[wxPython] howto prevent Frame reszing?

2006-03-10 Thread Cell

I have searched for this but the only thing I can find is somebody that
wx.RESIZE_BORDER is the style to look for.

When I apply this in my code I am still able to resize the frame.

Somebody can help me here?

For example:

class FrameName(wx.MiniFrame):
   def __init__(
   self, parent, title, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
   wx.MiniFrame.__init__(self, parent, -1, title, pos, (300,300),

Is the (mini) Frame that I have now.

It would be nice if somebody can help me out..
Thanks in advance (btw, I am new to wxPython) :)


Re: Which GUI toolkit is THE best?

2006-03-10 Thread Cell

invitro81 schreef:


 I've recently learnt python and I do love it! I congratulate all those
 geeks who produce this nice language; well, because I could be called a
 nearby newbee I've decided to improve my abilities by writing my own
 nice editor with python; so I've to choose among all those GUI toolkit's
 available there..

 But I've no idea which one I should use to start with.. I've read that
 tkinter seems to be the de facto standart in the pyhon community; but
 why? Is it the best available one or are theire other reasons? I read
 also a litte about wxpython and pygtk.. both are appealing to me but
 again to make a choice is difficult; is there also some guy liking pyqt
 is it worse or should it be avoided because of the licencing policy for
 qt (which I also like..)?

   * Which one is the most fun to program with?
   * Which one is the most easy to learn?
   * Which one looks best?
   * Which one is the most productive to program with?

Read this http://wxpython.org/quotes.php ;-)
