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Re: pythagorean triples exercise

2010-10-22 Thread Baba
On Oct 22, 8:07 am, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 On Thu, 21 Oct 2010 03:51:07 -0700 (PDT), Baba
 declaimed the following in gmane.comp.python.general:

  Hi everyone

  i need a hint regarding the following exercise question:

  Write a program that generates all Pythagorean triples whose small
  sides are no larger than n.
  Try it with n = 200.

  what is n ? i am guessing that it is a way to give a bound to the
  triples to be returned but i can't figure out where to fit in n.

  a^a + b^b = c^c is the condition to satisfy and i need to use loops

         Well, I'd interpret it to mean that

 a = 200
 b = 200

 since c is the hypotenuse, which by definition is longer than either of
 the sides.

         The brute force approach is a nested set of for loops, running
 1-200 (remember that (x)range(200) runs 0-199 G).

         The alternative is to study the information at

 and filtering out entries where the first two components are 200...
 Looking at the middle term 2*m*n would have to be less than 201, and
 the first term n*n-m*m  201

         In Python, this can all be done in a one-liner...

 [(n*n - m*m, 2*m*n, n*n + m*m) for n in xrange(2,101) for m in
 xrange(1,n) if 2*m*n  201 and n*n-m*m  201]

         Converting this to a clean set of nested loops and nice lines of
 output is a different matter.

         Oh, and DO study the link I gave so you can cite it when you turn in
 this intriguing formulation... after all, no need for math.sqrt G

         Wulfraed                 Dennis Lee Bieber         AF6VN    HTTP://

Hi Wulfraed,

only a has an upper limit of 200

the program needs to output the following triple for a == 200: (200 ,

so at this stage my problem is: how to set the upper limit for b in a
smart way?

My solution below is not efficient i believe.

import math
for a in range (190,200):
for b in range (a,a*a):
csqrd = a * a + b * b
csqrt = math.sqrt(csqrd)
for c in range (1, csqrd):
if c * c == a * a + b * b and math.floor(csqrt) == csqrt:
print (a,b,c)

Re: pythagorean triples exercise

2010-10-22 Thread Baba
On Oct 22, 6:35 am, Terry Reedy wrote:
 On 10/21/2010 7:55 PM, Baba wrote:

  the bit i'm having difficulties with in constructing my loops is:
  whose small sides are no larger than n

 from math import sqrt

 def py_trips(n):
    for b in range(4,n+1):
      for a in range(3,b+1):
        cf = sqrt(a*a+b*b)
        c  = int(cf)
        if c == cf: yield a, b, c

 for t in py_trips(200): print(t)

 # prints
 (150, 200, 250)

 This version assumes that if a*a+b*c is an exact square of an integer,
 the floating point sqrt will be an exact integral value, which I believe
 it should be for values up to the max (for n max 200) of 8.

 It produces multiples of each triple, such as (3,4,5), (6,8,10),
 (9,12,15), ... (150,200, 250), which a different formulation of the
 problem might exclude, to only ask for 'basic' triples of relatively
 prime numbers.

 Terry Jan Reedy

Hi Terry

Only a has an upper limit of 200. The exercise is n ot clar about that
i agree but assuming i am correct my program would need to be able to
generate the following triple: (200 ,609,641 )

My code below does that now but i think the way i compute b's upper
limit is not efficient.

import math
for a in range (1,200):
for b in range (a,200):
csqrd = a * a + b * b
c = math.sqrt(csqrd)
if math.floor(c) == c:
print (a,b,int(c))


Re: pythagorean triples exercise

2010-10-22 Thread Baba
On Oct 22, 6:35 am, Terry Reedy wrote:
 On 10/21/2010 7:55 PM, Baba wrote:

  the bit i'm having difficulties with in constructing my loops is:
  whose small sides are no larger than n

 from math import sqrt

 def py_trips(n):
    for b in range(4,n+1):
      for a in range(3,b+1):
        cf = sqrt(a*a+b*b)
        c  = int(cf)
        if c == cf: yield a, b, c

 for t in py_trips(200): print(t)

 # prints
 (150, 200, 250)

 This version assumes that if a*a+b*c is an exact square of an integer,
 the floating point sqrt will be an exact integral value, which I believe
 it should be for values up to the max (for n max 200) of 8.

 It produces multiples of each triple, such as (3,4,5), (6,8,10),
 (9,12,15), ... (150,200, 250), which a different formulation of the
 problem might exclude, to only ask for 'basic' triples of relatively
 prime numbers.

 Terry Jan Reedy

Hi All,

Only 'a' has an upper limit of 200. The exercise is not clar about
maybe but assuming i am correct my program would need to be able to
generate the following triple: (200 ,609,641 )

My code below does that now but i think the way i compute b's upper
limit is not efficient.

import math
for a in range (1,200):
for b in range (a, a * a):
csqrd = a * a + b * b
c = math.sqrt(csqrd)
if math.floor(c) == c:
print (a,b,int(c))



pythagorean triples exercise

2010-10-21 Thread Baba
Hi everyone

i need a hint regarding the following exercise question:

Write a program that generates all Pythagorean triples whose small
sides are no larger than n.
Try it with n = 200.

what is n ? i am guessing that it is a way to give a bound to the
triples to be returned but i can't figure out where to fit in n.

a^a + b^b = c^c is the condition to satisfy and i need to use loops
and n will be an upper limit of one (or more?) of the loops but i am
a bit lost. Please help me get thinking about this right.

exercise source: Java by Dissection (Ira Pohl and Charlie McDowell)



pythagorean triples exercise

2010-10-21 Thread Baba
Hi everyone

i need a hint regarding the following exercise question:

Write a program that generates all Pythagorean triples whose small
sides are no larger than n.
Try it with n = 200.

what is n ? i am guessing that it is a way to give a bound to the
triples to be returned but i can't figure out where to fit in n.

a^a + b^b = c^c is the condition to satisfy and i need to use loops
and n will be an upper limit of one (or more?) of the loops but i am
a bit lost. Please help me get thinking about this right.

import math
for b in range(20):
for a in range(1, b):
c = math.sqrt( a * a + b * b)
if c % 1 == 0:
print (a, b, int(c))

this returns

(3, 4, 5) (6, 8, 10) (5, 12, 13) (9, 12, 15) (8, 15, 17) (12, 16, 20)

is that the desired output? what is the step that i'm missing?

thanks in advance

p.s. this is not homework but self-study

Re: pythagorean triples exercise

2010-10-21 Thread Baba
On Oct 21, 10:18 pm, Terry Reedy wrote:
 On 10/21/2010 6:55 AM, Baba wrote:

  Hi everyone

  i need a hint regarding the following exercise question:

  Write a program that generates all Pythagorean triples whose small
  sides are no larger than n.

 This is not well worded. I take 'small sides' (plural) to mean the two
 smaller, non-hypotenuse sides (which are necessarily shorter than the
 hypotenuse). So the possible pairs of values i,j, where i is the shorter
 of the two, have

  Try it with n= 200.

 Again, not well worded; I believe this is meant to be n==200, except
 that the program should take n as a parameter and then give it value
 200, so that the could work if n were given some other value.

 So the possible pairs of values i,j, where i is the shorter of the two,
 have j = n (==200) and i = j.

 Terry Jan Reedy

Hi Terry,

the full exercise reads as follows:

Write a program that generates all Pythagorean triples whose small
sides are no larger than n. Try it with n = 200. (Hint: Use two for
loops to enumerate
possible values for the small sides and then test to determine whether
the result
is an integral square.

source: (exercise
11, it's a Java book but i like to use Python for solving such basic
exercises as it is a much less cumbersome language)

i agree that possibly the wording makes this more difficult than it
is. Anyway, i'm a beginner so my problem solving techniques are still
quite shaky.

the bit i'm having difficulties with in constructing my loops is:
whose small sides are no larger than n
i don't know what to do with that :(


Re: lists and list item matches (ghost wodgame)

2010-09-23 Thread Baba
On Sep 23, 4:17 pm, nn wrote:
 On Sep 23, 10:56 am, nn wrote:

  On Sep 22, 6:39 pm, Baba wrote:

   On Sep 22, 9:18 pm, Baba wrote:

On Sep 22, 3:38 pm, nn wrote:

 On Sep 21, 6:39 pm, Baba wrote:


  query level: beginner

  as part of a learning exercise i have written code that:

  a) asks for a single letter input (assumption: only 1 letter wil be
  b) adds that letter to list1 and then goes through list2 and checks:

      1) if any item in list2 starts with list1  if False: break
      2) if list1 == any item in list2  if True: break

  c) start again until 2) is True

  wordlist = ['hello', 'bye']
  handlist = []
  letter = raw_input('enter letter: ')
  hand = .join(handlist)
  for item in wordlist:
      if item.startswith(hand):
          while item.startswith(hand):
              if hand not in wordlist:
                  letter = raw_input('enter letter: ')
                  hand = .join(handlist)
              else: break
          else: break
  print 'you loose'

  this code works but can it be optimised? i have the feeling that my
  nesting of IF, WHILE and FOR statements is overkill?

  inspired by part IV 


 Yes it is overkill. Especially the else:break from the while loop
 makes it difficult to follow the logic. Also the program breaks down
 if I use the following word list:

 wordlist = ['hello', 'hamburger', 'bye']

 enter letter: h
 enter letter: a
 you loose

 I am not going to post any spoilers but I wrote your program using one
 while loop and one generator expression for a total of 5 lines. My
 version might be a bit too advanced but you should still be able to do
 it using only one while, one for and one if instead.

Hi nn,

i wasn't expecting my code to fail with an additional word in it.
While i was conscious that the whole construct was heavy i thought the
reasoning worked. I keep looking at it but can't figure out the
problem Can you give me a hint?

In the meantime i found out that it is actually possible to populate a
string (just like a list, a dictionary or a tuple). Here's what i've
got now:

wordlist = ['hello', 'bye']
hand = ''
for item in wordlist:
    if item.startswith(hand):
        while item.startswith(hand):
            if hand not in wordlist:
                hand += raw_input('enter letter: ')
                print hand
            else: break
        else: break
print 'you loose'

But i can't figure out why it won't work when adding the extra word.
Thanks by the way, it taught me not to be too confident when things
SEEM to work...

Why does it work when i use the built-in function any(iterable)?? To
me using the any(iterable) function seems just like regrouping 3 lines
into one...

wordlist = ['hello','hamburger', 'bye', 'cello']
hand = ''
while any(item.startswith(hand) for item in wordlist):
    if hand not in wordlist:
        hand += raw_input('enter letter: ')
    else: break
print 'you loose'



   Hi nn,

   looking at my original code again i realise that having a raw_input
   inside a FOR loop is flawed per se (at least for my purposes) so i
   will just assume that i was taking the wrong approach initially. No
   point in analysing it further. Thanks for your help.


  Since you seem to have figured it out I will post my version (python

  wordlist = ['hello', 'hamburger', 'bye']
  while any(word.startswith(inp) and word!=inp for word in wordlist):
      inp += input('enter letter: ')
  print('you lose')

  The reason why your original version didn't work was because each time
  you add a letter you have to go again over all words (in reality only
  a subset is required) and find a new one. Your version would find one
  word using the first letter and then exit.

 Actually my version isn't right (for some values of right):

 wordlist = ['hello', 'hamburger', 'bye']
 while any(word.startswith(inp) for word in wordlist) and (inp not in
     inp += input('enter letter: ')
 print('you lose')

 An explanation of how this changes the rules of the wordgame is left
 as an exercise to the reader.


for now i will stick to Python2.7 but thank you for sharing.

for learning purposes i still want to figure out a way to solve this
without built-in function ('any' in this case). My understanding was
that in programming almost anything can be done with IF, FOR and WHILE
statements. However i turn

Re: lists and list item matches (ghost wodgame)

2010-09-23 Thread Baba
On Sep 23, 8:13 pm, nn wrote:
 On Sep 23, 1:25 pm, Baba wrote:

  On Sep 23, 4:17 pm, nn wrote:

   On Sep 23, 10:56 am, nn wrote:

On Sep 22, 6:39 pm, Baba wrote:

 On Sep 22, 9:18 pm, Baba wrote:

  On Sep 22, 3:38 pm, nn wrote:

   On Sep 21, 6:39 pm, Baba wrote:


query level: beginner

as part of a learning exercise i have written code that:

a) asks for a single letter input (assumption: only 1 letter 
wil be
b) adds that letter to list1 and then goes through list2 and 

    1) if any item in list2 starts with list1  if False: break
    2) if list1 == any item in list2  if True: break

c) start again until 2) is True

wordlist = ['hello', 'bye']
handlist = []
letter = raw_input('enter letter: ')
hand = .join(handlist)
for item in wordlist:
    if item.startswith(hand):
        while item.startswith(hand):
            if hand not in wordlist:
                letter = raw_input('enter letter: ')
                hand = .join(handlist)
            else: break
        else: break
print 'you loose'

this code works but can it be optimised? i have the feeling 
that my
nesting of IF, WHILE and FOR statements is overkill?

inspired by part IV 


   Yes it is overkill. Especially the else:break from the while loop
   makes it difficult to follow the logic. Also the program breaks 
   if I use the following word list:

   wordlist = ['hello', 'hamburger', 'bye']

   enter letter: h
   enter letter: a
   you loose

   I am not going to post any spoilers but I wrote your program 
   using one
   while loop and one generator expression for a total of 5 lines. My
   version might be a bit too advanced but you should still be able 
   to do
   it using only one while, one for and one if instead.

  Hi nn,

  i wasn't expecting my code to fail with an additional word in it.
  While i was conscious that the whole construct was heavy i thought 
  reasoning worked. I keep looking at it but can't figure out the
  problem Can you give me a hint?

  In the meantime i found out that it is actually possible to 
  populate a
  string (just like a list, a dictionary or a tuple). Here's what i've
  got now:

  wordlist = ['hello', 'bye']
  hand = ''
  for item in wordlist:
      if item.startswith(hand):
          while item.startswith(hand):
              if hand not in wordlist:
                  hand += raw_input('enter letter: ')
                  print hand
              else: break
          else: break
  print 'you loose'

  But i can't figure out why it won't work when adding the extra word.
  Thanks by the way, it taught me not to be too confident when things
  SEEM to work...

  Why does it work when i use the built-in function any(iterable)?? To
  me using the any(iterable) function seems just like regrouping 3 
  into one...

  wordlist = ['hello','hamburger', 'bye', 'cello']
  hand = ''
  while any(item.startswith(hand) for item in wordlist):
      if hand not in wordlist:
          hand += raw_input('enter letter: ')
      else: break
  print 'you loose'



 Hi nn,

 looking at my original code again i realise that having a raw_input
 inside a FOR loop is flawed per se (at least for my purposes) so i
 will just assume that i was taking the wrong approach initially. No
 point in analysing it further. Thanks for your help.


Since you seem to have figured it out I will post my version (python

wordlist = ['hello', 'hamburger', 'bye']
while any(word.startswith(inp) and word!=inp for word in wordlist):
    inp += input('enter letter: ')
print('you lose')

The reason why your original version didn't work was because each time
you add a letter you have to go again over all words (in reality only
a subset is required) and find a new one. Your version would find one
word using the first letter and then exit.

   Actually my version isn't right (for some values of right):

   wordlist = ['hello', 'hamburger', 'bye']
   while any(word.startswith(inp) for word in wordlist) and (inp not in
       inp += input('enter letter: ')
   print('you lose')

   An explanation

Re: lists and list item matches (ghost wodgame)

2010-09-23 Thread Baba
On Sep 23, 8:13 pm, nn wrote:
 On Sep 23, 1:25 pm, Baba wrote:

  On Sep 23, 4:17 pm, nn wrote:

   On Sep 23, 10:56 am, nn wrote:

On Sep 22, 6:39 pm, Baba wrote:

 On Sep 22, 9:18 pm, Baba wrote:

  On Sep 22, 3:38 pm, nn wrote:

   On Sep 21, 6:39 pm, Baba wrote:


query level: beginner

as part of a learning exercise i have written code that:

a) asks for a single letter input (assumption: only 1 letter 
wil be
b) adds that letter to list1 and then goes through list2 and 

    1) if any item in list2 starts with list1  if False: break
    2) if list1 == any item in list2  if True: break

c) start again until 2) is True

wordlist = ['hello', 'bye']
handlist = []
letter = raw_input('enter letter: ')
hand = .join(handlist)
for item in wordlist:
    if item.startswith(hand):
        while item.startswith(hand):
            if hand not in wordlist:
                letter = raw_input('enter letter: ')
                hand = .join(handlist)
            else: break
        else: break
print 'you loose'

this code works but can it be optimised? i have the feeling 
that my
nesting of IF, WHILE and FOR statements is overkill?

inspired by part IV 


   Yes it is overkill. Especially the else:break from the while loop
   makes it difficult to follow the logic. Also the program breaks 
   if I use the following word list:

   wordlist = ['hello', 'hamburger', 'bye']

   enter letter: h
   enter letter: a
   you loose

   I am not going to post any spoilers but I wrote your program 
   using one
   while loop and one generator expression for a total of 5 lines. My
   version might be a bit too advanced but you should still be able 
   to do
   it using only one while, one for and one if instead.

  Hi nn,

  i wasn't expecting my code to fail with an additional word in it.
  While i was conscious that the whole construct was heavy i thought 
  reasoning worked. I keep looking at it but can't figure out the
  problem Can you give me a hint?

  In the meantime i found out that it is actually possible to 
  populate a
  string (just like a list, a dictionary or a tuple). Here's what i've
  got now:

  wordlist = ['hello', 'bye']
  hand = ''
  for item in wordlist:
      if item.startswith(hand):
          while item.startswith(hand):
              if hand not in wordlist:
                  hand += raw_input('enter letter: ')
                  print hand
              else: break
          else: break
  print 'you loose'

  But i can't figure out why it won't work when adding the extra word.
  Thanks by the way, it taught me not to be too confident when things
  SEEM to work...

  Why does it work when i use the built-in function any(iterable)?? To
  me using the any(iterable) function seems just like regrouping 3 
  into one...

  wordlist = ['hello','hamburger', 'bye', 'cello']
  hand = ''
  while any(item.startswith(hand) for item in wordlist):
      if hand not in wordlist:
          hand += raw_input('enter letter: ')
      else: break
  print 'you loose'



 Hi nn,

 looking at my original code again i realise that having a raw_input
 inside a FOR loop is flawed per se (at least for my purposes) so i
 will just assume that i was taking the wrong approach initially. No
 point in analysing it further. Thanks for your help.


Since you seem to have figured it out I will post my version (python

wordlist = ['hello', 'hamburger', 'bye']
while any(word.startswith(inp) and word!=inp for word in wordlist):
    inp += input('enter letter: ')
print('you lose')

The reason why your original version didn't work was because each time
you add a letter you have to go again over all words (in reality only
a subset is required) and find a new one. Your version would find one
word using the first letter and then exit.

   Actually my version isn't right (for some values of right):

   wordlist = ['hello', 'hamburger', 'bye']
   while any(word.startswith(inp) for word in wordlist) and (inp not in
       inp += input('enter letter: ')
   print('you lose')

   An explanation

Re: lists and list item matches (ghost wodgame)

2010-09-22 Thread Baba
On Sep 22, 3:38 pm, nn wrote:
 On Sep 21, 6:39 pm, Baba wrote:


  query level: beginner

  as part of a learning exercise i have written code that:

  a) asks for a single letter input (assumption: only 1 letter wil be
  b) adds that letter to list1 and then goes through list2 and checks:

      1) if any item in list2 starts with list1  if False: break
      2) if list1 == any item in list2  if True: break

  c) start again until 2) is True

  wordlist = ['hello', 'bye']
  handlist = []
  letter = raw_input('enter letter: ')
  hand = .join(handlist)
  for item in wordlist:
      if item.startswith(hand):
          while item.startswith(hand):
              if hand not in wordlist:
                  letter = raw_input('enter letter: ')
                  hand = .join(handlist)
              else: break
          else: break
  print 'you loose'

  this code works but can it be optimised? i have the feeling that my
  nesting of IF, WHILE and FOR statements is overkill?

  inspired by part IV 


 Yes it is overkill. Especially the else:break from the while loop
 makes it difficult to follow the logic. Also the program breaks down
 if I use the following word list:

 wordlist = ['hello', 'hamburger', 'bye']

 enter letter: h
 enter letter: a
 you loose

 I am not going to post any spoilers but I wrote your program using one
 while loop and one generator expression for a total of 5 lines. My
 version might be a bit too advanced but you should still be able to do
 it using only one while, one for and one if instead.

Hi nn,

i wasn't expecting my code to fail with an additional word in it.
While i was conscious that the whole construct was heavy i thought the
reasoning worked. I keep looking at it but can't figure out the
problem Can you give me a hint?

In the meantime i found out that it is actually possible to populate a
string (just like a list, a dictionary or a tuple). Here's what i've
got now:

wordlist = ['hello', 'bye']
hand = ''
for item in wordlist:
if item.startswith(hand):
while item.startswith(hand):
if hand not in wordlist:
hand += raw_input('enter letter: ')
print hand
else: break
else: break
print 'you loose'

But i can't figure out why it won't work when adding the extra word.
Thanks by the way, it taught me not to be too confident when things
SEEM to work...

Why does it work when i use the built-in function any(iterable)?? To
me using the any(iterable) function seems just like regrouping 3 lines
into one...

wordlist = ['hello','hamburger', 'bye', 'cello']
hand = ''
while any(item.startswith(hand) for item in wordlist):
if hand not in wordlist:
hand += raw_input('enter letter: ')
else: break
print 'you loose'




Re: lists and list item matches (ghost wodgame)

2010-09-22 Thread Baba
On Sep 22, 9:18 pm, Baba wrote:
 On Sep 22, 3:38 pm, nn wrote:

  On Sep 21, 6:39 pm, Baba wrote:


   query level: beginner

   as part of a learning exercise i have written code that:

   a) asks for a single letter input (assumption: only 1 letter wil be
   b) adds that letter to list1 and then goes through list2 and checks:

       1) if any item in list2 starts with list1  if False: break
       2) if list1 == any item in list2  if True: break

   c) start again until 2) is True

   wordlist = ['hello', 'bye']
   handlist = []
   letter = raw_input('enter letter: ')
   hand = .join(handlist)
   for item in wordlist:
       if item.startswith(hand):
           while item.startswith(hand):
               if hand not in wordlist:
                   letter = raw_input('enter letter: ')
                   hand = .join(handlist)
               else: break
           else: break
   print 'you loose'

   this code works but can it be optimised? i have the feeling that my
   nesting of IF, WHILE and FOR statements is overkill?

   inspired by part IV 


  Yes it is overkill. Especially the else:break from the while loop
  makes it difficult to follow the logic. Also the program breaks down
  if I use the following word list:

  wordlist = ['hello', 'hamburger', 'bye']

  enter letter: h
  enter letter: a
  you loose

  I am not going to post any spoilers but I wrote your program using one
  while loop and one generator expression for a total of 5 lines. My
  version might be a bit too advanced but you should still be able to do
  it using only one while, one for and one if instead.

 Hi nn,

 i wasn't expecting my code to fail with an additional word in it.
 While i was conscious that the whole construct was heavy i thought the
 reasoning worked. I keep looking at it but can't figure out the
 problem Can you give me a hint?

 In the meantime i found out that it is actually possible to populate a
 string (just like a list, a dictionary or a tuple). Here's what i've
 got now:

 wordlist = ['hello', 'bye']
 hand = ''
 for item in wordlist:
     if item.startswith(hand):
         while item.startswith(hand):
             if hand not in wordlist:
                 hand += raw_input('enter letter: ')
                 print hand
             else: break
         else: break
 print 'you loose'

 But i can't figure out why it won't work when adding the extra word.
 Thanks by the way, it taught me not to be too confident when things
 SEEM to work...

 Why does it work when i use the built-in function any(iterable)?? To
 me using the any(iterable) function seems just like regrouping 3 lines
 into one...

 wordlist = ['hello','hamburger', 'bye', 'cello']
 hand = ''
 while any(item.startswith(hand) for item in wordlist):
     if hand not in wordlist:
         hand += raw_input('enter letter: ')
     else: break
 print 'you loose'



Hi nn,

looking at my original code again i realise that having a raw_input
inside a FOR loop is flawed per se (at least for my purposes) so i
will just assume that i was taking the wrong approach initially. No
point in analysing it further. Thanks for your help.


basic 2 player wordgame

2010-09-21 Thread Baba

I am working on a simple wordgame exercise: 2 players form a word by
alternating turns saying a letter, which is added on to the end of the
word fragment.

I am familiar with loops, iterations etc but i need a hint as to how
to approach alternating turns when writing this code?

exercise source:


Re: basic 2 player wordgame

2010-09-21 Thread Baba
On Sep 21, 1:39 pm, Mel wrote:
 Baba wrote:
  I am working on a simple wordgame exercise: 2 players form a word by
  alternating turns saying a letter, which is added on to the end of the
  word fragment.

  I am familiar with loops, iterations etc but i need a hint as to how
  to approach alternating turns when writing this code?

 One way (not tested):

 thisplayer = Player()
 otherplayer = Player()
 while not_won:
     thisplayer, otherplayer = otherplayer, thisplayer


Hi Mel,

Thank you very much. Your suggestion works like a charm :)

def alternating_turns():
hand = []
thisPlayer = 'player1'
otherPlayer = 'player2'
while len(hand)  3:
print 'turn %s: ' %(thisPlayer)
letter = raw_input('enter letter: ')
thisPlayer, otherPlayer = otherPlayer, thisPlayer
print hand


thanks again! much appreciated. this was a first for me where i have
learned a practical way to apply mutation.


lists and list item matches (ghost wodgame)

2010-09-21 Thread Baba

query level: beginner

as part of a learning exercise i have written code that:

a) asks for a single letter input (assumption: only 1 letter wil be
b) adds that letter to list1 and then goes through list2 and checks:

1) if any item in list2 starts with list1  if False: break
2) if list1 == any item in list2  if True: break

c) start again until 2) is True

wordlist = ['hello', 'bye']
handlist = []
letter = raw_input('enter letter: ')
hand = .join(handlist)
for item in wordlist:
if item.startswith(hand):
while item.startswith(hand):
if hand not in wordlist:
letter = raw_input('enter letter: ')
hand = .join(handlist)
else: break
else: break
print 'you loose'

this code works but can it be optimised? i have the feeling that my
nesting of IF, WHILE and FOR statements is overkill?

inspired by part IV of


Re: accessing a text file

2010-09-16 Thread Baba
On Sep 9, 10:09 pm, Nobody wrote:
 On Wed, 08 Sep 2010 03:30:00 -0700, Baba wrote:
  Who is licensed to judge what can and cannot be posted as a question?

 Exactly the same set of people who are licensed to judge what can and
 cannot be posted as an answer.

 If you don't like the responses you get here, you could try posting your
 questions on 4chan. If nothing else, that will give you a whole new
 perspective on what an unfriendly response really looks like.

I would to apologise to anyone who might have been upset or offended
by my reaction. I am new to forums (as i am new to programming) so i
hope i might be forgiven for not appreciating the true value of the
support one can receive on this forum. I wish to reiterate that i
underatand that experts provide help free of charge and in their spare
time so there's no point for me to like or dislike the style of an



Re: analysis of algoritms

2010-09-12 Thread Baba
On Sep 9, 11:22 pm, Alain Ketterlin
 Baba writes:
  In below code the outer loop test in step 4 will execute ( n + 1 )
  times (note that an extra step is required to terminate the for loop,
  hence n + 1 and not n executions), which will consume T4( n + 1 )
  time. (from

  1    get a positive integer from input
  2    if n  10
  3        print This might take a while...
  4    for i = 1 to n
  5        for j = 1 to i
  6            print i * j
  7    print Done!

  Why does step 4 execute n+1 times? what is the exta step mentioned

 In the outer loop test [...], the important word is _test_. Line 4 has
 to test the value of i against n, which results in true n times and in
 false once (where it jumps to instruction 7).

 Note that this would be true even with python loops using range(n) or
 xrange(n), where the test is not an integer comparison.

 (Note also how this last remark tries to avoid complete off-topic-ness
 of this discussion in this group :-)

 -- Alain.

Hi Alain

Thanks for the explanation!


analysis of algoritms

2010-09-09 Thread Baba

In below code the outer loop test in step 4 will execute ( n + 1 )
times (note that an extra step is required to terminate the for loop,
hence n + 1 and not n executions), which will consume T4( n + 1 )
time. (from

1get a positive integer from input
2if n  10
3print This might take a while...
4for i = 1 to n
5for j = 1 to i
6print i * j
7print Done!

Why does step 4 execute n+1 times? what is the exta step mentioned


Re: mutate dictionary or list

2010-09-08 Thread Baba
On 7 sep, 16:46, Ben Finney wrote: writes:
  Objects can be mutable or immutable. For example, in Python, integers,
  strings, floats and tuples are immutable. That means that you can't
  change their value.

 Yes. Importantly, wherever you see code that you *think* is changing the
 value of an immutable object, you're thinking incorrectly. (There's no
 shame in that; other languages give us preconceptions that can be hard
 to shake off.)

 The only way to get a different value from an integer object is to ask
 Python for a different integer object; the original is unchanged. The
 same goes for tuples, strings, and all the other immutable types.

  Mutable objects OTOH can be changed.


 Some good articles to explain Python's object model:


  \             “We can't depend for the long run on distinguishing one |
   `\         bitstream from another in order to figure out which rules |
 _o__)               apply.” —Eben Moglen, _Anarchism Triumphant_, 1999 |
 Ben Finney

Thanks all for feedback!

Re: accessing a text file

2010-09-08 Thread Baba
On 8 sep, 02:07, Ben Finney wrote:
 Baba writes:
  However the following Wiki excerpt seems to go in my direction:

 No, it doesn't. It advises that people show kindness; as I've been
 arguing, that's exactly what you were shown. You haven't shown how the
 information being imparted could have been fully imparted in a way
 that's kinder, nor that it would be reasonable to do so.

 To put it another way: if you feel offended by an utterance, then
 insufficient kindness on the part of the speaker is not the only

  \      “Software patents provide one more means of controlling access |
   `\      to information. They are the tool of choice for the internet |
 _o__)                                     highwayman.” —Anthony Taylor |
 Ben Finney

Hi Ben,

Thanks for your feedback. My question is: Who owns this forum? If we
all do then we are allowed to post questions that are simple and that
could otherwise be answered by doing research. It is just unfriendly
to tell someone to go and look it up by themselves. Who is licensed to
judge what can and cannot be posted as a question? A teacher of mine
used to say: There are no stupid questions, there are only stupid
answers. It is arrogant to tell someone in a Forum to look it up
yourself ,this question is too basic. Can you not understand that
accessing a file can seem daunting at first? Believe me, documentation
can be offputting too when you only start with programming. Per se the
beauty of forums like these is that there are human beings willing to
make such tasks as finding out how to access a text file less 'scary'.
Whoever thinks he or she has a license to tell someone to look up the
answer by themselves should think again. I reckon the only license we
have is not to answer at all. I acknowledge that Benjamin pointed me
to the right place to find an answer but somehow the Please do us a
favour sounded bit arrogant, as if he owned the place (same goes for
all those who sided against me here: do you own this forum?)...i'd be
glad if there was a python for beginners forum but in the meantime i
have to say i find it awesome to have this forum to get help. It makes
a BIG difference. So sorry if i upset anyone, we all have our opinions
and get carried away and can be stubborn, i DO respect everyone in
this forum and i think it goes bothways. I've learned a few things in
this post...

So now, to use Benjamin words: Please do me a favour and let's move
on :)




Re: accessing a text file

2010-09-08 Thread Baba
On 8 sep, 12:46, Paul Rubin no.em...@nospam.invalid wrote:
 Baba writes:
  It is just unfriendly
  to tell someone to go and look it up by themselves.

 Someone seeing too many unthoughtful questions from you might tell you
 to look it up yourself, in the hopes of getting you to change your
 questioning style, so that your future questions will be more thoughtful
 and worth answering.  But according to you that would be unfriendly.

 Another thing they could do is say nothing, but quietly configure their
 news-reading software to ignore your questions completely.  Then none of
 your future questions would have any hope of being answered.  Would that
 be less unfriendly, or more unfriendly?

Hi Paul

I would support option 1 but phrased more thoughtfully than Benjamin
did (that way no feelings will be hurt):

Dear xyz,
Your question can easily be researched online. We suggest you give it
a try and to look it up yourself. This will be beneficial both to you
and to us. We do encourage to ask questions only when they have been
researched first. We care about the quality of posts but we also
understand that as a beginner one can tend to look for an easy or
quick way to find answers. So in the meantime here's something to
get you started: link

But where do you draw the line? Can we not just let people ask
questions regardless? And let those answer who want to and those who
don't just ignore the question? That seems so much easier to me.


Re: accessing a text file

2010-09-08 Thread Baba
On 8 sep, 14:39, Paul Rubin no.em...@nospam.invalid wrote:
 Baba writes:
  But where do you draw the line? Can we not just let people ask
  questions regardless? And let those answer who want to and those who
  don't just ignore the question? That seems so much easier to me.

 The first few times, it's easy to ignore the questions.  After a few
 more times, it becomes easier to ignore the person asking the questions,
 and not even look at the questions.

 The answer to many of your questions also is not research it online,
 but rather, figure it out with your own creativity.  That's what being
 a programmer is about--figuring out solutions that don't already exist

Hi Paul

If i look where i was 4 weeks ago and the progress i made in learning
Python i am quite delighted. This forum has helped me and i appreciate
it. I don't think i will ever tell a beginner to do me a favour and
to look things up by himself nor will i use the RTFM line (refering to
Bruno's post), i'd just be nice and helpful as everyone here is.
Didn't realise ego's were that big but so is mine i suppose...

kind regards

Re: accessing a text file

2010-09-07 Thread Baba
On 7 sep, 02:18, Ben Finney wrote:
 Ben Finney writes:
  We value respect for people here, and that's what you've been shown
  consistently. But respect for opinions, or for delicacy about
  learning, is not welcome here.

 Sloppy wording, I apologise. This should say “… is not respect for a

  In other words, we treat people as adults by default. I hope you'll
  continue to participate in that spirit.

 This is the main thrust of the message.

  \        “What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about?” —anonymous |
   `\                                                                   |
 _o__)                                                                  |
 Ben Finney

Yes Master :)

Re: accessing a text file

2010-09-07 Thread Baba
On 7 sep, 13:39, Baba wrote:
 On 7 sep, 02:18, Ben Finney wrote:

  Ben Finney writes:
   We value respect for people here, and that's what you've been shown
   consistently. But respect for opinions, or for delicacy about
   learning, is not welcome here.

  Sloppy wording, I apologise. This should say “… is not respect for a

   In other words, we treat people as adults by default. I hope you'll
   continue to participate in that spirit.

  This is the main thrust of the message.

   \        “What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about?” —anonymous |
    `\                                                                   |
  _o__)                                                                  |
  Ben Finney

 Yes Master :)

Sloppy wording, I apologise. This should say: If you find the question
you're reading too easy then just don't answer. Noone is the owner of
a democratic forum where freedom to ask the question one likes is
paramount (as long of course as it is related to the group) let
me repeat that, to say Please do us a favour and at least try to
figure things out on your own is in my view inappropriate. To me it
sounds Do me a favur and get lost. Can you not understand that? I
accept that it might not have been meant that way but see,
misunderstandings happen easily so a more subtle approach is a
wothwhile effort.  My point: i always encourage people to get down
from their ivory towers and to connect to the people...yes they will
sometimes be lazy but they are genuine and very respectful (unlike
what you think)...

no offence now ok, it's not all that your mind, let
lose all that righteousness and let's enjoy life :)


mutate dictionary or list

2010-09-07 Thread Baba

I am working on an exercise which requires me to write a funtion that
will check if a given word can be found in a given dictionary (the

def is_valid_word(word, hand, word_list):

Returns True if word is in the word_list and is entirely
composed of letters in the hand. Otherwise, returns False.
Does not mutate hand or word_list.

I don't understand this part: Does not mutate hand or word_list

I tried to google python mutate list input but to no avail

It would be great if someone could give me a brief explanantion of the
mutation concept.

I know that a ditionary is unordered. How Can i however avoid
'acidental' mutation?


Re: accessing a text file

2010-09-07 Thread Baba
On 7 sep, 16:50, Grant Edwards inva...@invalid.invalid wrote:
 On 2010-09-07, Baba wrote:

  Sloppy wording, I apologise. This should say: If you find the
  question you're reading too easy then just don't answer. Noone is the
  owner of a democratic forum where freedom to ask the question one
  likes is paramount (as long of course as it is related to the
  group) let me repeat that, to say Please do us a favour and at
  least try to figure things out on your own is in my view

 You need to read this:

  To me it sounds Do me a favur and get lost.

 No, it means Do yourself a favor, learn how to do things yourself.

 Remember: you're then one asking people to give you something for
 free. It's not up to them to conform to your expectations, rather you
 need to conform to theirs.  Otherwise, they'll just ignore you.

 Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! FOOLED you!  Absorb
                                   at               EGO SHATTERING impulse
                                 rays, polyester poltroon!!

Please do us a favour sounds condescending to me at least but maybe
we Europeans are a bit touchy...

However the following Wiki excerpt seems to go in my direction:

When someone makes a mistake -- whether it's a spelling error or a
spelling flame, a stupid question or an unnecessarily long answer --
be kind about it. If it's a minor error, you may not need to say
anything. Even if you feel strongly about it, think twice before
reacting. Having good manners yourself doesn't give you license to
correct everyone else. If you do decide to inform someone of a
mistake, point it out politely, and preferably by private email rather
than in public. Give people the benefit of the doubt; assume they just
don't know any better. And never be arrogant or self-righteous about



compare dictionaries

2010-09-07 Thread Baba
level: beginner

word= 'even'
dict2 = {'i': 1, 'n': 1, 'e': 1, 'l': 2, 'v': 2}

i want to know if word is entirely composed of letters in dict2

my approach:
step 1 : convert word to dictionary(dict1)

for k in dict1.keys():
   if k in dict2:
if dict1[k] != dict2[k]:
   return False
   return True
   return False
return True

by adding a print statement i can see that this simply ends too early
e.g. as soon as the first IF condition is met the loop exits

i think this is easy but google and python doc didn't return any good
hints so i'm trying here.

Thanks Baba

Re: compare dictionaries

2010-09-07 Thread Baba
On 7 sep, 22:08, Gary Herron wrote:
 On 09/07/2010 12:46 PM, Baba wrote:

  word= 'even'
  dict2 = {'i': 1, 'n': 1, 'e': 1, 'l': 2, 'v': 2}

 Just go through each letter of word checking for its existence in
 dict2.  Return False if one misses, and True if you get through the
 whole word:

 def ...():
    for c in word:
      if c not in dict2:
        return False #if any character is not in dict
    return True      # otherwise

 If you know of generator expressions, and remember that True and False
 are 1 and 0 respectively, then this works

 def ...():
      return sum(c in dict2   for c in word) == len(word)

 Gary Herron

 Gary Herron, PhD.
 Department of Computer Science
 DigiPen Institute of Technology
 (425) 895-4418

ok but how do we address the fact that letter e needs to have the
value 2 in the dictionary if it was to be True? in my example this
condition is not met so the check would return False. Word is not
entirely composed of letters in dict2, one of the letter is not in
dict2 i.e. the 2nd e

So finding a matching key seems to be the easy part, checking if the
number of ocurrences of letter in 'word' == letter.value seems to be
the tricky part


Re: compare dictionaries

2010-09-07 Thread Baba
On 7 sep, 22:37, MRAB wrote:
 On 07/09/2010 21:06, Paul Rubin wrote:  writes:
  word= 'even'
  dict2 = {'i': 1, 'n': 1, 'e': 1, 'l': 2, 'v': 2}

  i want to know if word is entirely composed of letters in dict2

  set(word)= set(dict2.keys())

 Do the numbers in dict2 represent the maximum number of times that the
 letter can be used?

 If yes, then build a similar dict for the word with the number of times
 that each letter occurs in the word and then check for every pair in
 the dict whether the key (ie, letter) occurs in dict2 and that the
 value (number of occurrences) isn't too many.


Thanks for the hint. In my case i need to do the opposite: the number
of times that each letter ocurs in the word needs to be smaller or
equal to the number of times it apears in dict2. That way i am
guaranteed that word is entirely made up of elements of dict2.

Your hint pointed me in the right direction.

for k in word.keys():
if k not in hand:
return False
elif k in hand:
  if word[k]  hand[k]:
  return False
return True


Re: accessing a text file

2010-09-06 Thread Baba
On 6 sep, 00:01, Benjamin Kaplan wrote:
 On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 5:47 PM, Baba wrote:
  level: beginner

  how can i access the contents of a text file in Python?

  i would like to compare a string (word) with the content of a text
  file (word_list). i want to see if word is in word_list. let's assume
  the TXT file is stored in the same directory as the PY file.

  def is_valid_word(word, word_list)


 Please do us a favor and at least try to figure things out on your
 own, rather than coming here every time you have a question. The very
 first result when you try searching python read text file is the
 section in the Python tutorial that explains how to do this.

Hi Benjamin

I did find that page prior to posting the question but i still wanted
to have a second opinion to complement that info so as to make things
easier The first line of my post clearly states that i am a beginner.
It's nice to provide links which can help answer the question but
please be so polite and keep personal comments for yourself.

To all other respondants: thank you for your kind instructions and


Re: accessing a text file

2010-09-06 Thread Baba
On 6 sep, 00:04, Seth Rees wrote:
 On 09/05/10 16:47, Baba wrote:

  level: beginner

  how can i access the contents of a text file in Python?

  i would like to compare a string (word) with the content of a text
  file (word_list). i want to see if word is in word_list. let's assume
  the TXT file is stored in the same directory as the PY file.

  def is_valid_word(word, word_list)


    f = open('text.txt')
    data =
    # You may want to convert it to a list
    data = data.split()
    # Returns true if word is in data, false otherwise
    word in data

Thanks Seth!

Re: accessing a text file

2010-09-06 Thread Baba
On 6 sep, 16:58, Thomas Jollans wrote:
 On Monday 06 September 2010, it occurred to Baba to exclaim:

  On 6 sep, 00:01, Benjamin Kaplan wrote:
   On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 5:47 PM, Baba wrote:
level: beginner

how can i access the contents of a text file in Python?

i would like to compare a string (word) with the content of a text
file (word_list). i want to see if word is in word_list. let's assume
the TXT file is stored in the same directory as the PY file.

def is_valid_word(word, word_list)


   Please do us a favor and at least try to figure things out on your
   own, rather than coming here every time you have a question. The very
   first result when you try searching python read text file is the
   section in the Python tutorial that explains how to do this.

  Hi Benjamin

  I did find that page prior to posting the question but i still wanted
  to have a second opinion to complement that info so as to make things
  easier The first line of my post clearly states that i am a beginner.
  It's nice to provide links which can help answer the question but
  please be so polite and keep personal comments for yourself.

 That is of course perfectly legitimate. It would however have been polite to
 state that in the question. Show us that you're doing your homework, and not
 just using the list as a cheap path to having to think less yourself.

 Phrasing your post as I would like to compare a ... I found the open()
 function here: [link]. Is this what I should use of is there any other/better
 way? makes a completely different impression.

 Also, keeping personal comments to one's self is just not how it works. On a
 list like this especially, answers along the lines of That's the way to do
 what you were asking for, but are you sure the question went into the right
 direction? Have you thought of [...]? can often be very helpful.

  To all other respondants: thank you for your kind instructions and

Thanks Thomas. Look up some of my questions  this group and read
through them and come back to tell me if a) i use this forum to learn
without making any efforts myself or b) i use this forum to get
started using the expertise of more knowledgeable programmers while at
the same time particiapting. Anyway having this discussion is beside
the point. Any Expert out there who thinks we beginners are some dumb
idiots who are too stupid to think for themselves and are lucky to
have a bunch of geniuses like you to help, get lost or make yourself a
cup of tea but please give me a break from teaching me lessons...

There's lots of nice people out there who are being awsemome by
dedicating a bit of their time to some of our easy questions and it is
them that i wish to send a BIG thanks! Much appreciated. I have made
some good progress since starting to learn Python and this group has
been great help!



Re: accessing a text file

2010-09-06 Thread Baba
On 6 sep, 18:14, geremy condra wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 8:53 AM, Baba wrote:
  On 6 sep, 16:58, Thomas Jollans wrote:
  On Monday 06 September 2010, it occurred to Baba to exclaim:

   On 6 sep, 00:01, Benjamin Kaplan wrote:
On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 5:47 PM, Baba wrote:
 level: beginner

 how can i access the contents of a text file in Python?

 i would like to compare a string (word) with the content of a text
 file (word_list). i want to see if word is in word_list. let's assume
 the TXT file is stored in the same directory as the PY file.

 def is_valid_word(word, word_list)


Please do us a favor and at least try to figure things out on your
own, rather than coming here every time you have a question. The very
first result when you try searching python read text file is the
section in the Python tutorial that explains how to do this.

   Hi Benjamin

   I did find that page prior to posting the question but i still wanted
   to have a second opinion to complement that info so as to make things
   easier The first line of my post clearly states that i am a beginner.
   It's nice to provide links which can help answer the question but
   please be so polite and keep personal comments for yourself.

  That is of course perfectly legitimate. It would however have been polite 
  state that in the question. Show us that you're doing your homework, and 
  just using the list as a cheap path to having to think less yourself.

  Phrasing your post as I would like to compare a ... I found the open()
  function here: [link]. Is this what I should use of is there any 
  way? makes a completely different impression.

  Also, keeping personal comments to one's self is just not how it works. On 
  list like this especially, answers along the lines of That's the way to do
  what you were asking for, but are you sure the question went into the right
  direction? Have you thought of [...]? can often be very helpful.

   To all other respondants: thank you for your kind instructions and

  Thanks Thomas. Look up some of my questions  this group and read
  through them and come back to tell me if a) i use this forum to learn
  without making any efforts myself

 Just a quick point- when you ask someone for help, it's considered
 impolite to tell them what to do.

 I'd also point out that you gave no indication that you'd worked on
 this at all before posting it. In that regard, Thomas's concern seems
 completely justified to me.

  or b) i use this forum to get
  started using the expertise of more knowledgeable programmers while at
  the same time particiapting.

 Again, Thomas's concern seems justified to me. Things would probably
 go more smoothly if you gave a better indication of what you had done
 so far on the problem in the future.

  Anyway having this discussion is beside
  the point. Any Expert out there who thinks we beginners are some dumb
  idiots who are too stupid to think for themselves and are lucky to
  have a bunch of geniuses like you to help, get lost or make yourself a
  cup of tea but please give me a break from teaching me lessons...

 I don't think all beginners are idiots, or even most of them- but this
 isn't the right attitude to be taking. Both Thomas and myself thought
 that this was inappropriate enough to mention it, and if two people
 spoke up you can bet a lot more were thinking it quietly. My
 suggestion would be to moderate your approach and demonstrate what
 you've done so far (if only to increase the signal-to-noise ratio as
 your problems become more challenging) when posting. I'd also refrain
 from telling people to get lost; it doesn't make people happy to help
 you, you know?

 Geremy Condra

Thanks Jeremy, i will take your advice on board! Noone likes to be
taught lessons i think so it is only normal that i reacted. If i had
received a friendly response from Benjamin (as opposed to Please do
us a favor and at least try to figure things out on your own) making
me aware of the etiquette that my post should also show that i have
researched my question somehow  and if his tone would have been
mannered then we would not be having this discussion now. Ok now i
need to go back to actual Pythoon learning, i'm getting distracted.

Kind regards,


accessing a text file

2010-09-05 Thread Baba
level: beginner

how can i access the contents of a text file in Python?

i would like to compare a string (word) with the content of a text
file (word_list). i want to see if word is in word_list. let's assume
the TXT file is stored in the same directory as the PY file.

def is_valid_word(word, word_list)


Re: bisection method: Simulating a retirement fund

2010-09-03 Thread Baba
On Sep 2, 11:10 pm, MRAB wrote:

 Why are you saving 'fund' in SavingsRecord if you're returning just the
 last and discarding others? Basically you're returning the final value
 of fund.


ok i agree that this is not be ideal. I should shorten this to ONLY
return SavingsRecord[-1]

 When performing this type of 'search' make sure that the interval (high
 - low) reduces at every step.  (integer division) and if the 'if' condition 
 happens to be false
 then the value of 'low' won't change for the next iteration, leading to an 
 infinite loop.

If you look at the output you will see that the interval DOES seem to
reduce at each interval as expenses and fundsize reduce gradually. The
computation does not lead to an infinite loop.


bisection method: Simulating a retirement fund

2010-09-02 Thread Baba
level: beginner

exercise source:

Problem 4

Can my code be optimised?
I think my approach is correct but i am hesitant about the initial max

def nestEgVariable(salary, save, preRetireGrowthRates):
SavingsRecord = []
fund = 0
depositPerYear = salary * save * 0.01
for i in preRetireGrowthRates:
fund = fund * (1 + 0.01 * i) + depositPerYear
SavingsRecord += [fund,]
startingPot = SavingsRecord[-1]
return startingPot

expenseCalculator(postRetireGrowthRates,fundsize,epsilon,yearsOfretirement ):
low = 0
high = fundsize
guess = (low + high) /2
while abs(guess * yearsOfretirement - fundsize)  epsilon:
if guess * yearsOfretirement  fundsize :
high = guess
else: low = guess
guess = (low + high) /2
return guess

def findMaxExpenses(salary,save,preRetireGrowthRates,
yearsOfretirement = len(postRetireGrowthRates)
fundsize = nestEgVariable(salary, save, preRetireGrowthRates)
for growthRate in postRetireGrowthRates:
expenses = expenseCalculator(postRetireGrowthRates,
fundsize ,epsilon,yearsOfretirement )
fundsize  = (fundsize  * (1 + 0.01 * growthRate)) - expenses
print 'fundsize', fundsize
print 'expenses', expenses
yearsOfretirement -=1
return fundsize

findMaxExpenses(1,10,[3, 4, 5, 0, 3],[10, 5, 0, 5, 1],0.01)


Re: Fibonacci: returning a selection of the series

2010-09-02 Thread Baba
On Aug 29, 7:18 pm, Alain Ketterlin

 In general, if you have a program that produces something just to
 remove/ignore it five lines later, you have a problem. In your case:

 1) are you sure you need to append to list(*) at every iteration? When
 do you *really* need to? And...

 2) your loop runs up to n (the index of the fib number), but you want to
 stop on some fib number value (not index).

 So, why not pass start and end to i_fib, and use them where appropriate?

Hi Alain

Thank you for your (pragmatic) suggestions! Based on your input i was
able to considerably optimise my approach:

def fib_range(start, end):
fib_1 = 0
fib_2 = 1
range = []
while fib_2  end:
fib_1, fib_2 = fib_2, fib_1 + fib_2
if fib_2 = start and fib_2 = end:
return range

print fib_range(4,76)


Re: Fibonacci: How to think recursively

2010-08-29 Thread Baba
On Aug 29, 3:25 am, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:

 Mathematically, there is nothing wrong with overlapping recursion. It
 will work, and Python can handle it easily.

Based on the advice by Steven and Mel i tried my initial 'guess' and
it does seem to work fine. When looking at it using pencil and paper i
thought well, each recursive call will call 2 new ones and if n is
large i will have a huge overlap, so it probably is the wrong
approach. However it turns out to be fine in principle. It can be
handled, as Steven pointed out.

 But in practical terms, it can lead to great inefficiency. In this
 example, it should be avoided because it is slow. Very slow. To calculate
 the nth Fibonacci number using naive recursion requires *many* calls:

 You can make it even more efficient by giving fib() a long-term cache, so
 that each call to fib(5) requires one cache lookup rather than six (or
 fifteen) recursive calls. Other than the first time, obviously. This is
 called memoisation, but again I digress.

I looked memoisation up and decided that for now  i will not go near
it. First i will try to build up some bacic skills but thank you very
much for the hint. Memoisation will certainly be on the list of future

However, the idea that memoisation is needed to make the computation
more efficient confirms my initial  feeling that a 'simple' recursive
approach is somewhat not ideal.

So here's my code. It does still cause me one headache. If i use
and f(1)=1 as base cases the result will be 144. I was expecting the
result to be the next value in the series (233)...
If i use f(1)=1 and f(2)=2 as base cases them i get my expected
result. I assume this has to do with our understanding/defining the
start of the Fibonacci series?

def r_fib(n):
if n == 1: return 1
elif n == 2: return 2
else: return r_fib(n-2) + r_fib(n-1)

print r_fib(12)


Fibonacci: returning a selection of the series

2010-08-29 Thread Baba
level: beginner

i would like to return a selection of the Fibonacci series.
start = 5 ; end  = 55
the function should then return [5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]

it seems that this is best resolved using an iterative approach to
generate the series. In another post (
d3803a93baf1bdd0#d3803a93baf1bdd0) i looked at the recursive approach
which seems best to compute the nth number but it seems to me that the
recursive code is not suited for generating the actual list.

my questios:
- would you agree that recursive is not ideal for generating a list?
(in this particular case and in general)
- can my code below be optimised?
- how to deal with 'start' and 'end' values that are not in the list
e.g. 4,76 ?

def i_fib(n):
a = 0
b = 1
list = []
counter = 0
while counter  n:
a, b = b, a+b
counter += 1
list = list + [b,]
return list

def fib_range(start,end):
list = i_fib(12)
if start in list and end in list:
start = list.index(start)
end = list.index(end)
print list[start:end+1]
else: print 'not in list'



Re: Fibonacci: How to think recursively

2010-08-29 Thread Baba
Thanks to All for your kind help!



Fibonacci: How to think recursively

2010-08-28 Thread Baba
Level: beginner

I would like to know how to approach the following Fibonacci problem:
How may rabbits do i have after n months?

I'm not looking for the code as i could Google that very easily. I'm
looking for a hint to put me on the right track to solve this myself
without looking it up.

my brainstorming so far brought me to a stand still as i can't seem to
imagine a recursive way to code this:

my attempted rough code:

def fibonacci(n):
# base case:
result = fibonacci (n-1) + fibonacci (n-2)
 this will end up in a mess as it will create overlapping recursions


def fibonacci(n):
# base case:
fibonacci(n+2) - fibonacci(n+1) - n = 0
 this too would create overlapping recursions

How to go about this?



palindrome iteration

2010-08-27 Thread Baba
level: beginner

the following code looks ok to me but it doesn't work. I would like
some hints as to where my reasoning / thought goes wrong

def i_palindrome(pal):
 while len(pal)1:
  if pal[0] == pal[-1]:
 return True

print i_palindrome('annab')

my reasoning:
- i check the length of the string: if  1 continue
- i check first and last char: if they are equal continue
- create a new, shorter string starting at index 1 and ending at
second last index (up to but not including index-1
-restart the while loop as long as length of string is  1
- exiting this loop means all compared chars were identical hence it
is a palindrome and i return True


comparing tuples

2010-08-22 Thread Baba
level: beginners

I was trying to write simple code that compares 2 tuples and returns
any element in the second tuple that is not in the first tuple.

def tuples(t1, t2):
result = []
for b in t2:
for a in t1:
if b == a:
return result

print tuples([0,5,6], [0,5,6,3,7])

the code works but i was surprised by the following: my understanding
was that an ELSE clause is part of an IF statement. Therefore it comes
at the same indentation as the IF statement.

However the above example only works if the ELSE clause is positioned
under the second FOR loop. As if it was an ELSE clause without an IF

Why/How does this work?



Re: comparing tuples

2010-08-22 Thread Baba
On Aug 22, 7:12 pm, Tim Chase wrote:
 On 08/22/10 12:50, Baba wrote:

  level: beginners

  I was trying to write simple code that compares 2 tuples and returns
  any element in the second tuple that is not in the first tuple.

  def tuples(t1, t2):
       result = []
       for b in t2:
           for a in t1:
               if b == a:
       return result

  print tuples([0,5,6], [0,5,6,3,7])

  the code works but i was surprised by the following: my understanding
  was that an ELSE clause is part of an IF statement. Therefore it comes
  at the same indentation as the IF statement.

 The ELSE clause can be used either with an IF (as you know) or
 with a FOR loop, which is interpreted as if this loop reached
 the end naturally instead of exiting via a BREAK statement,
 execute this block of code.

 If you reach the end of t1 without having found a value (and then
 issuing a break), then the current value of t2 (b) should be
 appended to the result.

 That said, unless order matters, I'd just use sets:

    def tuples(t1, t2):
      return list(set(t2)-set(t1))

 which should have better performance characteristics for large


Thanks Tim!

Re: Iterative vs. Recursive coding

2010-08-21 Thread Baba
On Aug 21, 7:37 am, John Nagle wrote:
 On 8/20/2010 1:17 PM, John Bokma wrote:

  I think you mean tail recursion optimization / elimination.
  Python does tail recursion:

     Not very well.

      def cnt(n) :
          if n  0 :

Hi John

I'm intrigued by this example. Is there something missing in the code?
When i run it i get: function cnt at 0x02B2FE70
I suppose it is meant to print a sequence of numbers from n down to

re tail recursion, on wiki i found:
With tail recursion, there is no need to remember the place we are
calling from—instead, we can leave the stack alone, and the newly
called function will return its result directly to the original
caller. Converting a call to a branch or jump in such a case is called
a tail call optimization. 

not sure i understand that...
is this bit of theory applicable to your cnt function above?


Re: Iterative vs. Recursive coding

2010-08-20 Thread Baba
Hi Martin

Thanks for your post. This basic but fundamental computation is a
great example when trying to understand the concept of recursion for
the first time.

Also thanks to John for the stackoverflow link where i found a very
good summarised definition completing some of the posts left here.

For future readers of this post who want to learn to programm (just
like myself) let me re-state the basics i have learned now:

- a procedure is said to be recursive when it contains a statement
that calls itself
- there must be a condition where the recursion has to stop otherwise
the routine will continue to call itself infinitely.
  This is called the Base Case
- every time the procedure calls itself the memory gradually fills up
with the copies until the whole thing winds down again
  as the return statements start being executed.
- the above point means that a recursive approach is expensive on
resources so in the practical world it should be avoided.
  (Thanks John for giving me a real life example where recursion is

For the purposes of learning programming i think it's a must to
understand Recursion so thanks all for your help!

Ok so now i hope you all agree that my code is also correct :)

def r_countSubStringMatch(target,key):
if len(key)len(target):
  if fsi!=-1:  # BASE CASE
  return counter
  return counter
elif len(key)==len(target):
if key==target:
return counter
return counter
return counter

print r_countSubStringMatch(atgacatgcacaagtatgcat,atgc)


Re: Iterative vs. Recursive coding

2010-08-20 Thread Baba
On Aug 19, 11:00 pm, Martin Gregorie mar...@address-in-sig.invalid

 By way of a hint, here are two versions of the classic example of
 recursion: calculating factorials. Recursion can be quite a trick to get
 your mind round at first, so compare the two and follow through their
 operation step by step...

Hi Martin

Thanks for your post. This basic but fundamental computation
(calculating factorials) is a great example when trying to
understand the concept of recursion for the first time.

Also thanks to John for the stackoverflow link where i found a very
good summarised definition completing some of the posts left here.

For future readers of this post who want to learn to programm (just
like myself) let me re-state the basics i have learned now:

- a procedure is said to be recursive when it contains a statement
that calls itself
- there must be a condition where the recursion has to stop otherwise
the routine will continue to call itself infinitely.
  This is called the Base Case
- every time the procedure calls itself the memory gradually fills up
with the copies until the whole thing winds down again
  as the return statements start being executed.
- the above point means that a recursive approach is expensive on
resources so in the practical world it should be avoided.
  (Thanks John for giving me a real life example where recursion is

For the purposes of learning programming i think it's a must to
understand Recursion so thanks all for your help!

Ok so now i hope you all agree that my code is also correct :)

def r_countSubStringMatch(target,key):
if len(key)len(target):
  if fsi!=-1:  # BASE CASE
  return counter
  return counter
elif len(key)==len(target):
if key==target:
return counter
return counter
return counter

print r_countSubStringMatch(atgacatgcacaagtatgcat,atgc)


Iterative vs. Recursive coding

2010-08-19 Thread Baba
Level: Beginner

exercise source:

I am looking at the first problem in the above assignment. The
assignemnt deals, amongst others, with the ideas of iterative vs.
recursive coding approaches and i was wondering what are the
advantages of each and how to best chose between both options?

I had a go at the first part of the exercise and it seems that i can
handle it. However i think my Recursive version can be improved. By
the way, is my code actually proper recursive code?

part 1 iterative approach:

from string import *
def countSubStringMatch(target,key):
fsi=0  #fsi=find string index
while fsilen(target):
#print fsi
if fsi!=-1:
print '%s is %d times in the target string' %(key,counter)


part 2 recursive approach:

def countSubStringMatchRecursive(target,key):
fsi=0 #fsi=find string index
if len(key)==len(target):   #base case
  if key==target:
elif len(key)len(target):
while fsilen(target):
if fsi!=-1:
print 'key is longer than target...'

print '%s is %d times in the target string' %(key,counter)



Re: looping through possible combinations of McNuggets packs of 6, 9 and 20

2010-08-18 Thread Baba
Hi Chas

Thanks for that and i agree on your last remark :)

re the number of required consecutive passes required:

The number of required consecutive passes is equal to the smallest
number because after that you can get any amount of nuggets by just
adding the smallest nugget pack to some other number.

This is only true if gcd(a,b,c)=1.

Thanks to all for the help in getting to the bottom of the exercise. I
have truly enjoyed this and most importantly i have learned some new
things. Hadn't really done any mathematics in a long time and only
starting programming so this was good to get up to speed.

kind regards to everyone!


Re: looping through possible combinations of McNuggets packs of 6, 9 and 20

2010-08-17 Thread Baba
On Aug 16, 6:28 pm, wrote:

 First, suppose d = gcd(x, y, z); then for some x', y', z' we have that
 x = d*x', y = d*y', z = d*z'; and so for any a, b, c:

   could you explain the notation?

   what is the difference btw x and x' ?

   what is x = d*x', y supposed to say?

 To go the other way, if d = 1, then there exists integers (not
 neccessarily positive) such that

 a*x + b*y + c*z = 1

   what's the link with 6*a+9*b+20*c=n except the similarity?

furthermore i came across this:

For k = 3, efficient algorithms
have been given by Greenberg and Davison ; if x1  x2  x3, these
algorithms run in
time bounded by a polynomial in log x3. Kannan  gave a very
complicated algorithm
that runs in polynomial time in log xk if k is fixed, but is wildly
exponential in k. However,
Ram´ırez Alfons´ın proved that the general problem is NP-hard, under
Turing reductions,
by reducing from the integer knapsack problem. So it seems very likely
that there is no
simple formula for computing g(x1, x2, . . . , xk) for arbitrary k.


i would be interested in the answer to problem 3: explain in English
why the theorem is true

@Giacomo: when you say that i have not read the text of the assignment
i tend to disagree. Therefore could you point out what it is i
overlooked that should help me prove my assumption for the
generalisation? Enjoy the sausages btw :)



Re: looping through possible combinations of McNuggets packs of 6, 9 and 20

2010-08-16 Thread Baba
Hi Chas, Roald,

These are all complicated formula that i believe are not expected at
this level. If you look at the source (see my first submission) you
will see that this exercise is only the second in a series called
Introduction to Programming. Therefore i am convinced that there is
a much simpler solution.

Now, i believe that the number of consecutive passes required to make
this work is equal to the smallest number of pack sizes. So if we have
packs of (9,12,21) the number of passes needed would be 9 and the
theorem would read

If it is possible to buy n,n+1,n+2,...n+8 nuggets it is possible to
buy any number of nuggets = 9 given that they come in packs of

However i turn in circles because i don't seem to get any results for
some random pack combinations like (9,12,21) or (10,20,30).

The must always be a solution i'm thinking, be it the smallest pack -



Re: looping through possible combinations of McNuggets packs of 6, 9 and 20

2010-08-16 Thread Baba
well i still believe that the key is the smallest sized pack and
there's no need to go into higher mathematics to solve this problem.
I think below code works within the limits of the exercise which
states to look at a maximum range of 200 in order not to search

cbc=0 #cbc=can_buy counter
for n_nuggets in range(1,200):
   if cbc=min_size:
   for a in range (n_nuggets/packages[0]+1):
  for b in range (n_nuggets/packages[1]+1):
 for c in range (n_nuggets/packages[2]+1):
#print trying for %d: %d %d %d % (n_nuggets,a,b,c)
if packages[0]*a+packages[1]*b+packages[2]*c==n_nuggets:
   if can_buy==True:
print sol


Re: looping through possible combinations of McNuggets packs of 6, 9 and 20

2010-08-15 Thread Baba
Hi John,

Thanks for your submission! I've improved a lot and everone's help so
far has been thrilling amd is very good for my self-study
motivation :)

ok so i think i'm clear on how to approach this problem and on how to
write basic but clean Python code to solve it.

The next step is to generalise this code so that other pack quantities
could be tested: generalize this idea to work with any size packages
of McNuggets, not just 6, 9, and 20. For simplicity, however, we will
assume that nuggets are provided in three different sized packages

I thought this should be relatively straightforward and it does work
if i test it for the values 6,920 but if i test for 2,3,4 i would
expect the result to be 1 but it returns nothing

def can_buy(n_nuggets,packages):
   for a in range (0,n_nuggets/6+1):
   for b in range (0,n_nuggets/9+1):
   for c in range (0,n_nuggets/20+1):
   #print trying for %d: %d %d %d % (n_nuggets,a,b,c)
   if packages[0]*a+packages[1]*b
   return True
   return False

def diophantine_nuggets(x,y,z):
   cbc=0 #cbc=can_buy counter
   packages =[x,y,z]
   for n_nuggets in range(50):
  if result:
  if cbc==6:
 print Largest number of McNuggets that cannot be bought in
exact quantity: %d %(solution)



Re: looping through possible combinations of McNuggets packs of 6, 9 and 20

2010-08-15 Thread Baba
Hi John,

Thanks for your submission! I've improved a lot and everone's help so
far has been thrilling and is very good for my self-study
motivation :)

ok so i think i'm clear on how to approach this problem and on how to
write basic but clean Python code to solve it.

The next step is to generalise this code so that other pack quantities
could be tested: generalize this idea to work with any size packages
of McNuggets, not just 6, 9, and 20. For simplicity, however, we will
assume that nuggets are provided in three different sized packages

I thought this should be relatively straightforward and it does work
if i test it for the values 6,920 but if i test for 2,3,4 i would
expect the result to be 1 but it returns nothing

def can_buy(n_nuggets,packages):
   for a in range (0,n_nuggets/6+1):
   for b in range (0,n_nuggets/9+1):
   for c in range (0,n_nuggets/20+1):
   #print trying for %d: %d %d %d % (n_nuggets,a,b,c)
   if packages[0]*a+packages[1]*b
   return True
   return False

def diophantine_nuggets(x,y,z):
   cbc=0 #cbc=can_buy counter
   packages =[x,y,z]
   for n_nuggets in range(50):
  if result:
  if cbc==6:
 print Largest number of McNuggets that cannot be bought in
exact quantity: %d %(solution)


Re: looping through possible combinations of McNuggets packs of 6, 9 and 20

2010-08-15 Thread Baba
Hi All,

@Emile tnx for spotting the mistake. Should have seen it myself.

@John  Ian i had a look around but couldn't find a general version of
below theorem
If it is possible to buy x, x+1,…, x+5 sets of McNuggets, for some x,
then it is possible to buy any number of McNuggets = x, given that
McNuggets come in 6, 9 and 20 packs.
I must admit that i'm not keen on spending too much time on purely
mathematical questions. It seems that this has to do with Frobenius
Number? re range the exercise seems to suggest to limit it to 200

so feel free to enlighten me on this last part. In the meantime the
almost complete code is:

def can_buy(n_nuggets,packages):
   for a in range (0,n_nuggets/packages[0]+1):
   for b in range (0,n_nuggets/packages[1]+1):
   for c in range (0,n_nuggets/packages[2]+1):
   #print trying for %d: %d %d %d % (n_nuggets,a,b,c)
   if packages[0]*a+packages[1]*b
   return True
   return False

def diophantine_nuggets(*packages):
   cbc=0 #cbc=can_buy counter
   #packages =[x,y,z]
   for n_nuggets in range(200):
  if result:
  if cbc==6:
 print Largest number of McNuggets that cannot be bought in
exact quantity: %d %(solution)

Re: looping through possible combinations of McNuggets packs of 6, 9 and 20

2010-08-15 Thread Baba
Hi Mel,

indeed i thought of generalising the theorem as follows:
If it is possible to buy n, n+1,…, n+(x-1) sets of McNuggets, for some
x, then it is possible to buy any number of McNuggets = x, given that
McNuggets come in x, y and z packs.

so with diophantine_nuggets(7,10,21) i would need 7 passes

but with (10,20,30) and 10 passes i get no result

so i'm not sure i'm on the right path...


Re: looping through possible combinations of McNuggets packs of 6, 9 and 20

2010-08-14 Thread Baba
On Aug 13, 8:25 pm, Ian Kelly wrote:

 It's not.  You're not just trying to find the sixth value that can be
 bought in exact quantity, but a sequence of six values that can all be
 bought in exact quantity.  The integers [6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 20] are not

Hi Ian,

Thanks for stating the obvious. I obviously hadn't understood a
fundamental part of the theorem which states that 6 SEQUENTIAL passes
must be found! That's a good lesson learned and will help me in future
exercises to make sure i understand the theory first. Thanks again!

Ok so with your and News123's help (no offence to all others but i
need to keep it simple at this stage)i was able to find the solution:

my code is probably not elegant but a huge step forward from where i

def can_buy(n_nuggets):
   for a in range (0,n_nuggets):
   for b in range (0,n_nuggets):
   for c in range (0,n_nuggets):
   #print trying for %d: %d %d %d % (n_nuggets,a,b,c)
   if 6*a+9*b+20*c==n_nuggets:
   return [a,b,c]
   return []

for n_nuggets in range(50):
result1 = can_buy(n_nuggets)
result2 = can_buy(n_nuggets+1)
result3 = can_buy(n_nuggets+2)
result4 = can_buy(n_nuggets+3)
result5 = can_buy(n_nuggets+4)
result6 = can_buy(n_nuggets+5)
if result1!=[] and result2!=[] and result3!=[] and result4!=[] and
result5!=[] and result6!=[]:
 if (n_nuggets+5)-n_nuggets==5:
print n_nuggets-1

i suppose this can be tweaked to make it shorter? For instance i
wonder if i can do the same with less variable to be defined?



Re: looping through possible combinations of McNuggets packs of 6, 9 and 20

2010-08-13 Thread Baba
Hi News 123,

Ok i'm getting closer. I am able to write code that will output values
that can be bought in exact quantity (truelist) and values that cannot
be bought in exact quantities.

For a range up to 29 i get this:
true [6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 20, 21, 24, 26, 27, 29]
false [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 22, 23, 25,

the sixth value that passes the test of having an exact solution is 20
so that would mean that the last number i got that cannot be bought in
exact quantity is 19

that doesn't seem quite right, does it?

def can_buy(n_nuggets):
   for a in range (0,n_nuggets):
   for b in range (0,n_nuggets):
   for c in range (0,n_nuggets):
   #print trying for %d: %d %d %d % (n_nuggets,a,b,c)
   if 6*a+9*b+20*c==n_nuggets:
   return True
   return False

for n_nuggets in range(30):
result = can_buy(n_nuggets)
if result==True:

print 'true',truelist
print 'false',falselist


Re: looping through possible combinations of McNuggets packs of 6, 9 and 20

2010-08-13 Thread Baba
Hi News 123,

Ok i'm getting closer. I am able to write code that will output values
that can be bought in exact quantity (truelist) and values that cannot
be bought in exact quantities.

For a range up to 29 i get this:
true [6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 20, 21, 24, 26, 27, 29]
false [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 22, 23, 25,

the sixth value that passes the test of having an exact solution is 20
so that would mean that the last number i got that cannot be bought in
exact quantity is 19

that doesn't seem quite right, does it?

def can_buy(n_nuggets):
   for a in range (0,n_nuggets):
   for b in range (0,n_nuggets):
   for c in range (0,n_nuggets):
   #print trying for %d: %d %d %d % (n_nuggets,a,b,c)
   if 6*a+9*b+20*c==n_nuggets:
   return True
   return False

for n_nuggets in range(30):
result = can_buy(n_nuggets)
if result==True:

print 'true',truelist
print 'false',falselist


Re: looping through possible combinations of McNuggets packs of 6,9 and 20

2010-08-12 Thread Baba
Hi News123

Thank You for helping me out. Indeed i am not looking for the code but
rather for hints that direct my reasoning as well as hints as to how
to write basic programs like this.

You have broken down the approach into 2 parts. I have tried to solve
part 1 but i'm not quite there yet. Here's my code:

def can_buy(n_nuggets):
for a in range (1,n_nuggets):
for b in range (1,n_nuggets):
for c in range (1,n_nuggets):
if 6*a+9*b+20*c==n_nuggets:
#print a,b,c,'n_nuggets=',n_nuggets
return True
return False


as you can see i am trying to loop through all combinations of values
bewtween 1 and n_nuggets and when the equation resolves it should
return True, else it should return False.

I was hoping that when i then call my function and ask it to test a
value nothing happens. What is wrong? My syntax? My semantic? Both?


looping through possible combinations of McNuggets packs of 6, 9 and 20

2010-08-11 Thread Baba
level: beginner

exercise: given that packs of McNuggets can only be bought in 6, 9 or
20 packs, write an exhaustive search to find the largest number of
McNuggets that cannot be bought in exact quantity.

exercise source:

please help me write this code

i believe it's something along the lines of this:

for n in range (0,10):
 for a in range (0,10):
  for b in range (0,10):
   for c in range (0,10):
if sol!=n:
if c==6:
 print sol


Ping and ARP on both Win and Linux in Python

2008-03-13 Thread Mauro Baba Mascia
Hi, this is my question:

I want to know if several switch (about 50) in a big lan are up and then 
know their MAC addresses to do a list that contains host name, ip and mac.
I know only the range of their IP addresses (the host name it's simply 
to know using socket.gethostn.

The first idea it's to ping all ip, parse the response and then execute 
the command arp -a and parse the response.
However this way depends on the operating system and the ping response 
depends too from the language.

Another way it's to open the main page of the switch and parse the HTML 
code where i can find the MAC address.
However this way depends on the particular brand's switch.

I know (or better i think) that there is a third way: make ping and arp 
building the packets with socket and so on (but i dont have understand 
in what way do this).

Any suggestion?

(i've already search in google, found many sources but a lot of them 
don't works or don't do what im trying to do...)

