Custom importer and errors

2024-04-15 Thread Fabiano Sidler via Python-list

Hi folks!

I'd like to split my package tree into several IDE projects and build a 

importer to import
from the directory
so basically replacing the dots with slashes and having the package content
lying directly in the project folder. I have come up with this:

=== ===
 1 import sys
 2 from importlib.machinery import ModuleSpec
 3 from pathlib import Path
 5 Loader = type(__spec__.loader)
 7 class IdeHelper:
 8 @classmethod
 9 def find_spec(cls, name, path, target=None):
10 for dirname in sys.path:
11 dirobj = Path(dirname)
12 if == name:
13 break
14 else:
15 return None
16 origin = str(dirobj.joinpath('').absolute())
17 ret = ModuleSpec(name, Loader(name, origin), origin=origin)
18 return ret
20 sys.meta_path.append(IdeHelper)

which I'm on the right direction with. Unfortunately, I'm getting errors 

importing a subpackage. With 'import top.child1' the error is
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'top.child1'; 'top' is not a 

whereas with 'from top import child1' the error changes to
    ImportError: cannot import name 'child1' from 'top' (unknown location)

How can I make this work?

Best wishes,


Re: TLSServer: certificate one request behind...

2018-03-18 Thread Fabiano Sidler
Hello? Rfd, anyone?

Thus wrote Fabiano Sidler:
> Thus wrote Fabiano Sidler:
> > What's the reason for this? Please find attached my TLSServer.
> Oh, sorry...! Apparently, the attachment has been stripped. Here inline:
> === ===
> from socketserver import ThreadingTCPServer,StreamRequestHandler
> import ssl
> class TLSServer(ThreadingTCPServer):
>   def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
>   super(TLSServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
>   ctx = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH)
>   ctx.set_servername_callback(self.servername_callback)
>   ctx.check_hostname = False
>   self._ctx = ctx
>   def get_request(self):
>   s,a = super(TLSServer, self).get_request()
>   s = self._ctx.wrap_socket(s, server_side=True)
>   return s,a
>   def servername_callback(self, sock, req_hostname, cb_context):
> from OpenSSL import crypto as x509
> from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
> class SelfSigningServer(TLSServer):
>   def servername_callback(self, sock, req_hostname, cb_context):
>   key = x509.PKey()
>   key.generate_key(x509.TYPE_RSA, 2048)
>   cert = x509.X509()
>   subj = cert.get_subject()
>   subj.C  = 'CH'
>   subj.ST = 'ZH'
>   subj.L  = 'Zurich'
>   subj.O  = 'ACME Inc.'
>   subj.OU = 'IT dept.'
>   subj.CN = req_hostname
>   cert.set_version(0x02)
>   cert.set_serial_number(1000)
>   cert.gmtime_adj_notBefore(0)
>   cert.gmtime_adj_notAfter(10*365*24*60*60)
>   cert.set_issuer(subj)
>   cert.set_pubkey(key)
>   cert.sign(key, 'sha256')
>   certfile = NamedTemporaryFile()
>   keyfile = NamedTemporaryFile()
>   certfile.write(x509.dump_certificate(x509.FILETYPE_PEM, cert))
>   keyfile.write(x509.dump_privatekey(x509.FILETYPE_PEM, key))
>   cb_context.load_cert_chain(, 
>   cb_context.set_servername_callback(self.servername_callback)
>   sock.context = cb_context
>   certfile.close()
>   keyfile.close()
> class SelfSigningHandler(StreamRequestHandler):
>   def handle(self):
>   self.wfile.write(b'Hello World!\r\n')
> server = SelfSigningServer(('localhost',1234), SelfSigningHandler)
> server.serve_forever()
> === ===
> Thanks again!
> -- 

Re: TLSServer: certificate one request behind...

2018-03-14 Thread Fabiano Sidler
Thus wrote Fabiano Sidler:
> What's the reason for this? Please find attached my TLSServer.

Oh, sorry...! Apparently, the attachment has been stripped. Here inline:

=== ===
from socketserver import ThreadingTCPServer,StreamRequestHandler
import ssl

class TLSServer(ThreadingTCPServer):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(TLSServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
ctx = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH)
ctx.check_hostname = False
self._ctx = ctx
def get_request(self):
s,a = super(TLSServer, self).get_request()
s = self._ctx.wrap_socket(s, server_side=True)
return s,a
def servername_callback(self, sock, req_hostname, cb_context):

from OpenSSL import crypto as x509
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile

class SelfSigningServer(TLSServer):
def servername_callback(self, sock, req_hostname, cb_context):
key = x509.PKey()
key.generate_key(x509.TYPE_RSA, 2048)
cert = x509.X509()
subj = cert.get_subject()
subj.C  = 'CH'
subj.ST = 'ZH'
subj.L  = 'Zurich'
subj.O  = 'ACME Inc.'
subj.OU = 'IT dept.'
subj.CN = req_hostname
cert.sign(key, 'sha256')
certfile = NamedTemporaryFile()
keyfile = NamedTemporaryFile()
certfile.write(x509.dump_certificate(x509.FILETYPE_PEM, cert))
keyfile.write(x509.dump_privatekey(x509.FILETYPE_PEM, key))
sock.context = cb_context

class SelfSigningHandler(StreamRequestHandler):
def handle(self):
self.wfile.write(b'Hello World!\r\n')

server = SelfSigningServer(('localhost',1234), SelfSigningHandler)
=== ===

Thanks again!

TLSServer: certificate one request behind...

2018-03-14 Thread Fabiano Sidler
Hi folks!

I have written a TLSServer for testing purposes that generates
self-signed certificates upon request. This works pretty well
except that the certificates are always supplied one request too

# gets no cert, but a handshake failure instead
$ openssl s_client -connect localhost:1234 -servername server1

# gets the cert for server1
$ openssl s_client -connect localhost:1234 -servername server2

# gets the cert for server2
$ openssl s_client -connect localhost:1234 -servername server3

What's the reason for this? Please find attached my TLSServer.

Best wishes,

Re: How do I say "Is this a function"?

2008-05-05 Thread Fabiano Sidler

John Henry schrieb:

  exec fct

You don't want this. You want to store the function in a list instead:

l = [ f1, f3, others ]
for i in [0,1]: l[i]()


getattrfunc vs. tp_methods

2006-11-03 Thread Fabiano Sidler
Hello list!

Writing a C extension module, which way is better to implement attribute
retrieval, by a getattr function in the PyTypeObject struct or by an entry
tp_methods? I don't need any black magic being executed on attribute access,
so I would tend towards the tp_methods entry. Any argument against it?


Re: Printing out the objects stack

2006-10-31 Thread Fabiano Sidler
On Sunday 29 October 2006 17:48, I wrote:
> Now the following things are not clear to me:
> -Why does the VM crash? Did I use the wrong stack boundaries?
> -Why are no locales printed?
> -Why is the function "stack" not right before or after "foo"
>  on the stack? When I disassemble the code of f with dis.dis,
>  it reveals that sys.stack and foo are pushed onto the stack
>  successively.

No hints?


Printing out the objects stack

2006-10-29 Thread Fabiano Sidler
Hi folks!

For getting a plan how a stack-based VM like Python works, I added a
function that prints out the current object stack. Unfortunately, it
crashes the VM. Could someone here take a look at it? What's wrong with

--- snip ---
static PyObject *
sys_stack(PyObject *self)
PyFrameObject *f = PyThreadState_GET()->frame;
**begin = f->f_localsplus,
**end = f->f_valuestack;

end += f->f_code->co_stacksize;
flog(   "co_name: %s\n"
"co_stacksize: %d\n"
"localsplus: %d\n"
"valuestack: %d\n",
PyString_AsString(f->f_code->co_name), f->f_code->co_stacksize,
f->f_localsplus, f->f_valuestack);
PyObject *list = f->f_code->co_names;
int len,i;

len = PyList_Size(list);
for (i=0; if_valuestack - (int)i)/4;
PyObject *obi;
char *strval;

if (*i == NULL) {
break; }
if ((obi=PyObject_Str(*i)) != NULL) {
if ((strval=PyString_AsString(obi)) != NULL) {
flog("[%3d] %s\n", o, strval);
return Py_None;
--- snap ---

flog(fmt, ...) is my function to log to a file, sys_stack I've made available
to Python as sys.stack and PyFrame_New I modified so that it nulls the memory
allocated for the objects stack. Now the following Python code crashes...

--- snip ---
def f(foo,bar,boo,far):
print foobar

f('foo','bar','boo','far') # CRASH
--- snap ---

...and in my "logfile" I have...

--- snip ---
co_name: f
co_stacksize: 1
localsplus: 136139316
valuestack: 136139336
end of locals
[  5] foo
[  4] bar
[  3] boo
[  2] far
[  1] foobar
[  0] 
--- snap ---

Now the following things are not clear to me:
-Why does the VM crash? Did I use the wrong stack boundaries?
-Why are no locales printed?
-Why is the function "stack" not right before or after "foo"
 on the stack? When I disassemble the code of f with dis.dis,
 it reveals that sys.stack and foo are pushed onto the stack


Re: Current stackdepth outside PyEval_EvalFrameEx

2006-10-25 Thread Fabiano Sidler
On Tuesday 24 October 2006 17:05, Neil Cerutti wrote:
> Perhaps the inspect module will help?  See 3.11.4 The Interpreter
> Stack.

No, sorry if I didn't eplain it well enough. I meant the object stack
of the current frame, not the frame stack. In my function, I wanted to
return the list of objects on the object stack (f_valuestack) in the caller's 
frame. For this, I must have or compute the number of objects on this stack,
but don't have an idea how to do it.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Current stackdepth outside PyEval_EvalFrameEx

2006-10-24 Thread Fabiano Sidler
On Monday 23 October 2006 02:20, I wrote:
> I'm trying to implement a python function that returns the current stack
> depth of its frame. Unfortunately, I don't see any possibility to get this
> value outside of PyEval_EvalFrameEx. Inside of it, I'd use the STACK_LEVEL
> macro. How do I do it?

No hints?


Current stackdepth outside PyEval_EvalFrameEx

2006-10-22 Thread Fabiano Sidler
Hi folks!

I'm trying to implement a python function that returns the current stack
depth of its frame. Unfortunately, I don't see any possibility to get this
value outside of PyEval_EvalFrameEx. Inside of it, I'd use the STACK_LEVEL
macro. How do I do it?


Re: Are the CALL_FUNCTION_* opcodes ever used?

2006-09-22 Thread Fabiano Sidler
On Thursday 21 September 2006 22:36, Peter Otten wrote:
> >>> def test():
> ... func(*args)
> ... func(**kw)
> ... func(*args, **kw)

Oh, I didn't know the possibility of using the *args and **kwargs semantics
at function call. Thank you for revealing them to me! :)
Now it is also obvious how the CALL_FUNCTION_* opcodes are used.


Are the CALL_FUNCTION_* opcodes ever used?

2006-09-21 Thread Fabiano Sidler
Hi folks!

Studying python byte code I encountered an interesting issue: there is no
matter, which one of the following function calls I compile:

1: func('foo','bar',foo='bar')
2: func('foobar')
3: func(foo='bar')

The compiler always uses the simple CALL_FUNCTION for all of the source
examples above. While this is fine for me (since the labels in Python/ceval.c
for the other 3 opcodes lead to the same code anyway), I'm curious to know
if there is a case where the compiler really uses the CALL_FUNCTION_* opcodes
or if we could silently remove these opcodes without breaking anything?


Re: unable to resize mmap object

2006-05-02 Thread Fabiano Sidler
On Sunday 30 April 2006 21:06, Serge Orlov wrote:
> Fabiano Sidler wrote:
>> Now, when I try to resize mm to 10 byte
>> --- snip ---
>> mm.resize(10)
>> --- snap ---
>> I get an EnvironmentError:[Errno 22] Invalid argument.
> Just a guess: try a new size argument that is multiple of page size.

No, doesn't work neitzer. :(

Thank you anyway for the idea!

unable to resize mmap object

2006-04-30 Thread Fabiano Sidler
Hi folks!

I created an mmap object like so:
--- snip ---
from mmap import mmap,MAP_ANONYMOUS,MAP_PRIVATE
fl = file('/dev/zero','rw')
mm = mmap(fl.fileno(), 1, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS)
--- snap ---

Now, when I try to resize mm to 10 byte
--- snip ---
--- snap ---
I get an EnvironmentError:[Errno 22] Invalid argument.

How can I implement a resizeable anonymous memory mapping?
Thanks for your reply!

F. Sidler

inheriting type or object?

2006-04-27 Thread Fabiano Sidler
Hi folks!

As stated in subject, how do I decide wether to inherit  or
? Whenever I want to intantiate my derived type, I taked
 here, but inheriting from  consequently would
be reasonable in cases of pure static objects (i.e. objects/types using
staticmethods exclusively), for whose I would prefer toplevel code outside
a class definition in python, since python does not oblige programmers to
use classes (like JAVA et. al.).

So, finally, my question is: Is there a design pattern, that makes 
 a reasonable (direct) base type for new objects/types?
Right now, I can't see any.

Thank you for answering!
F. Sidler

Inexplicable behaviour of

2006-04-23 Thread Fabiano Sidler
Have a look to the following lines of code:
--- snip ---
class Foo: pass
def bar(): pass = bar
--- snap ---

Why does 'bar.__get__(Foo) is' evaluate to False here? Did I
misunderstand the descriptor protocol?

Thank you for answering,
F. Sidler

Re: Why are so many built-in types inheritable?

2006-03-28 Thread Fabiano Sidler
I really wanted to learn the reason for this, nothing else! ;)

F. Sidler

Re: Why are so many built-in types inheritable?

2006-03-25 Thread Fabiano Sidler
25 Mar 2006 13:58:17 -0800, Ziga Seilnacht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> No, you don't have to:

Okay, but I'd prefer! ;)

> [a lot of python code]

That's what I wanted to avoid. Additionally, the possibility to do it
this way doesn't make it reasonable that  is
inheritable. Are there any reasons for that?


Re: Why are so many built-in types inheritable?

2006-03-25 Thread Fabiano Sidler
Kent Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You could do this with a simple decorator:
> or I think your class PrintingFunction would work as
> class PrintingFunction(object):
>def __init__(self, func):
>  self.func = func
>def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
>  print args, kwargs
>  return self.func(*args, **kwargs)

The problem with this is that the func_code attribute would contain
the code of PrintingFunction instead of func. What I wanted to do, is
to keep the original behaviour, i.e. set the variable __metaclass__ to
DebugMeta and so get debug output, without changing a function and
getting the original function's code object by the func_code
attribute, not PrintigFunction's one. That's why I *must* inherit from

F. Sidler

Re: Why are so many built-in types inheritable?

2006-03-24 Thread Fabiano Sidler
Hello? Or, is there any obvious reason for this behaviour I don't see?


Re: anonymous memory mapping

2006-03-20 Thread Fabiano Sidler
2006/3/14, Fabiano Sidler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 2006/3/14, Peter Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > (As for me, I have no idea what the question is about, so this is the
> > most help I can give.)
> Ok, sorry! I wanted to do this:
> --- snip ---
> from mmap import mmap, MAP_ANONYMOUS
> mm = mmap(-1, 1024, MAP_ANONYMOUS)
> --- snap ---
> But I got an EnvironmentError, "[Errno 22] Invalid argument" (on
> Linux2.6, btw.). The reason why I want to use anonymous mapping is
> that it only allocates the memory it actually uses.

Hello? Nobody out there who can answer this question?

F. Sidler

Why are so many built-in types inheritable?

2006-03-18 Thread Fabiano Sidler
Hi folks!

For debugging purposes I tried this:

--- snip ---
def foo(): pass
function = type(foo)

class PrintingFunction(function):
  def __init__(self, func):
self.func = func
  def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
print args, kwargs
return function.__call__(self, args, kwargs)

class DebugMeta(type):
  def __new__(self, name, bases, dict):
for name in dict:
  if type(dict[name]) is function:
dict[name] = PrintingFunction(dict[name])

--- snap ---

Now I tought I were able to let all maethod of classes with DebugMeta as
metaclass print out their arguments. But I got the following sad error:

TypeError: Error when calling the metaclass bases
type 'function' is not an acceptable base type

That's awful, isn't it?
What could I do to get the above code working? (No, I disliked to re-
implement  without this unpleasant behaviour in Python.)

F. Sidler


Re: anonymous memory mapping

2006-03-14 Thread Fabiano Sidler
2006/3/14, Peter Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> (As for me, I have no idea what the question is about, so this is the
> most help I can give.)

Ok, sorry! I wanted to do this:

--- snip ---
from mmap import mmap, MAP_ANONYMOUS
mm = mmap(-1, 1024, MAP_ANONYMOUS)
--- snap ---

But I got an EnvironmentError, "[Errno 22] Invalid argument" (on
Linux2.6, btw.). The reason why I want to use anonymous mapping is
that it only allocates the memory it actually uses.


Re: anonymous memory mapping

2006-03-13 Thread Fabiano Sidler
2006/3/12, Fabiano Sidler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Is there any way to use anonymous memory mapping in python, versions
> earlier than 2.5?

No idea or no way to do it?

F. Sidler

anonymous memory mapping

2006-03-11 Thread Fabiano Sidler
Hi folks!

Is there any way to use anonymous memory mapping in python, versions
earlier than 2.5?

F. Sidler

Re: Python Class use

2006-02-07 Thread Fabiano Sidler
Huh? You definitely must import that module. Then, is your homedir
listed in sys.path?

F. Sidler

Re: Using bytecode, not code objects

2006-02-06 Thread Fabiano Sidler
2006/1/29, Fabiano Sidler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 28 Jan 2006 22:02:45 -0800, Raymond Hettinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > But if you want to make your life unnecessarily hard, you can hack the
> > compiler module just upstream from the creation of the code object --
> > alter the newCodeObject() method in
> Thanks! I think this will help me, because it demonstrates how a code
> object is to be created (with new.code), although in a very
> complicated way.

Are you familiar with this module? I don't get the essence of it, even
with pdb (which I'm surely not using as neatly as it could be). Or is
there any documentation on it I couldn't find?

F. Sidler

Using bytecode, not code objects

2006-01-28 Thread Fabiano Sidler
Hi folks!

I'm looking for a way to compile python source to bytecode instead of
code-objects. Is there a possibility to do that? The reason is: I want
to store pure bytecode with no additional data.

The second question is, therefore: How can I get the correct values
for a given bytecode, such as the stacksize and flags attributes of
the correspondent code object?

No, I don't want to extract all of these things out of a code object.

Best wishes and thanks for answering!
F. Sidler