Re: DateTime object

2010-10-29 Thread Luca Bel
Take a look here:

I always use this package only with Zope (it's an application server)

If you are simply working in python maybe it's better to use datetime object.


On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 1:15 PM, jf wrote:

 I've a bug in my code and I'm trying de reproduce it.

 To trace the bug I print arguments, and it produces this:
 {'date': DateTime '20091020T00:00:00' at 558d128}

 My question is: what is: DateTime '20091020T00:00:00' at 558d128?

 I use mx.DateTime put if I print it I get:
 mx.DateTime.DateTime object for '2010-10-29 13:13:25.55' at 7f0bb54e1298

 So what kind of object DateTime is ?




Re: python and openSSL

2009-09-10 Thread Luca Bel
I had already installed and tested M2Crypto.
My problem is that with this library I've not found a way to replicate the
operation that I can made with openssl.
As you can see, here:

openssl smime -decrypt -verify -inform DER -in ReadmeDiKe.pdf.p7m -noverify
-out ReadmeDike.pdf

No certificate is used. I can simply extract the contents of p7m and save it
on fs. And the extracted file is perfect.

following this how to, seems that a certificate is always needed, and I
don't have it.

can someone help me?

On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 3:56 AM, wrote:

 On 9 Sep, 01:30 pm, wrote:

 Hi all.
 I need a trick to do something like this:

 openssl smime -decrypt -verify -inform DER -in ReadmeDiKe.pdf.p7m
 -noverify -out ReadmeDike.pdf

 To unwrap a p7m file and read his content.

 I know that I could use somthing like:

 import os
 os.system('openssl ')

 but i would use a python library to wrap openssl.

 I've already install pyOpenSSL, but I can not understand how to run the

 pyOpenSSL wraps the parts of OpenSSL which deal with S/MIME.  I think that
 M2Crypto does, though I haven't used those parts of it myself.



python and openSSL

2009-09-09 Thread Luca Bel
Hi all.
I need a trick to do something like this:

openssl smime -decrypt -verify -inform DER -in ReadmeDiKe.pdf.p7m
-noverify -out ReadmeDike.pdf

To unwrap a p7m file and read his content.

I know that I could use somthing like:

 import os
 os.system('openssl ')

but i would use a python library to wrap openssl.

I've already install pyOpenSSL, but I can not understand how to run the same

Can someone help me?

Thx to all.