why won't slicing lists raise IndexError?

2017-12-08 Thread Jason Maldonis
I was extending a `list` and am wondering why slicing lists will never raise an
 IndexError, even if the `slice.stop` value if greater than the list length.

Quick example:

my_list = [1, 2, 3]
my_list[:100]  # does not raise an IndexError, but instead returns the full

Is there any background on why that doesn't raise an IndexError? Knowing that
might help me design my extended list class better. For my specific use case,
it would simplify my code (and prevent `if isinstance(item, slice)` checks) if
the slicing raised an IndexError in the example I gave.


Re: why won't slicing lists raise IndexError?

2017-12-04 Thread Jason Maldonis
I'll try to summarize what I've learned with a few responses in hodge-podge
order and to no one in particular:

>That's a feature dude, not a bug.

Absolutely. I _do not_ think that how slicing works in python should be
changed, but I _do_ want to understand its design decisions because it will
make me a better programmer.

>one thing Python consistently emphasises is making things easy for
>the user, even if that convenience comes at a cost to the implementer.

I completely agree, and I'm always happy to do the work as a developer to
make the user experience better. That's something I really appreciate about
python as well.

>I've got a buffer class with that behaviour which is very useful for
parsing data streams.
>In summary, I think you should give your LazyList a .extend method to
establish your code's precondition (enough elements) and then you can
proceed with your slicing in surety that it will behave correctly.

Thanks for this detailed response, I'll have to reread it a few times to
understand it but I think I'll understand how I might improve my
implementation from your example. In particular, that last "In summary"
sentence hit on something I'd been thinking about. A `.extend` method might
clean things up nicely.

It seems to me that the consensus on the reason for why slices don't throw
IndexErrors is essentially "It's very convenient for them not to" and I'm
just fine with that response (not super thrilled, but happy enough). There
were two comments in particular that sounded pretty good:

>But as a user, I can say that I find the ability to use slices without
checking for
>out of bounds cases or handling exceptions to be really convenient.

That's fair.  The alternative would be something that someone else
mentioned:  `my_string[ : min(n, len(my_string))]` and that's not very
pretty, although I don't think it's absolutely horrible.

And: the use case where you are trying to split a list or string at index
`n` is:  `first_half, second_half = my_string[:n], my_string[n:]`  and if n
> len(my_string) then this use case becomes a bit annoying to write
(although it could use the `min` example above).

So I guess the conclusion (as far as I can tell) is that:  `my_string[:n]`
is more convenient than `my_string[:min(n, len(my_string))]`, and that
sounds okay enough to me.

If I'm being completely honest I kinda like the logical explicitness of the
latter, but it's way less convenient. And I'm 100% sure the people who made
this decision are incredibly smart, and I certainly trust their decision.
Thanks everyone for the responses.

On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 6:13 PM, Chris Angelico  wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 10:50 AM, Rick Johnson
>  wrote:
> > Chris Angelico wrote:
> >>  wrote:
> >> > Terry Reedy wrote:
> >> >
> >> > [...]
> >> >
> >> >> try:
> >> >>  item = seq[n]
> >> >> except IndexError
> >> >>  do_without_item()
> >> >> else:
> >> >>  process(item)
> >> >>
> >> >> item = seq[n:n+1]
> >> >> if item:
> >> >>  process(item)
> >> >> else:
> >> >>  do_without_item()
> >> >>
> >> >> Many prefer the second.
> >> >
> >> > And they'll prefer it even more when they realize the entire ELSE
> >> > clause of your latter example is superfluous.
> >>
> >> ... how is it superfluous?
> >
> > If the only purpose of an if/else logic structure is to
> > process an arbitrary value _only_ when that value is
> > "truthy", and futhermore, the else clause does nothing of
> > any significance (and in the example provided, appears to
> > be nothing but a placeholder for dead code) then why
> > bother writing the else clause in the first place?
> Ahhh, I see how it is. You didn't run the code, ergo you don't
> understand it. Makes perfect sense. :)
> Hint: Truthiness is fairly clearly defined here, regardless of the
> value of item.
> ChrisA
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Re: why won't slicing lists raise IndexError?

2017-12-04 Thread Jason Maldonis
> >> This is explained in the Python tutorial for strings
> >> https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/introduction.html#strings, as a list
> >> is a sequence just like a string it will act in exactly the same way.
> >>
> >
> > The only relevant bit I found in that link is:  "However, out of range
> > slice indexes are handled gracefully when used for slicing".  I do
> > understand _how_ slices work, but I would really like to know a bit more
> > about why slices will never throw out-of-bounds IndexErrors.
> That's what "handled gracefully" means. Instead of throwing, they get
> clamped.
> ChrisA

Cool! Why?   I know I'm being a bit pedantic here, but I truly would like
to understand _why_ slices get clamped.  I've been writing python code
every day for almost 7 years, so usually I can figure stuff like this out,
but I'm struggling here and would really appreciate some insight.

Re: why won't slicing lists raise IndexError?

2017-12-04 Thread Jason Maldonis
> This is explained in the Python tutorial for strings
> https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/introduction.html#strings, as a list
> is a sequence just like a string it will act in exactly the same way.

The only relevant bit I found in that link is:  "However, out of range
slice indexes are handled gracefully when used for slicing".  I do
understand _how_ slices work, but I would really like to know a bit more
about why slices will never throw out-of-bounds IndexErrors.

Re: why won't slicing lists raise IndexError?

2017-12-04 Thread Jason Maldonis
>Why would this simplify your code? What are you doing that would benefit
>from an IndexError here?

Without simplifying too much, I'm writing a wrapper around a REST API. I
want lazy-loading functionality for lists-of-things, so I am creating a
LazyList class.

This LazyList class will load items as needed, and store them on the list.
When a user triggers `__getitem__`, the LazyList may not yet have data for
the index the user requests, in which case it needs to load more data. I'll
write out the basic functionality of the LazyList class so you can
explicitly see how slicing is impacting the implementation:

class LazyList(list):
def __getitem__(item):
return super().__getitem__(item)
except IndexError:
self._generate_more_data(item)  # If, for example, item == 10,
this function will keep generating more data until there are 10 items in
the list
return super().__getitem__(item)

This works great when `item` is an integer.  However, when `item` is a
slice, the IndexError is never triggered, and so new data will never be
loaded. Consider this snippet:

lazy_list = LazyList()
sublist = lazy_list[:10]

In this case, `sublist` will always be empty, because the first `return
super().__getitem__(item)` "succeeds" by returning an empty list. If
slicing raised an IndexError, the above code would work great.  Instead, I
need to add a check before the try/except to check if the `item` is a
`slice`, and if it is, I need to do bounds checking on the list. It seems a
bit unpythonic to have to do an isinstance check here, so I am wondering if
I am missing something important about why slices don't raise IndexErrors.

And I'll be honest -- I like the implementation of the LazyList I wrote
above. I think it's pretty logical, because it allows you to think about
the lazy list like this:  "Treat the list like a norma list. If you run out
of bounds, get more data, then treat the list like a normal list again."
And I really like that clean logic.

Re: why won't slicing lists raise IndexError?

2017-12-04 Thread Jason Maldonis
> Have you ever used a language that does that?

I have.
> The String class in the C# language does that, and it's /really/ annoying.
> I have to add extra code to prevent such exceptions.
> In practice, I find that the way that Python does it is much nicer. (And
> Python isn't unique in this respect, either.)

I'm not here to criticize one way or the other, just understand. As far as
I'm aware, I don't rely on python's slicing functionality allowing indexes
that are over the length of a list. But I'm just one person and I'm sure
there are many other use cases I'm not thinking about. If you think what
you wrote is a good explanation for why slicing doesn't raise IndexErrors
in python, I'd be interesting in seeing some of your use cases about when
you had to explicitly check bounds of list slices in C#.

why won't slicing lists raise IndexError?

2017-12-04 Thread Jason Maldonis
I was extending a `list` and am wondering why slicing lists will never
raise an IndexError, even if the `slice.stop` value if greater than the
list length.

Quick example:

my_list = [1, 2, 3]
my_list[:100]  # does not raise an IndexError, but instead returns the full

Is there any background on why that doesn't raise an IndexError? Knowing
that might help me design my extended list class better. For my specific
use case, it would simplify my code (and prevent `if isinstance(item,
slice)` checks) if the slicing raised an IndexError in the example I gave.

Re: what exactly does type.__call__ do?

2017-11-02 Thread Jason Maldonis
Thanks for your response.

I'm confident that my use case for this metaclass is correct for what I'm
trying to do. I've been using them for a few years now, but sparingly
because as you said they are almost always unnecessary. I simplified my
example significantly for discussion -- I'm not actually using a Singleton,
but it's an easy situation to think about.

I'd like to ask a couple follow up questions here:

By using...

def normal_constructor(cls, *args, **kwargs):
return type.__call__(cls, *args, **kwargs)   # Aside: Yes, the `cls`
does need to be in here

... I'm assuming that there are no inherited metaclasses. I'm explicitly
saying, "No matter what the super() functionality for creating the class
is, always use `type`.__call__'s functionality".  That seems
wrong/unpythonic to me, or at least inconsistent with how non-metaclass
inheritance works in python (ie you are encouraged to use `super()` when
using single inheritance).

Because of that, my guess is...

def normal_constructor(cls, *args, **kwargs):
return super(cls).__call__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
# or maybe it should be:
return super(my_metaclass, cls).__call__(cls, *args, **kwargs)

... is closer to the correct approach because it will properly hit the
`__call__` method of the metaclass's parent class (which will often ey
`type`'s `__call__` method if the metaclass doesn't inherit from any other
metaclass).  However, I've never seen anything like that after years of
working with / reading about metaclasses.

Does that help redefine my question a little bit? You said all three look
"weird and scary", but I don't know why. Can you explain that a bit
please?  The 3rd example I gave (using `cls.__new__` and `self.__init__`) I
agree is a bit weird and scary, and in my opinion that's because I am
assuming what the correct sequence of calls is for how classes are normally
instantiated. So I'm the least thrilled with that one. I feel like using
super is the correct choice -- for the reasons I listed above -- but I
would like a more expert opinion (and I'd like to learn why :)).


On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 12:28 AM, Steve D'Aprano <steve+pyt...@pearwood.info>

> On Thu, 2 Nov 2017 10:13 am, Jason Maldonis wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > I want to use a metaclass to override how class instantiation works. I've
> > done something analogous to using the Singleton metaclass from the
> Python3
> > Cookbook example.
> In my opinion, nine times out of ten, using a metaclass for something like
> that is overkill.
> (And that's putting aside the fact that 999 out of a thousand, using a
> Singleton is the wrong solution, no matter what the question is.)
> > However, I want to provide a classmethod that allows for "normal" class
> > instantiation that prevents this metaclass from being used.
> To me, that strongly suggests that a metaclass is the wrong solution.
> > To do that, I think I just make a @classmethod constructor function.
> > However, I can imagine a few different ways of writing this:
> >
> > @classmethod
> > def normal_constructor(cls, *args, **kwargs):
> > return type.__call__(*args, **kwargs)
> Untested, but I think that should be:
> return type.__call__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
> > @classmethod
> > def normal_constructor(cls, *args, **kwargs):
> > return super(???).__call__(*args, **kwargs)  # I'm not sure what
> should
> > go in the super here  (I'm using python3)
> >
> > @classmethod
> > def normal_constructor(cls, *args, **kwargs):
> > self = cls.__new__(cls)
> > self.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
> > return self
> >
> > Is one of these correct? Or do they all do the same thing?
> None of them look "correct", they all look "weird and scary" :-)
> If I had to pick one of these three -- and I hope that I would not -- I'd
> pick
> the first one.
> > I was looking for documentation for what exactly `type.__call__` does so
> > that I can emulate it,
> And then if type.__call__ changes, your emulation will be wrong.
> > but I wasn't able to find any docs explicitly
> > detailing what that method does. If someone knows where this info is that
> > would be great too.
> --
> Steve
> “Cheer up,” they said, “things could be worse.” So I cheered up, and sure
> enough, things got worse.
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Re: what exactly does type.__call__ do?

2017-11-01 Thread Jason Maldonis
Ok no worries then! Thanks for the tips. I might wait until tomorrow then
until someone comes along who deals with metaclasses and alternate class

In case you're curious, I'm doing two things that are relevant here, and
I'll link the python3 cookbook examples that are super useful (I love that

They explain things very well. Metaclasses are so useful when you hit a use
case that they fit into. I don't often deal with multiple class
constructors, so I'm a bit new to that territory and I'm trying to delve
into the details of how python classes are constructed (namely, whether
`type.__call__` does more than just call `cls.__new__` and `self.__init__`).

Thanks for the help too.

On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 8:49 PM, Stefan Ram  wrote:

> r...@zedat.fu-berlin.de (Stefan Ram) writes:
> >|PyObject *meth = lookup_method(self, ___call__);
> ...
> >|Call self as a function.
>   Oh, I guess this might be what makes
> int(x)
>   call
> int.__call__(x)
>   . And all other instances of this metaclass.
>   Let's try to overwrite it to call 'charles' instead.
>   main.py
> class mymetaclass( type ):
> def __call__( this, *args ):
> this.charles( *args )
> class myclass( metaclass=mymetaclass ):
> def charles():
> print( "Charles" )
> myclass()
>   transcript
> Charles
>   Ok, while I managed to make »myclass« print »Charles«
>   using a »__call__« function of it's metaclass, I still
>   don't know what I am doing. This is the first time I
>   actually deal with the topic of metaclasses. I have not
>   yet read a text book chapter about them, so I'm still
>   in the dark like the Chinese in the Chinese room.
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Re: what exactly does type.__call__ do?

2017-11-01 Thread Jason Maldonis
Thanks for the reply. And I think I wasn't clear enough. I was wondering
what the metaclass `type`'s `type.__call__` does explicitly. I'm reasonably
comfortable writing metaclasses when I need them, and I understand how
`.__call__` works for non-metaclass objects.

In my first email I gave three possible ways to write a @classmethod that
returns an instance of that class. I'm not sure which one is the "most
pythonic" or "most correct", but I'm pretty sure I can get them all to
work. I'll paste them below again, and I'm wondering which one I should use
and why. Thanks!

def normal_constructor(cls, *args, **kwargs):
return type.__call__(*args, **kwargs)

def normal_constructor(cls, *args, **kwargs):
return super(???).__call__(*args, **kwargs)  # I'm not sure what should
go in the super here  (I'm using python3)

def normal_constructor(cls, *args, **kwargs):
self = cls.__new__(cls)
self.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
return self

On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 6:51 PM, Stefan Ram <r...@zedat.fu-berlin.de> wrote:

> Jason Maldonis <jjmaldo...@gmail.com> writes:
> >I was looking for documentation for what exactly `type.__call__` does so
> >that I can emulate it, but I wasn't able to find any docs explicitly
> >detailing what that method does. If someone knows where this info is that
> >would be great too.
>   Instances are callable if their class has a __call__ method.
>   When an instance is called, this __call__ method will be called.
>   main.py
> class example:
> def __call__( this ):
> print( 'called' )
> instance = example()
> instance()
>   transcript
> called
>   The general contract of this method is that it can do
>   whatever the author of the class deems appropriate.
>   What exectly this is has to be documented in the
>   documentation of each specific class.
>   In fact, the attribute »instance.__call__« has a »__call__«
>   attribute itself, thus:
>   main.py
> class example:
> def __call__( this ):
> print( 'called' )
> instance = example()
> instance()
> instance.__call__()
> instance.__call__.__call__()
>   transcript
> called
> called
> called
>   A type also is an instance, so
> int.__call__(whatever)
>   should do the same as
> int( whatever )
>   . In Python 2 they had
> operator.isCallable( obj )
>   , in Python 3 we can emulate this using
> hasattr( obj, '__call__' )
>   .
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

what exactly does type.__call__ do?

2017-11-01 Thread Jason Maldonis
Hi everyone,

I want to use a metaclass to override how class instantiation works. I've
done something analogous to using the Singleton metaclass from the Python3
Cookbook example.

However, I want to provide a classmethod that allows for "normal" class
instantiation that prevents this metaclass from being used.

To do that, I think I just make a @classmethod constructor function.
However, I can imagine a few different ways of writing this:

def normal_constructor(cls, *args, **kwargs):
return type.__call__(*args, **kwargs)

def normal_constructor(cls, *args, **kwargs):
return super(???).__call__(*args, **kwargs)  # I'm not sure what should
go in the super here  (I'm using python3)

def normal_constructor(cls, *args, **kwargs):
self = cls.__new__(cls)
self.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
return self

Is one of these correct? Or do they all do the same thing?

I was looking for documentation for what exactly `type.__call__` does so
that I can emulate it, but I wasn't able to find any docs explicitly
detailing what that method does. If someone knows where this info is that
would be great too.

Re: __getattribute__'s error is not available in __getattr__

2017-05-04 Thread Jason Maldonis
Thank you Ethan and Chris for the tips. I may be able to adapt that
decorator for my use cases -- I hadn't thought of using something like
that.   Ethan, I'll drop a note over at Python Ideas too with some details
about this.

Thanks for your help,

On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 9:47 PM, Chris Angelico  wrote:

> On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 12:37 PM, Ethan Furman  wrote:
> > Until then Chris' decorator is probably the easiest work around -- but
> you
> > should only catch AttributeError, not everything.
> It does. (Or rather, it catches only those exception(s) listed as
> parameters.) Any other exceptions pass through unchanged.
> ChrisA
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Re: __getattribute__'s error is not available in __getattr__

2017-05-02 Thread Jason Maldonis
@Steve they asked me to move it here because it was more fitting. I hope
that's okay?

After some testing, it looks like I'm okay with how things work if the
problem-object isn't a descriptor (although I do still things it's a bit
odd that an error gets squashed, but it's no big deal).

However, I use @property all the time, so that's likely why I'm running
into this so often.  If you can help explain to me what's going on in that
case, that would be great!  I have two examples below for the sake of

Here's an example where the underlying error is completely hidden:

class A(object):
def _some_complex_code_hidden_from_the_user(self):
# Run a bunch of complex stuff that raises an attribute error
# This could go layers deep into different modules
return self.this_doesnt_exist

def x(self):
return self._some_complex_code_hidden_from_the_user()

def __getattr__(self, attr):
raise AttributeError("raised from A.__getattr__ to stop execution")

a = A()

This results in the following output:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test3.py", line 17, in 
  File "test3.py", line 14, in __getattr__
raise AttributeError("raised from A.__getattr__ to stop execution")
AttributeError: raised from A.__getattr__ to stop execution

Here the real reason the code errors (`sys.this_doesnt_exist` throwing an
AttributeError) is not in the traceback's stack.

My current opinion on this is that the error that triggered __getattr__
should be passed to __getattr__. This would allow us to use the "raise
from" syntax.

Here's an example where I manually fix this for a specific class:

class A(object):
def _some_complex_code_hidden_from_the_user(self):
# a bunch of complex stuff that raises an attribute error internally
# This could go layers deep into different modules
return self.this_doesnt_exist

def x(self):
return self._some_complex_code_hidden_from_the_user()

def __getattribute__(self, attr):
return super().__getattribute__(attr)
except AttributeError as error:
return self.__custom_getattr__(attr, error)

def __custom_getattr__(self, attr, error):
raise AttributeError("raised from A.__getattr__ to stop execution")
from error

#def __getattr__(self, attr):
#raise AttributeError("raised from A.__getattr__ to stop
execution") from error

a = A()

This code correctly prints `AttributeError: module 'sys' has no attribute
'this_doesnt_exist'` because I `raise from error`.

Note that __getattr__ can't be defined;  if it is, it will squash the error
message from __custom_getattr__ analogous to what's going on in the first

More importantly, note that __getattribute__ can't just `return
self.__getattr__(attr)` in its except block because __getattribute__ isn't
supposed to directly call __getattr__ (because __getattr__ gets triggered
later in the python attribute lookup order).

Unfortunately, this behavior is not generalizable without overriding
__getattribute__ and defining __custom_getattr__ on every single class in
the inheritance structure if I wanted it work for each class.

The 2nd example is the behavior I desire, and I don't really understand how
the descriptor figures into this problem to change that behavior.  -- I.e.
if you just remove @property from the first example, it returns the full
error stack exactly like we'd expect. That means the @property is changing
the call order (?) in some way that I don't understand.


On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 7:11 PM, Ethan Furman <et...@stoneleaf.us> wrote:

> On 05/02/2017 11:16 AM, Jason Maldonis wrote:
> Here is the simplest example showing what I mean (there are many more
>> complicating variations this, and unfortunately I'm running into some of
>> them):
>> class A(object):
>>  def __getattr__(self, attr):
>>  raise AttributeError("raised from A.__getattr__ to stop
>> execution")
>> a = A()
>> print(a.x)
>> results in:
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>File "test.py", line 6, in 
>>  print(a.x)
>>File "test.py", line 3, in __getattr__
>>  raise AttributeError("raised from A.__getattr__ to stop execution")
>> AttributeError: raised from A.__getattr__ to stop execution
>> The thing to note here is that the AttributeError on the normal
>> __getattribute__'s lookup isn't in the stack trace.  That error is:
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>File "test2.py", line 35, in 
>>  print(a.x)
>> AttributeError: 'A' object has no attribute 'x'

__getattribute__'s error is not available in __getattr__

2017-05-02 Thread Jason Maldonis
Moving this conversation from python-dev to here because I shouldn't have
sent it to python-dev.

My original message:
I'm working on a large class architecture and I find myself often
overloading __getattr__.  I am continuously running into the issue where I
want __getattr__ to have access to the error that was raised in
__getattribute__, but it seems completely unavailable. Is that true?

What I've learned since then:
There is some weird interplay between __getattribute__, __getattr__, and
python's attribute lookup order which I don't entirely understand.  I've
learned some things from Nick Coghlan and Joao S. O. Bueno, which I'll try
to summarize:

* __getattribute__ does not call __getattr__ within itself; instead,
__getattr__ seems to be called during python's natural attribute lookup
order, but only if an AttributeError is raised during this lookup.
- This has the side effect that calling __getattr__ from __getattribute__
doesn't work properly.

* If __getattr__ is triggered (when an AttributeError is raised during
attribute lookup), it will not have any information about the
AttributeError that triggered it.

* Things may get more complicated if we are doing an attribute lookup on a
property, and an AttributeError is raised within the property's method.
(This is because properties are data descriptors, which complicates
python's natural lookup order.)

Here is the simplest example showing what I mean (there are many more
complicating variations this, and unfortunately I'm running into some of

class A(object):
def __getattr__(self, attr):
raise AttributeError("raised from A.__getattr__ to stop execution")

a = A()

results in:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test.py", line 6, in 
  File "test.py", line 3, in __getattr__
raise AttributeError("raised from A.__getattr__ to stop execution")
AttributeError: raised from A.__getattr__ to stop execution

The thing to note here is that the AttributeError on the normal
__getattribute__'s lookup isn't in the stack trace.  That error is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test2.py", line 35, in 
AttributeError: 'A' object has no attribute 'x'

-- that last line, "AttributeError: 'A' object has no attribute 'x'" does
not appear in the stack trace for my above example (because __getattr__ is
implemented).  This is because in python's attribute lookup order,
__getattr__ is called if an AttributeError is raised, and that raised
AttributeError gets completely discarded.

So basically I want access to the intermediate AttributeError that caused
__getattr__ to be raised in the first place.

This is complicated, and I may have explained something poorly. If so,
please don't hesitate to ask for more explanation or examples.  This is
already long, so I'll stop typing now.
