在 2023/4/15 2:33, angela vales 写道:
Hello All,

I found this small group in a google search, so not sure if it is still active 
but giving it a try nonetheless.

I have recently created a tkinter app and need the ability to copy and paste 
data from tksheet table into an Excel file. I do have a button for export, but 
it will be beneficial to also allow the user to simply copy,paste.

I have enabled the appropriate bindings but cannot find a solution to also
copy the header information during the copy and paste.

My table is generated after a query is run. Here is a small snippet.

  df = pd.read_sql_query(query, conn)

Angela Vales
I am not sure how to solve your problem. The newsgroup may not be able to wait for an answer, so I suggest that you go to Stack Overflow to ask questions after conducting a thorough Google search. Of course, you can also wait for someone who knows the answer to come and answer:D

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