_pure.strip()
 if fxrate != 0.00:
 return fxrate
 numberOfAttempts += 1
 raise Exception(Unable to obtain market data from Yahoo! ... wrong 
 # symbol = the yahoo ticker; the expected tickers of the components contain 
 alphanumerical characters or dot or hyphen; if the yahoo format changes, 
 nothing is returned
 def getConstituentsOfAnIndexFromYahoo(symbol):
 url = '' % symbol
 p = re.compile('td class=\yfnc_tabledata1\ba 
 components = []
 pageIndex = 0
 finished = False
 while not finished:
 if pageIndex == 0:
 actualUrl = url
 actualUrl = url + c= + str(pageIndex)
 pageResults = p.findall(urllib2.urlopen(actualUrl).read())
 if len(pageResults) == 0:
 finished = True
 return components
 # prices = data[:,6] or prices = data[:, title.index(Adj Close)], 
 pl.num2date(data[:,1]) back dates
 # syntax{Yahoo.Symbol.[isin]}a={Von.M-1}b={Von.T}c={Von.J}d={Bis.M}e={Bis.T}f={Bis.
 def getNumpyHistoricalTimeseries(symbol,fromDate, toDate):
 f = urllib2.urlopen(''+ 
 str(fromDate.month -1) +'c='+ str(fromDate.year) +'b=' + str( 
 + 'e='+  str( + 'd='+ str(toDate.month-1) +'g=df=' + 
 str(toDate.year) + 's=' + symbol + 'ignore=.csv')
 header = f.readline().strip().split(,)
 #return np.loadtxt(f, dtype=np.float, delimiter=,, converters={0: 
 I commented out the import pylab as pl because I couldn't get the 
 matplotlib.pylab import working.  So, anyway, I hit F5, and it seems to run, 
 but it doesn't really do anything.  Isn't this either supposed to be 
 downloading data from the web, or throwing an error so I can troubleshoot, 
 and try to figure out what's going on?  It's hard to troubleshoot, when you 
 don't get any error.  Does this work for others?

OK.  Thanks everyone!

Re: No Error; No Output...Nothing

2014-10-21 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 21/10/2014 23:15, ryguy7272 wrote:

OK.  Thanks everyone!

I'm pleased to see that you have answers.  In return would you please 
access this list via or read and action 
this to prevent us 
seeing double line spacing and single line paragraphs, thanks.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Re: Flush stdin

2014-10-21 Thread Dan Stromberg
On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 9:41 PM, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
 Dan Stromberg

 Often with TCP protocols, line buffered is preferred to character

 Terminal devices support line buffering on write.

Yes, though that's not the only place it's useful.

 Line buffering on read is an illusion created by higher-level libraries.
 The low-level read function reads in blocks of bytes.

Actually, doesn't line buffering sometimes exist inside an OS kernel?
stty/termios/termio/sgtty relate here, for *ix examples.  Supporting
code:  It turns on
character-at-a-time I/O in the tty driver via a variety of methods for
portability.  I wrote it in C before I took an interest in Python.

Also, here's some supporting documentation: - excerpt:
Indeed, normally terminal input is line buffered in the kernel.

But even if line buffering (or even character buffering) were never in
the kernel, calling it an illusion is perhaps going a little far.
It's useful sometimes, irrespective of where it comes from.
Illusion has a bit of an undeserved pejorative connotation.

 Also, it's a straightforward way of framing your data, to avoid
 getting messed up by Nagle or fragmentation.

 Nagle affects the communication between the peer OS kernels and isn't
 directly related to anything the application does.

Actually, Nagle can cause two or more small packets to be merged,
which is something an application must be able to deal with, because
they could show up in the receiving application as one or more (but
anyway: fewer) merged recv()'s.  That's one reason why something like can be helpful.

 Also, Nagle doesn't
 play any role with pipes.

Yes, but pipes aren't the only thing involved in the OP's question.
You simplified the problem down to pipes, but that doesn't really
capture the complete essence of the matter.  Nagle is one of the

 $ bash ./ | strace python3 ./
 read(0, x, 4096)  = 1
 read(0, x, 4096)  = 1
 read(0, x, 4096)  = 1
 read(0, x, 4096)  = 1
 read(0, x, 4096)  = 1
 fstat(1, {st_mode=S_IFCHR|0620, st_rdev=makedev(136, 3), ...}) = 0
 0) = 0x7f3143bab000
 write(1, 120\n, 4120
 )= 4

 This is tremendously inefficient.  It demands a context switch for
 every character.

 Inefficiency isn't an issue when you generate one byte a second.

Of course, but who's doing one byte per second?  You and I in our
tests, and perhaps some application developers with remarkably
undemanding I/O.  That doesn't really mean we should _recommend_ a
series of, 1)'s.

 If data
 were generated at a brisker pace, read(0, ..., 4096) could get more
 bytes at a time. Notice that even if the Python code requests 5 bytes,
 CPython requests up to 4096 bytes in a single read.

Not if you use, 1), for example, which was what you appeared
to be recommending., 1) (when on a pipe) makes a call into
kernel space via a context switch, once for each, 1).

I guess I should add that when you do an, 1), and see it
show up in strace, strace is showing kernel-userspace interactions,
not library stuff, and not stuff in an application that sits above
libraries.  ltrace shows some of the library stuff, but probably not
all of it - I haven't studied ltrace as much as I have strace.

Just wondering: Are we helping the OP?

Re: Struggling with python-daemon and subprocess module to work together

2014-10-21 Thread Dan Stromberg
On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 2:16 AM, Praveen Kumar wrote:
 I am writing a very basic server side application[0] which get data
 from a client and create a virtual machine using provided data and
 also tells client about what's going on during *virt-install* command
 execution. Previously this basic server is executed using *openvt* but
 I thought it would be nice to have a daemon process for it and used

 Issue I am facing is after some time server will stop sending data to
 client which suppose to happen in #120 and get error message Cannot
 run interactive console without a controlling TTY . I am not able to
 figure out issue is occurred due to module or I missed something
 during daemon initialization.

I believe you either want a pty, to make your interactive application
believe it's on a tty, or a redesign.

Here's some Python pty code:

I imagine pexpect might help too, though I tend to favor going
directly to a pty.


Re: Struggling with python-daemon and subprocess module to work together

2014-10-21 Thread Ben Finney
Praveen Kumar writes:

 Previously this basic server is executed using *openvt* but I thought
 it would be nice to have a daemon process for it and used

An important difference is that a daemon process has no controlling
terminal, by definition.

 Issue I am facing is after some time server will stop sending data to
 client which suppose to happen in #120 and get error message Cannot
 run interactive console without a controlling TTY .

So, if the code you're running inside that daemon process needs access
to a terminal, you have at least two options:

* If the code really needs to talk on an interactive terminal, fake it
  with a pseudoterminal, and keep that pseudoterminal (its file handle)

* If, as is probably the case, the code doesn't actually need to talk on
  an interactive terminal, cut that part of the code out entirely and
  the rest will run fine inside the daemon.

 \ “I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the |
  `\death your right to mis-attribute this quote to Voltaire.” |
_o__)   —Avram Grumer, rec.arts.sf.written, 2000-05-30 |
Ben Finney


Re: Flush stdin

2014-10-21 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 21Oct2014 16:16, Dan Stromberg wrote:

This is tremendously inefficient.  It demands a context switch for
every character.

Inefficiency isn't an issue when you generate one byte a second.

Of course, but who's doing one byte per second?  You and I in our
tests, and perhaps some application developers with remarkably
undemanding I/O.  That doesn't really mean we should _recommend_ a
series of, 1)'s.

Indeed not. But there is one glaring exception: the shell's read builtin.  
Because it can be interspersed in a script between other input-consuming 
commands, it _must_ read no more than one line, and therefore is has to read in 
increments of 1 character.

Of course, that says nothing about the upstream write() granularity.

I now return y'all to your regularly sheduled nit picking.

Cameron Simpson

If it ain't broken, keep playing with it.

Re: When to use assert

2014-10-21 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Anton wrote:

 I use ORM and often need to write a function that either takes an id of
 the record or already loaded model object. So I end up writing a piece of
 code like below:
 def do_something(instance):
 if isinstance(instance_or_id, int):
 instance = Model.get(instance)
 assert isinstance(instance, Model)
 # Code that assumes that instance is an object of type Model

 do_somthing is not a part of public library, though it is a public
 function, which can and intended to be used by other programmers; and
 assert should never happen if a client uses the function as planned.

I think you mean the assert should never fail.

That seems like a reasonable use for assert, with a proviso below. It's
behaving like a checked comment or a post-condition test: asserting that
Model.get returns a Model instance.

But, the idea of *requiring* Model.get to return a Model instance may be
inadvisable. It goes against duck-typing, and it prevents Model from making
some kinds of implementation changes that might break your post-condition
that get() always returns an instance. For example, it might return a proxy
object instead, and then your assert will fail.

 wonder if this use-case is controversial to this part:
 Many people use asserts as a quick and easy way to raise an exception if
 an argument is given the wrong value. But this is wrong, dangerously
 wrong, for two reasons. The first is that AssertionError is usually the
 wrong error to give when testing function arguments. You wouldn't write
 code like this:
 if not isinstance(x, int):
 raise AssertionError(not an int)
 you'd raise TypeError instead. assert raises the wrong sort of

No, because the nature of the exception depends on the intent of the test
and the audience who is expected to see it. In an ideal world,
AssertionError should never be seen by the end user, or the developer
calling your code (assuming that she obeys the documented requirements of
your code). A failed assert should be considered an internal error, which
the user never sees. Since the failure:

Model.get has stopped returning Model instances

is likely to be an internal problem (oops, I broke the get() method, better
fix that) rather than an expected error, using assert is okay.

What would *not* be okay is something like this:

def do_something(instance_or_id):
if isinstance(instance_or_id, int):
instance = Model.get(instance_or_id)
assert isinstance(instance, Model)
# Code that assumes that instance is an object of type Model

since that fails with (for example) do_something(None): either the assert is
not checked at all, and there will be some mysterious failure deep inside
your code, or the caller will see AssertionError instead of TypeError,
violating user expectations and good design that type errors should raise

A better way to write this might be to have Model.get() responsible for the
error checking, and then just delegate to it:

class Model:
def get(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, Model):
return obj
elif isinstance(obj, int):
model = Model(do something here)
return model
raise TypeError('expected an int ID or a Model instance')

def do_something(instance_or_id):
instance = Model.get(instance_or_id)
assert isinstance(instance, Model)
# Code that assumes that instance is an object of type Model

That means that the logic for what is acceptable as a Model is all in one
place, namely the Model.get method, and callers don't need to care about
the pre-condition argument is a Model or an integer ID, they only need to
care about the post-condition result of get() is a Model.



Re: When to use assert

2014-10-21 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 12:44 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 def do_something(instance_or_id):
 instance = Model.get(instance_or_id)
 assert isinstance(instance, Model)
 # Code that assumes that instance is an object of type Model

 That means that the logic for what is acceptable as a Model is all in one
 place, namely the Model.get method, and callers don't need to care about
 the pre-condition argument is a Model or an integer ID, they only need to
 care about the post-condition result of get() is a Model.

And at that point, the assertion is redundant, on par with:

a = len(seq)
assert isinstance(a, int)

because you shouldn't have to assert what's part of a function's guarantee.


Re: Flush stdin

2014-10-21 Thread Nobody
On Sat, 18 Oct 2014 18:42:00 -0700, Dan Stromberg wrote:

 On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 6:34 PM, Dan Stromberg wrote:
 Once the nc process actually write()s the data to its standard
 output (i.e. desriptor 1, not the stdout FILE*)
 I'm not sure why you're excluding stdout, but even if nc is using
 filedes 1 instead of FILE * stdout, isn't it kind of irrelevant?
 On further reflection, isn't it stdio that does the varied buffering,
 and filedes 1 that's always unbuffered?  IOW, the OP might wish nc was
 using 1, but it probably can't be given what they're seeing.

Yes. stdio does buffering. Writing to stdout stores data in a buffer; that
data should eventually be written to descriptor 1, although perhaps not
until immediately prior to termination.

Which is probably the cause of the OP's problem.

If it is, using a pseudo-tty would probably fix it. At startup,
stdin and stdout are line-buffered if they are associated with a tty and
fully-buffered otherwise (file, pipe, ...); stderr is unbuffered.

At least, this is the case on Unix and Windows. The exact requirements of
the C standard are:

As initially opened, the standard error stream is not fully
buffered; the standard input and standard output streams are
fully buffered if and only if the stream can be determined not
to refer to an interactive device.


Re: Flush stdin

2014-10-21 Thread Dan Stromberg
On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 7:49 PM, Nobody nobody@nowhere.invalid wrote:
 On Sat, 18 Oct 2014 18:42:00 -0700, Dan Stromberg wrote:

 On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 6:34 PM, Dan Stromberg wrote:
 Once the nc process actually write()s the data to its standard
 output (i.e. desriptor 1, not the stdout FILE*)
 I'm not sure why you're excluding stdout, but even if nc is using
 filedes 1 instead of FILE * stdout, isn't it kind of irrelevant?

 On further reflection, isn't it stdio that does the varied buffering,
 and filedes 1 that's always unbuffered?  IOW, the OP might wish nc was
 using 1, but it probably can't be given what they're seeing.

 Yes. stdio does buffering. Writing to stdout stores data in a buffer; that
 data should eventually be written to descriptor 1, although perhaps not
 until immediately prior to termination.

 Which is probably the cause of the OP's problem.

Huh.  And here I thought I demonstrated elsewhere in this thread, that
the buffering between nc and python didn't appear to be the problem.

'found it, here it is again:

If I run the following in one tty:
nc -l localhost 9000 | /tmp/z

...where /tmp/z has just:

import sys

for line in sys.stdin.buffer:

And then run the following in another tty on the same computer:
while read line; do echo $line; sleep 1; done  /etc/passwd | nc
localhost 9000

...then everything acts line buffered, or perhaps even character
buffered (the two are pretty indistinguishable in this test).  What I
see is my /etc/passwd file popping out of the nc -l side, one line at
a time, each line one second apart.

I suppose this suggests that it's the client that's sending TCP data
that is buffering.

That, or we're using two different versions of netcat (there are at
least two available).

Matplotlib: getting a figure to show without

2014-10-21 Thread Peter Pearson
I'm using Matplotlib to present a control window with clickable
buttons, and to plot things in another window when you click buttons,
in the style of the code below.  I'm ashamed of the stinky way I
use first to call the first time data are plotted but then
to call fig.canvas.draw for subsequent data plots.  Can someone tell
me the right way?

If I call every time, then after about 40 plots I get
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python
object, which makes sense because I'm getting one layer deeper in
callbacks with every plot ( doesn't return).  But if I call
fig.canvas.draw every time, the window for the data plot never appears
on my screen.

Thanks for any suggestions.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.widgets import Button

def callback(event):
global n, first
fig = plt.figure(2)
n += 1  # (Pretending something changes from one plot to the next.)
if first:
first = False

global n, first
n = 0
first = True
fig = plt.figure(1)
quit_button = Button(plt.axes([.1,.3,.4,.2]), Quit)
quit_button.on_clicked(lambda x: plt.close(all))
plot_button = Button(plt.axes([.1,.1,.4,.2]), Plot)

To email me, substitute nowhere-runbox, invalid-com.

Re: Flush stdin

2014-10-21 Thread Marko Rauhamaa
Dan Stromberg

 On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 9:41 PM, Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
 Nagle affects the communication between the peer OS kernels and isn't
 directly related to anything the application does.

 Actually, Nagle can cause two or more small packets to be merged,
 which is something an application must be able to deal with, because
 they could show up in the receiving application as one or more (but
 anyway: fewer) merged recv()'s.

Packets have barely anything to do with TCP sockets since they provide
an octet stream abstraction.

 Of course, but who's doing one byte per second?  You and I in our
 tests, and perhaps some application developers with remarkably
 undemanding I/O.  That doesn't really mean we should _recommend_ a
 series of, 1)'s.

No, here's my statement: if you need to process input as soon as it
becomes available, you can't use sys.stdin. Instead, you need to use

You typically supply with a buffer of a kilobyte or more. Key
is, returns right away if fewer bytes are available.


[issue22676] Creating the string representation of a module is slower

2014-10-21 Thread Georg Brandl

Georg Brandl added the comment:

HasAttr would just call GetAttr and discard the exception.

@ OP: what objects are you pickling? You can give them a __module__ attribute 
to save the lookup in sys.modules.

nosy: +georg.brandl

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[issue22676] _pickle's whichmodule() is slow

2014-10-21 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

There's no doubt that whichmodule() has grown more complex since 3.2. We 
probably cannot eliminate the O(number of modules) component, but could at 
least make it faster.

stage:  - needs patch
title: Creating the string representation of a module is slower - _pickle's 
whichmodule() is slow
versions: +Python 3.5 -Python 3.4

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[issue22683] bisect index out of bounds issue

2014-10-21 Thread Paul Ianas

New submission from Paul Ianas:

The precondition for all the bisect functions is implemented like this:

if lo  0:
raise ValueError('lo must be non-negative')
if hi is None:
hi = len(a)

Now, of course, if hi is given, and hi = 2 * len(a), then we get an 
IndexError. In case hi  0, we always get 0 as a result (even if the element is 

I think it would be better to treat the hi in the precondition in the same way 
as the lo parameter: that means, raise a ValueError in case hi has an illegal 

Disclaimer: of course, it makes no sense to give an illegal argument to that 
function; still, since lo is treated against illegal values, maybe it's better 
to do the same for hi.

At the same time, maybe moving the precondition code in a separate function 
(which raises a ValueError in case precondition is not met) makes more sense, 
for not repeating the same code in all bisect functions.

A small snippet which reproduces this:

from bisect import bisect_left

a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
idx = bisect_left(a, 2, 0, 10)  # 10  2 * 4

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 229750
nosy: Paul.Ianas
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: bisect index out of bounds issue
type: enhancement
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.2, Python 3.3, Python 3.4, Python 3.5

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[issue22676] _pickle's whichmodule() is slow

2014-10-21 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

Note the problem is easily reproduce. For example we can take numpy where some 
ufuncs (i.e. function-like objects implemented in C) don't have a __module__.

$ PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python3.4 -m timeit -s import pickle, numpy; d=numpy.add 
1000 loops, best of 3: 280 usec per loop
$ PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python3.4 -m timeit -s import pickle, numpy; d=numpy.diff 
10 loops, best of 3: 2.74 usec per loop

We see that pickling numpy.add (which doesn't have a __module__) is 100x slower 
than numpy.diff (which has a __module__)! Note I'm forcing PYTHONHASHSEED for 
consistent results, since whichmodule() uses dict iteration.

For comparison, 2.7 is fast enough:

$ PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python2.7 -m timeit -s import cPickle as pickle, numpy; 
d=numpy.add pickle.dumps(d)
10 loops, best of 3: 6.12 usec per loop
$ PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python2.7 -m timeit -s import cPickle as pickle, numpy; 
d=numpy.diff pickle.dumps(d)
10 loops, best of 3: 2.35 usec per loop

(varying PYTHONHASHSEED didn't produce any slower results)


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[issue22676] _pickle's whichmodule() is slow

2014-10-21 Thread Georg Brandl

Georg Brandl added the comment:

Attached patch addresses the repeated __repr__ calling and gives a 4x speedup 

keywords: +patch
Added file:

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[issue22676] _pickle's whichmodule() is slow

2014-10-21 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

Actually, numpy.add takes a different path. Sorry.


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[issue22676] _pickle's whichmodule() is slow

2014-10-21 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

So, a proper way to reproduce it is through Ellipsis (which does go through 

$ PYTHONHASHSEED=0 python3.4 -m timeit -s import pickle; d=Ellipsis 
1000 loops, best of 3: 201 usec per loop


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[issue22676] _pickle's whichmodule() is slow

2014-10-21 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

 For example we can take numpy where some ufuncs (i.e. function-like objects 
 implemented in C) don't have a __module__.

Oh. I was not aware of that. Is there a way to fix numpy to set the __module__ 
attribute? Maybe we should warn users that serialiaing objects without 
__module__ is much slower?


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[issue22676] _pickle's whichmodule() is slow

2014-10-21 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

whichmodule_speedup.diff: I proposed once a more generic solution which is much 
more complex to implement. Lazy formatting of Exception message: in most cases, 
the message is not used. Replace AttributeError(message) with 
AttributeError(attr=name), only format when str(exc) is called.


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[issue22676] _pickle's whichmodule() is slow

2014-10-21 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

Victor, see


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[issue22676] _pickle's whichmodule() is slow

2014-10-21 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Antoine Pitrou added the comment:

Attached patch produces a 8x speedup on Ellipsis.

Added file:

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[issue22676] _pickle's whichmodule() is slow

2014-10-21 Thread Georg Brandl

Georg Brandl added the comment:

I didn't have numpy anyway, I tested on a function with __module__ set to None 
manually.  But I see the same speedup for Ellipsis.


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[issue22683] bisect index out of bounds issue

2014-10-21 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Changes by Antoine Pitrou

nosy: +rhettinger, tim.peters

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[issue22660] Review ssl docs for security recommendations

2014-10-21 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 6f6e56bb10aa by Antoine Pitrou in branch '2.7':
Issue #22660: update various mentions in the ssl module documentation.


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[issue22660] Review ssl docs for security recommendations

2014-10-21 Thread Antoine Pitrou

Changes by Antoine Pitrou

resolution:  - fixed
status: open - closed

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[issue22607] find by dichotomy the failing test

2014-10-21 Thread Xavier de Gaye

Xavier de Gaye added the comment:

The attached patch adds the '-X' and '-Y' options to the regrtest tool, 
allowing to select a range of tests and a range of their subtests.  The patch 
is missing the test cases for the moment.

Does not work very well with nested subtest (nested subtests are currently only 
used by the unittest test suite itself): subtest numbers are flattened across 
all the nested subtests.

Here is the sequence of commands that would have allowed to find the subtest 
responsible for the crash in test_capi at issue 22588, without modifying any 
./python -m test -X [] test_capi  # Get the test count: 18 
./python -m test -X range(1,10) -R 23:23 test_capi# pass
./python -m test -X range(10,15) -R 23:23 test_capi   # pass
./python -m test -X range(15,17) -R 23:23 test_capi   # pass
./python -m test -X [17] -R 23:23 test_capi   # pass
./python -m test -X [18] -R 23:23 test_capi   # fail
./python -m test -X [18] -Y [] test_capi# Test 18 has 35 subtests.
./python -m test -X [18] -Y range(1,19) -R 23:23 test_capi  # fail
./python -m test -X [18] -Y range(1,10) -R 23:23 test_capi  # fail
./python -m test -X [18] -Y range(1,6) -R 23:23 test_capi   # pass
./python -m test -X [18] -Y range(6,8) -R 23:23 test_capi   # pass
./python -m test -X [18] -Y [8] -R 23:23 test_capi  # pass
./python -m test -X [18] -Y [9] -R 23:23 test_capi  # fail

Output of the last command:
Test# 18: test__testcapi
subTest# 9: internal, {'name': 'test_incref_decref_API'}

Added file:

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[issue22684] message.as_bytes() produces recursion depth exceeded

2014-10-21 Thread Pas

New submission from Pas:

Please see the attached traceback (or this for 
fancy colors).

It depends on message size, we're trying to send Multipart MIME messages (a PDF 
attached, that has an image embedded).

After editing to use the fallback ( 
message().as_string().encode(self.charset or 'utf-8') ) things work again.

If anyone could help confirm if this is a bug, or help me understand how I 
misuse the library, I'd be grateful. Thanks!

components: email
files: py34-email.message.as_bytes-recursion-depth-exceeded.txt
messages: 229762
nosy: barry, pas, r.david.murray
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: message.as_bytes() produces recursion depth exceeded
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.4
Added file:

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[issue22685] memory leak: no transport for pipes by create_subprocess_exec/shell

2014-10-21 Thread wabu

New submission from wabu:

using `p = create_subprocess_exec(..., stdout=subprocess.PIPE, limit=...)`, 
p.stdout has not transport set, so the underlying protocol is unable to pause 
the reading of the transport, resulting in high memory usage when slowly 
consuming input from p.stdout, even if the limit parameter is passed. 

A workaround is to set the transport manually after creating the subprocess:
`p.stdout.set_transport(p._transport.get_pipe_transport(1))`, but this should 
happen inside the create_subprocess call.

components: asyncio
messages: 229763
nosy: gvanrossum, haypo, wabu, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: memory leak: no transport for pipes by create_subprocess_exec/shell
versions: Python 3.4

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[issue22684] message.as_bytes() produces recursion depth exceeded

2014-10-21 Thread R. David Murray

R. David Murray added the comment:

It looks like a bug, but I'm not sure why as_bytes would trigger it but not 

Can you supply a copy of the message that fails?  The as_string version 
(assuming the content was all ascii) should be enough to reproduce the issue, 
since it appears to be happening in the header folding step.


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[issue22686] random.randint does not include endpoint

2014-10-21 Thread FH

New submission from FH:

Upon inspection, random.randint(a,b) does not include the endpoint b, contrary 
to documentation, and contrary to the argumentation in Issue7009.

To see this, run e.g.

which will return 0 repeatedly (statistically very unlikely). I tried both on 
Kubuntu 14.04/python 2.7 and

Within, randint is (in both 2.7 and 3.5) implemented as 

def randint(self, a, b):
Return random integer in range [a, b], including both end points.

return self.randrange(a, b+1)

which falsely seems to include the endpoint (as randrange excludes the 
endpoint). However, upon running it does not.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 229765
nosy: georg.brandl, orsenthil, sciencebuggy
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: random.randint does not include endpoint
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7

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[issue22686] random.randint does not include endpoint

2014-10-21 Thread Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson added the comment:

You seem to be confusing `np.random.randint`, which is a function from NumPy 
(not part of core Python), with `random.randint` from the standard library.  
NumPy's np.random.randint does not include the endpoint.  Python's does.  As 
far as I can tell, the documentation is correct for both.

Python 2.7.8 (default, Oct 15 2014, 22:04:42) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 5.1 (clang-503.0.40)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import random
 sum(random.randint(0, 1) for _ in range(1000))

Closing as 'not a bug'.

nosy: +mark.dickinson
resolution:  - not a bug
status: open - closed

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[issue22685] memory leak: no transport for pipes by create_subprocess_exec/shell

2014-10-21 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

 p = create_subprocess_exec(..., stdout=subprocess.PIPE, limit=...)

I don't see yield from. Do you wait until the coroutine completes?

See the documentation:

Please write a more complete example to demontrate your issue.


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[issue22687] horrible performance of textwrap.wrap() with a long word

2014-10-21 Thread Piotr Engelking

New submission from Piotr Engelking:

Wrapping a paragraph containing a long word takes a lot of time:

$ time python3 -c 'import textwrap; textwrap.wrap(a * 2 ** 16)'

sys 0m0.016s

A straightforward replacement is 5000 times faster:

$ time python3 -c '(.join(x) for x in zip(*[iter(a * 2 ** 16)] * 70))'

sys 0m0.016s

Tested on Debian with python3.4 3.4.2-1 and python2.7 2.7.8-10.

messages: 229768
nosy: inkerman
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: horrible performance of textwrap.wrap() with a long word
type: performance
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.4

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[issue22687] horrible performance of textwrap.wrap() with a long word

2014-10-21 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Changes by Serhiy Storchaka

nosy: +georg.brandl, serhiy.storchaka
versions: +Python 3.5

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[issue22688] Use the subprocess module in the uuid module

2014-10-21 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

New submission from Serhiy Storchaka:

There is a proposition (msg229163) to use the subprocess module instead of 
os.popen() in the uuid module.

I hesitate how classify this issue (behavior, security or enhancement) and for 
which versions target it. May be this is a dependency of issue17293.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 229769
nosy: haypo, neologix, serhiy.storchaka
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: needs patch
status: open
title: Use the subprocess module in the uuid module

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[issue22687] horrible performance of textwrap.wrap() with a long word

2014-10-21 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

This particular case is related to the behavior of the wordsep_re regular 
expression in worst case. When text contains long sequence of words characters 
which is not ended by a hypen, or long sequence of non-word and non-space 
characters (and in some other cases), computational complexity of this regular 
expression matching is quadratic. This is a peculiarity of current 
implementation of regular expression engine. May be it is possible to rewrite 
the regular expression so that quadratic complexity will gone, but this is not 
so easy.

The workaround -- use break_on_hyphens=False.

assignee:  - serhiy.storchaka
priority: normal - low
stage:  - needs patch

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[issue22506] `dir` on Enum subclass doesn't expose parent class attributes

2014-10-21 Thread Ram Rachum

Ram Rachum added the comment:

Thanks for the fix Ethan. Will you also push this to the backport on PyPI?


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[issue22688] Use the subprocess module in the uuid module

2014-10-21 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

Did you see my issue which has a patch?


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[issue22506] `dir` on Enum subclass doesn't expose parent class attributes

2014-10-21 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

Thanks for the reminder!




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[issue22506] `dir` on Enum subclass doesn't expose parent class attributes

2014-10-21 Thread Ram Rachum

Ram Rachum added the comment:


Two questions:

1. Is there a GitHub repo for enum34? Couldn't find a link to it on the PyPI 

2. Aren't 'name' and 'value' already included in `added_behavior`?


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[issue22506] `dir` on Enum subclass doesn't expose parent class attributes

2014-10-21 Thread Ram Rachum

Ram Rachum added the comment:

Also, aren't you excluding a lot of important magic methods from that `dir`?


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[issue22688] Use the subprocess module in the uuid module

2014-10-21 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

Oh, I missed it. Thank you for opening the issue and writting the patch.

resolution:  - duplicate
stage: needs patch - resolved
status: open - closed
superseder:  - avoid using a shell in uuid: replce os.popen with 

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[issue22637] avoid using a shell in uuid: replce os.popen with subprocess.Popen

2014-10-21 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

Serhiy Storchaka added the comment:

Besides few nitpicks the patch LGTM.

nosy: +serhiy.storchaka

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[issue22685] memory leak: no transport for pipes by create_subprocess_exec/shell

2014-10-21 Thread wabu

wabu added the comment:

Sorry for the confusion, yes i do the yield from. The stdout stream for the 
process is actually producing data as it should. The subprocess produces a high 
amount of data (pbzip2), but is only consumed slowly. 

Normally when the buffer limit is reached for a stream reader, it calls 
pause_reading on the transport inside the feed_data method (see,
but here this is not happening, as the returned reader has no transport set 
(p.stdout._transport == None). So it fills up all the memory.


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[issue22685] memory leak: no transport for pipes by create_subprocess_exec/shell

2014-10-21 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum added the comment:

Hm... It does look like there's nothing that tells stdout (which is a
StreamReader) about its transport. Wabu, could you experiment with a change
to asyncio/ where SubprocessStreamProtocol.connection_made()
calls self.stdout.set_transport(transport) right after creating self.stdout?

On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 12:55 PM, wabu wrote:

 wabu added the comment:

 Sorry for the confusion, yes i do the yield from. The stdout stream for
 the process is actually producing data as it should. The subprocess
 produces a high amount of data (pbzip2), but is only consumed slowly.

 Normally when the buffer limit is reached for a stream reader, it calls
 pause_reading on the transport inside the feed_data method (see,
 but here this is not happening, as the returned reader has no transport
 set (p.stdout._transport == None). So it fills up all the memory.


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[issue22506] `dir` on Enum subclass doesn't expose parent class attributes

2014-10-21 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

 1. Is there a GitHub repo for enum34? Couldn't find a link to it on the PyPI 

The repo is at:

 2. Aren't 'name' and 'value' already included in `added_behavior`?

They didn't used to be, but they are now.  I'll fix that (eventually).

 Also, aren't you excluding a lot of important magic methods from that `dir`?

We decided the dunder methods were not interesting, so declined to include them 
in the listing.  And no, we are not changing our minds on that.  ;)


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[issue22685] memory leak: no transport for pipes by create_subprocess_exec/shell

2014-10-21 Thread wabu

wabu added the comment:

Here's a more complete example

put_data(filename, queue, chunksize=16000):
pbzip2 = yield from asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(
 'pbzip2', '-cd', filename, 
 stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, limit=self.chunksize*2)

while not pbzip2.stdout.at_eof():
data = yield from
yield from queue.put(data)

adding the workaround after createing the stream fixes the issue:


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[issue22685] memory leak: no transport for pipes by create_subprocess_exec/shell

2014-10-21 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum added the comment:

Can you confirm that this patch fixes the problem (without you needing the 
workaround in your own code)?

keywords: +patch
Added file:

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[issue22637] avoid using a shell in uuid: replce os.popen with subprocess.Popen

2014-10-21 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 8ee63d0bd7b8 by Victor Stinner in branch 'default':
Issue #22637: avoid using a shell in uuid

nosy: +python-dev

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[issue22685] memory leak: no transport for pipes by create_subprocess_exec/shell

2014-10-21 Thread wabu

wabu added the comment:

thanks a lot, the fix works!

On 21.10.2014 22:16, Guido van Rossum wrote:
 Guido van Rossum added the comment:
 Can you confirm that this patch fixes the problem (without you needing the 
 workaround in your own code)?
 keywords: +patch
 Added file:
 Python tracker


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[issue22506] `dir` on Enum subclass doesn't expose parent class attributes

2014-10-21 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 9038b63dad52 by Ethan Furman in branch 'default':
Issue22506: remove name  value from __dir__ as they now show up automatically


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[issue22685] memory leak: no transport for pipes by create_subprocess_exec/shell

2014-10-21 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum added the comment:

Victor, do you think this needs a unittest? It seems kind of difficult to
test for whether memory fills up (the machine may get wedged if it does :-).

On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 1:39 PM, wabu wrote:

 wabu added the comment:

 thanks a lot, the fix works!

 On 21.10.2014 22:16, Guido van Rossum wrote:
  Guido van Rossum added the comment:
  Can you confirm that this patch fixes the problem (without you needing
 the workaround in your own code)?
  keywords: +patch
  Added file:
  Python tracker


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[issue22685] memory leak: no transport for pipes by create_subprocess_exec/shell

2014-10-21 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

Oh ok, now I understood the issue :-)

Attached patch should fix it. It implements Guido's suggestion. There is not 
unit test yet.

Added file:

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[issue22689] Posix getenv makes no guarantee of lifetime of returned string

2014-10-21 Thread Aidan Hobson Sayers

New submission from Aidan Hobson Sayers:

Posix says the following on the subject of getenv:

 The returned string pointer might be invalidated or the string content might 
 be overwritten by a subsequent call to getenv()


Unfortunately, in Modules/getpath.c:

static void
char *_rtpypath = Py_GETENV(PYTHONPATH); /* XXX use wide version on 
Windows */
wchar_t *rtpypath = NULL;
wchar_t *home = Py_GetPythonHome();
char *_path = getenv(PATH);

So 3 potential getenv calls in quick succession, meaning _rtpypath and home can 
become junk before they get used and Python crashes before it can start up (it 
becomes unable to find the site module).

Unfortunately it looks like the assumption that getenv pointers will remain 
safe forever is used in a few places in python.

Explicit notes on the correct use of getenv:

Someone's apparently seen this before (but didn't report it?) -

components: Interpreter Core
messages: 229788
nosy: aidanhs
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Posix getenv makes no guarantee of lifetime of returned string
type: crash
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.2, Python 3.3, Python 3.4, Python 3.5, Python 3.6

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[issue22685] memory leak: no transport for pipes by create_subprocess_exec/shell

2014-10-21 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment: manual test for pause reading. It should pause reading 
stdout pipe 4 times on UNIX.

Added file:

Python tracker
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[issue22685] memory leak: no transport for pipes by create_subprocess_exec/shell

2014-10-21 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

Ok, I just missed completly the Guido posted a patch before me... Maybe we 
wrote the patch at the same time, I didn't refresh my browser :-)

 Victor, do you think this needs a unittest? It seems kind of difficult to
test for whether memory fills up (the machine may get wedged if it does :-).

Since the pause/resume thing is very tricky, it would be much better to have a 
unit test. We can probably mock a lot of things, we just need to check that the 
stream reader calls transport.pause_reading() when feed_data() is called with 
too much data.


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[issue22689] Posix getenv makes no guarantee of lifetime of returned string

2014-10-21 Thread STINNER Victor

Changes by STINNER Victor

nosy: +haypo
versions:  -Python 3.2, Python 3.3, Python 3.6

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22685] memory leak: no transport for pipes by create_subprocess_exec/shell

2014-10-21 Thread wabu

wabu added the comment:

On 21.10.2014 22:41, Guido van Rossum wrote:
 Guido van Rossum added the comment:
 Victor, do you think this needs a unittest? It seems kind of difficult to
 test for whether memory fills up (the machine may get wedged if it does :-).

You could setup a the subprocess with
asyncio.async(asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(...)) and then let the
asyncio loop run for a limited time with
loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.sleep(.1)), watching carefully for
higher memory usage after each sleep.

But still it's difficult to create a reliable unit-test with this ...


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[issue22687] horrible performance of textwrap.wrap() with a long word

2014-10-21 Thread Ben Roberts

Changes by Ben Roberts

nosy: +roippi

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[issue22689] Posix getenv makes no guarantee of lifetime of returned string

2014-10-21 Thread Aidan Hobson Sayers

Aidan Hobson Sayers added the comment:

In case it matters, I'm compiling using Emscripten which implements getenv like 

(I personally think it's a bizarre way to do it, but technically I think it's 


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[issue22685] memory leak: no transport for pipes by create_subprocess_exec/shell

2014-10-21 Thread Guido van Rossum

Guido van Rossum added the comment:

Victor, your fix is identical to mine except for the variable names. I like 
your version better. :-)

So now it's just about the unittest.


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