Re: question about a command like 'goto ' in Python's bytecode orit's just a compiler optimization?

2009-06-18 Thread JanC
Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

 It is my opinion that it is not possible to make a useful machine,
 virtual or real, which executes instructions sequentially, if the
 instruction set does not contain a conditional jump of some sort.

 I have tried doing it using conditional calls, and it fails on
 the equivalent of the first if ..., elif ...  you try to write.

I'm 99.99% sure you can implement that by using a decision subroutine that
returns subroutine pointers (and maybe parameter pointers), but it certainly
won't be efficient on current CPU designs...


Re: What text editor is everyone using for Python

2009-05-28 Thread JanC
Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

 When ssh- ing I have been using vim, painfully. Must look at nano - sounds 
 I really miss Brief.

Or try 'joe'.


Re: Network programming ?

2009-05-28 Thread JanC
CTO wrote:

 There's a book called Foundations of Python Network Programming that
 is pretty much as good a book as you could ever ask for on the subject. I
 strongly recommend it, and I think you'll find many of the examples

Yeah, I can recommend that book too.


Re: Is it better to use threads or fork in the following case

2009-05-08 Thread JanC
Gabriel Genellina wrote:

 In addition, the zip file format stores the directory at the end of the  
 file. So you can't process it until it's completely downloaded.  

Well, you *can* download the directory part first (if the HTTP server
supports it), and if you only need some files, you could then only
download these files out of the .zip, saving a lot in download time...



Re: getting linux distro used...

2009-04-30 Thread JanC
deostroll wrote:

 I just found that you could use platform.system() to get the
 underlying os used. But is there a way to get the distro used...?

Major modern distros support 'lsb_release', I suppose:

$ lsb_release -i -r -c -d
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:Ubuntu 9.04
Codename:   jaunty

If that doesn't work; try '/etc/issue'.


Re: Light (general) Inter-Process Mutex/Wait/Notify Synchronization?

2009-04-30 Thread JanC
John Nagle wrote:

  Linux doesn't do interprocess communication very well.
 The options are pipes (clunky), sockets (not too bad, but
 excessive overhead), System V IPC (nobody uses
 that) and shared memory (unsafe).

+ dbus


Re: Why bool( object )?

2009-04-30 Thread JanC
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 There are 4,294,967,296 integers that can be represented in 32 bits. Only 
 one of them represents zero.

Or you can even define it as not including zero...  ;)


Re: Is there a programming language that is combination of Python and Basic?

2009-04-18 Thread JanC
Stef Mientki wrote:

 BJörn Lindqvist wrote:
 PSET 160,100,255
 Maybe, who is able to understand such nosense without a lot of apriori 
 knowledge ?

You already needed that sort of knowledge to be able to use a computer back
then...  ;-)


Re: How to create a virtual serial port?

2009-04-15 Thread JanC
Stuart Davenport wrote:

 My point in all this is actually that I ordered a USB GPS Receiver and

I just bought one myself a couple of weeks ago.  They sell them at 10-13
euro on computer fairs these days, that's too cheap to not buy one... ;)

 it wont arrive for another two weeks, being my impatient self, I am
 writing an app for my iPhone to broadcast its GPS location over the
 network to my laptop. I then want to get this data into the NMEA
 format and push this data onto a PTY - this will in-effect replace the
 USB GPS Receiver and the GPS software can read it :)

Well, on normal linux/unix systems it would be easy, as in general
applications there use 'gpsd'[1] to access GPS data, which you can then
access from every application (instead of one application monopolizing the
serial port) and it even supports access over TCP/IP.

I don't know if gpsd works on Mac OS X[2] and the iPhone *and* with your
application though (it doesn't emulate a serial port, so I think not...).

Applications shouldn't monopolize a resource like a GPS without giving
access to the data for others (like gpsd does)...

[2] well, [1] says that it does, but is not officially supported


Re: [ANN] Falcon - powering innovation

2009-04-15 Thread JanC
Gerhard Häring wrote:

 I've never heard of tabular programming before.

I guess something similar/related to SQL or LINQ?

I don't think this is really a bad idea if you want to support
sublanguages for common programming problems... (which seems to be one of
their primary language design ideas).


Re: How to create a virtual serial port?

2009-04-14 Thread JanC
Scott David Daniels wrote:

 I'ms confused by this statement.  What physical connector does your
 serial port use to get the serial data to the Mac?  I only have one 
 3-year old Mac laptop to look at, and I just don't see anything that I
 would call a serial port.

USB *is* a serial port... that's what the S stands for.  ;)


Re: Python 2.6/3.0 packages for Ubuntu?

2009-04-11 Thread JanC
Francesco Bochicchio wrote: ha scritto:
 Does Ubuntu really not have Python 2.6 or 3.0 packages or do I just have my
 package list misconfigured?  I'm setting up a fresh machine and am not too
 Ubuntu-aware.  Is there a list of package repositories around somewhere?

 In current 8.10,  the default python is 2.5, but there is a set of 
 packages python3-... which gives you the 3.0.

It has a 3.0 beta I think (the final version was released too late to
include it).

 The upcoming 09.04 will have 2.6 as standard, I think ...

2.6.1 actually, and it has 3.0.1 too, as well as versions of 2.4 (for zope2)
and 2.5.  Plus jython  ironpython...  ;)

(For Debian use instead.)


Re: How to create a virtual serial port?

2009-04-11 Thread JanC
Grant Edwards wrote:

 On 2009-04-10, Stuart Davenport wrote:

 I am trying to work out if its possible, to create a virtual serial
 port with Python?

 On Linux: no.

I wonder if there is no way to emulate ptys from userspace?
(Like you can use FUSE to implement filesystems in python.)


Re: PID lockfile

2009-03-30 Thread JanC
Aahz wrote:

Okay. But is that something that needs to be accommodated with,
specifically, PID file handling? Why would a PID file ever need to be
on NFS storage instead of local?

 That's the question.  You'll probably get some complaints from people
 running diskless machines, eventually, some years down the line.

I think on diskless machines using a tmpfs (or similar) for PID files would
be more sane anyway, but of course not everybody will (or can?) use


Re: Async serial communication/threads sharing data

2009-03-27 Thread JanC
Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:

  These days, serial ports are on the way out, I think.

I don't see generic USB and bluetooth serial devices disappear that fast...

E.g. AFAIK (almost?) all GPS receivers have to be accessed as serial
devices (mine even looks like a generic USB-to-serial device to the kernel).


Re: How to do this in Python?

2009-03-21 Thread JanC
Josh Holland wrote:

 How people would write a kernel in Python?

Like this:


Re: File Compare with difflib.context_diff

2009-03-20 Thread JanC
JohnV wrote:

 I have a txt file that gets appended with data over a time event.  The
 data comes from an RFID reader and is dumped to the file by the RFID
 software.  I want to poll that file several times over the time period
 of the event to capture the current data in the RFID reader.

 When I read the data I want to be able to compare the current data to
 the date from the last time I read it and only process the data
 appended since the last time it was read.

If you are on a posix system, you could maybe use the output of the
'since' commandline tool, or at least steal some ideas from it.


Re: cross compile Python to Linux-ARM

2009-03-20 Thread JanC
jefm wrote:

 We are looking to use Python on an embedded Linux ARM system.
 What I gather from googling the subject is that it is not that
 straight forward (a fair amount of patching  hacking).
 Nobody out there that has done it claims it is easy, which makes me
 What would it take for the Linux version of Python to be easily cross
 compiled (i.e. would the Linux-Python maintainers be willing to
 include and maintain cross-compilation specific functions) ?

 Let's say we can get it done.
 How is the performance and stability of a working Python on an
 embedded ARM-Linux system ?

 Does cross compiling Python automatically include the standard Python
 library, or is that yet another adventure ?

Python (including (most of) the standard library) is available for several
linux distributions for ARM:
- Debian (see
- OpenWRT, e.g.
- the next Ubuntu release will support some ARM chips
- several other (embeded) distributions...

You should check whether your specific hardware is supported though.  There
are several ARM designs from very simple embeded systems with very limited
CPU  memory resources and lacking a FPU up to chips for netbooks and
low-end desktop/server systems that have built-in 3D graphics.
Obviously, python won't work if your system doesn't even have enough space
to store python... ;-)

BTW: you can run many of those linux distributions on qemu too, if you want
to test some things before you have the hardware (it's obviously only an
emulation though).


Re: Is there any library for COREL or ILLUSTRATOR?

2009-03-20 Thread JanC
alejandro wrote:

 I need to import cdr files to python and just make some calculations 
 (surface size of some objects, perimeters..)
 Don't need to show them or manipulate with them... 


Sk1 is a vector drawing program written in Python  they have libraries to
read (some?) CorelDraw (v7-X3), Illustrator, Visio  WMF files.

If you are on Ubuntu or Debian, you can install the 'python-uniconvertor'
package and see if that includes the features you need.
Seems like Sk1  the other tools aren't packaged (yet).

If you are on Windows, there is an installer on the Sk1 site.


Re: Integer arithmetic in hardware descriptions

2009-03-16 Thread JanC wrote:

 In most modern Pascal dialects the overflow checks can be (locally)
 enabled or disabled with compiler directives in the source code,

 I think that was possible in somewhat older versions of Pascal-like
 languages too (like old Delphi versions, and maybe TurboPascals too).

Yeah, I think Turbo Pascal supported this since v3 or v4 at least.
(By modern I meant as opposed to the original Pascal  the other classic
Pascals that were available before Turbo Pascal came around.)

so the speed issue is not a real issue in practice...

 How can I help Walter (the designer and writer of the D language)
 understand this? Do you have articles or other ways that support this
 point of view?

Premature optimization is the root of all evil in programming ?  ;-)

(And D became way too complicated over the years, so I'm not really
interested in it much anymore.)


Re: Rough draft: Proposed format specifier for a thousands separator

2009-03-15 Thread JanC
Raymond Hettinger wrote:

 No doubt that you're skeptical of anything you didn't
 already know ;-)  I'm a CPA, was a 15 year division controller
 for a Fortune 500 company, and an auditor for an international
 accounting firm.  Believe me when I say it is the norm in finance.
 Besides, it seems like you're arguing that thousands separators
 aren't needed anywhere at all and have doubts about their
 utility.  Pick-up your pocket calculator and take a look.
 Look at your paycheck or your bank statement.

My current bank and my previous bank use 2 ways to write numbers:

1. a decimal comma, and a space (or half-space or any other appropriate
   small whitespace) as a thousands separator
2. written full out in words (including the currency names)

Invoices (not from these banks) often use a point as the thousands
separator (although that's wrong according to some national
standards, it's probably okay according to accounting standards...). 

The second formatting (full words) is a legal requirement on certain
financial  legal documents here (and I can imagine in other countries
too?).  Anybody working on a PEP about implementing a 'w' (for wordy?)
formatting type?  ;-)


Re: Integer arithmetic in hardware descriptions

2009-03-15 Thread JanC wrote:

 Some C# designers come from Pascal (where overflow is considered an
 important thing), and they have added to dotnet ways to find when an
 overflow occurs, globally in a program, locally in a piece of code, or
 even in a single part of an expression. This is much better than

 I'm fighting against the C/C++ crowd to add C#-like integer overflows
 to the D2 language, but with not much luck so far, all they (Walter,
 mostly) see is the lower performance it may lead.

In most modern Pascal dialects the overflow checks can be (locally)
enabled or disabled with compiler directives in the source code, so the
speed issue is not a real issue in practice...

This allows you to disable those checks in e.g. a very speed-sensitive piece
of code (that you must check for correctness yourself then of course, but
that's better than having to check *all* code).


Re: PyPy Progress (and Psyco)

2009-03-15 Thread JanC
andrew cooke wrote:

 Fuzzyman wrote:
 On Mar 15, 3:46 pm, Gerhard Häring wrote:
 Me too. I doubt it, though. From an outside view, the project seems to
 lack focus. To me, it looks like a research platform, and producing a
 successor to CPython seems to be just one out of a dozen projects.
 Well, I know the guys involved and they are focused on making PyPy a
 practical (and importantly a faster) alternative to CPython. It has
 just taken a long time - but is finally showing real progress.

 They did get distracted along the way, but one of things that happened
 last year was a culling of a lot of the side projects that made it
 harder to make progress on the core goals.

 This is so good to hear.  I had exactly the same concerns as Gerhard. 
 Thanks for posting some information.

I think the period as a research platform (IIRC the project was funded by a
research grant from the EU after all[*]) was maybe necessary to get where
they are now...?

[*] I'm happy to see at least this part of my taxes being spent for
something good...  ;-)


Re: Packaging Survey

2009-03-10 Thread JanC
Robert Kern wrote:

 On 2009-03-09 13:52, R. David Murray wrote:

 The web _really, really_ needs some sort of mechanism for a site
 to say I'm not claiming anything about my identity, I'm just
 providing you an https channel over which to talk to me

 If I don't claim an identity and provide a way for you to authenticate that 
 claim, the channel is vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack and, 
 is not secure. It would provide moderate protection against naive 
 though. Is that what you meant?

There might be a way to authenticate that claim: if you know who this site
is supposed to be owned by, you can call them and ask them to read the
fingerprint over the phone.  Or they could print it on all their paper
communication, which would be even better.

Once (back in 2000) I had to order a signed certificate for a company that
didn't exist (yet), and to my surprise it worked (and this was from a very
well-known CA). That was the last day I really trusted certificates signed
by (most) commercial CAs...

So my conclusion is: the only way to be really sure if a certificate is good
is the same for both types (self-signed or signed by a trusted CA).


Re: last and final attempt to search for python ods library.

2009-03-08 Thread JanC
Krishnakant wrote:

 This is my last attempt to search for a nice python library for creating
 open document spreadsheet.

 I tryed python-ooolib but did not find a few features like merging cells
 (may be I am missing out some thing stupid ).

You could add that feature to python-ooolib.

 I have asked for some help before on this topic but seems there is no
 such library in python.

 Pritty strange that python can't do this much.

Python can do it.  (Maybe nobody using  programming the libraries that
you tried ever needed it, so they didn't implement it, but that's something

 So please tell me if any one knows of a good solution for my problem
 else I am forced to give up python for my task.

You could use python-uno (it's included with OOo by default, and should be
able to do everything OOo can do.)


Re: possible python/linux/gnome issue!!

2005-03-02 Thread JanC
bruce schreef:

 i'm running rh8.0 with gnome.. i'm not sure of the version (it's
 whatever rh shipped).
 i've recently updated (or tried to update) python to the latest
 version. when i try to run the 'Server Settings/Services' Icon within
 gnome, nothing happens...
 i tried to run the 'start services' command from a command line, and
 got the following...
 it appears to be a conflict somewhere...

Red Hat uses Python for their configuration tools.  It seems like those 
are not compatible with the newer python version you installed.

You should keep the older Python version installed  make sure the Red Hat 
tools use that instead of (I think) the newer version.


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RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9

Re: urllib2 meta-refresh

2005-03-02 Thread JanC
Artificial Life schreef:

 urllib2 does not seem to be able to handle META-REFRESH in an html
 document. I just get back the html to the page that is supposed to
 forward me to the intended page. Any way around this? 

Have a look at the HTTPRefreshProcessor in ClientCookie:


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RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9

Re: [EVALUATION] - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

2005-02-18 Thread JanC
Robert Kern schreef:

 And yet there is not one company that has someone devoted full-time to 
 developing Python.

Except for 'future Python' aka PyPy...



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Re: For American numbers

2005-02-13 Thread JanC
Peter Hansen schreef:

 Given the clear units='bytes' default above, and my restricting
 my comments to the rest of the computer world, it should be
 clear I was talking about a very limited subset of the planet.
 A subset, however, which has an extremely strong attachment to
 1024 instead of 1000 (for very good reasons), and which is
 less likely to abandon backwards compatibility and widely accept
 1000 than the US is likely to adopt metric widely in the near

The problem is that that 'subset' uses kilo for both 1000 (at least hard 
disks  some network transmission speeds) and 1024 in computer science.


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RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9

Re: Big development in the GUI realm

2005-02-09 Thread JanC
Jeremy Bowers schreef:

 Copyright-based models can't handle modern computer programs,

Most countries have computer program specific parts in their copyright 


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RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9

Re: Big development in the GUI realm

2005-02-09 Thread JanC
Francis Girard schreef:

 Did some law court, over the past 
 decade, had to make a decision about GPL on some real issue ? 

netfilter vs. Sitecom ?


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RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9

Re: OT: why are LAMP sites slow?

2005-02-07 Thread JanC
Jeffrey Froman schreef:

 M.E.Farmer wrote:
 Div is a block level tag and span isn't.
 You can also group them  together and nest them.
 One caveat here -- I don't believe you can (should) nest a div
 inside a span, or for that matter, nest any block-level element
 inside an inline element.

The following nesting is valid AFAIK:


While this isn't:



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Re: Possibly OT: Controlling winamp with Python

2005-02-07 Thread JanC
Bill Mill schreef:

 You could write the Python program as a proxy of the internet stream.
 Basically, you would point your proxy at the web stream and receive
 the data it sends. At the same time, you would be listening for
 connections on some socket on the local machine. You would then point
 winamp towards the local socket instead of the internet station.

Winamp buffers incoming streams, so that won't be very functional...   ;-)


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RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9

Re: Big development in the GUI realm

2005-02-07 Thread JanC
Kartic schreef:

 In any case, let's say I use Python to create an application that uses
 some module that is GPL. So what are my options?

For your own personal use: doesn't mather.

If you want to distribute it, your application must be GPL'ed, so *all* 
source code must be made available for those you distribute it to.


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RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9

Re: OT: why are LAMP sites slow?

2005-02-04 Thread JanC
Paul Rubin schreef:

 I don't know that the browser necessarily renders that faster than it
 renders a table,

Simple tables aren't slow, but tables-in-tables-in-tables-in-tables-in-
tables are.


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RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9

Re: python and gpl

2005-02-02 Thread JanC
Paul Rubin schreef:

 My IANAL amateur reading is that the GPL does in fact apply, at least
 in the US.  Running the program is not restricted, but loading the
 program from disk to memory before you can run it counts as copying
 it, which invokes the license, Computer Associates v. Altai, 982 F.2d
 693.  I personally believe that doctrine is insane, but that's what
 software companies pushed through the courts in order to make
 shrink-wrap EULA's enforceable.  (Otherwise they'd only be enforceable
 if you agreed to the terms before the vendor got your money).

In Belgium (and the whole EU, I think) copying a program from disk to 
memory to be able to run it is covered under fair use (just like copying 
digital data from an audio CD to a DAC to be able to listen to it is fair 
use), which can't be restricted by companies.

AFAIK. IANAL. Etc.  ;-)


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Re: Suggesion for an undergrad final year project in Python

2005-02-02 Thread JanC
Kartic schreef:

 Or if you are the networking types, come up with a peer-to-peer chat 
 application with whitetboard capability, which I am sure will be fairly 

Hm, a Python version of The Coccinella?  :-)


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Re: Where can I find sample beginner programs to study?

2005-01-28 Thread JanC
Todd_Calhoun schreef:

 I'm trying to learn Python (and programming), and I'm wondering if
 there are any places where I can find small, simple programs to study.



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Re: Another scripting language implemented into Python itself?

2005-01-25 Thread JanC
Francis Girard schreef:

 I'm really not sure but there might be some way to embed Java Script
 within Jython.

You can embed JavaScript in CPython, but I don't know how secure or stable 
it is:


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Re: hash patent by AltNet; Python is prior art?

2005-01-21 Thread JanC
Tim Churches schreef:

 And I agree 100% with Alex Martelli - Europe and other countries must 
 reject software, algorithmic and business method patents and thus create 
 a powerhouse of innovation. let the US and fellow-travellers stew in 
 their own juice - they will become powerhouses of litigation instead. 
 Provided other countries don't recognise software and business method 
 patents, the litigation will be confined within US borders, where 
 resources can be productivelt spent making television dramas about 
 attractive young patent attorneys and plodding, tram-riding patent 
 clerks who are really brilliant physicists if only someone would 
 recognise their potential. So yes, please write to your MP and MEP and 
 protest against the prospect of software and business method patents in 
 Europe. Hopefully one day within my lifetime we'll have a governemt here 
 in Australia which will roll back the damage done to our patent system 
 by trying to make just like the US system, just so we can conclude an 
 unbelieveably inequitable free trade agreement with the US. But that's 
 our problem.

It's not looking really good here in Europe:

If they succeed to push this through and Poland--or another country--
doesn't help us...  :-( 


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Re: nntplib: abstraction of threads

2005-01-21 Thread JanC
Steve Holden schreef:

 Better still, do a Google search on mail threading algorithm, 
 implement the algorithm described in
 and post your implementation back to the newsgroup :-)'m+Feeling+Lucky


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Re: Free NNTP (was Re: how to stop google from messing Python code)

2005-01-21 Thread JanC
Paul Boddie schreef:

 JanC wrote:
 Aahz schreef:
 You also have access to the free netnews server 
 That address is now for DFN internal use only.
 Their public service moved to
 To me, that seems to be the general problem with public NNTP services
 - you have to play a game of following them around the net.

The; address has worked for 1 year after they 
announced this change.  DFN stands for the German Science and Research 
Network and is a government funded organisation, and they wanted/needed 
separate servers for public and member usage, so they had to find a new 
name for their public service:


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Re: rotor replacement

2005-01-21 Thread JanC
Robin Becker schreef:

 well since rotor is a german (1930's) invention

And AES is a Belgian invention...  ;-)

 it is a bit late for 
 Amricans (Hollywood notwithstanding) to be worried about its export


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Re: Python Operating System???

2005-01-14 Thread JanC
jtauber schreef:


There is not much to see there, most of the wiki is filled with spam...


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Re: OT: spacing of code in Google Groups

2005-01-05 Thread JanC
Peter Hansen schreef:

 You mean to say that your editor does not have rectangle operations ? 
 I wouldn't know.**  I try quite hard to limit the features
 that I have to learn and remember to a very, very small
 list.  Why the heck would I ever have to do rectangle
 operations on a regular basis?  ;-)

 ** I'm using Scite; it probably has it.  It has quite a few
 features -- far more than I'll ever use.  Remarkable how
 simple an editor could be and still be effective... for
 some people.

Rectangular selection only works with the mouse in SciTE/Scintilla:

Most of SciTE's (editor-)features are also available in other Scintilla 
based editors.


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RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9

Re: Rebinding stdout (was: Re: Python! Is! Truly! Amazing!)

2005-01-03 Thread JanC
Ron Garret schreef:

 But this topic does bring up a legitimate question: I have a bunch of 
 code that generates HTML using PRINT statements.  I need to convert all 
 this code to return strings rather than actually printing them (so I can 
 use the results to populate templates).  In Lisp I could do this:
 (with-output-to-string (s)
   (let ( (*standard-output* s) )
 Is there an equivalent Python trick to capture a function call's output 
 as a string?

Something like this:

py import cStringIO
py import sys
py def foo():
... print test
py f = cStringIO.StringIO()
py sys.stdout = f
py foo()
py s = f.getvalue()
py sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
py f.close()
py print s.capitalize()


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Re: The Industry choice

2005-01-03 Thread JanC
Paul Rubin schreef:

 The AOL web server also uses tcl as a built-in dynamic content
 generation language (i.e. sort of like mod_python), or at least it
 used to.

It still does:

AOLserver is America Online's Open-Source web server. AOLserver is the 
backbone of the largest and busiest production environments in the world. 
AOLserver is a multithreaded, Tcl-enabled web server used for large scale, 
dynamic web sites.


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Re: Rebinding stdout (was: Re: Python! Is! Truly! Amazing!)

2005-01-03 Thread JanC
Just schreef:

 You should always save stdout instead of using __stdout__. It may not be 
 the same!

You're right, especially when this code would execute in an (at 
programming time) unknown context.


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RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9

Re: input record sepArator (equivalent of $| of perl)

2005-01-03 Thread JanC
Jeff Shannon schreef:

 John Machin wrote:
Subtle distinction: A metER is a measuring device. A MetRE is a unit of

 ... except in the US, where we stubbornly apply the same spelling to 
 both of those.  (It figures that we Americans just ignore subtle 

Or there is some Dutch influence...  ;)
(In Dutch it's meter for both meanings.)


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Re: OT: spacing of code in Google Groups

2005-01-01 Thread JanC
Terry Reedy schreef:

 JanC [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 I don't know if gmane keeps formating of messages intact when
 posting? That could be an alternative too...
 Reading posts via gmane with Outlook Express preserves leading spaces
 just fine.  However, OE deletes tabs regardless of what newsgroup

OE is useless anyway (at least as a newsreader).

I was talking about the gmane web interface as an alternative to Google's.  
They have an NNTP server but also three http-based interfaces: RSS-feed, 
blog-style  framed (looks more or less like a newsreader).


Tested it in gmane.test, posting through their web interface preserves 


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Re: what would you like to see in a 2nd edition Nutshell?

2004-12-31 Thread JanC
JoeG schreef:

 I disagree with your Tkinter vs. wxPython
 decision.  I tried a number of programs written with Tkinter and really
 didn't like the interface.  The program I helped develop is Windows
 based and I knew that a program with the Tkinter interface would never
 work as a cross platform environment.  Out existing customers just
 wouldn't accept it.   I can't see anyone using Tkinter for new mass
 market development.  If you've already got an application written with
 it you might want to continue using it but for new projects, wxPython
 seems to have some BIG advantages.

Robin Dunn is writing a wxPython book:


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Re: Probleme mit der Installation der openSource Bittorrent.... python vs JAVA

2004-12-31 Thread JanC
Gerhard Haering schreef:

 I can understand your emotions here. OTOH it's typical for Germans
 (and even more so French) to assume that everybody speaks their

The same is true for English language speakers in my experience...
(E.g.: why is this international newsgroup in English only?)

 [*] The very minimum of netiquette would require to read a few
 messages in the newsgroup/mailing list and check what it is about and
 in what language it is.

Hm, be.* newsgroups are officially quadrilingual (Dutch, French, German 
 English), but in practice 99,99% of the messages are in Dutch, so 
reading a few messages won't help much...  ;-)


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Re: The Industry choice

2004-12-31 Thread JanC
Steve Holden schreef:

 Would anyone undertake to give a Hidden Technologies talk at PyCon, 
 outlining how this phenomenon operates against the adoption of 
 technologies that the big boys effectively keep to themselves by
 keeping quiet about? Google's use of Python , while not a closely-kept
 a secret as Oracle's use of Tcl, certainly isn;t as well-known as it
 deserves to be. 

And since 2004-10-14, Corel uses Python too...  ;-)

They bought JASC Software last year, who use Python as a scripting 
language in their PaintShop Pro products.


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Re: OT: spacing of code in Google Groups

2004-12-31 Thread JanC
Adam DePrince schreef:

 On Fri, 2004-12-31 at 13:03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When I copy code from a source file into a Google Groups message, the
 indentation is messed up, making my Python code illegal and all my code
 ugly. Are there tricks to avoid this?
 Subscribe to the mailing list.  Take a look at The news group and this list are
 mirrors of each other.   Of course, the benefit this provides depends on
 which mail client you use.

I don't know if gmane keeps formating of messages intact when posting?
That could be an alternative too...

Or just use one of the free news servers, some of them even allow 
connections on port 80.  ;-)


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Re: Unicode entries on sys.path

2004-12-30 Thread JanC
vincent wehren schreef:

 Normally I would have thought this would require using the Microsoft 
 Layer for Unicode (unicows.dll).

If Python is going to use unicows.dll, it might want to use libunicows for 
compatibility with mingw etc.:


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Re: Best GUI for small-scale accounting app?

2004-12-28 Thread JanC
Ed Leafe schreef:

 I think the field of GUI frameworks / tools for Python is fragmented
 because it's fragmented outside of Python too...
  I think that the reason things are fragmented in this field is that 
 none of the tools are simple enough to learn.

Even on Windows, where several well-known and/or easy to use Rapid GUI  
Database Development Tools exist (Delphi, VB, Access, Visual FoxPro, 
FileMaker, ...), the framework field is fragmented: Microsoft's Win32, MFC 
 WTL, Borland's VCL  CLX, wxWidgets, System.Windows.Forms, several Java 
frameworks, ...

But even then, if DaBo ever becomes as easy to use as Delphi/VB for this 
type of applications, while remaining cross-platform, that might easily 
double the number of Python developers.  ;-)


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Re: Best GUI for small-scale accounting app?

2004-12-27 Thread JanC
McBooCzech schreef:

 IMHO this is the worst think for the Python community: you can find
 one Python only with an excellent support. Great But on the other
 hand it is possible to find plenty of GUI tools and for the beginner
 (and may be not just for the beginner) it is so hard to choose the
 proper one! The field of GUI tools is so fragmented

I think the field of GUI frameworks / tools for Python is fragmented 
because it's fragmented outside of Python too...


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Re: MIDI (was - Re: BASIC vs Python)

2004-12-22 Thread JanC
Bob van der Poel schreef:

 Just as a side note, I remember reading somewhere that the Casio WK3000 
 Keyboard uses Python. Not sure if that's internal or just for Casio's 
 own development.

At the bottom it says:
| 2. Python Programming Language  - some of Casio's Internet Data 
| Expansion System is written in Python, a high-level interpreted, 
| interactive, object-oriented programming language (check your PC folder 
| holding the Casio wave converter program - it also holds a file called 
| python22.dll and other files ending in '.pyd' which are Python runtime 
| dlls). Programmers may be able to use Casio's runtime routines to create 
| new utilities for the wk3000.  Python is free to download and use.
| I need someone to look inside the various runtime dll's and Python pyd's 
| and report back on what they discover...


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Re: New versions breaking extensions, etc.

2004-12-10 Thread JanC
Jive schreef:

 P.s.  Does anyone know how to make Outlook Express leave my damned
 line-ends alone?  If I want line-ends. I know where to find the ENTER

Google for oe-quotefix, but the best solution is to use a proper 
newsreader.   ;-)


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RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9

Re: Upgrading Python Article

2004-12-09 Thread JanC
Fuzzyman schreef:

 On the other hand the microsoft
 compiler is *better* than gcc anyway :-)

It's better at optimising, but it doesn't support standard C  C++.  ;-)


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Re: os.path.islink()

2004-12-08 Thread JanC
Peter Maas schreef:

 Egor Bolonev schrieb:

 how to detect ntfs links?
 There are no ntfs links.

You're wrong, NTFS supports symlinks for directories and hard links for 


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RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9

Re: MP3 - VBR - Frame length in time

2004-12-08 Thread JanC
Dmitry Borisov schreef:

 It has something to deal with the VBR tags( XING header ).

*If* there is a VBR tag (it's a custom extension) and *if* that VBR tag 
contains a correct value.


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Re: Book Recommendations

2004-12-07 Thread JanC
Nathan schreef:

 The link doesn't work -- maybe because of the new google groups
 Can you repost with a working link?

I think it's this:


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Re: Python installation breaks Outlook Express

2004-12-07 Thread JanC
Mike schreef:

 I have the same problem.  It isn't a problem with Outlook.  It is with
 Python.  I loose my wired AND wireless connections.  Removing Python
 bringst them back to operational.

I don't know about the wired/wireless connections above, but this:

 M. Laymon wrote:
 I just installed Python 2.3.3 under Windows XP professional.  After I
 did, my wife tried to access her email using Outlook Express and got
 the error messages:

 Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible
 causes for
 this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of
 Account: '', Server: '',
 Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F

 Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible
 causes for this
 include server problems, network problems, or a long period of
 Account: '', Server: '',
 Protocol: POP3,
 Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F

  (No comments about Outlook, please.I have tried to get her to use a
 different email program, but she likes Outlook.)   I checked the
 settings, then recreated her account in Outlook, but nothing worked.
 My Mozilla Thunderbird email client worked fine.

 Since the only thing I had done recently was to install Python.  I
 used system restore to go back to the point before installing Python.
 After I did, Outlook started working again.  Has anyone else seen
 this behavior ?

... might happen if you use a Python program to filter spam in Outlook 
(e.g. SpamBayes).  This error is often caused by a personal firewall 
blocking such a filter program, and after a Python upgrade, every Python 
program will be considered unknown.


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