[issue36128] ResourceReader for FileLoader inconsistently handles path separators

2019-11-11 Thread Marcin Kasperski

Marcin Kasperski  added the comment:

Hmm, I noticed this but accidentally and tried to port 
https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/1635 to new api. Well:

>>> import multiprocessing
>>> import sys
>>> reader = 
>>> sys.modules['multiprocessing'].__spec__.loader.get_resource_reader('multiprocessing')
>>> reader.open_resource('../../../../etc/passwd')
<_io.FileIO name='/usr/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/../../../../etc/passwd' 
mode='rb' closefd=True>

I suppose this is the case which deserve some thought (originally I faced it 
when some webapp used pkg_resources to provide static files and used resource 
api as a way to validate urls impacted by external input).

Tested on python 3.7.3, on Ubuntu 19.04.

nosy: +Mekk

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[issue20891] PyGILState_Ensure on non-Python thread causes fatal error

2017-11-27 Thread Marcin Kasperski

Marcin Kasperski <marcin.kasper...@mekk.waw.pl> added the comment:

Is this fix released? I can't find it in the changelog…

(I faced this bug on 3.5.2, released a couple of months after this bug was 

nosy: +Mekk

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mekk.rtm 0.6.0

2010-11-16 Thread Marcin Kasperski

mekk.rtm provides both:

- yet another Python client for RememberTheMilk API (contrary
  to two other existing libraries, this one tries to define explicit
  parameters and provide results of known structure)

- a few command-line helpers (massively add/remove tag to
  all tasks satisfying given query, massively move tasks to another
  list, import data exported from Nozbe)

This is the first release announced here.

For more details see:


Source and issue tracker:



Support the Python Software Foundation:

mekk.xmind 0.4.0 released

2010-07-10 Thread Marcin Kasperski

mekk.xmind 0.4.0 has just been released

What it is?

mekk.xmind is a pure-Python handler for XMind mind-map files.
It can be used to:

- generate XMind mind-maps from scratch (for example to visualize
  some data as a mind-map),
- modify existing .xmind files,
- parse existing .xmind files and analyze their content.

Mind-map creation example::

from mekk.xmind import XMindDocument

OUTPUT = test.xmind

xmind = XMindDocument.create(uFirst sheet title, uRoot subject)
first_sheet = xmind.get_first_sheet()
root_topic = first_sheet.get_root_topic()

root_topic.add_subtopic(uFirst item)
root_topic.add_subtopic(uSecond item)
t = root_topic.add_subtopic(uThird item)
t.add_subtopic(uSecond level - 1)
t.add_subtopic(uSecond level - 2)
root_topic.add_subtopic(uDetached topic, detached = True)
t.add_subtopic(uAnother detached, detached = True)
root_topic.add_subtopic(uLink example).set_link(http://mekk.waw.pl;)
root_topic.add_subtopic(uAttachment example).set_attachment(
file(map_creator.py).read(), .txt)
root_topic.add_subtopic(uWith note).set_note(
uThis is just some dummy note.)


Mind-map parsing::

from mekk.xmind import XMindDocument

xmind = XMindDocument.open(test.xmind)

sheet = xmind.get_first_sheet()
print Sheet title: , sheet.get_title()

root = sheet.get_root_topic()
print Root title: , root.get_title()
print Root note: , root.get_note()

for topic in root.get_subtopics():
print * , topic.get_title()
printlabel: , topic.get_label()
printlink: , topic.get_link()
printmarkers: , list(topic.get_markers())
# topic.get_subtopics() etc

What has changed?

All docstrings were translated to English, plenty of undocumented
methods got their documentation.

A bug which caused failures while opening some XMind 3.1.1 - saved files
has been fixed.


:Source repository and issue tracker: http://bitbucket.org/Mekk/mekk.xmind/
:Download: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/mekk.xmind/0.4.0

:XMind home: http://xmind.net

| Marcin Kasperski   | If we are to be successful, we must still have
| http://mekk.waw.pl |the courage to put our faith in people as
||  opposed to a process. (Booch,Martin,Newkirk)

Support the Python Software Foundation:

[issue6454] Add example keyword argument to optparse constructor

2009-11-19 Thread Marcin Kasperski

Marcin Kasperski marcin.kasper...@mekk.waw.pl added the comment:

I found this bug while looking for suggestions how to add examples to
the optparse help call, but I feel there is a better and more general
solution - just provide some minimal formatting for description: treat
empty line as paragraph separator. Then I would be able to add example
or anything else to the description formatting it as necessary

nosy: +Mekk

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