
2012-08-16 Thread Bounced mail
The original message was received at Thu, 16 Aug 2012 09:14:53 +0300
from python.org []

- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -

ÿþSmall Business Server has removed 
potentially unsafe e-mail attachment(s) 
from this message:


Because computer viruses are commonly 
spread through files attached to e-mail 
messages, certain types of files will 
not be delivered to your mailbox. For 
more information, contact the person 
responsible for your network.



2005-03-31 Thread Bounced mail
The original message was received at Thu, 31 Mar 2005 14:40:33 +0200 from 
python.org []

- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -

- Transcript of the session follows -
... while talking to
 400-aturner; -RMS-E-CRE, ACP file create failed
 400-aturner; -SYSTEM-F-EXDISKQUOTA, disk quota exceeded

  Virus Warning Message 
The virus W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] was detected in the attachment message.pif. The 
attached File message.pif has
been removed. For questions please contact the Helpdesk.

Er is een virus W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] gevonden in de attachement/bijlage 
message.pif. De message.pif is verwijderd.
Voor meer informatie raadpleeg de speciale FAQ onder Customer Services - 
Helpdesk op www.upc.nl.

Un virus W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] a été détecté dans le fichier inclus 
message.pif.  Le fichier message.pif est
enlevé. Pour toutes questions cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous.

Er is een virus W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] gevonden in de bijlage message.pif. De 
bijlage message.pif is verwijderd.
Voor vragen kunt u klikken op de link hieronder.

Et virus W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] har blitt oppdaget i et vedlegg. Vedlegget 
message.pif har blitt fjernet. Har du
spørsmål ber vi deg klikke på linken under. 

Ett virus W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] hittades i den bifogade filen message.pif. 
Filen message.pif har förstörts. För
mer information klicka på nedanstående länk.


Mail System Error - Returned Mail

2005-02-15 Thread Bounced mail
The original message was received at Tue, 15 Feb 2005 16:03:16 +0100 from

- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -

** A csatolmány message.zip I-Worm.Mydoom.R virussal fertõzött,
** a csatolmány törölve lett.
