Re: python 3's adoption

2010-01-28 Thread Fencer

On 2010-01-28 17:03, Mitchell L Model wrote:

I have been working with Python 3 for over a year. I used it in writing
my book Bioinformatics Programming Using Python

That book sounds very interesting, even though I am more interested in 
the bioinformatic parts, I already know some python. I'll show my boss 
the link, thanks!

- Fencer

Re: How do I access what's in this module?

2010-01-08 Thread Fencer

On 2010-01-08 05:01, John Machin wrote:

Error message should appear after line starting with File. Above
excerpt taken from google groups; identical to what shows in ... what are you
looking at?

With Windows XP and Python 2.5.4 I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, inmodule
AttributeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object has no attribute

I'm sorry, I managed to leave out that last line by mistake! My bad. I 
didn't spot that in my first reply to you because I was under the 
impression that you hadn't seen the tiniest part of traceback. As you 
neatly pointed out earlier, it's easy to become confused when 
communicating. :)

It turns out I no longer want to access anything in there but I thank
you for your information nontheless.

You're welcome -- the advice on _methods is portable :-)

I will look more closely at what other advice you write, I must confess 
I didn't actually do that because, as I mentioned, I no longer had any 
interest in accessing the module and I was busy (and still am) with 
another problem. Thanks John!

- Fencer

suds problem

2010-01-07 Thread Fencer
Hello, I just started using suds to use web services. First I tried suds 
with a very simple web service I had written and was running myself. 
That worked fine. Then I tried to use the web services provided by KEGG:
But I get a SAXParseException due to a supposed mis-matched tag when I 
try to consume that wsdl with suds. I checked the wsdl in oxygene and it 
claims it's valid. What is the problem here? My test program is below 
and it's very simple:

from suds.client import Client

url = ''

client = Client(url)

print client

- Fencer

How do I access what's in this module?

2010-01-07 Thread Fencer

Hello, look at this lxml documentation page:

How do I access the functions and variables listed?

I tried from lxml.etree import ElementTree and the import itself seems 
to pass without complaint by the python interpreter but I can't seem to 
access anything in ElementTree, not the functions or variables. What is 
the proper way to import that module?

For example:
 from lxml.etree import ElementTree
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File console, line 1, in module

Also, can I access those items that begin with an underscore if I get 
the import sorted?

- Fencer

Re: How do I access what's in this module?

2010-01-07 Thread Fencer

On 2010-01-08 04:40, John Machin wrote:

For example:
from lxml.etree import ElementTree
Traceback (most recent call last):
File console, line 1, inmodule

lxml.etree is a module. ElementTree is effectively a class. The error
message that you omitted to show us might have given you a clue.

But I did show the error message? It's just above what you just wrote. I 
try to include all relevant information in my posts.

Using pommy slang like sorted in an IT context has the potential to
confuse your transatlantic correspondents :-)

Ah, of course! :-)

Can access? Yes. Should access? The usual Python convention is that an
object whose name begins with an underscore should be accessed only
via a documented interface (or, at your own risk, if you think you
know what you are doing).

It turns out I no longer want to access anything in there but I thank 
you for your information nontheless.


- Fencer

Re: suds problem

2010-01-06 Thread Fencer

On 2010-01-06 19:33, Fencer wrote:

Hello, I just started using suds to use web services. First I tried suds
with a very simple web service I had written and was running myself.
That worked fine. Then I tried to use the web services provided by KEGG:
But I get a SAXParseException due to a supposed mis-matched tag when I
try to consume that wsdl with suds. I checked the wsdl in oxygene and it
claims it's valid. What is the problem here? My test program is below
and it's very simple:
from suds.client import Client

url = ''

client = Client(url)

print client

- Fencer

Same problem with reactome:

I suppose I'm mis-using suds, maybe some setting that wasn't needed for 
my simple web service but is needed for kegg and reactome.

- Fencer

Re: suds problem

2010-01-06 Thread Fencer

On 2010-01-06 20:02, Fencer wrote:

On 2010-01-06 19:33, Fencer wrote:

Hello, I just started using suds to use web services. First I tried suds
with a very simple web service I had written and was running myself.
That worked fine. Then I tried to use the web services provided by KEGG:
But I get a SAXParseException due to a supposed mis-matched tag when I
try to consume that wsdl with suds. I checked the wsdl in oxygene and it
claims it's valid. What is the problem here? My test program is below
and it's very simple:
from suds.client import Client

url = ''

client = Client(url)

print client

- Fencer

Same problem with reactome:

I suppose I'm mis-using suds, maybe some setting that wasn't needed for
my simple web service but is needed for kegg and reactome.

- Fencer

Seems to be a known problem regarding suds. :( A work-around was 
suggested to remove some cache files but that didn't solve it for me. 
Appreciate other ideas!

- Fencer

What should I use for testing a web service?

2009-12-27 Thread Fencer
Hello, I need to write a test program for a web service. The web service 
publishes its method through a wsdl-file. I recall using SOAPpy in the 
past and as a I remember it, it was very easy to load the WSDL-file 
and call web service methods. But is SOAPpy really maintained anymore? 
Someone mentioned ZSI, but that too seems to be abadonware and my first 
impression was it's complicated to do what was so easy in SOAPpy (at 
least as I recall it).
So I guess my question is: what is a mature, actively-maintained 
SOAP/WSDL library that is easy to use for the scenario I have (which is 
testing an already existing service)?

- Fencer

Sending email

2009-08-28 Thread Fencer
Hello, I'm using Python version 2.6.2 and I discovered it has built-in 
libraries for sending email (imports smtplib and email). On the web I 
discovered how to send mail through

mail_server = smtplib.SMTP()

mail_server.login('username', 'password')

msg = MIMEText('Some message text')
msg['Subject'] = 'Some subject'
msg['From'] = 'Mr Underhill'
msg['To'] = 'someemailaddress'

me = 'myemailaddress'
mail_server.sendmail(me, ['someemailaddress'], msg.as_string())

That seems to work just fine but for the messages I will be sending I 
don't want to use my private GMail account.
We have an SMTP server at work, and I checked its settings in the 
Thunderbird mail client and it's using SSL over port 465, so a bit 
different from how GMail's SMTP server is configured in Thunderbird.

I altered my code slightly to account for this:
mail_server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL()
mail_server.connect('', 465)

Everything I left untouched. However, it doesn't work:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Users\fencer\workspace\Send Email\src\, line 
16, in module

  File C:\Python26\lib\, line 382, in ehlo
self.putcmd(self.ehlo_msg, name or self.local_hostname)
  File C:\Python26\lib\, line 318, in putcmd
  File C:\Python26\lib\, line 310, in send
raise SMTPServerDisconnected('please run connect() first')
smtplib.SMTPServerDisconnected: please run connect() first

As you can see, I'm on Windows Vista.

What do I need to change in my code to fix this problem? Thunderbird 
manages to do it! :) Ideally, I would like send an email that the 
recipient can't reply to, but if doesn't work, it's fine too. I want to 
use this to send automated emails to students with account information 
for a course.

- Fencer

Re: Sending email

2009-08-28 Thread Fencer

7stud wrote:

Thanks for your reply. After consulting the sysadmins here I was able to 
get it to work.

- Fencer

Re: Problem with join in__str__() in class (newbie)

2009-08-10 Thread Fencer

Piet van Oostrum wrote:

Thanks for your detailed reply!

- Fencer

Problem with join in__str__() in class (newbie)

2009-08-09 Thread Fencer
Hello, I've written two classes. One class describes experts: experts 
has a unique ID and a name. An expert knows topics and other experts. A 
topic is described by my other class and includes a unique ID and a 
name. Now I have a problem with the __str__ method in my Expert class:

def __str__(self):
output = '%s:%s' % (self.expert_id,
output += '\nKnown topics: %s' % (', '.join(str(self.topics)))
#   print 'Known experts: '
#   for e in self.known_experts:
#   print '%s:%s' % (e.expert_id,
return output

self.topics is a list of objects of type Topic.
self.known_experts is a list of objects of type Expert, specifically the 
experts known by the given expert.

When I print an object of type Expert, the output is not what I want. If 
the expert knows only one topic, say polemics, the output is:

Known topics: t, 5, :, P, o, l, e, m, i, c, s
If the expert knows two topics, say Polemics and The Parthenon, then the 
 output is:

Known topics: [, , _, _, m, a, i, n, _, _, ., T, o, p, i, c,  , i, n, 
s, t, a, n, c, e,  , a, t,  , 0, x, 0, 2, 2, 2, D, 0, 8, 0, , ]

This is not what I want. :) I want the output like this:
Known topics: t5:Polemics, t6:The Parthenon

Also, notice the code I've commented out. If I can get the join above to 
work (with your help) my next question is how to present the known 
experts in a comma separated list with only expert_id and name? I can't 
use the normal __str__() method (the one I'm writing here) because it 
prints too much information. Does that mean a join is out of the question?

Thanks for any replies!

- Fencer

Re: Problem with join in__str__() in class (newbie)

2009-08-09 Thread Fencer

jon rascal wrote:

You're turning your list into a string -- try this:
', '.join([str(x) for x in self.topics])

Thanks for your quick reply, unfortunately it didn't quite work for me.
Say topics contain two topics: polemics, and the parthenon I get this 

Known topics: t5:Polemics

only the first topic is printed. If topics only contain a single topic I 
get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Users\fencer\workspace\Find Expert\src\, line 
57, in module

print experts[1]
  File C:\Users\fencer\workspace\Find Expert\src\, line 
21, in __str__
output += '\nKnown topics: %s' % (', '.join([str(x) for x in 

TypeError: iteration over non-sequence

What did I do wrong?

- Fencer

Re: Problem with join in__str__() in class (newbie)

2009-08-09 Thread Fencer

MRAB wrote:

Try printing self.topics. It should always be a list of topics.

Ah, yes, that made me find a bug when I was creating the Expert objects: 
the lists of known topics were not created properly. I should have 
posted more code I suppose! Thanks for the help, this problem has now 
been solved. I guess I can't use a join to print the known experts as I 
described in my first post.

- Fencer

Keeping console window open

2009-06-07 Thread Fencer
Hello, I need to write a simple utility program that will be used under 
Windows. I want to write the utility in python and it will be run by 
double-clicking the the .py-file.

I put a raw_input('Press enter to exit) at the end so the console window 
wouldn't just disappear when the program is finished.

Anyway, I wrote a few lines of code and when I first tried to run it by 
double-clicking the .py-file the console window still disappeared right 
away. So, in order to see what was happening, I ran it from a shell and 
it turned out to be a missing import. My question is how can I trap 
errors encountered by the interpreter (if that is the right way to put 
it) in order to keep the console window open so one has a chance to see 
the error message?

- Fencer

Re: Keeping console window open

2009-06-07 Thread Fencer

Scott David Daniels wrote:

To be a trifle more explicit, turn:

  if __name__ == '__main__':

  if __name__ == '__main__':
 except Exception, why:
 print 'Failed:', why
 import sys, traceback
 raw_input('Leaving: ')

Note that building your script like this also allows you to
open the interpretter, and type:
import mymodule
in order to examine how it runs.

Thanks alot, this was exactly what I was looking for!

--Scott David Daniels


create boolean

2009-03-06 Thread Fencer
Hi, I need a boolean b to be true if the variable n is not None and not 
an empty list, otherwise b should be false.

I ended up with:
b = n is not None and not not n
which seems to work but is that normally how you would do it?
It can be assumed that n is always None or a list that might be empty

- Fencer

Restructure dictionary (Python 2.5)

2009-03-02 Thread Fencer

Hello, I have a dictionary that has strings as keys and for each key the
associated value is a list of strings. Many of the lists contain only 
one element and a given element may appear for more than one key.
What I need to do now is create a new dictionary where the strings in 
the list are keys and their values is a list of which keys in the old 
dictionary that contained them.

So I want to go from:
aa:[a, b, c]
bb:[c, d]
c[aa, bb]

I tried this code:
old_dict = {'xyz':['a','b','c'],'baz':['c','d']}
new_dict = {}
for dkey, vallist in old_dict.iteritems():
for val in vallist:
if val in new_dict:
theset = new_dict[val]
new_dict[val] = theset
new_dict[val] = set([dkey])
print new_dict

Which yields the output {'a': set(['xyz']), 'c': set(['xyz', 'baz']), 
'b': set(['xyz']), 'd': set(['baz'])}, so it seems to work but I have a 
feeling this is a crappy solution that's underusing Python. Please 
enlighten me of a better way!

- Fencer