Re: Advice on how to get started with 2D-plotting ?

2011-09-07 Thread Fred Pacquier
Wow, what an impressive turnout !

Thanks a lot, rantingrick, CM and Herbert, for the fast answers, useful 
tips and especially the sample code !

Beats starting from a blank page, with a big stick, and will certainly set 
me on my way much faster...

networkx does seem a bit over the top for my simple goal, but both the Tk 
(I always forget Tk !) and Matplotlib approaches seem to fit the KISS 
principle just fine... on to the tinkering now :-)

Again, thanks to all !

Advice on how to get started with 2D-plotting ?

2011-09-06 Thread Fred Pacquier

I'm a Python long-timer, but I've never had to use tools like Matplotlib & 
others before.

Now, for my work, I would need to learn the basics fast, for a one-time 
quick-n-dirty job.

This involves a graphic comparison of RFC1918 IP subnets allocation across 
several networks.

The idea is to draw parallel lines, with segments (subnets) coloured green, 
yellow or red depending on the conflicts between the networks.

What would be the simplest/fastest way of getting this done ?
(the graphic parts, the IP stuff I know how to handle)

Alternately, if someone knows of a ready-made and accessible tool that does 
just that, I'm all ears :-)


Re: What do you use with Python for GUI programming and why?

2011-03-11 Thread Fred Pacquier
Robert  said :

> Is there a push to one toolkit or the other?

If you are just now getting started, I would honestly suggest you save a 
whole lot of time and dive straight into PyQt. I've tried most 'em over the 
years (including some now discontinued), and in my experience Qt is way 
above the rest, especially as far as consistency and productivity are 
concerned. The Python bindings are very mature and well maintained, and go 
a long way attenuating the evil C++ roots.

I havent tried Nokia's equivalent (PySide). I'm not sure what its fate will 
turn out, given the company's change of heart and Microsoft honeymoon. At 
least PyQt is't going anywhere soon.

YMMV, of course :)

Re: Tracking down DLL load errors in Windows ?

2009-10-19 Thread Fred Pacquier
"Mark Tolonen"  said :

> Yes, welcome to Microsoft's solution to DLL Hell...Side-by-Side DLL
> Hell. 

As always, it boils down to a philosophical choice : is it better to suffer 
through Hell alone, or in bad company ? :-)

Re: Tracking down DLL load errors in Windows ?

2009-10-18 Thread Fred Pacquier
Fred P  said :
> Hi, a bit of platform-specific advice sought here... I'm trying to
> diagnose one of those mysteries Windows is so fond of...
> Say that I have code that imports some binary Python module from site-
> packages (in this case, libpyexiv2.pyd through, could be
> anythng else).
> On three Windows boxes I've tried it (XP Pro or Home, Python 2.5) 
> everything works fine. On a fourth, importing the module fails with a 
> traceback like this :
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 1, in 
>   File "c:\python\lib\site-packages\", line 60, in 
> import libpyexiv2
> ImportError: DLL load failed: This application could not start
> because its configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling it might solve
> the problem.
> I have tried long and hard to spot a meaningful difference between the
> first three systems and the last, without success.
> Is there any tool and/or methodology I could use to at least pinpoint
> the exact DLL that libpyexiv2 is failing to load, and ideally also the
> reason why ?...

Thanks to Mark and Christian : dependency-walker confirmed the VC++ 

After installing the MS redistributable DLL package -- actually I had to 
install *three* before hitting the right one (2005SP1) -- libpyexiv2 
finally loads all its dependencies.

Of course I've still no idea why/how it ran on the first three systems 
(and most others, from the look of it) without doing anything, and not on 
this one... but at least now it works :-)

Re: Tracking down DLL load errors in Windows ?

2009-10-17 Thread Fred Pacquier
"Mark Tolonen"  said :

> That error message is returned from executables built with later
> versions of Visual Studio (at least 2005 and 2008...not sure about
> 2003).  The Windows application event log will indicate what DLL is
> missing. 
> In addition to tools others have noted, depends.exe (comes with
> VS2005...was removed in VS2008 for unknown reasons) will list the DLLs
> required by an executable.  Another Visual Studio tool, "dumpbin
> /imports " works, too.

Silly me, I hadn't even thought of the Windows event log either... thanks 
much !

Re: Tracking down DLL load errors in Windows ?

2009-10-16 Thread Fred Pacquier
Christian Heimes  said :

> Fred P wrote:
>> Is there any tool and/or methodology I could use to at least pinpoint
>> the exact DLL that libpyexiv2 is failing to load, and ideally also
>> the reason why ?...
> The depencency walker works fine for
> me. 

I'd never heard of that tool before, but it looks powerful indeed !

Thanks a lot for the pointer,

Re: Web based application development using python

2009-04-28 Thread Fred Pacquier
Rahul  said :

>> There are a number of frameworks out there each with there own set of
>> strengths and weaknesses,  you shoul dbe
>> looking at each ones vibrancy (community), suitablility for your
>> application, etc...
> Thanks tim
> This information was really of help to me
If you don't have any preference yet, you might want to have a look at 

Re: Recommendation for a small web framework like Perl's CGI::Application to run as CGI?

2009-01-28 Thread Fred Pacquier
excord80  said :

>> What are you looking for in your framework?
> Well, let's see. I don't need a templating library, since -- as you
> pointed out -- I can just use Python's own. I don't need a db
> interface (can just make my own dbapi calls if needed). Don't need url
> mapping (can just use mod_rewrite rules in my .htaccess to point at my
> cgi scripts). Don't think I need any i80n. And I don't need an admin
> interface. ... It would seem that I don't need a whole lot at the
> moment.

That would be something close to Karrigell...

Re: Are there any python micro-frameworks (like ruby's Camping)?

2008-10-01 Thread Fred Pacquier
Phillip B Oldham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said :

> On Oct 1, 10:29 am, Michele Simionato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> How about wsgiref in the standard library? It is as small as you can
>> get without resorting to CGI.
> Interesting... I'll be sure to check that out also.
> Someone also mentioned Paste/WebOb, so now I have 3 to test.
> Any others?

I'd add Snakelets (in stasis, but interesting) and Karrigell (alive and 
well). is probably closest to what you're looking for though.

Re: ANN: Python GUI development using XULRunner

2008-09-17 Thread Fred Pacquier
Todd Whiteman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said :

> I've put together a tutorial that shows off how to build a GUI 
> application using XULRunner (same architectural components as Firefox 
> uses) that can be used in conjunction with the Python programming
> language. 
> The tutorial covers how to build a Python/XULRunner GUI application:
> nner_about.html 
> The details in this tutorial covers the initial setup to full 
> packaging/deployment, mostly targeting a Windows/Linux platform
> (MacOSX is possible with a few deviations, I have tried to cover these
> deviations where applicable).
> Feedback is welcome.

Thanks for making good on your promise. I'm leaving for a trip but have it 
bookmarked for later use :-)

Re: PyGUI as a standard GUI API for Python?

2008-09-10 Thread Fred Pacquier
Todd Whiteman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said :

> Personally, I believe XULRunner has a lot to offer for Python GUI 
> development, I'm currently finishing up some documentation steps to show 
> off how to use it specifically for Python (I'll post it to this list 
> when it's finished).

That would be really nice !

I've long been curious about the potential of XUL+Python, but put off by 
the lack of leads to follow up, and not having time to do the digging 


Re: So you think PythonCard is old? Here's new wine in an old bottle.

2008-04-28 Thread Fred Pacquier
John Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said :

> The performance of Qooxdoo is quite amazing - for a Javascript based
> web application.  Don't know about cell-phones though.  You can try
> their showcase web site I cited earlier.

Just for the record, Nokia Internet tablets (770, N800, N810) are the only 
things made by Nokia that are not cell-phones... They're ARM machines with 
a 800x480 4" screen, Wifi, Bluetooth, and Linux. And Python, pyGTK and 
Pygame. Probably pyQt next as they just bought Trolltech. But no wxPython.

I was not speaking of running just the client part in the device's browser, 
either - but the full Monty (haha) with the web server and the application 
engine, python, middleware and all. I'm doing it right now using a full-
blown framework (web2py), so it's not unreasonable. There's no Ajax in 
there though, so I'm wondering what kind of impact those tools you mention 
would have, server side.
> Yes, who would have throught we don't have to give up on Pythoncard?
Proof of superior vision, architecture and design, all that time ago...

Re: So you think PythonCard is old? Here's new wine in an old bottle.

2008-04-27 Thread Fred Pacquier
John Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said :

> Welcome to the modernized world of Pythoncard!!!

Hey, that's really neat !

I remember dabbling in Pythoncard in the early days, some years ago, it was 
a very interesting project. I gave it up eventually, partly because it 
seemed somewhat abandoned (I see it's still stuck in 2006 ?), but mostly 
because the wxPython dependency was either unavailable or too hefty for the 
sort of machines I was interested in using it on (a Sharp Zaurus then, now 
Nokia Internet tablets). Since then I've been doing web apps instead, 
hosted and used on the devices themselves.

So using Pythoncard as a designer for web apps, of course that rings a 

Do you have any idea of the computing requirements of Qooxdoo and 
QxTransformer, compared to a native Pythoncard app ? I wonder if your stuff 
would run acceptably on today's mobile platforms (the Nokias have a Firefox 
derivative that is reasonably competent at javascript), and would give it a 
try if it's not too arcane.

Do keep us posted !



Re: PHATCH: PHoto bATCH processor with EXIF and IPTC support for all platforms

2008-04-17 Thread Fred Pacquier
"SPE - Stani's Python Editor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said :

> What is new? Until Phatch could only save EXIF and IPTC tags on Linux.
> Now this feature is available for all platforms hanks to the work of
> Robin Mills who managed to compile pyexiv2 and all its dependencies
> and get it to work on MacOS X (Tiger and Leopard, PPC and Intel) and
> x86 Windows.
> You can grab the libraries from here:
> (Look for "Download the
> libraries click here" somewhere in the middle).
> I have not tested this myself yet, but assumes that it will work. Any
> volunteers to test this with Phatch

That is great news, thanks ! I will certainly give it a try.

Re: ANN: Phatch = PHoto bATCH processor and renamer based on PIL

2008-02-20 Thread Fred Pacquier
Stani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said :

> Even without python-pyexiv2 Phatch features read-only EXIF support
> thanks to PIL. So you can name your files or write data stamps (date,
> aperature, velocity, ...) based on EXIF information. 

Oh, that's good. I hadn't looked at PIL for a long while and wasn't aware 
it did that.

> If you want to
> save EXIF and IPTC information to files you need python-pyexiv2. From
> its website: "However, the library and all the tools used are
> cross-platform, so very little tweaking should be needed to get it to
> work fine on Windows or MacOS X." 
> The exiv2 website says:
> "The Windows package only contains the command line utility exiv2.exe
> (statically linked), manpage and a sample command file; get the source
> and doc packages for the library, documentation and other tools."
> So maybe someone can compile it.

Thanks for the confirmation Stani : as I suspected, this means exiv2 is 
(deliberately ?) not end-user-ready for Windows (as in, download, install 
and configure). I have Googled around a bit but there doesn't seem to be 
anyone supplying a ready-made binary lib. Too bad.
> But... Phatch is designed with flexibility in mind. If someone can
> point me to a free python library for Windows for EXIF and other
> metadata, I'll be happy to integrate support for it in Phatch. Ideas
> anyone? 

That is exactly the problem. EXIF/IPTC were fashionable in python circles 
some years ago but apart from a long-dead sourceforge project and a 
couple of read-only modules, nothing really came out of it.

In fact, I was coincidentally searching for just such a thing when I came 
across a pointer to Phatch, a few days before you announced it here...

Re: ANN: Phatch = PHoto bATCH processor and renamer based on PIL

2008-02-19 Thread Fred Pacquier
Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said :

> Perhaps you could put a link to the source on the Windows instalL page? 
> I don't mind being a second-class citizen, but it's annoying to have to 
> jump around like that.

I'm interested too, and was also wondering if Phatch is as full-featured 
unders Windows as under Linux, specifically the EXIF/IPTC functions made 
available through pyexiv2 : exiv2 itself seems to discriminate between the 
two, the Windows package only has the executable, not the library.


Re: Client side GUI-like web framework ?

2008-02-05 Thread Fred Pacquier

> Thanks Jay and I guess in my original post I didn't explicitly specify 
> Python but that is what I was after.
> After poking around a bit pyjamas looks like it might be exactly what I 
> was after except the main pyjamas website 
> appears to be down ... is it still an active project?
> Anyone have any experience with pyjamas?
> Thanks!
I find web2py (formerly "Gluon") interesting :


Re: Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (May 16)

2007-05-19 Thread Fred Pacquier
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cameron Laird) said :

> I'll make a few personal comments.
> I knew the choice of quotes was in questionable taste.  I was
> out to be provocative without being offensive, though.  My
> apologies to Mr. Beliavsky and anyone else I disappointed.  On
> the whole, I still think I constructed the QOTWs appropriately.
> I have very little patience with The Analysts as a category.  I
> have friends and acquaintances in the business, and I respect
> them individually.  I am VERY skeptical about the sausage they
> produce at an institutional level, and can only experience its
> making for a few minutes at a time.

I myself found that QOTW twice hilarious : once for whom it was directed 
at, and once for whom it came from :-)

Thanks for a good laugh !


Looking for a particular http proxy...

2006-01-13 Thread Fred Pacquier

I would be grateful if someone could point me to an existing and working 
http proxy implementation that satisfies the following requirements :

- as small and simple as possible, ideally no dependencies outside python
- easy to customize (for controlling outgoing http headers for instance)
- supports chaining to another remote proxy

I have spent some time on the list at :

...but haven't found what I need yet : Some old pages/packages have broken 
links ; some are too full-featured and/or have heavy dependencies (xml, 
ssl, twisted etc.) ; some have remote proxy support but are complicated 
enough that I'm not sure where to hack at the request headers ; and the 
really simple ones don't chain to other proxies.

Actually "Tiny HTTP Proxy" and its derivatives would be just fine for what 
I want to do, but I don't know how and where to add remote proxy support.
I did get httpMonitor to work (although it is overkill), but it depends on 
PyXML (still 900 KB even pared down some), and it seems to have some 
strange side effects on the browser.

Any ideas welcome,


Re: Job Offer in Paris, France : R&D Engineer (Plone)

2005-09-08 Thread Fred Pacquier
Peter Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said :

> I can't let that pass. :-)  I believe it was well established in posts
> a few years ago that while the programming-language equivalent of 
> Esperanto is clearly Python, "Volapuke" was most definitely
> reincarnated as *Perl*.

Sorry -- I've been reading daily for quite some time, but I must 
have skipped that particular thread :-)
Of volapük I know only the name, so if that was the consensus here, then 
it's certainly true...


Re: Job Offer in Paris, France : R&D Engineer (Plone)

2005-09-07 Thread Fred Pacquier
"Adriaan Renting" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said :

> And about the French language: Try to find some french radio broadcast
> on the internet or something like that, and see if you can understand
> it. I find reading/writing/speaking French is o.k., but understanding
> native speakers can be very hard. I have a lot easier time
> understanding for example italians speaking French. 

This is a general case, and it goes both ways : we French usually 
communicate much more easily with italians (or whatever) speaking english 
than with native anglo-american speakers. Anyway, source code (esp. python) 
is the modern esperanto/volapük :-)


RE: Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jun 7)

2005-06-08 Thread Fred Pacquier
"Tim Golden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said :

> Just wanted to say thank you to Simon and all the
> other people who have edited the Python-URL! weekly
> digest over the years. Despite my being a pretty much
> constant reader of and various blogs and other
> on-line sources, I still look forward to to its weekly 
> arrival.
> That's both because of the mild editorial introductions 
> and also because it will almost certainly pick up
> something I've missed (sometimes because it's a gem
> buried deep within a thread which I've long since given
> up on!)

Same here : thanks for letting us get away with being lazy(er) ! :-)


Re: Supercomputer and encryption and compression @ rate of 96%

2005-04-14 Thread Fred Pacquier
Christos "TZOTZIOY" Georgiou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said :

> Well, I take advantage of this "folding" idea for years now.  Do you
> remember DoubleSpace?  I was getting to the limits [1] of my 100 MiB
> hard disk, so I was considering upgrading my hardware.  A female
> friend of mine, knowing a little but not a lot about MS-DOS asked the
> eye-opening question: "why don't you reapply double space to the
> compressed drive?"

Any BBS-era old-timers here remember NABOB ? :-)


Re: database in python ?

2005-04-11 Thread Fred Pacquier

> Hello I need to build table which need searching data which needs more
> power then dictionary or list in python, can anyone help me what kind
> of database suitable for python light and easy to learn. Is mySQL a
> nice start with python ?

There are a number of separate database engines with a python interface, as 
others in the thread have shown. However, if you mostly work with one table 
at a time, as you seem to imply, then you might have a look a Kirbybase : 
it's a single python module, and databases don't come any lighter or easier 
than that :)


Re: Python for a 10-14 years old?

2005-03-28 Thread Fred Pacquier
Christos "TZOTZIOY" Georgiou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said :

>>OT/trivia : if it was between mid-eighties and early nineties, the
>>company could be "Goupil" (ancien french for "Fox").
> Exactly! That was it... it was October or November 1981, though (early
> eighties).

Oh... probably a "G2" model then, with a 68000 CPU from pre-IBM-PC days..


Re: Python for a 10-14 years old?

2005-03-24 Thread Fred Pacquier
Christos "TZOTZIOY" Georgiou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said :

> At the age of nine at school, two guys from a French computer-making
> company named as "Loup" (in french) or "Lupo" (in Italian), can't
> remember which --if either is correct--, came and gave us a demo of one
> of their models.

OT/trivia : if it was between mid-eighties and early nineties, the company 
could be "Goupil" (ancien french for "Fox").


Re: Web framework

2005-03-09 Thread Fred Pacquier
"Gianluca Sartori" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said :

> Hi guys,
> What web framework do you suggest to develop with? I had a look both at
> Nevow and Quixote. These seemes to be the most appreciated by the
> community. Anyway, I had no luck looking for a complete and coherent
> documentation.

Snakelets is nice, clean, simple to get started, and well documented. 
Karrigell is about in the same league. CherryPy is a step above (all IMO of 


Re: low-end persistence strategies?

2005-02-16 Thread Fred Pacquier
KirbyBase sounds like something that could fit the bill.

Re: Big development in the GUI realm

2005-02-08 Thread Fred Pacquier
Robert Kern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said :

>> that's Hanlon, not Heinlein.  to be on the safe side, I won't attempt
>> to attribute your mistake to anything.
> Fair enough. The only time I've seen it in dead-tree print was in 
> Heinlein's _Time Enough For Love_, unattributed to anyone else. 
> Googlespace seems to be not entirely sure whether "Hanlon" is real or
> is a corruption of "Heinlein". Googling for quote attributions is a
> tricky proposition at best, though.
I don't know who Mr Hanlon is, but I've previously seen it attributed to 
Napoleon Buonaparte. Never been able to verify that either, though.


Re: advice needed for simple python web app

2005-02-04 Thread Fred Pacquier
"Dan Perl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said :

> This is exactly the kind of summary that I think should be in a 
> WebProgrammingShootOut (see another one of my postings in this thread)
> but I failed to find such a summary.  Thanks, Brian!  Anyone can add
> to the list? 

I myself am also into (very) simple web apps and hence simple, easy-to-
learn web frameworks.

CherryPy is a very nice kit, still simple enough but already (IMO) 
somewhat on the powerful, batteries-included side for a beginner -- and, 
as you noted, a bit under-documented at the moment.

There are a couple of others that will get you started without too much 
effort (in part because simplicity is one of their design points) and 
without limiting you too much either : Karrigell by Pierre Quentel and 
Snakelets by Irmen de Jong.

They're somewhat similar in scope and concept : it will be mostly a 
matter of which one 'fits your brain' best. Myself I settled on 
Snakelets, not least because it has some of the better docs out there.
> BTW, there are other people who seem to have been also confused by the
> wide spectrum of choices for this problem: 

That's an old debate in the Python world, yes. The "one true way to do 
it" motto of the language itself doesn't apply to its web frameworks :)

See the recent "Ruby on Rails" threads for a discussion of whether this 
is good or bad...


Re: datetime

2004-12-16 Thread Fred Pacquier
Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said :

> Okay, I searched for a date handler and found datetime. 
>  However, 
> whenever I try to import datetime, I get a No module named datetime 
> error.  What am I missing?

The module documentation says "New in version 2.3".
Is that what you're running ?


Re: I need to create the table and I want to edit its content from www level.

2004-12-06 Thread Fred Pacquier
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rootshell) said :

> I need to create the table and I want to edit its content from www
> level.
> Here is some example:
> There is a table.
> Is there possibilty to edit the content using  command?
> Could you show me the way how to do it?
> My vision is:
> User has its login and password. When he logs in the table space opens
> and he can edit the content.
> I need a few lines of code for example or url with similar idea.
> Best regards.
> Rootshell.

This may give you some ideas :
