
PyTexas 2014 <> is well on its way. This year it will be
be located at the Texas A&M University Memorial Student Center
<> and will take place Friday
October 3rd through Sunday October 5th. Friday will be a tutorial day.
Saturday and Sunday will be talks. Registration for the conference is
already open!

This event is a great opportunity to meet with other Python folks, learn
about what’s happening in the Python community, and spread the word about
exciting projects using Python.

We are currently looking for speakers and tutorials in all disciplines.
Know about GIS, Scientific Computing, Math, Web, Standard Library, or have
an itch to present your personal projects? We want you! We have more
details on the PyTexas Site so stop on by and submit a talk today

Does your company use Python? Do they love Python as much we do? Sponsor!
Sponsorship is a great way for your company to reach out to the Python
community and let the world know how they use Python. Recruiting? No
worries! We have sponsorships where you can set up a booth and speak with
developers at the conference. Check out our sponsorship prospectus for more
details <>.

During the conference we will provide breakfast, snacks, and lunch all
three days. We have plenty of power so bring your laptop, hack away, and
enjoy the conference. We look forward to seeing the community in a few
months and stay tuned for any announcements on the PyTexas Site
<> or PyTexas Twitter <>.

Thanks for your time!
PyTexas 2014 Organizers

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