Why Python allows comparison of a callable and a number?

2009-11-22 Thread
I used python to write an assignment last week, here is a code snippet


def departTime():
Calculate the time to depart a packet.
if(random.random  0.8):
t = random.expovariate(1.0 / 2.5)
t = random.expovariate(1.0 / 10.5)
return t


Can you see the problem?  I compare random.random with 0.8,  which
should be random.random().

Of course this because of my careless, but I don't get it.  In my
opinion, this kind of comparison should invoke a least a warning in
any programming language.

So why does python just ignore it?

undefined symbol: TLSv1_method error when import psycopg2

2009-10-13 Thread
I installed psycopg2 by easy_install psycopg2 on CentOS 5.3, no
error was reported, but when I tried import psycopg2, I got :

exceptions.ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/
psycopg2-2.0.9-py2.4-linux-i686.egg/psycopg2/_psycopg.so: undefined
symbol: TLSv1_method

What might cause the problem?

Less APIs or more encapsulation?

2009-09-09 Thread
2 class,  B contains C.   When user want to use some service of C,
there are two choice:

First, more encapsulation:

class B:
def newMethod(self):

class C:
def newMethod(self):

  #do something



Sencond : Call seice of f c directly:


class B:

class C:
def newMethod(self):
# somethining



Generally, what I learned from books told me that 1st choice is

But when C has many many methods to expose to outer user, 2nd choice
seems to be more reasonable I In the first design, B.newMethod did
nothing really useful.

ctaully, , there are D/E/F, etc. in B we methodhod has to be exposed
to user code,  which makes encapsulation more tedious.

In fact, these classes,  C/D/E/F all have different jobs, but they all
belongs to a real world object B, B is only a container of C/D/E/F.

What do you think about it?

Should we separate business logic and ORM mapping classes?

2009-04-14 Thread

( First, this is not a question about if we should use ORM.   It's
question for these who are already using it. )

Usually, I only use ORM, like sqlalchemy just as an abstraction layer
database.  So these mapping objects I wrote only contains data but not

For example, if I have a class User, I would write another class
UserManager which with a methods like addUser, delUser.  But recently
I am thinking of moving these methods to User.  That sounds more OO

What's your opinion?  What's the benefits and problems of this style?

Re: Need advise about an application

2009-04-05 Thread
Do you have to show these data on GUI?  If so, why not use the event
As far as I know, it's the standard way wxPython works.

BTW : If it's not complicated, I think maybe some wysiwyg solution is
I use python for almost every thing, except these related to GUI.

On Apr 5, 8:31 pm, azrael jura.gro...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am currently working on an application and I need a advise.

 I am supposed to read data from a device connected to a serial port. I
 am reading data using pySerial. The devise is sending signals with a
 time between two signals of one second.

 The application is supposed  to collect the data and put it into a
 sqlite DB. wxPython GUI.
 I am worried about this asspect that I have two solutions how to do it
 but as I never tried it I wanted to ask for advise which one should be

 solution 1):
 The GUI is set into a separate thread then the part of collecting and
 saving data. Well one thread for getting signals and saving data and
 the other for GUI and data presentation

 solution 2):
 create an event which is binded to pySerial read methon. Well when the
 devise sends a signal the event function is triggered.

 Or maybe combine the two?


Re: User or UserManager ? Problems of Observer Pattern

2009-04-04 Thread
Thanks for your advice.

I studied python from the tutorial and the library manual, and I think
I am familiar enough with Python's grammar and API.  That's why I
never thought I need to read a book of Python.

But if Programming Python also explains OO, I would be happy to read
In fact, I am also planning to read again Head First Object-Oriented
Design and Analysis.
I thought it's time for me to try again to find what is the *point* of

Anyway, this time I will be patient enough.  I won't touch my code
until I am sure find some way to improve it.

On Apr 4, 1:14 pm, Michele Simionato michele.simion...@gmail.com
 On Apr 3, 7:34 pm, 一首诗 newpt...@gmail.com wrote:

  # Choice 2

  class UserManager:

  users = []

  def delUser(cls, user):


  class RoleManager:

  roles = []

  def onUserDel(cls, user):
  for r in cls.roles.items():

 Choice #2 is better, but it should not be implemented
 this way. Using a class as a pure container of methods,
 a big singleton, makes little sense, since you would
 be better off with a module and old fashioned procedural
 programming. You recognize this and are worried about this.
 You do not need to be worried to much,
 since there is nothing wrong with procedural design
 (but you should use modules not classes). If you want
 to be more object oriented, the first thing is to understand
 is that you define objects in order to pass them to
 other objects. For instance, you are using a global
 list of users as a class attribute, but I would
 just pass the list in the __init__ method, and
 make it an instance attribute. I also would make
 a RoleManager instance and pass it to the UserManager,
 so that it can be used directly. Or perhaps I would
 define a single UserRoleManager doing all the job.
 It depends.
 But all the point of OOP is to pass objects to other objects.
 It is not bad to think of a data object as of a record
 on steroids. Objects which are purely data and not
 behavior are the simplest and the best objects, start
 from them.
 There are also objects which are mostly behavior
 and nearly no data (the Manager objects here, which
 just act over collections of other objects). Those
 are more difficult to write. OTOH, nobody forces you
 to write the managers as objects. You may find easier
 to write a set of manager functions. This set of
 functions can later become methods of a Manager object,
 if it seems fit, but that must be done a posteriori,
 not a priori.
 Perhaps you should read some book like Programming Python
 by Ludz which has many examples of how to write OO applications
 in Python (I mean no offense, but indeed from you examples
 is seems to me that you are missing the point of OOP,
 as you are the first to recognize).

Michele Simionato


Re: A design problem I met again and again.

2009-04-04 Thread
That's clever.  I never thought of that.  Not only something concrete,
like people, could be class, but a procedure, like a Session, could
also be a Class.

Thanks for you all who replied.  I learned a lot from this thread and
I even made some notes of all your advices because I think I might
review them many times in my future work.

On Apr 4, 12:10 pm, Carl Banks pavlovevide...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Apr 2, 11:25 pm, 一首诗 newpt...@gmail.com wrote:

  Consolidate existing functions?

  I've thought about it.

  For example, I have two functions:


  def startXXX(id):

  def startYYY(id):

  I could turn it into one:

  def start(type, id):
  if(type == XXX):
  else if(type == YYY):

  But isn't the first style more clear for my code's user?

 Not necessarily, especially if the user wants to dynamically choose
 which start*** function to call.

 I have one more suggestion.  Consider whether there are groups of
 methods that are used together but aren't used with other groups of
 functions.  For instance, maybe there is a group of methods that can
 only be called after a call to startXXX.  If that's the case, you
 might want to separate those groups into different classes.  The
 branched-off class would then act as a sort of session handler.

 A piece of user code that looked like this (where sc is an instance of
 your enormous class):


 might look like this after you factor it out:

 session = sc.startX()  # creates and returns a new XSession object
 session.send_data()# these are methods of the XSession

 Any methods that are callable any time, you can retain in the big
 class, or put in a base class of all the sessions.

 Carl Banks


Re: A design problem I met again and again.

2009-04-03 Thread
Consolidate existing functions?

I've thought about it.

For example, I have two functions:


def startXXX(id):

def startYYY(id):

I could turn it into one:

def start(type, id):
if(type == XXX):
else if(type == YYY):

But isn't the first style more clear for my code's user?

That's one reason why my interfaces grow fast.

On Apr 3, 1:51 am, Carl Banks pavlovevide...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Apr 2, 8:02 am, 一首诗 newpt...@gmail.com wrote:

  You get it.  Sometimes I feel that my head is trained to work in a
  procedural way.  I use a big class just as a container of functions.

  About the data-based approach, what if these functions all shares a
  little data, e.g. a socket, but nothing else?

 Then perhaps your problem is that you are too loose with the
 interface.  Do you write new functions that are very similar to
 existing functions all the time?  Perhaps you should consolidate, or
 think about how existing functions could do the job.

 Or perhaps you don't have a problem.  There's nothing wrong with large
 classes per se, it's just a red flag.  If you have all these functions
 that really all operate on only one piece of data, and really all do
 different things, then a large class is fine.

 Carl Banks


User or UserManager ? Problems of Observer Pattern

2009-04-03 Thread
#This is a real world problem I met.
#We have a database containing serveral tables, like : user, role,
organization.  Each 2 of them has m:n relationships.  These relations
are stored in association tables.
#Not we have to load all these data in memory to gain higher
performances.  We create 3 classes , User, Role, Organization, to hold
these data.
#The question is : should I implement add/delete/update as methods
of User, or should I add another class UserManager?

# Choice 1

user_dict = {}
role_dict = {}

class User:
on_del_funcs = []
roles = []

def del(self):

for f in self.on_del_funcs:

# Using Observer Pattern to notify this user is deleted.
def addUserDelListener(self, on_del_func):

def delUserDelListener(self, on_del_func):

class Role:

users = []

def addUsser(self, user):

def onUserDel(self, user):

# Choice 2

class UserManager:

users = []

def delUser(cls, user):


class RoleManager:

roles = []

def onUserDel(cls, user):
for r in cls.roles.items():

# These codes are not complete, but that's enough to show my question.
# The first choice, which use Observer Pattern, has a very big
# When calling addUserDelListener, user got not only a callback
function, it
# also add reference count of role.  So when we want to delete a
role.  We have
# to carefully remove all *listener* hold by other objects, otherwise
this role
# will never be garbage collected.

# Not a big problem for only 2 classes.  But when there are 10
*subject* classes which
# Role want to *observe*, 10 listeners has to be removed when delete a
# And if these *subject* have 5 different types of events, then 50
listeners has
# to be removed.

# Actually I tried this approach once, and it is still a big headache
for 10
# programmers. ( The company I worked at that time hate any change to
# working code )

# The second choice, which I am using right now, actually has nothing
to do with
# Object Oriented Designing.   The manager classes are not real
classes, just
# container of methods.   These User/Role classes are only container
of data,
# not behavior.
# For many times, I asked my self, Is it too hard for me to see the
power of
# OO, or I have just never met a problem suitable for a OO resolution?

Re: A design problem I met again and again.

2009-04-02 Thread
You get it.  Sometimes I feel that my head is trained to work in a
procedural way.  I use a big class just as a container of functions.

About the data-based approach, what if these functions all shares a
little data, e.g. a socket, but nothing else?

On Apr 2, 5:58 am, Carl Banks pavlovevide...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Apr 1, 12:44 am, 一首诗 newpt...@gmail.com wrote:

  I got the same problem when writing C#/C++ when I have to provide a
  lot of method to my code's user.  So I create a big class as the entry
  point of my code.  Although these big classes doesn't contains much
  logic,  they do grow bigger and bigger.

 This seems to be a classic result of code-based organization, that
 is, you are organizing your code according to how your functions are
 used.  That's appropriate sometimes.  Procedural libraries are often
 organized by grouping functions according to use.  The os module is a
 good example.

 However, it's usually much better to organize code according to what
 data it acts upon: data-based organization.  In other words, go
 though your big class and figure out what data belongs together
 conceptually, make a class for each conceptual set of data, then
 assign methods to classes based on what data the methods act upon.

 Consider the os module again.  It's a big collection of functions, but
 there are a group of functions is os that all act on a particular
 piece of data, namely a file descriptor.  This suggests tha all the
 functions that act upon file descriptors (os.open, os.close, os.seek,
 etc.) could instead be methods of a single class, with the file
 descriptor as a class member.

 (Note: the os library doesn't do that because functions like os.open
 are supposed to represent low-level operations corresponding to the
 underlying system calls, but never mind that. Ordinarily a bunch of
 functions operating on common data should be organized as a class.)

 Carl Banks


A design problem I met again and again.

2009-04-01 Thread
Hi all,

I am a programmer who works with some different kinds of programming
languages, like python, C++(in COM), action script, C#, etc.

Today, I realized that, what ever language I use, I always meet a same
problem and I think I never solve it very well.

The problem is : how to break my app into functional pieces?

I know it's important to break an application to lots of pieces to
make it flexible.   But it's easier said than done. I can split an
application to 4 or 5 pieces based on programming functions, for
example,  logging,  socket, string,  math, ...

When it comes to the business logic,  I found I always provide a big
class with many methods, and it grow bigger when new functions are

Recently I use twisted to write a server.   It has several protocol
classes which decode and encode different kinds of network protocols ,
and a protocol independent service class which handle request from
clients according to business logic.

Protocol classes receive message from client, decode it, call method
of service, encode result and send it back to client.

There are also some utility packages such as logging as I mentioned

So far so fine,  every thing is clear.

Until one day I find service has nearly 100 methods and 6000 lines of
code.   I don't need to read any programming book to know that it's
too big.

But I can not find an easier way to split it.  Here are some
solutions  I found:

1. add several business classes, and move code in service into them.
But this means although service will contains much less code, it still
has to keep lots of methods,  and the only functions of these methods
is call corresponding methods in business classes.   The number of
methods in service will keep growing for ever.

2. completely move codes in service to business classes containing
only classmethods.  These protocol classes calls these classmethods
directly instead of call service.   But this pattern doesn't look that

3. completely move codes in service to business classes.  Initialize
these classes and pass them to protocol classes.
These protocol classes calls these instances of business classes
instead of call service.  These means whenever I add a new business
class.  I have to add a parameter to __init__ methods of every
protocol class.  Not very clear either.


I got the same problem when writing C#/C++ when I have to provide a
lot of method to my code's user.  So I create a big class as the entry
point of my code.  Although these big classes doesn't contains much
logic,  they do grow bigger and bigger.

Re: A design problem I met again and again.

2009-04-01 Thread
I also think that's my best choice.  Before I wrote my mail,  I
already knew that this is not a good question.   It lacks details, and
it is too big.

But I think the first step to resolve a problem is to describe it.  In
that way, I might find the answer myself

On Apr 1, 6:40 pm, andrew cooke and...@acooke.org wrote:
 Ò»Ê×Ê« wrote:
  3. completely move codes in service to business classes.  Initialize
  these classes and pass them to protocol classes.
  These protocol classes calls these instances of business classes
  instead of call service.  These means whenever I add a new business
  class.  I have to add a parameter to __init__ methods of every
  protocol class.  Not very clear either.

 i don't fully understand your problem, but i would guess (3) is the
 correct solution.  you can probably avoid adding a new parameter by
 writing code in a generic way (using lists of arguments, perhaps using
 introspection to find method names, etc)



Re: A design problem I met again and again.

2009-04-01 Thread
On Apr 1, 4:55 pm, Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-
central.gen.new_zealand wrote:
 In message 48506803-a6b9-432b-acef-

 b75f76e90...@v23g2000pro.googlegroups.com, 一首诗 wrote:
  Until one day I find service has nearly 100 methods and 6000 lines of
  code.   I don't need to read any programming book to know that it's
  too big.

 The question is not how many lines or how many methods, but whether it makes
 sense to remain as one piece or not. In one previous project, I had one
 source file with nearly 15,000 lines in it. Did it make sense to split that
 up? Not really.

What are the average size of source files in your project?   If it's
far lower than 15,000,  don't feel it's a little unbalance?

Is this the right way to use unicode in a user defined Exception?

2009-02-25 Thread
class MyError(Exception):
def __init__(self):
self.message = u'Some Chinese:中文'

def __str__(self):
return self.message.encode('utf8')

This is an exception that I defined.   I have to pass it to third
party libraries.

As many libraries simply use str(e) to log, if I don't encode it in
__str___, they will fail.

But I am not quite certain if it's the right thing to do.   Shouldn't
every library expect to use unicode everywhere?

Shouldn't they use something like :


Is there something easier than ORM?

2009-02-17 Thread
Hi all,

Recently I am studying some python ORM libraries, such as sqlalchemy.

These are very powerful technologies to handle database.  But I think
my project are not complicated to enough to benefit from a complete
ORM system.

What I really want, is some easy ways to load data from database, and
change rows of data to list of named tuple, then I could send these
data to my client application.

I don't think I want these subtle behavior such as lazy load, auto
update, ect. in ORM.

So is there some libraries like that?

Or is there some tools that could generate code from database scheme
as I want?

Re: Is there something easier than ORM?

2009-02-17 Thread
Thanks for your reply.

With sqlalchemy, an mapped must living in a session, you have no way
to disconnect it with its session.

For example :

user = session.query(User).first()
print user.name   #Error here

I just want to get an read-only copy of user disconnected with session
to avoid  unexpected database operation.
But after expunge, properties of user is not accessible anymore.

BTW : why you choose elixir instead of sqlalchemy's own schema
definition style?
Doesn't including another library means more chances of bugs?

On Feb 17, 9:24 pm, Diez B. Roggisch de...@nospam.web.de wrote:
 一首诗 schrieb:

  Hi all,

  Recently I am studying some python ORM libraries, such as sqlalchemy.

  These are very powerful technologies to handle database.  But I think
  my project are not complicated to enough to benefit from a complete
  ORM system.

  What I really want, is some easy ways to load data from database, and
  change rows of data to list of named tuple, then I could send these
  data to my client application.

  I don't think I want these subtle behavior such as lazy load, auto
  update, ect. in ORM.

  So is there some libraries like that?

  Or is there some tools that could generate code from database scheme
  as I want?

 Sqlalchemy. You don't need to use the ORM-layer, and you can use
 reflection to create schema-objects like tables.

 Then you can use that to create SQL-queries simple  powerful, whilst
 being DB-agnostic and having a road to start using the ORM if you
 discover it is useful for you.

 To be honest: if you can control the schema, I'd still go for an orm. I
 for example use elixir. It makes the easy things *really* easy, and the
 complicated ones ar still possible.



A little comments of ctypes and construct.

2008-11-21 Thread
Hi all,

Recently I asked a question on this group:

 What's your choice when handle complicated C structures.

I got these suggestion:

1) try construct

2) try ctypes

I spend half a day on construct and here's my conclusion:

1. It really good for parse(unpack) data structures.


1. It's not that good for pack.
2. From the documents and example, can not find out how to describe
nested struct array.

for example:

typedef struct _Point
   int x;
   int y;
} Point;

typedef struct _Shape
  int z;
  Point ap[2];

Can not find out how to describe this..

Then I tried ctypes.

1. It works fine for pack


1. I can not figure out how to unpack.  The examples I googled doesn't
work on my computer.


2. BigEndianStructure can not be nested.  So.  If you need bid endian,
you got bad luck.

So, both of them are not ideal solution to pack and unpack
sophisticated C style data structures.

BTW:  Some one suggested that I should use struct.Struct and

I skimmed the document, but can't find a clear way to handle nested

Re: A little comments of ctypes and construct.

2008-11-21 Thread
I didn't try your code.  That might be working since it a completely
different method.

What mean is

pack works:
class POINT(Structure):

 _fields_ = [('x', c_int), ('y', c_int)]

p = POINT(1,2) p.x, p.y (1, 2) str(buffer(p))
s = str(buffer(p))

unpack doesn't
p2 = POINT() ctypes.memmove(p2, s, ctypes.sizeof(POINT)) 14688904
p2.x, p2.y

I am not trying to parse data generated by a dll, but data received
from network.
That's also why I need Big Endian.

On Nov 21, 6:30 pm, Aaron Brady [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 21, 2:28 am, 一首诗 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all,

  Recently I asked a question on this group:

   What's your choice when handle complicated C structures.

  typedef struct _Point
 int x;
 int y;

  } Point;

  typedef struct _Shape
int z;
Point ap[2];

  2. BigEndianStructure can not be nested.  So.  If you need bid endian,
  you got bad luck.

 A bug is filed about this.

 I have this code working:

 import ctypes as c
 class Point( c.LittleEndianStructure ):
 _fields_= [
 ( 'x', c.c_int ),
 ( 'y', c.c_int )

 class Shape( c.LittleEndianStructure ):
 _fields_= [
 ( 'z', c.c_int ),
 ( 'ap', Point* 2 )

 lib= c.WinDLL( 'ng36ext.pyd' )
 lib.make.argtypes= [ ]
 lib.make.restype= Shape
 shape= lib.make( )
 print shape.z, shape.ap[0].x, shape.ap[0].y, shape.ap[1].x, shape.ap


 10 20 30 40 50
 10 20 30 40 50

 /Definition for 'make':

 Shape make( void ) {
 Shape shape;
 shape.z= 10;
 shape.ap[ 0 ].x= 20;
 shape.ap[ 0 ].y= 30;
 shape.ap[ 1 ].x= 40;
 shape.ap[ 1 ].y= 50;
 printf( %i %i %i %i %i\n, shape.z, shape.ap[0].x, shape.ap[0].y,
 shape.ap[1].x, shape.ap[1].y );
 printf( %i\n, sizeof( shape ) );
 return shape;


 What is your next step?


Re: A little comments of ctypes and construct.

2008-11-21 Thread
OK, I was wrong with construct!

I wrote to the author and he replied.  It works!

I am really glad there IS a easy way to handle binary data in python.

 from construct import *

 point = Struct(point,
... SNInt32(x),   # Signed, Native byte-order, Int 32 bits
('int' is platform specific, so your int may be different)
... SNInt32(y),
... )

 shape = Struct(shape,
... SNInt32(z),
... Rename(ap,   # without the Rename field, the name would be
point (Arrays inherit their name from their element)
... Array(2, point)
... ),
... )

 c = shape.parse()
 print c
z = 2054847098
ap = [
x = 2021161080
y = 2038004089
x = 1482184792
y = 1499027801


Have you ever used pydiction?

2008-11-16 Thread
Hi all,

Recently I am writing more codes in python with vim so I made some
search for python auto completion plugins.

Finally I found pydcition:


Anyway, it works.  But I met one problem.  After you have set


The dot . becomes part of a word for python, so commands like w/
e doesn't behave the same as before...

If you have met the same problem, what's your solution?

Do not use auto completion at all and check python manual from time to
Choosing another IDE ?

Re: pysqlite install error on hp ux (ld: Can't find library for -lpython2.5)

2008-11-09 Thread
On Nov 10, 10:29 am, Geon. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi everyone!

 when i install pysqlite i meet bellow error. ( use easy_install and
 source code building same problem )

 ld: Can't find library for -lpython2.5

 what mean this message? and what i do?

 my system is hp-ux 11i v3. and python2.5 is installed.
 ld command also avaliable.

 please help for me~

Hi, as far as I know.

1. you can use module sqlite3 instead.
2. you can use these commands on ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
sudo easy_install -Z pysqlite

Re: parsing non-ascii characters

2008-11-09 Thread
On Nov 10, 10:13 am, Ronn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all,

 I have a list:
   suffix = [aĉ, ad, aĵ, an, ar]

 and I'm trying to check a word to see if any of the suffixes exist in
 the list for example:
   if word in suffix:
       print A suffix exist in your word

 when I run this it give me an error:
    SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xc5' in file vortaro.py on line
 33, but no encoding declared;

 is there a way to parse Non-ASCII characters in python?

 Thanks in advance,


I need a simple windows form handle.

2008-11-06 Thread
Hi all,

Today I was writing a simple test app for a video decoder library.

I use python to parse video files and input data to the library.

I got a problem here,  I need a windows form, and send the form handle
to the library as a parameter, then it can output video on the form.

Here is my problem:

  What is the simplest way to get a windows form which has a handle?

I tried to use win32py but it seems to be to complicate for my
And the form would block the main thread even if I call its DoModal
method on another thread.


PS: Finally I decided I can not finish it today so I write a WinForm
App in C# in 5 minutes and send video from my python app to it by UDP.

That works.

Re: I need a simple windows form handle.

2008-11-06 Thread
On Nov 7, 4:55 am, Aaron Brady [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 6, 7:50 am, 一首诗 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi all,

  Today I was writing a simple test app for a video decoder library.

  I use python to parse video files and input data to the library.

  I got a problem here,  I need a windows form, and send the form handle
  to the library as a parameter, then it can output video on the form.

  Here is my problem:

What is the simplest way to get a windows form which has a handle?

  I tried to use win32py but it seems to be to complicate for my
  And the form would block the main thread even if I call its DoModal
  method on another thread.


  PS: Finally I decided I can not finish it today so I write a WinForm
  App in C# in 5 minutes and send video from my python app to it by UDP.

  That works.

 Why don't you write the GUI in Python?  Check out 'wxPython' and
 others.  'wx' programs can get pretty short, something like:

 app= wx.PySimpleApp()
 frame= wx.Frame( app )
 canvas= wx.Canvas( frame )
 canvas.Render( my_picture )

Hi, that's because I guess wxpython does not use native windows forms
and could not provide
a handle property.

I will make more study.

Re: convert to XMLRPC

2008-11-06 Thread
On Nov 7, 8:22 am, Michel Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Que vola a todos:
  I have an object abstraction layer that allows me to comunicate and
 interact with my DB server without much problems -am thinking in
 possibles contributors.

  In the stdlib xmlrpclib handles this in a common way, but i use a
 customized GatewayHandler that give me the posibility to serialize my
 objects and send them to my clients but my real need is to convert this
 object to XML -or something like it- to send it in a way i can use them
 in every presentation a suggest like GUI, WEB or anything i like.
 There's any thing i can do to convert them.

 Don't worry about the way i handle the result i only need to convert
 them to XML or else.

 Michel Perez                                  )\._.,--,'``.    
 Ulrico Software Group                        /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
 Nihil est tam arduo et difficile human      `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'
 mens vincat.                    Séneca.   =

     Red Telematica de Salud - Cuba
           CNICM - Infomed

You really should have a look at one of:

 * Google protocol buffer
 * Facebook Thrift
 * ICE

Re: Can read() be non-blocking?

2008-11-06 Thread
On Nov 7, 6:54 am, Thomas Christensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 This issue has been raised a couple of times I am sure.  But I have yet
 to find a satisfying answer.

 I am reading from a subprocess and this subprocess sometimes hang, in
 which case a call to read() call will block indefinite, keeping me from
 killing it.

 The folloing sample code illustrates the problem:

   proc = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/foo', '/path/to/some/file'],
   output = StringIO.StringIO()
   while True:
       r = select.select([proc.stdout.fileno()], [], [], 5)[0]
       if r:
           # NOTE: This will block since it reads until EOF
           data = proc.stdout.read()
           if not data:
               break  # EOF from process has been reached
           os.kill(proc.pid, signal.SIGKILL)

   Process the output...

 As the NOTE: comment above suggests the call to read() will block here.

 I see two solutions:

 1. Read one byte at a time, meaning call read(1).
 2. Read non-blocking.

 I think reading one byte at a time is a waste of CPU, but I cannot find
 a way to read non-blocking.

 Is there a way to read non-blocking?  Or maybe event a better way in
 generel to handle this situation?



As far as I know, you can use '''fctnl''' to make a file handle non-

But :

1. I don't know if it works on standard io
2. If it works in python

What's your choice when handle complicated C structures.

2008-11-04 Thread
Hi all,

Recently I am writing a small network application with python.

The protocol is binary based and defined in c header files.

Now I'm using the upack function of 'struct' module, but it's really
annoying to write fmt strings for complicated structures.

What will be your choice when handling binary structures?

Re: Efficient way to remove objects from a list

2008-11-03 Thread
Thanks!  That's a more clear way!

On Nov 3, 9:38 pm, Peter Otten [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Chris Rebert wrote:
  On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 1:40 AM, 一首诗 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi all,

  Today I wrote some code like this:

  Build a new list as you go, then overwrite the old list with it.

  unfinished = []

 for m in self.messages:
 if not m.finished:

 #process the message

  Remove the following code

 fini = [m for m in self.messages if m.finished]
 for m in fini:

  self.messages[:] = unfinished


 self.messages = unfinished

 if also OK unless you have multiple references to the self.messages list.

  This way you aren't calling .remove() multiple times and only iterate
  through the list once.


Efficient way to remove objects from a list

2008-11-03 Thread
Hi all,

Today I wrote some code like this:

for m in self.messages:
if not m.finished:

#process the message

fini = [m for m in self.messages if m.finished]
for m in fini:

As you can, I want to find these finished messages in
process them, and then remove them from the list.

Because a list can not be modified while iterating it,  I have to use
a list fini to accomplish the target.

I found a smell of bad performance here.
Is there any faster ways?

What's your first choice if you have to write a C module for python?

2008-08-26 Thread
Hi all,

I read this interesting post comparing Boost.Python with Pyd:


What's your opinion about it?

What's your first choice when you have write a C/C++ module for Python?

Please recommend a RPC system working with twisted.

2008-07-21 Thread
Hi all,

I'm looking for an RPC system working with twisted.

1. Binary.  I want it run faster than any xml based RPC.

2. Bidirectional.  Unlike  HTTP, on which the client has to poll the
sever for events, the server should call the client's method to
notify events.

3. C/Python support.  Part of the system shall be written in C.

4. Could easily integrated  with twisted.

Unfortunately, there seems no such resolution existed.  So maybe I
have to give up some requirements.


It would be wonderful if ICE could integrate with twisted!

How to make python run faster

2008-04-14 Thread
I read this article on http://kortis.to/radix/python_ext/

And I decided to try if it's true.

I write the program in 4 ways:

1. Pure C
2. Python using C extension
3. Python using psycho
4. Pure Python

And then I used timeit to test the speed of these 4.  Unsurprisingly,
the time they cost were:

4  3  2  1

But I did noticed that 2 is a least 3 times slower than 1, not as fast
as the article stated.

That's quite weird and I thought maybe it's because I am using
Windows.  I did the same test on Linux and I found 2 only uses 1.5
times of time of 1.

But, it is still not as fast as 1.

I am taking a programming performance match!

2006-12-21 Thread
Hi all,

The question is like this:


One computer, 2 ethernet adapter.  Receving UDP packages and send them
out throught another adapter.

The one who's program could support the heavies traffic could win a
little bonus.


I am considerring trying twited.  Is it suitable for this kind of job?


wxPython and activex problem.

2006-12-19 Thread
Hi all!

Have u tried genaxmodule.py provided by wxPython to create a wrapper
module for an activex control?

For me, some times it works, but some times, it doesn't.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File genaxmodule.py, line 42, in ?
File genaxmodule.py, line 32, in main
axw = wx.activex.ActiveXWindow(f, clsid)
File C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\wx-2.6-msw-ansi\wx\activex.py,
line 268, in __init__
newobj = _activex.new_ActiveXWindow(*args, **kwargs)
wx._core.PyAssertionError: C++ assertion wxAssertFailure failed in
contrib\activex\wxie/wxactivex.cpp(322): m_ActiveX.CreateInstance

For some job, I do need to use activex and I have to choose languages
other than python if genaxmodule doesn't work.  It's really annoying.


How to convert nbsp; in a string to blank space?

2006-10-30 Thread
Is there any simple way to solve this problem?


Re: How to convert nbsp; in a string to blank space?

2006-10-30 Thread
Oh, I didn't make myself clear.

What I mean is how to convert a piece of html to plain text bu keep as
much format as possible.

Such as convert nbsp; to blank space and convert br to \r\n

Gary Herron wrote:
 一首诗 wrote:
  Is there any simple way to solve this problem?
 Yes, strings have a replace method:

  s = abcnbsp;def
  s.replace('nbsp;',' ')
 'abc def'

 Also various modules that are meant to deal with web and xml and such
 have functions to do such operations.
 Gary Herron


My python can not get addr info

2006-04-15 Thread
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File D:\python24\Lib\idlelib\PyShell.py, line 1388, in ?
  File D:\python24\Lib\idlelib\PyShell.py, line 1361, in main
if not flist.open_shell():
  File D:\python24\Lib\idlelib\PyShell.py, line 277, in open_shell
if not self.pyshell.begin():
  File D:\python24\Lib\idlelib\PyShell.py, line 962, in begin
client = self.interp.start_subprocess()
  File D:\python24\Lib\idlelib\PyShell.py, line 389, in
  File D:\python24\lib\idlelib\rpc.py, line 524, in accept
working_sock, address = self.listening_sock.accept()
  File D:\python24\lib\socket.py, line 169, in accept
sock, addr = self._sock.accept()
socket.gaierror: (10104, 'getaddrinfo failed')

