Re: how to install all python plugins

2010-07-15 Thread Johan Grönqvist

2010-07-15 18:18, Daniel Fetchinson skrev:

If you mean all python packages that are available through the package
manager of ubuntu, then you'll need to search the entire list of
available packages using ubuntu's package manager, pick out the ones
that have 'python' in their names (presumably, this is how it works on
fedora) and install them using the above mentioned package manager

To install all packages whose names start with python- in ubuntu:

apt-get install python-* (as root, or prepended with sudo)

/ johan


Re: Plot problem.. ?? No sign at all

2010-07-15 Thread Johan Grönqvist

Hi Ritchy,

This is the first time I am doing this, but it's a standard response 
given on lists like this.

2010-07-13 18:17, Ritchy lelis skrev:

This is how looks like the flash residue transference function that i
was talking about...

I'm suposed to obtain a figure like that in my plot.

From the hints you have been given, and your answers to those hints, my 
conclusion is that the issue is not with the programming, but with your 
understanding of the problem.

I get the feeling you do not understand what you are trying to do, and 
therefore our programming hints do not help you.

Based on the we will not do your homework-principle, I will therefore 
not read up on your theory, and therefore not produce your plot for you. 
That will not change until you show better understanding for the plot 
you are trying to generate.




Re: Plot problem.. ?? No sign at all

2010-07-11 Thread Johan Grönqvist

2010-07-11 02:12, Ritchy lelis skrev:

On 7 jul, 08:38, Johan Grö  wrote:

About the plot draw it's a curve that it's a set of points wich it's
the result of the comput of the Vref and Vi together. I don't know if
i had to make a break instruction (like in other's languages) after
the If instructions if i want the else-condition to be executed? ...
(do you have some sujestions?)

I would have expected a code structure similar to this:

(NOTE: This is a very inefficient solution, and not the one suggested 
earlier, but it is closer to the code snippet you posted originally, and 
it does produce a plot.)

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Vref = np.linspace(1,20, 100)
Vi = np.linspace(1,10,100)

for ref in Vref: # Loop over Vref and Vi
for i in Vi:
if  i  ref/4: # Compute V0
V0 = 2*i-ref
elif (-ref/4) = ref and ref = ref/4:
V0 = 2*i
elif i  -ref/4:
V0 = 2*i+ref
plt.plot(i, V0, .) # Plot one single point at x = i, y = V0 # Display the plot in a window

Anyway i have a picture of a tuturial that i found but in this forum i
can't post it. That pic would show what a really want...

Can you give a link?

Relatively to the axis, the Vi takes the x-axis and the Vref takes the

To me this sound like you want to make a 3D-plot, as there is the 
x-axis, the y-axis, and V0. Is this correct? Is V0 on a z-axis?

As i said, i have a good 2 pic of a doc that has the information about
this ADC that i'm developing.

I looked on wikipedia, and saw some 
figures. Is any of those similar to what you look for?

I see that they have (Vi - Vref) on the x-axis, and the computed value 
on the y-axis.




Re: Plot problem.. ?? No sign at all

2010-07-07 Thread Johan Grönqvist

2010-07-06 19:18, Ritchy lelis skrev:

On 6 jul, 17:29, Alan G  wrote:

Unfortunately I cannot make sense of the code you posted.
Provide a detailed description in words (or psuedocode)
of what you are trying to accomplish.  Be very careful
and detailed is you want a useful response.

Alan Isaac


ok, i will try to make that detailed description.

I can tell you why I do not understand from your posted code what you 
are trying to do.

Firstly, I do not understand if you are trying to plot a surface, a set 
of curves, or a curve, or just a set of points? In your posted code, the 
plot command is part of the else clause, and my guess is that you never 
intend the else-clause to be executed at all.

In your code snippet you loop over two arrays (Vi and Vref), compute a 
scalar value V0, and all plot-commands you issue are of the form 
plot(V0). This will probably draw a line of one point (for each value in 
Vi and Vref), which may not be what you want, and if it draws anything 
at all, then all points will be drawn at the same x-value, which is also 
probably not what you want.

Secondly, how are the Vi and Vref related to your axes? I assume you 
want to plot all values you compute for V0, but as a function of what? 
When I use the plot command, I usually give it (at least) two arguments, 
where the first is the x-axis, and the second is the y-axis.

After I have understood those things, the next question would be about 
the maths relating the Vi and Vref values to the V0 values, but I do not 
think I will understand those until after the above points are explained 

I definitely think your english is not a problem here.



Re: python as pen and paper substitute

2010-04-06 Thread Johan Grönqvist

Manuel Graune skrev:

To clarify, I just start an editor, write a file that
might look something like this:

a = 1
b = 2
c = 3
result = a + b

print(result =\t, result)
print(result + c =\t, result + c)

and feed this to python.

I do not understand your use-case, but as one way of performing the same 
task as the above code, without sacrificing syntax-highlighting, I would 

from __future__ import with_statement
import sys

def print_source():
print sys.argv
with open(sys.argv[0]) as file:
for line in file:
print line,

a = 1
b = 2
c = 3
result = a + b

print(result =\t, result)
print(result + c =\t, result + c)

Does that help towards a solution of your problem?

/ johan


Re: python as pen and paper substitute

2010-04-06 Thread Johan Grönqvist

Manuel Graune skrev:

Thanks for your reply.

The output should  1) show manually selected python code and comments
(whatever I think is important), 2) show selected results (final and
intermediate) and 3) *not* show python code that for someone only
interested in the calculation and the results (and probably not
knowing python) would just be noise (e. g. import-statements,
actual print()-functions, etc.). 

Here is my second attempt. This version introduces what I might 
optimistically call a very simple markup language in the code.
Printing of source can selectively be turned on and off by inserting 
lines beginning with ## Ignore or ## Show into the source file.

## Ignore
from __future__ import with_statement
import sys

def print_selected_source():
is_printing = True
with open(sys.argv[0]) as file:
for line in file:
if line.startswith(## Ignore):
is_printing = False
elif line.startswith(## Show):
is_printing = True
elif is_printing:
print line,

## Show
a = 1
b = 2
c = 3
result = a + b

## Ignore
print(result =\t, result)
print(result + c =\t, result + c)

Is this getting closer?

/ johan


Re: python as pen and paper substitute

2010-04-06 Thread Johan Grönqvist

Manuel Graune skrev:

Manuel Graune writes:

Just as an additional example, let's assume I'd want to add the area of
to circles.
which can be explained to anyone who knows
basic math and is not at all interested in

Third attempt. The markup now includes tagging of different parts of the 
code, and printing parts of the source based on a tag.

(Sorry about the mixture of python 2.X and python 3.X print statements, 
I use 2.5)

## Ignore
from __future__ import with_statement
import sys

def print_selected_source(tag = ):
is_printing = True
with open(sys.argv[0]) as file:
for line in file:
if line.startswith(## Ignore):
is_printing = False
elif line.startswith(## Show) and tag in line:
is_printing = True
elif is_printing:
print line,

from math import pi as PI

## Show Code1
d1= 3.0
A1= d1**2 * PI / 4.0

## Ignore
print_selected_source(tag = Code1)
print (Area of Circle 1:\t, A1)

## Show Code2
d2= 5.0
A2= d2**2 * PI / 4.0

## Ignore
print_selected_source(tag = Code2)
print (Area of Circle 2:\t, A2)

Sum_Of_Areas= A1 + A2
print (Sum of areas:\t, Sum_Of_Areas)

/ johan


Re: pylab/matplotlib large plot memory management - bug? or tuning parameter needed?

2009-10-20 Thread Johan Grönqvist

bdb112 skrev:


It is not straightforward to avoid memory leaks/consumption in pylab.
If we define
x = arange(1e6) # adjust size to make the increment visible, yet
fast enough to plot
# then repetition of
plot(x,hold=0)   # consumes increasing memory according to ubuntu
system monitor

I do not know what closing the window does, but in my programs, running 
on debian and opensuse, I found that explicitly calling close() solved 
my memory leaks with matplotlib.

3/ Are there python/matplotlib memory management tuning parameters I
can tweak?

You could try to import gc, and then call gc.collect() after each call 
to close().

docs at:

Hope it helps

/ johan


Re: Creating a local variable scope.

2009-09-18 Thread Johan Grönqvist

Thanks for all replies.

First, two general comments, and then my conclusions:

I did not intend to ask for new features, but my interest was in writing 
readable code that works in python 2.5, although I may upgrade to 2.6 soon.

Also, what I gave was intended as a minimal example, and not a complete 
use case.

Summarizing the answers, it seems that I will try to follow three 

1) In general, try to restructure the code into smaller modules and 
smaller functions.

2) When using many local variables bindings to create one larger object, 
define an inner function that hides those bindings.

3) If I define a few values intended to be used very locally, delete 
those after use.

Thanks again,



Re: Shebang line problems and python

2009-09-17 Thread Johan Grönqvist

Blaine skrev:

I'm not sure if there is a Ctrl+Z in here... but, here's the output:
bla...@attila ~/tmp $ hexdump shebang-test
000 2123 752f 7273 622f 6e69 702f 7479 6f68
010 0a6e 6d69 6f70 7472 7320 7379 730a 7379
020 732e 6474 756f 2e74 7277 7469 2865 4822
030 6c65 6f6c 202c 6f77 6c72 2e64 6e5c 2922
040 000a

You can perhaps use hexdump -c shebang-test
to get characters instead of hexadecimals.

/ johan


Creating a local variable scope.

2009-09-11 Thread Johan Grönqvist

Hi All,

I find several places in my code where I would like to have a variable
scope that is smaller than the enclosing function/class/module definition.

One representative example would look like:

spam = { ... }
eggs = { ... }

ham = (a[eggs], b[spam])

The essence is that for readability, I want spam and eggs in separate
definitions, but for clarity, I would like to express the fact that they
are local to the definition of ham, i.e., they are not used outside of
 the definition of ham.

The language reference at says that The
following are blocks: a module, a function body, and a class
definition. (all other cases seem to refer to dynamic execution using
eval() or similar). Python 3 and 2.6 seem to have identical scope rules.

In the other languages I have used I can either use braces (C and
descendants) or use let-bindings (SML, Haskell etc.) to form local scopes.

Are there suggestions or conventions to maximize readability for these
cases in python? (Execution time is not important in the cases I
currently consider.)


