Re: YouTube showing repr() of a tuple

2007-04-02 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Paul Boddie wrote:
 On 2 Apr, 16:19, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Both fixed by the time I managed to follow the links.
 There wasn't much to see, and putting apostrophes into the input
 didn't seem to cause proper repr() behaviour. So I suspect that the
 Python resemblance was coincidental.

The apostrophes were being HTML-escaped (into #39;) before repr() was 
called. The second example I found used a Unicode character, and caused 
YouTube to show the repr() of a Unicode string, escape codes and all.

YouTube showing repr() of a tuple

2007-03-29 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Thought this might amuse some of you:

I'd heard that YouTube uses Python, but it's fun to see proof of that, 
even if it comes in the form of a minor bug.

Re: YouTube showing repr() of a tuple

2007-03-29 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Leif K-Brooks wrote:
 Thought this might amuse some of you:

Better example:

Re: No module named ...

2007-03-20 Thread Leif K-Brooks
gtb wrote:
 I was having trouble with the 'no module named' error message when
 trying to import and noticed that other successful imports were
 pulling from .py files that had the dot replaced with $ and .class
 appended to the name. Actually in one case it picked up a .pyc file
 then created a .class file.
 How do I create a .class file from my .py file so that functions can
 be imported.

Sounds like a Jython implementation detail, like CPython's .pyc files. 
Those files should presumably be created automatically the first time 
your module is imported. The problem importing your module is probably 
caused by something else, like an incorrect sys.path.

Re: dict.items() vs dict.iteritems and similar questions

2007-03-14 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Laurent Pointal wrote:
 Both work, you may prefer xrange/iteritems for iteration on large
 collections, you may prefer range/items when processing of the result
 value explicitly need a list (ex. calculate its length) or when you are
 going to manipulate the original container in the loop.

xrange actually supports len():


Re: Converting a list to a dictionary

2007-03-14 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Samuel wrote:
 This does not work:
 res_dict = dict([r.get_id(), r for r in res_list])

This does:

res_dict = dict([(r.get_id(), r) for r in res_list])

Re: UTF-8

2007-03-10 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Laurent Pointal wrote:
 You should prefer to put 
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 
 at the begining of your sources files. With that you are ok with all Python
 installations, whatever be the defautl encoding.
 Hope this will become mandatory in a future Python version.

The default encoding specifies how Unicode strings are implicitly 
converted into byte strings. The code you gave specifies how Unicode 
string literals in a file are encoded, which is something completely 

Re: How to Read Bytes from a file

2007-03-01 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Alex Martelli wrote:
 You should probaby prepare before the loop a mapping from char to number
 of 1 bits in that char:
 m = {}
 for c in range(256):
   m[c] = countones(c)

Wouldn't a list be more efficient?

m = [countones(c) for c in xrange(256)]

Re: Lists: Converting Double to Single

2007-02-26 Thread Leif K-Brooks
 So I have lists that look like this: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. When I
 concatenate lists, I end up with a list of lists that looks like
 this: [[1, 2, 3. 4, 5]. [6, 7. 8, 9. 10]].

   [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] + [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

 Then, I average the column values so I end up with a single list, but
 with two brackets on each end, for example, [[3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5,
 Unfortunately, when I try to use that last list in a NumPy function,
 I'm told that it cannot be broadcast to the correct shape. So, what I
 want to do is strip the extra brackes from each end to leave just
 [3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5].

l = l[0]


Re: About getattr()

2007-02-11 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Jm lists wrote:
 Since I can write the statement like:
 print os.path.isdir.__doc__
 Test whether a path is a directory
 Why do I still need the getattr() func as below?
 print getattr(os.path,isdir).__doc__
 Test whether a path is a directory

You don't. getattr() is only useful when the attribute name is 
determined at runtime.

Re: begin to parse a web page not entirely downloaded

2007-02-08 Thread Leif K-Brooks
k0mp wrote:
 Is there a way to retrieve a web page and before it is entirely
 downloaded, begin to test if a specific string is present and if yes
 stop the download ?
 I believe that urllib.openurl(url) will retrieve the whole page before
 the program goes to the next statement.

Use urllib.urlopen(), but call .read() with a smallish argument, e.g.:

  foo = urllib.urlopen('')
'htmlhead ... will return as soon as 512 bytes have been received. You 
can keep caling it until it returns an empty string, indicating that 
there's no more data to be read.

Re: begin to parse a web page not entirely downloaded

2007-02-08 Thread Leif K-Brooks
k0mp wrote:
 It seems to take more time when I use read(size) than just read.
 I think in both case urllib.openurl retrieve the whole page.

Google's home page is very small, so it's not really a great test of 
that. Here's a test downloading the first 512 bytes of an Ubuntu ISO 
(beware of wrap):

$ python -m timeit -n1 -r1 import urllib 
1 loops, best of 1: 596 msec per loop

Re: default mutable arguments

2007-02-08 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Gigs_ wrote:
 I read that this is not the same:
 def functionF(argString=abc, argList = None):
 if argList is None: argList = []  #  this
 def functionF(argString=abc, argList=None):
 argList = argList or []   # and this

If argList is a false value besides None (, [], {}, False, etc.), the 
second example will replace it with an empty list.

Re: def obj()

2007-02-08 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Gert Cuykens wrote:
 def obj():
return {'data':'hello',
 def add(v):
 if  __name__ == '__main__':
 I don't know why but i have one of does none class c programing style
 moods again. I was wondering if the following was possible without
 using a class ?

def obj():
 result = {'data': 'hello'}
 result['add'] = adder(result)
 return result

def adder(obj):
 def add(value):
 obj['data'] += value
 return add

if __name__ == '__main__':
 test = obj()
 print test['data']

Re: 'IF' Syntax For Alternative Conditions

2007-02-07 Thread Leif K-Brooks
   However, I cannot find, nor create by trial-and-error, the syntax for
 alternative conditions that are ORed; e.g.,
   if cond1 OR if cond2:

if cond1 or cond2:

Re: HTMLParser's start_tag method never called ?

2007-02-06 Thread Leif K-Brooks
ychaouche wrote:
 class ParseurHTML(HTMLParser):
 def __init__(self):
 def start_body(self,attrs):
 print this is my body

def start_tag(self, name, attrs):
 if name == 'body':
 print this is my body

Re: Convert from unicode chars to HTML entities

2007-01-28 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 I have a string containing Latin-1 characters:
 s = u© and many more...
 I want to convert it to HTML entities:
 result =
 copy; and many more...
 Decimal/hex escapes would be acceptable:
 #169; and many more...
 #xA9; and many more...

  s = u© and many more...
  s.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
'#169; and many more...'

Re: Random passwords generation (Python vs Perl) =)

2007-01-28 Thread Leif K-Brooks
NoName wrote:
 from random import choice
 import string
 print ''.join([choice(string.letters+string.digits) for i in 
 !!generate password once :(

So add a while true: line.

 who can write this smaller or without 'import'?

Why are those your goals?

Re: Convert from unicode chars to HTML entities

2007-01-28 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 A few issues:
 (1) It doesn't seem to be reversible:
 '#169; and many more...'.decode('latin-1')
 u'#169; and many more...'
 What should I do instead?

Unfortunately, there's nothing in the standard library that can do that, 
as far as I know. You'll have to write your own function. Here's one 
I've used before (partially stolen from code in Python patch #912410 
which was written by Aaron Swartz):

from htmlentitydefs import name2codepoint
import re

def _replace_entity(m):
 s =
 if s[0] == u'#':
 s = s[1:]
 if s[0] in u'xX':
 c = int(s[1:], 16)
 c = int(s)
 return unichr(c)
 except ValueError:
 return unichr(name2codepoint[s])
 except (ValueError, KeyError):

_entity_re = re.compile(r(#?[xX]?(?:[0-9a-fA-F]+|\w{1,8}));)
def unescape(s):
 return _entity_re.sub(_replace_entity, s)

 (2) Are XML entities guaranteed to be the same as HTML entities?

XML defines one entity which doesn't exist in HTML: apos;. But 
xmlcharrefreplace only generates numeric character references, and those 
should be the same between XML and HTML.

 (3) Is there a way to find out at runtime what encoders/decoders/error
 handlers are available, and what they do? 

 From what I remember, that's not possible because the codec system is 
designed so that functions taking names are registered instead of the 
names themselves. But all of the standard codecs are documented at, and all of 
the standard error handlers are documented at

Re: __getattr__ equivalent for a module

2007-01-15 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Maksim Kasimov wrote:
 so my question is: how to tune up a module get default attribute if we 
 try to get access to not actually exists attribute of a module?

You could wrap it in an object, but that's a bit of a hack.

import sys

class Foo(object):
 def __init__(self, wrapped):
 self.wrapped = wrapped

 def __getattr__(self, name):
 return getattr(self.wrapped, name)
 except AttributeError:
 return 'default'

sys.modules[__name__] = Foo(sys.modules[__name__])

Legally correct way of copying stdlib module?

2007-01-10 Thread Leif K-Brooks
I'm writing a package where I need to use the uuid module. 
Unfortunately, that module is only available in Python 2.5, and my 
package needs to be compatible with 2.4. I'm planning to copy it from 
Python 2.5's stdlib into my package, and import it like this:

 import uuid
except ImportError:
 from mypackage import _uuid as uuid

However, I'm concerned about how to do this in a legal way. is 
presumably released under the Python license, but the file itself 
includes no mention of this. Should I copy the Python license as a 
comment into my Do I need a copyright statement too (and if 
so, how do I know who owns the copyright to that particular module)?

Re: Colons, indentation and reformatting.

2007-01-09 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Paddy wrote:
 Thinking about it a little, it seems that a colon followed by
 non-indented code that has just been pasted in could also be used by a
 Python-aware editor as a flag to re-indent the pasted code.

How would it reindent this code?

if foo:
print Foo!
if bar:
print Bar!

Like this?

if foo:
 print Foo!
if bar:
 print Bar!

Or like this?

if foo:
 print Foo!
 if bar:
 print Bar!

Re: How to test if two strings point to the same file or directory?

2006-12-16 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Tim Chase wrote:
 Comparing file system paths as strings is very brittle.

 Why do you say that? Are you thinking of something like this?

 Or even

~ is interpreted as my home directory by the shell, but when it's used 
in a path, it has no special meaning. open('~/foo.txt') tries to open a 
file called foo.txt in a subdirectory of the current directory called '~'.

Re: YouTube written in Python

2006-12-12 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Terry Reedy wrote:
 In a thread on the PyDev list, Guido van Rossum today wrote:
 And I just found out (after everyone else probably :-) that YouTube is
 almost entirely written in Python. (And now I can rub shoulders with
 the developers since they're all Googlers now... :-)

Interesting. I wonder what they're using for a Web framework? Of course, 
sites that size generally use lots of custom stuff, but it would 
presumably be based on something.

Re: Question about unreasonable slowness

2006-11-16 Thread Leif K-Brooks
 i = 0
 while (i  20):
   i = i + 1

for i in xrange(20):

   (shellIn, shellOut) = os.popen4(/bin/sh -c ':')  # for testing, the
 spawned shell does nothing
   print 'next'
 #  for line in shellOut:
 #   print line
 On my system (AIX 5.1 if it matters, with Python 2.4.3), this simple
 loop spawning 20 subshells takes .75 sec.  Ok, that's reasonable.  Now,
 if I uncomment the two commented lines, which loop over the empty
 shellOut array, the progam now takes 11 secs.   That slowdown seems
 very hard to believe.  Why should it slow down so much?

The key fact here is that shellOut isn't an array; it's a living,
breathing file object. If you don't iterate over it, you can run all 20
shell processes in parallel if necessary; but if you do iterate over it,
   you're waiting for sh's stdout pipe to reach EOF, which effectively
means you can only run one process at a time.

On my system (OS X 10.4 with Python 2.5 installed), your code runs in
.187 secs with the loop commented out, and in .268 secs otherwise. But I
guess AIX's sh is slower than OS X's.

Re: Random image text generation?

2006-11-12 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 For a text only solution, consider putting up a natural language question
 such as:
 What is the third letter of 'national'?
 What is four plus two?
 How many eggs in a dozen?
 Fill in the blank: Mary had a little  its fleece was white as snow.
 Cat, Dog, Apple, Bird. One of those words is a fruit. Which one?

That wouldn't work as a true CAPTCHA (Completely Automated *Public* 
Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart), since making the list 
of questions and answers public would defeat its purpose.

Re: Random image text generation?

2006-11-12 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Ben Finney wrote:
 Leif K-Brooks [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 For a text only solution, consider putting up a natural language
 That wouldn't work as a true CAPTCHA (Completely Automated *Public*
 Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart), since making the
 list of questions and answers public would defeat its purpose.
 The Public part of a CAPTCHA is the algorithm. The data consumed and
 produced by the algorithm don't need to be publicly correlated -- and
 indeed shouldn't be, for exactly the reason you state.

When the CAPTCHA is based entirely on a fixed list of questions and 
answers, I think it's reasonable to treat that list as part of the 
algorithm, since the CAPTCHA couldn't function without it. Similarly, I 
think most people would consider an image-based CAPTCHA for which the 
algorithm but not the fonts were available to be non-public

Re: what is @param in docstrings?

2006-10-28 Thread Leif K-Brooks
 What does the @param mean?  It looks like something meant to be
 machine readable.  Alas, googling on @param doesn't work...  It looks
 at first like a decorator, but that doesn't make much sense.

It's Epydoc's Epytext markup:

Re: Sending Dictionary via Network

2006-10-25 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Frithiof Andreas Jensen wrote:
 mumebuhi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 The simplejson module is really cool and simple to use. This is great!
 JUST what I need for some configuration files!!
 Thanks for the link (die, configparse, dieee).

I would personally use YAML for configuration files instead of JSON, 
because it's more human-readable. But it's a matter of personal preference.

Re: The format of filename

2006-10-24 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Neil Cerutti wrote:
 Where can I find documentation of what Python accepts as the
 filename argument to the builtin function file?

Python will accept whatever the OS accepts.

 As an example, I'm aware (through osmosis?) that I can use '/' as
 a directory separator in filenames on both Unix and Dos. But
 where is this documented?

It's documented in the OS's documentation. It can be queried with os.sep 
and os.altsep.

Re: The format of filename

2006-10-24 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Neil Cerutti wrote:
 Is translation of '/' to '\\' a feature of Windows or Python?

It's a feature of Windows, but it isn't a translation. Both slashes are 
valid path separators on Windows; backslashes are just the canonical form.

Re: pretty basic instantiation question

2006-10-23 Thread Leif K-Brooks
 let's say i have a class, and i need to create a different number of
 instances (changes every time - and i can't know the number in advance) in
 a loop.
 a function receives the number of instances that are needed, and creates
 them like,

def create_instances(n):
 return [Myclass() for i in xrange(n)]

Re: How to get each pixel value from a picture file!

2006-10-23 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Lucas wrote:
 1)I just copy the tutorial to run print pix[44,55]. I really dont 
 know why they wrote that?!

What tutorial? Where does it say that?

Re: operator overloading + - / * = etc...

2006-10-10 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Paul Rubin wrote:
 The symbols on the left side of = signs are called variables even in
 Haskell, where they don't vary (you can't change the value of a
 variable once you have set it).

FWIW, that's the original, mathematical meaning of the word 'variable'. 
They _do_ vary, but only when you call the function with different 
arguments (which happens frequently in Haskell, which uses recursion in 
place of loops).

Re: A Universe Set

2006-10-04 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Jorgen Grahn wrote:
 - infinite xrange()s


Re: Looping over a list question

2006-10-03 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Tim Williams wrote:
 def myfunc(txt):
 ... print txt
 datafiles = ['1.txt','2.txt','3.txt','4.tst']
 null = [myfunc(i) for i in datafiles if '.txt' in i]

Ew. List comprehensions with side effects are very icky.

Re: Can't get around IndexError: list index out of range

2006-10-03 Thread Leif K-Brooks
 I'm trying to get this bit of code to work without triggering the
 import shutil, os, sys
 if sys.argv[1] != None:
 ver = sys.argv[1]
 ver = '2.14'

Catch it:

 ver = sys.argv[1]
except IndexError:
 ver = '2.14'

Re: How to find number of characters in a unicode string?

2006-09-29 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 Hmmm, for some reason
 returns 2.

Is len(unicodedata.normalize('NFC', uC\u0327)) what you want?

Re: Auto color selection PIL

2006-09-28 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Gabriel Genellina wrote:
 Try this. It first chooses 0, 1/2, then 1/4, 3/4, then */8...
 It's the best I could make if you don't know the number of colors 
 beforehand. If you *do* know how many colors, your previous response is OK.

Um, that's the same thing my second suggestion does:

   h = hues()

Your implementation is less terse than mine, though. And I suspect it 
runs faster, though I haven't checked that.

Re: Auto color selection PIL

2006-09-27 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Xiaolei wrote:
 I'm trying to plot some points in an image.  Each point has an
 associating type and I'd like to have different colors (preferrably of
 high contrast) for different types.  The number of types in the data
 file is unknown a priori.  Is there a way to do this at runtime?

How about:

from colorsys import hsv_to_rgb

def colors(n):
 incr = 1.0 / n
 hue = 0.0
 for i in xrange(n):
 r, g, b = hsv_to_rgb(hue, 1.0, 1.0)
 yield int(r*255), int(g*255), int(b*255)
 hue += incr

Re: Auto color selection PIL

2006-09-27 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Xiaolei wrote:
 I'm trying to plot some points in an image.  Each point has an
 associating type and I'd like to have different colors (preferrably of
 high contrast) for different types.  The number of types in the data
 file is unknown a priori.  Is there a way to do this at runtime?

If you don't know how many colors are needed even at run time, this code 
might be helpful. But it generates colors that look similar pretty 
quickly, so I wouldn't use it unless you have to. (Anyone know of a 
better algorithm for this?)

from itertools import count
from colorsys import hsv_to_rgb

def hues():
 yield 0.0
 for i in count():
 for j in xrange(2**i):
 yield (1.0 / 2**(i+1)) + ((1.0 / 2**i) * j)

def colors():
 for hue in hues():
 r, g, b = hsv_to_rgb(hue, 1.0, 1.0)
 yield int(r*255), int(g*255), int(b*255)

Re: unicode, bytes redux

2006-09-25 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Paul Rubin wrote:
 Duncan Booth explains why that doesn't work.  But I don't see any big
 problem with a byte count function that lets you specify an encoding:
  u = buf.decode('UTF-8')
  # ... later ...
  u.bytes('UTF-8') - 3
  u.bytes('UCS-4') - 4
 That avoids creating a new encoded string in memory, and for some
 encodings, avoids having to scan the unicode string to add up the

It requires a fairly large change to code and API for a relatively 
uncommon problem. How often do you need to know how many bytes an 
encoded Unicode string takes up without needing the encoded string itself?

Re: Reverse a String?

2006-09-23 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Gregory Piñero wrote:
 Is my mind playing tricks on me? I really remember being able to
 reverse a string as in:
 print text.reverse()

That method has never existed AFAIK. Maybe you're thinking of the 
reverse() method on lists?

In any case, the you can reverse strings in a couple of ways:


Re: Python programs always open source?

2006-09-18 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Ben Finney wrote:
 So long as you're not distributing some or all of Python itself, or a
 derivative work, the license for Python has no legal effect on what
 license you choose for your own work.

How many Python programs use nothing from the standard library?

Re: Python programs always open source?

2006-09-18 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Steve Holden wrote:
 Leif K-Brooks wrote:
 Ben Finney wrote:

 So long as you're not distributing some or all of Python itself, or a
 derivative work, the license for Python has no legal effect on what
 license you choose for your own work.

 How many Python programs use nothing from the standard library?
 That doesn't matter either. The required copyright statements are 
 included in the Python interpreter. There is no reason to fear 
 distributing Python as a part of either open source or proprietary 
 works, and Guido framed the original license to allow precisely such 
 uses. Later versions have retained the same spirit.

Yes, I know that. I was replying to Ben Finney's claim that in a 
hypothetical world where Python was licensed under the GPL, there would 
still be no restriction on distributing Python programs under a 
closed-source license.

Re: : collaborative Python documentation project

2006-09-16 Thread Leif K-Brooks
 I am a bit disapointed with the current Python online documentation. I
 have read many messages of people complaining about the documentation,
 it's lack of examples and the use of complicated sentences that you
 need to read 10 times before understanding what it means.
 That's why I have started a collaborative project to make a user
 contributed Python documentation. The wiki is online here:

I agree that Python's docs could use improvement, and I love the idea of 
using a Wiki for the purpose. But maybe MediaWiki would be a better 
choice of software? Dokuwiki's syntax looks foreign and a little bit 
intimidating to me, but Wikipedia has made pretty much everyone familiar 
with MediaWiki's syntax. Less syntax to learn lowers the cost of entry, 
which should lead to more contributors.

Re: function v. method

2006-07-18 Thread Leif K-Brooks
danielx wrote:
 This is still a little bit of magic, which gets me thinking again about
 the stuff I self-censored. Since the dot syntax does something special
 and unexpected in my case, why not use some more dot-magic to implement
 privates? Privates don't have to be entirely absent from Klass.__dict__
 (which would make Python not introspective); they can just be invisible
 when using the dot-syntax.

You can do this now, kind of:

  class Foo(object):
...  x = property()
...  def doStuffWithX(self):
...   self.__dict__['x'] = 123
...   print self.__dict__['x']
  bar = Foo()
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
AttributeError: unreadable attribute

If you're proposing that self.x and bar.x should give different results, 
then that's quite a bit more magic than property() and methods use. They 
both use the descriptor API; for more information on that, read

Re: range() is not the best way to check range?

2006-07-18 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Grant Edwards wrote:
 Using xrange as somebody else suggested is also insane.

Sorry about that, I somehow got the misguided notion that xrange defines 
its own __contains__, so that it would be about the same speed as using 
comparison operators directly. I figured the OP might have a better 
reason for wanting to use range() than his post mentioned -- perhaps the 
range to check was being passed from a function, and it would be easier 
to pass an object than a tuple of lower and upper bound -- but since 
xrange does looping for a membership test, my suggestion was indeed insane.

Re: range() is not the best way to check range?

2006-07-17 Thread Leif K-Brooks
 or is there an alternative use of range() or something similar that can
 be as fast?

You could use xrange:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python -m timeit -n1 1 in range(1)
1 loops, best of 3: 260 usec per loop
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python -m timeit -n1 1 in xrange(1)
1 loops, best of 3: 0.664 usec per loop


2006-05-31 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Brian wrote:
 I was wondering if anyone here on the group could point me in a
 direction that would expllaing how to use python to convert a tsv file
 to html.  I have been searching for a resource but have only seen
 information on dealing with converting csv to tsv.  Specifically I want
 to take the values and insert them into an html table.

import csv
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape

def tsv_to_html(input_file, output_file):
 for row in csv.reader(input_file, 'excel-tab'):
 for col in row:
 output_file.write('td%s/td' % escape(col))

Usage example:

  from cStringIO import StringIO
  input_file = StringIO('foo\tbar\tbaz\n'
...   'qux\tquux\tquux\n')
  output_file = StringIO()
  tsv_to_html(input_file, output_file)
  print output_file.getvalue()

Re: enumerate() question

2006-05-22 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Gregory Petrosyan wrote:
 I have a question for the developer[s] of enumerate(). Consider the
 following code:
 for x,y in coords(dots):
 print x, y
 When I want to iterate over enumerated sequence I expect this to work:
 for i,x,y in enumerate(coords(dots)):
 print i, x, y
 Unfortunately, it doesn't  =(  and I should use (IMHO) ugly
 for i,pair in enumerate(coords(dots)):
 print i, pair[0], pair[1]


for i, (x, y) in enumerate(coords(dots)):
 print i, x, y

 So, why enumerate() works this way and is there any chance of changing
 the behaviour?

Because enumerate has no way to distinguish between iterables you do and 
don't want unpacked. So, for example, this wouldn't work under your 

for index, string in [foo, bar, baz]:
 print String number %s is %s. % (index, string)

But this would:

for index, x, y, z in [foo, bar, baz]:
 print First character of string number %s is %s. % (index, x)

Re: which is better, string concatentation or substitution?

2006-05-08 Thread Leif K-Brooks
fuzzylollipop wrote:
 niether .join() is the fastest

Please quote what you're replying to.

No, it's the slowest:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python -m timeit 'p%s/p\n\n' % 'foobar'
100 loops, best of 3: 0.607 usec per loop
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python -m timeit 'p' + 'foobar' + '/p\n\n'
100 loops, best of 3: 0.38 usec per loop
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python -m timeit ''.join(['p', 'foobar', '/p\n\n'])
100 loops, best of 3: 0.817 usec per loop

Re: Multi-line lambda proposal.

2006-05-08 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Kaz Kylheku wrote:
 But suppose that the expression and the multi-line lambda body are
 reordered? That is to say, the expression is written normally, and the
 mlambda expressions in it serve as /markers/ indicating that body
 material follows. This results in the most Python-like solution.

I think your proposal is good, but it might be more easily understood if 
we gave names to the lambdas, so that they could be easily picked out in 
the source code. It could look something like this:

func(lambda foo):
 print Foo!

Come to think of it, maybe we could put the lambdas before the statement 
they're used in instead of in front of it. That could look something 
like this:

lambda foo:
 print Foo!
func(lambda foo)

Then again, it would probably be simpler to reuse an existing 
block-starting keyword for the purpose. Maybe something like this?

def foo():
 print Foo!

Re: which is better, string concatentation or substitution?

2006-05-07 Thread Leif K-Brooks
John Salerno wrote:
 My initial feeling is that concatenation might take longer than 

Doesn't look that way:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python -m timeit 'p%s/p\n\n' % 'foobar'
100 loops, best of 3: 0.6 usec per loop
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ python -m timeit 'p' + 'foobar' + '/p\n\n'
100 loops, best of 3: 0.358 usec per loop

 but that it is also easier to read:

I prefer string formatting for readability, but it's a matter of 
personal preference.

Re: scope of variables

2006-05-03 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Gary Wessle wrote:
 the example was an in-accuretlly representation of a the problem I am
 having. my apologies.
 a = []
 def prnt():
print len(a)
 function prnt at 0xb7dc21b4
 I expect to get 0 the length of list a

Python requires parenthesis to call a function.

   a = []
   def prnt():
  ... print len(a)
  function prnt at 0xb7dcad84

Re: modifying iterator value.

2006-04-26 Thread Leif K-Brooks
chun ping wang wrote:
 i want to modify an iterator value.
 for x in someList
x = 1

for index, value in enumerate(someList):
 someList[index] = 1

Re: Inexplicable behaviour of type 'function'

2006-04-23 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Fabiano Sidler wrote:
 Have a look to the following lines of code:
 --- snip ---
 class Foo: pass
 def bar(): pass = bar
 --- snap ---
 Why does 'bar.__get__(Foo) is' evaluate to False here? Did I
 misunderstand the descriptor protocol?

bar.__get__(None, Bar) is what you meant (the first argument is the 
object, not the type), but even then the result will be False, because 
the __get__ method on functions returns a different object each time 
it's called:

   class Foo(object):
  ... def bar(self):
  ... pass
  ... is

Re: How to determine if a line of python code is a continuation of the line above it

2006-04-09 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Sandra-24 wrote:
 I'm not sure how complex this is, I've been brainstorming a little, and
 I've come up with:

from tokenize import generate_tokens, NL, NEWLINE
from cStringIO import StringIO

def code_lines(source):
 Takes Python source code (as either a string or file-like
 object) and yields a tuple of (is_new_logical, code) for each
 physical line of code.

 if isinstance(source, basestring):
 source = StringIO(source)

 buffer = []
 new_logical = True

 for token_type, source, sloc, eloc, line in \
 if token_type == NL:
 yield new_logical, ''.join(buffer)
 buffer = []
 new_logical = False
 elif token_type == NEWLINE:
 yield new_logical, ''.join(buffer)
 buffer = []
 new_logical = True
 if buffer:
 yield new_logical, ''.join(buffer)

Re: how to convert string

2006-04-05 Thread Leif K-Brooks
 I want to print number 0 to 9 in one line like this
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
 if I do like this, it prints in different lines
 for i in xrange(10):
 print i

for i in xrange(10):
 print i,

 so i tried like this
 str = 
 for i in xrange(10):
 str = i +  
 print str
 but i want to know how convert int i to string.

s =  # Don't shadow the str builtin.
for i in xrange(10):
 s += str(i) +  
print s

Re: slicing the end of a string in a list

2006-03-02 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Ben Cartwright wrote:
 No, since the line variable is unused.  This:
   i = 0
   for line in switches:
   line = switches[i][:-1]
   i += 1
 Would be better written as:
   for i in range(len(switches)):
   switches[i] = switches[i][:-1]

This is better, IMHO:

for i, switch in enumerate(switches):
 switches[i] = switch[:-1]

Re: Proper class initialization

2006-03-01 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Steven Bethard wrote:
 class A(object):
 def _get_sum():
 return sum(xrange(10))
 sum = _get_sum()

What's wrong with sum = sum(xrange(10))?

Python shell interpreting delete key as tilde?

2006-01-20 Thread Leif K-Brooks
I'm running Python 2.3.5 and 2.4.1 under Debian Sarge. Instead of
deleting the character after the cursor, pressing my delete key in an
interactive Python window causes a system beep and inserts a tilde
character. This behavior occurs across all of the terminals I've tried
(xterm, Konsole, real Linux terminal), but does not occur when running
bash instead of python. Other Readline-provided functionality (moving
the cursor, history) seems to work fine.

The delete key was working fine in Python up until a few days ago, and I
don't remember making any changes that should have affected it.

If anyone knows what could be causing this problem, please explain. It's
driving me crazy!

Re: how to convert string like '\u5927' to unicode string u'\u5927'

2005-12-27 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Chris Song wrote:
 Here's my solution
 _unicodeRe = re.compile((\\\u[\da-f]{4}))
 def unisub(mo):
   return unichr(int([2:],16))
 unicodeStrFromNetwork = '\u5927'
 unicodeStrNative = _unicodeRe(unisub, unicodeStrFromNetwork)
 But I think there must be a more straightforward way to do it.


Re: OO in Python? ^^

2005-12-10 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Heiko Wundram wrote:
 Fredrik Lundh wrote:
Matthias Kaeppler wrote:
polymorphism seems to be missing in Python

 Let's have some UQOTW: the un-quote of the week! ;-)


Re: How to execute an EXE via os.system() with spaces in the directory name?

2005-12-04 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Leif K-Brooks wrote:
 It's perfectly reasonable behavior, and it also applies to Linux. The
 shell uses spaces to separate arguments; how do you expect it to know
 that you want a space to be part of the program's name unless you escape it?

I'm sorry, disregard my message. I failed to read the OP properly.

Re: How to execute an EXE via os.system() with spaces in the directory name?

2005-12-04 Thread Leif K-Brooks
 This comes up from time to time.  The brain damage is all Windows', 
 not Python's.

It's perfectly reasonable behavior, and it also applies to Linux. The
shell uses spaces to separate arguments; how do you expect it to know
that you want a space to be part of the program's name unless you escape it?

 Here's one thread which seems to suggest a bizarre doubling of the 
 initial quote of the commandline.

A better solution would be to use subprocess:

Re: python speed

2005-12-01 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Krystian wrote:
I would also like to see Half Life 2 in pure Python.
 or even quake1, do you think it could have any chances to run

If can run at a
reasonably speed, yes.

Re: Parse file into array

2005-11-14 Thread Leif K-Brooks
amfr wrote:
 I was wondering how i could parse the contents of a file into an array.
  the file would look something like this:
 As you can see, it contains the mime type and the file extension
 seperated by commas, 1 per line.  I was wondering if it was possible to
 create and array like this:
 mimetypearray[gif] = image/gif
 mimetypearray[html] = text/html
 mimetypearray[jpg] = image/jpeg

You want a dictionary, not an array.

mimetypedict = {}
for line in mimetypefile:
line = line.rsplit('\r\n')
extension, mimetype = line.split(':')
mimetypedict[extension] = mimetype

Note that there's already a MIME type database in the standard mimtypes

Re: Parse file into array

2005-11-14 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Leif K-Brooks wrote:
 line = line.rsplit('\r\n')
Er, that should be line.rstrip, not line.rsplit.

Re: list of lambda

2005-11-11 Thread Leif K-Brooks
jena wrote:
 when i create list of lambdas:
 l=[lambda:x.upper() for x in ['a','b','c']]
 then l[0]() returns 'C', i think, it should be 'A'

Fredrik Lundh provided the general solution, but in this specific case,
the simplest solution is:

l = [x.upper for x in ['a', 'b', 'c']]

Re: [ x for x in xrange(10) when p(x) ]

2005-11-10 Thread Leif K-Brooks
 George Sakkis wrote:

list(takewhile(p, xrange(1000)))

[0, 1]
 thanks. that is what I am doing now, in a more generic form :
 takewhile(p, (x for x in xrange(1)))

How does a useless generator expression make it more generic?

Re: [ x for x in xrange(10) when p(x) ]

2005-11-10 Thread Leif K-Brooks
 Leif K-Brooks wrote:

thanks. that is what I am doing now, in a more generic form :

takewhile(p, (x for x in xrange(1)))

How does a useless generator expression make it more generic?
 xrange is only picked as an example. I may be newbie on python but not
 that dumb if all I want is a list of integer(sorted) that meets certain
 takewhile(p, (x for x in

Wrapping a function in a generator expression doesn't magically make it
  lazily evaluated. The whole list has to be generated and returned;
using a generator expression instead of a list comprehension just means
that it doesn't need to be copied in memory.

Re: Confusion about __call__ and attribute lookup

2005-11-10 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Kent Johnson wrote:
 But why doesn't Foo.__call__ shadow type.__call__? Normally an instance
 attribute takes precedence over a class attribute. Is it something
 special about how function call syntax is handled internally, or do all
 special methods work this way, or is there something else going on?

New-style classes look up special methods on the class, not on the instance:

  class Foo(object):
 ... def __invert__(self):
 ... return 'foo'
  x = Foo()
  x.__invert__ = 123
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
 TypeError: 'int' object is not callable
  ~x # equivalent to type(x).__invert__()

Re: Recompile AST?

2005-11-10 Thread Leif K-Brooks
 Is it possible to recompile the AST generated by compiler.parse, back
 into code or an executable code object?

Into a bytecode object:

  from compiler.pycodegen import ModuleCodeGenerator
  from compiler.misc import set_filename
  from compiler import parse
  tree = parse('foo = 42')
  set_filename('foo', tree)
  code = ModuleCodeGenerator(tree).getCode()
  exec code

Into Python source code:

Re: how to stop a loop with ESC key? [newbie]

2005-11-08 Thread Leif K-Brooks
mo wrote:
 Can somebody explain how to stop a WHILE loop in running program by pressing
 ESC key?

On Unix-like systems try:

import termios, fcntl, sys, os
fd = sys.stdin.fileno()

oldterm = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
newattr = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
newattr[3] = newattr[3]  ~termios.ICANON  ~termios.ECHO
termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSANOW, newattr)

oldflags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL)
fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, oldflags | os.O_NONBLOCK)

i = 0
while 1:
print i
i += 1
char =
if char == '\x1b':
print Bye!
except IOError:
termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSAFLUSH, oldterm)
fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, oldflags)

Re: overloading *something

2005-11-07 Thread Leif K-Brooks
James Stroud wrote:
 Hello All,
 How does one make an arbitrary class (e.g. class myclass(object)) behave like 
 a list in method calls with the *something operator? What I mean is:
 myobj = myclass()

Make it iterable:

  class Foo(object):
 ... def __iter__(self):
 ... yield 1
 ... yield 2
 ... yield 3
  def bar(*args):
 ... print args
 (1, 2, 3)

 And, how about the **something operator?

Use a dictionary.

Re: Converting a List into a String

2005-11-05 Thread Leif K-Brooks
 list = ['f', 'e', 'd', 'c', 'b', 'a']
 How can i convert it into a string so the output is

print ''.join(list)

Re: I Need Motivation Part 2

2005-11-04 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Sybren Stuvel wrote:
 There are over 2800 header files on my system in /usr/include. What do
 you mean a limited number of header files?

I assume he's saying that the number is  ∞. (Of course, the same is
true of Python modules unless you use a special __import__ hook or

Re: How can I do this in Python?

2005-11-04 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Steve Holden wrote:
 Another alternative might be to serve a script that sent the browser
 back 2 pages in its history, as long as server state hasn't changed in
 the meantime.

What about users with JavaScript disabled?

Re: dictionary that have functions with arguments

2005-11-02 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Alex Martelli wrote:
 execfunc = { 'key1' : (func1, ()),
  'key2' : (func2, args) }
 now, something like:
 f, a = execfunc[k]
 will work for either key.

Shouldn't func1's args be a dictionary, not a tuple?

Re: Converting 2bit hex representation to integer ?

2005-10-19 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Madhusudan Singh wrote:
 I am using binascii.b2a_hex to convert some binary data to hex. The
 result is a two bit hex representation (i. e., without the leading

Surely you mean two-byte?

 How do I convert the resulting two bit representation into an integer

int(foo, 16)

Re: newbie regex

2005-10-17 Thread Leif K-Brooks
 I want to filter some strings,but i don t know how to use compile

Why not?

 first character must be [a-zA-z] group and others can only be digits or

if'^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$', foo):
print Valid string.
print Invalid string.

Re: newbie regex

2005-10-17 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Leif K-Brooks wrote:
I want to filter some strings,but i don t know how to use compile
 Why not?

Sorry: I misread that as not _wanting_ to use the compile method.

Re: Changing an AST

2005-10-10 Thread Leif K-Brooks
beza1e1 wrote:
 Is it possible compiler.parse a statement, then change and then
 execute/resolve it?

This should work:

  from compiler.pycodegen import ModuleCodeGenerator
  from compiler.misc import set_filename
  from compiler import parse
  tree = parse('foo = 42')
  set_filename('foo', tree)
  code = ModuleCodeGenerator(tree).getCode()
  exec code

Also, if you need to turn an AST back into Python code, I have some ugly
code for doing that:

Re: os.access with wildcards

2005-10-07 Thread Leif K-Brooks
mike wrote:
 i'd like to use
 where path may contain linux style wildcards.

os.access(glob.glob(path), mode)

Re: 2 class with same name in different module

2005-10-05 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Iyer, Prasad C wrote:
 I have a class in a module which is getting imported in main module. 
 How do you differentiate between the 2 class

import foo
import bar


Re: Python eats gator.

2005-10-05 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Sam wrote:
 I know there's an on-topic joke in here somewhere, but I'm having some
 problem finding it, at the moment.
 You may take a crack at it, if you'd like…

Hmm... has anyone ever written a spyware removal tool in Python?

Re: Distributing programs

2005-10-02 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Jeff Schwab wrote:
 Sorta, but not really.  Typically, you might distribute the source (.py)
  files, but if you don't want to do that, you can distribute the
 compiled .pyc files instead.  Python creates these files automatically
 when your modules are imported.

But remember that Python bytecode can be easily decompiled with a
publicly-available program.

Re: [Info] PEP 308 accepted - new conditional expressions

2005-10-01 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Sam wrote:
 And foo if bar is Perl-ish; yet, even Perl has the ? : operators.

What _isn't_ Perl-ish?

Re: Help with syntax warnings

2005-09-29 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Ivan Shevanski wrote:
 is there a way to turn off syntax warnings or just make them not

import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=SyntaxWarning)

Re: __call__ in module?

2005-09-27 Thread Leif K-Brooks
ncf wrote:
 I have a feeling that this is highly unlikely, but does anyone in here
 know if it's possible to directly call a module, or will I have to wrap
 it up in a class?

You could use trickery with sys.modules to automatically wrap it in a class:

import sys
from types import ModuleType

class CallableModule(ModuleType):
def __call__(self):
print You called me!

mod = FooModule(__name__, __doc__)
sys.modules[__name__] = mod

Re: replacments for stdio?

2005-09-23 Thread Leif K-Brooks
i was wondering if anyone have written a GUI module that can
 function as a replacment for stdin/stdout? ie. has a file like
 interface, by which one could just assaign it to sys.stdout or
 sys.stdin and have all your prints and raw_inputs and other such things
 shown in a GUI window?


Re: execute commands and return output

2005-09-10 Thread Leif K-Brooks
billiejoex wrote:
 Hi all. I'm searching for a portable (working on *nix and win32) function 
 that executes a system command and encapsulate its output into a string.
 Searching for the web I found this:
 It is perfect but when che command return an error the funciotn returns an 
 empy string.
 Does it is possible to return stdout and stderr too?

Use subprocess:

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
proc = Popen(['command', 'arg', 'arg'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
return_code = proc.wait()
if return_code == 0:
print Success:\n%s %
print Failure %s:\n%s % (return_code,

Re: execute commands and return output

2005-09-10 Thread Leif K-Brooks
billiejoex wrote:
 Thank you for your help but I'm searching a different way.
 Moreover it doesn't work always (for exaple: try a 'dir' command).
 Because of I'm implementing a remote shell  the 
 [[os.popen('command').read()]] rapresents the best for me because it can 
 also accepts arguments direclty  (for example: 
 os.popen('netstat -a -n -o').read() and this is a great advantage.

If you really need shell evaluation, try subprocess.Popen('foo',
shell=True) instead.

Re: using % operator to print possibly unitialized data attributes

2005-09-09 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Adam Monsen wrote:
 class J:
 name = ''
 value = ''
 def __str__(self):
 vals = self.__class__.__dict__
 return 'name=%(name)s value=%(value)s' % vals

This will update the class's attributes with instance attributes when
str() is called, which probably isn't what you want. For instance:

  foo = J() = Joe Bloggs
  print foo
 name=Joe Bloggs value=
  bar = J()
  print bar
 name=Joe Bloggs value=

What's wrong with the obvious version:

class J(object):
name = ''
value = ''
def __str__(self):
return 'name=%r value=%r' % (, self.value)

Re: reading the last line of a file

2005-09-08 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Xah Lee wrote:
 i switched to system call with tail because originally i was using a
 pure Python solution
  inF = gzip.GzipFile(ff, 'rb');
 and since the log file is 100 megabytes it takes a long time and hogs
 massive memory.

How about:

inF = gzip.GzipFile(ff, 'rb')
for line in inF:
last_line = line

It's a bit slower than gzip and tail, but the memory usage is fine.

Re: execute commands independantly

2005-09-06 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Mike Tammerman wrote:
 I am trying to execute an executable or a pyton script inside my
 program. I looked at the subprocess and os module. But all the
 functions in these modules blocks my application.

subprocess doesn't block unless you call .wait():

from subprocess import Popen
proc = Popen('sleep 2; echo Hello, world!', shell=True)
print In two seconds, something will happen.
print Did you see that?

Re: Replacement for lambda - 'def' as an expression?

2005-09-06 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Sybren Stuvel wrote:
 It also allows for dynamic function creation in cases where a name
 would not be available.

What cases are those?

Re: Generators and Decorators doing my head in ..

2005-09-06 Thread Leif K-Brooks
 Im trying to create a decorator that counts the number of times a
 function is run.

Your code doesn't work because decorators are run at function creation
time, not at function run time. Try this instead:

from itertools import count

def logFunctionCalls(function):
times = count()
def newfunction(*args, **kwargs):
print Entering function:, function.__name__,
return function(*args, **kwargs)
newfunction.__doc__ = function.__doc__
newfunction.__name__ = function.__name__
return newfunction

def doWork():
print Doing work...

Re: Any projects to provide Javascript-style client-side browser access via Python?

2005-08-26 Thread Leif K-Brooks
Kenneth McDonald wrote:
 I'm curious about this because, quite aside their function as web 
 browsers, it is now possible to build some very useable interfaces 
 using browsers with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. (The biggest problem  is
 still the lack of a decent text widget.) However, JavaScript isn't 
 really a good language for building complex applications, and it  would
 be very cool if there were some way to use Python to replace 
 client-side JavaScript, in order to gain access the DOM.

You could try Livepage, which is a part of Nevow It
doesn't cut JavaScript completely out of the picture, but you could put
all of your real code in Python and only use JavaScript as a simple
layer to access the DOM.

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