Re: ANN: Beginning Python (Practical Python 2.0)

2005-10-21 Thread Magnus Lie Hetland
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Dennis Lee
Bieber wrote:

 Must be printed on thinner paper... Both run around 600 pages, but
 the older book is a third thicker... G

Heh. Yeah. The new book has more material, too (new chapters, among
other things), so I guess the new layout also has an effect.

Magnus Lie HetlandPreparing to stand by. Microsoft Windows

ANN: Beginning Python (Practical Python 2.0)

2005-10-19 Thread Magnus Lie Hetland
I guess it has actually been out for a while -- I just haven't
received my copies yet... Anyways: My book, Beginning Python: From
Novice to Professional (Apress, 2005) is now out. It is an expanded
and revised version of Practical Python (Apress, 2002). More
information can be found at


- Magnus

Magnus Lie HetlandPreparing to stand by. Microsoft Windows

Support the Python Software Foundation:

ANN: Beginning Python (Practical Python 2.0)

2005-10-19 Thread Magnus Lie Hetland
I guess it has actually been out for a while -- I just haven't
received my copies yet... Anyways: My book, Beginning Python: From
Novice to Professional (Apress, 2005) is now out. It is an expanded
and revised version of Practical Python (Apress, 2002). More
information can be found at


- Magnus

Magnus Lie HetlandPreparing to stand by. Microsoft Windows

Re: PEP 350: Codetags

2005-10-03 Thread Magnus Lie Hetland
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Terry
Hancock wrote:
The  terminator is evil.  People will hate that. If there are no fields,
you should just be able to leave it off. This will have an additional
advantage in that many will already have compliant codetags if you leave
off this requirement.

I heartily agree. I use codetags like these all the time -- *except*
that I don't add the  at the end.

You worry over the need to detect the end of the block, but wouldn't '\n\n'
be a much more natural delimiter?  I.e.:

That would make perfect sense, and is in no way restrictive.

# TODO: This is a multi-line todo tag.
#   You see how I've gone to the next line.

# This, on the other hand is an unrelated comment. You can tell it's not
# related, because there is an intervening blank line.  I think people
# do this naturally when writing comments (I know I do -- I'm fairly
# certain I've seen other people do it).
# Whereas, as you can see, a mere paragraph break can be represented by
# a blank comment line.


# Whitespace formatting, after all, is VERY PYTHONIC. ;-)
# Delimiters on the other hand -- well, we prefer not to mention
# the sort of languages that use those, right? ;-)


IMO, the syntax could be really simple: One comment (one or more
contiguous comment lines) that start with

  # FOO:

(with FOO being any of the tags) is grouped along with the tag. One
can dhen optionally add the ... stuff at the end. (Not sure if that
would be my preferred syntax for it, but I won't complain as much
about that as about the empty '' thing :)

Magnus Lie Hetland The early bird may get the worm but the second  mouse gets the cheese.   -- Willie Nelson

Re: Limited XML tidy

2005-08-25 Thread Magnus Lie Hetland
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Toby White wrote:


I do similar stuff in the new (upcoming) version of Atox
(, which works with potentially ill-formed, partial XML
(in the form of PYX events) internally, and can take partial,
ill-formed XML as input.

The problem is that when the sax handler raises an exception,
I can't see how to find out why. What I want to do is for
DodgyErrorHandler to do something different depending on 
where we are in the course of parsing. Is there anyway
to get that information back from xml.sax (or indeed from
any other sax handler?)

What I ended up doing was using an SGML parser (sgmlop) instead. It's
highly forgiving (even of illegal entities and the like) but gives me
the information I need. Might be worth a look in your app too?


Magnus Lie Hetland

Python Challenge on BBC

2005-08-11 Thread Magnus Lie Hetland
Just saw this on the BBC World program Click Online:

I must say, I think this is the first time I've heard Python discussed
on TV at all... Cool :)

(Now maybe I'll have to finish the rest of those P.C. levels... ;)

Magnus Lie HetlandFall seven times, stand up eight  [Japanese proverb]


2005-04-12 Thread Magnus Lie Hetland
It seems that in my Solaris installation,
sysconfig.get_config_h_filename() returns './pyconfig.h', which is, of
course, in most cases just wrong... :)

Shouldn't this return an absolute path (in all cases)? I've use an
absolute path in the --prefix of ./configure -- but I guess I was
standing in that very directory when compiling; maybe there's some
mix-up there?

Magnus Lie HetlandFall seven times, stand up eight  [Japanese proverb]

Re: Positions of regexp groups

2005-04-10 Thread Magnus Lie Hetland
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Tim
Peters wrote:
[Magnus Lie Hetland]
 Just a quick question: Does anyone have a simple way of finding the
 positions (start, end) of the groups in a regexp match? AFAICS, the re
 API can only return the contents...?

Read the docs for match objects, esp. the start(), end(), and span()

Right. I was just now editing the regex-stuff in my book for the
second edition, and found that I had, in fact, written about just this
behaviour. blush/

Oh, well. I guess it's a feature I don't use much :}

Thanks, anyway.

Magnus Lie HetlandFall seven times, stand up eight  [Japanese proverb]

Positions of regexp groups

2005-04-08 Thread Magnus Lie Hetland
Just a quick question: Does anyone have a simple way of finding the
positions (start, end) of the groups in a regexp match? AFAICS, the re
API can only return the contents...?

Magnus Lie HetlandFall seven times, stand up eight  [Japanese proverb]

Re: Pre-PEP: Dictionary accumulator methods

2005-03-20 Thread Magnus Lie Hetland
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Raymond Hettinger wrote:
I would like to get everyone's thoughts on two new dictionary methods:

def count(self, value, qty=1):
self[key] += qty
except KeyError:
self[key] = qty

Yes, yes, YES!

*Man*, this would be useful.

def appendlist(self, key, *values):
except KeyError:
self[key] = list(values)

Woohoo! *Just* as useful.

I'd *definitely* use these.

Hot 100% sure about the names, though. (add() and append() seem like
more natural names -- but they may be confusing, considering their
other uses...)

+1 on both (possibly allowing for some naming discussion...)

Magnus Lie Hetland   Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies   like bananas. -- Groucho Marx

Re: sgmlop: malformed charrefs?

2005-03-17 Thread Magnus Lie Hetland
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
Magnus Lie Hetland wrote:
with sgmlop 1.1, the following script

class entity_handler:
def handle_entityref(self, entityref):
print ENTITY, repr(entityref)

parser = sgmlop.XMLParser()


ENTITY '-10'
ENTITY '/()=?'

OK, thanks. I guess I just wasn't creative enough in my entity naming

 And another thing... For the case where a numeric reference is too
 high (i.e. it can't be translated into a Unicode character) -- is it
 possible to ignore it (or replace it, as with encode/decode)?

if you don't do anything, it is ignored.

if you specify a handle_charref hook, the part between # and ; is passed
to that method.

I see -- it's just if the default behaviour of transforming it to text
kicks in that there is trouble? (That makes sense, of course.)

if you have a handle_entityref hook, but no handle_charref, the part between
 and ; is passed to handle_entityref.

Strange. It doesn't seem to work that way for me... Here is an example:

from xml.parsers.sgmlop import SGMLParser, XMLParser, XMLUnicodeParser

class Handler:

def handle_data(self, data):
print 'DATA', data

def handle_entityref(self, data):
print 'ENTITY', data

for parser in [SGMLParser(), XMLParser(), XMLUnicodeParser()]:
except Exception, e:
print e

When I run this, I get:

character reference #x540be3ff; exceeds ASCII range
character reference #x540be3ff; exceeds ASCII range
character reference #x540be3ff; exceeds sys.maxunicode (0x)

If I remove the handle_data, nothing happens.


Magnus Lie Hetland   Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies   like bananas. -- Groucho Marx

Re: sgmlop: malformed charrefs?

2005-03-17 Thread Magnus Lie Hetland
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
are the PyXML folks shipping the latest sgmlop?

I don't know. The last history entry marked fl is from 2000-07-05...

Perhaps I should just get the effbot version. (And perhaps file a bug
report about this behaviour in PyXML.)

 I'm pretty sure they've forked the code (there's no UnicodeParser in
 the edition),

Does it deal with Unicode at all? I.e., can I, for example, feed it a
Unicode object?

 and I have no idea how things work in the fork.

I see.

Magnus Lie Hetland   Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies   like bananas. -- Groucho Marx

Re: PEP 246 revision

2005-03-08 Thread Magnus Lie Hetland
S?bastien Boisg?rault wrote:
 Agreed. Consistency matters. But precisely because Python looks in
 the type of the object (and not the object itself), I don't need to
 explicitely check the type myself: the code adapt =
 getattr(protocol, '__adapt__') will find the method
 type(protocol).__adapt__ anyway.

This misses the point! :)

If you re-read my explanation, perhaps you'll see the difference, but
I'll try to state it differently, again using the __call__ example
(because it is a very clear case).

Let's say we have a class A (a subtype of object, say) which
implements a __call__ method. Now, we call this object (that is, the
class-object) in order to create instances. Your approach (described
in your paragraph above) would be:

  call = getattr(A, '__call__')
  a = call()

Now, this is clearly wrong. A.__call__ is *not* what we want to call
here; that is, after all, only meant to define the behavior of
*instances* (i.e., the behavior of a(), in this case). What we *do*
want to call is object.__call__ -- and the only way of getting that
here, would be the equivalent of this:

  call = getattr(type(A), '__call__')
  a = call()

So there is a need to *explicitly* bypass the attributes of the object
itself and do a lookup *directly* in its type when looking for special
methods (as opposed to normal methods).

 Finally, the code 
adapt = getattr(protocol, '__adapt__') would work:
1. if protocol is the instance of a class that implements 

Not if the instance itself has an attribute/method with the name
__adapt__, in which case your code (again, erroneously IMO) would use

2. if protocol is a class that implements __adapt__.

Yes, but then it would use protocol.__adapt__ -- which you don't want,
unless you want to break consistency. This would be like using
protocol.__call__ to instantiate protocol (which is *not* how things

Agreed. But I'd like to use the classes directly :) ... and you're 
right it is mainly a matter of taste. I feel that a class *is* a 
kind of protocol ...

Yes, I can agree with you there. But I don't see any problems adapting
objects to classes... The problem lies in using an objects own
attributes as special methods (in this case, the attributes of a class

Buuut... Then again, a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little
minds -- or something. I guess if it is useful to use the __adapt__
method of a class in order to adapt objects to it, then one could
certainly argue that it's worth breaking the rule that applies to
other magic methods...

Have you read the BDFL's Python Optional Typechecking Redux ?


It's usage of adapt assumes that a class is a protocol, so I
guess that it does not work with the new version of PEP 246.

Why not? There's nothing wrong with classes (or anything else) being
protocols...? AFAIK, the current version of the PEP was specifically
rewritten in order to fit the BDFL blog (as stated in the PEP).


I don't quite see the conflict (between the blog and the PEP) here...

Magnus Lie Hetland   Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies   like bananas. -- Groucho Marx

Re: PEP 246 revision

2005-03-04 Thread Magnus Lie Hetland

I had a look at the new reference implementation of PEP 246
(Object Adaptation) and I feel uneasy with one specific point
of this new version. I don't fully understand why it checks
if *the type of* the protocol has a method __adapt__:

# (c) then check if protocol.__adapt__ exists  likes obj
adapt = getattr(type(protocol), '__adapt__', None)

As a consequence of this change, you can't define a protocol
as a class that implements __adapt__ anymore.

How about an instance of such a class?

class Protocol(object):
def __adapt__(self, obj):

If you instantiate this class, the object's type will have the
__adapt__ attribute...

This is the way it works with other special methods (i.e.
__foo__-methods) in Python, too. Instead of looking in the object (or
class) in question, Python checks the *type* of the object (or class).
That's the general rule -- no reason to make an exception here. (In
fact, there is every reason *not* to make an exception, IMO.)

A good example of why this makes sense is the __call__ method. Imagine
what would happen if Python looked for this in the object itself,
instead of in the type of the object... Now imagine we defined this

  class Foo(object):
  def __call__(self):
  print Howdy!

If, under the new lookup rule, we tried to instantiate this class,
we'd get:

   foo = Foo()

... and no instance. We're calling the Foo-object, and the
__call__-method we defined gets called.

Instead, of course, Python has the wisdom to check the *type* of the
object for such special calls -- and thus uses object.__call__
instead, which (obviously) instantiates the class just like we want it

So: The scenario needn't be as complex as in your example, as long as
you use instances instead of classes as protocols.

(I guess the case could be made for using classes as protocols, but I
suspect the case would be mainly syntactical...)

- M

Magnus Lie Hetland   Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies   like bananas. -- Groucho Marx