Re: for -- else: what was the motivation?

2022-10-22 Thread Drew Pierson
the fuck?

On Sat, Oct 22, 2022 at 9:06 AM Peter J. Holzer  wrote:

> On 2022-10-19 12:10:52 +1100, Chris Angelico wrote:
> > On Wed, 19 Oct 2022 at 12:01, Peter J. Holzer  wrote:
> > > On 2022-10-17 09:25:00 +0200, Karsten Hilbert wrote:
> > > >
> > >
> > > Right. That's one of the inspirations for my comment.
> > >
> > > But literate programming is of course still very much rooted in the
> > > "linear text representation" paradigm. You have one definite source
> > > which is a linear text.
> > >
> > > In a world of IDEs, databases and hypertext that's probably not the
> best
> > > we can do. As Raymond Hettinger would say, "there must be a better
> way".
> > >
> > > It would be very different from mainstream programming languages,
> > > however. And ideally you would want it to integrate with a lot of other
> > > infrastructure. So that alone might make it a non-starter, even if it
> > > was really good (which realistically early iterations wouldn't be).
> >
> > There are special-purpose languages like Scratch which are not simple
> > text in that form.
> Yes, I know.
> It has a different goal though: Scratch tries to establish a friendly
> learning environment. Get rid of typing and syntax errors that beginners
> find so frustrating.
> What I'm interested in is an enviroment for developing medium-sized real
> applications. Somewhere in the several person-months to several
> person-years of effort, hundreds of user-stories, maybe thousands of
> bug-reports and change-requests over its life-time.
> The people using such a system/language would be professional
> programmers. They probably don't need much help to get the syntax of a
> for loop right. What they do need, though:
> * Cross-reference between requirements and code. (Yes, you can write
>   comments, yes, you will hopefully have meaningful commit messages.
>   Still, I see a lot of room for improvements there)
> * Cross-references between related parts of the code. (Yes, many IDEs
>   can jump to the definition of an instance or list all instances of a
>   definiton, But sometimes the relationship isn't that mechanic. And
>   yes, you can use comments fpr that, too)
> * Views which highlight some parts of the code and omit others. (Folding
>   editors do that in a very limited fashion)
>   * For example, I might want to see only the code proper when I'm
> focusing on an algorithm or I might want to see lots of context
> (type definitions, requirements, test results, ...)
>   * Classes often have quite a lot of methods with no natural order.
> Being able to view only a subset of them in some custom order may
> help.
>   * Going back to the core idea of literate programming: Especially
> views which show some requirement(s) together with the code that
> implements them plus some explanation why that implementation was
> chosen.
> Presented like this, it's clear that the "language" (i.e. the file
> format) is probably the smallest part of the problem. How the user can
> view the program, how they can edit it, and how to keep the whole thing
> manageable is a much bigger question. And it would probably be a good
> idea to start at the system level and not at the language level.
> > My Twitch channel bot has a command executor whose language, if you
> > call it that, is basically JSON - and the way to edit those commands
> > is very Scratch-inspired.
> I designed a graphical filter language for database queries once. The idea
> was that you could combine various operations (selects, projections,
> grouping, transformations, ...) into pipelines via a web interface. We
> did implement it (sadly it wasn't me who did it), and it turned out to
> be a lot harder than I thought to make that actually usable.
> And of course there have been lots of CASE tools over the years. That
> seems to have been mostly a fad of 90s. Still, there were some good
> ideas there (although not alway implemented well), and something bubbles
> back up every now and then.
> hp
> --
>_  | Peter J. Holzer| Story must make more sense than reality.
> |_|_) ||
> | |   | |-- Charles Stross, "Creative writing
> __/   | |   challenge!"
> --

[issue41828] No longer able to override DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE outside of

2020-09-22 Thread Drew Scholz

Drew Scholz  added the comment:

I think you are right. I'll move this to the Django bug tracker. 

Thank you.


Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue41828] No longer able to override DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE outside of

2020-09-21 Thread Drew Scholz

New submission from Drew Scholz :

After upgrading our Django 1.11 project from Python 2.7 to 3.7, our single 
endpoint decorator to override django conf settings no longer works. inside the virtual environment 
/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/http triggers the RequestDataTooBig 
exception (~line 271) before the change to DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE has been 
increased by our decorator. We are able to make the change global inside however we are concerned with the security vulnerabilities due to 
the size we want to allow for the single endpoint.

messages: 377293
nosy: drew.scholz
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: No longer able to override DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE outside of
type: security
versions: Python 3.7
Added file:

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39346] gzip module only supports half of possible read/write scenarios

2020-01-15 Thread Drew DeVault

New submission from Drew DeVault :

A gzip file can have uncompressed data written to it, writing compressed data 
to the underlying file. It can also have uncompressed data read from it, 
reading compressed data from the underlying file.

However, it does not support reading compressed data from an underlying 
uncompressed file, nor writing compressed data to an underlying uncompressed 

This makes it impossible to, for example, obtain an arbitrary file-like object 
and produce another file-like object which transparently compresses data read 
from the first.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 360072
nosy: ddevault
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: gzip module only supports half of possible read/write scenarios
versions: Python 3.8

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue39346] gzip module only supports half of possible read/write scenarios

2020-01-15 Thread Drew DeVault

Change by Drew DeVault :

type:  -> enhancement

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[issue39119] email/ UnblondLocalError

2019-12-30 Thread Drew DeVault

Drew DeVault  added the comment:

Sorry for the delay, was travelling for the holidays. I'll check that this is 
not an issue with 3.8.1. Thanks!


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[issue39119] email/ UnblondLocalError

2019-12-22 Thread Drew DeVault

New submission from Drew DeVault :

File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/emailthreads/", line 14, in 
if msg["message-id"] == msg_id:
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/email/", line 391, in __getitem__
return self.get(name)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/email/", line 471, in get
return self.policy.header_fetch_parse(k, v)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/email/", line 163, in header_fetch_parse
return self.header_factory(name, value)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/email/", line 602, in __call__
return self[name](name, value)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/email/", line 197, in __new__
cls.parse(value, kwds)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/email/", line 530, in parse
kwds['parse_tree'] = parse_tree = cls.value_parser(value)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/email/", line 2116, in 

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 358794
nosy: ddevault
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: email/ UnblondLocalError
versions: Python 3.8

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue36636] Inner exception is not being raised using asyncio.gather

2019-04-15 Thread Drew Budwin

New submission from Drew Budwin :

Using Python 3.7, I am trying to catch an exception and re-raise it by 
following an example I found on StackOverflow 
( While the example does work, it 
doesn't seem to work for all situations. Below I have two asynchronous Python 
scripts that try to re-raise exceptions. The first example works, it will print 
both the inner and outer exception.

import asyncio

class Foo:
async def throw_exception(self):
raise Exception("This is the inner exception")

async def do_the_thing(self):
await self.throw_exception()
except Exception as e:
raise Exception("This is the outer exception") from e

async def run():
await Foo().do_the_thing()

def main():
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

if __name__ == "__main__":

Running this will correctly output the following exception stack trace:

$ py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 9, in do_the_thing
await self.throw_exception()
  File "", line 5, in throw_exception
raise Exception("This is the inner exception")
Exception: This is the inner exception

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 21, in 
  File "", line 18, in main
  File "C:\Python37\lib\asyncio\", line 584, in run_until_complete
return future.result()
  File "", line 14, in run
await Foo().do_the_thing()
  File "", line 11, in do_the_thing
raise Exception("This is the outer exception") from e
Exception: This is the outer exception

However, in my next Python script, I have multiple tasks that I queue up that I 
want to get a similar exception stack trace from. Essentially, I except the 
above stack trace to be printed 3 times (once for each task in the following 
script). The only difference between the above and below scripts is the run() 

import asyncio

class Foo:
async def throw_exception(self):
raise Exception("This is the inner exception")

async def do_the_thing(self):
await self.throw_exception()
except Exception as e:
raise Exception("This is the outer exception") from e

async def run():
tasks = []

foo = Foo()


results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=True)

for result in results:
if isinstance(result, Exception):
print(f"Unexpected exception: {result}")

def main():
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

if __name__ == "__main__":

The above code snippet produces the disappointingly short exceptions lacking 
stack traces.

$ py
Unexpected exception: This is the outer exception
Unexpected exception: This is the outer exception
Unexpected exception: This is the outer exception

If I change return_exceptions to be False, I will get the exceptions and stack 
trace printed out once and then execution stops and the remaining two tasks are 
cancelled. The output is identical to the output from the first script. The 
downside of this approach is, I want to continue processing tasks even when 
exceptions are encountered and then display all the exceptions at the end when 
all the tasks are completed.

components: asyncio
messages: 340297
nosy: Drew Budwin, asvetlov, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Inner exception is not being raised using asyncio.gather
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: Installing ssdeep on Portable Python

2016-03-08 Thread morr . drew
Were you able to solve this problem? I am also seeing this

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 at 2:22:19 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> Portable Python 2.7 for Windows, the Python application have dependency on 
> ssdeep-2.10, which is a binary exe.
> The ssdeep (libfuzzy) installation example was shown for Linux platform only:
> a) libfuzzy can be installed via apt-get:
>     $ sudo apt-get install libfuzzy2
> b) to install libfuzzy from source, download the gzipped tarball from 
>, then run:
>     $ tar -zxvf ssdeep-2.10.tar.gz
>     $ cd ssdeep-2.10 && ./configure && make && sudo make install
> -
> I need install it on PortablePython for Windows, so it's not clear how to 
> make this: where should be placed ssdeep Windows binary files, that Python 
> application can found it?

[issue19868] Importing humanhash and uuid causes a segmentation fault crash

2013-12-02 Thread Drew

New submission from Drew:

$ pip-3.3 install humanhash
$ python3
Python 3.3.2 (v3.3.2:d047928ae3f6, May 13 2013, 13:52:24) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import uuid
 import humanhash
Segmentation fault: 11

assignee: ronaldoussoren
components: Macintosh
files: Python_2013-12-02-231131_shadowfax.crash
messages: 205075
nosy: compaqdrew, ronaldoussoren
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Importing humanhash and uuid causes a segmentation fault crash
versions: Python 3.3
Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

python-list history

2013-11-26 Thread Drew Crawford
Hello folks,

I’m interested in digging up some Python mailing list archives from ages past.  
Google Groups’ archive goes sporadically back to ’94, but clearly the list is 

Does any one have a lead on where I could get an archive of the very oldest 
posts to this list?


Re: How to pass class instance to a method?

2012-11-26 Thread Drew
On Sunday, November 25, 2012 7:11:29 AM UTC-5, ALeX inSide wrote:
 How to statically type an instance of class that I pass to a method of 
 other instance?
 I suppose there shall be some kind of method decorator to treat an argument 
 as an instance of class?
 Generally it is needed so IDE (PyCharm) can auto-complete instance's methods 
 and properties.
 Pseudo-python-code example:
 i = MyClass()
 xxx(i, 1, 2);
 def xxx(self, MyClass myclass, number, foobar):
myclass.classsmethod() #myclass - is an instance of known class

I'm not sure I understand exactly what you sre asking.Python uses duck 
typing.  As far as Python is concerned, you can pass in any class object and 
so long as it has the needed methods, it'll suffice (If it walks like a duck 
and it quacks like a duck, then it is a duck.).   The down side to that is 
that if you hand an object as an argument and the method you pass doesn't 
behave like the expected method class would, then bad things may happen at run 
time.  It would be a bit of a hassle to check types to make sure things at 
least smell OK before execution goes possibly awry, but you are certainly free 
to write guard code that makes those sort of checks.

My reply here is a bit different from the other replies I see so far.  I worry 
that may mean I mis-understood your question.Has this been at all helpful 
an answer?

[issue15303] Minor revision to the BaseWidget._setup method in Tkinter

2012-07-09 Thread Drew French

New submission from Drew French

In the BaseWidget._setup method, master is evaluated as a Boolean (when 
Tkinter attempts to find a parent for the widget). I think it should really be 
evaluated against None, seeing as that is the default master keyword 
argument value for most widgets. I ran into problems with this when making a 
container widget class that inherited from the Canvas, then implementing the 
__len__ magic method. When the length was zero the widget would evaluate as 
false, which would prevented me from packing widgets inside my container widget.

I attached a revised version of the method.

components: Tkinter
messages: 165070
nosy: Drew.French
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Minor revision to the BaseWidget._setup method in Tkinter
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7
Added file:

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue15189] tkinter.messagebox does not use the application's icon

2012-07-09 Thread Drew French

Drew French added the comment:

This is also true for some of the other dialogs (such as the file dialogs). 

Does anyone know if this behavior can be changed in Tk itself?

nosy: +Drew.French

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue12140] Crash upon start up

2011-05-24 Thread Philip Drew

Philip Drew added the comment:

Ok, python now works in command prompt, but IDLE still wont run.
Also, PYTHONHOME needs to be reset on every start up of command prompt.


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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue12140] Crash upon start up

2011-05-24 Thread Philip Drew

Philip Drew added the comment:

Awesome. It's fixed- do you still want to know whether or not the game works.
In case it helps, I installed the game before python


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[issue12140] Crash upon start up

2011-05-23 Thread Philip Drew

Philip Drew added the comment:

Reinstalling makes no difference- have tried multiple times


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[issue12140] Crash upon start up

2011-05-23 Thread Philip Drew

Philip Drew added the comment:

Gave it a go: the prompt appears, but none of the functions work thereafter

C:\Users\PWTDc:\Python27\python -S
Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Nov 27 2010, 18:30:46) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on
 print hello

LookupError: no codec search functions registered: can't find encoding


Python tracker
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[issue12140] Crash upon start up

2011-05-23 Thread Philip Drew

Philip Drew added the comment:

C:\Users\PWTDset PY
PYTHONHOME=c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\alien 

Active code page: 850



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[issue12140] Crash upon start up

2011-05-22 Thread Philip Drew

Philip Drew added the comment:

The error message is:
ImportError: No module named site.


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue12140] Crash upon start up

2011-05-22 Thread Philip Drew

Philip Drew added the comment:

The site module is in the right place
This is what I got running the -v flag: (I don't know what you're looking for)

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

C:\Users\PWTDc:\Python27\python.exe -v
# installing zipimport hook
import zipimport # builtin
# installed zipimport hook
ImportError: No module named site
# clear __builtin__._
# clear sys.path
# clear sys.argv
# clear sys.ps1
# clear sys.ps2
# clear sys.exitfunc
# clear sys.exc_type
# clear sys.exc_value
# clear sys.exc_traceback
# clear sys.last_type
# clear sys.last_value
# clear sys.last_traceback
# clear sys.path_hooks
# clear sys.path_importer_cache
# clear sys.meta_path
# clear sys.flags
# clear sys.float_info
# restore sys.stdin
# restore sys.stdout
# restore sys.stderr
# cleanup __main__
# cleanup[1] zipimport
# cleanup[1] signal
# cleanup[1] exceptions
# cleanup[1] _warnings
# cleanup sys
# cleanup __builtin__
# cleanup ints: 6 unfreed ints
# cleanup floats

ImportError: No module named site


Python tracker
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[issue12140] Crash upon start up

2011-05-21 Thread Philip Drew

New submission from Philip Drew

Upon execution of python.exe a command line box appears for a fraction of a 
second, closes and is followed by nothing. On executing IDLE from the start 
menu, nothing happens. I have installed python to C:\Python27 using the python 
windows installer.
I am running win7 64 bit on a toshiba satellite 17X

components: IDLE, Installation
messages: 136481
nosy: Philip.Drew
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Crash upon start up
type: crash
versions: Python 2.7

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: python on iPad (PyPad)

2011-05-05 Thread Drew
On Apr 10, 1:48 am, Matt Schinckel wrote:
 On Apr 9, 2:13 pm, Jon Dowdall wrote:

  Hi All,

  Sorry for the blatant advertising but hope some of you may be interested
  to know that I've created an iPad application containing the python
  interpreter and a simple execution environment. It's available in iTunes

  I wanted to have python available 'on the go' without carrying a laptop.
  The current implementation is based on my need to test simple python
  functions in an isolated environment. I hope to add more iOS specific
  capabilities if there is enough interest.


  Jon Dowdall

 I know this sound shallow, but you really need a nicer icon.

 Otherwise, I'm quite excited about this. It will certainly be better
 than my current workflow of connecting via ssh to a server just to run
 python code.


There's a Pypad on SourceForge, but it is flagged as no longer under
active development.  Dead or just sleeping?   Is this Pypad distinct
from that old one on SourceForge?  Or a revival?  OpenSource?


[issue5301] add mimetype for image/ (patch)

2009-02-17 Thread Drew Hintz

New submission from Drew Hintz

Adds a mimetype entry for image/

This mimetype is commonly used for favicon.ico files and is registered 
with IANA.

components: Library (Lib)
keywords: patch
messages: 82373
nosy: adhintz
severity: normal
status: open
title: add mimetype for image/ (patch)
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7
Added file:

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

Re: Need help improving number guessing game

2008-12-16 Thread r . drew . davis
On Dec 15, 1:29 pm, feba wrote:

 6; can anyone think of anything else to add on to/do with this game?
 With the minr/maxr display, multiplayer, score keeping, and
 automation, I'm just about all of ideas. All I can think of left to
 add is 3 and 4 player modes, or a fork where player 2 can't win
 (kekekekeke. Though I'm not sure how to do it...), both of which I
 feel are somewhat pointless for a game like this. If I can't learn
 anything more from it, I will probably go back to reading python
 guides for a bit, and then try to make something else.

Well, if you want to aim for several more rounds of refinement, how
about having the game allow many players identified by name
and have it keep records in a file: player name,  number of times
played, best score, best elapsed time for game completion - for each
player. Can you do it in such a way that multiple people on different
PC's can all play the game at the same time and not scribble over each
other's scores?  One approach would be to insist that the player's
computers be able to  share access to a particular directory, perhaps
using a network mount of a disk from somewhere.   A fancier approach
would be to have a score keeping service that runs somewhere and
each player's computer uses the network to interact with that score
keeping service.  Besides the game playing front end to the score
keeping service, maybe you should have an administrative front end to
the score keeping service to allow you to delete the names of deceased
game players.  (The only thing keeping him on his perch were tiny
little nails through his feet).

Can just anyone play the game or does the administrator have to add
their name as an authorized player to the score keeping service before
they are allowed to play?  Is it Scout's honor that palyers are who
they say they are, or is there some kind of authentication for a
player to prove their identify before they are allowed to play?

I remember many years ago back in graduate school, a friend
implemented a clone of pong with record keeping.   People would sit
with that stupid game into the middle of the night striving to improve
their standings in the best score display.   May be more addictive
with a harder game than this  number guessing game but having your
score being visible to other players can be powerful motivation to
strive for better scores.  If only my friend had figured out a way to
have the little DEC GT40 demand quarters if the player wanted to play
again, he'd have had most of his tuition nicely covered.

If your mind is ready to try something completely different, another
thing you could strive to do is change the game from a tty interface
to something more screen oriented.  e.g. instead of having a prompt
for play again (y or n): you'd have buttons on the screen that the
player can click that say quit or start new game.   Note that the
player might decide to click on either of those buttons at any time,
not just after they have completed a game. Python has several many
different libraries that would give you a basis for building such a
graphical user interface (GUI) version of your game, but I'm not
experienced enough to tell you which GUI package you should look into.

Not so much related to the business of making a niftier game, but
another area you might want to look into is change management (e.g.
subversion) so you can track the evolution and refinement of your
source code over time.  The player-visible part of that is perhaps
just to have something that announces which revision of the game they
are running such that you can tell from that which revision of the
source code to look at if you are tracking down a fix for a problem
they have encountered and reported to you.


filter func chaining

2008-11-28 Thread Drew Schaeffer
I am trying to chain filter functions together so I created these 2 functions.

def AndChain(*filters):
return (lambda asset: reduce((lambda r, f: apply(f, asset) and r), filters))

def OrChain(*filters):
return (lambda asset: reduce((lambda r, f: apply(f, asset) or r), filters))

Where filters are simply functions that take a single argument and return true 
or false.  My intention is to use these functions like this:

f = AndChain(AssetTypeFilter(), CurrencyFilter())

filteredCol = filter(f, col)

I am receiving the following error (where Asset is the type of items in my 

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File , line 0, in stdin##44
 line 5, in lambda
 line 5, in lambda
TypeError: Asset object at 0x002B is not enumerable

Am I going about this totally wrong?  Is there a better solution?


Drew Schaeffer

Re: greatest and least of these...

2007-10-23 Thread Jason Drew
What do you mean when you say the menu doesn't kick in? Do you get an
exception, or does simply nothing happen?

Before the if statements, you should put print choice so you can see
what value is being returned by the input function. Also maybe print
type(choice) for a bit more inspection.

Speaking of which, you should probably be using something like
int(raw_input()) instead of just input() - if you read the help on
the two functions you should see why.

Hope this helps.


On Oct 23, 11:56 am, Shawn Minisall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just wrote a program to let the user input a series of whole numbers
 and tell them which is least and which is greatest based off of a menu.
 However, the menu isn't kicking in after they pick a number.  I included
 a while statement for a loop just for the menu and compared it to my
 other programs that have a similar setup and are working, but I'm
 stumped.   Here's the program...

 def main():

 #define and initialize variables
 #choice as int
 choice = 0
 #number as int
 number = 0


 #Menu loop
 while choice != 2:
 #display menu
 print Please choose from the following menu: 
 print 1. Enter a number
 print 2. Exit

 #prompt user for their menu choice
 choice = input(Enter your choice here: )

 #if statements to determine which choice
 if choice == 1:
 nums = []
 while number =0:
 number = input(Please enter a number.)

 elif choice == 2:
 print Have a great day!

 if len(nums)  0:
 print The smallest number that you entered was:,min(nums)
 print The largest number that you entered was:,max(nums)

 print Invalid selection.  Enter either one or two.

 Also, if they quit the program with choice #2 and entered numbers, it
 should display the greatest and least of them.  If they just started and
 didn't enter anything and want to quit, I get an error message saying
 UnboundLocalError: local variable 'nums' referenced before assignment.
 Isn't the if statement supposed to keep python from going there since if
 they didn't enter any input, the length of the list should just be zero.


FastCGI on Windows: socket.fromfd() support?

2007-10-10 Thread Drew
Microsoft's IIS server recently added native support for FastCGI. The
big roadblock to Python support seems to be that socket.fromfd()
doesn't work on Windows.

Are there any plans to add this or similar functionality to the
Windows build?



Re: simple regular expression problem

2007-09-17 Thread Jason Drew
You just need a one-character addition to your regex:

regex = re.compile(r'organisatie.*?/organisatie', re.S)

Note, there is now a question mark (?) after the .*

By default, regular expressions are greedy and will grab as much
text as possible when making a match. So your original expression was
grabbing everything between the first opening tag and the last closing
tag. The question mark says, don't be greedy, and you get the
behaviour you need.

This is covered in the documentation for the re module.


On Sep 17, 9:00 am, duikboot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am trying to extract a list of strings from a text. I am looking it
 for hours now, googling didn't help either.
 Could you please help me?

 s =  
  regex = re.compile(r'organisatie.*/organisatie', re.S)
  L = regex.findall(s)
  print L


 I expected:
 \norganisatie), (organisatie\nProfiel_Id28997/Profiel_Id\n/

 I must be missing something very obvious.

 Greetings Arjen


Re: simple regular expression problem

2007-09-17 Thread Jason Drew
You're welcome!

Also, of course, parsing XML is a very common task and you might be
interested in using one of the standard modules for that, e.g.

Then all the tricky parsing work has been done for you.


On Sep 17, 9:31 am, duikboot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you very much, it works. I guess I didn't read it right.


 On Sep 17, 3:22 pm, Jason Drew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  You just need a one-character addition to your regex:

  regex = re.compile(r'organisatie.*?/organisatie', re.S)

  Note, there is now a question mark (?) after the .*

  By default, regular expressions are greedy and will grab as much
  text as possible when making a match. So your original expression was
  grabbing everything between the first opening tag and the last closing
  tag. The question mark says, don't be greedy, and you get the
  behaviour you need.

  This is covered in the documentation for the re 


  On Sep 17, 9:00 am, duikboot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I am trying to extract a list of strings from a text. I am looking it
   for hours now, googling didn't help either.
   Could you please help me?

   s =  
regex = re.compile(r'organisatie.*/organisatie', re.S)
L = regex.findall(s)
print L


   I expected:
   \norganisatie), (organisatie\nProfiel_Id28997/Profiel_Id\n/

   I must be missing something very obvious.

   Greetings Arjen


Re: Lists in classes

2007-07-12 Thread Jason Drew
Thanks for clearing up the other incorrect answers! In true Python
fashion, I would also remind everyone of the *documentation* - in
particular the Python tutorial. These are very elementary mistakes to
be making - even worse as part of attempted answers.

The Python tutorial is at

In particular see the section on classes:

Note however that the tutorial doesn't show the current best practice
of subclassing your classes from object, i.e.
class MyClass(object):


On Jul 12, 11:51 am, Wildemar Wildenburger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Bart Ogryczak wrote:
  On 12 jul, 17:23, Jeremy  Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Learning python from a c++ background. Very confused about this:

  class jeremy:

  You've defined list (very bad choice of a name, BTW), as a class
  variable. To declare is as instance variable you have to prepend it
  with self.


 'self' is *not* a reserved ord in python, it doesn't do anything. So
 just popping 'self' in front of something doesn't bind it to an instance.
 Here is how it works:

 class Jeremy(object):  # you better inherit from 'object' at all times
 classlist = []  # class variable
 def __init__(self):  # constructor
 self.instancelist = []  # instance variable
 def add_item(self, item):

 'self' is the customary name for the first argument of any instance
 method, which is always implicitly passed when you call it. I think it
 translates to C++'s 'this' keyword, but I may be wrong. Simply put: The
 first argument in an instance-method definition (be it called 'self' or
 otherwise) refers to the current instance.
 Note however that you don't explicitly pass the instance to the method,
 that is done automatically:

 j = Jeremy()  # Jeremy.__init__ is called at this moment, btw
 j.add_item(hi) # See? 'item' is the first arg you actually pass

 I found this a bit confusing at first, too, but it's actually very
 clean, I think.


Re: Simple csv read/write

2007-04-26 Thread Drew
On Apr 24, 8:35 pm, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 25/04/2007 8:27 AM, Drew wrote:

  Ok, I'm trying to do the simplest read/write from one csv file to
  another. For some reason, every other row on the output file is a
  blank row. What am I doing wrong?

  import csv

  reader = csv.reader(open('current.csv'))
  writer = csv.writer(open('new.csv','w'))

  for line in reader:

 1. Try reading the responses already posted to your previous questions.

 2. Try reading the documentation; for each of csv.reader and csv.writer,
 it says If csvfile is a file object, it must be opened with the 'b'
 flag on platforms where that makes a difference.

My apologies to the rest of the list, issues with
cause the multiple posts.


Blank rows resulting from simple csv script

2007-04-24 Thread Drew
Hi all -

I've written a simple script to read a .csv file and then write out
rows to a new file only if the value in the 4th column is a 0. Here's
the code:

import csv

reader = csv.reader(open('table_export.csv','rb'))

writer = csv.writer(open('new_jazz.csv','w'))

for row in reader:
if row[3] == '0':

This is writing out the correct rows, however it is writing a blank
row between each of the rows written out. Any ideas?



Blank rows resulting from simple csv script

2007-04-24 Thread Drew
Hi all -

I've written a simple script to read a .csv file and then write out
rows to a new file only if the value in the 4th column is a 0. Here's
the code:

import csv

reader = csv.reader(open('table_export.csv','rb'))

writer = csv.writer(open('new_jazz.csv','w'))

for row in reader:
if row[3] == '0':

This is writing out the correct rows, however it is writing a blank
row between each of the rows written out. Any ideas?



Simple csv read/write

2007-04-24 Thread Drew
Ok, I'm trying to do the simplest read/write from one csv file to
another. For some reason, every other row on the output file is a
blank row. What am I doing wrong?

import csv

reader = csv.reader(open('current.csv'))
writer = csv.writer(open('new.csv','w'))

for line in reader:


Re: Code Explaination: Spelling correction code

2007-04-12 Thread Drew
On Apr 11, 11:27 pm, Steven Bethard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Drew wrote:
  I recently saw this website:

  All the code makes sense to me save one line:

  def known_edits2(word):
  return set(e2 for e1 in edits1(word) for e2 in edits1(e1) if e2 in

 This is the same as:

  result = set()
  for e1 in edits1(word):
  for e2 in edits1(e1):
  if e2 in NWORDS:
  return result

 The thing between the ``set(`` and ``)`` is called a generator
 comprehension if you'd like to look into it further.


Steve -

Thanks for the response. I'm somewhat familiar with generator/list
comprehension but was unsure how multiple statements were evaluated
when chained together. From your explanation, I'm assuming they are
evaluated from the inside out rather than left to right or right to

Does the mean that the comprehension on the inside is always evaluated



Re: Code Explaination: Spelling correction code

2007-04-12 Thread Drew
On Apr 12, 10:28 am, Steven Bethard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Drew wrote:
  On Apr 11, 11:27 pm, Steven Bethard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Drew wrote:
  def known_edits2(word):
  return set(e2 for e1 in edits1(word) for e2 in edits1(e1) if e2 in

  This is the same as:

   result = set()
   for e1 in edits1(word):
   for e2 in edits1(e1):
   if e2 in NWORDS:
   return result

  The thing between the ``set(`` and ``)`` is called a generator
  comprehension if you'd like to look into it further.

  Thanks for the response. I'm somewhat familiar with generator/list
  comprehension but was unsure how multiple statements were evaluated
  when chained together. From your explanation, I'm assuming they are
  evaluated from the inside out rather than left to right or right to

  Does the mean that the comprehension on the inside is always evaluated

 Not really (at least for the most literal interpretation of ``evaluated
 first``). I find it easiest to think of translating them into regular
 for loops by adding the appropriate indentation.

 Starting with:

 (e2 for e1 in edits1(word) for e2 in edits1(e1) if e2 in NWORDS)

 Adding newlines:

   for e1 in edits1(word)
   for e2 in edits1(e1)
   if e2 in NWORDS)

 Adding indentation:

   for e1 in edits1(word)
   for e2 in edits1(e1)
   if e2 in NWORDS)

 Moving the add/append to the bottom:

 for e1 in edits1(word)
  for e2 in edits1(e1)
  if e2 in NWORDS

 Adding the remaining boiler-plate:

 result = set()
 for e1 in edits1(word):
  for e2 in edits1(e1):
  if e2 in NWORDS:

 So multiple for- and if-expressions are evaluated in the same order that
 they would normally be in Python, assuming the proper whitespace was added.



Wow, thanks for having the patience to write that out. This makes
perfect sense now.



Code Explaination: Spelling correction code

2007-04-11 Thread Drew
I recently saw this website:

All the code makes sense to me save one line:

def known_edits2(word):
return set(e2 for e1 in edits1(word) for e2 in edits1(e1) if e2 in

I understand (from seeing a ruby version of the code) that the goal
here is to rerun the edits1 method on each member of the set returned
by running edits1 on the initial word. However, I'm confused how the
for within a for works. Can anyone help shed some light on this for me?


dict.items() vs dict.iteritems and similar questions

2007-03-14 Thread Drew
When is it appropriate to use dict.items() vs dict.iteritems. Both
seem to work for something like:

for key,val in mydict.items():
  print key,val

for key,val in mydict.iteritems():
  print key,val

Also, when is it appropriate to use range() vs xrange(). From my
understanding, xrange() essentially gives you an iterator across a
range, so it should be used when iterating. Should you only use
range() when want to physically store the range as a list?



Re: dict.items() vs dict.iteritems and similar questions

2007-03-14 Thread Drew
On Mar 14, 11:44 am, Laurent Pointal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Both work, you may prefer xrange/iteritems for iteration on large
 collections, you may prefer range/items when processing of the result
 value explicitly need a list (ex. calculate its length) or when you are
 going to manipulate the original container in the loop.



Laurent -

Extremely helpful, exactly what I was looking for.



Re: dict.items() vs dict.iteritems and similar questions

2007-03-14 Thread Drew
On Mar 14, 2:53 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  When is it appropriate to use dict.items() vs dict.iteritems.

 Laurent Both work, you may prefer xrange/iteritems for iteration on
 Laurent large collections...

 I find iteranything to be extremely ugly and hope to avoid using them
 altogether until they are gone in Py3k.


Skip -

Ugly, maybe, but don't you take a decent performance hit when loading
the entire dict into memory at once? Especially if the dict is large?


Re: Converting a list to a dictionary

2007-03-14 Thread Drew
On Mar 14, 4:52 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers

 res_dict = dict((r.get_id(), r) for r in res_list)

I'm using Python2.5 and it seems that this only gives me a hash with
the first id and first record. Am I doing something wrong?

 class Person():
... def __init__(self):
... = 5
 mylist = []
 for i in range(100):
... mylist.append(Person())
 mydict = dict((,r) for r in mylist)
{5: __main__.Person instance at 0x00A99EE0}


Re: Converting a list to a dictionary

2007-03-14 Thread Drew
On Mar 14, 4:43 pm, Samuel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What this does is it maps the id to the object. In your case, you only
 have one id.


This is interesting behavior, but may not be what the original poster
intended. If I understand correctly, this means that if more than one
object shares the same id, only one copy will be created in the dict.
Is this correct?


Re: Converting a list to a dictionary

2007-03-14 Thread Drew
On Mar 14, 4:52 pm, Samuel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mar 14, 9:48 pm, Drew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  This is interesting behavior, but may not be what the original poster

 I am the original poster :).

  If I understand correctly, this means that if more than one
  object shares the same id, only one copy will be created in the dict.
  Is this correct?

 Yes. Dictionaries are just hashes; you can't have the same key twice.


Doh! *Hangs head in shame and walks away slowly...* Thanks for you
gracious response :)


Iterating across a filtered list

2007-03-13 Thread Drew
All -

I'm currently writing a toy program as I learn python that acts as a
simple address book. I've run across a situation in my search function
where I want to iterate across a filtered list. My code is working
just fine, but I'm wondering if this is the most elegant way to do
this. Essentially, I'm searching the dict self.contacts for a key that
matches the pattern entered by the user. If so, I print the value
associated with that key. A pastie to the method is below, any help/
advice is appreciated:

Side note: I'm learning python after ruby experience. In ruby I would
do something like:

contacts.find_all{|name,contact| name =~ /search/}.each{|name,contact|
puts contact}


Re: Iterating across a filtered list

2007-03-13 Thread Drew
On Mar 13, 2:42 pm, Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If I can decipher your Ruby example (I don't know Ruby), I think you

for name,contact in contacts.iteritems():
   if'search', name):
   print contact

 If you just want to filter the dictionary inside an expression, you
 can use a generator expression:

   d = ((name,contact) for (name,contact) in contacts.iteritems() \
 if'search', name))

   print '\n'.join(d)   # prints items from filtered dict, one per line

 Note that d is an iterator, which means it mutates when you step
 through it.

Paul -

You're exactly on the mark. I guess I was just wondering if your first
example (that is, breaking the if statement away from the iteration)
was preferred rather than initially filtering and then iterating.
However, you're examples make a lot of sense are are quite helpful.



List Behavior when inserting new items

2007-01-29 Thread Drew
I'm looking to add an element to list of items, however I'd like to 
add it at a specific index greater than the current size:

list = [1,2,3]

What I'd like to see is something like:


However I see:


Is there any way to produce this kind of behavior easily?



Re: List Behavior when inserting new items

2007-01-29 Thread Drew
 What is your actual usecase?


The issue is that I don't know how long the list will eventually be. 
Essentially I'm trying to use a 2D list to hold lines that I will 
eventually print to the screen. Blank elements in the list will be 
printed as spaces. I suppose every time I add an element, I could find 
the difference between the size of the list and the desired index and 
fill in the range between with   values, however I just wanted to 
see if there was a more natural way in the language.



Re: List Behavior when inserting new items

2007-01-29 Thread Drew

  Is there any way to produce this kind of behavior easily?Hints:
   [None] * 5
 [None, None, None, None, None]
   [1, 2, 3, None] + [10]
 [1, 2, 3, None, 10]


That is exactly what I was looking for. I'm actually working on some 
problems at I find it helps me to learn a language 
and I'm coming from ruby where arrays have subtle differences from 
python's lists. Thanks for all the helpful responses.


Re: multiple file deletes using ftp.delete

2007-01-20 Thread Drew
On Jan 19, 11:16 pm, Drew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all
 I'm fairly new to python so please forgive my lack of comprehension of
 the obvious.

 I'm writing a script to ftp files to a server. This script will run
 weekly. Part of the script first deletes the previous weeks files. The
 problem is I'm never sure of the exact number and full name of the
 files that need to be deleted. All the files start with the same string
 but have different extensions (eg drew.1 drew.2 drew.tmp drew.hlp). So
 I was wondering if anybody knows how to use a wild card similar to * in
 UNIX to do the delete? Something like:


 Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

 Drew Dowling

I should have summed if up thus: I'm trying to find a way to issue the
ftp mdelete command in python.


multiple file deletes using ftp.delete

2007-01-19 Thread Drew
Hi all
I'm fairly new to python so please forgive my lack of comprehension of
the obvious.

I'm writing a script to ftp files to a server. This script will run
weekly. Part of the script first deletes the previous weeks files. The
problem is I'm never sure of the exact number and full name of the
files that need to be deleted. All the files start with the same string
but have different extensions (eg drew.1 drew.2 drew.tmp drew.hlp). So
I was wondering if anybody knows how to use a wild card similar to * in
UNIX to do the delete? Something like:


Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Drew Dowling


Zenoss Version 0.22.3 Available

2006-09-18 Thread Drew Bray

Announcing Zenoss Version 0.22.3


Version 0.22.3 of Zenoss is available for download. Version 0.22.3 is  
a dot release of version 0.22.0, which added several new features,  

* Support for Nagios Plugins (zenagios)
* Addition of a GUI for the selection of Alerting Rules
* Adds Email alerts with configurable body text
* Automated maintenance windows
* Allows the assignment of users to the systems they manage

Zenoss Version 0.22.3 provides several minor bug fixes and  
enhancements, including:

* Use of latin-1 encoding when calling xml-rpc
* Improved handling of Unicode items
* Repaired bad zenagios heartbeat timeout
* Corrected zenagios unpack of config (component and eventKey were  
* Take off newline when reading configfile values
* Fixed additional date-time zone problems

Download Links:
* Source:
* Zenwin:
* Documentation:
* Release Notes:

Project Blurb:
Zenoss is Python-based, network/systems monitoring application that  
offers a single integrated package for end to end monitoring  
(discovery, configuration, availability, performance, events, alerts)  
of resources across the stack (servers, applications, networks,  
environment, etc...).

Zenoss was recognized as one of the Top 10 Open Source Projects to  
Watch by Network World in August of 2006.  ( 

Zenoss is currently hiring talented Zope  Python developers.  Join  
the team!


Project Zenoss

Re: How to move optparse from main to function?

2006-02-24 Thread Jason Drew
You're welcome!

As usual, each of us is free to write the code whichever way works best
for the particular problem at hand. That's why the module documentation
often avoids advocating here-is-the-one-best-way-to-do-it.  I just like
sticking all the option setup stuff in a single function because it's
conceptually all the same and it makes the main() function or whatever
read shorter. It's partly down to experience, what little of it I can

Good luck!


Re: How to move optparse from main to function?

2006-02-23 Thread Jason Drew
As pointed out, the module documentation is helpful.

For your 'test' option, I don't think 'action=count' is the best
action. 'Test' is basically an on/off option, so why count it? I would

parser.add_option(-t, --test, action=store_true,
dest=optparse_test, default=False, help=testing optparse)

Then your code can use
if options.optparse_test == True: ...
or briefer:
if options.optparse_test: ...

As for putting the optparse code into a function, I sometimes use:

def parserSetup():
Return a configured option parser for this program.
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option( ... your option stuff ... )
parser.add_option( ... )
return parser

if __name__==__main__:
parser = parserSetup()
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# Then in your case:
if options.optparse_test: ...


Re: converting sqlite return values

2006-02-20 Thread Jason Drew

You can use the built-in function eval to return how Python evaluates
your string. For example:
 eval( '(1,2,3,4)' )
(1, 2, 3, 4)

In other words, eval will take your string that looks like a tuple, and
return an actual tuple object.

Note that the 'u' prefix in your string will cause an error if you pass
it to eval, so you should drop that, e.g.:
 utuple = 'u(1,2,3,4)'
 eval( utuple[1:] )
(1, 2, 3, 4)

In general, though, converting your strings/tuples back and forth like
this might not be the best idea, depending on the situation. If the
numbers represent consistent items, like (price, tax, code, quantity),
then you would do better to use a field for each item in your database
and insert/fetch the numbers appropriately.

Storing whole Python objects in single database fields isn't unheard
of, but in general you should only do it when you really need to do it.
When you do, there are various Python modules to help, though I haven't
used this approach much myself.



Re: Guido at Google

2005-12-22 Thread drew . smathers
And I have around one year to wait for Ruby to get rid of the nasty
syntax copied from Perl and make it look as beautiful as Python 
Then I'll consider switching.  ;)

Ummm, I'm sorry, did you say clean reflective meta-model???

So this:

caller[0] =~ /in `([^']+)'/ ? $1 : '(anonymous)'

vs. the python example:

filename, line, fname, source = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)[0]
return fname

is what you call clean??  Hmmm ... interesting.


Re: Sorta noob question - file vs. open?

2005-08-23 Thread Jason Drew
Both your code snippets above work should work OK. If it seems like a
file isn't being written, maybe you should specify its full path so you
are sure about where to check for it.

On the file-or-open question, the Python docs state, The intent is for
open() to continue to be preferred for use as a factory function which
returns a new file object.

I happen to know that because it was clarified for me recently by a few
posters in this informative thread:
(which didn't start out as a file-or-open discussion, but there you

Hope this helps,


Re: Documentation

2005-08-10 Thread Jason Drew
The standard pydoc module is very useful. A simple example of how you
could use it:

 import pydoc
 mymodule = pydoc.importfile(rC:\My Py\
 html =, 
 open(foo.html, w).write(html)

Then you have a nice foo.html document for your module.

The above isn't necessarily the best way to use pydoc though it's
useful for a single-file bunch of classes. The documentation on pydoc
seems pretty sketchy, but reading the file is a good way to
learn how to use it.


Re: What is Python?!

2005-08-10 Thread Jason Drew
Roy Smith wrote: there's a system called Jython, which lets you
compile Java source to Python byte code.

Don't you have that the wrong way 'round? From the Jython website:
Jython is an implementation of the high-level, dynamic,
object-oriented language Python written in 100% Pure Java, and
seamlessly integrated with the Java platform. It thus allows you to run
Python on any Java platform.

In the case of Jython you could perhaps say that Python bytecode is
exactly like Java. However, in the case of regular Python, it's
closer to say that Python bytecode is much the same _idea_ as Java



Re: Hiding

2005-08-01 Thread Jason Drew
Ah, good point, thanks. Must stop forgetting that C:\file.txt is bad.

The whole open()/file() clairification is useful too. The Python docs
for the file() constructor simply state that, File objects ... can be
created with the built-in constructor file() described in section 2.1,
'Built-in Functions.'

That's followed by a footnote that states, file() is new in Python
2.2. The older built-in open() is an alias for file().

At first sight, that to me suggests that open() has been somewhat
deprecated by file().

However, the description of many of the file methods on the same page
refers to opening files using open(), e.g.:
mode:  The I/O mode for the file. If the file was created using the
open() built-in function, this will be the value of the mode

It all becomes relatively clear in section 2.1, Built-in Functions
where the entry for file() states, The file() constructor is new in
Python 2.2 and is an alias for open(). Both spellings are equivalent.
The intent is for open() to continue to be preferred for use as a
factory function which returns a new file object. The spelling, file is
more suited to type testing (for example, writing 'isinstance(f,

I guess that clears it up. Though perhaps the Python doc for the file()
constructor should add that open() is the preferred general-purpose way
to open a file or file-like object?

Thanks again


Re: Hiding

2005-07-29 Thread Jason Drew
Well, using the open function in Python doesn't launch any application
associated with the file (such as Media Player). It just makes the
contents of the file accessible to your Python code. Also, I think
using file(C:\file.txt) is now preferred to open(C:\file.txt).

To answer the specific question of how to play a music file in Python,
search Google Groups for:
That will bring up a useful thread. Note that you will need to install
a module such as pygame or pymedia; they are not in the standard

In general, I would also recommend some of the many good Python
tutorials. Some are listed here:

Good luck!


Re: retrieve data from 2 database

2005-07-28 Thread Jason Drew
For a start, asking a better question will get better answers:

Googling for python odbc gives this as the first result:

In general, how you compare database tables will depend a lot on the
nature of the tables: e.g. are you comparing names to names, rows to
rows, apples to oranges, etc.?


Re: tuple to string?

2005-07-22 Thread Jason Drew
''.join((chr(e) for e in (0x73, 0x70, 0x61, 0x6D)))


Re: Changing size of Win2k/XP console?

2005-07-14 Thread Jason Drew
SetConsoleWindowInfo looks like a better candidate. See

Haven't tried it though. Good luck!


MySQL newsgroup proposal.

2005-06-06 Thread William Drew

A RFD (REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION) has been posted for the creation of a
new Usenet newsgroup: comp.databases.mysql 

The proposal and related discussion can be read in the Usenet group
news.groups ... feel free to weigh in and make any suggestions you
may have. 





Re: Convert from numbers to letters

2005-05-20 Thread Jason Drew
Sorry, scratch that P.S.! The act of hitting Send seems to be a great
way of realising one's mistakes.

Of course you need colnr - m for those times when m is set to 26.
Remembered that when I wrote it, forgot it 2 paragraphs later!


Re: Convert from numbers to letters

2005-05-20 Thread Jason Drew
Hey, that's good. Thanks Steve. Hadn't seen it before. One to use.

Funny that Pythonwin's argument-prompter (or whatever that feature is
called) doesn't seem to like it.

E.g. if I have
def f(tupl):
print tupl

Then at the Pythonwin prompt when I type
I correctly get (tupl) in the argument list pop-up box.

But if I have
def f((a, b)):
print a, b

then when I type
I just get (.0) in the argument list pop-up box.

Or with
def f(p, q, (a, b)):
Pythonwin prompts with
(p, q, .4)

However in each case the help() function correctly lists all the
arguments. Strange. I'll check if it's a known feature.

This is with
PythonWin 2.4 (#60, Feb  9 2005, 19:03:27) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
on win32.


Re: Convert from numbers to letters

2005-05-19 Thread Jason Drew
We weren't really backwards; just gave a full solution to a half-stated

Bill, you've forgotten the least-lines-of-code requirement :-)

Mine's still a one-liner (chopped up so line breaks don't break it):

z = lambda cp: (int(cp[min([i for \
i in xrange(0, len(cp)) if \
sum(((ord(cp[0:min([i for i in \
xrange(0, len(cp)) if \
cp[i].isdigit()])][x])-ord('A')+1) \
* (26 ** (len(cp[0:min([i for i in \
xrange(0, len(cp)) if \
cp[i].isdigit()])])-x-1)) for x in \
xrange(0, len(cp[0:min([i for i in \
xrange(0, len(cp)) if \

print z(B14)
# gives (13, 1)

Maybe brevity isn't the soul of wit after all ...


Re: Convert from numbers to letters

2005-05-19 Thread Jason Drew
Oh yeah, oops, thanks. (I mean the line continuations, not the alleged
sin against man and nature, an accusation which I can only assume is
motivated by jealousy :-) Or fear? They threw sticks at Frankenstein's
monster too. And he turned out alright.

My elegant line of code started out without the enclosing
parentheses; forgot I didn't need the \s when I embraced it.


Re: CGI on Windows

2005-05-16 Thread Jason Drew
I believe you're experiencing a bug that I also encountered, and for
which there is a patch. See:

Fixing as described in the patch fixed all my CGI-related
problems. Hope it does for you too!



Re: CGI on Windows

2005-05-16 Thread Jason Drew

Rainer Mansfeld wrote:
 Jason Drew wrote:
  I believe you're experiencing a bug that I also encountered, and
  which there is a patch. See:
  Fixing as described in the patch fixed all my CGI-related
  problems. Hope it does for you too!

 It did!

 Thanks a lot Jason.
 You just saved my mental health.


You're welcome! (And thanks too to June Kim and Martin v. Löwis for
posting and fixing the bug, respectively, I think.)
