Re: SHOCK: WHY None?

2007-09-21 Thread Dave Borne

Maybe because you are ignoring the return value of the when you recurse...

try this

 return f(i+1, sm+a[i])


Re: Script that Navigates Page needs Javascript Functionality

2007-08-06 Thread Dave Borne
 in order to view the results I need I need python to navigate to
 this Javascript link:
 javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$cpMain$pagerTop','4')  This basically
 translates into go to page 4.
 I read the posts on this group, and from what I understand, the
 functionality I need is with simplejson? If so, what is the syntax i
 would use to execute that Javascript?
 Or am I completely off base with using simplejson altogether?

I've been meaning to look into this library for interfacing with
Mozilla's spidermonkey javascript engine:

It sounds like it might do what you want, but I'm not sure how much
work it would require.


Re: smtp server simulation using Python

2007-06-18 Thread Dave Borne
 I have a (web) development computer w/o an SMTP server and want to test
 form generated e-mail using a dummy SMTP server that delivers the mail
 message to a file, or better yet, to a text editor instead of actually
 sending it.

Here's a quick and dirty script I use this for email testing purposes
- it's windows specific, but that's easy enough to change.

import smtpd, os, time, asyncore

class mailserver(smtpd.SMTPServer):
def __init__(self):
smtpd.SMTPServer.__init__(self, ('',25), None)
print 'Mailsink listening on port 25'

def process_message(self, peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data):

print 'mail from: %s to: %s' %(mailfrom, repr(rcpttos))
for rcpt in rcpttos:
rcpt = rcpt.split('@')[0]
except OSError:

f =

def loop ():
x = mailserver()
except KeyboardInterrupt:

if __name__=='__main__':

Re: IndentationError: unexpected indent

2007-06-16 Thread Dave Borne
 It would be very helpful when Python would warn you when there are tabs in
 your source.

invoke python with the -t option for warnings about tabs or -tt for errors.



2007-06-08 Thread Dave Borne
 I'm trying to figure out how to use FTP/SSL (FTPS) - just as a client. Can I
 do this in Python? Is everything I need in ftplib? Where else do I look? And
 - any good newbie references on using FTPS?

Hi, Nancy,
 I'm not sure if ftplib can handle ssh or not, but googling for
python sftp turned up this link:

It looks like it might do what you want.


Re: HTML Form/Page and Navigation with multiple buttons

2007-05-31 Thread Dave Borne
 How can I identify which button has been pressed.  Do I need a
 separate form for each button and hide all the relevant session fields
 in each form or is there a way of identifying which button has been
 pressed on the page.

Hi, Richard,
 Just give each button (or input) tag a distinct name attribute and a
value attribute. Also make sure the button is inside the form. When
the button is used to submit the form, FieldStorage will return the
name:value pair.


Re: How do I Extract Attachment from Newsgroup Message

2007-05-31 Thread Dave Borne
 I looked for a solution
 with mimetools (the way I'd approach it for email) but found nothing.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]', 'Content-Type: Multipart/Mixed;', '
 boundary=Boundary-00=_A5NJCP3FX6Y5BI3BH890', 'Date: Thu,

Playing with

data = n.article('116431')[3]

and email.message_from_string, there seems to be a problem with the
content type being split up. I was able to get a multipart message by

msg = email.message_from_string('\n'.join(data).replace(';\n', ';'))

(and adding an ending boundary to your sample data).
This is a bit hackish and  could cause problems if there are
semicolons inside the message body (no warranties expressed or
implied, etc.)

Hope this helps,

Re: Why isn't this query working in python?

2007-05-25 Thread Dave Borne
 I'm trying to run the following query:
 member_id=%s AND expire_date  NOW() AND completed=1 AND (product_id

Shouldn't you be using the bind variable '?' instead of '%s' ?
(I'm asking because I'm not entirely sure how the execute command is
doing the substitution)


Re: Multi-Page login WITH Cookies (POST Data)

2007-05-18 Thread Dave Borne
 After we are able to get a succussful login, i need a way that i can browse
 my site always including this cookie, like if i went to open up a page, it
 would use the cookie we got from logging in.

You need something like this:
import cookielib,urllib2
cookiejar = cookielib.CookieJar()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookiejar))

more info here:
and here:


Re: A best approach to a creating specified http post body

2007-05-18 Thread Dave Borne
 I need to build a special http post body that consists of :
 name=value +\r\n strings.
 Problem is that depending on operations the number of  name,value
 pairs can increase and decrease.
 Values need to be initialized at runtime, so storing premade text
 files is not possible.

I'm not completely understanding your problems here. Can you explain
why urllib.urlencode wouldn't work?


Re: How safe is a set of floats?

2007-05-09 Thread Dave Borne
On 4 May 2007 07:21:49 -0700, Thomas Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to generate all the fractions between 1 and limit (with
 limit1) in an orderly fashion, without duplicates.

Might I suggest the Stern-Brocot tree
It will eliminate the need for sets as the algorithm gurantees: Every
positive rational number can be found in this tree exactly once and in
lowest terms. The order will be different than your algorithm,

#An overly simplified fraction class for this example:
class Fraction:
  def __init__ (self, num, den):
self.num = num
self.den = den
  def __repr__ (self):
  return '%(num)d/%(den)d' % self.__dict__

def all_ratios(limit):
seq = [Fraction(1,1), Fraction(limit,1)]
while True:
newseq = seq[:1]
pairs = [seq[x:x+2] for x in range(len(seq)-1)]
for pair in pairs:
#find the mediant value between each pair in the series
newval = Fraction(pair[0].num+pair[1].num, pair[0].den+pair[1].den)
yield newval
seq = newseq


Re: How to replace the last (and only last) character in a string?

2007-05-03 Thread Dave Borne
 Let's suppose
 s='12345 4343 454'
 How can I replace the last '4' character?

If the last '4' will not always be the last character in the string,
you could do:


Re: Writing a nice formatted csv file

2007-05-02 Thread Dave Borne
 Whereas what I'd like to get is:
 10,  20,   30

(without trying this myself first...)
You might  try setting up a csv dialect with a delimiter of ',\t' then
using a reader that can set tab stops for display.


Re: Reading From an Excel Sheet

2007-04-30 Thread Dave Borne
   I want to write a python script which reads in data from the
 excel sheet .Can any one help out in this ...any help will be

Try here:

Re: Cgi File Upload without Form

2007-04-30 Thread Dave Borne
 Since I want to upload the data programmatically, a form based
 solution is not good.

 Could you explain this statement? When I want to move data to a
server in a CGI environment, a form post is the easiest way I can
think of. What are the specific restrictions making forms a problem?


Re: Writing Log CSV (Efficiently)

2007-04-16 Thread Dave Borne
On 4/16/07, Robert Rawlins - Think Blue
 I'm looking to write a Log file which will be CSV based, and there is a good
 possibility that it'll get quite busy once its up and running, so I'm
 looking for the most efficient way to achieve it. Whilst I'm sure i could do
 something like this.

Python has built in logging support. It's pretty flexible as far as
formatting output. I can get a bit complicated to set up, but it will
handle traffic well.

more info here


Re: Writing Log CSV (Efficiently)

2007-04-16 Thread Dave Borne

 Dave Python has built in logging support. It's pretty flexible as far
 Dave as formatting output. I can get a bit complicated to set up, but
 Dave it will handle traffic well.

 Really?  I've found it to be a dog in heavy logging situations.


Well I've never flogged the logging system very hard, so listen to
Skip here if you're concerned about performance.

I also don't think logging will integrate easily with the built in csv
module.  There's always ','.join(column_list)...


Re: Formatting a string to be a columned block of text

2006-12-26 Thread Dave Borne
On 26 Dec 2006 04:14:27 -0800, Leon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm creating a python script that can take a string and print it to the
 screen as a simple multi-columned block of mono-spaced, unhyphenated
 text based on a specified character width and line hight for a column.

Hi, Leon,
 For putting the columns together zip is your friend. Let me lay out an example:

# get your text and strip the newlines:
testdata = file('something').read().replace('\n','')
# set some parameters (these are arbitrary, pick what you need)::
colwidth = 35
colheight = 20
numcol = 2
rowperpage = colheight * numcol
# first split into lines (this ignores word boundaries
# you might want to use somehting more like placid posted for this)
data1 = [testdata[x:x+colwidth] for x in range(0,len(testdata),colwidth)]
# next pad out the list to be an even number of rows - this will give
# a short final column. If you want them balanced you're on your own ;)
data1.extend(['' for x in range(rowsperpage - len(data1) % rowsperpage)])
# then split up the list based on the column length you want:
data2 = [data1[x:x+colheight] for x in range(0,len(data1),colheight)]
# then use zip to transpose the lists into columns
pages = [zip(*data2[x:x+numcol]) for x in range(0,len(data2),numcol)]
# finally unpack this data with some loops and print:
for page in pages:
for line in page:
for column in line:
print ' %s ' % column, #- note the comma keeps newlines out
print '\n'
print '\f'


Re: Formatting a string to be a columned block of text

2006-12-26 Thread Dave Borne
Thanks, Paul. I didn't know about textwrap, that's neat.

so in my example change
 data1= [testdata[x:x+colwidth] for x in range(0,len(testdata),colwidth)]
 data1 = textwrap.wrap(testdata,colwidth)
 data1 = [x.ljust(colwidth) for x in data1]

oh and I made a mistake that double spaces it. the print '\n'
line needs to be either
print ''
print '\n',
(with a comma)
