Collaps arrays/ list of intergers

2014-08-19 Thread Jurgens de Bruin
Hi All,

I do hope somebody can help me with the following:
I have the followings lists which represent the upper and lower value of a 

a = [1,50]
b = [75,150]
c = [25,42]
d = [120,149]
e = [35,55]

What I would like to happen is that overlapping range will "collapse" to a 
single range meaning the above list would become:

as list a,c and e overlap they can be represented by
f = [1,55]
as list b and d overlap they can be represented by 
g = [75,150]

I have sort of got working solution using networkx and numpy and they work 
perfect for the above example the problem I have no is my true data set looks 
more like the following:

x = [135098,19854736]
y = [135098,41639553]
z = [11818998,12587339]

To give only three examples using networkx and numpy does not work as this 
results in memory error due to the ranges being so large.

I would appreciate any help with this.


Re: Please help with Threading

2013-06-02 Thread Jurgens de Bruin
On Saturday, 18 May 2013 10:58:13 UTC+2, Jurgens de Bruin  wrote:
> This is my first script where I want to use the python threading module. I 
> have a large dataset which is a list of dict this can be as much as 200 
> dictionaries in the list. The final goal is a  histogram for each dict 16 
> histograms on a page ( 4x4 ) - this already works. 
> What I currently do is a create a nested list [ [ {}  ], [ {} ] ] each inner 
> list contains 16 dictionaries, thus each inner list is a single page of 16 
> histograms. Iterating over the outer-list  and creating the graphs takes to 
> long. So I would like multiple inner-list to be processes simultaneously and 
> creating the graphs in "parallel". 
> I am trying to use the python threading for this. I create 4 threads loop 
> over the outer-list and send a inner-list to the thread. This seems to work 
> if my nested lists only contains 2 elements - thus less elements than 
> threads. Currently the scripts runs and then seems to get hung up. I monitor 
> the resource  on my mac and python starts off good using 80% and when the 
> 4-thread is created the CPU usages drops to 0%. 
> My thread creating is based on the following : 
> Any help would be create!!!

Thanks to all for the discussion/comments on threading, although I have not 
been commenting I have been following.  I have learnt a lot and I am still 
reading up on everything mentioned. Thanks again
Will see how I am going to solve my senario. 

Re: Please help with Threading

2013-05-18 Thread Jurgens de Bruin
I will post code - the entire scripts is 1000 lines of code - can I post the 
threading functions only?

Please help with Threading

2013-05-18 Thread Jurgens de Bruin
This is my first script where I want to use the python threading module. I have 
a large dataset which is a list of dict this can be as much as 200 dictionaries 
in the list. The final goal is a  histogram for each dict 16 histograms on a 
page ( 4x4 ) - this already works. 
What I currently do is a create a nested list [ [ {}  ], [ {} ] ] each inner 
list contains 16 dictionaries, thus each inner list is a single page of 16 
histograms. Iterating over the outer-list  and creating the graphs takes to 
long. So I would like multiple inner-list to be processes simultaneously and 
creating the graphs in "parallel". 
I am trying to use the python threading for this. I create 4 threads loop over 
the outer-list and send a inner-list to the thread. This seems to work if my 
nested lists only contains 2 elements - thus less elements than threads. 
Currently the scripts runs and then seems to get hung up. I monitor the 
resource  on my mac and python starts off good using 80% and when the 4-thread 
is created the CPU usages drops to 0%. 

My thread creating is based on the following :

Any help would be create!!!

Re: Compare tuples of different lenght

2011-08-20 Thread Jurgens de Bruin
On Aug 20, 12:17 pm, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
> Jurgens de Bruin wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have a list of tuples:
> > [(2,),(12,13),(2,3,4),(8,),(5,6),(7,8,9),]
> > I would like to compare all the tuples to each other and if one
> > element if found two tuples the smallest tuples is removed from the
> > list.
> It's not clear what you mean by "smallest" tuple. Is (8,) smaller than
> (7,8,9)?
> I'm going to guess you care only about the length of the tuple, and not the
> items themselves.
> Let's start with a couple of helper functions.
> def compare(t1, t2):
>     'Return -1 if t1 is "smaller" than t2, 0 if equal, and +1 if "bigger".'
>     if len(t1) < len(t2): return -1
>     elif len(t1) > len(t2): return 1
>     else: return 0
> def match_any_item(t1, t2):
>     try:
>         s1 = set(t1)
>         s2 = set(t2)
>         return bool(s1 & s2)
>     except TypeError:
>         # Can't convert to sets because at least one item is mutable.
>         # Let's do this the slow(?) way.
>         matched = [x for x in t1 if x in t2]
>         return bool(matched)
> list_of_tuples = [(2,),(12,13),(2,3,4),(8,),(5,6),(7,8,9),]
> flags = [True]*len(list_of_tuples)
> for i,t1 in enumerate(list_of_tuples):
>     for j in range(i+1, len(list_of_tuples)):
>         t2 = list_of_tuples[j]
>         if match_any_item(t1, t2):
>             n = compare(t1, t2)
>             if n == -1:
>                 # Flag t1 to be removed.
>                 flags[i] = False
>             elif n == 1:
>                 # Flag t2 to be removed.
>                 flags[j] = False
> saved_tuples = []
> for t,flag in zip(list_of_tuples, flags):
>     if flag: saved_tuples.append(t)
> This gives:
> >>> saved_tuples
> [(12, 13), (2, 3, 4), (5, 6), (7, 8, 9)]
> which matches what you wanted:
> > [(12,13),(2,3,4),(5,6),(7,8,9),]
> --
> Steven

Thanks Steven. This works great!!!

Appreciated very much!!!

Re: Compare tuples of different lenght

2011-08-20 Thread Jurgens de Bruin
On Aug 20, 10:45 am, Chris Rebert  wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 1:25 AM, Jurgens de Bruin  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have a list of tuples:
> > [(2,),(12,13),(2,3,4),(8,),(5,6),(7,8,9),]
> > I would like to compare all the tuples to each other and if one
> > element if found two tuples the smallest tuples is removed from the
> > list.
> So, would [(5,6), (6,7,8)] become [(6,7,8)] ?
> If no, then I believe you're trying to solve the set covering 
> problem:
> Cheers,
> Chris
> --

[(5,6), (6,7,8)] will indeed become [(6,7,8)]


Re: Compare tuples of different lenght

2011-08-20 Thread Jurgens de Bruin
On Aug 20, 10:45 am, Chris Rebert  wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 1:25 AM, Jurgens de Bruin  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have a list of tuples:
> > [(2,),(12,13),(2,3,4),(8,),(5,6),(7,8,9),]
> > I would like to compare all the tuples to each other and if one
> > element if found two tuples the smallest tuples is removed from the
> > list.
> So, would [(5,6), (6,7,8)] become [(6,7,8)] ?
> If no, then I believe you're trying to solve the set covering 
> problem:
> Cheers,
> Chris
> --

[(5,6), (6,7,8)] would become [(6,7,8)].

Thanks for the response


Compare tuples of different lenght

2011-08-20 Thread Jurgens de Bruin

I have a list of tuples:


I would like to compare all the tuples to each other and if one
element if found two tuples the smallest tuples is removed from the

example if tuple 1 and tuple 3 are compare it should find that a
single element in each are the same and tuple 1 should be removed
resulting in


the same for tuple 4 and 6 resulting in


is this possible as I am having no success.
