Re: operator module isSequenceType with builtin set produces False

2007-12-19 Thread MarkE
On 19 Dec, 05:24, Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 En Tue, 18 Dec 2007 09:15:12 -0300, English, Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  try: set
  except NameError: from sets import Set as set
  class myset_fails(set): pass
  class myset_works(set):
  def __getitem__(self): pass
  s = set()
  fails = myset_fails()
  works = myset_works()
  import operator
  operator.isSequenceType(s) #Not what I expected
  operator.isSequenceType(fails) #Not what I expected either
  operator.isSequenceType(works) #A hint at what isSequenceType does ?

  Are sets not sequences ? I didn't think the isSequenceDisclaimer gave
  false negatives.

 No, sets aren't sequences, as they have no order. Same as dicts, which
 aren't sequences either.

Oops. I was under the misapprehension that they were sequences in that
they were sequential but of unknown ordering
 e.g. for x in set([someobject, someotherobject, ...]) always iterates
in the same order

Anywho, now I know. Thanks.

Is there a short Pythonic way to determine whether an object is
iterable (iteratable ??) that I haven't thought of (getattr(obj,
'__iter__') ?). Would operator.isIterable() be at all a useful
addition ?

(And what did I do wrong when I posted my original post that I can't
see it in

Re: operator module isSequenceType with builtin set produces False

2007-12-19 Thread MarkE
On 19 Dec, 10:03, MarkE [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  No, sets aren't sequences, as they have no order. Same as dicts, which
  aren't sequences either.

 Oops. I was under the misapprehension that they were sequences
I realise now that this is even explicitly documented:
There are six sequence types: strings, Unicode strings, lists,
tuples, buffers, and xrange objects.

 Is there a short Pythonic way to determine whether an object is
 iterable (iteratable ??) that I haven't thought of (getattr(obj,
 '__iter__') ?). Would operator.isIterable() be at all a useful
 addition ?
And here I probably meant container (although the url says sequence
when the article meant container, bit like me):
Containers usually are sequences (such as lists or tuples) or
mappings (like dictionaries), but can represent other containers as

So same question, but perhaps isContainer() rather than

Re: Python Class Best Practice

2007-12-12 Thread MarkE
On 4 Dec, 23:18, Rod Person [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 I've been doing python programming for about 2 years as a hobby and now
 I'm finally able to use it at work in an enterprise environment. Since
 I will be creating the base classes and libraries I wondering which why
 is consider best when creating python classes:

 class Foo(object):

   def __init__(self,member1='',member2=0):
 self.member1 = member1
 self.member2 = member2

 class Foo(object):
 def  __init(self,member1='',member2=0):
 self.member1 = member1
 self.member2 = member2

Don't forget to call the base class __init__ function

Re: Python is not a good name, should rename to Athon

2007-12-04 Thread MarkE

Re: Global variables within classes.

2007-11-30 Thread MarkE
 Kevac Marko [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  When changing default value, is there any way to change class
  attribute and all referenced attributes too?

  class M:
  name = uMarko

  a, b = M(), M() = uKevac
  - Marko Kevac Marko

  Is there any way to get here - Kevac Kevac Kevac ?
  Or what is the right way of keeping global variables in classes?

I suppose this works, but I agree with Hrvoje Niksic that you're
fighting the language, since by forcing such low level features to
behave differently you're going to end up confusing potentially
yourself, and definitely other Python programmers in the long term.

I've probably skipped lots of edge cases which will catch you out in
exciting, fun ways but other than that good luck...
import types
class Meta(type):
def __new__(metacls, name, bases, dictionary):
newClass = super(Meta, metacls).__new__(metacls, name, bases,
def getInstanceAttribute(self, key):
typeSelf = type(self)
if not key.startswith('__'): #If normal key
try: #To get from class
return getattr(typeSelf, key)
except AttributeError: #Not in class
#Get from instance
return super(typeSelf, self).__getattribute__(key)
else: #Else special key
#Get from instance
return super(typeSelf, self).__getattribute__(key)
newClass.__getattribute__ =
def setInstanceAttribute(self, key, val):
typeSelf = type(self)
if not key.startswith('__'): #If normal key
if hasattr(typeSelf, key): #If in class
return setattr(typeSelf, key, val)
else: #Else not in class
#Set in instance
return super(typeSelf, self).__setattr__(key, val)
else: #Else special key
return super(typeSelf, self).__setattr__(key, val)
newClass.__setattr__ = types.MethodType(setInstanceAttribute,
return newClass

class M(object):
__metaclass__ = Meta
name = uMarko
a, b = M(), M() = uKevac

Handling exception thrown by Boost.Python c-extension in Python code

2007-03-27 Thread MarkE
I'm just getting started on Boost Python and may have missed this
obvious looking problem somewhere.

Given a c-extension testext written using Boost Python containing a
base class Base, a derived class Derived, and a function
doSomething which expects a Derived parameter, if I pass it a
Base parameter an exception is thrown. This is a
Boost.Python.ArgumentError. My question is how do I catch this error ?

I tried the following bit of investigation:
#Start code
import testext
b = testext.Base()
except Exception, e:
#End code

which produces
#Start output
Help on class ArgumentError:

class ArgumentError(exceptions.TypeError)
 |  Method resolution order:
 |  ArgumentError
 |  exceptions.TypeError
 |  exceptions.StandardError
 |  exceptions.Exception
 |  Methods inherited from exceptions.Exception:
 |  __getitem__(...)
 |  __init__(...)
 |  __str__(...)
#End output

print e produces Boost.Python.ArgumentError instance

So I could handle this by writing an except clause for TypeError.

Boost.Python doesn't exist as a module i.e. it's not in sys.modules,
and I don't know how to import it - should there be a Boost.Python
module somewhere on my PythonPath that I've forgotten to setup ?
Is there a standard way of catching these errors by their actual
type ?
Is there an easy way to export the exception classes from my c-
extension (testext) so that I can use that ? Thus except
testext.ArgumentError would catch the Boost.Python.ArgumentError ?

Thanks for any help,


Re: Windows command line problem

2005-07-19 Thread MarkE
I'm using getopt. I doubt getopt recognises \x96 as a command line
parameter prefix. I suppose I could iterate over sys.argv doing a
replace but that seems messy. I'd rather understand the problem.

That said, and me not understanding code pages that much, I chcp'd the
machines it works on both coming back with 850, chcp'd the machine it
wasn't working on which also came back with 850, but then again the
machine where it wasn't working now works. So now it's an intermittent
bug. Great. I'll try messing with code pages later and report back if I
get anywhere.

I need more coffee before I can do anything remotely clever. Damn you
windows and your lack of a need for coffee


Re: Windows command line problem

2005-07-19 Thread MarkE
This was discovered after consultation with a colleague who shall
remain nameless but, well, nailed it basically.
The answer appears to be:
An example command line for running the script was written in a word
document. The Autocorrect (sic) feature in word replaces a normal
dash at least as I know it with the character Jeff Epler showed above,
u'\N{en dash}' which is a nice big long dash in the Arial font.

If you cut and paste that onto the command line, bad things can happen
although when I do this on my machine I actually get a u with an ^
on top. For whatever reason it must have looked ok on my colleagues
machine (or possibly this isn't the answer but I seriously doubt that)
and when he ran the Python script things went awry.

Thanks Jeff (and nameless colleague). And beware Word autocorrection.


Windows command line problem

2005-07-18 Thread MarkE
I'm sure someone else has posted a similar problem but I can't find it,
nor the solution...

I have a python script which accepts a command line argument.
python.exe -n Foo

I build this as part of a package using distutils with the
bdist_wininst option on a Windows 2K (SP4) machine.
I have tested installing and running it fine on a Windows XP (SP2)
machine. I build my package-installer with a 2.4.1
distribution which is source-compiled locally. I have installed my
package-installer on a machine running ActiveState Python 2.4.1
installed from a .msi file.
That all works fine.

I have problems delivering it to the test team (of course). After some
investigation, if I install the package on one of our test machines and
butcher my installed file to dump the command line and exit (i.e. print
'hi', sys.argv) then I get the following:
hi ['c:\\Python24\\Lib\\site-packages\\MyPackage\\', '\x96n,

If I run it specifying --name instead of -n I get:
hi ['c:\\Python24\\Lib\\site-packages\\MyPackage\\',
'\x96-name, 'Foo']

The machine in question is also running XP service pack 2 as far as I
know, with's 2.4.1 distribution.

Does anyone know why the first character on the command line (here '-')
is getting adjusted (to '\x96') in this way ? Is it a Unicode/encodings
kind of a problem ? I can make the problem go away by running with
quotes like this:
python.exe -n Foo

I'm hoping I can add an entry to my Thanks for any and all
