Re: We will be moving to GitHub

2016-01-01 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Jan 2, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
> On Sat, 2 Jan 2016 07:09 am, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> Yes, git is a capable tool. But so is Mercurial, and the arguments
>> weren't primarily based on differences in functionality (which are
>> pretty minor). It's mainly about the network effect.
> You call it the network effect. I call it monoculture.

The "you" here is the generic "you" rather than specifically
addressing me; I'm merely citing the discussions already given. I'm
going to assume that everyone here has read PEP 481, so if you
haven't, please go read it before responding.

> This decision is socially irresponsible. For all the cheap talk about
> diversity, the Python core-devs are now about to move to (and probably give
> money to) a company with a well-deserved reputation of being hostile to
> women. Even if you believe that Github has reformed (and I see no credible
> evidence that they have, apart from Github's own self-serving statements
> that they have), diversity doesn't just apply to human individuals, it also
> applies to technologies. The fact that Github is so popular should count
> *against* it, not in favour.

If that is an argument, then it's one to push people to GitLab over
GitHub, but nothing about git vs hg.

> There are times where everybody should do the same thing -- choosing whether
> to drive on the left or the right side of the road, for example. And there
> are times where following the crowd like lemmings is actively harmful, no
> matter how convenient it seems in the short-run.

The popularity of technology IS an argument in its favour, though. How
many people here use Gopher instead of HTTP? Would it be better to
serve Python content on the obscure protocol rather than the popular
one? When 99% of people know how to use one technology and 1% know how
to use a different one, it's advantageous to go where the people are.
(Of course, there are other considerations, too - PHP is popular, but
that alone isn't a reason to use it. The context here is of
technologies so similar in functionality that we really CAN make a
decision on these kinds of bases.)

The Python project *needs* new contributors. This is not in question.
You can't expect to keep the project going solely on the basis of the
people currently writing and applying patches. So there are two

1) Do everything using a workflow peculiar to Python, using a
less-popular technology
2) Put everything on a massively-popular web site using the more
popular technology, and do everything exactly the way everyone else

Yes, the latter might be the lemming approach. But do we actually have
a problem with git and a pull-request workflow? (Concerns about GitHub
as a company are a separate consideration. As mentioned above, GitLab
is a similar option, and would allow to host its own
instance if desired.) I have worked one-on-one with about 70 students
over the past two years, introducing them to Python and web
development, and using git and GitHub for their projects. They can now
go on to contribute to any of a huge number of projects. If, instead,
we'd taught them to use Mercurial, they still wouldn't be able to
immediately contribute to CPython, because the workflow is custom.
(You don't actually create a commit, you just use 'hg diff >patchfile'
and upload that. And if you're actually a core contributor, you need
to be careful about where you merge things, and which direction.)
Moving CPython to GitHub would mean anyone could simply fork it on the
server and push a commit, then paste a link into and
let someone decide to merge it.

So which would you prefer? Arbitrary technological diversity, or a
large pool of potential contributors?


Re: We will be moving to GitHub

2016-01-01 Thread Ben Finney
Terry Reedy  writes:

> On 1/1/2016 4:08 PM, Zachary Ware wrote:
> > There were three reasons given in Brett's decision message:
> >
> > 1. No major distinguishing features between GitHub or GitLab

It seems “complete source code available and freely licensed, allowing
the community to implement the entire tool set elsewhere, without any
need to consult the existing service provider” – i.e. community control
over their own tools – is not considered a major distinguishing feature.

> In particular, some inactive contributors who use git and github
> apparently emailed Brett to say that they might re-activate if they
> could use the process they otherwise use all the time instead of
> Python's idiosyncratic workflow.

This is a grave concern. A strong implication of “use the process they
otherwise use all the time” is that these people expect to use GitHub's
proprietary, centralised, single-vendor workflow tools. This implication
necessarily entails rejecting contributions from other community members
who don't use those single-vendor tools.

The decision to take tools that were expressly designed to escape
single-vendor centralisation, and then willingly build single-vendor
workflows around them which divide the free software community along
vendor lines, is a foolish and worrying trend. I am alarmed to see the
Python core team go further down that path.

 \   “… whoever claims any right that he is unwilling to accord to |
  `\ his fellow-men is dishonest and infamous.” —Robert G. |
_o__)   Ingersoll, _The Liberty of Man, Woman and Child_, 1877 |
Ben Finney


Re: We will be moving to GitHub

2016-01-01 Thread Ben Finney
Zachary Ware  writes:

> On Jan 1, 2016 2:35 PM, "Paul Rubin"  wrote:
> > Will everyone wanting to submit patches be required to use a Github
> > account? Or will it be enough to put the patch in an outside repo
> > and link to it in the Python issue tracker? I'm glad that (it sounds
> > like) no Github account will be needed to submit bug reports.
> Correct, no GitHub account will be required for interactions on the
> tracker, and a patch can move all the way through to
> commit entirely on the b.p.o tracker (just as currently).

My experience with contributing to repositories hosted on GitHub, from
repositories hosted elsewhere, necessitates the question:

What is being done to stave off the common response, addressed by GitHub
users to people submitting a change as a link to their Git repository,
of “can you please submit that as a GitHub pull request”?

That common response makes for an unnecessary and IMO unacceptable
pressure toward centralisation. GitHub's “pull request” workflow is
entirely proprietary and can only be done within GitHub.

What will be done to ensure other Git repositories remain on a level
playing field not only technically, but socially?

 \ “Ours is a world where people don't know what they want and are |
  `\   willing to go through hell to get it.” —Donald Robert Perry |
_o__)  Marquis |
Ben Finney


Re: We will be moving to GitHub

2016-01-01 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Sat, 2 Jan 2016 07:09 am, Chris Angelico wrote:

> Yes, git is a capable tool. But so is Mercurial, and the arguments
> weren't primarily based on differences in functionality (which are
> pretty minor). It's mainly about the network effect.

You call it the network effect. I call it monoculture.

This decision is socially irresponsible. For all the cheap talk about
diversity, the Python core-devs are now about to move to (and probably give
money to) a company with a well-deserved reputation of being hostile to
women. Even if you believe that Github has reformed (and I see no credible
evidence that they have, apart from Github's own self-serving statements
that they have), diversity doesn't just apply to human individuals, it also
applies to technologies. The fact that Github is so popular should count
*against* it, not in favour.

There are times where everybody should do the same thing -- choosing whether
to drive on the left or the right side of the road, for example. And there
are times where following the crowd like lemmings is actively harmful, no
matter how convenient it seems in the short-run.

Oh, and talking about DVCS:



Re: We will be moving to GitHub

2016-01-01 Thread Paul Rubin
Terry Reedy  writes:
> While the decision might not be my personal first choice, we
> absolutely need more core developers contributing, including reviewing
> contributed patches.

Yeah, I'm not delighted by the choice either, but as long as the core
devs have bought in and it doesn't affect non-core devs (occasional
contributors and bug reporters), then whatever.  

FWIW, Scaleway has a 1-click (well, several clicks) Gitlab installer:

It launches a 3 euro/month ARM dedicated server and deploys Gitlab on

I haven't used Gitlab yet but have been using Gogs ( a little.
It's a lighter-weight Github-like thing written in Go, that however is
still missing some important features like pull requests.  I like it
though.  It runs nicely on cheap VPS where Gitlab is a resource hog.

Re: We will be moving to GitHub

2016-01-01 Thread Terry Reedy

On 1/1/2016 4:08 PM, Zachary Ware wrote:

On Fri, Jan 1, 2016 at 2:03 PM,   wrote:

Is there a summary document that discusses the options examined and why
others did not meet the requirements? I am -NOT- trying to dredge up
arguments about the choice. I am guessing that there have been some.

Easiest would be to look through the archives of the core-workflow
mailing list:

In particular: .

If this fact-based decision was based solely on the fact that the BDFL
prefers GitHub, please just say so. It is clear that git is a capable tool.

There were three reasons given in Brett's decision message:

1. No major distinguishing features between GitHub or GitLab

Note that GitHub and GitLab were the only proposals under
consideration; nobody else stepped up to champion any other solution.

2. Familiarity amongst core devs -- and external contributors -- with GitHub

In particular, some inactive contributors who use git and github 
apparently emailed Brett to say that they might re-activate if they 
could use the process they otherwise use all the time instead of 
Python's idiosyncratic workflow.

While the decision might not be my personal first choice, we absolutely 
need more core developers contributing, including reviewing contributed 

3. Guido prefers GitHub

Guido repeatedly stated that his preference should not be taken into
account.  I believe Brett gave it little weight, but obviously it was
in his mind.

Terry Jan Reedy


Re: Need help on a project To :"Create a class called BankAccount with the following parameters "

2016-01-01 Thread xaviertim017
On Saturday, December 12, 2015 at 10:05:29 AM UTC+1, Harbey Leke wrote:
> Create a class called BankAccount
> .Create a constructor that takes in an integer and assigns this to a 
> `balance` property.
> .Create a method called `deposit` that takes in cash deposit amount and 
> updates the balance accordingly.
> .Create a method called `withdraw` that takes in cash withdrawal amount and 
> updates the balance accordingly. if amount is greater than balance return 
> `"invalid transaction"`
> .Create a subclass MinimumBalanceAccount of the BankAccount class
> Please i need help on this i am a beginer into python programming.
> Also below is a test case given for this project 
> import unittest
> class AccountBalanceTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
>   def setUp(self):
> self.my_account = BankAccount(90)
>   def test_balance(self):
> self.assertEqual(self.my_account.balance, 90, msg='Account Balance 
> Invalid')
>   def test_deposit(self):
> self.my_account.deposit(90)
> self.assertEqual(self.my_account.balance, 180, msg='Deposit method 
> inaccurate')
>   def test_withdraw(self):
> self.my_account.withdraw(40)
> self.assertEqual(self.my_account.balance, 50, msg='Withdraw method 
> inaccurate')
>   def test_invalid_operation(self):
> self.assertEqual(self.my_account.withdraw(1000), "invalid transaction", 
> msg='Invalid transaction')
>   def test_sub_class(self):
> self.assertTrue(issubclass(MinimumBalanceAccount, BankAccount), msg='No 
> true subclass of BankAccount')

Thank God for this group, its a very helpful. It turns out i had a correct code 
all the while. i found out that the "line 23 test" failed because of the case 

 i used - return ("Invalid Transaction")

  instead of

  return ("invalid transaction")

Notice the "i" and "t"

Thanks again

Re: Need help on a project To :"Create a class called BankAccount with the following parameters "

2016-01-01 Thread xaviertim017
On Saturday, December 26, 2015 at 12:06:07 AM UTC+1, Won Chang wrote:
> i have gotten the answer of that problem

Please Can you post the answer you got. If convenient send to my email 

Thanks in advance.

Re: Stupid Python tricks

2016-01-01 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

On 31.12.15 05:51, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Fifteen years later, and Tim Peters' Stupid Python Trick is still the
undisputed champion!

It may be platform depended, but on my computer the obvious way is 10% 
faster the Stupid Python Trick.


Re: Python Data Analysis Recommendations

2016-01-01 Thread Ravi Narasimhan

On 1/1/16 1:24 PM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
> On 31/12/2015 17:15, Rob Gaddi wrote:
>> I'm looking for some advice on handling data collection/analysis in
>> Python.  ...
>> The whole process feels a bit grindy; like I keep having to do a lot of
>> ad-hoc stitching things together.  And I keep hearing about pandas,
>> PyTables, and HDF5.  Would that be making my life notably easier?  If
>> so, does anyone have any references on it that they've found
>> particularly useful?  The tutorials I've seen so far seem to not give
>> much detail on what the point of what they're doing is; it's all "how
>> you write the code" rather than "why you write the code".  Paying money
>> for books is acceptable; this is all on the company's time/dime.
>> Thanks,
>> Rob

Cyrille Rossant's books may meet your needs. The Interactive Computing 
and Visualization Cookbook offers more than just recipes. As the topics 
get advanced, he explains the whys in addition to the hows.  It may not 
have specific answers to parameter sweep experiments but I understood 
more about Python's internals and packages as they related to my work. 
It helped me to refine when to use Python and when to use other languages.

Currently US $5 via the publisher:

(I have no affiliation with the author or publisher)

Mark Lawrence writes:
> I don't understand your comment about tutorials.  Once they've given you
> an introduction to the tool, isn't it your responsibility to manipulate
> your data in the way that suits you?  If you can't do that, either
> you're doing something wrong, or the tool is inadequate for the task.
> For the latter I believe you've two options, find another tool or write
> your own.

Without second-guessing the OP, I've found Python tutorials and 
documents to be helpful but not always complete in a way that beginners 
and casual users would need.  There is usually a package that will do 
some job but one first has to find it.  A lot of power can also be 
located deep within a hierarchy of dots: 
package.something.subsomething.subsubsomething ...

Some documentation sets are very complete, others aren't.  I often have 
the nagging feeling that if I just knew what question to ask and knew 
the right terminology, that I could benefit from code someone has 
already written and/or develop a smarter plan of attack.

Ravi Narasimhan


Re: Stupid Python tricks

2016-01-01 Thread Serhiy Storchaka

On 01.01.16 21:00, wrote:

On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 11:09 PM, Steven D'Aprano 

On Thu, 31 Dec 2015 04:02 pm, Rick Johnson wrote:

Fifteen years later, and Tim Peters' Stupid Python Trick is still the
undisputed champion!

And should we be happy about that revelation, or sad?


Which one, Steve? Happy or sad?



Re: Python Data Analysis Recommendations

2016-01-01 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 31/12/2015 17:15, Rob Gaddi wrote:

I'm looking for some advice on handling data collection/analysis in
Python.  I do a lot of big, time consuming experiments in which I run a
long data collection (a day or a weekend) in which I sweep a bunch of
variables, then come back offline and try to cut the data into something
that makes sense.

For example, my last data collection looked (neglecting all the actual
equipment control code in each loop) like:

for t in temperatures:
   for r in voltage_ranges:
 for v in test_voltages[r]:
   for c in channels:
 for n in range(100):

I've been using Sqlite (through peewee) as the data backend, setting up
a couple tables with a basically hierarchical relationship, and then
handling analysis with a rough cut of SQL queries against the
original data, Numpy/Scipy for further refinement, and Matplotlib
to actually do the visualization.  For example, one graph was "How does
the slope of straight line fit between measured and applied voltage vary
as a function of temperature on each channel?"

The whole process feels a bit grindy; like I keep having to do a lot of
ad-hoc stitching things together.  And I keep hearing about pandas,
PyTables, and HDF5.  Would that be making my life notably easier?  If
so, does anyone have any references on it that they've found
particularly useful?  The tutorials I've seen so far seem to not give
much detail on what the point of what they're doing is; it's all "how
you write the code" rather than "why you write the code".  Paying money
for books is acceptable; this is all on the company's time/dime.


I'd start with pandas see how you get on.

If and only if pandas isn't adequate, and I think that highly unlikely, 
try PyTables.  Quoting from "PyTables is a 
package for managing hierarchical datasets and designed to efficiently 
and easily cope with extremely large amounts of data." and "PyTables is 
built on top of the HDF5 library".  I've no idea what the definition of 
"extremely large" is in this case.  How much data are you dealing with?

I don't understand your comment about tutorials.  Once they've given you 
an introduction to the tool, isn't it your responsibility to manipulate 
your data in the way that suits you?  If you can't do that, either 
you're doing something wrong, or the tool is inadequate for the task. 
For the latter I believe you've two options, find another tool or write 
your own.

I would not buy books, on the simple grounds that they go out of date 
far faster then the online docs :)

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Re: We will be moving to GitHub

2016-01-01 Thread Paul Rubin
Zachary Ware  writes:
> Correct, no GitHub account will be required for interactions on the
> tracker, and a patch can move all the way through to commit
> entirely on the b.p.o tracker (just as currently).


Re: We will be moving to GitHub

2016-01-01 Thread Zachary Ware
On Fri, Jan 1, 2016 at 2:03 PM,   wrote:
> Is there a summary document that discusses the options examined and why
> others did not meet the requirements? I am -NOT- trying to dredge up
> arguments about the choice. I am guessing that there have been some.

Easiest would be to look through the archives of the core-workflow
mailing list:

> If this fact-based decision was based solely on the fact that the BDFL
> prefers GitHub, please just say so. It is clear that git is a capable tool.

There were three reasons given in Brett's decision message:

   1. No major distinguishing features between GitHub or GitLab

Note that GitHub and GitLab were the only proposals under
consideration; nobody else stepped up to champion any other solution.

   2. Familiarity amongst core devs -- and external contributors -- with GitHub
   3. Guido prefers GitHub

Guido repeatedly stated that his preference should not be taken into
account.  I believe Brett gave it little weight, but obviously it was
in his mind.


Re: We will be moving to GitHub

2016-01-01 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 01/01/2016 20:03, wrote:

Mark, it is good to know that a decision has been made so that we can move

Is there a summary document that discusses the options examined and why
others did not meet the requirements? I am -NOT- trying to dredge up
arguments about the choice. I am guessing that there have been some.

If this fact-based decision was based solely on the fact that the BDFL
prefers GitHub, please just say so. It is clear that git is a capable tool.

There is no point in targetting any queries at me, I'm just the messenger :)

I've loosly followed the discussion on the core workflow mailing list, 
but frankly much of that said goes right over my head, as my knowledge 
of GitHub, GitLab, Mercurial and all the rest of them is roughly zero.

There is all ready disagreement over the decision.  I'll sit back and 
let the core developers sort that out, confident that eventually we'll 
end up with working processes backed up by working systems.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Re: We will be moving to GitHub

2016-01-01 Thread Zachary Ware
On Jan 1, 2016 2:35 PM, "Paul Rubin"  wrote:
> Zachary Ware  writes:
> > ... the canonical CPython repository will be moving to GitHub in the
> > near future.  Note that we will *not* be using the GitHub issue
> > tracker or wiki, just the hosting and review/pull request system.
> Will everyone wanting to submit patches be required to use a Github
> account?  Or will it be enough to put the patch in an outside repo and
> link to it in the Python issue tracker?  I'm glad that (it sounds like)
> no Github account will be needed to submit bug reports.

Correct, no GitHub account will be required for interactions on the tracker, and a patch can move all the way through to commit
entirely on the b.p.o tracker (just as currently).

(On a phone)

Re: We will be moving to GitHub

2016-01-01 Thread Paul Rubin
Zachary Ware  writes:
> ... the canonical CPython repository will be moving to GitHub in the
> near future.  Note that we will *not* be using the GitHub issue
> tracker or wiki, just the hosting and review/pull request system.

Will everyone wanting to submit patches be required to use a Github
account?  Or will it be enough to put the patch in an outside repo and
link to it in the Python issue tracker?  I'm glad that (it sounds like)
no Github account will be needed to submit bug reports.

Re: Python.Exe Problem

2016-01-01 Thread paul . hermeneutic
Daniel, after the download, please be sure to verify the MD5 checksum to
know that the download is correct.

On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 1:44 PM, Terry Reedy  wrote:

> On 12/29/2015 11:24 AM, Daniel Lee wrote:
>> Hello,
>> When I try to run python.exe on my computer with Windows 8,
> Which exact version?  From what source?  How did you download (from where)
> or compile?  How did you install?  How do you try to run it?
> I get the following error:
>> "Python.exe - Entry Point Not Found"
>> "The Procedure entry point ?terminate@@YAXXZ could not be located in the
>> dynamic link library C:\Program Files\Python3.5\python.exe."
> Google return 76000 hits for 'terminate@@YAXXZ', so this appears to not
> be a unique issue in some form or another.
> What does this error mean and how can I fix it?
> It seems like your installed python.exe is corrupt.  Make sure you have a
> final release.  I would re-install, possibly after re-downloading from
>  If you download from anywhere else, *they* are responsible
> for getting the compile options correct.
> --
> Terry Jan Reedy
> --

Re: We will be moving to GitHub

2016-01-01 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Jan 2, 2016 at 6:58 AM, Zachary Ware
>> It's not entirely clear whether that message is an acceptance of PEP 481
> or not.
> I've lost track of the pep numbers, but Brett's decision is final; the
> canonical CPython repository will be moving to GitHub in the near future.
> Note that we will *not* be using the GitHub issue tracker or wiki, just the
> hosting and review/pull request system. There are still several details to
> be worked out, though.

Okay, so that means it broadly is an acceptance of PEP 481. Hopefully
someone who's been involved in the discussions can check over the PEP
text and adjust as necessary to make it accurate to what's going to

On Sat, Jan 2, 2016 at 7:03 AM,   wrote:
> Mark, it is good to know that a decision has been made so that we can move
> forward.
> Is there a summary document that discusses the options examined and why
> others did not meet the requirements? I am -NOT- trying to dredge up
> arguments about the choice. I am guessing that there have been some.
> If this fact-based decision was based solely on the fact that the BDFL
> prefers GitHub, please just say so. It is clear that git is a capable tool.

That's what the PEP is for. Here's the link:

Yes, git is a capable tool. But so is Mercurial, and the arguments
weren't primarily based on differences in functionality (which are
pretty minor). It's mainly about the network effect.


Re: We will be moving to GitHub

2016-01-01 Thread paul . hermeneutic
Mark, it is good to know that a decision has been made so that we can move

Is there a summary document that discusses the options examined and why
others did not meet the requirements? I am -NOT- trying to dredge up
arguments about the choice. I am guessing that there have been some.

If this fact-based decision was based solely on the fact that the BDFL
prefers GitHub, please just say so. It is clear that git is a capable tool.

Re: We will be moving to GitHub

2016-01-01 Thread Zachary Ware
On Jan 1, 2016 1:47 PM, "Chris Angelico"  wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 2, 2016 at 6:39 AM, Mark Lawrence 
> > Please see
> >
> >
> > This should encourage developers at all levels to help out, such that
> > list of open issues on the bug tracker falls drastically.
> How does that interact with the still-Draft status of PEP 481? The
> email seems to mainly be saying "not GitLab", but until PEP 481 is
> accepted, I'm not certain that GitHub is accepted either.
> It's not entirely clear whether that message is an acceptance of PEP 481
or not.

I've lost track of the pep numbers, but Brett's decision is final; the
canonical CPython repository will be moving to GitHub in the near future.
Note that we will *not* be using the GitHub issue tracker or wiki, just the
hosting and review/pull request system. There are still several details to
be worked out, though.

(On a phone)

Re: We will be moving to GitHub

2016-01-01 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Jan 2, 2016 at 6:39 AM, Mark Lawrence  wrote:
> Please see
> This should encourage developers at all levels to help out, such that the
> list of open issues on the bug tracker falls drastically.

How does that interact with the still-Draft status of PEP 481? The
email seems to mainly be saying "not GitLab", but until PEP 481 is
accepted, I'm not certain that GitHub is accepted either.

It's not entirely clear whether that message is an acceptance of PEP 481 or not.


We will be moving to GitHub

2016-01-01 Thread Mark Lawrence
Please see

This should encourage developers at all levels to help out, such that 
the list of open issues on the bug tracker falls drastically.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Re: Example for Multiple and Multilevel Inheritance

2016-01-01 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 01/01/2016 19:16, PythonLearner wrote:

Hello All,
I'm new to this group.
I'm looking for examples for Multiple and Multilevel Inheritance without the 
use of super().
An Avid Python Learner

Please tell us what you're trying to achive, as without super() you'll 
be throwing DRY right out of the window.

You might like to read this, noting especially the first line "If you 
aren’t wowed by Python’s super() builtin, chances are you don’t really 
know what it is capable of doing or how to use it effectively.".

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


Example for Multiple and Multilevel Inheritance

2016-01-01 Thread PythonLearner
Hello All,
I'm new to this group.
I'm looking for examples for Multiple and Multilevel Inheritance without the 
use of super().
An Avid Python Learner

Re: Stupid Python tricks

2016-01-01 Thread paul . hermeneutic
On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 11:09 PM, Steven D'Aprano 

> On Thu, 31 Dec 2015 04:02 pm, Rick Johnson wrote:
> >> Fifteen years later, and Tim Peters' Stupid Python Trick is still the
> >> undisputed champion!
> >
> > And should we be happy about that revelation, or sad?
> Yes!
Which one, Steve? Happy or sad?

Re: Mac Question

2016-01-01 Thread William Ray Wing

> On Jan 1, 2016, at 5:56 AM, wrote:
> Hi All
> I am trying to create a directory on a windows drive from my macbook air with 
> python but get a permissions error because the windows ntfs drive is read 
> only - does anyone know away to overcome this issue - I have looked for a 
> utility but have yet to find an answer.
> Regards and Happy New Year
> Colin
> -- 

OS-X can read NTFS drives, but by default cannot write to them, hence the 
read-only mount.  If you have control over that external drive you can format 
it (on OS-X) as ExFAT, and it can then be written to and read from by both OS-X 
and Windows.  If the drive must be formatted NTFS, you can turn on writing via 
terminal commands (which works ONLY on a volume-by-volume basis) or using a 
third party utility.  There is a pretty good summary here:



Re: Mac Question

2016-01-01 Thread Chris Angelico
On Fri, Jan 1, 2016 at 10:27 PM,   wrote:
> I connect to a drive in a windows 10 computer smb:// from my 
> mac but the drive is read only - i am looking for away to make the drive 
> writable so  I can make a directory on the drive from my python script.

You'll have to look into the permissions setup on both the Windows
computer and the Mac. Try connecting from a different computer to that
server, or from that Mac to a different server, and see what's going


Re: Mac Question

2016-01-01 Thread tdsperth
On Friday, January 1, 2016 at 7:13:41 PM UTC+8, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 1, 2016 at 9:56 PM,   wrote:
> > Hi All
> >
> > I am trying to create a directory on a windows drive from my macbook air 
> > with python but get a permissions error because the windows ntfs drive is 
> > read only - does anyone know away to overcome this issue - I have looked 
> > for a utility but have yet to find an answer.
> >
> This isn't a Python question - it's a Windows question. I'll help as
> best I can, but you might find better results elsewhere.
> Is this a drive you've mounted across a network, or is it something
> local to your computer? Is it a hard drive, a Flash drive (USB stick),
> or some other device?
> What are the mount options? (Typing 'mount' in a terminal might tell
> you this.) Who owns the files and directories? Can you create stuff on
> there using 'sudo'?
> ChrisA

Hi ChrisA

I know it is not a python issue - I just thought some other python programmers 
might have come across the problem.

I connect to a drive in a windows 10 computer smb:// from my mac 
but the drive is read only - i am looking for away to make the drive writable 
so  I can make a directory on the drive from my python script. 



Re: Mac Question

2016-01-01 Thread Chris Angelico
On Fri, Jan 1, 2016 at 9:56 PM,   wrote:
> Hi All
> I am trying to create a directory on a windows drive from my macbook air with 
> python but get a permissions error because the windows ntfs drive is read 
> only - does anyone know away to overcome this issue - I have looked for a 
> utility but have yet to find an answer.

This isn't a Python question - it's a Windows question. I'll help as
best I can, but you might find better results elsewhere.

Is this a drive you've mounted across a network, or is it something
local to your computer? Is it a hard drive, a Flash drive (USB stick),
or some other device?

What are the mount options? (Typing 'mount' in a terminal might tell
you this.) Who owns the files and directories? Can you create stuff on
there using 'sudo'?


Mac Question

2016-01-01 Thread tdsperth
Hi All

I am trying to create a directory on a windows drive from my macbook air with 
python but get a permissions error because the windows ntfs drive is read only 
- does anyone know away to overcome this issue - I have looked for a utility 
but have yet to find an answer.

Regards and Happy New Year



Re: Newbie: Check first two non-whitespace characters

2016-01-01 Thread Karim

On 01/01/2016 00:25, Mark Lawrence wrote:

On 31/12/2015 18:54, Karim wrote:

On 31/12/2015 19:18, wrote:

I need to check a string over which I have no control for the first 2
non-white space characters (which should be '[{').

The string would ideally be: '[{...' but could also be something like
'  [  {  '.

Best to use re and how? Something else?

Use pyparsing it is straight forward:

 >>> from pyparsing import Suppress, restOfLine

 >>> mystring = Suppress('[') + Suppress('{') + restOfLine

 >>> result = mystring.parse(' [ {  I am learning pyparsing' )

 >>> print result.asList()

[' I am learning pyparsing']

You'll get your string inside the list.

Hope this help see pyparsing doc for in depth study.


Congratulations for writing up one of the most overengineered pile of 
cobblers I've ever seen.

You welcome !

The intent was to make a simple introduction to pyparsing which is a 
powerful tool for more complex parser build.


Re: Newbie: Check first two non-whitespace characters

2016-01-01 Thread Jussi Piitulainen writes:

> I need to check a string over which I have no control for the first 2
> non-white space characters (which should be '[{').
> The string would ideally be: '[{...' but could also be something like 
> '  [  {  '.
> Best to use re and how? Something else?

No comment on whether re is good for your use case but another comment
on how. First, some test data:

  >>> data = '\r\n  {\r\n\t[ "etc" ]}\n\n\n')

Then the actual comment - there's a special regex type, \S, to match a
non-whitespace character, and a method to produce matches on demand:

  >>> black = re.compile(r'\S')
  >>> matches = re.finditer(black, data)

Then the demonstration. This accesses the first, then second, then third

  >>> empty = re.match('', '')
  >>> next(matches, empty).group()
  >>> next(matches, empty).group()
  >>> next(matches, empty).group()

The empty match object provides an appropriate .group() when there is no
first or second (and so on) non-whitespace character in the data:

  >>> matches = re.finditer(black, '\r\t\n')
  >>> next(matches, empty).group()
  >>> next(matches, empty).group()

Re: Converting py files to .exe and .dmg

2016-01-01 Thread Michiel Overtoom

> On 2016-01-01, at 07:43, Brian Simms  wrote:
> when I go into Terminal to run " install" I keep getting "-bash: 
> command not found".


  python install

