Re: Optimizing if statement check over a numpy value

2015-07-23 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Heli Nix wrote:

 Is there any way that I can optimize this if statement.

Array processing is much faster in numpy. Maybe this is close to what you 

import numpy as N
# input data
vals = N.array([42, 1, 5, 3.14, 53, 1, 12, 11, 1])
# list of items to exclude
exclude = [1]
# convert to a boolean array
exclbool = N.zeros(vals.shape, dtype=bool)
exclbool[exclude] = True
# do replacement
ones = vals==1.0
# Note: ~ is numpy.logical_not
vals[ones  (~exclbool)] = 1e-20

I think you'll have to convert your HDF array into a numpy array first, 
using numpy.array().



Re: A new module for performing tail-call elimination

2015-07-16 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Robin Becker wrote:

 I believe the classic answer is Ackermann's function
 which is said to be not primitive recursive ie cannot be unwound into
 loops; not sure whether that implies it has to be recursively defined or
 can perhaps be broken down some other way. For more eye-glazing

But am I right in thinking that TCO doesn't work for Ackermann's function, 
at least not as it's written down in the above page?



Re: Python Random vs. Cython C Rand for Dice Rolls

2015-06-08 Thread Jeremy Sanders
C.D. Reimer wrote:

 Is there something in the Cython code that I need to change and/or find
 a better C random number generator?

This may not be helpful, but numpy is pretty helpful for this sort of thing:

import numpy
import numpy.random



array([  0, 1999229, 4000369, 5999372, 7999232, 9998769, 8003430,
   5998538, 4001160, 101])

This takes a few seconds on my system.



Re: Python, C++ interaction

2014-12-04 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Michael Kreim wrote:

 What are you using to wrap C++ classes for Python?

I'm using SIP, as it fits nicely with my PyQt user interface.

It's a pretty flexible and fast way of wrapping C++ and C.

If you want to pass numpy arrays and such, it requires a bit more work, 



Re: checking if two things do not equal None

2014-03-31 Thread Jeremy Sanders wrote:

 if (a, b) != (None, None):
 if a != None != b:
 Preference? Pros? Cons? Alternatives?

I couldn't see anyone else give this, but I like

if None not in (a, b):



Re: GUI:-please answer want to learn GUI programming in python , how should i proceed.

2013-12-16 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Michael Torrie wrote:

 I think PyQt is slowly being pushed aside in favor of PySide, which is
 more license-friendly for use in closed or open projects.  I would
 recommend using PySide unless PyQt is a requirement for your project.

That's not the impression I get from the PySide mailing lists. Work seems 
slow now everyone is a volunteer. For example, Qt 5 is not yet supported 
(there's no effort towards this according to the mailing list) and bugs seem 
to take a long time to be fixed. PyQt support is much better, even when I'm 
using it for a free project.



Re: squeeze out some performance

2013-12-06 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Robert Voigtländer wrote:

 I try to squeeze out some performance of the code pasted on the link
 The code will be used to continuously analyze sonar sensor data. I set
 this up to calculate all coordinates in a sonar cone without heavy use of
 trigonometry (assuming that this way is faster in the end).
 I optimized as much as I could. Maybe one of you has another bright idea
 to squeeze out a bit more?

This sort of code is probably harder to make faster in pure python. You 
could try profiling it to see where the hot spots are. Perhaps the choice of 
arrays or sets might have some speed impact.

One idea would be to use something like cython to compile your python code 
to an extension module, with some hints to the types of the various values.

I would go down the geometry route. If you can restate your problem in terms 
of geometry, it might be possible to replace all that code with a few numpy 
array operations.

e.g. for finding pixels in a circle of radius 50
import numpy as np
radiussqd = np.fromfunction(lambda y,x: (y-50)**2+(x-50)**2, (100,100) )
all_y, all_x = np.indices((100,100))
yvals = all_y[radiussqd  50**2]



Re: Multiple scripts versus single multi-threaded script

2013-10-04 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Roy Smith wrote:

 Threads are lighter-weight.  That means it's faster to start a new
 thread (compared to starting a new process), and a thread consumes fewer
 system resources than a process.  If you have lots of short-lived tasks
 to run, this can be significant.  If each task will run for a long time
 and do a lot of computation, the cost of startup becomes less of an
 issue because it's amortized over the longer run time.

This might be true on Windows, but I think on Linux process overheads are 
pretty similar to threads, e.g.

Combined with the lack of a GIL-conflict, processes can be pretty efficient.



Re: semicolon at end of python's statements

2013-09-05 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Chris Angelico wrote:

 Because s/he thought it made for better code, or as a joke? Usually I
 see this sort of thing as the latter...



Re: RE Module Performance

2013-07-25 Thread Jeremy Sanders wrote:

 Short example. Writing an editor with something like the
 FSR is simply impossible (properly).

To conserve memory, Emacs does not hold fixed-length 22-bit numbers that are 
codepoints of text characters within buffers and strings. Rather, Emacs uses a 
variable-length internal representation of characters, that stores each 
character as a sequence of 1 to 5 8-bit bytes, depending on the magnitude of 
its codepoint[1]. For example, any ASCII character takes up only 1 byte, a 
Latin-1 character takes up 2 bytes, etc. We call this representation of text 


[1] This internal representation is based on one of the encodings defined by 
the Unicode Standard, called UTF-8, for representing any Unicode codepoint, but 
Emacs extends UTF-8 to represent the additional codepoints it uses for raw 8-
bit bytes and characters not unified with Unicode.



Re: interactive plots

2011-07-06 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Mihai Badoiu wrote:

 How do I do interactive plots in python?  Say I have to plot f(x) and g(x)
 and I want in the plot to be able to click on f and make it disappear. 
 Any python library that does this?

You could try veusz, which is a python module and plotting program combined. 
You can also embed it in a PyQt program.



Re: Making Line Graphs

2011-02-19 Thread Jeremy Sanders
spam head wrote:

 Does anybody have any recommendations for a good program from
 generating these simple graphs?

Have a look at Veusz, written in python:

(I am the lead author).



Re: Saving (unusual) linux filenames

2010-08-31 Thread Jeremy Sanders wrote:

 i have a script that reads and writes linux paths in a file. I save the
 path (as unicode) with 2 other variables. I save them seperated by , and
 the packets by newlines. So my file looks like this:
 path1, var1A, var1B
 path2, var2A, var2B
 path3, var3A, var3B

If you're generating the file and it is safe to do so (you're not getting 
the data from the internet), you could use repr((path1, v1, v2)) to save the 
line to the file and eval to interpret back the tuple.

Alternatively you could use // as a separator, making sure that you replace 
multiple slashes in the path which a single slash (which are equivalent).



Re: Multiline regex

2010-07-21 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Brandon Harris wrote:

 I'm trying to read in and parse an ascii type file that contains
 information that can span several lines.

What about something like this (you need re.MULTILINE):

In [16]: re.findall('^([^ ].*\n([ ].*\n)+)', a, re.MULTILINE)
[('createNode animCurveTU -n test:master_globalSmooth;\nsetAttr .tan 
9;\nsetAttr -s 4 .ktv[0:3]  101 0 163 0 169 0 201 0;\nsetAttr -s 4 
.kit[3]  10;\nsetAttr -s 4 .kot[3]  10;\n',
  'setAttr -s 4 .kot[3]  10;\n'),
 ('createNode animCurveTU -n test:master_res;\nsetAttr .tan 9;\n
setAttr .ktv[0]  103 0;\nsetAttr .kot[0]  5;\n',
  'setAttr .kot[0]  5;\n'),
 ('createNode animCurveTU -n test:master_faceRig;\nsetAttr .tan 9;\n
setAttr .ktv[0]  103 0;\n',
  'setAttr .ktv[0]  103 0;\n')]

If you blocks start without a space and subsequent lines with a space.



Re: GUIs - A Modest Proposal

2010-06-13 Thread Jeremy Sanders
lkcl wrote:

  * in neither gtk nor qt does there exist an auto-layout widget
 that's equivalent to putting some span / DOM objects into a div /,
 to flow widgets that wrap around.  yes, you can put words into a
 Label and get them to flow, but not _widgets_.

I'm pretty sure in PyQt4 that you can derive your own layout class from 
QLayout to get what you want. No C++ is required. You can easily extend PyQt 
without using C++.

There is even an example in the PyQt examples which does something similar 
to what you want: see examples/layouts/

Personally I find the Qt layout to be much better than anything provided by 
CSS and HTML. Personally I'd rather be writing complex C++ templates that 
those, though it does give you a feeling of achievement when you get what 
you want with CSS.


Jeremy Sanders

ANN: Veusz 1.7

2010-03-28 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Veusz 1.7
Velvet Ember Under Sky Zenith

Veusz is Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Jeremy Sanders
Licenced under the GPL (version 2 or greater).

Veusz is a Qt4 based scientific plotting package. It is written in
Python, using PyQt4 for display and user-interfaces, and numpy for
handling the numeric data. Veusz is designed to produce
publication-ready Postscript/PDF/SVG output. The user interface aims
to be simple, consistent and powerful.

Veusz provides a GUI, command line, embedding and scripting interface
(based on Python) to its plotting facilities. It also allows for
manipulation and editing of datasets. Data can be captured from
external sources such as internet sockets or other programs.

Changes in 1.7:
 * Widgets can be moved by dragged and dropped in the widget tree, or copied
   by holding down ctrl at the same time
 * Tick labels are centred if possible at the start and ends of axes
 * When putting graphs in grid, axis labels and tick labels are placed
   in much better positions
 * Embedding module is shipped in binary versions
 * Grid lines can be drawn on axis minor ticks
 * Contour widget can draw minor (dotted) contours between main contours
 * Logarithmic contours have proper logarithmic spacing
 * Fixes for widget names and dataset names with Unicode characters, 
   copy and paste
 * Optional smoothing in the image widget

Minor changes:
 * Errors in evaluating expressions are logged in the console window, and
   do not show exceptions
 * Fix problems when importing multiple symbols from python modules in the
   custom import dialog
 * Use minus sign for negative numbers in tick labels, rather than hyphens
 * Contour widget lines can have transparency
 * Datasets are sorted by name when writing to saved document
 * Use correct status for paste button when starting application
 * Add option for extra space between axes and tick labels, and axis labels
 * Preference added for background color of exported bitmaps
 * Add IsClosed() and WaitForClose() embedding functions to check whether 
   window is closed, or to wait for closing of plot window.

Features of package:
 * X-Y plots (with errorbars)
 * Line and function plots
 * Contour plots
 * Images (with colour mappings and colorbars)
 * Stepped plots (for histograms)
 * Bar graphs
 * Plotting dates
 * Fitting functions to data
 * Stacked plots and arrays of plots
 * Plot keys
 * Plot labels
 * Shapes and arrows on plots
 * LaTeX-like formatting for text
 * Scripting interface
 * Dataset creation/manipulation
 * Embed Veusz within other programs
 * Text, CSV and FITS importing
 * Data can be captured from external sources
 * User defined functions, constants and can import external Python 

Requirements for source install:
 Python (2.4 or greater required)
 Qt = 4.3 (free edition)  
 PyQt = 4.3 (SIP is required to be installed first)
 numpy = 1.0

 Microsoft Core Fonts (recommended for nice output)
 PyFITS = 1.1 (optional for FITS import)
 pyemf = 2.0.0 (optional for EMF export)
 For EMF and better SVG export, PyQt = 4.6 or better is
   required, to fix a bug in the C++ wrapping

For documentation on using Veusz, see the Documents directory. The
manual is in PDF, HTML and text format (generated from docbook). The
examples are also useful documentation.

Issues with the current version:

 * Due to Qt, hatched regions sometimes look rather poor when exported
   to PostScript, PDF or SVG.

 * Due to a bug in Qt, some long lines, or using log scales, can lead
   to very slow plot times under X11. It is fixed by upgrading to
   Qt-4.5.1 (or using a binary). Switching off antialiasing in the options
   may help.

If you enjoy using Veusz, I would love to hear from you. Please join
the mailing lists at

to discuss new features or if you'd like to contribute code. The
latest code can always be found in the SVN repository.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

[issue8069] struct documentation problem and suggestion to add fixed size formats

2010-03-05 Thread Jeremy Sanders

New submission from Jeremy Sanders

The struct documentation at says:

Standard size and alignment are as follows: no alignment is required for any 
type (so you have to use pad bytes); short is 2 bytes; int and long are 4 
bytes; long long (__int64 on Windows) is 8 bytes; float and double are 32-bit 
and 64-bit IEEE floating point numbers, respectively. _Bool is 1 byte.

long on linux x86-64 is not 4 bytes. It is 8 bytes long:

xpc1:~:$ python
Python 2.6.2 (r262:71600, Aug 21 2009, 12:23:57) 
[GCC 4.4.1 20090818 (Red Hat 4.4.1-6)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import struct

It is 4 bytes on i386, however. The documentation should say that long is 8 
bytes on linux x86-64.

Also, would it not be a good idea to add struct sizes with specific data sizes, 
e.g. 1 byte, 2 bytes, 4 bytes, 8 bytes, so that it is easier to write 
cross-platform code?

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 100470
nosy: jeremysanders
severity: normal
status: open
title: struct documentation problem and suggestion to add fixed size formats
versions: Python 2.6

Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue8069] struct documentation problem and suggestion to add fixed size formats

2010-03-05 Thread Jeremy Sanders

Jeremy Sanders added the comment:

Sorry - I didn't read the docs clearly enough. This probably isn't a bug then. 
Can you mark it invalid?


Python tracker
Python-bugs-list mailing list

ANN: Veusz 1.6

2010-01-26 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Veusz 1.6
Velvet Ember Under Sky Zenith

Veusz is Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Jeremy Sanders
Licenced under the GPL (version 2 or greater).

Veusz is a Qt4 based scientific plotting package. It is written in
Python, using PyQt4 for display and user-interfaces, and numpy for
handling the numeric data. Veusz is designed to produce
publication-ready Postscript/PDF/SVG output. The user interface aims
to be simple, consistent and powerful.

Veusz provides a GUI, command line, embedding and scripting interface
(based on Python) to its plotting facilities. It also allows for
manipulation and editing of datasets. Data can be captured from
external sources such as internet sockets or other programs.

Changes in 1.6:
 * User defined constants, functions or external Python imports can be
   defined for use when evaluating expressions.
 * Import descriptor is much more tolerant of syntax, e.g. x,+- y,+,- can
   now be specified as x +- y + -.
 * New SVG export (PyQt = 4.6). Supports clipping and exports text
   as paths for full WYSIWYG.
 * Dataset names can now contain any character except `. Names containing
   non-alphanumeric characters can be quoted in expressions `like so`*1.23
 * Widget names can contain any character except /
 * A transparency dataset can be provided to specify the per-pixel
   transparency of the image widget.
 * A polygon widget has been added.
 * There is a new option to place axis ticks outside the plot (outer ticks
   setting on axis widget)
 * Several new line styles have been added.
 * Several new plotting markers have been added.
 * The capture dialog can optionally retain the last N values captured.

Minor changes:
 * Use of flat cap line style for plotting error bars for exactness.
 * Add fixes for saving imported unicode text.
 * Fix image colors for big endian systems (e.g. Mac PPC).
 * Add boxfill error bar style, plotting errors as filled boxes.
 * Positive and negative error bars are forced to have the correct sign.

Features of package:
 * X-Y plots (with errorbars)
 * Line and function plots
 * Contour plots
 * Images (with colour mappings and colorbars)
 * Stepped plots (for histograms)
 * Bar graphs
 * Plotting dates
 * Fitting functions to data
 * Stacked plots and arrays of plots
 * Plot keys
 * Plot labels
 * Shapes and arrows on plots
 * LaTeX-like formatting for text
 * Scripting interface
 * Dataset creation/manipulation
 * Embed Veusz within other programs
 * Text, CSV and FITS importing
 * Data can be captured from external sources

Requirements for source install:
 Python (2.4 or greater required)
 Qt = 4.3 (free edition)  
 PyQt = 4.3 (SIP is required to be installed first)
 numpy = 1.0

 Microsoft Core Fonts (recommended for nice output)
 PyFITS = 1.1 (optional for FITS import)
 pyemf = 2.0.0 (optional for EMF export)
 For EMF and better SVG export, PyQt = 4.6 or better is
   required, to fix a bug in the C++ wrapping

For documentation on using Veusz, see the Documents directory. The
manual is in PDF, HTML and text format (generated from docbook). The
examples are also useful documentation.

Issues with the current version:

 * Due to Qt, hatched regions sometimes look rather poor when exported
   to PostScript, PDF or SVG.

 * Due to a bug in Qt, some long lines, or using log scales, can lead
   to very slow plot times under X11. It is fixed by upgrading to
   Qt-4.5.1 (or using a binary). Switching off antialiasing in the options
   may help.

If you enjoy using Veusz, I would love to hear from you. Please join
the mailing lists at

to discuss new features or if you'd like to contribute code. The
latest code can always be found in the SVN repository.

Jeremy Sanders


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: Veusz 1.6

2010-01-26 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Veusz 1.6
Velvet Ember Under Sky Zenith

Veusz is Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Jeremy Sanders
Licenced under the GPL (version 2 or greater).

Veusz is a Qt4 based scientific plotting package. It is written in
Python, using PyQt4 for display and user-interfaces, and numpy for
handling the numeric data. Veusz is designed to produce
publication-ready Postscript/PDF/SVG output. The user interface aims
to be simple, consistent and powerful.

Veusz provides a GUI, command line, embedding and scripting interface
(based on Python) to its plotting facilities. It also allows for
manipulation and editing of datasets. Data can be captured from
external sources such as internet sockets or other programs.

Changes in 1.6:
 * User defined constants, functions or external Python imports can be
   defined for use when evaluating expressions.
 * Import descriptor is much more tolerant of syntax, e.g. x,+- y,+,- can
   now be specified as x +- y + -.
 * New SVG export (PyQt = 4.6). Supports clipping and exports text
   as paths for full WYSIWYG.
 * Dataset names can now contain any character except `. Names containing
   non-alphanumeric characters can be quoted in expressions `like so`*1.23
 * Widget names can contain any character except /
 * A transparency dataset can be provided to specify the per-pixel
   transparency of the image widget.
 * A polygon widget has been added.
 * There is a new option to place axis ticks outside the plot (outer ticks
   setting on axis widget)
 * Several new line styles have been added.
 * Several new plotting markers have been added.
 * The capture dialog can optionally retain the last N values captured.

Minor changes:
 * Use of flat cap line style for plotting error bars for exactness.
 * Add fixes for saving imported unicode text.
 * Fix image colors for big endian systems (e.g. Mac PPC).
 * Add boxfill error bar style, plotting errors as filled boxes.
 * Positive and negative error bars are forced to have the correct sign.

Features of package:
 * X-Y plots (with errorbars)
 * Line and function plots
 * Contour plots
 * Images (with colour mappings and colorbars)
 * Stepped plots (for histograms)
 * Bar graphs
 * Plotting dates
 * Fitting functions to data
 * Stacked plots and arrays of plots
 * Plot keys
 * Plot labels
 * Shapes and arrows on plots
 * LaTeX-like formatting for text
 * Scripting interface
 * Dataset creation/manipulation
 * Embed Veusz within other programs
 * Text, CSV and FITS importing
 * Data can be captured from external sources

Requirements for source install:
 Python (2.4 or greater required)
 Qt = 4.3 (free edition)  
 PyQt = 4.3 (SIP is required to be installed first)
 numpy = 1.0

 Microsoft Core Fonts (recommended for nice output)
 PyFITS = 1.1 (optional for FITS import)
 pyemf = 2.0.0 (optional for EMF export)
 For EMF and better SVG export, PyQt = 4.6 or better is
   required, to fix a bug in the C++ wrapping

For documentation on using Veusz, see the Documents directory. The
manual is in PDF, HTML and text format (generated from docbook). The
examples are also useful documentation.

Issues with the current version:

 * Due to Qt, hatched regions sometimes look rather poor when exported
   to PostScript, PDF or SVG.

 * Due to a bug in Qt, some long lines, or using log scales, can lead
   to very slow plot times under X11. It is fixed by upgrading to
   Qt-4.5.1 (or using a binary). Switching off antialiasing in the options
   may help.

If you enjoy using Veusz, I would love to hear from you. Please join
the mailing lists at

to discuss new features or if you'd like to contribute code. The
latest code can always be found in the SVN repository.

Jeremy Sanders


Re: os.system function

2010-01-12 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Zabin wrote:

 Thanks for the pointersi had a look around and found the site:
 to disable the prompt- i needed to include /y as below:
  os.system ('xcopy /s %s %s /y ' % (dirExe, dirname_new))
 and just wondering- whats the drawback of using os.system() command

- It won't work across different platforms (unix, mac, windows)
- Spaces or special characters in the filename will mess up the command line 
and can lead to huge security flaws in your program.
- It's inefficient as you have to start a new program to do the work (slow 
on windows)
- Error handling from the xcopy process will not be easy

Jeremy Sanders

Re: Psyco on 64-bit machines

2009-11-16 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Russ P. wrote:

 Would it make sense to compile Python in the 32-bit compatibility mode
 so I can use Psyco? What would I lose in that mode, if anything?

You won't be able to access large amounts of memory in 32 bit mode. Also, 
the x86-64 mode has more CPU registers than x86 mode, so Python will 
typically run faster in 64 bit mode (this is more pronounced in AMD 
processors, in my experience).

It will depend on your application whether 32 bit mode plus Psyco is faster 
than 64 bit mode.


Jeremy Sanders

Re: PyQt4 - remember widget positions

2009-10-22 Thread Jeremy Sanders
nusch wrote:

 Is there any simple command which allows me to save position of all
 windows:  QMainWindow, QDialogs and qdockwidgets with their sizes,
 dock state and positions ? Or do I need to store those values
 manually, how can I do it fast?

You can use saveState() from QMainWindow to save the dockwidget geometries. 
I save the size and position of the main window separately and restore it 
with resize() and move().

You need to make sure all your toolbars and dockwidgets have unique object 
names for saveState to work.


Jeremy Sanders

ANN: Veusz 1.5 released

2009-09-28 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Veusz 1.5
Velvet Ember Under Sky Zenith

Veusz is Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Jeremy Sanders
Licenced under the GPL (version 2 or greater).

Veusz is a Qt4 based scientific plotting package. It is written in
Python, using PyQt4 for display and user-interfaces, and numpy for
handling the numeric data. Veusz is designed to produce
publication-ready Postscript/PDF output. The user interface aims to be
simple, consistent and powerful.

Veusz provides a GUI, command line, embedding and scripting interface
(based on Python) to its plotting facilities. It also allows for
manipulation and editing of datasets.

Changes in 1.5:
 * EMF export (requires pyemf and PyQt snapshot)
 * Character encodings supported in data import
 * Rewritten stylesheet handling. User can now set defaults in document
   for all settings. This is now under the Edit-Default Styles dialog.
 * A default stylesheet can be loaded for all new documents (set in
   preferences dialog)
 * Linked datasets saved in documents now use relative filename paths
   (with absolute paths as fallback)
 * Axes can now have text labels of points plotted along them (choose
   labels as axis mode)
 * Dataset points can be scaled to different sizes according to another
   dataset (this is the Scale markers option for point plotters)

More minor changes
 * Custom delimiter support in CSV data importer
 * Add SetDataText and support text in GetData in command API
 * \dot and \bar added to LaTeX renderer
 * Option to change icon sizes displayed
 * Rearrange toolbar icons and create data and widget operation toolbars
 * Zoom button remembers previous usage
 * Conversion from 1D-2D datasets more robust
 * Expression datasets can now be a constant value
 * Uses colors form theme better and allow user to change some UI colors
   in preferences
 * Fix contours if coordinates can be infinite (e.g. log scaling with zero
 * nan/inf are no longer ignored when the ignore text option is selected in
   import dialog

 * Several other minor UI changes and bugfixes

Important note
 * As the way defaults are used has been rewritten, default values are
   no longer saved on a per-user basis but are saved in a stylesheet and
   is saved in the document. You cannot currently set defaults on a widget-
   name basis.

Features of package:
 * X-Y plots (with errorbars)
 * Line and function plots
 * Contour plots
 * Images (with colour mappings and colorbars)
 * Stepped plots (for histograms)
 * Bar graphs
 * Plotting dates
 * Fitting functions to data
 * Stacked plots and arrays of plots
 * Plot keys
 * Plot labels
 * Shapes and arrows on plots
 * LaTeX-like formatting for text
 * Scripting interface
 * Dataset creation/manipulation
 * Embed Veusz within other programs
 * Text, CSV and FITS importing

 Python (2.4 or greater required)
 Qt = 4.3 (free edition)  
 PyQt = 4.3 (SIP is required to be installed first)
 numpy = 1.0

 Microsoft Core Fonts (recommended for nice output)
 PyFITS = 1.1 (optional for FITS import)
 pyemf = 2.0.0 (optional for EMF export)
 For EMF export, PyQt-x11-gpl-4.6-snapshot-20090906 or better is
   required, to fix a bug in the C++ wrapping

For documentation on using Veusz, see the Documents directory. The
manual is in pdf, html and text format (generated from docbook).

Issues with the current version:

 * Due to Qt, hatched regions sometimes look rather poor when exported
   to PostScript, PDF or SVG.

 * Clipping of data does not work in the SVG export as Qt currently
   does not support this.

 * Due to a bug in Qt, some long lines, or using log scales, can lead
   to very slow plot times under X11. This problem is seen with
   dashed/dotted lines. It is fixed by upgrading to Qt-4.5.1 (the
   Veusz binary version includes this Qt version). Switching off
   antialiasing in the options may help this.

If you enjoy using Veusz, I would love to hear from you. Please join
the mailing lists at

to discuss new features or if you'd like to contribute code. The
latest code can always be found in the SVN repository.

Jeremy Sanders


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Python code for testing well parenthesized expression

2009-07-14 Thread Jeremy Sanders
candide wrote:

 I'm trying to implement in Python a function testing if an expression is
 well parenthesized. For instance the expression zx4er(1(er(Yy)ol)ol)ik
 is correctly parenthesized but this one zx(4er(1(er(Yy)ol)ol)ik is not.
 My code follows at the end.
 If you have a better algorithm or a better Python code (I'm a beginner in
 the Python world), don't hesitate ...

Don't you want to just test that the number of (s equals the number of 
)s or am I missing the point?

 a.count('(') == a.count(')')


Jeremy Sanders


Re: Python code for testing well parenthesized expression

2009-07-14 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Diez B. Roggisch wrote:

 Yep, you are:
 is certainly not well parenthized.

Thanks for that!

Jeremy Sanders


Re: Package for fast plotting of many data points in Python?

2009-07-10 Thread Jeremy Sanders
tt-industries wrote:

 I am programming a oscilloscope module in Python. For this reason, I
 want to plot very many data points as fast as possible. This can be
 more than 100 000 at once. So far I have been using the ploting module
 of wxPython. However, it becomes unstable for more than 25000 points.
 Can someone recommend me a faster plotting library? It would be really
 cool if one could embed this in wxPython. If someone has an idea I
 would be very glad about answer.

Veusz can plot a line with that many points with that many points in a 
couple of seconds on my system. It's a bit faster without antialiasing, 
slower if you want to actually plot markers at each position.


Jeremy Sanders


Re: Status of Python threading support (GIL removal)?

2009-06-21 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Jesse Noller wrote:

 Sorry, you're incorrect. I/O Bound threads do in fact, take 
 of multiple cores.

I don't know whether anyone else brought this up, but it looks 
like Python has problems with even this form of threading

It's certainly a very interesting read if you're interested in 
this subject.

Jeremy Sanders


Re: Once again, comparison wxpython with PyQt

2009-06-19 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Hans Müller wrote:

 Thanks for all your informative replies.
 If I understand you right, for a commercial, closed source program I
 only need a commercial PyQt license for ~ 500€ ?

Why not ask the guys at riverbankcomputing?

This page

Says The commercial version of PyQt can be used with both the commercial 
and LGPL versions of Qt.

 As far as I know I also need a Qt Licenses which is ~3500€ per OS.

Not true, now Qt is licensed under the LGPL.

You have to abide by the LGPL, however, which means that the user has to be 
able to relink a modified form of the library, Qt, with your application 
should they wish. You should check whether the LGPL is appropriate for the 
way you want to ship your program.


Jeremy Sanders


ANN: Veusz 1.4

2009-06-04 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Veusz 1.4
Velvet Ember Under Sky Zenith

Veusz is Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Jeremy Sanders
Licenced under the GPL (version 2 or greater).

Veusz is a Qt4 based scientific plotting package. It is written in
Python, using PyQt4 for display and user-interfaces, and numpy for
handling the numeric data. Veusz is designed to produce
publication-ready Postscript/PDF output. The user interface aims to be
simple, consistent and powerful.

Veusz provides a GUI, command line, embedding and scripting interface
(based on Python) to its plotting facilities. It also allows for
manipulation and editing of datasets.

Changes in 1.4:
 * Dates can be plotted on axes
 * Bar graph component, support bars in groups and stacked bars
   with error bars
 * Improved import
   - text lines can be ignored in imported files
   - prefix and suffix can be added to dataset names
   - more robust import dialog
 * Markers can be thinned for large datasets
 * Further LaTeX support, including \frac for fractions and \\
   for line breaks.
 * Keys show error bars on datasets with errors
 * Axes can scale plotted data by a factor

More minor changes
 * Mathematical expressions can be entered in many places where
   numbers are entered (e.g. axis minima)
 * Many more latex symbols
 * Text labels can also be placed outside graphs directly on pages
 * Dataset expressions can be edited
 * Data can be copied out of data edit dialog. Rows can be inserted or
 * Mac format line terminators are allowed in import files
 * Preview window resizes properly in import dialog

Features of package:
 * X-Y plots (with errorbars)
 * Line and function plots
 * Contour plots
 * Images (with colour mappings and colorbars)
 * Stepped plots (for histograms)
 * Bar graphs
 * Plotting dates
 * Fitting functions to data
 * Stacked plots and arrays of plots
 * Plot keys
 * Plot labels
 * Shapes and arrows on plots
 * LaTeX-like formatting for text
 * EPS/PDF/PNG/SVG export
 * Scripting interface
 * Dataset creation/manipulation
 * Embed Veusz within other programs
 * Text, CSV and FITS importing

 Python (2.4 or greater required)
 Qt = 4.3 (free edition)  
 PyQt = 4.3 (SIP is required to be installed first)
 numpy = 1.0

 Microsoft Core Fonts (recommended for nice output)
 PyFITS = 1.1 (optional for FITS import)

For documentation on using Veusz, see the Documents directory. The
manual is in pdf, html and text format (generated from docbook).

Issues with the current version:

 * Due to Qt, hatched regions sometimes look rather poor when exported
   to PostScript or PDF.

 * Due to a bug in Qt, some long lines, or using log scales, can lead
   to very slow plot times under X11. This problem is seen with
   dashed/dotted lines. It is fixed by upgrading to Qt-4.5.1 (the
   Veusz binary version includes this Qt version).

 * Can be very slow to plot large datasets if antialiasing is enabled.
   Right click on graph and disable antialias to speed up output. This
   is mostly a problem with older Qt versions, however.

If you enjoy using Veusz, I would love to hear from you. Please join
the mailing lists at

to discuss new features or if you'd like to contribute code. The
latest code can always be found in the SVN repository.

Jeremy Sanders


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: Veusz 1.3 - a scientific plotting module and package

2009-02-25 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Veusz 1.3
Velvet Ember Under Sky Zenith

Veusz is Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Jeremy Sanders
Licenced under the GPL (version 2 or greater).

Veusz is a scientific plotting package. It is written in Python, using
PyQt4 for display and user-interfaces, and numpy for handling the
numeric data. Veusz is designed to produce publication-ready
Postscript/PDF output. The user interface aims to be simple,
consistent and powerful.

Veusz provides a GUI, command line, embedding and scripting interface
(based on Python) to its plotting facilities. It also allows for
manipulation and editing of datasets.

Changes in 1.3:
 * Add data capture from sockets, files and external programs
 * Remembers previous entries in dialog boxes
 * Add shaded regions or lines error bar style
 * Plot keys can be dragged around with the mouse
 * New clearer scalable icons
 * Now requires Python = 2.4

 * minor changes
  - Add filename completion in several places
  - Remember import dialog tab selection
  - Use font drop-down to select font
  - Add icons for error bar styles
  - Error bar code rewritten and simplified
  - Add import dialog to toolbar
 * bug fixes:
  - Fix incorrect security errors when loading invalid documents
  - Fix dragging around of shapes and lines problems
  - Fix address of FSF in license
  - Fix appearance of dialog box fonts on some systems
  - Fix recent files menu
  - Fix hiding of pages and graphs

Features of package:
 * X-Y plots (with errorbars)
 * Line and function plots
 * Contour plots
 * Images (with colour mappings and colorbars)
 * Stepped plots (for histograms)
 * Fitting functions to data
 * Stacked plots and arrays of plots
 * Plot keys
 * Plot labels
 * Shapes and arrows on plots
 * LaTeX-like formatting for text
 * EPS/PDF/PNG/SVG export
 * Scripting interface
 * Dataset creation/manipulation
 * Embed Veusz within other programs
 * Text, CSV and FITS importing

 Python (2.4 or greater required)
 Qt = 4.3 (free edition)  
 PyQt = 4.3 (SIP is required to be installed first)
 numpy = 1.0

 Microsoft Core Fonts (recommended for nice output)
 PyFITS = 1.1 (optional for FITS import)

For documentation on using Veusz, see the Documents directory. The
manual is in pdf, html and text format (generated from docbook).

 * Can be very slow to plot large datasets if antialiasing is enabled.
   Right click on graph and disable antialias to speed up output.

If you enjoy using Veusz, I would love to hear from you. Please join
the mailing lists at

to discuss new features or if you'd like to contribute code. The
latest code can always be found in the SVN repository.

Jeremy Sanders


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: subprocess.Popen inheriting

2008-12-17 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Aaron Brady wrote:

 I thought so too.  The web seems to say that on Linux they are, and on
 Windows, you need to call DuplicateHandle for it.

I hit this problem - it looks like pipes aren't very versatile on Windows.
There's also the complicating factor that the handles in windows aren't the
same as the file numbers that Python uses, so you have to convert between

It would be nice if Python created pipes that are properly inheritable by
default by child processes, as they're mostly used for IPC.

It was so painful that I converted my code to use sockets instead, which
seem much more portable between Windows and Unix (though you don't get to
use socketpair and AF_UNIX in Windows).


Jeremy Sanders

Re: Best way to dynamically get an attribute from a module from within the same module

2008-12-01 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Rafe wrote:

 I guess, in the end, I'd use getattr() because it feels more pythonic,
 and more basic. I got pretty deep in to learning python before I had
 to learn what the globals() dict could do for me.

Why not store your individual classes inside another class or keep them in a
dict? That would be clearer, would not mess around with global namespace,
and more pythonic IMHO.


Jeremy Sanders

ANN: Veusz 1.2.1 - a scientific plotting package / module

2008-11-30 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Note: the Python embedding interface is now more robust and works under

Veusz 1.2.1
Velvet Ember Under Sky Zenith

Veusz is Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Jeremy Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Licenced under the GPL (version 2 or greater).

Veusz is a scientific plotting package. It is written in Python, using
PyQt4 for display and user-interfaces, and numpy for handling the
numeric data. Veusz is designed to produce publication-ready
Postscript/PDF output. The user interface aims to be simple,
consistent and powerful.

Veusz provides a GUI, command line, embedding and scripting interface
(based on Python) to its plotting facilities. It also allows for
manipulation and editing of datasets.

Change in 1.2.1:
 * Fix crash when adding a key without any key text defined.

Changes in 1.2:
 * Boxes, ellipses, lines, arrows and image files can now be added to
   the plot or page and interactively adjusted.
 * Page sizes, graphs, grids and axes can be interactively adjusted.
 * Plot keys can have multiple columns.
 * Error bars can have cross-ends.

 * Several user interface usability enhancements.

 * Embedding interface has been rewritten to be more robust. It now
   uses multiple processes and sockets.
 * Embedding now works fully on Windows.
 * Embedding interface has been expanded:
- Zoom width, height and page options for zooming graph to window
- Dynamically change update interval
- Move between pages of documents
- Open up more than one view onto a document

 * PDF export fixed for recent versions of Qt
 * Quite a lot of minor bug fixes
Features of package:
 * X-Y plots (with errorbars)
 * Line and function plots
 * Contour plots
 * Images (with colour mappings and colorbars)
 * Stepped plots (for histograms)
 * Fitting functions to data
 * Stacked plots and arrays of plots
 * Plot keys
 * Plot labels
 * Shapes and arrows on plots
 * LaTeX-like formatting for text
 * EPS/PDF/PNG/SVG export
 * Scripting interface
 * Dataset creation/manipulation
 * Embed Veusz within other programs
 * Text, CSV and FITS importing

 Python (2.3 or greater required)
 Qt = 4.3 (free edition)  
 PyQt = 4.3 (SIP is required to be installed first)
 numpy = 1.0

 Microsoft Core Fonts (recommended for nice output)
 PyFITS = 1.1 (optional for FITS import)

For documentation on using Veusz, see the Documents directory. The
manual is in pdf, html and text format (generated from docbook).

 * Can be very slow to plot large datasets if antialiasing is enabled.
   Right click on graph and disable antialias to speed up output.

If you enjoy using Veusz, I would love to hear from you. Please join
the mailing lists at

to discuss new features or if you'd like to contribute code. The
latest code can always be found in the SVN repository.

Jeremy Sanders


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: calling python scripts as a sub-process

2008-11-19 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Catherine Moroney wrote:

 I have one script (Match1) that calls a Fortran executable as a
 sub-process, and I want to write another script (Match4) that
 spawns off several instances of Match1 in parallel and then waits
 until they all finish running.  The only way I can think of doing this
 is to call it as a sub-process, rather than directly.
 I'm able to get Match1 working correctly in isolation, using the
 subprocess.Popen command, but calling an instance of Match1 as a
 subprocess spawned from Match4 isn't working.
 The command (stored as an array of strings) that I'm executing is:
 ['python ../src_python/ ',
 '--file_ref=MISR_AM1_GRP_ELLIPSOID_GM_P228_O003571_BF_F03_0024.hdf ',
 '--file_cmp=MISR_AM1_GRP_ELLIPSOID_GM_P228_O003571_DF_F03_0024.hdf ',
 '--block_start=62 ', '--block_end=62 ', '--istep=16 ', --chmetric='M2'
 , --use_textid='true ']

If you want to avoid going by the shell, and you *should* for security
reasons, you need to have each of your arguments separately in the list
without the shell quoting and extra spaces, i.e.

['python', '../src_python/',
 '--file_ref=.hdf', '--file_cmp=.hdf',
 '--block_start=xx', '--block_end=62', '--istep=16', '--chmetric=M2',


Jeremy Sanders

Re: calling python scripts as a sub-process

2008-11-19 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Dan Upton wrote:

 I think when I came across this error, I added shell=True, e.g.
 sub1 = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)

That's really papering over the bug. You need to have the parameters
separately, including the name of the program, separately in the list. You
need to remove any shell quoting you may use on the unix/dos command line.


Jeremy Sanders

os.pipe and subprocess under Windows

2008-11-17 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Hi - I have some code which works under linux. It starts a remote python
process using subprocess and communicates to it via a pipe created by
os.pipe. As far as I understand, child processes should inherit file
descriptors from the parent if close_fds=False on the suprocess.Popen
command line.

This code doesn't work under Window, but gives bad file descriptor when
trying to read from the pipe in the child process. I have some example code
which fails. It consists of two files, and The file
descriptor for reading from the pipe is passed as a argument to

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This is

import os
import os.path
import sys
import subprocess

def runMaster():
# create pipe to communicate with remote process
rpipe, wpipe = os.pipe()

# start remote process
cmdline = [sys.executable,
   os.path.join( os.path.dirname(
os.path.abspath(__file__)), '' ),
str(rpipe) ]

remote = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, shell=False, bufsize=0,

# send text to remote process via pipe
os.write(wpipe, 'hi there$')

# wait until remote exit

if __name__ == '__main__':


# This is

import sys
import os

def runSlave(fd):
Copy text to stderr from file descriptor until a $ symbol.
while True:
intext =, 1)
if intext == '$':
elif intext:
# write text from pipe to stderr
sys.stderr.write('* %s\n' % intext)

if __name__ == '__main__':
fd = int(sys.argv[1])


Does anyone have any ideas how to get this to work under Windows? Is it
correct code under unix?



Jeremy Sanders

Re: os.pipe and subprocess under Windows

2008-11-17 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 If close_fds is true, all file descriptors except 0, 1 and 2 will be
 closed before the child process is executed. (Unix only). Or, on
 Windows, if close_fds is true then no handles will be inherited by the
 child process.
 Windows has no fork(2).

Yes - I saw that - thanks. This suggests that as I have used
closed_fds=False, then the child process will inherit the handles under
Windows, which it doesn't seem to. This documentation looks wrong to me.

I know Windows has no fork - that's why I used subprocess. This MSDN page
suggests you you need to do something with SetHandleInformation to get them
to be inherited. Doesn't subprocess do that?

Jeremy Sanders

Re: os.pipe and subprocess under Windows

2008-11-17 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Jeremy Sanders wrote:

 Hi - I have some code which works under linux. It starts a remote python
 process using subprocess and communicates to it via a pipe created by
 os.pipe. As far as I understand, child processes should inherit file
 descriptors from the parent if close_fds=False on the suprocess.Popen
 command line.

Hmm... examining the code for os.pipe in posixmodule.c, it looks like pipes
are create specifically to be non-inheritable in Windows. I can't see why
you would want a non-inheritable pipe, so I would call this a bug. 

I suppose I could try this trick from to make the pipes

def _make_inheritable(self, handle):
Return a duplicate of handle, which is inheritable
return DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), handle,
   GetCurrentProcess(), 0, 1,

Pretty nasty to have to do this though, and I would have to add a win32api
dependency, or hack around with the _subprocess module.


Jeremy Sanders

ANN: Veusz 1.1

2008-10-03 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Veusz 1.1
Velvet Ember Under Sky Zenith

Veusz is Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Jeremy Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Licenced under the GPL (version 2 or greater).

Veusz is a scientific plotting package written in Python, using PyQt4
for display and user-interfaces, and numpy for handling the numeric
data. Veusz is designed to produce publication-ready Postscript/PDF
output. The user interface aims to be simple, consistent and powerful.

Veusz provides a GUI, command line, embedding and scripting interface
(based on Python) to its plotting facilities. It also allows for
manipulation and editing of datasets.

Feature changes from 1.0:
 * Axes autoscale when plotting functions
 * Labels can be dragged around on plots
 * More marker symbols
 * SVG export of plots

 * The point plotting and axis range code has been rewritten.
 * Includes quite a few minor bugfixes
Features of package:
 * X-Y plots (with errorbars)
 * Line and function plots
 * Contour plots
 * Images (with colour mappings and colorbars)
 * Stepped plots (for histograms)
 * Fitting functions to data
 * Stacked plots and arrays of plots
 * Plot keys
 * Plot labels
 * LaTeX-like formatting for text
 * EPS/PDF/PNG export
 * Scripting interface
 * Dataset creation/manipulation
 * Embed Veusz within other programs
 * Text, CSV and FITS importing

 Python (2.3 or greater required)
 Qt = 4.3 (free edition)  
 PyQt = 4.3 (SIP is required to be installed first)
 numpy = 1.0
 Microsoft Core Fonts (recommended for nice output)
 PyFITS = 1.1 (optional for FITS import)

For documentation on using Veusz, see the Documents directory. The
manual is in pdf, html and text format (generated from docbook).

 * Can be very slow to plot large datasets if antialiasing is enabled.
   Right click on graph and disable antialias to speed up output.
 * The embedding interface appears to crash on exiting.

If you enjoy using Veusz, I would love to hear from you. Please join
the mailing lists at

to discuss new features or if you'd like to contribute code. The
latest code can always be found in the SVN repository.

Jeremy Sanders


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: indirectly addressing vars in Python

2008-10-01 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Ross wrote:

   myList[1]= myList[1]+1

The problem is this makes myList[1] point to a new integer, and not the one
that peas points to.

Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Jul 10 2008, 17:25:56)
[GCC 4.1.2 20070925 (Red Hat 4.1.2-33)] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 mylist = [oats, peas]
 mylist[1][0] = mylist[1][0]+1
[[1], [7]]

This is because integers are immutable, but lists are mutable.

Jeremy Sanders

Re: Getting references to obect instances into a list

2008-08-27 Thread Jeremy Sanders

 I will read the article you told me to but first, please, have a look
 at this snippet:
 m = [2,3,4]
 p = ['a','b','c']
 q = [m,p]
 [[2, 3, 4, 'a', 'b', 'c'], ['a', 'b', 'c']]
 del p
 [[2, 3, 4, 'a', 'b', 'c'], ['a', 'b', 'c']]

 How come q is not updated after I deleted p?

q still holds a reference to p. Maybe you are after weak references. Have a
look at the documentation for the weakref module in the standard library.
Unfortunately you cannot store weak references to lists directly:

In [5]: class foo(object):
   ...: def __init__(self, lst):
   ...: self.lst = lst
In [6]: m = foo([2,3,4])
In [7]: p = foo(['a','b','c'])
In [8]: import weakref
In [20]: q = [weakref.proxy(m), weakref.proxy(p)]
In [23]: q[0].lst, q[1].lst
Out[23]: ([2, 3, 4], ['a', 'b', 'c'])
In [24]: del p
In [27]: q[1].lst
gives a reference error

Jeremy Sanders

Re: random numbers according to user defined distribution ??

2008-08-08 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Alex wrote:

 I wonder if it is possible in python to produce random numbers
 according to a user defined distribution?
 Unfortunately the random module does not contain the distribution I
 need :-(

Have you looked at the numpy random number module? It seems to have quite a
lot of distributions. See help(numpy.random).


Jeremy Sanders

Re: how to proccess the blank in the path on linux

2008-05-21 Thread Jeremy Sanders
A.T.Hofkamp wrote:

 Escape the space to prevent the shell from interpreting it as a word
 seperator. This of course also holds for all other shell meta characters,
 such as * [ ] \and a few others I probably have forgotten.

If the command was useful (unlike cd), it might be better to use subprocess
to launch it so that you don't need the escaping:['ls', '8000 dir'])

This avoids using the shell.

Jeremy Sanders

Re: Reversing a dict?

2008-05-06 Thread Jeremy Sanders

 Hi - further to my earlier query regarding partial matches (which with
 all your replies enabled me to advance my understanding, thanks), I
 now need to reverse a dict.

There is no guaranteed order to the items stored in a dictionary. They can
and will move around as the dict is modified. Have a look at

You'll have to store your keys in a list or tuple to keep them ordered.


Jeremy Sanders

Re: breaking out of outer loops

2008-01-29 Thread Jeremy Sanders

 Any elegant way of breaking out of the outer for loop than below, I
 seem to have come across something, but it escapes me
 for i in outerLoop:
for j in innerLoop:
if condition:

Perhaps Python needs a continue N or a break N statement :-)

for i in outerLoop:
  for j in innerLoop:
 if condition:
break 2

Seeing as we can't have a goto :-)


Jeremy Sanders

Re: multidimensional arrays

2007-12-06 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Horacius ReX wrote:

 do you know how to do similar but in two dimensions ?

Investigate the numpy module if you are dealing with numbers.


Jeremy Sanders

Re: Extended date and time

2007-11-12 Thread Jeremy Sanders
John Machin wrote:

 What does dates in the past mean?? Please be more specific about the
 earliest date that you want to be able to handle. Python's datetime
 starts at 0001-01-01. Somebody mentioned the time module, which is
 implementation-dependent but typically starts at 1970-01-01 .
 What functionality do you need, other than two-way conversion between
 days_since_epoch and (proleptic Gregorian) date/time?

I want to convert between seconds from the epoch (let's say 1970 in floating
point) and date and time. I also want it to work across all platforms.

Is there any way to convert a datetime into seconds from a certain date? Is
the most robust way of doing it just to subtract two datetime objects and
turn the timedelta into a floating point number?



Jeremy Sanders

Extended date and time

2007-11-10 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Hi - I need to add support to a program for dates and times. The built-in
Python library seems to be okay for many purposes, but what I would like
would be Unix epoch style times (seconds relative to some date), covering a
large period from the past to the future. What would be nice would be a
library which can take floating point seconds from an epoch.

Does anyone know of a library which can convert from human style dates and
times to a floating point epoch and back again? I expect I could fudge the
fractional seconds with the built-in library, but I can't see how to get
dates in the past.

Thanks, Jeremy.

Jeremy Sanders

Re: Drawing charts in Qt

2007-11-06 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Michel Albert wrote:

 Has anyone ever successfully used these graphing libraries with PyQt?
 Or are there other graphing libraries available? In fact, my needs are
 modest. A Line- and Bar-Chart would solve the majority of problems.

Veusz does line charts, and stepped charts (which are almost like bar
charts...). It is implemented with PyQt4.

You can use the windows.PlotWindow widget in your PyQt4 app, but
unfortunately I haven't got round to documenting this properly... If you're
interested I can give instructions.


Jeremy Sanders

ANN: Veusz 1.0 - a scientific plotting package

2007-10-29 Thread Jeremy Sanders
I'm pleased to announce Veusz 1.0. Source, windows and linux i386 binaries
are available -   Jeremy Sanders

Veusz 1.0
Velvet Ember Under Sky Zenith

Veusz is Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Jeremy Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Licenced under the GPL (version 2 or greater).

Veusz is a scientific plotting package written in Python, using PyQt4
for display and user-interfaces, and numpy for handling the numeric
data. Veusz is designed to produce publication-ready Postscript/PDF
output. The user interface aims to be simple, consistent and powerful.

Veusz provides a GUI, command line, embedding and scripting interface
(based on Python) to its plotting facilities. It also allows for
manipulation and editing of datasets.

Feature changes from 0.99.0:
 * Import of Text datasets
 * Labels can be plotted next to X-Y points
 * Numbers can be directly plotted by entering into X-Y datasets as X and Y
 * More line styles
 * Loaded document and functions are checked for unsafe Python features
 * Contours can be labelled with numbers
 * 2D dataset creation to make 2D datasets from x, y, z 1D datasets

Bug and minor fixes from 0.99.0:
 * Zooming into X-Y images works now
 * Contour plots work on datasets with non equal X and Y sizes
 * Various fixes for datasets including NaN or Inf
 * Large changes to data import filter to support loading strings (and dates
 * Reduce number of undo levels for memory/speed
 * Text renderer rewritten to be more simple
 * Improved error dialogs
 * Proper error dialog for invalid loading of documents

Features of package:
 * X-Y plots (with errorbars)
 * Line and function plots
 * Contour plots
 * Images (with colour mappings and colorbars)
 * Stepped plots (for histograms)
 * Fitting functions to data
 * Stacked plots and arrays of plots
 * Plot keys
 * Plot labels
 * LaTeX-like formatting for text
 * EPS/PDF/PNG export
 * Scripting interface
 * Dataset creation/manipulation
 * Embed Veusz within other programs
 * Text, CSV and FITS importing

 Python (2.3 or greater required)
 Qt = 4.3 (free edition)  
 PyQt = 4.3 (SIP is required to be installed first)
 numpy = 1.0
 Microsoft Core Fonts (recommended for nice output)
 PyFITS = 1.1 (optional for FITS import)

For documentation on using Veusz, see the Documents directory. The
manual is in pdf, html and text format (generated from docbook).

 * Reqires a rather new version of PyQt, otherwise dialogs don't work.
 * Can be very slow to plot large datasets if antialiasing is enabled.
   Right click on graph and disable antialias to speed up output.
 * The embedding interface appears to crash on exiting.

If you enjoy using Veusz, I would love to hear from you. Please join
the mailing lists at

to discuss new features or if you'd like to contribute code. The
latest code can always be found in the SVN repository.

Jeremy Sanders


Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: Veusz 1.0 - a scientific plotting package

2007-10-29 Thread Jeremy Sanders
I'm pleased to announce Veusz 1.0. Source, windows and linux i386 binaries
are available. Jeremy Sanders

Veusz 1.0
Velvet Ember Under Sky Zenith

Veusz is Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Jeremy Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Licenced under the GPL (version 2 or greater).

Veusz is a scientific plotting package written in Python, using PyQt4
for display and user-interfaces, and numpy for handling the numeric
data. Veusz is designed to produce publication-ready Postscript/PDF
output. The user interface aims to be simple, consistent and powerful.

Veusz provides a GUI, command line, embedding and scripting interface
(based on Python) to its plotting facilities. It also allows for
manipulation and editing of datasets.

Feature changes from 0.99.0:
 * Import of Text datasets
 * Labels can be plotted next to X-Y points
 * Numbers can be directly plotted by entering into X-Y datasets as X and Y
 * More line styles
 * Loaded document and functions are checked for unsafe Python features
 * Contours can be labelled with numbers
 * 2D dataset creation to make 2D datasets from x, y, z 1D datasets

Bug and minor fixes from 0.99.0:
 * Zooming into X-Y images works now
 * Contour plots work on datasets with non equal X and Y sizes
 * Various fixes for datasets including NaN or Inf
 * Large changes to data import filter to support loading strings (and dates
 * Reduce number of undo levels for memory/speed
 * Text renderer rewritten to be more simple
 * Improved error dialogs
 * Proper error dialog for invalid loading of documents

Features of package:
 * X-Y plots (with errorbars)
 * Line and function plots
 * Contour plots
 * Images (with colour mappings and colorbars)
 * Stepped plots (for histograms)
 * Fitting functions to data
 * Stacked plots and arrays of plots
 * Plot keys
 * Plot labels
 * LaTeX-like formatting for text
 * EPS/PDF/PNG export
 * Scripting interface
 * Dataset creation/manipulation
 * Embed Veusz within other programs
 * Text, CSV and FITS importing

 Python (2.3 or greater required)
 Qt = 4.3 (free edition)  
 PyQt = 4.3 (SIP is required to be installed first)
 numpy = 1.0
 Microsoft Core Fonts (recommended for nice output)
 PyFITS = 1.1 (optional for FITS import)

For documentation on using Veusz, see the Documents directory. The
manual is in pdf, html and text format (generated from docbook).

 * Reqires a rather new version of PyQt, otherwise dialogs don't work.
 * Can be very slow to plot large datasets if antialiasing is enabled.
   Right click on graph and disable antialias to speed up output.
 * The embedding interface appears to crash on exiting.

If you enjoy using Veusz, I would love to hear from you. Please join
the mailing lists at

to discuss new features or if you'd like to contribute code. The
latest code can always be found in the SVN repository.


Re: ANN: Veusz 1.0 - a scientific plotting package

2007-10-29 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Wildemar Wildenburger wrote:

 Not that I don't value your effort, but why another plotting package
 while we have pyx and matplotlib already?

In addition to the Python based scripting command line and embedding
interface, it has a powerful graphical user interface for constructing
plots and importing data.  Neither matplotlib or pyx have this.
This is the main feature. It was originally intended to be mainly
command-line based, but I've found the GUI to be my main way of using it.

At the time of the first release of Veusz, and for quite long after,
matplotlib was too primitive to use as a backend for Veusz (see previous
threads on this subject). Maybe that has changed now, but IMHO Veusz output
still looks better.


Jeremy Sanders

Re: ANN: Veusz 1.0 - a scientific plotting package

2007-10-29 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Wildemar Wildenburger wrote:
 Oh, OK. I though it was a library. I now see that it is an actual
 application. Sorry to have bothered you :)

It's a library too :-)

Jeremy Sanders

Re: Stopping a fucntion from printing its output on screen

2007-10-17 Thread Jeremy Sanders
sophie_newbie wrote:

 Hi, in my program i need to call a couple of functions that do some
 stuff but they always print their output on screen. But I don't want
 them to print anything on the screen. Is there any way I can disable
 it from doing this, like redirect the output to somewhere else? But
 later on in the program i then need to print other stuff so i'd need
 to re-enable printing too. Any ideas?

If they are python functions, this hack should work...

import sys

class NullWriter(object):
def write(self, arg):

def testfunc():
print this is a test

nullwrite = NullWriter()
oldstdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = nullwrite  # disable output
sys.stdout = oldstdout  # enable output

Jeremy Sanders

Wrapper functions and arguments

2007-10-01 Thread Jeremy Sanders
One little issue I have is to write a little wrapper which can generally
pass standard and keyword arguments to a callee:

def a(x, y, z):
  print x, y, z
def b(x, y, z='fruitbat')
  print x, y, z

for func in a, b:
  def wrapper(func=func, *args, **argsk):
 # do something
 func(*args, **argsk)

x[0](1, 2, 3)
x[1](1, 2)

Is there any way to do this? Can you capture arguments in a tuple and dict,
but still receive other keyword arguments? The only solution I found was to
implement wrapper as a class (like I would in c++):

class wrapper(object):
  def __init__(self, func):
self.func = func
  def __call__(self, *args, **argsk):
self.func(*args, **argsk)


Jeremy Sanders

Re: sorteddict PEP proposal [started off as orderedict]

2007-09-26 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Mark Summerfield wrote:

 The sorteddict API that has emerged so far is (1) apart from the
 constructor, everything is identical to dict, (2) the constructor
 takes the same args as sorted(), so if you want to seed with a dict or
 with keywords you write sorteddict(dict(a=1,b=2), ...), (or you could
 create a sorteddict and use update() since that takes the same args as
 dict's constructor).

first() and last() would also be nice on a sorted dict.


Jeremy Sanders

Re: sorteddict PEP proposal [started off as orderedict]

2007-09-25 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Mark Summerfield wrote:

 If there is positive feedback I will submit the PEP to the reviewers,
 so if you think it is a good idea please say so. (I'm sure that if you
 _don't_ like it you'll tell me anyway:-)

It would be nice to have the ability to use numerical indexes and the key,
but I don't think they should share the same methods.

A useful use case would be to make a LRU (least recently used) dictionary,
where the keys are time-based (e.g. an incrementing counter). You should be
able to identify the least recently used object for discarding by just
accessing the last item in the dictionary.

By the way, I think a LRU cache dictionary would be a great addition to the
standard library.

Is there any speed advantage from implementing the sorteddict as a red-black
tree or something similar in C?


Jeremy Sanders

Re: limiting memory consumption of Python itself or a dict in a Python program

2007-09-20 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Jonas Maurus wrote:

 I want to write a Python program that receives messages via SMTP and
 stores them in a dict or an array. For my purposes it would be
 important that all received mail would be kept in RAM and not cached
 out to disk. If a new message comes in that can't fit in the allocated
 memory, a number of old messages would be discarded.
 As the server needs to have room for other tasks, I'd like to limit
 the overall memory consumption to a certain amount.

Since your data is all in one place, why not write a dict or list wrapper
which keeps track of the total space of the items stored (using len on the

It could automatically clean out old entries when the memory usage becomes
too much.


Jeremy Sanders

Re: newbie: self.member syntax seems /really/ annoying

2007-09-12 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Charles Fox wrote:

 I've just started playing around with Python, as a possible
 replacement for a mix of C++, Matlab and Lisp.  The language looks
 lovely and clean with one huge exception:  I do a lot of numerical
 modeling, so I deal with objects (like neurons) described
 mathematically in papers, by equations like

I thought it was horrible when I started, but now when looking at somebody
else's C++ code I find it very hard to work out whether something is a
global, a member or a local variable, unless they use some sort of naming

If you alias self as s, it's only two more characters per variable access,
which is the same as the C++ m_ naming convention.

Jeremy Sanders

Re: Co-developers wanted: document markup language

2007-08-25 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Torsten Bronger wrote:

 I don't know exactly what you mean but the answer is probably no.
 For example, I want the author to state the title, keywords, etc of
 his document, however, he should not state that he wants the title
 printed centred and 4cm from the top of the page.
 The latter is defined in the theme which will be given as a set of
 ordinary LaTeX commands (for the LaTeX backend).

Isn't the problem that making such a theme will be very hard?

One of the annoying things about LaTeX is lack of control over positioning
(e.g. floats, page breaks...). The one thing most LaTeX users moan about is
trying to get their document to fit into an n page limit (e.g. for a
proposal). Maybe the theme could have some options to control spacing,
however, like some sort of CSS.

I think the one thing that would improve LaTeX is orthogonality in its
commands (e.g. why no 8pt option for the document, why the crazy \small,
\LARGE, etc commands?), and fixing the font system to be based around
modern fonts. Finally making bibtex part of the core and making it easy to
use would be great.

Jeremy Sanders

Re: Co-developers wanted: document markup language

2007-08-24 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Torsten Bronger wrote:

 Some LaTeX users in Aachen thought about a general-use markup
 language this spring.  I wrote some code and a rough project
 description, however, we could need some help.
 If you are interested, visit the provisional project page at

Sounds a good idea - LaTeX has so many historical hangovers. How many people
on earth can actually write a LaTeX style file?

I'm not sure about writing LaTeX output, however, due to the crude nasty
ways it handles fonts and so on. How are you going to get enough controls
for users over what they always complain about: fonts, page breaking, and
positioning of figures? Maybe it's an okay first step however.


Jeremy Sanders

Re: best GUI library for vector drawing program

2007-08-17 Thread Jeremy Sanders
chewie54 wrote:

 What would be the best cross-platform GUI library to use for a vector
 based CAD program ( something like Visio on Windows )   WxWidgets,
 Tk,   PyQt,  Java Swing,  Java SWT,   I need the capibility to
 draw and edit in a window that looks like a page of paper so WYSIWYG
 is very important,  and I need to save the drawings in vector based
 file formats like PS, EPS,  SVG, as well as image formats like jpg,
 png, and gif.  Also, the images need to be high resolution so that
 they can be pasted into various other programs in Windows OS,  and
 Linux OS,  and the Mac OS.

PyQt/Qt4 is capable of that (SVG export was added in Qt4.3).

I have a graph drawing application based around it (Veusz).

If you base everything around QPainter, you'll be able to write to any of
those output formats (including eps and pdf), and bitmaps. Antialiasing is
optional for bitmap formats.


Jeremy Sanders

Re: best GUI library for vector drawing program

2007-08-17 Thread Jeremy Sanders
chewie54 wrote:

 I looked at your application, Veusz (it looks very nice),  and I see
 you have binary distrubitions
 for each os.  Is is difficult to build these binaries for each
 system.  Could
 you tell me how that is done?

I use pyinstaller to make the binaries (see the veusz_pyinst.spec file), and
NSIS to make a Windows installer from the Windows binary (see veusz.nsi).

The Linux binary, unfortunately, isn't 100% compatible, as I've found trying
to run on 64 bit systems. I assume it's some sort of glibc mismatch. Making
the linux binaries on an old distribution helps the compatibility (I use
centos 3 in a virtual environment).


Jeremy Sanders

Re: Smoother Lines in Turtle Graphics

2007-08-10 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Ant wrote:

 Python: Batteries and Turtles included!

I didn't know that! It looks like turtle is based on Tk, which doesn't have
antialiasing yet (see ), so it can't really be
made nice and smooth (unless you could somehow use tkzinc/tkpath to draw

I suppose turtle wouldn't be that hard to reimplement it to use Qt/Gtk


Jeremy Sanders

Re: questions about functions inside a function

2007-07-16 Thread Jeremy Sanders

 What I want is, the value of i should be bounded to the anonymous
 function. And the output should like this:
 How to achieve this?

This doesn't answer your question (others have), but another (perhaps
clearer) way to do such things is something like

class MyFunc(object):
  A function object.
  def __init__(self, val):
 self.val = val

  def __call__(self):
 Return value squared
 return self.val**2

a = []
for i in range(4):

for f in a:


Jeremy Sanders

Re: stripping the first byte from a binary file

2007-07-10 Thread Jeremy Sanders
rvr wrote:

 Would someone mind showing me how to strip the first byte from a
 binary file? For some reason I can't figure this out from the binary
 file editing examples I've read. Thanks.

Do you mean something like this?

f = open('test.dat', 'rb')  # read 1st byte and ignore it
rest =  # read rest


data =
data = data[1:] # skip 1st byte


Jeremy Sanders

Re: Matrix Multiplication

2007-06-19 Thread Jeremy Sanders
sturlamolden wrote:

 That's what I wrote: NumPy has a matrix type. It is called called
 I did not suggest using the array type numpy.array.
 Reading carefully is indeed important...

I know what you wrote and you are strictly correct. I was just clarifying it
for a reader who may not have instantly realised that there were multiple
array types in numpy (I didn't for a while), and could have wasted many
hours and been discouraged.

Explaining clearly is indeed important.

Jeremy Sanders

Re: Matrix Multiplication

2007-06-18 Thread Jeremy Sanders
sturlamolden wrote:

 Use numpy:
 NumPy has a matrix type that overloads the * operator.

Just a tiny followup, which may be important unless you carefully read the
documentation. The * operator doesn't do matrix multiplication for normal
numpy arrays - you do need to use its special matrix type to get this. You
can use the dot function to get matrix multiplication with its normal


Jeremy Sanders

ANN: Veusz-0.99.0 - a scientific plotting package

2007-05-24 Thread Jeremy Sanders
I am pleased to announce a new beta of a largely rewritten Veusz plotting
package. This now uses Qt4 and numpy, adding support for Windows. Windows
and Linux binaries are provided. For details see below:

Veusz 0.99.0 (new Qt4/numpy beta)

Velvet Ember Under Sky Zenith

Veusz is Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Jeremy Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Licenced under the GPL (version 2 or greater).

Veusz is a scientific plotting package written in Python, using PyQt4
for display and user-interfaces, and numpy for handling the numeric
data. Veusz is designed to produce publication-ready Postscript/PDF
output. The user interface aims to be simple, consistent and powerful.

Veusz provides a GUI, command line, embedding and scripting interface
(based on Python) to its plotting facilities. It also allows for
manipulation and editing of datasets.

Changes from 0.10:
 This is the first release of a much rewritten version of Veusz
 It has been updated to run under Qt4 and numpy, and now supports Windows
 The user interface is also signficantly easier to use

 Other useful features include:
  * Colorbars for images (better color scaling for images too)
  * Grids of graphs with different sized subgraphs
  * Much better import dialog 
  * Antialiased screen output
  * Native PNG and PDF export
  * Separate formatting/properties dialog
  * Handling of INF/NaN in input data
  * Transparency of graphs (not for EPS output)
 Plus many more useful changes (see ChangeLog)

Features of package:
 * X-Y plots (with errorbars)
 * Line and function plots
 * Contour plots
 * Images (with colour mappings and colorbars)
 * Stepped plots (for histograms)
 * Fitting functions to data
 * Stacked plots and arrays of plots
 * Plot keys
 * Plot labels
 * LaTeX-like formatting for text
 * EPS/PDF/PNG export
 * Scripting interface
 * Dataset creation/manipulation
 * Embed Veusz within other programs
 * Text, CSV and FITS importing

 Python (2.3 or greater required)
 Qt = 4.1 (free edition)  
 PyQt = 4.1 (SIP is required to be installed first)
 numpy = 1.0
 Microsoft Core Fonts (recommended for nice output)
 PyFITS = 1.1rc3 (optional for FITS import)

For documentation on using Veusz, see the Documents directory. The
manual is in pdf, html and text format (generated from docbook).

 * This is a new beta, so there are likely to be a number of bugs, even
   though it has been used by a couple of people for some time.
 * Can be very slow to plot large datasets if antialiasing is enabled.
   Right click on graph and disable antialias to speed up output.
 * Some older versions of Qt (4.2.2) can produce very large postscript
   output and random crashes. This may not be completely resolved
   (especially on windows).
 * The embedding interface appears to crash on exiting.

If you enjoy using Veusz, I would love to hear from you. Please join
the mailing lists at

to discuss new features or if you'd like to contribute code. The
latest code can always be found in the SVN repository.

Jeremy Sanders

Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: Veusz-0.99.0 - a scientific plotting package

2007-05-24 Thread Jeremy Sanders
I am pleased to announce a new beta of a largely rewritten Veusz plotting
package. This now uses Qt4 and numpy, adding support for Windows. Windows
and Linux binaries are provided. For details see below:

Veusz 0.99.0 (new Qt4/numpy beta)

Velvet Ember Under Sky Zenith

Veusz is Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Jeremy Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Licenced under the GPL (version 2 or greater).

Veusz is a scientific plotting package written in Python, using PyQt4
for display and user-interfaces, and numpy for handling the numeric
data. Veusz is designed to produce publication-ready Postscript/PDF
output. The user interface aims to be simple, consistent and powerful.

Veusz provides a GUI, command line, embedding and scripting interface
(based on Python) to its plotting facilities. It also allows for
manipulation and editing of datasets.

Changes from 0.10:
 This is the first release of a much rewritten version of Veusz
 It has been updated to run under Qt4 and numpy, and now supports Windows
 The user interface is also signficantly easier to use

 Other useful features include:
  * Colorbars for images (better color scaling for images too)
  * Grids of graphs with different sized subgraphs
  * Much better import dialog 
  * Antialiased screen output
  * Native PNG and PDF export
  * Separate formatting/properties dialog
  * Handling of INF/NaN in input data
  * Transparency of graphs (not for EPS output)
 Plus many more useful changes (see ChangeLog)

Features of package:
 * X-Y plots (with errorbars)
 * Line and function plots
 * Contour plots
 * Images (with colour mappings and colorbars)
 * Stepped plots (for histograms)
 * Fitting functions to data
 * Stacked plots and arrays of plots
 * Plot keys
 * Plot labels
 * LaTeX-like formatting for text
 * EPS/PDF/PNG export
 * Scripting interface
 * Dataset creation/manipulation
 * Embed Veusz within other programs
 * Text, CSV and FITS importing

 Python (2.3 or greater required)
 Qt = 4.1 (free edition)  
 PyQt = 4.1 (SIP is required to be installed first)
 numpy = 1.0
 Microsoft Core Fonts (recommended for nice output)
 PyFITS = 1.1rc3 (optional for FITS import)

For documentation on using Veusz, see the Documents directory. The
manual is in pdf, html and text format (generated from docbook).

 * This is a new beta, so there are likely to be a number of bugs, even
   though it has been used by a couple of people for some time.
 * Can be very slow to plot large datasets if antialiasing is enabled.
   Right click on graph and disable antialias to speed up output.
 * Some older versions of Qt (4.2.2) can produce very large postscript
   output and random crashes. This may not be completely resolved
   (especially on windows).
 * The embedding interface appears to crash on exiting.

If you enjoy using Veusz, I would love to hear from you. Please join
the mailing lists at

to discuss new features or if you'd like to contribute code. The
latest code can always be found in the SVN repository.

Jeremy Sanders


Re: Python Screen Scraper

2007-04-24 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Michael Bentley wrote:
 Possibly the easiest thing will be to read from firefox' cache.
 Otherwise I think your only real options are to either build a proxy
 or sniff the wire...

Maybe another way would be to write a firefox addon/plugin. I believe python
is now supported...

Jeremy Sanders

Re: Beginner: Formatting text output (PyQt4)

2007-04-19 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Glen wrote:

 What seems to be happening is that the font that pyqt is using is not
 fixed width, so I did this:
 qTxtFormat = QTextCharFormat()

Does something like ui.textEdit.setCurrentFont(QFont('fixed')) work? It
seems to work for me if you use plain text.

Tabs or html/rich text formatting should be a better way to get the layout
(or just use a table).


Jeremy Sanders

Re: Console UI

2007-04-09 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Clement wrote:

 My project is based on console Application. Is there any console UI
 except urwid. If so, can i come to know.

You might try pytvision, , which are
python bindings for a  of the old borland turbovision environment (see ). I haven't used these, but I fondly
remember turbovision from my Turbo Pascal/Turbo C++ days. I think it is
still a good text based GUI.


Jeremy Sanders

Re: Database in memory

2007-04-09 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Jim wrote:

 I have an application that will maintain an in-memory database in the
 form of a list of lists.  Does anyone know of a way to search for and
 retreive records from such a structure?

The dictionary is the obvious way to index things:

# items consist of name and age
data = [
 ['fred', 42],
 ['jim', 16], ...

name_index = {}
for item in data:
 name_index[item[0]] = item

['fred', 42]

Dictionaries are one of the most useful things in Python. Make sure you know
how to take adavantage of them...


Jeremy Sanders

Re: Managing a file buffer

2007-04-09 Thread Jeremy Sanders
David Johnson wrote:

 I have an application that reads video from a socket and saves it to a
 file, which I then play using GStreamer. The major problem with this
 approach is that the file keeps getting bigger and bigger until the disk
 is full ;-)
 What I'd like to do is have a buffer, say 5MB in size, which I can point
 GStreamer at. So every time I write 60K to the tail of the file, I'd need
 to remove 60K from the head of the file.

A named pipe may be useful to you, depending on your buffering requirements,
and assuming gstreamer can play from one.


You can create a named pipe from python.


Jeremy Sanders

Re: Watching a file another app is writing

2007-03-12 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Gordon Airporte wrote:

 I'm trying to find a way to take a file that another program has opened
 and writes to periodically, open it simultaneously in Python, and
 automatically update some of my objects in Python when the file is
 written to.
 I can open the file and manually readlines() from it to keep up to date,
 it's the automatic part I'm having trouble with. This is on Windows.

It occurs to me under Unix you could perhaps get your first program to write
to a named pipe, which you 2nd program could read from. See


Jeremy Sanders

Re: PyQt4 strangeness

2007-01-23 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Tina I wrote:

 self.connect(self.ui.testButton, QtCore.SIGNAL(clicked()),
 Anyone know why this is? Or am I missing something very basic here? (I'm
 still very much a noob I guess)

If you want to import both you can do something like:

import PyQt4.Qt as Qt

which imports QtCore and QtGui


Jeremy Sanders

Re: when format strings attack

2007-01-19 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 os.system('dir -l %s' % 'text.txt')
 Now, there is a security risk: you might set command1 yourself, and
 allow the user to set args. If command1 is an external application
 with a security hole, and the user provides arguments that trigger that
 bug, then naturally your application will inherit whatever security
 vulnerabilities the external application suffers from. No surprises there.

There are also big risks like this

filename = 'foo; rm importantfile'
cmd = 'ls %s' % filename


Jeremy Sanders

Re: maximum number of threads

2007-01-10 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:

 Indeed you are correct.  The actual limit you are hitting is the size
 of your address space.  Each thread is allocated 8MB of stack.  382
 threads consumes about 3GB of address space.  Even though most of this
 memory isn't actually allocated, the address space is still used up.  So,
 when you try to create the 383rd thread, the kernel can't find anyplace
 to put its stack.  So you can't create it.

Interesting. That's why I can get over 3000 on my x86-64 machine... Much
more address space.

Jeremy Sanders

RE: How to read the directory which the actively running python file islocated in?

2006-12-01 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Michael Malinowski wrote:

 Nevermind, I got it using the sys.argv[0]

That doesn't always work, as on unix the path isn't prepended onto
sys.argv[0] necessarily.

import os.path

may be better.

Jeremy Sanders

Re: PyQt app in seperate thread

2006-11-23 Thread Jeremy Sanders
anders wrote:

 OK I see that now. Thanks for pointing that out. So basically, I can't
 do what I want at all. That's a bit of a pain. Is there no way of
 tricking Qt into thinking I'm running it in the main thread?

I have an app which runs Qt in a separate thread and allows the user to send
it python commands from the main thread. Have a look at this code to see
how it works:


Jeremy Sanders

Re: Programmatically finding significant data points

2006-11-14 Thread Jeremy Sanders
erikcw wrote:

 I have a collection of ordered numerical data in a list.  The numbers
 when plotted on a line chart make a low-high-low-high-high-low (random)
 pattern.  I need an algorithm to extract the significant high and low
 points from this data.
 How do I sort through this data and pull out these points of

Get a book on statistics. One idea is as follows. If you expect the points
to be centred around a single value, you can calculate the median or mean
of the points, calculate their standard deviation (aka spread), and remove
points which are more than N-times the standard deviation from the median.


Jeremy Sanders

Re: How to choose the right GUI toolkit ?

2006-11-10 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Dan Lenski wrote:

 My apologies!  I'm glad to be corrected on this.  There are Cygwin
 packages for Qt as well, but I have heard about enough bugs to think I
 should avoid Qt.  I have used enough Gtk apps that run flawlessly under
 Windows to have my hopes that it works well.

You normally use PyQt/Qt on Windows without Cygwin. There are very few bugs
and lots of professional companies base their products on Qt Windows.

Jeremy Sanders

Re: How to choose the right GUI toolkit ?

2006-11-09 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Dan Lenski wrote:

 Nick and John S., thank you for the tip on wxPython!  I'll look into it
 for my next project.  I too would avoid Qt, not because of the GPL but
 simply because I don't use KDE under Linux and because Qt is not well
 supported under Cygwin or on native Windows.  I too like to learn from
 actual printed books, so I'll check this one out.  O'Reilly should do a
 book on Python GUI stuff!

PyQt is well supported under native Windows. Qt-4 is now GPLd for Windows
too. I'd highly recommend it.


Jeremy Sanders

Re: Plot pkg - Multiple Y axes?

2006-11-07 Thread Jeremy Sanders
monkeyboy wrote:

 I'm searching for a plotting package that will allow multiple y axes of
 different scales. For example I'd like to overlay 4 or 5 time series
 with each series having a separate axis. Does anyone know of such a

My package veusz allows that...

You can have any number of y-axes, see

The PyQt4 version is coming along nicely too...


Jeremy Sanders

Python 123 introduction

2006-10-30 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Here is a brief simple introduction to Python I wrote for a computing course
for graduate astronomers. It assumes some programming experience. Although
it is not a complete guide, I believe this could be a useful document for
other groups to learn Python, so I'm making it available for others to
download, and modify for their own needs (some of the content is site

HTML version:
Postscript LaTeX output:
PDF LaTeX output:
LaTeX source:


Jeremy Sanders

Re: Python 123 introduction

2006-10-30 Thread Jeremy Sanders

 This is great! A excellent tutorial for somone who has prior experience
 in programming and is starting out in python. My friend keeps wanting
 me to teach him python, I think this would be the perfect link for him.

I'm glad you think it is useful. It needs a bit of cleaning up as it assumes
things such as python being in /usr/local/bin... I may try to improve this


Jeremy Sanders

Re: Python 123 introduction

2006-10-30 Thread Jeremy Sanders

 I'm not trying to minimize Jeremy's efforts in any way, but how is his
 tutorial a significant improvement over the original

It's not intended as a replacement, but what I wanted to do was write a
quick 2 hour course for people to work through. It overlaps quite a bit
with the tutorial, but I tried to minimise any detail.

I just publicised it in case anybody wanted something similar.


Jeremy Sanders

Re: Best way to handle large lists?

2006-10-03 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Chaz Ginger wrote:

 What would sets do for me over lists?

It's faster to tell whether something is in a set or dict than in a list
(for some minimum size).


Jeremy Sanders

Re: Best way to handle large lists?

2006-10-03 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Jeremy Sanders wrote:

 Chaz Ginger wrote:
 What would sets do for me over lists?
 It's faster to tell whether something is in a set or dict than in a list
 (for some minimum size).

As a footnote, this program

import random
num = 10

a = set( range(num) )
for i in range(10):
x = random.randint(0, num-1) in a

completes in less than a second, whereas

import random
num = 10

a = range(num)
for i in range(10):
x = random.randint(0, num-1) in a

takes a long time on my computer.


Jeremy Sanders

Re: Writing 2d array in an ascci file

2006-09-28 Thread Jeremy Sanders

 I want to write an 2d array in an ascii file using numpy. There's the -
 tofile / fromfile - function but it doesn't work with nd array.

Is this good enough?

x = numpy.zeros( (10, 10) )
f = open('out.txt', 'w')
print f, str(x).replace('[',' ').replace(']', ' ')


Jeremy Sanders

Re: Is it possible to save a running program and reload next time ?

2006-09-21 Thread Jeremy Sanders

 I have a program which will continue to run for several days. When it is
 running, I can't do anything except waiting because it takes over most
 of the CUP time.
 Is it possible that the program can save all running data to a file when
 I want it to stop, and can reload the data and continue to run from
 where it stops when the computer is free ?

For Linux (and other Unix like OSs), there are several checkpointing
libraries available which allow programs to be saved to disk, and restarted

If the other suggestions people have given to you (STOPping and CONTinuing
processes), or sleep statements, or saving state, don't work investigate


These programs have limitations on what can be restored (e.g. threads,
shared memory, network connections...). I don't know which ones work with

Jeremy Sanders

Re: naming objects from string

2006-09-21 Thread Jeremy Sanders
manstey wrote:

 so they might provide a list of names, like 'bob','john','pete', with 3
 structures per name, such as 'apple','orange','red' and I need 9 tuples
 in my code to store their data:

I really think you should be using dictionaries here. You don't want to be
messing around creating random variables in the local or global namespace.

For instance

myvals = {}
myvals['bob'] = {}
myvals['pete'] = {}
myvals['bob']['apple'] = (1,2,3,4)
myvals['bob']['orange'] = (2,3,4)
myvals['pete']['red'] = (4,5,6,7)

and so on

{'pete': {'red': (4, 5, 6, 7)}, 'bob': {'orange': (2, 3, 4), 'apple': (1, 2,

Jeremy Sanders

Re: Force sleep to ignore interrupts

2006-09-14 Thread Jeremy Sanders

 It works as I want when used in the main application thread.
 That is, when you hit Ctr + C, it stops running.  However, if
 the class that subclasses it, also subclasses Thread, it breaks
 in that hitting Ctrl + C interrupts the call to sleep which puts
 the event loop out of sync with real time.

Maybe you could install a signal handler to ignore ctrl+c, when required

import signal
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)

Jeremy Sanders

Re: ntp in python

2006-08-30 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Janto Dreijer wrote:

 Maybe I'd be better off writing my own implementation that synchronises
 the two pc clocks. Any hints? :-)

I think you might read up on how ntp synchronises clocks (their website is
very thorough), and use their algorithm. It is supposed to be very robust
algorithm. I saw something about ntp on the twisted mailing list, so you
could ask there.


Jeremy Sanders

Re: ntp in python

2006-08-29 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Janto Dreijer wrote:

 I want to measure the packet delivery delays over various network
 links. For this I need to synchronise the times of the sender and
 receiver, either against NTP or eachother.

Couldn't you just use NTP itself to get the delivery delay? You can read the
delay out from the ntpdc console using dmpeers, or lopeers in ntpq. You
could have two peers either side of the link and measure the delay from

You may also be able to query remote ntp servers to get their delays to
their peers.


Jeremy Sanders

Re: Python and STL efficiency

2006-08-22 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Mc Osten wrote:

 Here some results (I know that the fpoint optimizations are useless...
 it's is my prebuilt full optimization macro :) ):

Interesting. The opimisation makes no difference to the speed of the C++ one
for me. I just get

xpc17:~ g++4 -O2 test2.cpp
xpc17:~ ./a.out
What do you know?
chicken crosses road
so long...
What do you know?
chicken crosses road
so long...
Elapsed 2.11
Elapsed 1.11

(This is with an Althon 64 4600+ running Linux).

Unfortunately the Python on this computer doesn't have set as it is too old,
so I can't compare it.

Jeremy Sanders

Re: Small Troll on notation of variables over time

2006-08-21 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:

 What do you guys think?

You could get something similar using an object, such as

class Hist(object):

def __init__(self):
self.vals = [None]

def __call__(self, index=-1):
return self.vals[index]

def set(self, val):

a = Hist()

print a()

a.set('hi there')
print a()
print a(-2)

Which prints
hi there

Jeremy Sanders

Re: Python and STL efficiency

2006-08-21 Thread Jeremy Sanders
Licheng Fang wrote:

 I was using and IDLE, respectively. I had expected C++ to be
 way faster. However, while the python code gave the result almost
 instantly, the C++ code took several seconds to run! Can somebody
 explain this to me? Or is there something wrong with my code?

It must be the debugging, the compiler or a poor STL implementation. With
gcc 4 it runs instantly on my computer (using -O2), even with 10x the
number of values.

If the problem is that C++ has to make lots of new strings, as other posters
have suggested, then you could do something like

const string foo = What do you know?;

for (long int i=0; i1 ; ++i){

as many C++ implementations use reference counting for identical strings.


Jeremy Sanders

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