win32com.client documentation?

2007-10-24 Thread Mark Morss
I am a unix person, not new to Python, but new to Python programming
on windows.  Does anyone know where to find documentation on
win32com.client?  I have successfully installed this module and
implemented some example code.  But a comprehensive explanation of the
objects and methods available is nowhere to be found.  I have been
able to find a somewhat out-of-date O'Reilly book, nothing more.

I want to be able to script the creation of Excel spreadsheets and
Word documents, interract with Access data bases, and so forth.


strange transliteration in win32com.client

2007-10-23 Thread Mark Morss
Is this the place to ask a win32com.client question?  I am a unix
person trying to run on windows, so I have little familiarity with
this module.  I have this code:

import win32com.client

An Access connection

def connect(data_source, user, pwd, mdw):
connAccess = win32com.client.Dispatch(r'ADODB.Connection')
SOURCE=%s;USER ID=%s;PASSWORD=%s;Jet OLEDB:System Database=%s;
% (data_source, user, pwd, mdw)
return connAccess

I when I call this, running my program from the windows command line
on the C:\ drive, with data_source='\\Hqwhslfs001\office\risk oversight
\myaccessdb.mdb', which is the fully specified drive name, it comes
back with:

  File C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\win32com\client\,
line 258, in _ApplyTypes_
result = self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(*(dispid, LCID, wFlags,
retType, argTypes) + args)
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0,
'Microsoft JET Database Engine', 'c:\\Hqwhslfs001\\office\risk
oversight\\myaccess.mdb' is not a valid path.  Make sure that the path
name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on
which the file resides., None, 5003044, -2147467259), None)

Please note the strange insertion of double slashes in the indicated
'not valid path.'  Also the insertion of 'c:' and the strange leading
double quotation mark.

When I call it with data_source = 'V:\risk oversight\myassessdb.mdb',
which reflects how this same drive is mapped on my machine, I get:

File C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\win32com\client\, line
258, in _ApplyTypes_
result = self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(*(dispid, LCID, wFlags,
retType, argTypes) + args)
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0,
'Microsoft JET Database Engine', 'v:\\\risk oversight\
\myaccessdb.mdb' is not a valid path.  Make sure that the path name is
spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which
the file resides., None, 5003044, -2147467259), None)

Note the weird transliteration of data_source.  I am powerless to
understand this.


subclass of integers

2007-09-14 Thread Mark Morss
I would like to construct a class that includes both the integers and
None.  I desire that if x and y are elements of this class, and both
are integers, then arithmetic operations between them, such as x+y,
return the same result as integer addition.  However if either x or y
is None, these operations return None.

It's simple enough to construct a subclass of integers that behave in
this way:

class Nint(int):
def __add__(self,other):
if (other != None):
return self+other
return None
def __radd__(self,other):
if (other != None):
return other+self
return None
#...and so forth

However I have not been able to figure out how to make it so that
None, as well as an integer, could be an element of my class.  My
preliminary impression is that I have to override int.__new__; but I
am uncertain how to do that and have been unable to find anything on
the web explaining that.  Indeed I haven't been able to find much
about __new__ at all.  Overriding this method of built-in classes
seems to be quite unusual.

I would very much appreciate anyone's help.


Re: subclass of integers

2007-09-14 Thread Mark Morss
On Sep 14, 10:30 am, Mark Morss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to construct a class that includes both the integers and
 None.  I desire that if x and y are elements of this class, and both
 are integers, then arithmetic operations between them, such as x+y,
 return the same result as integer addition.  However if either x or y
 is None, these operations return None.

 It's simple enough to construct a subclass of integers that behave in
 this way:

 class Nint(int):
 def __add__(self,other):
 if (other != None):
 return self+other
 return None
 def __radd__(self,other):
 if (other != None):
 return other+self
 return None
 #...and so forth

 However I have not been able to figure out how to make it so that
 None, as well as an integer, could be an element of my class.  My
 preliminary impression is that I have to override int.__new__; but I
 am uncertain how to do that and have been unable to find anything on
 the web explaining that.  Indeed I haven't been able to find much
 about __new__ at all.  Overriding this method of built-in classes
 seems to be quite unusual.

 I would very much appreciate anyone's help.

I meant of course that arithmetic operations between integer elements
would return the same result as the corresponding integer operations,
not necessarily addition.


Re: The best platform and editor for Python

2007-07-05 Thread Mark Morss
On Jul 1, 3:30 pm, Sönmez Kartal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Emacs is the best for anything for me.

Me too.

Also, as pointed out by some others, a debugger is not really all that
necessary for an interpreted language like Python.

  For experienced with Pyhton users, which developing software and
  enviroment would you suggest for Pyhton programming? Compiler+Editor

  Also what are your suggestions for beginners of Pyhton programming?

  Thank you.



Re: Python compared to other language

2007-05-21 Thread Mark Morss
On May 20, 5:02 pm, Bruno Desthuilliers

Ruby is probably far better than Python at sys-admin tasks.

Why, pray tell?  I don't know much about Ruby, but I know that Python
is the language that Gentoo uses for package management, which
certainly qualifies as a sys-admin task.


Re: Fortran vs Python - Newbie Question

2007-03-27 Thread Mark Morss
On Mar 26, 12:59 pm, Erik Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message


  I've been told that Both Fortran and Python are easy to read, and are
  quite useful in creating scientific apps for the number crunching, but
  then Python is a tad slower than Fortran because of its a high level
  language nature, so what are the advantages of using Python for
  creating number crunching apps over Fortran??

 So, after reading much of animated debate here, I think few would
 suggest that Python is going to be faster than FORTRAN when it comes to raw
 execution speed. Numeric and SciPy are Python modules that are geared
 towards numerical computing and can give substantial performance gians over
 plain Python.

 A reasonable approach (which has already been hinted at here), is to try
 to have the best of both world by mixing Python and FORTRAN - doing most of
 the logic and support code in Python and writing the raw computing routines
 in FORTRAN. A reasonable approach might be to simply make your application
 work in Python, then use profiling to identify what parts are slowest and
 move those parts into a complied language such as FORTRAN or C if overall
 performance is not fast enough.  Unless your number crunching project is
 truly massive, you may find that Python is a lot faster than you thought and
 may be plenty fast enough on it's own.

 So, there is a tradeoff of resources between development time, execution
 time, readability, understandability, maintainability, etc.

 psyco is a module I haven't seen mentioned here - I don't know a lot
 about it, but have seen substantial increases in performance in what little
 I have used it. My understanding is that it produces multiple versions of
 functions tuned to particular data types, thus gaining some advantage over
 the default, untyped bytecode Python would normally produce. You can think
 of it as a JIT compiler for Python (but that's not quite what it is doing).
 The home page for that module is here:

 Hope that help,

The question as originally framed was a little ignorant, of course.
Python and Fortran are by no means subtitutes.  Python is interpreted,
comprehensively interroperates with just about anything, and is
relatively slow.  Fortran is compiled, interoperates with almost
nothing and is blindingly fast.  So it is like a battle between an
elephant and a whale.

If there is possible substitution, and hence competition, it is
between Python+Numpy/Scipy on the one hand and Python+Fortran, via
F2PY, on the other.  My personal taste is to do things in Fortran when
I can.  It is really pretty simple to write well-structured, clear
code in Fortran 95, and I don't find it troublesome to compile before
I run.  I don't find type declarations to be a nuisance; on the
contrary, I think they're very useful for good documentation.  Also I
am somewhat mistrustful of Numpy/Scipy, because when I visit their
forums, almost all the chatter is about bugs and/or failure of some
function to work on some operating system.  Perhaps I am wrong, but
Python+Numpy/Scipy looks a little unstable.

I understand that the purpose of Numpy/Scipy is to make it possible to
do large-scale numerical computation in Python (practically all
serious numerical computation these days is large-scale) without
paying too much of a penalty in speed (relative to doing the same
thing with a compiled language), but I have not yet been persuaded to
take the trouble to learn the special programming vocabulary,
essential tricks, and so forth, necessar for Numpy/Scipy when Fortran
is ready to hand, very well established, and definitely faster.

I do value Python very much for what it was designed for, and I do
plan eventually to hook some of my Fortran code to Python via F2PY, so
that interoperability with spreadsheets, OLAP and the like on the
front and back ends of my information flow.

Maybe somebody reading this will be able to convince me to look again
at Numpy/Scipy, but for the time being I will continue to do my
serious numerical computation in Fortran.


Re: Fortran vs Python - Newbie Question

2007-03-27 Thread Mark Morss
On Mar 27, 12:55 pm, Jaap Spies [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mark Morss wrote:

  Maybe somebody reading this will be able to convince me to look again
  at Numpy/Scipy, but for the time being I will continue to do my
  serious numerical computation in Fortran.

 What I am missing in this discussion is a link to Pyrex to speed up
 Python: Pyrex is almost Python with the speed of compiled 

 Pyrex is adapted in SAGE (Software for Algebra and Geometry
 Experimentation) as Sagex:


Well, the discussion was about Python vs. Fortran, and Pyrex, as I
understand it, is a tool for linking C to Python.  So I am not sure of
the relevance of Pyrex to this particular discussion.  F2PY is the
leading tool for linking Fortran to Python, and I did mention that.


Re: Help Required for Choosing Programming Language

2007-02-19 Thread Mark Morss
On Feb 16, 4:22 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am VB6 programmer and wants to start new programming language but i
 am unable to deciced.

 i have read about Python, Ruby and Visual C++. but i want to go
 through with GUI based programming language like

 so will you please guide me which GUI based language has worth with
 complete OOPS Characteristics

 will wait for the answer

 hope to have a right direction from you Programmer


Good grief.  I suppose it is Microsoft to whom we owe the idea that
there could be such a thing as a GUI based programming language.


Re: About alternatives to Matlab

2006-12-11 Thread Mark Morss
 The [F#] source is avaliable, but it's under Microsoft's Shared Source
 license, which isn't quite an open source license.  There are some
 restrictions on commercial usage.

You can call me a bigot, but it will be engraved upon my tombstone that
I never used a proprietary Microsoft language.

 Paul Rubin wrote:
  Jon Harrop [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   F# runs under Linux with Mono.
  Interesting, where do I get it, and is there source?  I've never been
  interested in Mono but maybe this is a reason.  How does the compiled
  code compare to OCaml or MLton code?

 The source is avaliable, but it's under Microsoft's Shared Source
 license, which isn't quite an open source license.  There are some
 restrictions on commercial usage.


Re: About alternatives to Matlab

2006-12-05 Thread Mark Morss
I doubt that anyone would dispute that even as boosted by Numpy/Scipy,
Python will almost certainly be notably slower than moderately
well-written code in a compiled language.  The reason Numpy exists,
however, is not to deliver the best possible speed, but to deliver
enough speed to make it possible to solve large numerical problems with
the powerful and flexible Python language.  As observed by Hans
Latangen in _Python Scripting for Computational Science_, 2nd ed.,
Springer 2005, scientific computing is more than number crunching:

Very often programming is about shuffling data in and out of different
tools, converting one data format to another, extracting numerical data
from a text, and administering numerical experiments involving a large
number of data files and directories.  Such tasks are much faster to
accomplish in a language like Python than in Fortran, C, C++ or Java.

He might well have mentioned the importance of developing nice-looking
reports once the analysis is complete, and that development is simpler
and more flexible in Python than a compiled language.

In principle, I agree that heavy-duty number-crunching, at least if it
has to be repeated again and again, should be accomplished by means of
a compiled language.  However, if someone has to solve many different
problems just one time, or just a few times (for example if you are an
engineering consultant), there is an excellent argument for using
Python + Numpy.  Unless it affects feasibility, I opine, computational
speed is important primarily in context of regular production, e.g.,
computing the daily value at risk in a commodity trading portfolio,
or making daily weather predictions.

I am aware of the power and flexibility of the OCaml language, and
particularly that an OCaml user can easily switch back and forth
between interpreted and compiled implementation.  I'm attacted to OCaml
and, indeed, I'm in the process of reading Smith's (unfortunately not
very well-written) _Practical OCaml_.  However, I also understand that
OCaml supports only double-precision implementation of real numbers;
that its implementation of arrays is a little clunky compared to
Fortran 95 or Numpy (and I suspect not as fast as Fortran's); and that
the available libraries, while powerful, are by no means as
comprehensive as those available for Python.  For example, I am unaware
of the existance of an HDF5 interface for OCaml.

In summary, I think that OCaml is an excellent language, but I think
that the question of whether to use it in preference to Python+Numpy
for general-purpose numerical analysis must rest on much more than its
computational speed.

Jon Harrop wrote:
 Filip Wasilewski wrote:
  Besides of that this code is irrelevant to the original one and your
  further conclusions may not be perfectly correct. Please learn first
  about the topic of your benchmark and different variants of wavelet
  transform, namely difference between lifting scheme and dwt, and try
  posting some relevant examples or use other topic for your benchmarks.

 Your lifting implementation is slightly longer and slower than the
 non-lifting one but its characteristics are identical. For n=2^25 I get:

 1.88s C++ (816 non-whitespace bytes)
 2.00s OCaml (741 b)
 2.33s F# (741 b)
 9.83s Your Python (1,002 b)

 The original python was 789 bytes.

  Neglecting this issues, I wonder if it is equally easy to juggle
  arbitrary multidimensional arrays in a statically typed language and do
  operations on selected axis directly from the interactive interpreter
  like in the NumPy example from my other post - ?
  I don't know much OCaml so it would be great if you could elaborate on

 It is probably just as easy. Instead of dynamic typing you have parametric
 polymorphism. If you want to make your function generic over arithmetic
 type then you can pass in the arithmetic operators.

  0.56s C++ (direct arrays)
  0.61s F# (direct arrays)
  0.62s OCaml (direct arrays)
  1.38s OCaml (slices)
  2.38s Python (slices)
  10s Mathematica 5.1
  Note that all implementations are safe (e.g. C++ uses instead of
  So why not use C++ instead of all others if the speed really matters?
  What is your point here?

 1. Benchmarks should not just include two inappropriate languages.
 2. Speed aside, the other languages are more concise.

  Could you please share full benchmark code, so we could make
  conclusions too?

 I'll paste the whole programs at the end...

  I would like to get to know about your benchmark
  methodology. I wonder if you are allocating the input data really
  dynamically or whether it's size is a priori knowledge for the

 The knowledge is there for the compiler to use but I don't believe any of
 them exploit it.

  In this specific context (discrete wavelet transform benchmark), I'd have
  said that speed was the most important thing after correctness.

Re: About alternatives to Matlab

2006-12-05 Thread Mark Morss
Hans Langtangen, rather.
Mark Morss wrote:
 I doubt that anyone would dispute that even as boosted by Numpy/Scipy,
 Python will almost certainly be notably slower than moderately
 well-written code in a compiled language.  The reason Numpy exists,
 however, is not to deliver the best possible speed, but to deliver
 enough speed to make it possible to solve large numerical problems with
 the powerful and flexible Python language.  As observed by Hans
 Latangen in _Python Scripting for Computational Science_, 2nd ed.,
 Springer 2005, scientific computing is more than number crunching:

 Very often programming is about shuffling data in and out of different
 tools, converting one data format to another, extracting numerical data
 from a text, and administering numerical experiments involving a large
 number of data files and directories.  Such tasks are much faster to
 accomplish in a language like Python than in Fortran, C, C++ or Java.

 He might well have mentioned the importance of developing nice-looking
 reports once the analysis is complete, and that development is simpler
 and more flexible in Python than a compiled language.

 In principle, I agree that heavy-duty number-crunching, at least if it
 has to be repeated again and again, should be accomplished by means of
 a compiled language.  However, if someone has to solve many different
 problems just one time, or just a few times (for example if you are an
 engineering consultant), there is an excellent argument for using
 Python + Numpy.  Unless it affects feasibility, I opine, computational
 speed is important primarily in context of regular production, e.g.,
 computing the daily value at risk in a commodity trading portfolio,
 or making daily weather predictions.

 I am aware of the power and flexibility of the OCaml language, and
 particularly that an OCaml user can easily switch back and forth
 between interpreted and compiled implementation.  I'm attacted to OCaml
 and, indeed, I'm in the process of reading Smith's (unfortunately not
 very well-written) _Practical OCaml_.  However, I also understand that
 OCaml supports only double-precision implementation of real numbers;
 that its implementation of arrays is a little clunky compared to
 Fortran 95 or Numpy (and I suspect not as fast as Fortran's); and that
 the available libraries, while powerful, are by no means as
 comprehensive as those available for Python.  For example, I am unaware
 of the existance of an HDF5 interface for OCaml.

 In summary, I think that OCaml is an excellent language, but I think
 that the question of whether to use it in preference to Python+Numpy
 for general-purpose numerical analysis must rest on much more than its
 computational speed.

 Jon Harrop wrote:
  Filip Wasilewski wrote:
   Besides of that this code is irrelevant to the original one and your
   further conclusions may not be perfectly correct. Please learn first
   about the topic of your benchmark and different variants of wavelet
   transform, namely difference between lifting scheme and dwt, and try
   posting some relevant examples or use other topic for your benchmarks.
  Your lifting implementation is slightly longer and slower than the
  non-lifting one but its characteristics are identical. For n=2^25 I get:
  1.88s C++ (816 non-whitespace bytes)
  2.00s OCaml (741 b)
  2.33s F# (741 b)
  9.83s Your Python (1,002 b)
  The original python was 789 bytes.
   Neglecting this issues, I wonder if it is equally easy to juggle
   arbitrary multidimensional arrays in a statically typed language and do
   operations on selected axis directly from the interactive interpreter
   like in the NumPy example from my other post - ?
   I don't know much OCaml so it would be great if you could elaborate on
  It is probably just as easy. Instead of dynamic typing you have parametric
  polymorphism. If you want to make your function generic over arithmetic
  type then you can pass in the arithmetic operators.
   0.56s C++ (direct arrays)
   0.61s F# (direct arrays)
   0.62s OCaml (direct arrays)
   1.38s OCaml (slices)
   2.38s Python (slices)
   10s Mathematica 5.1
   Note that all implementations are safe (e.g. C++ uses instead of
   So why not use C++ instead of all others if the speed really matters?
   What is your point here?
  1. Benchmarks should not just include two inappropriate languages.
  2. Speed aside, the other languages are more concise.
   Could you please share full benchmark code, so we could make
   conclusions too?
  I'll paste the whole programs at the end...
   I would like to get to know about your benchmark
   methodology. I wonder if you are allocating the input data really
   dynamically or whether it's size is a priori knowledge for the
  The knowledge is there for the compiler to use but I don't believe any of
  them exploit

Re: About alternatives to Matlab

2006-12-05 Thread Mark Morss

I agree with practically everything you say about the choice between
Python and functional languages, but apropos of Ocaml, not these

 In the same way that a screwdriver can't prevent you from driving a
 nail.  Give me a break, we all know these guys (Haskell especially) are
 designed to support functional first and other paradigms second.  Way
 second.  That's quite enough imposing for me.
 And let's face it, functional
 languages are (or seem to be) all about purity.

As you will see if you look at some OCaml references (there are a
number that are available on the OCaml website) that OCaml goes a very
long way toward facilitating imperative, procedural methods.  It's
possible to write perfectly good code in OCaml and not use functional
methods.  The OCaml people are fond of saying OCaml isn't pure.
Indeed, the need for speed is one very good reason to choose and
imperative style over a functional one.

Carl Banks wrote:
 Jon Harrop wrote:
  Carl Banks wrote:
   0.56s C++ (direct arrays)
   0.61s F# (direct arrays)
   0.62s OCaml (direct arrays)
   1.38s OCaml (slices)
   2.38s Python (slices)
   10s Mathematica 5.1
   1.57s Python (in-place)
   optimized Python is roughly the same speed as naive Ocaml
   optimized Ocaml is roughly the same speed as C++
  Absolutely not:
  Optimized Python is 14% slower than badly written OCaml.

 I'd call that roughly the same speed.  Did you use any sort of
 benchmark suite that miminized testing error, or did you just run it
 surrounded by calls to the system timer like I did?  If the latter,
 then it's poor benchmark, and 10% accuracy is better than you can
 expect.  (Naive tests like that tend to favor machine code.)

  Given the problem,
  rather than the Python solution, nobody would write OCaml code like that.
  Unoptimised but well-written OCaml/C/C++ is 2.5-2.8x faster than the fastest
  Python so far whilst also requiring about half as much code.

 Frankly, I have a hard time believing anyone would naively write the
 Ocaml code like the optimized version you posted.  You'd know better
 than I, though.

  Optimising the C++ by hoisting the O(log n) temporary array allocations into
  one allocation makes it another 20% faster. I'm sure there are plenty more
   There aren't any complicated types in the above code. In fact, there are
   only two types: float and float array.
   You're vastly underestimating the complexity of numpy objects.  They
   have an awful lot going on under the covers to make it look simple on
   the surface.  There's all kinds of type-checking and type-conversions.
   A JIT that folds loops together would have to have knowledge of that
   process, and it's a lot of knowledge to have.  That is not easy.
  My suggestion doesn't really have anything to do with numpy. If you had such
  a JIT you wouldn't use numpy in this case.
  That's my point, using numpy encouraged the programmer to optimise in the
  wrong direction in this case (to use slices instead of element-wise

 Ok, I can see that.  We have a sort of JIT compiler, psyco, that works
 pretty well but I don't think it's as fast for large arrays as a good
 numpy solution.  But it has more to deal with than a JIT for a
 statically typed language.

   I was referring to the slicing specifically, nothing to do with
   functional programming. My F# and OCaml code are now basically identical
   to the C++ code.
   It is pretty strong thing to say that anything is fundamentally bad
   just because it's not fast as something else.  Fundamental badness
   ought to run deeper than some superficial, linear measure.
  The slice based approach is not only slower, it is longer, more obfuscated
  and more difficult to optimise. That doesn't just apply to Python and
  numpy, it also applies to Matlab, Mathematica etc.
  Which begs the question, if you were writing in a compiled language like F#
  would you ever use slices?

 If I was writing in F#?  I absolutely would, because some problems are
 most cleanly, readably, and maintainably done with slices.  I don't
 have any speed-lust, and I don't waste time making things fast if they
 don't need to be.  I would rather spend my time designing and
 implementing the system, and optimizing things that actually need it.
 I don't want to spend my time tracking down some stupid indexing error.

 If it was critical for it to be fast, then I'd pull out the stops and
 write it as efficiently as possible.  In my experience, a typical
 middle size program will have half a dozen or so subroutines where it's
 critical to be as fast as possible.

 Will any other F# people do it?  I don't know if they all have
 speed-lust, or if they'd all deliberately avoid slicing to prove some
 kind of point about functional programming and/or non-machine-compiled
 languages, but I assume there'd be some who would do it for the same
 reasons I'd do it.

   Now, I was going to write