Re: Lazy Attribute

2012-11-16 Thread Alex Strickland

On 2012/11/16 09:49 AM, Andriy Kornatskyy wrote:

The name attribute is not very descriptive. Why not lazy_attribute instead?

It just shorter and still descriptive.

Shorter, but not descriptive.


Re: portable unicode literals

2012-10-15 Thread Alex Strickland

On 2012/10/15 03:05 PM, Ulrich Eckhardt wrote:

This actually came as a surprise to me, I assumed that using b'' I could
portably create a byte string (which is true) and using u'' I could
portably create a unicode string (which is not true). This feature would
help porting code between both versions. While this is a state I can
live with, I wonder what the rationale for this is.

!puzzled thanks

u'' is legal in 3.3 again.


Re: Article on the future of Python

2012-09-27 Thread Alex Strickland


Sorry guys, I'm only able to see this (with the Python versions an end
user can download):

[snip timeit results]

While you have been all doom and gloom and negativity that Python has
destroyed Unicode,

I thought that jmf's concerns were solely concerned with the selection 
of latin1 as the 1 byte set. My impression was that if some set of 
characters was chosen that included all characters commonly used in 
French then all would be well with the world.

But now I'm confused because latin1 seems to cater for French quite well:


Re: Top-posting c. (was Re: [ANNC] pybotwar-0.8)

2012-08-21 Thread Alex Strickland

On 2012/08/17 12:42 AM, Madison May wrote:

As a lurker, I agree completely with Chris's sentiments.

I too, but I'd prefer something top-posted than have to skip through 38 
pages of quoted e-mail to get to a (generally) 1 liner at the bottom.


Re: [OT] Posting under ones full name

2012-08-16 Thread Alex Strickland

On 2012/08/16 07:01 AM, Dan Sommers wrote:

When I've got these antlers on I am dictating and when I take them off I
am not dictating.

Very good.


Re: pylagiarism -- Need help now! Please provide code...

2012-08-14 Thread Alex Strickland

cn tell itz a fraud - sp 2 gd! lolz

On 2012/08/14 08:34 AM, Simon Cropper wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I just had a great idea for a new python module. I haven't bothered
googling it or doing any research.

I need help putting together some code; today preferably, my boss is on
my back. Can someone please contribute a functioning module showing me
how to do it?

Once I have all your submissions, I will compile a functioning  package,
which I hope to sell. Don't worry, no one will be at risk of being sued,
I don't intend to credit you with the code and you will not know
anything about what I have done because I don't intend to post and
feedback to the list. Licenses are not a problem either, I don't believe
in them and even if you find out I have plagiarized your stuff you have
bub-kiss chance of suing me as I am in another jurisdiction.

So, now you know where I am coming from, I would like to thank you for
all your help. Remember though, I need help now, so please stop what you
are doing and submit something quickly. I'm waiting...

Still waiting...

Hey, stop reading and get on with writing some code, I don't have all day!


Re: ANN: 0.94

2012-08-03 Thread Alex Strickland

On 2012/07/21 11:49 PM, Mark Lawrence wrote:

and PS is spelt p.s. :)

Ahem, the absolutely authoritative reference on the subject:

says PS or P.S.

Re: the meaning of rユ.......ï¾

2012-07-23 Thread Alex Strickland

On 2012/07/23 02:55 PM, Roy Smith wrote:

Some day, we're going to have programming languages that take advantage
of the full unicode character set.  Right now, we're working in ASCII
and creating silly digrams/trigrams like r'' for raw strings (and triple-quotes 
for multi-line
strings).  Not to mention =, =, ==, !=.  And in languages other than
python, things like -, = (arrows for structure membership), and so on.

It'll be pretty.


Re: ANN: 0.94

2012-07-21 Thread Alex Strickland


Getting closer to a stable release.

Latest version has a simpler, cleaner API, and works on PyPy (and
hopefully the other implementations as well ;), as well as CPython.

Get your copy at

Bug reports, comments, and kudos welcome!  ;)

Not supported: index files:

I have been using for 
years where a guy called Przemyslaw Czerpak has written an absolutely 
bullet proof implementation of NTX and CDX for DBF. Maybe it will 
interest you.

PS : bareable is spelt bearable.
