Re: Python 2.7.3, C++ embed memory leak?

2012-06-02 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Qi writes:

 Hi guys,

 Is there any known memory leak problems, when embed Python 2.7.3
 in C++?
 I Googled but only found some old posts.

 I tried to only call Py_Initialize() and Py_Finalize(), nothing else
 between those functions, Valgrind still reports memory leaks
 on Ubuntu?

 Is that a know problem? Did Python 3.x solve it?

 I want some confirmation.

Python does some special things that confuse valgrind. Don't bother.


Re: ctypes callback with char array

2012-06-02 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
ohlfsen writes:


 Hoping that someone can shed some light on a tiny challenge of mine.

 Through ctypes I'm calling a c DLL which requires me to implement a callback 
 in Python/ctypes.

 The signature of the callback is something like

 void foo(int NoOfElements, char Elements[][100])

 How do I possible implement/process char Elements[][100] in Python/ctypes 

I'd try it like this:

$ python
Python 2.7 (r27:82500, May  2 2011, 22:50:11) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5664)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
oWelcome to rlcompleter2 0.98
for nice experiences hit tab multiple times
 from ctypes import *
 callback_type = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_int, POINTER(c_char_p))
 def my_callback(int, elements):
... pass
 c_callback = callback_type(my_callback)
CFunctionType object at 0x100697940

No need to know that it's a pointer to char[100] pointers - you can cast
that if you want to.


Re: pypi and dependencies

2012-03-21 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Andrea Crotti writes:

 When I publish something on Pypi, is there a way to make it fetch the
 list of dependencies needed by my project automatically?

 It would be nice to have it in the Pypi page, without having to look
 at the actual code..
 Any other possible solution?

I don't understand this - if you declare the dependencies of your
published package in the requires-section of the setup()-call,
easy_install (and I guess pip as well, no experience with it) will
automatically fetch these.

Is that what you wanted to know?


Re: configobj validation

2012-03-21 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Andrea Crotti writes:

 On 03/19/2012 12:59 PM, Andrea Crotti wrote:
 I seemed to remember that type validation and type conversion worked
 out of the box, but now
 I can't get it working anymore.

 Shouldn't this simple example actually fail the parsing (instead it
 parses perfectly port to a string)?
 from configobj import ConfigObj

 conf = ConfigObj('sample.conf', configspec='sample.spec')

 port = some_string

 port = integer(0, 10)

 PS. using configobj 4.7.2

 I now checked the repo and configobj seems also quite dead (2 years
 ago last version), it's a pity because it's a really nice library.
 Any other alternatives for validation/configuration systems otherwise?

It works - so why do you bother? And I'm not sure about the above code -
AFAIK, validation is a two-step thing:


Re: Decoding unicode is not supported in unusual situation

2012-03-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
John Nagle writes:

 I think that somewhere in suds, they subclass the unicode type.
 That's almost too cute.

 The proper test is


Woot, you finally discovered polymorphism - congratulations!


Re: A http server

2011-01-28 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Back9 writes:

 I'm trying to set up a http server to handle a single POST request.
 That POST request is to upload a huge file and the server is supposed
 to handle it with the just POST request.
 With my python sample code, multiple post requests are working well,
 but that is not my solution.
 I need a single POST request handling in the http server side.
 Does anyone have a good idea for this case or sample code?

Why doesn't the single post not work with your sample code? Where is
your sample code?

It might be a good idea to use WSGI for this, to stream out the
POST-body to a temporary file. Can you use mod_wsgi in conjuction with
Apache? If not, some pure WSGI-server implementation such as Paster might be 


Re: Is there anyway to run JavaScript in python?

2011-01-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
crow writes:

 Hi, I'm writing a test tool to simulate Web browser. Is there anyway
 to run JavaScript in python? Thanks in advance.

Not really. Yes, you can invoke spidermonkey. But the crucial point
about running JS is not executing JS, it's about having the *DOM* of the
browser available. Which spidermonkey obviously hasn't.

So, I recommend using Selenium. 


Re: Interrput a thread

2011-01-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
gervaz writes:

 On 31 Dic 2010, 23:25, Alice Bevan–McGregor
 On 2010-12-31 10:28:26 -0800, John Nagle said:

  Even worse, sending control-C to a multi-thread program
  is unreliable in CPython.  See;
  for why.  It's painful.

 AFIK, that has been resolved in Python 3.2 with the introduction of an
 intelligent thread scheduler as part of the GIL release/acquire process.

         - Alice.

 Ok, but then suppose I have multiple long running threads that I want
 to delete/suspend because they are tooking too much time, which
 solution do you propose?

If possible, use multiple processes instead.


Re: CPython on the Web

2011-01-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
azakai writes:

 Hello, I hope this will be interesting to people here: CPython running
 on the web,

 That isn't a new implementation of Python, but rather CPython 2.7.1,
 compiled from C to JavaScript using Emscripten and LLVM. For more
 details on the conversion process, see

A fun hack. Have you bothered to compare it to the PyPy javascript
backend - perfomance-wise, that is?


Re: CPython on the Web

2011-01-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Gerry Reno writes:

 On 01/03/2011 03:13 PM, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

 A fun hack. Have you bothered to compare it to the PyPy javascript
 backend - perfomance-wise, that is?


 I don't think that exists anymore.  Didn't that get removed from PyPy
 about 2 years ago?

Ah, didn't know that. I was under the impression pyjamas was done with
it. Apparently, that's wrong:

But then I re-phrase my question: how does this relate to pyjamas/pyjs?


Re: Interrput a thread

2011-01-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
gervaz writes:

 On 3 Gen, 22:17, Adam Skutt wrote:
 On Jan 3, 4:06 pm, Jean-Paul Calderone

   Multiple processes, ok, but then regarding processes' interruption
   there will be the same problems pointed out by using threads?

  No.  Processes can be terminated easily on all major platforms.  See

 Yes, but that's not the whole story, now is it?  It's certainly much
 more reliable and easier to kill a process.  It's not any easier to do
 it and retain defined behavior, depending on exactly what you're
 doing.  For example, if you kill it while it's in the middle of
 updating shared memory, you can potentially incur undefined behavior
 on the part of any process that can also access shared memory.

 In short, taking a program that uses threads and shared state and
 simply replacing the threads with processes will likely not gain you a
 thing.  It entirely depends on what those threads are doing and how
 they do it.


 As per the py3.1 documentation, os.kill is only available in the Unix
 os. Regarding the case pointed out by Adam I think the best way to
 deal with it is to create a critical section so that the shared memory
 will be updated in an atomic fashion. Btw it would be useful to take a
 look at some actual code/documentation in order to understand how
 others dealt with the problem...

There is the multiprocessing module. It's a good start, and works


Re: position independent build of python

2010-12-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
erikj writes:

 If my understanding is correct, the sys.prefix variable holds the root
 directory python uses to find related files, and eg its site-packages.

 the value of sys.prefix is specified at compile time.

 it seems that on windows, when I build/install python at one location,
 later move it to another location, python will find all its needs
 relative to the new location.

 however, when I do the same on linux, python keeps looking for
 its dependencies in the build location.

 is there a possibility to have it always look at a position relative
 to the location of the executable ?  the goal is to be able to build
 python on one machine, and then simply copy the build tree to
 other machines at other locations.

Maybe looking at virtualenv, especially with the --no-site-packages
variable set gives you a hint. AFAIK there are some hard-coded paths
involved, but not inside compiled code. Maybe you can remedy that somehow.


Re: pyqt4: multi-threaded database access

2010-11-24 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Adrian Casey writes:

 I have a PyQt4 multi-threaded application which accesses many hosts
 concurrently via ssh.  I would like each thread to have access to a
 database so that it can look up details about the particular system it
 is connected to.

 The easy way is to have each thread create a connection to the database.
  However, this is wasteful and likely to exhaust the maximum number of
 connections the database (postgresql) allows.  Instead, I would like to
 share a single database connection between all threads.  In PyQt4, this
 is not possible since the database connection can only be used by the
 thread which created it.

 So, I'm thinking I'll create a thread to just handle database queries.
 The worker threads will communicate with the database thread using
 signals and slots.

 My question is, if I have 20 worker threads who have emitted a signal
 which results in a database query, how do I ensure that the query
 results are sent back to the originating thread?

 Ideas, examples anyone?

First of all, do you *know* it will exhaust the connections, or is that
just some gut feeling? Because postgres can easily handle a few hundered
connections, and unless you really are exhausting these, it's the
easiest solution.

The next advice would be to create a pool of connections (pure python,
not Qt). Then you  lose the can only be used by the thread which
created it restriction. Of course you should only use a connection from
within one thread at a time, but that shouldn't be an issue.

So all you have to make sure is that you fetch  return the connections
properly. I would use a context-manager for that:

with connection_pooll as connection:



Re: How to correctly pass “pointer-to-pointer ” into DLL via ctypes?

2010-11-19 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Grigory Petrov writes:


 I have a DLL that allocates memory and returns it. Function in DLL is like 

 void Foo( unsigned char** ppMem, int* pSize )
   * pSize = 4;
   * ppMem = malloc( * pSize );
   for( int i = 0; i  * pSize; i ++ ) (* pMem)[ i ] = i;

 Also, i have a python code that access this function from my DLL:

 from ctypes import *
 Foo = windll.mydll.Foo
 Foo.argtypes = [ POINTER( POINTER( c_ubyte ) ), POINTER( c_int ) ]
 mem = POINTER( c_ubyte )()
 size = c_int( 0 )
 Foo( byref( mem ), byref( size ) ]
 print size, mem[ 0 ], mem[ 1 ], mem[ 2 ], mem[ 3 ]

 I'm expecting that print will show 4 0 1 2 3 but it shows 4 221 221
 221 221 O_O. Any hints what i'm doing wrong?

After correcting quite a few obvious errors in your code, it worked just
fine for me. So I guess what you think you test is not what you test.

from ctypes import *

foo = 
foo.argtypes = [ POINTER( POINTER( c_ubyte ) ), POINTER( c_int ) ]
mem = POINTER( c_ubyte )()
size = c_int( 0 )
foo( byref( mem ), byref( size ) )
print size, mem[ 0 ], mem[ 1 ], mem[ 2 ], mem[ 3 ]

--- test.c
void foo( unsigned char** ppMem, int* pSize )
  int i;
 * pSize = 4;
 * ppMem = malloc( * pSize );
 for( i = 0; i  * pSize; i ++ ) (* ppMem)[ i ] = i;

--- CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6)
project (Test)
add_library(test SHARED test.c)


Re: Round Trip: C to Python to C Module

2010-11-19 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Eric Frederich writes:

 I have a proprietary software PropSoft that I need to extend.
 They support extensions written in C that can link against PropLib to
 interact with the system.

 I have a Python C module that wraps a couple PropLib functions that I
 call PyProp.
From an interactive Python shell I can import PyProp and call a function.
 None of these functions really do anything outside the context of
 being logged into the PropSoft software; so all the functions fail
 when running from Python alone.

 To my amazement, I was able to run PyRun_SimpleString(import
 PyProp\nPyProp.some_function()) without setting PYTHONPATH or
 anything.  How this works, I don't know and I don't really care (at
 the moment anyway).

 The problem I'm having now is how do I return things from my Python
 script back to C?
 Ultimately I won't be hard coding python inside of PyRun_SimpleString
 but loading the script from a file.
 So, how do I return values back to C?  Python functions return values
 but running a python script?... doesn't that just have an exit status?
 Is there a mechanism for doing this?

You write an extension in C that embeds a Python-interpreter. That
interpreter then loads your script, and executes it. 

Let's say the PropSoft offers you three functions for a custom

void init();
int do_something(int);
void cleanup();

Then you write a C-extension that contains these three function calls,
and in init, you create a Python-interpreter and load your script. It
should offer a do_something_in_python method that takes an int and
returns one.

In do_something, you invoke the aforementioned do_something_in_python
function through the Python C-API as described.

In cleanup, you do what the function name says.

Possibly the use of elmer[1] makes the whole process easier.




Re: QT window closes immediately

2010-11-16 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Martin Caum writes:

 I am attempting to open a window on mouse activity which works, but
 the window fails to stay open.
 I set it to terminate when the escape key is pressed even when the
 program is not currently selected. This works fine. Originally I had
 it create the window only with a right click, but when I noticed the
 window closed immediately I set it to any mouse activity for easier
 debugging. My script is as follows:
 import pythoncom, pyHook
 import sys
 import win32api
 from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore

 class WindowObject(QtGui.QWidget):
   def __init__(self, parent=None):
   QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
   self.resize(50, 250)

 def OnKeyboardEvent(event):
   if event.KeyID == 27:
   return 1

 def OnMouseEvent(event):
   x = event.Position[0]
   y = event.Position[1]
   createWindow(x, y)
   return 1

 def createWindow(x, y):
   menu = WindowObject()
   menu.move(x, y)

 hm = pyHook.HookManager()
 hm.MouseAll = OnMouseEvent
 hm.KeyDown = OnKeyboardEvent

 app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
 I'm fairly certain that this is due to my lack of understanding in the
 PumpMessages command and the HookManager. Any advice?

1) Keep a reference to your window-object. I can only guess (PyQt not
being a regular topic when hacking for me.. .sadly), but GC can
interfere with these kind of things.

2) what is the win32 stuff about? Qt should abstract from that.

3) if in doubt, as on the PyQt mailing list.


Re: Getting references to objects without incrementing reference counters

2010-11-15 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Artur Siekielski writes:

 On Nov 15, 1:03 am, (Diez B. Roggisch) wrote:
 You don't say what data you share, and if all of it is needed for each
 child. So it's hard to suggest optimizations.

 Here is an example of such a problem I'm dealing with now: I'm
 building large index of words in memory, it takes 50% of RAM. After
 building it I want to enable querying it using multiple processors
 enabling fast handling of multiple clients at once (communication is
 done with sockets). So I create the index in the parent process and
 than fork children that handle client queries. But after a short time
 only traversing the index by children makes them use much memory,
 resulting shortly in Out Of Memory Errors.

 And AFAIK there is no
 built-in way of doing what you want. It's complex and error-prone.

 Having read-only objects is complex and error-prone?

Yes. Python has no built-in semantics for that. You can't declare an
object to be read-only. And if one wanted to implement that, you'd have
to make sure the object consists only of read-only attributes
itself. And circumvene a great deal of the dynamic features in python
(which you don't need for this usecase, but still are there)


Re: Why datetime module is so complicated?

2010-11-14 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Zeynel writes:

 It's about a week now I've been trying to convert a datetime object to
 seconds since epoch; the object is set to current time by class Rep()
 in Google App Engine:

 class Rep(db.Model):
 mCOUNT = db.IntegerProperty()
 mDATE0 = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
 mWEIGHT = db.FloatProperty()

 I want to divide mDATE0 by the integer mCOUNT. I asked the same
 question here previously and also at stackoverflow. So far, I still
 cannot make it work. I would greatly appreciate if someone who is an
 expert in datetime operation in Python could help me understand this
 issue. Thank you.

 from datetime import *
 d =
['__add__', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__ge__', 
'__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__le__', '__lt__', 
'__ne__', '__new__', '__radd__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', 
'__rsub__', '__setattr__', '__str__', '__sub__', 'astimezone', 'combine', 
'ctime', 'date', 'day', 'dst', 'fromordinal', 'fromtimestamp', 'hour', 
'isocalendar', 'isoformat', 'isoweekday', 'max', 'microsecond', 'min', 
'minute', 'month', 'now', 'replace', 'resolution', 'second', 'strftime', 
'strptime', 'time', 'timetuple', 'timetz', 'today', 'toordinal', 'tzinfo', 
'tzname', 'utcfromtimestamp', 'utcnow', 'utcoffset', 'utctimetuple', 'weekday', 
datetime.time(17, 50, 54, 778159)
'Sun Nov 14 17:50:54 2010'
built-in method time of datetime.datetime object at 0x1003210f8
(2010, 11, 14, 17, 50, 54, 6, 318, -1)
 import time
['__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', 'accept2dyear', 'altzone', 'asctime', 
'clock', 'ctime', 'daylight', 'gmtime', 'localtime', 'mktime', 'sleep', 
'strftime', 'strptime', 'struct_time', 'time', 'timezone', 'tzname', 'tzset']


Not that hard.


Re: Getting references to objects without incrementing reference counters

2010-11-14 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Artur Siekielski writes:

 I'm using CPython 2.7 and Linux. In order to make parallel
 computations on a large list of objects I want to use multiple
 processes (by using multiprocessing module). In the first step I fill
 the list with objects and then I fork() my worker processes that do
 the job.

 This should work optimally in the aspect of memory usage because Linux
 implements copy-on-write in forked processes. So I should have only
 one physical list of objects (the worker processes don't change the
 objects on the list). The problem is that after a short time children
 processes are using more and more memory (they don't create new
 objects - they only read objects from the list and write computation
 result to the database).

 After investigation I concluded the source of this must be
 incrementing of a reference counter when getting an object from the
 list. It changes only one int but OS must copy the whole memory page
 to the child process. I reimplemented the function for getting the
 element (from the file listobject.c) but omitting the PY_INCREF call
 and it solved my problems with increasing memory.

 The questions is: are there any better ways to have a real read-only
 list (in terms of memory representation of objects)? My solution is of
 course not safe. I thought about weakrefs but it seems they cannot be
 used here because getting a real reference from a weakref increases a
 reference counter. Maybe another option would be to store reference
 counters not in objects, but in a separate array to minimize number of
 memory pages they occupy...

You don't say what data you share, and if all of it is needed for each
child. So it's hard to suggest optimizations. And AFAIK there is no
built-in way of doing what you want. It's complex and error-prone.

Maybe mmap + (struct|pickle) help, if what you need can be formulated in a way
that traversing the whole data piecewise by explicitly
marshaling-demarshaling data?


Re: strange behavor....

2010-11-13 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
alex23 writes:

 Tracubik wrote:
 why the integer value doesn't change while the list value do?

Not the issue here. 

The reason the OP sees a difference that there is only one way to pass
parameters in python. There have been wars waged about the right name to
call them. 

What's happening is that in the function, the parameter names are bound
to the objects the caller passed in.

But these names only exist in the scope of the function. So re-binding
that name by doing e.g.

 a = 2

does not change the binding in the callers context.

So because of this, no change happens in change_integer. Because there
is no change to the integer itself. Actually, you can't even change an
integer in pyhon. They are immutable. 

  a = 2
  a += 10

will make a point to the integer-object with the value 12. But the old
2 and 10 still exist.

And that's where the differency in change_list is in. That gets passed a
reference to a _mutable_ object, a list. And if you mutatet that list,
you end up with a changed object in the callers context as well.


Re: scipy code runs in empty directory, not another

2010-11-13 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Beliavsky writes:

 After installing numpy, scipy, and matplotlib for python 2.6 and
 running the code from
 (stored as in a directory with other python codes, I got
 the error messages

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 3, in module
 from pylab import *
   File c:\python26\lib\site-packages\, line 1, in module
 from matplotlib.pylab import *
   File c:\python26\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\, line
 133, in module
 import sys, os, tempfile
   File c:\python26\lib\, line 34, in module
 from random import Random as _Random
   File C:\python\code\mycode\, line 1, in module
 from RandomArray import standard_normal
   File C:\python\code\mycode\, line 1, in module
 import ranlib
 ImportError: No module named ranlib

 When I create a new directory, copy there, and run, the
 program works. Can someone explain why other files are interfering
 in the first case? Thanks.

Because you probably have a file named the same way as some pyhon or
matplotlib module, and that shadows the real one. Try copying more and
more files into your new directory to find the culprit.


Re: How find all childrens values of a nested dictionary, fast!

2010-11-04 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
macm writes:

 Hi Folks

 How find all childrens values of a nested dictionary, fast!

There is no faster than O(n) here. 

 a = {'a' : {'b' :{'/' :[1,2,3,4], 'ba' :{'/' :[41,42,44]} ,'bc' 
 :{'/':[51,52,54], 'bcd' :{'/':[68,69,66]}}},'c' :{'/' :[5,6,7,8]}}, 'ab' : 
 {'/' :[12,13,14,15]}, 'ac' :{'/' :[21,22,23]}}
 {'c': {'/': [5, 6, 7, 8]}, 'b': {'ba': {'/': [41, 42, 44]}, '/': [1,
 2, 3, 4], 'bc': {'bcd': {'/': [68, 69, 66]}, '/': [51, 52, 54]}}}
 {'ba': {'/': [41, 42, 44]}, '/': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'bc': {'bcd': {'/':
 [68, 69, 66]}, '/': [51, 52, 54]}}
 [{'/': [41, 42, 44]}, [1, 2, 3, 4], {'bcd': {'/': [68, 69, 66]}, '/':
 [51, 52, 54]}]

 Now I want find all values of key /

 Desire result is [41, 42, 44, 1, 2, 3, 4, 68, 69, 66, 51, 52, 54]

a = {'a' : {'b' :{'/' :[1,2,3,4], 'ba' :{'/' :[41,42,44]} ,'bc' 
:{'/':[51,52,54], 'bcd' :{'/':[68,69,66]}}},'c' :{'/' :[5,6,7,8]}}, 'ab' : {'/' 
:[12,13,14,15]}, 'ac' :{'/' :[21,22,23]}}

def f(d):
if / in d:
for v in d[/]:
yield v
for value in d.values():
if isinstance(value, dict):
for v in f(value):
yield v

print list(f(a))

But that gives me a different result:

  [5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 41, 42, 44, 51, 52, 54, 68, 69, 66, 21, 22,
  23, 12, 13, 14, 15]

Why don't you expect e.g. 23 in your output?


Re: no line breaks in xml file with elementTree

2010-10-31 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
hackingKK writes:

 On Sunday 31 October 2010 01:58 PM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 In, hackingKK

 I want to know if there is a way to have the ElementTree module write to
 an xml file with line breaks?
 Why does it matter? The XML files you generate are not for humans to look
 at, are they?

 So is there a function to generate tags with namespace?



Re: xml : remove a node with dom

2010-10-28 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
alain walter writes:

 I have many difficulties to manipulate xml routines. I'm working with
 python 2.4.4 and I cannot change to a more recent one, then I use dom
 package, why not.
 In the following code, I'm trying unsuccessfully to remove a
 particular node. It seems to me that it should be basic, but it's
 Thanks for your help

If you post code, make an attempt for it to be runnable. I had to fix
numerous simple errors to make it run  actually solve your problem.

from xml.dom.minidom import parse,parseString
from xml.dom import Node

aixm:VORTimeSlice xmlns:aixm=aixm xmlns:gml=gml gml:id=ABB
  aixm:ElevatedPoint gml:id=ABB srsDimension=2
 gml:pos srsDimension=2-51.23 4.6501/gml:pos
 aixm:elevation uom=Mxxx_toremove_xxx/aixm:elevation

dom = parseString(toxml)

def ApplicationWhitespaceRemoving(ele) :
   for c in ele.childNodes:
  if c.nodeType == c.TEXT_NODE:
 if c.nodeValue == xxx_toremove_xxx:
 parent = c.parentNode
  elif c.nodeType == ele.ELEMENT_NODE:


print dom.toxml()



Re: downcasting problem

2010-10-25 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Nikola Skoric writes:

 Hi everybody,

 I need to downcast an object, and I've read repeatedly that if you
 need to downcast, you did something wrong in the design phase. So,
 instead of asking how do you downcast in python, let me explain my

 I have a 2-pass parser. 1st pass ends up with a bunch of superclass
 object, and 2nd pass is supposed to downcast those to one of
 subclasses so I can work with them.

This is usually called a 'reducer' in parsing, and it's purpose is to
rewrite the parsing result to something new.

It's usually implemented using a visitor-pattern.

In your case, it should be rather straightforward, by simply iterating
over the objects and creating new, more specialized types depending on
what you actually need.

So you don't need to delegate anything.


Re: Getting returncode of a command executed with Popen through xterm

2010-10-19 Thread Diez B. Roggisch writes:


 i have a program that have to execute linux commands. I do it like this:

 retcode = Popen([xterm, -e, command],stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE,

 I have to use xterm because some commands need further input from the
 user after they are executed.
 But when i use xterm i can't get the returncode or the errormessage
 from a command:

 print retcode.returncode  # always 0
 print   # always empty
 print   # always empty

 The same code works without xterm. As i understand it, if i use xterm
 the retcode refers to the xterm window (process).
 But is there a way i can get the returncode and errormessage of the
 command i sent to xterm ?

You could create a python-wrapper-script that will store the result and
streams in files. Like this

command = [callwrapper, --dest-key=random_string, the_real_command]
Popen([xterm, -e, command])

The dest-key will be used to create files named random_string.status,
random_string.stdout, random_string.stderr so that you can read from
them afterwards.


Re: error in loading data into the code

2010-10-18 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
nakisa writes:

 hello , I have started python last week,so maybe my question is a bit
 I got this error in my simple python code while trying to load data
 into the code. I have added this libaraies
 from pylab import *
 from scipy import *
 import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
 from numpy import *
 from scipy import optimize

 but get this following error :

 DeprecationWarning: use numpy.loadtxt
   warnings.warn(use numpy.loadtxt, DeprecationWarning)  # 2009/06/13

 any idea ?

You don't get an error. You get a warning. Crucial difference there. You
can ignore it. You can even suppress it. But you shouldn't bother, the
authors of mlab should.


Re: python/c api

2010-10-16 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
alex23 writes:

 On Oct 15, 5:53 am, (Diez B. Roggisch) wrote:
 For example Ableton Live, an audio sequencer.

 I _have_ Live and I didn't realise this :O Thanks!

Well, it's not a feature for end-users, it's used internally for some
midi controller mapping stuff. Our API so to say is Max4Live.

But Python is used, through Boost::Python.


Re: send command to parent shell

2010-10-14 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Martin Landa writes:


 is there a way how to send command from python script to the shell
 (known id) from which the python script has been called? More
 precisely, the goal is to exit running bash (on Linux) or cmd (on
 Windows) directly from wxPython application, currently user needs to
 quit wxPython application and then underlaying command prompt by
 'exit' command.

Why is it started from the shell then in the first place? And if I did
it, I beg you to *not* close it... if I wanted that, I would have used 

 exec program


Re: python/c api

2010-10-14 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Tony writes:


 is the python/c api extensively used? and what world-famous software
 use it? thanks!

It is, for a lot of extensions for python, and a lot of embedding python
into a software. For example Ableton Live, an audio sequencer. Arc GIS
has it, and the Eve Online. Many more do, I guess.


Re: GCC process not working as expected when called in Python (3.1.2) subprocess-shell, but OK otherwise

2010-10-14 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Kingsley Turner writes:


 I'm using GCC as a pre-processor for a C-like language (EDDL) to
 handle all the includes, macros, etc. producing a single source file
 for another compiler.  My python code massages the inputs (which
 arrive in a .zip file), then calls GCC.

 I have a problem where if I call GCC from my python script some of the
 #defines are not processed in the output.  However if I paste the
 exact same GCC command-line into a shell, I get a correct output.

 I'm calling GCC in this manner:

 ### Execute GCC, keep stdout  stderr
 err_out = open(error_filename,wb)
 process = subprocess.Popen(gcc_command, stderr=err_out,
 bufsize=81920, cwd=global_options['tmp'])
 gcc_exit_code = process.wait()
 log(GCC Exit Code %u % (gcc_exit_code))

 where gcc_command is:

 /usr/bin/gcc -I /tmp/dd-compile_1286930109.99 -I 
 /home/foo/eddl-includes -D__TOKVER__=600 -ansi -nostdinc -v -x c -E -o 

 So when this code spawns GCC, the compiler does not really work 100%,
 but if I paste this exact command line, the output is perfect.

 I'm not really sure how to debug this.  I already checked the ulimits,
 and permissions shouldn't be a problem since it's all run by the same
 user, I also checked the environment - these were copied into the

 GCC produces no warnings, or errors.  The output is mostly OK, some
 other macros have been processed.
 If I diff the working output with the non-working one, the differences
 are only a bunch of skipped #defines.

 gcc version 4.4.5 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.4.4-14ubuntu5)
 Python 3.1.2 (release31-maint, Sep 17 2010, 20:27:33)
 Linux 2.6.35-22-generic #34-Ubuntu SMP Sun Oct 10 09:26:05 UTC 2010
 x86_64 GNU/Linux

 Any suggestions for helping me debug this would be much appreciated.

sounds nasty. Only thing I can imagine is that GCC wants specific
environment variables to exist. Maybe using shell=True helps? Or
capturing and passing an explicit environment?


Re: Compiling as 32bit on MacOSX

2010-10-13 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Gregory Ewing writes:

 Philip Semanchuk wrote:

 Hi Greg,
 Are you talking about compiling Python itself or extensions?

 I've managed to get Python itself compiled as 32 bit,
 and that also seems to take care of extensions built
 using 'python ...'.

 I'm mainly concerned about non-Python libraries that
 get wrapped by the extensions, of which I've built up
 quite a collection over the years. Currently I'm having
 to keep a careful eye out when building them to make
 sure they don't get compiled with the wrong architecture,
 since gcc's natural inclination is to default to 64 bit
 whenever it's available.

 So I was wondering if there was some way of globally
 changing that default that doesn't rely on compiler
 options getting passed correctly through the many and
 varied layers of build technology that one comes across.
 But from what I've seen so far, it seems not.

If all you have is a fat-binary, you can still work with that using the
lipo-tool to remove those architectures you are not interested in.


Re: Difficulty in easy_install

2010-10-13 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
John Nagle writes:

 On 10/11/2010 1:45 AM, sankalp srivastava wrote:

   I am having difficulty in easy_installing
 I use a proxy server and strange errors , like it can't fetch the
 package is showing up .
 the package is pyspeech ...please help me :(

 I don't know if the proxy server is causing the problems , in linux i
 would have import http-proxy in .bashrc
 but am not a windows expert
 can anyone help me plz

 That's about typical.  easy_install isn't easy.  It has some
 built-in assumptions about where various files are stored, and if
 the installation doesn't match them, installs fail with obscure
 error messages.

I've been using easy_install and eggs for years, and at least since the
advent ogf virtualenve they haven't given me any troubles whatsoever. 

So I guess it's an OSI layer 8 issue.


Re: how to add patch

2010-10-13 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
jimgardener writes:

 I have some demo python  code hosted on a public host that uses
 subversion..and I want to modify one of the files using a patch file
 handed to me by another person..How do I do this?Generally I checkout
 the code and make the change and then commit again..I have never done
 through patch..Can somebody tell me how to do this?

This is not really python specific. Which is not to say that you are
wrong here asking, but there are a bazillion of sources out there to
help you. Google. Read man-pages. Try it out.

My first attempt would be

  cd my_project
  patch -p0  the.patch

But it might not work, depending on how the patch was created.


Re: emdding python gui in c code - OS independent

2010-10-11 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
tinauser writes:

 On Oct 11, 6:49 pm, Chris Rebert wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 6:16 AM, tinauser wrote:
  hi there,
  i need to embed python GUI in a c++ code. I've seen that,while on
  windows running GUI is no problem, in mac i need to use pythonw
  instead python.
  the question is,how should i tell the program that if the OS is mac,
  it should pythonw, otherwise python is fine?

 I think you have it backwards. MS Windows is where one typically needs
 to use pythonw to suppress a console window from opening when Python
 is run. *nixes (including Mac OS X) have no such problem and (I'm
 pretty sure) only have a pythonw executable for compatibility
 purposes. Just specify pythonw regardless of OS and you should be

This is not entirely true, there is a difference on the mac, see below.


 how do i specify pythonw programmatically?
 i tried Py_SetProgramName(pythonw);

 it doesn't raise errors, but does not solve the problem on mac, i.e. i
 get the error:

 This program needs access to the screen.
 Please run with 'pythonw', not 'python', and only when you are logged
 in on the main display of your Mac.

I'm not sure that's your problem. It is not about the *name* of the
program. It is about Python being a Framework build. Which the ones that
come with OSX are, and if you link against them that's enough.

However, you are writing your *own* binary program, and I guess that's
the problem. I don't know without further research why there is a
difference between commandline and GUI-programs in OSX (I guess it has
to do with the event loop or something), but I think your umbrella
program is the real culprit here. If it's not a proper GUI program
(whatever that exactly means), delegating rendering of a GUI to Python
will trigger that code that spits out your above error message.


Re: Difficulty in easy_install

2010-10-11 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
sankalp srivastava writes:

  I am having difficulty in easy_installing
 I use a proxy server and strange errors , like it can't fetch the
 package is showing up .
 the package is pyspeech ...please help me :(

 I don't know if the proxy server is causing the problems , in linux i
 would have import http-proxy in .bashrc
 but am not a windows expert
 can anyone help me plz

Please show us the full output of easy-install. And can you install
other packages?


Re: how to handle network failures

2010-10-09 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
harryos writes:

 I  am trying to write a DataGrabber which reads some data from given
 url..I made DataGrabber as a Thread and want to wait for some interval
 of time in case there is a network failure that prevents read().
 I am not very sure how to implement this

 class DataGrabber(threading.Thread):
 def __init__(self,url):
 def run(self):

 def get_page_data():
 except IOError:
 #wait for some time and try again
 return data

 Is this the way to  implement the part where the thread waits and
 reads the  data again? Will this handle network failures?Can somebody
 please help?

This only works if your page is always 1024 bytes long. Which I
doubt. So don't pass the 1024 to read.

Also, you need a loop to re-read the data. Like this:

for n in xrange(max_number_of_retries):
data =
break # exist the loop if all
except IOError:



Re: how to find difference in number of characters

2010-10-09 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
harryos writes:

 On Oct 9, 4:52 pm, Peter Otten wrote:

 You might get more/better answers if you tell us more about the context of
 the problem and add some details that may be relevant.


 I am trying to determine if a wep page is updated by x number of
 characters..Mozilla firefox plugin 'update scanner' has a similar
 functionality ..A user can specify the x ..I think this would be done
 by reading from the same url at two different times and finding the
 change in body text..I was wondering if difflib could offer something
 in the way of determining the size of delta..

If you normalize the data, this might be worth trying.

Make all tags appear on one single line, possibly re-order attributes so
that they are in alphabetical order. Each text child git's also
normalized, by replacing all whitespace with a single space.

Then run difflib over these, and count the number of diffrences.


Re: Control webbrowser from Python script

2010-10-09 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Johny writes:

 On Oct 9, 5:17 pm, Tim Harig wrote:
 On 2010-10-09, Johny wrote:

  Is it possible to control any webbrowser from Python ? For example to
  issue http POST and GET  command

 The most reliable way to interact with a webserver is through the urllib
 and httplib modules.  This is effective for 99% of cases.  I do understand
 that some sites heavy in javascript can be difficult to figure out how to
 make valid requests.  On win32 you can automate Internet Explorer through
 its InternetExplorer.Application COM interface which is fully documented at
 the MSDN site.  On other operating systems, Firefox can be accessed using
 its XPCOM interface.

 Thanks ALL who replied.I wanted to use directly  httplib modul and I
 started with it.But webserver uses SSL communication.
 Of course, I can use https protocol but the communication between
 server and  client( browser) is so complicated that I was unable to
 simulate that with python script.So I think I could do that with
 webbrowser directly ( control webbrowser from a python script)

What has HTTPS to do with this? 

My tip for this problem: use FireBug and HTTP Live Headers to get an
idea what is really going on between Server  Browser.

Then model that with Python + urllib2.


Re: list parameter of a recursive function

2010-10-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
TP tribulati...@paralleles.invalid writes:

 Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

 Back to your example: your solution is perfectly fine, although a bit
 costly and more error-prone if you happen to forget to create a copy.
 A safer alternative for these cases is using tuples, because they are

 Thanks Diez for your explanation.
 The problem with tuples is that it is not easy to modify them: in my case, I 
 need to append a string to the tuple at each recursive step.
 So, it seems to me that I need to write a loop to modify the tuple, because 
 on a simple example:

 a=(foo, bar)
 (u'foo', u'bar', u'toto')

 I do not find any other means to obtain that result for b. With lists, I can 
 use .extend().
 Am I right?

Yes and no - again. Of course you cannot use extend. But you can

b = a + (toto,)

Note the trailing comma. A common misconception is to think that tuples
are build using parethesis. They aren't. They are build using the
comma-operator, and needed for disambiguation, e.g. in this case:

foo(a, (b, c))


Re: how to write an xml file without dom.ext?

2010-10-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
hackingKK writes:

 Hello all.
 I need to create an xml file.
 I am using dom.minidom module.
 It works fine as long as the xml tree is created.
 But I get the import error for dom.ext.
 I searched through the python docs but can't find a solution.
 I am pritty sure that there is way to write the file to disk without
 using the ext module.
 Since there are so many software doing this with python 2.6 I am sure
 it works.
 So can some one tell me if there is a way to avoide ext and
 prittyprint and still write a file to the disk?

By not using minidom at all.

from xml.etree import ElementTree as et

doc = et.fromstring(mydoc/)
print et.tostring(doc)


Re: ConFoo spam?

2010-10-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Chris Withers writes:

 Hi All,

 Is it just me or does the mailing of just about every single
 python-based project mailing list with a 90% form email advertising a
 conference that only has one python track *and* clashes with PyCon
 feel just a bit like spam?

 I know it's enough to put me off even considering going to ConFoo,
 whatever it is...

The post appeared on TurboGears lists as well - but I actually consider
it on-topic. We get enough other conference calls here, sometimes even
without an actual python-track, but instead catering to specific
scientific communities that might or might not use python. 

I don't consider this spam. It is certainly less annoying than the
umpteenth GIL discussion...


Re: hashkey/digest for a complex object

2010-10-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
kj writes:

 In (Diez B. Roggisch) writes:

kj writes:

 The short version of this question is: where can I find the algorithm
 used by the tuple class's __hash__ method?

Surprisingly, in the source:

 Thanks to you, and to all who pointed me to the place in the source
 where this is.

 How exactly did you search for this?  Taking a hint from the url
 above, I went to Google Code Search and searched for python tuple
 hash (minus the quotes, of course), which produced a ton of
 irrelevant stuff (almost 80K hits).  Searching for python tuple
 hash lang:c cut down the number of hits to ~8K, but still too much
 to wade through.  Clearly I need a smarter search strategy (one
 that does not include foreknowledge of the name of the actual
 function in the C source, of course).

I tried codesearch first. Not satisfied after 30 seconds with the
results, I did the most straight forward thing - I downloaded and
un-packed the python source... and took a look. 

From that I learned the tuplehash function name.


Re: hashkey/digest for a complex object

2010-10-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
kj writes:

 In (Diez B. Roggisch) writes:

I tried codesearch first. Not satisfied after 30 seconds with the
results, I did the most straight forward thing - I downloaded and
un-packed the python source... and took a look. 

From that I learned the tuplehash function name.

 You must be at least somewhat familiar with the Python source.
 Everytime I've peeked into it I just feel lost, but it's clearly
 something I need to master sooner or later...  I can't wait for
 the next one of those occasional introductions to the Python
 internals at our local Python club.

No, I'm not the tiniest bit. I just followed my instincts in looking
into the Objects folder, because that's where I suspected the
definition of objects to be

And grep has been proven useful in these cases as well.


Re: Eclipse/PyDev - BOM Lexical Error

2010-10-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand writes:

 In message, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

 Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand writes:
 What exactly is the point of a BOM in a UTF-8-encoded file?
 It's a marker like the coding: utf-8 in python-files. It tells the
 software aware of it that the content is UTF-8.

 But if the software is aware of it, then why does it need to be told?

Let me rephrase: windows editors such as notepad recognize the BOM, and
then assume (hopefully rightfully so) that the rest of the file is text
in utf-8 encoding.

So it is similar to the coding-header in Python.

 Naming it BOM is obviously stupid, but that's the way it is called.

 It is in fact a Unicode BOM character, and I can understand why it’s called 
 that. What I’m trying to understand is why you need to put one in a UTF-8-
 encoded file.

I hope that's clear now. It says I'm a UTF-8 file.


Re: help!!!

2010-10-06 Thread Diez B. Roggisch writes:

 plz can u convert this cpp file into python i need that badly as soon as 
 possible... I am new to python. I just wanna learn it

For such an aspiring student of the art of computer programming, I have
the strange feeling of lack-of-effort-showing here. Do I have to lose my
faith in youth?


Re: suggestions please what should i watch for/guard against' in a file upload situation?

2010-10-06 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Seebs writes:

 On 2010-10-06, geekbuntu wrote:
 in general, what are things i would want to 'watch for/guard against'
 in a file upload situation?

 This question has virtually nothing to do with Python, which means you
 may not get very good answers.

In contrast to comp.super.web.experts? There are quite a few people
with web-experience here I'd say. 

 my checklist so far is basically to check the extension - ensure it
 has 3 places, ensure it's in the allowed list (like jpg gif etc...).

 This strikes me as 100% irrelevant.  Who cares what the extension is?

Given that most people are not computer savvy (always remember, the
default for windows is to hide extensions..), using it client-side can
be valuable to prevent long uploads that eventuall need to be rejected
otherwise (no mom, you can't upload word-docs as profile pictures).

 not sure what else i could do to guard against anything bad
 happening.  maybe the file name itself could cause greif?

 Obvious things:

 * File name causes files to get created outside some particular
   upload directory (../foo)

Or rather just store that as a simple meta-info, as allowing even the
best-intended me-in-cool-pose.jpg to overwrite that of the one other
cool guy using the website isn't gonna fly anyway.

 * File name has spaces

See above, but other then that - everything but shell-scripts deal well
with it.

 * Crazy stuff like null bytes in file name
 * File names which might break things if a user carelessly interacts
   with them, such as foo.jpg /etc/passwd bar.jpg (all one file name
   including two spaces).

Your strange focus on file-names that are pure meta information is a
little bit concerning... 

 Basically, the key question is, could a hostile user come up with
 input to your script which could break something?

Certainly advice. But that's less focussed on filenames or file-uploads, but
on the whole subject of processing HTTP-requestst. Which would make a
point for *not* using a home-grown framework.

But then, Python is a bit less likely to suffer from buffer overflow or 
similar kind of attacks.


Re: hashkey/digest for a complex object

2010-10-06 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
kj writes:

 The short version of this question is: where can I find the algorithm
 used by the tuple class's __hash__ method?

Surprisingly, in the source:

 Now, for the long version of this question, I'm working with some
 complext Python objects that I want to be able to compare for
 equality easily.

 These objects are non-mutable once they are created, so I would
 like to use a two-step comparison for equality, based on the
 assumption that I can compute (either at creation time, or as needed
 and memoized) a hashkey/digest for each object.  The test for
 equality of two of these objects would first compare their hashkeys.
 If they are different, the two objects are declared different; if
 they match, then a more stringent test for equality is performed.

 So the problem is to come up with a reasonable hashkey for each of
 these objects.  The objects have two significant attributes, and
 two of these objects should be regarded as equal if these attributes
 are the same in both.  The first attribute is a simple dictionary
 whose keys are integers and values are strings.  The second attribute
 is more complicated.  It is a tree structure, represented as a
 dictionary of dictionaries of dictionaries... until we get to the
 leaf elements, which are frozensets of strings.  The keys at every
 level of this structure are strings.  E.g. a simple example of such
 an attribute would look like:

 {'A': {'a': set(['1', '2', '3']),
'b': set(['4', '5'])},
  'B': set(['6', '7', '8'])}

 I'm looking for a good algorithm for computing a hash key for
 something like this?  (Basically I'm looking for a good way to
 combine hashkeys.)

Creating tuples from dicts, recursively, and stabilized by using sorted
on items.


Re: list parameter of a recursive function

2010-10-06 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
TP tribulati...@paralleles.invalid writes:


 I have a function f that calls itself recursively. It has a list as second 
 argument, with default argument equal to None (and not [], as indicated at: )

 This is the outline of my function:

 def f ( argument, some_list = None ):

if some_list == None:
   some_list = []
# creation of a new_argument
# the function is called recursively only if some condition is respected
if some_condition:
   some_list.append( elem )
   f( new_argument, some_list )
# otherwise, we have reached a leaf of the a branch of the recursive tree
# (said differently, terminal condition has been reached for this branch)
print Terminal condition

 The problem is that when the terminal condition is reached, we return back 
 to some other branch of the recursive tree, but some_list has the value 
 obtained in the previous branch!
 So, it seems that there is only one some_list list for all the recursive 
 To get rid of this behavior, I have been compelled to do at the beginning of 

 import copy from copy
 some_list = copy( some_list )

 I suppose this is not a surprise to you: I am compelled to create a new 
 some_list with the same content.
 So, if I am right, all is happening as if the parameters of a function are 
 always passed by address to the function. Whereas in C, they are always 
 passed by copy (which gives relevance to pointers).

 Am I right?

Yes and no. For some sensible definition of yes (this is to avoid the
*endless* discussions about python parameter passing semantics and it's
relation to common, yet misunderstood or unprecisely defined definitions
of parameter passing), passing around a mutable object (such as a list
or dictionary) will be like a pointer - mutations are visible to all
others having a reference to it.

You are wrong though that C-semantics are different, meaning that
passing by copy is not what happens. Some things are copied (primitive
types, structs that are passed directly). But not, for example - and
relevant to this case - arrays (as they are only pointers), lists (as they
don't exist, but are modeled by structs containing pointers).

Back to your example: your solution is perfectly fine, although a bit
costly and more error-prone if you happen to forget to create a copy.
A safer alternative for these cases is using tuples, because they are


Re: suggestions please what should i watch for/guard against' in a file upload situation?

2010-10-06 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Seebs writes:

 On 2010-10-06, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Seebs writes:
 On 2010-10-06, geekbuntu wrote:
 in general, what are things i would want to 'watch for/guard against'
 in a file upload situation?

 This question has virtually nothing to do with Python, which means you
 may not get very good answers.

 In contrast to comp.super.web.experts? There are quite a few people
 with web-experience here I'd say. 

 Oh, certainly.  But in general, I try to ask questions in a group focused
 on their domain, rather than merely a group likely to contain people who
 would for other reasons have the relevant experience.  I'm sure that a great
 number of Python programmers have experience with sex, that doesn't make
 this a great newsgroup for sex tips.  (Well, maybe it does.)

As the OP asked about a Python web framework (self written or not), I
think all advice that can be given is certainly more related to Python
than to airy references to general web programming such as 
oh, make sure if your server side application environment hasn't any 
security issues.

Or, to be more concrete: what NG would you suggest for frameworks or webapps
written in python to ask this question?

 Given that most people are not computer savvy (always remember, the
 default for windows is to hide extensions..), using it client-side can
 be valuable to prevent long uploads that eventuall need to be rejected
 otherwise (no mom, you can't upload word-docs as profile pictures).

 That's a good point.  On the other hand, there's a corollary; you may want
 to look at the contents of the file in case they're not really what they're
 supposed to be.

For sure. But the focus of you and others seems to be the file-name,
as if that was anything especially dangerous. Matter of factly, it's a
paramteter to a multipart/form-data encoded request body parameter
definition, and as such has a rather locked-down in terms of
null-bytes and such. So you are pretty safe as long as you

 - use standard library request parsing modules such as cgi. If 
   one instist on reading streams bytewise and using ctypes to poke the
   results into memory, you can of course provoke unimaginable havoc..

 - don't use the filename for anything but meta-info. And ususally, they
   are simply regarded as nice that you've provided us with it, we try
make our best to fill an img alt attribute with the basename. 
   But not more. Worth pointing out to the OP to do that. But this is
   *not* a matter of mapping HTTP-request paths to directories I'd wager
   to say. 

Something that is of much more importance (I should have mentioned
earlier, shame on me) is of course file-size. Denying requests that come
with CONTENT_LENGTH over a specified limit, of course respecting
CONTENT_LENGTH and not reading beyond it, and possibly dealing with
chunked-encodings in similarily safe ways (I have to admit I haven't yet
dealt with  one of those myself on a visceral level - 
but as they are part of the HTTP-spec...) is important, 
as otherwise DOS attacks are possible.

 Your strange focus on file-names that are pure meta information is a
 little bit concerning... 

 If you're uploading files into a directory, then it is quite likely that
 you're getting file names from somewhere.  Untrusted file names are a much
 more effective attack vector, in most cases, than EXIF information.

The into a directory quote coming from where? And given that EXIF
information is probably read by some C-lib, I'd say it is much more
dangerous. This is a gut feeling only, but fed by problems with libpng a
year or two ago.

 Certainly advice. But that's less focussed on filenames or file-uploads, but
 on the whole subject of processing HTTP-requestst. Which would make a
 point for *not* using a home-grown framework.

 Well, yeah.  I was assuming that the home-grown framework was mandatory for
 some reason.  Possibly a very important reason, such as otherwise we won't
 have written it ourselves.

In Python, it's usually more along the lines of well, we kinda started,
and now we have it, and are reluctant to switch.

But of course one never knows...


Re: suggestions please what should i watch for/guard against' in a file upload situation?

2010-10-06 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Martin Gregorie mar...@address-in-sig.invalid writes:

 On Wed, 06 Oct 2010 09:02:21 -0700, geekbuntu wrote:

 in general, what are things i would want to 'watch for/guard against' in
 a file upload situation?
 i have my file upload working (in the self-made framework @ work without
 any concession for multipart form uploads), but was told to make sure
 it's cleansed and cannot do any harm inside the system.

 Off the top of my head, and assuming that you get passed the exact 
 filename that the user entered:

 - The user may need to use an absolute pathname to upload a file
   that isn't in his current directory, so retain only the basename
   by discarding the rightmost slash and everything to the left of it:
 /home/auser/photos/my_photo.jpg   === my_photo.jpg
 c:\My Photos\My Photo.jpg === My Photo.jpg

 - If your target system doesn't like spaces in names or you want to be
   on the safe side there, replace spaces in the name with underscores:
 My Photo.jpg ===My_Photo.jpg

 - reject any filenames that could cause the receiving system to do
   dangerous things, e.g. .EXE or .SCR if the upload target is Windows.
   This list will be different for each upload target, so make it 

Erm, this assumes that the files are executed in some way. Why should
they? It's perfectly fine to upload *anything*, and of course filenames
mean nothing wrt to the actual file contents (Are you sure you want to
change the extension of this file?). 

It might make no sense for the user, because you can't shon an exe as profile
image. But safe-guarding against that has nothing to do with OS. And
even safe file formats such as PNGs have been attack
vectors. Precisely because they are processed client-side in the browser
through some library with security issues.

For serving the files, one could rely on the file-command or similar
means to determine the mime-type. So far, I've never done that - as
faking the extension for something else doesn't buy you something unless
there is a documented case of internet explorer ignoring mime-type, and
executing downloaded file as program.

   You can't assume anything about else about the extension. 
   .py .c .txt and .html are all valid in the operating systems I use
   and so are their capitalised equivalents. 

 - check whether the file already exists. You need
   rules about what to do if it exists (do you reject the upload,
   silently overwrite, or alter the name, e.g. by adding a numeric
   suffix to make the name unique:

  my_photo.jpg  ===  my_photo-01.jpg

Better, associate the file with the uploader and or it's hash. Use the
name as pure meta-information only.

 There's probably something I've forgotten, but that list should get you 

Dealing with to large upload requests I'd say is much more important, as
careless reading of streams into memory has at least the potential for a


Re: help!!!

2010-10-06 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Seebs writes:

 On 2010-10-06, Diez B. Roggisch wrote: writes:
 plz can u convert this cpp file into python i need that badly as soon as 
 possible... I am new to python. I just wanna learn it

 For such an aspiring student of the art of computer programming, I have
 the strange feeling of lack-of-effort-showing here. Do I have to lose my
 faith in youth?


 Just be sure you are having faith in them to, well, be youth.  :)

I took the freedom to google a bit. If one can trust people on the
inter-tubes (and who would have heard you can't?), he's a rather skilled

With an impressive amount of technological experience under his belt. So
I'm a bit aghast to see him struggle with this rather simple
problem. Thus my question...


Re: help!!!

2010-10-06 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Seebs writes:

 On 2010-10-06, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 With an impressive amount of technological experience under his belt. So
 I'm a bit aghast to see him struggle with this rather simple
 problem. Thus my question...

 It does seem a bit odd.

 I mean, if I had a short time line to get something converted to Python,
 I'd probably ask for help, but then, I wouldn't take a gig where I needed to
 quickly move something into an unfamiliar language.  I'm happily puttering
 away slowly at converting a couple of things to Python to get the hang of it,
 carefully selecting things with no impending deadlines.

From the look of it... he's just trying to get a freebie on a homework
assignment. It certainly is no commercial/useful piece of code
whatsoever... just CS-101 read data from stdin and do stuff.


Re: Eclipse/PyDev - BOM Lexical Error

2010-10-05 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand writes:

 In message, TheOne 

 I want the source files to have BOM character.

 What exactly is the point of a BOM in a UTF-8-encoded file?

It's a MS-specific thing that makes a file identifieable as
UTF-8-encoded under windows. The name BOM is obviously BS, but it's the
way it is.


Re: Eclipse/PyDev - BOM Lexical Error

2010-10-05 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
TheOne writes:

 On Oct 4, 9:26 pm, (Diez B. Roggisch) wrote:
 TheOne writes:

  I installed eclipse/pydev today.
  I created a pydev project and added python source files with utf-8
  Eclipse/Pydev reports lexical error :
    Lexical error at line 1, column 1. Encountered: \ufeff (65279),
  after : 

  I want the source files to have BOM character. How could I shut off
  this error msg?

 No idea. Why do you want it? Is somebody else processing these scripts?
 If it's about declaring them to be utf-8, you should consider placing

 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

 on the first or second line. That works for python, and should work for 


 I also included that # -*- coding: line. I just don't want me or
 project members to accidentally save them in different encoding. So I
 my team) thought it would be safe to have the BOM character.

Well, me and my team we don't have it, but rarely if ever (can't
remember when) issues with this. And we are using vim, emacs + pydev.


Re: Problem installing psycopg2 in virtualenv (Ubuntu 10.04, Python 2.5)

2010-10-05 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Pascal Polleunus writes:

 On 05/10/10 00:11, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Pascal  writes:


 I've problems to install psycopg2 in a virtualenv on Ubuntu 10.04.

 My problem is also explained on stackoverflow:

 I tried different things explained there:

 The last thing I tried is this...
 I created a virtualenv with -p python2.5 --no-site-packages
 I installed libpq-dev: apt-get install libpq-dev

 In the virtualenv, I did this: easy_install -i egenix-mx-base

 Then when I tried pip install psycopg2==2.0.7, I got this error:

 Installing collected packages: psycopg2
 Running install for psycopg2
 building 'psycopg2._psycopg' extension
 gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O2 -Wall
 -DPSYCOPG_VERSION=2.2.2 (dt dec ext pq3) -DPG_VERSION_HEX=0x080404
 -DHAVE_PQPROTOCOL3=1 -I/usr/include/python2.5
 -I. -I/usr/include/postgresql -I/usr/include/postgresql/8.4/server -c
 psycopg/psycopgmodule.c -o
 psycopg/psycopgmodule.c:27:20: error: Python.h: No such file or directory
 In file included from psycopg/psycopgmodule.c:31:
 ./psycopg/python.h:31:26: error: structmember.h: No such file or directory
 ./psycopg/python.h:34:4: error: #error psycopg requires Python= 2.4
 In file included from psycopg/psycopgmodule.c:32:

 Does anyone have any idea how to solve that?

 Install the python-dev-package. It contains the Python.h file, which the
 above error message pretty clearly says. Usually, it's a good idea to
 search package descriptions of debian/ubuntu packages for missing header
 files to know what to install.

 It's already installed; at least for 2.6, nor sure it's correct for 2.5.
 python2.5-dev is not available but python-old-doctools replaces it.

It is 100% *not* correct for python2.5. As the error message shows -
it's missing.

If it's not available somewhere, you should consider building python
yourself, if you have to use 2.5.


Re: Eclipse/PyDev - BOM Lexical Error

2010-10-05 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand writes:

 In message, TheOne 

 Anyway, it would be great if I could make my eclipse/pydev to
 understand the BOM character and suppress the lexical error msg.

 What exactly is the point of a BOM in a UTF-8-encoded file?

It's a marker like the coding: utf-8 in python-files. It tells the
software aware of it that the content is UTF-8. Naming it BOM is
obviously stupid, but that's the way it is called.


Re: direct print to log file

2010-10-05 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Dirk Nachbar writes:

 How can I direct all print to a log file, eg some functions have their
 own print and I cannot put a f.write() in front of it.

you can replace sys.stdout with something that performs logging.

class MyWriter(object):

  def __init__(self, old_stream):
  self.old_stream = old_stream
  self.logger = logging.getLogger(stdout)

  def write(self, msg):

sys.stdout = MyWriter(sys.stdout)

Untested - but you get the gist.


Re: subclass constructor problem

2010-10-05 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Nikola Skoric writes:

 I have a superclass Element and a subclass Family. All Family.__init__() does 
 is run Element.__init__() and self.__parse(). For some reason it seems like 
 self.__parse() isn't run. Here is the code:

 In this version everything works fine. Notice lines 698, 703 and 708. If I 
 remove those lines, those 3 methods return None or []. Seems like __init__ 
 won't run __parse, but other methods run it without problem.

 So, what obvious thing am I missing? :-)

Works without a hitch for my condensed example:

class Element(object):

def __init__(self):

class Family(Element):

def __init__(self):

def __parse(self):
self.parse = Family.__parse

f = Family()
print f.parse

Btw, you are a bit on the overprotective side. The convention for
marking attributes (methods or objects alike) private is by prefixing
them with a *single* underscore. 



Re: ElementTree handling nested tag

2010-10-04 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
tekion writes:

 On Oct 3, 2:09 pm, (Diez B. Roggisch) wrote:
 tekion writes:
  On Oct 2, 5:32 am, (Diez B. Roggisch) wrote:
  tekion writes:
   I have the following xml tag:

   I am interested in:
   as well as the upper layer tag. How do I get at the nest tag listed
   above?  Thanks.

  What is the upper layer tag? And what do you actually want to get?
  The text-values? Or do you want to just create a document that just
  consists of the resource_access tag?

  Then this should help:

  from xml.etree.ElementTree import *

  doc = 

  doc = fromstring(doc)

  resource_access = doc.find(resource_access)
  print tostring(resource_access)


  This is the sample format from the doc. I the whole log file has this
  xml formated beginning and ending in the event tag. Is this something
  ElemenTtree can handle or is it better to user XSLT?  Thanks.

 Handle *what*? Can it read it? Yes. Can it extract data from it?
 Yes. You still haven't said what you actually *want* with all this.


 I wan to get the value of these tags:


from xml.etree.ElementTree import *

doc = 

doc = fromstring(doc)

for resource_access in doc.findall(resource_access):
print resource_access.find(httpurl).text

 You asked for what the upper layer tags are.  The upper layer tags I
 am referring for below tags are any tag that is above it.


 IE, for the upper upper are: actionhttpRequest/action and event

That's not true. action is on the same level as the others. And what you
you want to get from the upper layer tags?


Re: Is there a Python Version Manager?

2010-10-04 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
TerryP writes:

 On Oct 4, 4:12 am, Kushal Kumaran
 Is virtualenv what you need?



 Not quite. It basically amounts to a UNIX version of xcopy'ing an
 existing Python installation.

   ... install Python X.Y by any means
   python -p=X.Y whereToStoreFiles  # clone existing
 Python X.Y install
   python --relocatable whereToStoreFiles  # make xcopy/
 tar friendly
   . whereToStoreFiles/bin/activate
   python args  # run using whereToStoreFiles/bin/python cloned
 by above
   ... rinse and repeat for each X.Y


   . ./path/to/rvm/script
   rvm install 1.8.7,1.9.2,rbx   # fetch and install Ruby 1.8.7,
 1.9.2, and Rubinius in rvm root
   rvm 1.9.2 some-ruby-command args  # run using Ruby 1.9.2.


   rvm 1.8.7 some-other-rbcmd args   # run using Ruby 1.8.7


   rvm --default rbx # set default ruby for this shell

alias python=python2.5

   ruby file.rb args # use rubininus as ruby
   ruby system   # use systems ruby instead


   ruby file.rb args # ^


Re: Eclipse/PyDev - BOM Lexical Error

2010-10-04 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
TheOne writes:


 I installed eclipse/pydev today.
 I created a pydev project and added python source files with utf-8
 Eclipse/Pydev reports lexical error :
   Lexical error at line 1, column 1. Encountered: \ufeff (65279),
 after : 

 I want the source files to have BOM character. How could I shut off
 this error msg?

No idea. Why do you want it? Is somebody else processing these scripts?
If it's about declaring them to be utf-8, you should consider placing

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

on the first or second line. That works for python, and should work for eclipse.


Re: Problem installing psycopg2 in virtualenv (Ubuntu 10.04, Python 2.5)

2010-10-04 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Pascal Polleunus writes:


 I've problems to install psycopg2 in a virtualenv on Ubuntu 10.04.

 My problem is also explained on stackoverflow:

 I tried different things explained there:

 The last thing I tried is this...
 I created a virtualenv with -p python2.5 --no-site-packages
 I installed libpq-dev: apt-get install libpq-dev

 In the virtualenv, I did this: easy_install -i egenix-mx-base

 Then when I tried pip install psycopg2==2.0.7, I got this error:

 Installing collected packages: psycopg2
 Running install for psycopg2
 building 'psycopg2._psycopg' extension
 gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O2 -Wall
 -DPSYCOPG_VERSION=2.2.2 (dt dec ext pq3) -DPG_VERSION_HEX=0x080404
 -DHAVE_PQPROTOCOL3=1 -I/usr/include/python2.5
 -I. -I/usr/include/postgresql -I/usr/include/postgresql/8.4/server -c 
 psycopg/psycopgmodule.c -o 
 psycopg/psycopgmodule.c:27:20: error: Python.h: No such file or directory
 In file included from psycopg/psycopgmodule.c:31:
 ./psycopg/python.h:31:26: error: structmember.h: No such file or directory
 ./psycopg/python.h:34:4: error: #error psycopg requires Python = 2.4
 In file included from psycopg/psycopgmodule.c:32:

 Does anyone have any idea how to solve that?

Install the python-dev-package. It contains the Python.h file, which the
above error message pretty clearly says. Usually, it's a good idea to
search package descriptions of debian/ubuntu packages for missing header
files to know what to install.


Re: Deditor:Pythonic text editor

2010-10-04 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Kruptein writes:

 Hey,  I released the 0.2.1 version of my text-editor written for linux
 in python using the wxPython toolkit.

 I would like to know whether it is good/bad and what could be changed/

 this version added
 -syntax-highlighting for 78 languages
 -Tab completion in the filepath bar
 -Shortcut customizer: you can choose the keybindings yourself

 you can download a deb or tar.gz file from

Some screenshots would be nice. 


Re: ElementTree handling nested tag

2010-10-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
tekion writes:

 On Oct 2, 5:32 am, (Diez B. Roggisch) wrote:
 tekion writes:
  I have the following xml tag:

  I am interested in:
  as well as the upper layer tag. How do I get at the nest tag listed
  above?  Thanks.

 What is the upper layer tag? And what do you actually want to get?
 The text-values? Or do you want to just create a document that just
 consists of the resource_access tag?

 Then this should help:

 from xml.etree.ElementTree import *

 doc = 

 doc = fromstring(doc)

 resource_access = doc.find(resource_access)
 print tostring(resource_access)


 This is the sample format from the doc. I the whole log file has this
 xml formated beginning and ending in the event tag. Is this something
 ElemenTtree can handle or is it better to user XSLT?  Thanks.

Handle *what*? Can it read it? Yes. Can it extract data from it?
Yes. You still haven't said what you actually *want* with all this.


Re: ElementTree handling nested tag

2010-10-02 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
tekion writes:

 I have the following xml tag:

 I am interested in:
 as well as the upper layer tag. How do I get at the nest tag listed
 above?  Thanks.

What is the upper layer tag? And what do you actually want to get?
The text-values? Or do you want to just create a document that just
consists of the resource_access tag?

Then this should help:

from xml.etree.ElementTree import *

doc = 

doc = fromstring(doc)

resource_access = doc.find(resource_access)
print tostring(resource_access)



Re: Problem saving uploaded files in Python3

2010-10-02 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Chris Rebert writes:

 On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 11:13 PM, wrote:
 Hello, i control the problem of the data what is uploaded by the POST
 method, in the web if the file is a text theres no problem
 but the trouble comes when it's an enconded file as a Picture or other what
 the when the system insert the data into the file
 well it doesn 't encoded in the write way i will put all the code, from the
 area whats take the environ['wsgi.input'] to the area
 thats save the file:

 tmpData = str(rawData)[1:].strip(' ')#Here the data from the
 environ['wsgi.input'], first i convert the byte into a string delete the
 first field that represent the b and after i strip the single quotes
 dat = tmpData.split('\\r')#Then i split all the data in the '\\r'
 s = open('/home/hidura/test.png', 'w')#I open the test.png file.
 Where is the mistake?

In believing that wsgi.input is a simple file that contains your
upload. It isn't. It is multipart/form-data encoded, to cope with
potentially many files being uploaded in one go, plus assorted other
form fields.

In another post, you have already been shown how to do this. What where
the results? How does your full script look like? How does the form look
like you upload with?


Re: Unclear type when using isinstance

2010-10-02 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Mailing List writes:

 Was including a input check on a function argument which is expecting a When running unittest no exception was raised when a
 datetime.datetime instance was used as argument. Some playing with the
 console lead to this:

 import datetime

 dt1 = datetime.datetime(2010, 10, 2)
 type 'datetime.datetime'
 isinstance(dt1, datetime.datetime)

 dt2 =, 10, 2)
 type ''
 isinstance(dt2, datetime.datetime)

 My issue (or misunderstanding) is in the first part, while dt1 is a object (confirmed by type), the isinstance(dt1,
 datetime.datetime) returns True. Is this correct? If so, is it possible
 to verify whether an object is indeed a and not a
 datetime.datetime object?

I think you got it wrong here: dt1 is a *datetime* object, and also a
date-object. I guess that's because it conforms to the same protocol -
it has year, month and day and so forth.

 For background information; reason my choice was to use the object is that there should not be ay time information in
 the object. Of course this can easily be stripped off in the function,
 but thought the use of a would be a nice shortcut...

Obviously not :) You can of course test not on inheritance (which
isinstance does), but actual type equality:

 type(dt1) == date



Re: utf-8 and ctypes

2010-09-30 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Brendan Miller writes:

 2010/9/29 Lawrence D'Oliveiro l...@geek-central.gen.new_zealand:
 In message, Brendan
 Miller wrote:

 It seems that characters not in the ascii subset of UTF-8 are
 discarded by c_char_p during the conversion ...

 Not a chance.

 ... or at least they don't print out when I go to print the string.

 So it seems there’s a problem on the printing side. What happens when you
 construct a UTF-8-encoded string directly in Python and try printing it the
 same way?

 Doing this seems to confirm something is broken in ctypes w.r.t. UTF-8...

 if I enter:
 str = 日本語のテスト

What is this? Which encoding is used by your editor to produce this

If you want to be sure you have the right encoding, you need to do this:

 - put a coding: utf-8 (or actually whatever your editor uses) in the
   first or second line
 - use unicode literals. That are the funny little strings with a u in
   front of them. They will be *decoded* using the declared encoding.
 - when passing this to C, explicitly *encode* with utf-8 first.


Re: will Gnome 3.0 kill pygtk?

2010-09-30 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Tracubik writes:

 It seem that the new version of gnome 3.0 will dismiss pygtk support.


 [1]   (search killing pygtk)


 i'm studying pygtk right now, am i wasting my time considering that my 
 preferred platform is linux/gnome?

The important bit is that it will not ditch Python-support.

I can't comment at the actual differences between pygtk and the upcoming
reflection-based approach, but I doubt learning pygtk now is a
waste. First of all, it will be quite a while until pygtk (and gnome
2.x) are really gone.

And even if, the concepts stay the same, so unless pygtk adds an extra
layer of abstraction (which AFAIK it doesn't), your knownledge is still
usable - if not translatable one-to-one.


Re: Problems with wsgi Python3

2010-09-30 Thread Diez B. Roggisch writes:

 Hello list, i had seriously troubles with the connection between a form and 
 wsgi, i' ve made an application on Python3 and was running perfectly but when 
 try to use the form to pass the data this can't be see on the server, so 
 is your recommendation?, i am open to all the ideas less leave to Python2 i
 can't all the project was write on Python3, i was looking into the PEP 444
 proposal too.

 Here is the code what i used to take the data:


What is the ouptut of this? What does

import pprint 

give you?

 and here it's what the os.environ.item() prints to me:

That's irrelevant. The WSGI-environ is what is needed.


Re: Problems with wsgi Python3

2010-09-30 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
] 'mod_wsgi.script_reloading':
  [Thu Sep 30 13:35:07 2010] [error] '1',
  [Thu Sep 30 13:35:07 2010] [error] 'mod_wsgi.version':
  [Thu Sep 30 13:35:07 2010] [error] (3, 3),
  [Thu Sep 30 13:35:07 2010] [error] 'wsgi.errors':
  [Thu Sep 30 13:35:07 2010] [error] ,
  [Thu Sep 30 13:35:07 2010] [error] 'wsgi.file_wrapper':
  [Thu Sep 30 13:35:07 2010] [error] ,
  [Thu Sep 30 13:35:07 2010] [error] 'wsgi.input':
  [Thu Sep 30 13:35:07 2010] [error] ,
  [Thu Sep 30 13:35:07 2010] [error] 'wsgi.multiprocess':
  [Thu Sep 30 13:35:07 2010] [error] False,
  [Thu Sep 30 13:35:07 2010] [error] 'wsgi.multithread':
  [Thu Sep 30 13:35:07 2010] [error] True,
  [Thu Sep 30 13:35:07 2010] [error] 'wsgi.run_once':
  [Thu Sep 30 13:35:07 2010] [error] False,
  [Thu Sep 30 13:35:07 2010] [error] 'wsgi.url_scheme':
  [Thu Sep 30 13:35:07 2010] [error] 'http',
  [Thu Sep 30 13:35:07 2010] [error] 'wsgi.version':
  [Thu Sep 30 13:35:07 2010] [error] (1, 1)}
  On Sep 30, 2010 1:56pm, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
   AGAIN, please do *not* reply to me personally. Reply to the ML or NG
  you are posting in. I'm beginning to believe that it's a waste of time to
  answer you since you seem not able to follow even the most simple of
  advice and rules.
   And read the answers you get thoroughly, you did not give all the
  information I asked you for.
   On Sep 30, 2010, at 7:08 PM, wrote:
The output is:


No more i don 't know what that means or what do with this.

On Sep 30, 2010 11:55am, Diez B. Roggisch wrote: writes:
  Hello list, i had seriously troubles with the connection between
  a form and the
  wsgi, i' ve made an application on Python3 and was running
  perfectly but when i
  try to use the to pass the data this can't be see on the server,
  so what
  is your recommendation?, i am open to all the ideas less leave to
  Python2 i
  can't all the project was write on Python3, i was looking into
  the PEP 444
  proposal too.
  Here is the code what i used to take the data:
 What is the ouptut of this? What does
 import pprint
 give you?
  and here it's what the os.environ.item() prints to me:
 That's irrelevant. The WSGI-environ is what is needed.

Re: Example or recomendation of a webserver

2010-09-29 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Hidura writes:

 I am working on a web project written on Py3k and using mod_wsgi on
 the Apache that have to recibes the request client via a xml structure
 and i am facing a lot of troubles with the upload files mainly because
 i can' t see where they are, so i' ve decide to write my own web
 server-django and the others doen' t work for my propouse-, what you
 recomend me for start that?

not doing it. Reading the HTTP-RFC and the WSGI-PEP. And trying

 print environ[wsgi.input].read()

inside your wsgi-script. Then, use webob to wrap the whole WSGI-stuff to
have at least a minimum of sensible abstraction.

Or simply use Django or TurboGears2, follow the advices in their docs on
how to depoly them using mod_wsgi, and be happy. 



Re: relative imports and sub-module execution

2010-09-28 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
King writes:


 After reading couple of docs and articles, I have implemented a simple
 test package with nested modules.
 When running, everything is working fine. Some of my sub-
 modules has some small test routines for debug purpose.
 It's because I am using relative package imports at the top, I am not
 able to run these sub modules individually.

 For example, this works when running from

 Here is example structure

 in folder2/, I am importing

 from core.folder1 import f1a
 print f1a.myvar

 Now I can't execute '' individually. It's giving an error:

 ImportError: No module named core.folder2

 Is this mean when you have created a package where modules are using
 relative imports, they can't execute individually?

The problem is your python-path. Python will put the path of the script
that you execute into the sys.path - but not attempt to guess that you
actually are deep within a package hierarchy and want the path two up
from there in sys.path as well. Which is the reason why you have to do
that yourself.

My solution to this is to always use setuptools, even for the
tiniest of projects, and simply create a with some minimal
information in it, and then do

  python develop

This will put a EGG-link into the site-packages directory. Usually, for
not clobbering my system's python, I use a virtualenv also.

With this setup, I can safely import from core all the time.


Re: function decorators

2010-09-28 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Nick Donohue writes:

 I came across this code just now:

 def time_me(function):
   def wrap(*arg):
 start = time.time()
 r = function(*arg)
 end = time.time()
 print %s (%0.3f ms) %(function.func_name, (end-start)*1000)
   return wrap

 def some_function(somearg)


 I've been looking online about what I think is going on, and from what
 I can tell this code is using function decorators.

 I guess what I'm asking is if someone could tell me what exactly is
 going on in this code - how is it different from passing:
 time_me(some_function(123))? I've tried it this way and it works.

This is *not* what the decorator is doing. The equivalent of a decorator
and then calling the result is this:

 some_function = time_me(some_function)

Notice the difference? The decorator (a badly written one, by the way -
it doesn't deal with a possible return value and keyword args) wraps the 
into time measuring code. 

In general, a decorator is a callable that takes one argument. And
whatever that callable returns is then bound under the same name as the
original function (or class, since python 2.6 I believe)

Which is what 

 some_function = time_me(some_function)

actually does. So decorator syntax with the @ is really just that - a
bit of syntactic sugar.

 why would I use these? wouldn't it be more flexible to not write the
 decorator before the function definition, so I could choose to wrap it
 or not?

Of course it's more flexible to do whatever the decorator does only if
you need it. If you need that, it's a sign of a misuse of decorators.

Their strength is in making boiler-plate code run without you having to
type it out all the time.

E.g. putting transactional boundaries around some code that deals with a
database. Checking for proper authentication and
authorization. Uniformely deal with exceptions. And so forth.

Amongst the more popular decorators in python are the classmethod and
property decorators. Go look them up in the stdlib.


Re: Check whether file is being written to

2010-09-23 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Thomas Jollans writes:

 On Thursday 23 September 2010, it occurred to loial to exclaim:
 How can I check whether a file is being written to by another process
 before I access it?
 Platform is unix.

 As such, you can't. But you can lock the file using the functions in the 

Last time I checked, file-locking in unix was co-operative.


Re: creating python daemon ?

2010-09-22 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
vineet daniel writes:

 On Sep 21, 9:47 pm, (Diez B. Roggisch) wrote:
 vineet daniel writes:

  I have succesfully created daemon with python script and as next step
  I am trying to give input to that python script daemon from Apache
  Logshere I have got stuck and I have even checked IRC python
  channel for solution. Apache is able to call the file but fails to
  execute it properly and I get this error continuosly :

  piped log program '/var/www/html/' failed unexpectedly

  How do I rectify the above error and make adjustment to the code so
  that it takes input from apache.

  code that I am using is as follows :

  #! /usr/bin/env python
  import sys,os
  pid = os.fork()
  #this line will read apache log in real time as redirected from the
  CustomLog directive of Apache.
  log = sys.stdin.readlines()
  f = open('/var/www/logmongo.txt','a') # append log to this text file

  I'd appreciate if anybody could share the code that they used for
  daemon or used with Apache CustomLog directive.

 The above code looks errornous - you don't check for the return-value of
 PID  take appropriate action. Like

 There is a daemonization recipe on active-state, which works nicely for


 Hi Diez

 Thanks for pointing that out.
 Ever tried giving input to such python daemons from a dynamic source
 like Apache logs which get generated in real time. I want apache to
 directly write to this python daemon which in turn will process the
 logs the way I want. Any help will help me immensely.

I don't understand the question. How is that input produced? How shall
the two processes interact? Through some logfile one writes, the other
reads? Through RPC-mechanisms? Sockets? Pipes? 

The fact that process B is a daemon or not has nothing to do with this
whatsoever, btw.


Re: Python in Linux - barrier to Python 3.x

2010-09-21 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Ant writes:

 Hi all,

 I've just seen this:

 Whatever you think of Zed Shaw (author of the Mongrel Ruby server and
 relatively recent Python convert), he has a very good point in this. I
 run Fedora 12 on my home computers, and find it far too much hassle to
 try to get Python 3 installed. Even the 2.x's are behind - IIRC think
 it currently uses 2.5.

 So I really think this is a barrier to entry to Python 3 that we could
 do without - it's the only reason I do all of my Python work in 2.x, I
 would jump at migrating to Python 3 if it was easily available on

 Is there a solution to this that anyone knows of? Has Zed jumped to
 conclusions? Have I?

I think he has a very valid point. I've been arguing quite a few times
here that e.g. the stupid splitting up of python and python-dev packages
that a great deal of people trip over should go away.

But usually people here seem to think that other package management
systems are the way to go, and python itself must integrate with
them. E.g. providing dependency information compatible to them and their 

I think that's bonkers. You can't support every new kid on the block
claiming to be the shizzle in package management. Or the next distro
with it's own packaging policies. And of course the overall release
planning that says we use that ancient stable version not supported for
years anymore, because it's true  tested for us.

IMHO the solution to this is the way Apple does it: they have a System
Python. Don't mess with it. Seriously. Don't.

But you can install as many other Python versions as you want, or even bundle 
with your own app that depends on it.

People object to this usually for two reasons:

 - additional waste of disk-space. Seriously? A thorough visit of most probably fills your browser cache with more data
   than all possibly python installations ever can.

 - security issues through aged libraries. Certainly a valid point, but
   then this problem is not limited to Python and needs a more universal
   solution: Meta-information gathering about binary versions of
   libraries, and (safe) upgrades for these. Maybe. I haven't given much
   thought to this, but I think it's an OS thing more than a package
   distro thing.

So, in summary, I think if anything, Python should liberate itself from
the reigns of distro package management, and fix whatever issues there
are with setuptools (or distutils or pip or distribute or whatever the
cool kids use these days). And then make people use that to work with
Python-packages, potentially even in individual, isolated VirtualEnvs
because of package version conflicts.


Re: Python in Linux - barrier to Python 3.x

2010-09-21 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
David Cournapeau writes:

 On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 10:23 PM, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
 Ant writes:

 Hi all,

 I've just seen this:

 Whatever you think of Zed Shaw (author of the Mongrel Ruby server and
 relatively recent Python convert), he has a very good point in this. I
 run Fedora 12 on my home computers, and find it far too much hassle to
 try to get Python 3 installed. Even the 2.x's are behind - IIRC think
 it currently uses 2.5.

 So I really think this is a barrier to entry to Python 3 that we could
 do without - it's the only reason I do all of my Python work in 2.x, I
 would jump at migrating to Python 3 if it was easily available on

 Is there a solution to this that anyone knows of? Has Zed jumped to
 conclusions? Have I?

 I think he has a very valid point. I've been arguing quite a few times
 here that e.g. the stupid splitting up of python and python-dev packages
 that a great deal of people trip over should go away.

 It is not stupid, it makes a lot of sense when you know the
 distributions in question. It means you have a consistent behavior
 independently of the language. So of course if you don't care about
 the rest of the ecosystem, you will think it is useless overhead.

The point is that the distro doesn't care about the python eco
system. Which is what I care about, and a lot of people who want to ship

Don't get me wrong: I'm a Linux user for way over a decade, I enjoy the
package management in providing a consistent distribution.

What I'm talking about here are 3rd-party
developers/companies/whatever, and people who want to install software
that requires recent versions of packages *not* provided by their
distros. I should have made that point clearer I guess.

 Also, I doubt that the issue is python vs python-dev - of course,
 given that the exact issues are not explained, we can only play guess

The problems explained are simply outdated and crippled python

And to me, a python version installed that has not the
distutils module is *crippled*. You can rationalize that as much as you
want through some package philosophy saying we don't ship development
related files, but to me a simple installation instruction that says

run 'python install'

which fails because of such a (debatable) decision sucks. Yes, there are
corner-cases when you need GCC to compile an extension. But that's still
catering to the 80% or even more (I'm guessing here) of pure-python packages.

Of course, in a ideal world, distutils would hook into the distros
dependency system + simply say please install python-dev first. 

But I'm not convinced that putting the weight here on the shoulders of
the python-communtiy to deal with arbirtray decisions of the dozen or
how many distros + packaging schemes out there is possible - and helpful.

 But usually people here seem to think that other package management
 systems are the way to go, and python itself must integrate with
 them. E.g. providing dependency information compatible to them and their 

 I think that's bonkers. You can't support every new kid on the block
 claiming to be the shizzle in package management. Or the next distro
 with it's own packaging policies. And of course the overall release
 planning that says we use that ancient stable version not supported for
 years anymore, because it's true  tested for us.

 IMHO the solution to this is the way Apple does it: they have a System
 Python. Don't mess with it. Seriously. Don't.

 Apple's python have caused more issues than all distributions
 altogether for Numpy and scipy, at least as far as python itself is
 concerned. It is very confusing for many end-users.

Exactly. My point is that I can safely install a second version besides
it, and don't use the system's python that is there and kept stable for
the system's own belongings.

 So, in summary, I think if anything, Python should liberate itself from
 the reigns of distro package management, and fix whatever issues there
 are with setuptools (or distutils or pip or distribute or whatever the
 cool kids use these days). And then make people use that to work with
 Python-packages, potentially even in individual, isolated VirtualEnvs
 because of package version conflicts.

 This kind of thinking mostly shows a poor understanding of complex
 deployment scenario. If everybody worked like that, you would quickly
 be unable to build anything stable. True, conflicts are sometimes
 unavoidable, but if every library keeps changing your only solution is
 isolated environments, you quickly have a mess of a system where many
 combinations of libraries are not possible.

And now you are already in a mess of a system where many combinations of
libraries are not possible. And the thinking of one version set to rule
them all shows a poor understanding of the need for legacy code's
specific version

Re: Python in Linux - barrier to Python 3.x

2010-09-21 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Antoine Pitrou writes:

 On Tue, 21 Sep 2010 17:59:27 +0200 (Diez B. Roggisch) wrote:
 The problems explained are simply outdated and crippled python
 And to me, a python version installed that has not the
 distutils module is *crippled*. You can rationalize that as much as you
 want through some package philosophy saying we don't ship development
 related files, but to me a simple installation instruction that says

 comp.lang.python doesn't handle Linux packaging, so why don't you
 complain to your distro instead? Ranting on this group has zero chance
 of fixing the problem.

comp.lang.python frequently deals with problems caused by this and other
distro-related issues. Your are welcome to not participate on these

The state of affairs isn't ideal, and there is improvement options on
all sides. I'm just astonished that people seem to think that distros in
general are better and should be left alone, than what a more python 
centric solution could be.



Re: creating python daemon ?

2010-09-21 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
vineet daniel writes:


 I have succesfully created daemon with python script and as next step
 I am trying to give input to that python script daemon from Apache
 Logshere I have got stuck and I have even checked IRC python
 channel for solution. Apache is able to call the file but fails to
 execute it properly and I get this error continuosly :

 piped log program '/var/www/html/' failed unexpectedly

 How do I rectify the above error and make adjustment to the code so
 that it takes input from apache.

 code that I am using is as follows :

 #! /usr/bin/env python
 import sys,os
 pid = os.fork()
 #this line will read apache log in real time as redirected from the
 CustomLog directive of Apache.
 log = sys.stdin.readlines()
 f = open('/var/www/logmongo.txt','a') # append log to this text file

 I'd appreciate if anybody could share the code that they used for
 daemon or used with Apache CustomLog directive.

The above code looks errornous - you don't check for the return-value of
PID  take appropriate action. Like 

There is a daemonization recipe on active-state, which works nicely for


Re: Python in Linux - barrier to Python 3.x

2010-09-21 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
David Cournapeau writes:

 I don't deny them their experience. Do you deny the experience of other
 people with *other* needs? As I already said: I don't propose to ditch
 the package management. I'm all fine with a distro that carefully
 selects it's packages and dependencies.

 In your previous email, you were suggesting that we should make
 people use a specific set of python-specific tools. That does not
 sound very consistent with the idea of letting people choose what they
 want to use.

 FWIW, I think those tools are already pushed too aggressively,
 confusing many people who use pip, virtualenv, etc... for dubious
 reasons (I read somewhere that I should use this), and causing
 numerous bug reports on the numpy/scipy mailing lists.

What I suggested was that there is a python-centric solution for
managing dependencies for users of Linux, Windows and OSX alike. And
which offers recent versions of python to anybody. A lot of wishful
thinking, admittedly. But less than trying to deal with *all* the
diffences in code, style and politics of various distributions.

I was not suggesting that this solution itself be manifold. The sad
truth is that there currently seem to be various attempts to improve or
even fix perceived or real shortcomings of of distutils or probably even
more setuptools, and this is from an outside perspective a waste. But
then, the survival of the fittest, so to speak, requires the death of
some that are unfit. It's hard to say which approach will win. So we
seem to be stuck with that at least for a while.

zc.buildout, btw, seems to be going into the general direction of doing
a lot (if not everything) itself. Including complete 3rd-party-packages 
and their builds.

For historic reasons I personally haven't used it yet. But it seems to
scratch an itch, don't you think?

Regarding the dubiousness of these reasons - I'm happy if you don't
feel the pain. Good for you. I do, and frankly virtualenv is a
life-saver for me in many situations. I wish it was part of core python,
to create isolated environments. It sure is better than the Java-way of
relying on environment-variables or giant sized commandline argument
lists to specify specific version sets.

However, *both* solutions cater to the obvious need of something other
than pre-packaged versions in the distro. Is that such an abnorm wish?


Re: Python in Linux - barrier to Python 3.x

2010-09-21 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Ned Deily writes:

 In article, (Diez B. Roggisch) 
 The point is that the distro doesn't care about the python eco
 system. Which is what I care about, and a lot of people who want to ship

 I don't think that is totally accurate or fair.  There is regular 
 participation in the python-dev group by packagers from various distros.  
 For example, Matthias Klose is not only the primary Debian Python 
 maintainer, he is also has commit privileges for Python itself and he 
 regularly contributes patches.  Currently, I see current Python 2.6.6 
 and 3.1.2 packages in Debian testing with current Python 2.7 and Python 
 3.2 alpha coming along in Debian experimental.

I'm sorry, this was worded stronger than appropriate. Let me rephrase:
The distros have their own (perfectly reasonable) agenda. Yet this may
still conflict with the needs of users regarding e.g. contemporary
package availability. I already mentioned in another post that the
current debian stable features TurboGears 1.0.4. Which is by itself a
problem, but also ties a lot of dependencies to ancient versions. So
frankly, if I want to run (which in fact I do) a perfecly fine
TurboGears2 system on lenny, I'm *forced* to use virtualenv and

In other words: I think that the goals of a linux distribution don't
necessarily are the same than those of a python package maintainer. In
an ideal world, they would be congruent. But they aren't. My wish would
be that unless that this congruency is achieved (which isn't feasible I fear), a
python-only package management solution can be implemented and be
adopted even by the distros without neglecting their own issues. 


Re: Encoding problem - or bug in couchdb-0.8-py2.7.egg??

2010-09-20 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Ian Hobson writes:

 Hi all,

 I have hit a problem and I don't know enough about python to diagnose
 things further. Trying to use couchDB from Python. This script:-

 # coding=utf8
 import couchdb
 from couchdb.client import Server
 server = Server()
 dbName = 'python-tests'
 db = server.create(dbName)
 except couchdb.PreconditionFailed:
 del server[dbName]
 db = server.create(dbName)
 doc_id, doc_rev ={'type': 'Person', 'name': 'John Doe'})

 Gives this traceback:-

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 11, in module
 doc_id, doc_rev ={'type': 'Person', 'name': 'John Doe'})
 line 407, in save
 _, _, data = func(body=doc, **options)
 line 399, in post_json
 status, headers, data =*a, **k)
 line 381, in post
 line 419, in _request
 line 310, in request
 raise ServerError((status, error))
 couchdb.http.ServerError: (400, ('bad_request', 'invalid UTF-8 JSON'))


 Why? I've tried adding u to the strings, and removing the # coding
 line, and I still get the same error.

Sounds cargo-cultish. I suggest you read the python introduction on

For your actual problem, I have difficulties seeing how it can happen
with the above data - frankly because there is nothing outside the
ascii-range of data, so there is no reason why anything could be wrong

But googling the error-message reveals that there seem to be totally
unrelated reasons for this:

Maybe using something like tcpmon or ethereal to capture the actual
HTTP-request helps to see where the issue comes from.


Re: Python Monitoring

2010-09-20 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Glazner writes:


 I'm will be writing a distributed program with parallel python and i
 would like to if there are any good monitoring utilities for python.
 I would like each remote server to post messages and to see the
 messages in a web-broweser or such.

 I googled python monitoring and found pymon but it seems a bit

It's not exactly what you asked for, but the supervisord written in
Python is not only capable of watching a process (admittedly always on
the machine it is supposed to run), but can also be configured to have
XMLRPC based (and I think even other) interfaces that a central server
could poll  see the status of specific processes. I admit though that
it needs more configuration. Just wanted to mention it, because process
management might be on your list as well.


Re: match pattern

2010-09-20 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
rudikk00 writes:

 I remember perl has a match function =~/H/ -- which searches if there
 is H pattern in line. Is there a reasonable analog of it in python?

It's called a regular expression, which can be matched or searched in a
string. Take a look at the module re in python.


Re: Python Monitoring

2010-09-20 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Glazner writes:

 On Sep 20, 6:03 pm, (Diez B. Roggisch) wrote:
 Glazner writes:

  I'm will be writing a distributed program with parallel python and i
  would like to if there are any good monitoring utilities for python.
  I would like each remote server to post messages and to see the
  messages in a web-broweser or such.

  I googled python monitoring and found pymon but it seems a bit

 It's not exactly what you asked for, but the supervisord written in
 Python is not only capable of watching a process (admittedly always on
 the machine it is supposed to run), but can also be configured to have
 XMLRPC based (and I think even other) interfaces that a central server
 could poll  see the status of specific processes. I admit though that
 it needs more configuration. Just wanted to mention it, because process
 management might be on your list as well.


 mmm... , windows not supported :(
 I need windows (cross platform is important)

Ah. Poor you. Well, there is also pyro. It should run on all OS, and it
comes with a name-service. With this, it's actually possible and
probably quite easy to have all your respective clients/workers/agents
connect themselves to central monitoring instance, and posting more or
less accurately their state.

The configuration needed should be minimal, and depending on your
network setup even trivial because there is some broadcasting detection
ala bonjour available. The worst that can happen is that you have to
spread knowledge of a specific pyro server through a string like


or some such.


Re: visual studio 2010 question

2010-09-20 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
David Cournapeau writes:

 On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 3:08 PM, Ralf Haring wrote:

 After running into the error Setup script exited with error: Unable
 to find vcvarsall.bat when trying to use easy_install / setuptools a
 little digging showed that the MS compiler files in distutils only
 support up to Studio 2008. Does anyone know if there is a timetable
 for when Studio 2010 will be supported?

 I am using python 2.6.5, but web searching seemed to show that 2.7 or
 3.X didn't support it yet either.

 You should use VS 2008 - the lack of distutils support is only the
 first of a long list of issues if you want to use another compiler to
 build python extensions. Unless you really know what you are doing,
 you are better off with VS 2008,

Forgive my ignorance, but AFAIK mingw can be used to build extensions
for standard python distributions. After all, it's C we're talking here,
not C++. So I have difficulties imagining VS2010 is that much of a
problem. So - which problems you expect?


Re: Accessing windoze file attributes

2010-09-15 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Douglas writes:

 Hi, can anyone direct a relative newbie to the best source of info?
 I am writing my own backup app in Python 2.5.2 (all my company will
 allow me to use) using IDLE.
 I intend to run this app daily via the Task Scheduler to back up a
 mission-critical spreadsheet that only I use.
 It works well enough, but now I want to make it sensitive to the A
 attribute (only backup the file if it is set), and update it
 afterwards (unset it). This will help me avoid wasted disk due to
 needless backups.
 I have searched the inter-web and not found any info on how to do
 access/alter Windows file attributes.
 Please can someone direct me to a web page with suitable info
 (preferably with code snyppyts)?

No windows nowhere here, but os.stat should be your friend.


Re: help with calling a static method in a private class

2010-09-14 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
lallous writes:

 How can I keep the class private and have the following work:

 class __internal_class(object):
 def meth1(s):
 print meth1:, s

 def meth2(s):
 print meth2:,

 x = __internal_class()


By not using a double underscore. It is effectless on classes anyway
(they are not hidden because of that).

And additionally, but simply not using staticmethods at all. It's a
rather obscure feature of python - usually, classmethods are what is
considered a static method in other languages. And with that, even your
double underscores work:

class __internal_class(object):
def meth1(cls, s):
print meth1:, s

def meth2(cls, s):
print meth2:,

x = __internal_class()



Re: Distribute Non Library

2010-09-12 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
narke writes:

 My simple tool writing in python get bigger and bigger and I think I'd
 better split my code into several files.  But, unlike what in some other
 languages, there is no way to compile these several files into a single
 executable. Before I splitting my simple tool program, I just put it in
 /usr/local/bin and run, very simple.  Now I have to consider distribute
 a lot of files in a whole.  I know distutils can help, but I feel it is
 a little uncomfortable, since I am not sharing a library, I am not
 sharing any thing. I just want to refactory my code.  Is there a better
 solution to my case?  Can I simply create a directory in /usr/local/bin
 and put my script and other used files into the directory?  Does
 distutils help in this case?

Consider using setuptools + console entry points. With these, you will
automatically generate a shell-script to execute for your otherwise
eggified and easy installable package.


Re: Distribute Non Library

2010-09-12 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
narke writes:

 On 2010-09-12, Glazner wrote:
 On Sep 12, 5:10 am, narke wrote:
 My simple tool writing in python get bigger and bigger and I think I'd
 better split my code into several files.  But, unlike what in some other
 languages, there is no way to compile these several files into a single
 executable. Before I splitting my simple tool program, I just put it in
 /usr/local/bin and run, very simple.  Now I have to consider distribute
 a lot of files in a whole.  I know distutils can help, but I feel it is
 a little uncomfortable, since I am not sharing a library, I am not
 sharing any thing. I just want to refactory my code.  Is there a better
 solution to my case?  Can I simply create a directory in /usr/local/bin
 and put my script and other used files into the directory?  Does
 distutils help in this case?

 Thanks in advance.

 try :
 python -- all your files + a file as a starting

 looks also not decent :(  i want my tool appear as an executabe, not an
 zip.  but thank you anyway.



Re: What the \xc2\xa0 ?!!

2010-09-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Brian D writes:

 In an HTML page that I'm scraping using urllib2, a  \xc2\xa0
 bytestring appears.

 The page's charset = utf-8, and the Chrome browser I'm using displays
 the characters as a space.

 The page requires authentication:

 When I try to concatenate strings containing the bytestring, Python
 chokes because it refuses to coerce the bytestring into ascii.

 UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc2 in position
 163: ordinal not in range(128)

 In searching for help with this issue, I've learned that the
 bytestring *might* represent a non-breaking space.

It in fact does.

 When I scrape the page using urllib2, however, the characters print
 as     in a Windows command prompt (though I wouldn't be surprised if
 this is some erroneous attempt by the antiquated command window to
 handle something it doesn't understand).

Yes, it's trying to interpret that as two cp1252 (or whatever) bytes
instead of one unbreakable space.

 If I use IDLE to attempt to decode the single byte referenced in the
 error message, and convert it into UTF-8, another error message is

 weird = unicode('\xc2', 'utf-8')

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File pyshell#72, line 1, in module
 weird = unicode('\xc2', 'utf-8')
 UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xc2 in position 0:
 unexpected end of data

Which is to be expected, as you ripped a UTF-8 escape sequence in half.

 If I attempt to decode the full bytestring, I don't obtain a human-
 readable string (expecting, perhaps, a non-breaking space):

You obtain a non-breakable space. What do you think it should look like
in your terminal? It looks like ... nothing. Because it looks like a

 weird = unicode('\xc2\xa0', 'utf-8')
 par = ' - '.join(['This is', weird])
 u'This is - \xa0'

 I suspect that the bytestring isn't UTF-8, but what is it? Latin1?

No, it is UTF-8

 weirder = unicode('\xc2\xa0', 'latin1')
 'This just gets ' + weirder
 u'This just gets \xc2\xa0'

 Or is it a Microsoft bytestring?

This is not weird, this is the python interpreter giving you the
representation of a unicode-object when you do not print, so you can see
what it looks like.

And because you wrongly decoded it as latin1, it's garbage anyway.

 weirder = unicode('\xc2\xa0', 'mbcs')
 'This just gets ' + weirder
 u'This just gets \xc2\xa0'

 None of these codecs seem to work.

UTF-8 worked just fine.

 Back to the original purpose, as I'm scraping the page, I'm storing
 the field/value pair in a dictionary with each iteration through table
 elements on the page. This is all fine, until a value is found that
 contains the offending bytestring. I have attempted to coerce all
 value strings into an encoding, but Python doesn't seem to like that
 when the string is already Unicode:

 valuesDict[fieldString] = unicode(value, 'UTF-8')
 TypeError: decoding Unicode is not supported

 The solution I've arrived at is to specify the encoding for value
 strings both when reading and writing value strings.

 for k, v in valuesDict.iteritems():
 valuePair = ':'.join([k, v.encode('UTF-8')])
 [snip] ...

 I'm not sure I have a question, but does this sound familiar to any
 Unicode experts out there?

 How should I handle these odd bytestring values? Am I doing it
 correctly, or what could I improve?

The overall solution is to decode the page or parts of it in whatever
decoding it is delivered. You mentioned that the page is delivered in
UTF-8, so you should use whatever gives you that information to decode
the returned body.


Re: formatted input

2010-09-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch
Bob writes:

 Hi All,
 I have another question about formatted input. Suppose I am reading a
 text file, and that I want it to be something like this

 word11 = num11, word12 = num12, word13 = num13 etc...
 word21 = num21, word22 = num12, word23 = num23 etc...

 where wordx1 belongs to a certain dictionary of words, say dic1, while
 wordx2 belongs to dic2, the numbers within some range and so on. I was
 wondering if there is something in the standard library I may use to
 check whether the file I am reading has a correct syntax according to
 my rules/dictionaries instead of implementing my own routine that
 would look like
 for each line
   put words into a list
   check condition for each word

No, there is no such thing. Either write something from scratch using
string methods, or use pyparsing which is certainly up to the task (and
much more)


Re: Printing forms and labels in Python

2010-06-13 Thread Diez B . Roggisch
Monte Milanuk wrote:
 On 6/13/10 8:00 AM, Joel Goldstick wrote:
  Why not go the other direction. Use python to do your processing,
  send the results to excel. There are python modules that read and
  excel files.
 Well... partly because Excel is not exactly cross-platform.  Granted,
 the mass majority of people using a program like I have in mind will
 be doing so on Windows, but I was hoping to *not* tie things to any
 one platform if I could avoid it.  Probably an overly ambitious goal
 at this point.
 The other part... maybe its my relative newbie experience level
 showing here, but having to call/open Excel to print something from a
 python app feels a little like admitting that python can't do it in a
 reasonable manner.  If I wanted to have to open Excel to print out the
 results, I think I'd just as soon spend the effort and make the whole
 thing an Excel/VBA app and skip python entirely.
 Perhaps (probably) I'm not understanding some of how the lower level
 systems stuff works here...  I thought the print drivers were there to
 take care of the low-level device-specific communication, and provide
 a somewhat simplified common interface for regular programs like M$
 Word, Open Office, Adobe Reader, etc. to use.  Those programs don't
 access the hardware directly, do they?  Don't they hand off the print
 job to the OS-specific print drivers, and let them handle the
 spooling, etc.?  From my (admittedly limited) understanding of things
 on Windows, Mac  Linux, that seems to be somewhat common between
 platforms. Isn't there some sort of module in Python to do the same? 
 I could understand it needing to be somewhat *platform* specific,
 perhaps... but I have old copies of M$ Office 2003 printing out just
 duckily on printers that only came out on the market less than a year
 ago.  I updated the printer drivers and changed the default printer,
 but nothing printer-related in Word or Excel changed (that I know
 of)... but it still manages to hand off to the operating system print
 drivers just fine... which is kind of what I figured Python would do.
 Is that (to some degree) what ReportLab does?

No. Reportlab just generates PDF files which your operating system
will print. If you know how to - there used to be times when you just
needed to copy a file to a printer device to print it. 

However, the overall problem here is that printer APIs are very
different between os and they aren't abstracted in python to some common
module. They need access to GUI libraries which python doesn't expose
out of the box. 

So as sad as it may sound - going through some native program such as
excel or acrobat to perform the printing might be your best bet. 


Re: can't get python 2.5.5 to work on mac os x 10.4.11

2010-04-26 Thread Diez B . Roggisch
new2Cocos wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 I posted this in the cocos2d and pyglet discussion group, I thought
 I'll get a response right away since my problem is quite general but I
 got no response.  I hope you will help me!!! this is the original post
 best regards

You Need a python framework build. 


Re: How to automate accessor definition?

2010-03-21 Thread Diez B . Roggisch
kj wrote:
 I need to create a class solely for the purpose of encapsulating
 a large number of disparate data items.  At the moment I have no
 plans for any methods for this class other than the bazillion
 accessors required to access these various instance variables.
 (In case it matters, this class is meant to be a private helper
 class internal to a module, and it won't be subclassed.)
 What is best practice for implementing this sort of class
 *succinctly* (i.e. without a lot of repetitive accessor code)?
 Also, one more question concerning syntax.  Suppose that i represents
 an instance of this class.  Is it possible to define the class to
 support this syntax
   val = i.field
   i.field += 6
 ...rather than this one
   val = i.get_field()
   i.set_field(i.get_field() + 6)

You don't. Python is not Java. So just use instance attributes, and if
you need bhavior when accessing an attribute, introduce a property. 


Re: running a program on many processors

2010-03-07 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Am 08.03.10 01:18, schrieb Paweł Banyś:


I have already read about Python and multiprocessing which allows using
many processors. The idea is to split a program into separate tasks and
run each of them on a separate processor. However I want to run a Python
program doing a single simple task on many processors so that their
cumulative power is available to the program as if there was one huge
CPU instead of many separate ones. Is it possible? How can it be achieved?

That's impossible to answer without knowing anything about your actual 
task. Not everything is parallelizable, or algorithms suffer from 
penalties if parallelization is overdone.

So in essence, what you've read already covers it: if your simple task 
is dividable in several, independent sub-tasks that don't need 
serialization, multiprocessing is your friend.


Re: python SUDS library

2010-03-04 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Am 04.03.10 06:23, schrieb yamamoto:

I tried to make a simple script with SUD library for caching torrent
files. it doenst work!

suds: 0.4, python: 2.6.4

from suds.client import Client
import base64

path = 'sample.torrent'
doc = open(path, 'rb').read()
encoded_doc = base64.b64encode(doc)
url = ''
client = Client(url, cache=None)
print client
hash = client.service.cacheTorrent(encoded_doc)
print hash


Suds ( )  version: 0.4 (beta)  build:

Service ( CacheService ) tns=urn:Torrage
Prefixes (0)
Ports (1):
  Methods (1):
 cacheTorrent(xs:string torrent, )
  Types (0):

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File C:\Documents and Settings\yamamoto\workspace\python\console
\, line 13, inmodule
 result = client.service.cacheTorrent(encoded_doc)
   File C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\suds\, line 539, in
 return client.invoke(args, kwargs)
   File C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\suds\, line 598, in
 result = self.send(msg)
   File C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\suds\, line 627, in
 result = self.succeeded(binding, reply.message)
   File C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\suds\, line 659, in
 r, p = binding.get_reply(self.method, reply)
   File C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\suds\bindings\, line
143, in get_reply
 replyroot = sax.parse(string=reply)
   File C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\suds\sax\, line 136,
in parse
   File C:\Python26\lib\xml\sax\, line 107, in parse
 xmlreader.IncrementalParser.parse(self, source)
   File C:\Python26\lib\xml\sax\, line 123, in parse
   File C:\Python26\lib\xml\sax\, line 211, in feed
   File C:\Python26\lib\xml\sax\, line 38, in fatalError
 raise exception
xml.sax._exceptions.SAXParseException:unknown:2:0: junk after
document element

this is a php code provided by torrage
 $client = new SoapClient(
 $infoHash = $client-



any suggestions?

Looks like the XML is malformed. Can you post it? You can insert 
print-statements into the library to do so, eg in line 143 of 




Re: conditional import into global namespace

2010-03-03 Thread Diez B. Roggisch

Am 02.03.10 21:41, schrieb mk:

Jerry Hill wrote:

Just import subprocess at the top of your module. If subprocess
hasn't been imported yet, it will be imported when your module is
loaded. If it's already been imported, your module will use the
cached version that's already been imported.

In other words, it sounds like Python already does what you want. You
don't need to do anything special.

Oh, thanks!

Hmm it's different than dealing with packages I guess -- IIRC, in
packages only code in package's was executed?

I don't understand this. But there is no difference regarding caching  
execution between packages and modules.

Importing a package will execute the, yes. But only once. As 
will importing modules execute them, but only once.

All subsequent imports will just return the created module-object. 
Unless you import something under a new name! That is, you can alter the 
sys.path and then import a package/module under a different name - 
python won't detect that.

Simplest example ist this: 

class Foo(object):


if __name__ == __main__:
   import test # import ourselves
   # this holds, because we have
   # __main__.Foo and test.Foo
   assert Foo is not test.Foo 

However, unless you mess with python, this is none of your concern.


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