Re: Mixing Decimal and float

2010-06-02 Thread I V
On Wed, 02 Jun 2010 05:17:11 -0700, B.V. wrote:
 But trying to be open to other languages, the server implements also an
 XMLRPC interface (and also a JSONRPC-like interface). That's the key
 point: Decimal is python specific. So in an application, you can't rely
 on the value received from a client, because depending on the protocol,
 the type of the value is different. So the idea was to create a class
 that can behave like a Decimal or a float depending on the context, and
 set xmlrpclib.Unmarshaller.dispatch[double] to a function that return
 a Float instance.

Looking at the Tryton docs, it seems that it already supports field types 
that can't be directly represented in XMLRPC or JSON, like BigInteger or 
Selection. How are these serialized over the non-python RPC mechanisms? 
Could you not do the same for Decimals?
 A contributor filed an issue on the bug tracker (https:// and because he's a nice guy (ok it's
 a friend of mine), he made a patch proposal (http:// The end of the story is in the comments
 of the proposal.
  But we also need to do:
  isinstance(Float('1'), float) == True isinstance(Float('1'), Decimal)
  == True

 Can you explain why you need this?
 It's a requirement of the project leader.
 Should isinstance(Float('1.1'), float) and isinstance(Float('1.1'),
 Decimal) also both be true, or would only one of those be true?  (And
 by the way, what value would Float('1.1') have?  float('1.1') and
 Decimal('1.1') are different values.)
 I think they both should be True, for '1', '1.1', '0', '0.1', ... For
 the value, I would say that it depends of the definition of the field
 (fields.Float or fields.Numeric).
 I don't think your approach can succeed;  I'd suggest just subclassing
 'object' and abandoning the 'isinstance' requirements.  Or perhaps
 creating a subclass of Decimal that interacts nicely with floats.  You
 might also want to investigate the numbers ABC, though that's new in
 Python 2.6.
 First, Float implementation was a subclass of Decimal that works with
 floats, and solves many (maybe all) problems. But as you may read in the
 comments of the patch proposal, it seems to be not enough.


Re: Create a class at run-time

2010-03-26 Thread I V
On Fri, 26 Mar 2010 08:54:11 -0700, Michel wrote:

 I want to add a method to a class such that it can be invoked on
 specifics instances.
 You solution works (as well as Patrick's one), thanks ! I still have a
 question though. If I print the type of the self object I get when my
 method is
 called, I get class 'test.TestClass'. I guess this is because the
 method is defined as a class method.
 This is ok in my case, but just out of curiosity, what should I do to
 change this method to an instance method?

It already is an instance method. When you create a TestClass instance, 
the type of that instance is TestClass (the type of TestClass itself is 

Re: Create a class at run-time

2010-03-25 Thread I V
On Thu, 25 Mar 2010 15:00:35 -0700, Michel wrote:
 I'm trying to dynamically create a class. What I need is to define a
 class, add methods to it and later instantiate this class. Methods need
 to be bound to the instance though, and that's my problem. Here is what
 I have so far:

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by binding methods to the instance. 
Do you mean you need to dynamically add methods to a specific instance? 
Or that you need to add methods to a class, such that they can be invoked 
on specific instances? For the latter, just do:

TestClass.test_foo = test_foo

For the former, try:

tc = TestClass()
tc.test_foo = types.MethodType(test_foo, tc)

Re: Pure virtual functions in Python?

2010-02-20 Thread I V
On Sat, 20 Feb 2010 08:12:01 -0800, lallous wrote:
 How can I do something similar to pure virtual functions in C++ ?

From what you want, it seems like you want cb() to not be called if it 
isn't implemented in the derived class; this isn't really what pure 
virtual functions in C++ do - pure virtual functions enforce, at compile 
time, that the derived class implements the method.

If you have a situation when you want to either call a derived class's 
version of cb(), or do nothing, can you not just have an implementation 
of cb() in the base class that does nothing, i.e.

class C1(object):
def cb(self, param1, param2):

Re: Modifying Class Object

2010-02-10 Thread I V
On Thu, 11 Feb 2010 07:37:35 +0100, Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
 * Steven D'Aprano:
 s = [1]
 t = s # Binds the name t to the object bound to the name s.
 t[0] = 2  # Changes the object bound to the name t print(s)  #
 Checks the object via the original name.
 Notice that your version describes what happens according to some
 implementation, below the level of the Python virtual machine.
 Consider just the
assert( t is not s )
t = s
 Does this change anything at all in the computer's memory?
 If it doesn't, then it has no effect whatsoever.
 But since it does have an effect, a memory change has been effected.

I don't think your disagreeing with Steven here - by talking about the 
computers memory, it's clear that you are talking about the details of 
an implementation of python, not the semantics of python itself. Unless, 
of course, you are under the misapprehension that the computer's memory 
is relevant to the python language, rather than the particular 
implementation. Python itself has nothing to do with computers or 
memory; these are mere implementation details.

Re: umlauts

2009-10-17 Thread I V
On Sat, 17 Oct 2009 18:54:10 +0200, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

 This is wierd. I looked at the site in FireFox - and it was displayed
 correctly, including umlauts. Bringing up the info-dialog claims the
 page is UTF-8, the XML itself says so as well (implicit, through the
 missing declaration of an encoding) - but it clearly is *not* utf-8.

The headers correctly identify it as ISO-8859-1, which overrides the 
implicit specification of UTF-8. I'm not sure why Firefox is reporting it 
as UTF-8 (it does that for me, too); I can see the umlauts, so it's 
clearly processing it as ISO-8859-1.

Re: using python interpreters per thread in C++ program

2009-09-08 Thread I V
On Mon, 07 Sep 2009 19:22:17 -0700, ganesh wrote:

 My application is a TCP server having multiple client connectons. C++
 PTHREADS are for each connected socket and the message received on the
 socket is evaluated by python functions. If I use only one process level

Do you have to use threads? If you use a process per connection, rather 
than a thread, each process will have its own GIL.

Re: Is feedparser deprecated?

2009-08-07 Thread I V
On Fri, 07 Aug 2009 12:57:11 -0700, alex23 wrote:
 John Nagle wrote:
 Feedparser hasn't been updated since 2007. Does this mean Feedparser is
 Wouldn't you be better served asking this on the feedparser bug tracker?

But if the project _is_ dead, one would be unlikely to get a response on 
the bug tracker; as seems, in fact, to have happened already:

I take it that the lack of response to this issue means the answer is 

Re: Confessions of a Python fanboy

2009-07-30 Thread I V
On Thu, 30 Jul 2009 17:57:48 -0400, Luis Zarrabeitia wrote:
 As I understood the question, it was was wrong in 'for var in
 container' in comparison with ruby's container.each?
 What's the (semantic) difference between
 for localVar in container:
 container.each{|localVar| block}

I don't think each is a particularly compelling example of Ruby's 
blocks - as you say, it's easily replaceable with a Python for-loop. The 
advantage of Ruby's syntax is that it allows you to define further 
functions that are sort-of like new control structures. So you have 
things like:'myfile', 'r') do |file|
while line = file.gets
puts line

Which is like a python's:

with open('myfile', 'r) as f:
for line in f:
print f

However, with Ruby, this kind of scoping construct can be added without 
adding new syntax. Another interesting example is the Sinatra web 
framework, which allows you to write a web app with something like:

get '/' do
Index page

post '/:name' do 
Posted to  + params[:name]

Which looks something like a DSL for web apps, but is accomplished solely 
with normal ruby functions. More:

Ruby blocks are, fundamentally, syntactic sugar, but they are kind of 

Re: comments? storing a function in an object

2009-07-21 Thread I V
On Mon, 20 Jul 2009 21:53:59 -0400, Esmail wrote:
 In general I would agree with you, but in my specific case I want so
 store some additional meta-data with each function, such as the valid
 range for input values, where the max or minimum are located, the
 name/source for the function etc. I am creating list of functions for
 use in testing optimization code, so it seems best to store this data
 along with the function I am going to optimize in order to verify the
 results for a given range (for instance).

You can set attributes on functions, so if your class is just storing 
this data, rather than altering the behavior of the function, you may be 
able to just use a function:

def f(x, y):
x * y
return x * y

f.arguments_max = [1000, 255]

A function also already knows how many arguments it takes, which you can 
access as f.func_code.co_argcount

Re: tough-to-explain Python

2009-07-10 Thread I V
On Fri, 10 Jul 2009 16:27:12 -0400, Terry Reedy wrote:
 a bug, bug a limitation due to using limited-range numbers. If one uses
 residue classes instead of integers, and makes no adjustment, I consider
 it wrong to blame Bentley.

But it was Bentley himself who used the C int type, so it hardly seems 
unreasonable to blame him.

Re: Observer implementations

2009-06-15 Thread I V
On Mon, 15 Jun 2009 15:29:34 +0200, Tobias Weber wrote:
 Despite the confusion all those are useable, but I ran into the problem
 that I can't register a @classmethod because weakref doesn't like them.

What do you mean by weakref not liking class methods? This seems to work 
OK on python 2.6

class C(object):
def cm(cls):
return Class method of  + str(cls)

cm =
print cm()
# Outputs:
# Class method of class '__main__.C'

w = weakref.ref(cm)
print w 
# Outputs: 
# weakref at 0x1a362b8; to 'instancemethod' at 0x7ff1cc9ebb40 (cm)

print w()
# Outputs: 
# bound method of class '__main__.C'

print w()()
# Outputs:
# Class method of class '__main__.C'

del cm
print w
# Outputs:
# weakref at 0x1a362b8; dead


Re: Lexical scope: converting Perl to Python

2009-06-13 Thread I V
On Fri, 12 Jun 2009 22:02:53 -0700, Andrew Savige wrote:
 Notice that this code uses Perl's lexical scope to hide the
 %private_hash variable, but not the public_fn() function.

You might try:

def  public_fn(param):
private_hash = publicfn.private_hash
return private_hash[param]

public_fn.private_hash = {'A':42, 'B':69}

(You don't have to assign public_fn.private_hash to a local variable, but 
you might want to, to avoid extra typing, if you refer to private_hash 
more than a couple of times in the function).

Re: Wrapping methods of built-in dict

2009-05-20 Thread I V
On Thu, 21 May 2009 02:31:29 +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 So the problem isn't directly with getmembers, but with the predicate
 functions you have passed to it (inspect.isfunction and inspect.method).
 Try inspect.ismethoddescriptor instead.

Or perhaps callable ? callable({}.get) and callable(dict.get) are both 
true, although I don't know if that's guaranteed (I'm wondering if 
methods could be implemented with an object such that 
method_object.__get__ returned a callable, but where method_object itself 
wasn't callable).

Re: JSON and Firefox sessionstore.js

2009-04-22 Thread I V
On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 02:16:07 +, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 I'm leaning towards this being a bug in the json module. Unless somebody
 can point me at a credible source that sessionstore.js isn't JSON, I
 will report this as a bug.

I'm just another random guy on the internet, but I'm pretty sure 
sessionstore.js isn't strictly correct JSON - nothing in the spec at suggests that JSON data can start with an open 
parenthesis, or that member names can be unquoted strings, but 
sessionstore.js has both of these features. It might well be useful for 
the json module to accept these slightly non-conforming files, though.

For something with at least a vague air of credibility to it, somebody 
who appears to be a Mozilla developer comments on their bug tracker, that 
sessionstore.js isn't pure JSON (though he only identifies the 
parantheses, which are much easier to fix, as being a problem):

Re: doesn't read the whole file

2009-03-20 Thread I V
On Fri, 20 Mar 2009 07:03:35 -0700, Sreejith K wrote:
 I'm using the above codes in a pthon-fuse's file class's read function.
 The offset and length are 0 and 4096 respectively for my test inputs.
 When I open a file and read the 4096 bytes from offset, only a few lines
 are printed, not the whole file. Actually the file is only a few bytes.
 But when I tried reading from the Interactive mode of python it gave the
 whole file.

Your example doesn't show what you are doing with data after you've 
read it. Presumably you're outputting it somehow, which is where you see 
that it doesn't contain the whole file. But are you sure the problem is 
in the reading, and not in the outputting? Could you show the section of 
the code where you output data?


2009-03-19 Thread I V
On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 21:30:59 -0700, gaeasiankom wrote:

 What actually I'm try to do is :
 I'm having a Login page which developed in HTML. When I click on the
 Login button I want the page to validate (at datastore of google app)
 using python and redirect to other HTML page. As what I understand,
 Python is the only language that supported by the GoogleApps.

The webapp framework that comes with the Google Apps SDK has a function 
for redirecting:

Re: Looking for the best way to translate an idiom

2008-12-14 Thread I V
On Sun, 14 Dec 2008 21:08:33 -0800, James Stroud wrote:
 Yes. I think it was the British who decided that the apostrophe rule for
 it would be reversed from normal usage relative to just about every
 other noun. I'm not sure the purpose--maybe it was to give compulsive
 proofreaders a raison d'etre.

It's because it is a pronoun; you don't put an apostrophe in his, 


Re: Text parsing via regex

2008-12-08 Thread I V
On Mon, 08 Dec 2008 13:42:00 -0500, r0g wrote:
 Robocop wrote:
 However i'm having several problems.  I know that playskool regular
 expression i wrote above will only parse every 50 characters, and will
 blindly cut words in half if the parsed string doesn't end with a
 whitespace.  I'm relatively new to regexes and i don't know how to have
 it take that into account, or even what type of logic i would need to
 fill in the extra whitespaces to make the string the proper length when
 avoiding cutting words up.  So that's problem #1.  

Regexps may not be the solution here. You could consider the textwrap 
module ( ), although that 
will only split your text into strings up to 50 characters long, rather 
than padding with whitespace to exactly 50 characters.

If you really need the strings to be exactly 50 characters long (and, are 
you sure you do?), try:

# Split the input up into separate words
words = input_string.split()

groups = []
current_string = ''
current_length = 0
for word in words:
if current_length + len(word) +1 = 50:
# If adding a space followed by the current word
# wouldn't take us over 50 chars, add the word.
current_string += ' '  + word
current_length += len(word)+1
# Pad the string with spaces, and add it to our
# list of string
current_string += ' ' * (50 - current_length)
current_string = word
current_length = len(word)

 Problem #2 is that
 because the string is of arbitrary length, i never know how many parsed
 strings i'll have, and thus do not immediately know how many variables
 need to be created to accompany them.  It's easy enough with each pass
 of the function to find how many i will have by doing: mag =
 upper_lim = mag/50 + 1
 But i'm not sure how to declare and set them to my parsed strings.

Whenever you find yourself thinking I don't know how many variables I 
need, the answer is almost always that you need one variable, which is a 
list. In the code above, the 50-char-long strings will all get put in the 
list called groups.

Re: Guido's new method definition idea

2008-12-07 Thread I V
On Sat, 06 Dec 2008 16:34:56 -0800, Erik Max Francis wrote:
 `$` as a shortcut for self, on the other hand, gives absolutely no
 mnemonic indication what it stands for, and users would be simply left

However, $ is sometimes used as an alternative way of writing S̸ (I've 
attempted to write here S followed by U+0338 COMBINING LONG SOLIDUS 
OVERLAY, in order to produce an S with a stroke through it). This is the 
symbol of the barred subject in Lacanian psychoanalysis, which is the 
Lacanian symbol for the concept of the self (see ).

So, if we want Python to the programming language of choice for Lacanian 
psychoanalysts, perhaps we should adopt the symbol $ (or even, with 
Python 3's support for unicode identifiers, S followed by U+0388) instead 
of self.

Re: interpreter vs. compiled

2008-07-17 Thread I V
On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 15:08:17 -0700, castironpi wrote:
 The Python disassembly is baffling though.
 y= 3

You can't disassemble strings of python source (well, you can, but, as 
you've seen, the results are not meaningful). You need to compile the 
source first:

 code = compile('y=x+1','-', 'single')
  1   0 LOAD_NAME0 (x)
  3 LOAD_CONST   0 (1)
  7 STORE_NAME   1 (y)
 10 LOAD_CONST   1 (None)

You may well find these byte codes more meaningful. Note that there is a 
list of opcodes at

Re: Is there a web-editor I can use with Python?

2008-06-13 Thread I V
On Fri, 13 Jun 2008 22:10:51 +0100, Ognjen Bezanov wrote:
 I am building an application using WxWidgets, and its job is to manage
 HTML data in a database. Now I need essentially a HTML editor that I can
 embed into my program, that will parse the HTML and allow the user to
 edit it.

How about wx.richtext.RichTextCtrl , along with the 
wx.richtext.RichTextHTMLHandler ?

Re: Getting a set of lambda functions

2008-05-25 Thread I V
On Sun, 25 May 2008 13:43:15 +0200, Martin Manns wrote:
 I try to get a set of lambda functions that allows me executing each
 function code exactly once. Therefore, I would like to modify the set
 function to compare the func_code properties (or the lambda functions to
 use this property for comparison).

With Ivan's approach, you lose access to the actual lambdas, so you need 
to create a new function and then modify its code object to actually call 
the code; this seems a little clunky to me. You might instead want to 
wrap the lambdas in an object that will do the comparison you want:

class Code(object):
def __init__(self, func):
self._func = func

def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(self._func.func_code, other._func.func_code)

def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._func(*args, **kwargs)

func_set = set(Code(f) for f in funclist)

Re: which datastructure for fast sorted insert?

2008-05-25 Thread I V
On Sun, 25 May 2008 13:05:31 -0300, Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 Use a list, and the bisect module to keep it sorted:

That's worth doing if you need the data to be sorted after each insert. 
If the OP just needs the data to be sorted at the end, using a data 
structure with fast inserts (like a set) and then sorting at the end will 
likely be faster.

Re: which datastructure for fast sorted insert?

2008-05-25 Thread I V
On Sun, 25 May 2008 15:49:16 -0700, notnorwegian wrote:
 i meant like set[pos], not iterate but access a specific position in the

If you need to access arbitrary elements, use a list instead of a set 
(but you'll get slower inserts). OTOH, if you just need to be able to get 
the next item from the set, you can use an iterator:

 now i have to do:
 s = toSet.pop()

i = iter(toSet)

s =

 if i want to get the url of the next item in a set, how would i do that?
 i can do this with a list:
 def scrapeSitesX(startAddress, toList, listPos): return
 scrapeSites(toList[listPos], toList, listPos+1) to use recursion with a
 i can work around that but it doesnt get as elegant.

Do you have to use recursion here? Why not:

for site in toList:

Re: which datastructure for fast sorted insert?

2008-05-25 Thread I V
On Sun, 25 May 2008 18:42:06 -0700, notnorwegian wrote:
 def scrapeSites(startAddress):
 site = startAddress
 sites = set()
 iterator = iter(sites)
 pos = 0
 while pos  10:#len(sites):
 newsites = scrapeSite(site)
 joinSets(sites, newsites)

You change the size of sites here, which means you can no longer use 
the iterator.

 wtf? im not multithreading or anything so how can the size change here?

How about:

def scrape_sites(start_address):
sites = set([start_address])
sites_scraped = set()
# This will run until it doesn't find any new sites, which may be 
# a long time
while len(sites)  0:
new_sites = set()
for site in sites:
sites = new_sites.difference(sites_scraped)
return sites

Re: php vs python

2008-05-25 Thread I V
On Sun, 25 May 2008 21:41:09 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 The the good programmers are able to adapt to the language and make the
 most of whatever language they're using.  The result is good code. OTOH,
 poor programmers I have known have found all kinds of excuses - from the
 language itself to lack of requirements, to anything else they can
 blame, except the real root of the problem.

That's true - but I wonder if there might not be differences at the 
margins. Some languages (and, which is not quite the same but not easy to 
fully distinguish either, the communities around some languages) may 
encourage mediocre programmers to produce slightly more or less mediocre 

Some features of Python (the one that really stands out for me is not 
default-initializing variables on first use; the comparatively clean 
standard library might be another), and some features of the Python 
community (which, IME, has more members more explicitly committed to 
writing clean code) I think do make Python a better environment for us 
mediocre programmers.

But maybe I'm wrong - I've never been paid to write Python programs, 
whereas I have been paid to write PHP, so I might just be projecting my 
frustrations with work onto the language. I've also not used PHP5 much in 
anger, which does look to be a lot nicer than earlier versions.

Re: error using all()/numpy [TypeError: cannot perform reduce with flexible type]

2008-05-23 Thread I V
On Fri, 23 May 2008 00:12:35 -0700, Marc Oldenhof wrote:
 It seems that Python calls numpy's all instead of the standard one, is
 that right? If so, how can I call the standard all after the numpy
 import? [import numpy is not a desirable option, I use a lot of math
 in my progs]

I think the ideal solution is to try and persuade yourself that typing 
numpy. in front of some functions now and then is not that big a price 
to pay to avoid name collisions; using an editor with code completion 
would probably help in that task.

You could also try:

import numpy as n

which reduces the typing a bit and limits you to one possible name 
collision, or

from numpy import array, gradient #and whatever else you need


import numpy

array = numpy.array
gradient = numpy.gradient # Then you can access the names you use a lot 
  # directly, while accessing stuff you use less
  # frequently via numpy.whatever

in which case you'll know exactly which names you're overwriting. Peter's 
solution, of explicitly deleting some names that you've imported, strikes 
me as less good, because you might find the same problem recurs later, if 
the numpy developers add new names to the module.

Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-22 Thread I V
On Thu, 22 May 2008 19:35:50 -0700, Charles Hixson wrote:
 Although when comparing Candygram with Erlang it's worth noting that
 Candygram is bound to one processor, where Erlang can operate on
 multiple processors. (I'd been planning on using Candygram for a project
 at one point, but this made it unusable.)

Really? The FAQ says it uses operating system threads, which I would have 
thought would mean it runs on multiple processors (modulo, I suppose, the 
issues with the GIL).


Re: Python and Flaming Thunder

2008-05-13 Thread I V
On Mon, 12 May 2008 16:39:25 -0700, Dave Parker wrote:

 I've read that one of the design goals of Python was to create an easy-
 to-use English-like language.  That's also one of the design goals of
 Flaming Thunder at  , which has proven
 easy enough for even elementary school students, even though it is
 designed for scientists, mathematicians and engineers.

A COBOL for the 21st century! Just what we need.

Re: Purpose of operator package

2008-05-13 Thread I V
On Wed, 14 May 2008 00:38:44 +0200, Christian Heimes wrote:
 Eric Anderson schrieb:
 Seems like unnecessary code but obviously I know nothing about Python.
 Correct, the truth example isn't a good example. if argv is better.

I hadn't heard of operator.truth before. Does it do anything different 
from bool(x) ?

Re: Database vs Data Structure?

2008-04-17 Thread I V
On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 19:30:33 -0700, erikcw wrote:
 use some sort of data-structure (maybe
 nested dictionaries or a custom class) and store the pickled
 data-structure in a single row in the database (then unpickle the data
 and query in memory).

Why would you want to do this? I don't see what you would hope to gain by 
doing this, over just using a database.

Re: gc question

2008-03-09 Thread I V
On Sun, 09 Mar 2008 01:57:38 -0800, Vince wrote:
 Well, that suits me. The most unnatural thing about Python was adapting
 to the idea of just letting unreleased resources go jogging off
 wherever. :)

Yes, that's a bad habit that garbage collection can encourage. GC is good 
for managing memory, but not good for managing other resources, so if an 
object holds some other resource, it's important to make sure the 
resource is released in a timely fashion rather than relying on the 
finalizer (the __del__ function).

CPython uses reference counting, so it usually destroys objects fairly 
soon after the stop being used. But JPython and IronPython don't do 
reference counting, so forgetting to clean up resources can be a 
significant problem.

 Where's the f.close?
 You don't need it!

Although, you still don't need f.close, with the new with statement:

with open('myfile') as f:
string = f.readline()
# f.close() gets called automatically here, without waiting for 
# garbage collection.

If you want to use this in 2.5, you have to write:

from __future__ import with_statement

The big advantage here is that f.close will get called if the block exits 
normally, or if there is an exception. For more, see .

Re: joining strings question

2008-02-29 Thread I V
On Fri, 29 Feb 2008 08:18:54 -0800, baku wrote:
 return s == s.upper()

A couple of people in this thread have used this to test for an upper 
case string. Is there a reason to prefer it to s.isupper() ?

Re: OT: Speed of light [was Re: Why not a Python compiler?]

2008-02-13 Thread I V
On Mon, 11 Feb 2008 14:07:49 -0800, Erik Max Francis wrote:
 experience.  The notion of impetus -- where an object throw moves in a
 straight line until it runs out of impetus, then falls straight down --
 is clearly contrary to everyday experience of watching two people throw
 a ball back and forth from a distance, since the path of the ball is
 clearly curved.

It's clear _to us_ because when we think about such things, we think in 
Newtonian terms. I'm not at all sure it would have been clear to people 
in the middle ages; when you throw a ball, it whizzes by so fast, it's 
hard to be sure how it's actually moving.


Re: type, object hierarchy?

2008-02-03 Thread I V
On Sun, 03 Feb 2008 21:31:44 -0800, 7stud wrote:

 On Feb 3, 10:28 pm, 7stud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From the docs:

 issubclass(class, classinfo)
 Return true if class is a subclass (direct or indirect) of classinfo.
 print issubclass(Dog, object)  #True

So Dog is a subclass of object

 print issubclass(type, object)  #True 

and type is also a subclass of object. But

print issubclass(object, type)  # False


 print issubclass(Dog, type)  #False

which is what you would expect - Dog is a subclass of object, and object 
isn't a subclass of type, so Dog isn't a subclass of type either.


Re: how to make format operator % work with unicode as expected

2008-01-26 Thread I V
On Sun, 27 Jan 2008 05:32:40 +, Peter Pei wrote:
 Yes, it is true that %s already support unicode, and I did not
 contradict that. But it counts the number of bytes instead of
 characters, and makes things like %-20s out of alignment. If you don't
 understand my assertion, please don't argue back and I am only
 interested in answers from those who are qualified.

What version of python are you using? On python 2.4 and 2.5 on linux, 
%-20s counts the characters, not the bytes, or, I think it does. when I 

 print u'%-20s|\n%-20s|' % (u'foo bar', u'foo bár')

the output is:

foo bar |
foo bár |


Re: Problems getting Python scripts to run on server

2008-01-23 Thread I V
On Wed, 23 Jan 2008 19:41:17 -0800, Yansky wrote:
 Hi, I'm having a lot of problems getting any Python scripts to run on my
 website. I have put them in the cgi-bin directory and chmodded both the
 directory and files to 755. But when I try to access the script, I get a
 404 error:

Note that you don't get a 404 error _from the web server_ - you get it 
from wordpress (or at least, I do when I look at your page). So what I 
think is happening is that either the server, or wordpress, doesn't see a 
file at the URL /cgi-bin/, and so it thinks your are trying to 
access a wordpress post, and is getting 
translated to . 

I suspect the problem is in the rewrite rules in the .htaccess in your 
root directory. My wordpress installation has these rewrite rules:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

Which, as I understand it mean not a file and not a directory 
respectively. If your cgi-bin is not in your document root, presumably 
cgi-bin/ will indeed show up as not being a file or directory. I'm 
no mod_rewrite wizard, but looking at the docs[1], maybe you could 
replace those two lines above with:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !-U

(thought the docs say this can impact your server's performance!) I'm 
just guessing at the cause of your problem, but I hope this helps.


Re: Immutable Geometry Types

2007-12-16 Thread I V
On Sun, 16 Dec 2007 18:13:47 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am learning python, having learnt most of my object orientation with
 java, and decided to port some of my geometry classes over. I haven't
 used immutability in python before, so thought this would be an
 interesting chance to learn.

 I am looking for feedback on any ways in which I might have left
 variables unprotected, and ways in which I am not being pythonic.

I'm not sure it's pythonic to worry too much about enforcing the 
immutability; and disabling setattr makes the internal attribute setting 
a pain in the arse, for little real gain.

 class Angle (object):

I'm not sure about this, but you might want to make Angle a subclass of 
float ; it would save you re-implementing the comparison operators 
(although you'ld still have to re-implement the arithmetic operators to 
get them to return an Angle instance rather than a float).

 def __init__(self, val, type = 'rad'):
 if type == 'rad':
 super(Angle, self).__setattr__('_value', val)
 super(Angle, self).__setattr__('_value',

You might want to normalize the angle to between 0 and 2*pi here (though 
you might not, depending on exactly what you want to represent).

Assuming that the user meant degrees in the else branch strikes me as a 
mistake; what if they mis-typed rad as rsd or something? Better to 
explicitly check, and raise an exception if the value isn't one of 'rad' 
or 'deg'. Another thing you might want to consider is using keyword 
arguments, rather than a string. Like:

def __init__(self, radians=None, degrees=None):
if radians is not None:
self._value = radians
elif degrees is not None:
self._value = math.radians(degrees)
raise TypeError(Angle creation must specify \
keyword argument 'radians' or 'degrees')

Used like:
a = Angle(math.pi) # Uses radians by default
a = Angle(radians=2*math.pi) # Or you can specify it explicitly
a = Angle(degrees=180) # Or specify degrees

 def __setattr__(self, name, value):
 Suppress setting of data - Angle is immutable 
 def __delattr__(self, name):
 Suppress deleting of data - Angle is immutable 

As I say, I wouldn't bother with these, as they make the implementation 
more annoying to no real gain.

 def __add__(self, other):
 if isinstance(other, Angle):
 return Angle(self._value + other._value)
 return NotImplemented

Using 'isinstance' is usually a mistake - rather than checking for type, 
you should just use an object as if it were the correct type and, if 
necessary, deal with the resulting exceptions. This means you can use 
objects of a different type, as long as they have the right interface. 
Here, I'd do:

def __add__(self, other):
return Angle(self.radians + other.radians)

and likewise for __sub__.
 def __mul__(self, other):
 return self * other
 if isinstance(other, Angle):
 return Angle(self._value * other._value)
 return NotImplemented

Leaving aside my earlier point about not checking for types, does it even 
make sense to multiply an angle by another angle? I would have thought 
you multiplied angles by numbers. So just do:

def __mul__(self, other):
return Angle(self._value * other)

And the same for __div__

 def fromCos(self, c):
 return angle with specified cos
 return Angle(math.acos(c))
 fromCos = classmethod(fromCos)

You could use decorators here; and the preferred python style for method 
names is all lower case, separated by underscores:

def from_cos(self, c):
return Angle(math.acos(c))

 radians = property(lambda self: self._value, lambda x:

You don't need to explicitly raise an exception in the setter; just don't 
specify a setter function, and attempting to set the property will raise 
an AttributeError.

 DEG_30 = Angle(math.radians(30))

Given that you've gone to the trouble of creating a constructor that will 
take values as degrees, why not use it here?

Re: a Python person's experience with Ruby

2007-12-09 Thread I V
On Sun, 09 Dec 2007 11:58:05 -0800, MonkeeSage wrote:
 class A
   attr_accessor :a # == self.a,
# accessible to instances of A
   def initialize
 @a = foo # A.__a
# only accessible from class scope of A
 Once again, there is no such thing as an attribute that is not a method
 in ruby, and there is no such thing as setting an *attribute* (= is a
 method also). You're trying to *re-implement* rubys mechanism in python
 in your example, but in pythons mechanism, all attributes already have
 built-in getter/setter. So the correct analogy is a variable that is
 accessible from within the classes scope only (A.__a), and then exposed
 to instances through an attribute (self.a). Your example leaves out a
 variable accessible only from within the scope of the class, and adds a
 new attribute accessible from the instance (_a).

Either I'm not understanding you, or you're not understanding what A.__a 
means in python. A.__a is a class attribute, not an instance attribute - 
it's equivalent to @@a in ruby, not @a. If I understand what you're 
saying, a better python example to make your point might be:

class A(object):
def __init__(self):
self.__a = foo # equivalent to @a
self.a = self.__a # exposes self.__a

Except that this only allows you to access '__a' via the exposed 
attribute 'a', not bind it to a new object. If you do:

inst = A()
inst.a = bar

you don't modify inst.__a, unlike the following ruby code, which does 
modify @a .

inst =
inst.a = bar

Re: a Python person's experience with Ruby

2007-12-08 Thread I V
On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 11:23:57 -0800, MonkeeSage wrote:
  The equivalent python idiom is something like:

  class A:
__a = foo
def __init__(self):
  self.a = A.__a
  Which roughly translates to this in ruby:

  class A
attr_accessor :a
def initialize
  @a = foo
 Not really. In ruby an ivar is accessible within the class *only*, but
 not from without (like a mangled python class var), unless you declare
 an accessor (or write the accessor methods yourself). So my example is
 closer, and is not a WTF, if you know how ruby works.

In your python example, the class attribute is mangled, but the instance 
attribute isn't, whereas your ruby code has no class attribute, and an 
instance attribute that isn't (directly) accessible outside the class. 
The equivalent in python would involve a mangled instance attribute,  

class A(object):
def __init__(self):
self.__a = foo
def get_a(self):
return self.__a
def set_a(self, val):
self.__a = val
a = property(get_a, set_a)

Re: [OT] minimalist web server

2007-12-02 Thread I V
On Sat, 01 Dec 2007 19:02:41 -0800, Daniel Fetchinson wrote:
 The reason I need this is that my current best strategy to avoid ads in
 web pages is putting all ad server names into /etc/hosts and stick my
 local ip number next to them ( so every ad request goes to my
 machine. I run apache which has an empty page for 404 errors so I'll

In this case, do you need a webserver at all? If your browser tries to 
access a web server on and there isn't one, won't the result, 
in most cases, be more or less the same as if the server returned a 404?

Re: eof

2007-11-21 Thread I V
On Wed, 21 Nov 2007 17:06:15 -0800, braver wrote:
 Why do I have to count sizes of lines read and compare it to some
 filesize or do other weird tricks just to see, in a way not changing my
 input stream, whether it's at the, well, EOF?

Because you can't, generally, tell whether or not a stream is at the end 
of the file without reading from it; the C standard library doesn't 
guarantee that the EOF status is set until _after_ you've tried to read 
past the end of the file. I don't know, but I suspect that may be why 
python doesn't support querying files for EOF status - the fact that EOF 
can be false when you've read all the data in the file is a source of 
confusion to lots of C programmers.

It looks like ruby internally buffers the stream itself, which is how 
come it can support this. According to the docs:

Note that IO#eof? reads data to a input buffer.

I'd imagine that's inefficient in a lot of cases; and I don't think it 
provides much benefit. What's the hardship in checking the return values 
of your IO calls? Or iterating over the file, which is a more elegant 
solution in many cases.

Re: find and remove \ character from string

2007-09-15 Thread I V
On Sat, 15 Sep 2007 19:34:45 +0300, Konstantinos Pachopoulos wrote:
 i have the following string s and the following code, which doesn't
 successfully remove the \, but sucessfully removes the \\.

There is no \\ in the string; there's one \ , which gets succesfully 


When you write a string in the source code \\ gets changed to \ and \a 
gets changed to ASCII Bell (BEL) (that's what the docs say), which is a 
(non-printable) control code that is supposed to make the terminal beep.

   for i in s:
 ... if i!=\\:

Here, your test is true if i is not \

 ... newS=newS+i

And here, you have a string containing no backslashes, but containing a 
character with ASCII code 7; it turns out that ASCII code 7 is the ASCII 
Bell, i.e., the character that you added to the string when you wrote 

Re: Coming from Perl - SOLVED

2007-09-14 Thread I V
On Thu, 13 Sep 2007 23:49:32 -0400, Amer Neely wrote:
 In trying to track down why this script would not run on my host, it has
 to come to light that Python is installed, however the Apache module is
 not. So, short story is - I was flogging a dead horse.

Which Apache module? You don't need any special modules (just the regular 
CGI one) to use python in a CGI script.

Re: IDE for Python

2007-08-21 Thread I V
On Tue, 21 Aug 2007 21:23:25 -0300, Ricardo Aráoz wrote:
   Do you know if for in-house development a GPL license applies? (Qt4
 and/or Eric4).

(I'm not sure if I've understood your question right)

If you distribute an app that _uses_ PyQT, you have to comply with the GPL
(or buy a license from Trolltech), but note that this doesn't really have
anything to do with Eric4. Running Eric4 doesn't require a license (either
the GPL or Trolltech), and code you write using Eric4 doesn't have to be
licensed according to the GPL either.

Re: Newbie question about a web server

2007-08-20 Thread I V
On Mon, 20 Aug 2007 00:02:47 -0700, Frank Millman wrote:
 When responding to the POST data received, it sends a 301 response, no
 headers, and then the html page.
 According to the notes, You don't have to know much about the HTTP
 protocol at all. Except some basic that when the client request
 something it is a GET, and when the client sends something it is in
 our case a POST. Some basic responce codes like 200 is OK for GET, and
 404 is file not found, 301 is OK for a Post.
 I googled for 'http response code 301', and found that it is actually
 a redirection code. It seems that the notes are misleading.
 So I guess my questions are -
   1. what is the correct response for a POST?
  I think the answer is 200.
  However, I assume the author is trying to demonstrate a
 particular technique.
  Can anyone explain what that may be.

The code at that site looks wrong to me; I suspect the original author
was confused about status codes. If you return a 301 redirect code, you
should include a Location: header specifying the URI to redirect to, which
that code doesn't do. Also, if you return a redirect code, you probably
shouldn't include any page content (except perhaps a link to the
redirected page). Note also that 301 is a permanent redirect, that is, it
should be used when the URI has changed permanently (and might cause your
browser to, e.g., update its bookmarks). You're probably not going to use
it in normal operation.

I'm not sure what the author was trying to do, but there is one quite
common case where redirects are used with POST request. When the POST
request does something that you are probably not going to want to repeat,
but you want the resulting page to contain information that the user might
want to refresh, it's common to have the POST return a 302 status (a
temporary redirect). 

One example where this is useful is posting comments to a forum or blog.
Usually, when the comment is posted, you want to return to the list of all
the comments. But the user might refresh that list of comments, and you
don't want their comment to be posted again when they refresh. So you
would have the POST for the comment respond, not with a list of comments,
but with a redirect _to_ the list of comments.

Re: split on NO-BREAK SPACE

2007-07-22 Thread I V
On Sun, 22 Jul 2007 21:13:02 +0200, Peter Kleiweg wrote:
 Here is another space:
 isspace() is inconsistent

Well, U+00A0 is in the category Separator, Space while U+FEFF is in the
category Other, Format, so it doesn't seem unreasonable that one is
treated as a space and the other isn't.

Re: CP4E revival

2007-05-24 Thread I V
On Thu, 24 May 2007 20:03:29 +1000, Richard Jones wrote:
 Hoop-jumping implemented to prevent just this kind of direct linking (and
 thus not saving of the PDF to local disk to view, and thus increasing the
 load on the server).

I'm not sure I see the connection - if you're serving something as
application/pdf, then people are going to download it or view it directly
as they see fit (or as their browser is configured), whether or not they
got their by clicking a link or pressing two buttons (indeed, using the
buttons makes it _harder_ to save the PDF to disk, if that's what you want
to enforce, because users can't right-click/save-as; if their browser is
set up to open PDFs directly, they can't change that behavior without
reconfiguring their browser).

Re: What makes an iterator an iterator?

2007-04-18 Thread I V
On Wed, 18 Apr 2007 15:39:22 +1000, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 I thought that an iterator was any object that follows the iterator
 protocol, that is, it has a next() method and an __iter__() method.
 class Parrot(object):
 def __init__(self): = self._next() isn't a method here, it's a generator. You could do:

def __init__(self): = self._next().next

But, having tested, that doesn't appear to work either - I think
this is because, again, is not strictly a method, it's an
attribute that happens to be callable.

The python manual gives you a possible solution:

---QUOTE ---
Python's generators provide a convenient way to implement the iterator
protocol. If a container object's __iter__() method is implemented as a
generator, it will automatically return an iterator object (technically, a
generator object) supplying the __iter__() and next() methods.

i.e., just rename your _next function to __iter__ . Your class won't
itself be an iterator, but it will be usable in for statements and so one,
and convertable to an iterator with the iter builtin.

Re: Pep 3105: the end of print?

2007-02-22 Thread I V
On Tue, 20 Feb 2007 10:46:31 -0800, Beliavsky wrote:
 I think the C and C++ committees also take backwards compatibility
 seriously, in part because they know
 that working programmers will ignore them if they break too much old

While that's true, C++ compiler vendors, for example, take backwards
compatibility significantly less seriously, it seems to me. A year or so
ago, I tried compiling something I'd written for g++ 2, using a
then-recent-ish g++ 3; it failed spectacularly. Likewise with Visual C++ 6
and a Visual C++ 2005. The suggestion that working programmers
will reject python if a major version change introduces some backwards
incompatibilities is not borne out by the experience of any other
language I am aware of.


Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-12 Thread I V
On Mon, 11 Dec 2006 23:24:07 -0500, Ken Tilton wrote:
 Also, Python does not support a functional style of programming so the 
 line is the only meaningful textual entity. In this sense the 
 primitiveness of Python makes editing easier.

Why do you say that? Wouldn't a block in python be a meaningful textual
entity in the same way a lisp form would be?

Re: merits of Lisp vs Python

2006-12-12 Thread I V
On Sun, 10 Dec 2006 03:18:07 -0500, Bill Atkins wrote:
 We're not counting lines here, you goon.  We're talking about how
 expressive constructs are and how closely they match your concept of
 what you want to do.  The conditional example is lower-level; you're
 talking to the interpreter instead of saying what you want to achieve.
 You're having to repeat things because that's what the language asks
 of you, instead of describing in a higher-level way what you're
 actually doing.

To be a little provocative, I wonder if the idea that you're talking to
the interpreter doesn't apply more to lisp than to python; you can have
any syntax you like, as long as it looks like an AST. 

One of the things I've always found off-putting about lisp as that all the
syntax looks the same. In Algol-derived languages, each syntactic
construct has a fairly distinctive appearance, so when, for instance, I
encounter a for loop, I can quickly recognize that that's what it is, and
bracket out the scaffolding and pick out the details that interest me.
With lisp, I can't do that, I have to read through the sexp, decide on
what syntax it is, and then remind myself where to look for the relevant
specific details.

Now, this might well be just due to my comparative lack of familiarity
with lisp; I'd be interested to hear if you lisp people find different
lisp constructs as visually distinctive as constructs in python (or other
similar languages). But I think what people are getting at when they
complain about all the brackets in lisp may actually be this issue of
a visual distinction between different constructs (this is also a reason
why having a limited number of syntactic constructs can be helpful - there
are a probably a  limited number of stereotypical layouts a programmer can
keep in their mind at once).

Re: invert or reverse a string... warning this is a rant

2006-10-20 Thread I V
On Fri, 20 Oct 2006 09:04:07 +1000, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 I agree -- the reversed() function appears to be an obvious case of purity
 overriding practicality :(
 str(reversed(some string))
 'reversed object at 0xb7edca4c'
 repr(reversed(some string))
 'reversed object at 0xb7edca4c'

This doesn't seem particularly pure to me, either. I would
have thought str(some_iter) should build a string out of the iterator, as
list(some_iter) or dict(some_iter) do. I guess this might have to wait for
Python 3, but str ought to be a proper string constructor, not a produce
a printable representation of function, particularly when we have repr to
do the latter.

Re: Replace Whole Object Through Object Method

2006-06-27 Thread I V
On Mon, 26 Jun 2006 19:40:52 -0700, digitalorganics wrote:
 A misuse of inheritance eh? Inheritance, like other language features,
 is merely a tool. I happen to be using this tool to have my virtual
 persons change roles at different points in their lifetime, as many
 real people tend to do. Thus, at these points, B is indeed an A. What a
 person is, whether in real life or in my program, is not static and
 comes into definition uniquely for each moment (micro-moment, etc.) of
 existence. Now, please, I have no intention of carrying the
 conversation in such a silly direction, I wasn't inviting a discussion
 on philosophy or some such. I seek to work the tools to my needs, not
 the other way around.

But thinking about the problem in the vocabulary provided by the
programming language can be helpful in coming up with a solution. If
inheritance tells you what an object _is_, and membership tells you what a
role _has_, and a role is something that a person has, that suggests
that an implementation where roles are members of a person might be
simpler than trying to use inheritance. Like, for instance:

class Role(object):
def __init__(self, person):
self.person = person

class Worker(Role):
def do_work(self):
print, is working

class Employer(Role):

def __init__(self, person):
Role.__init__(self, person)
self.employees = []

def add_employee(self, worker):

def boss_people_around(self):
for employee in employees:
print, is telling,, what to 

class Person(object):

def __init__(self, name):
self.roles = [] = name

def add_role(self, role_class):

def forward_to_role(self, attr):
for role in self.roles:
return getattr(role, attr)
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError(attr)

def __getattr__(self, attr):

bill = Person('Bill')

bob = Person('Bob')


Re: Beginner Programmer Question

2006-06-26 Thread I V
On Mon, 26 Jun 2006 10:47:58 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 whats the difference between raw input and input?

'input' is used to ask the user to input a python expression, which is
then run, and 'input' returns the result of executing that expression. For

(define a function which prints something out)

 def func():
... print You're calling a function
... return Function result

(now, call input)

 res = input('Type python here: ')

(python outputs the prompt )

Type python here:

(and, if you type the python code to call a function after the prompt)

Type python here: func()

(then python calls the function, which prints out)

You're calling a function

(meanwhile, the result of calling the function gets assigned to 'res')

 print res
Function result

'raw_input' just returns whatever text the user typed in. That's what you
want to use here. 'raw_input' returns a string, which you'll need to
convert to a number with the 'int' function, like so:

text = raw_input('Type in a number: ')
number = int(text)


Re: printing out elements in list

2006-05-08 Thread I V
On Mon, 08 May 2006 00:44:39 -0700, micklee74 wrote:
 i have a list with contents like this
 alist = ['QWER' , 'askfhs', 'REWR' ,'sfsdf' , 'FGDG',
 'sdfsdgffdgfdg' ]
 how can i convert this list into a dictionary such that
 dictionary = { 'QWER':'askfhs' , 'REWR' : 'sfsdf' , 'FGDG',
 'sdfsdgffdgfdg' }

This strikes me as a little bit voodish, but you could do:

dictionary = dict(zip(alist[::2], alist[1::2]))

Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-07 Thread I V
On Sat, 06 May 2006 23:05:59 -0700, Alex Martelli wrote:
 Tomasz Zielonka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 higher level languages. There are useful programming techniques, like
 monadic programming, that are infeasible without anonymous functions.
 Anonymous functions really add some power to the language.
 Can you give me one example that would be feasible with anonymous
 functions, but is made infeasible by the need to give names to
 functions?  In Python, specifically, extended with whatever fake syntax
 you favour for producing unnamed functions?

Monads are one of those parts of functional programming I've never really
got my head around, but as I understand them, they're a way of
transforming what looks like a sequence of imperative programming
statements that operate on a global state into a sequence of function
calls that pass the state between them.

So, what would be a statement in an imperative language is an anonymous
function that gets added to the monad, and then, when the monad is run,
these functions get executed. The point being, that you have a lot of
small functions (one for each statement) which are likely not to be used
anywhere else, so defining them as named functions would be a bit of a
pain in the arse.

Actually, defining them as unnamed functions via lambdas would be annoying
too, although not as annoying as using named functions - what you really
want is macros, so that what looks like a statement can be interpreted is
a piece of code to be executed later.

Here, for instance, is an article about using scheme (and, in particular,
macros), to produce a fairly elegant monad implementation:


Re: why _import__ only works from interactive interpreter?

2006-05-07 Thread I V
On Sun, 07 May 2006 16:21:01 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So, if this is right, I need to put the .py file to be imported inside
 sys.path!! And the relative path will be usedto find the module.
 Can I __import__ providing the absolute path?

 import sys
 print sys.path
['', '/usr/lib/', '/usr/lib/python2.4',
'/usr/lib/python2.4/plat-linux2', '/usr/lib/python2.4/lib-tk',

Compare with:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/src/tests$ cat
import sys
print sys.path
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/src/tests$ python
['/home/tim/src/tests', '/usr/lib/', '/usr/lib/python2.4',
'/usr/lib/python2.4/plat-linux2', '/usr/lib/python2.4/lib-tk',

Note that the first entry in sys.path when run from the interactive
intepreter is a blank string, which doesn't appear in the output from the
script - I assume that's what is allowing the interactive version to
import via an absolute path. I'm not sure if this is the intended
behavior or a bug.

You could make your script work the same way as the interactive
interpreter by doing:

import sys
mod = __import__('/your/absolute/path/module')

But it might be better to just add the particular path:

mod = __import__('module')


Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-06 Thread I V
On Sat, 06 May 2006 21:19:58 -0400, Bill Atkins wrote:
 There are also cases where a function is so trivial that the simplest
 way to describe it is with its source code, where giving it a name and
 putting it at the beginning of a function is just distracting and
 time-consuming.  E.g.:
   (remove-if (lambda (name)
(find #\- name :test #'char=))   
 What's the sense of giving that function its own name?  It's much
 clearer to simply write it in place.  Yes, it's _possible_ to use
 named functions, but in this case its functionality is so simple that
 it's clearer to simply type it in place.  Why is this expressiveness a
 bad thing, aside from its power to wreck an indentation-significant

Well, you can do that with python's current,
non-indentation-significance-wrecking, lambda syntax, so I don't think
that's a particularly persuasive example. Note also that the only
limitation python has on where you can define functions is that you can't
define them inside expressions (they have to be statements), so you could
define a named function right before the call to remove-if, which removes
some of the advantage you get from the lambda (that is, the function
definition is not very far from when it's used). 

Actually, I think the limitation on python that is operative here is not
significant whitespace, but the distinction between statements and

(crossposts trimmed)

Re: A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

2006-05-05 Thread I V
On Fri, 05 May 2006 17:26:26 -0700, Xah Lee wrote:
 Regarding the lambda in Python situation... conceivably you are right
 that Python lambda is perhaps at best left as it is crippled, or even
 eliminated. However, this is what i want: I want Python literatures,
 and also in Wikipedia, to cease and desist stating that Python supports
 functional programing. (this is not necessarily a bad publicity) And, I

What does lambda have to do with supporting or not supporting functional


Re: best way to determine sequence ordering?

2006-04-28 Thread I V
On Fri, 28 Apr 2006 14:27:00 -0700, nikie wrote:
 Steven Bethard wrote:
   L = ['C', 'A', 'D', 'B']
   positions = dict((item, i) for i, item in enumerate(L))

Do you need the generator expression here? dict(enumerate(L)) should be
equivalent, no?

 Isn't this bound to be less efficient? I mean, inserting the items into
 a dict is probably O(n log n), which is definitely worse than O(n) for
 searching the list twice. And, of course, it would yield different
 results if 'A' or 'D' are in the list more than once.

Although presumably the dict method might be quicker if you were comparing
the positions a large number of times.

Incidentally, does python have a built-in to do a binary search on a
sorted list? Obviously it's not too tricky to write one, but it would be
nice if there was one implemented in C.

Re: best way to determine sequence ordering?

2006-04-28 Thread I V
On Fri, 28 Apr 2006 16:39:33 -0700, nikie wrote:
 I V wrote:
 Do you need the generator expression here? dict(enumerate(L)) should be
 equivalent, no?
 I think the generator is needed to swap the item and the index.
 dict(enumerate(L)) would yield a dict like {0:'C', 1:'A'...}

Oh, of course, I wasn't paying attention.

 Incidentally, does python have a built-in to do a binary search on a
 sorted list? Obviously it's not too tricky to write one, but it would
 be nice if there was one implemented in C.
 I once read in an algorithm book that it took 10 years from the first
 binary search publication until a correct version was published, so, it
 actually is a bit tricky... Better stick to the bisect module. Don't
 know if it's written in C, though.

Thanks for pointing out the bisect module - that's exactly what I was
looking for.

Re: Missing interfaces in Python...

2006-04-17 Thread I V

 I see that Python is missing interfaces. The concept of an interface
 is a key to good programming design in Java, but I've read that they
 aren't really necessary in Python. I am wondering what technique I can
 use in Python to get the same benefits to a program design that I would
 get with interfaces in Java.

To use interfaces in python, just what you would do in Java, except
don't use interfaces.

To expand on that slightly Zen answer, think about why you use
interfaces in Java. The interface declaration tells the compiler that
your object implements a specific set of functions, or that your
function expects an object that implements these functions. Then, at
run time, the actual type of the object is used to decide what function
to call.

However, python doesn't to any type checking at compile time, so it
just uses the dynamic type of the object to decide what function to

 How would I approach this problem in Python? I think I would use an
 abstract class instead of an interface for IFixable, since Python
 supports multiple inheritance, but I'm not sure this is correct.


class Car:
def fix(self):
   print Your car is ready, sir

class Bus:
def fix(self):
print Your bus is ready, sir

class Mechanic:
def repair(self, customer, vehicle):

class Customer:
def bill(self):
print Ouch, that was expensive

me = Customer()
my_bus = Bus()
my_car = Car()
m = Mechanic(), my_bus), my_car)

Which gives the output:

Your bus is ready, sir
Ouch, that was expensive
Your car is ready, sir
Ouch, that was expensive

If you try and repair something that can't be fixed:, me)

you get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 30, in ?, me)
  File, line 14, in repair
AttributeError: Customer instance has no attribute 'fix'

Obviously, you don't want this to happen when people use your program.
Java would check this at compile time, but as python doesn't, you can
write a unit test to check that the object's you want to implement the
relevant functions really do.

def is_fixable(obj):
except AttributeError:
return False
return True

assert is_fixable(Car())
assert is_fixable(Bus())
assert not is_fixable(Customer())
assert not is_fixable(Mechanic())


Re: Missing interfaces in Python...

2006-04-17 Thread I V
Jonathan Daugherty wrote:
 Except when you need to handle exceptions when those methods don't
 exist.  I think interfaces can definitely be useful.

I think I see what you mean, but that's an odd way to put it.
Typically, you aren't going to handle the exceptions produced by type
errors. Of course, you want some way to test that your code doesn't
have type errors. Static type checking is one way of doing the
requisite testing, unit tests are another, but it's the tests that are
useful, not the interfaces per se. Adding interfaces to python, which
doesn't support static type checking, would be useless IMO.


Re: passing string from one file to another

2006-04-16 Thread I V
Kun wrote:
 This works fine but instead of typing in a 'body', i would like the
 initial python program to just send a string as the body of the email.
 now normally i'd just set the msg in the file equal to the
 string, however, i do not know how to link a string from another python
 file to the file.

Where does get the body from at the moment? And how are you
invoking The obvious would be to import and call a
function in it; then, you would just need to change the string you pass
to the function. But presumably that's not how you've got it set up or
you wouldn't be asking the question. If you can explain a bit more how
your program works that would be helpful, maybe post an exerpt of the
code that shows where gets invoked from the main program, and
the bit of that accesses the body that gets sent.


Re: passing string from one file to another

2006-04-16 Thread I V
Kun wrote:
 mail currently gets the body from an input box.

 this is where gets invoked:

OK, I'm a bit confused. Where is the initial python program in all
this? You seem to have an one python program ( and an HTML
form. As it stands, I don't see why you can't change so that it
refers to your string instead of msg.as_string() .


Re: recursion and linked lists

2006-03-31 Thread I V
John Salerno wrote:
 The printable value of node1 is 1, node2 is 2 and node 3 is 3. is node2, is node3 and is None.

 This might be painfully obvious, but I don't understand when the print
 statement is getting called. If you call printBackward with node1, then
 you skip the if statement, head becomes node1, tail becomes node2 and
 then you call printBackward again with node2. During this call you call
 printBackward again with node 3 and then the next time the if statement
 returns. So when does the print happen, and how does it print 3
 different values? It seems like you wouldn't get to it until the last
 time printBackward returns, and 'head' at that point would be 3, which

Each time printBackward gets called, it has it's own separate 'head'
variable. We could imagine they're all separate variables head1 for the
first time printBackward is called, head2 for the second, and so on.
The first time printBackwards gets called, it's local 'head' variable
(head1) gets set to 1, and so on.

 is the first number printed. But doesn't it stop at this point? Where do
 2 and 1 come from?

Note that print gets called after _each_ time that printBackward
returns. So, as the different calls to printBackward return, they print
whatever 'head' was set to in that invocation. Now, logically enough,
the last call to printBackward is the first to return, so the last
value of 'head' is printed first, and so in in the reverse order of the
list. Maybe this will help you visualize what is going on:

call printBackward with arg [1, 2, 3]
head1 = 1
call printBackward with arg [2, 3]
head2 = 2
call  printBackward with arg [3]
head3 = 3
call printBackward with arg None
print head3 ( == 3)
print head2 (== 2)
print head1 (== 1)


Re: instance and class-hierarchy ?

2006-03-29 Thread I V
Bror Johansson wrote:
 Is there a good and general way to test an instance-object obj for having a
 class belonging to a certain sub-tree of the hierarchy with a common
 parent class C?

If I understand you correctly, isinstance ought to do the job:

class A(object):

class B(A):

class C(B):

c = C()

assert isinstance(c, C)
assert isinstance(c, B)
assert isinstance(c, A)

However, I'm not sure it's great style to have to inquire about the
type of an object, as I would worry it would be fragile if you redesign
your class hierarchy. Maybe an alternative would be to add a method to
your 'C' class to accomplish whatever it is you need to do? Still, if
that doesn't work (sometimes algorithms just are tightly coupled to the
specific class hierarchy, and you can't avoid it), isinstance should


Re: No Cookie: how to implement session?

2006-03-29 Thread I V
Sullivan WxPyQtKinter wrote:
 As you said, There is no solution? I mean, tracing a real session
 without using tricks like hidden field and cookies in CGI script?

As people have said, this isn't a limitation of python, it's a feature
of HTTP. You might want to consider whether you actually need sessions
- see if you can design your application to use REST (see e.g. , or there's lots of
information on Google).

People have also mentioned this in passing, but third alternative to
cookies and hidden fields is to use a session key in the query string -
this can be used for GET requests, so would work in redirects as well
as form submissions. Try:


Then you need to remember, whenever you include a link to your site
that should retain the session information to add the session key to
the URL. You could define a function:

def session_url(url, key, **params={}):
qstring = %s=%s % ('session', urllib.quote(key))
for (name, value) in params.items():
qstring += %s=%s %(urllib.quote(name), urllib.quote(value))
return qstring

And use it like:

#Do redirect
print Location:  + session_url('new_page', session_key)


# Redirect to a page that loads the item called 'anitem'
print Location:  + session_url('new_page', session_key, {'item',

If you want to link to this URL in an HTML page, you need to remember
to escape the '' character:

print a href='%s'Edit item %s/a % (cgi.escape(session_url('edit',
session_key, {'item', item_name})), item_name)

Then, if you need to submit a form, you can add the key as a hidden


Re: CGI redirection: let us discuss it further

2006-03-27 Thread I V
Sullivan WxPyQtKinter wrote:
 1. Are there any method (in python of course) to redirect to a web page
 without causing a Back button trap(ie, when user click the back
 button on their web browser, they are redirect to their current page,
 while their hope is probably to go back to the last page they have
 seen, rather than the redirection page with a Location: url head and
 blank content.)?

I guess this may vary from browser to browser, but on Mozilla at least,
if your CGI script returns one of the 300 status codes, then the
redirect page doesn't get added to the browser history, and so the back
button works as expected.

 2. Are there any method to use relative path, rather than full absolute
 URI path in Location: url? It is very essential for later transplant
 work, e.g.,transplant a folder of cgi scripts from one web server to
 another, with different URL.

You don't have to use absolute URLs in a Location: header returned by a
CGI script. The web server will handle relative URLs for you. See the
CGI spec:


Re: Can't get the real contents form page in internet as the tag no-chche

2006-03-22 Thread I V
dongdong wrote:
 using web browser can get page's content formally, but when use;).read()

 the result is


This line here instructs the browser to go to . If you try
loading that with urllib2, do you get the right content?

If the people behind that web page new how to use the web, they
wouldn't use the META HTTP-EQUIV hack,  and instead would have
instructed their web server to return a 300 redirect response, which
would have allowed urllib2 to follow the redirect and get the right
content automatically. If you have any influence with them, you could
try and persuade them to set up their web server properly.


Re: what's the general way of separating classes?

2006-03-20 Thread I V
John Salerno wrote:
 How does the __init__ file help if you are still individually importing
 class1 and class2 in each other module of your program?

Felipe's example is a little confusing because he uses the same name
for the module and the class. Here's another example:

---  package/ ---

class C1:

--- package/ ---

class C2:

--- package/ ---

from class1 import C1
from class2 import C2

--- end ---

Now, in your code you can do:

import package

c = package.C1()

If you hadn't included the lines in, you would have to

import package

c = package.class1.C1()


Re: PEP 354: Enumerations in Python

2006-02-27 Thread I V
Paul Rubin wrote:
 Hmm, I also see the PEP doesn't specify what's supposed to happen with

   Weekdays = enum('sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat')
   Solar_system = enum('sun', 'mercury', 'venus', 'earth',)  # etc.
   print Weekdays.sun == Solar_system.sun

 so that's another shortcoming with the PEP.

I think it does, doesn't it? From the PEP:

Values within an enumeration cannot be meaningfully compared *except
with values from the same enumeration*.  The comparison operation
functions return ``NotImplemented`` [#CMP-NOTIMPLEMENTED]_ when a
value from an enumeration is compared against any value not from the
same enumeration or of a different type. (my emphasis)


Re: ls files -- list packer

2006-02-23 Thread I V

kpp9c wrote:
 Namely i have organized a bunch of folders that have soundfiles in them
 and would like Python to slurp up all the .aif/.aiff (or .wav whatever)
 files in a given set of directories. My friend hacked up this is perl:

 $files = `ls /snd/Public/*.aiff`;

You could use posix.popen to duplicate the perl hack:

files = posix.popen('ls /snd/Public/*.aiff').read().strip()

 @snd_filelist = split('\n',$files);

snd_filelist = files.split('\n')

 I would like something similar, that works with python that is more
 elegant and maybe even more robust.

Lucklily, python lets you avoid this kind of horrible hack. Try

snd_filelist = [f for f in os.listdir('/snd/Public/') if

I think it's more elegant, and it's certainly more robust.

 but i am failing miserably and my perl friends mock me.

Now you get to mock your perl friends!


Re: How to *Search* with google from inside my programme and get the search result?

2006-02-14 Thread I V
Frank Potter wrote:
 Does google supply some webservice to programmers? I did see

Googling for google api gets you to:

It appears to be a SOAP API, which you can access with python, but I
think you'll need a third-party library. Googling for python soap
gets you:

which might be a place to start.


Re: OO conventions

2006-02-03 Thread I V
Nicola Musatti wrote:
 I don't think this is all there is to it. Even though a class such as
 Image might not have a sensible default, initial state it still might
 not be reasonable to burden it with the ability to collect the
 information needed to reach such an initial state. To put it it another
 way: a car is a car, it isn't a car factory.

What's the burden, though? Surely the only burden is that the class
needs to take the relevant parameters to its __init__ method, which is
no more of a burden than providing some other initialization method
that takes the relevant parameters.

 Factory functions (or classes) are there to solve this problem and
 still allow a clean separation of concerns. Although instances of Klass
 are created uninitialized, they only live in this state within their
 factory and only reach trhe outside world only when they are in a
 usable state.

This may be my limited imagination, but I can't think of a situation
when you would prefer something like:

def factory(info):
k = Klass()
data = get_initial_data(info)
return k


def factory(info):
data = get_initial_data(info)
return Klass(data)

What would be the value of doing the initialization in a separate
method, rather than the constructor?


Re: A simple question string.replace

2006-01-30 Thread I V
Haibao Tang wrote:
 Is it possible to substitue all '1.1' to some value else without using

You could try:

import sys

values = sys.stdin.readline().split()
while values:
results = []
for value in values:
if value != '1.1':
results.append('something else')

print '\t'.join(results)
values = sys.stdin.readline().split()


Re: Making dir's

2006-01-22 Thread I V
Klaus Alexander Seistrup wrote:
 Or os.makedirs():

Although that may or may not do what the OP wants. I was assuming she
was trying to produce a directory structure like:


os.makedirs() produces a directory hierarchy, like:

